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A30510 The memorable works of a son of thunder and consolation namely that true prophet and faithful servant of God and sufferer for the testimony of Jesus, Edward Burroughs, who dyed a prisoner for the word of God in the city of London, the fourteenth of the twelfth moneth, 1662. Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662.; Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. 1672 (1672) Wing B5980; ESTC R31282 1,280,745 962

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Christ in them and no more after the flesh come to know his Resurrection he is the resurrection he is the first and the last who knows him risen and have seen him witness the first day and the last what speaks thou of a last day that never came to the beginning and so thy soul lies in death and in chains and in utter darkness and therefore lay thy hand upon thy mouth and see where thou art and the Spirit that gave forth the Scriptures thou canst not witness 11 Quer. If after death there is no bodily Resurrection for the Spirits of men to possess an immortal Glory to eternity or to suffer an eternal Devil-like shame according to their deeds whether good or evil Is it not one of the vainest things in the World to discourse of God and Righteousness unless it be for earthly Gain amongst men Answ. There is a Resurrection both of the just and of the unjust the just into everlasting life and the unjust into everlasting shame and contempt and every one shall receive according to his works whether they be good or evil but this is a mystery hid for none knowes it but through death but what knowest thou who art yet alive in sin what shall be in the resurrection which is after death which whoever comes to know the resurrection knowes the end of all things therefore it is not taking their words nor thy own imaginations that is Faith nor if thou know Christ no nearer than Ierusalem nor no nearer than above the stars thou knowst not where but through thy dark imaginations this is not to know Christ risen from the dead see therefore what hast thou seen in thy self But thou art dead while thou livest in that nature and at the resurrection contempt and shame will be thy portion and turn in ●hy minde to that which shews thee sin and witness the body and sin destroyed within and then and not till then shalt thou know how it is in the resurrection 12 Quer. Thou raises a question from Pauls words to the Athenians and didst before condemn them that stole other mens words and here thou hast stolen a Query and thou askestwhat think you did that spiritual Creator dwell and sive in the Athenians Consciences or did his glorious person visibly appear in the highest heavens Answ. The Athenians to whom Paul spoke worshipped the work of their own hands as this Generation doth their own imaginations and that God whom ignorantly they worshipped at a distance which God lived in Paul's Conscience Paul declared unto them and they looked as thou dost carnally thinking God to be carnal and at a distance but he said he was not at a distance from every one of them for in him they lived moved and had their being and this was the God which Paul preached of which Creator we witness lives in the high and holy place and with him also that is of a humble and a contrite spirit and trembleth at his Word 13 Quer. And thou sayest what think you can there be any living Spirit without a body or person to display its life in or from and must not the Creator of necessity be a glorious personal substance and thou sayest doth not these men that worship an infinite Spirit without any bodily form living in mens Consciences glory only in a god of ●●eir own imaginations instead of honouring the onely Lord of all life the man Iesus yesterday today and for ever Answ. That which is not possible with men is possible with God which God is a Spirit as Jesus Christ saith and a spirit hath not flesh and bone nor a created body but displays it self as it pleases contrary to thy will and the will of all men and thou who wouldst by thy reason tye the Creator with a necessity to a personal Beeing art void of the knowledge of God and led by thy corrupt reason which shall never know God and all those who worships God in Spirit worships an infinite Spirit which Spirit inhabiteth eternity and lives in the Consciences of the Saints and this is not to glory in an imagination but a witnessing of the same eternal Truth which the Saints witnessed which spake forth the Scripture for they witnessed Christ to dwell in them and the same God they worshipped whose temple they were and not another and the same we witness and this to the honour of the Man Jesus who was yesterday today and for ever 14 Quer. The eternal Spirit Creator and alone everlasting Father which dwells essentially in the glorified Body as our Lord Ies●● his eternall Son and virtually reigns in all the Saints Elect men and Angels be Record between me and you world without end whether this Epistle shall not be sent to you and all the chosen that shall peruse it principally for the establishing of your tender spirits upon that eternal spiritual Rock Iesus Christ God and Man in one distinct body or person glorified and onely honoured with all spiritual praises from Elect men and Angels when this World is consumed into ashes and all time or times is swallowed up into eternity or eternities Ans The Eternal Spirit which is the Everlasting Father which thou sayst is essencially in the Son thy word essencially I deny and thy voice yet Christ and the Father is one and the same Spirit that dwells in the Son dwels in the Father which is one I and my Father is one the same dwells in the Saints thy word virtual I deny the same that dwells in the Father and in the Son the same dwells in the Saints not distinct nor divided For he that hath seen the Father hath seen the Son and he that hath the Son hath the Father also and Christ is not divided I in them and thou in me that they may be perfect in one and he that is joyned to Christ is one spirit and not distinct nor separate if thou have an ear thou mayst hear and that eternal Spirit which is the Father and the Son which dwels in the Saints is Judge of thee and by that Spirit I judge thee that this Epistle came not from him to none of the chosen for they who are chosen deny thy voice and what dost thou speak of Elect and Angels with whom God dwells when in thy fourth query thou saidst they were defiled and the holy Ghost saith He dwells with no uncleanness and so speaks confusion and Babylons language which is the land of thy nativity from whence all these things have been spoken by thee and all that shall ever be established with thy declaring or thy Epistles shall be thrown down for the Rock shall beat thy Image to pieces and therefore leave off thy speaking of him and of thy distinct body and of his glory for when he shall appear in his glory instead of thy praises thou shalt bowl and lament and wish the mountains to cover thee and he who is out of time shall consume thee to ashes who
your good works brought forth in your own wills in that nature in which the enmity lodges is a lame and a blind Sacrifice and of Cain's nature which God accepteth not you are in the liberty of the flesh and the daily Cross of Christ you do not know but lives daily to the World and dies not to it and your knowledge of Christ is without you by what such a Prophet and such an Apostle spoke of him and the witness of the operation of his Spirit and Power you have not in you nor his sufferings you do not know in your life but by your life make him to suffer in you in his Life the horrible filthy thing is commited amongst you and your Teachers are perfect in the false Prophets steps and some of you are as bruit Beasts in their knowledge gathered in by vain study and humane learning through Phylosophy and vain deceit and have large Quarters from which they seek their Gain and through Coveteousness with feigned words make merchandise of souls and are compleat in Balaams way of Idolatry following his Error loving the Wages of unrighteousness teaching for filthy Lucre devouring souls for dishonest Gain by trading with the Scriptures and selling their Imaginations upon them for money gaining many thousand of pounds a year thereby having stolen the Saints words into their unclean hearts uttered forth by them for advantage to themselves when the Lord hath not sent them nor spoken unto them nor ordained them for his service but their Call and Ordination have been by man and their work and testimony of themselves and have not profited you at all and yet you have loved to have it so but what will you do in the end thereof Even you that have been helped and they that have holpen shall both fall together in the Day of the Lord's Recompence which will fall grievously upon you and none shall be able to deliver you but miserable Comforters and Physitians of no value shall all be unto you and your long applyed Promises shall suddenly fly away No Peace from God is to the Wicked neither do I sow Pillows under your Elbows but to the Light in your Consciences I commend these things which Christ hath enlightened every of you withal which shines in Darkness and you cannot it comprehend nor in it believe but at it stumbles and by it shall be broken which if it you loved it would teach you in the Spirit the Living God to worship and would condemn all your set forms of worship in the imaginations the Light is given you of Christ Jesus unto Life Eternal or unto condemnation everlasting when the Hand of the Lord is upon you remember you had Warning and when you are in the Lake and in the Pit remember you had a day of Visitation upon Earth The Light in all your Consciences shall witness Gods Judgments to be just and your mouths shall be stopped To all you that are called Anabaptists WIth you also is the Controversie of the Lord for you are Children of the same seed more purged in the Fire of blind Zeal and begotten in the transforming of the Serpent into more secret hypocrisie and deeper subtilty your covering being larger the greater deceit and abomination lodges under Death reigns among you and your Kingdom is scituate in the Mountains of exaltation and you feed aboundantly in the Valleys of pride and vain glory and are nourished with the bread of prosperity you are grown high and great in your number and have joyned your selves for advantage and glory in your strength having through Policy and Craft and bowing to the beastly power highly exalted your own Horn and by Flattery have gained much of your dominion which you hold in possession by the Law of guile many simple Ones have by your curious colour and bed of fair pretences been deceived to commit Adultry with your Image brought forth in the likeness of the Saints God by imaginations from the Saints words you worship the Practice and exercise of the Saints with the same mind that the Papists do worship their Names and dayes You allow not Idols without nor a vain conversation in the World but you are stric●t in observation in your outward conformity in your self-righteousness which is your greatest sin you are cloathed with the Saints words and practices which you have climed up in your own wills to obtain not having entred in by the Door and while you say you eat and drink the Flesh and Blood of Christ in the Saints manner shewing forth his Death till he come to Salvation you kill him as the Heathens do till he appear unto Condemnation and you shew forth daily that you cruci●e him in the World eating and drinking to your selves condemnation you say Christ dyed only for you as Elect but your works make manifest that he dies by you as Reprobate You take up a command from the Letter and imitate the Apostles some of you in a lower and some of you in a higher degree in that mind and nature which in the Apostles was crucified and you say Christ commands it when the Letter doth but declare it and you are not led with the same Light which gave forth the Commands declared to observe them but say in such a Verse of such a Chapter such a Command is not having received the Command by the same Spirit Here you are proved to be them which use your tongues and say he saith it when God hath not spoken unto you but as you read it without you as the false Prophets may do the words of the true Prophets and thus you are in the Witchcraft as they were Gal. 3. who take on things in your own wills and observe Commands without from the Letter thereby drawing from the Teachings of God within by the Spirit you are zealous as they were for the Traditions and Figures and cannot see him which is the end of all that which perisheth with the using so you are not dead with Christ from the World who are yet subject to Ordinances which are of the World They that obeyed Christ and followed him were led by the Spirit and not by the Letter for they were not Ministers of the Letter but of the Spirit and such were judged to be in error and this is your condition who say such are Breakers of Christ's Commands and Makers void of the Scripture and Destroyers of the Ordinances who witness Christ the Substance and him to be King and Judg and Law-giver and in whom and upon whom the Scripture is fulfilled and so it established and the Commands of Christ kept which are in Spirit and his Law daily walked in which condemneth sin And this is not contrary to the Scripture but a fulfilling of it in Principles in Doctrines and in Practise and in Conversation The Apostles were sent to preach the Gospel to every Creature and they were all led by the same Spirit and did not go before it in their own wills
faith whereby they may continue boldly witnessing to the end And this is a true Testimony of the Father and of the Son witnessed by us who are called of God in whom his Power is made manifest TO all the Children of Light every where who fear and love the Lord who are begotten of God and unto whom he is known in the Spirit and in the Truth this is a Testimony of the Fathers love unto you Grace Mercy and Peace from him that lives for ever the God of Light and Life be multiplied in you all that you may daily be renewed in strength and girded with Truth and armed with the whole Armour of God and may be kept by his Power until the day of Salvation to walk in the Government and subjection to Jesus Christ witnessing the Power and Presence of God in you and amongst you giving you power to fulfil his Will in all things and that in all righteousness and out of all evil you may be led and preserved unto the end and in the end to shew forth the praises of God in this Generation as a people called of him and redeemed by him for his great glories sake even so Amen and Amen Dearly beloved be not ignorant but this know This is the Message which came unto you which is true and faithfull and everlasting That the true God is Light and in him is no darkness at all and this is the Message of Peace and Reconciliation and of glad Tidings unto all that have sought the Lord which we received of him and you have heard and there is not another to be declared and all that have received it are gathered up to God and are in Covenant with him and one with another and are in that which reconcileth and joyneth unto Christ Jesus the Husband and second Adam who is the Lord from Heaven the Prince of Peace the Saviour and the Deliverer who is made manifest in power and condemneth the Transgressor and slayeth the Enmity and raiseth the Life out of death and this is he who kills and makes alive even the God who is Light who brings down one and sets up another who makes war against the mighty and gives peace to the poo● and besides him there is none he searcheth mans heart and trieth the reins and ●no● the thoughts and every Creature is manifest in his sight who gives to every one according to his doings and this is he who standeth in the Congregation of the Righteous even in the midst of us and sitteth Judge among the gods unto him must all the gods of the Earth bow and the Inhabitants of the Earth must tremble before him and unto him every Tongue shall confess and the Light in every man shall answer when he ariseth to Judgment who is a swift Witness to condemn or justifie all the children of men upon the face of the Earth This is the God of Truth whom we worship and who will be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth who is the God of Abraham and his Seed for ever and with him there is no change nor shadow of turning and he hath made known his Name and his Power and his wonderful Works in this his Day and hath caused his Voice to be heard in the Earth and the Dead hath heard and now liveth And his Name is exalted on high amongst all that fear him and obey his Voice and he hath given his Son a Covenant of Light who lighteth every man that cometh into the World with the true Light of Life or Condemnation that all who receive him may come to the knowledge of the Father whom to know is Life eternal And this is the Christ the Saviour in whom we have believed and whom we preach who is the Way the Truth and the Life the Foundation of God which cannot be moved the Word of God is his Name and there is no other Name given for Salvation This is he who was dead and is alive and lives for evermore and there is no other to be looked for if any preach any other let them be accursed and if any bring any other Message let them not be received And all you who have believed in this Christ Jesus who is the Light of the World and who have received the knowledge of this God who is Light himself and that searcheth your hearts I exhort you and warn you all in his Presence that lives forever to wait upon him and to fear before him and to walk with him for ever in uprightness of heart which is of great price in his Sight and forget not his righteous Judgments which he hath made known least you wax fat through Mercies and rebel against him and become disobedient and gainsaying and so be destroyed from being a People but be stayed upon the Lord and let your hearts be established with Grace and be not tossed nor shaken with any wind of Doctrines of men which is not from the Life of God nor reacheth to the Life in you but begets into Idolatry to worship other gods then he who is Light and be not troubled at Temptations nor at Sufferings nor at Reproaches nor any other thing but stand in the Counsel of God and in his Long-suffering and wait patiently upon him in your own measure of the Grace of God received which is sufficient for you to preserve you that Victory over Death and over him that hath the power over it you may receive to trample upon all that which is contrary to the Life of God within you and without you neither be you troubled nor offended in Christ if any among you deny the Lord and backslide from his pure Way through an evil heart of unbelief and so become disobedient Children and vex the righteous Soul such shall bear their own burthen and condemnation in the day of the Lord and shall know that Truth changes not but is the same for ever though the Deceitful-hearted through unbelief depart from it and choose their own wayes and despise the Counsel of the Lord to their own destruction but be ye more watchful and faithful and valiant for the Truth upon Earth unto the end that you may be found faithful Witnesses unto the Name of the Lord in this crooked Generation and may receive the fulfilling of the Promise of God and may witness God within you the Emanuel the Saviour God with us and this is the whole Salvation and there is no other to be expected or witnessed then this That God dwells in us and walks in us according to his Promise and all that know this need nor go forth to the right hand or to the left but Salvation is come unto us he that taks away sin and saves from it and from condemnation and who witnesseth this are begotten by the Word of God and born of the immortal Seed and are new creatures but now there is no condemnation but the reward of righteousness and peace to us who are not in the Flesh but in
again to judge the whole World wi●● Righteousness and all people with Equity and shall give to every man according to his deeds at the Day of Judgment when all shall arise to Condemnation 〈◊〉 Iustification he that hath done good shall receive Life and he that hath done evil everlasting Condemnation And we believe He is to be waited for in Spirit to be known after the Spirit as he was before the World was and that is the Knowledge unto eternal Life which all that believe in him do receive and he subdues Death and destroyes him that hath the power of it and restoreth from Death to Life and quickeneth by his spirit all that the Father hath given him and we believe such he justifieth and sanctifieth and such are taught of him but he condemns all that believe not but continue in unbelief and are not taught or him And this we faithfully believe And we believe That unto all people upon the face of the whole Earth is a Time and Day of Visitation given that they may return and be saved by Christ Jesus who is givn of the Father to call the worst of men to Repentance and the most ungodly of Sinners are convinced by him of their ungodly deeds that they might believe and be converted and saved And we believe Herein is the Love of God manifested to all Mankind and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 are shut out by him before they were born into the World but unto all men is a V●…ation given and they that do perish it is because they do not believe in Christ and destruction is of a mans self but Salvation is of God through believing in his Son who takes away sin and reneweth into his own Image that they may become Heirs with him And we believe that there is a Crown of Eternal Glory and an Inheritance of Eternal Life to be injoyed for evermore by all that believe and are chosen of God and that there is an everlasting Misery and Destruction to be possessed by all that believe not but continue in the state of Reprobation and are not changed from the wayes of Sin and Death but walk after the wayes of their own Hearts Lusts fulfilling the will of the Flesh in the Evil of this World and follow not Christ the Light of the World that they may be saved And we believe upon all such the Wrath of God abideth and that they have no part in the Inheritance of God And we believe That it is only he that is born again of the Spirit and that walks after the Spirit who is changed from Death to Life and who is redeemed out of the World and all its wayes such only must inherit the Kingdom of God and they only have right thereunto and none besides even they that are washed and cleansed from all Unrighteousness by the Blood of Jesus by which their sins are remitted For his Blood cleanseth from all Unrighteousness and Sin yea all such that walk and abide in the Light which Christ Jesus hath lightened the World withal And we believe That the Saints upon Earth may receive forgiveness of sins and may be perfectly freed from the Body of sin and death and in Christ may be perfect and without sin and may have Victory over all Temptations by Faith in Christ Jesus And we believe Every Saint that is called of God ought to press after Perfection and to overcome the Devil and all his Temptations upon Earth and we believe they that faithfully wait for it shall obtain it and shall be presented without sin in the Image of the Father and such walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit and are in Covenant with God and their Sins are blotted out and remembred no more for they cease to commit Sin being born of the Seed of God And we believe The Gospel of Christ is the Power of God unto Salvation and that it ought to be preached freely unto all people and Christ to be held forth unto all Mankind by the Ministry sent of him And we believe this Ministry is received by the Gift of the Holy Ghost and all they that receive it are lawfully call'd to the Ministry and they may preach the Gospel of Christ freely as they have receiv'd it freely And this Ministry is not of Man but of God and is made powerful to the converting of Sinners and to the bringing of people to God and to the Knowledge of his Wayes And we do not believe That any man is a Minister of Christ without the Gift of the Holy Ghost or that the Gospel can be receiv'd by natural Learning or Education And we believe Such as preach for Hire and have Hire for preaching are not the lawful called Ministers of the Gospel of Christ such as are Proud and High-minded and Covetous Men who do not profit the people at all such as have run and never were sent of Christ who calleth by his Spirit into the Work of the Ministry and as every one hath received the Gift of that his Spirit so he may administer to others Concerning Rulers and Governour we believe That there ought to be Rulers and Governours in every Nation City Country and Town and they ought to be such men as fear God and hate every evil way who will judge for God and not for man and will judge righteously equally and justly and will give true and sound Judgment unto all men without Bribery or Respect of Persons not regarding the Rich above the Poor but being a Praise unto all that do well and a Terror to all Evil-doers whatsoever having knowledge in the pure Law of God and themselves continnally exercised therein And we believe That every Law of man ought to be grounded upon the Law of God pure Reason and Equity being the Foundation thereof that God's Witness in every man may answer to it and the Law ought to be known unto all people before Trangression be charged or punished in any man And we believe that every Transgression ought to be punished according to its nature and that the Punishment exceed not the greatness of the Transgression neither ought any Transgressor to ●…ape unpunished neither ought any upon false Suspition or Iealousies to be caused to suffer without the Testimony of true men or the Confession of the Party And we believe that the Executors of the Law ought to be Just Men and not given to Pride Drunkenness or any other Evil whatsoever and ought to be chosen every year or otherwise by the Consent of the people and that no man be stopped of his free choyce except justly taxed And we believe that all Governours and Rulers ought to be accountable to the people and to the next proceeding Rulers for all their Actions which may be enquir'd into upon occasion and that the chiefest of the Rulers be subject under the Law and punishable by it if they be Transgressors as well as the poorest of the People And th●● true Judgment and Justice will be
them and how are they led captive at his will What an influence hath the sight of a dead Image upon their dead hearts and carnal minds Was ever the like said I Is there greater Abomination at Rome What Blindness and Sencelesness is over the hearts of this people And after this manner for a good season after my spirit within me aggravated and unfolded this great Abomination tumbling it over and over in my own Breast with a secret pitty for their Souls which were ensnared and captivated through all this Wickedness But further I considered that all this Abomination and sinful Idolatry is about the Funeral of the late Oliver Cromwel then said I What for him Alas for him who was once a great Instrument in the Hand of the Lord to break down many idolatrous Images and grievous Idols and did not the Lord once stir up his heart against all such things And did not once his Children Officers and his brave Souldiers and Army pull down all the Images and Crosses and all such like Popish stuff where ever they met with it And said my spirit What grievous and abominable work is this Have they now made a costly Image of him and are such as were once his Souldiers now guarding it and watching over it and his Children and Officers following it and Multitudes of the Inhabitants of London wondering and gazing after an Image of him This is sad said I and great pitty What a change is this in so short a time Was it but a few years since that he and his Army and his Servants and his Children and Officers were so zealous to throw down Images Pictures and I●●l● that they could not endure the sight and worshipping of them And have they now made an Image of him which his Officers Children and Kindred are carrying from place to place and following it and Multitudes caused to wonder after it What a change is this said I Oh sad Are people run●…g after Images again as in the time of Popery And have they made an 〈◊〉 and deckt it with costly array and set it up for People to visit a long time and then haling it from place to place Are they doing this in London as they do at Rome amongst Papists This is Pittiful But how cometh this to pass I began to consider and said I knew the Man when he was living and 〈◊〉 the knowledge of his spirit and I was perswaded if it had been asked him in his life time If such work should be acted about him such an Image made like 〈◊〉 and laid for so long time in a 〈◊〉 place and manner and them carried by his ●…ed and Children Kindred and Army and then set up in such a place and he removed from place to place I say I believe he would have denied it and said it shall not ●e thus for me when I am dead I suppose he would not have suffered it thus to have been he was more wife I thought he would have said Nay what to ma●… Image of me and deck it diversly from one form to another and visit it and then carry it from place to place up and down this will be a shame to 〈◊〉 Children and a disgrace to my Kindred and a reproach to my Officers and whole Army and all the Nation will mock and be offended and they may 〈◊〉 These are they that were once Enemies to all Images and dead Idols and 〈◊〉 them down and broke them down and are these now making an Image 〈◊〉 setting it up and wondering after it from place to place Nay might be have said if thus it be done they at Rome may laugh us to scorn and the Pa●…s may say We have learned of them and put their Persons from among us and ba●… and killed them and set up their Practices sure he would have said thus 〈◊〉 I am certain the Witness of God in his Conscience might truly have said it because it is Truth But upon another consideration I said this is come to pass after this manner though he was once zealous against all Popery yet he did too much forget that good cause and too much sought the greatness and honour of the World and loved the praise of men and took flattering titles and vain respects of deceit●●l men and many great Abominations were upheld through him as Tythes and Old Mass-houses and ordaining of Ministers by mans will and the false ●…ips and Sprinkling of Infants and such like Popish stuff first invented at Rome and he suffered the Servants of the Lord to be persecuted and imprison●… for denying and crying against such things as were Popish and which himself sometime seemed to deny and because of this said I this may justly be come to pass that an Idolatrous Image and Picture should be made of him ●●en he is dead and decked and laid in a sumptuous manner and visited and then carried from place to place as was usual in the time of Popery for mul●…es of foolish people to gaze upon and wonder after and admire and praise● that all men might see the first cause is lost and that zeal which his kindred and Army had once in their hearts against Popery is extinguished and people are turned again 〈◊〉 gaze after Images which is Popish for such practises that day between Somersett-●ouse and Westminster were first ordained at Rome and practised by the Papists and he that suffered many to be imprisoned for denying and crying against such Worships and Practices as were in themselves Popish and which he himself once fought against it s happened now when he is dead and it s suffer'd now that they should make a Fool of him in a Popish way and manner For such Practices are no other then Foolery and Foolishness tending to the Dishonour of a good Man but in the midst of my Considerations a pitty struck through me for once noble Oliver that is now dead and his place no more found and I was grieved he should be thus abused being dead by such a stir about an Image made of him for many weeks together as hath been and I began to recal my former acquaintance with him and the former dealings of God towards him and what a gallant Instrument for the Lord he once was and how many glorious and noble Victories God once gave him and what good parts and what a gallant spirit there was in him and how once he shewed me and declared what the former dealing of the Lord had been upon his Soul and how he was troubled in conscience formerly my spirit run through many such things with a great deal of sexiousness and pitty And then said I Alas alas Is it ended all in this all his former good service for God and the Nations all his Victories and his good Actions and his beating down Superstition Is this the end of it all the making of an Image and carrying it from place to place is it ended all here what formerly he
God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈…〉 of him who is now appeared in Power and great Glory to gather his People to Himself This is to go ab●… among all people w●o ar● worshipping in Temp●… made with hands ●nd who are under this Ministry and are of 〈◊〉 Church aforementioned that they may come to consider and see the Er●… of their Way of th●… Worship and of their Mi●… And this is a Visitation from the Lord unto them all by a Friend 〈◊〉 all your Souls E. B. Some False Principles And ERRORS DISCOVERED And REFUTED 〈…〉 Answer to a Catechism-Book which is said to contain The Principles of Religion put forth by a nameless Author But is supposed to be the work of one Samuel Eaton a professed Minister of the Gospel among the Sect of the Independants in Ch●shire But upon true Examination he is found to be teaching the Traditions of Men for the Commandments of Christ and his Principles are proved to be not according but contrary to the SPIRIT of GOD and the Scriptures To the READER THE Reason and Cause of this being sent abroad is for the better Information of all but more particularly for the good of that Assembly to whom Samuel Eaton is Minister and Pastor that they may know the Truth from Error and the Way of Righteousness from all false Wayes and may turn fr●● Idol-Shepherds that destroy the Vine-yard and tread it down and may 〈◊〉 to Christ and receive him who is the chief Shepherd to feed his Flock with the Bread of Eternal Life And the Reason why these False Principles are charged upon Samuel Eaton is this It being doubtful to some who was the Author of that Catechism wherein these Principles and Doctrines were held forth John Gredley and Anne Sheeld by name were with the said Samuel Eaton and asked him If he owned that Book the Catechism and he said He would maintain all in it That 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Answer THE Wayes of the Lord are Equal and Just but the wayes of the Sons of Adam are altogether corrupted and different and contrary to the Wayes of Salvation And the Wisdom that is of this World is Foolishness with God and its End is Destruction to its self and to all that walk therein And what is Man that he shall prescribe a Way to his Maker● and who is it that will be more wise then God to ●et him a Way how he must ●…ch his People Therefore in-vain have men laboured and have reaped to ●…selves nothing but Wind and Confusion And in va●● have they sown 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to reap after them whose Fruit hath been Emptiness and not filled the Hand of the Gatherer And in particular this Book with which I am now ●…ing is the Fruit of an empty Tree which cannot satisfie the hungry 〈◊〉 nor comfort the weary Seeker for the Satisfaction and Comfort of the ●…ing hungry Soul dependeth only upon the Lord and upon the Bread of ●●fe that commeth down from God and the soul that ea●● thereof is ●…ed and comforted forever and hungereth no more nor thirsteth any sl●… but the Fountain is in him and the Well springeth up unto Eternal Life 〈◊〉 goes no more forth And if so be that all herein were true and sou●… Do●… and were learned so as to express it over again in words this might be 〈…〉 the soul still remaining in Anguish and under Sin and Death though 〈◊〉 in the Knowledge that is from below and yet in a farther Ignorance of God for the wisdom of this World knows not God neither can it teach not receive the knowledge of the things that pertain unto Life Eternal but to the S●…e and to Fools doth the Lord teach and reveal the Knowledge of his Kingdom and it is not received from Books nor the Teachings and Tradition of 〈◊〉 〈…〉 by the Manifestation of the eternal Spirit which doth lead into all Truth ●…eveals the Mysteries of Salvation The first thing that I take notice of is this thou sayst God is a Spirit 〈◊〉 he is one in Beeing and is to be distinguished into three Persons and the Father 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Holy Ghost are Personal Relations and if one be a Person such are the other c. Answ. The Father Son and Spirit is one this we believe and know according to the Scriptures but as for thy word Person that is car●… 〈◊〉 ●oo low a word to denominate God by who is Infinite for God and the Spirit hath no Person nor cannot truly be distinguished into Persons for a person has relation to Place Time and Change and is not in all places at all ti●es at ●…e and the Scriptures know no such distinction for God is a Spirit and hath no relation to one Time Place or Alteration more then another but filleth Heaven and Earth and his Presence is in all and over all who is ble●… forever and is infinite and without Person or confined Beeing and the S●…pture no where in true Translation doth denominate God Christ and the Spirit by Persons and Personal Beeings nor doth distinguish them into ●…ee Persons for Persons are related to carnal as I have said and Persons is ●oo low to denominate God and Christ and the Spirit by So thy Principles are unsound and not agreeing to the Spirit of God and the Scriptures and therefore not to be believed nor received Whereas thou sayst That the one standing Rule according to which God is to b●●…ht worshipped and served is the holy Scriptures in which God hath revealed himself in all things which he would have believed and do●e c. Answ. It is the Spirit of God that gave forth the Scriptures which Spirit was and is within the Saints that leadeth into all Truth and teacheth to k●… all things and that Spirit of God only is the standing Rule to walk in and to walk by it was the Rule to Abel Enoch Abraham and the rest of the ●…ly Fathers that lived before any Scripture was written and it was the Ru●… to the Prophets to Christ and to the holy Apostles they all followed the Spirit and walked in it and spake and wrought and acted as the Spirit of God within them moved them and led them it was not the Scriptures but the Spirit that gave forth the Scriptures that was the standing unchang●…le un-erring Rule of worshipping serving and obeying the Lord God and that same Spirit is the standing Rule to us also For the Apostle commandeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is the Spirit and that which we are to walk in is our Rule And as many 〈◊〉 the Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God and then the Spirit is their 〈◊〉 and that guides the Feet in the Way of Peace And in the Spirit is God ●…pped For they that worship him must worship him in the Spirit and in the ●… and such he seeketh to worship him For it is in the Hearts of his People 〈◊〉 within them that God revealeth himself by his Spirit For it is the Spirit 〈…〉 the thing ●f
and the Papists by the Example of others against them Now I say The Wickedness of one will not justifie the Wickedness and Cruelty of the other for neither Party of them are justifiable in the sight of God but condemnable in such Proceedings and it was doubtless of Antichrist and the Devil in both Papists and Protestants to Destroy and Burn one another only for and because of Difference in Religion and wherein the Protestants did put any of the Papists to Death only for and because of Difference in Profession and Practice in Religion and because they were Papists herein the Protestants were acted by the same persecuting spirit of the Devil as the Papists were acted by against them so that I am not an absolute party with the Protestants against the Papists for I know that there is Error of Judgment amongst them both in Faith Worship and their whole Religion only my End is at present in pursuing Semper Iidem to confound his Bloody spirit of Persecution and Cruelty which I find him possessed withal as by his Discourse is apparent and also to put the Protestants in mind how their cause begins to be Reproached Vilified and Despised even in their own Land publickly in the Streets of their chief City which hath not been the like for above an Hundred Years And this is the End of my pursuing Semper Iidem with this Answer and I shall not much enlarge further only in the 11th Page there is one Passage worth observing There is instanced one Richard Woodman of Sussex who affirmed That he had the Spirit of God and can prove said he by the Scriptures that Paul had the Spirit of God as I my self and all God's Elect have Now saith Semper Iidem No Arguments nor Reasons could reclaim him from his Errors and so he was Burnt at Lewis because he said He had the Spirit of God and could prove that Paul had it Answ. There its manifest that this Martyr suffered for Truth and Righteousness sake as a Saint and Servant of God and for witnessing the Truth according to the Scripture which saith If any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his which is manifest in the Scriptures that all that are Christ's and Members of his Church have and it is also manifest That the Papists have not the Spirit of God because they Burn such as do witness and testifie that they have it as here Semper Iidem hath given us an Instance that they Burn and Destroy such for Hereticks as say they have the Spirit of God he not believing that Paul had it but saith It is an Error to affirm it and yet this work seems now to be justified up and down London streets which is the double Iniquity and that which once many looked not to have seen that any being condemned and burned as Hereticks for saying They had the Spirit of God that this should be justified now in these Glorious Dayes of Light this seems almost incredible but that our Eyes behold it and causeth wonder in many what will be the Effect of such a bad sign appearing as a Justification of putting to Death the Innocent for no other Cause but in that he affirmed He had the Spirit of God And by this we learn to know how great the Ignorance Darkness and Blindness of the Church of Rome is and deserveth not the name of a Church if they be all of this mind to condemn men and Burn them for Hereticks for saying They have the Spirit of God and then an Hundred Years after justifie the doing of it to their shame and confusion let this be rehearsed who have themselves denyed that they have the Spirit of God and Condemning and Destroying others for saying they have it And this I leave to the Consideration of all the Protestants who must either deny that they have the Spirit of God or be Condemned and may be Killed as Hereticks for affirming it if so be the Church of Rome recover her desired Power and Pupose in England It s worthy to be minded while it may be 〈◊〉 lest the time come when it cannot be prevented And thus I have run through the main part of Semper Iidem and chiefly hinted at the principal Matters worthy to be taken notice of though much more might be said but that it is my property in all Cases to be as brief as may be for that is the best for the Understanding to contain what is spoken or written only shall not forget William Pryn who is stated in pag. 18. as one of our Modern Phanaticks I would not forget to mind him I say to answer his part and to clear himself if he can of the Aspertion of a Phanatick by which term he stands reviled though Semper Iidem fawneth upon him and flattereth with him and telleth him He is the only Person in this unhappy Paralel who hath given Testimony of his Reconcilement But what better is William Pryn for this Flattery I hope he is not yet reconciled to the Papists and become one of them if he be I desire he would let us know it and if he be not then Semper Iidem accounts him a Phanatick I shall say no further but shall leave him to answer for himself And now last of all for Conclusion I have some CONSIDERATIONS to present to the People of ENGLAND and particularly to the People of LONDON occasioned by the Publication of Semper Iidem 1. COnsider how the Ancient Martyrs as Wickliff Hawkes and Cranmer Latimer Ridley with many more who have been accounted by the Protestants themselves Famous for Piety and Faithfulness and Honourably esteemed Innocent Martyrs for their Witness-bearing against the Romish Idolatries and this for many years in these Kingdoms how I say they are now rendred Odious and Contemptible and Scorned and Slandered as Hereticks seditious factious Blasphemers and Phanaticks by the Author of Semper Iidem and this published openly through the Nation and up and down the Streets of London and this without rebuke from any in Authority that we know of I say this deserves serious Consideration That the Faithful Martyrs in their Day according to their Knowledge who were as the first Fathers of the Protestants-Church so called and did lay down their Lives and seal their Testimony with their Blood against the Idolatry of the then present Times and the Lives and Blood of these Men now to be made void and they that Martyred them justified as doing of Justice and they now reputed Hereticks and Phanaticks publickly this ought to be considered both in the Cause why it is thus and in the Effect of it if it be not restrained 2. Consider How that the generality of the People of England and London are reputed and stand under the present Reproach of being Phanaticks even all the People of England I say except the Papists not only the Separatists from the Church of England as Quakers Anabaptists Independents so called and
while many despised thy youth And how have I seen thee with thy Sling and thy Stone despised Weapons as to war with wound the Mighty and that which hath seemed contemptible to the Dragon's Party even as the Jaw-bone of an Ass with it thou hast slain the Philistines Heaps upon Heaps as Sampson Thou hast put thy Hand to the Hammer of the Lord and hast often fastened Nailes in the heads of the Lamb's Enemies as Deborah did to Sisera and many a rough Stone hast thou polished and squared and made it fit for the Building of God and much knotty Wood hast thou hewed in thy day which was not fit for the building of God's House Oh thou Prophet of the Lord and shalt for ever be recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life among the Lord's Worthies who have followed the Lamb through great Tribulations as many can witness for thee from the beginning and at last hath overcome and found worthy to stand with the Lamb upon Mount Sion the Hill of God as I have often seen thee and thy heart well tuned as a Harp to praise the Lord and to sound forth his great Salvation which many a time hath made glad the hearts of them that did believe and strengthened their Faith and Hope Well thou art at rest and bound up in the Bundle of Life and I know Tears were wiped away from thy Eyes because there was no cause of sorrow in thee For I know thou witnessed the old things done away and there was no curse but blessings were poured upon thy head as rain and peace as a mighty shower and trouble was far from thy dwelling though in the outward man trouble on every side and hath had a Greater share in that for the Gospel sake though a Youth in thy time than many besides But now thou are freed from that and hast obtained a name through Faith with the Saints in Light Well hadst thou more to give up then thy Life for the Name of Jesus in this World Nay and to seal thy Testimony committed unto thee with thy blood as thou hast often said in thy day which shall remain as a Crown upon thee for ever and ever And now thou art freed from the temptations of him who had the power of death and art freed from thy outward Enemies who hated thee because of the Life that dwelt in thee and remaineth at the right Hand of God where there is joy and pleasure for evermore in the everlasting Light which thou hast often testified unto according to the Word of Prophesie in thy heart which was given unto thee by the Holy Ghost and art at rest in the perfection thereof in the beauty of Holiness yet thy Life and thy Spirit I feel as present and have unity with it and in it beyond all created and visible things which are subject to mutation and change and thy Life shall enter into others to testifie unto the same truth which is from everlasting to everlasting for God hath raised and will raise up children unto Abraham of them that have been as dead stones whose Power is Almighty great in his people in the midst of their Enemies This same Edward Burroughs was born in the Barrony of Kendal in the County of Westmoreland of honest Parents who had a good report among their Neighbours for upright and honest dealing among men who brought up Edward in his Youth in Learning and good Education as the Countrey doth afford He was a very understanding Boy in his Youth and his knowledge and understanding did far exceed his years He had the Spirit of a man when he was but a child and I may say grey hairs was upon him when he was but a Youth for he was cloathed with Wisdom in his Infancy for I had perfect knowledge of him from a Youth He was inclinable from his Youth upwards to Religion and the best way always minding the best things and the best and nearest way of Worship to the Scriptures of Truth and always did accompany the best men who walked in godliness and honesty insomuch I have often admired his discreet carriage and his great understanding of the things of God He was never known to be addicted to any vice or malignity or bad behaviour neither followed any evil course of life from his childhood but feared the Lord and walked uprightly according to the light and knowledge received in all things In his natural disposition he was bold and manly dexterous and servent and what he took in hand he did it with his might loving kind and courteous merciful and flexible and easie to be entreated His whole delight was always among good people and to be conferring and reading the Scriptures and little to mind any sports or pastimes which there is an insidency unto in Youth but his very strength was bended after God and was separted I may say from his Mother's Womb and fitting for the Work 's sake whereunto he after was called And when it pleased the Lord to raise up unto us the ancient Horn of Salvation among us who were reckoned in the North Part of England even as the Out-casts of Israel and as men destitute of the great Knowledge which some seem'd to enjoy yet there was more Sincerity and true Love amongst us and desires after the living powerful Presence of God then was among many in that day who seem'd to make a great flourish who ran into Heaps and Forms but left the Cross behind them and indeed were Strangers to it God out of his everlasting Love did appear unto us according to the desire of our hearts who longed after him when we had turn'd aside from Hireling-Shepherds Tents we found him whom our Souls loved and God out of his great Love and great Mercy sent one unto us immediately by his Power a Man of God one of Ten Thousand to instruct us in the Way of God more perfectly who laid down the sure Foundation and declared the acceptable Year of the Lord who indeed made the Mourners to rejoyce and the Heavy-hearted glad which yet was terrible to all Hypocrites and all formal Profession which Testimony reached unto all our Consciences and entred into the in-most part of our Hearts which drove us to a narrow search and to a diligent inquisition concerning our state which we came to see through the Light of Christ Jesus which was testified of and found it to be even what it was testified of and the Lord of Heaven and Earth we sound to be near at hand and as we waited upon him in pure Silence our Minds out of all things his Dreadful Power and Glorious Majesty and Heavenly Presence appear'd in our Assemblies when there was no Language Tongue nor Speech from any Creature and the Kingdom of Heaven did gather us and catch us all as in a Net and his Heavenly Power at one time drew many Hundreds to Land that we came to know a place to stand in and what to wait in
by which he was made an able Minister of the Everlasting Gospel to preach Repentance Conversion Salvation and Remission of Sins and accordingly he went forth in the Name and Power of the Lord Jesus the Saviour of Mankind and was an able Minister of the glad Tidings of Salvation in many or most parts of this Land and also he travelled through again and again the whole Nation of Ireland and in some part of Scotland and some part of Flanders and his Ministry was made effectual through the Almighty Power of God in turning many from Darkness to Light and from the power of Satan to God there are many thousands who are living in the Body and alive in the Truth who can in the Spirit of the Lord bear Testimony to the Power and Verity of his Ministry in many Countreys where he travelled for he laboured much in divers places even in the heat of the day though he began early in the morning and in the beginning of his Travels and Labours it was his share to break up rough places and untilled ground and to walk amongst many Bryars and Thorns which scratched and pricked and teared and travelled with some other not without great opposition and he often trod the pathes and wayes which had not been occupied in the Truth and where darkness had the Dominion and was as a covering he brake through as an armed man not minding the opposition but the victory and the good of all souls though to my knowledge his sufferings and tryals have not been small nor his exercise a little on the right hand and on the left in travels often oftentimes buffetted sometimes knocked down by unreasonable men who had not Faith loaded with Lyes Slanders Calumnies and Reproaches often in Weakness yea in Deaths often in Watching Fastings and Temptations often in Straits and Necessities in Perils among rude Multitudes in Perils in Idol-Temple in Perils in Streets and Markets where the Lord did move him often to go in the beginning of his time besides the exceeding weight of service from Weeks end to Weeks end insomuch that he had seldom many Hours of repose and often suffered by those spirits who lost their first love and rose in opposition He was very diligent and faithful true hearted and valiant and the Yoke at last came to be easie unto him though no ease at all in the Body as to the outward man for he made the Work of the Lord his whole business without taking so much Liberty unto himself or about any outward occasion in this World as to spend one Week to himself to my knowledge these Ten Years He had ventured himself often for the Bodies sake and a great care I know was in his Heart that them that he had ministred unto and others that had believed in the same Truth might thrive and prosper and might walk as becometh the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was of a manly Spirit in the things of God he hath engaged himself often upon the Lords account singly in great Disputes when there were many Opposers he hath stood in the Door and in the Gap against all his Enemies for the worthy Name of God and taken the whole weight of things upon his own Shoulders that others might be eased though often to the weakening and almost destroying of the outward man yet doing all in love to the Lord and for his peoples sake he did it with Cheerfulness and it was a Grief to him if any opportunity was missed of doing good He was a man of no great Learning in natural Tongues which men so much applaud yet indeed his Heart was full of matter and his Tongue was as the Hand of a ready Scribe and yet he had the Tongue of the Learned having had experiment of the Work of the Lord and being acquainted with many conditions which God had carried him through he could speak a word in season unto all who declared their conditions unto him or otherways in his publick Ministry he was very plausible and elegant in his speech and indeed had the Tongue of a learned Orator to declare himself to the Understandings and Consciences of all men with whom he conversed by which many received great profit and their Understandings came to be opened for his words ministred Grace to the Hearers and his words were forcible and very pleasant as Apples of Gold in Pictures of Silver This young Man of whom I am speaking was one of the first with some others who came to the City of London where he met with no small opposition both from Professors of divers Forms and also Prophane who heeded no Religion at all and the Way of Truth seemed contemptible and without form or comeliness to them all which made the Opposition so great and the Labour so hard that notwithstanding it pleased the Lord to reach unto the Consciences of many and many were prickt to the Heart so that they cryed out what shall we do to be saved And God made his Ministry very effectual to the conversion of many in the City of London whereby a great change was wrought in the hearts of many and many hundreds brought to know the Lord their Teacher which are as Seals unto the Word of Life through him unto this day And many hundreds I may say thousands heard the lively Word of God declared by him and were convinced of the Way of Truth though still remaining in the Disobedience to that of God in their own hearts unto which he declared and many have lost their day which they had of hearing and receiving the things of God for now he is taken away which might have been a help unto them while they had time and all such are not worthy of him He continued in this City very much at time and times betwixt eight and nine years together preaching the Word of God and speaking of the things of his Kingdom to all that looked after it and great watching travel and exercise in the Work of the Lord and his earnest desire was That all might have come to know God's Salvation and the Redemption of their Souls And his great diligence was known unto many that his only rejoycing was in the prosperity of the Work of the Lord and the increase of Faith amongst them that did believe And his heart was much drawn towards this City and oftentimes hath he said to me when sufferings did come for the Gospel sake which he knew would come I can freely go to that City and lay down my Life for a Testimony of that Truth which I have declared through the Power and Spirit of God which in the end indeed came to be his share and will for ever be his Crown who loved not his life unto death for the Testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ. And in the same year 1662 being pressed in his spirit to go visit them who were begotten unto the Faith of God's Elect at the City of Bristol and in divers other
Counties at divers Meetings and divers particular Friends he took his leave of them saying to very many That he did not know he should see their Faces any more exhorting them all to faithfulness and stedfastness in that wherein they had found rest for their Souls And said to some I am going up to the City of London again to lay down my LIFE for the GOSPEL and suffer amongst Friends in that Place as having some sence of his Suffering before And a little after his return to the City at a publick Meeting which the People of the Lord have kept these many Years to hear and speak of the things of God to Edification at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate by certain Souldiers under the Command of Richard Brown then General of the City of London he was violently plucked down and haled away in a barbarous manner and carried to the Guard and so committed to Newgate not for Evil-Doing but for testifying unto the Name of the Lord Jesus and for the Worship of God as though this were become a great Crime worthy of Bonds and at last Death He was had to the Sessions in the Old-Baily and his Accusers were Witnesses against him and them that had abused him violently their Testimony was received as good Proof against him And at last after two or three Sessions he was fined by the Court One Hundred Marks which at last was reduced to Twenty Marks and to lie in Prison while payment where he continued a pretty long season about Eight Moneths with Six or Seven Score Prisoners besides upon the same Account many being shut up among the Fellons in nasty Places and for want of Prison-room the Natures of many were suffocated and corrupted till at last many grew Weak Sickened and Dyed At last this same Young Man grew Weak and though a special Order from the King was sent to the then Sheriffs of London for the Release of him and the rest that were left in Prison yet such was the Emnity of some of the Rulers of the City that they did what in them lay to obstruct the Execution of the Order that he should not be released And so Weakness grew upon him daily though in much Patience he was carried through all In the time of his Weakness he was very fervent in Prayer and that often both Day and Night unto the Lord as concerning himself and also his People and at several times he spoke several precious words from the sensible feeling of God's Spirit in his Heart and said I have had the Testimony of the Lord's Love unto me from my Youth and my Heart hath been given up to do thy Will And he said I have preached the Gospel freely in this City and have often given up my Life for the Gospel's sake and now Lord rip open my Heart and see if it he not right before thee Another time he said when he had a little ease There is no Iniquity lies at my Door but the Presence of the Lord is with me and his Life I feel justifie me Another day afterwards he said Thou hast loved me when I was in the Womb and I have loved thee from my Cradle and from my Youth unto this day and have served thee faithfully in my Generation And he spoke to Friends that were about him To live in Love and Peace and love one another And at another time he said The Lord taketh the Righteous from the Evil to come And he prayed for his Enemies and for his Persecutors and said Lord forgive Richard Brown he may be forgiven And though the Distemper and the Disease was violently upon him yet he was preserved sensible And in the morning before he departed this life being sensible of his dea●h he said Now my Soul and Spirit is centred into its own Beeing with God and this form of person must return from whence it was taken And after a little season he gave up the Ghost and died a Priso●er and shall be recorded and is in the Lambs Book of Life as a Martyr for the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus for which onely he suffered and gave up his life whose death was pretious in the Eyes of the Lord. But now he ever liveth with God and his Work follow him and his Labours shall testifie of him in Generations to come and thousands beside my self can bear witness his Life and Death was to the praise honour and glory of the Grace of God unto whom be the glory of all his Works for ever Amen ANd oh thou City of London who hast been a professing City of the Name of God and Christianity so many years must it be said of thee as Christ said of Jerusalem that a Prophet cannot perish out of thee Oh how many Warnings hast thou had and how dost thou remain in obdurateness and impenitency Oh thou art not worthy of those Heavenly Tydings of Salvation which hath been proclaimed in the midst of thee these many years by this faithful Messenger of God deceased with many more who is taken away in judgment unto thee because many of thy Inhabitants despised and set at nought that in which the blessedness of all Nations consisteth Oh how is thy Gold become dim and how is thy glory stained How is thy Countenance marred How is all thy Profession became dead and like a withered Tree without Sap The Symptomes of death are upon thee Your Sun is set your Glory is passed away Night is coming and Darkness is surrounding you and you shall have enough of Darkness and your Paths and Ways shall be filled with it because you have hated the Light and would not have him who is the Light of the World to rule in your hearts but have chused Darkness rather then Light because your Deeds are evil and in the end thou shalt be made to see you have chosen lying Vanities and have taken Pleasure in the Flesh and have forsaken your own Mercies Repent repent if any can find a place while it is called to Day lest you be shut up in everlasting Darkness and Truth be hid from your Eyes for ever ●ake warning cease from Persecution and afflicting the Lord's People who desire to live quietly and peaceably and to worship God in Truth and Righteousness with a pure heart It is too too much that you have done already the suffering and death of many Innocent Righteous Men who have suffered these Winters past will lie as a load upon your City in Summers to come Remember what God did to Amaleck the first of the Nations and to Moab when Israel would have passed to their own Land and Countrey that God had promised them and have eaten their own Bread and Drank their Water and have passed on peaceably but they rose up and fell upon the Poor and upon the Hindmost and Weak God was Glad to Force his Way though it proved the ruin of Amaleck and the Misery of Moab We would glad walk on
