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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A51926 The general history of Spain from the first peopling of it by Tubal, till the death of King Ferdinand, who united the crowns of Castile and Aragon : with a continuation to the death of King Philip III / written in Spanish by the R.F.F. John de Mariana ; to which are added, two supplements, the first by F. Ferdinand Camargo y Salcedo, the other by F. Basil Varen de Soto, bringing it down to the present reign ; the whole translated from the Spanish by Capt. John Stevens.; Historiae de rebus Hispaniae. English Mariana, Juan de, 1535-1624.; Camargo y Salgado, Hernando, 1572-1652.; Varen de Soto, Basilio, d. 1673.; Stevens, John, d. 1726. 1699 (1699) Wing M599; ESTC R18800 1,371,898 749

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hap'ned that during the Ingagement one of the Rebels cryed out Great Numbers of French and Germans will soon come to our Aid and cut you all to Pieces The King with the rest of the Army was not far off therefore Advice was given him of what that Soldier had said and he sent 10000 Men under the Command of Wandemirus to reinforce the others These were so eager to ingage that Marching all Night they reached the Town by break of Day before the Assault began At the sight of such a Multitude Paul was dismayed yet endeavoured to hide it and putting the best Countenance upon it he incouraged his Men. The Assault was given and lasted most part of the Day till the besieged being quite spent with Labour and over-powered gave way and suffered the King's Men to come up to the Wall Then some fired the Gates others with Crows and other Instruments beat down the Works Having made a breach they entred the Town killing and destroying all that stood in their way The Citizens and French Soldiers fancying that the Spaniards who were in the Town in hopes of obtaining their Pardon had let in the Enemy in a rage fell upon and slew a great Number of them and among the rest one of Paul's Servants by his own side It was a miserable sight to behold the Rebels attacked on all sides and put to the Sword by their own party as well as by the Enemy and all the Streets strewed with dead Bodies and running down with Blood Paul himself seeing all lost confessed he had erred in every thing he had undertaken and taking off his Royal Helmet retired with his Family and Guards to the Theater which being very strong he hoped tho' it could not be maintained he might there obtain Conditions Some observed that Paul stript himself of the Ensigns of Royalty on the same day Twelve-Months on which Wamba had ascended the Throne which was the first of September The King's Army was possessed of all the City except the Theater and another small part and therefore lay still that and the following day reserving the honour of ending the War to the King and perhaps in hopes he would pardon the Offenders they being all of one Nation and some of their Kindred To this purpose they made choice of Argebaudus Bishop of Narbonne to send to the King who coming to his Presence about four Miles from the Town alighted off his Horse and kneeling with Tears in his Eyes begged for the Rebels The King who was no less merciful than brave promised a General Pardon to all except the heads of whom alone he designed to make an example But Argebaudus still pressing that there might be no exceptions Wamba with an angry Countenance bid him be satisfyed with what was granted and think all was favour that extended not to the Lives of the least Offenders CHAP. VI. Wamba returns into Spain Punishes the Heads of the Rebels His publick Works Eleventh Council of Toledo A great Fleet of Sarazens Destroyed Wamba deposed Ervigius Vsurps the Crown THE King Marched to the City with the strength of his Army At his Arrival all that held out before submitted and Paul delivered up the Theater where were with him Gumildus the Bishop and other Heads of the Conspirators who were all secured and Paul himself led by the Hair of the Head betwixt two Officers to the King's Presence All the Criminals cast themselves at the King's Feet who giving Thanks to Almighty God gave them their lives yet so that they should remain in Custody till he determined what should be done with them Some French and Saxons that were found in the Town part as Hostages and others who came to serve were well Treated and sent home This was the end of those great Commotions which threatened destruction to the Dominions of the Goths Many thought this a Judgment of God upon those People for Robbing the Churches and Wamba after making a strict Search caused all that could be found to be restored He ordered the City Walls to be repaired the dead Bodies to be Bury'd which took up three Days Then the Rebels were brought into the King's Presence and Sentence passed upon them After the King had set his Foot upon their Necks and other Formalities Paul and all his Adherents were Condemned to Death and to forfeit their Estates yet in case the King should Pardon their Lives at least they should have their Eyes put out The Hair was a Mark of Nobility therefore Wamba to be thought merciful was content only to have their Heads Shorn Now news was brought that Chilperick the second King of France drew near with his Army in Battalia Wamba having taking the Field and waited four days thought he had done enough as unwilling to break into the Territories of France and make himself the Aggressor and therefore resolved to return into Spain At the same time he was informed that Lupus a French General wasted and destroyed all the Country of Beziers He moved towards him but the Frenchman thinking himself too weak to withstand retired to the Neighbouring Mountains leaving all the Baggage behind so that it looked more like flight than a Retreat With this and the other Booty got in France the King's Army was enriched and returned to Narbonne whence the greatest part was dispersed into the Neighbouring Garrisons in France Others at Canaba a Town in the Country of Narbonne had leave given them to return home and enjoy the Fruits of their Labours A great number stayed with the King who from thence returned into Spain At Toledo he was received in manner of a Triumph as was due for having performed such great Actions in only six Months which was the time since he set out from that City The order of it was thus In the first place went the Rebels upon Camels their heads and beards shorn barefooted and ill Cloathed Paul in derision had on his Head a Crown of black Leather Then followed the Soldiers in their best attire Last of all came the King whose venerable Gray hairs and the Memory of his exploits added to the Majesty of his Countenance and Person All the City went out to meet him withloud Acclamations wishing him long Life and Prosperity To conclude the Criminals were confined to perpetual Imprisonment Thus Spain by the Valour of Wamba began to flourish with a lasting Peace at Home and recover'd its ancient Honour Abroad Next the King apply'd himself to Adorn and Beautifie his Kingdom In particular he enlarged the City Toledo and for its security raised a new Wall with Towers Parapets and Battlements reaching from one Bridge to the other along the Suburb of St. Isidorus Three parts in four of Toledo are encompassed by the River Tagus which coup'd up betwixt high Banks runs in very narrow Chanels among the Rocks The other part which is upon a high and steep Ascent was enclosed by an ancient Roman Wall not so large
the Wrongs he did his Father yet the Kingdom he unjustly Usurp'd he govern'd Prudently At Avila he perform'd his Father's Exequies with Magnificence and at Toledo laying aside his Mourning put on the Royal Robes The Gentry who had been against him now throng'd to make their Court either in hopes to appease him or else to hide what was conceal'd in their Hearts The new King at present dissembl'd yet resolv'd as soon as setl'd to vent his Rage All the Nobility and Commons swore Allegiance to him and his Daughter Elizabeth as Heiress in case he had no Issue Male. This was done to exclude the two Brothers his Nephews whose just Cause many yet favour'd King Sancho resolv'd to gain the good Will of the King of Aragon who had those young Princes in Custody and was then preparing to besiege Albarazin being no longer able to bear with the Insolencies of D. John Nunez de Lara Therefore King Sancho because he could not go in Person sent a good Body of Men to the Assistance of the King of Aragon against that Common Enemy This done he went away for Sevil because Prince John his Brother endeavour'd to possess himself of that City by virtue of his Father's last Will but the Citizens oppos'd him and were headed by D. Alvar Nun̄ez de Lara These Disputes ceas'd upon the coming of the new King who caus'd his Brother to desist To this City came Ambassadors from the King of Morocco to settle Peace but were sent away with Scorn which provok'd the Moors to invade Spain again King Sancho to oppose them provided a great Fleet. At that time the Genoses were Famous for their skill in Navigation thence the King sent for Benedict Zacarias who brought with him twelve Galleys was created Admiral and had the Town Port S. Mary given to him and his Heirs upon Condition they should always maintain a Galley at their Cost The Cortes or Parliament met at Sevil their Business was to redress Grievances and to make void many Grants forc'd in time of Necessity from the present King and his Father That Assembly breaking up the King return'd to Castile where some conspir'd to restore his Nephews but he coming upon them some submitted and others were put to Death At this same time Roger Lauria General of the Aragonians in Sicily having near Malta defeated 20 French Galleys killing their General William Cornutus sailing towards Naples offer'd Battle to Charles the Lame Prince of Salerno and Son to King Charles who was ready with a mighty Fleet to pass over into Sicily Many and particularly the Pope's Legate advis'd the Prince not to Fight but he gave no Ear to them The Battel was Bloody but in Conclusion the French were beaten and Prince Charles taken Authors differ about the Number of Vessels on each side the most receiv'd Opinion is that the Aragonians had 42 Galleys and the French 70. This Battel was fought on the 23d of June and the Aragonians making use of their Victory took several Towns in Italy Three Days after the defeat King Charles arriv'd at Gaeta with 20 Galleys from Provence and there understood how his Son was condemn'd to Death at Mecina by the Sicilians in revenge of the Death of Conradine executed by the French after he was taken in Battel The Queen sav'd him on pretence of acquainting her Husband yet such was the Fury of the People that they broke the Prisons and put to the Sword 60 other Prisoners The King of Aragon as if he had no War abroad now lay'd Siege to Albarazin and furiously Batter'd it The City was naturally Strong well Fortify'd and had a good Garrison of hardy Souldiers yet Provisions falling short D. John Nun̄ez de Lara resolv'd to make his Escape but advis'd the Garrison to hold out whilst he went to Navarre where he was sure of Succour After his Departure the City held out a few Days and then desparing of Relief surrendred on Michaelmas Day The Garrison consisted of French and Navarrois who were all dismiss'd and People brought from the Neighbourhood as well to Inhabit the Place as Till the Land The King had a Bastard-Son by the Lady Agnes Zapata to him he had before given Algezira and Liria in the Kingdom of Valencia and now gave him the City Albarazin This was the end of that Principality for many Years possess'd by the noble Family of the Açagras CHAP. VI. The French invade Catalonia take Girona and retire back to France with Loss The King of Morocco Besieges Xeres and is repuls'd The Death of the four Kings of France Aragon Naples and Morrocco AFter the taking of Albarazin a greater Storm threatn'd the King of Aragon from France The Aragonian alone was not able to withstand the French and therefore had recourse to Forreign Aids He sent Embassadors into Germany to the Emperors Rodulphus who being a cautious Man and at that time in War with the Switsers gave only good Words King Sancho at the Instance of the King of Aragon had Conferences with him at Ciria and Borobia two Towns about Soria where they made a League and promis'd to assist one another The King of Morocco design'd to make War in Andaluzia The French wasted the Frontiers of Aragon and Jayme King of Majorca sided with them 18000 Moorish Horse besieg'd Xerez de la Frontera and made Incursions as far as Sevil. King Sancho went with speed to Toledo where Charles Earl of Artois Embassador from the King of France expected him His chief Business was to procure the Liberty of the King 's two Nephews and perswade King Sancho not to have to do with the King of Aragon who was Excommunicated by the Pope The King's Answer in Publick was that he would send Embassadors to adjust all things in France and privately he declar'd himself much the King of France his Friend The King of Aragon lay'd Siege to Tudela in Navarre by that means to divert the French who design'd to pass into Aragon through Russillon That City was bravely defended by D. John Nunez de Lara who lost Albarazin and was more Successful in the Affairs of others than his own All the Country about was wasted and the Frontier Towns of Aragon strongly Garrison'd to oppose the Enemy This done because Winter came on the King of Aragon return'd to Zaragoça There he spent the remainder of this Year and beginning of the next which was 1285 in which on the 7th of January Charles King of Naples departed this Life at Fogia a Town of Apulia being worn out with Misfortunes and griev'd at the Imprisonment of his Son This Prince had been Famous as well in Peace as War had the end of his Life been suitable to the beginning Age made him feel the Inconstancy of Fortune as it has happen'd to many Besides the Vigour of the French was decay'd and they debauch'd with Ease and Pleasure and their Governours made the King odious through their Avarice and
Exactions The Death of the King of Naples was equally pleasing to the King of Aragon and grievous to him of France To divert his Melancholy by offending his Enemies he made great Levies His Land Army amounted to 20000 Horse and 80000 Foot and at the same time he provided a Fleet of 120 Sail between great Ships Galleys and other smaller Vessels He resolv'd to go in Person to this Expedition and with him Philip and Charles his Sons and Jayme King of Majorca who follow'd the French being highly offended at the Aragonian his Brother With them also was Cardinal Gervasius sent by Pope Martin the 4th as his Legate That Pope dying at Perosa on the 29th of March Honorius the IVth a Citizen of Rome of the Family Sabela was chosen in his Place and took the Part of the French no less than his Predecessor had done The Army Rendevouz'd at Narbonne and thence march'd towards Perpignan This Town was surrendred to King Jayme and admitted the French The Example was followed by all the Towns of Russillon and that Neighbourhood except one call'd Genova which in hatred to King Jayme and hoping to be speedily reliev'd held out They were deceiv'd in their Expectation for the Town was taken by Assault and all the Inhabitants put to the Sword without sparing the very Buildings which were all Burnt and Destroy'd The Bastard of Russillon a Man of great Courage who was in the Town got into the Tower of the Church where King Jayme's Intercession sav'd his Life rather than the Strength or Holiness of that Place Yet he show'd his Gratitude to the French for the King of Aragon being possessed of all the Passes on the Pyrenean Mountains so that there was no hopes of getting by he conducted them through By-paths known to him till they reach'd the Tops of those Hills and Encamp'd above the Aragonians Thus the two Kings advanc'd as far as the Territory of Ampurias There they easily took several Towns particularly Peralada and Figueras without meeting any Opposition till they sat down before Girona a great and noble City ●●sting the People formerly called Ausetani It is Seated on the side of a Hill at the Foot whereof runs the River antiently called Thici now Tera which has so wash'd away the Banks next the City that they and considerably to its Strength The Walls are well built the Towers of Stone and strong in the highest part of the City stands the Cathedral and Bishop's House a large and beautiful Fabrick Above the Cathedral is a large Tower call'd Gironela Raymund 〈◊〉 Cardona 〈◊〉 Governour of that City had added new Works and throw down all the Suburbs only 〈◊〉 the Church of S. Felix for the great Devotion of the Place and it's Antiquity His Valour and Industry was great so that he several times but 〈…〉 of the French 〈…〉 mind their Works The King of Aragon was not far off but being too weak to give the Enemy Battel sought some Opportunity of gaining an Advantage and putting Relief into the Town It had been three Months Besieg'd when Sancho King of Castile sent Martin Bishop of Calahorra and Gonuz Garçia de Toledo Abbot of Valladolia his Embassadors to compose these Differences They were sent back with many Reproaches having scares seen the King of France It was reported King Sancho wanted not Good Will to assist the Aragonians but that he was taken up with the War in Andaluzia where 〈◊〉 Moors as was said before had ●●y'd Siege to Xerez de la Frontera King Sancho was my of putting all to the hazard of a 〈◊〉 and therefore only pass'd between Sevil and Nebrixa always in a Readiness to cut off the Parties of Moors that made Incursions into the Country Thus after a Siege of 6 Months the Moors raised their Camp from before Xerez being i●●ent of all Necessaries and fearing lest King Sancho should offer them Battel After they had pass'd the River Guadalete rather in the nature of Flight than a Retreat one ask'd of the Moorish King the Reason why he show'd so much 〈◊〉 and he answer'd I am the first that rais'd the Family of Bar-ameda to the Regal Dignity my Enemy is descended from above 40 Kings which in Battle would have been a great Terror to me and a mighty Incouragement to him This seem'd to be a good Opportunity to pursue the Infidels but King Sancho was for the safest rather than dangerous Counsels Therefore having repair'd and revictuall'd Xerez he return'd 〈◊〉 notwithstanding the Souldiers muttered they lost a great Opportunity of destroying ●● Enemy Embassadors pass'd betwixt the two Kings and at last they had a Meeting of the Banks of Guadalquivir others say at R●●aserrada There it was agreed the King of Morocco should thy 1000000 of Maravedies a 〈…〉 that had not always the same Value towards the Charges of the War and thus it ended Many Persons of Note were disgusted at this Peace particularly Prince John the Kings Brother and D. Lope Diaz de Haro who both withdrew out of Sevil and went away to their own Lordships Not long after dy'd the King of Morocco and left his Son Joseph to succeed him Let us return to the Siege of Girona The King of Aragon desiring to cut off the Provisions that were brought to the French Army from the Port of Roses resolv'd to lay an Ambush in a convenient Place by the Way This design being discover'd by Spies Rodulphus 〈…〉 France and John Marshal de Harcourt with the Earl of Marche went to the Place where the Ambush was lay'd with only 300 Horse On the 15th of August the Parties met and there ensu'd a desperate Fight The Aragonians were the greater Number but the French made the 〈…〉 Bravery and Dexterity The King did all that could be expected of a wise Commande● and resolute Souldier He was hurt in the Head and endeavouring then to get off a 〈◊〉 Man seized his Horses Reins and had taken him had he not with his Sword cut the R●ins and fled This writes Villancus who gave occasion to others to commit the same Error For all the 〈◊〉 of Aragon affirm the King came off without hurt that the Number of the Stain was 〈◊〉 both Sides tho' the French were Masters of the Field Thus 〈…〉 Authors to vary The Season being very hot brought the Plague into the 〈…〉 Camp and yet the Besieg'd hearing of this Defeat and having no hopes of Relief 〈…〉 Condition they should be suffer'd to depart whither they pleas'd and to take 〈…〉 as much of their Goods as they were able to carry Much Cruelty was us'd 〈◊〉 them that Surrendred and even the Churches were Profan'd The Sepulcher of S. Narcissus who is Patr●● of that City and the● reverenc'd with singular Devotion was spoil'd of all the Riches belonging to it which were very considerable and carry'd away The Plague increas'd which was look'd upon as a Judgment for that Sacriledge and 〈◊〉 the French resolving
that he had killed 90 Christians by the way who lay very secure upon Sierra Nevada The Citizens with great Acclamations proclaimed him King Albohazen at the beginning of this Mutiny went away to Almun̄ecar where his Treasure lay There his cruel Brother caused him to be Murdered only to secure himself in the Throne he had usurped King Ferdinand tho many were of Opinion the Soldiers who were harassed with the late Expeditions ought to rest commanded the Army to Rendezvous at Alcala Real because that Town was upon the Frontiers and went himself thither from Cordcua upon the first of September notwithstanding the Heat was excessive that part of the Country being naturally hotter than the rest of Spain The Earl of Cabra desiring to signalize himself begged he might first enter the Moorish Territories as he did with 700 Horse and 3000 Foot He was ordered to take with him Martin Alonso de Montemayor and to sit down before Moclin a strong Town near Granada the King promising to back them with the whole Army The Earl marched day and night to surprize the new King Albohardil who he understood was quartered near that place with 1500 Horse and a greater number of Foot This Design being discovered to the Moore he removed to a Hill and at break of day fell upon the Christians in certain Defiles with such fury that the best Soldiers were killed and most of the Foot The Earl lost his Brother Gonçalo and he with a few Horse fled towards the way where he expected to meet Garzi Lopez de Padilla Master of Calatrava who followed those that had advanced before This Loss so troubled King Ferdinand that he retired for some time On the Frontier near Jaen are two Towns and Castles called Cambil and Albahar The River Frio runs betwixt them and tho small is difficult to be waded because of its high Banks Both these Places were besieged Albahar is beyond the River and near it is a Hill that commands it on which the King tho with much labour caused the Cannon to be planted This so terrified the Moores that they surrendred both Towns and Castles on the 23d of September being the very day on which they were lost 120 years before After this the King put the Army into Winter Quarters and went himself with the Queen to Alcala de Henares During this Expedition died D. Alonso de Aragon Duke de Villahermosa the King's Brother a brave Commander His Body was deposited at Baeça and thence translated to Poplete the burial-place of his Ancestors Of him are descended the Dukes of Villahermosa and Earls of Ribagorça In Toledo the Inquisition severely punished those who renouncing the Christian Faith became Jews A great number of those People who were reconciled and implored Mercy was pardoned They are now called De la Gracia that is the People of Grace The Nobility of Naples had now raised a Bloody War against their King Ferdinand upon the usual Pretences Pope Innocent favoured them but it was rather in Words than Effect for he was ancient and otherwise employed The chief of the Conspirators were the Princes of Salerno Basigniano and Altamura as also the Marquess del Gasto It was reported that Frederick the King's Son under-hand supported the Rebels but this could never be proved The Wicked Life of Alonso Duke of Calabria the King 's Eldest Son was one great Motive of this Revolt The King resolved to reduce the Rebels rather by Policy than Force and therefore gave his General Pardon to all the Mutiniers King Ferdinand of Spain also sent the Earl of Tendilla his Ambassador to ingage to those Noblemen for their safety provided they laid down their Arms. But the King of Naples as soon as the Storm was over made no account of those Promises and at several times as occasion served seized the Heads of the Rebellion and put them all to death King Ferdinand of Castile ceased not to protest against those Proceedings but he of Naples ceased not to proceed in cutting off his Enemies which proved fatal to him at last as we shall see in its place Let us turn back On the 16th of December Queen Elizabeth at Aloala de Henares was delivered of a Daughter called Catherine well known in the World as Wife to two Brothers Sons to the King of England and for her great Sufferings caused by the inordinate Lust and infidelity of her Husband which also drew great Calamities upon the whole English Nation Their Sins and Rebellion drew Judgments upon them Richard III. having murdered his Two Nephews Edward and Richard the rightful Heirs of the Crown usurped the Kingdom He Govern'd like a Tyrant and ended accordingly Henry Earl of Richmond who had been a Prisoner in Britany having obtained his Liberty overthrew the Tyrant in Battle and killed him By that means he secured the Crown to himself This Henry had a Son called Henry like himself who was the Eighth of that Name King of England and famous for his Incontinency for putting away Catherine his Wife and for disowning the Supremacy of the Pope besides many other Crimes which have left an indelible stain upon his Name CHAP. V. The Tumults in Aragon and Catalonia Several Towns taken from the Moores A Sedition in Galicia King Albohardil attacks the Castle call'd Albaizin in Granada and is repulsed Azamor on the Coast of Africk delivered to the Portugueses SOme small Tumults hapned in Aragon but those in Catalonia were more dangerous yet the Prudence of King Ferdinand overcame them all The City Zaragoça is seated in a Plain on the Banks of the River Ebro and is in Beauty Riches and number of Inhabitants almost equal to the best in Spain This Place has often Mutinied in defence of its Priviledges as it hapned at this time John de Burgos the King 's Alguazil gave some ill Language to Peter Cerdan the Chief of the Aldermen and Head of their Counsel Others coming in apprehended the Alguazil Tried Condemned and Hanged him which was a great Affront to the King He was then upon the point of entring upon the Kingdom of Granada with his Army and therefore sent Orders to John Hernandez de Heredia supream Governor of that Kingdom to punish all that had a Hand in that Affair with the utmost rigor and at the same time told the Deputies sent by the City that no harm should be done for he was expert in Dissembling The Head of the Aldermen could not be apprehended because the Chief Justice of Aragon protected him but Martin Pertusa who was the next and had been very active in the Business of the Alguazil was suddenly Executed the King's Letters being carried before him upon a Spear to awe the People who were ready to Rescue him This struck a Terror into the others and so the Sedition was appeased Soon after another Tumult hapned upon account of a more Hainous Crime than the last Peter Arbuc was Inquisitor in that City and punished
D. John de Zun̄iga Master of Alcantara to resign up that Dignity to him and in lieu of it to accept of the Archbishoprick of Sevil. Thus the King became Master of those Three Orders for his Life and Pope Alexander joined with him Queen Elizabeth appointing her to Inherit those Dignities after his death Lastly Pope Adrian some Years after to oblige his Schollar Charles the Emperor granted to him and his Heirs the Presentation of all the Bishops in Spain which before the Kings had only liberty to recommend by way of Suit He also assigned him the Administration of the Three Military Orders for ever To this last Master of Alcantara who was afterwards a Cardinal The Master Antony de Nebriga dedicated his Dictionary This was a Man worthy of Immortal Fame and to have his Name Recorded in the History of Spain as well because he laid the Foundation of all the Learning of the Latin Tongue there as for the many Books he writ fraught with good Doctrine and Learning Among his other Works he composed the Histories of the Wars of Granada and that of Navarre which hapned some Years after true it is in those Works there appears more of his diligence and sincerity than elegancy At the same time that the Marquess of Cadiz and Master of Santiago died Henry de Guzman Duke of Medina Sidonia and D. Peter Enriquez Lieutenant of Andaluzia departed this Life D. John his Son succeeded the Duke Not long before Peter Hernandez de Velasco the Constable dying Bernardin de Velasco his Son succeeded him and Married the Lady Joanna de Aragon King Ferdinand's Bastard Daughter Nothing hapned about this time more remarkable or that put Italy and the most part of Europe into a greater confusion than the famous War in Naples undertaken by Charles the VIII King of France as has been before hinted To speak of this War let us recollect what has been in other places said of the Original Causes of it Pope Urban the VI. caused Charles Prince of Durazzo to come out of Hungary to oppose him against Joanna Queen of Naples who had favoured the Election of Clement the VII his Competitor whereby the Peace of the Church was much disturbed She called to her assistance Luis Duke of Anjou younger Son to the King of France and adopted him her Son and Heir to that Kingdom This Luis had a Son of his own Name who made War upon Ladislaus Son to Charles and King of Naples but his success was no better than his Father's for both were unfortunate in that War Luis the Grandson was called by Pope Martin the V. against Joanna the younger Queen of Naples and Sister to Ladislaus This Luis expelled Alonso King of Aragon whom the said Joanna had adopted and afterwards cast off Renee his Brother succeeded Luis with him King Alonso was long at War and at last forced him to return into France John Duke of Lorrain was Son to this Renée and in the Barons War much distressed King Fredcrick of Naples and afterwards headed the Catalonians in Rebellion against King John He dying at Barcelona as has been said Charles Nephew to Renèe his Brother's Son Inherited his Possessions This Charles in his Will constituted Luis the XI King of France his Heir believing Renée Duke of Lorrain his own Nephew could not be able to withstand the power of the Aragonians This was the original Cause of the War in Naples Another secondary Cause was added in this manner Galleazzo Duke of Milan being Murdered by his Subjects Luis Sforcia his Brother took upon him the Government of that Dukedom under colour of the Minority of John Galleazzo Son to the deceased Luis Sforcia had to Wife Beatrix Sister to to Hercules Duke of Ferrara Also Alonso Duke of Calabria Son to the King of Naples was Married to Hippolita Sister to Luis Sforcia by whom he had Ferdinand and Elizabeth Ferdinand was King of Naples after his Grandfather and Father Elizabeth was Married to John Galeazzo the true Duke of Milan This Lady seeing her Husband excluded tho' he had Two Children by her perswaded her Father to restore her Husband to the Inheritance left him by his Ancestors Luis Sforcia perceiving what a Storm threatned him from Naples invited Charles the VIII King of France to Invade that Kingdom which he said of right appertained to him Many Men of Note of his own Subjects encouraged the King to undertake this Enterprize as also some Barons of Naples Banished by King Ferdinand Philip de Comines says those Noblemen were well received at first yet such was their entertainment that necessity drove them to have recourse to King Ferdinand who had a better-Title to that Crown than the Possessors who were of the Bastard Line Yet the King perceiving those Lords only sought their own ends and would consequently follow him that came first thought not fit to engage in that War and only endeavoured to disswade the French from it By this time they were so far ingagaged there was no going back Both Parties sought to strengthen themselves with Alliances The French and Milaneses joyned in League with all the States of Italy except the Florentines who at first favoured the Aragonians and the Venetians who chose rather to stand neuter than favour either side Pope Alexander tho' at first he appeared averse from the Kings of Naples at last upon promise that his Sons should have possessions given them in that Kingdom and that a yearly Pension should be paid to him he resolved to stand by those who had obliged him The King of Naples ceased not to provide for the War and make all the Friends he could Particularly he sent an Ambassador into Spain to press the King to make War upon France He urged their near Kindred as being Cousin-germans and Brothers in-Law and put King Ferdinand in mind of the danger of Sicily in Case the French became Masters of Naples All this moved not King Ferdinand to break with France only he sent Garcilasso de la Vega to the Pope to confirm him in his resolution of protecting the King of Naples and D. Alonso de Silva brother to the Earl of Cifuentes was sent to France to disswade that King from the Enterprize he had in hand and in case he would not desist declare to him that King Ferdinand could not forsake his kinsman and Ally This hapned at the beginning of the Year 1494 when King Ferdinand and Queen Elizabeth having till then staid in Aragon went away from Zaragoça to Tordesillas thence to Valladolid and so to Medina del Campo There they received advice that Ferdinand King of Naples was departed this Life He died on the 25th of January of a great Age and in care for the War then in Hand Unfortunate on the one side for leaving his Affairs in so ill a Posture the chief cause whereof was his austere Temper Happy on the other side that he lived not to see the Ruin of that his
flourishing Kingdom His Son Alonso succeeded him and was no way more acceptable to the People than his Father had been Cardinal John de Borgia sent on purpose by the Pope his Unckle as Legate to Naples Crowned him This Year also the Pope by his Bull granted to the Kings of Castile for ever the 3d part of the Tithes of Castile Leon and Granada conditionally that the profit thereof should be spent in the War with the Moors At Tordesillas on the 7th of June was agreed the Difference betwixt Castile and Portugal touching their Discoveries in the Indies The Conquests of Castile were to begin 36 Degrees West from the Meridian of Lisbon all thence Eastward as far as half the Circumference of the Globe to appertain to the Portugueses The matter also of the Conquests in Africk was adjusted so that all within the Kingdom of Fez should belong to Portugal the Kingdom of Tremecen to Castile but no Line was fixed to distinguish their Limits which afterwards caused new disputes CHAP. IV. The French Invade the Kingdom of Naples An account of Luis Sforcia Duke of Milan The French King at Rome Alonso King of Naples Abdicates The French Possess themselves of the Kingdom of Naples THE King of France being resolved to Invade Italy in Person gathered all his Forces the Randezvouz of his Army was at Lyons Thither came from Ostia whither he fled for fear of the Pope the Cardinal of St. Peter to forward that undertaking On the other side D. Alonso de Silva according to his Instructions in his King's behalf protested against those proceedings Nevertheless the King of France committing the Government of his Kingdom to Peter Duke of Bourbon his Brother-in-Law set out from that City upon Tuesday the 22th of July with him went most of the Nobility of France His Army consisted of about 20000 Foot and 5000 Horse To pay these Forces he borrowed Money of the Nobility besides 150000 Florms taken up of a Genoese Banker a small Sum for so great an undertaking King Alonso sent a great Fleet under the Command of his Brother Frederick to Infest the State of Genoa By Land he sent his Son the Duke of Calabria to Invade the Territories of Milan All things fell out unfortunately for Frederick did nothing worth naming and the Duke of Calabria was stopped by the Forces of France and Milan from passing out of Romania The King of France passed the Alpes and on the 9th of September came to Aste the Bounds of the Dukedom of Milan and then possessed by the Duke of Orleans who was in that Expedition and pretended a Right to the whole Dukedom D. Alonso the Spanish Ambassador was very little looked upon at Court insomuch that he was ordered to be dismissed but he winked at all being a Person of great Prudence and Sagacity At the City Aste they flighted him so far as to assign him no Quarters whereupon he was forced to go away to Genoa There he began to treat with Luis Sforcia who repented of what he had done about joining in League with the Catholick King giving him a hint that one of the Princesses should be Married to his Eldest Son for they could not Marry with any other Prince by reason of the agreement made with France This took so much with Luis Sforcia that he resolved to change Parties tho' at the same time he repaired to Aste to receive the French King and gave him a Sum of Money to pay his Army The King leaving the Duke of Orleans who designed to lay hold of that oportunity to possess himself of the State of Milan at Aste Marched with his Army to Pavia where he visitted the Duke John Galeazzo who was then at the point of death and was his Cousin-german both their Mothers being Sisters and Daughters to the Duke of Savoy The Duke died on the 21th of October and it appeared plainly he had been poisoned which increased the Hatred conceived towards his Unckle The same day the King of France entred Plasencia and with him Lewis Sforcia who understanding the death of his Nephew immediatly returned to Milan and there publickly took upon him the Title of Duke notwithstanding his Nephew left a Son five Years of Age as also two Daughters and his Wife big with Child So far did his Ambition blind him that the same day he wrote to King Alonso giving an account of his Nephews death and telling him the Nobility and People of Milan had obliged him to take the Title of Duke and that he believed this would be no way displeasing to him knowing how well affected he was towards him and his Kingdom From Plasencia the King entred into Tuscany Ambassadors came to him from all parts and particulaly from the Venetians offering their Friendship The Pope sent the Cardinal of Siena his Legate who came as far as Pisa but the King would not see him The Florentines sent Peter de Medicis on the same account He contrary to his Commission and Instructions was agreeing to deliver up to the French Saraçana Saraçanella and Piedrasanta strong Holds belonging to the Republick on Mount Apennine as also the Castles of Pesa and Leghorn and some other things to this purpose Hereat the People were so inraged that they Banished him and his Brothers the Cardinal de Medicis and Julian plundered their Houses and confiscated all their Estates which were very great Being come to Pisa the King restored that City to its Liberty delivering it from the subjection it was under to the Florentines He entred Florence the same day that Picus Mirandula died there at the Age of 34 Years a Man of such an excellent Wit that he was called the Phaenix He agreed with the Florentines to restore their Forts after the War was ended that they for his sake should pardon Peter de Medicis and his Brothers and pay 120000 Florins towards the Charge of the War Rome was in an uproar because the Cardinals could not agree and the Nobility was divided for Prosper and Fabricius Colonna favoured the French and Virginius Ursinus the Neapolitans The Colonneses with Cardinal Ascanius Sforcia had seized the City Ostia by which means Rome suffered great want no Provisions coming to it by Sea It was genarally believed the Pope would agree with the King of France or else depart Rome Hereupon the People began to mutiny and the Pope was obliged to satisfie the Cardinals and Roman Gentry assuring them he would stand by the juster Cause and if the King of France attempted to enter Rome with his Army he would make head against him and hazard his own Life in the Quarrel All he could say was of little force to encourage the People who were terrified with the News daily brought of the approach of the French and their securing the Towns belonging to the Church The Pope himself perceiving that neither his own nor the Forces of Naples with a good part whereof the Duke of Calabria then lay at
that had at first been conceived of him were soon disappointed for he entirely gave himself up to Sensuality Many of his People were privately Murthered and others upon forged Crimes publickly Condemned and Executed only that he might take their Wives to satisfie his Lust Hereupon he grew so hateful to his People that they Conspired and killed him in his own Palace as he sate at Dinner when he had Reigned 18 Months and 13 Days The Nobility upon the Death of Theudiselus an chose Agila for their King At his first coming to the Crown he laid close Siege to Cordova which refused to acknowledge him The Besieged making a furious Sally put his Army to flight with much slaughter killed his Son and took the Baggage whereby he was oblig'd to quit the Siege and retire to Merida This was looked upon as a Judgment from Heaven for his Profaning the Church of the Martyr Asciselus into which he had put his Horses After this misfortune he began to be less looked upon by his People and at length grew so much into contempt that one Athanagildus openly Rebelled He the more to secure and strengthen himself sent Embassadors to the Emperor Justinian offering to restore a considerable part of Spain to the Empire if he would assist him In pursuance of this Embassy Liberius was sent out of France to his aid and their Forces being joyn'd the Battle was fought near Sevil where the Rebellion is supposed first to have broke out Athanagildus obtained the Victory and Agila was slain by his own Men in the Year 554. when he had Reign'd 5 Years and 3 Months They killed him to put an end to the Civil Wars fearing lest the Power and Riches of the Goths being weakned by their own Divisions the Romans might again recover all Spain as they had done Italy and Africk In the same Year 554. by order of the Emperor Justinian was held at Constantinople the 5th General Council in which were 165 Bishops who Condemned the Opinions of Origen Jornandes a Gothish Bishop continued the History of that Nation till the time that Athanagildus having killed his Enemy was without farther Opposition acknowledged King of the Goths This King had his hands full during his whole Life being always ingaged in Wars the Success whereof proved various The great cause of these Troubles was that forgetting his Promise he endeavoured to expell the Romans all Spain On the other side they as well by Contract as force of Arms had possess'd themselves of so much that their Dominions reached from Sea to Sea By his Wife Gosuinda he had two Daughters the eldest Galsuinda Marry'd to Chilperick King of Soissons in France and Brunechilda the youngest to Sigebert King of Metz in Lorrain the Brother of Chilperick These two Ladies were by the French Bishops converted from the Sect of Arius which they had been bred in and some will have it that Athanagildus was in private a Catholick but durst not openly profess it for fear of the People He Reign'd 15 Years and 6 Months and dy'd at Toledo in the Year 567. After his Death followed an Interregnum of five Months D. Lucas de Tuy says It lasted five Years and five Months The reason of it was that the Gothish Nobility could not agree or pitch upon any one Person capable of supporting the Kingdom of the Goths then in danger of sinking and none minded the publick Calamities studying to indulge their private Humours At this time John III. Governed the See of Rome It was now also that the Suevians who possess'd Galicia returned to the Catholick Church renouncing the Heresie of Arius which they had follow'd almost 100 Years and grievously Persecuted the Catholicks Martinus Dumiensis was a great Instrument of their Conversion He was an Hungarian had Travelled throughout the East and was a Person of singular Learning at last he was Archbishop of Braga and after his Death esteem'd as a Saint in Galicia and Portugal where they Celebrate his Feast on the 20th of March. When the Suevians embraced the Catholick Religion Theodemirus Reign'd over them What Kings Reign'd betwixt Remismundus of whom we spoke before and this Theodemirus is not known the Histories of those times being imperfect The cause of the Conversion of the Suevians was this Theodemirus's Son and Heir lay dangerously Sick and the fame of the Miracles wrought by St. Martin of Tours being spread throughout the World his Father sent Embassadors to the Saints Tomb with the Youths weight in Gold and Silver to be offered for his Health But the Success not answering the King believed it proceeded from the difference of Religion and his being an Arian He sent again and the Embassadors brought a piece of the Saints Cloak and in the mean while the Prince recovered Hereupon the King in pursuance of a Vow he had made erected a Church in Honour of St. Martin and caused the Suevians publickly to embrace the Catholick Religion For the better confirming them in the Faith and by the Advice of St. Martin Dumiensis he caused a Synod of the Bishops of Galicia to be held at Braga in the third Year of his Reign and of our Lord 563. This was the first Council of Braga and Lucretius Archbishop of that City Presided in it CHAP. VII Of the two Sisters Galsuinda and Brunechilda The Reigns of the Kings Liuva and Leuvigildus This last makes his two Sons his Companions in the Throne IT was said above that Galsuinda and Brunechilda the two Daughters of Athanagildus were Marry'd in France to two Kings both which Matches in the end proved unfortunate The one soon dy'd miserably the other lived long and always in trouble Galsuinda the eldest Wife to Chilperick after suffering much thro' the Insolence of Fredegunda his Mistriss was at last found dead in her Bed and left no Issue Sigebert the Husband of Brunechilda was murdered by two Ruffians employed by the same Fredegunda and she sent Prisoner to Roan where Meroveus the Son of Chilperick admiring her Beauty Marry'd her but she having been Wife to his Uncle the Marriage was void He might have hoped for Pardon from his Father in regard to his Youth but by the procurement of Fredegunda his Mother-in-law he was first forced into a Religious Order and then killed Brunechilda having the Tuition of her two Grandsons Theodebert King of Metz and Theodorick of Burgundy made War upon Clotarius as the French Historians have it only to prefer Protadius an Italian for whom she had a more than lawful Affection Besides they add that thro' her Instigation the Brothers made War upon one another that Theodebert was killed and his two Sons and Daughter being taken she murdered the Sons and because Theodorick designed to Marry the Daughter Poison'd him After all these Cruelties Brunechilda being taken by Clotarius was four times whipped and then dragged to Death by the hair of her