Rudiments of the World we testifie against being Witnesses of the Substance and your taking on practices in that nature which is contrary unto Christ from the Words and Commands of Christ unto them that followed him we also testifie against and in it you are found among the Papists which walks by Tradition and not from the Motion of the Spirit of God and here thou art found a Lyar for the Commands of Christ is our life our joy our peace and glory and hereby we know that we love him because we keep his Commandments and they are not grevious unto us which is not received by tradition from without us but by the Eternal Spirit Christ Jesus revealed in us which is not contrary to his Commands without but a fulfilling of them for he is not a Iew who is one outwardly whose praise is of men neither is the Obedience which Christ doth require a conforming the outward man unto an outward thing which Obedience is your boasting onely and there only your difference lieth from all the World in the outward appearance Pharisee-like but the ground of enmity and seat of the Beast is standing within and you are twofold more the children of the Devil and God is risen to confound you and to break your Image to pieces and he shall have the praise of God who is the Jew inward whose obedience and circumcision is inward and who have no confidence in the flesh And whereas thou exhorts to hear one loving Reproof out of the Scripture which their Predecessors I mean the Papists thou sayest would have taken from us in the English Tongue and these would take from us the vertue of it that is to say the sharpness and sweeness of it by working upon us a dislike to it I Answer we do deny thy voice and though thou mayst bring Scripture in thy mouth to us it is but as the Devil brought it to Christ and we deny it from thee for if thou sayst God lives thou swears falsly and the Papists they are thy Predecessors who walks only by tradition as thou dost from a thing without them separate from the Life and both them and thee we do deny and bears witness against you to be without God in the World in the alienation out of the Covenant knowing nothing of him but what you have heard by a Fame and a Report and that we in the least would take from any the virtue of the Scripture it is a Lye uttered by the Devil in thee for we testifie unto all that it shall every tittle be fulfilled even upon the ungodly and thou shalt know it one day to be fulfilled upon thee thou Lyar must be cast into the Lake that burns for ever and this is the sharpness and sweetness which thou must have from it who art a false Accuser of the Brethren bearing the Image of the Dragon the Devil whose servant thou art as it is made manifest by thy Writing and this many will witness with us that often we do declare upon the just and the unjust the Scripture must be fulfilled and the righteous must have a Reward and the ungodly must have their Portion in utter darkness according as the Scripture saith and herein we establish the Scripture in its place to be a true Declaration of God and Christ and what the righteous and the wiced shall enjoy but that it is God and Christ or the Way unto Life we deny it for this is its vertue a declaration of that which the Saints believed and he that witnesses the same Life and Truth which it testifies of to be made manifest in him is a Witness of it and it is a Witness unto him and this is the vertue of it if thou hast an ear thou mayest hear and that we work upon Any a dislike of the Scriptures I charge thee to be a Lyar for to the fulfilling and establishing of it we declare that every one may walk up in the Life of it by that which gave it forth and to be a true witness of it as they were that spoke it but thee and all such we do deny which adds your imaginations upon it to sell for money And whereas thou sayst by way of Query to us Hath the Scripture no power over you have you a spirit to guide you without a written word it is out of Gods Government if it cannot be brought to the Law and to the Testimony I answer Jesus Christ onely hath power over us and not a Letter without us and the Spirit by which we are guided is no other but that which gave forth the Scripture which Spirit is the Word of God and which Spirit the Scripture bears witness unto and this we often say if we speak or act contrary to Scripture let us be judged by the Scripture and we as Paul did do commend all that shall search the Scripture to try whether these things be not so which we declare and herein we are under the Government of God who alone hath power over us but you who have not the same spirit which gave forth the Scripture neither knows it nor us but out of the evil corrupt ground thou judgest of it as thou dost of us and both thy judgment of it and us is to be judged by the Eternal Light of Christ which never erreth nor changeth And whereas thou sayest We may be Familiar-spirits for ought thou knowest what muttering and uncouth howling is among us which you cannot but impute to be a spirit contrary to the Word if we will not come to the Word to be tryed I answer it is true thou knowst us not for we are unknown to thy Generation though you have the Scripture which we in our lives and practices are Witnesses of as Christ was unknown to the Pharisees who had the Scripture which he came to fulfil and thou art ignorant of the Scripture and a Scorner of the Power of it who callst the Power of the Lord uncouth howling what would you have said concerning David who lay roaring all the day long even as a man distracted and concerning Habakkuk whose belly trembled and whose lips quivered when he heard the Voice of God But here you are made manifest who scorns that which the Scripture bears witness of and never knew what it was to be pricked to the heart as they were which cryed out what shall we do to be saved and if thou canst thou may try by the Scripture whether this be any other but that which the Scripture speaks of and not the same Spirit which made the Servants of God to quake and tremble which the Scriptures speaks of which this day is become a reproach even unto them that profess the Scripture for by the Word of God which the Scripture declares of shall all flesh tremble and be confounded and then thy self shall be judged into the Lake that burns for ever except thou repent And whereas thou sayest How shall you do to try spirits if we
deny both the written Word which is your Rule and Reason too for we appeal from both Answ. Art thou not ashamed to say The Scripture is thy Rule who art found a Lyar and a false Accuser thy Rule shall try thee and shall bear witness against thee when God judgeth thee by Jesus Christ for neither by the Scripture nor thy corrupt reason canst thou know the things of God who art a natural man in the fall in the World without God But again I say let any try us in our lives and in our practices and if we speak or act contrary to the Scripture judge us by it but thy eye is blinded and when thou feest the Scripture fulfilled even crying out as a Woman in travel thou calls it uncouth howling and a spirit contrary to the Scripture and how art thou able to try who art blind and deaf in the mystery of the Kingdom of God for thy reason must never enter unto God but is shut out and in seeing thou seest not and in hearing thou dost not understanst and upon thee herein is the Scripture fulfilled And whereas thou sayest We will not have Christ to rule over us for we deny both his Person and Word which is the Rule of Life and Love I answer O thou Lyar God shall judge thee let shame cover thee and let thy own Conscience convince thee of thy Lyes and Slanders against the Innocent Christ Jesus is our Head and we are of his Body and his Word is sweet unto us even our life and rule of life and by him we see thee to be an Enemy to him and from him I judge thee not his Word but the spirit of the Devil is thy rule for he is the Ruler and Father of Lyes and Lyars and thy Portion thou must have with him in the Lake and what thou sayest of us it shall stand for thy own Condition thou wilt not have Christ to rule over thee who lives in thy lust and carnal mind without the fear of God which Christ comes to destroy in all that witness him And whereas thou sayest In the Name of God thou proclaimest That those men that disown the written Word are not Spiritual men they may have the Spirit of Antichrist Answ. Thou hast nothing to proclaim from God but as the false Prophets had other mens words and also I say if thou find any that disown the Scripture we also disown such and do say they are not spiritual men but have the spirit of Antichrist and of this number thou art guided by the spirit of Antichrist who art a Lyar and a false Accuser which is contrary to the Spirit of Christ and art without Faith and so art unreasonable in the corrupt reason without pure and undefiled Reason And whereas thou sayest Who but the spirit of Antichrist durst countermand the Commands of our Law-giver the Lord Iesus Christ I answ The Commands of Christ are Spiritual and in and by the Spirit and not traditional from the Letter without and Antichrist may conform to the Command without as the Pharisees did and yet be an Enemy to the Life and Substance of his Commands and this is thy own condition as it was the Pharisees who said He destroyed the Law who came to fulfil it as thou sayest We make void and deny the Commands of Christ when as we are Witnesses of them and directs all unto the fulfilling of them and thy spirit here is tryed to be the spirit of Antichrist the same which was in them which persecuted Christ and thou raylst and slanderest his Members And whereas thou sayest There were never any men appeared in the World so like those that Peter speaketh of in his second Epistle and these desire to overthrow the Writings of the Spirit of God I answ Peter spoke of such as thou art for as a Cloud carryed about with a Tempest thou art and a Well without water and defilest the flesh and dispisest the Saints dignity and speakest great swelling words of Vanity whilst thou thy self art a Servant of corruption serving the Devil by lying and falsly accusing and that we desire to overthrow the Writings of the Spirit of God thou art a Lyar for we go about to establish them and declares of him who is the Substance of them and God will reward thee according to thy deeds Who also accuseth us of unseemly Kissing in Glasiers-hall thou sayest if Mr Pope do not belye us I answer This is another Lye which proceeds from thee let all the honest hearted which ever have frequented our Assembly at that Place testifie against thee and Pope and your father the Devill whom by lying you serve and that no unseemly Actions have proceeded from us but Sobriety and Civility and unseemly Actions shall stand for thy own condition they are such as thy self who commits unseemly brawling and folly and vain contending against the Truth in Glasiers-hall as many Honest-hearted will witness against you and for us who have seen your base actions as Scorning and Flouting in that Place and so here you your selves are guilty of the Wontonness which Peter speaks of and of aluring through the lust of the flesh which thou slanderously wouldst cast it upon us And thou further sayest None ever promised to themselves so much liberty as these and the Ranters in being freed from the power and tryal of the Word I answer Both the Ranters and thee we do absolutely deny and testifie against you both to be in the enmity against God and against us who are his Servants Thou before didst rank us with the Papists and now among the Ranters but herein the Scripture is fulfilled upon us as they have done unto Christ so they do unto us he was numbred among Transgressors by the Generation of painted Sepulchers and whited Walls as we are by thee and all liberty which is of the flesh and to the flesh we do deny as many can witness who are Witnesses of our Ministery and again I say he that is able let him try us by the Scripture but thou art blind and hath hardened thy heart against God and hath neither salt nor savory and so are good for nothing but to be trodden under foot And whereas thou sayest The Lord bless every one of his from the condition of Chandler who formerly was the head of a Company of Shakers I answer The day is coming when thou canst not flee the wrath of God though thou pray God will not hear thee and if ever thou hast seen Chandler in this condition thou mightst have read thy figure in him weeping and howling and gnashing of teeth will be thy portion for ever and I say unto thee this condition of Chandlers is not come upon him because he was once a Shaker by the dread of the Lord upon him but because he went out from that condition out of the fear of God into the liberty of the flesh out of his shaking and fearing state which once he
since under the Gospel did and do look to be justified by without any other works Answ. Here again thou art replying thy former sottish queries which rises out of thy dark mind concerning the Body of Jesus as the Devil did about the Body of Moses let thy mouth be stopt here for the Body of Jesus thou knowest not nor what it consists on and the offering of it up thou knowst nothing of but what thou knowest and hearest by the outward Letter that it was offered up at Ierusalem and the sacrifice for sin thou knowest not and thou art none of the Saints neither under the Law nor under the Gospel but are without in the world in the Broad-Way blind leading the Blind into the Ditch and for thee the Body of Christ is no saisfaction And thou Reprobate what hast thou to do to talk of believing for that is the condition of the Saints they do believe and are justified and their works thou knowest not thou disobedient one upon whom God will render vengeance in flaming fire 9. Quer. Whether there be not another righteousness by which the Saints are justified in the sight of God than that which Christ works in them and by them Answ. There thou accursed art made manifest who preacheth another Gospel and wouldst have another righteousness than that of Christ here thou Beast to whom the Plagues of God is due and upon whom his wrath must be accomplished here thou hast made thy self manifest thou who wouldst have another righteousness than the Righteousness of Christ which he works in the Saints and by them and so thou wouldst be justified and live in thy sin but thou art shut out from God for ever and we witness justification by faith and the just shall live by his Faith 10 Quer. Whether doth sanctification or justification in order antecede holiness of life or justification by faith go before or whether doth not God love man ere man loved God Answ. Here thou dark blind Hypocrite hast shut thy self out from the knowledge of God in any measure oh that People should ever be so blind as to look for to learn any thing at such a one as thee but sin and filthiness and what hast thou been teaching them all this while that neither knowst Sanctification nor Justification yet but art querying whether goes before let all people judge if thou art not a Teacher of Laciviousness Sin and Uncleanness and how darst thou mention a holy life or justification by Faith and knowst neither Justification nor Sanctification And thee man which art Cain God doth not love nor accept thee nor thy Sacrifice and for Justification by Faith thou knowst nothing of it which we own and witness and thou who art in envy dost not love God 11. Quer. Whether the Iustice of God be not fully satisfied for all the Sins of the Elect ere Christ appeareth to their Souls or Holiness appeareth in their Lives Answ. Here thou full of all subtilty art comprehended and with the Light of Christ thou art seen and with the Life judged and condemned who woulde●t lay sin to the charge of the Elect when the Scripture faith Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect It is God that justifieth who shall condemn The Soul that sinneth shall dye Thou Sorcerer Doth the Elect of God sin Shall the Elect dye To that in thy Conscience I speak 12. Quer. Whether the holy Lives or holy Works of the Saints be not excluded from the Act of Iustification from the Guilt of Sin Answ. Thou dead Beast hast made it manifest that thou art a Stranger from the Life of God and is excluded from the holy Life of the Saints and their Works who art querying whether this be not excluded from Justification Oh that ever thou shouldest open thy mouth or take upon thee to speak of the Scripture Doth not the Apostle say 1 Pet. 1. 18. For as much as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as Silver and Gold from your vain Conversation but with the precious Blood of Christ as of a Lamb without Blemish and without Spot who verily was ordained before the Foundation of the World was but was manifest in these last times for you who by him do believe in God that raised him up from the dead Now let all people read this Chapter and try thee who knowest nothing of Jesus Christ but as thou hast heard of him that he was crucified at Ierusalem and so thou art unredeemed from thy vain conversation and so art not justified before God nor never shall be but those that can witness Redemption by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ as all the Saints of God do are justified and by the same that they are justified thou art condemned into the Lake for ever 13 Quer. Whether is that righteousness which is wrought by the Saints every way answerable to the justice of God Answ. There again thy blindness is made manifest is there any righteousness but that of Jesus Christ and is not that every way answerable to the justice of God but such polluted filthy Beasts as thou wouldst have another righteousness as thou speakst plainly in thy ninth query but all thy righteousness we deny and the righteousness of Jesus Christ we own and witness whose righteousness shall be revealed upon thee in flames of fire 14 Quer. Whether none be accounted righteous in Gods sight in whom there is any corruption or failing or who do not fulfill the Law and answer every demand of justice Answ. Here thou polluted beast hast made it manifest what thou hast been driving at all this while in thy queries which is that thou wouldst have corruption and filthiness to be accounted righteous in Gods sight that so thou mightst lye and wallow in thy sins and filthiness but Iohn saith that he that commits sin is of the Devil for the Devil sinned from the beginning and for this purpose the Son of God was made manifest that he might destroy the works of the Devil and thou man of sin wouldst have it to stand but those that loves God keeps his Commandements and they are not grievous and God doth not accept any where there is any failing or who do not fulfil the Law and answer every demand of justice and he doth reserve the unjust unto the day of judgement to be punished 1 Pet. 2. 9. and chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and there thou art 15 Quer. Whether a soul be justified before God by the non-imputation of sin and the imputation of the righteousness of the Person of Christ to his Faith or by a righteousness wrought by Christ in the Person justified or to be justified Answ. Here stop thy mouth thou Sorcerer which art gathering up here a heap of confusion which is fit for nothing but to be turned with thee into the bottomless pit from whence it comes wherein thou talkest of imputation and non-imputation and
was a Spirit and here art thou a Witness against thy self that thou speakest not by the inspiration and moving of the holy Spirit but speakest thy imaginations and lyes in the Name of the Lord And whereas thou sayest In this confused Age there hath appeared variety of spirits pretending to be sent by the everlasting God yet they are at war with all their power to overthrow one another that their own Opinions may bear rule I Answer Among the Many Pretenders thou speakest of thou art one and it is true you are at war with all your power endeavouring to overthrow one another that your own Opinions may bear rule and though there be among you variety of Opinions yet by one spirit you act for the Kingdom of the Devil is but one and yet divided and it is at war with it self and therefore it cannot stand and you cannot overthrow one another but one is appearing to overthrow you all and all your Opinions for all you Pretenders are made manifest by your fruits and thereby men may try you for nothing is to be gathered from you but Opinions and airy Imaginations some of you speaking of a God and Christ a far off to believe in others of you speaking of a God and of a Christ within and a far off to believe in thus you feed people by your own imaginations and some of you pretend Revelation others of you denying Revelation and thus you strive to set up your own Opinions but you live all in one nature and are of one Generation and he that walks in the Light seeth you all and comprehendeth you all and judgeth all your Opinions and are redeemed out of all your vain imaginations into the Life of God acting and speaking as the Spirit acteth and speaketh and seeketh to exalt Christ and him to bear rule that all Opinions may be by him thrown down and that by him people may be brought out of a confused Age into the Land of Rest and Peace and Righteousness to serve the true Spiritual God in the Spirit and by the Spirit of his own Son And further thou sayest Some there are that take upon them to speak of a God and of a Christ in the invisible Heavens above the Stars but are uncapable to demonstrate how Christ by his spiritual Word liveth in mens hearts and how he reigneth visibly in glory with his Elect Angels I Answer there are not some but many which lives in and speaks forth their own imaginations upon God and Christ and one of them thou art thy spirit is tryed God who is a Spirit dwells in the Spirit of his Son even in the high and holy Place and with him also who is of a contrite Spirit and trembleth at his Word but this by thy vulterous eye is not seen neither can any demonstrate how Christ dwells in the heart but he who witnesseth it through death and where he reigns his Glory is with him and his Elect Angels this I witness but to thy carnal eye it is invisible and by thy carnal wisdom he can never be known Christ and his spiritual Word is not to be divided though thy sensual spirit would divide them but by the Flaming Sword thou that speakest art divided from both and shalt know neither but to thy condemnation And further thou sayest Others there are which speak of an eternal Spirit or Christ only in the Consciences of men as if there were no Creator or Christ at all visibly reigning upon his Throne of immortal Glory I answer they who talk of an eternal Spirit or Christ in the Conscience by hearsay or of other mens words without as thou dost and doth not in Life and Power witness it from the Father within made manifest such are denyed by them who witness the eternal Spirit dwelling with the contrite heart which Spirit is the Creator which dwells also in the high and holy Place and reigns upon his Throne for ever and who do in Power witness this sees and judges all your carnal imaginations and conceptions of the living God in your carnal minds where he dwells shall no unclean thing enter but is without to be troden in the Wine-Press of his Wrath for ever and ever and by him shall thy carnal conceptions be consumed even by the Breath of his Mouth for he is Eternal and his Throne is Eternal and by the carnal eye shall never be seen And further thou sayst There are some who through unbelief that ever any living Creature had a beginning do affirm there is no God or Christ at all but perishing nature this sort are innumerable witness the lives and conversations of people every where I answer All who do witness the Eternal Spirit made manifest to rule and guide all such do deny and declare against such Opinions for nothing was without beginning but the Eternal Word which was the beginning of all things and will be the end of all things even the destruction of the wicked and the Salvation of them that believe who are born of the immortall Seed and redeemed out of the perishing nature into the image of God and such do set to their seal there is a God who will reward every one according to their works and bears witness against them who in their lives and conversations denies God as all do who do not witness the eternall Spirit of Christ ruling in the Conscience but talkes of a God in imagination at a distance and such are innumerable and sayes in their hearts there is no God and such are the fools the Scripture speaks of and whereas thou beseeches to consider of these ensuing particulars I answer They are considered and by them thy ignorance is made manifest and thy folly disclosed and thy blasphemy who calls thy self the last Witness 1 Quer. In thy first particular thou queriest Whether these men were sent forth by the eternall Spirit to preach which in the least cannot demonstrate what the onely true God is in himself and how he is a distinct Beeing from all living Creatures and how he reigns in the Elect by a created Word Voice or spirituall Motion onely Answ. Those men were not sent forth by the eternall Spirit to preach who have not received it and such know not God what he is nor where he is but in their imaginations imagine him to be like a creature by being in a creaturely Place or Habitation God is a Spirit and he is not distinct from living creatures for in him living creatures lives moves and have their beings and he is not far from them nor distinct from them as he spake who was sent by the eternall Spirit to preach he reigns in the Elect not by a created word voice or a created spirituall motion for the Word which lives in the Elect from which voice and motion proceeds is not created but is uncreated even as God is uncreated for God is that Word and here thy ignorance appears by calling the Word which lives
in the Elect a created word or voice or motions and here be a witness against thy self that thou speakst from darkness and not from Light which darkness cannot comprehend the shining of the Light and this discovers thee more to be a false Witness and not the true Witness of God and therefore thy Portion must be the Portion of false witnesses read what it is Quer. 2. In thy second particular thou queriest Is not this an infallible demonstration to men that a man is sent forth by the eternall Spirit if he have received a gift from the holy Ghost to demonstrate what the true Creator was in his own distinct Essence Nature and glory from all eternity in time and to all eternity and wherein Elect men and Angels differ in their natures and glory distinct from their Creator in their Persons Answ. He that hath not received a gift from the Holy Ghost in some measure is not sent forth by the Eternal Spirit or God of all Truth this is infallible and such knowes not what the Creator is but by imagination and carnall conceptions of him and such in the Light of Christ is seen and by it judged and among such thou art to that in thy Conscience I speak which will witness me he that hath received the Holy Ghost turneth people from the power of Satan to the power of God and knoweth the Creator and the dwelling of him in the heart for as the Scripture saith The Word is nigh but let all flesh be silent he who is in time knowes not him which was before time and shall be when time shall be no more he who knows the Creator which inhabiteth Eternity is redeemed out of time into the Habitation of the Almighty but this to thy dark minde and spirit is unknown if ever thou knowest it it must be through death the nature and glory of the Elect differs not from the Nature and glory of the Creator for the Elect are one with the Creator in his nature enjoying his glory which was from eternity unto eternity he that reads let him understand thy word distinct Essence I deny for the Elect is not distinct from the Creator but lives by the dwelling of the Son in him and with the Son the Father dwells also if thou hast an ear thou mayest hear 3 Quer. In thy third particular thou queriest What that Angelical Serpent was in his creation which the Scripture speaks of and how he came to be cast out of his glory and how he overcame innocent Eve and how he entered into her womb and changed her pure Seed into his nature of unclean reason And thou askest What think you Was not that man Cain the first murdering lying Devil that ever was And is there any Devil but proud vain-glorious unmercifull men and women Ans. That same which speaks in thee is that same servent which the Scripture speaks of and if thou hast the spirit of Moses thou knowest what he was in the Creation for Moses saw his Creation by that Spirit which was before he was and if thou knowest his creation in thy self then thou mayst know him without thee but yet he lies under his vail deceiving thee and is not deceived by thee and by the same which thou lives in he was cast out of his glory even disobedience and he over came innocent Eve even as he overcomes thee by promising what he fulfilled nor and by presenting that which was visible and so her minde was led out as thine is and by her consenting he entered and got power and set up his habitation which is now standing in thee and so she became the likeness of himself her minde and lust strayed into the visibles out from the Creator who is invisible and spirituall and she now lives under the curse and brings forth cursed children such as thou art who puts forth these queries and this child was begotten by him who deceived her and he is the Father and Prince of all you who are Wells without water Clouds without rain and wandering Stars having no habitations in the Heavens the blackness of darkness is reserved unto you for ever ye who speak great swelling words of vanity that ye are the last Witnesses and Messengers c. but you your selves are servants of corruption and to the last part of thy query I answer before Cain who is a lying Devil was a child he was a father and if thou hast an ear thou mayest hear the proud vain glorious unmercifull men and women who bears his image must with him be tormented in the Lake which burneth by the kindling of the breath of the Almighty for ever and ever and here thou art answered though not to the feeding of thy wisdom but in the Light by which thou art comprehended which Light will eternally condemn thee who hates it 4 Quer. Thou queries What condition Adam was formed in and how he came to fall from his estate and what sin it was they committed Adam and Eve and whereby the Elect and Reprobate are defiled Answ. Adam was created in the image of God and God breathed into him the breath of life and he became a living Soul but eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil therein he turned from the Command of God and did dye if thou hast an ear thou mayest hear and thou that queriest hast eaten of that Tree and thou shalt never know in what condition he was created in but through the death for a sword is set at Edens gate to keep the Tree of life which will cut thee down before ever thou knowest or canst witness his estate and as for the Elect being defiled here thou makest thy self manifest that thou never knewest what the Elect was for the Elect is born of God and he that is born of God sins not and the promises of God are to the Elect and election obtains it and the Elect was never defiled if thou hast an ear thou mayest hear that which is defiled shall not enter into the holy City and here thou hast manifested thy ignorance and art that Reprobate thou speakst of which is ordained of old for condemnation which is the Transgressor which is cast out thou hast no communion with the Elect for thou art defiled and art without the Gate to be trodden in the Wine-press 5 Quer. What that heavenly glory is and where it is that the Elect Wheat of Christ shall eternally enjoy who are the Seed of Adam and not of Cain Answ. What that glory which the Elect which thou hast spoke of in thy fourth query shall inherit which was and is defiled it is to be in Hell in utter darkness for ever and ever where all the unclean are and thou wouldst know where it is it is without the Gate of the City among the Dogs and Whoremongers and Lyars and Deceivers and whatsoever is defiled shall be trodden in the Wine-press of the Wrath of God for ever and ever where is
is neither hast cleaved to it and so art ra●ed out from the Life and from the Foundation and the Apostle who had his Commission not from man nor by man he exhorted those he preached and wrote to to take heed to the sure Word of Prophesie as unto a Light that shined in a dark place and to wait in it till the Day did dawn and the Day Star did arise and for distinguishing of that in the Conscience what it is he that is not separate from the darkness knows not how to do it But this I say unto thee as we declare unto all the Light which shines into the Conscience is the Light of Christ which he hath enlightned every one withal and it is spiritual like himself and eternal and it leads out of sin and declares against all iniquity and he that comes to own it and to be guided by it it leads out of sin to know the Cross of Christ which is a Mystery to thee and it leads to the eternal Word which was in the beginning before sin was and it will judge all thy imaginations and vain conceivings and it leads to the Inheritance incorruptible out of corruptible if thou hast an ear to hear thou mayst hear it is that which will let thee see thy vain frothy imaginations which thou hast of God and will condemn all thy vain imaginations and hating it it will be thy condemnation and there is the issue of it and all such as steals other mens words and the true Prophets words and never knew the life that was in them all such we deny and shut them up within utter darkness where they and thou art and for the glorious things that thou and thy Partner speaks of which call your selves the two last Witnesses it is manifest that your mysteries are as in thy Book and thy queries where thou putst Elect and Reprobate together and as for tryall of spirits we give liberty and exhort all that may to try and we direct them to that to try by which is infallible and eternall whereby they may see and comprehend thee and all who have not the Spirit But that they should try who have nothing to try with let all such be silent for ever for none understands the Spirit but the Spirit with which we see thee and all who stands in their imaginations are ignorant of it therefore stop thy mouth in the dust and be silent 9 Quer. Do not they that speak to a people that declares against all appearances which are contrary to his way discover himself unto a true discerning Spirit not to be of the Lord unless they can demonstrate a spiritual Commission that he hath received from Heaven by voyce of words through the glorious mouth of the Lord so that no mortal man can disprove him though few for want of understanding receive him Ans. The Way that leads to the Father is but one which is Christ and he that declares from him made manifest in him declares against all Sects and Opinions that which thou calls appearances and the Way is one and the Truth one where there is no rent nor division and he that dwels in the life hath discerning and he that witnesses the annointing discerns he is able to judge and discern and in that thou art seen who wouldst sit on the throne but thou must come down and lick the dust dust is the Serpents meat and they who had their Commission from God and have their Commission from God now they were made manifest to every mans Conscience in the sight of God and this we witness this the Scripture witnesseth and he that believes hath the witness in himself and the father bears witness and they witness the voice of the Lord which is spiritual speaking to them and they declare from that which is spiritual to the Consciences of Gainsayers and this is witnessed but thy voice of words is carnal and is denyed and who art thou made manifest unto that which is mortal cannot discern and disprove thee but that which is immortal can and they who are guided by the immortal denies thee and will receive none of thy Testimony because it is not the same which the holy men of God witnessed and doth now witness which voice shakes the Wilderness and rents the Rocks and makes the Earth to reel to and fro but to thee this is a mystery and sealed 10. Again he that speaketh of an invisible spiritual God or Christ living in the Consciences or Spirits of men thou sayst He questions the truth of all the Scripture records concerning the Life Death and Resurrection and Ascension of the blessed Body of Christ into the Throne of his Immortal Glory And doth he not question Whether the Consciences of the Saints being sprinkled with the Blood of Iesus which dyed without the Gates of Jerusalem are purified from the pollutions of the Flesh and Spirit doth he not question the Resurrection of the Souls and Bodies out of the Earth at the last Day Answ. Here again thou hast made thy shame and ignorance manifest and knows not so much as the Letter of the Scripture Paul an Apostle of Jesus Christ not by the will of man and a Minister of the Everlasting God he witnessed the Son of God revealed in him and he said Know ye not that Christ is in you or else you are Reprobates And Christ is not divided And he that is joyned to the Lord is on● Spirit And I and my Father are one And where Christ dwells the Father dwells And if thou hast an ear to hear thou mayst ●ear and if the same Spirit be not in you that raised Christ from the dead you are none of his and he that declared these things spake of a spiritual Christ and an invisible God and who shall ascend up to Heaven the word is nigh in thy mouth and in thy heart and this is the same Christ that suffered without the Gate at Ierusalem and no other which Paul travelled till he was born in them if thou hast an ear thou mayst hear and the Apostle did not question the Scripture records for they spoke it and recorded it and they witnessed the Life of Christ and his Death and Resurrection and Ascension and they witnessed him ascended above Thrones and Dominions and to sit at the right-hand of the Father and we witness the same Christ made manifest in us and his Resurrection not because Paul said so but we have seen it and are Witnesses of it the same that ever was the same that did Ascend the same did ascend this is a riddle unto thee and seven seals is upon it and thou that queriest shall never see them opened and they who had Christ in them and the Father and the Son supping with them they had their Consciences sprinkled and none else for his blood thou knowst not and so I say unto thee thou art not sprinkled nor thy Conscience purified from dead works and they who know
but what is declared of in the Scripture by the Holy Men of God and neither without it nor above or beyond it do we speak I challenge thee to prove what thou hast asserted and all the City of London whether we have spoken or declared any thing but what the Scriptures bears witness to and the Light which we declare of is the Light of Christ which the Scripture saith hath enlightened every one that comes into the World and it is not besides the Scripture so as contrary to it but the Scripture bears witness of the Light And here I charge thee with Blasphemy who calls the Pure Light of Christ thick Darkness and that the Light of Christ which is the Light which we declare of hath led men or leads any to contemn God or his Ordinances or Righteousness let shame strike thee in the face thou impudent one who blasphemously sayes that the Light of Christ is thick Darkness and leads into contempt of God let the Light in thy own Conscience condemn thee thou Enemy of God for thy Lyes and Slanders and Blasphemy which in this thy Book thou hast uttered And whereas Thou exhortest to labour to see an excellency in Christ in the Word of Christ and in the Church and Ordinances of Christ. I answer For the simple Ones sake that they may not be deceived none ever shall see any excellency in those things but who owns and walks in the Light of Christ which lets every one see themselves first and your talking of the same and report of Christ and of his Word and Ordinance is not to know the excellency of those things for death in you talks of the same but the thing in Substance you are ignorant of and you who stumble at the Light wherewith Christ lighteneth every one are above the Door which is the entrance unto the life of these things And so I exhort all to mind the Light of Christ and to walk in it and it will lead unto Christ from whence the Light comes and it will lead to the fulfilling of Christs Words and to the one Bread and to the one Baptism and the Light is the Door and Entrance unto the Life of those things But you who hate the Light and deny it to be in every one hath but the Husk and outward Declaration of those things and are without the Life And whereas thou sayst They that are of God will hear John Peter and Paul and the rest that were the Servants of Christ not the fleshly conceits of those or any other men and Christ Sheep hear his Voyce and a Stranger they will not hear I answer They that are of God do own the writings of all the Servants of Christ but many may profess their words as the Pharisees did the Prophets words and as thou dost now and yet not be of God but children of the Devil but that our conceits are fleshly I do deny for all conceits of the flesh we deny and bears witness against and it shall stand for thy own condition and thy voice is the voice of a stranger and they that are of God will not follow it though thou bringst the Saints words in thy mouth as the Devil did unto Christ yet in the Light of Christ thou art seen and comprehended and from the Light of Christ answered and by it judged to be without the life of those Scriptures which thou speakst of and they are to thee but as an empty sound And whereas thou cites many more Scriptures which are exhortations of the Apostles to the Church and exhorts thy Brethren with them To which I answer as before The Scriptures I do own but to thee thou envious man they do not belong for as in this thy writing thou art proved a Lyar and a Scorner and a Slanderer and a false Accuser and a Blasphemer out of thy own mouth be a Witness against thy self and let all thy whole Assembly bear witness against thee that the Scriptures which were spoken to the Saints who walked in the light and had denyed ungodliness do not belong unto thee who art an hater of the light and lives in the pollutions of the world but the Scriptures will surely be fulfilled upon thee The wicked shall be turned into Hell and the Lyar shall have his portion in the Lake and he that works abomination is to be troden in the winepress of the wrath of God without the City and such like And now somthing in answer to some things in the Epistle to the Reader Whereas thou and the rest of you there say although the light hath appeared yet there is a Generation of men in the world that do hate the light and endeavour to put it out crying against the Scriptures of Truth it s a dead letter and against the form of doctrine therein contained To which I answer It is true the light hath appeared Christ who is the Light lightneth every one that comes into the world which light hath appeared in every mans conscience and there is a Generation which hates the light and you are of that Generation which say every man hath not the light and calls the Light of Christ thick darkness and endeavour to put it out and here you have read your own condition though you make a large profession of the Scriptures which is not the light but words declared from the Light as the Iewes did profess the Prophets words but persecuted Christ and spoke against him who was the light and substance of the Prophets words and if you know any who cry against the Scripture and against the doctrine therein contained we cry and declare against such for the Scripture we own in its place to be a true declaration of God of Christ and of the Saints conditions but they are not the light but Christ is the light as themselves bear witness nor are they the Saints guide but the Spirit that gave them forth as they themselves bear testimony neither were the Scriptures given forth to give your own imaginations and suppositions upon but they themselves are doctrine and are as they speak he that hath the same spirit which speak them forth reads them and understands them and none else And whereas thou sayst Lest that simple plain meaning men should be kept in Babels darkness or the enlightned fall into the errour of the wicked for that reason your Book came to publick view I answer truly you are deceived who think to gain into your form the simple plain meaning men by Lies and false Slanders and false Accusation who are simple and plain unto God will descern your deceits and how falsly you have accused the innocent and will see you to be in Babels darkness and who walks in in the light wherewith they are enlightned will see you to be in the errour of the wicked and out of the Truth and it is well for the Truths sake that your Book came forth that thereby your filthiness and deceitfulness and
laid their swords on the necks of their Enemies and never returned empty from the slaughter Though I be as by the waters of Babylon in a strange Land and as a Pilgrim and Stranger destitute but not forsaken as dying but behold I live yet if I forget thee let my right hand forget her cunning and let my Name be blotted out of the Book of Life O how I love the holy Seed which in my eye is precious No man can hinder my boasting of thee for I am sealed among you in the Record of eternal life to be read among you in the light where I am known to you and where my unity stands with you in the love and life which never changes and you are my Mother and my Brother and Sister who doth the Will of my Father Our God is a consuming fire and his Habitation is compast about with dread and terror The Heathen shall see and fear and the Inhabitants of the Earth shall tremble o●● God is everlasting burnings and it is tempestuous round about his Throne and he reigns for evermore and though thou be despised and set at nought and counted as the off-scouring of all things and the scorn of the Heathen yet thy King reign● upon Mount Sion and if he utter his voice all flesh shall tremble and before him thy Adversaries shall fall and thy Persecutors shall be confounded for tho● shalt never be forgotten of thy God but with his arm will he defend thee and compass thee about and thy seed shall be increased and thou Ierusalem shalt be made the praise of the whole Earth for among you is laid the sure foundation and the tried stone Christ Jesus the Light of the world in whom you have believed which unto the Nations is a stumbling stone but unto you precious bring in your testimony and set to your seal is there salvation in any other but in him who is the Light of the World Nay there is no redemption wrought but by him nor no deliverance but through him his is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory and he is become all in all and you are no more of this World but are of the chosen Generation and of the royal Priesthood a people Redeemed unto whom there is none like among the thousands of Israel and Iudah whose God is the Lord whose Saviour is the Prince of Righteousness who covers your heads in the day of Battel and smites your enemies in the hinder parts and wounds them in the fore-head And now my beloved let his Name be had in remembrance for evermore and let his praises be declared throughout Ages to come and walk you worthy of his everlasting love wherewith he hath loved you more then your brethren let his Name be exalted by righteousness by purity and by a blameless life and bring forth the fruits of righteousness and peace and let your light shine forth into the world and your good works abound plentifully for you are as a City set on a hill and as a lighted candle to shine abroad and are created unto good works Let faith hope love and unity be increased among you and let mercy and judgement and equity flow down and be established for ever never to be removed Let joy and long-suffering and meekness and temperance spring out and be you perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect Stand upon your watch Tower and be not shaken nor drawn aside to follow any other gods nor to bow to any other Image nor joyn your selves to strangers and mingle not your seed with the adulterous Generation nor take not nor give not in marriage with them but keep your selves from the Idols of the Heathen be not defiled with them but abide in your strength you know where it lies by which you may work good and be perserved from evil and you need not that any man teach you for you are taught of God and are far from oppression Ye Children of Light worship your God for ever who is light and in him is no darkness at all who is the same and changes not whose mercy endures for ever Be Followers of the Lamb as undefiled Virgins and let your soul scorn the glory of Babylon and Aegypt for ever for you are not your own but are bought with a price no more to serve your selves but the Lord of Israel forever Put on your Armour and gird on your Sword and lay hold on the spear and march into the field and prepare your selves to battel for the Nations doth defie our God and saith in their heart Who is the God of the Quakers that we should fear him and obey his voice Arise arise and sound forth the everlasting word of war and judgment in the ears of all Nations sound an Alarum and make their ears to tingle Our Enemies are whole Nations and multitudes in number of a rebellious people that will not come under our law which arise up against us and will not have our King to reign but trample his Honour under foot and despise his Law and his Statutes and count his Subjects as Slaves and Bond-men Stand upon your feet and appear in your terror as an Army with banners and let the Nations know your power and the stroke of your hand cut down on the right hand and slay on the left and let not your eye pitty nor your hand spare but wound the Lofty and tread under foot the Honourable of the Earth and give unto the great Whore double and give her no rest day nor night but as she hath done so let it be done unto her and give her double into her bosom as she hath loved blood so give her blood and dash her children against the stones and let none of the Heathen Nations nor their gods escape out of your hands nor their Images nor Idols but lay waste the fenced Cities and tread down the high Walls for we have proclaimed open War betwixt Michael our Prince and the Dragon Your Captains are mighty men and your leaders are skilled to handle the Sword and they are riding on before you Arise worm Iacob and fear not but thresh the mountains to dust for God hath given thee the power of thy enemies to tread upon and they shall fly before thee and shalt fall by thy sword there is none to strong for thee nor no inchantment against thee but thou art blessed blessed world without end Therefore all ye Lambs of my Father and ye Camp of the Lords Host wait upon him to fulfil his Will for he hath put into your hearts to make war in righteousness against the beast and the false Prophet and cursed be every one that riseth not up to the help of the Lord against the mighty the Beast is mighty and the false Prophet is great and they keep the Nations under their power But O thou Beast and thou false Prophet you shall be tormented together thou Beast upon which the false Prophet sits whom thou upholds by
thy Law and defends by thy unrighteous power thy power is limited and it shall be taken from thee and thou shalt be overcome and the Lamb shall get the victory and into the pit and lake of fire shall you be turned to have your resting place And thou false Prophet which hath deceived the Nations and scattered the Inhabitants thereof and builded by fraud and daubed with untempered morter thy Judgment is past upon thy head already and the Decree of our God is sealed against thee thy smoke shall ascend for ever and ever and of thy sin there is no forgiveness nor of thy torment no remission Over you do we and shall for ever rejoyce and sing and over your god and your King the Dragon that old Serpent cursed be he and his memorial for ever Ye Lambs of the true Shepherds fold with whom my soul resteth whether ever I behold you outwardly yet my heart is with you and I am one of your fold and I lye down with you under the shadow of the rock upon the Mountain which the beast cannot touch where we are safe from all our enemies and am to you wel known to be read in your hearts in the Record of the Lambs Book of Life and known only to the world by the name of EDWARD BURROUGH Written at Dublin City in Ireland To the Camp of the Lord in England Several Epistles to Friends in LONDON Written in the Year 1655. by E. B. Some of which were subscribed by F. H. who was Fellow-Labourer with him in the Work of the Lord. FRiends of God in the Truth whom the Lord is gathering as desolate Stones to build unto himself a Habitation whom the Lord is bringing back out of Captivity wherein you have been held under the Chains of Darkness in the Land of the shadow of Death the Lord is calling you and chusing you to place his Name in you and to spread forth his glory among you Therefore all dear Friends whose hearts the Lord hath touched by his Love and by his Power be faithful unto God who hath called you and look not out at any thing that is mortal to draw you from the Obedience of the Eternal Light of Jesus Christ which shines clearly in Darkness Resist not the Drawing of the Father but take up the Cross and abide in it daily that your wills may be crucified in which the ground of enmity lodges So all in your own conditions wait in the Fear of the Lord in singleness of heart and in simplicity of mind for the powerful Appearance of the Son of God to be revealed in you to destroy the works of the Devil for where he is not witnessed the works of the Devil stands and the nature of the earthly man in the fall All of you whose minds are turned home to within where the Pearl and the Lost Money is to be found dwell and walk in the pure Fear and Obedience to that of God which is made manifest in you and made known unto you and there will Peace flow in from the Presence of the Lord unto you and refreshment and strength to the Seed and the Pure will live and the Corrupt will die daily Beware every one that have put their hands to the Plow that you look not back at any thing which you have left behind in the World but press on in the strait Way which is the Light which gives no liberty to the fleshly man but which judges and condemns all that hates it and turns from it the Light is the Way that leads to Life and by it as you wait in it the Life will be made manifest which is immortal and your Redemption will be witnessed dwell in the Judgment and in the Burning that the Dross may be consumed and the Pure may be refined and the earthly carnal minds may be confounded and judged The Lord is near unto you wait for his powerful Presence in his own Light to see him and in it to comprehend all the World with all its Profession which leads not to God but keeps in the separation from God your Way is near walking in the Light you will see it and in the Light you will see all the paths and all the wayes of the Harlot which leads into the Chambers of Death look not out at words for that which feeds there is for the Famine but dwell in the Light joyning with the immortal Principle which receives nourishment from the Eternal Fountain which the World knows not nor comprehends as you grow in the Pure and in the Life so you are unknown to the World and your growth will appear by your obedience in the Cross of Christ so take off stumbling at the Cross for such hath no part in the Eternal Inheritance but walk in the Cross which is life to the New-man and death to the Old and so through Death Life is made manifest and the pure Life of God arising in all the World will be trampled upon and denied by you but such amongst you that chuseth the World wrath from God I declare against you and you who knows the way and casts off the Truth and for the love of that which is visible turns from the Truth you cannot escape the Damnation of Hell So all dear and tender hearts abide in the Counsel of God and let not the World overcome your minds but wait for a daily victory over it that so you may with the Saints possess the Eternal Riches and that in you which is carnal and corrupt may be overcome by that which is Eternal and Holy as you abide and walk in the Truth and grow up in the knowledge of the eternal God so our joy will be fulfilled in you and our rejoycing will be encreased by you therefore walk and live in that which God hath made manifest in you which is of himself and the eternal God of Life and Power prosper you and lead you up unto himself to dwell and walk in his Love for evermore Be not troubled at the rage of the World nor at Temptations but stand in the Will of God which hath been declared amongst you that you may all be established and guided by that which is not of this World but by the Principle of Life which is Eternal which judges all the fruits and grounds of Darkness Our love salutes you all who walk in the Truth and our prayers are for you that Life may spring up in you to praise the Lord for ever We are Servants unto you and unto all the Elect Seed of God every where for whose sakes we give our selves to be spent E. B. F. H. To Friends in London ALl Friends whose minds are turned to the Lord by that which is Pure which comes from him who is the Light of the World all mind it that with it your minds may be turned to him from whence it comes out of all the perishing things and out of all the visible to the invisible that so
you may all come to know the Word of the Lord which endures for ever which is as a Fire and a Hammer which breaks down the Mountains and burns up and destroyes all that which is acted in that nature which leads into transgression and into the curse from God And therefore all dear Friends whose minds are turned to the Lord and have tasted of his Power all dwell in his Fear and keep in your minds from gadding abroad and that which hath discovered the lusts and filthiness of your minds and turned your minds from these things and from that nature that rules in the children of disobedience that so you may all come to know the Life and that he may lead you and direct all your minds up in his Fear and Wisdom that so you may be preserved out of those Paths that lead to destruction and out of all the deceitful Profession of the World and in the Light of Christ you will see the rise and ground of all Deceivers and Dreamers and all them that speak their own Imaginations and yet boast of great things and strive and contend about words and feed upon wind and bring no fruit unto God and all ye that are not of the Light and walk not according to the Light are there and lending your ears to such who act and speak in that nature you turn from your Guide which is near and lend your ears to the wicked and so have walked in Darkness But now you who have tasted of the Love and Power of God which all the Profession in the World knows nothing of in it dwell and abide in that which hath convinced you and in that which judgeth you abide in it that so you may witness the Fallow Ground plowed up and the Earth shaken and the Rocks rent and the Vail taken away that so there may be a way and a passage for the Pure to pass through the Earth and so the Earth may waste and wither and decay and the Lyons may suffer hunger and the gods of the Earth may be famisht and the lust destroyed and all keep low in the fear and wait in silence upon the Lord to be near you to direct all your minds and stay and establish you And as you have received the Truth so walk in the Truth we do charge you all in the Name of the Lord and be faithful every one to your measure and improve and wait for power and stand in the cross to the earthly that whatsoever your minds have delighted in in the first nature may all be denied and crossed and the Cross is to the ground to the lust and as you nourish the lust and let your minds and wills at liberty and deny the Cross then that which is pure is vexed and darkened and so the deceit and lust gets up again and so the Guide is lost and condemnation comes upon you and therefore all be diligent in the Work of the Lord and watch over your actions and deceit and you will come to see Satan hath many strong holds and would spare the best and the fat but in that which is a Cross to all mortal stand and abide and dwell that so you may be preserved and kept out of all snares of the Devil And now take heed of judging the Power of the Lord and that it knows not what it is to be silent and wait that you may come to see in the Light and be Partakers of the same and all who have tasted of the Power wait and keep out of imaginations and thoughts and false voyces that so the Enemy may not be hearkned to nor the deceit but all in the measure wait upon the Lord in singleness of heart out of all deceit and form nothing in your minds but all in Purity and Uprightness dwell And all Friends now take heed of carelesness slothfulness and sluggishness of mind and of giving liberty to the flesh and ease to the carnal mind And we charge and command you in the Presence of the Lord whose Power is dreadful that you meet together in silence and wait and none to speak a word but what he is moved to speak a word from the Lord take heed of adding to it but only what you are moved and take heed of striving and contending or letting out your selves to strange spirits but every one keep in his own Tent and sit down under his own Vine and eat not that which dyes of it self but feed upon the Eternal and so you will be nourished and grow up in Wisdom and Power in that which is pure that all deceit may be kept out And all Children and Servants be diligent in your places more willing more ready to labour in love and diligence that so the Name of God may not be dishonoured And all you who have Callings throw off nothing hastily nor rashly but wait and flee not the Cross for if you do you will be darkened and the Name of God dishonoured And therefore all dear Friends who have owned the Truth now wait upon the Lord in diligence that so you may grow in the Life in the Power of the Lord that nothing may be spared that is for destruction and so God Almighty bless you all and keep you out of all deceit in the pure Life which is made manifest that you may have victory over all and witness him who puts all under with it if you wait you will see him present and near you And so the Everlasting God of Power keep you all for great is our care over you and our love is to you that abide in the Truth which you are already made Partakers of and when Joy springs up keep in it and run not forth and spend it not and take heed of exalting for then pride and presumption gets up if you keep not in his Fear and so Darkness will come upon you but all dwelling in that which is pure you will be preserved out of snares and temptations and your minds kept clear and pure out of all things that defile and so the Everlasting God of Life and Power be with you all Your dear Brethren in the unchangable Love of God E. B. F. H. To Friends at London Dear and beloved Friends in that which is pure of God and made manifest in you all wait and abide and walk in the Light which comes from Jesus from whence it comes who is the Judge of the Quick and the Dead condemns all unrighteousness into the pit and therefore all wait in that which is pure of God which hath turned your minds from Darkness to Light and from Sata● to God and hath convinced you of all unrighteousness and hath let you see all that ever you have done behold he is the very Christ and therefore all Friends of God mind that which is pure of God which shews you the deceits of the heart the Light is the Eye which discovers all the secrets of your hearts and it will shew
all deceit and your present condition and that which would lead aside and temptation as it ariseth it will discover and resisting in the Light here temptations come to be escaped and the pits and the snares which they who err from the Light fall into Dear Friends great is our care one every side and we are jealous over you lest you depart from the simplicity of the Gospel and so the deceit lead and guide and so you will come under condemnation and therefore all in silence wait be swift to hear slow to speak and all wait upon the Light in diligence and take heed of forward minds and wills which would go before the Light and run before the Guide there is the Deceiver and false Prophet within the same that is without and therefore we charge you all in the Name and Power of God to take heed of forward wills in speaking lest your minds be drawn out from the moving of the Pure within to hearken to words without which are spoken from that which is above the Light and this feeds the carnal reason and the earthly wisdom and lets in the Inchanter and so your minds being turned without you feed upon the husk and not the Life and therefore that nature that cannot live without words is for the Plague and for the Famine and must be famished and stopt And therefore now as the Power ariseth in you dwell low in it and sink down in the same and as things open in you speak not forth there your minds would run out and speak that which is opened by the Spirit this is the Prodigal but as things open treasure them up in your hearts and all keep in that which separates between Light and darkness and be not hasty to do any thing lest your wills betray you and all keep in Patience there the Crown is obtained and flee not from the trouble nor from that which judgeth but dwell in it and pray that your flight be not in Winter if you do you are Vipers And despise not the Cross even the death of the Cross that all your iniquity may be nailed to the Cross and so the righteousness may be set up within and so the Land is kept in Peace And therefore all dear Friends whose hearts the Lord hath touched meet together in silence wait and you will see the Lord present among you and his power made manifest among you and the earth broken up and the fallow ground and a passage for the Seed and we charge you all take heed of many words or feeding upon that which is torn and dies of it self and we charge by the Lord that none speak without Eternal Motion for if you do the false Prophet speaks and his words eats as a Canker and darkens and vails them that hearken to it And therefore all wait to have Salt in your selves and savour and discerning that you may come to know the voice of the Lord from the voice of a Stranger and so you may be kept out of all deceit for there Thorns and Briars and the cursed fruits are brought forth but in the Light of Christ dwell and wait and grow up in it and walk in it that you may come to know your Redeemer and what you are redeemed from and see him near you and in you else you are Reprobates And so the Lord God of Life and Power preserve you all for we have kept nothing back but are free from the blood of you all and of all that hears us but our desire to the Lord is that what hath been sown in weakness may be raised in power and that you may grow up in the Truth and walk in the Truth that we may see the Travel of our Souls and be satisfied and if the Lord give us to see your faces again we may rejoyce in you and with you and so the Everlasting God of Life and Power keep you all in his Wisdom and Power to have victory over all your Enemies that you may serve him in uprightness of heart and be faithfull to that of God made manifest in you all Your dear Brethren in the Gospel of Christ committed to our charge E. B. F. H. To be read at Meetings of Friends in London FRiends of God called by him out of the dark World into his marvellous Light to all you who by the Power of God are kept faithful to walk and abide in the measure of the Gift of God received Grace Mercy and Peace from God the Father of Life be multiplied in you and amongst you that you all may grow up in the Power of God out of Darkness and the shaddow of Death wherein you have been held captive in a strange Land Dear Friends our souls are poured out for you that you all may abide in that which you have received and heard which is the Way and Path of Life and Righteousness and Peace eternal therefore all dear Friend walk worthy of the calling whereunto ye are called and wait in the Light by which you are enlightened that all deceit in particular and in the general may be comprehended seen and judged we bear you record there is a Witness of God manifest in you and true desires which flows to God from you Therefore take heed to the measure of God that by it you may hear the Voyce of God and see his powerful Presence for by that which is manifested of God in man God speaks moves and acts and is known unto man and all that neglect the measure of God to walk in it all their Knowledge Experiences and Profession is for condemnation by that which changeth not so all dwell in the measure which is the Light in the Cross which keeps under and judges the fleshly man so the understanding will be kept open to receive the Mercies of God and to walk worthy of the Mercies received but turning aside from the Light you neglect the Mercies and follow lying vanities and err from the Way of Righteousness and bring your selves under condemnation for no longer is God enjoyed by man then man abides in his Counsel in his Fear where the secrets of God are manifest and received by the Light which is the first entrance unto God and the fulness of the enjoyment of God Beware of the World where all the temptations lie to draw away your minds into the carnal and visible things out from the Light by which the Life is enjoyed and so death passeth over you and condemnation cometh upon you and the Life be lost and misery be revealed against you Large is the Love of God unto you in calling you and chusing you and therefore forget not this Love but walk in it up to God from whom free Redemption is manifested unto that which hath lain in Death overcome by the Darkness follow not your own wills nor the voice of the Stranger and false Prophet which draws out into visibles into here and there but have salt and discerning in your selves
charge you all That you speak nothing but that which is given in and in the sence and in the cross and do not add your own words for then you will burthen others who dwell in the Life and take heed of whispering and back-biting one another or uncovering one anothers nakedness but if any see any to be overtaken or walking disorderly reprove such a one privately and exhort private and bear and forbear one another and so love will encrease and your joy and your wisdom and your strength will grow and so the Lord God of Life preserve you all in his Wisdom and take heed of imaginations or running out and do nothing has●ily but wait at Wisdom's Gate that so you may do all things in wisdom and all be faithful in your measures and give up all freely unto the Lord that he may take away your Enemies and bring you into everlasting Righteousness All Friends in your places Masters Parents Servants and Children in your places be diligent in that which is just unto the Lord that so the Name of the Lord by whom you are called be not dishonoured but that you may all dwell in the Counsel of the Lord in the Light of Christ single which keeps you out of all pollutions and out of that nature that starves you and darkens you and so the living God of Life preserve you for you are dear to us even all of you without respect of Persons who walk with the Lord and we cease not to make mention of you to the Lord and he hears us that you may grow up in the Life of Christ Jesus to follow the Lamb wheresoever he leads you or moves you for truly our hearts are bound to you in the Lord by one everlasting Cord and if you make us sorry who shall make as glad for you are our Crown of rejoycing in the Lord. Christ's sake E. B. F. H. To all the beloved Friends and Brethren and Sisters who are made Partakers of his eternal Word of Life by which you are gathered into one Light and Power in which is Life eternal abiding in it DEar Friends of God who have received and heard the Word the immortal Word with gladness and readiness who are accounted worthy to receive the Testimony of our Lord Christ our love in the eternal Life of God which endures for ever which is not limitted to Nations Kindreds Tongues and People is shed abroad in all and to all that wait upon Christ Jesus who is the Light the Love and the Gift of the Father which we are made Partakers of by which Gift Eternal Life and Peace for evermore is witnessed unto all them that continue and dwell in him who is Love Beloved in the Lord our thirsting is great after you that the Truth you have received from him whom we declared unto you contrary to our own wills in much weakness and much fear and often tears and much trembling and walking before you in Uprightness without fraud and dissimulation as Patterns and Examples and the Lord by his eternal working of his mighty Power made his own Ministry powerful unto you unto whom be glory for evermore So dear hearts in the Grace of God which hath appeared unto you which did convince you of sin and condemned sin in the flesh by which Power ye are saved from sin and brings Salvation unto you who walk in it in it dwell and wait for the day star of Iacob to arise and the Babe of Glory to be brought in you and made manifest and the Government may be upon his shoulders who rules in righteousness for ever There is a Crown before you and therefore our dearly beloved ones all wait and press on to the work before you in the Cross and on the Cross give up all to be slain and keep nothing back for if you do the Canaanite will vex you and trouble you and be a thorn in your eyes to blind the eye and so turn you into darkness but all keep low in the fear and wait that the head may be exalted and uncovered that so the man may bear rule who is not in the transgression and so in the living hope which is come to you from him who is the Life of men you may purifie your selves all the old Leaven may be purged out and so wait for the Faith of the Son of God which is born of God by which the Just lives and so the Everlasting you will come to see and so the Everlasting God of Life and Power preserve you all in one out of all jar and strife pure to himself in one that you may bear witness to his Name by your holy conversation in that great Place for I see there is more yet to come into the Fold in that City And so be diligent in your meeting together and his eternal Power and Presence you will see as you have done continually so grow up in the Life of God and here you are unknown to the World salute us to all the Church of Christ in the City without respect of persons whom we love and own in the Life that never dies and as many as are free write to us for a Friend here were precious indeed but none knows us here nor we are known to none but well known to the Elect and precious in whom we wait to hear from you to be refre●●ed to hea● of you of the work of the Lord every where the Grace of God by which you are saved from 〈◊〉 be with you and in you to give you dominion over all in it we lie down with you and are your Brethren and Servants for Christs sake to whom be glory for evermore E. B. F. H. DEar Friends in the Truth of God without respect of persons grace mercy and peace from the Everlasting Father be multiplied among you th●t in the Faith and Love and every good work you may abound towards God and man 〈◊〉 may shew forth the praise of the Lord and walk as a People redeemed by him in all holiness and pureness that your good works may be seen and your light may shine before men Dearly beloved in the Lord my love doth salute you all who are ●●pt in faithfulness to the gift of Grace received in which you walking Salvation it doth bring and redemption it doth manifest out of the World and out of its nature into the Image and likeness of the Son of God therefore dear Friends and Babes of God by the immortal Word of Life begotten and nourished who waiteth upon the Lord blessed are ye that wait to the end till he who is the Light of the World hath put all things under him and he to be exalted your Head if in that you dwell which from the beginning hath been heard you need no man to teach you but the Way you know and the Word of Life is your victory So keep to the measure that self-will and self-love may be judged and your Neighbour loved as
self and the living God who is Light above all who hath begun his work in you and among you with his right Hand will finish it And dear Friends keep nothing back nor the best nor the fat let not be spared from slaughter but let the Sword p●ss upon all that you peace may be for ever and your righteousness may never perish Oh how doth my Soul long to know and understand of the growth and unmovableness in the Truth manifested among you and gladly received by you even your Crowns you laid down at the feet of the Lamb and your glory and renown in the World Ye dispised for the Lights sake but your Reward shall be everlasting and your Inheritance shall never wither I speak not to puff you up but that you may the rather be kept low in subjection to the Light of the Lord Jesus by which self and that which would be exalted must be crucified and this is the victory and precious Faith which will purifie you and sanctifie you throughout from all filthiness of flesh and spirit in that Faith to stand as Witnesses for the Lord God in that great City and against all its pollutions and Idol gods which neither do hear see nor taste in wisdom as examples one to another in love and unity walk as children of the Day being past through he dark night where the works of darkness were committed but now being separated from the World joyn not your selves any mo●● to strange women which enticeth from God but sit under your own vine in peace dwelling with the Lord who is Light of whom you are become the Temple an● Tabernacle and watch in diligence one over another that as the day appears yo● may edifie one another and may be made one in the Light which is Christ upo● whom you have believed which unto you is precious but a stumbling Stone and a Rock of offence to all the World The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ preserve you that by it you may be preserved to walk in the pure Religion where your ow● will is not to be done the Power of God Almighty fill your hearts with joy ad peace and love in him and this is the desire of my Soul who is a Labourer among●● you in the Work and Travel of the Gospel of Christ E. B. A General Epistle to Friends in London MY dear beloved Friends and Brethren in the Everlasting Unerring Trut● of which you are made Partakers who are called of God his Witnesse● to be of his Name and of his Truth with my dear love I do salute you dearly and tenderly and all the rest of the Begotten of God in that City whom my soul longeth after your growth in the inward man the Everlasting Father strengthen you and refresh you with the living Streams from his Presence and his Love and Power and Grace be multiplied among you unto whom he hath opened a Door and made an entrance into the true Rest which remaineth for you unto which the Lord of Glory is gathering you and leading you and carrying you as Lambs in his Arms into the Fold of everlasting Refreshing my dear hearts walk wo●thy of the love of God wherewith he hath loved you and let your Light shew ye Children of Light forth into the World that your good Works they may see who over you watch with an evil eye Dear Friends to you that believe he who is the Light of the World is precious therefore in the Light wait that your Understandings may be opened and your Feet prepared to walk in the Wayes of the Lord which to all the Children of Light are pleasant Wayes and be not entangled with any yoak of bondage which may burthen you from running the ra●e that is set before you but in the death of all mortal stand and there the Life of immortallity you will see and witness and the daily Food you will receive to that Life which the love of the World doth crucifie for do you not know that the friendship of this World is at emnity against God but you are called not to serve the World but God who is the Light and the World must serve you so take heed lest your affections and desires and hearts be drawn aside from the pure Way of Life into that which is visible which will not endure forever for that life is death and that glory is shame in the Light I read you and do behold many pleasant Plants springing up in the Garden of God and I bear you record some of you have laid your Crowns down at the Lamb's Feet and have scorned the glory of Babylon and Aegypt surely your Reward will be everlasting and your C●ps will the Lord fill in the sight of your Enemies and your Glory shall be above the glory of the Earth and your Crowns shall never wither therefore press on and look not back nor spare not the fat nor the best from slaughter but to the Sword bring all your Enemies which have been they of your own house which over you have prevailed but now the Lord is arising among you and the day you have seen of the shaking of the Earth and the Heavens and of the darkness of the Sun and of the falling of the Stars therefore wait to the end that the Crown of Immortallity you may wear and with the Instrument of the Lord the Mountains you may thresh and may give the Whore double reward into her bosom for all her wayes The day among you begins to dawn therefore put of every work of the night and walk all in the day for ye are the Light of the World and a City set upon a Hill which cannot be hid the Lord prosper you and preserve you and be with your spirits and establish you Amen Edw. Burrough Dublin the 14th of the 5th Moneth 1655 THE VISITASION Of the Rebellious Nation of Ireland And a Warning from the Lord proclaimed to all the Inhabitants thereof to make their Peace with him before his Long-suffering come to an end With a Lamentation over its Unfruitness and Rebellion after so many Visitations And an Exhortation to all the honest-hearted to meet the Lord by repentance while the patience of the Lord continues Or the Sealing of the Lord's Testimony unto all sorts of People in that Land by his Servants after their several moneths sore labours and travels and sufferings therein who loved not their lives for the Seed sake Also some particular Papers written in that Nation to several sorts of People I. An Information to the Heads and the Ground of the Law laid down to the Iudges and Iustices and to all that handle the Law through that Nation II. An Exhortation sent to the chief Commander and his Councel and the just cause of the Innocent laid before them III. The unjust Sufferings of the Iust declared and their appeal to the just Witness of God in all m●ns Consciences IV. A Challenge to the Priests of Dublin to try
as you do neither did one go from the Command which had been given to another using anothers words and excercising themselves in anothers practises when the Lord had not commanded but such they bare witness against which did use their tongue and transform themselves into the likness of true Prophets and Apostles as you have done and are in the love of the World and only separated in the appearance and not in the ground You stumble at the ●ight and therefore know not the Door of entrance nor where the Commands of Christ are to be received and the Will of God to you is to be known and so your obedience is the conformity in your own wills to that which was the Will of God to another this Sacrifice is also lame and blind and God saith to you Who hath required this at your hand For if you have observed and done all those things which the Declaration of the Law and Gospel doth require you are unprofitable Servants and yet one thing do you lack the dying with Christ and the Sufferings and Cross of Christ is not known but in the liberty of the flesh you are and not in the condition of the Promise to Life Eternal Friends you have ru● into the form of Godliness without the Power into a Church which is not in God but of the World into a Baptism which doth not wash away sin for you live in sin and plead for it while you live upon Earth into a Communion which is not with God which no unclean thing can enter into for the Proud and Coveteous partake with you and while some of you have said they that preached for Hire have been Antichristian you your selves are fallen into the same abomination taking Gifts and Rewards and large somes of Money and upholding such who do it Here you are unjust to your own Principle and are for condemnation with the Light in your Consciences Let shame cover your heads ye Hypocrites your covering will not hide you nor your high talking of Christ without you so long professed by you will not justifie you while you are found disobeying this Light in your Consciences which Light is one with God with Christ and with the Spirit in its measure and it doth convince you of sin and is a command to you and would lead you if you walked in it from all iniquity which is the Will of God to you and to that mind which is carnal which ruleth in you the Commands of Christ which are Spiritual are not given nor can be received but say Lo here and Lo there Christ is to be found with the Light you are comprehended which if the least measure of it you did own it would lead you to the Baptism inward of the heart and to the Church which i● in God whereof Christ is the Head in every Member and into the Communion with God and to follow the Lamb of God wheresoever he goeth and out of your imitations and liknesses and strife and contention about the words given forth from the Spirit who are in your own unity in Division and several Meanings and divers Constructions and Judgments and several wayes of Obedience and Worships and Belief which by your imaginations you draw from the Scripture which is the Declaration but of the one God and one Truth of one Obedience and of one Faith and thus you exalt the great Image of many mixtures your selves being a chief Member of his body You say the Scripture is your Rule but are divided into Opinions and Conceits contrary to the Scripture every one worshipping that which you imagine from the Scripture not being in the Unity of the Spirit which gave forth the Scripture which is one and not divided in Obedience Worship or Faith and while you say the Scripture is your Rule your lives are squared by the spirit of the Divel and hewn out into Pride and Hypocrisie and love of the World And to you who are called Free-willers who say Christ died for All. HErein you affirm that whereof you are ignorant which may be true in Christ but a Lye unto you for you are not dead with Christ from the Rudiments of the World but are alive against him in the World they for whom he died are dead and they who yet live put him to death Free-will unto the wayes and fashions and vanities of the World stands in you you know not the daily Cross of Christ which is unto man's will nor what it is to follow Christ and obey him which is contrary to man's will You say He that is condemned it is because he will not believe this is true in Christ but not in your carnal apprehensions of the natural man in whom there is no power to believe He that hath an ear let him hear There are some true desires among you but your minds are not truly informed to the fulfilling of your desires and your minds are outward and apply peace to that which is for condemnation Your reason and wisdom is corrupted and cannot receive Truth but call it error and this is your sin Death over you hath passed and reigns over you as over all men and your knowledge is in time and you cannot hear of things which were before the World was your wisdom is sensual and your comprehension is strong and the little simplicity in you is betrayed by the subtilty which hath dominion in your Governour Your Crown must be laid down and Fools must you become before you be truly wise or can be crowned with the Lamb. And among the rest Remember you had warning and a Day of visitation before you were destroyed and this shall be by you witnessed in the day of the Lord. To all you who say you wait and believe for the Coming of Christ to Reign in Person upon Earth HEre you the Lord's Controversie which he hath against you The Way of his coming is not prepared but Rocks and Mountains are standing and Valleys are not filled up and rough and crooked is your present way your hopes and expectations in that ground wherein they spring will wither and fade away as the Grass for your hope of his comming hath no whit purified you as he is pure for you are in the flesh and in the liberty of it which is Rebellion to his Reign and Christ is kept in Prison in exile with that mind and the Divel is yet at liberty working in your earthly members and leads you captive into his covenant in his government in seeking your selves and to strengthen your selves in the Kingdom of the World and murmur that any should be above you and that is he which put Christ to death and will not have him to reign in his Power over the Earth and to you what purpose is it to desire the day of his coming for with wrath will he come and with vengeance will ●e appear and will break your Kingdom like a Potters vessel for suddenly will he come but your
Darkness rules in you all and the Law of sin and death and transgression are you all subject to and led captive in your minds affections and desires at the will of the power that leads into transgression called the Devil and in that state you are all strangers to God and are without him in the World and ignorant of the knowledge of his Wayes and are in the perishing state for want of Knowledge and subject to the curse of the power which you transgress and are Heirs of his Wrath having no part of the Inheritance of Blessing for a vail of Darkness through sin hath overspread you all and covered you all from the sight and hearing and feeling of the Creator and of the mystery of his Glory and Wisdom and every one in particular and none excepted of all the Children of Adam upon the face of the whole Earth but all have sinned and transgressed and death reigns over all and blindness of heart hath possessed all and all have fallen short of the glory of the Creator and all men are concluded by his Spirit to be under sin and Children of Wrath and Heirs of Corruption and in disobedience and rebellion to the Life that gives all men a Being The whole World and all People in it without exception of Tribes Generations or Nations this is the state and condition of all the Sons of men all flesh hath corrupted his way upon the Earth in his sight that made it and the wickedness of man is great in the Earth and the imaginations and thoughts of every mans heart are evil continually and grieve the Creator for the whole Earth is filled with violence through mans transgression And now not any Stock or People have priviledge one above another to Redemption and Salvation and to the Kingdom of Peace and Glory but Iew and Gentile Wise and Foolish Noble and Ignoble Male and Female all People without exception are in transgression and by the line and measure of true Judgment are shut out from the Knowledge of Life and Salvation and of the Inheritance of the Father in that state of enmity wherein every man in the World is fallen into and by one the Offence came and so death upon all men which reigneth in the hearts of all and opposeth the Life of the Creator and everyone is imperfect in the sight of the Lord blind deaf dumb lame and without the sence of the Power of him that made him and brought him forth his Eye sees not for it is covered with a vail of darkness neither doth the Ear hear for it is stopped nor the Tongue speak nor the Understanding perceive any thing of the Secrets of the Lord but all are separated and divided from the Tree of Life and are cast out from his Presence by whom the World was made into blindness of heart and to the loathing of your selves and are more ignorant of your Maker then the Ox is of his Owner or the Asse of his Masters Crib for you know not him that gives you life and all good things and that upholds you by the Word of his Power And this is his Word unto you all You are all under the power of Satan and subject to his will acting in iniquity and in evil bringing forth the fruits of death from that ground in which you now stand which is cursed and your Maker hath no pleasure in it for your fruits grieve his Spirit that made you and vex his Soul that brought you forth for man is degenerated into the plant of a strange Vine and brings forth wild Grapes and cursed Fruit which are of a bitter taste unto the Lord's Soul who planted all things for himself who is the good Husbandman but the whole Earth is corrupted and all Mankind in it and man is not now acted nor led nor ruled in his heart by the Power that made him which gives him all good things but the power of Satan the Serpent the old Dragon which deceived from the beginning who is in the enmity against the Life of the Creator he acts man and rules man to the abuse of all Creatures and to his own destruction and every particular man is liable to the wrath and to the curse and to everlasting wo and misery and torment from his Maker in that state of disobedience whereinto all mankind is fallen not one upon the face of the Earth excepted from transgression and so from misery nor none priviledged one above another unto happiness but as I have said Male and Female who were made in the Image of their Maker in the first Creation but now every man in the whole World is in the enmity against the Life of the Power that made him and is a Child of wrath and shut up in blindness and unbelief under the Devils power which power abode not in the Truth but is out of the Truth and all mankind is left in this condition without Help or Helper or Deliverance or Means or Way of Salvation from himself or any other Creature upon the face of the whole Earth but is a Sheep without a Shepherd straying and wandring in the thoughts of his own heart after vanity and that wherein there is no profit to the Lord nor to his own Soul but death and sorrow in all his wayes having forsaken the Fountain of living Waters and gone a whoring after other Lovers and defiled himself and so brought destruction upon himself by his own doings who abounds in all Evil Lying Theft Murder Envy Strife stealing and Whoredom and such like which are the fruits of the Ground that is cursed for mans sake But now unto all People the Sons and Daughters of Adam the first man that ever was made Though you be thus fallen into misery by transgression and helpless from your selves or from any other Creature yet hath the living God the Power which made you and which you have transgressed against ordained and prepared a Way to be restored and healed and to be brought to the injoyment and feeling of the Creator from the disobedience and from the curse and misery unto the blessing and happiness and unto all mankind in particular is prepared a Way out of Death unto Life out of the loss which every man hath received in Transgression to Salvation and Redemption and Deliverance out of the captivity and bondage which all are fallen into into liberty and freedom to serve his Maker and to glorifie him for he hath not been served nor glorified but grieved and vexed by all men on the Earth and so he hath brought misery and the curse upon all by forsaking them and leaving them under the Power which made them not to be led and guided by it in rebellion unto destruction And now this same Power by which man was made is mans Restorer and Deliverer and Redeemer and Saviour though he hath transgressed against it for when there was none to help no● to save of any creature upon the face of the
Earth the Arm of that Power which made all things stretched forth it self to save the Creatures which were made and that same Power which is transgressed is the Redeemer of all mankind though it is offended and burdened and pressed as a Cart with Sheaves by transgression against the Creator and that is the Power which works out Salvation and Deliverance by slaying the enmity and condemning iniquity and removing the cursed ground out of mans heart that the evil fruits may cease which it brings forth and by this Power all must be saved that ever are saved and delivered from wrath And this all men have been ignorant of and not felt nor known nor tasted of the Life and Power of the Creator though it hath been near unto every one and all men and Creatures live move and have their being by it and sustenance from it and yet man transgresseth it and grieveth it and is not led by it Therefore all People upon Earth consider your condition and state and hearken to the Power that made you a measure of which moveth in the hearts of all mankind upon the face of the Earth and it moveth against the evil and against the defiled and transgressing part in every mans heart that is come into the World and this Power by which all men were made and which they have transgressed against a measure of it from the Father is made manifest to all mankind upon the face of the Earth and convinceth of the evil of Murder and Adultry and such like and condemneth the works which are evil in every particular man whether Heathens or Christians so called and unto all People here is the Way to be restored into covenant with your Maker a measure of his Power in you secretly moves upon you and calls to you to return to it to be led and guided by it in fear and obedience and subjection to it from which you have been driven and against which you have transgressed and this Power the Creator hath sent his Son into the World and given him a Gift unto all mankind and he hath given Light and Understanding to every particular man to know Good from Evil Truth from a Lye Right from Wrong Justice from Injustice and Equity from Falshood And this Power of the Son of God in you doth witness to you and accept you when with it you be guided and when according to it you speak and act and it justifies the good and the right and the equal and excuses all men in that from condemnation but against Lying and Wrong-dealing and Deceit and Injustice it testifies and when you do these things you transgress against that Power that made you which should save you and justifie you and excuse you and with it you are accused and condemned and it brings trouble upon you and the curse of misery and sorrow And this Power in you will search your hearts and try your reins and let you see your thoughts and make manifest unto you the state and condition of mankind who is become Enemy to his Maker in following that which brings death upon which the Wrath remaineth till there be a returning unto the Power by which man was made a measure of which as I have said moveth in the hearts of the Sons and Daughters of Adam in all the World And now if every one of you do turn your minds from the World and from the glories and vanities thereof and from the evil which hath possessed you in thoughts and actions and if you stand still for a moment from willing and desiring to your selves and after the World this shall you find secretly moving in you which shall draw you towards the Creator to enjoy him and to see his Glory which none that are still in transgression against him can ever partake of or behold and if to that you hearken within you and heed it and follow it which witnesseth to that Power that made you to be great and mighty and wonderful this will shew that you are short of his Glory And it will condemn evil in you in all thoughts words and actions which proceed out of the cursed ground in which the Creator hath no pleasure and this will take away the vail which is spread over you all and open the blind eye and unstop the deaf ear and bring you to hear and see and understand the things which are eternal which belong unto your peace and if you all come to be guided by that which moves in you all against evil it will lead you up to its self to be renewed and changed out of the evil and from under the Devils power under which every man hath been subject which power hath been out of Truth into the Image and Likeness of the Creator and to be restored to his Inheritance to enjoy Rest and Peace forever And this is the Word of the Creator of Heaven and Earth to you all and to all mankind this is the way unto Redemption and Salvation and unto the Blessing out of all Sorrows and Troubles and Afflictions and Torments and Woes and Miseries which are the Portion forever of all that disobey this Power which moves against evil in you which is the Power of him that made all men and things which move in your hearts against all that which the Creator never placed in you but which are fruits of Darkness I say unto you all This Power in you must you own and believe in and follow and be guided by it and bea● its condennation and judgment upon all that which is contrary to it if ever you be restored to the blessed State and all Anger and Wrath and Murder and Lying and Dissembling and Whoredom and Drunkenness and Brutishness and Beastliness and Wontonness Backbiting and Theft and all these things whatsoever must be condemned in you for who act these things are Enemies to the Creator and are led by the Power of Darkness which is the Destroyer of you soul and body and the cause of the curse upon you and the ground of all sorrow and sufferings and afflictions and troubles which come upon that Part in you which is in transgression against the Power of God for there is a birth born of the flesh which brings forth and goes after fleshly wayes fleshly joyes and delights and pleasures and fleshly words and vanities which murder the Just and blind the Eye and grieve your Maker and this birth must not inherit eternal Life but all that ever do inherit must be born again of another Seed and into another Nature where all the former things are passed away for all glories of this World will wither and all your joyes and pleasures will come to an end and you will be left miserable and wretched Therefore Oh Earth Earth and all the Children of Adam in the whole World be Awakened be Awakened stirred up to consider of your state condition for the Creator of all things is risen to gather his People
enmity and all mans works are brought forth in that nature which is evil and out of that ground which is cursed his good works are not accepted and his evil deeds are condemned all which springs forth of one root of bitterness and enmity which is in the displeasure of the Creator Oh Earth be awakened and all ye Sons and Daughters of Adam call to mind your state and condition and repent and return before Destruction when no time of repentance can be found Hearken to Instruction and let your Ears be open to hear here you may all hear and understand the Way to Restoration to be restored and recovered out of this condition and out of this enmity and from under this curse of misery and destruction for a Way hath God prepared unto all mankind and is making it manifest unto the whole Earth that the Sons and Daughters of Adam may again know their Maker and have fellowship with him and this Way is but one which is ordained for all People upon the face of the Earth of what Tribe or Nation soever And all that come to the knowledge of the Creator must walk in this Way which is called Christ Jesus who is the Son of the Creator the second Adam the Lord from Heaven the Power and Wisdom of the Creator and by him all things were made and without him was not any thing formed that was brought forth he is the Restorer the Redeemer and the Deliverer for he cannot be overcome of the evil but overcometh and treadeth down all the Powers of Darkness and Death and the Devil which rise against him in all the World and the Creator hath so loved mankind though he hath transgressed against him and grieved him yet he hath given his Son into the World into all Nations without respect of Persons or People to be the Saviour of all that believe in him and receive him that they may come out of Death and Darkness from under the Devils power and may be translated and changed and renewed out of sin and death and ignorance and rebellion and out of the Kingdom of the Devil into Truth and Righteousness and into the Kingdom of God And this Restorer and Saviour the Power and Wisdom of the Creator hath lightened all mankind every one that cometh into the World is lightened by him that every one may follow him and be guided by his Power and Wisdom and every one that doth receive him sin and iniquity and transgression is condemned and the seed of the enmity is cast out by his Power which is revealed against all unrighteousness and he subdues it and works it forth of the hearts of all men and so reconciles man again to his Maker to have fellowship with him And this Restorer the second Adam comes to be revealed within every man who executes true Judgment upon the Transgressor and bindeth under the rebellious nature and death and condemnation passes upon the seed of enmity and all its fruits upon the Devil and all his works upon him that is born of the flesh and all his wayes his joy is turned into mourning his pleasures into sorrow his glory and rejoycing into sadness of heart and the life which he hath lived comes to be crucified and the wayes which he hath walked in comes to be hedged up and no more followed and his strength is turned into weakeness and all his wayes and pleasures fade and perish and the Birth which is Immortal comes to be brought forth which is not of this World but Heir of the Creators Inheritance who hath no glorying under the Sun nor no pleasure in the glory of this World which passeth away but lives unto God in all things and brings forth fruit unto the Father and is replanted into the living Vine and is leavened into a new lump and placed in the Garden of God all the old Garments are put off and old things are passed away the Devil is cast out the blind Eye is opened and the Vail is taken away which hath been spread over all and the deaf Ear is unstopped and man is again returned unto his Maker and hears and sees and understands the things which are eternal which belong to his peace the Fear of God is set up in his heart and Gods Secrets are revealed unto him he is become the Glory of his Maker to praise him to glorifie him and to magnifie him for evermore being restored again unto God's Image and guided with his Power and Wisdom and hath received dominion and authority from his Maker to reign and rule over all Creatures and to be exercised in all things to his Glory by whom they were made he is not in bondage to any Creature but in liberty over it and the Creatures are become his Servants and he servant to his Maker and the Earth yeilds its encrease unto man the Curse is removed and the Blessing restored in the Covenant of Peace and Righteousness where all Creatures come to be injoyed the covenant of Death and Hell being broken and disanulled where the curse stood and standeth in all the World where the restorer of the second Adam is not received who moveth by the measure of his Power against the evil in the hearts of all men and he knocketh at the door of the heart that he may be received and come in and dwell with the Children of men whose delight is with the Sons of men and every one that openeth to him and hearkeneth to his Cry who calls by the Light and moveth by his Power by him they receive Life and Peace and Fulness from the Father and are raised from Death to Life and redeemed from under the power of Satan to the Power of the Creator all evil in the ground and in the fruits judgment goes upon it all and condemnation And thus mankind comes to be restored again to God his Maker to be the Children of God and Heirs of his Inheritance and is no more of this World but redeemed by Jesus Christ out of Kindreds Tongues and People out of respect of Time Place Creatures or Things and sees through all Creatures to be before the World was beyond all the glory of this World to the Glory of the Lord and here is the praising and singing and rejoycing the living and walking in that Life which cannot change and in the World of which there is no end and here a greater Glory is known then the first mans glory a greater State then that which was overcome of the Devil a greater Dominion then that which was lost this Dominion never can have an end Death is swollowed up of Life all sorrow and anguish is swollowed up of rejoycing all tears are wiped here and there is no more sorrow the quickning Spirit is felt and witnessed which hath quickened again to God God's Tabernacle is with men and his Dwelling-place with the Children of men and that is felt and seen and tasted which was before the World was before
to Salvation or condemnation even that Light of which we declare so that thou hast said no less hitherto then we in this particular and the Scriptures say They saw the Eternal Power and Godhead by that which was made manifest of God in them mind in them which once they knew of God but turned from it and the Scripture saith That which reproves of sin is the gift of the Spirit of God John 16. and also the Scripture saith That which makes manifest sin is Light and whatsoever is reproved is made manifest by the Light even the true Light the Apostle speaks of Ephes. And the sum of all this which thou wouldst reprove in us is no more then the Scriptures bare witness of and which thy self hath uttered and confessed And Friend dost thou know this Light that is given of Christ and God unto every man is sufficient in it self for Life and Salvation unto every one that believes if thou say it is not wherein is the blame in God or in this Light or in the Creature shew if thou canst Then thou again sayst This light surely is that wherewith Christ as he is God hath enlightned every one that comes unto the Word which doth convince of sin Answ. Thus far thou art forced to confess Truth I think against thy mind and thus far in words only we agree as in this particular then why dost thou say By wresting that Scripture John 1. 9. we split our selves and endeavour to split others seeing thou thy self hast confessed no less then thou callst wresting in us I reckon up thy confusion and leave it for thee to read and them to whom this may come Then thou sayst The neglect of this Light will be sure to damn though the obedience to the Law will not save them c. Answ. Here again thou hast confessed truth If the neglect of the Light will be sure to damn as thou confessest then I say surely it is not good to neglect it that must needs follow deny it if thou canst therefore the sum of thy words is the same with us that every one mind the Light of Christ Jesus least they be damned for the neglect of it And Friend to the second part of the clause I say the Law must be obeyed and the righteousness of it fulfilled within thee if ever thou come to Eternal Life if it be not thou cannot escape damnation Learn what this means Then further thou sayst Though Christ doth give a Light to every one that comes into the World yet it doth not therefore follow that this Conscience or Light is the Spirit of Christ or the work of Grace wrought in the heart c. Here thy confusion is seen at large who wouldst seem to divide between the Light of Christ which thou confessest is given to every man and the Spirit of Christ and the Grace of God However thus far I say the Light of Christ given to every man is not contrary to the Spirit of Christ nor to the Grace of God but one in their nature and a man cannot possibly love one of them and hate another neither can any obey one of these and disobey the other therefore are they one in the union leading in the same way unto the same end And where doth the Spirit of Christ give light or the Grace of God work or lead if not in the Conscience And can there be any surer thing for the Creature to look to to walk to Life or to come to God by then the Light of Christ in the Conscience which thou confessest every man hath that cometh into the World Then thou sayst Heathens Turks Iews Athiest c. have that that doth convince them of sin yet are so far from having the Spirit of Christ in them that they delight to serve their lust c. Answ. This Query I ask of thee Do they or thou or any man serve sin or your lusts because Christ hath not given you light to discover your sin or because you hate that Light that is given answer me And surely by this which doth convince of sin is every man in the world inexcusable so it works for God in all men either to justifie or condemn And tell me is not the Spirit or Light of Christ the only thing which doth convince of sin Or doth any thing convince of sin contrary or besides or without the Spirit of Christ if nay then it must needs be that it is from or by or something of the nature of the Spirit of Christ which is in the Heathens And the sum of thy doctrine is no less in the profession of thy words then what we say then why dost thou condemn us But it seems thy tongue speaks one thing and another thing is in thy heart and this is Hypocrisie Then thou sayest Those that are alive to sin have not the Spirit of Christ c. But I say it is given to every man though every man receives it not and it strives with the wicked man though he follows it not And some other vain Arguments thou usest to prove That every man hath not the Spirit of Christ which I pass by only thus much I leave with thee till thou provest the Light of Christ which thou confessest every may hath to be contrary to the Spirit of Christ I shall say every man hath that which is one in union and like the Spirit of Christ even as good as the Spirit of Christ according to its measure Then thou goest on and sayest That the Devil might be sure to deceive or to that purpose he saith Turn thy mind inward and listen within and see if there be not that within thee that doth convince of sin c. Answ. Thou hast confessed that the Light within which convinces of sin is the Light of God and Christ and now thou sayest the Divil to deceive souls bids turn to mind the Light within which doth convince of sin thou hast lyed of the Devil Oh thou blind Priest whom God hath confounded in thy language Was ever such a thing spoken That the Devil can deceive any by the Light of Christ or that he uses any such doctrine Friend it is the Voice of the Gospel to bid listen within to the Light even to the Word of Faith within the heart as Paul preached But thou further sayst They are ignorant of the Gospel who clasp in with these Motions of the Light within or Conscience which doth command to abstain from the evil and to practice good And here thou hast shewed thy blindness and ignorance more then can be uttered as though the motions of the Light of Christ in the Conscience which command to abstain from evil and to practice good were another thing then the Light of the Gospel what and how doth the Light of the Gospel work if not in the Conscience and to command from evil and to practice good Surely thou preachest another Gospel then Paul preached for his Doctrine was
and what is that which chains him and whether art thou come to one of the dayes of the Thousand years yea or nay Quer. 12. Whether dost thou know any Christ or preach or profess any Christ who hath not lighned every man that comes into the World with the true Light of Life or of Condemnation and is he not a Deceiver that exhorts People for Salvation to any other thing then the Light of Christ yea or nay And how hath Christ enlightened every man in the World if not within him These Queries with some more in my Answer I put forth to thee that Truth may be cleared from all Slanders of envious tongues and shall leave my work and thine to be weighed in the Ballance of Righteousness to be considered of by every honest heart to whom they do come and God shall be the chief Judge betwixt us in his day A Postscript ANd now seeing we have taken in hand to discover and lay open the deceits of Deceivers that all men may come to the knowledge of the Truth and be saved and led out of the snare of the crafty Fowlers these things further we shall add which are contrary to the Doctrine of the true Gospel First Iohn Burton said in a Discourse with some Friends That Christ had two Bodies and one of the Bodies was out of the sight of the Saints Secondly Iohn Bunyon said Christ's second coming 〈◊〉 not his coming in Spirit for his coming in Spirit is no comming Thirdly Iohn Bunyon said upon Discourse Of the Word of God being in the heart in the presence of divers People That there was nothing in him nor in any man to be taken notice of Fourthly One of their Brethren said That Christ and the Word of Life were two things Fifthly Some others of the same Members in the Market of Bedford said That they scorned that Light which we meaning the Quakers speak of which is the Light that convinceth of sin which Light they confessed to be in every man in the same discourse which was with some of them called Quakers Much need not be said as to the laying open of these particulars for by the words themselves the wickedness and ignorance of the broachers of them are fully seen to every one who is spiritual and to them I leave this to be judged onely this I shall further say They have not spoken onely that which cannot be proved by Scriptures but some of the particulars are also contrary to the Scriptures and are damnable Doctrines of Devils as might be largly laid open in the third and fifth particulars But I delight not in raking in such unsavory Stuff but do trample over it and return it to the Authors Having summed up their Wickedness into a Sum I leave it for to be weighed by themselves and others and if any question the truth of the particulars charged against them sufficient Testimony may be given by such who were ●a● Witnesses By one who hath chosen rather to suffer affliction with the despised People then to enjoy the pleasures of sin EDWARD BURROUGH Stablishing Against Quaking Thrown down and overturned and no Defence found against it Or an Answer to a Book called Stablishing against Quaking put forth by Giles Firmin a professed Minister in Essex WHEREIN His many Lyes and Slanders are rebuked and witnessed against and all his thirteen Arguments confounded and clearly confuted and he manifestly proved a false Prophet in several particulars as in his Call and Maintenance And while he hath thought to discover the Prince of Darkness in others he is found secretly lodging in his own house and powerfully working in him and is found truly guilty himself of that whereof he falsly accuseth the innocent People called Quakers who are Gods faithful Witnesses against this subtil Generation though for a moment they are a Prey to the seed of Evil-doers and a Reproach to lying Tongues THe Lord from Heaven in this his day is risen and come forth to make War with all his Enemies being the fulness of time wherein his purpose is to cut down and destroy the man of sin by the power of his coming and he must reign whose right it is and of his Kingdom and Government there shall be no end and Nations shall flow into it and Kings shall lay down their Crowns at his Feet whom God hath appointed to exalt in his Throne of Righteousness and Judgment and the war is proclaimed in his Name the Standard of the Lord is set up before him to gather together the Nations to fan them and to try them and to search and to seek out his own where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day and a prey made upon them by every wild Beast of the Mountain But the Lord hath opened his Ear to the cry of the Just and his Bowels are filled with compassion towards the Seed of his Inheritance whom no man regardeth to take pity upon but are altogether hardened in their iniquities and become equal with the Oppressor therefore in Judgment is the Lord appearing to work the purpose of his Heart and to fulfil the intent of his Mind and will not spare to punish the transgression of the wicked upon his own head and is already clothed with the Garments of Vengeance and clad with Zeal as with a Cloak and hath proclaimed Indignation in the face of the Ungodly and his Enemies against whom his wrath is kindled is joyning battel with him and Gog and Magog is prepared to resist the day of Recompence and the whole body of Darkness from the head to the tayl is risen to gainsay the Lord and strive in confusion together and their armour clashes one against another and they over-run each other through the confusion of their blind understanding and they will not be perswaded unto Reconciliation but goes on in rebellion till they be left without strength as a wounded man who shall never more vise again nor recover his deadly blow for the strength of Aegypt shall fail in the midst of it and the Warrier finds not his hand in the day of his necessity but terror is upon his loynes and fearfulness in his heart and the wrath remains upon him and wisdom is become madness and prudence is hid and the wise men of this Generation are become foolish What do ye mean Ye that have gathered your selves together all ye Sects and Opinions and ye that profess the Law of Righteousness Is your Religion turned into Envy and Wrath whereby you would slay the Upright You have made Lyes your refuge as your last defence to cover your selves from the Storm but your City is besieged and fear shall compass you about and the refuge of Lyes shall be swept away For in vain and to no purpose do men strive against the Lord and without effect as to that which they intend do they gather themselves together and band themselves in deaths covenant to war against the Lamb for the
the iniquities which the rest love to drink in and though your power be shorter and your vote lower then the uprightness of your hearts desire yet unto God be faithfull in bearing your Testimony for him and against all that which with the Light of Jesus yo● see to be contrary to him and be awaked unto Righteousness Judgment and Mercy the Light is springing over your heads and the day of the Lord is dawning out of darkness and a Seed is sown in your Dominions which cannot be roo●ed out till it have overspread the Earth with the precious Fruit thereof and though it be striven against to be plucked up yet shall the Branch and Root thereof be everlastingly renowned for it is of the true Jew and he that falls before it shall never more rise up again And this is by a true Lover of your Souls in faithfulness to God given forth 〈◊〉 your sakes who fear the Lord. EDWARD BURROUCH A Measure of the Times AND A Full and Clear Description of the Signs of the Times and of the Changing of the Times and of the Reign of Antichrist who hath long reigned and of his down-fall which is at hand And of the Kingdom of Christ which is now setting up in the Earth Shewing unto all People in all Nation what the State of things have been in Ages past and what the State of thing are at this present day and also what shall be the State of things hereafter which suddenly cometh to pass the time is at hand for times are changing and renewing and the Kingdoms of this World shall be translated into the Kingdom of the Son of God And also here is manifest concerning Teachers of this Age and the Root from whence they sprang who are manifest to be of that stock of false Prophets which Christ prophesied of should come and which the Apostles saw was coming in their dayes and how that the night of darkness hath been upon all for many Generations and how that the Beast hath reigned over Nations and Kingdoms and his false Prophet hath deceived the whole World who have all worshiped the Beast and wandred after him who have warred against the Saints and overcome them and the whole Earth hath been made drunk with the Abominations And also The Restauration is described which shortly cometh wherein Christ shall Reign whose right it is and shall change Laws and Decrees and the Lamb shall be the Light of all Nations and there shall be no need of any other light when the Kingdoms of this World are become the Kingdoms of Christ and he alone shall bear the Government and no other King for he shall rule all Nations with his Iron Rod and the Kingdoms of the Beast shall be overthrown and his power subdued and they that have given their power to him shall be ashamed and all the Kings of the Earth shall lay their Crown● down at the feet of the Lamb and the numberless number of the Saints is gathering and the Dominion shall be in their hands and their King shall possess the uttermost parts of the Earth THe Lord hath opened my heart to declare and the words of my mouth shall be the words of Truth and of a good Understanding to every one who hath an ear to hear whose ear the Lord hath opened to hear and understand things of old and the state of things as they have been in Ages and Generations past and as now the state of things are at this day Hearken and consider and let your ears be open to Instruction For the Word of the Lord is towards you that your hearts might understand the things that belong to your Peace now in your dayes before the time come that they be hi● from your eyes and your eyes be darkened never more to perceive but you le●● to perish and to dye with the Uncircumcised Behold and give ear ye Inhabitants of the World see and consider in what state you are fallen even in a time of Darkness and Apostacy wherein thick Darkness covered all the World and a vail of Ignorance the faces of all People Death hath reigned King over all and the Cloud of thick Blindness hath lain on the hearts of all men O how hath Darkness Blindness and Ignorance covered all men even as a Cloak and a Garment How hath the Eye been blinded the Ear stopped and the Heart hardened So that the Lord God and his Way his Truth and Salvation hath not been manifestly known heard not selt nor witnessed for Ages and Generation the words thereof have been professed but the Life and Power thereof hath not been enjoye● But men have been deceived with the Form of Godliness without the Power and cheated with a likeness of things without Life and have sought the living among the dead and worshipped Idols which have been without sence and understanding and with lying imaginations and feigned likenesses hath the carnal part which ruled in People above the Seed of God been fed and with shadows and outward appearances and the soul hath been starved Alas alas wo is me because of these things my heart within me is broken and I am perplexed The shadow of Death hath been the lodging Place of all People and the vail of Ignorance hath been a Covering and the darkness of Heart hath been followed for a Law and a blind Understanding hath been the Guide 〈◊〉 Ordinances and Statutes and Death in the beastly power hath ruled as King in all the Dominions of the Earth and in all mens hearts and men have been without the Wisdom of God even every eye blind and every ear deaf and ●…ry tongue dumb and every heart corrupt and void of understanding and every 〈◊〉 lame and all men have been altogether imperfect for the living God hath bee● as a Stranger unto the Children of men less known by men then the Own●… the Ox and less perceived then the Crib by the Ass and all flesh hath corrupted its way before Lord. Wo is me when I consider how man who was planted with the chosen 〈◊〉 even God's Image and was a noble Plant is degenerated into the Plant of a strange Vine unto God and bring forth wild Grapes and sower Grapes w●…d the Lord's Soul loathes and thus hath the Vineyard and the Plants th●… rewarded the Husbandman with Fruit of a bitter taste and with the reward corruption And man is condemned in his transgression for want of the K●…ledge of God more then the Ox and the Ass. Pride Covetousness Lust and Envy Backbiting Lying Drunkenness W●…dom Theft Murder and all manner of evil and sin against God more the● can be expressed is abounding and superabounding among men in this Ge●eration Iniquity is grown to the full the measure is up and the number o● transgression is sealed that the Lord may arise who hath been pressed as a Ca●… with Sheaves and now is the Lord arising and he hath said Ah I will ease●… of my Adversaries and be
avenged on my Oppressors And Vengeance belong● to him and he will repay and will destroy the Vineyard with the Plants and Fr●… thereof and the Bryars and Thorns shall be consumed and he will lay waste an● devour and confound all his Enemies in a day when his Indignation goes sorth and his Sword is made bare and his Purpose cometh to pass in rooting out t●● oppressive seed of Evil-doers which have filled his Habitation wherein he shol● dwell with cursed Children and a brood of evil Births In the dayes of Christ and his Apostles was the Hand and Power of the 〈◊〉 felt and the Lord gat himself a Name and a Glory and he caused his m●…lous Light to spring forth and his Day to dawn and the Day was manifest tha● many Prophets and Wise-men had desired to see but was not in their time fee● by them and his Power was made known and his Arm was made bare in the sight of many Nations and in that day his Glory was spread abroad and ●is Truth and Way was exalted and his glorious Gospel was declared through 〈◊〉 Earth and the sound of his marvellous Works went forth into all the World Judgment and Mercy was known and Righteousness and Peace was witne●… among men and Life and Immortallity was brought to Light through the Gospel and the Word of Life by which all things were created and by which they stand was handled seen felt and tasted and the Lord God in that Age was known to dwell with his People and to walk in them and his Covenant was established with many and his Promises were fulfilled Redemption Deliverance and Salvation was revealed even Christ Jesus the Son God the Prince of Peace And Righteousness was made manifest in the Sons of men and revealed in many who saw God's Glory and were Witnesses of his Majesty and Dominion and were gathered unto him in the Bond of Peace and were his Sons and Daughters and were led by his Spirit in all his Wayes of Truth and Righteousness And many went forth into the World and declared through Nations the things of Gods Kingdom which was come to them and was discovered within them and the Lord God spake from Heaven by his Son unto them and they were filled with the Holy Ghost and with Power And the Lord was with them whom he called and made them Wise and their Word powerful and their Message effectual and their Weapons were mighty through God and strong Holds were subdued and the Powers of Death and Darkness were subjected and the Hearts of thousands were turned to God and the Gospel was preached in power through the World and many were brought to God out of Darkness into Light and from Satans Power unto God And the Earth was filled with Light and the mighty and the wise were confounded and the bonds of cruel oppressions were broken and they that set themselves against the Lord and his Way were confounded and scattered and brought to nought though they were many in that Generation How did all the chief Priests and Scribes and Pharisees Elders of the People and Rulers and Governours lift up themselves in the Pride of their hearts and took counsel together and persecuted the Innocent and put to Death and Imprisoned the Children of the Most High How did they in the dayes of Christ persecute and seek for his Life till they had taken it from the Earth by their subtilty and wickedness The Apostles and Ministers of Christ were persecuted some were put to death and others suffered grievous things for the Name of Christ and were made a Prey and a Spoil unto Destroyers whose wickedness encreased against the Way of God till it was fulfilled in its measure and the Wicked with their work were dashed to peices and the Lord gave his Way and Truth and Servants dominion and power over all his enemies and whole Nations were brought to the knowledge of God and his Wayes and his Name was glorious and his Kingdom was exalted in the Earth and many were his People who were gathered by him and his powerful Word through the mouth of his Ministers whom he ordained and called who were Fisher-men and such like who were chosen to fulfil his Will and to do his Work and not many Wise-men of the World were called but God chose the foolish things to confound the wise then as he doth now and such were honoured by the Lord and Bearers of his Name and of his Message and Glad-tidings though they were contemned of men yet unto such he gave the authority to overturn the wise and to out-reach the wisdom of this World for they were learned of the Father and had the knowledge of his Wayes though they were unlearned in the Arts and Crafts of men which stand more in pollicy and subtilty then in the Fear and Wisdom of God and in that day the Lord was with his People while his People were with him and he loved them while they stood in his Counsel and he gave them dominion over all their Enemies and they were a Terror to the whole World while the Churches stood in the dread and terror of the Lord of Hosts yea all bowed under them and their feet trod upon the high places of the Earth and they were blessed of the Lord above all People even till they waxed fat and were increased in treasures and thought they had need of nothing and then they forgat God and rebelled against him and became perverse in their wayes and grew into strange Idolatries and Errors and left the Way of Truth and cast God's Law behind them and the Power of Godliness ceased and the form grew and it was exalted more then Power and love waxed cold when iniquity abounded and men became Lovers of themselves more then of the Lord and the Lord and his marvellous Works which had been brought to pass were forgotten and hardness of heart and unbelief entred and then false Prophets and Antichrist came in which Christ had prophesied of and established the form of Godliness without the Power and subverted many even whole Houses and Countries from the simplicity of Christ Jesus so that many became insensible and grew past feeling of the Power and operation of God and their minds became blinded and their ears stopped and God was grieved who had brought up Children and they forgat him and rebelled against him for the Churches became corrupted and lost the Life and Power of God and the Holy Ghost and became Idolaters and Worshippers of Idols and as you may read Paul prophesied that many should depart from the Faith and give heed to seducing spirits and the doctrine of Devils and grievous Woves should enter not sparing the Flock but seeking to devour it and would make havock and merchandise of Souls through coveteousness and filthy Lucre and perillous times would come wherein there should be a Form of Godliness and not the Power and in that Generation before and soo● after his decease this
Apostacy then began men to study from Books and Writings what to preach and say not having the holy Ghost received in them without which none are Ministers of Christ mark that and when men had lost through ignorance the Knowledge of God dwelling in them and that their Bodies were his Temple and that he dwelled and walked in his People then began they again to build Temples without and to set up their false worships in them for having lost the sence of Gods true Worship which the Saints worshipped in in the Spirit and in the Truth then they began to worship in set Dayes and set Times and set Places and outward Observances which is not the worship of God in the Spirit and in the Truth but Superstitious and Idolatrous and when the Word of God was not received immediately from his Mouth nor the Gospel by the revelation of Jesus Christ as it was in the dayes of the Apostles then darkness being come in they used their tongues when the Lord had not spoken to them as the false Prophets did before Christs time and long have they said the Letter is the Word and that the Letter is the Gospel and that it must be received by the Scriptures and by natural Learning and Arts and that none can be Ministers of Christ but such who are learned in the Languages and knows the Original of Scriptures Latine and Greek and Hebrew nor any of these have received the Gospel by revelation or the Word of God from his mouth And when singing in the Spirit and with the Understanding was ceased and not known then began People to get the Form of singing of Davids experiences in Rime and Meeter and when the pure power of Godliness was lost which was in the days of the Apostles manifested and known then in the Apostacy the deceit grew into the Form of every thing which the Saints had enjoyed in the Power and so were Shadows set up instead of Substance and Death instead of Life and the Form without the Power which in many Branches sprang forth some into one appearance and some into another but all under the power of the Beast with his many heads and horns defended and until this day since the dayes of the Apostles thus it hath been and those very Teachers and supposed Ministers which now are in this and other Nations are of that very Root which sprang forth in the dayes of the Apostles and they are under the dominion of the Beast and moveable like unto the great Whore and this may easily be proved that they are of that Generation of Teachers and false Prophets which Christ prophesied of should come which the Apostle saw was coming in in their dayes of those which Iohn saw the world to run after for Christ said That by their fruits they should be known and the Apostles they described their fruits them by their fruits and so we seeing their fruit to be the very same now which the Apostles described was the fruit of them that then were come and coming from whence we do conclude according to sound judgment that these very Teachers are of the same Generation and Branches of the same Root which sprang forth then And in Pauls Writings you may read such they were whom he saw of whom he bad people to beware and said perillous times would come and men should be Lovers of themselves Covetous Proud Blasphemers Disobedient to Parents Unthankfull Unholy without Natural Affection false Accusers Fierce Despisers of those that are good Heady High-minded Lovers of Pleasures more then lovers of God having a Form of Godliness but denying the Power and such of whom people were ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth for people were laden with sins and led away with divers lusts and these did resist the Truth as Iannes and Iambres who withstood Moses by making likenesses without Life and they were men of corrupt minds and reprobate concerning the Faith Now it is plain that these Teachers in this Generation are of that very Stock which Paul describes such he saw would come and such we see are come and by their fruits we know them as Christ said and Pauls words are fulfilled for these Tea●hers are lovers of themselves and covetous and proud this is plain to all people and Blasphemers who denies Christ to have lighted every man that comes into the World and therefore they deny Scripture and so are disobedient and unholy men and without natural affection who many of them have caused the Innocent to be imprisoned and some have died in Prison and they the chief cause of this and this is without natural affection to the Creatures and they are false Accusers and Lyars and fierce in their Books and Preaching as is manifest through all this Nation and they greatly dispise those that are good and prepares war against such as do not put into their Mouthes and they a●● heady and high-minded and lovers of vanities and pleasures this is evident without proof and they have a Form of Godliness they say all should be taught 〈◊〉 God but when any comes to witness it and deny their teaching they cry agai●… such as Hereticks and thus they have the words and the Form but deny th●… Power and they are ever teaching twenty and forty years and more but no●… able ever to come to the knowledge of the Truth by them but all in blindness a●● darkness still and people cries out who have been learning many years fro● them that they do not know the Truth and its plain that these Teachers are of that sort that Paul spoke of who brings none to the knowledge of the Truth people that follows them are laden with sins and led away with divers lusts 〈◊〉 these have and do resist Truth every whore they deny that Christ hath lights every man that comes into the world and so resists Truth and denies Scripture and the truth as you may read Iohn 1. 9. And they are corrupt minded ever wicked Persecutors and Suers at Law and earthly minded and covetous and oppressors and are wholly rebrobate concerning the faith and thus it is plain that the root of these Teachers was springing in the Apostles dayes and hath grown ever since in this dark night of Apostacy and hath filled the Nations Again the Apostle saw that many should depart from the Faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of Devils speaking Lyes in hypocrisie havi●● their Consciences seared as with a hot Iron Now these Teachers are of the Stock which is departed from the true Faith for they are without true Faith and reprobate concerning it who are in iniquity and sin and the works of the World which are evil now Faith purifies the heart from all this but their hearts 〈◊〉 not purified but polluted with Covetousness and preaching for Hire and Persecution and Envy and therefore they had not Faith and so are of that Generation which