Three Synods at Toledo UPon the Death of the two Kings Father and Son the Nobility made choice to succeed him of Suinthila a Person who had given good proofs of his Courage and Conducts in the late Wars besides that the Memory of his Father King Recaredus gain'd him the Affections of all Men and made him be thought worthy that Dignity He was not only Couragious and Prudent but so bountiful towards the Needy that he was commonly called The Father of the Poor The People of Navarre again Rebelled upon this change of Government and over-ran the Province of Tarragona with Fire and Sword but the new King appearing quieted them only with his Presence and Pardoned them only upon condition they should Build and Fortifie the City Ologito which might serve as a Bridle to curb them since they made such ill use of their Liberty This City is supposed to be that now called Olite rather for the likeness of the Names than any other concluding Reason At length the Romans after this War of Navarre was ended were oblig'd to quit all Spain after having for above 70 Years maintained themselves in part of Portugal and Andaluzid There are Authors of Opinion the Goths Fortify'd Ebora to be a check upon the Romans some Testimony whereof are two Towers there said to be Built by Sisebutus The Romans had maintain'd themselves so long in those Parts by the nearness of Africk whence they received Supplies and being now cut off those Aids the false Prophet Mahomet making War there they were easily Expell'd The Government of that Roman Province was divided betwixt two Patricians one of them the King Corrupted the other he subdued by Force and thus they both were brought under All these remarkable things were concluded by King Suinthila in the 5th Year of his Reign● which was of Christ 626. which same Year he to secure the Succession in his Family declar'd his Son Rechimirus tho' very Young his Companion in the Throne Yet tho' the Youth gave good hopes that he would imitate the Virtues of his Father and Grandfather the Goths were much dissatisfied that the Crown should be made Hereditary which before was Elective From this time forwards they were so far incens'd that they never gave over till both Father and Son were cast down from the Regal Dignity What was most blameable in Suinthila is that after he had subdued his Enemies he suffer'd himself to become a Slave to his Vices Theodora his Wife and Geyla or Aguilanus his Brother who Govern'd him and the Kingdom in a great measure procur'd him the ill Will of his Subjects and raised those Enemies who at last wrought his downfall At this time Helladius Successor to Aurasius was Archbishop of Toledo and he dying Justus was preferred to that See The ruin of Suinthila was contrived and Executed by Sisenandus a bold and powerful Man who thinking the hatred the King had incurr'd offer'd him a fair opportunity of raising himself prevailed with Dagobert King of the Franks to assist him Having agreed upon Terms Abundantius and Venerandus the Burgundian Generals entred Spain and advanced with their Forces as far as Zaragoça The Nobility who before durst not declare themselves then taking Arms did not desist till they had expelled Suinthila his Wife and Son Rechimirus This is more certain than what others have written viz. That Suinthila and his Son dy'd at Toledo It appears by the French Histories that the Goths gave a Sum of Gold as supposed toward the charge of the War to King Dagobert which he apply'd to build the Church of St. Denis two Leagues from Paris which was of his Foundation Suinthila Reign'd 10 Years and was Deposed in that of our Lord 631. Sisenandus having as he wished ascended the Throne of the Goths and being a prudent Man perceived he was not well fixed especially in respect many still adhered to the contrary Party therefore to secure himself he thought nothing could be more Efficacious than Religion Hereupon under pretence of Reformation of Manners he gathered a Council of about 70 Bishops at Toledo But in reality his chief design was to obtain of those Prelates that they would declare Suinthila incapable of the Crown that so all those who were of his Party might desist Their first Session was held in the Church of St. Leocadia on the 5th of December in the Year 634. and third of the Reign of Sisenandus who appeared there in Tears and full of hypocritical Words They regulated the manner of holding the Provincial Yearly Synods and made several other Acts relating to the Ecclesiastical Government But the strangest is they Decreed That none should seize the Crown unless chosen by the Nobility that the Oath made to Sisenandus should be valid and Suinthila's Wife Children and Brothers Excommunicated A hard strained point for Bishops to dispose of Crowns King Sisenandus departed this Life in the Year of our Lord 635. having Reign'd three Years eleven Months and sixteen Days According to what had been Decreed in the Synod the Nobility and Prelates met and by them Chintila was elected King In the place of Justus Archbishop of Toledo who dy'd about the same time succeeded Eugenius second of the Name a Man famous for his Learning and Virtue Some Authors are of Opinion that Chintila was Brother to Sisenandus and both Sons to Suinthila but this seems to be contradicted by the fourth Council of Toledo where many Reproaches were cast upon Suinthila and it is to be supposed the Sons would never suffer that to have been done in their presence As soon as Chintila was chosen he called a Council of Bishops to confirm his Election It was tedious to stay for all the Bishops of the Kingdom therefore 22 most of the Province of Carthagena met in the first Year of his Reign and of Christ 636. The Prelates met in the Church of St. Leocadia and among other things confirmed the Election of the King forbiding any after his Death to offer any wrong to his Children They declar'd any Excommunicate that Usurped the Crown without being legally chosen and prohibit any making of Voices before the King's Death This was the 5th Council of Toledo and Eugenius Archbishop of Toledo Presided in it and confirm'd its Acts. To make ●●e Decrees of this Synod the more binding another of 50 Bishops all within the 〈…〉 of the Goths met the Year following which was the 6th held at Toledo In it were Ratifyed all the Acts of the former particularly in relation to the King and his Children and they added That their Crown should not be conferred on any Man who did not before swear he would no way be favourable to the Jews nor suffer any that was not a Christian to live with Freedom within the Kingdom These Councils were all that is remarkable in the Reign of Chintila it is supposed the People being inclined to Peace and all
Foreign Enemies remov'd there hap'ned no War at least none of note The good Government of the King and Authority of the Bishops kept the Subjects from offering at any Revolt Chintila dy'd in the Year of our Lord 639. when he had Reign'd three Years eight Months and nine Days CHAP. IV. The Reigns of the Kings Tulga Chindasuinthus and Recesuinthus Several Synods of Toledo Increase of the Mahometan Power The Election and Coronation of King Wamba INstead of Chintila by the unanimous consent of the Nobility was chosen Tulga young in Years but old in Virtue particularly Justice Zeal for Religion Prudence Military Experience and Bounty towards the Needy a quality most requisite in Kings who ought to think they were intrusted with the Treasures of Kingdoms to relieve the wants of such as are in distress His Perfections seem'd still to be in their increase when Death cut him off at Toledo in the Year 641. when he had Reign'd only two Years and four Months Sigibertus Gemblacensis says Tulga was a debauch'd Youth and on that score Deposed by his own People but it is more reasonable to believe St. Ildefonsus who writes as an Eye Witness than a Stranger that either writ maliciously or was imposed upon After the Death of Tulga Flavius Chindasuinthus who being General of the Army was before in Rebellion against the King with the assistance of the Soldiery mounted the Throne none of the Nobility daring to oppose him that had all the standing Forces of the Kingdom on his side It must be granted that tho' he Usurp'd the Crown Tyrannically yet afterwards he Governed with great Moderation as if he design'd that way to make good his bad Title to it The first thing he did was to settle the Common-wealth by Establishing wholsome Laws and Ordinances for the better Administration of Justice and the publick Good In the 6th Year of his Reign he called together to Toledo all the Bishops in his Kingdom whereof 30 met on the 28th of October and this is counted the 7th Council of Toledo Before this time the King had Banish'd Theodiselus Archbishop of Sevil for that he sow'd scandalous Doctrines and to gain himself the greater Authority had corrupted the Works of his Predecessor St. Isidorus Theodiselus went over into Africk and there turn'd Mahometan so blind is Man when once he strays from the right way Those Authors that write in favour of the See of Toledo and particularly the Archbishop D. Rodrigo will have it that upon this occasion King Chindasuinthus made Toledo the Metropolitan See of all Spain whereas before Sevil had enjoy'd that preheminence but they have not the Testimony of any ancient Writers to confirm their Opinion and therefore we shall not lay much stress upon it About these times Theodorus and his Successor Martin I. Govern'd the Catholick Church Chindasuinthus being desirous to enrich Spain with good Books and Learning sent Tajus Bishop of Zaragoça to Rome to obtain of Theodorus then Pope St. Gregory's Books upon Job which are full of Allegories and excellent Morality and to bring them into Spain The King thought those Books would be useful to Propagate and Confirm the Catholick Religion and be a great Addition to the Ecclesiastical Library as believing now he had Peace on all sides nothing could add more to the Glory of his Kingdom than the increase of Religion and Learning Tajus having delivered his Embassy the Pope was very willing to oblige the King But those Books thro' the Ignorance and Negligence of the times were so hid among other Papers that it was hard to find them Much time was spent in searching and the Bishop seeing little hope of Success had recourse to God and spent the Night in Prayer begging of God not to suffer the good Intentions of the King to be frustrated He fail'd not of Success for that Night God revealed or as he says in a Letter St. Gregory appear'd to him and discover'd where those Books were Now it was that Fructuosus began to be famous in Spain he being of the Royal Blood of the Goths left the World to go live in a Desart and in time at his own Expence near Coplutica at the Foot of the Mountain Irago in the place now call'd Vierço built a Monastery of Monks of the Invocation of the Martyrs Justus and Pastor The King was assisting to him in building of this Monastery and afterwards the number of Monks being too great not far off in a rough and uncouth place Founded another Dedicated to St. Peter Fructuosus Founded a third Convent in the Island of Cadiz and a fourth on the Continent nine Leagues from the Coast besides many others as well of Men as Women This was the Posture of Affairs in Spain in the latter Years of Chindasuinthus at which time he to secure the Succession of the Crown he had obtained by force in his Family chose his Son Flavius Recesuinthus his Companion in the Throne in the Year of our Lord 648. after he had Reigned alone 6 Years 8 Months and 20 Days It is true he lived three Years after but that time is allotted to the Reign of his Son because by reason of his great Age he left the whole charge of the Government to him Chindasuinthus dyed at Toledo according to some of Sickness but as others will have it was poisoned His Body and that of his Wife Riciberga were buryed in the Monastery of S. Romanus now called de Hormisda betwixt Toro and Tordesillas on the Banks of the River Duero founded by himself for his place of Burial as was accordingly performed In the Reign of Recesuinthus Eugenius the Third was Archbishop of Toledo a Person of great Learning as appears by many of his works still extant and by some reckoned among the Number of Saints In his time and by his procurement 52 Bishops met at Toledo which is counted the eighth Council held in that City This was rather a Parliament than Synod all the Nobility of the Kingdom being present at it and signing to all the Decrees which rather respected the Temporal than Spiritual Power Two Years after by the King's Order there met 16 Bishops who Celebrated the 9th Council and published 17 Acts upon several Articles The following Year 656. 20 Bishops met again in the same City and this is reckoned the tenth Council of Toledo The Acts of all these Councils as also the Lives of St. Isidorus and St. Ildefonsus whereof F. Mariana here Treats at large I thought would not be so acceptable to most Readers nor so pertinent in this as the Ecclesiastical History which I do not pretend to write and have therefore purposely omitted them In the Year 660 Twelve Bishops of Portugal held a Synod at Merida and published 23 Decrees most relating to the Celebration of Divine Service At the same time the power of the Mahometans grew formidable in Africk for Abdalla Duke of Moabia
great compass with the Light-Horse and before he could be discovered fell upon the Enemy in the rear which put them all into Confusion This Fortunate Battle was fought in the Year of our Lord 734. one and twenty after the destruction of Spain Abdelmelich succeeded Abderhaman and Governed the Moors in Spain and its dependencies the space of four Years without being remarkable for any thing but his Cruelty and Avarice He had Orders to invade France but was forced to turn back after losing many Men in attempting to pass the Pyrenean Mountains At the same time which was in the Year of our Lord 737. Pelayus the first King of Spain after its Desolation being of a great Age and renowned for his Exploits departed this Life at Cangas His Body was Buryed in the Church of Saint Eulalia Velaniensis which he himself had founded in the Country of Cangas There also his Wife Queen Gaudiosa was interred His Son Favila by Consent of all the People succeeded him and Reigned two Years being more famed for his Unfortunate Death and dissolute Life than for any good Actions he performed For notwithstanding the mighty War he had in hand and that his Kingdom was still tottering as subsisting rather by the Confusion of the times than the strength of the Christians yet he apply'd himself not to the cares of the Government but was wholly devoted to his Pleasures neglecting the Publick good Particularly he was addicted to Hunting and at this Sport pursuing a Bear was killed by it inglorious both in his Life and Death His Body was interred in the Church of the Holy Cross built by himself in the Territory of Cangas in which formerly was to be seen the Tomb of his Wife Froleud About this time one Julian a Grecian and Deacon Learned in the Greek and Latin Tongues wrote the Antiquities of Spain and Actions of Pelayus at Toledo Vrban Bishop of Toledo Evancius Archdeacon of the same Church and Fredoarius Bishop of Guadix Men of singular Sanctity and Learning flourishing in those Days of darkness and ignorance John Archbishop of Sevil was their Contemporary he Translated the Bible into Arabick for the good of the Christians and Moors because Latin was then little used some Copies of that Translation are to be seen to this Day in Spain CHAP. III. The Reign of D. Alonso the Catholick His Conquests and Death Several Moorish Governours in Spain Affairs of the Mahometans both in Spain and Africk FAvila dying without Issue D. Alonso and Ormisinda his Wife as Pelayus had ordained in his Will were Proclaimed King and Queen with great Satisfaction of the People and to the great good of the Kingdom D. Alonso was equally qualified in the Arts of Peace and War of a wonderful Constancy in Adversity fortunate in all his Undertakings and so very Religious that on that account the Title of Catholick was given to him as had been before to King Recaredus by the Third Council of Toledo when renouncing the Heresie of Arius he was reconciled to the Church This Title was afterwards laid aside till Pope Alexander the sixth bestowed it on Ferdinand of Aragon King of Spain to be perpetuated in his Successors Spain at that time enjoyed the Fruits of Peace Africk and France were consumed with Civil Wars Charles Martel upon the Death of Eudo seized all his Dominions in France Eudo's three Sons Aznar Hunnoldus and Vayferus sought to maintain their right by Arms. Aznar in that part of Spain which lies near Navarre took from the Moors the City Jaca with many other Towns and Castles and became the Founder of the Kingdom of Aragon a name taken from the River Aragon which runs through that Country and together with the River Ega falls into Ebro Hunnoldus and Vayferus did great harm and spread their terror throughout France The Moors desiring Revenge for their late Overthrow and being invited by Maurice Earl of Marseilles and Hunnoldus and Vayferus renewed the War in France At this time Aucupa Governed Spain at his first coming he put Abdelmelich upon his Tryal and pretending he could not clear himself laid him in Prison Aucupa was of Noble Extraction and so Zealous in his Superstition that he punished no Crimes so severely as those that related to it Having agreed with Maurice Earl of Marseilles and the Sons of Eudo with their assistance and his own Forces he pierced so far into France as to take Avignon a noble City upon the River Rhosne burning and pillaging all the Country about All this hap'ned five Years after the famous Battle of Tours that is in the Year 739. which was the first of the Reign of D. Alonso But the Valour of Martel relieved France for he drove the Enemy over the Pyrenean Hills and took Avignon and Narbonne so that nothing was left either the Goths or Moors in all France In Africk the War continued more obstinate for Belgius Abenbexius a famous Commander among the Moors Rebelled against the Emperor Ischam Several Battles were fought for the most part with Success to the Rebels whereupon Belgius resolved to pass over into Spain Abdelmelich was then again possessed of the Government for Aucupa dying ordered he should be taken out of Prison and restored to his Command This was his Ruin for Abderhaman sent before by Belgius with a great Army took him in Cordova and put him to Death with all manner of Torments in the Year of our Lord 743. The same Year dy'd the Emperor Ischam and Alulit the Son of Izit succeeded in the Empire as had been agreed We must not run too far into the Affairs of Africk Alulit at his Accession to the Crown sent Albuelcatar a Noble and Wise Man to Govern Spain who by his good Management and sending the Mutinous to the War in Africk appeased the Tumults in Spain Soon after he was killed by the contrivance of Zimael and Roba Zimael's Companion and the head Conspirator took upon him the Government and Usurp'd the Crown of Spain without any opposition for the Emperor Alulit dy'd in the second Year of his Reign which was of our Lord 744. Ibrahim his Brother succeeded him and was no longer liv'd nor fortunate for Matoan tho' his Kinsman and of the most Noble Family of the Humeyas killed him in his Palace the second Year of his Reign and made himself absolute Lord of all In this Emperor's time Roba being killed in a Battle Toba Governed Spain and he also dying within a Year Juseph a Man of great Parts was sent out of Africk to succeed both Tho' of a great Age he was much addicted to Women but made some amends for this Fault by his great Valour and the fame of his Exploits Whilst he Governed Spain Abdalla of the Noble Family of the Alavecines killed Matoan in Africk in the Year 750 Usurp'd the Crown and the better to secure himself destroyed most of the Family of the Humeyas
to King Alonso He Reigned about 2 Years alone according to Garibay his Account for F. Mariana is not intelligible in this Place and had two Sons D. Ramiro and D. Garcia by his Wife Ninilon or Vrsenda to whom he was unlawfully Married tho' afterwards he left her and lived Chast the rest of his Life In other respects he was Modest and Temperate a Lover of his ease and averse to Business yet did one thing very pleasing and commendable which was declaring of D. Alonso who had been depos'd by Mauregatus his Companion in the Throne which according to Isidorus Pacensis who then liv'd was in the Year 791. After this Bermudo reign'd Four Years and Six Months This Prince was very remarkable for his continual Prosperity good Conduct Liberality Piety the Love of his People and Terror of his Enemies By his Valour the affairs of the Christians almost sunk were re-established for in the third Year of his Reign Alonso his Companion vanquish'd Mugayo General of the Moors who had broke into Asturias upon the Account that the King refus'd to pay the Tribute of the young Maids The Battle was fought near a Town call'd Ledas the Victory one of the greatest obtain'd in Spain for 70000. Infidels were kill'd by which the Christians were deliver'd from a great Oppression and the Moors diverted with other Wars could not revenge this loss About the same time many Towns about the Pyrenean Mountains were taken from the Moors by the Kings of Navarre and Charlemaigne the Famous King of France and Emperour Here again I am forced to follow the authority of Garibay my Author being ill Printed the fate of many Books Printed in Spain Issem King of Cordova sent a good Army under the Command of his General Abdelmelich to put a stop to these Proceedings who retook Girona in Catalonia and Narbonne on the Borders of France From hence the Bishop D. Roderick says the Moors caus'd Christians to bring Earth on their Shoulders which I suppose was Sand to bind their Mortar for to finish the great Mosque at Cordova This King also built another Bridge at Cordova near the Pallace and was the first of the Moorish Kings that took a Guard of Strangers which were 3000. Renegado Christians besides he entertain'd 2000. Eunuchs as his Menial Servants He dy'd in the Year 795. having Reign'd 26 Years 10 Months and 15 days and leaving behind the name of a Wise Just and Bountiful Prince and his Son Alhaca to succeed him CHAP. V. The Reign of D. Alonso the Chast The Nestorian Heresy reviv'd The King's Sister debauch'd he takes Lisbon Wars among the Moors Invention of the Body of St. James the Apostle and Defeat of Charlemaigne DUring these last Reigns Felix Bishop of Vrgel and his Disciple Elipandus Archbishop of Toledo reviv'd the false Doctrine of Nestorius Condemn'd at the Council of Ephesus They affirm'd that Christ our Lord as Man was only the adoptive Son of the Father and endeavour'd to spread these their Opinions but were Condemn'd by Councils held at Reginum of Bavaria now Ratisbon and at Francfort Felix dy'd obstinate at Lions in France What became of Elipandus is not known Some Years after Claudius a Spaniard Disciple of Felix and Bishop of Turin who lived in the Emperour Ludovicus Pius his Court with great Opinion of Learning among other things to the Opinions of the others added a new extravagancy saying that holy Images ought to be cast out of the Churches Jonas Aurelianensis his Contemporary wrote Learnedly against him King Bermudo was Bury'd at Oviedo where formerly his and his Wives Tombs were to be seen Thus D. Alonso was left to govern by himself It is a receiv'd Opinion that he aiming at a greater Purity of Life never had Carnal Knowledge of his Wife Berta He is said to have built the Cathedral of Oviedo but others write it was D. Bermudo who began it and the Inscription at the entrance as was said above attribute it to King Sylon Perhaps all three had a hand in the work and he who finish'd had all the honour of it Certain it is King Alonso enrich'd it with many Gifts and particularly with a curious gold Cross set with Stones made by the hands of Angels as the People imagin'd because after it was done they were never seen more The glorious beginnings of this Princes Reign were somewhat Eclyps'd by a Misfortune that hapned in the Royal Family which was that Da. Ximena the Kings Sister was privately Marry'd according to our Author but that had been no such mighty disaster and all other Historians write she was debauch'd by Sandia or Sancho Earl of Saldan̄a and by him had Bernard call'd Carpensis or del Carpio much fam'd for his Exploits in Spanish History The Earl being Convicted had his Eyes put out and was Condemn'd to perpetual Imprisonment which he accordingly suffer'd in the Castle of Luna Da. Ximena was shut up in a Monastery of Nuns and yet care was taken to have the Child bred up in Asturias as if he had been the King 's own The Moors at this time were not idle for Zulema and Abdalla the new King's Unkles who till then had liv'd in Africk came over into Spain Abdalla who was the boldest came first and possess'd himself of the City Valencia deliver'd to him by the Inhabitants Zulema who was ready at the first call pass'd over to his Brothers assistance and both together after wasting all the Country adventur'd to give King Alhaca Battle It was fought obstinately on both sides and much Blood spilt but at last Zulema and many more being kill'd Abdalla fled to Valencia where he came to accommodation with the King and had a Revenue assign'd him to live upon according to his Quality delivering up his Sons as Hostages whom the Moorish King treated as became his Cousin-Germans and Marry'd his own Sister to one of them This discord among the Moors was advantagious to King Alonso for he took the City of Lisbon as many Foreign Authors write tho' ours make no mention of it and sent a solemn Embassy to Charlemaigne to whom Fruella and Basilicus the Principal Embassadors of the Booty taken in that City carried a rich Present from the King of Arms Horses and Captives besides a Moorish Tent of wonderful Greatness and Workmanship After this there ensu'd so great a Rebellion in his Kingdom that he was forc'd to retire for safety to the Monastery Abeliense situate in the most uncouth part of Galicia Thence by the help of Theudius a Man of great Power he recover'd all his Dominions with more honour than if that Misfortune had not befallen him But in my Opinion nothing was more honourable in the Reign of this King than the invention of the Body of the Holy Apostle St. James Which as is generally related happen'd in this manner Theodomirus Bishop of Iria Flavia hearing great Lights were seen in a wild part of a Mountain went
of doing mischief now ranged the Seas under the Command of their General Rollo At first they had wasted and destroyed all the Coasts of France till the Emperors Ludovicus Pius and Carolus Crassus gave them the Province of Neustria from them afterwards called Normandy to hold in Feof of them These same People gathering a vast Fleet in France now grew very Obnoxious to the Christians of Spain They over-ran and Pillaged all the Coast of Galicia till near Corun̄a King Ramirus overthrew and put to Flight all that had Landed of them Besides in a Sea Fight 70 of their Ships were either taken or sunk by ours Those that escaped turning Cape Finisterre came to the Mouth of the River Tagus and distressed Lisbon at that time in the hands of the Moors The Year following which was of our Lord 847. having gathered news Forces they laid Siege to Sevil plundered the Territories of Cadiz and Medina Sidonia taking great numbers of Men and Cattle and putting many Moors to the Sword In fine after spending much time in that Neighbourhood understanding that Abderhaman was fitting out a powerful Fleet against them they left Spain having gained much Honour and great Riches Now followed other Commotions among the Christians Count Alderedus and Piniolus two powerful Men one after another revolted but were soon defeated Alderedus had his Eyes put out Piniolus and Seven Sons he had were Executed by the King's Command in the 5th Year of his Reign Two Years after he dyed at Oviedo having Reigned 7. he and his Wife Paterna were buryed in St. Maries Church of that City where the King's Tomb is still to be seen with an Inscription to this effect Ramiro of happy memory dy'd on the first of February I desire all that shall Read this to pray for his rest D. Ordono Son to D. Ramiro the late King succeeded his Father in the Year of our Lord 850. CHAP. VII The Persecution raised by the Moors at Cordova The Reign of D. Ordonno over the Christians and Mahomet over the Moors A Mighty Persecution was now raised against the Christians and much Blood shed at Cordova When first the Moors over-ran Spain they allowed the Christians the free Exercise of their Religion whereupon in all Cities and especially at Cordova as the Metropolis there were Priests Nuns and Monks publickly in their Habits They had also their Churches and Monasteries and the People were called to Divine Service by Ringing of Bells as formerly without receiving the least Affront or Molestation All the restraint laid upon them was that they should not offer to Revile Mahomet nor enter into the Mosques By degrees the Moors began to lay new Taxes upon the Christians to revile them and by all means find out ways to Extirpate their Name This made the Christians uneasie so that first they complained then fell to railing and inveighing against the Moors and their Superstition Hereupon King Abderhaman many Christians siding with him in Condemning their Brethren as was done by a Synod of Bishops that met at Cordova put to Death during the space of 10 Years great numbers of Christians who are reckoned as Martyrs for that their greatest Crime was the Profession of the true Faith and their Perseverance in the same In the Year 852. dy'd King Abderhaman The Christians said It was a just Judgment of God for the Blood he had spilt and it was the more likely because he fell down and dy'd suddenly without speaking one word as he stood looking upon the Bodies of the Martyrs that hung rotting on Gibbets This hap'ned the beginning of the 32d Year of his Reign He left 44 Sons and 42 Daughters In his time the Streets of Cordova were Paved and Water brought to the City from the Mountains in Leaden Pipes By him it was first Established as Law that the Sons should inherit without any regard of the other Kindred which was not till then punctually observed In pursuance of this Law his Son Mahomet succeeded him and Reign'd 35 Years and an half In the first Year of his Reign he Banished all the Christians from Court and not so satisfied the second Year raged against their Lives which he continued to the end of the 10 Years above-mentioned After the Solemnity of the Interment of D. Ramiro the late King his Son D. Ordon̄o entered upon the Government He was Mild Affable and Modest which gain'd him the Affections of all Men but being very Zealous for Justice some ill-designing Men made of this Vertue a Bait to draw him into some Miscarriages Four Slaves belonging to the Church of Compostella accused their Bishop Athaulphus of a grievous Sin the History of Compostella says it was Sodomy Being sent for to Court to answer for himself he first said Mass and went to the King in his Pontifical Robes At which instead of being appeased the King was so incensed that he caused a wild Bull anger'd by the Dogs to be let lose at him The Bishop making the sign of the Cross the Bull came tamely and suffered him to lay hold of his Horns which dropt off into his Hands At this sight the King and Nobles were so astonished that they fell down at his Feet begging Pardon for the wrong they had done him which he most readily granted Some write he Excommunicated his Accusers and retired to Asturias where he led a most holy Life having resigned his Bishoprick The Horns hung for many Years on the roof of the Church of Oviedo as a Memorial of this Miracle This F. Mariana says Was at the beginning of the Reign of King Ordonno Others will have it to have hap'ned above 100 Years after in the time of King Bermudo II. It is hard to decide which is in the right as to point of Time for since they vary in that point it is no good Authority to oblige us to believe there ever was any such Passage In the second Year of this King's Reign one Muza of the Blood of the Goths but by Profession a Moor well skilled in Warlike Affairs stirred up against himself the Arms of both Christians and Infidels for he openly Rebelled against the King of Cordova and with incredible Celerity possessed himself of Toledo Zaragoça Huesca Valencia and Tudela Then he over-ran the Frontiers of France where he took two Generals that offered to oppose him This struck such a terror in that Country that the King of France Charles the Bald thought fit to gain his Friendship with Presents Proud with Success he turns his Force against King Ordon̄o with whom and the King of Cordova he called himself the third King of Spain Breaking into the Territory of Rioja he took Alvelda and Fortify'd it King Alonso's Chronicle says he built and called it Albayda D. Ordon̄o gathering his Forces left a part before that Town and with the rest marched towards the Enemy who he was informed lay upon Mount Latursus At the first sight the two Armies
Territories of Biscay and Castile but were by the Earls drove out again King Alonso waited for them at Sublancia which they understanding return'd home only destroying by the way the Famous Monastery of Sabagun Nevertheless Abuhalit sent underhand to treat of Peace and Dulcidius was sent by the King on the same score to Cordova about the end of the Year 883. In the mean while a great Fleet of Moors was gather'd at Sevil to destroy the Coast of Galicia the greatest part whereof perish'd by Storms A Truce was concluded with the Moors by Dulcidius for Six Years Presently after follow'd the Death of Mahomet in the Year 886. He left 30 Sons and 20 Daughters CHAP. IX The Death of King Alonso the Great The Reigns of D. Garcia and D. Ordonno the second of Oviedo and of Almundar Abdalla and Abderhaman of Cordova A Lmundar the Son of Mahomet succeeded his Father He was generous and mild and therefore at his Accession to the Crown abolish'd an imposition of the tenths the People of Cordova used to pay They forgetting his favour Mutiny'd and he being about to suppress them dy'd before he had Reign'd full two Years leaving behind him Six Sons and Seven Daughters Nevertheless Abdalla his Brother was chosen King by the Souldiers in the Year 888 and Reign'd 25 Years The beginning of his Reign was full of trouble by reason that Homar a turbulent Moor revolted and drew to his Party Lisbon Astapa Sevil and other Towns Yet this was soon over for Homar of his own accord submitted and was reconcil'd to the King This Ease in obtaining Pardon encourag'd him to rebel again and the Moors being divided into Factions betwixt the Families of the Humeyas and Alavecins there never wanted some to side with any turbulent Spirit Abdalla pursu'd Homar so close he was forc'd to fly to the Christians and there receiv'd Baptism tho' not with a good intention as afterwards appear'd The Biscainers under the Conduct of Zuria thought to be of the Blood Royal of Scotland and Son-in-law of Zenore before-mention'd revolted from King Alonso D. Ordon̄o sent by his Father to reduce them was overcome in Battle whereupon Zuria was declar'd Lord of Biscay This Battle was fought hear a place then call'd Padura but afterwards Ariogorriaga which in the Language of Biscay signifies Bloody Stone The natural strength of that Country hindred the King from taking Revenge besides his great Age which made him now study to govern in Peace building Churches Forts and Cities for the safety and conveniency of his Subjects At the beginning of his Reign he rebuilt Sublancia and Cea near Leon and the Castle Guazon on the Sea Coast betwixt Oviedo and Gijon Afterwards the Cities Porto Viseo Chaves Oca and Zamora To his Son D. Garcia he recommended the Building of Toro He took from the Moors Coimbra Simancas Duen̄as and all the Territory of Campos Besides he rebuilt the Monastery of Sahagun destroy'd by the Moors one of the greatest in all Spain His Revenues were too small for these mighty Expences he was therefore obliged to raise new Taxes at which the Subjects being disgusted the Queen persuaded her Son D. Garcia to lay hold of that opportunity and Rebel against his Father D. Alonso tho' Old and Decay'd presently repaired to Zamora took his Son and caused him to be confined in the Castle Guazon This did not put an end to the Troubles for Nun̄o Hernandez Earl of Castile a Powerful Man and Father-in-law to D. Garcia made War upon the King which lasted two Years at the end of which the Rebels prevailed and the King weary of trouble and coveting repose resigned the Crown to his Son D. Garcia and to his other Son D. Ordon̄o gave the Lordship of Galicia in the Year 910. The following Year D. Alonso after going in Pilgrimage to Santiago and making an Incursion into the Country of the Moors with the consent of his Son dy'd at Zamora His Body and that of his Queen were first Buried at Astorga and thence Translated to Oviedo At the same time dy'd at Cordova Abdalla King of the Moors aged 72 Years leaving 12 Sons and 13 Daughters Abderhaman the Grandson of Abdalla and Son of Mahomet succeeded his Grandfather a thing not usual for the Grandson to be preferred before the Sons of the Deceased At his accession to the Crown he was 23 Years of Age and enjoy'd it 50 Years To his Name was added the Title of Almanzor Ledin Alla that is Defender of the Law of God as also that of Miramamolin or Prince of those that believe Abderhaman may be counted among the greatest of the Moorish Kings He spent all his Life in reconciling the differences betwixt his People adminstred Justice impartially built a Castle near Cordova took Ceuta in Africk and Beautified many Cities of his Kingdom Power ill gotten for the most part is not lasting So D. Garcia enjoyed the Kingdom he took by Force from his Father only Three Years During that time he made War upon the Moors wasted their Country plundred their Towns overthrew and took Prisoner Ayola a Noble Moor that offered to oppose him yet through the neglect of his Keeper he made his escape near to a Town called Tremulo The King dy'd at Zamora in the Year 913. He left no Children whereupon D. Ordon̄o his Brother succeeded him and had been reckoned a good Prince had he not imbrued his Hands in the Blood of the Earls of Castile His Reign lasted 9 Years and a half At first to gain reputation and humble the Moors he broke into the Kingdom of Toledo and laid Siege to Talavera a pleasant and strong City An Army was sent by the King of Cordova to relieve the Place but it was defeated the Town taken plundred and burnt because it could not be maintained being encompassed on all sides with Garrisons of the Moors The Governour and many more were taken and the Christian Army returned home Victorious and loaded with spoils The King of Cordova fearing this beginning might be an Introduction to worse Consequences sent to desire Assistance of the King of Mauritania who sent him a considerable Body of Men under the Command of his General Almotaraf To these was joyned the Army of the Moors in Spain Commanded by Avolalpaz and thus they overran the Lands of the Christians as far as the River Duero Here the King met and gave them Battle near to the Town of Santistevan de Gormaz which was very Bloody and for a long time the event seemed dubious till the two Moorish Generals and a great number of their Men being killed the rest fled That the advantage of this Victory might be the greater they wasted all the Country of Lusitania as far as Guadiana but above all the Territories of Merida and Badajoz suffered This struck such a Terror into those People that they bought a Peace It happened in the
erected the Earldoms of Aragon and Barcelona That of Aragon thus Aznar Son of Eudo the Great coming to that part of the Country through which run the Rivers Aragon or Arga and Subordan and having gained some Towns from the Moors by consent of King Gracia called himself Earl of Aragon and was then Subject to the Kings of Navarre afterwards independent as shall appear in its Place This first Earls Son was also called Aznar his Grandson Galindo of whom there is nothing Memorable After Galindo succeeded Ximeno Aznar Ludovicus Pius during the Life of his Father Charlemaigne took Bercelond and left one Bernard a Frenchman to govern there in the Year 801. whence sprang the Earls of Barcelona In the following year dyed Garci Iniguez King of Navarre His Successor was his Son Fortun Garcia of whose exploits the Historians of Navarre relate things incredible It is not doubted he was in the Famous Battle of Roncesvalles before spoken of in which Ximeno Aznar Earl of Aragon was slain whose Sister Teuda was Married to King Fortun. Ximeno Aznar's Successor was his Unkle Ximeno Garcia or Garces King Fortun dyed in the Year 815. Sancho Garcia his Son succeeded him By this King the People of Valderroncal were exempted from all Taxes for their good Service against the Moors as appears by his Grant still extant Bernard Earl of Barcelona being accused of Treason for having to do with the Empress Wife to Ludovicus Pius for shame of this Slander returned to Spain where he had many Friends and dy'd in the Year 839. After his Death Ludovicus Pius bestowed that Earldom on Wifridus for it was not Hereditary but the free Gift of the Emperor during pleasure Garcia Aznar Son of Ximeno Aznar was now Earl of Arragon At the same time D. Sancho Garcia infested the People of Navarre beyond the Pyrenean Hills that were subject to the French and never desisted till they swore to maintain perpetual Amity with the Kings of Sobrarve This King is said to have been slain in the War against that Muza who as was said Rebelled against the King of Cordova that is about the Year 853. Next to this King a certain Author names Ximeno Garcia no other History makes mention of him but here the Royal Line expired whereupon there ensued an Interregnum for four Years During which time the Historians of Navarre say they Consulted the Pope the French and the Lombards by whose advice they took the best of the Laws of those Nations called The Charter of Sobrarve towards preserving their Liberty All their aim was to tye up the King's hands and to this effect they Instituted a Magistrate in the nature of the Roman Tribunes commonly called The Justice of Arragon Many of these Privileges and others granted by K. Alonso III. were Repealed by the States-General or Parliament in the Reign of D. Peter the last of Aragon All things being thus setled In̄igo Sanchez Earl of Bigorre in Aquitain for his swiftness Sirnamed Arista was chosen King by the Vote of 300 Nobles and having Sworn in the Church of S. Victorianus of Pamplona to maintain the Laws the Power of Government was put into his Hands All these and many other the like Relations are by many esteemed Fabulous and they believe that King Arista succeeded his Father in the Throne Certain it is that In̄igo Arista about this time Reign'd near the Pyrenean Mountains and was Married to D. In̄iga Daughter to the Earl Gonzalo of the Blood Royal of Oviedo He also Married Teuda the Daughter of Zenon Lord of Biscay and had only one Son not known by which of the two called Garci Iniguez who inherited the Kingdom The Monastery of S. Salvador de Leite seated among the Pyrenean Mountains and remarkable for the beauty of its Structure and greatness of Revenue is supposed to have been Founded by King Arista This Prince extended the Bounds of his Kingdom adding to what he had before the Plains of Navarre whereas the former Kings had contented themselves to live within the Mountains Pamplona and Alava fallen again into the hands of the Moors were by him recovered whereupon he stiled himself King of Pamplona as appears by Grants of those Kings At the same time Wifredus the Son of the other Wifredus obtained of the Emperor Charles the Gross the Earldom of Barcelona Hereditary only reserving the Right of Appeals to be made to the Emperor this was in the Year 884. Afterwards on account of Wifredus's tender Age by order of the Emperor Lewis II. Solomon Count of Cerdania Governed that Principality the space of 19 Years Wifredus among other Sons left Myrus Earl of Barcelona and Seniofredus Earl of Vrgel after their Father's decease Near the same time dy'd Garcia Aznar Earl of Aragon and his Son Ximeno Garcia succeeded him It is not to be found in what Year King Arista dy'd the most probable Opinion is it was about the Year 888. Garci Ximenes his Son succeeded him at the age of 17 but was not inferior either for warlike Exploits or civil Government to any of his Predecessors For being come to riper Years he gained much Reputation by many Victories he obtained too tedious to be here inserted His Wife's name was Da. Vrraça Sister to Fortun Ximenez Earl of Aragon or as some will have it his Kinswoman Grandchild of Galindo and Daughter of Endregotus from whom his Uncle Ximeno Garcia Usurped the Earldom of Aragon This King had two Sons Fortun and Sancho Abarca and a Daughter called Sanctiva Married to D. Ordon̄o King of Leon when he was Old and had had two Wives as has been said before He was killed by the Moors in a Battle he fought with them in the Valley of Ayuar the Archbishop D. Roderick calls it Larumbe for he often made Inroads into the Country of the Moors being desirous to enlarge his Kingdom and Extirpate all the Race of the Moors in Spain His Death was in the Year 905. as appears by the Chronicon Alveldense His two Sons succeeded him first Fortun and then Sancho in whose time as is before related the Christians lost the great Battle of Junquera The Monastery of S. Salvador de Leite pretends the Body of King Garci Iniguez lies there that of S. John de la Pen̄a contradicts it because there is to be seen there among the Tombs of the Kings one with the Name of King Garci Iniguez upon it These Disputes are not to be decided but I suppose the reason of them is that many Tombs were erected to the memory of Kings in several places by those that had received Favours from them tho' they had not their Bodies as is used even in our times Thus much at present of the Original of the Kingdom of Navarre and Earldoms of Arragon and Barcelona may suffice CHAP. II. Of the Earls of Castile The Reign of D. Fruela the Second King of Leon. Fictions concerning the Kings of Navarre The Reign of their King D. Sancho
Abarca MOst part of that Province which we call Old Castile the Romans named the Vacei it is divided from Leon by the Rivers Carrion Pisuerga Heva and Regamon on the other side it borders on Asturias Biscay and Rioja on the South its Bounds are the Mountains of Segovia and Avila which about the same time we are speaking of were the limits of the Dominions of the Moors and Christians The Country is plentiful of Corn and Wine but scarce of Oil and better Watered than other parts of Spain In this Province tho' at first they did not possess it all some powerful Men began to defend themselves against the Moors and enlarge their Territories They took the Stile of Counts or Earls by consent of the Kings of Oviedo whom they were obliged to assist in their Wars and to come when called to their General-Assemblies or Parliaments In former times as we have before more particularly related Counts or Earls were only Governours of Provinces for a time afterwards they were made so for Life and at last the Title became Hereditary Yet even to this Day many Dukes Marquesses and Earls in Spain after the Death of their Fathers do not take upon them the Title till they have obtained the King's leave It is not known for what term the first Earls of Castile enjoyed that Honour but it may be imagined they had the same beginning as all others in Christendom The first of these Counts is D. Roderick who lived in the time of King Alonso the Chast Next to him the best Authors place D. James Porcellos his Son as the Chronicon Alveldense has it This Earl lived in the time of Alonso the Great King of Oviedo He Married his Daughter Sulla Bella to Nun̄o Belchides a German that came in Pilgrimage to S. James This Gentleman being thus Allied to D. James together with him built the City Burgos that the People who before lived dispersed in Villages might form one Body of a City and it took the Name from Burg the German word for a Town Besides D. James there were at the same time other Earls of Castile for the Province was divided as were Ferdinand Anzules Almondar and his Son D. James But the greatest of them all was Nun̄ez Fernandez who had for his Son-in-law D. Garcia Brother to D. Ordon̄o II. King of Leon afterwards King himself Upon this account and because he had forced King Alonso the Great to resign the Kingdom he was grown more insolent than D. Ordon̄o cared to bear besides many underhand blew the Coals they saw begin to take Fire The King thus incensed sent for the Earls to Court upon pretence of Consulting with them about most important Affairs The place appointed for the meeting was a Town called Regular upon the mid-way on the Borders of Castile and Leon. The Earls came without any Guard and were Apprehended by the King's Order and sent Prisoners to Leon. Soon after they were also put to Death to the great Grief of the People of Castile who had been concerned at their Imprisonment King Ordon̄o was making all necessary Preparations for War as fearing the Revolt of that Province when Death took him off He dy'd at Zamora in the Year 923. and was buryed at Leon in the Church of our blessed Lady which he had caused to be Consecrated His Funeral was performed with great Solemnity Nun̄o Belchides by his Wife Sulla Bella had two Sons Nun̄o Rasura and Gustio Gonzalez Nun̄o Rasura was Grandfather to the Earl Fernan Gonzalez whom our Historians extol and raise to the Skies for his great Exploits The Infants or Princes of Lara were Grandsons to Gustio Thus the Blood of D. James Porcellos mixed with the Royal Family is derived to many Noble Houses in Spain and Abroad and its Succession has not fail'd even to our Days D. Fruela II. Succeeded his Brother D. Ordon̄o in the Throne of Leon not by Right but Force Such as the beginning was the end and his Power lasted not long for he Reign'd only 14 Months He was remarkable only for Baseness and Cruelty and therefore was called The Cruel The Sons of a Nobleman called Osmundus were by him put to Death and his Brother Fruminius Bishop of Leon Banished for that he durst not lay violent hands upon him being an Ecclesiastical Person By his Wife Munia he had D. Alonso D. Ordon̄o and D. Ramiro and out of Wedlock D. Fruela Father of D. Pelayus called the Deacon To whom was afterwards Marry'd Da. Aldonca or Alfonsa Grandchild to King Bermudo Sirnamed the Gouty D. Fruela was buryed in Leon his Fame and Memory are stained not so much for his dying of the Leprosie as for his Cowardize and the Rebellion that in his time cut off Castile from the Crown of Leon. The People there were offended at the Death of the Earls killed by D. Ordon̄o's Command this disgust was heightned by forcing them to come to Leon to all Law Suits and the Parliament They had no fair opportunity of Revolting before and therefore did it in the time of D. Fruela For their Governors they chose two Nobles with only the Title of Judges The first named was Nun̄o Rasura and Lain Calvo Men in great Power at that time Lain was the youngest and Married to Nun̄a Bella his Colleague's Daughter To him for his Valour was given the charge of Martial Affairs Nun̄o Rasura being a Person of known Prudence and Experience was to take care of the Civil Government and Admistration of Justice which he commonly performed at Burgos and sometimes in other parts of the Province Two Leagues from Medina de Pomar is a Town called Bijudico and in it an ancient Judgment Seat on which the People there have a Tradition these two Judges used to sit and hear Causes They were Governed by the ancient Laws of Castile which continued till King Alonso the Wise abrogated them and Instituted those called Las Partidas It is not known how long these two Judges lived or what Acts they performed From them descended very notable and brave Men for Lain Calvo was 5th Grandfather to the famous Cid Ruy Diaz Gonzalo Nun̄o was Son to Nun̄o Rasura and held the same Employ with no less Honour His Wife was Da. Ximena Daughter to the Earl Nun̄o Fernandez who was put to Death among the other Earls of Castile by Kind Ordon̄o Of her was born the Earl Fernan Gonzalez a Person inferior to none of the ancient Heroes for Virtue Valour and Constancy we shall speak of him in its proper place Let us return to the Kings It is most certain that the Histories of Navarre are full of Fables and Lies insomuch that they look more like Romances invented to divert idle Persons than true Relations and Records of Antiquity This appears plainly throughout all Ages but particularly in this we now write of They say that King Garci In̄iguez being slain in a Battle by the Moors his Wife Da.