filthy Dreamers and know nothing but wh●● they know naturally as bruit Beasts and in that they corrupt themselves a●● they have gone in the way of Cain and run greedily after the error of Balaam a●● they are Trees whose fruit withers raging Waves of the Sea foaming out their own shame wandring Stars they are Murmurrers and Complainers walking after their own lusts having mens persons in admiration because of advant●… and these seperate themselves sensual having not the Spirit and of this s●… which Iude describeth are these Teachers in this Generation whose fore-fathe● crept in in the Apostles dayes and these are their cursed Children which 〈◊〉 abound in these Nations at this day and they are filthy Dreamers studdying f●r what they speak and dreaming without the Spirit of God an hour in a Pulpit and what they know it is naturally by natural Learning and natural Arts and i● that knowledge they are also corrupted in Pride and Vain-glory and Vanities like bruit Beasts in their Apparrel and Practises and not like Ministers of the Gospel nor Saints and they are in Cain's way in Envy and Murder and Wrath abounding no People like them and they do run greedily after Balaams Error ●or Gifts and Rewards and unrighteous Wages which they run after greedily and they are Trees which bring forth cursed fruits which will wither and fade away and they are like proud raging Waves of the Sea foaming out their sha●… in Lyes and Slanders and cursed speaking in publique and private and they have no Habitation in the Firmament of God but are wandring Stars and so●●times in one Opinion and sometimes in another but the blackness of Dark●… is reserved for them and the Judgment of the great Day and they are Mur●… rers and Complainers and can never have enough but seek for their Gain fr●… their Quarter as the false Prophets did in Isaiah's time and they have mens p●…sons in admiration because of advantage to themselves bowing and worshippi●… mens persons who will advantage them in their Wages or Hire and Maintenance begging favour of the Magistrates and having their persons in admiration that they may have their advantage in oppressing poor People in Tyt●… in this their wickedness is hard to be expressed and these have separated into self-seperation some into one Form gathered and some into another but a●● sensual and in the wisdom which is from below and without the Spirit of God And thus it is proved that these Teachers of this Age are of the same Generation in their practises which Iude described to be creeping 〈◊〉 in his time And further the Apostle 1 Iohn 4. he saw that the false Prophets and Antichrists which Christ prophesied of to come were come in his dayes and said Many false Prophets are gone out into the World which is the spirit of Antichrist whereof you have heard said John And even now already is it in the World and they were of the World and the World heard them and so are this Generation of Teachers who succeed them that went forth into the World then these are of the World in its wayes Pride and Wickedness Covetousness and Envy and all Evil and th●y that are in the evil of the World in wickedness hear them and maintain them so that according to Iohn's Description these Teachers of this Age are of that same flock which came in then and Iohn further saw that all the World was gone after them and worshipped the Beast which was then risen run after the false Prophet which then came in and sat upon the Beast and its plain that the World is all run after them unto this day which is a day of bringing back again from the false Prophet and from under the power of the Beast and the Beast and his Image and the false Prophet his Divinations must down to the ground and according as Ioh● farther prophesied The holy City which had been trodd●n down under the Gentiles feet for such a time should again be gained and the Saints should have the Dominion and the old Dragon should be chained and Christ sh●●ld reign and his Kingdom should ●e set up in the Earth and the Tabernacle of God should be with men and this is the day that the Lord is restoring again the Way of Peace which long hath been lost and the the Power of God is again witnessed which hath not been known for Generations So that of things spoken this is the sum of Truth and the Word of the Lord God to all People on the Earth that in the dayes of Christ and the Apostles it was a glorious Day of Light and Life and Power and the Lord gathered a People which honoured his Name while they stood with him and in his Counsel walked but since the dayes of the Apostles hath been an Apostacy and Darkness over all and a Subversion upon all and Night hath been over all wherein no man could work as Christ said and Forms without Power ha●e been estabished the pure Way of God hath not been known in its purity so that this time wherein all are fallen is a time of ignorance of the reign of the Beast which all the World hath wandred after and a time wherein the Gentiles feet have trodden down the holy City and a time wherein all the World runs after the false Prophet and are deceived and made drunk with the Wine of the Whores Fornications I say this is the time wherein all the men of this Generation are fallen and the Scripture is fulfilled the Night wherein no man can work is upon the World and further this is the time of Antichrists dominion who hath exalted himself in the Seat of God shewing himself to be God and long hath he reigned with the Beast and the false Prophet even since the dayes of the Apostles and these same Teachers of this Generation which now are in the World are manifest by their fruit to be of that generation of that seed and stock of false Prophets which Christ prophesied of should come in the last time after his dayes and which most of the Apostles saw coming in in their dayes by their fruits I say they are known for these bring forth the same fruits and bear the same Marks which those described did in their time so we see Christ's Prophesie is fulfilled who said they should come for they are come and the Apostles descriptions are fulfilled on these for these Teachers are such as bear the same Characters as is proved as they said they should bear that would come and long have the Nations been deceived and kept under the worship of the Beast running after the false Prophet And we see Iohns Prophesie is fulfilled who said that The holy City was given to be trodd●n und●r the feet of the Gentiles for so we see it hath been for many Generations and also we know the time is now approaching that the dominion of the Beast is near an end and the holy City
shall the Saints possess and the Gentiles shall be driven out of it according as Iohn said who wrote the last of any of the Apostles and gave ful● testimony of these things which I have declared ●f viz. of an Apostacy and reign of the Beast and false Prophet and a Subversion from the Wayes of God and this hath been and is come to pass Also ●e prophesied of the gaining of the holy City in again to the Saints and of a restoration wherein new Ierusalem should be made manifest from Heaven and sho●●d again be adorned as a Bride for her Husband and the Saints should inhabit it and the Tabernacle of God should be with men upon Earth and the Lord would dwell for ●●er with his People and this day is approaching nigh at the doo● for the Fig-tree hath blossomed and we know it is near at hand the Summer wherein the Glory of the Lord shall be revealed unto all Nations and they shall 〈◊〉 that he is the Lord God Almighty that will take Vengeance upon the great Wh●●e who hath made all drunk with the Wine of her Fornication And now after the long night of Apostacy and Darkness which hath been vp●● the face of the Earth is the Lord appearing and his Day dawning and his Lig●● breaking forth as the Glory of the Morning and the Kingdom of God is revealed and his Dominion is setting up after the long reign of the Beast who ha●… had his Power and his Seat and his great Authority from the Dragon after wh●… the whole World hath wandred and him hath worshiped who hath been saying w●… is like unto the Beast who is able to make war with him His mouth for many Generations hath been opened in blasphemy against God and his Name and he 〈◊〉 made war with the Saints and his power hath overcome them Mark overco● them and then himself hath reigned and the reign of Christ for many years 〈◊〉 not been known but over Kindreds Tongues and Nations hath the Beast had po●er and over them hath reigned for many Ages and all that dwell upon the F●… have worshipped him whose Names are not written in the Book of Life 〈◊〉 Earth hath been caused and them that dwell therein to worship the Beast and 〈◊〉 his Wonders he deceiveth them that dwell on Earth and as many as would 〈◊〉 worship the Beast and his Image the Beast hath had power that they should be●…led and many hath he killed who would not worship him and are persented and both Small and Great Rich and Poor Free and Bond have rec●…ed the Mark of the Beast and the number of his Name which is the number 〈◊〉 a man he that reads let him understand these things have come to pass 〈◊〉 been fulfilled since the Apostles dayes in this night wherein no man could wor● which Christ said would come but now the forty and two Monthes which ti●… the Beast and his Image was to continue and so long was his Power to remain 〈◊〉 make war and to overcome the Saints I say the time is well nigh expired and finished and the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb is risen to make war against the Beast and his Image who hath reigned over the Kingdoms of the World and the Judgment of the great W●… cometh who hath sitten upon the Beast and drunk the Blood of the Saints 〈◊〉 with whom the Kings of the Earth since the dayes of the Apostles have com●…ted Fornication and all the Inhabiters of the Earth have been made drunk 〈◊〉 the Wine of her Fornication and all the Merchants of the Earth have been ma●e rich through the aboundance of her delicacies and she hath sat upon the scar●… coloured Beast and her Cup in her hand hath been full of abominations and 〈◊〉 ness of her fornication and her name is Mistery Babylon the Mother of Harl●… and all the Kings of the Earth have given their power unto the Beast and commited Fornication with the great Whore and she hath sat upon people multitudes 〈◊〉 nations and tongues since the Apostles days and even some who have hated t●e Whore and fulfilled the Will of God and made the Whore naked yet they gi●… their power also to the Beast until the Word of God be fulfilled Consider these things you that have an ear to hear but now the mighty Day 〈◊〉 the Lord and the Judgment of the Whore is approaching wherein she shal be rewarded according to her Works and doubble shall be given into 〈◊〉 Cup and as she hath loved blood so shall blood be given her to drink and the Merchants of the Earth shall lament her whom they have waxed rich by who 〈◊〉 glorified her self and lived deliciouslly and hath said in her heart I sit as a Queen and am no Widow and shall not see sorrow but now the one day is dawning wherein her Plagues shall come death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burned with fire for strong is the Lord that is risen to judge her and the Kings and Merchants and all the Inhabiters of the Earth shall lament her and cry Alas alas and now are they beginning for the hour is come that her judgement cometh and all her Merchants who have trafficked with the Souls of men shall partake of her Plagues who have partaked of her sins and lived deliciously with her and the fruits that her Soul lusteth after shall depart from her and all things that are dainty and goodly shall depart from her and she shall find them no more at all when her judgement cometh and in an hour all her riches are come to nought and all her Merchants at Land and Sea shall lament her even her that hath ruled over Nations and sat as a Queen for many Generations ever since the dayes of the Apostles until this day yea all that have wandred after her even the whole World shall lament and bemoan her and such as have served her and made Slaves of the Souls of men by Merchandize and Traffick shall bewail her and their gain shall cease for ever for in one hour shall she be made desolate and her glory shall fade and her beauty shall wither and the Beast that hath carried her shall utterly faint and the false Prophet that hath wrought Miracles in their sight and deceived the Nations shall be cast into a bed of torment with her and the Beast and the false Prophet shall be taken and cast alive into the Lake of Fire to be tormented for ever day and night World without end and the Whore in whom hath been found the Blood of the Prophets and of the Saints and of all that were slain upon the Earth and the Beast who hath caused all that dwell on the Earth to worship him and his Image for many Ages and the false Prophet who hath deceived the whole world and many Nations and made them subject unto the power of the Beast by his Miracles which he hath wrought in the
sight of men these shall be plagued together and tormented together for the false Prophet and the Beast hath sent forth their unclean Spirits like Frogs unto all the Kings of the Earth and unto the whole World to gather them to Battel with their Armies to make war against him that sits on the white Horse even the Son of God and this is the false Prophet which C●rist prophesied of to come which long since came and hath served the Beast and the great Whore for many Generations and many even all Nations have been deceived as Christ said and led aside and blinded and bewitched by him And as I have said these Teachers of this Generation are of them of their Root and Off-spring which long have flourished on the face of the Earth But the day is at hand that the Heaven and the Holy Apostles and Prophets shall rejoyce over the Whore and over the false Prophet for the Lord comes to avenge us on her and as she hath done so shall it be done unto her now in this day wherein Ierusalem shall be builded again and the holy City which the Ge●tiles have trod under foot for forty and two moneths which time is expired and near an end accounting from the dayes of the coming in of the Apostacy untill this day if any have an ear to hear let him hear this I have received from God I say the holy City shall be measured and the Gentiles cast out and she shall be adorned and as a Bride for her Husband shall she be prepared and Gods Tabernacle shall be with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his People and God himself will be their God and all tears shall be wiped away and there shall be no more death nor sorrow for the former things are passed away and all things shall be made new And what I have said are the faithful Sayings of God every one that is athirst shall drink of the Water of Life freely and he that overcometh shall inherit all things and shall be called the Son of God and shall dwell in the holy City which long the Gentiles foot hath troden under which shall again be adorned and prepared as a Bride for her Husband if any have an ear to hear let them ●ear And the Glory of the Lord is risen and his Day is breaking forth more abundantly and the Lamb is given for a Light and all Nations that are save● shall walk in the Light of the Lamb and the King of Righteousness who hath been long fled into Egypt while Herod the Beast which hath sought his life and driven the woman into the Wilderness hath reigned shall again be set upon the holy Hill of Sion and rule all Nations with a Rod of Iron and trample upon the necks of all his Enemies the Nations have not for many Ages been ruled by hi●… but the Beast who hath ruled over Kindreds and People and said Who hath be●… able to make war again the Beast and to the power of the Beast hath all Nations be●… subject and the Dominion of Christ hath been trodden down and despised and 〈◊〉 holy City hath been laid waste and his Princely Power hath not been felt nor witnessed in the Kingdoms of men for Ages and Times nor him the one head and the one horn hath not been known but many heads and horns have been exalted a●● all Nations and all the Princes and Kingdoms of the Earth have been subject 〈◊〉 the Rule and Law of the Beast and to the Divinations of the false Prophet dark●… hath been over all and God hath been as a stranger in the Earth as one not known he hath been worshipped ignorantly and the inscription every where hath been 〈◊〉 the unknown God but now after all this the glorious God of Truth hath appeared and great and mighty hath been his Hand and Power in this our day in rais●…g 〈◊〉 a righteous Branch out of the Root of Righteousness and in gathering his scattered People up to himself who have been scattered by the Idol Teachers and deceived by false Prophets made a prey upon by the wild Beasts of the Forrest O how have the People been made a prey upon by their Teachers and greedily devoured by 〈◊〉 Shepherd who have sought themselves and sought for their gain every one f●… his Quarter for many Ages how have people been led blind by their blind S●…pherds and none to this day come to the knowledge of the Truth by them 〈◊〉 these have run and were not sent and therefore the people have not b●… profitted at all as it was in Ieremiahs dayes so it is now no profit 〈◊〉 people in the knowledge of the Wayes of God but leanness and barr●●ness and as the Teacher so his People all out of the way in prophaness 〈◊〉 wickedness and prophaneness is gone forth from them into many Nations y●… the Lord bringing back his Inheritance which have been driven away into the desolate Wilderness yea and the Lord hath caused his Light to shine out of darkness and unto them that have sat in darkness and in the shadow ●f death i● the marvellous Light risen that the Glory of the Lord may be revealed and God Tabernacle may be with men and the holy City is preparing as a Bride for her Husband and Darkness shall flee away and Sorrow and Sighing shall no more be known but Life and Immortality shall again be brought to Light as it was in the dayes of the Apostles This I have received from God and the Lord shall be known to be the God of his People and for this cause hath he called and chosen faithful Witnesses 〈◊〉 given his powerful Ministry by the gift of the holy Ghost as it was in the Apostles dayes and now many are called to declare abroad the things which we 〈◊〉 heard and seen and handled and the Gospel of Christ is received by the Rev●…tion of Gods eternal Spirit and Son in our hearts and the power is made manifest and the form of Godliness without the Power is denied and judged and Christ the one Head is exalting and the one Horn of Gods Salvation is revealing and the many Heads and many Horns must be broken to pieces and be confound●d in this the day of the Lord for his purpose is powerful in carrying on his o●● work against all his Enemies so that none are able to hinder But they that set themselves even the Beast and his Power which is now struck at whose Kingdom is invaded hath raised the force of his power and the pollicy of his arm yet shall they be confounded and no formed Weapon shall prosper against the Lord and his Way who is now risen to avenge himself of the Beast and his power and the Whore and her Fornications and the false Prophet and his Divinations which all must in●… the Wine-press of Gods dreadful Wrath to be trodden and all that worship the Beast and repent not shall partake
the Spirit and here we witness the Lord is our God and we are his People and he seeth no sin in us who are born of him nor remembers iniquity but his Covenant is with us and the Kingdom is become the Lords and his Dominion is set up where God is all in all where the Prince of Darkness is cast out and this is the End and Substance of all Ministrations which we bear witness of and I do exhort all you that are called of God every where patiently to wait in the way of the Lord and in his Judgements to receive this and to possess it within you that you may be Worshippers of God and Doers of his Will and may have the Witness that you are accepted of him and may know your Calling and Election sure where nothing that defileth can enter but that may be taken away and removed and him you may feel and witness whom Satan hath nothing in who is the Second Adam and cannot be overcome but is greater then the first Adam who was overcome though innocent and is lost from the Presence of God but he in whom there is no sin and who cannot transgress comes to seek and to save that which was lost in sin and to bring back that which was driven away by sin and he is greater then Innocency and overcometh the Devil and is called the Son of God and to him that overcometh who is the Light of the World is all Power given of the Father And know him in you all to be greatest who is not of the World nor cannot bow to the Devil to give you dominion and authority over all the World and the Powers of Hell and Death even he who sealeth up the old Dragon in Perdition never more to deceive And who witnesseth this knoweth the Election which it is not possible to deceive or be deceived and as every one of you have received him who is the Lord from Heaven so let your Faith stand in him and walk in him and let all your Conversations be ordered by him in all pure and blameless walking i● the sight of your Enemies that it may be manifest that you are Branches in him and that you have received power to become the Sons of God and that you are Heirs of the Inheritance which shall not fade away And all you that witness this your eye is open to see God and you are clensed from sin by the Word of God and you have received the peace with God and glad tidings from him in your own Souls and this is Salvation by the second Ad●… herein be established and setled and look not for another for there is not any besides this Saviour and this Salvation but if any preach another believe hi● not and if any cry Lo here and lo there is Christ without you go not after them nor follow them but know him within you which is greater then all yea If we our selves or an Angel from Heaven preach any other Jesus then he that lighteth every man that cometh into the World or any other Salvation the● God with us let us be accursed for this is the Gospel of our Salvation Christ Jes●● within us the hope of Glory the Power and Wisdom of God to rule and reign i● us by which we are changed from death to life and translated from the power of Darkness into the Kingdom of his dear Son And now all Friends and Elect of God who are called and faithfull you that have received this Testimony which God hath given of the Son and which th● Son hath given of the Father which in faithfulness hath been testified in this Generation I exhort you all in the fear and Counsel of the Lord take heed to th●● which you have believed and heard and learned of the Father which is t●● Truth as it is in Jesus and shall abide for ever and be not removed from yo●… hope nor given to change but mind the Life of God in you all which is immortal and is but one and it answereth to the Lord in Judgments and in Mercies and one to another in that which is righteous and just and witnesseth against all the works of the World which are evil and not wrought in God Ye that know this which is of the Father in you dwell in it and walk in it and be not shaken out of it nor removed from it for it is the Way of Peace unto everlasting Rest where there is no sorrow but Righteousness Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost and every one in particular have Salt in your selves to savour withal that you may resist the Wicked One in all his Temptations and may not joyn to any thing which is out of union and contrary to the Life of God and to the Truth which you have received that you may never be betrayed of your Hope nor of the Simplicity which is in Christ Jesus in which the Father is well pleased and let the Light of the World guide you in all things that your works may be wrought in God never to be condemned nor you to suffer loss knowing this first That none are justified by him but them that are led and guided by him and to whom he is a Saviour he is also a Teacher and he is given to Teach in all the Wayes of Truth And now let your fellowship be in the Life and Power of God and know not one another in words only and in shews and in outward appearance but witness one another in the Spirit and in the Truth and have communion there in breaking the Bread of Life that Christ Jesus may be seen to be the Head in you and you Members to serve him and one another all receiving Wisdom from the Head and Vertue from the Vine Christ Jesus that you may abound in Love Mercy and Peace and all the fruits of Righteousness unto the Father and dwell in the Fear and Counsel of God and be subject to his Will not despising the Cross which is the Power of God which slayeth the Birth that is born of the flesh which is not Heir of the Promise but walk in the Cross daily that your Understandings may be kept open to try and discern all spirits whether they be of God and believe not every spirit for lying spirits may arise among your selves and go forth from the Light who are not in the Truth but in the Feignedness and Hypocrisie with false Visions and lying Imaginations handling the Word of God deceitfully and corrupting and perverting the pure Way of God having the Form but not the Power having left the Power and gone from the Light and such utter the Words of Truth without the Life and are but as the Chaff to the Wheat and they are to be denied and resisted and not joyned to lest innocency and simplicity be betrayed and your Faith made void and so you destroyed from the Life of God and Death surprise you and Darkness enter into your
in that nature which is to be famished and glories in what hath been done by it as though it had not received power from the Lord and is exalted as though it bare the Root not knowing that it is born of the Root and that spirit spends its Treasure which it received in the Fathers house amongst Harlots and despises the poor and seeks occasion to glory over the weak that it may be renowned beware of that spirit I charge you all for it is not of the Father nor to be followed but to be condemned and resisted unto death Again believe not that spirit neither follow it which preacheth not from the measure of God received and to be manifest to it in you and approved by it only but speaks above the measure and reaches not to the measure of the Grace of God that spirit leads after words and outward shews and cries peace to the Rich and judgment to the Poor and the Word of God is not divided aright but heals up falsly and daubs with untempered morter and cries peace where God speaks war and cries war where God speaks peace and that Spirit is a Deceiver and a Betrayer and feeds but the Ear and not the Life and darkens the Counsel of God by words without knowledge and is not of the Father but of the World and to be denied and condemned Again Believe not that spirit neither follow it which is not subject to rule and order and is not meck and diligent and long suffering but heady and high and untoward seeking occasions against the Just and Watcheth for evil that spirit will not bear reproof but is idle sloathfull and careless and surmising evil and backbiting and conforms in appearance making a fair shew but is not unto God as appearing unto man and that would go and is not called and will not go when it is called and seeks for the praise of men more then God and that is fruitless ground and brings forth Bryars and Thorns in secret which choaks the Seed of God beware of that spirit it is a Lover of this World have no fellowship with it for it is not of the Father but a Deceiver and is to be a denied Again Believe not that spirit neither follow it which is tossed and unsetled and is given to change and is not established with Grace that is an Adulterer and hun●s for the precious Life and seeks by flattery to beguile the Innocent that spirit is zealous for a moment but is soon overcome and is stony ground and brings not forth fruit to perfection but withers and its latter end is worse then the beginning That spirit is exalted into presumption in peace and cast into desperation in trouble and the double minde lodgeth in it and it is unstable in all its wayes and is a ground for the Seed of Satan and to it there is no peace from God and beware of that spirit for it is not of the Father but to be condemned Again Believe not that Spirit neither follow it which is more zealous then knowing whose zeal is without true knowledge and stands in that which is corrupted that flourisheth for a moment but cannot endure for ever it hath no root in it self but is furious and passionate and not long-suffering that spirit knows not its self but would devour its Adversaries with bitterness and not gain by long-suffering that is not the spirit of the Father but must be denied in all Again Believe not that spirit which draws back into the World into its lusts and liberty and fashions which passe away that spirit forgets God and draws back for his Soul hath no pleasure in it but is vexed with it where the Cross is made of none effect and the false liberty is walked in which murders the Life that spirit is of the Devil and is to be condemned And now all Friends of God every where who knows him and are known of him whom he hath gathered out of this untoward Generation be diligent in your Callings and keep your Meetings in faithfulness waiting upon the Lord that you all may receive of his fulness to be filled with it and may be nourished up unto himself as trees of righteousness the planting of his own right hand to spread forth his Name and Glory as a people saved by him and to who● there is none like besides And this know and understand that spirit is not of the Father which confesseth not the Son to be come in the Flesh who destroys the works of the Devil and takes away sin and that Spirit believe and follow whi●● condemns sin and destroys it and takes it away and so gives peace with God i● your own Consciences and leads you into all Truth and keeps you from all evil and you that witness this the Son you know and the Father you know to dwell with you and in you and this is the first and the last believe in him and follow him and look not for any other and in this the Father of Life and Glory whose Dominion is without beginning and end establish you and preserve you Amen and Amen I a beloved Brother and a Companion unto all the Saints in suffering and in rejoyci●● who have received this Testimony from the Father do with it in this Epistle salute t●● whole Church in the Love of the Father as moved of him by his Eternal Spirit whi●● beareth witness to me that we are of God and the whole World lieth in wickedness 〈◊〉 that all that are of God heareth us And this Testimony I give of the Father 〈◊〉 of the Son and of the Truth and of the Salvation of which I am made a Witness and against all that ever shall deny it or turn from it And this is thus far the 〈◊〉 of my Testimony by the Spirit of the Father not knowing when the time comes it 〈◊〉 be finished and the night may come when no man can work E. B. To all that suffer for the Testimony of Iesus and fo● his Name sake THe glorious God of Truth hath appeared and made known his Way a●● Truth perfectly in this our day and hath chosen unto himself faithf●… Witnesses to testifie of his Name and of his Truth before Rulers and People and hath brought forth a Seed which is not of this World which cannot bo● to the Devil but is Heir of Gods Inheritance though a Sufferrer in this World under the Powers thereof and many in this Generation who are called and faithfull and chosen bear witness unto the Name of the Lord in Sufferings and Tribulations whom he will honour because they honour him who is exalting his Truth and his People through Sufferings And now all Friends who are called to suffer for the Testimony of Jesus and fo● the exercise of a pure Conscience which you hold be valiant for the Truth upon Earth and faint not but finish your Testimony with joy for the Lord a●● against all your Enemies and look
not forth at Afflictions and Sufferings b●● look beyond them to the recompence of reward neither be offended in Christ though ye are called to suffer for him and for his Name sake but dwell in the peace with God which is a sufficient reward and take heed to your Life which is immortal that it you may feel and enjoy and account that the present Sufferings are not worthy to be reckoned with the glory that is to be revealed and of which you have the earnest even present peace with God and look beyond your Sufferings and before the rage of man was and feel the Life of God in yo● fresh and lively which is more then all things to carry you above all the World and all its Envy which is against the Seed of God And take heed of Temptations for the power of Satan will work and is ne●● to tempt you in Sufferings to gain dominion over you and to touch your life and to cast you down Therefore mind the Life of God in you to have dominion which Satan hath nothing in which is not given him to touch and that is more then all yea all that a man hath will he give for his Life to enjoy when he is tryed this I witness and you are tryed by sufferings and tribulations and your Faith and Patience is proved therefore approve your selves faithful unto the Lord by Long-sufferings and Patience that Satan overcome you not though he may touch you and have power to cast some of you into Prison and otherwayes to winnow you and to try you for your Life but be faithful unto death and you shall receive the Crown of Life Eternal and keep the Word of his Patience that you may be delivered and Satan may bow under your foot And all you who suffer for Well-doing who hold fast the Testimony which you have received of God now when your hearts are searched blessed from the Lord you are your Reward you shall possess which no man can take away even the Life and Liberty and Treasure which Satan cannot touch nor spoile you of Ye that suffer because you cannot fulfil wickedness nor the will of man but are of the Seed which cannot please man nor bow to the Devil ye suffer for Christ and for Righteousness sake who cannot walk contrary to the Light of Christ within you but rather choose to suffer under corrupt men and Laws then to transgress God's righteous Law written in your hearts you are chosen to fulfil the Will of God by sufferings and are not of the World and therefore the World hates you And all you that suffer imprisonment of Body or spoiling of Goods or Travels or any other thing because you cannot pay Tythes this is the Word of the Lord God unto you You suffer for Righteousness sake and for the Name of Christ and unjustly by the oppression of men for Well-doing and not for evil and the Lord will be your exceeding great Reward Look beyond your outward Liberty and know the liberty in Spirit in the Father and in the Son where is everlasting Peace and Freedom which none can bring into Bondage and look beyond all outward Treasure and Riches and see God's Treasure and possess it which never waxes old which none can spoile you of as Witnesses for the Lord and for his Truth and Covenant you suffer and it is for a Testimony against all your Enemies and against Oppression and Oppressors for the Cry of that Oppression the Land groans under and for Ages hath done but the Lord is now risen against it for its cry reacheth to Heaven against the unrighteous Exactors whose cruel hands have heavily oppressed the Just and the Poor in this particular and herein your suffering is for a Testimony against your cruel Adversaries whether Priests or others and against the unjust Judges and Lawyers and their whole Train of Oppressors for this end are you called to suffer and to you it shall be made easie if you abide in the Counsel of God till Vengeance overcome your Adversaries therefore lift up your heads and fulfil the Will of your Father in Patience and in Faithfulness till the Lord appear for you who hearkeneth to the Cry of the Poor and regardeth him that Suffereth unjustly and will recompence the Oppressors into their bosomes and will break every Yoak and be a Terror to all the Cruel-hearted And all you that suffer who are moved by the Power of the Lord to bear witness against the false Worships and against the false Teachers and Idol-Temples of which the Land is full and who are moved to testifie against sin in Rulers Priests or People whether your suffering be Imprisonment or Beating and Stoning or other Abuses or Cruelties whatsoever which the Devil hath power to lay upon you you suffer for Righteousness sake and for the Name of Christ and for Well-doing if in the Wisdom of God you be guided and the Lord will be your Reward and Peace forever Lift up your heads and rejoyce in him and abide in his Counsel ye that suffer herein for him and for his Names sake for your suffering is for a Testimony against all this Generation against the Idol Worships and Wayes which God's Soul loathes and which he will confound and against the Idol Teachers and false Prophets and Priests who preach for Hire and make Merchandise of souls against whom Gods Wrath is kindled and upon whom his Indignation will be poured and it is a Testimony against the sins of Rulers and People which abound in this Generation till the measure of it be fulfilled through persecuting of you who warn them of the evil and bear witness against their evil deeds that God may be justified when he condemneth them and he is risen against the Worships and Wayes and Teachers and People whose abominable iniquities have overgrown the World and prophaneness hath gone forth from them through Nations Rulers and Teachers and People are all out of the Way and given to Vanity to Covetousness and Idolatry and the Breath of the Lord shall consume you together all who do oppress the Just. Therefore Friends be patient and content under all Tribulations and suffering and feel Gods living Presence near you to overshaddow you and to be your Hiding-place and know the Life which the wickedness and cruelty of man cannot touch nor reach unto and dwell in the Power of the Lord which moves to bear witness for him and against all those abominations and that will keep you above all the afflictions which can be cast upon you and you will be on the top of your Enemies and the Seed of the Serpent shall hardly bruise your Heel Wo unto the Idol Worships and Temples and Teachers to all the Hirelings and Deceivers who feed themselves and not the Flock which abound in the World and in this Nation they must down into perdition the Lord is risen against them all to pluck up by the root that the branches may wither
and his Arm shall watch over them to overthrow them all and to make them desolate that the Just may be delivered And all you who suffer any where Imprisonment or Finings or reproaches or any other thing because ye cannot Swear for Conscience sake nor respect Persons according to the vain Customs of the Heathen but are redeemed out of the Customs and Superstitions of men which are of the World and are evil and not of God nor justified by him you suffer for Righteousness sake and for Christs sake and are Witnesses for God herein against the Superstitions and Wickedness and Pride and High-mindedness of men and the Lord is with you if you be ruled in his Wisdom and are faithful to him and he will lift up your heads till his and your Adversaries be confounded And I charge you all in the Presence of the Lord who suffer for Righteousness sake in these things or in any other who are moved of the Lord to bear witness of the Truth and against the deceits of the World be not exalted in the flesh in your sufferings lest you forget God Nor be not cast down into sorrow lest ye be overcome of the Devil but dwell in the measure of the Power and Life of God which is above all and more then all and feel Gods living Arm to stay your hearts to watch to his own in you to refresh you continually And resist the Devil on every hand with the Armour of Light and Truth that your Life may be preserved in Dominion over all things even the Life which is not of this World in you may not be vailed nor overcome for to enjoy the Life of God with you is enough if you pass through the Fire and through the Water it keeps you and carries you above all this I witness and it is more then all outward Freedom or Liberty or Riches or Treasure of this World and walk herein in Boldness and Faithfulness and Patience as you have us for an Example in Christ Jesus who are in Jepardy every hour often in Tryals Sufferings and Dangers and love not our lives unto death for the Testimony of Jesus which we hold and that his Name and Truth may be exalted in the Earth but as the Lord moves are carried through Nations among Lyons and Devourers such as seeks our life for their Prey and yet the Lord is with us our Defence and Arm and Preserver above all Therefore look you at the Lord in all Affliction and Distress and know his Reward with you that your Burden and Yoak may be easie and not hard for his Presence makes all things joyful And know that it is for the Name of the Lord and for his Honour and for his Kingdom which God will set up through suffering for this cause are ye called to suffer and your Life nor liberty nor any other thing is not to be measured nor compared herewith So u●to every one of you I am moved to write and to warn you all in the fear of God be content and long-suffering and patient and finish you Testimony with rejoycing if ye seal it with your Blood and dwell with the Lord in his holy Habitation of Peace out of respect to time or places or things and give up your selves that his will in you may be fulfilled And think it not strange though you have fiery trials neither be moved at any Suffering without you or troubled in spirit neither let it break your peace nor fellowship with God by any impatiency or murmurings or temptations for then will your sufferings be grievous to you and the Enemy within and without will have ground against you to overthrow you and know it is that which ever was in all Ages and no new thing for the Seed of God to suffer by the Seed of Evil-doers for the wicked alwayes strengthened their hands in cruelty against the Righteous and laid heavy burthens upon the Just and caused the Innocent to groan under them for a time till iniquity was fulfilled that they might be broken and the Oppressed delivered and alwayes the Lord exalted his Name by the sufferings of his people as we have a Cloud of Witnesses of our Fore-fathers that went before who did bear witness to the Name of the Lord through faithfull suffering so it is no strange thing hath happened unto you but that which is common to all the Saints who enter the Kingdom through tribulation blessed are you if you be faithfull unto the end that you may reap the reward of your works of your sufferings and patience even the Crown of Life that never fades away so the Lord God of Life preserve you And all Frieds every where I am moved to warn you Dwell in love and unity and fellowship one with another in the Light and in the Spirit of the Father and fulfil the Law of Christ and bear one anothers burden and suffer with one another that none be oppressed among you in any thing whilst others are free but that the burden of all things and the care of all things in relation to the Truth be equal among you according to every ones freedom and as every one is moved of the Lord so to administer to one anothers necessities as Members of one Body to the honouring of the Head and spreading of the Truth that there be no complaining but equallity and justness and the Government of Christ ruling among you and his Wisdom in all things Feed no excess nor the lustfull devouring mind in any neither suffer the Distressed to perish for want but reach one to another in love and like mindedness suffering for one another and all caring for the Truth above all things that God may dwell among you and be known that he is in you of a truth And in this the Wisdom of God guide you all Amen By a Companion in Tribulation to all the Saints every where EDWARD BURROUGH THE Testimony of the Lord CONCERNING LONDON Witnessed in Truth and Faithfulness to the Consciences of all People in it that they may return to the Lord and Repent Also the Great Abominations discovered of this People who draws near God with their Mouthes and professeth Self-Separation when as their Hearts be far from the Lord. VVith a VVarning to all sorts of People in it what the Lord requires of them O LONDON thou art weighed in an even Ballance and found t●… light thou are measured by an equal Line and found to short and t●… narrow and thy People cannot stand in Judgment for abundance of iniquity lodgeth within thee and thou aboundst in all unrighteousness thy sins are grown over thy head and with transgression thou art covered as wi●… a Garment from the Head to the Foot thou art corrupted and there is mu● unsoundness in thee O how doth Pride abound Lightness and Wantonness and the lust of the Eye and all the works of the Flesh are encreased to a large su● aboundance of Idolatry and Vanity springs out of
hope of Salvation and his Shepheard to feed him and perserve him at all times though he may be tempted yet he is not overcome for God is his strength though he may be tryed yet he is not forsaken of the Lord though he may be cast into the Fire it is not to consume him for the Lord is with him all things he receives as from the Hand of God and all Creatures he enjoyes in the Covenant with God and Peace is in all his ways for it is the Lord that works in him both to will and to do of his own Good Pleasure and this is the state of the new man brought forth in Conversion which is a turning of the Creature from the power of Satan which rules in every man before Conversion to the Power of God which is the Ruler of every man that is truly converted and this is the Truth as it is in Jesus which I have received from God he that can receive it let him and if any have an Ear let him Hear what the Spirit saith this Conversion of the Creature is wrought by the Spirit of God through the Ministry sent of him and even for this cause have we received the Ministry of God through the Holy Ghost that we might publish these things abroad that all people may come to the knowledge of them and may taste and handle and feel of the same Word of Life in themselves which will reveal the Knowledge of these things to them that they may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with the Son And now be it known to all the World and to all people in it that the Lord hath raised up a People and brought forth a Seed to bear witness of his Name and of his Dominion and Power in all the Earth and of these Truths with many more which are but one in Christ Jesus hath God given us the perfect Knowledge of even wrought them in us and revealed them to us by the eternal Spirit and as that same Spirit doth and shall move in us do we and shall we bear witness of these Truths unto all People upon Earth whatsoever both by Doctrine and Conversation holding forth the Testimony unto others which we have received of God that Christ may be exalted and his Kingdom set up in the World And in comparison of this that we may serve God in our Generation by bearing witness of these things which we have heard and seen nothing of this World our Liberty our Life not any other thing whatsoever is dear unto us yea even for this cause that the Name of the Lord may be testified of do we give up our selves continually to suffer all manner of evil in words or works and we love not our lives unto death that Truth and Righteousness may be exalted and this is the cause wherefore we pass through many Dangers on every hand and are in perils often and we are not nor cannot be afraid of the face of any man even that the Lord alone may be exalted whose name and Honour and Truth is more dear unto us than any other thing and for it have we forsaken all and counted it as nothing in comparison of the Knowledge of Christ and his Truth herein declared and witnessed to the whole World to whom it shall come and the Light of Christ in every one shall give testimony to it unto which I do onely commend my self and these truths to be witnessed And know ye assuredly that God who is just and righteous in all his Ways it is he that setteth the Way of Life and the way of Death before every man and he hath appeared in this Generation and he hath caused his voyce to be heard in the Earth and he hath set the way of Death and the Way of Life before you and all that perish it is through unbelief and because they do despise the Way which God hath prepared who hath prepared a Way for life and Salvation unto 〈◊〉 People that all may come to Life and Salvation and may not perish and he hath not shut out any Creature before he was brought forth into the World but giveth to every one that cometh into the World a Day of Visitation and a time 〈◊〉 Repentance and Returning that healing may be received from the Lord w●● is the Restorer of lost man and there is not another so that if man perish 〈◊〉 is of himself and not of God who hath so loved Mankind that he hath give● his Son his own Wisdom and his Power into the World that all that doth receive him Christ Jesus may have everlasting Life and they that receive him not they perish because of unbelief whereby they are hardened for destruction and unto such our Gospel the Gospel of God is hid whose Eye i● blinded by the God of this World that they cannot see the things which be eternal nor believe in him from whence Life comes and such are stumbling at Chri●● the Foundation and therefore shall be broken and must not inherit the Kingdom of God and unto such though they be wise in the Kingdom 〈◊〉 this World are we become Fools for Christs sake and our Testimony cannot be received by them nor approved of them even them that seek after a Sig● and them that seek after Wisdom to such we are not known nor can our Testimony be acceptable to them which is not with enticing words of mans wisdom 〈◊〉 in the demonstration of Gods Spirit and in simplicity of Truth which is of gr●●● Price with the Lord even above knowledg and all wisdom which is of this Wor●● which comes to nothing but the Lord will confound that and bring it to nothing for the World by its wisdom doth not know God neither can it recei●● the things of God but is Foolishness in the Sight of God and the wisdom of t●● World Must be offended in him and in the Testimony which is given of him 〈◊〉 the Princes of this World and the Wise men must stumble and fall the powe● of the Earth must be offended at him that they may be confounded and broug●● to nought all the Heathen shall rage and the People shall imagine a vain thing But what of all this the Testimony of the Lord is true which he hath given us 〈◊〉 bear of his Name of it we are not ashamed before the face of the whole World and we are armed to suffer for it and not onely to subscribe to the truth of 〈◊〉 with our hand or to declare of it with our Tongue and Pen but also if we 〈◊〉 called to it may seal it with our blood Wherefore this is sent among you all Rulers Teachers and People in all the World this is sent among you as to gi●● you the certain knowledge of what we hold and bear witness to which is received of us from God and born witness of to you by his Spirit even those thing● with many
this is the resolution of our hearts and the full purpose of our minds to give testimony through the World as we are moved both by writing and declaring of these Truths which to us is known from the Lord that truth and righteousness may come to reign and this may we do 〈◊〉 the Lord provideth way for us not fearing the face of any man nor being afraid of the threatning of high looks and that we may finish the testimony given 〈◊〉 of God our life nor any other thing is dear unto us and all ye people every where for your sake is this written to come abroad amongst you to give yo● warning and true information of the work of the Lord and what he is about to do that you may hear and understand and may receive the knowledge 〈◊〉 those things which belong to your peace and may be saved with an eternal Salvation or otherwise through this are you wholly left without excuse if yo● perish And unto this was I pressed in spirit for many days that all the World may be satisfied what we are and what we hold and what the purpose of the Lord is and I whom God hath warned do warn all people upon the face of the Earth that you prepare prepare to meet the Lord for his coming and his day is nigh at hand and his judgements shall be revealed in the Earth all flesh shall tremble before him and all the Inhabitants of the World shall be confounded at his presence The Proud shall be abased and the Poor shall be exalted the High and Lofty shall be brought down and the Meek and Upright shall be set up Truth shall reign as King and Deceit shall utterly be confounded they that now suffer all manner of evil for the Name of Jesus shall possess everlasting Freedom and the Dominion shall be in their hands and they that now cause the Just to suffer shall go into endless captivity the Seed of God shall spring forth and flourish but the seed of Evil-doers shall never be renowned And betwixt these two Seeds is an e●mity put and they can never be reconciled each seed hath his fruit the one i● cursed and the other is blessed and each Seed is known by its fruit and must receive from the Lord accordingly And this is the Testimony of the Servants of the Lord and the Witness which they give unto all the World of those things which we have handled tasted heard seen and felt blessed are all they that can receive it We are known to God in the Spirit and one to another in his Life and are known in the World by the name of Quakers cast upon us through the derisio● of the Heathen But Quaking and Trembling at the Word of the Lord by the Servants of the Lord we do own when the power of God reacheth to the Witness of God in the Creature which brings condemnation upon all high looks and upon the lofty nature which causeth the earthly part to tremble we do own and many of us do witness the Quaking and Trembling which is by the operation of the Spirit of God and the several operations by the one Spirit we own which brings down proud flesh whose honour God will lay in the dust and bring it to everlasting contempt and when this comes to pass Quaking shall not be a strange thing nor the Name reproached as it is at this day by the proud spirits of men who knows not the work of the Lord nor the operation of his Spirit Moreover and beside all this let all the World know that our Conversion Life and Practice is one and the same with what we hold forth in words and that we give as large a Testimony of God amongst us by pure Conversation as Doctrine and do deny them who gives Testimony in Words only and answers not in their Conversation for that is Hypocrisie our souls loath it it is abomination in the sight of the Lord where he is profest in words and not walked to in purity and righteousness of life for Righteousness being brought forth in the heart works of righteousness will spring forth in the World and where Righteousness springs not forth in the World and the fruits of the Knowledge of God it shews that righteousness is not in the heart and that God is not known Also concerning our Government it is according to Christ whom we own to be Head amongst us and no other head we have or do bow unto and we are but Members of his Body joyned to him through the Spirit as Head over us all and the greatest of us is but a Member of Christ who is the Head alone and we have not another neither can we be subject to any other Government but his or to obey any Government but what is justly according to his whose Government must be set up in the earth and for it we wait and labour and travel and counts nothing hard but all things are easie to us for this prise which is before us even the Government of Christ to be set up and all Governments of men establisht according to it and this is our Testimony which we give forth in Words and Practice and if it be required can Seal it with our Blood And this is written for no other end but that you may be certainly informed what we are and what we hold and what the Lord hath done and what he is about to do in all the Earth who is risen and hath said Ah! I will ease me of my Adversaries Given forth by a Servant of the Lord EDWARD BURROUGH THE VVofull Cry OF Unjust Persecutions and grievous Oppressions of the People of God in England through the Injustice of some of her Rulers and the Wickedness of Teachers and People who hasten to fulfil the Measure of their Fore-fathers Cruelty With a Lamentation over them all who reward the Lord evil for good and is a Warning to them all for Repentance shewing that the coming of the Lord is nigh And this may serve for an Answer in full to all such who have Persecuted by violence by Word or Writing the innocent people in scorn called Quakers With a Short Addition which shewes unto all the ground of Persecution in its first cause and the enmity which is betwixt the two Seeds is clearly discovered Reader THis is sent abroad into the World that all People may see what is brought forth is this Generation against the Innocent who suffer cruel things for well doing and not for evil and the words of Christ are fullfilled who said As they have done unto me so will they do unto you And the time comes that whosoever kills you he will think that he doth God good service And this is now come to pass according as he hath said to our rejoycing and to the sorrow of all our Enemies And as any is moved herein this is to be given to the hands of the Persecuters and of them
knowes how to take Childrens bread and cast it to Doggs Reply Now let all consider what thou hast said Christ Jesus is the Bread of Life that came down from Heaven the Childrens Bread and they have no other Now the Devil cannot take Christ Jesus who only is the Childrens Bread and give him to Doggs O horrid canst thou behold this and not be smitten to the heart what wickedness and ignorance lodges in that heart that can utter these things Though thou thinkst thou hast done bravely i● thus saying yet the Wisedom of God turns thy words upon thy own head into confusion and grievous error I deny it though thou affirm it that the Devil can take or knows how to take Christ Jesus and give him to Doggs Further thou sayst I am grieved that thou shouldest say none but a Company of Notionist and Ranters c. are carried with the Quakers c. and sayst thou this appears in 〈◊〉 mens sight c. Reply Thou art a Lyar I am not greived at thy Slanders and wicked Reproaches but rather rejoyces therein that I am one worthy to bear them and all men that can see sees thee a false Accuser herein For such who have feared the Lord and served him and are and have been honest and upright to God and man have owned us and have been neither Ranters nor such like and we rejoyce if any that hath been so be turned from it unto God to live in Righteousness though thou note it for a false thing in the margent But to make it appear false thou hast corrupted my words which are Though some of all sorts of people be brought to God yet thou seems to be offended herewith and these my words are true upon thy head for I ask notwithstanding some were such are they such who are in wickedness since they owned us then why dost thou wickedly as though thou wert offended at it upbraid us that such or such are carried away with us as though none else which is thy Lye uttered in thy hastiness And whereas thou art offended thou sayst that I should say thou are like the Pharisees whether I spake so or no however I own that thou art like them at least even one among them As further I shall manifest then thou hast over-leapt with a false excuse of passing by many railings as thou sayst which it seems troubles thee that I should truly charge thee to bring sorth Lyes without fear and that the Ranters and light Notionists and thee we deny till you turn to the Lord by repentance and if you turn from your iniquity we dare not deny you And further I truly charge thee that thou art puft up in thy Lyes and Slanders and advanceth thy self above the Innocent who exceeds thee in Faith towards God and in good works towards man and whose conversation is in heaven but thine is among the Hirelings c. And this thou hast skipped over as a deceitful Child with a poor excuse which thou mayst be ashamed to call these railings but that thy heart is void of shame let the sober Reader judge else then thou saist I stumble at that wherein in thy first thou sayst The Devil perswades these men to believe First That salvation was not compleatly wrought out for Sinners by the man Christ Iesus c. Reply Here thou art a Lyar again I stumble not for I walk in the Light and doth not stumble but I reproved thy Lye and Slander and said this Accusation is clearly false wickedly cast upon us for there is no Salvation in any other neither is it wrought by any other but by Jesus Christ c. As page the ninth of my first may be read but thou hast not at all removed the true charge against thee that I charged upon thee upon these words viz a Believer of Lyes a Slanderer a false Accuser which stands true upon thee still and will for ever till thou remove it by repentance for thou canst never clear thy self any otherways and thou sayst I have left some words out but this is but a poor catch for do I not make an Et caettera at the end of thy words and if thou wert not too ignorant thou mightest understand that which follows is included and conjoyned Then thou goest on and sayst I am offended that thou shouldst say the Devil deceives souls by bidding them follow the Light that they brought into the World with them telling them that will lead into the Kingdom c. Now my answer to this is sober and just as will appear though thou sayst vainly I seem to be gravelled because I informed thy mistake who said pervertingly either in subtilty or for want of wit the light which they brought into the World with them when as the Scripture saith Christ is the Light which lighteth every man that comes into the World Ioh. 1. 9. which Light as I did I do affirm will lead into the Kingdom of peace and rest and deny it if thou canst for the Light of Christ doth reveal Christ and the Light lighteth every man that cometh into the World then thou heaps up many words though thou falsly sayst I corrupt that Scripture Ioh. 8. yet I lay it down in its own words and say that is or was the true Light that lights every man that comes into the World and that Light which hath so done will lead all that believes into the Kingdom for Christ said I am the Light of the World and though thou ignorantly wouldst seem to say this is error yet I affirm it that the same which saith I am the Light of the World is he and no other which lighteth every man that comes into the World and this I suppose thou wilt call a filthy error but the filthiness is in thy own heart and error too through ignorance of the knowledge of the things of God who wouldst fain if thou could make it appear that that Christ which lighteth every man that comes into the World Iohn 1. 9. is not the same that saith I am the Light of the World Iohn 8. 12. Thy confused words seems to carry this meaning let the Reader judge whether that be not the same Christ Jesus which Iohn speaks of Iohn 1. 9. as it is written of Iohn 8. 12. and though thou ignorantly sayst I would have room to broach my folly yet thou lets out of thy vessel in sides of leaves of Lyes and Slanders and Folly and thou sayst when he said I am the Light of the World he was without he did not mean any light within and thou presumptuously bids me deny this if I can to which I say the same Christ which said I am the Light of the World was he which was before Abraham who was Light to the Gentiles and lighteth every man in the World yea he was and is given to be a Light where his person which was supposed the son of Ioseph never came and do thou deny
the Assembly and stood praying in the Synagogues and loved the uppermost rooms at Feasts and that were called of men Master and such like and the Apostle said such were Deceivers to take gifts and rewards and lucre and that loved unrighteous wages and that were Back-biters and false Accusers and Covetous and having a form of Godliness but denying the Power who ever taught and the people were not able to come to the knowledge of the truth with many other such like Now this is my appeal to all mens Consciences in the sight of God whether thou art not found under some of these Charracters at least or whether thou art not one in union and fellowship with such who act these things yea thou are among them and not crying against them and so art guilty of their sin though not as fully in the act as are some may be so that I doubt not but they who have not hardened their hearts and blinded their eyes will see how thou hast condemned thy self in confessing the truth and the time is coming that further it will be made manifest concerning thee only at present thou art sufficiently discovered to be out of the truth in the way of perdition and however though thou hast covered thy self as much as is possible from the stroke of thy own hand and from the guilt of thy own confession yet Ioh. Burton thou hast condemned an hundred I think of Independant Ministers so called thy brethren who are known to be found guilty of those things all or most of them which thou confessest are marks of a false Prophet and while thou bidst us examine our selves thou art the man or among them that are proved truly guilty He saith He is not come to one of the dayes of the thousand years of Satans being chained and this is truly confessed and so he is in the Reign and Government of the Devil and Satan is not bound but at liberty in him as it well appears and Christs reign is not known and so it must needs be true that he is of the Army of the Dragon against the Lamb. Some of the same Members with him said in Bedford That they scorned that Light which convinceth of sin which the Quakers speak of Further most falsly I am charged by him with railing against the Lord Jesus which is absolute false my words are spoken in fear and reverence of the Lord Jesus Reader these things I leave to thee to be judged of his false Slander and his Damnable Doctrines and wicked lying Accusations and Contradictions which his nine sheets of paper is filled with as if he had set himself to lye and slanders and speak wickedly against the truth which is over him and is a testimony against him and though opposed by him yet not confounded but him it confounds and by it he shall be judged and condemned and the time comes when further he may be made manifest if this be not sufficient out of the abundance of his heart hath his wicked Tongue uttered these things which are but a little of what lodges in him but let him prove these things first and then utter more AND now Iohn Bunion thou and thy false Witnesses and all thy Company and brethren in iniquity Remember and repent for the day of your visitation is upon you blessed were you if you could receive it before it be spent not to be recalled and before the long suffering of God come to an end and you be shut up in utter darkness And indeed friends the day hastens wherein every man shall receive according to his deeds he that hath done evil shal not be cloaked and he that hath done good shall not be uncovered in that day when the secrets of all hearts shall be laid open and searched with the eternal Eye the end of my work is to clear the Truth and the Way thereof God is witness from thy slanderous and lying and perverting Tongue and only I reprove thee by the Spirit of the Lord and so leaves thee to receive thy reward from the Just God of righteous Judgement who upon thy head wil● render vengeance in flames of Fire in his dreadfull day which upon thee comes suddenly even when thou and you cries peace peace then shall destruction come as an armed man from which thou shalt not fly to escape though now you all be hardened against the Lord and his Way and Truth and hath even bent thy Tongue for Lyes and hath reproached the Innocent to the pi●●cing of thy own soul and one day shalt thou know it therefore bow and tremble before the Lord God thou and all thy Companions a Lyar and Slanderer thou art a Perverter and Wrester of the right Way of God and of the Scriptures a Hypocrite and Dissembler a holder forth of damnable Doctrines an envious man and false Accuser condemning another falsly in what thy self is fully guilty of these things I lay to thy charge justly in the presence of the Lord God and upon thy account are they reckoned by him and proved by testimony in the sight of man and may be more fully hereafter if any thing be wanting and one day shalt thou feel the burthen of them though now thou be above shame and all thy Lyes Slanders Deceits Confusions Hypocrisies Contradictions and damnable Doctrines of Devils with impudency held forth by thee shall be consumed in the Pit of Vengeance and then shall the Witness in thy Conscience justifie the Lord in condemning thee and me to be true in reproving thee and this I say to thee and you all the Living God you know not nor his Son Jesus Christ but are Enemies to God and * persecuters of the Lord of Life and shall perish among the Uncircumcised Ye false Witnesses and wicked Helpers you may be ashamed of your testimony subscribed at the beginning of his lying scribble will you yet say through Grace those things are true the rather stop your mouthes in the dust who hath offended the Lord more then defended him or your selves and be ashamed in the presence of God and man much more may be said hereafter to lay you further open if you yet harden your hearts in your wickedness but I do rather reprove you then strive with you and rather desires your return to God then your Condemnation by him and with this I shall end and by what is said in short is sufficient to manifest you and Iohn Bunion to all honest people what Generation you are of and that you are guided by a lying and unclean spirit and that you are doing the Devils works in gain-saying the Way of Truth and Righteousness by your multitude of Lyes and Slanders and damnable Doctrines and what ever you account or falsly judge of me yet am I true though as a Deceiver and the Lords Servants and a Witness for him and against all your Lyes and Slanders and Wickedness hatched amongst you and brought forth by a lying Orator whom you have