Vrraca then great with Child was also killed that D. Sancho de Guevara passing by where she lay saw the Child put out its Arm at one of the Wounds the Mother had received and therefore ripping her open took out the Infant and bred him privately till he came to Age. That after an Interregnum of 19 Years this Child was brought to the Parliament and being there made known was Proclaimed King It is needless to show how incongruous and ridiculous the story is the weakness of the fiction is too obvious The Records of the Monastery of S. Salvador de Leyte tell us that Fortun the elder Brother of D. Sancho Reigned for some time and then being weary of the World took the Religious Habit in that Convent This we are assured of that D. Sancho by his Wife Teuda had four Sons Garci Sanchez Ramiro Gonzalo and Ferdinand and Five Daughters Vrraca Teresa Mary Sancha and Blanche The last of these some Authors say was Marryed to D. Nun̄o Lord of Biscay but no Lord of that name can be found to have been about that time This Prince was Fortunate not only for the many Children he had but for his Success in War By his Valour all that had been lost in Sobrarve and Ribagorza was recovered from the Moors and not content with that he added Biscay to his Dominions and all the Country along the River Duero till the Fountains thereof and the Mountain Doca and as far as Tudela and Huesca Nay that he came as far as Zaragoça appears by a Castle seated near that City called of Sancho Abarca Besides he passed the Pyrenean Mountains and subdued that of part Navarre lying on the other side those Hills Whilst he was busie in this War the Moors thinking he could not pass the Mounts in Winter laid Siege to Pamplona D. Sancho having notice of it furnished all his Army with Buskins to endure the cold and this is the true reason he was called Abarca signifying a Buskin It was easie for him that had Conquered Nature to overcome his Enemies they were Forced to raise their Siege Much mention is made in these Wars of one Centullo an Officer of great Courage and Conduct D. Sancho by these actions had gained Immortal Glory but he cast a blemish upon it by making War against Castile which besides the disgrace turned to his loss as will appear hereafter CHAP. III. The Reigns of Alonso the Fourth and Ramiro the Second Kings of Leon. Sancho Abarca King of Navarre slain by Ferman Goncalez Earl of Castile Several defeats of the Moors A great Eclypse D. Alonso the Fourth called the Monk by the Death of D. Fruela recovered the Kingdom which had been wrongfully taken from him in the Year 924. John Archbishop of Toledo dying the Moors would not suffer any to be chosen in his place therefore the Clergy to prevent all disputes gave the Supreme Authority to the Curate of St. Justa and obeyed him as Bishop which Custom was observ'd till Toledo was regained by the Christians At this same time the Fame of Fernan Gonzalez Earl of Castile spread through all Spain Whether he had the Title of Earl from the King of Leon or took it by consent of the People is not known The Virtues that made him Famous were Justice Meekness Zeal of Religion and his great Experience in Warlike Affairs By which means he not only Defended his own Territories but reduced those of the Kingdom of Leon to the farther side of the River Pisuerga From the Moors he took several Towns and curbed the insolency of the Navarrois killing their King D. Sancho Abarca The People of Navarre did much harm on the Frontiers of Castile and not content with that affronted the Embassadors sent to demand satisfaction so the matter came to be decided by Arms. The Earl broke into the Country of Navarre driving all before him the Enemies Army met him near a Town called Gollanda Great was the Slaughter on both sides before it could be decided who had the better till in the heat of the Action the Generals Challenged one another They met so Violently with their Lances that both fell off their Horses the King mortally Wounded the Earl hurt but not dangerously This put such Life into the Soldiers of Castile that giving a fresh Charge they soon became Masters of the Field At this time the Count of Toulouse came in with fresh supplies to assist the Navarrois who thereupon renewed the Fight but with the same success for the two Earls meeting he of Toulouse was killed and the Navarrois totally defeated The Bodies of the King and Earl were carryed home and honourably buryed There is a dispute betwixt the Monasteries of S. Salvador de Leyte and S. John de la Pen̄a both pretending they have the Kings Body He dyed about the beginning of the Reign of Alonso the Great in the Year of our Lord 926 and the 26 of his Reign His Son Garci Sanchez succeeded him and took the Name of King of Pamplona and Najara He Reigned Forty Years his Wife's Name was Da. Teresa Thus much of Navarre D. Alonso King of Leon was more like his Predecessor D. Fruela than to his own Father We have no account of any Vertue he was endued with or any Action he perform'd or Victory he gain'd For this cause he became so odious to his People that in the Year 931 having Reigned six and a half he sent for his Brother D. Ramiro and resigned the Scepter to him resolving to retire and become a Monk He took the Habit in the Monastery of Sahagun upon the River Cea without any regard to his Reputation or Provision made for his Son D. Ordon̄o got upon his Wife Da. Vrraca Ximenez Daughter to D. Sancho Abarca King of Navarre whom he left in his Infancy exposed to all Misfortunes Da. Teresa Sister to Queen Vrraca was Married to the new King D. Ramiro by her he had D. Bermudo D. Ordon̄o D. Sancho and Da. Elvira D. Ramiro being seated on the Throne soon apply'd himself to renew the War upon the Moors but the Inconstancy of D. Alonso put a stop to his good Designs for the same Inconstancy that led him to take up that course of Life made him quit it and call himself King again D. Ramiro to prevent the ill Consequences that might follow immediately repaired to Leon where his Brother then was and obliged him pressed with Famine and want of all Necessaries to Surrender and kept him Prisoner in that City The Sons of D. Fruela were in Arms at that time in Asturias which obliged D. Ramiro to repair thither D. Fruela's Sons pretended to be offended because they had not been called to Parliament when D. Alonso resigned the Crown the People revolted because he had done so and chose those Sons of D. Fruela to head them Yet understanding their danger they sent to offer all submission provided he would
of his Reign which last but 5 Years and 7 Months gave him not time to Exercise his many Virtues At his first Accession to the Crown D. Sancho his Brother stirred up D. Garci Sanchez his Unkle King of Navarre and the Earl Fernan Gonzalez against him The Forces of both those Nations at once entred the Territories of Leon and the King being unprovided and not yet secure of the affection of his Subjects resolved to Fortify himself and not come to a Battle His Enemies reaping no benefit by this attempt returned home to their own Countries But he to be revenged of the Earl for joyning with his Brother and Unkle without any Provocation given him presently was divorced from Da. Vrraca the Earls Daughter and Marryed Da. Elvira such was the Practice of that Age. By this Wife he had D. Bermudo who in process of time after many changes came to be King of Leon. The tumults raised in Galicia for the Love that People bore D. Sancho were soon appeased by the King who to make the greater advantage of this success entred that part of Lusitania Subject to the Moors plundering all the Country as far as Lisbon whence he returned home About the same time the Earl of Castile took from the Moors the Castle of Carranço Abderhaman King of Cordova tho' now very Aged gathered a mighty Army to the number of 80000 Fighting Men the Command of them he gave to Almanzor Alhagib that is Viceroy a General of great Note with orders furiously to over-run the Lands of the Christians Such extraordinary preparations startled the Earl he Listed all that were of Age to bear Arms and finding his Army yet too small for so great a danger held a Council of War at Mun̄on to consult what was best to be done Opinions as is usual in such Cases varyed some were for putting all to the hazard of Battle others for gathering up all Provisions into Places of strength that so the first fury of the Barbarians might be quelled before they came to Blows Gonzalo Diaz a Man of Quality without respect to Honour was for buying a Truce of the Moors The Earl knew well that many there spoke by the Mouth of Gunzalo Diaz but honour prevailed therefore he Gravely Discoursed them upon the Subject extolling the Valour of his People advising to rely on the Assistance of the Almighty and not to Blemish their good Name with the Infamy of Cowardice All agreed to him and having offer'd up their Vows to God moved towards the Enemy who lay incamped near Lara They came not immediately to a Battle and the Earl the mean while going out a hunting pursued a Wild Boor up a difficult ascent to a little Hermitage where a Holy Man called Pelagius had a small Chappel Dedicated to St. Peter The Earl moved to devotion spared the Beast and fell to his Prayers and Pelagius coming he stayed there all Night In the Morning Pelagius told him he should be Victorious and that in token thereof a Prodigy would happen before the Fight Then the Earl return'd to his People who were in care for him and gave an Account of what had befallen him The Souldiers took heart and the Army being drawn up before they engag'd a Gentleman by some call'd Pero Gonzalez de la Puente de Fitero rode out before the rest and the Earth opening swallow'd him so that he was never seen more This terrify'd the Army but the Earl told them it was the sign of Victory the Hermit had spoken of and since the Earth was not able to bear them much less would the Enemy At these words all reviv'd the onset was given and that vast multitude vanquish'd by a handful of Christians This Victory re-establish'd the tottering affairs of the Christians and the Souldiers return'd home loaded with spoils of their Enemies Part of the Booty was given to the holy Man Pelagius and afterwards the Earl built a Monastery dedicated to St. Peter upon the River Arlançd where were interr'd the Bones of D. Gonzalo his Father In our days the Cell of Pelagius is shown on a Rock near that Monastery The Moors nothing daunted at this loss prepar'd again to fall upon Castile and on the other side King Ordon̄o after the Incursion he made into Portugal desirous of revenge resolv'd to make War upon the Earl A mighty danger threatned but the King was easily appeas'd by an Embassy the Earl sent begging Pardon for what was past and that he would not prefer his private animosities before the publick good of the Christians when they were threatned with the extraordinary preparations made by the Moors Therefore the King not only forgave but sent him sufficient supplies to make head against the Moors who were advanc'd as far as Santistevan de Gormaz ravaging the Country As soon as the two Armies met the Battle was given and well fought on both sides but ours obtain'd the Victory with a mighty slaughter of the Enemies King Ordono joyful for this success provided to fall upon the Moors again when Death prevented him at Zamora in the Year 955. His Body was buried with great Pomp and Solemnity in the Monastery of St. Saviour at Leon where his Father also had been Interr'd Our Historians do not mention where D. Sancho the King's Brother was during his Brothers Life or whether ever they were reconcil'd but all agree that after the Kings Death he was by the unanimous consent of all Men Proclaim'd King He was call'd the Gross for his mighty bulk of Body unfit to endure fatigue yet he was good condition'd show'd much Constancy in Adversity and had a generous disposition In the second Year of his Reign which was of our Lord 956 by reason of a Mutiny in the Army not being well assur'd of the affections of his People because many were inclinable to D. Ordon̄o Son to D. Alonso the Monk he left his Kingdom and fled for refuge to his Uncle the King of Navarre D. Ordon̄o easily stept into the Throne and the more to secure himself Married Da. Vrraca that had been Divorc'd from his Cousin King Ordon̄o with the consent of the Earl her Father This D. Ordon̄o was so perversly inclin'd that he was call'd the Wicked and giving way to his base temper became odious and contemptible to the people D. Sancho watch'd all opportunities and mean while went to Cordova where it was reported there were very able Physicians that could bring down his fat Abderhaman receiv'd him with Courtesy and being undertaken by the Doctors his bulk was reduc'd to a moderate size To make his favours the more compleat Abderhaman gave him considerable supplies of Men to recover his Kingdom At his first approach D. Ordon̄o his Adversary fled to Asturias and thence to his Father-in-law the Earl who despising him for his Cowardice took away his Wife Thence he put himself into the hands of the Moors among whom he liv'd poor
himself King of Pamplona Najara and Alava He increased his Dominions by the addition of the Lordship of Biscay and City of Najara the chief of that Principality His Piety and Liberality appears by the Lands he gave to the Monastery of S. Salvadot de Leyte S. Millan de Najara S. John de la Pen̄a His Wife was Da. Vrraca by whom he had D. Garci Sanchez called the Trembler because he used to quake at the beginning of a Battle for which defect he made amends by his great Courage and Conduct when heated in fight Thro' the neglect of the Historians of that Age nothing else of note appears in the Life of D. Sancho In Galicia there broke out new Commotions that Country being full of Factions at a very unseasonable time when they had enough to do against the Moors The cause of these Tumults is not known but it appears they were soon appeased by the King 's good Management Some of the Mutiniers were Executed others Banished to that part of Portugal which was under the King upon the Frontiers of the Moors That Province was govern'd by an Earl called Gonzalo a Man of wicked Principles who in defence of those Banished Persons they being of his Faction Rebelled and broke in as far as the River Duero There not confiding in his strength he had recourse to Fraud and with much entreaty obtain'd pardon He had formerly been in great Esteem and Favour with the King and was now restored to the same Honour whereby he found means to give the King a poisoned Apple As soon as he had eaten it the violence of the Poison spred it self thro' all his Veins and seized the Vitals he ordered himself to be carried to Leon tho' given over by the Physicians but dy'd before he could reach the City the third day after he was Poisoned in the 967. having Reign'd 12 Years His Body was bury'd in the Church of St. Saviour at Leon. CHAP. V. The Reign of Ramiro the Third King of Leon. Death of Earl Fernan Gonzalez Normans infest the Coasts of Spain Divisions among the Moors Rebellion against the King of Leon and his Death IT is a thing beyond all dispute that King Sancho was Marry'd to Da. Teresa and that D. Ramiro was but 5 Years old when his Father dy'd He Reign'd 15 Years but by reason of his tender Age the Government was in the hands of his Mother and of Da. Elvira his Aunt whom others call Geloyra both Ladies of singular Prudence and extraordinary Qualities yet because the King was little and they Women there hap'ned many Broils Sisnandus the Successor of Ermenegildus Bishop of Compostella and Son to the Earl Menendus was Deposed and Imprisoned by King Sancho for that he lived a dissolute Life and spent the Revenue of the Church profusely and in his stead was chosen Rodesindus who was first Bishop and after a Monk of the Order of S. Benedict in the Monastery of Celanova he was besides of the Blood Royal as Son to the Earl Gutierre Arias and his Wife Aldara Sisnandus upon the Death of the King being set at liberty took possession of the Bishoprick of Compostella forcing Rodesindus for fear of Death to resign and return to his Monastery where he spent the rest of his Life well pleased to be rid of that charge There was Peace betwixt the Kingdoms of Leon and Cordova for Alhaca King of Cordova to gain the good will of the new King sent him the Body of the Martyr Pelayus which was laid in the Monastery built at Leon by King Sancho who desired to Enrich it with those Reliques This Monastery was formerly called of S. John Baptist afterwards of St. Pelagius or Pelayus now of St. Isidorus The cause of changing the Names was the Translation of the Bodies of those Saints at several times The Peace was now disturbed at the persuasion of that D. Vela who we said above fled to Cordova and at his instigation the Moors inclined to make War upon Castile to revenge the great losses they had sustained by means of that Earl King Alhaca tho' of himself more addicted to Peace than War yet overcome by the importunity of his People he gathered a Powerful Army and breaking into Castile possessed himself of Sepulveda Gormaz Simancas and Duen̄as Encouraged with this Success he broke the Peace that was between him and the King of Leon and invading his Dominions took Zamora and levelled it with the Ground The great Grief the Earl Fernan Gonzalez conceived for these Losses was the cause of his Death which hap'ned the ensuing Year 968. He dy'd at Burgos and was bury'd near the River Arlança in the Monastery of S. Peter near the High Altar where are to be seen his and his Wife's Tombs with inscriptions declaring whose they are His Funeral was no less remarkable for the Tears of the People lamenting the loss of so good a Prince by whose Valour the Christian cause had been so long supported than for the Grandeur and Magnificence of the Ceremony By two Wives he had these Sons D. Gonzalo D. Sancho D. Garci Fernandez others add Peter and Baldwin He had also one Daughter called Da. Vrraca of whom we have spoken before Garci Fernandez succeeded his Father either because the others were dead or if alive he was preferred before them for his good Inclinations and the early hopes he gave of his future Vertues which soon increased and grew to a mighty head At the same time the Normans Inhabiting that part of France formerly called Neustria now Normandy who some Years before were Converted to the Christian Faith by Herveus Bishop of Rheims being accustomed to Rob upon the Coast of Spain gathered a numerous Fleet and wasted all the Coast of Galicia burnt Villages Castles and Towns took the Men and carried away all that was in their way This Plague lasted 2 Years The King by reason of his tender Years could not defend his People Sisnandus Bishop of Compostella a Man fitter to be a Souldier than a Prelate gathering a number of the Natives and charging the Enemy near a Town call'd Fornellas was kill'd with a Dart on the 20th of March 979. What was commendable in him is that he indeavour'd to Wall the Town of Compostella that so holy a place might not be expos'd to the insolency of the Enemy The Earl Garci Sanchez being chosen to Command on that side behaved himself better for surprizing the Normans near the Sea as they marched loaded with plunder and out of order he made a great slaughter of them This Captain Gunderedus was killed the Booty and Prisoners recovered and of their Ships not one escaped being taken or burnt Thus Spain after long suffering by those Cruel and Barbarous People was at length delivered from that Calamity by so total an overthrow of them as they had scarce received the like in any other Country Let us now see what was doing among the Infidels
whom Ambition often distracted to the advantage of the Christians In the Year 976 dyed Alhaca King of the Moors at Cordova The same Year the Moor Rasis sent his Commentaries writ in Arabick of the affairs 〈…〉 to Balharab Miramamolin of Africk by whose order they were composed Alhaca left Eight Sons all very Young and the Moors not agreeing which of them should succeed referred it to the Miramamolin of Africk who appointed Hissem tho' not above ten Years of Age. He Reigned 34 Years only in show for all the Power was in the hands of Mahomet Alhagib that is the Viceroy who took the name of Almanzor for the many Victories he obtained Hence sprang civil Wars among those People as is usual when Kings give themselves up to their ease and so far they went that Hissem lost the Crown Our affairs were in no better Posture for the King being bred among Women was effeminate besides that his Queen Da. Vrraca managed him as she pleased without any regard to the prudent advice of his Mother or his Aunt He seldom gave ear to his Subjects and for the most part returned harsh Answers which highly offended the Nobility of Galicia a People naturally fierce who finding all the Commonalty dissatisfied rebelled D. Bermudo the Kings Cousin and Son to D. Ordon̄o the third headed the Rebels in hopes to recover his Fathers Kingdom which he pretended was wrongfully kept from him This danger awaked the King out of his Lethargy The War was begun and lasted two Years with various success the People being divided betwixt the two parties At length a Battle was fought near a Town called Portela Arenaria many were killed on both sides and they parted upon equal Terms After this Fight D. Bermudo remained Master of Galicia and placed his Court at Compostella Pelayo the Son of Earl Roderick was made Bishop of Compostella but for his Wicked Life deposed and Peter Mansorius a Monk and Abbot of approved Vertue put in his place Earl Roderick to restore his Son brought in the Moors who took the City Compostella and threw down one side of the Church of S. James This Sacrilege went not unpunished for the greatest part of that Army perished by the Flux Almançor himself asking the cause of this distemper and being told by a Moor that one of the Disciples of the Son of Mary was there buryed resolved to desist from that enterprize but dyed in his return home at Medina Celi upon the Borders of Aragon On the other side also the Moors took many Towns as Guzman Atiença and Simancas where D. Ramiro who came to relieve it was defeated Never was Spain in a more desperated Condition After the departure of the Moors by the industry of the King and Archbishop the Wall of S. James his Church was repaired and the Church reconciled for it had been profaned by the Infidels Pelayo a wicked Prelate succeeded Peter and he for his Scandalous Life being depos'd his Brother Wimara was substituted who prov'd no better and was drown'd in the River Min̄o In those days the Clergy was very debauch'd not only in Spain but most parts of Christendom In Rome there was a Schism Boniface Benedict and John striving for the Chair Let us return to D. Ramiro who spent his Life in Ease and Idleness Thus Death seiz'd him at Leon in the Year 982. His Body was Interr'd in the Monastery of Destriana built by his Grandfather D. Ramiro in the Valley Ornensis by the Invocation of St. Michael Thence 200 Years after by Order of King Ferdinand the Second he was Translated to the Cathedral of Astorga Sampyrus Bishop of Astorga of whom we have made much use hitherto ended his History in this place Pelagius Bishop of Oviedo goes on he lived in the time of D. Alonso the Emperor The Credit of both these Authors is great because they write of things they were Eye Witnesses to but Sampyrus is most Esteemed and looked upon as the Gravest Author CHAP. VI. The Reign of Bermudo the Second called the Gouty King of Leon. Discord betwixt him and the Earl of Castile Leon and Barcelona taken by the Infidels Garcia King of Navarre dies His Son Garci Sanchez succeeds him UPon the Death of D. Ramiro the Crown fell to D. Bermudo as well in regard to his right being the King 's Cousin-German as that he possessed himself of it by Force of Arms. He Reigned 17 Years was sickly and Subject to the Gout for which reason he was called the Gouty By him the Laws of the Goths were confirmed and the Canons and Decrees of the Popes ordered to be of Force in secular Causes Before we Treat of this King it is requisite to speak of the Earl Garci Sanchez of Castile At his first Accession to the Government he Fought a Battle with the Moors near Santistevean de Gormaz on the Banks of the River Duero and killed a great Number of them putting the rest to Flight In this Battle there hap'ned a wonderful Accident Fernan Antolinez was hearing of Mass when the Fight began and being loath to leave his Devotions stayed it out Then fearing to be shamed as a Coward kept close in his House But whilst he was in the Church one like him doubtless his good Angel was seen in the heat of the Battle behaving himself so bravely that it was believed through his means the Victory was obtained To confirm this fresh bruises and spots of Blood were seen upon his Horse and Armour by which his Credit was miraculously saved Authors say the Earl Garci Fernandez had two Wives the one called Argentina a Frenchwoman with whom he fell in Love as she went in Pilgrimage to Compostella Six Years after she ran away with a Frenchman whilst her Husband ●●● Sick but he recovering followed her into France and being admitted into the House by a Sister-in-Law of hers called Sancha in hopes to Marry the Earl he killed Argentina and her Gallant in Bed and then returning with Sancha into Spain was Marryed to her with great Pomp and Solemnity at Burgos Many look upon this story as Romantick and affirm the Earls Wife was called On̄a and that the Monastery of S. Salvador de On̄a Built by him had the Name of her Others say her Name was Abba as appears by their Tombs at Arlança and Carden̄a There is also another relation which says that during the Earls absence in France the Moors pierced as far as Burgos and destroyed the Monastery of S. Peter of Carden̄a killing all the Monks which others say was 100 Years before this time unless the same thing hap'ned twice At this time the Moors put to Death many for the Faith and there wanted not some Examples of Divine Justice on them for their Cruelty whereof Alcortexi King of Sevil was one He in the time of D. Burmudo breaking into Galicia destroyed the City Compostella but his impiety passed not unpunished for such a violent Plague
Months His severity and the mutability of those People caused his ruin One Mahomet was put into his place and Reigned one Year four Months and twenty two Days and then was killed by the Citizens The same befell Hiaya the Son of Hali who was of the other Faction and had been before Proclaimed King he was in the same manner slain at Malaga whither as was said he had retired when he had Reigned in Cordova only three Months and twenty Days After this Idric Brother to Hali and Unkle to Hiaya was sent for out of Africk where he was Lord of Ceuta to take the Crown This Man being come into Spain what on account of his Kindred with the other two and what by force of Arms possessed himself of the Kingdom of Granada Sevil Almeria and other Neighbouring Cities The inland continued under Hissem for after the Death of Hiaya the People of Cordova had Reinthroned him unless it was another of the same name those Citizens made Choice of for these affairs are very dark The extravagancies of Ministers commonly turn to the ruin of their Masters as hap'ned to Hissem for his Alhagib or Viceroy being Cruel and Covetous was killed and the King expelled his City In that confusion a Youth of the Family of the Humeyas being assisted by a Company of wild Young Fellows entred the Palace and desired of the Soldiers to Proclaim him King They excused themselves with the disloyalty of the Citizens and advised him to take warning by so many as had perished before him to this he Answered Call me King to Day and kill me to Morrow Such is the inordinate desire of Reigning Nevertheless this Man and Hissem with all the Abenhumeyas as the causers of all these Confusions were turned out of the Town by the Citizens Hissem tired with so many changes of Fortune at last came to Zaragoça where he was well received by Zulema Abenbut King of that City who gave him a Castle called Alçuela where he spent the rest of his Life as a private Man D. Roderick the Archbishop who gives this account of the last Kings of Cordova somewhat more obscure than it is set down here does not mention what became of Idric How is it possible in such Confusion to be plain We can only add that from this time forwards the Kingdom of the Moors which for so many Years had mantained it self in great Power and Splendor in Spain so visibly decayed that it was divided into many Sovereignties for every one that could possess himself of a City called himself King of it Jahuar seized Cordova Albudazin Sevil. Haytan he that at first assisted Hissem and then became his Enemy secured Toledo Some will have the Kingdom of Toledo to be more Ancient because that City often rebelled against the Kings of Cordova Other Kingdoms were erected in other Cities too long and confused to insert here It will suffice to know that these Sovereignties continued till the powerful Family of the Almoravides came into Spain with their King Thesephin which was in the Year of our Lord 1091. Let us turn back now to the affairs of the Christians under the Earl D. Sancho and King Alonso CHAP. IX The last Actions of D. Alonso King of Leon and his Death The Reign of D. Bermudo the Third His Son Sancho Earl of Castile Poisons his Mother His Son Garcia Murdered D. Sancho Earl of Castile desiring to revenge the Death of his Father with the Assistance of the Kingdoms of Navarre and Leon that were his Allies entred the Kingdom of Toledo putting all that stood in his way to Fire and Sword The same havock was made in the Territory of Cordova whither our Forces advanced incouraged with their success In both places a great Booty of Captives and Cattle was taken Tho' the harm was great much more was the Terror this struck into the Infidels who being embroiled in Civil Wars could not oppose the Enemy so that they who not long before kept the Christians in continual fear were now forced to buy a Peace at a dear Sepulveda a Town on the Frontiers also Osma Santistevan de Gormaz and other Towns taken by the Moors in the last War were now recovered From this time some Anthors write the Nobility of Castile were exempted from following the Wars at their own cost only upon the hopes of Booty and it was ordained they should receive pay as was used in all other Countries D. Sancho in a great measure Blemished the Honour gained in this Expedition by the Death he put his Mother to She fell in Love with a Lewd Brawny Moor and durst not Marry him not so much for any Scruple of Conscience as for fear of her Son and therefore resolved to Murder him by that means to make way to her infamous Wedding The Dose was prepared to Poison him but the Earl having intelligence of it forced his Mother by way of respect to Drink first of the Cup she offered him Hence some think sprang the Custom used in some parts of Spain to make the Women Drink before the Men. Other Authors write that a Lady belonging to the Countess having seen her prepare the Dose gave Notice to her Husband whom some call Sancho del Valle de Espinosa and he to the Earl and thereby obtained that Privilege enjoyed to this day by the Family of Monteros de Espinosa of Guarding the King's Person by Night True it is I find no good grounds to believe this Relation but it is so recorded and the People of that Town affirm it as a certain Truth They add that the Earl to atone for this fault and allay the hatred the People had conceived against him built a Monastery for Nuns and in honour of his Mother gave it the Name of On̄a which Monastery Sancho the Greater King of Navarre gave to the Monks of Cluni and in our Days is the chief in that Country D. Sancho by his Wife Da. Vrraca had D. Garcia Da. Nun̄a Da. Teresa and Da. Trigida The two eldest Daughters were marryed to great Men Trigida was Abbess in the Monastery of On̄a About the same time D. Sancho made a New way for Strangers to travel to the Church of St. James the Apostle through Navarre Rioja Briviesca and the Country of Burgos Before this time the Christian Dominions being of a smaller extent the Pilgrims that came out of France used to Travel with much difficulty through Biscay and the Mountains of Asturias where the ways were uncouth and there was a general want of all necessaries King Alonso enjoying a perfect Peace by reason of the Civil Wars among the Moors and the League that was between the Christian Princes gave his Mind wholly to the Civil Government and held an Assembly of the States or Parliament at Oviedo in the Year of our Lord 1020. In this Parliament the Ancient Laws of the Goths were Corrected The King at his own cost and charges rebuilt the City
possessed themselves of the Revenues of several Churches he caused them to be all restored To the Monks of the Monastery of St. Salvador de Leyte he gave the Privilege of choosing the Bishop of Pamplona as appears by his Grant bearing date in the Year 1032. The continual Incursions of the Moors had caused the Seat of the Bishoprick of Pamplona to be removed from that City to the Monastery of Leyte as the securer place being seated on the top of the Pyrenean Mountains Now Peace being established thro' the Valour of King Sancho a Synod was held at Pamplona at the request of Sancho Abbot of Leyte and Bishop of that City in order to restore the See thither For the present it was deferred but agreed to in the time of his Successor D. Peter de Roda. In his last days the King caused the City Palentia to be Rebuilt The occasion that moved him it to as related by some if ever there was any such was in this manner That City during the Wars was totally ruined so that nothing remained but some old Walls and a Church dedicated to S. Antholin Thither the King being a Hunting pursued a wild Boor which took shelter in the very Church by the Altar and the King lifting his Arm to strike in that Holy Place found it became on a sudden numb'd and without motion Whereupon invoking the Saint the use of his Limb was again restored and the King as an acknowledgement of the relief received caused the Town and Church to be rebuilt making it an Episcopal See Methinks I am writing Fables or Romances but many of this nature are recounted in the Chronicles of Spain which I will neither Condemn nor approve of let the Reader judge of them as he shall think most agreeable to reason Let us conclude with this King who by his great Actions both in Peace and War gain'd to himself immortal Renown and large Dominions to his Posterity His Life was glorious but his Death unfortunate for on the way to Oviedo whither he was going to visit the Bodies of the Saints that make that place famous he was treacherously murdered by Assassines that way-laid him Who the Contrivers of that base Action were is not known nor perhaps was it then It is suspected some one of the Princes that envy'd his greatness was the cause of taking him off His Body was Buryed at Oviedo with Royal Solemnity Some Years after his Son D. Ferdinand King of Castile caused him to be translated to Leon and Interr'd in the Church of S. Isidorus where upon his Sepulcher is this Inscription Here lieth Sancho King of the Pyrenean Mountains and of Toulouse a Catholick Prince that stood by the Church He was killed on the 18th of October 1035. To his Children he left great cause of Debates and much unhappiness to his Kingdoms by dividing them as he did without any occasion Commonly the Subjects pay for the Sins and Extravagancies of their Princes THE History of SPAIN The Ninth BOOK CHAP. I. The Posture of Affairs in Spain Actions of D. Berenguel Earl of Barcelona Kingdoms of the Moors Wars betwixt the Kings of Castile and Leon. Ferdinand Crowned King of Leon. THE mighty Wars that hap'ned in Spain the great Calamities and Desolation thereof and the irreconcilable Enmities betwixt near Relations and even Brothers may be a sufficient warning to Sovereigns not to divide their Dominions especially when their Limits are but narrow It is a certain Maxim that Sovereignty admits of no Fellowship and Ambition is not curbed by any ties tho' never so Sacred Hence may be inferred how much King 's err who misled by Fatherly Affection rend their Kingdoms to raise many Monarchies to their Children D. Sancho King of Castile and Navarre whose Life was related in the last Book has left us an example of that fatal Policy The Christian Dominions then well extended in Spain were for the most part reduced under one head as if Heaven had purposely contrived it for the Extirpation of the Moors who thro' their own distractions were evidently tending to ruin But this King by dividing his Dominions caused that Opportunity to be lost We now enter upon more variety of matter and consequently shall not be so concise as hitherto Therefore in the first place it will be requisite to lay down the posture the Affairs of Spain were in after the Death of King Sancho He divided his Kingdoms among his Sons in this manner D. Garcia the eldest had Navarre and the Dominion of Biscay with all the Country that lies betwixt the City Najara and Mountains Doca D. Ferdinand the second Son during his Father and Mother's Life was put in possession of Castile the Title of Earl thereof being changed into that of King To D. Gonzalo the youngest of the legitimate Sons was given Sobrarve and Ribagorça with the Castles of Loharri and S. Emeterius D. Ramiro the Bastard Son had the Kingdom of Aragon given him by his Father saving some Castles which were adjudged to his Brother D. Garcia They all Stiled themselves Kings and assumed Regal Honours whence ensued dangerous and bloody Wars Each looking back upon his Father's Grandeur aspir'd to equal it and repined that his Dominions should be confined to such a narrow compass At the same time D. Bermudo Brother-in-law to Ferdinand King of Castile Reigned at Leon. Under the Crown of Leon were comprehended the Provinces of Galicia and Portugal and part of old Castile as far as the River Pisuerga D. Ramon called the old Earl of Barcelona dy'd the same Year as D. Sancho which was of Grace 1035. D. Berenguel Borello his Son succeeded him who tho' little in Body was not inferior in Valour to any of his Ancestors He recovered from the Moors by force of Arms Manresa a place called Prados del Rey Galafre Tarragona Cervera and other neighbouring Towns Besides he subdued several Moors who possessed Lands thereabout and obliged them to pay him Tribute He had two Wives called Ramalduri and Almadi The first brought him two Sons D. Peter and D. Berenguel the second had only D. Ramon Berenguel commonly nick-named Cabeca de Estopa that is Flaxen Head from the colour and softness of his Hair This was the posture of the Affairs of the Christians in Spain The Moors as was said above had as many Kingdoms as capital Cities Nevertheless the Kingdom of Cordova as the ancientest was still the most considerable as to extent of Territory but weak thro' intestine Broils The next was that of Sevil then Toledo Zaragoça Huesca and several other inferior Kings who might easily have been over-run had the Christians been united That Discord which hap'ned betwixt the Princes tho' near Relations and Brothers prevented the Execution of so holy an Undertaking D. Garcia King of Navarre at the time of his Father's death was gone to Rome to visit the Churches of St. Peter and Paul D. Ramiro his Brother thought good
ground begging a happy death and tho' the disease increased stayed at Matins heard Mass and received The Day following he returned to the Church of S. Isidorus and three days after Dyed This is what the Archbishop D. Roderick and D. Lucas de Tuy write yet others say he dyed at Cabeçon a Town near Valladolid neither do Authors agree in the time of his death King Ferdinand's Life was so holy that his Feast is Celebrated at Leon as a Saint He built many Churches and repaired others Queen Sancha was not inferior to her Husband in Vertue she dyed two Years after him and was buryed by the King in the Church of S. Isidorus Garibay says King Ferdinand dyed in the Year 1067 and quotes many Authors who all vary in the time as they do in the place of his death so that these things are very uncertain King Ferdinand by his last Will divided his Kingdoms among his Three Sons To D. Sancho the Eldest he left Castile extending from the Rivèr Ebro till that of Pisuerga for all that was taken upon the death of D. Garcia was added to Castile The Kingdom of Leon fell to D. Alonso with the Territory of Campos and that part of Asturias that reaches to the River Deva running by Oviedo as also some Towns in Galicia D. Garcia the Youngest had the remaining part of Galicia and as much of Portugal as had been recovered from the Moors All three called themselves Kings Besides King Ferdinand left the City Zamora to his Daughter D. Vrraca and that of Toro to D. Elvira These Cities were then called Infantado which is as much as the Principality signifying thereby the Estate left for support of the Younger Children Spain being divided it was impossible it should enjoy Peace all People were in suspence expecting great revolutions upon the King's death To prevent these misfortunes many of the Nobility had endeavoured to disswade him from this Resolution and the matter had been handled in Parliament Arias Gonzalo an Ancient Wise and Experienced Man had stirred most in this affair but Fatherly Love suffered not his Prudent advice to take place D. Sancho became the Throne as being a Comely and Graceful Youth better versed in War than in State affairs and therefore called the Strong Pelagius Ovetensis says he was very Beautiful and Expert in Martial affairs He was naturally Mild and Affable if not provoked or incensed by false Friends Upon the death of his Father he openly complained of the wrong had been done him by dividing the Kingdom Yet his Mother whilst she lived restrained him from falling upon his Brothers especially for that after the King's death the Crown of Leon devolved upon her as being her own Dower D. Sancho Reigned 6 Years 8 Months and 25 Days At the beginning of his Reign he had War with the Moors and soon after with the King of Aragon King Ramiro of Aragon desiring to enlarge his Territories laboured successfully to expel the remainder of the Moors out of that Kingdom He obliged Almugdadi King of Zaragoça and Almudafar King of Lerida to become tributary and overthrew the King of Huesca Those about Zaragoça having been subdued by King Ferdinand were become tributary to him but now upon the change of Kings and relying on the assistance of D. Ramiro they resolved to fall off King Sancho having speedily gathered an Army marched against them Those of Toledo immediately submitted but the Aragonians stood out Hereupon having wasted all the Country he layed Siege to Zaragoça and press'd it so vigorously it was surrendred to him upon Condition he should be obliged to support the City against all Enemies as well Christians as Moors This Capitulation seem'd directly levell'd against the King of Aragon D. Sancho was offended that the King of Aragon join'd with the Navarrois who often made Inroads upon the Dominions of Castile and besides that he receiv'd Tribute from those Aragonians that were his Subjects The Aragonians had then laid Siege to the Castle of Grados built by the Moors on the Banks of the River Esera to curb the Christians King Sancho in pursuance of his Capitulation with the Moors marched to raise that Siege The Army of Aragon being surpriz'd and attack'd in Front and Rear by the Christians and Insidels was easily routed some fled others were kill'd amongst which number was the King himself This was much about the Year 1067. D. Ramiro of Aragon had Reign'd 31 Years his Body was Bury'd in the Church of St. John de la Pen̄a where many of his Predecessors lay D. Sancho Ramirez his Son succeeded in the Throne at the Age of 18. a Prince not unlike to his Father in Virtue In this Princes time and in the Year of Grace 1068. Guinard Earl of Russillon built the Town of Perpignan on the Borders of France not far from the antient City Russillon the name of Perpignan was taken from one Bernard Perpignan who kept two Inns in that place This King Sancho is said to have abrogated the Laws of the Goths as the Catalonians had done before and established the Imperial Civil Law He was Married to D. Felicia Daughter to Armengaud Earl of Vrgel by whom he had three Sons D. Peter D. Alonso and D. Ramiro who were all successively Kings of Aragon A Bastard Son of his called D. Garcia was afterwards Bishop of Jaca At the same time there Reign'd in Spain three Kings who were Cousin-Germans tho' not equal in power yet all alike in the manner of their Death D. Sancho King of Castile was the greatest he had blemish'd the beginning of his Reign by killing his Uncle King Ramiro and growing fierce with Success was daily driving at greater mischiefs his strength being terrible to the others D. Sancho King of Navarre maintain'd his small Kingdom by making a League with him of Aragon to secure both against Castile He of Castile understanding their design thought to be beforehand with them and broke into Navarre without stoping till he came in sight of Viana There the two Kings met him and they came to a Battle in which the Castilians were defeated and their King having lost many Men return'd into his own Country The Victors resolving to make use of their Success broke into the Territories of Rioja and Briviesca where they recovered all that King Ferdinand had taken Thus were those three Princes destroying one another without reflecting upon what they might expect from the Moors The King of Castile could not at that time take revenge of his Cousins being ingaged in a new War against his Brothers He was ambitious rash and hot and pretended a right to all that had been his Fathers and did not want other grounds to raise a Quarrel upon His Brothers tho' weak could not be perswaded to Unite their Forces against their common Enemy D. Sancho having gathered a powerful Army resolved to carry on his designs On the other side D. Alonso whom that
Dissolute Richard Cardinal and Abbot of S. Victor of Marseilles was the Legate who in the Year 1076. called a Council of all the Bishops in Spain to Burgos In this Council it was ordained that the Roman Ministry should be in force which I believe to be the forbiding of Priests to Marry Here also as had been done before in Aragon the Gothick Breviary and Missal were abolished and the Roman ordered to be used Thus much as to Ecclesiastical Affairs Roderick Diaz was now sent into Andaluzia to oblige the Moorish Kings of Cordova and Sevil to pay the usual Tribute The Kings of Granada and Sevil were at War and the former had the better by reason some Christians served under him Roderick Diaz endeavoured to bring them to an Accommodation but he of Granada refusing was overthrown and forced to accept of the Conditions offered at first In fine Peace was established betwixt those Moors and the Christian Army returned loaded with Booty and carrying home the Tribute they had received For the many Victories he gained the Soldiers and People called Roderick Diaz Cid Campeador which is as much as Lord of the Field This raised the envy of the Nobility and Gentry who used all means to lessen and destroy him This was the easier to perform because the King was before offended at him and a new occasion of reflecting on him offered it self The Moors of Andaluzia had Revolted and the King went in Person to subdue them At the same time a number of Infidels out of Aragon broke into Castile wasting the Territory of Santistevan de Gormaz Roderick Diaz who lived retired upon his Estate knowing the King was then absent with the Forces of the Kingdom gathered what Men he could and therewith not only expelled the Moors but pursuing them entred the Kingdom of Toledo without stopping till he came in sight of that City destroying all the Country taking a great Booty and 7000 Slaves Men Women and Children His Enemies represented this to the King as a breach of the Peace with the King of Toledo and said there was no reason to suffer a Mad-man to commit daily Extravagancies This Affair being debated among the Nobility it was resolved he should be Banished and only 9 days given him to depart the Kingdom He not daring to stand this shock recommended his Wife and Children to the care of the Abbot of S. Peter de Carden̄a a Monastery he had a particular Devotion for and then set out with a good Retinue resolving not to be idle during his Exile but to do all the harm he could to the Moors The number of those that went with him was not great but they were chosen Men with them he entred the Kingdom of Toledo and going along up the River Henares pierced into that part of Aragon where is Alhama and the River Xalon that Waters much of the Country being drawn out in small Chanels He took from the Moors the strong Castle of Alcozer seated on a Hill and thence infested all the neighbouring Country having defeated two Captains sent by the King of Valencia to oppose him The Booty he took was extraordinary rich of which he sent 30 Horses led by as many Moors and 30 Scymiters of a Present to King Alonso who received it with great signs of Satisfaction All the People extolled his goodness and merit comparing him to the Heroes Antiquity has so much boasted of King Alonso gave a courteous Answer to the Messengers that brought the Present but would not recall their Master lest the Moors should be offended if he forgave him so soon but leave was given to all those who desired it to follow and serve under him This was not done only to oblige him but to rid the Country of many troublesome People who being bred in Arms knew not how to be idle Tho' these things happened in several Years we have put them together for the ease of the Memory Let us now turn back to the Year 1076. D. Sancho King of Navarre had a Brother called D. Ramon these tho' Sons of one Father and Mother differed much in Nature and Inclinations D. Ramon was Turbulent without regard of Justice and many like himself followed him with whose assistance he aimed at the Crown The King was very Religious and had by his Queen D. Placencia a young Son called D. Ramiro some Authors say he had two other Sons D. Ramon stiled the King's Bounty Prodigality and finding him old and his Sons in their Infancy with the help of his Friends seized on some Strong-Holds in order to carry on his wicked Designs The King endeavoured to reclaim him but seeing all fair means were of no force caused him to be Impeached and absent as he was to be declared a publick Enemy and Condemned to Death Thus they became open Enemies and each sought the Death of the other Wicked Men are generally more cautious and designing whereas the Just relying on a good Conscience are more open The King being in the Town of Rhoda the Traytor surpriz'd and murder'd him there D. Ramiro the eldest Son of the Deceased fled for Protection to Roderick Diaz the two others to D. Alonso King of Castile The Nobility of the Kingdom meeting resolved not to submit to the Murderer but because the Princes were young and absent offered the Crown to D. Sancho King of Aragon Cousin-German to the Deceased He lost no time but embracing the offer secured the greatest part of the Kingdom That part ●●ich is about Bribiesca and Rioja submitted to Alonso King of Castile who pretended a better Right to Navarre in regard that D. Ramiro Father to the King of Aragon was a Bastard Particularly the City Najara was Surrendred to him where in the Church of S. Mary the Royal were buried the Bodies of the dead King and his Wife The King of Aragon rather than break with him of Castile agreed to pay a certain acknowledgment yearly for Navarre as appears by ancient Records of D. Sancho and D. Peter The Murderer seeing how the new King was received and having lost all hopes of being able to oppose him fled to Zaragoça where the Moorish King gave him a House and certain Lands to support the remainder of his miserable Life CHAP. VIII The Death of Almenon King of Toledo and of D. Ramon Earl of Barcelona The Conquests of the Normans in Italy The Conquest of Toledo resolved upon Ramon Earl of Barcelona Murdered IN the Year of Grace 1077. dy'd two famous Princes These were Almenon King of Toledo and D. Ramon Earl of Barcelona Sirnam'd the Old which was the most remarkable thing that happened that Year Hissem Son to the late King succeeded his Father in the Throne of Toledo and during the short time of his Reign which was but one Year kept up the Amity betwixt King Alonso of Castile and himself as he had been charged by his Father After the death of Hissem Reigned his