worship their God but people who fear God are greatly oppressed divers wayes to uphold worshipping Places for others to worship in as in many parts of this Nation is wofull testimony which is a shame to the Magistrates by whose Authority these things are done and a great reproach to the very name of Christianity that people against a pure Conscience and contrary to good Reason should be compelled to uphold and maintain a Worship and Ministry which they do not partake of but their very Enemies that persecute them whose Consciences are defiled and not exercised And their Worship and Ministry which stands not in the Exercise of a pure Conscience but in vain Traditions and superstitious Idolatry are the People of God forc'd to maintain with Maintenance by Oppression contrary to their Consciences And the unjustness of these things cries for Vengeance upon the Ungodly Rulers and People who cause the Just and Upright to groan by Oppression and thus the Law is subverted contrary to that End wherefore it was added and the Government is abused contrary to that purpose wherefore it was ordain'd of God For the Guiltless are condemned and judged and the Guilty are set free the Exercise of pure Consciences are oppressed and the false Abominations and Idol Worships are strengthned and defended and because of these thing is the Wrath of God kindled and shall not be quench'd till it hath consumed the Wicked from off the Face of the Earth that the just God may be feared and his People enjoy their Freedom and liberty in the Practice of the the pure Religion and the Exercise of their pure Consciences and this will the Lord bring forth in his appointed Time according to his Promise that his People may rejoyce in him over all their Oppressors and Cruel Task-Masters which do unjustly oppress the Seed of God And as concerning the maintaining of Ministers it is the same in nature and as Unjust and Unequal as upholding of Worshipping-houses for though many out of a good Conscience do deny to maintain a professed Minister by paying to him so much or such a Sum yet they do not hereby wrong him wilfully contrary to Right in breaking any Contract or Covenant formerly made with him by themselves or Predecessors nor they do not with-hold from him any thing which properly belongs to him as Debt or due for his Labour by any Covenant binding thereunto Only the most that can be said is That such a Sum or Gift was formerly given out of that Estate to a man belonging to such a Parish and therefore now is claim'd as due by Custom of many Generations practice and so ought to be done as the Maintenance to that man because of his Labour in his Ministry Now to this I answer What though it was formerly done such a Sum paid and such a Gift freely given by our Ancestors in the time of Ignorance and Darkness that Practice of theirs then doth not bind any now to do the same seeing no Record can appear That they bound themselves and their Heirs for ever so to do and now hath the clear Light of the Gospel sprung forth and the light of the day hath discovered all the works of Ignorance and though the man that claims such a Gift or Hire as debt to him because of his labour let them pay him for whom he doth labour and who do partake of his Ministry and Labour and let others be free who for Conscience sake cannot do it who know his labour not deserving of wages but to be Deceit and Abomination and deceiving of Souls and sees him to be a proud covetous man and an idle person who maintains himself by the fruit of other mens labours in the vanity of life and without the Fear of the Lord and this makes the thing a matter of Conscience to many that for no better use nor to no other end they should pay their Money which cannot be justly claimed as a just debt but as a gift at most to the upholding of such men and such practises which are not according but contrary to God in labour life and practice and to uphold and maintain a man as a Minister of Christ which is not so but the contrary as by his fruits is made manifest and that in Ministry and Worship which is not the Worship and Ministry of the true God but the contrary as doth appear this many of the people of God cannot do for a good Conscience sake except they should transgress the Light of Christ and the Law of God in their own Hearts and Consciences and so bring themselves into condemnation by the Lord. So let all men take notice hereof that though the People of God do deny to pay any thing to uphold and maintain such a Worship and such Ministers which are not the Ministers of Christ nor the Worship of the true God but rather gives their Goods to the Spoiler and their Bodies to the Prison yet this is onely for the Exercise of a good and pure Conscience and not out of wilfull wrong or injury and their Sufferings are not as they are Evil-Doers but as they are Saints for a good Conscence sake because they cannot be subject to the wills of unjust men in upholding and maintaining such things against their Consciences but are willing rather to suffer then offend the Lord and their own Consciences neither is there good Reason nor Equity in it nor any part of a good Conscience that people by injustice should be compelled to maintain a Minister whom they know is not the Minister of Christ by his fruits and effects and practises and so are forced against their own Conscience to uphold a man in Pride in Idleness in covetousness and in a vain and Evil life by unrighteous Wages Now if their Money was to maintain a man that 's poor or if that man had not of his own sufficiently to preserve his Wife and Children from want then it were a work of Charity to give something if it were every year or oftner to maintain him and his Family and the People of God would not refuse to give something for this end no man should compel them nor have cause to spoil their Goods for it but as he professeth himself a Minister of Christ and a Labourer in the Gospel but is not so but lives in pride and the vanities of this World upon such an account they cannot maintain him nor give him any thing at all with a safe Conscience neither is there any reason in it that they should for they receive not his Ministry neither do hear him neither do own him as a Minister of Christ nor do not partake of his Labours nor do not set him on labouring and this is greatly unjust that any man should pay or be compelled to pay by force and oppression Wages to a man as his Labourer and as his Servant who doth not at all Labour for him or do him any Service neither doth the man
all are not to be condemned that cannot swear or take an Oath for many of the Servants of the Lord who are Followers of Christ cannot swear for Conscience sake because Christ hath commanded Not to Swear at all though such do deny the Pope and all his Authority and Doctrines and whatsoever else is signified in that Oath who cannot justly be suspected to be any way adherent to the Pope in Doctrines or Practices except through wicked Envy you seek occasion against them thereby and you abuse your Power and subvert the Law if you judge such to be Popish Recusants because they will not Swear because they cannot for Conscience sake but walk in Christ's Doctrine who commanded not to Swear and follow the Apostle's Example who said Above all things my Brethren Swear not at all And such cannot justly be suspected or judged for Popish Recusants who are Followers of Christ and keep his Commands Therefore you must be considerate and search deep into those things that are thus weighty lest you cause the Guiltless to suffer and thereby vex the Lord against your selves And you must make a special difference betwixt such as will not Swear because they are guilty and such as cannot Swear for Conscience sake though they are not guilty but clear and free in the sight of the Lord of such things as may be falsly suspected and charged against them by envious men which may watch for Evil and give Information against the People of God unto you But let your Eye be single in all these things that you may save your selves from Wrath and Condemnation which will be a Reward of all such who subvert good Laws to a wrong End and seek to cover themselves in their Persecution of the Innocent by making the Law a Cloak but such Coverings will not hide in the Day of the Lord. And my Friends In the Execution of these and other Laws let the Fear of God guide you and true Judgment and sound Discerning that you may try into the Nature and Ground of every thing and may not judge only by outward Appearance but judge Righteous Judgment And this is a great Transgression in the Sight of the LORD at this Day even the false Execution of Good LAWS and the subversion of them to wrong Ends and Uses by some wicked men who are in Authority to whom the Law is committed And this we know by Experience Be the Law never so just and good yet if the Executioners of the Law be unjust and unrighteous true Justice and Judgment is turn'd backward and for want thereof the Harmless and Innocent daily suffer which kindleth and encreaseth the fierce Anger of the Lord against these Nations And likewise All you that are in Power and Authority you ought not to command any thing of any man which the Law gives you no power to Command for doing so you make your selves Transgressors as for instance You have no Power by any Law to command men to put off their Hats when they come before you neither by any Law can you justly punish them if they do it not neither can you justly punish such by any Law who deny to Swear because for Conscience sake they cannot But what hath been inflicted upon some in such cases hath been by Will and Malice and not by any Law and the Lord doth account such things against the Wicked who cause such Sufferings And of these things I have given you Warning and it is in perfect Love unto you all as to inform you truly lest you cause the Innocent to suffer I am a real Friend to the Common-wealth and a Lover of Iustice and true Iudgment and fully affected towards Iust Government and wish well to Magistrates E. B. The 9th Moneth 1657. AN EPISTLE To go abroad Among Friends IN WESTMORLAND and CUMBERLAND And elswhere among the Flock of God FRiends my love and life which is not of this World but which is in the living God doth reach unto and salute all you that are in the Light of Life and in the Truth it self which changeth not which endureth for ever which we receive of God the everlasting Father through the Gospel which came unto us in the demonstration of the Spirit and of Power to the changing of us from Death which reigned over us to Life in which we have power over Death and to the turning of us from the power of Satan wherein we were held unto the power of the living God wherein we became fruitful and a good savour unto him through Nations Dearly Beloved in the same Truth be faithful unto death in that which cannot sin nor be overcome of the Tempter which Satan hath nothing in wherein only our fellowship and union standeth one with another as we abide in the living Vine Christ Jesus the Light of the World in which you have believed unto Eternal Life and have entered into the Rest which is prepared as you continue therein you cannot be moved or shaken but are as Mount-Sion established in the Power and Life and Wisdom of the Everlasting God which condemns Darkness and all its works and gives dominion and rule over all the powers of Death and Hell which worketh in the Children of Disobedience who know not God nor receive the Truth much more in them who turns from the Light and Knowledge of the Truth into the Liberty of the Flesh to serve sin having made shipwrack of Fear and of Faith and a good Conscience who shall bear their own shame and condemnation in the Sight of God man and shall have no part with us in the Inheritance of Peace and Righteousness but the later end of such is worse then the beginning Wherefore you that are in the Covenant of Peace where sin is not remembred nor committed nor the unclean thing touched dwell and abide in the Life of God and in his Strength which reigns over all the World with its temptations and over all false Brethren and over all deceitful Workers whose Eye becometh darkned and heart hardned through the deceitfulness of sin turning the Grace of God into wantonness and giving liberty to the unclean thing which is accursed and joyned to the Harlot and become one Flesh but in the Counsel of the Lord God walk before him and keep your selves pure and undefiled and partake not of the deeds of the Wicked neither give place to the Devil to be perverted by him from the Truth of the living God which is Truth in it self for ever though the Backsliders despise the Way of it and every one abide in your own and know a measure of the Strength of Christ Jesus in you to defend you from the Enemy who seeks to beguile and to devour and to divert from the perfect Way of Life and Peace and dwell in your own measure of the Grace of God which is perfect which is sufficient to teach and lead and preserve in all the Wayes of God which the Unclean cannot walk
in but he that keepeth you reproveth and condemneth and casteth out the Devil and all his works and Workers who abide not in Christ Jesus nor in the Truth wherein we worship the Father who are called of him and faithful and chosen Followers of the Lamb who taketh away our Sin and giveth power over it and overthe Tempter who seeketh to betray the Just One. And from the Eternal God I warn you Every one know a Hiding-place in God the day of great shaking cometh upon the Garden of God the Beast that had a Wound by a Sword whose deadly Wound is healed may live and power may he given him for a Moment to make war against the Lamb and his Followers and Satan may prevail to winnow you and to try you for your Life therefore be armed with the whole Armour of Light which manifesteth the Mystery of Iniquity and the working of spiritual Wickednesses in high places and which defendeth you from his power out of the Snare of the Devil in the Simplicity as it is in Christ Jesus who is our Rock and our Strength by which we overcome the fiery Darts of the Enemy which come against us and dwell in the Truth that you may know the Life which standeth in God with whom there is no shaddow of turning but is the same forever and keepeth Covenant with his own Elect which cannot be overcome of the Devil nor deceived in whom you abiding you cannot sin but are kept from being touched with the Wicked One in the Way and in the Truth and in the Peace of God lively and precious in his sight to serve him in Fear and Faithfulness And if any go out from the Light the Living Way they become as withered Branches to be cut off from the Body no more to have Fellowship in the Body but is reprov'd and judg'd with that which keeps us in the Body And though some go from the Lord yet his Faithfulness endureth forever and his Promise is yea and amen to his own Seed which keep Covenant with him and fulfil his Law of Righteousness and Judgment and he that breaketh Covenant let him be condemned that the Creature may be saved in the Day of the Lord for who draws back such God's Soul hath no Pleasure in them but is oppressed with that and his Soul vexed Therefore all walk in God's Wisdom which is Pure and Peaceable and let not the Name of our God be spoken against through any of you who have been Partakers of the Word of Truth through any Disobedience or ungodly Walking but rather deny your own Liberty then make it an Occasion to the Flesh wherein Satan's strength stands and so God's Blessing you will receive and his Nurishment unto your Souls and will be preserved in Faithfulness not to end in the Flesh you that have begun in the Spirit And this in pure Love towards you all as a Testimony of my Love to the Seed of God in you all was I moved to write as seeing in the Light the Day that cometh upon you of which some may not be aware and I am clear thus far of the Charge committed to me of God towards you and am in the Truth it self which cannot change and am in it your Friend in the Service of the Lord God E. B. This is to go abroad among all Friends in Westmorland and Cumberland and elsewhere among the Flock of God carefully to be Copied over and read in your Meetings A Second General Epistle To all the SAINTS A Servant of the Lord and Minister of Jesus Christ thereunto ordain'd and call'd through the Powerful Operation and Gift of the Holy Ghost unto all his Brethren in the same Life who are born of God and Witnesses of his Power and unto all the Saints and Churches of Christ who have believ'd and receiv'd the sure and faithful Testimony and are call'd with the Heavenly Call to follow the Lamb whithersoever he goes who is given to you and received of you a Light a Guide and a Teacher in all the Wayes of God Unto you all that are scatter'd abroad in the World whether in Bonds or at Liberty whether strong Men or Children in Christ unto you all I send Greeting and above all things wish and desire and pray unto the Father for your increase in the Knowledge of him and Faithfulness in all his Wayes and that the Increase of his Government may abound among you and that Grace Mercy and Peace may plentifully be enlarged that nothing may be lacking to you in any thing of that which maketh perfect but that in Christ Jesus you may be compleat and that through him you may receive Power and thereby be strengthned to do all things My dearly Beloved and much longed for in the Fellowship of that Spirit which hath begotten you to be Sons and Daughters of one Father and Heirs and Fellow-members of that Inheritance of Life Peace and Rest which abideth forever Oh how I long to meet you all in this and to find you perfectly settled and established upon the sure Foundation which God hath laid amongst you beyond all Doubts and Fears and Stumblings above the World and all its Temptations and above Hell and Death and all the wayes thereof having all the powers of Darkness subjected under you serving the Lord in righteous and perfect Holiness walking in his Strength and Wisdom shewing forth his Light in the World as his only redeem'd People Oh how is my desire more and more kindled and enlarged towards you all that you may perfectly attain to the Knowledge of the great Mystery of Salvation to wit God dwelling in you I say my desire is That you may know even as you are known and that you may receive him as you are received of him and that you may be a perfect Body growing up together and springing forth in all good Fruits of Truth and Righteousness unto the Father who is glorify'd through bringing forth much Fruit And you very well know that for this End he hath call'd you and in this his appointed Day caused his Glory to shine forth and hath visited and brought us to the knowledge of the hidden Mystery of Eternal Salvation which Mystery hath been seal'd up for many Ages and is kept secret forever from the wisdom of this World but unto us that have believ'd in the Light of the World are they clearly discover'd as at Noon-day being reveal'd to us by the Spirit which worketh in us the Will and Mind of the Father and is powerful and mighty and subdueth and breaketh down the Hardness of Hearts and through the working thereof every high Thought is brought into subjection to Jesus And this same Spirit quickeneth and maketh alive to God and changeth and reneweth into his Image and Likeness and it raiseth up from under the Bondage of Corruption to live to God in all things in newness of Life old things being done away and all things being made new through the working
Truth and turned from it and were unfaithfull to the Lord. FOrasmuch as in these our dayes the God of Truth hath made manifest his Name and Truth in the hearts of his people and hath gathered the minds of thousands into it to worship him in the Spirit and in the Truth in which he is accepted and of this Truth which is but one and there is not another are we made Witnesses and Ministers of and hath the Testimony in our selves that we are of God and are a good savour unto him in them that believe and in them that perish and we have the Testimony that he that is of God heareth us and we know the whole World lies in wickedness and who are in the Truth in the Light and in the Life have followship one with another in Holiness and Righteousness in that which comprehends the World and condemns all the works thereof which are evil and this Truth and Worship and Fellowship stands in Christ Jesus the second Adam whose Kingdom and Rule is not of this World but from Heaven who according to his Promise in his Counsel hath made known his Power to the raising up a righteous Branch a royal Priesthood a peculiar People zealous of his Name to shew forth his Praise and Glory in Justness and Righteousness in Love Mercy and Peace and works of Purity having our Conversation in Heaven and since that Day of the Manifestation of this Truth of the Gospel of Peace and Salvation which is the same now as was in the beginning which is in Christ Jesus the Light of the World who is the same to day yesterday and forever and changeth not I say since that very day hath the Lord prospered his Truth to the renewing of many into his Image and Likeness and to the turning of many from Darkness to Light and from Satans power to God by the Mouthes of his Ministers and through great Sufferings and Tribulations and Afflictions and Labours hath the Lord honoured his Name and his Truth in Nations and given it a praise among all that fear him and hath honoured it and exalted it in the sight of the Heathen to the confounding of the Wise and Mighty and to the bringing out of the Captivity of Darkness Sin and Death wherein in times past all have walked while Strangers from the Life of God so that thousands who have received the Truth are established in it and cannot be moved nor shaken but are built upon the sure Foundation their Faith standing in the Power of God with whom the Arm and Presence of the Lord God is defending and preserving continually and unto such the Truth is precious and the Way of the Lord and his Name and Honour is dear yea more then life or liberty or any other thing which passeth away who for the Truth 's sake as is it in Christ Jesus do daily give up themselves to suffering and to reproach for well-doing and not for evil and loves not life unto death that the Lord God and his Name and Truth may be honoured so that in the Truth which is received and learned of the Father daily do we walk in all Purity and Holiness of Life answering the Mercy and Love of the Lord in the exercise of a good Conscience both towards God and man in Patience and Long suffering and Wisdom towards all to the putting to silence of Gainsayers rendring love and mercy toward our Persecutors and are set in our hearts to fulfil the will of God in all things And now whereas that the Scriptures may be fulfilled some may and have denied the Truth which once was received and loved to the making shipwrack of Faith and of a good Conscience abusing the Mercy and Grace of God which to them appeared and follow the counsel of their own hearts and not the Lord having lost the feeling of the Spirit of the Father and are and may be separated from us in the self-separation through an evil heart of unbelief that it may be made manifest they are not of us though they arise from among us and may by disorderly walking contrary to the Truth cause the Truth to be evil spoken of giving occasion thereby to the Enemies of God to blaspheme his Name and Truth in the Earth and may be a stumbling to the weak and an offence to the Way of the Lord before the Simple through their Disorders and Confusions raising the rage of the wicked against the Lambs of Christ being not led in the Wisdom of God but in the Confusions taking liberty to their own hearts desire ful filling the will thereof without the Fear of God above the Cross of Christ in the nature uncrucified and speaking high Words in the presumption and not in the Light and Power of God and acting in the vanity of the Mind in the pretence of Truth and moving of the Spirit such things as Truth and the Children of it who are guided with the Spirit cannot justifie but is judged and denied and cast out from among the Children of Light who walk in the Truth and do try the Spirits whether they be of God Therefore in the Fear of the Lord God this is written to go abroad among Friends and others to inform and shew unto all that the Truth and we that are in it and Ministers of it do stand clear from all such who act and speak out of the Truth and contrary to it in the Disorder and Confusion and not in the Fear and Counsel of God and with the Truth such are judged and denied and fellowship with them we have not nor of their works do approve though such once owned us and were convinced of the Truth and received the Seed of the Kingdom into the unprofitable Ground yet being separated from us and gone out from the Truth and are not subject to it and its Government but are unruly and disorderly we and the Truth do such deny and the spirit that rules them being not the Spirit of Christ Jesus and such have done evil against their own Souls and against God and are Troublers of the Righteous Seed and have and do dishonour the Lord and his Truth in the sight of the Heathen causing the right way to be reviled and reproached and evil spoken of through the offence by them to the making sad the hearts of some whom God hath not made sad and even more especially in that they pretend to the Truth in their words but in works deny it and profess to be in it yet secretly condemning and openly reviling the Ministers of Righteousness which God hath blessed and doth daily bless with his eternal Power to the turning many unto God and to the strengthning of the weak and feeble which we with many others do witness to be the Ministers of Life and Reconciliation and there is no other and are established in it and cannot be moved by the temptations of the Devil though the wicked one may revile for a moment to
winnow some and to try them and to draw the hearts and minds of others into a Snare out from the obedience to Christ Jesus which do become Mockers and Despisers and Subverters of the simplicity of the Gospel of Peace and of the Ministers and Ministry thereof which is the Power of God unto Salvation and there is no other though some harden their hearts through unbelief and blind the Eye till they be past feeling through rebellion against the Truth which they hold in unrighteousness and not in the Power of God having made the offence of the Cross to cease yet boasting in the Liberty of Christ while they are unmortified having run from the Judgment and not truly came thorow it in the finishing of Condemnation and that spirit that goes out of the Cross is subverted and seeks to subvert others from the Truth as it is in Jesus and that spirit is denyed fellowship with though it have the conformity in the Hypocrisie Wherefore this is the Word of the Lord God unto you that err after that spirit Be awakened be awakened and remember and repent and come to your first work to that which condemneth you lest the Lord by his hand of Wrath and Judgment upon you make you an Example and of Misery and Destruction to all that shall hereafter deny the Lord and his Truth Hear and consider to the Light in you all I speak have you another Truth then that which hath been known and declared from the beginning is there any other way to Life then which we have been Witnesses of who have not handled the Word of God deceitfully amongst you nor sought yours but you nor preached our selves but Christ Jesus and hereof we have the witness in our Consciences in the Holy Ghost and is there any other Salvation then that which God hath manifested which is Christ Jesus the Light of the World Be awaked and consider Wherefore then do you separate your selves disoderly and resist the Word of Life which once begat you towards the Lord Consider what you are doing and whither you are walking the End of your way is Perdition and that is accursed which preacheth another Gospel How do you dishonour the Lord in the sight of the Heathen before whom you discover your Nakedness and your Shame doth appear having put off and cast aside the Armour and Weapon of Truth whereby you might have been defended But Scorners and Fools take occasion through your disorders and confusions to blaspheme the Name of the Lord and it is through you Be stirred up and consider and search your hearts and come to the tryal ye that vex the Lord's Soul and grieve his Spirit lest it cease to strive with you and you be wholly given up to fulfil wickedness till there be no place nor time of repentance found and this is a warning to you all in the Presence of the Living God that you may return to your first love to fear before the Lord and to walk in his Truth if there may be mercy and to fulfil his Will which is the Light which you are lighted withal by Christ Jesus who is the Lamb of God the Way the Truth and the Life the Author and Finisher of Faith and there is not another And know this ye that deny him that is given yea unto you all he will deny you before his Father and of all your Blood I am clear thus far whether you resist or receive who am the Lover of your Souls sometimes loved of you while you were Lovers of the Truth and am now a Witness for the Lord and his Truth and against that spirit which leads you in the Rebellion against the Government of Christ which is Order and Peace out of which you have erred to the piercing of your own Souls and though you now exalt your selves against me and the Truth and boast your selves as though you reigned yet in the day of the Lord shall the Light in you all which is now darkned bear witness to me and of my faithfulness in reproving you and the Truth is for ever dear to me and my soul delights no less in it though you rebel against it in the heady exalted presumptuous high wilful spirit which is not subject to the Government nor Authority of the Ministry of Christ but Truth is over you all and the Mountain of the Lord is established above you all and all your words and works and boastings and feignedness and disorders are denied and in them we have not fellowship but the contrary and do in the Authority of the Lord even by the same Authority which hath begotten us unto God and called us and carried us in his Work unto this day deny you all in the ground and state wherein you stand till repentance and turning from whence you are fallen to the Light which Christ hath lighted you withal And all faithfull Friends this is the Word of the Lord God to you hear and fear walk in the Truth which you have heard and learned and received of the Father in it dwell and live and know there is no other then that which is made manifest which is sure to you all and cannot deceive nor be deceived and be not shaken in mind nor troubled though some deny the Lord but let their fall be a Warning to you to be more watchfull to be kept to the Lord lest you be tempted and dwell in the Mountain of Holiness which no Beast can touch where is a hiding place to preserve you in the time of tryal And I charge you all in the Presence of the Living God of Life let your minds be setled and hearts staid in the Truth which is the Foundation of God and know the Armor of God to gird you up to God where no offence is taken against Christ nor against the Way of Truth but the Power of God doth remove that which would be offended and tramples upon that which gives the offence and in this you will be preserved until the day of Salvation and beware of that spirit that boasts above the measure and of that which makes the offence of the Cross to cease for there hardness of heart and unbelief enters and so another is followed then the Light and another joyned to then Christ Jesus and there is the way to perdition who goes from the Light within them they deny God and his Truth and follow the imaginations of the soolish heart and runs in rashness and in the forwardness and that ground receives the unclean spirit in again with seven worse and the latter end is worse then the beginning and this Truth doth not change which is the begotten of the Father but is the same for ever So in it all be faithfull and fruitfull to the Father in your Places and Callings shewing forth in all wisdom and pure conversation among yo●… Enemies to the putting them to silenc● when they speak evil of you and be Examples of Holiness one to another that
the Lord God may dwell amongst you and may never have cause to with-hold his presence from you which is Life and Peace and Rest for ever And believe not every spirit but dwell in that which discerns spirits and if any say Lo here or lo there is Christ go not after them without you for you have not been so taught but know the Christ of God the Lamb of God within you and follow him and obey his voice and be established all of you on this sure Foundation whom God hath laid and no man can lay any other and if you build thereupon and thereby you s●…ll never suffer loss but your Work shall abide the Fire and in the Fathers House your Bread you shall receive and never shall hunger no● Thirst but the Life will be refreshed and increased daily and you Lamps will alwayes shine and you shall never be darkned not st●…ble for that which stumbles is out of the Truth and the ground stands to receive the seed of Satan who is a Devourer of the Simplicity and the Betrayer from the Truth Therefore I charge you all in the Presence of the Living God that you hold fast the Faith and Hope which you have received through the Gospel that you may never be moved 〈◊〉 the Grace of God and from the Love that hath abounded in you ●…t may be found watching in the Door with your Light shining when the Bridegroom cometh and behold he cometh quickly and his Rew●…d is with him blessed are they that tarry for him This is the Testimony of my Love unto all the Seed of God who am as a Deceiver and yet true and as not known yet well known unto the ●…d E. 〈◊〉 To such as have Backslided from the Truth WHEN the Life in you all doth arise it shall witness me and answer the Word of the Lord unto Life or unto Death Friends all you to whom the Word of the Lord came and ●…n whom the Way of Truth was made manifest hear and consider How ●…t hath the Love of the Father been unto you How many and infinite have been his Mercies from day to day often visiting you with his Power and with his Presence yea when you sate in Darkness and in the shadow of Death his marvellous Light appear'd unto you and when you were held captive in the covenant of Sin and Death he stretched forth his Hand to redeem ●… he loved you while you knew him not and he brought Deliverance out of a ●…nge Land where you were strayed among Devourers and scatter'd and g●●e a●●ray as Sheep without a Shepherd yea when you were dead in Transgression he said unto you Live and he also bound you up when no eye pitty'd you even then when you were Enemies to him walking in the Va●●t●en of your own hearts and knew not him who lives forever who had been soug●● by you but not found in that very day he sent to visit you with his E●… Gospel of Peace and Truth to gather you unto himself I am a 〈◊〉 and he caus'd his powerful Voice to be heard and his Name to be 〈◊〉 among you and his Truth was declared in the Demonstration of the ●…rit and the Power of the Lord was made manifest in you to the bringing of you from Darkness to Light and from Death which had reign'd over you 〈◊〉 know a Measure of the Life of God Yea the Way of Life Eternal was set 〈◊〉 you that you might not perish but live and his Witness in you all 〈◊〉 i● but one the Word of the Lord reacheth unto you by the Mouthes of 〈◊〉 ●…ts to the revealing of Sin and judging it by his Righteous Law 〈◊〉 in your hearts causing his Terror to be known among you and his ●udgments reached your hearts and in that day beautiful was his Presence 〈◊〉 you and precious was his Truth among you in your first Love and his Li●●t and Power and the Knowledge of his Ways were pleasant to you and the S●…l of the Kingdom of God which you receiv'd with Joy grew up in you and ●…per'd at that day and the Lord loved you his Presence was with you ●…g his own Children whom he begat by his Everlasting Word that you 〈◊〉 be a Praise unto him forever And when the fear of the Lord and his J●●g●●nts were placed among you and your Hearts were broken and while you were of a hungering Soul and thirsty after the Lord then was it well with you and the Day of Peace dawn'd unto you and the Word of the Lord was ●we●t unto you and he was gladly receiv'd that came in the Name of the Lord. B●t O how have some of you lost your first Love and are again darkened and ready to faint and to turn aside for a thing of nought And how do such grieve the Spirit of the Lord and vex his Righteous Soul and are become a S●●de● to him in dishonouring his Name the envious man having entered ●nd sown his Seed in some of you and brought forth Strife and Divisions and Disorders among you which are not of the Father nor of the Truth and Prejudice and Evil-Surmisings and secret Jealousies one against another is risen in you all which is to be condemned with the Light for the Fire I judge it all under my Feet in the Power of the Lord God and am in that which reigns over it all and through these things Unity is decay'd and Love is waxed cold and there is fainting in the way and the Zeal for the Name of the Lord perisheth which ought to be among you and Rendings and Tearings Biting and Devouring one another and striving for Mastery there is which ought not to be which the Wrath of God is against all this is out of the Light out of the Wisdom and Counsel of God My Spirit is vexed and my Heart is troubled within me because of these things not for my self but for you and for the Glory of the Lord over whom I am jealous with a Godly Jealousie that you may not perish nor his Glory be dispised among the Heathen What mean you thus to deal against the Lord in dishonouring his Name in the sight of the Enemy even to the wounding of your own souls and to the piercing of the hearts of the Faithful who have watched over you and been Messengers of Glad-tidings unto you from the Lord Every one of you in particular be awakened and stirr'd up and fear before the Lord and come to the Light which the Son of God has lighted you withal and search your own hearts and try your selves that the ground of these things may be seen and condemn'd and remov'd and Love may yet spring amongst you to the Lord and one to another O Friends Consider It was one Father that begat you into the Truth which is but one by one Word of Life which is not divided and you were begotten unto him and not unto your selves And Christ Jesus which is
but one the same to day yesterday and forever who is the Foundation of God and abides forever was preached unto you all to be the Way the Truth the Life and Salvation and there is none besides him why then are there Divisions amongst you and some for one and some for another And herein are you carnal and your minds abroad and not'staid upon him which gives the increase and all this is to be judged with the Life of God Wherefore I beseech you in the Fear of the Lord as you love him and his Glory yea as you love your own souls Come to the Light which lets you see all this and condemns it and strive not one with another nor exalt not your selves one above another but let all that be condemned and all your evil Surmisings and foolish Jealousies separate Worshippings Backbitings be brought to Judgment and let condemnation pass upon it all never more to appear to hinder your Fellowship with the Lord and know the Life of God in you all which is but one which is not at strife nor divided and let that arise that all Vails may be taken off and Hardness of heart judged and the Countenance of the Lord may shine upon you when that exalted spirit which has appear'd in some is brought down of which I charge you all to beware lest there be a total departing from the Lord and his Name be reproached through you among the Heathen and it had been better for such they had never been born Therefore I say unto you all lay it to heart till the Judgments of the Lord take it away and purifie your hearts from all these things which ariseth out of that which is not of the Father that my joy may be renewed who have been in travel for you tell Christ be formed in you that he alone may rule in you over all those things which are at enmity against the Life and hinders your grow●● And if you yet harden your heart against Reproof who are stubborn well the Lord will ease him of his Adversaries and break you as a Potter's Vessel And though you oppress the Life of God for a moment yet my Peace with him ●●●ll these things never take away but over all these things I tread am not offend●● in him who is my Peace forever And though those things cause sadness of heart yet the Lord giveth no cause of Sorrow to them that are faitful to him but will arise to confound all Deceit and Deceitful Workers who err from his Way and count the Knowledge of his Wayes a Burden and of you all though you perish I am clear who am not hated of the Lord though falsly judged by his Enemies over whom I trample as the Dust and the Living God gives Victory over you all I am not of this World E. B. Something of TRUTH Made Manifest In Relation to a Dispute at Draton in the County of Middlesex in the first Moneth last In Opposition to the False Account given of it by one Philip Taverner in his Book stiled The QUAKERS ROUNDS OR A Faithful Account c. FOrasmuch as one who hath I suppose ambitiously stiled himself Mr. Philip Taverner hath taken in hand to set forth to the view of the World an Account and Relation of a Dispute hapning in the eleaventh Moneth last at Draton near Colebrook to which Relation I am a little engaged to write something by way of answer thereunto that all people may know the Truth and being the Truth is somewhat concerned herein that is the Reason wherefore I have taken in hand to write a little by way of answer to his Relation being without any prejudice towards the man as concerning any Wrong he hath done to me though me as well as the Truth he hath wronged as may appear to such who desire to know the Truth It 's true a publique dispute I had the time and place mentioned with a company of Priests and this same Philip Taverner was one of them and the occasion of the Dispute was thus I being a few weeks before at a Meeting with some Friends in the said Town one Richard Goodgroom in his relation mentioned was present at the hearing of what was spoken but at that time did not object any thing though afterwards in London and other places he went up and down in a backbiting manner and gave forth That I had held forth blasphemous Doctrines or the like whereupon I much desir'd a Dispute for the tryal of those things and it was accomplished and that day the Truth was much made manifest and Deceit confounded And as to all the things objected against me by Richard Goodgroom which he would have seemed to have taken great occasion thereby as if some great matter of Heresie and Error had been utter'd by me I say the very Truth of all these things was demonstrated according as I had laid them down and his Arguments against them made of none effect And though such as hardened their Hearts might go unsatisfied and in greater Unbelief then they came yet I am sure the Upright-hearted and such as desired the knowledge of the Truth were wholy satisfied and this many can give Testimony of with me And though by his Relation it may appear otherwise to some yet wherein he hath related falsly it shall fall upon his own head and his Folly shall truly more appear in the End then he would have or seem to cause any in me to appear at this present and so he might with more Credit to himself been silent then to have meddled in that wherein he hath shewed himself so imperfect For I believe That this same Philip Taverner hath given a Relation of four times as much as he did speak at that Meeting and hath related as though he spake that which he never uttered by so many times fo much as I have said and hath not related so much by many times as was spoken by me and them of my part as many may witness Which Work of his seems not to be perfect neither yet altogether honest as sober Men may judge but such a thing must redown more to his own Dishonour then to the Truth 's Disadvantage And first As to the Title of his false Relation which is stiled The Quakers Rounds or A Faithful Account c. To this I answer That the very Frontispiece and Title of his Book savours of a vain light scornful spirit and so every Spiritual Man may judge of it to be so But why dost thou Philip Taverner say A Faithful Account but that to confirm Falshood with audacious words having a shew of Confidence upon it thereby the more easily to enter ento the Hearts of the People as if it were irreprovable coming also from the hand and under the hand of a Mr. Philip c. having so stil'd thy self to make thy Fame great and to publish thy Work under a seeming Authority but hadst thou had more Humility less
force for the Day of the Lord hath now appeared and the Light is sprung forth which hath made all things manifest and now the difference is known between the worship of the Beast and the worship of the true God And concerning the state of Christianity to come this I know and believe a glorious Restoration thereof shall appear throughout the whole Christendom and Christianity shall again be restored to its former purity and Christians shall and may receive the same Spirit from which the Christians have been degenerated and the same Life the same Power and the same Worship and Unity shall be revived amongst Christians in the Restoration even the same that was in the beginning before the Apostacy and the Glory of God shall again appear among his people and they shall again worship him in Spirit and in Truth only as they did before the Apostacy and all this traditional worship and false imitations which hath been set up since the Apostles dayes shall be overthrown and confounded the Lord is risen and will dash down and overthrow all this Idolatry now practized amongst Christians And a great shaking and confounding shall suddenly come among Christians for the Lord will break down that which hath been builded because it is polluted and he will pluck up that which hath been planted because it is defiled and a mighty work will the Lord work in the Earth the Kingdoms of this World will he change into the Kingdoms of Christ and Christ shall reign in and among his People and his Spirit shall be the Teacher and Leader of his People and all false Teachers will the Lord confound and consume all these Hirelings who go for Gifts and Rewards and all this manner of Preaching and Teaching which are come up since the Apostles dayes all this Preaching which they study for and by a Glass and for so much Money a year all this shall be tumbled down into the Pit God's Vengeance shall come upon it all and the Anointing shall be received and it shall dwell in People as it did in the Apostles and the people shall need no other Teacher but as that Anointing teacheth all things and for this Spirit and Anointing all that fear God may wait to receive it in this present Age which Spirit brings into the same Unity and Life into the same Worship and Fellowship that was amongst Christians in the beginning before the Apostacy and this State may Christians be restored to and for this State all that fear God and love him are to wait for this shall come to pass in the World And as concerning the Ministry I know and do believe it may be and is received again as the Apostles and Christian Ministers first received it to wit by the eternal Spirit and Gift thereof through the Revelation of Christ Jesus in them and such may and do preach the Gospel freely as they do receive is freely and without natural Learning and Languages For by that can none be made Ministers of Christ nor by any thing without the Gift of the holy Spirit and Christ's Ministry shall again be received thereby this I believe and all this Ministry made and sent forth by natural Learning and without the Gift of the holy Spirit the Lord will confound it in this Age for this is come up since the Apostles dayes to make Ministers by natural Learning and it stands in the Apostacy from the Life and Spirit of Christ and its call and work and maintenance savours not of the Kingdom of Christ and the Lord will bring it down and the Gift of his Ministry will he restore by his Spirit and this is and shall come to pass and it may be waited for in this present Age and the Lord will restore his Ministry as in the beginning and his work shall be glorious for many there are is and shall be converted to God and brought out of the degeneration and to that shall people come which all Christendom hath been apostatized from and shall receive the same Spirit and the same Anointing which was amongst the Christian Churches and life and immortality shall again be brought to light through the Gospel which hath been hid for Ages while darkness hath been over the minds of people And I say and testifie before all the World That Christianity shall be restored to its former state Life shall spring forth and Truth shall be encreased and Faith shall wax strong even the same Faith that the Apostles had which gave them Victory over all the World which shall again give People the same Victory and this shall be known in the Earth For the Marriage of the Lamb shall come and all his People shall be joyn'd unto him and there shall be one Way and one Worship and one Teacher and every one shall sit under Christ's Vine and none shall make afraid Yea and more then a Vine shall he be known and more then a Door and more then a Shepherd shall he be known to be to his People and greater then a Rock shall he be witnessed to be and more then a Teacher in the Wilderness If any man have an Ear to hear let him 〈◊〉 more and greater is he becoming to his People then is lawful yet to utter Eye hath not seen nor it hath not entred into the Heart of man but it is revealed to us by his Spirit The joyful Day is approaching the Lamb's Wife is making her self ready the Wedding Garment is putting on and all that which is polluted is to be done away And Blessed is he that cometh to the Marriage of the Lamb that he may become one Spirit with the Creat●r Here is Glory and Rejoycing forever when this is known That the Wife hath not power over her own Body but the Husband nor hath the Husband power over his own Body but the Wife Where this is known Death is swallowed up of Life and Sin is overcome of Righteousness and the Inheritance of Life Eternal comes to be possessed and Death and Hell is cast into the Lake and he which hath deceived can deceive no more And blessed is the Eye that sees this and the Heart that understandeth Wherefore all ye Christians upon Earth Awake awake and put away your Whoredoms cast off your Idolatries and strip you and make you clean of all your Adulteries drink no longer of the Cup of Fornication nor eat no longer of the Abominable Flesh nor wear no longer your Garments of Unrighteousness but strip ye strip ye make ye bare all your old Garments must be put off before you can appear before the Lord. A great Work will the Lord work amongst you he will shake and overthrow all your Altars Images and Idols which you have set up and worshipped The Lord hath uttered his Voice the Beast that hath many Heads and many Horns shall tremble and one Head and one Horn only shall be exalted and the Government shall be set up of whose encrease there shall be
no end and people shall be brought into that and they shall go forth no more for who come to this Time is no longer and the Kingdom and Government is delivered to the Father and he is become all in all And all that ever come to know these things must first come to the Light of the Lamb in them with which every man is lightned that cometh into the World And all that ever know these things must first be brought to the Principle of God in them which they have transgressed against And all that own the Light of Christ and walk in it shall come to know these things which to know and be in them is eternal Life Therefore all ye Christians come to the Light which Christ hath lightned you withal and that will let you see the Government of Satan and of sin and death which has been ruling in you and the Light will teach you to war against it till it be subdued the Light will discover unto you that nature in which the kingdom of Satan bears rule it will let you see the Devil who is the Prince of darkness who is the Adversary of God who is out of the Truth and he has drawn all people out of the Truth but if you love the Light of Christ in you it will teach you to war against him and against all that that is out of the Truth for all that is of Satans Kingdom that is out of the Truth and must be destroy'd by the coming of the Kingdom of Christ whose coming is in the Light which Christ hath enlightned every man withal who comes to destroy the Devil and his kingdom and all his works So to the Light must all minds be turned which will reveal the kingdom of the Man of Sin and consume it The Appearance of Christ is Light and Christ is the Light of Israel which is as a Fire to consume all fruitless Trees which cumber the ground which the Lord will consume by the brightness of his coming And now is the Man of Sin reveal'd even in the hearts of Christians so call'd and he hath long shew'd himself to be God but now the Lord will bring him down For Antichrist has rul'd for many Ages and the Lord of Life has been crucified in spiritual Sodom but Sodom shall be consumed by Fire and the Lord will avenge himself of all his Enemies and all People and Nations shal know that there is a God who executes Justice and true Judgment who is a God near at hand to reward his People with Everlasting Life and to give unto his Enemies Judgment and Condemnation Written by a Friend to the Creation a Servant of the Lord E. B. A DECLARATION To all the WORLD Of our Faith And what we believe who are called QUAKERS And this is written that all People upon Earth may know by whom and how we are saved and hope for Eternal Life and what we believe concerning God Christ and the Spirit and of the things that are Eternal appertaining to all Mankind to know and believe Concerning God Christ and the Spirit thus we believe FIRST That there is only one true God who is a Spirit and his Presence filleth Heaven and Earth and he is Eternal and Everlasting the Creator and Preserver of all things that Heaven and Earth and all things therein by him were framed and brought forth and all things ●…in unto this day by his Power and whatsoever he willeth in Heaven and Earth he ●●ings to pass by his Word and Power And we believe That this God only is and ought to be feared loved obeyed and worshipned by all Creatures and no other thing besides 〈◊〉 in Heaven and Earth A●… we believe That his Worship and Obedience and Fear and Love is to be given in Spirit even in what his own Spirit moveth and leadeth his People unto And we believe His true Worship required and accepted of him 〈◊〉 not by the Tradition of men in outward Observances or Set-dayes o● Places but he is worshipped only in Spirit ●…d Tr●th without respect of Time ●…ces or things and that none can worship ●●m in Righteousness but his ●…n who are born of his Spirit and are led and guided thereby And we believe That this God hath given his Son Christ J●… 〈◊〉 ●●e World a free Gift unto the whole World and that every 〈◊〉 that co●…eth into the World is lighted by him that every man mi●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sayed And we believe That he is given into the World and no Nation 〈◊〉 or P●ople excepted but unto all Mankind is he given of God and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 them and every man through the World that believeth in him and receiveth Christ who is the Wisdom and Power of the Father shall be saved with eternal ' Salvation and every one that believeth not in him shall be damned and shall possess everlasting Misery And we believe That Salvation Iustification and Sanctification are only in him and wrought by him and no other for there is no other Name given under Heaven but h●m alone by which Salvation is And we believe All that receive him and believe in him are recon●…d to God and are made alive to God to live to him in all things an● do receive the Forgiveness of Sins and are set free from all Unrighteousness and from the Body of Sin and Death and have the Witness of the Spirit in them and the Spirit of the Father they have received and it witnesseth in them of the Father and of the Son and of the things that belong unto their Peace and it is the Earnest of the Inheritance and the Seal of the Promise of Eternal Life and by it are the deep things of God revealed to Mankind and by it the Father and the Son dwells in the Saints and by it have they Fellowship one with mother and the Father Son and Spirit are one And this we faithfully believe Again concerning Christ we believe That he is one with the Father and was with him before the World was and what the Father worketh 〈◊〉 is by the Son for he is the Arm of God's Salv●…ion and the very Power and Wisdom of the Creator and was is and is to come without Beginning or End And we believe That all the Prophets gave Testimony of him and that he was made manifest in Iudea and Ierusalem and did the Work of the Father and was persecuted of the Iews and was crucified by his Enemies and that he was buried and rose again according to the Scriptures And we believe He is now ascended on High and exalted at the Right-hand of the Father for evermore and that he is glorified with the same Glory that the had before the World was and that even the same that came down fro●… Heaven is ascended up to Heaven and the same that descended is he that ascended And we believe Even that he that was dead is alive and lives for evermore and that he cometh and shall come
Truth so well agreed that it is possible to wrong us both 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. pag. 4. Rep. That he wronged me it appears in his not relating all that I said 〈◊〉 the Dispute the Ground of this Quarrel not by half and more I k●… and in relating more then himself spoke by far And let sober men judge ●…ther he did not here wrong me in relating a thing that passed between us 〈◊〉 relating much more then ever he spoke and much less then I spoke if the truth of that Matter were it wrong or right Matter and my self also be not by this kind of Doctrine wronged I appeal to all honest People whilst both he and I 〈◊〉 silent so the False-Dealing and Wrong in his first Book is upon him still according to my Charge unremoved And the Lye in this his last Book in that he saith I say Falsly when I have spoken the Truth which is a Lye in the highest degree in saying when I spok● the truth That I spoke Falsly and his Proof in that the Truth and I do not agree is because I said in my first The Saints have no need of Scriptures to teach them but the Spirit of the Father leadeth and teacheth into all Truth Rep. My words are justifiable for It is the Spirit that leadeth into all Truth John 16. and the Saints need no man to teach them but they have the A●●inting within them and they know all things by the Unction 1 John and the Spirit of the Father is given them by which the Scriptures were given forth And the Lord is the Teacher of his People and they need not any to say to them Know the Lord Ier. 31. Ye they that witness this do not make the Scripture of none effect but own it in its place yet not as their Teacher for then they should deny the new Covenant Ier. 31. and then something besides the Spirit leads into Truth and they have something to teach them besides the Anointing but if this be all the Proof that can be given against me That I and the Truth do not agree I doubt not but ●ll Spiritual men will see the Emptiness and Weakness of the Witness against me and will be more confirmed rather then shaken that I and the Truth do fully agree though P. T. speaks otherwise falsly against me and as if I had contradicted the Apostles words which he quotes against me who saith Whatsoever things were written afore time were written for our learning which Scripture I do own and no way contradict it s the Error of his Judgment which so judgeth for even they for whom the things that were written were for their learning yet they were led into all Truth by the Teachings of the Spirit and they were taught of the Father and what was written to them was not written because they knew not Truth or to teach them Truth 1 Iohn 2. 21. let him learn what this means The next thing he notes is whereas I said I then proved meaning at the Dispute b●… Scriptures That some were perfect in this life 1 Cor. 2. 5. even perfect without sin John 1. 47. 1 John 3. 7. And to gainsay this he hath brought 2 John 1. 8. If 〈◊〉 say we have no sin we deceive our selves and the Truth is not in us and saith he Who speaks truth in this E. B. or the Apostle as if I had spoken contrary to the Apostle Solomon also saith he tell us There is not a Iust Man upon Earth that doth good and sinneth not which also he brings as a Witness against what I have affirmed Rep. It s true I held forth a state of Perfection to be waited for and attained ●●to upon Earth and I am not ashamed of my Principle neither is it found too light For that Scripture 1 Cor. 2. 5. doth testifie that some were perfect upon Earth in the dayes of the Apostles and if they were so the same is to be waited for and witnessed in this Age for the Hand of the Lord is not shortened And that Scripture 1 Iohn 3. Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not and 〈◊〉 is born of God doth not commit sin vers 6 9. doth clearly manifest there is a ●●●te upon Earth free from sin wherein Power is received and felt over all Temptations and over the Devil even such an estate That the Wicked One can●…●●ch such that are born of God and this was the thing I held forth and do vindi●…e against all Opposers That the Saints may wait for and witness upon Earth to have power over sin and over its Temptations and free from the committing of sin by the Power of the second Adam living and dwelling in th●● And thus must thou believe P. T. or else thou believest not Scripture ●●● that any are born of God or abide in Christ if thou believest not that t●… confess thou errest in Judgment who art unbelieving of what the Script●… bears witness of Therefore tell me plainly if thou believest That there ●…y that are born of God and abide in Christ then must thou believe 〈◊〉 do not commit sin el●e thou deniest the Scripture And what I held forth herein I do not contradict the Apostle nor Solomon's words for its true the Apostle said If we say we have no Sin we deceive our selves but art thou so blind that thou dost not see he speaks there of a state before Confession of Sins and the words saith the Apostle If we confess our Sins he is faithful and just to forgive us 〈◊〉 Sins and to cleanse us from all Unrighteousness so I do agree with the Apostle's words and do not contradict them For I do say If any say they have no sin before they do confess their sin and forsake their sin and be cleansed from it I do say they are Lyars and the Truth not in them and I also say If that after a ma● hath confest his sin and be cleansed from it and hath his sin forgiven him and witnesseth that he is born of God and does not commit sin I say he 〈◊〉 the Truth also and the Truth is in him And though Solomon did say There is not a just man upon Earth that doth good and sins not yet is my affirmation true notwithstanding for Solomon forgat the Lord and his Heart went after many strange Women and became a Transgressor and in that state did not know the Birth born of God which doth not commit Sin for he was but under the Administration of the Law which doth not make perfect as pert●… to the Conscience and peradventure in that state he being erred from God he did not see any that did not sin These things will be plain to some though perhaps thou mayst shut thine eye against them and Solomen was not our Example in Conversation I am sure nor hardly in Doctrine And thus I 〈◊〉 weighed thy Text which thou seemest to say before I have not weighed and my Principles are proved sound and