afar because the Country about it is barren being Sandy and Stony there is also much scarcity of Springs and it rains but seldom it being very remote from the Sea and the highest Land in Spain Only along the Meadows through which Tagus runs the Land is Fruitful and Pleasant At the same time the Conquest of Toledo was undertaken Roderick Diaz continued the War in Aragon with great success taking several strong holds from the Moors and wanted nothing to perfect his happiness but to be restored to his Prince's favour which he much desired It fell out very opportunely that in the Year 1080. the Moors of Andaluzia fell at variance for that a Man of note among them had seized the Castle of Grados Adofir the rightful Owner had recourse to King Alonso for Assistance to recover his Castle The King finding it advantageous to himself granted the Moors request sent a Body of Troops before and followed with a greater Force in Person but the Enemy being subtle protracted the War so that the King feared Slipping the Season of going to Toledo This moved him to send for Roderick Diaz who was then in Aragon and to whom he gave that Command having received him with great affection and the more to oblige him ordained that for the future no Gentleman should be obliged to go into Banishment under Thirty days warning whereas before they had but Nine The King marched to Toledo and Roderick Diaz put an end to the War in Andaluzia recovering the Castle of Grados and taking the Moor that had seized it whom he sent to the King Thus much in Andaluzia this Year The next which was 1081. D. Garcia the King's Brother departed this Life having caused his Veins to be opened in the Prison where he was kept so highly did he resent the loss of his Kingdom and Liberty His Body was carryed to the City Leon and there honourably buryed in the Church of St. Isidorus his two Sisters many Bishops and Nobles attending the Solemnity He dyed ten Years after he had been a Prisoner and fifteen after his first Accession to the Crown Roderick Diaz having settled Andaluzia returned to the War in Aragon where in Battle he overthrew the Moorish King of Denia and D. Sancho King of Aragon who assisted him This Victory was so considerable that King Alonso sent for him did him much honour and gave to Him and his Heirs the Three Towns of Briviesca Berlanga and Arcejona Alfagio the Moorish King having recruited his Forces after the defeat entred Castile wasting the Country as far as Consuegra Tho' King Alonso was then busy before Toledo he ●●eedily marched to oppose the Infidel Both Armies met a great number of Moors was slash and their King escaped by flight to a Castle The joy of this Victory was much allayed by the unfortunate Death of James Rodriguez de Bivar Son to Roderick Diaz a Youth of great hopes who began to follow his Father's Footsteps His Body was buryed in the Monastery of St. Peter de Carden̄a where his Tomb is still to be seen Alfagio the Moor tho' twice defeated gave not over but still gathering a fresh Army broke into Castile without stopping till he came to Medina del Campo Alvaryanez Minaya a brave Man related to Roderick Diaz met and defeated him the Third time This hap'ned in the Year of our Lord 1082 at which time D. Ramon Earl of Barcelona was basely Murdered near a Town called Percha betwixt Ostalric and Girond His Brother Berenguel was the contriver of his Death and was therefore so hated by the People that he went away to the holy War and at Jerusalem is said to have lost his Speech and there Dyed His Body was buryed in the Cathedral of Girona His Son D. Ramon Arnaldo succeeded him being not full a Year old but famous for the time he enjoy'd that Principality for the greatness of his Actions inferior to none of his Predecessors and for that he enlarged his Dominions not only by the addition of Besalu and Vrgel which for want of Heirs devolved to him as Feifs of the Earldom of Barcelona but also by Marrying D. Aldonça whom others call Dulcis Daughter and Heiress of Gilbert Earl of Provence with whom he had that large Province in Dower By her he had two Sons D. Ramon and D. Berenguel and three Daughters one called D. Berenguela or Berengaria Marry'd to D. Alonso stiled the Emperor The Names of the others are not known but both were Marry'd in France This Prince was long at variance and held War against Alonso Earl of Toulouse and after much contention they agreed among themselves to adopt one another's Families so that whichsoever was first Extinct the other should Inherit But this hap'ned long after the time we are now writing of Let us return to the War of Toledo CHAP. IX The famous City Toledo closely Besieged and Surrendred Many other Places taken King Alonso stiles himself Emperor THE continual waste the Christians made in the Country about Toledo burning plundering and driving all before them had reduc'd the Moors of that City to great streights The Christian Inhabitants ceased not to press King Alonso to sit down before it promising they would soon open the Gates to him That lasting War had exhausted the Subjects yet the King's resolution overcame all difficulties Great Levies were made and all things provided with a full design never to desist till the City were taken It is naturally strong and so seated that there was a necessity of dividing the Army into several Bodies and consequently a greater Force was requisite It is a matter of great consequence to have the good Will of neighbouring Princes as appeared in this War for besides the King 's own Subjects of Castile Leon Biscay Galicia and Asturias Sancho King of Aragon and Navarre brought a good Body of Men to the Siege Supplies also came from Italy and Germany and the French as being nearer came in greater numbers Because the latter served well in this War and upon other occasions great Privileges were granted to such of them as would stay in Spain whence as I suppose such as are free from Taxes are among us called Franc. Of all these Nations was formed a mighty Army which marched without delay towards Toledo full of hopes of speedy success The Moorish King made all the necessary Preparations to endure a Siege but most of all rely'd on the natural Strength of the Place encompassed with high and craggy Rocks thro' which the River Iagus in a wonderful manner breaks his way and runs almost round the City except on the North side where is a steep and difficult ascent defended by two strong Walls one above the other To Besiege this Place the Army was divided into seven Brigades which took up all the Avenues so that no Relief could be carried in The King with the best of the Army Encamp'd and Entrench'd himself
in the Meadows at the foot of the Hill on which the Town stands Some Skirmishes hap'ned near the Wall but nothing remarkable in them except that it was observed the Christians were the better Foot and the Moors the experter Horse Towers of Wood were made and all other sorts of Engines apply'd to the Wall which tho' they beat down part of it yet it availed not because the ascent was difficult the Streets narrow the Houses high and strong and the Defendants numerous Thus the Siege was protracted Provisions were scarce the Country about being wasted the heat of the Summer came on and the Army began to be sickly All these things caused the Soldiers to wish for some Honourable Accommodation At this time Cyprianus Bishop of Leon acquainted the King that S. Isidorus had appeared to him assuring the City would be taken in 15 Days The Besieged suffered great want having spent all their Provisions Whereupon gathering in a Body they repaired to the Palace with clamours requiring the King to Capitulate He having endeavoured to appease them affirming they should be speedily relieved and finding they persisted in their demands sent out Commissioners to Treat Some day s●●eing spent in Expostulating and debating the Matter at length the Treaty was concluded upon these Articles That the Palace City Gates Bridges and King's-Garden be delivered up to King Alonso That the Moorish King may go to Valencia or where he shall think sit The same liberty to be allowed the Moors that will bear him company and they may carry their Goods and Moveables Such as will stay in the City shall not be molested in their Persons or Goods The chief Mosque shall continue in their possession No other Taxes shall be imposed on them but such as they paid to their own Kings They shall be Try'd by Judges of their own Nation and no others These Articles were solemnly Sworn to on both sides and Hostages given for performance which done King Alonso with great Joy in the nature of a Triumph entred the City on the 25th of May being the Feast of S. Vrban Pope and Martyr in the Year of our Lord 1085. Some Authors say 1083. That City was in the hands of the Moors about 369 Years Julianus says 366. and that the Moors took it in the Year 719. on S. Vrban's Day during which time the Moors being nothing curious in building it lost much of its former Beauty The Streets were narrow and crooked the Houses ill contrived the very Palace was of Mud-walls and stood where now is a great Hospital Founded by D. Peter Gonzalez de Mendoza Cardinal of Spain and Archbishop of Toledo In the midst of the City stood the chief Mosque on a rising Ground the Building at that time nothing sumptuous Soon after it was Consecrated and in process of time built from the Ground very large and beautiful The fame of this Success was soon spread abroad and Embassadors came to Congratulate with the King from several Princes The Moorish King according to the Capitulation went away with a good Guard to Valencia which was his own where he preserv'd the Title of King On the other side many Brigades of Christians were dispersed throughout the Kingdom of Toledo to reduce all that remained in the possession of the Moors which proved no difficult task they being terrify'd at the loss of so great a City Many Towns were taken the most noted were Maqueda Escalona Illescas Talavera Guadalajara Mora Consuegra Madrid Berlanga Buytrago Medinaceli and Coria many of them ancient Towns not far distant from Toledo strong and seated in a pleasant and fruitful Country Some of the Moors of Toledo accompanied their King but the most staid behind Their number being great there was danger they might upon the first opportunity Revolt To prevent this evil the King resolved to settle his Court there till such time it was better Peopled with Christians and new Fortifications raised to secure it Houses and Lands were by Proclamation offered to all such as would come and inhabit there which drew a great number of People Among the rest we have an account of one Peter a Grecian of the Imperial Family of the Paleologi of Constantinople who is said to have served during the Siege and therefore the King the Town being taken gave him a House and Lands of Inheritance From this Gentleman the great Family of Toledo pretend to be descended From this time 't is said the King's Quarter in Toledo was so called because the King gave that part of the City to the new Inhabitants that resorted thither A new Palace was began to be built in the highest part of the City all to the intent the better to curb the Moors After this we find King Alonso began to stile himself Emperor whether he had reason so to do we will not dispute He was puft up with the Conquests of that new Kingdom and being Sovereign of the greatest part of Spain and the King of Aragon and Moorish Kings being his Tributaries he thought no Titles too great His Joy was somewhat allay'd by the death of his Sister D. Vrraoa whom he respected as a Mother and she deserved it for her singular Vertues His other Sister D. Elvira was Married to the Count de Cabra to whom he gave her to appease him having provoked him by some rash words as is related in the General History of D. Alonso the Wise CHAP. X. The Election of the new Archbishop of Toledo The abolishing the old Missal and Breviary The Original of the Archbishop of Toledo His Spiritual Jurisdiction over all Spain King Alphonso's Wives and Children New Wars break out in Spain IN the Year 1086. the City of Toledo being well Inhabited with Christians and the Moors kept under the King convened a Synod of Bishops at which many of the Nobility were present The cause of their meeting was to chose an Archbishop of Toledo and by the unanimous consent of all Bernard Abbot of Sahagun was Elected He was a Man of a vertuous Life a ready Wit sound Judgment very Learned and Upright which good Qualities moved them to prefer him before all others tho' a Stranger as being a natural born French-man of the City of Agen in the Province of Aquitain or Guienne In his Youth he was a Soldier at riper Years took the Habit of a Monk at Aux and was sent thence into Spain by Hugo the Abbot at the request of King Alphonso to reform the Monastery of Sahagun which he design'd to be the head of all the Benedictines in Spain After he had been their Abbot some time he was promoted to the high Dignity of Archbishop of Toledo That his Honour and Authority might be the greater the King freely gave to him and his Successors Archbishops of that See many Towns Lands Mills and Houses In memory whereof an Anniversary is Celebrated for King Alphonso every Year in that Church in June This done
afterwards Marry'd him to a Lady called Arsenda The Year of our Lord 1104. was unfortunate for the Death of three great Persons Peter Son to the King of Aragon and his Sister Elizabeth dy'd upon the same day and the King himself whither for Grief or thro' some other Distemper is not known departed this Life the Month following He was Bury'd at S. John de la Pena Pope Vrban at the beginning of the War in the Holy-Land granted to this King the Tenths of all Churches that should be new built or taken from the Moors excepting only Cathedrals Alanso Brother to the late King succeeded him in the Throne His Reign was long and his Actions great by which he much extended the Dominions left him by his Ancestors In the second Year of his Reign he Married D. Vrraca Daughter to King Alonso of Castile This Match was made by the King contrary to the desires of all the Nobility who would have had her Marry'd to D. Gomez Earl of Candespina None of them durst open this to the King therefore they charged a Iew who was the King's Doctor upon the first opportunity to acquaint him with their Thoughts This Jew as the King was one day diverting himself broke the business to him It highly offended the King that the Nobles should presume to dispose of his Daughter therefore he for ever forbid the Physician coming into his presence and then hastned the Marriage of his Daughter which was performed with great State at Toledo in the Year 1106. King Alonso somewhat eased with the satisfaction of this Match and desiring to revenge the death of his Son tho' very ancient took the Field again and entring Andaluzia destroyed all the Province with Fire and Sword sparing neither Man nor Beast This done he spent the remainder of his Days in quiet not only forbearing from Martial Affairs but easing himself of the Government as much as could be Yet he took care that Salamanca and Segovia which had been ruined by the Wars should be repaired fortified and embelished Peranzules a Man at that time in great vogue who had been Tutor to the Princess Vrraca in her Minority and was now the King's Favourite had the whole management of publick Affairs and by his Prudence and Vertue seem'd to support the Government The King now quite spent with age for he lived 79 Years grew sickly and was languishing a Year and seven Months yet by the advice of the Physicians he rode out daily but the natural warmth being decay'd at length he dy'd at Toledo on Thursday the first of July 1109. as Pelagius of Oviedo who lived at that time testifies He Reign'd 43 Years was modest in Prosperity and undaunted in Adversity After the Death of King Alonso the Inhabitants of Toledo in a Consternation were about abandoning the City The King's Body was kept there 20 days till this Pannick Fear was over then it was carry'd to the Monastery of Sahagun and there Bury'd with great Pomp the greatest that of the Tears of his Subjects who lamented so great a loss as they had in him These Tears seemed to forbode those Calamities that ensued and the very Stones at Leon presaged this General Lamentation At the foot of the Altar where the Priest uses to stand at Mass in the Church of S. Isidorus in Leon the Stones shed water not where they joyn'd but in the very middle for the space of three days continually which were Thursday Friday and Saturday according to Pelagius who then lived This hap'ned 8 days before the King's death and betokened the Tears of all Spain The Bishops and Clergy hereupon made Processions to appease God's Wrath. In this King's Reign one Lesmes a French-man lived in great opinion of Sanctity at Burgos his chief business was entertaining of Pilgrims His Memory is still Celebrated in that City and his Feast Yearly kept in the Church of his Name Four Leagues from Najara lived another Holy Man a Spaniard or as others say an Italian who used the same Charity and Repaired the Ways thro' which the Pilgrims went to visit the Church of S. James the Apostle and therefore he is commonly called S. Dominick de la Calçada that is of the Cunsey I suppose King Alonso made use of him in building the Bridges that are between Logron̄o and Santiago About the end of the Reign of King Alonso one Moses a learned Jew and a great Linguist was Converted and writ against the Jews and Moors so effectually that many of both Nations were Converted CHAP. V. The Reign of Queen Urraca Her Lewdness She is Divorced from her Husband Deposed from the Government her Son Alonso Proclaimed King of Castile AT the time when King Alonso dy'd his Daughter D. Vrraca Heiress of the Kingdom was absent with her Husband He had no great confidence in the Nobility of Castile who had opposed his Marriage and therefore would not venture among them without a good Body of his own Subjects This kept him back from taking possession of that large Kingdom The Queens Lewdness which was great for a Person of her Rank was concealed and hid Garrisons of Argonians were put into many Cities and Castles to keep the Castilians in subjection Peranzules having great Alliances in both Kingdoms was entrusted with the Government and kept all things in good order His Power lasted not long for the Queen a turbulent Woman being sent before by her Husband instead of Honouring him as became his great Merit treated him ill not only removing him from the Government but seizing upon his Estate All the pretence she had for this rash action was because in his Letters he stiled her Husband King of Castile This is what was given out but in reality she was sorry she was Marry'd because her Husband curb'd her Lewdness and as I am apt to believe that discreet Man reproved her scandalous Life The King was concerned so great a Man should be so ill treated and restored all his Estate He fearing the Queen's displeasure withdrew to the Earldom of Vrgel whereof as was said above he had the charge A new War now broke out in Andaluzia Hali King of the Moors hearing King Alonso was dead broke into the Christian Territories and in sight of Toledo demolished the Castle of Azeca and destroy'd the Monastery of S. Servandus whilst all the Country about was in a flame Not content with this he laid Siege to the City and for the space of 8 days battered it with all sorts of Engines It s own natural strength and a Wall built at the bottom of the City by King Alonso saved it Alvar Fan̄ez a great Man in those days by his Valour contributed much to the safety of the City All hopes of prevailing being lost the Moors raised the Siege and in their way home plundered Madrid and Talavera threw down their Walls and departed with a mighty Booty In Aragon the King was successful
against the Moors and took Exea a Town of note in Navarre in the Year 1110. Near Valterra he overthrew Abuhafalem King of Zaragoça in Battle After this he assumed the Title of Emperor of Spain as his Father-in-law had done before him Having at length setled the Affairs of Aragon he came to Castile in the Year 1111. His principal Study was to gain the Affections of the People and to that end he Honoured the Nobility Relieved the Distress'd Protected the Weak and was Affable to all People insomuch that he got the good will of all Men. Only the Queen 's hard Heart was inflexible He ordered Villorado Berlanga Soria and Almaçan Towns ruined by the Wars to be Peopled and then returned to Aragon resolving to carry on the War against the Moors King Alonso was third Cousin to the Queen his Wife for D. Sancho the Greater was Great-Grandfather to them both It was not then usual for the Pope to dispence in those Cases and therefore many Princes had been Divorced For this reason I suppose King Alonso is not reckoned among the Kings of Castile Besides the Queen for her dissolute Life was Imprisoned in the Castle called Castellar whence she made her escape into Castile She found not the Reception she expected for the Nobility sent her back to her Husband who again put her in Prison Mean while the Nobles of Galicia where D. Alonso and D. Vrraca's Son was bred held Consultation to oppose the Designs of the Argonians They were glad they had found a flaw in that Match which they had so much opposed and therefore gave out that the People were not obliged to own him that was not their lawful King Hereupon they sent an Embassy to Pope Pasqualis II. who committed the Examination of that Affair to James Gelmirek Bishop of Santiago What he determined is not known but it is certain that from that time forwards King Alonso began to bear the Bishops ill will Those of Burgos and Leon were Expelled their Diocesses he of Palencia imprisoned the Abbot of Sahagun was deposed and D. Ramiro the King's Brother put in his place Bernard the Archbishop of Toledo was two Years Banished his Diocess notwithstanding his Legantine Power and his being Primate of all Spain During this time he held a Synod at Palencia the Acts whereof are extant to this day Another Synod he held at Leon at which besides many Bishops and Nobles James Gelmires of Santiago was present Their chief care was to establish Peace for the Forces of Aragon and Navarre marched against Galicia and had taken the Castle of Monteroso by Storm Yet the King of Aragon at the instance of some Holy Men who interpos'd desisted All things were done disorderly without regard to Justice and both Parties sought to strengthen themselves for carrying on of their designs It seemed hard to the Castilians and Galicians to be governed by the Aragonians the King of Aragon right or wrong would keep the Kngdom he was possessed of Such as opposed him were displaced and their Estates taken from them The Galicians being delivered of their first fear made a League with Henry Earl of Portugal This gave them Courage to Proclaim Prince Alonso King tho' very Young He was anointed in the Cathedral of Compostella by James Gelmirez Bishop of that See a Coremony not used till then in Spain but brought up to Authorize that Act the more Peter Earl of Trava Tutor to the Prince was the chief contriver of all these proceedings This Action offended the King of Aragon he was divorced from the Queen and set her at Liberty she having been Prisoner in the Castle of Soria Nevertheless he would not quit the Kingdom that was her Dower The Governours of places tho' not absolved from the Oath they had taken to him revolted to the Queen and Swore Allegiance to her Perancules a Man of unblemished reputation did the same yet having a scruple for that he had Sworn fidelity to the King of Aragon he surrendred himself up to him with a Halter about his Neck that he might punish his breach of Faith At first the King was surprized but being perswaded that the Gentleman had in all things Acted honourably and that his Loyalty ought not to be hurtful to him he forgave and Treated him very Courteously All the Nobility of Castile joyned to preserve the Liberty of their Country resolving to undergo all hazards rather than submit to the Government of the Aragonians D. Gomez Earl of Candespina who before had aimed at Marrying the Queen and being then in the flower of his Youth was greater with her than became the Regal Dignity and the Modesty of a Woman seem'd the most zealous in defence of the Country and for making War upon the Aragonians D. Peter Earl of Lara and his Rival with the Queen held the next place in Power and Authority Commanders being divided among themselves neither could Peace be setled nor the War carryed on as it should be D. Alonso King of Aragon with a Powerful Army entred Castile by the way of Soria and Osma The Nobles with the Army of Castile marched to oppose him Both Armies encamped near Sepulveda and there formed their Battles Peter Earl of Lara led the Van of the Castilians Earl Gomez the rear the main Body was Commanded by other Nobles The King of Aragon drew up all his Army into one square Body The Signal being given they fell on in the Field called de la Espina this was one of the most Famous Battles of that Age. Peter Earl of Lara not able to stand the first charge fled to Burgos where the Queen was in care for the event of that Action D. Gomez stood his Ground better till his Forces being vanquished he dy'd honourably without turning his back His Standard-Bearer a Gentleman of the House of Olea was not inferior to him for his Horse being killed and both his hands cut off he fell down dead embracing the Standard with his Arms and often repeating Olea Henry Earl of Portugal made the Victory easier to the Aragonians by going over to them rather in hatred to the lewdness of the Queen than any kindness he had for King Alonso This success so encouraged the Aragonians that passing the River Duero they advanced as far as the City Leon wasting all the Country The Nobility of Galicia having recruited their Army try'd their Fortune again and had the same success being defeated by the Aragonians between Leon and Astorga In this Battle was taken Peter Earl of Trava a powerful Man who was Marry'd to D. Mayor Daughter to Armengaud Earl of Vrgel Young King Alonso was not in the fight after it he went to the Castle of Orsilon where his Mother was No Battle in that Age was so fatal to Castile as this The Cities of Najara Burgos Palencia and Leon submitted to the Conqueror He wanting Money to pay his Army laid hold of the Treasures of Churches
possession of that City restored to him by the Citizens when they had expelled William Morelle who held it for the Earl of Poitiers D. Alonso his Heirs kept that City till the Fourth Generation and were all called Raimunds the last of which left but one Daughter Marry'd to the Earl of Poitiers who had no Issue by her whence it followed that the Earldoms of Poitiers and Toulouze were annexed to the Crown of France the Holy King S. Luis Brother to that Earl being the rightful Heir The Territory of Zaragoça a strong rich and populous City extended to the Borders of the King of Aragon's Dominions From thence the inhabitants used to make frequent incursions into the Lands of the Christians doing all the harm that can be imagined from such a Barbarous People King Alonso notwithstanding the War with Castile was not ended resolved to overcome all difficulties and ●ay Siege to that City Tahuste a Town of note on the Banks of Ebro was now taken by the Valour and Conduct of Bacalla a great Man Borgi on the Borders of Navarre Magalona and other Towns and Castles were also taken The Alniogaraves so they called the Choice old Soldiers were put into Castellar a strong hold on the Eminence above Zaragoça as was said before They were furnished with Provisions and all manner of stores either to infest the Country or endure a long Siege These were preludes to the Conquest of Zaragoça the same whereof brought thither many Persons of note among the rest the Earls Gaston of Bearne Rotron of Perche and Gentulle of Bigorre Thus having gathered a mighty Army they sate before the City in the Year 1118. On the eighth day they gained the Suburb that lies beyond the River Rotron Earl of Perche whilst the Siege went on with a Body of 600 Horse took Tudela a considerable Town in Navarre and kept it as a reward of his Valour The Moors knowing of what Consequence Zaragoça was gathered in great numbers to relieve the Besieg'd Besides Temin a Famous Commander had joyned them with a good number of Barbary Moors he brought out of Africk All these Encamped on an Advantagious Ground on the Banks of the River Guerba above Zaragoca near the Castle of Mary then held by the Moors but perceiving the Christians exceeded them in number and experience they drew back In the City there began to be want of Provisions and what was worst no hope of relief Delay was troublesome to the Besiegers Things being in this Posture advice was brought to the King that a Nephew of Temin others say he was Son to the King of Cordova was Marching with a Resolution to force his Passage into the Town King Alonso knowing if the Moors succeeded he must be obliged to raise the Siege marched out and met him at Cutanda near Daroca A great number of the Moors was killed the rest put to flight and their General taken The Besieged having notice hereof and despairing of any relief surrendred upon Articles on the 18th of September after a Siege of eight Months Our Men were so assured of success that they had beforehand Consecrated Peter Librana Bishop of that City and he Consecrated the Church To the Earls Gaston of Bearne and Rotron of Perche the King gave for their good Service two quarters in that City for them and their Heirs On the Banks of Ebro Nine Leagues from Zaragoça was formerly a Colony of the Romans called Julia Ceisa now a desert place but about a League from it is a Town at present called Xelsa the only remaining Monument of that piece of Antiquity Thither the King marched as soon as the Season would permit wasting all the Country of the Moors about Thence he advanced into the Province formerly called Celtiberia where all things succeeded according to his desires all places submitting to him This season he took Taraçona Alabona Epila Calatayud Ariza and Daroca Beyond this last place the King built a Town to which he gave Name of Monreal in a Convenient place to check the Parties of Valencia that used to ravage that Country At this time the Carthusians and Cistercian Monks newly instituted grew Famous for Sanctity of Life At Jerusalem the Knights Templers and Hospitalers gained fame by their Actions against the Insidels The Templers wore a Red Cross on a White Garment The Hospitalers called also of St. John wore a White Cross on a Black Cloak S. Bernard who lived at that time was Founder of the Cistercians and came into Spain where he perswaded the King to give the new Town of Monreal to the Knights Templers which was done accordingly a Monastery was built and revenues assigned them particularly the Fifths of all Booties were given them for their maintenance that they might infest the Moors on that side This was the first entrance of the Knights Templers into Spain and this the Original of the vast revenues they afterwards possessed which doubtless in the end proved their ruin CHAP. VII A Schism in the Church on account of an Antipope Peace betwixt Castile and Aragon War with the Moors Original of the Kingdom of Portugal IN the Year 1119 Guido a Burgundian Unkle to Alonso King of Castile was Chosen Pope and took the Name of Calixtus II. Henry IV. then Emperor being Excommunicated caused Burdinus Archbishop of Braga by the Name of Gregory VIII to take upon him the Papal Dignity which produced a Schism in the Church that lasted three Years At the end of which the Lawful Pope prevailing Burdinus was taken and shut up in the Monastery of the Trinity of Cava where he dy'd The Promotion of Calixtus to the Papacy was very pleasing to his Nephew the King of Castile and very advantagious to all Spain in general At that time the chief Cities and Castles of that Kingdom were held by Garrisons of Aragonians without any other right than that of Arms. The Castilians either that they were Habituated to obey or for kindnesses received of the Aragonians were not concerned at the loss of their Liberty Tho' Young the King of Castile had a great Spirit and could not put up the wrongs done him by his Father-in-Law Embassadors passed betwixt them he of Aragon neither flatly refused nor yet performed what was required but still delay'd and framed excuses At length it came to the point that Heraulds were sent to demand Restitution of the Places with-held or if refused to declare War These threats made no impression upon the King of Aragon Great Armies were rais'd on both sides but the Aragonian being best furnish'd took the Field first breaking into the Territory of Rioja on the side of Navarre Great Mischiefs were like to ensue whoever had the better therefore several Godly Prelates of both Kingdoms interposed labouring for an Accommodation Their Success was better than had been hoped at first for both Kings suffered themselves to be persuaded and each yielding something they agreed upon these
to the Feast of Easter The Marriage betwixt the Earl of Barcelona and the Princess Petronilla was agreed upon on the 11th of August that same Year 1137. This done D. Ramiro laying aside the care of the Government withdrew to the Church of St. Peter at Huesea still retaining the Title of King and Power of resuming that Authority when he should think fit All Officers were order'd to take the Oath of Fidelity to the Earl of Barcelona and because the Nobles on account of Service in that time of need had obtain'd Grants of many Towns and Castles from the King all such Grants were made void especially those that passed since the King chose the Earl for his Son-in-law As to Navarre it was ordain'd the Bounds of the Kingdoms should be the same that had been agreed upon at Pamplona and Valdoluengo As soon as Raymund entred upon the Government he had a Conference with the Emperor D. Alonso at Carrion where he obtain'd all the Lands that had been taken from the Crown of Aragon on this side Ebro should be restor'd but only to be held of the Crown of Castile This done he made his Entry into Zaragoça and was receiv'd with great applause having establish'd Peace William Raymund Seneschal or High-Steward of Catalonia had a great hand in all these Affairs and as a Reward had the Town of Moncada given him from him descends the Noble Family of Moncada in that Country CHAP. X. D. Alonso of Portugal takes the Title of King His Wars with the Moors War betwixt Christian Princes and Peace concluded Baeca and Almeria taken by the King of Castile and Lisbon by him of Portugal THese Confusions we have spoken of gave the Portugueses an opportunity of enlarging their Dominions and rendring their Name famous D. Alonso Prince or as some call him Duke of Portugal being a Man no less renowned in Peace than War ceased not enlarging and beutifying his Dominions At Coimbra he built the Monastery of Santacruz a stately Structure which he chose for his place of Burial and endow'd it with the Town of Leyra then taken from the Moors This was but an Introduction to greater Exploits for in the Year 1139. he broke into the Territories of the Infidels with a powerful Army and passing the River Tagus made War upon Ismar the Moorish King in those parts In this Expedition dy'd Egas Nun̄ez D. Alonso's Tutor by whose wise Councels he had till then been govern'd In the City Porto there is a Monastery of Benedictive Monks founded by D. Egas in which are to be seen his and his Children Tombs That of his Wife D. Teresa is in the Monastery of Gereceda of Cistercians built by her two Leagues from Lamego Ismar understanding of D. Alonso's design gather'd all the Forces he could and four other Moorish Kings joyning him compos'd a Formidable Army The two Bodies had sight of one another in a Plain then call'd Vrichio now Cabeças de Ryes or King's-head a place fit to give Battle That Country is water'd by the River Palma which about Beja where it springs has little water but other Streams falling into it gathers such a Body that near Alcaçar do Sal where it falls into the Sea it is Navigable D. Alonso was surpriz'd to see so great a number of Enemies but Honour prevailing above Fear and the more for that two days before that is on the 25th of July being the Feast of S. James the Apostle his Soldiers had saluted him King he resolv'd to put all to the hazard of a Battle Having in few Words encourag'd his Men he order'd to sound a Charge the Enemy did the same and there ensu'd a most obstinate Battle both Parties fighting for Honour for their Lives and for the Dominion of all Portugal After a sharp dispute the Multitude of Moors gave way to the Valour of the Christians many of them were kill'd and many made Prisoners The Standards of the 5 Kings were taken and from them the Portugue Arms which are Azure five Escutcheons Others will have it that they signifie the five Wounds of our Saviour but I see no Authority for it In the time of Sancho II. King of Portugal there was added to the ancient Arms an Orle of Castles the number not fix'd then now they use seven This is the famous Battle so much and so justly extoll'd by the Portugues Writers after which the strength of Portugal increased in an extraordinary manner All the Glory of the King's Actions was sully'd by the Imprisonment of his Mother which Pope Innocent II. understanding sent the Bishop of Coimbra to treat with him about restoring her to her Liberty But the King was Deaf to all Advice therefore the Bishop leaving the City under an Interdict departed out of Portugal A Cardinal being also sent from Rome upon the same account had no better success but was oblig'd by the King's Threats to take off the Interdict he had laid upon the whole Kingdome King Alonso now Marry'd the Lady Malfada some say she was Daughter to Amalaricus Lord of Molina others to Amadeus Earl of Savoy By her he had D. Sancho D. Vrraca and D. Teresa The last Marry'd afterwards to Philip Earl of Flanders Besides these the King had a Bastard Son call'd Peter After the Nuptial Solemnities the Portugueses applyed themselves again to the War Santaren a Town of note seated on the Banks of Tagus was surprized and the Moors expell'd With the Booty taken in this Action the King founded the Monastery of Alcobaça of the Order of St. Bernard as he had vowed to do if he took that Town There was great strife betwixt Albohali head of the Family of the Almoravides and Abdelmon of the Almohades a New rising Family among the Moors about the Empire of Africk This gave the Christians an opportunity of subduing the Moors in Spain and indeed nothing supported them but the Wars we had among our selves Such was the Peace the Moors injoy'd in some places that they gave themselves to study and several Learned Men flourished among them especially at Cordova In this number some reckon Anicenne tho' others affirm he was never in Spain Averroes now ●● fit Commentaries on Aristotle and Avenzor was Famous in Mathematicks especially Astrology Thus much of Cordova In Portugal the Christians took by force of Arms the Town of Sintra seated near the Promonrtor● by the Ancients called Artabrum and not far from the Mouth of Tagus This was a Convement place to receive Foreign Succours and Fleets arriv'd there from England France and Flanders bringing such considerable supplies that the King resolved to lay Siege to Lisbon the Metropolis of Portugal But before we Treat of that Famous Siege let us look back upon what we left behind Whilst these things hap'ned in Portugal the Aragonians and Navarrois were at War Both strove to bring D. Alonso of Castile to their part but Raymund Earl of Barcelona having
Forces but by the way at the Wood of Cazlona in Sierra Morena the Emperor fell sick and near the Town of Fresneda he dyed in a Tent on the 21th of August he lived 51 Years 5 Months and 21 Days was King 35 Years and had the Title of Emperor 22 Years and a half A Prince worthy of a longer Life Pious in his Youth Brave and Modest in his riper Years always a pattern of Virtue and Famous to Posterity for his zeal to the Christian Religion He had three Wives Berengaria Beatrix and Rica The second had no Children the last was Mother of Sancha Berengaria brought him Sancho and Ferdinand his Successors also Elizabeth and Beatrix Besides these Alonso and another Ferdinand who dy'd Young and was bury'd in a Monastery of Nuns of the invocation of S. Clement built by his Father with this Inscription on his Tomb Here lies the most Illustrious D. Ferdinand Son to the Emperor D. Alonso who built this Monastery he laid him here to Honour it Sancho and Ferdinand the Emperor's Sons divided his Dominions as he had Ordered Ferdinand had the Kingdom of Leon and Galicia Sancho the Elder Castile with all it Dependencies Both were good and virtuous Princes Sancho was best beloved as being the more affable and dying soon was called the Desired Ferdinand was jealous and gave ear to Court-Flatterers therefore before his Father's Funeral Rites were perform'd he repaired to Leon to take possession of his Kingdom On the contrary Sancho understanding his death made hast to Frensneda and thence conducted him with all the Nobility to Toledo where he was buryed with great Pomp in the Cathedral of that City Sancho King of Navarre for his Learning Age and Exploits called the Wise saying hold of this opportunity over ran all the Lands of Castile as far as Burgos and with the same celerity return'd into his own Country The Moors finding those places they had lost forsaken by the New King easily recovered them It was requisite to check both those Enemies but it was thought fit first to move against Navarre It hap'ned that Ponze Earl of Minerva one of the chief among the Nobility of Leon being wronged by King Ferdinand fled to Castile He being a Person of known Valour and Conduct was favourably received by King Sancho and appointed General of the Expedition against Navarre Having taken charge of the Army by the way of Briviesca he entred the Territory of Rioja and incamped in a plain called Valpiedra near the Town of Ban̄ares where both Parties Ordered their Battles D. Lope de Haro led the Van of the Navarrois D. Ladron de Guevara the Rear and the King the Main Body The Castillians being the more numerous and resolute were not backward At the first charge the Castillians gave way but recovering themselves put the Navarrois to flight but made no great slaughter most saving themselves in the Neighbouring Castles and Towns Supplies coming up now out of France the King adventured a second time to fight in the same place but with no better success Many of the Nobles being taken were generously Treated by D. Ponze and afterwards set at Liberty After this Victory he returned to Burgos where the King having commended and rewarded the Soldiers above all honoured D. Ponze and that to such a degree that he marched as far as the Monastery of Sahagun resolving to make War upon his Brother if he did not condescend to restore him to his Possessions King Ferdinand perceiving the danger he was in came to his Brother unarmed where all differences were agreed and he promised not only to restore D. Ponze but to bestow fresh honours upon him Besides he offered to do Homage to his Brother which King Sancho with great courtesy refused to accept of Calatrava a Town seated on the Banks of Guadiana not far from Almagro when taken from the Moors was given to the Knights Templers but they understanding the Infidels made great preparations to Besiege it and despairing of holding out restored it to the King No Body would undertake to defend it only two Cistercian Monks who came to Court upon business offered themselves These were Raymund Abbot of Fitero near the River Pisuerga and his Companion James Velazquez who having been a Soldier was become a Religious but still had a great Spirit and perswaded the Abbot to undertake the maintaining of that place This offer was very grateful to the King and to John Archbishop of Toledo who were before much concerned for the danger which threatned that place The Archbishop because Calatrava belonged to his Diocess advanced a sum of Money and in his Sermons stirred up the People to contribute towards the defence of that Town either by adventuring their Persons or laying out their Money since they were all concerned in the preservation of it as being the Bulwark of the Christian Borders which once lost ruin and desolation would soon come upon every particular Man's Estate This was at the beginning of the Year 1158. The King freely gave the Town of Calatrava to the Order of the Cistercians for ever Fame which commonly surpasses truth is of great moment in all Worldly affairs as it appeared now for the Moors hearing of the mighty preparations that were making to defend that City came not before it This was the Original of the Knights of Calatrava for many Soldiers followed the Abbot and took the habit he gave them Being returned to Toledo he brought a great number of Cattle from his Monastery and from the Neighbourhood about 20000 people to whom he gave the Lands about Calatrava which before lay wast for want of Inhabitants Thus the Town was secured against any danger Abbot Raymund dy'd some Years after at Ciruelas a Village where he was also buried and is honoured as a Saint Thence in the Year 1471. he was translated to our Lady of Mount Sion a Monastery of Bernardines near Toledo James Velazquez lived many years after and dy'd in the Monastery of S. Peter at Gumiel where he is buried From this beginning the Military Order of Calatrava rose to the greatness it is now arrived at Pope Alexander III. confirmed it by his Bull in the Year 1164 The Convent at first setled in Calatrava was thence removed to Ciruelos then to Buxeda to Corcoles Salvatierra and lastly to Covos There are other lesser Convents of the Order in other places but that is the Principal This Order in process of time grew rich and had the Lordship of many Towns for their good Services and thro' the Bounty of Kings Formerly the Revenues of such Towns were given to old Knights of that Order for their Maintenance during their own Lives only and not for their Heirs Now they serve only to support the Prodigality of Courtiers Thus for the most part good Institutions are perverted CHAP. III. The Death of Sancho King of Castile The great Commotions that ensued The Death of Raymund Prince of
Aragon his Issue Alonso his eldest Son succeeds in his Dominions RAymund Prince of Aragon believing the Capitulation in vertue of which he held that part of Aragon which lies on this side Ebro was void by the Death of the Emperor had a Conference with King Sancho at Naxama There the business was debated the Aragonian pretending that Zaragoça Calatayud and other Towns were now exempted from the Jurisdiction of Castile This would not be allow'd yet they agreed that the King of Castile should not be possess'd of any Towns or Castles in that Country but that the Kings of Aragon should do Homage to them for the same and be oblig'd to come to the Cortes or Parliament of Castile when call'd Moreover the League against Navarre was again renew'd but to as little effect as at other times After this Interview the Argoniam commenc'd the War against Navarre but the Forces of Castile could not do their part being prevented by the Death of the King and Queen The Queen dy'd on the 24th of June in the Year 1158. and was bury'd at Najara in the Royal Monastery of S. Mary the Burial Place of the Kings of Navarre On the last of August following the King being busie preparing for the War against the Moors departed this Life at Toledo and was Interr'd in the Cathedral near his Father He Reign'd only 1 Year and 11 Days and had he liv'd longer might have equall'd the Glory of any of his Ancestors Notwithstanding the King's Death his Army in which every Man wore the Cross entred Andaluzia and in Battle overthrew Jacob Miramamolin who was marching towards Sevil. A great slaughter was made of the Moors yet Jacob their King having recruited his Army fell upon such Moorish Kings as refused to submit to him His first attempt was upon the King of Valencia and Marcia but it succeeded not for Raymund Prince of Aragon defended him as being his Ally Then he bent his Force against Alhagius King of Merida whom he subdu'd After this Fadala and Omer two Sons of Alhagius joyning theirs with some of Jacob's entred the Christian Territories as far as Placencia and Avila and bending their course towards Talavera were on their return to Merida with a great Booty But the People of Avila under the command of their Captains Sancho and Gomez overtaking them near Sietevados totally routed them and recover'd all the Prey Four Years after this the same Commanders breaking into Estremadura defeated the Moors that came to oppose them and brought away a rich Booty of Cattle From these Gentlemen are descended the Lords of Villaroro and Marquesses of Velada At the time of his Death King Sancho recommended his Son Alonso then but four years of age to the care of Gutierre Fernandez de Castro who had been his Tutor He order'd the rest of the Nobles should still keep in their Hands those places they were in possession of till the King was 15 years of Age which prov'd very fatal and gave ill Men an opportunity of disturbing the Peace of the Kingdom the Nobility taking it ill that the King and his Authority should be put into the hands of one single Person Among the Nobility of Castile the two most powerful Families at this time were those of Castro and Lara These for a considerable time had the first Vote in the Cortes or Parliament D. Gutierre who had the charge of breeding the young King for his great Age and Experience was highly esteem'd among the Castro's He had no Children His younger Brother Roderick had four viz. Ferdinand Alvaro Peter and Gutierre and a Daughter called Sancha Marry'd to Alvaro de Gusman so that her power was as great as her Brothers The Family of Lara consisted of three Brothers Henry Alvaro and Nun̄o who had great Possessions along the River Duero and were Sons of Earl Peter of Lara kill'd at Bayonne as has been said Their Mother was a Lady call'd Aba who had been first Marry'd to D. Garcia Earl of Cabra by whom she had D. Garcia Acia the Heir of that Estate which added much to the power of the three Brothers They resented that the House of Castro should be preferr'd before them and carry'd it so high in their Discourses it appear'd they would come to blows rather than quit their pretensions D. Gutierre to secure the publick Peace was easily persuaded to put the King into the hands of D. Garcia Acia a modest Man but of too much sincerity for those times In so much that upon pretence of the Expence he was at with the King the Revenues of the Crown being intangl'd he deliver'd him up to D. Manrique de Lara his Brother by the Mother's side which was all he had strugled for D. Gutierre complained this was a breach of Faith and would again have recovered the charge of Educating the King but his Adversaries mock'd at him and thus all things seemed to tend to Confusion and War Ferdinand King of Leon pretending most right to the breeding his Nephew entred Castile with an Army wasting the Lands of the Family of Lara who remov'd the King to Soria from the danger of the War At this time dy'd D. Gutierre de Castro and was bury'd in the Monastery of S. Christopher at Encas D. Manrique de Lara grown more Insolent requir'd the Heirs of the Deceased to resign such Towns and Forts as were in their hands They excus'd themselves pleading the late King's Will by which they were not to resign them till the young King were at Age. Hereupon D. Manrique caused the Body of D. Gutierre to be taken up as if he had been guilty of Treason The case being put to Tryal Judgment was given for D. Gutierre and his Body order'd to be bury'd Mean while King Ferdinand rang'd all the Country there being no Army to make head against him D. Manrique dispairing he should be able to resist was forced to engage himself to King Ferdinand that he would deliver up the King and Government to him to hold for 12 years To this purpose the Cortes or Parliament was summoned to Soria where the young King was Here one Nun̄o Almexar seeing the King carried away to be deliver'd to his Uncle snatch'd him from those that led him and carried him away to Santistevan de Gormaz Thence with consent of the Brothers of Lara he was carried to Atiença and after many removals to Avila There the Townsmen Loyally Defended him till the 11th Year of his Age and were therefore commonly call'd the Faithful King Ferdinand in a rage for being disappointed accused Nun̄o and Manrique de Lara with breach of Faith and thereupon sent to challenge them but they only answer'd That whatsoever others thought their Consciences were satisfy'd they had done their Duty to their King All the Kingdom rejoiced the King was deliver'd from his Uncle but their Joy was not lasting for he wasted all the Country most of the Cities submitted to him
Authority Conrad Son to the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa who was going a Pilgrimage and Raymund Earl of Toulouze were present at that Assembly and Knighted by the King according to the Custom of Spain A Match was also agreed upon betwixt Conrade and Berengaria the King's Daughter but at last it took no effect The Kings of Aragon and Navarre in the Month of September 1190. had a Conference at Borgia and there concluded a League against Castile Afterwards Leon and Portugal were drawn into the Confederacy at Huesca where the Embassadors of those two Crowns met the King of Aragon There to the former Articles it was added that none of those Princes should make Peace or Truce or declare War without the consent of the others The Treaty was signed in May 1191. This same Year Pope Clement III. departed this Life at Rome and Celestin III. succeeded him Gonzalo Archbishop of Toledo dy'd in August the same Year In his time King Alonso gave the Towns of Talamanca and Esquivias to that Church Martin Lopez for his extraordinary Actions and Generosity call'd the Great succeeded him This same Year the River Tagus was Frozen at Toledo a thing very rare in that Temperate Climate James Lopez de Haro Lord of Biscay the greatest among the Nobility of Castile and Governour of Briviesca Najara and Soria perswaded the King to assemble the Cortes or Parliament at Carrion in the Year 1192. for carrying on the War against the Moors Least the Kings of Leon and Navarre with whom Castile was at Variance should take any advantage while the King was employ'd against the Infidels a Peace was concluded with those Princes Then Martin Archbishop of Toledo was Ordered to Commence the War as a prelude to what follow'd In Aragon the Earl of Vrgel who since his Father's death had been out of the Kingdom upon account of the Enmity betwixt him and Ponce de Cabrera a Powerful Man now at length came and submitted himself to the King Gaston Earl of Bearne Marry'd a Daughter of Bernard Earl of Cominges and with her had in Dower the Lordship of Bigorre in Feof of the King of Aragon Berengarius Bishop of Tarragona was kill'd on the 16th of February 1194. by Michael de Moncada as is reported but the cause of their Enmity is not known On the 17th of June following dy'd at Pamplona Sancho King of Navarre for his more than Ordinary Learning Sirnamed the Wise His Body was bury'd with great Pomp in the Cathedral of that City He Reign'd 43 Years 7 Months and 6 Days By his Wife Sancha Aunt to the King of Castile he left Ferdinand Ramiro Berengaria Teresa Blanch and the eldest of them all that succeeded him was Sancho VIII King of Navarre who for the greatness of his Spirit and Warlike actions obtained the Title of the Strong He was also called The Confin'd for that towards his end he was long shut up in the Castle of Tudela by reason of a Cancer he had and would suffer no Body to see him There remain many Footsteps of his Magnificence and particularly he turned the Channel of the River Erbo to bring it to Tudela and built a Bridge over it He founded two Monasteries of Cistercians called Fitero and Oliva and a Church of the invocation of St. Mary at Roncesvalles for himself and his Successors to be Bury'd His Wife was Clemencia Daughter to Raymund IV. Earl of Toulouze by her he had Ferdinand who dy'd before his Father of a fall he had from his Horse in hunting and was bury'd in the Church of S. Mary at Tudela At the time of D. Sancho's Accession to the Crown all Spain was under the apprehension of a Bloody War Martin Archbishop of Toledo had broke into Andaluzia and made great havock putting all the Country to fire and Sword and no Body attempting to oppose him returned with a rich Booty The Moors incensed at this loss gathered all their Forces and Abenjoseph Mazemute Miramamolin of Africk came into Spain with a vast Multitude of Men for not only the Almohades but the Arabs and Ethiopians follow'd him This Inundation pass'd over Sierra Morena and incamped near Alarcos a Town built not long before by the Christians King Alonso was no ways daunted but having sent to the Kings of Leon and Navarre for aid advanced to Alarcos and pitch'd his Camp near the Enemy whose Multitude fill'd all those Hills and Plains Some advised to wait the coming of the two Kings others more hot would not give them any share in the honour of that Action The worst advice took place both Armies drew out and a Battle was fought near Alarcos upon Wednesday the 19th of June 1195. Great Bravery was shown on both sides but the Multitude of the Enemy prevailed our Army was put to flight great Numbers slain and among them Martin Martinez Great Master of Calatrava Some say Martin Archbishop of Toledo was in this fight James de Haro the Principal Promoter of this War behav'd himself ill and withdrew at the beginnig of the Battle to Alarcos either despairing of success or as some will have it being disgusted with the King for comparing the Gentry of Andaluzia to the Nobility of Castile in Bravery The Moors after the Victory not only took Alarcos but entred the Kingdom of Toledo as far as Yevenes which is Six Leagues from that City and then turned back In our days there remain only some ruins of Alarcos and a Church of Our Lady held in great Veneration it is supposed the Infidels destroyed that place This misfortune was deem'd a judgment of God on the King for that Neglecting his Wife he was fallen in Love with a Jewish Woman whom the Nobility in scorn caused to be killed The King being in a rage for the loss of her an Angel appeared to him in the same form he had one painted and with threats oblig'd him to give over that fondness In the Church of Illescas on the right hand of the High-Altar is a Chapel called the Angel with an Inscription signifying that to be the place where the Angel appear'd to King Alonso the Good so he is stiled The Kings of Leon and Navarre hearing of the disaster befallen at Alarcos drew back their Forces He of Leon visited King Alonso but he of Navarre returned without so much as Saluting him which affront the King of Castile highly resented and resolved to take revenge not only of the Moors but of the Navarrois CHAP. VIII King Alonso of Aragon dies and his Son Peter succeeds him The King of Leon divorc'd Castilians and Aragonians over-run Navarre Alonso King of Castile 's two Daughters Marry'd to the Kings of England and Leon. Plague and Famine in Spain THE following Year being 1196. dyed King Alonso of Aragon the second of the Spanish Kings in Power in Valour inferior to none He breath'd his last at Perpignan at a time his Kingdom enjoy'd Plenty and
Provisions A Truce was therefore concluded with the Moors and the Army drew off to furnish themselves with Necessaries But for the scarcity which was that Year it had been a good opportunity of subduing the Moors they being then divided among themselves and distracted with intestine Wars Mahomet Sirnamed the Green King of the Moors after the loss of the memorable Battle of Nabas de Tolofa went over into Africk to recruit his Forces In his absence his Brother Zeit Abenzeit possessed himself of Valencia and Monviedro with all their Dependencies Mahomet Zeit his Cousin did the same with the Cities of Cordova and Baeça Abobali another Moor following their example secured to himself Sevil Ecija and Xeres Thus the Force of the Moors was divided and consequently weakned A fit opportunity of subduing them was offer'd but King Alonso the most powerful Prince in Spain could not make use of it by reason of the scarcity of Provisions as also because he was about to relieve the English then too hard set in France At the same time Alonso II. King of Portugal Sirnamed the Fat was busie taking away by force of Arms from his Sisters the Towns left them by his Father Princes never want pretences to put in execution their Designs Those Ladies had recourse for Protection to the King of Leon their Kinsman who went not in Person but sent his Son Ferdinand by whom many Towns were taken from the Portugueses but afterwards restored at the request of Pope Innocent who interposed to adjust those Differences The King of Castile desired to Commune with his Son-in-law the King of Portugal and to that purpose sent Embassadors to invite him to Plasencia but understanding his coming would not be so soon went to Burgos thence to send Supplies to the English Death prevented all these Designs In his return from Burgos earnestly desiring to meet the King of Portugal he fell sick at Garcimun̄os where he was given over by the Physicians Roderick Archbishop of Toledo Administred the Sacraments to him and caused him to make a Will That done he expir'd upon Munday the 6th of October in the Year 1214. This was the end of King Alonso the most Renowned Prince of that Age who did many great things by himself yet the other Kings of Spain did nothing considerable without him He lived 57 years and 22 days and thereof reign'd 55. I should think but 53 since at the beginning of his Reign our Author says he was 4 years old when his Father died His Body was bury'd at Huelgas near Burgos This same Year died Ellenor Queen Dowager of Castile Ferdinand eldest Son to the King of Leon by his first Wife also James Lopes de Haro and Peter de Castro Son to Ferdinand de Castro all Persons of great Note The Queen departed this life on the last day of October of Grief for the loss of her Husband and was bury'd by him Ferdinand of Leon was a very hopeful Youth had he not been untimely cut off by Death he was Interr'd at Santiago in Galicia A Brother of his of the same Name survived being born of Berengaria his Father's second Wife and inherited both the Crowns of Castile and Leon as shall be shown in its place Peter de Castro ended his days at Morocco the cause of his going thither is not known CHAP. III. Disorders in Castile and Aragon under the two Infant Kings Sancho King of Navarre altogether decrepid The Lateran General-Council Honours done there to the Archbishop of Toledo AFter the Death of Peter King of Aragon and Alonso of Castile there ensued great Troubles in both Kingdoms by reason of the tender Age of the two Kings Jaime and Henry when they ascended those Thrones All the Nobility was more intent upon their private than the publick Interest In Castile many strove to possess themselves of the Government in the King's Name Some in Aragon not so content endeavoured to Usurp the Crown these were Sancho and Ferdinand before-mentioned Both pleaded that the young King Jaime was not got in lawful Wedlock Sancho urged against his Competitor that he was a profess'd Monk and therefore incapable of Reigning Ferdinand brought Ramiro for a Precedent who tho' ancient and a Monk had inherited the Crown and therefore that Impediment being removed pretended most Right as the next of the Collateral Line Thus was the Kingdom divided into Factions The least number but most considerable for Power stuck to the true King The Multitude was for the fairest Bidder Embassadors being sent as was said above to Pope Innocent they were remitted to France with Orders that what had been taken from the Hereticks should be delivered to Simon of Montfort upon condition he should restore the young King of Aragon to his Subjects These Commands were punctually obey'd and the young King conveyed to Narbonne together with Raymund Earl of Provence his Cousin-German and a Child of the same age to be bred in Aragon whilst the Wars lasted in France At Narbonne many of the Nobility of Aragon received their King with much Joy and the People wherever he passed offered up their Vows for his safety The Child had a Graceful Presence and was somewhat bigger than is usual at that Age. Montfort returned to prosecute the War By the Legates procurement the Cortes or Parliament was assembled at Lerida where all that were present took the Oath of Allegiance to the new King a thing not before used in Aragon but continued ever since to this day William Monredon Superior of the Templars in that Kingdom was appointed the King's Tutor and the chief of the Embassadors that had been sent to the Pope joyned in Commission with him Monçon was assigned for the King to keep his Court at till the Troubles were over and the King came to Age. At this time Commerce was restored betwixt Zaragoça and Navarre which had been long interrupted by reason of the Wars Sancho King of Navarre lay in the Castle of Tudela without attending to the Government by reason of his great Age and Sickness This same Year was fought the famous Battle of Bovines near Tournay in Flanders betwixt Otho the Emperor and Philip King of France Ferdinand Prince of Portugal who had Married the Countess of Flanders took the Emperor's part and the Imperialists being defeated was taken and continued a long time Prisoner in France In the Year 1215. the Aragonians endeavouring to settle the Kingdom and satisfie Sancho Earl of Russillon committed to him the care of the Government but he being ambitious of the Crown made use of his power to raise greater Commotions as shall be told hereafter Castile was in no better condition Henry the new King was but 11 years of age when he inherited that Crown His Mother took upon her the Administration of Affairs but that lasted not long by reason of her Death In her Will she appointed her Daughter Berengaria Queen of Leon tho' Divorc'd from
to take the usual Oath of maintaining the Privileges of the Subjects and receive Homage of the Nobility The King of Leon his Father offended that he had been so imposed upon sent before his Brother Sancho to invade Castile and followed himself soon after doing much harm in the Territory of Campos Queen Berengaria sent two Bishops to appease him but to no purpose D. Alvaro de Laro seem'd to side with him whereupon the King ravag'd the Country and was in hopes to have taken Burgos yet D. Lope de Haro and others made him draw back with more speed than he came Segovia and Avila being before secured by D. Alvaro had not submitted to the new King but now they sent Embassadors to the Queen excusing themselves and promising for the future a constant Fidelity which they perform'd Now D. Alvaro consented that the dead King's Body which till then he kept at Tarriego should be bury'd The Queen and some Bishops accompanied it to Huelgas where it was interr'd as was said before King Ferdinand at the same time besieg'd and took Munon a strong Town and then went with his Mother to Burgos to hold the Cortes or Parliament they had summoned thither After this they took Lerma and Lara all things submitting to the new King except the Family of Lara and their Party who had the boldness to take up at Herreruela a Town in the King's way as he was going to Palencia Most of his Men quartered in the Town and he in a Farm hard by The King's Forces having Intilligence hereof unexpectedly fell upon him and tho' he endeavoured to defend himself took him Prisoner Here an end might have been put to all the Troubles but the King thought himself too secure Thus D. Alvaro having delivered up to the King all the Towns that belong'd to the Crown was not only set at Liberty but received into Favour His Brother Ferdinand refusing to deliver Castroxoriz and Orejon was permitted to hold them as the King's Lieutenant This Peace was not lasting for those Men being used to Rule could not be content with a private Life but gathering Forces spoiled the Country of Campos King Ferdinand soon drove them out of his Dominions and they fled to Leon where they stirr'd up that King who was preparing for it to Invade Castile Some Gentlemen of Castile broke into Leon and that King coming down Besieged them in Castellon betwixt Salamanca and Medina del Campo Men flocking on the one side to relieve and on the other to press the Besieged at last a Treaty was set on foot and a Truce concluded betwixt the Father and Son D. Alvaro de Lara being at that time sick caused himself to be carry'd on Mens Shoulders to the City Toro and there dy'd having at the time of his Death taken the Habit of Santiago as was then used to obtain the Indulgencies granted to that Order He was bury'd at Vcles the head Monastery of that Order His Brother Ferdinand who had fled to Africk liv'd in a Town called Elbora near Morocco where he also ended his days having taken the Habit of S. John The Death of these turbulent Men raised the hopes of all Men that a lasting Peace might now be concluded with Leon. Thus all were bent upon carrying on the Wars against the Moors the Pope granted Indulgencies great numbers of Men were raised rather in hopes of Plunder than to get any Pardon of their Sins They ransack'd all Estremadura and laid Siege to Caçeres but were forc'd to quit it by reason of the great Rains which oblig'd them to break up and go into quarters in the Year of our Lord 1218. Whilst these Confusions reigned in Spain the neighbouring Countries were no less consumed with intestine Broils War is the Nursery of all sort of Vices which now consequently were at their full growth In the midst of this darkness God enlightned the World with the example of many virtuous Men who taught the way to Salvation Neither wanted there many that followed them Among them all one of the chiefest was the Holy Father S. Dominick born at Caleruela betwixt Osma and Aranda He was first a Canon Regular then laboured much to root out the Heresie of the Albigenses as was said before and Instituted the Holy Order of Preaching confirmed by Pope Honorius He Founded several Monasteries in Spain and returning into Italy dy'd at Bolonia The same Year another Order was Instituted in Spain called de la Merced It was first thought of by Jaime King of Aragon and perfected by Peter Nolascus a Frenchman This Order was Instituted for the Redemption of Captives Their Habit is white as also their Hood on the former the Arms of Aragon and a Cross in a red Field Next was S. Francis born at Assis in Italy Founder of the Order of his Name and S. Anthony of Padua of the same Order In Castile the War was renewed against the Moors at the instance of Roderick Archbishop of Toledo 200000 Men were gathered in the Year 1219. They plundred the Country took some Places of no note and laid Siege to Requena but were forc'd to quit it In fine the Success was not answerable to the Preparations for only a rich Booty was taken and the Army dismiss'd CHAP. VI. The Marriages of two Kings Ferdinand of Castile and Jayme of Aragon King Ferdinand quells many Commotions Death of the Kings of France and Portugal THIS Year of our Lord 1219. there hap'ned a great Famine and Mortality in Spain At the same time Jayme King of Aragon was about removing his Uncle Sancho from the Government but upon his promise of acting better for the future forgave him The King tho' but 11 Years of Age began to give tokens of Valour and take delight in Arms and Martial Affairs One Roderick de Lizana a Man in great Power was at variance with a Kinsman of his own called Lope Albero and of great Friends they were become mortal Enemies Roderick watching his opportunity seizes his Adversary and carries him Prisoner to his Castle of Lizana The King commanded him to use no further Violence but be content with what he had done but he refused to obey This so offended the King that gathering a Body of Men at Huesca he marched to Albero a Town Lizana had possess'd himself of and in two days recover'd it Thence he came before the Castle of Lizana the Patrimony of that rebellious Gentleman and because the Garison refused to surrender caused a famous Engine to be brought from Huesca which would cast 1500 Stones in 24 Hours With this the Wall was shaken many Men killed and the Garison obliged to surrender Albero was restored to his liberty and his Adversary having lost the Castle fled to Albaracin where Peter Fernandez de Açagra was his great Friend Thence having according to the Custom of those times in Writing Renounced his Country and Allegiance he infested the Borders of Aragon
The King flush'd with his former Success marched to Albarazin a small but very strong Place being encompassed with Rocks and almost surrounded by the River Turia commonly called Guadalaviar Two Months in the heat of Summer the King lay before it and was forced at last to raise the Siege Nevertheless Peter Fernandez de Açagra was soon after restored to the Kings favour All the Nobility interceded for him his own Services were a great recommendation and the King was willing to gain so considerable a Man These things were done in Aragon in the Year 1220. In Castile the same Year on S. Andrew's Day the Marriage of King Ferdinand with Beatrix Daughter to the late Emperor Philip was Celebrated Embassadors had been sent to Treat of this match to the Emperor Frederick II. after four Months delay it was concluded In France the Bride was entertained by King Philip with great Liberality Queen Berengaria went as far as the Borders of Biscay to receive her and at the end of a whole Year spent in this Negotiation they all arrived at Burgos the place appointed for this Solemnity Maurice Bishop of that City perform'd the Ceremony and the day before had said Mass in his Pontificalibus during which the King Knighted himself there being none worthy to perform that Act as was the Custom of those times This match prov'd fortunate in a numerous Issue for they had Seven Children viz. Alonso Ferderick Philip Sancho Emanuel Ellenor who dy'd Young and Berengaria who was a Nun in the Monastery of Huelgas near Burgos At the same time the Aragonians desiring to secure the Succession of the Crown sent Embassadors to Queen Berengaria to Treat of a match betwixt their King and her Sister Ellenor This Proposal being very advantagious to her was easily accepted and the Town of Agreda on the Bordors of Castile and Aragon appointed to Celebrate the Nuptials Queen Berengaria came first with her Sister and soon after King Jaime with a Noble retinue The Marriage was Celebrated in the Year 1221. yet the Bride the King being yet very young continued a Maid a year and half after as he himself relates in the History he writ of his own Life On the 20th of June Roderick Archbishop of Toledo consecrated the Church of S. Romanus in the highest part of that City Upon the 23d of November was born King Ferdinand's Eldest Son called Alonso About the beginning of December a great Earthquake shook many Buildings and mighty Floods and Winds following upon it part of the Walls and many Houses fell down These things were the more terrible because the City being high and built upon Rocks seem'd the safer against such disasters Navarre Portugal and Leon now enjoy'd Peace The Moors wasted themselves with Civil Wars In Castile and Aragon there were some Commotions but not considerable Roderick Lord of Cameros a Man in great Power confiding in his strength presum'd to pillage the Country about him Being summon'd by the King to Answer for himself he Answer'd he had taken the Cross in Order to go to the War in the Holy-Land This was a common excuse in those times the Pope's among other priviledges having granted that such as wore the Cross should not be Try'd before the Civil Magistrate but in the Spiritual Courts But that shift availed him nothing for he was constrained to appear at Valladolid whither the Court was remov'd from Burgos and being accused of many Crimes he fled He was attainted and his Estate Confiscated Yet being a resolute Man he fortified himself in the strong holds he had wherefore to prevent a War he was not only Pardon'd but 14000 Duccats given him to quit those Towns he held for the King After this follow'd another revolt D. Gonzalo Nunez de Lara who only remained of the Three Brothers perswaded D. Gonçalo Perez Lord of Molina to invade the Neighbouring Country about him hoping by these troubles to be restor'd to his Country for he was in Barbary ever since the Death of his Brother Ferdinand having gone thither with him Some action there was but not considerable for the Lord of Molina perceiving the danger he was in begg'd pardon and obtain'd it through the intercession of Queen Berengaria Thus D. Gonzalo de Lara despairing of succeess went into Andaluzia where among the Moors at Baeça he ended his Days neither Godly nor Honourably Such was the end of those Three Brothers from whom is descended the Family of Manriquez well known in Spain It was now the Year 1222. when the King of Leon gathering a great Army as well of Soldiers in pay as those who taking the Cross served upon their own expence entred Estremadura and laid Siege to Caceres The Moors to raise the Siege promised a great sum of Money they expected out of Africk but having obtained their ends performed not and we were not in a Condition then to force them About this time Maurice an Englishman and Bishop of Burgos laid the Foundation of the Cathedral of that City and finish'd it Many other Churches and Stately Buildings were erected in several parts of Spain Eleven Years before this we now write of Roderick Archbishop of Toledo built the great Church of Talavera D. John Chancellor to the King erected two Churches one at Valladolid and the other at Osma when he was Bishop of that See D. Nun̄o Bishop of Astorga raised the Bishop's Palace in that City D. Laurence Bishop of Orense built a Bridge over the River Min̄o the Cathedral and Episcopal Palace Stephen Bishop of Tuy and Martin of Zamora spent their Revenues in such like works The King and the Queen his Mother Liberally adorned those Churches and by their example stirred up the Prelates to lay out the profits of their Benefices in the Service of the Church Let us return to the Course of the History In July dy'd Roger Earl of Faux his Son Roger Bernard succeeded him In August following Raymund Earl of Toulouze departed this Life both favourers of the Heresie of the Albigenses and therefore excommunicated for which reason the Son and Heir to the Earl of Toulouze could never obtain leave to bury his Father's Body in hollow'd ground In Aragon the King on the 21th of December pardoned Gerard Viscount Cabrera who during the troubles had possessed himself by force of the Earldom of Vrgel spoiling Aurembiasse of the Patrimony left him by his Father Armengaud This was done upon Condition he should stand to the Judgment that should be given betwixt that Lady and him Sancho Earl of Russillon the King's Unkle was still Living His Son Nun̄o governed that Country with whom William of Moncada Lord of Bearn tho' they were before great Friends being offended he entred the Lands of Russillon doing great harm Nun̄o not able to oppose him had recourse to the King of Aragon offering to stand to Arbitration and make reparation of any damage should be laid to his
they had opposed their Surrender An Assault must be given and many advised to do it by Night but the King to avoid the confusion that is common in the dark drew out by break of day in order to storm causing all the Avenues to be guarded that none of the Enemy might escape Three times the Sign was given to fall on and the Soldiers stirred not till the King calling upon them as it were wak'd them out of a heavy sleep Then with a terrible shout they gave the Assault The Moors with great Courage ran to meet the Danger but being over-power'd and born down the City was entred and plundred and the People put to the Sword The Moorish King was drawn out from a private place where he lay hid and King Jayme took him by the Beard having sworn so to do yet comforted him with good words and promises After taking the City the Castle soon surrendred where was found a Son of the King 's 13 years of age who was afterwards Baptiz'd by the Name of D. Jayme and had an Estate given him which was the Town of Gotor in the Kingdom of Valencia whence his Successors Gentlemen of Note in that Country take their Name Majorca was taken on the last day of December preceeding the Year 1230. This City was made an Episcopal See notwithstanding the Canons of Barcelona pretended a Right to it but could make no good proof All the rest of the Island was easily brought under which done most of the Soldiers return'd home and the King to Catalonia This Year the Order of Mercela Instituted some time before was Confirm'd by Pope Gregory IX as appears by his Bull dated at Peroza in Tuscany the 17th of January CHAP. IX Alonso King of Leon Defeats the Moors takes Merida and Badajoz and dies Crowns of Castile and Leon united under Ferdinand Sancho King of Navarre dies Theobald succeeds him Interviews of several Kings WHilst the Forces of Aragon Conquer'd Majorca Alonso King of Leon again entred the Territories of the Moors and took the Town of Caçeres in Estremadura where he had before been repulsed This Success encouraged him to Besiege Merida a great City once the chiefest in those parts Abenhut the Moorish King thinking to establish a Reputation marched to relieve that place King Alonso was much inferiour to him in number and therefore being dubious what was best to be done he held a Council of War in which most were for drawing off Yet Honour prevailing the King resolved to give Battle and accordingly drew up his Army The Moors were not backward and the Signal being given both Parties charged with great resolution Long the Fight continued very bloody but at length the Valour of the Christians overcame the number of Infidels This Victory and Slaughter were so great that many of the neighbouring Towns were abandon'd by the Inhabitants It was reported that the Apostle S. James and other Saints were seen in this Fight encouraging the Christians as also that at Zamora S. Isidorus and others had appeared as preparing to go aid the Faithful But who can assert the truth of this Great Victories often cause any sort of Miracles to be believed After this Defeat no other hopes of relief remaining Merida was surrendred Badajoz a City on the Borders of Portugal Estremadura and Andaluzia also submitted King Alonso who was the ninth of that Name the Season being unfit for Action dismissed his Army resolving as soon as the Weather would permit to carry on the War with greater Forces Death prevented his Designs which cut him off at Sarria about the end of this Year as he was going to pay his Vows at Santiago His Body was bury'd in that Church By D. Teresa his first Wife he had two Daughters Sancha and Dulcis by Queen Berengaria he left Ferdinand already King of Castile and Alonso Lord of Molina and Berengaria Marry'd to John King of Jerusalem He had besides a Bastard Son call'd Roderick de Leon. He Reign'd 42 years was Valiant in War and a great Lover of Justice wherefore he assigned Salaries to the Judges that they might take no Bribes and punished them severely if faulty His hatred to his Son Ferdinand was such that in his Will he appointed his two Daughters to succeed him King Ferdinand had Besieged Jaen and not being able to carry it was remov'd to Daralherça where the News of his Fathers's Death was brought to him He was very intent upon the War of Andaluzia but the necessity of securing the Crown of Leon drew him away At Orgaz five League from Toledo his Mother met him and they resolv'd with all speed to move towards Leon. All things there prov'd easier than had been imagined Most places received him with great Joy and Tokens of Love He was Crown'd at Toro which had first by Letters sent to invite him Some great Men sided with the Princesses which might have proved of dangerous Consequence had not the Prelates interposed and reduc'd them to submit to him who had the most right Teresa Mother to the Princesses came out of Portugal to their aid but considering it was best to compound with her Son-in-law she met Queen Berengaria at Valencia in Galicia where it was agreed the Princesses should quit their claim to the Crown and in lieu thereof the King should allow them 30000 Ducats a year for Life This done the King set forwards towards Valencia by the way at Bonavente the Princesses met him To the Archbishop of Toledo for his indefatigable Services the King gave the Town of Cascata in that Country Thus the Kingdom of Leon was again united to Castile after it had been separated from it 63 Years and this Union has continu'd to our days D. Sancho King of Navarre who in his Youth was call'd the Strong liv'd now retir'd in the Castle of Tudela without attending to the Government This his retirement gave his Subjects opportunity to mutiny which Pamplona in particular did several times Besides Lope Diaz de Haro Lord of Biscay entred the Territories of Navarre and took some Towns and Castles King Ferdinand was suppos'd to have some hand in this Affair Yet the worst was that Theobald Earl of Champagne the King's Nephew and Heir impatient of delay contriv'd with the Nobility to Depose him King Sancho no way able to oppose so many Enemies sent to invite Jayme King of Aragon newly return'd from the Conquest of Majorca to the Castle of Tudela there to consult about Affairs of the highest nature King Jayme being then at Zaragoça set out immediately as was desired without asking any further security for his Person Both the Kings expressed much affection at their meeting and the Ceremonies being over he of Navarre complain'd of the evil Practices of his Nephew Theobald of the ambition of King Ferdinand At the same time he declar'd he had resolved to make use of the King of Aragon for regaining what he had lost about
Biscay and in return would immediately adopt him his Son and Successor King Jayme accepted of the Adoption which was there instantly perform'd and for the better colour it was reciprocal so that whoever dy'd first the other was his Heir On the 4th of April this Contract was sign'd such of the Nobility of both Kingdoms as were present Confirming it Besides the Navarrois lent the Aragonian a great Sum of Money towards the charge of the War and had some Towns given him in pawn for the same News being brought that the King of Tunez was equipping a great Fleet to recover Majorca King Jayme was forced to make short and return to Zaragoça At this time dy'd the Lady Aurembiasse and appointed her Husband her Heir whence ensu'd new Troubles for D. Ponce de Cabrera would not quit the old Pretensions of his Family The King prevented the mischiefs that might have follow'd giving the Earldom to the new Pretender except the City Balaguer which he kept himself and to the Prince he gave the Command of the Island Majorca for Life This done he sail'd over to Majorca and understanding the King of Tunez could not come that Year return'd home King Ferdinand being taken up in setling his new Kingdom gave the Charge of carrying on the War against the Moors to Roderick Archbishop of Toledo and for his encouragement assign'd him the Town of Quesada if he could retake it from the Infidels who of late had possessed themselves of it As soon as Summer came on the Archbishop having spoiled all the Country and burnt the Corn on the Ground took not only Quesa and Caçorla but also Cuenca Chelis Niebla and other Towns of less Note thereabouts This was the Original of the Government of Caçorla which for many Years was in the hands of the Archbishops of Toledo who appointed a Lieutenant to act there in their Name Quesada being again taken by the Moors and recovered by King Ferdinand remain'd in Propriety to the Kings of Castile About this time John King of Jerusalem having lost most of his Kingdom went into Italy He was by birth a Frenchman and now solicited the Christian Princes to assist him in recovering his Dominions In the mean time he Marry'd his only Daughter Violante to the Emperor Frederick II. who for that reason took the Title of King of Jerusalem from him his Successors the Kings of Sicily had it and so it was continu'd in the Kings of Aragon and of Spain successively After this Marriage King John came into Spain and landed at Barcelona in the Year 1232. was nobly entertain'd by the King of Aragon the same by King Ferdinand in his way to Santiago whither he was going to pay his Vows At his return he Married Berengaria the Daughter of the King of Castile then went back into Italy hoping with the Succours of Christendom to conquer the Holy-Land but the Success answered not his expectation The Annals of Toledo say his coming into Spain was eight Years before this time Having lost all hopes of regaining his Kingdom by the Pope's Command he took upon him the charge of the Empire of Constantinople during the Minority of the Emperor Baldwin who in Recompence for his good Services afterwards Marry'd Mary his Daughter by the Lady Berengaria In Castile the Soldiers of the Military Orders joyning with the Bishop of Plasencia took from the Moors the Town of Truxillo in Estremadura on the 25th of January King Jayme went over the third time to Majorca and Conquer'd the Island Minorca Yvica one of the Pituissae was subdu'd the following Year 1234. by and at the Charge of William Bishop of Tarragona and therefore that Island was added to his Bishoprick This Year on the 7th of April dy'd at Tudela King Sancho of Navarre His Body was bury'd at our Lady of Roncesvalles a Monastery of Canon Regulars built by him As soon as he was dead the Navarrois sent for Theobald Earl of Champagne as being the next of the Blood and Crown'd him in May at Pamplona An Author writes that the King of Aragon winked at it perhaps out of scruple of Conscience as having no Right but the War he made afterwards shows it was rather the necessity of the times that made him lie still for the present till he was in a better condition to pursue his Pretensions tho' there seem'd to be little hopes because the People bore him no Affection He was besides taken up with the thoughts of Marrying Violanto Daughter to the King of Hungary which King Ferdinand labour'd to hinder hoping to reconcile him to his Aunt Ellenor from whom he was Divorc'd some Years before Embassadors had passed betwixt them upon this subject but nothing being concluded the two Kings had a meeting at Huerta on the Borders of both Kingdoms upon the 17th day of September Nothing was done as to the main Business for strong reasons the Aragonian urged But besides the Towns she had before he gave to Queen Ellenor Heriza to live in and condescended that for her satisfaction her Son might stay with her till he grew bigger This Lady spent her Time and Revenue in Pious Works Particularly near Almaçan at her own cost she founded a Monastery of Premostratenses an Order not long before instituted by Humbertus a Native of Lorrain The Name of Premostratenses these Religious took from the first Monastery they had which was built in the Wood of Premostre CHAP. X. The beginning progress and end of the War against Cordova with the Conquest of that noble City AFter the interview between the two Kings of Castile and Aragon they both return'd to the War against the Moors The Aragonians incourag'd by their Success in Majorca and offended at Zaen who after Usurping the Crown of Valencia had entred the Territories of Aragon burning and destroying many Towns and Villages as far as Amposta and Tortosa were resolv'd to invade Valencia The Castilians advanc'd still in Andaluzia The distractions that were among the Infidels promis'd success to the Christians for they were at that time divided into the Factions of Almohades Almoravides Benamarines and Benadalodes Such Confusion was among them that tho' no Body had lent a hand to pull it down their Kingdom must have fallen of it self In Catalonia the Tax called Bovaticum was again rais'd Many Incursions were made into the Territories of the Moors particularly D. Blasco de Alagon took from them the strong Town of Morella It somewhat offended the King that any private Person should commence that War before him therefore he took that Town from D. Blasco and in lieu of it gave him the Town of Sastago This is the original of the Earls of Sastago a Noble Family in that Kingdom After the taking of Morella another Town called Burriana having held out a Siege of two Months surrendred to the King upon promise of Life and Liberty 7000. Men and Women march'd out of the place This
loss was so much the more considerable to the Moors for that the Territory of those two Towns maintain'd many other Castles which were now necessitated to Surrender Among these were Peniscola Castellon and Bun̄ol D. Ximeno de Vrrea took Alcalaten which was therefore given to him and his Heirs the most noble Family of the Vrreas and continues to this day Farther on upon the Banks of the River Xucar our Forces by night surprized Almazora the Moors flying without offering to resist King Ferdinand having setled the Kingdom of Leon left the Queen there to gain the affections of those People and gather'd a powerful Army in Castile to prosecute the War in Andaluzia which had been of late interrupted He laid Siege to Vbeda which being a great City and but a League distant from Baeza was very strong well Garrison'd and stor'd with Provisions yet the Kings resolution made all easy and it was surrendred to him the Inhabitants Articling only for Life On the other side the Military Orders took Medellin Alfanges and Santacruz This Joy had some allay of trouble for the Death of the Queen who departed this Life at Toro and was bury'd at Huelgas Her Body was afterwards translated to Sevill where she lies by her Husband with whom she had lived lovingly Vbeda being taken the King return'd to Toledo resolving again for Leon to secure the affections of those people The Garrison of Vbeda making an Incursion into the Territory of Cordova took some of those old Souldiers that are appointed to keep Garrisons whom the Moors call Almogaraves These gave Intelligence that then was a fit opportunity to take Cordova That part of the Suburb called Axarquia joins to the Wall and those sort of Souldiers had the guard of it who suffer'd the Christians to Scale the Wall and enter the City on the 23d of December in the Year 1235. It was but a small number that undertook this great action therefore they only possess'd themselves of a few Towers and secur'd the Gate of Martos hoping they should soon be reliev'd and therefore sent Messengers to all parts to carry the News of what they had done and the danger they were in if not speedily succour'd As soon as it was day the Moors prepar'd to expel those new Guests D. Alvaro Perez de Castro whose Loyalty was very remarkable since his reduction was the first that brought relief to Cordova from Martos where he was at that time Scarce had the King receiv'd the News when he set forwards from Leon and tho' the distance was great and the season unfit for action he march'd with what Men he could gather leaving Orders every where for the Gentry to follow him By the way he summon'd the Castle of Bienquerencia the Commander whereof gave the King Provisions and promis'd to Surrender if Cordova were taken Therefore leaving that place the King advanc'd and found many Soldiers resorted to him from all parts yet not enough to compose a sufficient Army King Abenhut was then ready at Ecija with a great power D. Lorenzo Suarez being Banished followed that King The Moor knew not whether to relieve Cordova or Valencia first both places being in equal Danger and equally pressing for aid The King of Aragon had attempted Cullera but was obliged to forbear because there were no stones near to cast out of the Engines however the Castle of Moncada was taken and demolished for a Terror to the Infidels King Abenhut being advertised of all and not knowing which way to turn sent D. Lorenço Suarez to get intelligence He desiring to return into favour with King Ferdinand underhand gave him notice of the posture of affairs and having received instructions how to behave himself went back to the Moorish King and with feign'd tokens of fear magnified the Forces of King Ferdinand This Artifice diverted him from thinking of the relief of Cordova to the great joy of the Christians which was increased by the News brought a few days after that he had been killed by his own People at Almeria His Death fell out very fortunately for us because he was an Active Wise and Valiant Prince and might have contributed much towards Re-establishing the Dominion of the Moors in Spain Cordova is seated almost in the midst of Andaluzia in a Plain at the Foot of Sierra Morena On the left hand it is Watered by the River Guadalquivir which having received many other Streams is there Navigable The City lying along the Bank of the River makes a long Square Whilst the Moors possessed it much of its Beauty was lost they being not at all curious in Architecture Formerly it had 5 Gates now 7. The Suburbs are as great as a good City especially that we said was called Axarquia on the Bank of the River without the East Gate which is encompassed with a Wall and joins to the City The King's Palace is on the West side shut up within a particular Wall On the River is a Beautiful Bridge the Foot whereof reaches to the Cathedral It was formerly called Colonia Patricia because of the great number of Nobility that liv'd there All the Country about is Fruitful and Pleasant and even the Mountains bear Vines Olive and other sorts of Trees On the Mountains about a League from the City is a Monastery of Fryars of S. Hierome where there are still to be seen some ruins of the Ancient Cordova either Built or repaired by Marcus Marcellus when he was Praetor in Spain Part of the Walls of this City being already possessed by the Christians King Ferdinand laid Siege to the rest in the Year of Grace 1236. The Moors being numerous and expecting relief defended themselves with much Bravery Many Bloody Skirmishes hap'ned in the very Streets Some time was spent in this manner till Fame and some Prisoners they took informed the Besieged that Abenhut King of Granada was killed and D. Lorenço Suarez had returned to the Christians and lay with them before the Town Thus all hopes of relief being taken away they resolv'd to surrender and after much time spent in Treating obtained no better Conditions than to have leave to depart where every Man pleased The Town was delivered upon the 29th day of June being the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul and immediately the Cross and Royal Standard were set up in the Steeple of the great Mosque which was Consecrated by several Bishops who followed the Army F. Lope a Monk of Fitero near Pisuerga was the first Bishop of that See Because the Moors 260 Years before had caused the Bells from Santiago in Galicia to be brought to this City on the Shoulders of the Christians he now caused them to be carryed back in the same manner by Moors All the Infidels departing the City was left desolate which obliged the King to grant extraordinary Priviledges to such as would come and inhabit there Great numbers resorted to whom Lands and Houses were given