The Q●●kers-Rounds c. 〈◊〉 〈…〉 Answer called Something of Truth Made Manifest in Opposition to a False 〈◊〉 c and then his second Book called Some Principles of E●w Burr●… 〈◊〉 and then this my last let them be all read in order and so●…ly by 〈…〉 not satisfied about the matter and I doubt not but thereby you may 〈◊〉 who is in the Truth and who is in the Error and they may fee that 〈…〉 he hath not faithfully answered but pass'd by many material particul●rs 〈…〉 something hath no way seem'd to clear himself of what I have truly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 on him but he remains under the guilt of my Charge and to the Ligh● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in every mans Co●science and to all whose Judgments are thereby 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 refer my self to 〈◊〉 judged and what I have written I leave to be judg●● And divers other things there are held forth by Philip T●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 have said little to but they are recorded as his Principles among a ●… ber of the Priests and Professors in a Book answered to go abroad called 〈◊〉 Priests and Pross●●s Principles 〈◊〉 the Quaker ' s Answer to them w●… 〈…〉 desire further to he satisfied may in reading many hundred of particular 〈…〉 and affirmations of Doctrine held forth by Preaching and Print by the 〈…〉 which are ans●…d 〈◊〉 the Error of them shown to which I refer 〈◊〉 〈…〉 to know more if what I have here written be not enough For the ●… tion of Truth is my Crown and Life over all the World London the 20th of the 7th Moneth 1658. Edward Burr●… A TESTIMONY Against a Great Idolatry COMMITTED And a True Mourning Of the Lord's Servant 〈◊〉 the many Considerations of his Heart upon that Occasion of the great stir about an Image made and carried from 〈…〉 Place to another happening the 23th day of the 9th Moneth IT came to pass and happened that being at Kingston upon Thames the the 22th day of the ninth Moneth it was ordered the next Morning that I came from thence to London and as I entred in at Charing-Cross I be●●ld a very great Multitude of People gathering together and thronging and pressing exceedingly and the whole Streets were filled from one side to the other upwards and downwards so far as I could see with abundance gazing forth at every Window and upon the Belconies and House-tops and the Glass was ●…d down for people to look out into the Streets and an exceeding number of people there was all the Streets so thronged that I thought it could not be possible that any more could throng in or pass by and there were Guards of Souldiers both of Horse and Foot and they stayed me and stopped my Horse and said I might not pass that way neither indeed could I well by reason of the throng of people and I stay'd a very little but presently passed back another way in a kind of wondering at this great stir I found in my way and I beheld all spirits of people were up in a Wonderment and Admiration and gazing they were and hurrying as if some marvellous and great thing had happened to them or were to be seen by them and I felt the spirits of Men Women and Children were all on Fire and they were in an admiring frame and in a condition not usual And as I passed along I turned in my Mind to see of the Lord what this thing might be and what might be the End of it and why was this gathering and running and thronging of Multitudes in this manner and in this frame and presently upon consideration I perceived that a dead Image and invented Picture would be carry'd that way and that all this pressing and stir and the gathering of this great Multitude was only to see and behold a dead Image without life or breath and then my spirit was grieved and my soul was vexed within me and it run through me Vanity Vanity Folly and Madness What is all this setting of Guards gathering of people in such thronging Multitudes and pulling down the Glass and gazing of Men Women and Children high and low rich and poor people of all sorts that were come together Is all this wondering of people and inflaming of spirits in this admiring mood Is all this said I but to see a dead invented Image of Wood or Wax arrayed and decked with some foolish Inventions Said my spirit Oh Abominable Oh Idolatry Oh Folly and Vanity and my life was grieved What is all this preparation of people in this wondering frame but to behold an Image carried and to see simple foolish people following after it in their Idolatrous Rob●● and Gestures such who had invented it and been at cost with it And then my spirit was burdened and the very smell of Idolatry and Abomination entred upon me and the weight of all this Iniquity came into me and vexed the Righteous and the very sence of this Abomination seized upon my Life and I felt the burden of their so great Wickedness the making the Image I felt a burden and all the foolish Circumstances about it for many dayes and the peoples Folly and Madness that so gathered and pressed to behold it and so wondred after it was a burden to me and they that carry'd it in their foolish gest●●● All this is Iniquity and Abomination said my spirit and I was loaden therewith and said Certainly the Judgments of God will meet with this Work and the Lord will be avenged because of it and their Souls should once feel the burden of it with Terror as mine at this present And it came into me It might be some would be wounded or pressed to Death or some Wickedness would come out of this Wickedness that the Anger of the Lord might break forth and smite such as were the Foundation of this sinful Abomination and my spirit had a deep sence of the greatness and sinfulness of this high and mighty Idolatry and it wounded me and made me sad But immediately from that temper on a very sudden my spirit was changed and I was filled with the Indignation of the Lord God against this Image and this stir about it his Plagues and Fury and Fire run through me to cry Plagues Plagues and Vengeance against them because of this Abomination And I found my spirit set on fire with the very Power of God rising in me against this Idolatry that if I had been moved to it and it had been possible to have done it I could have ridden through the Guards and over the Multitude to have sounded the Judgments of God and his Woes amongst them and through them and I could then have engaged the loss of my life that the Lord might have been revenged upon this Image and Image-Makers and Image-Followers and Image-Wonderers after that my Soul might be freed from its present burden through this grle●… Wickedness Said I What silly foolish blind ignorant people are these What a power hath the Devil over
hath been and what he hath done how hath this cloud of Folly cast a stink and darkness upon his former brightness and glory and nobleness and is this the end and final farwel of once noble Oliver what only the sight of an Image carried and set up Hath the City of London and the Nations to better Memento of him But oh had he been faithfull to the end to God he would have left a more lively and heavenly Character to have been read for his sake then an Image of him and such Idolatrous practises and my life could have sorrowed upon some considerations passed through me about this business and for some hours my spirit could not rest and in the very time it lay upon me to write this And after all this said my spirit Where are all the old Priests now and his ancient Teachers who once had a great zeal against all these things and against all such practises Where are they now are they blind also said I that they cannot see this abominable Idolatry and cry against it had they any hand in it or were they Consenters to these things What is become of them Is their zeal for the Lord and against Idolatry quite gone thought I they might have prevented this disgrace to their old Master who hath served them well and set them in great places and put them in large Benefices and they might have done something for him when he is dead and have prevented this Folly and Idolatry which is acted upon him this day for certainly all people in the Nation that fear God will be offended and judge in their hearts such work the framing of an Image and sounding Trumpets and beating Drums before it and cloathing Horses in Mourning and Trayling their Pikes and even the very Honourable of the Nation clad in Mourning and following this Image and all this stir and cost and preparation for many Weeks before-hand and such decking in Mourning Attire of great and noble Men and all but to accompany an Image from one place to another whereby people are deceived who might look upon it to be the Burial of Oliver Protector whenas it was but an Image made by hands decked trimed in a vain manner as if it had bin some Poppit Play which if it had been indeed his Bones they had accompanied to the ground in such a manner that had bin less condemnable and I should not had ought against it But for the Wisemen in the Nation to be chief in these things and to exercise themselves in such Folly and Vanity this grieves the Righteous Soul and if I should justifie it the Lord would condemn me but the shame will fall upon themselves that acted it and chiefly upon their Priests and Teachers because they were consenting to such Vanity and piece of Popery as this was And had these old Doctors and Teachers feared God and their Hearts been aright towards him they would have endeavoured the stopping of this Abomination and another way might have been thought upon whereby a more lively and godly Monument of their old Master might have stood to Generations What shall the making and visiting and carrying and setting up of a dead Image for foolish people to gaze upon and run wondring after in their wicked minds Must this be all the Monument And shall we have no other Representation of once noble Cromwel Is his Life and former Glory and Nobleness shaddow'd with the sight of a dead Image Alas This presents nothing at all to such as fear God but Folly and Ignorance Vanity and Idolatry and when they look upon it they shall be grieved in their spirits and vexed when they can find no more Monument of that once noble man but an invented ●…ge and Picture and the Priests shall be ashamed and may have the greatest rebuke for they that lead the people have caused them to err And now upon the whole matter from the very beginning to the end thereof I do declare against it and that a fearful Abomination hath been committed in the sight of the Lord in relation to this Image and you have vext the Lord's Soul and his Hand you shall feel upon your Consciences and the weight thereof in the time to come the spending of so much of the Creation and wasting Money and other things the Lord will lay to your charge and the whole City hath been abused with running and wondring after the work of your own hands And now all you that have gone to gaze and wonder after an Image What saw you What beheld you What wondered you after ought except folly and vanity and a dead Image whereby the man and his Nobility was abused in honour to whom they say it was done And when many dayes were spent what were you the better What were you edified were you not convinced of your 〈◊〉 Folly And might not your Wickedness reprove you And did not the Li●… in your own Consciences check you and prick you and condemn your vain minds that wondred after Folly Though now you may be hardned yet 〈◊〉 day you shall confess when the Witness of God in you doth arise and bring all your deeds to remembrance then shall you say This work was Abomination and 〈◊〉 great Sin in them who invented it and caused it to be brought forth and your selves that 〈◊〉 wondred after it and the Judgments of the Lord are against all these things E. B. A MESSAGE PROCLAIMED BY Divine Authority From the chosen Assembly of the Redeemed People in England to the Pope chief Bishop of Rome and to his Cardinals Jesuits and Priests and all other the Officers of the Romish Church where it shall meet with them through the World That they may appear and come forth to Tryal and shew if they have the same Faith Power Spirit Authority and Government as had the Apostles and true Churches before the Apostacy And this is a full Invitation and Challenge to the whole Church of Rome and the beginning of Controversie with her for the perfect manifestation of the long hidden Truth betwixt them that are in the Truth it self and such as have the Form but not the Power that all things may be brought to Light and true Judgment WHereas we a poor despised and rejected People among the Nations of the Earth yet Dreadful and Mighty because the Majesty and Presence of the Lord God is with us who hath called us and chosen us and gathered us and redeemed us from among men out of Kindreds and Multitudes and Peoples into one Body and one Spirit out of all the Sects upon the Earth and we are of one Mind and one Soul having Fellowship with the Son and with the Father being come through great Tribulations and many fiery Tryals and are refined and purified and made clean and white in the Blood of the Lamb being fully recover'd out of the great Deluge of Darkness and Apostacy which hath overflown and drowned the whole World and
God and none knoweth the things of God saving by the 〈◊〉 of God and that revealeth God and teacheth to worship God and to serve him And the Scriptures they declare of the Rule and of the Revelati●… 〈◊〉 God and are a Declaration of all things which are to be believed and 〈◊〉 by the Children of the Lord so that the Scriptures are not the 〈◊〉 Rule neither do they teach to worship and serve God but the Spi●…●●ve forth the Scriptures that is the standing Rule in and through ●…tions and the Spirit doth reveal the Knowledge of God and how 〈…〉 〈◊〉 worshipped and served And thou sayst The Scriptures are the Word of God given by immediate In●… 〈◊〉 God and that they are given to all men to be read And the Scrip●…●…cient to make the Man of God perfect and throughly furnished and 〈◊〉 〈…〉 〈◊〉 ●nto Salvation And the Scriptures are plain and easie to be 〈…〉 ●y the simplest and there is Milk in them for Babes and strong Meat for 〈◊〉 grown up ●… Christ is the Word of God and his Name is called The Word of 〈◊〉 and the Word of God was in the Beginning and shall endure forever and this Word is not the Scriptures and the Scriptures are not the Word but the Scriptures are words of God given forth from the Word 〈◊〉 was in their Hearts that spake forth the Scriptures which were wrote 〈◊〉 the Holy Men of God were moved by the Holy Ghost and given by the Inspiration of the Spirit of God And the Scriptures are a Declaration and a ●…tise of the WORD that was in the Beginning and shall endure for●… but the Scriptures are not the Word And some of them were gi●… to one sort of Men and some of them to another and some of them ●… But as for the Threatnings and Judgments propounded and the Reproof of the Wicked that part was not given to the Saints nor spoken to ●…em and so not given to all and the Promises to the Children of the Lord and the Epistles to the Saints and them that were sanctified that part was not given and spoken to the World and to the Wicked who are un●…ted and so not spoken to all though all may read them yet none can understand them but by the same Spirit that gave them forth and who have not the same Spirit to guide them they cannot understand the Scriptures for they were given forth by the Eternal Spirit and the carnal ●…dom that is from below and sensual cannot understand nor receive the ●…gs of the Kingdom of God which are declared of in the Scriptures And so the Scriptures are not easie to be understood but are sealed from the World ●●ither are the Scriptures without Faith which thou hast left out sufficient to make the Man of God perfect but the Scriptures through Faith are able to make the Man of God perfect and throughly furnished this we know and ●…re and do set the Scriptures in their right place and give them their right H●…our and Respect And as for thee and thy Generation who are erred from the Spirit of Truth You know not the Scriptures nor the Power of God for Christ is the Bread of Life and the Water of Life in him is the Milk for Babes and 〈◊〉 for strong Men and not in the Scriptures who testifie of Christ the Life and in them the Pharis●●s thought to have Eternal Life but would not come 〈◊〉 Christ the End of the Scriptures that they might have Life and this is the self same state with yours of this Age who think to have the perf●… of Salvation and the Milk for Babes and the Meat for Strong Men in the Scriptures but will not receive Christ who is the perfect Salvation and 〈◊〉 Bread and Water of Life for all the Children of the Lord who are 〈…〉 the Spirit And so thy Doctrines and thy Principles of thy Religion 〈◊〉 not sound nor agreeing with the Scriptures but contrary and by a 〈…〉 spirit and therefore we cannot be of thy mind but do truly 〈…〉 unlearned of the Father and knowest not the Way of Salvation and so 〈◊〉 canst not truly inform nor direct others And thou sayst Men are under a Necessity of multiplying Transg●… 〈…〉 3. 12. Ephes. 4. 17. 2. Pet. 4. Answ. In this thou hast erred and spoken contrary to sound D●… 〈◊〉 there is no Necessity laid upon any to commit any sin much less a Ne●… multiplying Transgression if there be a necessity who layes it 〈◊〉 〈…〉 and why is that Necessity Transgression is of the Wicked One and 〈…〉 is of the Devil and there is no necessity for that upon any account 〈…〉 sin destroyes the Soul and is a Ve●ation to the Lord God and a C●… 〈…〉 lasting Misery and for to act that there is no Necessity which hath 〈…〉 fects And thou hast perverted the Scriptures quoted by thee to prove 〈…〉 Assertion which I have set down for the Reader to pe●…se that all ●… thou hast perverted them for they prove no such Doctrines as that 〈…〉 a Necessity of multiplying Transgression which thou hast affirmed and 〈…〉 the Scriptures to prove it which is first false doctrine uttered by thee it 〈◊〉 also a perverting of the Scriptures to maintain it and this two Evil● 〈◊〉 thou hast committed in one Work and because thou hast done Evil 〈…〉 at thy Door and there I will leave it And thou sayst To be justified is not to be really ●l●ansed from all Sin 〈…〉 take of real Righteousness and Holiness but it is to be accounted and reput●… Holy and not to have Sin reckoned c. Answ. There are none justified but who are in Christ and are chan●… and renewed and born again and such are cleansed from sin For he 〈…〉 of God sinneth not and it is he only that is justified and not the Old Man that is unchanged and commits sin he is not justified and who are born of God and are justified are really cleansed and do partake of Righteousness and holiness even of the Righteousness and Holiness of the Son of God and in that Righteousness he is accounted Righteous and in no other nor 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 other way then by receiving Christ and his Righteousness and being made Part●kers of it in their Hearts for the Apostle said If Christ be not in you 〈◊〉 are Reprebates and such are not justifieth nor accounted just and holy who have not Christ within them and his Righteousness but who have Christ within the Hope of Glory and are accounted Just and Righteous in the sight of God the Body of Sin is put off for if Christ be in you the Body is dead because 〈◊〉 Sin and such are really cleansed and if he be in you you are made Parta●… of real Righteousness and Holiness and this is the Truth of the Gospel of Christ which confounds and condemns thy false doctrine for no man it accounted and imputed just and holy but who are cleansed from Sin
revile the Government it self but that you may see the Ground and true Cause of all our Sufferings and of the Suffering of the Saints in all Ages and Generations and in all Nations of the World at this day And we leave it to that of God in you all to weigh and consider whether it be not time to reform both Laws Courts and Officers From your Friends who are Lovers of Peace and Truth who wait for the coming of the Lord to establish Iustice and Righteousness in the Earth whom he hath raised up as Witnesses of his appearing and of the dawning of the Mighty and Dreadful Day of God in Life Light and Power who are hated of Men and reproached under the Name of Quakers And whereas there is a Great Cry up and down the Nation That the Quakers Meetinge must be Broken and Suppressed and that this present Parliament intends to do it And of this I have heard in divers Parts of the Nation NOw to this I shall say and answer First As I have observed the spirits of People concerning this Cry all the Rude and Ungodly People as Drunkards and the prophanest of men they glory apace at this News and rejoyce at this mightily as if some great Prize were befallen unto them and it makes them rude and violent enough to the breaking of the Peace in the Nation but thus it is but with the worst sort of People in the Nation who are rejoyced with these Tidings That the Quakers Meetings must be broken But as for the Honest People such as be sober and sincere Thousands that had a hand in chusing this present Parliament never intended to send them up to London for such a Work and the Cry is by many of the sober People If they go about such a Work they will destroy themselves undo themselves and leave their Names a Reproach why say the people we have a Testimony before us hath it not been upon that Rock of limiting tender Consciences in former dayes that hath broken many before these which might be Examples to these not to do the same things And many sober people are offended at such News and it makes their hearts sad whose Consciences and the Witness therein doth answer That we are the Lord's People and it ought not thus to be done concerning us as the News reports So that by this News of the intended Purpose to break the Lord's Peoples Meetings the Ungodly and Prophane are gratified and strengthened in their Wickedness and the Righteous are made sad And further as for us We have been trodden down and made a Prey unto our Enemies and the Gates of Death and Hell have stroven against us already but have not prevailed unto this day for the Lord is with us and who is it that shall prevail against us and I may say What is this that is reported to be done what shall Dust and Ashes do and man whose Breath is in his Nostrils And who are they that shall break down that which the Lord hath a purpose to build Who shall be able to prosper in going about it or what success shall God give to that Work I tell you nay it is the Lord that has raised us up and we have given our power to him to stand by him and to be protected defended and upheld by him alone and we cannot give our Power to any Mortal Men to seek that from them which is not in their hands to give The Power of the Lord God is over you he that is our Keeper and Preserver in whose Hands is your Breath to destroy it utterly if you do that which doth offend him for you shall know that we are the Lord's People by whom we shall stand and grow in Dominion and Authority in his Life and the Dread of the Lord shall be upon our Enemies though they one gratifie another with Intentions of Evil against us yet the Lord stoppeth the purpose of his En●●ies and turns it backwards upon their own heads And this I say from the Lord If such a thing be in your Hearts conceiving to be brought forth by you it is a Birth that will devour you er● ever it spring out of your Bowel● it will be too heavy a Burden and you shall never have strength to deliver it This is the Word of the Lord to you It shall be a Rock to overthrow you and it will be a S●are to catch you and if any such thing proceeds from you it will break you and your own Wickedness will destroy you Alas Do not you see evidently the Hand of the Lord fight for us Yea we have evident Testimony of his Presence that he is and will be with us unto the end And if any will be blind let them be blind for these Tidings do not trouble us neither are we thereby moved no not to beg of any man the contrary for we cannot give our Power unto you nor come under the power of this World no not to beg of you contrary to a good Conscience that you should forbear the fulfilling your intents But this it is in the Name and Power of the Lord though he requires nothing of you to exalt his Kingdom by your power nor to prescribe him a Way how he must be worshipped yet he requires That you should do nothing against him nor his People by limiting he Spirit of the Lord. And I say The Saints of the Most High cannot give their Power to you to stand or fall thereby nor to go by the Authority thereof to exalt the Kingdom of God thereby they can beg no such thing nor desire it of you for it is not in your hands to give his Work of Salvation unto the Nations you cannot give nor lay one Stone in the building of his blessed Temple but he alone will do it and not by the Arm of Flesh Yet doth he require That you should do nothing against him nor abuse your power but and if you do he will reward you according to your Deeds and this you will find and feel in the Day of God when he brings Vengeance and Judgment upon you and when he sets his Kingdom over you all and that comes to raign over the Nations which how is a Sufferer And when I first heard the News sent abroad in the Nation of such Intentions to break the Quakers Meetings many Considerations passed through me Will these go said I in the same way that many have been destroyed in before them Will these run upon the same Rock Will these take in hand to limit God and to set him a Way And shall all these Sufferings of the Lord's People for these many years be finished by these that all the Unjust Dealing● and Oppressions of the Saints may be upon them Is there no Wise Man among them nor none that feareth the Lord that he may be preserved ●om ●estruction And is this their beginning in Parliament to destroy God's Heritage The Lord nor the People of
which hath been of the false Woman and not of the Elect Spouse that is married to the Lamb. 6. That forcing and compelling of Persons by any outward Law and Authority to be of such or such a Religion and to conform to such a Way of Worship is the Worship of the Beast and of the Whore and not the Worship of God and to kill and persecute Persons for the exercise of Conscience and because they will not be of such a Religion and cannot conform to such Worship is of the Devil and the Dragon and not of God nor according to him and that your Church herein is not Successor of the Apostles and the true Church of Christ but is of the Beast and the Whore which Iohn saw was to come in his time and which we see are come in our dayes and have ruled for Generations and I affirm that Persons so made conformable by force and violent Laws to such a Religion and Worship are but two-fold more the Children of the Devil and are not at all converted to God thereby but becomes Idolaters whom God will judge 7. That none upon Earth are true Members of the true Church of Christ having a portion in the Inheritance of Eternal Life but such who are gathered out of the World by the preaching of the Gospel and are changed and renewed by the Power of the Lord God in the Heart and are led by his Spirit within them into all Truth and are joyned unto Christ the Head and gathered into the Eternal Unity of the Infinite Body by the same Spirit and A●ointing dwelling in them and of such onely doth the true Church of Christ consist now in this present time as it did in the Apostles dayes but of such Members doth not your Church consist in this present Age neither is it in the Order and Government of the Spirit of Truth but in the Form without the Power therein was its beginning and its standing at this day 8. That the time is at hand and the Day of the Lord draws near and the ful●ess of time is approaching wherein great Babylon shall be thrown down and fall to the Ground and the Lord will be avenged on her and will render Judg●ents unto her and the Beast and Whore and false Prophets unto whom the Kingdoms of the World have been subject shall be taken and cast alive into the Lake and the Devil and Satan shall deceive the Nations no more but the Kingdoms of this World shall be changed and become the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ whose Kingdom shall be revealed in Power and great Glory in the hearts of his Chosen And the Church of Rome and all the false Sects and Churches upon the Earth will the Lord God overthrow and his true Church shall be gathered out of the Wilderness and the Beauty of new Ierusalem of the holy Church the Lamb's Wife shall be as Glorious a● before she fled thither and before she was troden down of the Gentiles and the Lord God Almighty shall be known and his Tabernacle shall be with men These things I assert to you in the Name of the Lord and the truth thereof is certain and should be ready to argue and dispute these things with any sober Person amongst you upon equal tearms and to prove the Infalibility hereof by the Spirit of the Lord and according to the Scriptures wherefore consider of them in Patience and Meekness and believe in the Light of Christ which is in your Consciences which Christ hath lightened every man that cometh into the World withall that you may come to the knowledge of the Truth and out of all false Wayes and if any of you will return an Answer hereunto in behalf of your whole Body and can be able to clear your selves in Writing from what is charged upon you it shall be gladly received by me and a Reply i● Meekness returned to you for the further m●nifestation of Truth that Truth and Righteousness may clearly appear and be embraced and all Deceit and and false wayes of Antichrist may be confounded and denyed and who are in the Truth shall be confirmed and who are in the Error may have Warning now in the Day of the World's Visitation The Lord is coming to Judgment who will judge the Secrets of all Hearts and the whole World in Equity Dunkirk the 20th of the 3d Moneth 1659. By a Friend unto Righteousness and a Lover of all Souls E. B. These Propositions were sent to them in Latine This was sent to the chief Rector of the Jesuits Colledge in Dunkirk in Latine FRiend thy wisdom and thy knowledge is earthly and sensual and thereby canst thou not know the Things of the Kingdom of God thou canst neither learn them thy self nor teach them to others for thou art but a blind Leader of the Blind And thus saith the Lord God unto thee The Fruitless Tree is standing in thee that brings forth no Fruit unto God and the Head of the Serpent is not broken in thee that deceives the Soul nor the Body of Sin put off that burdens the Just and the Sword shall cut thee to pieces even the Sword of the Lord it shall slay thee And Friend The time is at hand that the Lord will make thee know that thou art and hast been in thy Life time a Dishonour to him and that thou hast not served him but thy self and the Devil and thy Heart is not right in his sight but is corrupt and deceitful for thou art tryed and measured and thou art found wanting in all things and God will judge thee and the Witness in thy Conscience shall answer his Judgments and all thy Idolatrous Practices and Profession of Religion and Church and Ministry thy many Prayers and thy Works of Righteousness all this shall not hide thee from the Wrath of the Lamb though now thou art hardened ●nd utterly unsensible yet the Stone shall fall upon thee that will grind thee to Powder and thou shalt not escape but the burden of thy own Iniquities shall weigh thee down into Perdition except thou speedily repentest Therefore fear and tremble before the Lord God and remember thou art warned by one that seeks the Peace of Souls but makes War by the Sword of the Spirit against the Kingdom of the Devil and Antichrist in whomsoever it stands And Friend answer me this one Query What is that Whore that hath sate upon Multitudes and Peoples and what is that Golden Cup in her Hand and what are the Abominations and Fornication of which her Cup is full which she hath caused the Kings and People to drink and with which she hath deceived the World Answer me this and subscribe thy Name E. B. ANd now this I have to say concerning the Church of Rome to them and to all the World as having been in a measure an eye and an ear Witness of their Idolatrous and false Wayes Practices and Doctrines never having in all my dayes
single Eye be watchful that all things in good Order may be kept amongst you that the Name of the Lord may be a Renown and his Truth kept without Blemish and your Authority in the Truth may be known a Terror upon the Wicked My dear Friends whom I judge to be Honest and Faithful this was I moved to write to you as the dear Remembrance of my dear Love and I do from the Lord commit it to you to fulfil the will of God in these things and the Lord bless you all with Wisdom and Counsel and with Power and Strength and the Lord give you Authority that you may reign with all them that come amongst you in the Name of the Lord and over all them that come in their own name The Lord bless you with a perfect Understanding in these things and my Spirit even the Spirit of the Father be upon you all to teach you perfectly in all things My Love and Life is amongst you who desires nothing more then the Prosperity of the Lord's Truth amongst you The Grace of God be with you all Amen This is to be read amongst you when you are met together whom the Lord hath set to order things in his Wisdom and this is to all the Faithful amongst you Kingstone 1659. E. B. To the Churches in New-England Barbadoes and other Islands TO the Seed of God and to all that are called of him and unto all you that are hungering and thirsting after the Lord in Truth and Righteousness in New-England Barbadoes Mevis and the rest of the Islands where the Lord hath a People to gather the Father's Love through me doth slaute you all whose Faces are set towards Sion abundantly desiring for you in the Spirit of the Father that Grace Mercy and Truth from God may richly abound amongst you and in all your Hearts that at his coming who hath given to every one of you a Measure of his Treasure he may receive his own from you with encrease that you also may enter into the Reward which is Eternal Life unto all that are called and are found faithful Wherefore arise and awake all ye that have been scattered and strayed from the Lord and come forth thou oppressed Seed of Israel out of the Darkness and Bondage and Oppression with which thou hast been loaded for many Ages whilst a long Night of Darkness and Blindness hath been over thee I say Awake and come forth for now thy Light is risen and the Glory of the Father shall rest upon thee and thy Bonds shall be broken and thy Oppression shall cease for thy King shall Reign in Righteousness over all his Enemies and they shall become his Foot-stool and his Dominion shall be enlarged to the utmost parts of the Earth Dearly Beloved be assured of this That the Lord God of Heaven and Earth is doing great things his Day-spring from on High hath visited us and his Light hath shined into our Tabernacle and his Arm hath taken hold of Strength to Redeem the Oppressed People and he hath reached forth to us from his holy Habitation out of his Everlasting Loving-kindness and hath caused us to reach forth to others from his own Life revealed in us that they may know what God hath done for his People and may also receive of the same Salvation and may taste handle and feel of the Life which is manifest of which we are Witnesses and the Lord hath spoken who can but declare and he hath lifted up his Standard to gather the Nations that he may search and seek out his Sheep and this I declare unto you and withal am willing to discover and make manifest the Way and Means whereby the Lord doth bring ●●●vation to his People and love constrains me knowing the Lord hath a Seed amongst you unto which my Testimony will be acceptable wherefore all people turn ye turn ye for the Lord calleth unto you harken unto his Testimony which speaketh in you even the Light of Chri●● Jesus with which every one of 〈◊〉 are enlightened and search your Hearts and feel what the Lord witnesseth unto you and what his Testimony in you giveth evidence of for who walks in Pride in Wickedness in Vanity and in the Pleasures of the World and acteth against God's Witness in their Consciences such are in a State to be condemned of the Lord because they act that and speak that which is reproved with the Light shewing that they are in a State unreconciled to God their Works shewing them to be evil Trees that cumber the Ground who are to be hewen down and cast into the Fire and therefore be not deceived in your selves neither let any man deceive you with a Profession or Conceit of a Justification by Christ while yet Iniquity and Transgression and the Evil of the World are lived in and not wholly denyed for to the Wicked there is no Peace from God but the Wicked are condemned by him and the Light in their own Consciences is witness against them Therefore all come to the Light which Christ hath lightened you withal which will manifest unto you your own Condition and whether it be justified or condemned of God and believe not against the Light nor hope not against God's Witness for they that do so their Faith and Hope is vain but what the Light testifies in you that believe And all you that may find your selves sinners loaden with Iniquity and that are the Servants of Sin and have no power over Temptations believe in that Light which gives you to see this and wait till the Power of God be made manifest in you to cleanse your Hearts and to judge out all Unrighteousness for Christ hath not taken away your Sins while you daily bring them forth into the World by Action but whose sins he hath taken away them he hath washed and cleansed from their sins and given them power to resist and overcome all Temptations wherefore wait upon the Lord all ye that are afflicted because of your sins the Day of a great Deliverance is approaching and mind the Light which lets you see Sin that is the Gift of God's Love unto you which will draw you from the love of the World and crucifie your Affections and Desires which go after it and if you mind the Light of Christ in you it will judge and condemn every Motion that ariseth in the Heart towards Evil and the Temptation being judged you will not fall into Sin but will be preserved from Sin and that which doth preserve you from the committing of that Sin unto which you are tempted doth blot out and forgive all the Sins that ever you have acted and that will witnes Reconciliation and Peace with God unto you as you come to be changed and renewed in your Hearts and Minds to be created in the second Adam his Image to bear and to follow his Spirit And Friends search your Hearts and let the Lord search you and judge you for him must
you know to sit as a Refiners Fire to purifie your Hearts that you may be fit Temples for him to dwell with who dwells with Holiness and the Unclean are cast out from his Presence and he is come amongst you to search you and try you and to discover his Foundation and the Wise in their own eyes shall stumble and fall and be broken and it s the Poor in spirit and Upright in heart whom the Lord hath chosen and with such will he dwell and now all must come to feel that which breaks down the high nature which ruled above the Seed of God the Ax must be laid to the Root of the cursed Tree which hath brought forth no Fruit to God but cumbered the Ground and that Tr●e must be cut up in every one of you and cast into the Fire that the Plant of God's Renown may spring forth and bring forth Fruit Now every one must come to know the two Seeds in which the Election and Reprobation stands the one with all its Fruit must be ●ast out and Judgment from the Lord must pass upon it for that Seed hath long been fruitful in the World and flourished in the Earth its Fr●●● hath been according to the Flesh which the Lord is now risen to blast with a Curse and all your earthly glory must wither and all your ioy and peace that stands in this Creation must pass away and all your own wisdom must be confounded for that receives not the Things of God but to it they are foolish ness it is only the Simple and Poor in Spirit that are taught of God and it is with the Meek and Humble that he dwells but who are high in their Minds and exalted above the Fear of God who follow their own wayes and thoughts such have no part in him but are cast out into Darkness and Darkness covers them from the Light and Knowledge of the Lord God they know not him to dwell in them nor to lead them nor to guide them neither doth his Spirit lead such into all Truth but they rebel against the Motions of the Spirit of God which checks them and reproves them for their evil Deeds but they hate the Light and love Darkness and bring forth the Fruits of Darkness which the Light reproveth for but because they are disobedient to it they cannot receive Power over their sins but Sin hath power over them and in this State there is no Peace nor Justification to them but Trouble and Condemnation from God Wherefore all ye People that fear God and love his Wayes be obedient to the Light which Christ hath lightened you withal which calls you out of Transgression and reproves you when you act against it and this is the Measure of the Spirit of God which is sent into the World to gather people to God from whence it comes this leads to Christ and will bring you to receive him to dwell in you and to cleanse you from all Unrighteousness and as you come to be made clean by the Word of God which is Quick and Powerful in all that believe which Word you must feel to cleanse and purifie you in your selves and to make you clean from all that which offends the Life of God and then you will receive the Testimony of Justification as you come to be quickened by God by the quickening Spirit by which every one must be quickened from Death which hath reigned over all to Life that it may reign in you and till this be known all Profession of the Scriptares avails nothing towards Life Eternal therefore feel in your selves Christ Jesus the Quickening Spirits that you may be made alive to God again And all you that are convinced with the Light be faithful therein through all Tryals and Sufferings which are to come upon you inwardly or outwardly for great Tryals and Sufferings without will come and great Judgments and Afflictions within will approach but through all these things be faithful and in them all be patient to the End that you may obtain Life Eternal which is the Reward of all the Faithful And dwell in the daily Cross of Christ in which the Power of God will be witnessed amongst you which will throw down that which hath ruled above the Seed of God that the Seed of God may come forth in which the Election stands which receives the Promise of God but Friends there must be a long and patient waiting under the Hand of the Lord and of the Operation of his Spirit before you come to witness the Election you must be faithful to that which calls you and take up the Cross to your own Wills Lusts and Desires and Affections which arise out of the earthly Part for that which is of the Flesh must be crucified as that which is of the Spirit comes to live for it is that which is born of the Spirit in you which is Heir of God's Kingdom and which must Inherit Eternal Life And so wait upon the Lord every one of you that his Fear may be in your Hearts and his Spirit in your inward Parts to lead you and to guide you in all his Wayes And meet together to hear what the Lord saith in you Hearken to his Voice that your Souls may live It is the Voice of God heard in the Creature which raises the Soul from Death And though you ●ear no word from Man yet his Voice may be heard in you if your Ear be turned to the Light with it your Hearts will be searched and your Wayes tryed and all your Words and Works approved or reproved and ●ere is your Teacher or your Condemner and this was I moved in tender 〈◊〉 to the Seed of God to write unto you Grace and Peace from God be ●●ongst you all that fear him Amen A Friend to the Seed of God in you E. B. To all Friends in LONDON c. TO all the Flock of God in London even to all you that are of a clean Heart whose Minds are stayed upon God even to all that are Faithful and Sincere in the Sight of the Lord with my very Heart I wish Grace and Peace and Mercy from the God and Father of our Life unto you all th●● are such without respect of Persons and such that are so I love with a perfect Love and am united to you in the Bonds of the Gospel and perfectly present with you in Spirit and who are such among you that truly fear the Lord and walk in his Way I cannot forget nor be separated from ●●●●her can I be of such forgotten for are we not written in one anothers hearts yea I daily read such in the Book of Life and of such may I daily be read who know and have felt my Labours and Care and Travels amongst you which have been more then a little my God knows and ye are my Witness●● for many times the Lord hath made me as a Wall of Defence betwixt you and many Enemies
and I have not spared my own Life to serve you but have given out plentifully of the Lord's Treasure that you might be made rich and I have given out from my Life of the Lord's Substance that you might be fed and nourished and I have kept nothing back of the whole Counsel of God which was needful for you to know and for all this the Lord is unto me at this day a sufficient Reward and of you I desire nothing to my self but do sincerely desire of the Father for you all That Love and Faith and Purity and all the Works of the Spirit may plentifully abound in you all that 〈◊〉 Father may be glorified through your bringing forth much Fruit. Wherefore my dear and beloved Friends Look unto the Lord who hath begotten you to himself let his Fear be before your Eyes and his Judgments in your Hearts Oh! keep near the Lord at all times for it s he that preserves his People it s he that leads them and goes before them it s he that feeds them and refreshes them at all times for its be alone and there is not another that gives you Peace and Strength Wisdom and Knowledge and all good things he is ●ot streightened to any of his that sincerely wait upon him he is the Portion of his People and the Inhaeritance of their Souls and he causeth all them 〈◊〉 trust in him to lie down in Safety and none can make them afraid Therefore oh my Friends I say again and again Love the Lord and his Way and be Faithful in the Truth unto the End love not your Life nor ●●y other thing for his Service sake but give up all things of this World that you may receive all in the Lord be watchful against all your Enemies that you be not overcome of the Devil but resist him in all his Ap●… that you may not be defiled nor lose your Peace with the Lord 〈◊〉 is to me and I hope to you of greater price then all other things whatsoever and this I have said among you in Faithfulness and at this present do charge yo● all To dwell in Love and Unity one with another and to ●ear one with another and to walk in Wisdom one towards another and to be Examples of Righteousness one before another that it may be known that God is amongst you of a Truth and he is my Witness nothing without me can more add to my Joy then to know of your Welfare in the Lord and of your Stedfastness in the Faith of Christ Jesus and for this my Heart wisheth as much as for any other thing besides And though I be outwardly separated from you according to my Father's Will who gave his Enemies power over my outward man to cast it into Bonds for a moment yet am I present in Spirit amongst you and my Love and Life salutes you all in the Fear of the Lord and though the outward man may suffer yet am I in perfect freedom and in perfect Peace and in every respect perfectly well in the Lord who is my Strength my Armour and my Crown and in his Authority I yet once more beseech you all even for the Lord's sake That ye take heed to the true Light Christ Jesus who lighteth every one of you which Light leads to Christ who saveth and redeemeth from Sin and Death and from all the Wayes and Works thereof and this ye know who are God's Witnesses of his Love and tender Mercies and of the Faithfulness of his Servant Moreover my dear Friends All disorderly Spirits who are out of the pure Fear and Wisdom of God my Life doth judge and with the Power such I do deny who are not Simply in the Power of God and them that seek themselves in any thing amongst you my God shall judge and who are rash in Judgment and forward to utter words and bring forth Fruit and not in due season such are a Burden to the Lord's Soul Therefore take heed I charge you all to the guiding and moving of the pure Spirit of God alone for that will stand and its Fruits will never wither and whatsoever is otherwise brought forth among you the Lord will confound and it shall not profit the people This is to be read amongst you in the Fear of the Lord. E. B. To Friends in Barbadoes Virginia and New-England c. TO the Seed of God and to all that are begotten of him by the Immortal Word in Barbadoes Virginia New-England and that wayes even to all that have felt and tasted of the Word of Life Grace Mercy and Truth be multiplyed amongst you Dear Friends dwell in the Truth and walk in it that ye may be a sweet Savour unto God and may have Unity with him and one with another in his Life and Spirit and wait that you may have Victory over the World and the Spirit of it in you which hath captivated your minds in the Lu●ts of this Creation and which hath led you in By-pathes of Iniquity while you were Strangers unto God and without his Knowledge But now having received Grace and Mercy from God and his Word hath entred into your hearts whereby you are begotten into the Hope of Eternal Life and are changed now the Lord requires of you to be Faithful in his Work and Valiant for his Truth that you may obtain the Promise and be made free from Sin and become the Servants of Righteousness and feel the Word and Power of God in your Hearts which will crucifie you daily to the World and make you alive unto God that he may live in you and walk in you and work all your Works for you and this is the Everlasting Covenant where God works in the Creature both to will and to do and man lives not but Christ lives in him and speaks in him and this you must wait for to be Witnesses of in your own Consciences For what is the Profession of God with the Lips and the Profession of the Scriptures while men do not walk by the Spirit a● gave forth the Scriptures and enjoy God in their Hearts so you must all wait to be Possessors of the Substance Christ the First and the Last the Beginning and Ending him must you feel in you to destroy the Devil and his works and to change you into the divine Nature which is like unto God and this is Salvation God with us destroying the Enmity and reconciling man unto himself by overcoming Sin and Transgression and your hearts must be cleansed by the Word of God and that which is contrary purged out and this is the New Covenant where the Heart is circumcised and the Body of sin put off and the Creature freed from the burden of Iniquity and then there is clearness and freeness where sin is remitted and washed away and no burden lying upon the Conscience but the Heir of God born the Redeemer which maketh free from the Devil and Sin and they are the Sons of
hands are strengthened then any dislike shewed by thee in bearing thy Witness as thou oughtest to do against them For thou knowest of some 〈◊〉 this City and else-where whom we know to be just Men who suffer Impri●●●●●nt and the loss of their Liberties because for Conscience sake they can●●● Swear and many others in this Nation suffering cruel things upon the like or same ground even for Well-doing and not for Evil which Oppression might be removed and their unjust Sufferings taken off by thee by a word from thy Mouth or Pen and this makes thee that thou canst not be clear in the sight of God in these things because not helped by thee who hath the Power to help it and this in true Love I give thee to understand in the Day of Recompence shalt thou know the Lord will not clear thee except thou repentest and ●●sest the Oppressed Other things thou speakest about the Light of Christ which lighteneth every man that cometh into the World with the Light of Life or with the Light of Condemnation and about the Ministry of this Nation wi●● some other things which I had a desire to have answered if time had been seasonable and thou willing to have heard but thou shouldst not have appeared in such lightness especially when speaking of the Things of God which did grieve the Spirit of the Lord and vex the Righteous Soul which Behaviour with some words which thou utteredst by the Light of Christ is to be condemned and which I do judge with the Life of God and yet doth tender and preserve the measure of Justness and Honesty which is in thee but thou art high above the Principle of God and cannot receive the Teachings of the Father into that mind which is light and unstable for the Counsel of God is manifest to the Meek and the Lowly but there is much in thee to be judged when thou comest to the Witness of God in thee And as concerning the Light of Christ at which thou stumblest by which every man that comes into the World is enlightened in short this I say The Light to thee is given of God and it must thou own to be thy onely Teacher to receive by it from the Father and to be guided by it in all things if ever thou inheritest God's Kingdom of Righteousness and Peace and this is the Word of the Lord to thee And as concerning the Ministry of England for which in part thou seemest to plead thus I say in Plainness Generally it is not of God but of Antichrist and the Lord is against it for it is the Ground of the greatest Oppression of the Poor in its Maintenance as any one particular Abomination which this day is in the Nation and this is the Truth from the Lord and if thou settest thy self to uphold them by any Law made or to make against such whom God hath raised to bear Witness against them their Wayes and Idolatries thou ●●alt fall with them into Perdition and be overthrown amongst them in the Just and Righteous Judgments and this is the Word of the Lord to thee For God is risen of a Truth to make War against the Beast which long hath reigned and against the False Prophets which have long deceived the World and I warn thee with-hold thy hand from helping them if thou meanest to be preserved or blessed in thy Person in thy Family and in thy Armies for as I said to thee The Kingdom of Christ is setting up by his own Power and all must ●ow and become subject thereunto he needeth none of thy Policy nor the strength of thy Arm to advance him yet would he have thee not to prove thy self an open Enemy thereof by doing or suffering to be done Cruelty and Injustice against them whom the Lord is redeeming out of this World into subjection unto that Kingdom lest thou be such a one as wilt not enter thy self nor suffer others to enter and so Destruction come upon thee Wherefore arise as out of Sleep and Slumber not in this World's Glory and Honour come away and appear for the Lord rather then against him be not overcome by the Pleasures of this World nor the Fattering Titles of Men win● not at the Cruelty and Oppression acted by some who shelter under thee and make thy Name a Cloak for Mischief against the Upright but let the Testimony of God in thee answer for his People this Law is not just by which many suffer because they cannot swear and because they cannot cease to declare against Sin and Iniquity let that of God in thee bear Witness and thou and thy name being chief in the Execution of this Law what will thy account be to the Lord in his Day Consider I say consider and be thou changed in thy mind and heart lest thou having forgotten God and his many Deliverances be shut up and numbred for Destruction and I say and desire the Lord give thee a more perfect Understanding of his Wayes and Judgments and that the Crown Immortal thou mayst strive for by Meekness and Righteousness through relieving the Oppressed and shewing Mercy to the Poor and removing every Burden which lies upon the Innocent and this is the Desire of him who is thy Friend and would not have thee crowned with Dishonour through suffering the People of God to be oppressed in thy Name which will be thy Overthrow absolutely if thou removest it not by turning and easing the Oppressed Edw. Burroughs This was delivered to his hands about the beginning of the Fourth Moneth 1657. For the hands of the Protector FRIEND THou oughtest to stand in the Counsel of God in all things and not to follow the Counsel of thy own heart nor to act things in thine own will neither shouldst thou suffer others to act under thee and in thy name that which is Unjust and Unrighteous Much Unrighteousness and great Oppression is acted in thy name by which the good name PROTECTOR is abused and subverted and instead of Protection by it great Unjustice is acted under it and covered with it and this one thing I am moved to lay before thee which hath been acted by thee or under thee not without thy knowledge in which thou hast done Evil in the Sight of the Lord and one day thou wilt know it Several in these Nations Justices of the Peace and other Officers who have been in trust under thee when they have owned the People of God in scorn called Quakers have been cast out of their Places though they have not denyed to serve thee and the Common-Wealth neither hath Unfaithfulness to their Trust been proved against them and also several Souldiers now of late in Scotland and else-where have been turned out of their Places because of the same thing viz. For owning the People of God and these things are not right in the Sight of the Lord that such who have been for many years Faithful in the Service and in their Trust
nought and let it be left off to cry out Deceivers and Heresie c. and causing any to suffer upon suspition thereupon but bring all things to light and true Judgment that what is proved to be the Truth may be owned and not persecuted any more for we are willing to be made manifest to all men and if any thing be objected against us which may not be sufficiently answered and resolved to sober men then our Enemies are more free and hath whereof to glory in against us but and if all occasion of stumbling be removed by Answers according to the Scriptures and our Principles Practices and Doctrines thereby vindicated then let all the Teachers and all our Adversaries shut their Mouthes from biting at us and railing against us and accusing of us to thee and let thy Ear be shut from believing Lyes against the Innocent and let none suffer in thy Dominion under the cruelty of men upon such a ground And hereof I shall be glad to receive an answer and to joyn issue in this Cause and in the mean time and alwayes am a Lover of thy Soul but a witness against all Oppression E. B. This was delivered to his hands at Hampton Court in the 4th Moneth 1658. For the Protector Friends Know that there is a God that doth whatsoever he will all power is in his hand and he bringeth to pass the Counsel of his own heart and he rules in the kingdoms of men and bringeth down and setteth up he killeth and maketh alive and he changeth times and seasons and Governments and bringeth to nought the counsels of men for all power in Earth and in Heaven is in him and all his doings are right and his wayes are equal and thou and all Mankind are as Clay in the hand of the Potter he can honour and exalt as he pleaseth and he can mar and break to pieces and dishonour whensoever he will wherefore be humble and low in heart before him for he is the highest power that subdueth all things under his feet if he wound who can heal and if he kill there is none can make alive and know thou it is the Lord God Almighty that doth this in whose hands are the Issues of life and death and he it is who can break thee down and build thee up who can wound thee and restore thee and bring thee to destruction and say unto thee return and to know him that doth this belongs to thy eternal peace Wherefore hearken thou to the Word of the Lord that thy soul may come out of death and live and fear the Lord God before whom thy heart is naked and bare who can mould thee and change thee and fulfill his pleasure upon thee even according to his own will and who shall say what doth he and now come to consideration and let thy heart be more upright before him and chuse his way and counsel that he may bless thee and seek his face to behold his countenance that thy soul may be satisfied by his Word and the Milk of the Word may nourish thee unto life Immortal and mind his pure presence which is life even God with thee Christ the Emmanuel to dwell with and walk in thee which is the promise of the Father and first come to the Principle of God and feel the Word of God in thy heart that will beat down the nature into which Temptations enter and the Word will bring thee to war against and overcome all thy Enemies which would defile thee or betray thee and it will bring thee to know a Birth Immortal born in thee and a Crown Immortal received from God that dies not nor fades not away and then he that rules over Heaven and Earth will be thy Shepherd to feed thee and thy Teacher to guide thee and thy Counsellor to direct thee in all things and thy immortal Soul will be satisfied with the Bread that cometh down from Heaven which the Father giveth and the Covenant of God and the Mercies of David that are sure will be revealed and his Promise fulfilled in thee and Life and Immortality brought to Light through the Gospel which is the Power of God which destroyes and puts off and confounds the first man and his knowledge and wisdom and his sin and righteousness all which is in Transgression against the Life of God and the Gospel the Power of God being received it will raise up the Seed of God in thee and bring thee to know the second Adam the Image of the Father which the Devil hath nothing in but he overcomes the Devil who hath been the Lamb Slain by Transgression since the Foundation of the World and he it is that comes out of death that must take away thy sin and destroy it and cover thy nakedness and create thee anew and give thee acceptance in the Father whereby thy soul in him may be refreshed and a habitation in him thou mayst have when this World is no more and for this thou oughtest to wait above all things And Friend thou hast need of the Wisdom of God which is from Heaven to guide thee in all thy affairs that by it thou may be preserved from the will of thine Enemies and from all that hate thee that their Eye may be blinded that watch for Evil and their Wisdom and Policy confounded and brought to nought that hatch Mischief against thee So feel a Measure of the Wisdom of God in thee to guide thee in Dread and Authority and thy Enemies will be afraid for to walk in the Fear of the Lord and in his Wisdom and Authority in Justice Truth and Righteousness that will make thee a greater Terror unto thy Enemies then all Worldly Policy and Craft the Nations will over-reach thee if thy strength be there and if Judgment Justice and Righteousness be neglected by thee how should the Lord Honour thee and Defend thee Nay he will bring Dishonour and give thee into the Will of thy Enemies For want of Truth and just Judgment causeth the Land to Mourn and her People to sit as a Widdow comfortless wherefore love Judgment Truth and Righteousness and walk therein and thou wilt leave a Praise behind thee and a Witness to other Ages that thou hast served the Lord in thy Generation and then thy Memorial shall never dye nor thy Name come into Reproach among the Heathen Wherefore let all Oppression be removed and let the Just go free and let Judgment and Righteousness run down and be thou a Praise and a Blessing to all that do Well and a Terror and a Dread to all the contrary Arise and stand up for the Lord and he will give thee Strength and Victory and will make thy Horn as Iron and thy Hoof as Brass to push down and tread under the high places of Idolatry in all the apostatized Churches both Papist and others out of the Life of the Apostles and as thou comest into the Life the Apostles were in
for the Protector 's Kindred his VVife and Children to be read soberly by them in the Fear of the Lord. FRIENDS ●Emember that by the Lord you were raised from a low state and when he will he can abase you and bring you down he gave you the Palace of ●…ces and threw out them before you 〈◊〉 Remember this every one of you and come to the Witness of God in 〈◊〉 and be humble and meek and lowly and let the Lord's Fear be in your 〈◊〉 and be of a tender Spirit having your minds exercised in Purity in Holi●●●● and in Righteousness and exalt not your selves nor be lifted up in ●our 〈◊〉 in the Pride and Vain-glories and Honours of this World lest the Lord 〈◊〉 you down and make your Name and Posterity a Reproach as he hath done ●any before you and if you walk in the same steps and do the same things and 〈◊〉 guilty of the same Abominations and suffer the Children and Servants of the Lord to be persecuted as ●●ny are at this day some until Death shall the Lord spare you nay he will cause you to feel his Hand of Judgment and bring you down with Sorrow and he will vex you in his Wrath and smi●e you with his Rod more and more till you learn his Fear and depart from all your 〈◊〉 and the Lord will deface your Glory and pull down your Crown and 〈◊〉 will make you know that he i● Lord that doth whatsoever he will Wherefor● humble your selves under the Hand of God and search your own hearts and cast out the Abomination● that vex the Spirit of the Lord and suf●●● not the People of the Lord 's precious Flock to be devoured and made a Prey 〈◊〉 the Wicked for because of this the Rod of Affliction cometh upon you and ●●y suddenly break you to pieces but mind the Seed of God in you which is oppressed and wait to know the. Power of the Lord which will redeem you out of Sin and Death and reconcile you to God and bring you into Fellowship wi●● himself to enjoy Peace and Rest for your Souls that you may be made Heirs of the ●●heritance of an Endless Life and this would make you truly Honourable 〈◊〉 ●●ll be more Satisfaction to you and Joy and Content and true Rejoycing 〈◊〉 all Worldly Crowns and Worldly Glories which will waste and consume away and leave you miserable And remember that you are now warned from the 〈◊〉 God by who● I am ●●ved to write this unto you in dea● and tender Love to you all and one day you shall witness it And as concerning the Quakers so called who are accounted as vile in the Sight of men and are ●ast out of all Power and Place in the Nation being despised of all and also are reproached persecuted and imprisoned and all manner of Evil and Injustice unrighteously done and spoken against them by wick●● and corrupt men in Authority yet are they the Children and Servants of the Living God and greatly beloved of him and are as dear to him as the Apple of his Eye and his Power and Presence is with them and the time is at hand that the Lord will make their Persecutors fall and their Enemies bow and tremble though now they suffer unjustly and are trodden down as not deserving a Place on the Earth yet it is for Righteousness sake and because they shew forth the Image of the Father and not for Evil-doing and will not their Sufferings lie upon you for many Hundred have suffered cruel and great things and some the loss of Life though not by yet in the name of the Protector and about a Hundred at this present day lie in Holes and Dungeons and Prisons up and down the Nation and some at this time are Sick nigh unto Death whose Sufferings ●●y for Vengeance and the Lord heareth the Cry Wherefore save your selves and let the Innocent be delivered and the cruel Bonds of Oppression broken and the Exercise of a pure Conscience go free without Persecution and then the Lord will 〈◊〉 away his Anger and cease to smite you with his Rod which bath been upon you and he will give you Peace and make you blessed if you come to be leá by his Spirit into all Truth And though these Innocent Lambs of Christ suffer thus under this present Power yet are they not Enemies to you but are Friends to your Persons and Families 〈◊〉 pitty you and love you and desire well for you in the Lord that you may ●●pent and be healed and even that your Hearts may be opened to receive Refreshments to your Souls and that you may be established in Righteousuess and Tr●… over all your Enemies and may not be confounded nor your Posterity brought 〈◊〉 reproach which is hastening upon you and though our Love be despised and 〈◊〉 accounted hateful in your sight and looked upon with Derision yet we 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 things in Patience truly desiring your Returning and Repentance and 〈◊〉 yo●● Destruction But if these doleful Suffering of the Lord 's poor Lambs be continued by this present Power it will destroy you and undo you and break you and confound 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Lord will not cease to smite you with his Rod of sharp Rebukes and he will 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 know his People's Cause shall not be unpunished Oh Did you ●ut know ho● H●●dreds have and do suffer how the Bodies of some have been tortured by Stocks and cruel Whippings and how some lie Sick in stinking Holes and 〈◊〉 on the Ground or a little Straw at best Ten or often more in a Priso● together and sometimes their own Friends n● suffered to come to visit th●● 〈◊〉 Necessaries Oh Did but your Eyes behold or your Hearts perceive the greatness of the Cruelty which some of the Lord 's dear Servants and your faithful Friends undergo it would make your hearts ake and your spirits to tremble and all this is done in the Name and under the Authority of Protector therefore how should the Lord but lay it to your charge and afflict him and h●● Family He will make you know there t●●t a God t●●t can do whatsoever he will and that Life and Death are in his Hands and all Creatures are as Clay in the Hand of the P●tter and be rules in the Kingdoms of Men and pulleth down one and setteth up another according to his Pleasure but if the Love of God be with-holden from you it is because of Disobedience to him and your Transgression Wherefore be obedient to him and love his Wayes and Judgments that he may make you more happy with a Crown Immortal that never fades away And remember once more the Lord hath warned you by a Friend unto you in the Lord Written the 1st day of the 7th Moneth called September 1658. Edward Burroughs Copies of this were delivered to divers of his Children and Kindred the day before he Dyed To thee Richard Cromwel called Protector of these Nations is this