to Toledo he sent a great Sum of Money to Cordova to relieve the Inhabitants who suffer'd want the Country about them lying still waste A Bushel of Wheat was worth 12 Maravedies and a Bushel of Barly 4 which in that Age was an extrordinary rate In the following Year 1239. we find there were two Eclypses of the Sun one on the 3d of June being Friday when the Sun at Noon day was so darkned as if it had been night The other on the 25th of the same Month as Bernard Guido an Aragonian Historian writes But there must be some mistake in this last for there could not be a Conjunction of the Sun and Moon at that time and nothing else can cause an Eclypse of the Sun Pliny affirms the Eclypse of the Moon cannot return till the 5th Month and that of the Sun till the 7th That Year was unlucky to Castile for the Death of two Notable Men. These were D. Lope de Haro to whom succeeded his Son James and D. Alvaro de Castro who made good our Party in Andaluzia This Gentleman perceiving the evil posture of Affairs went to Toledo to acquaint the King with it and being upon his return dy'd by the way at Orgaz During his absence 50 Soldiers under the Command of Alonso de Meneses D. Alvaro's Kinfman went out of the Castle of Martos to plunder Albamar chosen King of Arjona in the place of Abenhut having notice of that advantage laid Siege to the Castle D. Alvaro's Lady caus'd all the Women to Arm themselves and cast Stones from the Wall making show as if they had been Soldiers Thus they defended themselves till D. Alonso and his Company having Intelligence of their danger return'd and being encourag'd by one James Perez de Vargas of Toledo fought their way thro' the Enemy They being entred the Moorish King raised the Siege for want of Provisions The loss of those two great Men not a little perplex'd the King who upon it set out from Burgos travelling with all speed towards Cordova With him went his two Sons Alonso and Ferdinand Princes excellently qualified and now at age to bear Arms. At the same time King Jayme went to Montpellier to try if he could raise some Money in that City which he stood in need of no less than he of Castile besides he design'd to quiet that City then divided into Factions and punish the Mutiniers He compassed both his Designs Albamar the Moorish King to his other Dominions by the consent of the People joyn'd the famous City Granada and this was the beginning of that Kingdom which lasted till the age of our Grandfathers At Murcia the Citizens in hatred to Alhamar chose for their King one Humiel which gave occasion to the mortal Enmity that continu'd many Years betwixt those two Cities The Moors of Andaluzia tired out the Christians with false Alarms and Ambushes but would never come to a Battle On the contrary the King's Forces took from them many Towns Cities and Castles Among these were of Note Ezija Estepa Lucena Porcuna Marchena Cabra Ossuna and Vaena Places of less note are not worth nameing some of them were given to the Knights of Santiago and Calatrava and some to the Prelates and Nobles who serv'd the King in those Expeditions These losses put the Moors into the greatest consternation imaginable One of the Family of the Almohades whose Name is not known came now over out of Africk hoping to raise himself a Kingdom by revenging the harm done his Nation by the Christians but by some Policy he was taken tho' the manner or place where it was done is not set down in any History King Ferdinand having concluded a Truce for one Year with Albamar King of Granada after he had spent 13 Months in this Expedition return'd now to Toledo where his Wife and Mother receiv'd him with great Joy for his many Victories Thence he went to Burgos and translated the University of Palencia Founded by his Grandfather King Alonso to Salamanca He was induc'd to make this change by the conveniency of this City for Schollars the River Tormes coming up to it and supplying it with all Necessaries Besides this he had another reason which was to oblige the Kingdom of Leon within whose Limits Salamanca stands His Father Alonso King of Leon had there laid some small Foundation of an University that his Subjects might not be oblig'd to go for Learning to Castile Now thro' the Bounty of his Son Ferdinand and afterwards of his Grandson Alonso a great Favourer of Learning it so increased that no place in the World affords greater Rewards of Learning or has better Salaries for the Professors of Arts and Sciences D. James de Haro Lord of Biscay about this time Revolted twice the cause not known the goodness of King Ferdinand and care of his Son Alonso still reduc'd him bestowing greater Favours on him than before Respect was had to the Services of his Ancestors and it was of evil consequence to be imploy'd in Civil Broils when there was so fair an opportunity of Extirpating the Moors These things hap'ned in the Year of our Lord 1240. The same Year in the King's absence the Garison of Valencia under the Command of William de Aguillon and other Men of Note plundred the Territory of Xativa took Rebolledo by surprize and besieg'd the Castle of Chjo which stands on the Mountains and is an Inlet to a delightful and pleasant Plain 20000 Moors came to the Relief of it who charg'd the Christians with great Resolution but were overthrown and put to flight After this Victory the Castle was taken and demolished At the King's return the Moors complained of this breach of Truce and Reparation was made them No sooner did that Truce expire but the King entring their Country took the Castle of Bayren seated in a Valley that bears Sugar and Rice as does all the Territory of Gandia Villena was also taken and Castillon but Xativa tho' Besig'd held out In the midst of these Actions the King was called away to Affairs of greater moment in France Each having setled his Kingdom in the best manner time would permit The King of Arragon prepared to depart into France and he of Castile into Andaluzia A dangerous Sickness detain'd King Ferdinand at Burgos Alonso his eldest Son was sent before to carry on the War because the Truce was almost expired and the Frontiers must be Reliev'd lest they should be in danger Alonso being come to Toledo there met him Embassadors from Hudiel King of Murcia offering him that Kingdom upon these Conditions That Hudiel being taken into the Protection of the Kings of Castile should by them be defended from all Domestick and Foreign Enemies and particulary against Alhamar King of Granada whom of himself he was not able to withstand That during his Life he should enjoy half the Revenues of that Crown These Conditions were very advantagious It was
requisite to use diligence lest the minds of those People should alter for the Moors are very inconstant Therefore the Prince set out after the Embassadors without staying to consult his Father At his Arrival all places submitting he put Garisons into them particularly into the Castle of Murcia Revenues were assign'd all the chief of the Moors Only the Cities Lorca formerly call'd Eliocrota Cartagena and Mula would not submit to the Christians It was tedious to force them and Prince Alonso had not a sufficient Power therefore he returned with all speed towards his Father who being recover'd was come as far as Toledo and desiring to gain the Affections of the Moors resolv'd to visit that new Kingdom There is extant a Grant sign'd by the King of Murcia to the Church of S. Mary of Valpuesta Thence the King and his Son Alonso were called away upon urgent Affairs to Burgos At the same time Berengaria the King's Daughter became a Nun at Huelgas Jayme King of Aragon having recommended the Government of his Kingdom to D. Ximeno Bishop of Taraçona was now at Monpelier Thither the Earls of Toulouze and Provence came to visit him on pretence of Friendship but in reality to treat about a Divorce betwixt the Earl of Toulouze and his Wife Sancha King Jayme's Aunt The reason was because Joanna that Earl's Daughter and Heiress he having no Issue Male would convey her Father's Dominions to her Husband Alonso Earl of Poitiers Brother to Luis King of France King Jayme lest so considerable a Principality should fall into the hands of the French sought some colour for a Divorce that the Earl of Toulouze Marrying again might have Issue Male. This was contrary to the Agreement we mention'd above was made at Paris Therefore in order to oppose the power of France these three Princes concluded a League on the 5th of June in the Year 1241. The same Year dy'd Pope Gregory IX Celestin IV. succeeded him and he dying within 17 days Innocent IV. was chosen after the Chair had been void six Months In the time of these Popes Hugo a Dominican and Cardinal famous for his great Learning writ large Commentaries on the Holy Scripture He was the first that attempted to write the Concordance of the Bible a Work almost infinite yet he compassed it by the help of 500 Monks The like was afterwards imitated by the Hebrews and Greeks and is a great help to Learned Men. CHAP. II. A Defeat of the Christians who recover and are successful take Jaen and many other Places The King of Granada made Tributary King Sancho II. of Portugal Expell'd his Kingdom by his Rebellious Subjects THE War in Andaluzia was not prosecuted with any Vigour King Ferdinand being full of other cares Roderick Alfonso of Leon the King's Bastard Brother making an Incursion into the Territory of Granada was defeated by the Moors Several Persons of Note and a great number of Soldiers being kill'd in the Action This Success encouraged the Moorish King to waste our Frontiers no Body offering to oppose him King Ferdinand being advertiz'd hereof order'd his Son Alonso speedily to secure the Kingdom of Murcia resolving himself to march for Andaluzia Being come to Andujar he ravaged the Territories of Arjona and Jaen then in the hands of the Moors Arjona soon after was taken from them and other Towns of less note in that Neighbourhood Thence the King sent his Brother Alonso Lord of Molina with a good Army who plundred all the Lands of Granada and encamped before the City King Ferdinand believing the Moors would gather from all parts to relieve that place marched thither with greater Forces A mighty Army of infidels was there put to the Rout. Yet the City could not be taken for that it was strongly Fortisied well provided and had a great Multitude of Inhabitants Besides that at the same time Advice was brought that the Gazules a powerful Party among the Moors had Besieged Martos This mov'd the King to send his Brother Alonso and the Master of Calatrava before with part of the Army to relieve the Besieged but the Moors staid not for their coming Thus much the King thought might suffice for the present and therefore he returned to Cordova with his Army entire in the Year 1242. Prince Alonso his Son was no less Fortunate in Murcia and of the three Cities we said before would not submit he took Mula by force and then wasted all the Lands of Carthagena and Lorca in such manner that they meditated a Surrender To Sancho Maçuelos for his good Service in this War the Prince gave the Town of Alcaudete near Bugorra From him descends the Noble Family of the Earls of Alcaudete in Castile Winter drawing on the King went to Poçuelo where his Mother expected him to treat about important Affairs she being now near the end of her days He spent 45 days with her in that Town after which the Queen returned to Toledo and the King to Anduxar at the beginning of the Year 1243. The Queen Consort remained at Cordova All the Lands about Jaen and Alcala Sirnamed Bençayde were wasted by the King in Person Illora was burnt and he marched in sight of the City Granada D. Pelayo Correa Master of Santiago who had done good service under Prince Alonso in Murcia came now to Andaluzia and persuaded the King to lay Siege to Jaen which had been often attempted and always without Success Great difficulties seem'd to obstruct this undertaking as the greatness of the Garison plenty of Provisions within and natural strength of the Place which hindred the applying of Engines for battery That City is seated at the side of a craggy Mountain stretching out in length betwixt the East and South not so broad as long is plentifully supply'd with Water of several Springs and the River Guadalquivir runs three Leagues distant from it It was stored with all Necessaries and well Garison'd besides its natural strength Pelayus's Constancy prevailed beyond all these difficulties All things were provided and the Siege opened yet many days were spent and no advance made It fell out that the Faction of the Oysimeles at Granada Mutiny'd which brought that King into great danger of losing his Kingdom and Life In this condition no Refuge was left him but among the Christians wherefore having obtain'd a Pass he came to the Camp of King Ferdinand He offered to serve him faithfully if he would take him into his Protection and in token of submission kissed his hand A League and Friendship was established betwixt them upon the following Articles That Jaen be immediately delivered That the Revenue of the Kingdom of Granada be equally divided betwixt the two Kings it was then valued at 170000 Ducats a Year That the Moorish King as Homager be obliged when summoned to come to the Cortes or Parliament That this League be Offensive and Defensive Thus the Treaty being concluded the City was surrendred and
was then quite destitute of Inhabitants but the King promising that all such as would come and inhabit there should be exempted from Taxes it was soon Peopled and regain'd its former Lustre CHAP. IV S. Luis King of France sends Presents to the Church of Toledo and makes an unfortunate Expedition to the Holy-Land Aragon Embroyl'd King Ferdinand of Castile after gaining much from the Moors dies WHilst Sevil was Besieged S. Luis King of France Enrich'd the Church of Toledo with many Holy Relicks which much encreased the Devotion to that Church and gain'd him the esteem of the People of Spain Those Relicks are preserv'd to this day and shown in the Treasury of that Church with the Original Letter sent by S. Luis upon that occasion After that King Luis sailed from Marseilles to the Conquest of the Holy-Land but his Success was not answerable to the Piety of the Undertaking For after reducing the City Damiata in Aegypt Robert the King's Brother was killed in a Battle Alonso and Charles his two Brothers together with the King himself were made Prisoners in the Year 1249. Their Liberty cost dear and little was done in the Holy-Land except the taking of Joppe Sidon and Cesarea by the French in the Year 1250. This same Year D. Gutierre Archbishop of Toledo dying at Atiença on the 9th of August as appears by the Annals of Toledo D. Sancho Son of King Ferdinand was promoted to that Dignity Some call him Peter and others John but doubtless both Names are mistaken Roderick the Archbishop by order of Queen Berengaria bred her two Grandsons Philip and Sancho at Toledo He made them both Canons of that Church Both of them study'd at Paris particularly Philip was Disciple to Albertus Magnus that great Philosopher and Divine His Learning and the Interest of his Father preferred D. Sancho to the Archbishoprick Pope Innocent IV. approved the Election but he was not Consecrated because he was not of Age being the youngest but one of all his Brothers For his sake the King gave Vzeda and Iznatoraf to the Church of Toledo in lieu of Baça which he had given when Jaen was taken About this time lived a famous Man called Pero Gonzalez who leaving the Court where he had a considerable Employment spent the rest of his life in instructing the People of Galicia and Asturias and was a famous Preacher His Cotemperary Bernard a Canon of Santiago thro' his great knowledge of the Canon-Law became Familiar with Pope Innocent and writ the Comments upon the Epistolae Decretales At the same time the Aragonians divided into Factions consumed themselves with Civil Wars King Jayme by his Queen Violante had these Sons Peter Jayme Ferdinand and Sancho and as many Daughters Violante Constantia Sancha and Mary The Queen who govern'd the King persuaded him to divide his Dominions among his Sons an advice destructive to the Kingdom and unjust in regard to Alonso the eldest Son For this reason most of the Nobility revolted from the King and openly sided with the Prince who countenanc'd them In order to compose these Differences which threatned greater Mischiefs the Cortes or Parliament was held in February at Alcanizes a Town in Aragon Judges being appointed to determine betwixt the Father and Son they gave Judgment against the Son This avail'd little the Subjects being dissatisfied and the King persisting in his Resolution insomuch that even before his Death he gave the Principality of Catalonia to his Son Peter which incens'd the other Party the more This in Aragon King Ferdinand's Affairs were in a much better posture for having setled Sevil where he intended to reside he took Xerez Medina Sidonia Begel Alpechin and Aznalfarache Besides about the Sea Coast he forc'd and demolish'd many Forts The Lands of Nebrixa were wasted yet some Towns of the Moors being well Fortify'd resolv'd to endure a Siege either for that they thought it more honourable or more safe There were thoughts of carrying on the War into Africk and to that purpose a great Fleet was providing in Biscay Death put a stop to this design which seiz'd King Ferdinand at Sevil on the 30th of May in the Year 1252. He Reign'd over Castile 34 Years 11 Months and 23 Days over Leon about 22 Years He was endew'd with all good Qualities his Life was such that it purchased him the Title of the Saint It is doubted whether his Valour Piety or good Fortune excelled most In fine he acted the part of a good Man and a Just Prince No time made his Piety so visible as the Hour of his Death Raymund Archbishop of Sevil Administred the Blessed Sacrament to him at the time it came into the Room he fell upon his Knees with a Halter about his Neck like a Criminal with great Humility begging pardon of his Sins and at the last gasp asked Forgiveness of all that were present Taking the Candle in his Hand with Eyes lifted up to Heaven he said Lord the Kingdom which you gave me and all the Honour I could merit I restore to thee Naked I came from my Mothers Womb and Naked I resign my self to the Earth Receive O Lord my Soul through the Merits of thy Holy Passion and vouchsafe to place it among thy Servants This said he order'd the Clergy to sing the Litany and Psalm Te Deum and then yielded up the Ghost A little before his Death he gave much good advice to his Son Alonso whom he appointed his Heir and recommended to his care his Queen and his other Sons of which Frederick Henry and Philip Elect of Sevil were present at his Death D. Sancho Elect of Toledo was then at his See The next day the Obsequies were perform'd with much Grandeur His Body was bury'd in the Cathedral of Sevil. This King is said to have instituted the Council of State which to this day has the Supream Authority in determining Causes He appointed 12 Judges as a higher Court whither all Appeals from inferior Tribunals should be brought so that he who Appeals deposites 500 Pistols and in case judgment be given against him forfeits them The Number of Law suits increasing and the Malice of the times still producing new Frauds it was necessary to erect this Tribunal for before each City was content with the determinations of their Judges or only Appeal'd to the Provincial Courts looking upon it as Superfluous to have recourse to the King Besides this he gave Men of Learning the care of inventing new Laws and gathering the old into one Volume now call'd Partidas which work begun in his time was perfected and publish'd under King Alonso his Son D. Lucas de Tuy brought his History down to the Death of King Ferdinand and no farther CHAP. V. The beginning of the Reign of King Alonso he is chosen Emperour by part of the Electors and Richard Duke of Cornwall by the rest Theobald the first King of Navarre dies his Son Theobald the Second
time they had acknowledged a certain dependance tho' it was only in form To make this Alliance the firmer a match was concluded betwixt Philip the King of France his eldest Son and Elizabeth the King of Aragon's Youngest Daughter he giving her the Towns of Carcassonne and Bezieres for a Portion This Year there hap'ned extraordinary Floods which continued from August till the 26th of December the Rivers swelling beyond their Banks and doing infinite harm Many Bridges were carry'd away and among them that at Toledo called of Alcantara But the following Year it was rebuilt as appears by the Inscription on the first Arch of the Bridge Spain was now somewhat quiet considering how many diffierent Princes ruled it Yet some misfortunes hap'ned D. Violante Queen of Aragon and her Son-in-Law Alonso dy'd The King's extravagancies seem'd to have shortned both thier Lives Prince Alonso was troubled that his Father showed him no affection at present and by dividing his Dominions had lessen'd his Inheritance for the future This was not only grievous to the Prince but to all the Nobility who publickly espous'd his quarrel and the King not long before his Sons Death to pacify them deliver'd up Valencia to him ordaining it should be always annex'd to the Crown of Aragon The Queen was offended that D. Teresa Vidaura after she had been some time laid aside was now again so great with the King that he did nothing without her He was so infatuated that he kept her as well before as after the Queen's Death with all the State due to a Queen She twice Challeng'd the King for promise of Marriage before the Pope By her the King had Peter Lord of Ayerve and Jaime Lord of Exeriça Queen Violante was bury'd at Valbuena in Catalonia Prince Alonso in the Cathedral of Valencia Zurita a Noble Historian of Aragon writes he was interred in the Monastery of Viruela of Cistercians Theobald King of Navarre after the Death of his Mother valiantly maintained the Earldom of Champagne against many Princes of France who sought to make themselves Masters of it This done he Marry'd Elizabeth the Youngest Daughter of Luis King of France The Nuptials were Celebrated at Melun but prov'd not Fortunate in the end by reason of the Queen's Barrenness This King had a Bastard Daughter by D. Marquesa de Rada and marry'd her to Peter the King of Aragon's Bastard Son Maud Countess of Bologne understanding the Death of King Sancho of Portugal went thither by Sea to plead her right of Marriage with Alonso the present King and try whether he could be moved to do her justice She came to Cascaes not far from Lisbon but the King being nothing concern'd at her misfortunes or at a Letter she sent him was forc'd to return without seeing him The King boasted he would Marry again the next Day if he thought it were for the good of his Kingdom Maud went herself to complain of the wrong done her to S. Luis then King of France and sent Embassadors to the Pope That King was too far from Portugal to relieve her The Pope sent to warn King Alonso of the wrong he offered that Lady and how hainous an offence it was to God but he gave no Ear to his advice At length he refusing to obey the Pope excommunicated him and laid an interdict on the whole Kingdom which is said to have lasted 12 Years because that King would not mend nor the succeeding Popes abate any thing of their rigour In other cases King Alonso was of a good Temper and a great Lover of Justice He clear'd the Kingdom of Robbers which were grown Numerous through the ill Government of King Sancho He also establish'd wholesome Laws and carry'd an even hand between the Nobility and Commonalty In War-like Affairs his Government was not inferior to the Civil for he enlarg'd his Dominions taking from the Moors Faro Algezira Albufera and other Towns in the Territory of Silves Castro Estremoz and Portalegre were founded by him and the City Beja ruin'd by the Wars was rebuilt In Lisbon there is a stately Convent of Dominicans built by him and another of poor Clares at Santarem His Liberality towards the poor was such that having exhausted his Treasures he often Pawn'd his Jewels to relieve them At this time the fame of King Alonso of Castile his Learning being spread throughout the World there came to him Embassadors from the Soldan of Aegypt bringing presents of rich Germents Carpets and Tapistry as also several strange Beasts never before seen in Spain This was in the Year 1260. This same Year a Town of Guipuscoa then called Arrasata chang'd its name for that of Mondragon as appears by a Charter of King Alonso the ancientest extant in Spanish for he was the first King of Spain that caused all Publick Acts to be writ in Spanish whereas before they were all in Latin On the 27th of October 1261. dy'd D. Sancho Archbishop of Toledo Pascualis or Pascasius Dean of that Church who had carry'd the Cross before Roderick the Archbishop at the Battle of Nabas de Tolosa succeeded him Doubtless he was very old and dy'd only Elect in June following His Tomb is in the Chapel of St. Lucy in that Cathedral Frederick the Emperor dying his Son Conrade succeeded him who also four Years after ended his days in Sicily either of a natural Death or as some would have it poison'd by his Bastard Brother Manfredus This Manfredus notwithstanding Conrade had appointed a Son then a Child which he left in Germany to succeed in all his Dominions by force of Arms possess'd himself of Sicily and the Kingdom of Naples The Popes whose feof those Countries were admonish'd him to desist but he taking no notice of the Ecclesiastical Censures made War in Tuscany where the Guelphs a Faction that favoured the Pope were very powerful and overthrowing them soon became absolute Master of that Province The Pope us'd all possible means to overturn that new Kingdom Charles Earl of Anjou and Brother to Luis King of France was invited into Italy upon hope given him of being made King of Sicily On the other side Manfredus sought to obtain aid from all parts and therefore had recourse in the first place to Jayme King of Aragon offering his Daughter Constance for Wife to his eldest Son Peter This match was not displeasing to the Aragonians for besides 120000 Ducats that he offer'd down with her she was Heiress to the Kingdom of Sicily Manfredus having no Heirs Male All points being agreed upon he sent F. Raymund de Pen̄afuerte of the Order of S. Dominick Embassador to the Pope to indeavour to compose the differences betwixt him and Manfredus The Pope gave no manner of Ear to F. Raymund but utter'd threatning Speeches against Manfredus accusing him of many Crimes and affirming he would never Treat with him unless he laid down Arms and came submissively to him At the same
which make it look like a Terrestial Paradise In our days the principal Trade of that City is Silk At that time it was well Fortify'd and had a strong Garison Some Sallies were made at first in which the Besieg'd came off always with loss In conclusion the Siege had not lasted long before the Moors Capitulated and Surrendred the Place On the other side King Alonso at Alcala de Bençayde came to an Accommodation with the Moors of Granada upon the following Conditions That the King of Granada break the League with Hudiel King of Murcia That he pay 50000 Ducats Yeatly as was done before That King Alonso on his part no longer Protect the Moors of Guadix and Malaga provided the Moorish King grant them a Truce for a Year That the King of Murcia if taken by the Christians have his Life spar'd These Articles being sign'd King Alonso hasted to take possession of Murcia after the surrender whereof King Jayme was return'd home At the Town of Santistevan Hudiel King of Murcia met King Alonso and falling at his Feet begg'd pardon for what was past which was granted upon condition he should no longer use the Stile of King but be content with such Revenues as were assigned him The Title of King was given to Mahomet the Brother of that Abenhut who we said above was kill'd at Almeria Only the third part of the King's Revenue was allotted him the rest to be paid to the Crown of Castile this was the end of the War which had held most People in suspence CHAP. VIII The Kingdom of the Normans in Sicily extinguish'd by the French Wars in Italy The Empress of Constantinople comes into Spain And Jayme King of Aragon to Toledo WHilst the War was in Andaluzia and Murcia the other parts of Spain enjoy'd Peace or there were no considerable Troubles a thing rare among so many Princes and in such a time of Popular Liberty Only Gonçalo Yanez Baçan a Nobleman of Navarre having by a publick Instrument renounc'd his Country with the King of Aragon's consent built a Castle he call'd Boeta whence he infested the Lands of Navarre S. Luis King of France at the same time sent to Pamplona a piece of the Crown of Thorns which was put upon our Saviour's Head Baldwin the Emperor of Constantinople had pawn'd it to him for a Sum of Money In Italy Charles Brother to the King of France slew King Manfredus possess'd himself of all his Dominions and at Rome was Crown'd King of Sicily and Naples The Battle was fought near Benavente which put an end to the Dominion of the Normans when it had lasted many years in those parts The new King oblig'd himself to pay 40000 Ducats every Year to the Church of Rome as an acknowledgment for that Feof and engag'd not to accept of the Empire tho' offer'd him without his Procurement King Jayme much concern'd at the misfortune of his Ally Manfredus study'd how to retrieve that loss As soon as the War was concluded in Murcia he went to the farthest part of Catalonia to be ready if there were any means left to restore the remainder of the Normans and possess himself of that Kingdom which he pretended belong'd to his Son in the Right of his Wife the only Daughter of Manfredus Mean while King Alonso was busie in setling the Affairs of Murcia gathering People to inhabit that Country and building Castles for its security Castile could not furnish a sufficient Multitude therefore he brought many out of Catalonia to settle there Tho' contrary to the late Capitulation he ceas'd not to relieve the Moors of Malaga and Guadix The King of Granada came himself to Murcia to complain of this wrong and receiving no satisfactory answer return'd home worse offended than he came Some Nobles who before were disgusted at King Alonso laid hold of this opportunity and advis'd the Moor to take Arms. The chief of these was D. Nun̄o Gonzalez de Lara a Rich and Powerful Man who pretended the King had much wrong'd his Father D. Nun̄o and D. John his Brother This was the beginning of new Troubles at such time as the King promising himself a lasting Peace was gone to view the Building of Villareal Thence he sent Embassadors to S. Luis King of France to demand his Daughter Blanch in Marriage for his eldest Son Prince Ferdinand This done he went to Vitoria where the King of England had appointed to meet him upon Affairs of high concern yet came not Nevertheless he sent Edward his Son at such time as King Alonso was gone back to Burgos At the same time the Empress of Constantinople being drove from her Empire came to confer with the King Baldwin her Husband and Justinian the Patriarch being Expell'd Greece by Michael Paleologus were taken by the way and fell into the Hands of the Soldan of Aegypt The Empress whose Name was Martha agreed to give 30000 Marks of Silver for his Ransome To gather this great Sum she had recourse to the Pope and King of France and lastly coming to Burgos in the Year 1268. made her address to the King for only the third part of that Sum. The King gave her the whole which was Profuseness rather than Liberality at a time when the Royal Treasures were quite exhausted Some Historians reject this Relation and say Baldwin was never taken by the Soldan of Aegypt In this I have follow'd the Authority of our Histories tho' I know Fame often exceeds the truth Baldwin the Emperor having recover'd his Liberty and lost his Empire went into France and thence to Namur which City was his own where he spent the residue of his Life By a Grant made to the Knights of Calatrava in the Year of our Lord 1264. it appears the See of Toledo was then Vacant unless as it often happens the Years therein be mistaken Either this Year or rather some time sooner Sancho Son to Jayme King of Aragon succeeded Pascualis Archbishop of Toledo I imagine the new Prelate being under Age staid some time in Aragon before he came to his Church which might give occasion to some to write that the See was vacant His Father lov'd him tenderly and therefore about this time came to Toledo to see him as shall presently be related Great Wars and Confusions were now in Italy for Conradin the Suevian strove by force and against the will of the Pope to recover his Father's Dominions Frederick Duke of Saxony accompany'd him out of Germany and Henry Brother to the King of Castile went to him from Rome where he was a Senator his Birth as I suppose supplying his Defects Besides these all the Gibellins of Italy took up Arms for him With these Forces Conradin broke into Naples and in Abruzzo near the Lake Taliacoso came to a Battle with King Charles who was there ready to receive him The French obtain'd the Victory Frederick and Henry were taken in Fight Conradin in the pursuit which
young This was his lawful Issue By D. Teresa Egidia Vidaura he had D. Jayme Lord of Exerica and Peter Lord of Ayerve both whom at his Death he declared Legitimate and appointed to succeed in Case Queen Violante's Children left no Heirs By another Woman of the House of Antillon he had Fernan Sanchez who we said above was killed by his Brother By Berengaria Fernandez he had another Son called Peter Fernandez to whom he gave the House of Ixar From them all are descended Noble Families in the Kingdom of Aragon It is remarkable that after his four Sons which he declared Legitimate he appointed the Heirs Male of his Daughters Violante Constance and Elizabeth to succeed excluding the Mothers themselves and all other Women from ever inheriting the Crown of Aragon He charg'd his Son to expel all the Moors the Kingdom as being a People never to be trusted Prince Peter tho' his Father were dead took not immediately the name of King but stil'd himself Heir of the Kingdom till such time as he was crown'd at Zaragoça which was on the 16th of November after the Troubles of Valencia were appeas'd The Queen also was Crown'd and the Nobility took an Oath to Prince Alonso the new King's Son as Heir apparent of the Crown To D. Jayme the late King 's younger Son were given the Islands of Majorca and Minorca with the Title of King as his Father had order'd He had also the Earldom of Rusillon and Mompellier in France This Prince had Three Sons Sancho Ferdinand and Philip. The Division of the Kingdom caus'd disgusts between the two Brothers which at length broke out into open War D. Jayme complain'd that the Kingdom of Valencia had been taken from him and he left a Homager to his Brother thus his Ambition push'd him on to his Ruin and he never gave over till stripp'd of all his Dominions Navarre was nothing quieter than the rest of Spain Philip King of France having taken upon him the Charge of that Kingdom resolv'd to go thither in Person with a sufficient Army to compose those Distractions The Weather was unseasonable the Pyrenean Mountains cover'd with Snow and great want of Provisions Which difficulties caus'd him to return Home himself yet he sent forward Charles Earl of Arras with the most and best of the Army This was a Person of great Authority as being Uncle to Queen Joanna and therefore his presence was of great use The contrary Faction being worsted by the French near a Town call'd Reniega retir'd to that quarter of Pamplona call'd Maverreria the French still pursuing and pressing upon them Therefore Garcia de Almoravides the head of those People with all his Friends and Kindred in the Dark Night got through the Enemies Centinels and fled out of the Kingdom Some of them setled in Cerdagne where their Posterity remains to this Day Pamplona was taken and fired Such as remain'd terrify'd with this Punishment submitted themselves others that were fled being summon'd to appear and answer for themselves upon contempt were in absence attainted of High Treason The French General having quieted the Kingdom went into Castile and was nobly entertained by King Alonso with whom being somewhat familiar the King said He wanted not intelligence from the French Court of such as were near about that King and revealed his Secrets This whether true or false brought Broquiol the French King's Chamberlain into suspicion which was increas'd by Letters of his to King Alonso written in Cyphers intercepted by his Enemies and at last cost him his Head Da. Violante Queen of Castile seeing her Grand-children slighted and Prince Sancho prefer'd before them and not thinking her self safe resolv'd to fly and to that purpose perswaded her Brother the King of Aragon to come to the Monastery of Huerta upon pretence of visiting him there With the Queen were her Grand-children and all together went into Aragon King Alonso when he understood her design indeavour'd to prevent it but too late No misfortune could have troubled him more than this did therefore he vented his Passion upon those he thought had any hand in the Queens departure He caus'd his Brother Prince Frederick and Simon Ruiz de Haro Lord of Cameros to be apprehended The Court was full of discord and many favour'd the King's Grand-children Simon Ruyz was burnt at Trevizo by Prince Sancho his Order he also caus'd Prince Fredrick's Head to be cut off which drew on him much hatred especially for that they were executed without being try'd Embassadors pass'd between the Two Kings He of Castile demanded his Wife should be sent back and the Election of D. Sancho allow'd The King of Aragon excus'd himself saying that Business was not yet fully determin'd and that all Persons found protection in his Kingdom much more a Sister These differences were so heightn'd that it was thought the King of Aragon would have made War upon Castile had not the Moors of Valencia rebell'd and taken Montesa relying upon the King of Morocco But those Tumults were quell'd sooner than was expected for the Moors seeing no Succours came from Africk delivered up to the King Montesa and many other Castles they had in the Month of August 1277. Now King Alonso was come from Burgos to Sevil and thence sent a great Force to Besiege Algezira by Sea and Land Prince Peter the King's Son undertook to subdue that City but he return'd with Shame having lost many Men and our Fleet being ill mann'd was destroy'd by the King of Morocco Our Army dispers'd Some say the King of Morocco then built another Algezira not far from the former The Body of King Jayme of Aragon was deposited near the high Altar of the Cathedral Church of Valencia and thence in the Summer translated to the Monastery of Poblete Both the Kings of Castile and France were equally concern'd about the departure of Qu. Violante he of Castile fearing lest the Children should be carryed into France where they were sure of Protection and he of France lest they should fall into the Hands of their Uncle where their Lives were in danger or at least their Liberty was certainly lost Solemn Embassies were sent from both Princes upon this Score to the King of Aragon who at length resolv'd that Queen Violante should return to her Husband and that the Two Princes should remain in Aragon where they were secur'd in the Castle of Xativa This resolution troubled the Lady Blanch their Mother seeing them depriv'd of Liberty where she expected they should have been protected Hereupon she went away to Aragon and not obtaining any thing of that King pass'd over into France to perswade the King her Brother to make War upon Castile and Aragon unless they comply'd with her reasonable demands The Kingdom of Navarre which the French then possess'd lying so opportunely to infest Castile and Aragon mov'd that King and Prince Sancho to appoint a Conference at a place between Requena and
of that Place he made Incursions upon the Frontiers of Aragon The other was to appease the Nobility of Aragon and Catalonia who were then Mutinous and stirr'd up the People to Rebellion upon the usual Pretences of Liberty and Property To this effect the Cortes or Parliament met first at Taraçona then at Zaragoça and lastly at Barcelona where the King gave Orders for the Redressing all Grievances and so the People were pacified The War he had in hand with the French made him condescend lest whilst he was busie in Sicily or Italy the Aragonians should Revolt Besides he was perplex'd for that the Pope had not only Excommunicated but Deposed him of his Fathers Dominions and given the Conquest thereof to Charles de Valois the King of France his younger Son No less Troubles were at the same time in Castile caus'd by the Discord between King Alonso and his Son The greater number follow'd Prince Sancho King Alonso being forsaken by his own People had again recourse to Strangers and brought the King of Morocco the second time into Spain giving out it was against the King of Granada who was in League with the Prince This Expedition produc'd nothing remarkable because both Christians and Moors were better provided than had been expected and the King of Granada having put strong Garrisons into all his Towns would not hazard a Battel and so the King of Morocco return'd into Africk without doing any thing remarkable This Design failing King Alonso solicited the King of France to make War upon his Son and at the same time to have the Zeal of Religion make for him accus'd his Son before the Pope of Disobedience Impiety and Ingratitude in usurping his Crown before he was Dead The Pope gave Ear to this Complaint and Excommunicated all those that adher'd to Prince Sancho He also appointed Judges to hear both Parties and they laid an Interdict upon all Towns that were for the Prince so that at one time both in Castile and Aragon tho for different reasons the Churches were shut up yet the Rebellion continu'd the Prince threatning Death to the Popes Commissioners if they fell into his hands However the dread of Ecclesiastical Censures caus'd many to fall off from him Among the first his Brothers Peter and John began to take Compassion on their Father which Prince Sancho understanding he detain'd his Brother Peter with the promise of the Kingdom of Murcia but John withdrew privately and through Portugal got away to his Father at Sevil. Many Towns repenting their Disloyalty sought how to obtain the King's Pardon and clear themselves of the Excommunication they lay under and having obtain'd both presently submitted themselves Agreda and Trevin̄o were of this number Many Men of Note as D. John Nun̄ez de Lara D. John Alonso de Haro and Prince James joyn'd the Army of Philip King of France then marching to the Assistance of King Alonso and with him entred Castile plundering all the Country as far as Toledo without meeting any Opposition CHAP. V. The Death of Alonso King of Castile The beginning of the Reign of King Sancho the IVth The Defeat of the French Fleet on the Coast of Italy Albarazin taken by the King of Aragon KIng Philip of France had a Son of the same Name distinguish'd by the Title of the Fair who this same year others say the next Marry'd Joanna Queen of Navarre with whom he had that Kingdom This Prince now began to plead the Rights of his Predecessors and by that means sought to extend the Borders of his Kingdom which his Design was not a little forwarded by the Discord at that time in Castile Prince Sancho did as much as could be in such a Time of Confusion He quell'd the City Toro which was about Revolting and went out to meet D. John Nun̄ez de Lara who wasted the Territories of Calahorra Osma and Siguença and made him retire with more speed than he came After this it was agreed the Father and Son should have a Conference in order to which King Alonso came as far as Constantina and Prince Sancho to Guadalcanal Great hopes were conceiv'd of an amicable Accommodation yet by the perswasion of some of the Princes Familiars who hated his Father or rather because many hop'd to make their Advantage of the Publick Calamities They met not but the King return'd to Sevil and the Prince to Salamanca By Consent of both Parties Beatrix Queen Dowager of Portugal and the Prince his Wife Mary who was then deliver'd of a Daughter met at Toro and labour'd all that might be for an Accommodation but to no Effect for the Enmity daily increas'd and with it the Misery of the Kingdom This was the Posture of Affairs when King Alonso dy'd at Sevil some say on the 5th some the 21st Day of April without doubt it was in the Year 1284. In his Will sign'd the foregoing November he appoints D. Alonso first and then Ferdinand his grand-Children to succeed him and in Case they dye without Issue then Philip King of France to be next Heir as descended from the King 's of Castile being Grandson to Queen Blanch and Great Grandson to King Alonso who won the Battle of Navas He made no mention of his Sons and Brothers in hatred to Prince Sancho but hop'd to bring the Power of France upon him Yet at the Hour of Death at the suit of his Son Prince John he bequeath'd to him Sevil and Badajoz and to his Brother James the Kingdom of Murcia with the Title of Kings but so as to hold of the Crown of Castile He order'd his Heart should be bury'd on Mount Calvary and his Body in Sevil or Murcia but it was not perform'd for the Heart and Bowels are at Murcia and the Body at Sevil. He was a great and wise King had he made use of his Knowledge to his own Advantage and had he not blemish'd his good Qualities with Avarice and overmuch Severity It was he who first ordain'd that all Contracts and publick Instruments should be writ in Spanish and caus'd the Holy Bible to be Translated So that the Latin being no more us'd produc'd a profound Ignorance as well in the Clergy as Laiety King Alonso being Dead tho' his Son Sancho's Title was not good yet he succeeded him without any Opposition He was at that Time at Avila scarce recover'd of a Sickness in which he had been almost given over by the Physicians at Salamanca and strength of Youth help'd the Medicines to take Effect Here he took upon him the Title of King which he had forbore during his Father's Life The Title of the Brave he gain'd by his great Spirit and Actions till then more Successful than Honourable for glorious Titles are generally obtain'd by the favour of Fortune rather than by Merit He was doubtless Bold Subtle and Industrious in all his Undertakings His Reign lasted 11 Years and a few Days his Memory defac'd with
should not assume the Title of King of Castile and ●●ould hold that Crown of him and do him 〈◊〉 for it That if D. Alonso dy'd without 〈◊〉 his Brother Ferdinand should 〈…〉 That the King of Castile should send ●000 Horse to the Assistance of the King of France to make War upon Aragon but give 〈◊〉 Army free passage through his Dominions if there was Occasion That the Two Princes then Prisoners being by the Two Kings set at Liberty should be deliver'd to the King of France This Agreement was so displeasing to Blanch the Mother of ●●● Princes that leaving her Brother she went away to Portugal She labour'd with a 〈◊〉 Spirit to get assistance against 〈◊〉 but the Success answer'd not the Pains she took Denis King of Portugal having 〈◊〉 the Moors his Dominions ●njoy'd perfect Peace and would by no 〈◊〉 be perswaded to hazard his own Quiet for the good of others This King had good natural Parts and who happy in a numerous ●●ue By his Queen Elizabeth he had Two Daughters Elizabeth and Constance and one Son called Alonso who 〈◊〉 him By other Women he had Alonso de Albuquerque from whom descends a Noble Family in Portugal Peter given to 〈◊〉 as appears by a Book he wrote of the Nobility of Spain 〈◊〉 and Ferdinand 〈◊〉 two Daughters one marry'd to D. John de la Cerda the other to 〈◊〉 CHAP. VIII Troubles in Castile The rightful Heirs to that Crown before Prisoners in Aragon set at liberty Wars on that account betwixt those two Crowns Badajoz M●tinies and is reduc'd An Interview betwixt the Kings of France and Castile CAstile was at peace with the Moors Amity being establish'd with the King of Granada and a Truce with the King of Morocco A Civil War was fear'd by all Men. These Troubles were occasion'd by the Death of D. Lope de Haro kill'd in the Court and even in the King's presence in this manner D. Alvar Nun̄ez de Lara dying soon after he was reconcil'd to the King his Competitor D. Lope de Haro return'd to Court hoping to recover his former Favour But no sooner was D. Alvar dead than D. John his Brother was rais'd to the same degree of Esteem to the great satisfaction of the People and no less Grief of D. Lope de Haro who so highly resented it as to complain to the King himself Prince John D. Lope's Son in Law 〈…〉 Incursions far as Guidad 〈◊〉 The King complain'd thereof to D. Lope who had the Boldness to say 〈…〉 by his Consent and added that if the King went to Valladolid his Son in-Law would come to ●igules a Town 〈◊〉 that 〈◊〉 which was threatning of him The King tho inrag'd at this Affront diss●●●'d it at present and going to Valladolid spoke with D. John his Brother ●o those Troubles ●●as'd for some time From Valladolid the King 〈◊〉 to Roa thence to 〈◊〉 then to Soria and then set forward towards Taragona to meet the King of Aragon and treat about delivering the Two Princes his Nephews This Meeting of the Two Kings was prevented by the Policy of D. Lope de Haro who pass'd betwixt them and made Proposals to each of them which the other never thought of His Design was by 〈◊〉 of these two Princes to pull down King Sancho from whom he was wholly 〈◊〉 Therefore nothing being concluded King Sancho return'd to Alfaro a Town or 〈◊〉 on the Borders Beacon and Navarre Prince John and D. Lope de Haro came thither to attend him without a sufficient Retinue to guard them There were 〈◊〉 at that 〈…〉 Arch-Bishop at Toledo the Bishops of Plasencia Callahorra Osma and Tuy besides the 〈…〉 Lord 〈…〉 and the Abbot of Valladolid all summon'd to a Council Prince 〈◊〉 and D. Lope being come into the Kings Presence he commanded them immediately to deliver up all the 〈◊〉 they held of the King and they excusing themselves he order'd them to be apprehended D. Lope 〈◊〉 Hand on his Sword and wrapping his Cloak about his Arm call'd the King Tyrant gave him much more opprobrious Language and stepp'd forwards to kill him All that were by 〈◊〉 and falling upon him first out off his Right Hand and soon made an end of him Prince John after wounding some of the King's Servant seeing his Father in Law Dead fled to the Queen's Chamber who stood before him to stop the King that follow'd with his drawn Sword and by her intreaties sav'd his life However he was put in Prison to stand Tryal for his Offences It would be tedious to relate all the particulars of this Treason and the Confusion in the Royal Family These Heads being taken off all Tumults ceased for the present and the Example terrifyed others from attempting just then to Rebel But when the Terror was somewhat abated that Action of the King 's began to be openly censur'd The Friends and Kindred of those two great Men withdrew from Court and many got out of the Kingdom Thus a mighty Storm seem'd to threaten and therefore the King as was said made hast to conclude the League with France Joanna Wife to the late D. Lope de Haro Daughter to D. Alonso Lord of Molina all clad in Mourning went to see the Queen her Sister at Santo Domingo de la Calçada where the Court then was and prevail'd so far with her Tears and the Queens intercession that the King was appeased and granted her Son should not be depriv'd of his Lord-ship of Biscay as had been design'd the Town of Haro and Castle of Trevin̄o being already seiz'd Moreover the Queen promis'd her Sister that if her Son would be quiet and submit himself to the King he should be restor'd to his Father's Honours The Lady Joanna like an unconstant Woman thinking this proceeded from Fear incens'd her Son against the King and perswaded him to cast off his Allegiance and go over to Aragon Mary Wife to Prince John then a Prisoner fled to Navarre and with her many of her Friends but others better advis'd stay'd to see the Event of Things Gaston Viscount of Bearne came speedily to Aragon resolving to hazard his Person and Estate in defence of his Kindred At the Request of all these Nobles the King of Aragon releas'd the Two Brothers Princes of Castile and the more to incense King Sancho in the Month of September at Jaca saluted Alonso the eldest King of Castile and Leon. This was the Foundation of new Wars which presently broke out between Castile and Aragon The Commonalty of Castile were for a Change the Gentry for the most part stood by King Sancho He about that time went to Vitoria in the Province of Alava and there the Queen was deliver'd of a Son who was call'd Henry This Journey was undertaken in order to meet the King of France at Bayonne as had been agreed and to subdue Biscay This War prov'd more difficult than was expected by reason of the natural Strength of
the Country want of Provisions and the Resolution of that People Some Hopes there had been of gaining D. James de Haro Brother to D. Lope by the means of Ruy Perez Ponce Master of Calatrava and the Lord-ship of Biscay was partly offer'd him but he chose rather to retire into Aragon resolving to stand by his Nephew All things were disposed for a Rupture when D. James de Haro Son to D. Lope dy'd very fortunately for King Sancho His Death caus'd the Affections of his Followers to cool and all Biscay which till then held out to submit to the Valour of James Lopez de Salzedo a Man in great esteem to whom that Affair was committed King Sancho having settled Biscay and put off the Interview with the King of France left his Brother Prince John Prisoner in the Castle of Burgos whence he was remov'd to Curiel and he himself being perplexed in Mind about the War with Aragon went to Sabugal a Town on the Frontiers of Portugal There he concluded a League with that King against the Aragonians and the out-Laws of Castile who prepar'd for War under Colour of restoring D. Alonso de la Cerda who stil'd himself King of Castile to his Grand-father's Kingdom These Things concluded King Sancho March'd with all the Forces he could gather to meet the Aragonians at Almaçan The Two Armies met in the Month of April 1289 but nothing remarkable was done Only Moron was taken by the Aragonians and Almaçan Besieg'd On the other side King Sancho entring the Frontiers of Aragon destroy'd all the open Country and burnt many Towns D. James Lopez de Haro in the same manner wasted all the Territory of Cuenca and Huete and defeated a Party of the Enemy near Pajaron killing Redorick de Sotomayor Commander of the Castilians D. James sent the Colours taken to the City Tiruel One Misfortune still follow'd upon the Neck of another and the Innocent People suffer'd for these Quarrels of the great Ones Most Cities sided with King Sancho but at Badajoz there happen'd a great Tumult That City of old was divided into Two Factions the Bejarani and the Portugueses The Bejarani being expell'd the City by their Enemies apply'd themselves to the King for Redress he order'd they should be restor'd but the Portugueses obey'd not Hereupon the Bejarani having gather'd a good Force kill'd many of their Adversaries and forc'd the rest to quit the Place This done they fortify'd themselves in the upper Part of the City and proclaim'd D. Alonso de la Cerda King King Sancho highly offended hereat laid Siege to the Town which presently surrender'd having Articled only for Life Contrary to Agreement 4000 Men and Women were put to the Sword The same happen'd to Talavera a considerable Town in the Kingdom of Toldo upon the same Account 400 of the principal Inhabitants were publickly Quarter'd at the Gate which for that Reason was ever since call'd the Gate of Quarters This the Inhabitants have by Tradition tho no Author makes mention of it These Two Towns serv'd for an Example to all others The following Year 1290 it was again agreed the Kings of France and Castile should meet They both accordingly came on the Day appointed to Bayonne The chief Points agreed upon at this Interview were That the King of France should desist giving any farther Protection to the two Princes of Castile That he should renounce all Claim and Title to that Crown as Great Grandson to Queen Blanch. And that both Kings should make War upon Aragon At the same time Tolosa Segura and Villafranca which began to be Rebuilt in Biscay in the time of King Alonso were now finish'd by King Sancho as appears by publick Instruments sign'd at Vitoria and Valladolid whither the King went from Bayonne The King of Aragon finding himself too weak to make Head against France Castile and Italy inclin'd to Peace notwithstanding Charles King of Naples did not perform his Promise at which the King of England who had procur'd his Liberty was highly offended All Parties had recourse to the Pope laying their Case before him He answer'd he would send Legates who having heard them all should endeavour to reconcile these Differences Benedict Colona and Gerard de Parma two Cardinals were sent into France to this Purpose Mean while Charles King of Naples and the King of Aragon upon Security given on both Sides met at Junquera a Town in Catalonia There they concluded a Truce for some Months whilst the Cardinals could settle a Peace which both earnestly desir'd King Charles that he might recover Sicily and the Aragonian to take off that long Interdict under which his Kingdom lay and put an end to the War with France that he might be at Leisure to bend his Force against Castile CHAP. IX The revolt of D. John Nunnez de Lara The Death of the King of Aragon His Brother J●●me succeeds him Matches betwixt the three Kings of Spain Defeat of the Moors at Sea Original of the Dukes of Medina Sidonia D. John Nun̄ez de Lara began again to incline to take part with the Aragonians either out of his natural Inconstancy or because some Overtures were made of restoring Albarazin to him King Sancho understanding of what Consequence his stay or departure might be did all he could to oblige him and therefore made him General of the Frontiers of Aragon and bestow'd other Favours upon him All prov'd ineffectual and the more for that at Burgos where the Court then was Letters were brought him intimating some Design against his Person whether true or false is not known D. John who was naturally jealous gave Credit to those Letters and withdrawing from Court went away nastily through Navarre to Aragon notwithstanding the Queen us'd means to stop him and the King himself went after him as far as Valladolid As soon as D. John had joyn'd the other Conspirators he enter'd Castile and did all the harm he could as far as Cuenca and Alarcon A Body of King Sancho's Forces coming to oppose him was defeated and many Colours taken after which he forc'd the Town of Moya and return'd to Valencia with a great Number of Prisoners and Cattle From thence the King of Aragon D. James de Haro and D. John de Lara made an Incursion by the way of Molina Signença Berlanga and Almaçan and destroy'd all the Country without meeting any Opposition King Sancho endeavour'd to put a stop to this Mischief but an Ague kept him in such a Condition he could neither Act nor give the necessary Orders insomuch that he was given over by the Doctors The Queen who was lately deliver'd of a Prince call'd Peter tho' not perfectly recover'd set out to see the King Her Presence was comfortable to him and produc'd good Effect She reduc'd D. John de Lara who now repented his Change being disappointed of recovering Albarazin It was agreed that Elizabeth Daughter to the Lady Blanch and the Queen's Brother
this Condition he resolv'd to have recourse to Foreigners The King of Portugal was a declar'd Enemy of Castile therefore he resolv'd to try whether the King of Aragon would relieve him To this purpose he wrote to him begging his Assistance and pondering how great a Service it was to Christendom and how much Honour would redound to him by so Noble an Action The King of Aragon answer'd extolling his Loyalty but as to Relief said he could send none for that he had but just before concluded a Peace with the Moors and could not in Honour break his word Another War broke out at the same time from Portugal That King march'd with his Army as far as Salamanca Prince John King Ferdinand's Uncle and D. John Nun̄ez de Lara joyn'd him after the Aragonian Army return'd home Having consulted what was best to be done it was thought expedient to Besiege Valladolid where King Ferdinand was With this Resolution they advanc'd to Simancas within Two Leagues of that City There many Gentlemen deserted the Portuguese Camp looking upon it as a shameful thing that a King should be Besieg'd by his Subjects The King of Portugal fearing lest the rest should do the same and securing the Passes he might find it difficult to return home besides Winter drawing on march'd hastily to Medina del Campo and thence to Portugal dismissing his Army The Forces the Queen had prepared for this War went by her Order to Besiege the Town of Paredes Nothing was done there for that Prince Henry with the Forces he had gather'd in Castile and the Kingdom of Toledo prevented their Design He pretended it was not proper to disturb the Cortes or Parliament then Sitting by bringing the War so near to them but in truth he was disgusted with the King and favour'd his Enemies The Queen dissembled and endeavour'd to gain him by Favours giving him at that same time the Towns of Santisleva● de Gormaz and 〈…〉 By the same means she drew to her D. John Nun̄ez de Lara tho' no Confidence ●ould be reposed in him for he would have gone over to the Aragonians had they given him the Town of Albarazin The Cortes were held at Valladolid in the beginning of the year 1297. and there being great scarcity of Mony all Places promis'd to furnish a great Sum which they afterwards perform'd At the same time by the Valour of John Alonso de Haro the Navarrois were put to Flight who had surpriz'd part of the Town of Najara designing to recover those Parts they had old Pretensions to and particularly the Territory of Rioja D. Jayme King of Aragon at Rome whither he was call'd by the Pope was Proclaim'd King of Sardinia and Corsica Thither went from Sicily Constance his Mother Violante his Sister Roger Lauria the Admiral and John Prochita A Match was concluded betwixt the Lady Violante and Robert Duke of Calabria Heir to the Kingdom of Naples The Nuptials were perform'd with great State Pope Boniface himself officiating King Frederick prepar'd to defend the Kingdom which had been given him by so general a Consent of the People War was declar'd against him as the disturber of the Peace of Christendom and his Brother the King of Aragon appointed Generalissimo All things being thus order'd the King of Aragon return'd home to prepare for the War Rogor Lauria was sent to Naples to serve that King Queen Constance and John Prochita weary of so many Troubles and pitying the unfortunate State of Sicily stay'd at Rome Some say they both dy'd there but most Authors agree she ended her days Five Years after at Barcelona and was buried in the Monastery of St. Francis where there is a Tomb to this day with an Inscription and her Name CHAP. II. Peace betwixt Castile and Portugal setled by the means of double Allyances betwixt those Princes The Progress of the Wars in Sicily The Jubilee first instituted Bilbao Built and Prince John reconcil'd to the King THE King of Aragon being return'd home the Towns of Lerida Vlia Filera and Salvatierra were restored to the Crown of Navarre in pursuance of the Articles made at Agnani not fulfill'd till then Alonso Ronco a Frenchman was Viceroy of Navarre in the year 1298. The City Albarazin was taken from the King of Aragon's Bastard Brother and restor'd to D. John de Lara on pretence of doing him Justice but indeed to draw over that powerful Man D. John took the Oath of Fidelity to the King at Valencia on the 7th day of April This the King of Aragon did to strengthen himself to invade at once Castile and Sicily Attempts too great for his Power The King of Sicily forsaken on all sides was most exposed to Ruin He of Castile was reconcil'd to the King of Portugal by the means of two Matches that were concluded The one was betwixt King Ferdinand and Constance the Daughter of King Denis tho' she was under Age. They were Contracted with great Solemnity at Alcaniz a Town on the Borders of Portugal and the Publick Joy was the greater for that Blanch King Ferdinand's Sister was Marry'd to Prince Alonso Son and Heir to King Denis tho' but eight years Old which was the other Match The Bride was deliver'd to her Father-in-Law and carry'd to Portugal So eager were the Castilians upon securing of Peace that tho' nothing was given in Dower by the Portuguesse with his Daughter King Ferdinand with his Sister gave the Towns of Olivença Conguela and Campo de Moya which was no small disgrace to Castile but the necessity of the Times excus'd it All the King of Portugal did was to send 300 chosen Horse under the Command of D. John de Albuquerque to serve the King of Castile against Prince John his Uncle who stil'd himself King of Leon but all this came to nothing and those Horse return'd to Portugal as they came D. Alonso de la Cerda on the other side had taken Almazan and other Towns upon the Frontiers of Aragon and Garrison'd them Siguença was Attack'd by D. John de Lura but defended by the Valour of the Citizens The Conspirators wanted Mony and therefore lest Provisions and the Souldiers Pay should fail they Coin'd Some but of base Allay Denis King of Portugal at the Request of his Son-in-law brought a good Body of Men to his Assistance by the way of Cuidad Rodrigo but being more inclinable to Peace than that Time would bear he return'd to Portugal dissatisfy'd The reason of his disgust was that he would have the Province of Galicia given to Prince John who call'd himself King and to his Heirs and that he should keep the City Leon during his Life The Queen and Nobility of Castile would not consent to those Conditions as dishonourable and prejudicial Upon the King of Portugal's Return some Nobles of Castile whom Fear before aw'd began to Revolt But the great Wisdom of the Queen pacify'd them giving every one as much as
Affairs in Castile in the Year 1305. On the 17th of January dy'd Roger Lauria the famous Admiral of Aragon who gain'd Sicily for King Peter perform'd many brave Exploits by himself and those Kings did none without him His Body was bury'd in the Monastery of Santa Cruz near unto the Tom● of King Peter On the 6th of April dy'd Joanna Queen of Navarre at Paris and was bury'd in the Monastery of S. Francis Luis call'd Huttin succeeded his Mother in the Kingdom of Navarre and afterwards his Father in that of France The Queen left two other Sons Philip the Long and Charles the Fair who all came to be Kings of France and Navarre She left also two Daughters one dy'd Young the other call'd Elizabeth was marry'd to Edward King of England and was the beautifullest Lady of her Time Benedict sat in the Papal Chair but 8 Months and 6 Days And he dying it was vacant 10 Months and 28 Days After long Debates betwixt the French and Italian Cardinals Clement the Vth. was chosen and proclaim'd on the 5th of June He was before Arch-Bishop of Bourdeaux and is said to have promis'd many scandalous Things to the King of France before he would permit him to pass towards Rome He was Crown'd on the 11th of November at which time a Wall falling as the Procession was going did much mischief and struck the Tyara off his Head out of which a great Carbuncle was lost which Things were look'd upon as ill Omens and the rest of his life was not unlike to this beginning but those Things do not belong to this History At the same time troubles began again to break out in Spain D. John Nun̄ez de Lara declin'd in the King's Favour who took from him the Office of Lord Steward and confer'd it on D. Lope Son to D. James de Haro on pretence that D. John de Lara being General of the Frontiers could not serve both places but in reality to oblige the Family of Haro and divide it from that of Lara Those Families understanding the Design knit their Interests the closer together and seem'd to threaten a Rebellion Alonso Perez de Guzman and the Queen interpo●'d and restoring each of those Gentlemen their Honours pacify'd them Besides the dispute betwixt Prince John and the House of Haro was reconcil'd upon these Conditions That D. James de Haro during his Life should possess the Lordship of Biscay and after his Death it should fall to Prince John That Orduna and Balmaseda should be Intail'd ●●on D. John D. James his Son and his Heirs and in lieu of what he was to lose Miranda de Ebro and Villalva de Losa were given him All Men rejoyc'd to see these Differences compos'd except D. John de Lara who in a rage that he had not been consulted in the Affair of D. James de Haro and studying to make his Advantage of the publick Calamities renouncing his Oath of Fidelity withdrew with his Followers to Tordehumos a strong P●ace where he hoped to be able to withstand the King whom he had hainously offended The King's Forces laid Siege to that Place but many favouring D. John it was protracted to a long time Some Overtures of Accommodation were made and because the King would not harken to them his Army broke up of it self and disbanded Among others Prince John favour'd D. John de Lara and the Business was carry'd to such a beight that the King was forc'd to Pardon him only taking from him the Towns of Moya and Canete the Gift of King Sancho Nor was the Peace lasting for both those Gentlemen imagining the King had a Design to take away their Lives openly rebell'd again Prince John was soon appeas'd but it was not so easy to reduce D. John de Lara D. Alonso de la Cerda forsaken of all Men and seeing no Hopes of obtaining the Crown sent Martin Ruiz to take possession of the Towns assign'd him by the Arbitrators and was ever after call'd D. Alonso the Disinherited The Moors of Granada about this time began to Mutiny for that their King was blind and his Brother-in-Law the Lord of Malaga govern'd the State with the same Grandeur as if he had been another King The Nobility were not wanting to incense the Commons Among them Aborrabes a Gentleman descended from the Kings of Morocco seiz'd Almeria and call'd himself King of that place Most of the People favour'd Mahomet Azar the King's Brother and were for putting the Crown upon his Head Aborrabes was expell'd Almeria by the contrary Faction and he designing to seize upon Ceuta a City on the Coast of Africk belonging to the Kingdom of Granada thought to obtain Aid of the Christians This seem'd a good opportunity to drive the Moors quite out of Spain and in order to it the Two Kings of Castile and Aragon met at the Monastery of Huerta upon the Borders of both Kingdoms at the beginning of the Year 1309. There and at Monreal whither they remov'd it was agreed First to pacify D. Alonso de la Cerda somewhat mollifying the Decree of the Arbitrators lest whilst they were busie in the War with the Moors he should raise Tumults in Castile Next to make War upon the Moors with two Armies and at once besiege Almeria and Algezira Besides it was resolv'd Prince Jayme the King of Aragon's Son should Marry Ellenor the Sister of King Ferdinand her Dower to be the sixth part of what was gain'd in War and particularly the City Almeria After the Interview broke up great preparations were made King Ferdinand went away to Toledo to see the Body of his Father King Sancho translated to a stately Tomb built by the Queen This King was naturally meer and merciful and of Body comely and well shap'd He advis'd a Gentleman to whom he had given the Government of Galicia not to put to death some Men of Note that had rais'd Rebellion in that Country but to send them to him which prov'd very advantagious for they to blot out the shame of their Crimes did extraordinary Service against the Moors The Army march'd into Andaluzia and the Castilians laid Siege to Algezira on the 27th of June About the middle of the next Month the King of Aragon set down before Almeria Gilbert Viscoune Castelnovo with part of the Aragonian-Fleet sail'd to Ceuta in Africk and took it The Plunder was given to the Souldiers the City to Aborrabe as had been agreed The Moors of Granada with all their Forces march'd to relieve Almeria but were so bravely receiv'd by the Aragonians that after a sharp Dispute they fled and a great Slaughter was made tho the Woods which were near sav'd many Whilst the Aragonians were busy in the Pursuit the Besieged fallying entred their Works but the Christians returning Victorious soon drove them back into the City On the 15th of October 40000 Moors again assauited the Aragonians in their Works and met with the
same success they had done before No'less Valour and Industry was us'd by the Castilians at Algezira but the place being strong and well Garrison'd they advanc'd but little Because the Siege seem'd tedious the Arch-Bishop of Sevil and D. John Nun̄ez de Lara were sent with some Forces to attack Gibraltar Alonso Perez de Gusman so much spoken of was kill'd by the way in a Skirmish with the Moors to the great grief of all the Kingdom Gibraltar surrender'd to King Ferdinand who came thither to that purpose The Moors were permitted to go over into Africk and carry their Goods with them Winter and other hardships made the Souldiers before Algezira steal away from the Camp and many Men of Note went off as well as the meaner sort and among them Prince John and D. John Manuel and D. James Lopez de Haro dy'd before the Town and by his Death the Lorship of Biscay as had been agree'd fell to the Lady Mary Wife to Prince John In fine the Siege was rais'd the Moors delivering up the Towns of Quesada and Bedmar The Aragonians did the same at Almeria only upon having the captive Christians restor'd to them This was all the Fruit of that mighty Expedition CHAP. V. The King of Granada depos'd The King of Castile's Sister marry'd to the Duke of Britany The extirpation of the Knights Templers The Death of Ferdinand the IVth King of Castile DUring the late War the Blind King of Granada was depos'd by his Brother Azar kept sometime Prisoner at Almunecar thence carry'd back to Granada and there murder'd D. John Nun̄ez de Lara had been sent Embassador into France and having dispatch'd the Business he went about return'd to the King then at Sevil. His Embassy was to the Pope to obtain of him a Grant of the Tenth of Ecclesiastical Revenues which was done and to advise him not to lay any blemish on the Memory of his Predecessor Pope Boniface at the instance of the King of France In Guipuscoa the Town of Azptitia was now Founded From Sevil the King went to Burgos to assist at the Marriage of his Sister Elizabeth that had been contracted to the King of Aragon and was now given to John Duke of Britany D. John Manuel was made Lord Steward of the Houshold Prince Peter from whom that Employment was taken shewing no discontent D. John was also General of the Frontiers in Murcia and Peter Lopez de Ayala executed that Command as his Lieutenant All this was done to oblige that Gentleman who was a Man of great Interest and so fortunate that Constance his Daughter by the first Wife was Queen of Portugal and Joanna whom he had by Blanch the Daughter of Ferdinand de la Corda Queen of Castile The King in his way to Burgos pass'd through Toledo at the time when D. Gençalo the Arch-Bishop dy'd D. Gutierre the IId then Archdeacon of that Church succeeded him Thence the King went to Burgos where the Marriage was solemniz'd with all Imaginable Grandeur There was no confidence to be repos'd in Prince John the King's Uncle and therefore there was a design of making away with him at Burgos whither he went to the Wedding D. John Nun̄ez de Lara understanding the Design indeavour'd to disswade it and the Prince getting some intelligence stole away and many Men of Note without respect to the King follow'd him The Queen Mother made up all these Breaches and reconcil'd the Prince to the King her Son At Palencia a violent Sickness put the King's Life in danger but he remov'd to Valladolid and recover'd Blanch Queen of Aragon dy'd at Barcelona on the 14th of October She was a Lady endu'd with all Virtues and left a numerous Offspring viz. the Princes James Alonso John Peter and Raymund Berengarius Her Daughters were Mary Constance Elizabeth Blanch and Violante Blanch was Abbess of Xixena the others were marry'd to several Princes The Queens Body was bury'd with Pomp in the Monastery of Santa Cruz in Catalonia A General Councel was now assembl'd by Pope Clement at Vienne in Dauphine Among other Things intended to be brought before the Council was the Case of the Knights Templers who were accus'd of most hainous and unhear'd of Crimes And indeed such were the Articles said to have been preferr'd against them as by their Absurdity seem to prove the Innocency of those Gentlemen and to convince the whole Matter was an Imposture for it is beyond all belief that so many Men of Quality Parts and Honour throughout the whole World should be entangled in such Follies and Enormities To shew somewhat of the haniousness of the Crimes imputed to them we will set down the Heads of the Articles exhibited against them which were That when first they were admitted into the Order they recounc'd Christ the Blessed Virgin and all the Saints That they deny'd Salvation through C●●st and his Divinity That they said he suffer'd on the Cross for his own Sins That they spit upon trampl'd and defil'd the Cross and Image of Christ and that particularly in the Holy Week when Christiens celebrate the Memory of his Passion That they deny'd the real Presence in the Eucharist and rejected that and the other Sacraments of the Church That the Priests of that Order did not pronounce the Words of Consecration in the Mass as reputing them meer Inventions of Men. That they held the Great Master and all who presided in any House or Convent of their Order tho no Priests had the Power of remitting Sins That a Cat us'd to come to their Assemblies which they reverenc'd as coming from Heaven That they had an Idol sometimes with three and sometimes with one Head and othertimes a dead Man's Skul and cover'd with the Skin of a Man of whom they acknowledg'd all Benefits receiv'd That they touch'd certain Cords to this Idol which they wore Superstitiously about them That they committed the Sin of Sodom and many other Things most horrid to relate The Reader may Judge whether these do not sound more like Imposture than true Crimes Villaneus S. Antonine and others vindicate the Knights tho the generality condemns them Their vast Riches were doubtless the cause of their Ruin thence proceeded the hatred of the People towards them and Princes laid hold of the Opportunity to seize upon their Estates and Treasure Sixty two Knights of the Order are said to have been examin'd before the Pope and owning their Crimes to have beg'd Pardon Their first Accusers were two of the Order to wit the Prior of Montfalcon in the Territory of Toulouze and Nofus an out-Law of Florence Witnesses scarce allowable in a Matter of such Moment Others came in to them and among the rest the Pope's Chamberlain who took that Habit at eleven Years of Age. The Heads of these Accusations were sent to the King of France then at Poitiers with the Pope By their order all the Knights throughout the Kingdom were apprehended on the 13th
means of Prince Peter his Uncle who came to Jaen as soon as Alcaudete was taken and by this Loyal Action gain'd the Love and Applause of all the People The young King was at Avila Vataza a Noble Lady Grandaughter to Theodorus Lascarus Emperor of Greece who came from Portugal with Queen Constancy was appointed his Governess She afterwards return'd to Portugal dy'd there and lyes Bury'd in the Cathedral of Coimbra as appears by the Inscription on her Tomb. Queen Mary the King's Grandmother liv'd a retir'd Life at Valladolid Queen Constance who had follow'd the King her Husband was at Martos overwhelm'd with Sorrow Prince John was gone to Valencia and D. John de Lara to Portugal both in Disgrace with King Ferdinand Every Body strugl'd to have a share in the Government chiefly D. Alonso Lord of Molina the Queen's Brother Prince Philip his Uncle and D. John Manuel labour'd hard but underhand and modestly Prince John and Prince Peter Uncle and Nephew aspir'd more openly Prince Peter being the nearest of kin to the King and most in the Favour of the People stood fairest Prince John was of riper Yeas but restless and inconstant so that he seem'd to be born only to embroil Kingdoms Prince Peter had charge of the Affairs of Andaluzia and concluded a Peace with the Moors which was convenient for both Parties for the Prince could not follow the War being taken up with his Pretensions at Court and among the Moors Farraquin Lord of Malaga sought to revenge the Murder of the late King Queen Constance and Prince Peter having conferr'd together resolv'd to go to Avila where the King was hoping the Townsmen would not oppose them or If they should to prevail by Force On the other side Prince John King Ferdinand's Uncle and D. John de Lara joyn'd in a League the likeness of their Inclinations and their common Danger made them Unite They labour'd to draw Queen Mary to their Party giving her hopes she should have the Education of her Grandson D. John de Lara came first to Avila but could not lay hold of the King for D. Sancho the Bishop convey'd him into the Cathedral and there made himself strong and defended him Next came Queen Constance and Prince Peter but the same thing happen'd to them Means of Accommodation were propos'd and it was agreed the King should be deliver'd to none but such as the Cortes or Parliament should appoint and the Citizens of Avila made an Association in order to see this perform'd D. John de Lara gave this Advice hoping to exclude Prince Peter The Cortes met at Palencia in the beginning of Spring where much Bribery was us'd The better sort were for Queen Mary and her Son Prince Peter Others preferr'd Prince John and Queen Constance who was subtilly drawn away by the adverse Party from Prince Peter Hence sprang new Fumults and Confusions Prince Peter confiding in his own Power and the Affections of the People as also hoping for Aid from Abroad agreed with D. John Manuel upon Condition that if he obtain'd his Ends he would give him the Government of the Kingdoms of Toledo and Murcia At the beginning of the Year 1313. he met his Father in Law the King of Aragon at Calatayud to whom he urg'd how much he was oblig'd to favour his Pretentions and prevent a War which might otherwise ensue Therefore by Consent of both Michael Arbe was sent Embassador to Portugal to try whether that King could prevail with the Mutineers to desist from their Pretensions and leave the Government of the Kingdom to Prince Peter allowing Queen Constance the Charge of Educating the King The People of Avila were not zealous for either Party but at last joyn'd with Prince Peter and Queen Mary his Mother yet upon Condition they should not carry the King out of the City At this Time Azar King of Granada was forc'd to retire to the Alhambra a strong Pallace in the highest part of the City because Ismael the Son of Farraquin had caus'd the Townsmen to Rebel against him Prince Peter who was then at Sevil march'd thither to relieve that King who was his Friend and Ally but came too late for he had already agreed to quit the Fitle and Authority of a King and remain content with only the City Guadin seated in the pleasant Plains of the antient Turduli Tho' the Prince could not Relieve he endeavour'd to Revenge him for he took from the Moors a strong Castle near Granada call'd Rute and made great spoil throughout the Country Azor had Reign'd Four Years and seven Months when he was deposed Ismael his Competitor and Nephew being the Son of Farraquen and his Sister succeeded him The taking of Rute gain'd Prince Peter great Reputation for that in three days he did that which several Kings had attempted in vain but the War was not carryed on because of the intestine Divisions The Cortes met in the Monastery of Sahagun to endeavour to compose those Differences Whilst they were sitting Queen Constance departed this Life for Grief that her Son was kept from her and that she was reduc'd to such Poverty that all her Jewels would not pay her Debts as she her self declar'd at her Death The Queens Death made things easier to be compos'd for Prince John having lost that support apply'd himself to Queen Mary and Prince Peter They agreed that the Queen should have the Breeding up of the King and the Princes should joyntly govern the Kingdom each in that Part which had Voted for him in the Cortes or Parliament held not long before at Palencia The King was carry'd to Toro a healthy and pleasant Place but the main design was to get him out of Avila and revenge the Affronts receiv'd of that People It was now the year 1314. when New Tumults broke out in the Kingdom of Toledo and all manner of Crimes were committed In order to settle a better Form of Government the Cortes met at Burgos where it was enacted that the supream Authority and management of Affairs should be in the Council of State That the said Council should attend the King and Queen where-ever they went That the two Princes should determine all smaller Affairs but have no power to alienate the Revenues of the Crown nor to appoint another in their stead in case any of them or the Queen should dye At the same time dyed Three Persons of great Note Peter the Queens Brother D. Tello his Son and D. John de Lara Lord Steward That Place was given to D. Alonso Prince John's Son D. John de Lara had a Sister marry'd to D. Ferdinand de la Cerda of whom was Born Blachs and D. John de Lara who took that Sirname because he inherited the Estate of the Family This in Castile In Aragon the King in November sent his Daughter Elizabeth to Germany she being Contracted to Frederick Duke of Austria who was now chosen King of the Romans
fitted out The King of Aragon landed in Majorca where the Islanders had assembled 300 Horse and 15000 Foot but all Raw undisciplin'd Souldiers They were easily overthrown and their King fled to the City Poncia and thence desparing of better Fortune over to the Continent Those People being before well affected to the Aragonian soon took the Oath of Fidelity to him and he return'd to Barcelona leaving Arnaldus de Eril Viceroy of the Islands Russillon and Cerdagne on the Borders of Spain were Infested and some Towns there taken belonging to the King of Majorca A Cardinal was now sent by the Pope as his Legate to reconcile these Kings his coming the approach of Winter and want of Engines to batter Walls made the War cease for sometime but his Embassy took no further Effect In the Month of April 1344 the War was renew'd with more Fury than at first all the open Country destroy'd and the places of Strength taken Some perswaded the King of Majorca to put himself into the Power of the Aragonian Others more fierce said it was better to dye than trust him Nothing was left the King of Majorca but the Town of Perpignan therefore he sent by D. Peter de Exerica to acquaint the King of Aragon he would put himself into his Power upon promise of Life and Liberty Having receiv'd that Promise in July he came from Perpignan to Elna where the Camp of Aragon then was Being come before the King of Aragon he kiss'd his Hand and with Submissive Words begg'd pardon The Aragonian receiv'd him with feign'd Friendship and promis Forgiveness but his Actions were not answerable to his Words Soon after in an Assembly of Nobility at Barcelona he depriv'd him of the regal Title and asign'd him some Estate to live upon Finding himself deceiv'd the King of Majorca fled into France designing to renew the War and seeing there was little help in the Pope cast himself wholly upon the King of France to whom he sold the Lordship of Montpellier for 100000 Crowns in Gold The War was again Commenc'd in the Island Cerdagne and Russillon which prov'd fatal to him for he was 5 years after overthrown and kill'd in a Battle in Majorca by the Aragonians His Body was deposited in Valencia his Sons and Nephews liv'd Poor and in Bannishment The same year that Algezira was taken and the King of Majorca depos'd there was a mighty Earthquake at Lisbon which shook all the Buildings and threw down the Steeple of the Cathedral and was look'd upon as an Omen of ensuing Misfortunes Constance the Daughter of D. John Manuel and Wife of Prince Peter of Portugal dy'd in the year 1345. Her Death was the less grievous to him because he was in Love with the Lady Agnes de Castro and kept her in as great State as his Wife The Lady Constance left two Sons Ferdinand and Mary After the War with the Moors was ended the King of Castile labour'd to punnish the Disorders that had happen'd in that turbulent Time and to perswade the Kingdom of Toledo and Andaluzia to grant him the same Duty on Merchandize as Burgos and Leon had done In Aragon new Troubles began to break out for the King endeavour'd by all means to increase the Grandeur of the Crown by recalling many Grants of his Predecessors and oblig'd his Brother D. Jayme to quit the place of Vicar General of the Kingdom In the year 1346 dy'd the Queen of Aragon a most virtuous Lady She was bury'd at Valencia To the intent the King might have Issue male a Match was presently propos'd with the Lady Eillenor Daughter to the King of Portugal Ferdinand the Aragonian's Brother thought to marry that Lady but the King prevail'd chiefly by the assistance of D. John Manuel whose Son Ferdinand marry'd Joanna cousin German to the King of Aragon The Nobility and Commous of Aragon rebell'd upon pretence that Wrong had been done to D. Jayme the King's Brother and that several publick Acts were made in the Name of the Lady Constance as Heiress of the Crown Ximeno de Vrrea Peter Coronel Blase de Alagon and D. Lope de Luna were appointed Conservators of the Liberties of the People D. Jayme Earl of Vrgel was ch●●en for their chief His Brothers Ferdinand and John were call'd out of Castile The King assembl'd the Cortes at Zaragoça and to please th●●eople restor'd the Vicarship to his Brother D. Jayme and declar'd him heir of the Crown Thus all People were pleas'd but D. Jayme soon dying their Joy expir'd The King went to Barcelo●● whither he had order'd his Queen to be conducted from Portugal and here it was the Earl of Vrgel dy'd about the end of the Year 1347. His Brothers Ferdinand and 〈◊〉 ●●aded the Mutin●ers being assisted by the King of Castile with 800 Horse The King of Aragon was marry'd without any Pomp by reason of the publick Sorrow for the death of D. Jayme as also because of the Troubles of the Kingdom The Two Brothers Ferdinand and John who had been in Castile to consult with their Mother and the King their Uncle headed the Rebels being assisted with 800 Horse from Castile Ferdinand went 〈◊〉 to Valencia and John to Zaragoça Their Mother resided at Cuenca and Requena Fernan Perez Portocarrero was sent from Castile and Mun̄on Lopez de Tauste from Aragon to reconcile the Brothers of that Crown and procure that no Aid might be given to the Rebels Alvar Garcia de Albornoz was allow'd to raise 600 Horse in Castile to serve the King of Aragon who put himself into the Hands of the Rebels at Valencia Here the People Mutinying assaulted the Palace and the King was forc'd to ride out among them and grant that D. Ferdinand should be Vicar of the Kingdom and Heir to the Crown excluding the King's Daughters After the King's departure D. Lope de Luna who was reconcil'd to the King was very severe towards 〈◊〉 Conspirator He encamp'd about Daroca Prince Ferdinand march'd against him with 15000 Horse and Foo● they came to a Battle in which the Rebels were routed 〈…〉 Prince Ferdinand himself taken but Alvar Garcia de Albornoz who was intrusted to 〈◊〉 him suffer'd him to make his escape into Castile The King to reward D. Lope created him Earl of Luna a thing not much us'd in Aragon After this Victory all submitted to the King Yet Prince Ferdinand was again declar'd Heir and the Power of the High Justice of Aragon was increas'd that the King might not oppress the People This in Aragon in the Year 1348. This Year a destructive Plague spread it self first in the East then into Italy Sicily Majorca and Spain where no City escap'd it and the Mortality was so great that only in the City Zaragoça in October 100 dyed in one day The infection was so great that nobody would look to the Sick or bury the Dead Ellenor the new Queen of Aragon dy'd
about this time at Exerica whither the King retir'd for fear of the Plague The King having overcome the Rebels of Valencia made severe Examples of them to terrify others The Knights of Calatrava of Castile and Aragon were at Variance and had chosen Two Masters one at Calatrava the other at Alcanizes Garci Lopez who was Master of the Order 20 Years before this time being accus'd of nations Crimes and summon'd to appear before the King of Castile to answer for himself fled to Aragon and Garci Lopez protected by the King of Aragon resided at Alcanices a Town belonging to the Order and there supported his Authority tho condemn'd as a Rebel by the King of Castile and depos'd from his Mastership yet he exercis'd that Power John Nun̄ez de Prado who was reported to be Bastard Son to the Lady Blanch Aunt to the King of Portugal and Abbess of the Monastrey of Huelgas was chosen in his place The ●●stercian Abbots confirm'd this Election yet the Aragonians would not admit of it but Garci Lopez dying made choice of Alonso Perez de Toro and he was confirm'd by Arnoldus Abbot of Morimonte in France It was often indeavour'd to reconcile the ●●ights but could never be effected till now Alonso Perez dying they of Alcanizes Elected John Rodrigues Before this last Election was confirm'd the Kings of Castile and Aragon caus'd the Two Masters of the Order to meet at Zarago●a where their Case being refer'd to the King of Aragon he gave Uudgment in favour of Castile and John Rodriguez was depos'd but had the chief Commend●●● of Alcanicez given him with Jurisdiction over all the Knights of that Kingdom during by Life At this time Luis Earl of Clermont Son to D. Alonso de la Cerda call'd the Disinherited was fitting out a Fleet in Catalonia the Pope having two Years before given him the Conquest of the Canary or Fortunate Islands with the Title of King of them upon condition he should cause the Gospel to be preached to the Barbarous Inhabitants These Islands lie in the great Atlantick Ocean westward of Africk They are 7 in Number and in the Latitude of 27 Degrees North. The 〈…〉 called Ganaria whence the others take Name They are very fruitful but were once almost destroy'd by Rabbits which carry'd from the Continent increas'd beyond measure The Island call'd Hierro has no other Water than what Distils from the Leaves of one Tree D. Luis by reason of the Wars in France and the loss of the Battle o● Cressy in which Philip of France was defeated by the English never went forward with this Conquest About 50 Years after this time the Biscainers and Andaluzians set out a Fleet to plunder these Islands and having brought a great Booty from that call'd Lançarote the Kings of Spain had a desire to conquer them but were diverted by other things Some Years after John Betancour a French-man with permission of Henry the IIId of Castile undertook the Conquest upon Condition he should hold them off the Crown of Castile He subdu'd the 5 lesser Islands but could not conquer the two greater A Bishop call'd Mendo was sent thither ● Menaut● Heir to Betancou● and this Bishop were at Daggers draw the former regarding nothing but his Interest and the latter not enduring to see the Poor Islanders oppress'd The King of Castile hearing of these Disorders sent one Peter Ba●●● who possess'd himself of the Islands and sold them to a Gentleman call'd Por●ca from 〈◊〉 one 〈◊〉 had them and stil'd himself King of Canaria But not being able to conquer Grand Canaria he sold four of the Islands to the Catholick King Ferdinand and retained Gomera stiling himself Earl of it King Ferdinand conquer'd and annex'd all those Islands to the Crown of Castile Let us return to Spain In the Year 1349 the Lady Ell●nor eldest Sister ●o Lu●● King 〈…〉 was marry'd to the King of Aragon with great Pomp at Valencia CHAP. VII The Siege of Gibraltar the King dies and the Siege is raised King Peter succeeds him The ●●dy Ell●nor de Guzman kill'd Some Nobles rebel and are subdu'd Biscay annex'd to the Crown of Castile Interviews of Kings GReat Confusions arose in Africk about this time for Abohacen the Son of Albohacen rebell'd against his Father and possess'd himself of the Kingdom of Fez in Africk and of Gibraltar Ronda and all other places subject to the African Crown in Spain He blam'd his Father for all the losses sustain'd in Spain promis'd to reestablish the Honour of the People and the giddy Multitude easily gave ●ar to these Speeches and adher'd to him These Bro●●s among the 〈◊〉 seem'd ●o offer the Christians an Opportunity of making their Advantage but th● 〈…〉 they ●●d made for Ten Years obstructed it Yet some pleaded that ●●ey were ab●● 〈◊〉 from that Oath because he was dead to whom they made it Interest is always more powerful than Conscience Mony was wanting The Cortes or Parliament were summon'd to Alcalà de Henares and many Towns were now allow'd to send their Representatives that had never that Priviledge before Andal●zia and the Kingdom of Toledo us'd ●o be free from Taxes because they were at great Expence in making Good the Frontiers against the Moors it was now labour'd they should pay the Duty that Castile and L●on did for all Things that were sold In this Assembly there rose a Contest betwixt the Representatives of Toledo and Burgos about Precedency Many Arguments were brought on both sides and the Nobility were divided yet at last it was agreed that Burgos should have the upper Seat and Rote first but that Toledo should have a Seat apart from the rest directly opposite to the King and be first nam'd by the King after this manner I speak for Toledo which will do whatsoever I shall order let Burgos speak first Thus that difference was compos'd and the same Method is us'd to this Day Eighteen Towns and Cities have ancient Priviledge to send their Representatives to the Cortes Burgos Soria Segovia A●●la and Valladolid in old Castile Leon Salamanca Z●mora and Toro in the Kingdom of Leon. Toledo Cuenca Guadalajara and Madrid in the Kingdom of Toledo Sevil Granada Murcia Cordova and Jaen in Andaluzia Among these Burgos L●●n Granada Sevil Cordova Murcia and Jaen have precedence according to this Order ●s being the Heads of Kingdoms Toledo is apart as has been said above All other Towns and Cities sit promiscuously as they come At these Cortes of Alcala many other places had their Representatives the King bestowing that Honour 〈◊〉 many to oblige the People Here the King demanded the Alcavala or Duty upon all Things sold which tho with difficulty was granted and the War with the Moors Voted Accordingly preparations were instantly made throughout the Kingdom The Army being assembl'd march'd into Andaluzia and laid Siege ●● Gibraltar casting up great Works about the Town and applying their Engines The