may stand and never be moved from the hope of Eternal Life and feel the renewing of your inward man even the increase and growth of the Immortal Life in you that you may live in that unto the Lord God and Covenant with him may be preserved whereby you may be a praise and a glory to him in your Generation in the sight of the whole World even all you who have tasted of the Presence and Power of the Lord and who have known his Mercies and Judgements and been acquainted with him that you may be kept faithful unto the end and not be subverted by the wicked one nor drawn from the Obedience to the Truth nor loose your Crown of Immortality neither by the flattery nor terrour of the ungodly but that you live in the Dominion of Immortal Life which keeps above all Mortal Temptations and Mortal Terrour and gives Authority over all And this Life is blessed where the Glory and Peace of this World and the Troubles and Sorrows of it also are seen over and felt beyond and nothing of it can move the Heart nor disquiet the Spirit nor work any Separation from the Fathers Love and in the Seed of God where it lives above mortal is this enioyed by us and all the Faithful But if the mans part live above the Seed of God that will be drawn aside by the love or by the terrour of this World for that is changable and the evil one hath a part in it so that part is to be kept in subjection in you under the Seed of God it must bear the Cros● of Christ always else you will be overcome of the wicked for in that part the m●… part which is of this World the Devil hath somthing a place to receive ●im p●●t to obey him but in the Seed of God he hath nothing neither place nor part And so Friends live in the Seed of God for in that is your Victory and heavenly Dominion and also your Election and Assurance for ever even in the second Birth begotten of the Father for that is the Heir of God and therei● doth man inherit Eternal Life and Rest and Peace to his Soul and therein is Ble●●●●gs and Peace and Life inwardly and outwardly and all fulness is enjoyed where the Lord is the Teacher the Father the Shepherd the Master the King and Judge and is become to us the all in all and the Kingdom delive●●● 〈◊〉 him and all subjected under him even God with us the Substance of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●●d of all and all the contrary put under even the Lion and the Lamb 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 together and man lives in Peace according to the Promise and the Mountain of the Lords House is established on the top of all in which nothing can destroy or hurt the pure Life but Life is in Dominion over all and 〈◊〉 is swallowed up of it Oh Friends this is the mark that is before you press on towards it that you may obtain the final end of all your Travel and Waiting of your Obedi●●ce and Suffering and the end of your Hope and Patience and the very end of the Mess●ge sent of God and delivered to you by us The end of all is this Th●● you may dwell in God and he in you and be gathered up to him to be ever with 〈◊〉 and that he may be your all in all and you may be to him an honour and praise ●●●●ghout the World in your Generation even he your onely God and you his onely 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Friends certain it is that the Way of Life and Peace and of Salvation is m●de manifest unto you and you know wherein everlasting Peace and Reconciliation with God standeth and you also know what the cause is of all tro●●le and sorrow and condemnation the Lord hath opened many Hearts and given unto many a good Understanding And seeing you know this live in the Way of Peace and escape the other that you may not come into condemnation for it is a fearfull thing to fall into the Condemnation and Wrath of the Almighty And for this cause That men should be saved from Wrath and have Peac● with God the Message of Life and Salvation hath the Lord sent abroad plentifully in this Nation and you have received it and believed the Report though many have rejected it to their Destruction whose Judgment will be upon them but you have tasted handled and f●lt of the Word of eternal Life by which the Lord hath wounded you and healed you again and many hath he slain and made them alive even through his Word and Power which hath entred into many hearts which killeth the Enmity and quicken●th the Seed and which breaketh off from all the World's followship both in Transgressions and Righteousness and makes all void all Covenants with Death and Hell and marrieth unto the Lamb and the Marriage of the Lamb is c●me unto many even unto all in whom his innocent and heavenly Na●●re is begotten and brought forth for this is of his Flesh and of his Bone 〈◊〉 here is his Wife that hath made her self ready and is prepared for the Bridegroom and blessed are ye if ye know thes● things and are Witnesses of th●● even the Marriage of the Lamb and the making ready of his Elected in you 〈◊〉 the receiving and quickening of his Flesh and of his Bone for this is the 〈◊〉 unto whom he is joyned that hath put away all other Lovers and loveth the Lord with all the Heart and with all the Soul who is clothed with perfect Bea●ty and Innocency and covered with divine Righteousness in which there is no Spot being delivered out of the Wilderness and freed from her mourn●●g state and is no more separated from her Husband but she again quick●●t into Life and adorned with Beauty and married to the Lamb to live with him ●or evermore Oh Friends wait upon the Lord that ye may possess these things for to k●ow th●● and be in them is everlasting Treasure and Riches the Possession of them are Riches to the Poor Bread to the Hungry and Clothing to the Naked and Life to the Dead And if ye know these things lay them up in your hearts as your most precious Treasure and let none spoil you of it And if ye are married unto the Lamb then are you the True and onely Church even his Body and living Members of it for such onely are the True Church that are married to Christ and United to him in his own nature and all such are false Churches and are even of the great Whore that hath taken upon them the name of Churches of Christ but were never lawfully married unto him and such are deceived and Deceivers of others with the very Name of Christ calling themselves by the Name of his Church while they are in the nature contrary to him nor they ever lawfully married unto him and this is the great Whore who commits lewdness though Nations in all false
worships and Idolatrous Practices and Ordinances and in her false Ministry and false Doctrines and she was set up in Nations by the force of cruel and violent Laws and men and is upheld by Oppression and Injustice at this day and yet all this she doth under the Name of Holy Church and useth the Name of Christ as if she were his Wife and yet hath other Lovers and by such means hath this great Whore deceived the World But now the Day of the Lord is come upon her and the hour of her Judgement is at hand and all that have taken plea●●●e with her shall mourn and bitterly lament because of her Judgements which cometh in a day but we are delivered from her Judgements because the Lord hath called us from her abominations and we can no more drink her Cup of false Doctrines and Practices all which are Idolatry and to be Judged of the Lord though she should drink our Blood as she hath done the Saints before us But I say the Lord hath led us out of this Babylon He hath delivered us from this great City and made us Spiritually free from its abominations and Idolatries though not outwardly free from her oppressions and cruelties And though this great City hath Ruled over the Kings and great men of the earth and subjected many Nations through its wickedness and violence yet certainly its ruin is near to come Else my Hope is lost my Life is smitten and the Lord hath not spoken by me And the Lord will Reward this false woman this false Church that hath deceived the Nations even according to her deeds as she hath done to others so shall others do to her measure for measure and much more might we say concerning her but the Lord hath opened our eyes and we see her abominations and she cannot deceive us And this is the loving kindness of the Lord unto us for which he is worthy to be praised by us for evermore And in that ye have received the Truth and do know the Truth live in it and walk in it in all faithfulness and be not fearful and unbelieving as though the Lord were not with you though ye suffer much for his Names sake for he is not wanting unto that man that doth fear his Name and that walks in his Way but for the deliverance of all such will he appear he will free the oppressed and the afflicted people he will save even by his out-stretched Arm Wherefore let our eye be unto the Lord in all estates and conditions whether of sufferings or otherwise for from him Salvation cometh and not from the Mountains of the Earth and keep your Meatings in your several places and be faithful in all things that your Consciences may be kept void of offences both towards God and men that no disobedience nor load of iniquity may be upon you but that in the sight of God you may feel clearness and freedom of Soul and Spirit from the burden of all transgression that you may know the Remission of all sin and all iniquity may be blotted out and no guilt of transgression may lie upon you but you may enjoy Peace in your Consciences in the Sanctification and Justification of the new man and this is the heavenly Life even upon Earth And when you are met together in the Name and Power of the Lord mind his presence amongst you for that is life and will make your Meetings profitable and full of Vertue to your Souls and the Lord will instruct you in all that which is good and Christ will be your Minister of Peace and Comfort and his Spirit will l●●d you into all Truth and by his Word even the speech of God in your hearts you will be quickned in Spirit and your strength and Peace in God will be renewed day by day and walk in all Wisdom and in the fear of the Lord one towards another and towards all people that your Righteous and innocent life and your Holy Wayes and Works of Truth may have Evidence in the hearts of your Enemies that you are of God by the shining forth of your light before them and that the Devil nor all your Enemies may have ought against you saving concerning your God and the Worship of him and the matters pertaining to good Conscience and then if any suffer afflictions and tribulation by wicked men if it be for Righteousness sake and concerning the Law of your God and the matters of his Kingdom in such suffering the Lord will be with you and not forsake you but he will give you Dominion and carry you through it all in Patience and Faith which gives you Victory over all Enemies And nothing shall come to you nor happen on you in the anger of God but all afflictions shall be turned to your Comfort and by Persecutions and Tribulations the Lord will but try you and not destroy you you being delivered from his wrath and from that which is the Cause of it And therefore Friends it being much upon my Spirit I do lay it upon you to be mindful in this very thing that you walk in all Wisdom so that your Enemies have nothing against you to cause you to suffer for but onely for Truth and Righteousness sake and concerning the Law and Worship of your God and then if the wicked one take occasion against you to inflict his wrath upon you by wicked men because of the exercises of your Consciences towards God thereby shall the Lord take occasion against your Enemies to destroy them in his season and he will deliver you and for this Cause doth the Lord plead with the wicked in his wrath even because of the unjust sufferings of his People for that alwayes drew down the wrath of the Lord upon Nations and Rulers and for this Cause hath many been destroyed and in our sufferings must be filled up the measure of the iniquities both of Rulers and people in this Nation that the Lord may over-turn them with his hand when their measure of oppression is finished and the burden of its guilt falls upon them Therefore let us have Patience towards all men in all Conditions and Faith towards God at all times for therein is our Armour of Defence and our Weapons to resist all our Enemies and giving up into the Eternal Will of the Father whether in Life or Death in Tribulations or in Rejoycing and giving our Power wholly to the Lord and nor unto any other knowing That not one Hair of our Head can fall without him whose Power is over all and through ●ll So that if we Live it may be unto him alone and if we suffer and dye it may be for him and herein Peace shall be with us in whatsoever cometh to pass upon us if we can receive all things as from the hand of the Lord and Live in the feeling of that Power which doth all things or suffereth all things to be done And blessed is he that is not
God of which you have tasted in a good Measure and in the Meek and Peaceable Spirit of the Lamb be at Peace and in Unity with him and one with another even as Members of one spiritual Body that the Head may be honoured through you and that each Member serve one another in Love and Respect not any exalted above what ought to be nor striving for prehemenence above one another but that each Member may know his Service into which the Lord hath called you for that is a blessed Thing to dwell in Love and Unity and to know and to be known to one another in the Lord and the contrary bringeth the Curse where Strife and Enmity lodgeth that is excluded out of the Body and is of the Kingdom of Death and not of the Lamb but is of the Body of Antichrist and not of his Body who is exalted at God's right Hand And see that you walk in all Wisdom wait that you may be wise and that Wisdom it self may be justified of you by walking therein and then you will answer the divine Principle of Equity in your Enemies and you will cut off that which seeks ' occasion against you and turn backward the slanderous Tongue and confound the Destroyer which seeks occasion every moment Oh how pretious is Wisdom it s a Pearl it s better then Strength or Riches Wisdom is the chief of the Gifts of God it comes from the Fountain and it leads answerable unto him who is the Giver thereof Oh wait for Wisdom that she may possess your Hearts that she may go in and out before you and may be the beginning and end of all your works and so shall your Enemies have no occasion against you but you shall be preserved in perfect Peace for Wisdom is a preserver of Soul and Body even that Wisdom that is from above which is pure and peaceable and leadeth into all the Ways of Peace Truth and Righteousness and take heed that none be led aside into Snares and Temptations of the Wicked and thereby make shipwrack of Faith and a good Conscience and the whole Work of God and so lose your Joy and Peace in God and come short of an Immortal Crown to which you are begotten but be faithful to God in all things and deny not your Principle nor the perswasion of God's Spirit in your Consciences in any thing neither for the Love nor Terror of this World for that is honourable to be faithful to a heavenly Principle even whether in death or life to be found walking answerable unto the Will and Mind of God as you have received the knowledge thereof but if any turn aside in the day of Tryal the Lord will have no pleasure in them but his displeasure will be against them unto their Destruction and such shall not be reckoned among the Righteous but they are blotted out of the Book of Life even such who are Hearers and not Doers of the Will of God whose Hypocrisie the Lord will judge in the justness of his Judgments And live in Patience in all Tribulations and in a still and quiet Spirit for the Lord is there his Presence is enjoyed in a still and patient spirit and such receive of his Mercies even of his hidden Manna and heed not the Tribulations that are in this World but mind your Peace that is in Christ that is everlasting and be settled in your minds and fully perswaded to follow the Lamb wheresoever he goes whether in Death or Life and let nothing separate you from that Love of God which you have received not Powers of Darkness neither Love nor Terror of this World but keep in the Dominion of God that his Spirit may be lifted up in you as the Standard even when floods of Temptations and Persecutions ariseth against you which are but for a moment and they will pass away but Truth and Righteousness will remain and cannot be shaked and the Purpose of the Lord is Good unto us and not Evil not to destroy us nor suffer us to perish for we are his and he hath chosen us and he hath placed his Name with us and for his Name sake which we bear he will do great things for us he will visit his Heritage and defend it with his mighty Power and therefore be in Patience concerning all things whatsoever that cometh to pass And the Lord having brought us out of Egypt and often appeared unto us in great Love and Favour and his Eye is over us at this day and he hath not thus far delivered us now to destroy us if we live and walk in the Power of the Lord God and feel his Life and Vertue and heavenly Authority in our own Hearts the Lord will not suffer our Enemies to prevail against us so as utterly to extinguish us from off the Earth though some of us may be tryed far if not to seal our Testmony with Blood but if so it shall hasten the Glory of the Lord and cause it to shine forth abundantly and it will fill up the Measure of Iniquity to the utter destruction of Antichrist and for this cause our Lives are not pretious unto us nor do I desire further to give Testimony by words if the Testimony of our Blood be required for I know though power may be given them over the outward Man yet we have a Life which they cannot touch and a Peace and Victory in the spiritual Kingdom which no man can spoil us of and we are given up already whether to glorifie God in the Body or out of the Body so he is glorified we have our reward for what is our reward but this That we may see the Name of the Lord exalted and but that our Confidence is sure and our Faith and Patience stedfast that we shall behold the Glory of the Lord and his Kingdom and the overthrow of Sathan and Antichrist the Beast and the false Prophet our dayes would be sorrowful and our Life a Death and our Labour and Travels a Vexation and a Grief but our Faith is confirmed by many Witnesses that the Kingdoms of the World must become the Kingdoms of Christ and Mystery Babylon must fall in whom the Soul of the Righteous hath been slain and the Purpose of the Lord must certainly be effected and no man upon the Earth shall prevent it and this is our Faith and therefore our Travels Labours and Affliction are not grievous to us even because the Presence of the Lord is with us And as for me the Salutation of my dearest love is to all the Saints every-where even with that love wherewith I am beloved of the Father do I love all them that are begotten of him but unto you more especially my love is abounding amongst whom I am known in faithful Labour of the Gospel of Christ who never sought yours but you and I hope you have the Witness of me in your own hearts even as I have of you and that in the
Immortal Life I am known to you where I desire only to be known of you and though I have been as weak amongst you and in fear and trembling yet the Lord hath been strong and mighty in his Spirit and though I have been as poor and lowly before you yet the Lord hath filled me and you with his Riches and given victory and authority even in your presence though many times I have laboured in Tryals and under great Burdens amongst you and in much opposition by many potent Enemies that have appeared against the Lord yet the Lord hath carried above all and given dominion over them through his eternal Spirit and of these things you are Witnesses Oh when I remember the dayes past and how the pretious presence of the Lord hath been with us and amongst us while I was with you as I hope it is at this day and will alwayes be continued I say the remembrance hereof even of the goodness of the Lord filleth my Heart with holy Praises and the same I desire for you that the Love of the Father and his Presence which hath been is and shall be may be alwayes fresh in your remembrance that you may be comforted for evermore And at this present I know nothing but that the Lord in his Presence and Love and Life is more large and precious then ever and he hath opened his Fountain and we receive of his fulness more abundantly he hath made us strong and we are rich in him even at this day to give our witness for his Name and against Antichrist and all the powers of Darkness in as much Boldness Plainness and Faithfulness as ever yea it is in our Hearts to be as diligent and valiant in the Work of the Lord and to publish his Name and to proclaim the destruction of Antichrist's false Church false Ministry and Worship now more then ever Oh how are our Hearts filled with zeal to go on in this Work we have no fear of man upon us not of him that can but kill the Body we are not afraid of the Storms and Threats and Persecution of the Ungodly for we fear the God of Heaven and him we reverence and worship in our Hearts and not mortal Men whose breath is in their Nostrils and who are as Clay and their Substance soon desolved and what shall these do against us they can effect nothing without the Lord who is our Shepherd that keeps us and as for the Work of the Lord we find it goes on and is prosperous and the Flock of God every where is pleasant and they grow in Knowledge in Wisdom in Faith and in Patience and the Power and Presence of the Lord is with us as ever and Truth keeps its Authority and the Lord hath blessed it with a good Report even to the confounding of our Enemies to perceive the Constancy and Boldness and Faithfulness of the People whose destruction hath long been threatned and waited for but we are yet alive even in him who lives for ever and we live because he lives in us and it is well with us even because he is our saving Health and we can speak of his Praise because he speaks by us Meetings are very large and precious every where in these Parts because of the Presence of the Lord God who is the Fulness of all and filleth all with his Mercy Peace and Blessings and that the same be continued unto you even that you may be filled with the Fulness of God and ever comforted in him is the desire of him who is yours as he is the Lords Sommerset-Shire 25th 4th Moneth 1660. E. B. A TESTIMONY Concerning the BOOK of Common-Prayer So called Being an Answer to an Objection Whether it be not in it self and as practised in this Nation heretofore and at this present the True Worship of the True and Living God Answ. 1. THE Book of COMMON-PRAYER so called in its first Institution and Practise in this Nation did not but differ little from POPERY and the Men that were the Authors of it and that constituted it into that Form and Method as now it is were of much Zeal for their Form and some Sincerity and of more Tenderness and good Conscience towards God in what they knew then were they of the Church of Rome who cryed out against them as Hereticks and the like and they had so much Light from God by his Spirit as that they saw the Idolatry and Corruption of the Church of Rome and did dissent from her and denyed her Worships and Practises in part though they were because thereof persecuted and the Lord stirred up their Hearts to bear Testimony against the Abomination of that time as it was in both Church and State so called and they sought after Reformation and did in some part Reform this Nation and did deny the Popish-Mass and the Popes Supremacy and many Idolatries both in Doctrine and Discipline and instead of the way and manner of Worship as held forth by the Church of Rome these Reformers set up the Common-Prayer to be performed as the Worship of their Church supposing that to be more acceptable then the other and no doubt but the first Institution and Practise thereof was in much sincerity and zeal by many and they were held under persecution and suffered some of them even death ●or denying the Church of Rome and her ways and worships even them who did first ordain and compose the Common-Prayer so called though yet there was much error in their Judgments and darkness in their Understandings and a vail of great Ignorance in many things upon them even while it was brought forth and these things effected in the very beginning and proceedings of them 2. And when it was formed it being imposed on this Nation by force and penalty and set up by compelling all people into the practise of it by violent Laws upon the Bodies and Consciences of men this was great Abomination in the sight of God and made the practise of it detestable unto him for it is contrary to God in the dispensation of the Gospel the way of forcing by compelling constraint through outward Laws any kind or form of worship though in it self never so holy and like unto the true worship yea if the very things that the Apostles practised for worship were imposed on any people by force when as the Consciences of Men were not first perswaded thereunto by the Spirit of God even this were Abomination unto God and not the true worship of him which is not of force but of a willing mind nor in the Ignorance of Mens minds but in the Light risen in their Hearts So that because of Imposing the practise of the Common-Prayer by force it was hateful to God as so practised and the performance of it while it was so held forth in this Nation was no better then the Idolatrous Mass nor no more acceptable to God 3. And as for the Matter in it self partly
of Calvin or Form of Prayer as these have now the Common-Prayer and both the one and the other have cast off the POPES Form and brought in their own get into a Form of words a For● of worship without either Life or Power The PAPISTS in some things that they begin to do will say In the Name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Ghost And the Protestants or them who call themselves of the reformed Church that are come off from the Papists some of them when they go about to do a thing will say Our help is in the Name of the Lord which made Heaven and Earth Here both the one and the other have a Form of words but out of the Name the one as well as the other out of the Life out of the Power and Authority of our Lord Iesus Christ. Therefore what they do how can it be done in his Name which themselves are out of Though they may be in the words and do a thing in the words But that is not a doing it in the Name for to do things in so many words in their own Time and Will that which themselves have brought in is one thing But to do it in the Name Power and Authority of the Lord Iesus Christ is another for words is not the Name nor the Power and the Kingdom stands in the Power not in words Therefore all people see what you do that it be done in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ the true Light of the World who lighteth every man that cometh into the World in his Light in his Power then that will bring you to cease from your own words and following your own ways doing it in his Power in his Strength out of your own words your own ways and your own wills in his Name For what hath form or words either one or the other hitherto produced or brought forth without Life or Power Hath your long Profession and Forms of the words brought any of you yet into the possession of the things Or will it ever do If not What serves it to Who hath required it to have it done And is it not his right alone who is to be worshipped to direct himself how he will be worshipped Or is not all other service and worship in the will And so Will-worship that is not of his own direction or appointment And the Scripture saith John chapter 4. as you may read God is a Spirit and he will be worshipped in the Spirit and in the Truth Mark that He who is a Spirit will be worshipped in the Spirit and in the Truth that which the Devil abode not in for into a Form of words Drunkards Swearers Lyars Prophane Persons unrighteous which are shut out of the Kingdom may get into words in such a worship out of the Spirit but that is not the worship which God requires And is it not equal that he alone direct how he will be worshipped that is to be worshipped And thou art so to perform thy service towards him that of him it may be accepted and so it is rightly done when done as he hath appointed it as he hath directed And Obedience is more than Sacrifice whom thou art to obey if thou wilt do him service who is worshipped or served in the Spirit and in the Truth whose Will then comes to be done and not thine who will be so worshipped and so served But otherwise is it not thine own will and not his that is done Therefore whosoever will come to worship the KING the LORD of HOSTS must come to worship him in his own way not in their ways to bow down to his Light to bow down to the measure of his Spirit in them for the Manifestation of the Spirit is given to every one to profit withal Otherwise will not People Teachers and Professors be always in the profitless condition Ever learning and never come to the knowledge of the Truth E. B. TO THE BELOVED and CHOSEN of GOD in the Seed Elected Particularly in LONDON And elsewhere who have seen the day of Christ and received the Message of Peace and Reconciliation in these last Dayes of his Glorious Appearance THe dear salutation of my life salutes you all in the most pure and dearest love with which I am beloved of the Father and with which also at this present my Heart is filled and issueth forth towards you and the whole Body of the elected Ones and the remembrance of you in the Lord is very precious unto me as I see and behold and have fellowship with you in the Immortal Life which the Father hath begotten in you and in me and in which my knowledge is of you and my unity with you and therein only is the remembrance of my dearest love unto you and in which I hope I am also known and remembred of you even in the spiritual Relation and Heirship of Immortality being fellow Citizens of the heavenly Ierusalem and Children of her conception and bringing forth Now my dearest Friends seeing you have believed in the Light and Life of men even in him that was and is and is to come and have also tasted of that all Fulness that is in him you have a Witness in your selves even of the Spirit of the Father which is greater then all and you need no other Testimony but that of the Spirit That the Lord is good and full of Grace Truth Mercy Peace and Joy even the Fountain and Treasure of all Vertue and Blessedness in this present time and hereafter I say If you have tasted and felt of Immortal Life and if the Fountain hath been opened in you and you have seen his Glory and received of his Treasure then the Evidence dwells in you of eternal blessedness and no man needs to teach you of these things nor to say unto you know the Lord if you dwell in him and go no more forth yet bear with me a little that I may speak and be refreshed not to diminish from what Testimony you have in you but the rather to add towards it for my witness is not another but the same which ye enjoy which is faithful and true and this I say Oh how great how mighty and powerful is the Lord our God everlasting and infinite he is that eternal Spirit that filleth all the Creator and beeing of all things that are the life and vertue in all and the invisible Substance greater then all he is in himself the imme●●rable and infinite Fulness the Fountain of Life of Mercy and Righteousness and Peace and of all Vertue and of every good Thing who can declare his beginning or end he is without Time Place or thing yet gives beeing to all and is present in all yet not known saving of himself and by his own Spirit yet he effecteth all things and worketh whatsoever he will who can utter his wonderous Works Who can number his Mercies Who can account his Infiniteness who can
behold his Invisibility Who can reach his endless Beeing He filleth Heaven and Earth and of his Fulness every Creature in Heaven and Earth receiveth and by him doth subsist though it is only given unto Man-kinde to behold and perceive of him it is only his Gift unto his Saints that fear him to understand of his Wayes and in us he hath opened of his Fulness and Treasure even in our Hearts and the divine Mystery of this Infinite God is revealed and discovered in the Hearts of the Sons of Men whom he hath chosen and he hath given us to enjoy and possess in us a Measure of that fulness that is in himself even a Measure of the same Love and ●ife of the same Mercy and Power and of the same divine Nature and a Measure of the same heavenly quality and property which is in him in all fulness dwelleth in us his Saints by measure even in all that are born of him in whom the Immortal Birth is brought forth which is of his own nature and is Immortal Spiritual Holy Meek Merciful even as the Father for the quality of him that hath begotten is in us that are begotten of him we bear his Image and are of the Father Partakers of his Substance Immortal and Infinite and are one with him in Nature and Fellowship and perfect through him that dwells in us and hath changed us into his likeness these things ye know if ye be born from above and if the Immortal Birth live in you and you be constant in the Faith then are you Heirs through it of the everlasting Inheritance of eternal Life and already have received the Earnest and Assurance thereof and all are yours because you are Christ's and he is God's and you have the Father and the Son And this Life and Immortality is brought forth in us and Infiniteness it self dwells with us and eternity possesseth us and Fulness it self is shed abroad ●n our Hearts and we have the Treasure of Life of Wisdom of Knowledge and of divine Fulness in our Tabernacles of Clay which also are sanctified by his Word and Power to be fit Habitations for the eternal God to dwell in And oh what love is this with which we are beloved by him Oh what Mercy is this of which we partake from him Who are become the Sons of God and Children of the most High in whose earthen Vessels dwells Immortallity and Life and Infinite Substance being gathered into his Shepherds Fold of defence where we have Immortal Food and are established on the holy Mountain where nothing can destroy and are at rest and peace and under the shadow of the Rock of Ages that Hell nor Death nor wrath of Man can terrifie Oh what Eye hath seen this what Ear hath heard it and what Heart hath perceived it and not admired the loving-kindness of the Lord who among you are Witnesses of this that sayes not great and Infinite is the Lord and Immeasurable in Mercy and Truth and Righteousness Oh Friends if you know these things and if ye receive daily of this Fulness and if the Measure of that Immortal Life be risen in you and hath raised up you with it self into its own fulness which once was descended out of its own fulness of eternal Rest and Strength and was manifest in its Measure in poverty and weakness in your Hearts in the feeling of Afflictions and Wrath because of Sin but it descended to suffer all and to bear Transgression that you might be raised with it into its Life and Glory and Fulness and if this be finished and effected in you Oh then how shall you not live to his Glory and Praise in your Generation and in Love and Peace and Unity with himsel and one with another and magnifie him in Soul and Spirit that hath called you and chosen you and now works all your works in you and for you and you live by him because he lives in you But though it is thus that some are entred into the Rest and have received of his fulness and have the Testimony of Life and Assurance in the Father and are risen with Christ yet are you and we and all the Children of the Father so set and placed in this Creation as that there is an Enemy to be ruled over and also a service to be fulfilled by us for the Lord that hath chosen us and therefore watchfulness and faithfulness is required from us and unto this I cannot but exhort you all even to walk in the Fear of the Lord in watchfulness and faithfulness in Humility and Meekness in Truth and Justice and in every good thing and that you fulfill the Will of the Lord in all things whatsoever the Motions of his own Life draws you unto that every Member of his Infinite Body which is highly exalted at his right Hand may be preserved in dominion over Sin and Death and also may shew forth the Honour and Glory and Praise of him who is the Head even Christ whose vertue hath an ointed every Member and is shed abroad through the whole Body I say Friends of every Member is required the duty and service thereunto partaining according as it is placed of him that the Treasure of Life may shew forth its vertue in one manner or another through you all in all well-doing to the glory of him who is God above all and that in the sight of your Enemies whom you know watches for evil and would rejoyce in any occasion against you that they might speak evil of the Lord because of you you may walk without offence in the answer of a good Conscience and if you walk as such as are the Lord's you will cut off all occasions from them that seek it and they will be confounded and you preserved in the blessedness and peace everlasting and you will grow in Immortallity and into the knowledge and fulness thereof more and more till you know the Father even as you are known of him And be not unmindful of the Word of the Lord which begat you which first entred into your Hearts and wrought mightily in you to the wounding and destroying of Death and Enmity and remember the Travel of the dayes past and the Indignation which once you felt because of Sin through the Word of God and the Word endures for ever of which you are begotten and if any appearance of Iniquity or motion thereunto arise in you into desire to be fulfilled the Word will quench it and give you dominion over Sin and Death and save you from the effects thereof for the Word changes not but is the same alwayes but if man change and pervert his Way into Iniquity it reproves and corrects and so delivers him for this Word keeps clean the Heart and it sanctifies and also keeps in subjection the mortal man with all his thoughts desires and actions and destroyes the Man of Sin the sinful Man by whom the whole Creation hath been corrupted and
the World might condemn him and every sober Subject would cry in their Consciences against him for unjust judgement and cruel proceedings if he up●● report of others through prejudice should act against any people and the Heathen King Agrippa would rise up in judgement against him who would not ●●●demn Paul from the Accusation of others without first hearing the Accused ●imself and a Christian King ought to shew as much Mercy Justice and Reason in what he doth as the Heathen Kings have done in the like case And let the King consider this 3. Let him also consider what Enmity and Malice and Rage is in the hearts of these men these Priests I mean of whose Fraternity and Alliance this our Accuser is one and how they seek after innocent blood who are thus ready and ●●●●ard at his first enterance into the Land to present the King with Accusations of Falshood and Reproaches against an innocent people to move his heart if possible to destroy and devour the harmless The spirit and nature of these men are to be considered whose works are often tending to shed blood but if he shall be guided and counselled by such they will lead him into the ditch for they are of the spirit of Envy and Mischief and Mischief rests with them even against all who will not bow under their Authority and submit unto their false Wor●●ips And let the King beware of that Generation of men lest they be a snare ●pon him and wound him And I shall now proceed to some other things in his Book to that where he ●aith He doth upon his bended Knees most bumbly beseech the King and the Honourable Parliament that they will first Cut off false Prophets Hereticks and perverse and incorrigible Seducers and ●●●●phemers for these are the P●st saith he of both Church and State 〈◊〉 Answ. I answer to this Many things are considerable to the King and Parli●ent and whole Kingdom 1. It is to be considered who these false Prophets Hereticks Seducers and ●●●●phemers are which the Petitioner would have cut off and destroyed ●●●m his meaning is of is doubtful for that there are false Prophets He●… Seducers and Blasphemers in these Nations and that very many ●●is is not doubtful but certainly believed and known but what sort of men 〈◊〉 perfectly who these are distinguished from all others this requireth 〈◊〉 debate and large tryal especially seeing that each sect and sort of ●●ople cries against others as if they were such and such and this is usual with ●●●●sts Protestants and others to cry for their own Liberty and Toleration a such who are in the right way and each one sort almost desiring and petiti●●●●● the Powers of the Earth against others that are not of their way to de●… and cut off such as differ from them as Hereticks and Deceivers but such ●●●●it that seeks to destroy menslives on that account is of Antichrist and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God 2. And if false Prophets Hereticks Seducers and Blasphemers were cer●… known and distinguished from others that are not so yet the King 〈◊〉 ●●●liament ought not to destroy such and to cut them off from the Earth 〈◊〉 ●…lling of them or executing outward punishments and afflictions upon 〈◊〉 for God hath not committed such power and authority to them nei●●er to be Judges infallibly who are false Prophets Hereticks and Blasphe●●●● ●or yet to execute death and outward sufferings upon such as are for these are spiritual matters and Causes to try and judge who deceivers are and to proceed towards Hereticks and Blasphemers and these Cases belong to the Jurisdiction of Christs Spiritual Kingdom and not to any earthly King● and Rulers at this day 4. And if King and Parliament were able to judge of false Prophets and ●lasphemers and who they are that are such from others that are not yet how contrary to the way of God would it be even to the example of Christ and his Apostles to destroy and cut off by death the lives of such false Prophets and Blasphemers for if men be in an evil way even in the way of Heresie and Error and Blasphemy and be deceived and deceivers of others yet it is not a time to destroy and kill such like as if such should be sent straight to Hell being cut off in their wickedness and in their Error This is not God's way I say for he desires not the death of sinners not to cut men off in their Errors and evil wayes but it s rather the time to instruct and exhort such and to correct and reprove them by sound Doctrine and to win them to the Truth and out of their errors that they may be saved and this Christ and his Apostles gave example for for there were many in their dayes that were false Prophets and Hereticks Seducers and Blasphemers and that were perverse and incorrigible that did Blaspheme against Christ and called him Devil and that did oppose the Gospel and scorned the Apostles and such were Blasphemers and Hereticks but did Christ and his Apostles at all desire that such might be killed and cut off by death Nay they forgave their Enemies and did instruct them by sound Doctrine and sought to win their Persecutors and not to have them killed as this Petitioner would whose Spirit is manifest to be of Antichrist and the Dragon and not of the Lamb and if the request were granted and the lives of such as this Petitioner calls false Prophets cut off then the King and Parliament would rather provoke the Lord against themselves to destroy them then to give unto themselves blessings and peace 5. But they being ignorant who the Deceivers and Blasphemers are and not being equal and just Judges in that case but also divided among themselves about it and it being not committed of God to them to destroy by death of body such as may err in their minds by killing such whom they may suppose false Prophets and they wanting infallible judgement to know who are false Prophets how soon may they destroy and cut off the lives of true Prophets and Christ's Ministers and men that Fear God instead of false Prophets and Blasphemers even for want of true judgement and discerning and because of their own division in judgement in that case for i●s possible that some of the Parliament may judge such to be Deceivers whom others of them may judge to be true Ministers and whose judgement then shall stand and also thus it hath often come to pass in the World the true Prophets and Christ himself and the holy Apostles and Ministers of Christ were accounted Deceivers Hereticks and Blasphemers and such like by th● Kings and Rulers of the World in former Generations and th● true Prophets Christ and his Apostles were persecuted as such and destroyed as such some of them even by the Kings and Rulers of this World till they 〈◊〉 provoked God against them to destroy them and some of them he did bring wrath upon
and bad experience of and so that you may speak what you have heard and seen and handled and tasted of the Word of Life All that will be saved must come to this and witness it IX Again Whosoever will be saved must believe in Jesus Christ and receive him and they must take up his daily cross and follow him and must know him to mortifie and crucifie them to the World and he must work the same things in you by his Spirit spiritually as he wrought without you in his Person or else you have no part in him nor salvation by him For it is not enough unto eternal life only to believe that there was such a one as a Christ and that he did and spoke such and such things at a distance without you for many may make a belief and a profession of this and yet perish but Him that was of whom you read without you must you receive and witness within you and you must know Him as he was before Abraham was and before the World was and He himself by his Spirit in you must give you the knowledge of Himself what He was before the beginning what he is now and what he shall for ever be X. Again Every one that will be saved must come up out of the Apostacy into which all Christendom hath been fallen and must come into the same Spirit Life and Power as the Apostles were in from which Life Spirit and Power all Christendom have been Apostates and they have held the words and practices of the Apostles without the same Life and Power and made Sects Churches and Ministers but out of the same Life and Spirit as the holy men of God were in and all that will be saved must be restored and received into the same Spirit and Life in their Churches Ministry and Ordinances as the Apostles of Christ Jesus were in and this is Restoration when People come again into the same Life and Spirit of God which the Apostate Christians have all wanted and been in the Form of Ministry Churches Religion and Godliness without the Power And unto this is the Lord God restoring People his Day is dawned and his everlasting Light is risen and his Name will be known in the Earth and none can be saved with the Salvation of God but who believe receive and understand these things A General Objection answered ●…ject 1. And whereas there is a great cry by some People of late That there must be no private Meetings but all People must come to Church as they say ●●d that there must be no more Conventicles c. Answ. As for Conventicles I understand you mean Meetings out of publick Steeple-houses and that there must be no private Meetings for preaching and Praying but all People must be forced to come to publick Places of Worship Now I say If the Authority that is now set up and hath the Power doth exercise it self in this way then the God of Heaven will be provoked against it to overthrow it and confound it if it proceed contrary to the End of just Rule and Authority ordained of God which is for the punishment of them that do evil things between man and man but not to impose upon mens Consciences in things relating to the Worship and Service of God But the Lord God 〈◊〉 wholly Judge in such Matters and not any Man and if any Men 〈◊〉 er● in their Minds concerning Faith and Doctrine and the Worship of God that belongs to the Lord to punish and not to any Earthly Authority And what must not the People of God come together to worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth Must not People conveen together in this Age as the People of God did in Ages past Did not Christ many times preach in the D●sert and sometimes in a Ship by the Sea-side and someti●es on a Mountain as you may read in the Scriptures And did not he often preach unto the Pharisies and sometimes to his Disciples out of the publick Synagogues And might not the Iews have called those Meetings Conventicles because they were not in their publick Synagogues And also did not the Apostles and Saints after the Resurrection of Christ when they returned from Ierusalem meet together privately for they went into an upper Room and waited upon the Lord an● continued with one accord in Prayer and Supplication And again at a●…er time they were about an hundred and twenty in number that were in one Place to wait upon the Lord and Peter preached unto them and were these Meetings Conventicles because they were not in a publick Synagogue but in 〈◊〉 upper Chamber and in a private Place And thus the Saints of old met together as ye may read Act. 1. and worshipped God in Spirit and in Truth and preached and prayed and must not the People of God now meet together to pray and wait upon the Lord but they must be reproached with th● 〈◊〉 of Conventicles and threatned and punished for so doing Oh how blind i● this Generation and how contrary to the true Christian-Spirit in their Practices And did not Philip preach Jesus unto the Eunuch in a Chariot as 〈◊〉 ●ent on the way and this was not in a publick Synagogue as in Act. 8. 〈◊〉 ●id not Peter preach to Cornelius with many others in Cornelius his house 〈◊〉 ●is was a Meeting and not in a Synagogue Acts 10. And did not the ●…les and Saints meet together in an Upper Chamber where Paul preached until midnight amongst the Saints Act. 20. and was this a Conventicle and a● unlawful Meeting Might not the Iews have said this was an Unlawful Assembly being in a Chamber and not in a Publick Synagogue And again Did not Paul preach in his own Hired House for two whole years together and received all that came in unto him Act 28. And here were Privat● Meetings out of Publick Synagogues But did the Iews threaten them and inflict sufferings upon them because they met in private houses and would not come to their Synagogues and Publick Worship or did they reproach them with the name of Sectaries and Conventiolers when they met together to wait upon the Lord sometime in praying and sometime in preaching And thus you may see by many Examples that the Saints and true Christian Churches in the dayes of old met together sometime on Mountains and sometimes in Deserts and sometime in Upper Chambers their own hired houses and not in the publick Synagogues but they were gathered from the Temple and first Priesthood and from the Worship which God had once commanded which stood in outward things and Ordinances and when they had received the substance they denyed the shadows types and figures and did not uphold them any longer And they were gathered by the preaching of the Gospel into the second and new Covenant and they met together in private Houses and upper Chambers and by the Sea-side to preach and pray and to worship the Lord and we do
charging all this upon us Answ. 1 That we do boast of talking with God or of Revelation This is another of his false Accusations for we boast not nor do we glory in any thing saving in the Lord and this is no Error but that which we must acknowledge unto or else deny the Truth to talk with God and God with us in and by his own Spirit for all the Saints have converss with God and union and fellowship with him in his own Spirit as the Scriptures do declare and as for Revelations we do acknowledge according to Christ's Words that we had never known the Father nor the Son but by Revelation For none known the Father but the Son and he to whom the Son reveals him as it is written and all such as have not converss with God and that have not Revelation are not in the Way of Eternal life but are ignorant and without God in the World and neither know him nor have fellowship with him 2. As for killing all the Wicked this is another false Charge for it is not our Principle to war against the Persons of any Men and kill them with carnal Weapons about Church and Ministry and Religion as the Papists and Protestants do one against another but it is our Principle to war against the evil spirit in men and to smite that with the spiritual Sword of God's Word and we would have mens wickedness killed and their Persons saved and their Souls delivered and this is the War we make even till men be changed by the Power of God and all things made new even a new World and a new Earth we do expect according to the Lord's Promise so that it is no error to expect a new Earth and a new World for there is a new Creation which the Saints do witness created anew in Christ Jesus to bring forth good fruits unto the living God and all that do not witness this are in the transgression of the old Creation which brings the Wrath of God Again The Accuser tells a story of one that professed the Gift of discerning spirits and to know the Elect from Reprobates and that made holiness consist in speaking little and living homely and sordidly as our Quakers do saith he Answ. 1. As for discerning of Spirits that is a Gift which the Saints of God do receive in all Ages for the Apostles said to some was given the discerning of spirits by the manifestation of the Spirit of God So to profess discerning of spirits is no error in us though it be stated as a great error before you by an ignorant man who knows not what he saith nor whereof he affirms And its possible to know the Elect from Reprobates by their fruits and works for the Children of God who are the Elect are known by their holy and Righteous works and fruits and the Children of the Devil who are the Reprobates are known also by their works and fruits of unrighteousness which they bring forth and this the Scriptures bear witness of 2. As for speaking little and living homely and sordidly If he means by homely and sordidly plainly and without superfluity this is also works and fruits of holiness and its better to speak little than to utter multitude of vain words and its more justifiable to God and just Men to be plain and homely as he saith in Apparrel than superfluity of naughtiness in vain Attire and more holy for true holiness consists in the Power of God which crucifies all idle words and all superfluity in Apparrel and whatsoever is not like God And was but this Accuser as wise as he is envious he would never be seen to scorn the Quakers scornfully so called with speaking little and wearing plain and sober Apparrel but Fools love to be medling to manifest their own folly as it is written Again The Accuser telleth another Story of Muntzer how he did exhort some that were on his part viz. Anabaptists to kill every Mothers Son for a Sacrifice to the Lord and saith he by this we may g●ess if Anabaptists and Quakers should get the upper hand what they would do c. Answ. 1. As for the Quakers getting the upper hand we strive not for it by carnal Weapons to have victory over mens Persons though we know the Lord will give us victory and dominion over the Beast and over the false Prophets for the Lamb shall get the victory and they that are with him who are called and faithful and chosen but this victory is spiritual and obtained spiritually and thus we believe the Lord will give us the upper hand even victory over ●ll our Enemies 2. But what a wicked envious si●rmise and suggestion is here coutched under as if the Quakers if they had victory would kill every Mothers Son for a Sacrifice and that they would make War c. The Lord rebuke his slanderous Tongue who hatched Mischief in his mind against the Innocent and presented you with forged Lyes and Surmises and imagined guessed cruel and evil things against us who are far otherwise Principled than as he suggesseth but all this his own doings doth but manifest the folly of his own Heart and 〈◊〉 own wickedness for we are of the Spirit of Mercy and Peace and not of Murder and War not to kill mens Persons but to war with the Spirit of God against spiritual Enemies that mens Iniquities may be slain and their Persons and Souls saved Again The Accuser pag. 4. tells a long story of Micher Hopman and others with him what things they held As they condemned the Baptism of Children they would not take an Oath they pulled down Magistrates they undertook to kill all Princes they taught that in their Churches all were holy and that it was lawful to have many Wives that all Learning is prophane and that mean men are fittest to expound S●riptures and there must be no ordinary calling in the Church but every man must speak as he is inspired And thus it is saith the Accuser with the Quakers and Popish Agents who are their Ring-leaders have been endeavouring in these three Nations these eight or nine years by-past c. Answ. 1. It is to be considered that all these things are fully charged upon us as being guilty thereof and so to every particular I shall answer As to that of the Baptism of Children we do say there is neither Command nor Example for it in all the Scripture God never commanded it nor did the Apostle ever practise it in their dayes but it is a Tradition of the Church of Rome introduced into the World long since the Apostles dayes and except better ground can be shewed for the Practice of it than bare Tradition it is lawful to deny it as being no Ordinance of God in his true Church except I say that it can be proved that God ever commanded it or the Apostles and Saints practised it till which be done it is no error to deny the
am confident That the King hath better Experience of us than to believe these our Malicious Accusars And I do appeal to him from the knowledge which he hath already of us that he believes we are Innocent and not guilty of those things thus unjustly charged upon us and I question not but he will rightly understand that these Accusations are more out of Hatred and Envy against us than out of desire to benefit the King by such Presentation 2. I do testifie unto the King and before the whole World That we do profess and believe concerning the Father Son and Spirit and the Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Gospel and the Holy Scriptures I say we do believe and make prefession in Truth and Righteousness concerning all these things and by our Doctrines and Instructions do perswade all people to believe and not seduce any from these Truths of the Gospel and this is known through these Kingdoms concerning us though we stand now accused falsly concerning these Matters before the King But as for the Scriptures being the Rule of Life we say The Spirit of God that gave forth the Scriptures is the Rule of Life Faith unto the Saints and leads not contrary but according unto the Scriptures in the Belief and Practice of whatsoever the Scripture saith And if these Petitioners did make the Scriptures the Rule of their Lives and Practices for the denyal of which they here accuse us they would not have cut off Ears Banished and put to Death for the Cause of Conscience which is contrary to the Scriptures and proceeded from another spirit than that which gave forth the Scriptures 3. Concerning Government our Principles and Practices are well known to many and partly to the King We are not Enemies unto Government it self as these our Accusers do charge us but it is our Principle and hath ever been and is our Practice to be subject to whatsoever Government is set up over us either by doing or suffering and neither to vilifie nor rebel against any Government or Governours by any Malicious Plots or Contrivances but to walk in Meekness and Humility towards all being subject for Conscience sake as I have said either by doing or suffering and I doubt not but the KING is sufficiently informed hereof and believeth this Testimony 4. As for our Doctrines tending to subvert both Church and State this is also a false Accusation and Slander for our Doctrines are to convert and not to subvert even to convert to God and Truth and Righteousness that men should live in these things and forsake all that which is contrary and this Effect our Doctrines have wrought in the World as the Testimony of many Consciences shall bear witness Oh let the King consider of our Defence as well as of our Enemy's Charge who have thought it not enough to Whip most cruelly Banish cut Ears and put to Death the Innocent but must still accuse them ●alsly and seek to cover themselves by fawning and flattering Addresses unto the King like as if they had done no Evil whenas the God or Heaven is Witness to whom we can appeal That our Brethren suffered the Tortures of shameful Death in New-England through their unjust Laws and Sentences as Saints and Servants of the Living God for the Name of Christ Jesus and for his Truth which they held until Death and not for Evil-doing And the Executioners of these inhumane Cruelties seem so far from Repentance for their Evil doing that they rather justifie themselves in what they have done and cease not to smite and wound and reproach the Innocent and that before the King and that after they have Martyred them Again These Petitioners say After all other means for a long time used in vain we were at last constrained for our own safety say they to pass a Sentence of Banishment against them upon Pain of Death such was their Dangerous Impetuous and Desperate Turbulency to Religion and to the State Civil and Ecclesi●stical as that 〈◊〉 unwilling soever could it have been avoided the Magistrate at least in Conscience both to God and man judged himself called for the Defence of all to keep the Passage with the Point of the Sword held towards them this could do no harm say they to them that would be warned thereby their willing rushing themselves thereupon was their own act and we with all humility conceive a Crime bringing their Blood upon their own Heads By way of Answer to this let it be considered 1. What Means was for a long time used before they put them to Death is shameful to mention Was it not by the means of Cruel Whippings Banishment Imprisonment Cutting off Ears and taking their Goods by Violence It s true by this Means the Petitioners dealt with the Quakers and never by any Christian like Means for the very first of our Friends that ever came among them they made them Prisoners ere they came on shore and inhumanely dealt with them and Banished them and this was the first and fairest Means that ever was used by them which are not Gospel-Means nor the Way by which the Church of New-England ought to have proceeded Had our Friends been in Error and such as they say of them it had been their Duty to have gained them by Love by Mercy and by Long-suffering these are the Weapons of the Spirit of God which ought to be us'd towards them that are in Error in order to the converting of them from the Error but contrary to this the Magistrates and Church-Members of New-England took Cain's Weapons and dealt Cruelly and not like Christians nor like sober Men towards the Innocent but their thus proceeding was in vain as themselves acknowledge for notwithstanding the Gospel of Christ grew and encreased and many were converted to the Faith of Christ Jesus throughout New-England 2. Let it be considered what their dangerous and desperate Turbulency was to States Civil and Ecclesiastical Did ever these poor People whom they condemned and put to shameful death lift up a Hand against them or appear in any Turbulent Gesture towards them Were they ever found with any Carnal Weapon about them or What was their Crime saving that they warned Sinners to Repent and the Ungodly to turn from his way We appeal to the God of Heaven on their behalf whom they have Martyred for the Name of Christ That they had no other Offence to charge upon them saving their Conversations Doctrines and Practices as Saints of the Most High God and this is witness'd by many of their Neighbours though themselves have hardened their Hearts against the Reproof of God's Witness And we certainly believe it was their Malice and Envy that constrained them to pass Sentence of Death upon them and not the Equity of either just Law of God or man for they deserved not the merit of Death such was the Innocency of their Cause And they are no more safe by the taking away the Lives of our
appear Innocent of the Cruelty and Injustice and shedding of the Blood of Just Men without Cause being men of Guilty Consciences upon whom the Terror of God and of the King seems to be because of what they have done But now let the King rightly consider of the Case between us and them and let him not hide his Face from the hearing of the Cry of Innocent Blood And for a further Testimony of the Wickedness and Emnity of these Petitioners and to demonstrate how far they had proceeded contrary to the good Laws and Authority of England and contrary to their own Pattent hereunto was annexed and presented to the King a Brief of their Unjust Dealings towards the Quakers so called which the Reader may see at large in the Reccord of Sufferings E. B. To all My DEAR COMPANIONS In the Travel and Labour of the Gospel of Christ And in the Faith and Patience in the Sufferings for his NAME 's SAKE DEarly and Well-beloved Brethren in the Heavenly Relation and Blessed Immortal Birth of which we are born most dearly in our Father's Love my Salutation extendeth unto you all as one with you perfectly in Sufferings and in Rejoycings in Faith and Patience and even in all things which you do and suffer for the Name of the Lord our God and my Soul greets you and embraces you and servently wisheth Peace Love and Unity and the Increase of every good Gift unto you all for I am perfectly one with you if you receive of our Father's Fulness I am refreshed and if you Rejoyce I am glad and if you suffer and be in Heaviness I freely partake with you whatsoever is yours whether Liberty or Bonds whether Life or Death I partake of the same and whatsoever I enjoy the same also is yours we are of one Birth of one Seed of one Line even of the Generation of him who is without Beginning of Dayes or End of Life who is an High Priest made after the Power of an Endless Life and as he was blessed of the Father so are we because we are of the same Birth and are Partakers of his Nature and he lives in us and we in him Well my dear Companions I need not multiply words unto you as if you knew not these things for What know I that you know not or What can I say but you know the same Yet bear with me for my Heart is very full and my Soul ready to be poured forth that I may once more express a little quantity of what is abounding in my Heart for Love even perfect Love even that Love wherewith we are beloved of the Father filleth my Heart at this time towards all of you from the least to the greatest and I know nothing but Love towards you all and I doubt not but in the same Love you do receive this my Salutation which is from the Fountain of Love which at this time is opened in my Heart Now Dearly Beloved The present Considerations of my Heart are very many concerning the great Love of the Father which hitherto hath been shewed unto us we all know how that he called us by his Grace and turned our Hearts from the Vanities and Evil-wayes of this World and sanctified us by his Word and put his Image upon us and called us by his Name and redeemed us unto himself and gave us the Testimony of his holy Spirit in our own Hearts That we should be his People and he would be our God he taught us and instructed us and fed us and gave us Peace and Rest in himself and freed us from the Bondage of Sin and Corruption and from his Terror because of sin and he removed our Transgressions and blotted them out and ceased to smite us any more but brought us into the Land of Rest flowing with Mercy and Peace and Knowledge and all good Things this did the Lord our God do for us in the dayes of our Infancy even when we were yet in our sins he called us forth and cleansed us from them and when we were Strangers to him he made himself known unto us and when we were wholly ignorant he gave us Knowledge and when we were not a People he raised us up and made us worthy to be called by his Name and thus and after this manner did the Father love us and shew his Love unto us this you know even as I do and the Consideration of it causeth me thus to express it Again when he had thus wrought for us and shewed Love unto us he was pleased to call us out into his Work to the turning and converting of others unto the Way of Life he put his Spirit into us and gave us Gifts of Knowledge and Utterance and armed us with Wisdom and Strength and Courage and every way fitted us for that work and service in which he hath carried us he I say fitted us for his Work and called us into it and carried us on joyfully in it and all this of his free Love and infinite Power and what we have been and what we have done it hath been only of the Lord and not of our selves even of his Love which to us may be admirable for alas what were we but Children and neither Prophets nor Prophets Sons and our Education unanswerable for these things and to perform this Calling and therefore it is the Lord and only him that hath effected his own Purpose through us and by us as Instruments mean of our selves but by him very excellent Again he hath mightily prospered us in his Work and a glorious effect we have beheld of our Labours and Travels and Testimony yea the Lord hath been with us abundantly and his Arm hath compassed us about and he hath often given us great victory over the Wise and Prudent of this World he hath made his own Word often very powerful in our Mouthes to the wounding of the Consciences of our Enemies and the Lord hath blessed our Testimony to the confounding of the Wisdom of this World and to the gathering of many unto himself and he hath gone forth before us in his Authority and been alwayes with us in his own Work and our Testimonies Labours and Travels have been very precious and pleasant unto the Lord and all his People and the effect thereof causeth my soul to rejoyce because the Lord hath been with us and prospered us unto a great People who have received our Witness and accepted thereof unto their Salvation and unto the Lord alone the glory of all this appertaineth And for these eight years and upward the Hand of the Lord hath carried us thorough great Labours and Travels in his Service and many Dangers and Persecutions and Afflictions have attended us all this time and ye know that many a time hath the Lord delivered us from the Hands of such as would have destroyed us and we have been delivered again and again out of Dangers and Difficulties and the Lord hath been a
long sate in Darkness that their Souls may live and be refreshed with the Light of the Living And for this Cause do we Labour and Spend and ●re Spent accounting nothing too dear for us that the Light of Truth may shine abroad and guide the Upright in the perfect Way till the Elect be gathered into the Pasture of Eternal Life and the Son so elivated on the Firmament of Joy and Praises never to go down but the Saying fulfilled There shall be no Night but the Light of the Son shall be as the Light of seven dayes These following Testimonies were written at divers Times as the Lord drew forth my Spirit through the Motions of his Life in me some of them some years since and being cast by among Bundles of Manuscripts and now lately coming to my sight and looking them over I have thought good to send them abroad as being of service to many And this is the Occasion and End of my present publishing these things And to the Iudgment of the Spirit of God in all the Saints do I commend my Labours and myself to be approved Westmoreland the 25th of the 7th Moneth 1661. Who am a Friend to all Men E. B. A DISCOVERY of DIVINE MYSTERIES c. CHAP. I. A Testimony concerning Life and Death and their several Fruits and Effects Distinguished THere is only Life and Death and there is but only Life and Death in the whole Creation that Ruleth and Raigneth in and among and over all the Children of Men and all the Children of Men upon the Face of the Earth are under the Government and Dominion of LIFE or of DEATH in whatsoever they are and in whatsoever they do and Life or Death hath the Rule and Government in every Creature in every Exercise whether of Works or Words and all people upon the Earth are subject to the Government of one or the other and bring forth the Fruits and Works in obedience to Life or to Death and shews them forth in visible appearance Now these two to wit Life and Death are contrary one to the other in Beeing in Nature in Works and Fruits and each of these are known and distinguished the one from the other in Beeing in Nature in Fruits and Effects which diversly they bring forth in this World and each of them hath a Kingdom and Government in himself distinct from and contrary each to other and each of them have their several Subjects which also are contrary in Birth and Generation in quality and kind over which they Rule and Govern and to whom they give distinct Portions and Heirships in this World and hereafter and where Life Rules and reigns Death is held in Captivity and Bondage and where Death lives the Life dies and where one of these brings forth Fruit the other is Barren for they agree not in one but are in all things contrary and the Subjects of the one are alwayes opposing and striving against the Subjects of the other And between Life and Death there is continual War and Strife among the Creatures who are the Subject of the one of them in whatsoever man is and in what he doth First Concerning Life I will speak Life was in the Beginning with God and is without descent and God is Life in himself without beginning or ending of Time Place or Matter and Life put forth it self out of its invisible Beeing into Work and Action in the beginning of the World and appeared in visible Operations and Works and brought forth all Creatures and all things into visible Appearances and Life was the Author of all the Beginning and Foundation of all and Life was and is that Beeing and Vertue of all things that are and it was the Ioy and Delight of all things that it self brought forth for all Things and Creatures subsisted through it and it gave Breath and Life to all Creatures and Life blessed them all and in it were all Creatures at Unity being framed and brought into Visibility and for the Pleasure of Life which was all in all in the Beginning and there was a sweet Concurrance and Harmony in the whole Creation through the Power and Beeing of Life in the midst of all Creatures through which the whole Creation was made and framed by the Eternal Word of Life and through which they stood and did remain 〈◊〉 ●●●●sedness and Life ruled and raigned in every Creature that was brought forth and was the Glory and Substance thereof For Life was and is that only begotten of the Father the Son and Heir of the Everlasting Father his express Image and Brightness being one with the Father not separated or divided from him And as for Death it was not yet known nor had it any place in the Creation it had yet received no Power nor Kingdom nor Government neither was it in beeing But Life was all over all through all and in all in the Beginning before Disobedience and Transgression entred to war against Life But Life was Prince Ruler and Governour in and over all the Works of the Creator And Life in its beeing is God and God is Life and in its Government and Fruits and Effects is Purity Righteousness Truth Holiness Meekness and all the Works that are Just and Equal according to God and like him and which shews him forth in the Creation and this was and it was thus in the Beginning before Death entred into the World or had a kingdom But it is written The Devil abode not in the Truth but went out of the Truth and he is the King of Death and hath the Power of it he went out of the Power of God and out of the Life by which all things was made and created and abode not in the Truth nor in the Life to live and act and speak in that but desired to be and became to be something of himself without God and he spoke of himself and acted of himself without the Power and Life and also contrary to the Power and Life of the Creator being separated from it and become a distinct Beeing of himself and then having lost his State and first Condition thus became an Enemy to Life and Truth and became the King of Death and he was the first of Death's Race and he holds the Power of it unto this Day he being gone out of the Truth and out of the Power and Life of God and become a distinct Beeing of himself having a kingdom of his own to promote in Opposition to the Kingdom of God Then he drew Mankind out of the Power and Truth and Life and beguiled Eve and Adam as you may read in the Scriptures and they lost the Life and Power even all Feeling of it and Comfort in it by which they were Created and made and they also transgressed and acted contrary to the Life and Power and acted of themselves and spake of themselves without the Power and Life of their Creator being separated from it and were and did something
of themselves without God the Creator and then the Power and Life cast them out of all Peace Joy and Happiness into the Earth and into Death and Death became the King and Prince over Mankind and they had no more possession of Life nor Blessedness by it in their separated Estate neither did it any longer raign in them but they having transgressed against the Life and acted of themselves and spoken of themselves without the Leadings and Movings of the Life this was their Transgression They went out of the Power and Life in all Motions and Actions and then Life drove them forth of its good Pleasure into the Earth separate from its Vertues and Peace and into Death which is contrary to it self to live in Anguish and Sorrow And so when the Devil was gone out of the Truth and had led Mankind out of the Truth and out of Life and thereby they were all separated from Life and drove out from God out of his Pleasure into his Wrath Then became Death to have a Beeing in Mankind and great Authority and not before and then Death began his Kingdom in the World and over it and he set up his Rule and Government in and among and over all the Children of Men. And so from Transgression came Death that was its Beginning Man having Transgressed against the Life that brought him forth and being separated from Life then Death took place and its kingdom was established over the World and in all the Children of Men in opposition to Life and its Government and Kingdom and Death reigns from Adam so saith the Scripture and the Life was transgressed against and so provoked into an absence and to withdraw it self into invisibility from the enjoyment of Mankind that it should not be felt nor perceived of Him to comfort him and then the whole body of Death came upon Man to load his Conscience and vex his Soul and Death and only Death hath a preheminence over all in Transgression and is established into a Kingdom over sinful Subjects who are under its Command and hath its Rule and Goverment and brings forth its Works and Fruits in Mankind contrary to Life and in opposition to it and to its Kingdom and Power and opposeth the Kingdom and Power of Life the Creature and in its Nature and all its Fruits and Works it is contrary and opposite to Life and its Works and Fruits and through Death is the whole Creation in its exercise by man perverted from the right use and end ordained of God and out of Death proceedeth all evil as Lying Swearing Drunkenness and Whoredom Pride Strife and every evil work and word These things are the Fruits and Works of Death and Death governs the Children of men in the practice of all these things and in transgression Death lives and acts and speaks through Men and Women and Death rules in them and hath perverted them in all their wayes for they have given their Power to it and it wholly Captivates them and is established over them and hath the dominion in them and Life is swallowed up of it And this Kingdom of Death opposeth God and the Kingdom of Life and exalts it self against Life and hath its operation in the Creature in all manner of unrighteousness bringing forth daily such words works fruits and effects as doth oppress and is a burden unto the Life and unto the God of Life and Death and its Kingdom doth continually war and strive against Life and its Kingdom and the one opposeth the other through all Generation since the beginning for the Devil is the King of Death and hath the Power of i● and he is King in its Goverment and Ruler in its Dominion and this is the state of all the Children of men in Transgression Death rules and the Kingdom of Death reigns in them and it brings forth cursed fruits through them and they are subjects thereof and in obedience thereunto in all things And through Death which hath Power over them are they separated from Life and have no part nor portion therein because of Death that hath separated them and vailed and clouded them and loads their Consciences But now the Promise of the God of Life is to restore Mankind out of Death and Darkness and that Life shall reign again and subdue Death and destroy it and its Kingdom and swallow it up and this is the Promise of the Father For in Transgression Death hath subdued Life and overcome it in Mankind But in the Restoration Life shall swallow up Death and subdue it and overcome it and this comes to pass through the rising again of Life from under Death which hath held it in bondage and Life that made the World in the beginning and gave to all things Life and substance as I have said which Life in its measure in Mankind hath been overcome and swallowed up in Transgression That Life shall appear though in another manner of appearance than it did in the beginning for then it appeared freely of it self without opposition and brought forth the first Creation But now it doth appear through great opposition and through all that doth oppose it in this second Creation when Life comes again to reign over Death and swallow up and overcome and subdue it and who comes to witness this the new Creation they know Life appearing through opposition and through the destroying of Death and all its works and fruits for CHRIST is the Life and he is the Seed of the W●… which bruiseth the Serpents head who hath the Power of Death Life bruiseth his Head breaketh his Government and destroyes his Works as it appeareth and riseth in the Creature and Death and its Works opposeth Life and its manifestation and appearance and gainsayes it and often quencheth it i● its app●… Now the first Appearance of Life in the Creature it convinceth and reproveth the works of Death and the words that proceed from Death which are unrighteous words and unrighteous works and Life when it rises it reproves them and condemns them and though Death doth oppose and gainsay the Operation of Life yet Life works through and overcometh subdueth and swalloweth up Death and destroys all its works in the second Creation and Life again comes to take possession of the Creature which it made in the beginning and Life comes to reign again whose Right it is to raign for by it the Creature Mankind and all Creatures were in the beginning formed and brought forth and therefore it is its Right to reign and to have the dominion over the works of its own hands whom since the beginning in Transgression the Devil and Death and his seat of Government has had the possession of and CHRIST the Power of God and the Life hath been as it were dispossessed and thus the first Creation hath been defaced and lost its Glory and it hath been corrupted and degenerated quite from the perfect state as it was created in and Mankind hath
been servant to another Power and led captive by another Power than the Power that made him and another Government hath been established over him and another Law hath exercised him than the Government and Law of the Creator to wit the Power and Government and Law of Death have had the Rule Government and Exercise of Man and of the old Creation and hereby all things have been diverted from their proper and perfect place and service to which they were ordained in the beginning by reason of Transgression and the reigning of Death and Man hath been held in Captivity and in sore bondage and subject to all misery and distress deprived of unity with his Maker and deprived of the comfortable use and benefit of the Creation so that of all Creatures he hath been the most miserable being held in Bondage and Captivity under the power of Death which hath ruled and reigned over him and in him being always subject to Death and subject to the Curse and Anger of the LORD and subject to doubtings and fears and subject to continual misery and sorrow and all this is because Death hath reigned and had dominion even that which at first in the beginning of Transgression betrayed him of the Life and Fellowship with God that got possession it self to reign and to have the Power which ever since hath reigned and alwayes doth till the appearance of the Life again which doth appear in the Creature for this end to overcome and subdue Death and destroy his works that it self may reign and free the Creation from its degeneration and corruption and free Mankind from his bondage and captivity and from his misery and all his trouble which is come upon him by reason of Death And this came to pass in the New Creation when Life is born again to rule and reign again and to swallow up Death and to subdue it wholly and its Kingdom and Government And then Man again is become a Son of GOD an Heir of Salvation and no more Death reigns in him nor hath Power over him when he is restored out of Transgression then as Death hath reigned and had power in Transgression Life shall so reign in and over the Creature in the New Creation when that is brought forth as Death hath reigned in the Old Creation in Transgression and Disobedience And Life will arise to reign and rule over all and in all though it be through great opposition the Body of Death shall be put off and the Government of Death shall be subdued and all the Works Fruits and Effects of Death shall be destroyed and done away and its place shall no more be found so as to bring forth Fruit for its sting shall be taken away and shall no more wound nor pierce nor hurt the Creature For the sting of Death is Sin and that hath wounded and hurt the Creature and when this comes to pass then there is glory and rejoycing over all for Life hath swallowed up Death and overcome it and the cause of Sorrow is removed and taken away and the Kingdom of Life is established in the Creature and is set upon the top of Death's Kingdom and keeps it under and if there be but a Motion of Death that would spring up or appear in the Creature Life judgeth it down and condemns it And this Kingd●● is Righteousness Ioy and Peace full of Iustice Righteousness and Equity and there is nothing in it that doth defile or destroy or bring Sorrow or Misery but Life rules over all that and subdues the Cause thereof and removes every thing that would imbondage or captivate the Creature in Evil. And this Kingdom is not of this World but from Heaven and Heavenly and the Birth Immortal is Heir thereof which receives the Crown and the Kingdom of Eternal Life Now the Kingdom of Death is of this World which is defiled and degenerated Gain was a Subject of this kingdom and Esau that was a Reprobate and Iudas that betrayed the Life and all the Ungodly and Generation of the Wicked since the beginning they were all of the kingdom of Death and the kingdom of Death ruled in them and brought forth its works through them and its exercise in their hearts and in their lives and through its power they opposed and gainsay'd the Life and they fought against the Kingdom of Life and Righteousness and such were the Pharisees who put Christ to death who is the Life Death raigned over all these and they were of the stock of Death and they were of this World and had their Conversation below in the earthly things and knew not the Life nor its Government but were Strangers to it and Enemies to it as all are at this day who are Transgressors against the Life and all such are subject to the Curse to Sorrow and Misery and the Anger of the Lord but who come to feel the Life and the Obedience to it again Death is destroyed through Death for through the death of Death Death comes to be destroyed and no other way which the Life works and the Life works through Death and overcomes it and swallows it up and this is the second Creation and the new Creation where Life raigns over all and doth possess the Creature as it did before transgression The Life is the Light and the Life is the Law and Life lives moves and acts the Creature and Christ who is the Life becomes all in all and Blessed are they who wait for this and do witness it to such am I known in these things where the kingdom of Death is overcome and swallowed up of Life CHAP. II. A Testimony concerning the Mystery of God and Godliness and concerning the Mystery of the Devil and Iniquity THere are two great Mysteries in their invisible Beeing and in manifestation to us in the world that is to say The Mystery of God and Godliness and The Mystery of the Devil and Iniquity These are two great Mysteries which do discover and act themselves forth in and among and through the Children of men in this Creation and these two Mysteries are contrary one to the other in Beeing in Nature in Works in Fruits and effects and they are in strife one against the other the one continually opposing the other and striving for the Creature Mankind to be the Instrument to display themselves through in visible Appearance for the Creature Man and Woman is a Vessel wherein these Mysteries are contained and whereby these Mysteries do shew themselves forth in the world and all the Sons of Adam upon the Face of the Earth are possessed with and of one of these that is to say The Mystory of God or the Mystery of the Devil do manifest themselves forth through every Man and Woman and through all the Sons of Adam upon the Face of the Earth the Works Fruits and Effects of one of these are brought forth And as for the Mystery of God it is Infinite and Eternal in Beeing and
which was and is and is to come without Beginning or End and this Mystery reacheth it self forth more or less in every Creature upon the Face of the whole Earth and is the Life and Beeing and Substance of all things and all Creatures upon the face of the earth whether movable or inmovable is a Partaker of this Mystery this Mystery is vailed and hidden secretly in under all things that have a Beeing and whatsoever the Creature brought forth even in the greatest appearance thereof and its goodness and vertue in what form or apparance foever is but the Production or the manifestation of the Mystery God for the life of every Creature and the vertue of every Creature is a Mystery and proceedeth out of the great Mystery of God who is Life it self Vertue it self Goodness it self and Being it self and is the Goodness and the Vertue and the Life and Being of all Things and Creatures upon the face of the Earth so that every thing that hath a being even the Wicked and Ungodly are not without this Mystery in some manner or other for by Him every Creature is and hath its first being But now more perfectly doth the Mystery of God appear in his Servants and in his Children who are born of Him and begotten by Him and they have the sence and feeling and understanding of this Mystery more than any other Creatures and this is their Glory and Crown above all other Creatures upon the face of the whole Earth for they only I say who are redeemed to God and born of the Spirit they are them that have the sence and feeling and understanding of this Mystery even of the Mystery of God infinite endless and eternal And though this Mystery he hid in all other Creatures and manifesting it self through them yet this Mystery is not known to them nor understood of them nor of any other Creature I say besides the Children of the Lord in whom this Mystery is only revealed for they are them through whom more manifestly and plainly this Mystery is made manifest and to them revealed and known and felt in their Understandings and they have the enjoyment thereof who know God and are known of him and are entered into Covenant with him into Everlasting Covenant of Ioy and Peace and through them doth this Mystery display it self even in the sight of all Creatures in works of Righteousness of Purity of Goodness of Mercy of Truth of Peace and of Wisdom in their exercise of all things and in this manner and by these fruits and effects doth the Mystery of God shew itself forth through his Children in whom the Mystery is opened that is hid in all other Creatures And this is the Crown of the Children of the Lord that are born from Heaven and from above that the Mystery of God is felt and enjoyed by them and more manifest to them than in any other Creatures And to know this Mystery of God is Life Eternal and to have the understanding of his Leadings of his Judgment of his Mercy and of his Counsel and of the operation of his Power to feel this in the Understanding this is Ioy and a Crown of Glory where the Mystery of God is revealed in Spirit And as for the Mystery of the Devil it is darkness and in darkness and it shews it self forth in the Ungodly and in the sons of Adam in transgression and in such only doth this Mystery of Iniquity and of Sin and of the Devil display it self forth in all unrighteousnesse and sin and that which is contrary to the Creator in works words and thoughts All these things are the manifestation of the Mystery of the Devil and its fruits and effects who is out of the Truth who is vailed and covered and hidden in the hearts of the Ungodly and in the hearts of the sons of Adam in the Fall This Mystery was not from the beginning as the other but when the Devil went out of the Truth and had led Man's mind out of the Truth and taken possession of the heart of Man and become Ruler and Lord there having gained Authority over Man through Man's obedience to him then began this Mystery to discover it self and act it self through the Creature and this was since the beginning And though no other Creature be an Agent to manifest forth this Mystery but Man yet Man in his exercise of all Creatures or all Creatures through the exercise of Man in transgression there is shewed forth this Mystery of Iniquity that secretly lurks in the spirits of ungodly men which spirit of unrighteousness the Mystery of the Devil leads Man into all sinfulness of drunkenness and uncleanness and such like and hath polluted the Earth and defiled all Creatures through Man's exercise in them and this is truly an appearance of the Mystery of the Devil yet he hath other Appearances and other makings-out of his Mystery to wit in a way of seeming Righteousness and seeming Holiness and seeming Purity and these shew the Mystery of Unrighteousness the Mystery of the Devil who deceives the Soul that is Immortal of the enjoyment of the Creator who is the desire of the Immortal Soul and so through a form and likeness and appearance of a thing is the Soul Immortal deceived and beguiled with that which hath appearances in it but no Life nor Substance And though the Mystery of Iniquity be but one in it self yet it manifests it self divers wayes sometimes in open Prophaneness and Wickedness and sometimes in seeming Righteousness and Holiness and in a form of Religion without power But the Lord is arisen to confound the Mystery of the Devil and Iniquity and will discover it and destroy it for it is the Mystery of Iniquity that worketh in the Children of Disobedience that are Strangers to God and through the operation of this Mystery are People kept at a distance from the Lord and out of Unity and Covenant with him and this Mystery of Iniquity worketh hiddenly not known but in the Eternal Eye which sees through the spirit of Creatures and comprehendeth and fathometh over the nature of things and can judge beyond the appearance even in the ground before the action appeareth for while people are professing and acting Holiness and Righteousness visibly and yet not changed by the Power of the Lord nor renewed in nature mind and spirit from the first Adam to the second the Righteousness and Holiness brought forth in that state is but the acting of the Mystery of Iniquity and the Woolf putting on the Sheep's-Clothing and this God will judge and all Appearances without Life and all Shews without Substance all this will the Lord judge and confound and bring to nought for it is but the working of the Mystery of the Devil who is out of the Truth And this Mystery hath more abounded since the dayes of the Apostles then in Ages since the Beginning inasmuch as this Mystery hath operated and displayed
Imposers which is to make people true Worshippers of God is utterly frustrate and void and none are made true Worshippers of God by such Imposition and Force but many are made Hypocrites thereby and sinners against God for what any performs to God-wards by Force and not of Faith given into the heart by God it is sin For whatsoever is not of Faith is sin as saith the Scriptures and that which is the occasion of hypocrisie and sin is unrighteous and temptation but such is imposing on Conscience by force in religious Matters 7. It is Unrighteous and Unreasonable to Impose by Force upon Conscience because it is the Occasion of absolute E●…remity put upon many that are Dear and Precious to the Lord even such a● Extremity as may force unavoidably the ruin of either Soul or Body or both in this World and hereafter For suppose such Laws be made for the forcing of Confor●ity to comm●… men to Worship upon the Forfeiture of whole Estate Banishment o● Death which is contrary to the Spirit of Christ and good Conscience And if such Laws be not obeyed and such Conformity made but the Conscience kept clear to God then the outward Man in his Person Estate and Family is ruined in this World and if such Laws be obeyed and such Conformity yielded contrary to good Conscience then the Inward Man is ruined and the Soul and Conscience wounded and grieved because God is Offended and Christ is Denyed and the Law of Men obeyed rather then the Law of God and this is by an Extremity occasion'd through imposed force in the Cases of Conscience by Authority and Laws of Men. And that which is the Occasion of such Ruin and Destruction to the Souls and Bodies of such as fear the Lord is an Unrighteous Thing which administers that woful Extremity To deny God and so to be liable to his Wrath and Judgments or to deny the Authority of Men and so to be liable to Destruction of Person and Estate in this World and such is Imposing of Worship 8. It is Unrighteous and Unreasonable because it may destroy the Faith of some even of such upon whom Imposition is laid against their pure Consciences For Suppose a Person or People being truly perswaded by the Spirit of Christ in the true Way of Religion and Worship of God having therein true Peace with God in a clean Conscience and by force of Law and through cruel Imposition should be forced from that Way of Worship which they have had Peace with God in and which the Spirit of Christ perswaded them of the truth of unto such a Way of Worship which they could not have Peace with God in nor the Comfort of his Presence in such Conformity forced upon them this were certainly Unrighteous and Unreasonable that a People or a Person should be forced by Laws from that way wherein they have Peace and Blessings with God to that Way wherein their Souls are famished for want of the Presence of the Lord Like as if a Person of such a Calling following the same in a certain City or Town whereby he maintained himself in all good things and wanted nothing and yet the chief Magistrate of the said City or Town should forcibly compel by Violence the said Person of so good a Calling from that his Calling whereby he so well maintained himself in the World and should force upon him to follow another Calling of which he could not live in the World but by it he might Perish and Starve Would not all reasonable men conclude the same Imposition of the said Magistrate upon the said poor Man were Oppression Cruelty Unrighteous and Unreasonable And the case of imposing Religion as aforesaid is the greater Oppression and Cruelty inasmuch as it respects the Immortal Soul which is more worth then the Body and the other respects but the Body which is of less worth with all that concerns it then is the Soul which is Immortal Lastly 'T is Unrighteous inasmuch as it is contrary to the Scriptures of the New Testament in the Dispensation of the Gospel which are before cited and contrary to Christ and his Apostles Example in the Primitive Churches of Christians And thus it is manifest That Imposing by Force upon Conscience in Religious Matters is Unrighteous and Unreasonable and is not of Christ but of Antichrist as is by plain Reasons demonstrated And now I shall in a few words shew The Danger of Imposing Worship 〈◊〉 aforesaid and how Dangerous it is to any King Prince or outward Authority that are or may be the Imposers on the Consciences of Men by Force in the Case of Worship and Religion 1. It is Dangerous to cause the People to sin to cause them to conform in Appearance when the Heart is not devout to God and this makes them Hypocrites Dangerous to cause People to perform Duty to God-wards without Faith in God and this makes them Sinners against him For whatsoever is not of Faith is Sin Dangerous to cause some to deny Christ before men for the Fear of this World and Terrors of Violent Men and to forsake that Way which they know is of the Lord and to follow that Way which they know is not of him and this denying the Lord of Life and a great Abomination against him And the Cause of that cause is Imposing by Force upon Conscience in Matters Religious and the Reason of all this is The Imposers such as make and Execute such Force and this Danger all such are involved in even the Danger of causing People to sin against God of Denying Christ of making Hypocrites and so even in the Danger of Destroying Souls which is a desperate Danger Oh! that all the Imposers of Religion by Force would consider it and look upon the Danger which they are deeply fallen into and involved in by reason of such their Imposing upon Conscience Alas they are in the Danger of destroying Souls of causing a Nation and People to sin against God and to deny the Lord of Life And how great is such a Danger even to be avoided of all if they love their own Souls and not to be the Occasions and Cause of destroying Souls by causing People to sin and this Danger all the Imposers upon Conscience are captivated in And 2. It is Dangerous to be a Means to destroy that Kingdom City or Country and the Rulers thereof by begetting and nourishing Discontents Heart-burnings and Envying among the People one against another and against their Rulers because of such Unrighteous Force and Violence exercised by Imposition upon their Consciences Dangerous I say to raise into Contentions Strifes Broyles and Blood-shed it self in a Kingdom amongst People And this is a Danger violently impending upon such Rulers or do impose as aforesaid even a Danger to ruin their own Power and Authority and to ruin the People under their Dominion by raising the People into Discontents and Broyles through the Cruelty of the Oppression of
of a person justified and to be justified thy language is of Egypt and in the mystery of iniquity thou speakst it which is condemned into the ●ake of perdition by the Light of Christ and in the Light thou and it art seen and comprehended and as I told thee before I own no righteousness but what is of Christ and wrought by him which Righteousness shall confound thee and all thy unrighteousness and conjuration and the same that justifies us shall condemn thee eternally 16 Quer. Whether Christ be in his Saints in respect of that nature wherein he suffered at Ierusalem Answ. Here thou Enemy of Christ wouldst know how the Saints injoy Christ here the Scripture is fulfilled upon thee the Light shines in darkness and darkness comprehends is not when thou comes to own thy condemnation the Light in thy conscience it will let thee see thy evill deeds it will lead thee up to Christ from whence it comes and then thou wilt know that nature that he suffered in but now thou art in that nature that Iudas was in that betrayed him and that they were in that crucified him 17 Quer. How and after what manner Christ who in respect of his Divine nature is in all places may be said to be in a Saint and not in Reprobate Answ. What hast thou to do to query after the Divine Nature who art the natural man that knowes nothing of God but what thou knowest naturally as a bruit beast and knowes not the things that be of God because they are spiritually discerned and the manner of Christs Divine nature which is infinite is hid from thy eyes for with that eye that thou shouldst see with that art thou blind and the manner of his being in a Saint thou knowest not who art a Reprobate and thou shalt find him to be thine eternall condemnation 18 Quer. Whether doth Christ now in these dayes assume or take upon him the form of a servant and the seed of Abraham that is our flesh And Whether doth not this assumption cause such a perfection of the God-head and the Man-hood as that both of them are united together into one person Answ. O thou dark Beast and Conjurer who art querying with thy conjured words that which thou knowst nothing of and which is out of thy reach and comprehension thou Blasphemer dost thou limit Christ to dayes in taking upon him the form of a Servant and the seed of Abraham Is not he the same now as ever he was And for the union of the God-head and Man-hood as thou callst it let thy mouth be stopt for with thee God nor none of his Children hath any union for God hath put an utter enmity betwixt thy seed thou Serpent and the Seed of the Woman and the perfect union with Christ we witness who is the same to day yesterday and for ever and therefore are we separate from thee and thy Generation 19 Quer. Whether is Christ now conversant upon earth amongst men since his Ascension as he was before and in those times wherein the Apostles lived Answ. In thy queries thy speech bewrayes thee thy language is the language of Aegypt for in it thou makest it clearly manifest that thou knowest not Christ at all not in the least measure for where the first Principle of Truth is made manifest it is the same that ever was and never changes and thou askest whether Christ be now conversant upon Earth amongst men since his Ascension as he was in the Apostles time Dost thou know what thou askest Did he not appear to the Apostles since his Ascension in the most glorious manner that ever thou readst and is he not the same now as he was then What wouldst thou make of him thou dark sottish Beast such a one as thy self who wouldst be pleading for darkness and ignorance of God but praise and glory to him who hath discovered thee and all such Deceivers as thou art 20 Quer. Whether did not Christ dwell among his Saints after another and more visible manner than now he dwels in his Saints Answ. There again thou hast shewed thy ignorance of the Scripture and for thy word visible he is not nor never was visible to thee nor to thy Generation for those that did profess the Scriptures as thou and thy Generation doth crucified him and said he was of the Devil as thou and such as thou art dost now thou Blasphemer where hast thou a Scripture that saith that Christ would dwell in his Saints after another manner Did he not say It is expedient for you that I go away and I go and prepare n place for you and I will come again and receive you unto my self that where I am there you may be also and ye have heard how I have said I go away and come again unto you and if ye loved me ye would rejoyce because I go unto the Father and Christ Jesus saith in Iohn 14. 21. Verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me the works that I do he shall do also and greater works than these because I go to the Father But all these Scriptures is hid from thy eyes and thou art one of those that Isaiah prophesied on and that Scripture is fulfiled on thee which saith He hath blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts that they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their hearts Now blessed be the Lord that hath discovered thee and such Blind-Guides as thou art So thy queries are answered in the eternal Light and Life of God and judgement is given upon thee and them which thou shalt eternally witness without roving or wandring but thou who art out of the Light art roving and wandring and stumbling in darknes who hast put forth these stumbling queries which are Answered lovingly and plainly and in the Scripture Language and Termes and with the Eternal Light and Life of God set thee in thy own place which thou shalt eternally witness These are matters of great concernment and if you refuse to answer them in writing spare your tongues and spare your Papers for I will henceforth neither hear the one nor read the other Answ. Thou sayst these are matters of great concernment We see that that which makes thee manifest and such as thou art and which layes thee open to poor ignorant people who are deceived by thee and led into the ditch and their souls kept in death by thee to make this manifest is of great concernment as these dark black stumbling queries and thy conjured words hath done which thou hast no Scripture for as ambiguity efficacy exclusively antecede and non-imputation assume and assumption Now let all people read and consider what they do that holds such as thee up who is shut out from God and shut out from the Saints life and language and art shut out of the Scriptures though thou makest a trade of them for money and deceives poor people but thou knowest nothing of the
Life and Power that gave them forth So thou art to be condemned with the Light and with the Life which gave forth the Scripture Let all people read Deut. Chap. 18. from verse 9. to 15. there the Priests and the Levites which were ordained of God were to have no Inheritance among the people but the Lord was their Inheritance and they were to have it of that which was offered up to the Lord and this was a figure of the everlasting Priest-hood which ministreth out of the everlasting Treasure and the Lord God commanded Israel not to do as they did when they came into the Land nor to go after their abominations as you may see but gave Israel their Land to possess that did hearken unto such as the Lord had not sent which was Abomination to him and the Lord said to Israel Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God and in the 15th verse The Lord thy God will raise unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee of thy Brethren like unto me unto him shall ye hearken And so to the end of the Chapter he that hath an eye may see and the Lord is the same that he was and he will not suffer the abominations that are committed in this Land but is discovering the abomination of it A horrible and a filthy thing is committed which Ieremiah cryed against Coveteous Men preach Drunkards preach Swearers preach Lyars preach Strikers preach and Proud Men preach Oh wonderful where are your eyes Try your Priests by the Scriptures see if they be not found in the same Generation that all the false Prophets and the Deceivers were in which the true Prophets of God cryed against and discovered and in the steps of the Scribes and Pharisees that Christ cryed wo against and see if they be not the Antichrists and the Deceivers which are entred into the World which Iohn speaketh of which cannot confess Christ come in the flesh but transgresseth and abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ so hath not God neither knoweth him but preacheth for sin and against Perfection and denyeth the Light which enlighteneth every one that cometh into the World so keeps people in blindness and ignorance and out of the Knowledge of God and never any that follow them shall ever come to the Knowledg of the true and living God therefore all people see where you are and mind the Light in your Consciences which is pure and which testifieth against sin and it will let you see all your Blind-Guides which deceive you to be in sin and ignorant of God for they deny that which should make him manifest therefore beware what you hold up and give over going after them to that in your Consciences I speak which shall witness me eternally to speak the Truth if you obey it and shall condemn you eternally if you disobey it These Blinde-Guides that are in this Land deny the Prophet which Moses wrote of which is the substance of the Priest-hood which was before and here they are found in the same Generation in the Sorcery and in the Witchcraft which the Lord commanded should be put out of the Land where the Children of Israel went to possess Answers to several other subtil Queries put forth by one John Reeve who lives in the City of London who callst himself the Messenger and Witness unto the true God but is found a Lyar and a Perverter of the right Way of God A Certain Writing is come to my hand called An Epistle from the Mighty JEHOVAH or Jesus the only LORD and God of the E●ect Israelites from one whose name is subscribed Iohn Reeve Pilgrim who calls himself the last Messenger and Witness unto the true God unto which for the sake of the Simple I am moved by the Spirit of the Lord of Heaven and Earth to write something in answer that so his folly may be made manifest and his ignorance and blasphemy laid open unto the simple-hearted who have been long deceived by such through their false Voice lo here and lo there Friend to thee who hast subscribed this Writing who calls thy self the last Messenger and Witness unto the true God I Answer the Lord of Hosts and God of the Elect Israelites doth not accept thy Testimony and Witness for thy spirit is made manifest not to be the Spirit which came from God and which dwelleth with God which beareth true Witness unto God but the spirit which is driven out from the Presence of God into the Creation and into the visible World and that is the lying spirit and bears not true witness unto the true God but is a spirit which bears witness to the imaginations of thy own heart which looks upon and declares the living God as if he was carnal and a Creature-like Substance and here the Scripture is fulfilled upon thee thou thinkest he is altogether such a one as thy self and for the true God thou art no Messenger nor hast received any Message from him for thy spirit is known and he never delivered his Message unto it in any Generation but kept his Secret sealed up from it And Friend here I charge thee in the Presence of the true spiritual God that thou belyst the Lord of Hosts who sayest thy Epistle is from him thou uses thy tongue and sayest The Lord saith when saith the Lord I have not spoken unto thee And of that Generation thou art which Ieremiah cryed against and therefore let all flesh be silent before the Lord and call not thy own imaginations his Word but thou who hast a Dream tell thy Dream for a Dream and he that hath the Word of the Lord let him speak it faithfully and though thou callest thy self the last Messenger or Witness unto the true God yet I say unto thee verily the Lord hath a Witness which was before thee which hath been slain in the Streets of the great City which the Lord will bring forth after thee which will bear true witness of the true God and against thee and thou who hast been alive shall be judged by him who hath lain slain and he will eternally condemn thy Testimony and Message Friend in the Light of Christ which hath lightened every one that cometh into the World thou art comprehended and seen thy beginning thy time and thy end and with it thy Testimony and Message is denyed for thy Testimony is such that if thou swearst the Lord lives thou swearest falsly and further thou sayst By inspiration of the holy Spirit thou wast moved to present this Epistle I answer the language of the holy Spirit is like it self Pure and Spiritual but thy language is carnal and sensual and so is thy spirit the Saints which spake by the inspiration and moving of the Spirit cursed not that which God had blessed as thou dost neither did they say the Elect were defiled as thou doest neither did they speak of God as a carnal Substance as thou dost but said that God
Weeping Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth But as for the Elect Wheat of Christ which thou sayest is the Children of Adam thou speakest thou knowest not what the first man is of the Earth earthly and he begat his Image and that which is earthly shall never inherit but are to have their portion with Cain where thou art that hast uncovered thy nakedness but the Elect and the Wheat shall be gathered into the Barn and they are not nor ever were they defiled but shall reign with the Lamb in the New Ierusalem for ever and ever where no unclean thing can enter nor nothing that destroys or defiles in that holy Mountain of the Lord if thou hast an ear thou mayst hear 6 Quer. What is that painful and shameful Death in utter darkness and where it is that is reserved for the Reprobate who are the seed of Cain and not of Adam or blessed Abraham Answ. Thou that queriest shall surely know it is Tophet prepared of old even for the King the burning of it is as Fire the Breath of the Lord doth kindle it it shall be destruction for ever and ever to that which hath given forth these queries and it is to be separated from God for ever among all Idolaters and Adulterers and Lyars the Unbelieving the Abominable and the Fearful in the Lake of Fire where the Worm dieth not nor the Fire goeth not out as for Adam in innocency thou knows nothing of him who art of Cain who slew his brother and must have thy portion with him and not with Abraham the promise was not to the Transgressor nor to Adam when he eat of the Tree of knowledg for the Lord said in the day thou eatest thou shalt dye he was driven from the Presence of the Lord into the Earth in the curse the Promise was to Abraham in Isaac is the Blessing not in Ishmael and here thou shewst thy ignorance but it is but like the former when thou joynest the Elect and Reprobate together Light and Darkness and in Babylon thou art but in that which was before Babylon was thou art seen and as for those dark spirits thou speaks of who minde nothing but their lusts condemning the glorious things of eternity because their carnal reason cannot comprehend them see at home for in the Light of Christ thou art seen that thou knowest nothing of Eternity by thy dark imaginations being naturally as a Bruit to the Light of Christ in thy Conscience I speak which will let thee see it is so 7 Quer. Are they not deceived Persons and utterly ignorant of the true God who judge men and women in darkness if they ask them Questions about the needfull things of Eternity is it not because they went before they were sent and so are of a bitter spirit for want of spiritual Light to satisfie the tender Christian Querier Answ. All who dwell not in this Light which is pure and eternal are ignorant of God and never knew God such judging shall be judged and by the Light which sees and comprehends all darkness thou art seen but the spiritual man judgeth all things and he is judged of none and all Judgement is committed to the Son and where he is made manifest he speaketh and judgeth righteously and those men and women who would be asking questions of Eternity and never came to the first principle to be guided by it the Light which leads to Eternity all such men and women are in darkness and that minde which is in the Earth and in the naturals shall never know and therefore they are judged to be in darkness and darkness cannot comprehend the Light Christ and his Disciples answered and judged that spirit which would have had a sign and called them Adulterers which Spirit we witness to the praise of God and to thee that put forth the queries I speak to thee in the presence of God whether thou putst them forth in simplicity and art ignorant or wouldst know or in the pride of thy heart and subtilty to tempt the Light of Christ will let thee see but thou art rich and full therefore thou must be sent empty away all who queries from that nature that would know but never come to obedience that is to be judged and judgment must thou witness and for a bitter spirit of envy that shall stand for thy self and that thou wantst spiritual Light is made manifest which curses that which God hath blessed as I have seen under thy own hand far remote from this City and that thou hast cursed them soul and body to all eternity which thou never heardst nor saw let shame strike thee in the face and stop thy mouth for thou canst not put a difference betwixt the precious and the vile but cursest thou knowst not what and speaks to that thou knowest not But as for them who have a desire to know the way to the Father we are ready to give an answer and to impart of the gift we have received and doth not break a bruised reed but the fat we feed with judgement and there thou art answered 8 Quer. It is not an infallible demonstration unto them who have a discerning Spirit that that man hath no commission from the true Spirit to preach or speak to a p●ople when for fear of his ignorance being discovered or for fear of losing his He●●ers ●e shall counsell them to stick close to the Word of God or to he●●ken to the Light within th●● in their Consciences without knowing what that is in the Conscience or what will be the issue of it if men be obedient to it or disobedient to it and to beware of false Prophets and not thinking in the least himself to be that false Prophet and thus borrowing Scripture language which we are the true Messengers of the Gospel doth he not in his p●…●inder his He●●ers from reading the glorious things revealed unto the two last Witnesses and so thou sayst it is clear that the Spirit is not in them which was in Paul who gave the● leave to try all Answ. Here thy infallible demonstration is made manifest to be fallible and lying when thou layst that down to be a sign of them that have no Commission from the Spirit and not to have the Spirit because they exhort them to cleave close to the Word of God and to mind the Light which shines into the Conscience of every man which is the Light of Christ here thy Spirit is tryed that thou hast not the same commission as they had who spoke forth the Scripture and so thou preachest another Gospel for the Word of God endures for ever and by the Word which is eternall and which was in the beginning which tryes all things which searches all things comprehends all things and judges all things he that cleaves not close unto that builds upon another foundation and by the Word which endures for ever thou art seen not to have that Word neither knowest what nor where it
and Worships be tryed and 〈◊〉 Church ●… Doctrines and Worship● and Practices and whether they be 〈…〉 or ours that do overcome or are overcome let that deside the ●…ersie and whether it be you or we that are soonest overcome 〈…〉 prevail the one against the other in this Tryal and in these Pro●… 〈◊〉 that which is Overcome and Prevailed against is not the True ●… against which nothing can prevail no not the Gates of Hell 〈…〉 your Church or ours cannot be prevail'd against by the other 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be the true Church for that which is prevail'd against is not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Church and whether it be you or we that are elected and of the 〈…〉 which cannot be deceived if we ●e not elected and you Deceivers 〈…〉 possible you may deceive us but if we prove that we be in the 〈…〉 then you cannot deceive us and if we ●e in the Truth and of 〈…〉 Church then it will be Happiness for you to be converted and ●…rned ●… 〈◊〉 to the Tryal as soo●… as you will and if you be in the Election 〈◊〉 need not be afraid to be deceived by any for the the Elect cannot ●…ved whoever that be whether your Church or our Church be the 〈◊〉 Church and in the Election And if your Ministers among us do preach the same things and by the 〈…〉 Spirit and hold forth the very same Faith Principles Worship and ●…ces which we do and are of and it be proved they are of the same 〈…〉 and Principles we are of agreeing in all things then we will own 〈◊〉 to be Christ's Ministers And if our Ministers among you do hold ●…th that true Faith and Principle and Practices and Worship and by the 〈◊〉 Spirit as Christ and his Apostles did and prove what they say by the Scrip●… then shall you receive them as the Ministers of Christ and renounce all 〈◊〉 you hold and profess contrary to what they hold and preach among 〈◊〉 And hereby things may come to a fair Tryals and the naked Truth may 〈◊〉 made manifest whether your Church or our Church be the true Church 〈◊〉 Christ truly descended from the Church of the Saints of old and ●…er your Ministers or our Ministers be the lawful Successors of the ●…es And we would willingly come to deal with you upon these term●s that it may be manifest who they be that are of the true Seed and who they be that are of the Election that cannot be deceived And we have many things more to write unto you and to query of you and to demand when we receive your answer and if you give us ground to accuse you we will thresh you and lay it to your charge by the Authority and Spirit of the Lord and if you answer us plainly we shall more perfectly know what to do To the POPE THou Mountain hear the Word of the Lord God thus saith th●… God unto thee I will lay thee low I will break thee down I wi●… the glory of all Flesh my Sword shall enter into the Hearts of my E●… will slay the Wicked and I will cru●… the Head of the Ungodly and 〈…〉 grind the hard hearts unto pieces I will come in a day unexpected I 〈…〉 Door behold me and I will take Vengeance without Pitty upon all 〈…〉 mies my Hand shall not spare my Eye shall no● pitty but I will 〈…〉 rend and give unto thee and unto all Mankind the fruit of your 〈…〉 ings Innocent Blood cries unto me that hath been unjustly shed 〈…〉 Righteous Soul groans under the Altar unto me and now I am risen 〈…〉 begun to work in the Earth and I will go through Nations and 〈…〉 down under my Power I have raised a Seed which shall thr●sh the Mo●… and my Word is gon●forth out of my Mouth which shall beat them to 〈…〉 and my Power shall knock at thy Gates and break down thy strength 〈…〉 shall prevail against thee Oh thou Mountain I whose Seat is high and whose Power is g●… who hath been able to make War with thee Thou hast swallowed up 〈…〉 and Needy and thou hast eaten up the Innocent as the Ox eateth up 〈…〉 thou hast continued for Ages and thou accountest thy self the most A●… and thou hast been without fear of any man and thou hast not reg●… Honour of my Name but exalted thy self altogether But now saith 〈…〉 the Dread of the Almighty shall come upon thee and the Majesty of 〈…〉 of Hosts shall appear terrible unto thee and thou shalt know there 〈…〉 that can do whatsoever he will and he will wound the mighty Men 〈…〉 shall heal them and he will vex all his Enemies in his Displeasure and 〈…〉 break them and none shall bind them up Thy glory and th● glory 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whole Earth is as Grass before the Mower and as the Flower of the Field that 〈◊〉 soon withered and thy treasure and the treasure of all Nations is of no respect unto him the Strength of the whole Earth is Weakness before him and the Crowns of Princes he accounteth as the Dust he treadeth over it all and his Everlasting Arm reacheth beyond it all and he is awakened that will strike through Kingdoms and that will stain the glory of the whole Earth and tho● must know his Power and the Cup of his Wrath is full of which all Nations shall drink and none shall escape it Prepare thy self for the Anger of the Lord is gone forth and the Almighty is grieved because of the Abominations of the Earth and he will cast into the Fire and purge and purifie and new mold and correct Rulers Kings and Peoples for he hath long been grieved and born the Iniquity of the Nations but his Long-suffering is well-nigh finished for the Nations have provoked him to Anger and turned his Long-suffering into Fury and he hath put on the Garment of Vengeance and the time is at hand that Sorrow shall take hold on the Stout-hearted when he appears who hath been pierced and Anguish and Pain shall come upon thee and the World and the Day of Trouble and great Distress ye shall not escape the Rod of his Wrath shall smite you The Mouth of the Lord hath spoken it And although thou art exalted as a God yet thou shalt be a Man and not a God in his Hand that shall slay thee and although thy Seat has been high yet it shall be laid low as the Ground and thy Honour shall be laid in the Dust for thou art Dust and Ashes before the Lord and thou shalt be no more admired when Destruction shall come upon thee The Lord hath viewed thy Way and Path and they have not been upright before him he hath entred into the Secrets of thine Heart and thy intent hath not been hid from him and that which hath been done in secret shall now be laid open and all secret things shall now be brought to Light and all the Churches shall know that he searches the
Heart and tries the Reins who is a God Great and M●…ty and giveth unto all Creatures Life and Breath and he will change at 〈◊〉 〈…〉 all the Children of Men and bring them to an Account before his 〈…〉 Seat wherefore let all Flesh tremble before him and let all the earth 〈…〉 〈…〉 his Presence who changeth and subdueth and over-turneth at his P●… and brings men to destruction who have rebell'd against him ●…fore thou Pope chief Bishop at Rome this is unto thee from the Mouth of ●… Come down come down lay down thy Crown subject thy self 〈…〉 before the Lord God of Vengeance lest 〈…〉 come upon thee and crush ●… and thou shalt know that this hath the Lord spoken in the day ●…ry flaming Sword which is already drawn enters into thy Bosom 〈…〉 thy Honour and Renown Behold I have heard the Voice of Houl●…er Lamentation I have heard the Voice of War and not of Peace I 〈…〉 I have seen the Strong become Weak and the Mighty become Miserab●●●…ud and Honourable brought into Contempt yea I have seen her th●… a Queen and has said She never shall see Sorrow I have seen the los●●…n and Widdowhood come upon her even in one day I have seen her B●…●…ed into Bitterness I have seen her Honour brought into Contempt I 〈…〉 Whore that has made all Nations drunk with her Fornications t●… the Golden Cup in her hand I have seen the Cup of Indignation p●… her to drink I have seen her cast upon the Bed of never-ceasing ●… I have seen the City that was full of people that was the Glory of I ●… that made all Nation rich with her Traffick and Merchandize I 〈…〉 that City laid desolate and dis-inhabited and made the Sorrow of the 〈…〉 Earth and I have seen the smoak of her burning ascend forever and this is 〈◊〉 must shortly come to pass and if thou hast an Ear to hear thou mayst 〈…〉 and these things are true and faithful and they shall not fail but the W●… shall know the Majesty Dread and Terror the Vengeance and Indig●… of the Almighty This is assented unto by many and written and subscribed by one that hath a N●… not seen nor known of the World but known among Men by the name of Edward Burroughs Return your Answer to me or any of the People called Quakers for me in London from whence this is sent being written the 24th of the 8th Mon. 1658. A FAITHFUL TESTIMONY Concerning the True Worship OF GOD VVhat it is in it self and who are the True WORSHIPPERS In Opposition to all the False Worship in this Nation which is Idolatry which is discover'd in its Foundation and in its Manifestation not to be ever commanded of God or practized by his Apostles and Saints but it is declar'd to consist chiefly of such things and practices as had their first Beginning and Ordination in the Church of Rome whereby the Hypocrisie of this Generation doth appear in denying and crying against the Papists Idolatries and yet are found in the practice of the same thing in their Church Ministry and Worship which were first instituted by the Pope's Authority FOrasmuch as there is in the World a great Controversie among people concerning the Worship of God one crying This is the right Worship another That is the right Worship And people in these Nations are divided about the Worship of God and divers one from another in their Performances and Practices of Worship one sort worshipping after this manner another after that and there is great strife through the whole Nation about this matter and a great dis-satisfaction among people which is the right Worship and who are the right Worshippers and Thousands are desiring after the right Worship of God and to become Worshippers of him as he requires Therefore now it is upon me to shew unto all the World what the true Worship of God is in it self and who are his true Worshippers First The Worship of God in it self is this It is a walking with God and a living with him in Converse and Fellowship in Spirit and Truth for he is only worshipped therein and to do the Truth and speak the Truth This is the True Worship of God where the Mind is guided with the Spirit of Truth and the Presence of the Lord felt at all times and his Fear in the Hearts of people and his Councel stood in and his Covenant felt which unites to the Lord in Spirit this is the True Worship of God and it is without respect of times or things And now none upon Earth can thus worship God but who are changed and renewed in heart and mind and born of the Spirit and led thereby where the Body of Sin and Death is put off such as are redeemed out of the World and out of all its wayes and nature such only can worship God in the Spirit and in the Truth and such is the Father seeking to worship him now in this present Age And there is never a one upon Earth that can worship God as he requireth who remain unchanged and are in the Transgression unrenewed and unconverted such cannot worship the True and Living God but that which they perform and practice as the Pretence of his Worship is Idolatry and Abomination and the Lord hath not required it at their hands for none can walk with God nor have unity with him but who are renewed and changed nor none can do the Truth and speak the Truth in all things but such who are led by the Spirit of Truth and such are in the Covenant of God and true Worshippers of him and all that is contrary is not the Worship of God but Idolatry as I have said And now as concerning this Worship practiced in England in these Steeple-Houses Churches so called it is not the Worship of the Living God but Superstition and Idolatry for people have not learned it by the Teachings of the Spirit neither doth the Spirit lead them therein but it standeth in Form without Power and in the Inventions and Traditions of the Fathers and there is not in it the manifest Presence of God neither do you Worshippers meet with the Lord nor enjoy his pure Life and Presence in your Practices and the substance of your Worship as it is now practized is made up of Inventions some part of your own and some part brought along from the church of Rome And is it not great Hypocrisie in you to profess a denyal of the Church of Rome and yet be found practizing some of the same things as your Worship which the Church of Rome first instituted and practized as her Worship Shall we instance unto you some particular things Was it not by the Authority of the Church of Rome that these Houses in which you worship which you call Churches were first set up and made Worshipping-places for them And is it not a little while since that the Mass and old Popish stuff was therein