month dy'd D. Gonçalo Archbishop of Toledo D. Vasco or Blas then Bishop of Pal●ncia succeeded him From Aguilar the King went to Cordova at such time as D● Maria de Padilla was brought to Bed of ● Daughter call'd Beatrix Thence he return'd into the Kingdom of Toledo At Torrijos five Leagues from Toledo in a Turnament made for Joy of his Success and Birth of his Daughter the King receiv'd a Wound in his Hand which had like to have cost him his Life fo● that the Surgeons could find no means to stop the Blood To this Town came D. Alonso ●● Albuquerque who had been on an Embassy in Portug●● and brought with him D. John de la 〈◊〉 whom the King receiv'd into Favour with demonstrations of Affection but could never ●● prevail'd upon to restore him his Father in Laws Lands for he now began to be positive About this time the Lady Blanch of Borbon came to Valladolid accompany'd by the Viscount of Narbonn● and D. Frederick the Master of Santiago who went out to meet her D. Alonso de Albuquerque was for having the Marriage solemniz'd immediately He then was so absolute that at times he spoke disrespectful Words to the King and hastned his Marriage lest Da. Maria de Padilla's Relations should work him out of Favour and so it fell out Yet the Marriagew as solemniz'd on the 3d. of June At the same time in France another more fortunate Marriage was consummated betwixt Charles King of Navarre and the Lady Joanna eldest Daughter to the King of France A Match I say more happy for the 〈◊〉 they always had to one another and their Issue They had three Sons ●●arles 〈◊〉 and Peter the second dyed young and three Daughters Mary Bla●ch and Jo●●n● 〈◊〉 liv'd 〈…〉 Years the other two were Match'd to great Princes Before he was Marry'd King Charl●s had a Bastard-Son called Leo of whom are descended the Marqueses of Cortes in Navarre The Marqueses of Falces in that Kingdom say they are descended from Peter the Kings lawful Son Scarce was King Peter married when he began to slight the Bride being wholly devoted to Da. Maria de Padilla Two Days after he prepar'd to go to the Castle of Montalvan on the Banks of Tagus where he had left his Minion The Queen his Mother and his Aunt Queen Ellenor conjur'd him not to forsake his Queen and give himself up to his Lust but he nothing mov'd said He did not design any such thing yet immediately took Horse and rode away without speaking to any body Count Henry D. Tello and the Princes of Aragon went with him for now the Nobility study'd to please and flatter him Only D. Giles de Albornos the Cardinal who had been Arch-Bishop of Toledo ceas'd not to reprove him till he became hateful to him Then with leave he retir'd to Cuença and thence went into France to Pope Innocent who had succeeded Pope Clement the last Year The King and Lady Mary Padilla from Montalvan went to Toledo At Valladolid it was consulted how to bring him back by force which he understanding was so offended at D. Alonso de Albuquerque the first mover of that Design that he was forc'd to appease him to deliver up his Son Giles as an Hostage At length through much intreaty of the Nobility he was perswaded to return to Valladolid to see the Queen but stay'd with her only two Days It was given out he was bewithc'd by a Jew with a Ribben so charm'd that it appear'd to the King like a Snake Some believ'd the King did not so suddenly quit his ●●een without cause but because he discover'd Treachery in his Brother Frederick which I suppose is ment in regard to her Honour But all these are Surmises for there needs no stronger Witchcraft nor other Offence to draw a Man away than Love From Valladolid the King went away to Olmedo a Town in that Neighbourhood Thither by his Order came the Lady Mary de Padilla from Toledo and he never more had Compassion or so much as thought of the Queen his unfortunate Wife CHAP. IX King Peter of Castile removes his Officers punishes some Rebels and reduces several Towns The War of Sardinia where Diseases raging in the Aragonian Army that King clap● up a dishonourable Peace and returns to Aragon D. Alonso de Albuquerque being in disgrace spent some time upon his own Estate and then fearing the King would pursue him fled to Portugal D. Frederick Master of Santi●go had been discontented ever since the King caus'd his Mother to be put to death but being now reconcil'd came to Cuellar where the Court resided D. Tello his Brother at Segovia Marry'd Joanna Daughter to D. John de Lara and had with her the Lordship of Biscay The Kindred of Da. Maria de Padilla promoted this Match to oblige the King's Brothers who were Enemies to D. Alonso de Albuquerque Queen Blanch resided at Medina del Campo with the Queen her Mother-in-Law living like a Widow and spending her time in modest Recreations Thence she was by the King's Order remov'd to Arevalo and forbid conversing with her Mother-in-Law or any of the Nobility Peter Gudiel Bishop of Segovia and Tello Palomeque a Gentleman of Toledo were appointed to guard her The King chang'd the Officers of his Houshold and made James Gar●●a ●● Padilla Brother to his Mistress Lord Chamberlain Alvaro ●● Alborn●z Cup-bearer and Peter Gonzalez Mendoça Taster These changes were made in hatred to D. Alonso de Albuquerque who had before many of his Creatures at Court. In Autumn the King went to Andaluzia and displac'd many great Men preferr'd by Alonso de Albuquerque The King was wholly govern'd by D● Maria de Padilla and her Kindred and 〈…〉 Nobility even his Brothers made their Court to her This Winter the great Rains caus'd mighty Floods especially at Sevil where they made up all the Gates of the City lest it should break in At the beginning of the year 1354. D. John Nun̄ez de Prado Master of Cal●●r●●a who had fled to Aragon came to Almagro the chief Town of that Order being invited by the King 's kind Letters There D. John de la Cerda who was in Favour made him Priso●● His greatest Crime was being a Friend to D. Alonso de Albuquerque and having perswaded the King to return to the Queen D. James de Padilla was immediately chosen Master and John Nunez put to Death at Maqueda The King seem'd sor●y for hi●●●ath but no body being question'd it was concluded to be done by his Com●●●d N●●●●he King invaded the Inheritance of D. Alonso de Albuquerque in which were man●●●rong ●●aces Mede●●●n was besieg'd and the Governour not able to defend it surrender'd having first obtain'd his Master's Consent The Town of Albuquerque tho' besieg'd held out and D. Frederick and Count Henry were left at Badajoz to Blockade it The King went to C●cer●s and thence sent Embassadors to Alonso King of
Portugal who at that time was at Ebora cel●●ratin● the Marriage of 〈◊〉 his Grandchild with Ferdinand Prince of Arag●●● ●●e●e the Embassado●●●e●an● 〈…〉 D. Alonso de Albuquerque should be deliver'd up 〈…〉 ●cco●nt of the 〈…〉 had th● management of D. Alonso answer'd h●●as ready to account in 〈…〉 and ●●●lleng'd any body that should lay any Disloyalty to his Charg●● Th●s 〈…〉 were dismist The King's Bastard Brothers made an Association with D. Alo●●● d●●●●●querque a●d othe●●obles and would have drawn in the Prince o● Portugal 〈◊〉 him the Crow●●● Castile but the King of Portugal was offended at the 〈◊〉 and so the design ●e●● ●ow the King o● Castile committed a Crime not excusab●● if the rest of his Life ●●●re such D● ●oanna de Castro Widow to the late D. James de 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with 〈…〉 The King fell in Love with her and knowing he 〈…〉 ●●●ain her 〈…〉 ●●fer'd to Marry her To this purpose he undertook to prove he 〈…〉 be●●re and putting it to the Judgment of the Bishops of Avila and Sala●●●●● they declar'd he was no ●ays ty'd to the first Marriage As soon as this was declar'd 〈…〉 ●h●r● the King was the ●●●●tials were perform'd in hast Having obtain'd his desires he w●● soon weary ●t is ●●●●rted he stay'd with her but one Night and then left her upon pretence that the Nob●●●ty Revolted and he must put a stop to their Proceedings D● Jo●nna de Castro withdrew to D●●●as where she cover'd her Disgrace with the Title of Queen and had a Son call'd D. ●●hn at present her Comfort and afterwards the Scorn of 〈…〉 Whilst the Rebellion was cont●●●ing at Castroxeriz in Old Castile Elizabeth second D●●●●●er ●● D. John Nun̄ez de Lara was marry'd to D. John Prince of Aragon and had with her the Lordship of Biscay taken from D. Tello the King's Bastard Brother who had it in R●●ht of his Wife being ●●e eldest Sister and lost it for Conspiring against the King Da. Maria 〈…〉 was now dellyer'd of a Daughter call'd Constance afterwards marry'd in Engla●● ●●●he Duk● of Lancaster Still other Nobles joyn'd in the Association particularly D. Fer●●●● de Cast●●● to revenge the Affront put upon his Sister by the King The same was done by the Cities of Toledo Cordova Jaen Cuenc●● and Talavera and lastly the Princes of Aragon Queen Mary and Queen Ellenor favour'd the Rebels and thus way was made to a bloody Civil War which long harassed Spain Let us leave the Troubles of Castile a while to speak of the other Provinces of Spain Joseph Bulhagix King of Granada having Reign'd 21 years was murder'd this year by his Subjects Mahomet Lagus Uncle to Joseph and chief Contriver of the Treason usurp'd the Kingdom and held it as long as he liv'd tho' incumber'd with many Contentions and Broils This same year the King of Aragon founded an University at Huesca This was done at such a time as all that Kingdom resounded with Warlike Preparations for the Island of Sardinia The Arag●nians as was said in its place had conquer'd that Island but the People were given to change The Family of the Orias of Genoa were possess'd of some Towns in Sardinia These relying on the Affections of the People and the Assistance of Genoa attempted to expel the Aragonians The pretence they made use of was that the Aragonians had taken from them Sacer and Caller two strong Towns War being declar'd they took Alguer and laid Siege to Sacer but could not enter it for the Townsmen bravely defended it till the King of Aragon sent his Fleet to their Relief which for some time supported the War with various event The Venetians always Enemies to the Genoeses made a League with the King of Aragon against them Three years before this we now write of the Fleets of Aragon and Venice near Pe●a which is a League from Constantinople and was then subject to the State of Genoa fought the Genoese Fleet tho' the Sea was at that time rough and took 23 of their Galleys many were also drove ashore Twelve Galleys of Aragon and their General Ponce de Santapan were also lost Yet both Parties pretended to the Victory The Popes Clement Innocent labour'd to reconcile these Nations but all in vain Marianus Judge of Arborea an antient Prince of Sardinia and a Powerful Man sided with the Genoeses and joyn'd Mathew Doria their chief Thus they soon possess'd themselves of all the Island except the two Towns of Sacer and Caller which always continu'd firm to the Aragonians The dangerous Posture of their Affairs being known in Aragon a Fleet was fitted out consisting of a 100 Sail among which 55 were Galleys In it were 1000 Men at Arms 500 light Horse and about 12000 Foot all of known bravery Great stores of Provisions were also laid up and many Souldiers and Persons or Note came to serve the King of Aragon out of England Germany and Navarre All the Nobility of Aragon strove to go upon this Expedition and Bernard de Gabrera was Admiral of the Fleet which Rendezvous'd at Roses and set sail thence about the middle of June Prince Peter the King's Uncle was left to govern the Kingdom They had a good Voyage in 8 Days arriv'd at Sardinia anker'd within three Miles of Alguer and landed the Army Presently the Army March'd towards the City and Bernard de Cabrera follow'd with the Fleet. The ●ing at the Head of his Men and shun'd no Danger to encourage them About Forty Genoese Galleys appear'd in the Sea rather to shew their Swiftness than Valour The Lord of Arborea incamped in sight of the Aragonians with 2000 Horse and 15000 Foot but durst not give Battle because they were raw undisciplin'd Men. Whilst the Aragonians batter'd the Town the Weather being had and the Country unhealthy the Aragonian Army sicken'd and the King himself was diseas'd wherepon a Treaty was set afoot Peace was concluded upon dishonourable Conditions for the King of Aragon which were that the Judge of Arborea and Mathew Doria should be pardon'd and keep what they had Besides the King 〈◊〉 the former several Towns in Gallura a Province of that Island Thus 〈…〉 stead of Punishment the Enemies grew more fierce Alguer was deliver 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 the Inhabitants had leave to depart and many old Catalonian Souldiers setled there The Queen who was there present being earnest to return Home and several Noble Men dying caus'd this Treaty to be hastily concluded in November Yet the King stay'd Seven Months longer in Sardinia settl'd the Island punish'd some Offenders reducing the Judge of Arborea and Mathew Doria who again were about to revolt Olfo Prochita being left Viceroy there the Fleet return'd to Aragon having perform'd little for so great Preparations CHAP. X. The Nobility of Castile and particularly the King's Bastard Brothers in Rebellion they treat with the King without success the Queen Mother joyns them the King gets the better and
Rojas two Men of Note Some others he imprison'd John Fernandez de Hinestrosa was let out of Prison at Toro up-upon parole that he would return if he did not appease the King but he broke his Word Henry and Frederick the King's Bastard-brothers seiz'd the City Toledo rob'd all the Jews and murder'd about 1000 of them but the King coming upon them before they were provided to make resistance they were forc'd to fly for their lives The King reveng'd himself upon the Town executing some Gentlemen and Twenty two of the Commonalty Among those condemn'd was a Goldsmith Eighty Years of Age a Son of his of Eighteen Years old offer'd to die for him and the King accepted of the Exchange Peter Gomez Barroso Bishop of Siguença was imprison'd for favouring the Towns-men and Queen Blanch sent to the Castle of Siguença Toledo being subdu'd the King went about to reduce the other Cities Cuenca shut the Gates against him and being a strong place he would not use Violence D. Sancho another Bastard-brother of the Kings was bred there under the care of Alvar Garcia de Albornoz who fled with him into Aragon Toro was besieged within it were the Queen Mother D. Henry D. Frederick D. Peter Estevanez Carpintero who call'd himself Master of Calatrava with the best Forces of the Association During the Siege Da. Maria de Padilla was delivered at Tordisillas of a third Daughter call'd Elizabth D. John de Padilla Master of Santiago was kill'd in a Skirmish with a party of Rebels The King would not bestow that Honour leaving it as a Bait to attract D. Frederik to his Service Pope Innocent sent the Cardinal of Bolonia to compose the Differences but he effected nothing only obtaining that Bishop Peter Gomez Barroso should be released Count Henry fled from Toro to Galicia D. Frederick went over to the King Lastly on the 5th of January 1356 one of the Towns-men who had the Guard of a Gate gave the King entrance The King being Master of the City caus'd Peter Estevanez Carpintero Ruy Gonzalez de Castan̄eda and other great Men to be put to death in the Queen's presence She fainted away at the sight and coming to her self loudly curs'd the King her Son and soon after with his leave went away into Portugal where she liv'd as lendly as she had done before There having an Intrigue with D. Martin Tello a Portugues Gentleman she was poison'd by the King her Brother Some say it was by her Father King Alonso the IVth The King of Castile went to Tordesillas and there had a Turneament for Joy of his success Next Morning he caus'd two of D. Fredericks Followers to be put to death which terrify'd their Master but no harm was done him This Year there was a great Earth-quake which did most harm to the Maritmie Towns At Sevil the Iron Apples that were upon the Steeple fell down and the Chappel-Royal newly finish'd by King Alonso at Lisbon was destroy'd This was look'd upon as Ominous and Processions were made to appease the divine Wrath. After the taking of Toro Count Henry fled into Biscay to his Brother Tello who made his Party Good and twice defeated the King's Forces Thence he went by Sea to Rochel in France At the same time the King of France surpris'd and made Prisoner him of Navarre as he was at a Feast with the Dauphin at Roan in Normandy He was accus'd of Treason for favouring the English being a Subject to France Thus the Spaniards residing in France were divided Count Henry receiv'd Pay of the King of France and Philip the King of Navarre's Brother joyn'd withe English in Normandy The Earl of Faux did the same offended at the wrong done to that King his Brother-in-Law Thus great Revolutions and Bloody Wars threaten'd France and Spain at the same time The End of the Sixteenth Book THE History of SPAIN The Seventeenth BOOK CHAP. I. The beginning of the War in Aragon Many Rebellious Nobles in Castile put to Death The War between Castile and Aragon carried on by Sea and Land VVE shall now write of a War betwixt two Kingdoms Ally'd by several Marriages A War bloody and destructive which consum'd many Noble Persons and lastly him that began it giving a new Race of Kings to Castile and restoring Peace The motives of this War consider'd singly and apart were inconsiderable but concurring all together made a mighty Flood of Discontents Both the Kings of Castile and Aragon were Princes of high Spirits alike in Conditions and harshness of Nature yet he of Castile as the younger was hottest The Aragonian complain'd that the Castilian countenanc'd his Brothers in raising Seditions in his Kingdom and was offended that his Brother Ferdinand had put Castilian Garrisons into his Forts of Alicant and Orihuela The King of Castile was incens'd for that the Galleys of Aragon had taken certain Ships laden with Corn at the mouth of Guadalquivir which made the want there was before more grievous besides that the Out-laws of Castile were protected in Aragon and also that the Aragonian Knights of Calatrava and Santiago would not obey their Masters in Castile Another new Complaint was added to all these which was That the King having reduc'd Castile went to Sevil and thence for his Diversion in a Galley to ●ee the Fishery at Almadravas near S. Lucar Two Ships lay then at Anchor in that Port Ten Galleys of Aragon bound to the Assistance of the French against the English Coasting that way spy'd those two Ships and carry'd them away before the King's Face This was a hainous Affront and Gutierre de Toledo was sent to demand satisfaction The Aragonian Commander answer'd that those Ships belong'd to Genoeses with whom they were then at War and might therefore lawfully be made Prize Having receiv'd this positive Answer from the Admiral the King of Castile sent Giles Velazquez de Segovia Embassador into Aragon to demand Restitution of the Ships taken and that the Commander of the Galleys should be deliver'd up to him At that time the King of Aragon was fitting out a Fleet at Barcelona to subdue the Rebels of Sardinia and therefore return'd a favourable Answer saying He would give Satisfaction to the King of Castile would banish his Fugitive Subjects out of Aragon and punish the Admiral at his Return But as for the Knights of Santiago and Calatrava that they being Religious Men he would stand by whatsoever the Pope should decree in that case Giles Velazquez was not satisfy'd with this Answer and therefore in his King's Name declar'd War The King of Aragon reply'd he thought there was no sufficient ground for a War and therefore would not commence it but did not doubt if invaded to repulse it Thus the War broke out Many Catalonian Merchants resided at Sevil in a moment they were all secur'd and their Effects seiz'd upon Both Kingdoms made Preparations and endeavour'd to obtain Foreign Aids Particularly Luis Brother to
the King of Navarre then a Prisoner in France was solicited by both Parties but he would declare for neither tho he rather inclin'd to the Aragonian Incursions were made three several ways into the Kingdom of Valencia Prince Ferdinand of Aragon hoping that Kingdom would rebel but he was deceiv'd for they were terrify'd with Punishment Thus the War was carry'd on at the end of August with great Desolation of the Country Near the same time was the memorable Battle of Poitiers in France in which the whole power of that Kingdom was discomfited by a small Number of English the King of France and his younger Son Philip taken and a great number of Nobility slain That famous Battel was fought on the 19th of September 1356. Upon occasion of this defeat the King of Navarre broke Prison and getting to Paris headed the People against the Dauphin There in a great Assembly he complain'd of the Wrongs done him and pleaded his right to the Crown as Grand-Son to King Luis Hutin whereas the King of England was Son to the Lady Elizabeth that King's Sister This had been a ground of new Confusions but that the King of Navarre wanted Power However he prevail'd so far as to have all that was his own restor'd to him with an addition of the Lordships of Mascon and Bigorre Yet he could not obtain the Earldoms of Champagne Brie and Burgundy to which he pretended to have right Heny Earl of Trastamara escaping from that Fight fled to the King of Aragon being invited by him This was the first step he rose towards obtaining the Crown of Castile It was agree'd betwixt the King of Aragon and him That Count Henry should renounce his Country and take an Oath of Fidelity to the Aragonian and that the King should give him pay for 600 Horse and as many Foot who were to serve under him At the beginning of the Year 1357 the War went on with various Success on the Frontiers of Castile and Aragon The Arigonians took Alicant the Castilians Embite and Bordalva Chief Commanders for the King of Aragon were Count Henry D. Peter de Exerica and Count Lope Ferdnandez de Luna For the King of Castile D. Frederick Master of Santiago the two Princes of Aragon and D. John de la Cerda Those of Aragon serv'd their Master with greater Fidelity than those Castile who at last were all drawn over by the Enemy D. John de la Cerda and Alvar Perez de Gusman were the first that deserted the King of Castile remembring the death of D. Alonso Coronel whose Daughters they had marry'd and who was kill'd by the King's Order as also fearing the King had a Mind to Da. Aldonça Wife to Alvar Perez They fled to Andaluzia hoping to raise a Rebellion there At this time the King of Castile laid Siege to a Castle on the Borders of Castile and Aragon call'd Tebat or as others write Silamo there he receiv'd the News that those Gentlemen were fled into Andaluzia He pursu'd them a while but finding it impossible to overtake them return'd to the War with more fury than before He took some Towns of small Note and with the same Violence enter'd Taraçona a noble City near Navarre on the 9th of March. The Citizens seeing the upper part of the Town lost surrender'd upon promise of Life and Goods and were suffer'd to depart to Tudela It was said this City was lost through the Cowardise of the Governour Michael de Guerrea who not knowing how to answer it withdrew with his Family to Navarre The King peopled the Town with Castillian Souldiers dividing the Houses and Lands among them This City being lost the King of Aragon thought not himself safe in Zaragoça especially for that at the same time D. John de la Cerda was defeated and kill'd by the Forces of the Council of Sevil commanded by D. John Ponce de Leon Lord of Marchena and Gilos Bocanegra the Admiral From France came the Earl of Faux with many Gentlemen of Note to serve the King of Aragon His Enemy the Lord La Brie came with a number of Lances to King Peter Pope Innocent's Legate the Cardinal of Bolonia sent to that purpose labour'd much to bring them to Peace and at last obtained a Truce for 15 Months Mean while Bernard de Cabrera and John Fernandez de Hinestrosa were appointed Commissioners the first for Aragon the other for Castile to treat All Places taken on both sides were deliver'd in Trust to the Cardinal Legate who excommunicated him that should offer to break the Truce This Agreement was made on the 18th of May. This Month dy'd Alonso the IIId King of Portugal Aged 77 Years and a Half He reign'd 31 Years 5 Months and 20 Days and was buried by his Queen Beatrix in the Cathedral of that City His Son Peter call'd the Cruel succeeded him About a Month before he had a Son born to him of Da. Teresa Gallego whom he kept after his Father caus'd the Lady Agnes de Castro to be put to death She was graceful but had no other good quality her Son was call'd John to whom Heaven had reserv'd the Crown of Portugal as shall appear in its Place The Truce concluded betwixt the Crowns of Castile and Aragon the Aragonian deliver'd up to the Legate the Places he had taken being but few but King Peter could never be induc'd to draw the Souldiers out of Taraçona to whom he had given Houses there He went away to Sevil to settle Andaluzia and set out a Fleet to infest the Coast of Aragon for he neither expected nor desir'd Peace At Sevil he was so taken with the Lady Aldonça Coronel that he made no account of Da. Maria de Padilla The Legate offended at his course of Life excommunicated him and laid an Interdict upon all Castile This was an extravagant Action of the Legate therefore the Pope call'd him out of Spain All was contriv'd by the King of Aragon to make King Peter odious Another Displeasure befel him The Lady Joanna Wife to Count Henry was convey'd into Aragon to her Husband by Peter Carillo a Servant of his which cut off all hope of Peace The other Brothers Frederick and Tello were willing to rebel but fear'd they could have nothing in Aragon equivalent to the Estates they must leave in Castile Prince Ferdinand of Aragon kept the Town of Jumilla taken from the Aragonians he dealing underhand with Bernard de Cabrera went over to the King of Aragon upon conditition to be made Vicar of the Kingdom and have all his Estate restor'd The Revolt of Count Henry and Prince Ferdinand as it was the Life of Aragon so it prov'd fatal to their Brothers as shall be seen here after Mathew Doria dying in Sardinia advanc'd the King of Aragons Interest for tho Marianus of Arborea was not quiet his Power alone was inconsiderable Luis of Naples was possess'd of the greatest part of Sicily Frederick
vain Thence he sail'd to Barcelona where he found 12 Galleys of Aragon which he twice attempted to carry off but could not because they lay near the Shore and were bravely defended by the Catalonians Thus disappointed he sail'd for the opposite Islands He landed at Yviça and tho he assaulted the Town of that Name could not take it Mean while the King of Aragon having gather'd 40 Galleys sail'd over to Majorca designing to Fight the Castilian Fleet. The King at the Request of his People stay'd in the Island and sent the Fleet under the command of Bernard de Cabrera his Admiral and the Viscount to find out the Enemy who leaving Yviça were come to Calpe with the same Resolution The Aragonian Fleet lay at the Mouth of the River that falls into the Sea neat Denia both Parties seem'd desirous to Ingage yet both were cautious so all this threaten'd Storm vanish'd The Aragonians put into Barcelona and the King of Castile from Cartagena sent his Fleet to Sevil and went by Land himself to Tordesillas to see Da. Maria de Padilla who was there deliver'd of a Son call'd Alonso The King's Joy for his Birth was not lasting for he dy'd soon after In the Fields of Araviana at the foot of the Mountain Moncayo Count Henry and his Brother D. Tello with 700 Aragonian Horse charg'd a Party of Castile and overthrew them killing about 300 and taking many Men of Note Among the rest was killed John Fernandez de Hinestrosa the Commander in Chief The King of Castile in a rage caus'd two Bastard Brothers he kept Prisoners to be put to Death which were John and Peter It is likely they were convicted of keeping Correspondence with the Rebels yet this Action terrify'd the whole Kingdom All the great Ones trembled but doubtless it was their Guilt made them do so for many Men of Quality not thinking themselves secure in Castile fled into Aragon The King was charg'd with Cruelty but the Subject consider'd not how many frequent Rebellions oblig'd him to make Examples of Justice Having Intelligence that 12 Venetian Galleys were ready to pass out of the Streights the King sent 20 to Intercept them but a Storm disappointed the Design This is represented as a hainous Crime without reflecting that is was say'd before the Venetians were in League with Aragon and might therefore be justly looked upon as Enemies to Castile But it was the Misfortune of this King to have all his Actions misrepresented and to have those things call'd Cruelty in him which were but just Punishment of Rebels Yet because a Bastard prevail'd against him that Bastard was applauded as lawful King and the true King stiled a Tyrant Such is the Judgment of the World that Misfortunes make the best King a Tyrant and success Crowns the vilest Vsurper with the Name of a Lawful Prince The Cardinal Legate took much pains to set on Foot a Treaty of Peace which he compass'd at the beginning of the Year 1360. Embassadors were sent on both sides with full Power and the King was near a Conclusion Yet neither at Tudela nor at Sadua where the Treaty was renew'd and continu'd could any thing be brought to Perfection for the Aragonians were incourag'd with their late Success and the King of Castile after so many Disappointments would not yield the least Point Yet finding so much Falshood among his People he knew not who to trust and therefore every Day chang'd the Officers of his Household and Army This was the unhappy condition of King Peter CHAP. III. The Death of Queen Blanch and Da. Maria de Padilla Peace betwixt Castile and Aragon The War with the Moors and Death of their King The King of Aragon 's Daughter marry'd to the King of Sicily THE Treaty of Peace was so carry'd on that still fresh Preparations for War were made on both Sides The King of Castile went from Sevil towards Leon in speed to apprehend Peter Nun̄ez de Guzman Lieutenant of that Kingdom but he having Notice of the King's approach fled to Portugal a sign he was not Innocent Peter Alvarez Osorio being at Dinner with D. James Garcia de Padilla Master of Calatrava was put to Death by two of the King's Guards From Leon the King went to Burgos where he put to Death James Arias Maldonado the Archdeacon for keeping a Correspondence with Count Henry Many others sav'd their Lives by the sudden Irruptions of the Aragonians under Count Henry D. Tello and the Count de Osona into the Territory of Rioja where they took the Town of Haro and City Najara killing a great Number of Jews and making great Slaughter and Destructions In this heat they advanc'd as for as Pancorvo Gonzalo Gonzalez de Lucio Governour of Taraçona for the King of Castile deliver'd it up to the Aragonians The King of Castile march'd towards the Enemy then at Najara and encamp'd near a small Town call'd Azofra Here a Priest came to tell him he had a Revelution that his Bastard Brother Count Henry would kill him unless he mended his Life but the King for his Intelligence caus'd him to be publickly Burnt in the Camp From Azofra the King march'd towards Najara and there totally routed the Aragonians who fled to the City which might have been taken but the King could not be perswaded to besiege it Within two or three Days the Aragonians abandon'd Haro and Najara and the King put Garrisons into them Having secur'd the Frontires he return'd to Sevil and there agreed with the King of Portugal that each should deliver up the Out-laws that fled from the other The King of Portugal put to Death one Peter Coello and another because they had murder'd the Lady Agnes de Castro James Lopez Pacheco who had a Hand in her Death fled to Count Henry who afterwards for his good Service gave him an Estate in Castile and he was the Founder of the Noble Family of Pacheco Others were deliver'd to the King of Castile who put them to Death at Sevil. One of these was Peter Nun̄ez de Guzman the Lieutenant of Leon. Another was Gomez Carillo beheaded in a Galley as he was going by the King's Order from Sevil to Algozira upon pretence of being Governor of that Place Gutierre Fernandez de Toledo was put to Death at Alfaro for favouring the Party of Count Henry Gutierre Gomez and Toledo and James Gomez Brother to the deceas'd understanding he was Executed fled to Aragon D. Vasco Arch-bishop of Toledo was banish'd the Kingdom without allowing him time to change his Cloaths He went to Coimbra where in a Monastery of Dominicans he ended his Days holily Some Years after his Body was Translated to the Cathedral of Toledo Many call this Archbishop Blase It is suppos'd D. Vasco resign'd the Archbishoprick as soon as he was Banish'd for the same Year we find D. Gomez Manrique succeeded him Whilst these things happen'd in Castile the King of Aragon sent 4 Galleys well
equipp'd to the Assistance of the King of Tremecen his Ally They met 5 Galleys of Castile which took and carry'd them to Sevil there many of them with their Commander Mathew Merzero were put to Death by the King's Order Samuel Levi a Jew was the King's Treasurer and had the diposal of all the Revenue whereby he gather'd great Riches which now prov'd his Ruin He was accus'd of many Frauds and being put to the Wrack dy'd upon it The King seiz'd upon his Estate valu'd at 400000 Ducats others say more besides Moveables and Jewels At the end of this Year Mahomet Lagus was expell'd his Kingdom by his own Subjects Mahomet Aben Alhamar was set up in his Place and from the Colour of his Hair and Beard call'd the Red. They said the Crowa appertain'd to him as being descended of the Antient Kings of Granada Hence ensu'd new Wars for the King of Castile was a Friend to him that was depos'd who fled to Ronda a Town belonging to the King of Morocco The King of Castile resolv'd to stand by his old Friend On the other side the new King to strengthen himself sought the Friendship of the Aragonian which and calling King Abohanen out of Africk cost him his Life At the end of this Year the Lady Constance Daughter to the King of Aragon was sent into Sicily to be marry'd to King Frederick Olfo Prochita Governour of the Island Sardinia commanded the Fleet that carry'd her The Marriage was celebrated on the 11th of April 1361 at Catanea From that time the Affairs of the Island began to be more Successful the Neopolitans being vanquish'd and expell'd the Kingdom Of this Queen was born the Lady Mary who was afterwards Queen of Aragon and had in Dower the Kingdom of Sicily At length by the Industry of the Cardinal Legate Peace was concluded in Castile yet so that none thought it would be lasting The Articles were That all Places taken on both Sides should be restor'd and that the Out-laws of Castile should be expell'd Aragon provided the King pardon'd them On the 18th of May the Peace was Proclaim'd at Deza where the King of Castile was then encamp'd This Peace was forwarded by the fear of the War the King of Granada then made upon Castile For the greater security it was agreed that cautionary Towns on both sides should be put into the Hands of King Charles of Navarre who was then coming out of France into Spain very Joyful for that his Queen had brought him a Son call'd Charles Mean while his Brother Prince Luis Govern'd the Kingdom Peace concluded the King of Aragon went away to Zaragoça and he of Castile to Sevil Count Henry and his Brothers into France hoping to renew the War Many Nobles of Castile were ready to take up Arms upon pretence of protecting Queen Blanch which heightned the King's hatred towards her It was said he caus'd her to be Poison'd in the Prison where he kept her She was doubtless the most unfortunate Queen of Spain There is a report that the King being a Hunting near Medina Sidonia there met him a Shepherd of a terrible Aspect threatning him if he had not Compassion of Queen Blanch and that the King sending presently to see whether it was not some body employ'd by her she was found at Prayers and closely Guarded The Shepherd being releas'd out of Prison was never after seen Doubtless were this a Vision he had never been put into Prison The Lady Elizabeth de Lara Daughter to D. John de Lara was also Poison'd in Prison at Xerez An Historian who stiles himself head Caterer to Queen Ellenor of Castile in certain Commentaries he writ upon what happen'd in his Time says Queen Blanch dy'd at Vren̄a near the City Toro in old Castile This uncertainty as to the Place of her Death makes it appear the manner of it is not so certain tho the Malice of Authors who all humour'd the Success of Henry the Bastard caus'd all Crimes to be laid to his Predecessor Peter because he was Unfortunate The publick Grief for so many Calamities was somewhat asswag'd by the Death of Da. Maria de Padilla who ended her Days at Sevil in July A Woman laying aside her Incontinency in all other Respects worthy to be a Queen Her Funeral-Rites were perform'd throughout the Kingdom with the same Magnificence as if she had been Queen She was bury'd in the Monastery of S. Mary de Estudilla which she built in old Castile The Body of Queen Blanch was deposited in the Cathedral of Tudela by some French Gentlemen who came to the Assistance of Count Henry in order to carry it into France In the Monastery of Dominican Nuns at Toledo there are 3 Tombs one of the Lady Teresa by whom King Peter had a Daughter called Mary who was many Years Prioress in that Monastery and lies in the 2d Tomb. In the 3d are D. Sancho and D. James Sons of King Peter by the Lady Elizabeth At this time the King of Portugal solemnly declar'd in Lisbon that the Children he had by the Lady Agnez de Castro were born in lawful Wedlock and as such capable of inheriting the Crown and as Witnesses of his Marriage he produc'd Giles Bishop of Guardia and Stephen Lovata his Master of the Robes The King and Witnesses made Oath of the Truth of their Assertion in the Presence of all the Nobility and of John Alonso Tello the year before created Earl of Barcelos and was the first that obtain'd that Honour in Portugal Mean while the War of Granada was carry'd on with great Heat The Forces of Castile ravag'd the Territories of the Moors and laid Siege to Antequera formerly call'd Syngilia a strong and well Garrison'd Town whence they were Repuls'd Having wasted the Plain of Granada they return'd Home without performing any memorable Action Soon after 600 Moorish Horse and 2000 Foot broke into the Lieutenancy of Caçorla and took a great Booty of Cattle The Gentry of Jaen and the Neighbouring Places assembling recovered the Prey killing many of the Enemy and putting the rest to Flight A more dangerous War was expected from France which the Cardinal Legate endeavour'd to prevent and to that effect spent the Summer at Pamplona He labour'd to perswade King Peter to pardon the Out-laws of Castile and reverse their Attainder of Treason The King would not hear of it therefore the Cardinal at the Solicitation of the King of Aragon took upon him to declare their Attainder Void This provok'd the King of Castile who resolv'd to take Revenge as soon as he had put an end to the War with the Moors On the 18th of February 1362 the Moors obtain'd a notable Victory over the Christians near Guadix D. James Garcia de Padillu Master of Calatrava and Henry Enriquez Lieutenant of the Frontiers of Jaen with other Gentlemen entred the Moorish Territories with 1000 Horse and 2000 Foot designing to
She now dy'd of Grief because he refus'd her Her Body was bury'd among the Kings at S. Denis The King her Husband made himself odious by persecuting the Kindred of those who had been against him Aragon besides the Wars this Year suffer'd by Famine which was somewhat abated by bringing Corn from Africk and did some good by forcing the Enemy to depart the Kingdom Jayme King of Naples who marched into Castile with his Army to look for Provisions dy'd there at the beginning of the Year 1375. His Sister Elizabeth who was with him led the Army back into France there she resign'd all her Claims against the House of Aragon to Luis the King of France his Brother which caus'd new Troubles Now the Peace betwixt Castile and Aragon was concluded on the 12th of April the Conditions were That the Lady Ellenor before promis'd to Prince John should be marry'd to him her Dower 200000 Florins lent by the Araganian to King Henry at the beginning of the Civil Wars That Molina should be restored to Castile and That the Aragonian should pay 12000 Florins towards the Charge of the War This Agreement was celebrated with great Joy in both Kingdoms This Year was Fortunate to all Christendom as well as Spain because Pope Gregory the XIth return'd to Rome after the Popes his Predecessors had resided 70 Years at Avignon Bertran Claquin having for his good Service got the Earldom of Longueville in France ● sold his Lands in Spain to King Henry for 260000 Doubles At Soria on the 27th of May Prince Charles of Navarre marry'd Ellenor King Henry's Daughter and on the 19th of June Prince John his Son took to Wife Ellenor Daughter to the King of Aragon News was now brought that D. Ferdinand de Castro who the last Year fled to Portugal was dead in England Also that Ferdinand de Tovar Admiral of Castile had done much harm along the Coasts of that Island From Soria King Henry went to Burgos He design'd to assist the French with all his Power against the English His Son Alonso Earl of Gijon to avoid marrying Elizabeth Daughter to the King of Portugal fled into France but was soon brought back by his Father At the end of this Year dy'd D. Gomez Manrique Arch-bishop of Toledo The Chapter having chosen two to succeed him the Decision of the Controversy was left to the Pope who allow'd of neither of them but gave that Dignity to Peter Tenorio then Bishop of Coimbra About this time dy'd some Men of Note of Navarre Particularly D. Roderick Vrriz a Man of a great Estate and Interest was by the King's Command apprehended and Beheaded in Pamplona at the latter end of March 1376. Some private Correspondence he held with the King of Castile was the cause of his Death It was Reported he intended to betray the Castles of Tudela and Caparroso but it is not likely they should so soon design to disturb the Peace D. Bernard Folcaut Bishop of Pamplona dy'd on the 7th of July in Banishment at Agnani in Italy D. Martin Calva a most learned Man was chosen to succeed him Frederick King of Sicily departed this Life at Messina on the 26th of July His Daughter the Lady Mary was left sole Heiress of that Kingdom and the Dutchies of Athens and Neopatria which produc'd Differences betwixt several Princes aspiring to marry her This also administred to the Aragonians a fair Opportunity of enlarging their Dominions The End of the Seventeenth Book THE History of SPAIN The Eighteenth BOOK CHAP. I. The Wars of Navarre Matches of some of King Henry's Children The Schism in the Church caus'd by the Election of the Two Popes Urban and Clement The death of King Henry of Castile and of Mahomet the Moorish King of Granada SPAIN now enjoy'd a perfect Peace all its Kings being Ally'd by Marriages and grown weary of the long Wars With the Moors there was a Truce The Duke of Lancaster ingag'd in the Wars of France could not apply himself to the Conquest of Castile King Henry having thus put an End to all the Wars apply'd himself to the Civil Government and reformation of many Abuses crept in by the liberty of the Times Only Aragon was under the Apprehensions of a War for Luis Duke of Anjou to whom Jayme Prince of Majorca had made over his Title to that Kingdom began now to set up his Pretensions The King of Aragon assembled the Cortes at Monçon where new Impositions were laid upon the Jews and Moors only for none would be allow'd upon the Christians yet they offer'd to defend the Country at their own Charge Great Preparations were made for that War It is reported that 40 Galleys were fitted out on the Coast of France and 4000 Men at Arms gather'd and it was fear'd in Aragon that peace being concluded with the English as was expected the Pope interposing all the Power of France would fall upon that Kingdom Besides a Matter of small Moment had like to have produc'd another War D. John Ramirez de Arellano returning from Rome through Aragon at Barcelona was challeng'd and call'd Traitor in the King's presence by the Viscount de Rota for that he had entic'd D. Jayme Prince of Majorca to invade Aragon The Challenge was accepted and the time fix'd for fighting 90 Days after King Henry labour'd to prevent the Combat but the King of Aragon favouring the Viscount they could not agree The King of Castile hereupon said They should Fight but he would send 3000 Horse to see Justice done which was as good as declaring War This mov'd the Aragonian to desist A Treaty of Peace was set afoot at Bruges in Flanders first and in the Year 1377 at Bologne in Picardy betwixt the English and French the Embassadors of Castile being present in Order to have their King Comprehended but nothing was concluded The Death of the Prince of Wales and his Father King Edward the IIId broke all their Measures Richard the King's Grandchild and Son to the Black Prince succeeded King Edward The Duke of Burgundy after the Treaty broke up came into Spain to pay a Vow he had made to visit the Body of the Apostle S. James in Galicia In his return Home he was nobly entertain'd by King Henry at Segovia The rest of the Summer the King spent at Leon and the Winter at Sevil. All the Warlike Preparations made in France fell upon the King of Navarre's Dominions Charles Peter and Mary Princes of Navarre were in France With Charles went Baldwin who was Governour of several strong holds in Normandy and Jaques de la Rue his Favourite who had Orders to propose to the English that the King would make War upon France if they would give him the Dutchy of Guienne to be held in Feof of them The French having intelligence of this Design secur'd Rue put him to the rack and he confessing was executed at Paris Baldwin was commanded to deliver up
of great Beauty which made him prefer her before Joanna Queen of Naples who was offer'd to him By this Lady he had two Sons who dy'd young and a Daughter call'd Elizabeth afterwards marry'd to the Earl of Vrgel CHAP. II. King John succeeds his Father in the Throne of Castile Charles King of France dies Charles the VIth succeeds him Pope Clement own'd in Spain through the French Interest KING John having bury'd his Father was Crown'd together with his Wife Queen Ellener in the Monastery of Huelgas at Burgos He Knighted 100 young Gentlemen according to the manner of those Times and gave the Town of Pancorvo to that City in Payment of the Expence it had been at and to reward its Loyalty The Cortes or Parliament was held in that City where several Laws were enacted One was that a Man who had receiv'd the lesser Orders if he marry'd should pay Taxes but if he liv'd Single was shorn and were the Habit of a Clergy Man he should be priviledg'd as a Church Man Great rejoycing was throughout the whole Kingdom for the King's Coronation The Joy was the greater for that it was hop'd he would prove an excellent Prince being Generous sharp Witted Mild Religious and not Conceited but always inclinable to be advis'd Of Stature he was low yet with Majesty The first thing he did after his Accession to the Crown was to express his Affection to the French and therefore immediately fitted out a Fleet and sent it against John de Montfort Duke of Britany whom because he sided with the English the King and Counsel of France had declar'd an Enemy to the Crown and confiscated his Estate The Fleet scower'd the Coast of Britany and took there the Fort they call'd Gaye The King spent the Summer at Burgos Two things concurred the one to increase the other to lessen the publick Joy The first was that one Joseph Pico a rich and famous Jew was kill'd by his own People He was Receiver General of the Revenue which rais'd him to a great height Some Jews of Note bore him ill will the reason of it is not known and they contriv'd to make him away To this purpose they deceitfully obtain'd an Order of the King for putting of him immediatly to Death and finding out the Executioner prevail'd with him to kill the Jew without delay The Fraud being discover'd the Contrivers of it were punish'd and that People were debarr'd the Power they had before of Judging their own Members a Liberty till then allow'd by the Kings forc'd by their wants because the Jews have extraordinary Methods of raising Mony The Subject of Joy was that on the 4th of October the Queen was deliver'd at Burgos of a Son call'd Henry in Honour of his Grandfather this Child came afterwards to inherit the Crown About the end of this Year and beginning of the next which was 1380 the Rains were so great and continu'd so long that all the Rivers overflow'd and all the low Lands were under Water Particularly the River Ebro near Zaragoća broke down it's Banks and ran a new way so that it cost much Mony and Labour to bring it back into it's own Channel From Burgos King John went to Toledo where he again repeated his Father's Exequies and plac'd his Body in the Tomb built for him Then he set out for Andaluzia resolving to aid the French against the English At Sevil he fitted out 20 Galleys with which Fernan Sanchez de Tovar having coasted along Spain and France came to the English Shore and ran up the River Thames destroying all the Country and burning the Villages The Difference about the two Popes was now hotter than ever and each of them had powerful Supporters Pope Vrban meditated Revenge against the Queen of Naples the chief causer of the Schism whom her wicked Life had rendred Infamous He invited Charles Duke of Durazzo descended of the Kings of Naples into Italy intimating he would conferr that Crown upon him On the other sid'e the Queen having no Children adopted Luys Duke of Anjou giving him the Title of Duke of Calabria appertaining to the Heirs of that Crown not doubting by that means to be supported by the Arms of France This is all the Title the Dukes of Anjou have to that Crown which was the occasion of tedious and bloody Wars betwixt them and Spain tho at this time the Design was only to support the Queen and Pope Clement On the 13th of July dy'd the Famous Bertran Claquin at the Siege of Chasteauneuf in Britany and on the 16th of September following Charles King of France departed this Life at Bois de Vincennes His Son Charles the VIth succeeded him The King of Portugal was concern'd about the Succession be being old and having never a Son Beatrix his Daughter by the Queen whose Birth was afterwards call'd in Question was contracted to Frederick Duke of Benavente and Bastard Son to King Henry After the Death of Henry the Portuguese would not stand to that Match but sent Embassadors to the new King to offer her to his Son Prince Henry then a Child but a few Months old King John hoping to joyn the Kingdom of Portugal to Castile admitted of the Proposal The Articles of Marriage were agreed upon at Soria where the Cortes met but at last they came to nothing Peter Manrique Leiutenant of Castile was apprehended being accus'd of holding a treasonable Correspondence with D. Alonso de Aragon Earl of Denia He dy'd in Prison without leaving any Children James Manrique his Brother inherited his Estate and Honours as he well deserv'd for his good Service in Navarre Luis Duke of Anjou govern'd France for King Charles who was under Age. The King of Aragon fear'd lest he should lay hold of that Opportunity to conquer the Kingdom of Majorca to which he pretended a right as has been said but he had bent his Thought upon securing the Crown of Naples to himself and his Heirs However King John of Castile sent Embassadors into France to accommodate that Affair and it was agree'd he should sell the Title he had bought King John advanc'd a good Summ out of kindness to his Father-in Law and to secure the Peace of Spain He also sent Embassadors to the Soldan of Egypt to sollicite for the Liberty of Leo King of Armenia whose Wife and Daughter had dy'd in Prison The barbarous King granted his Request and releas'd the Prisoner sending him into Spain with Letters full of Pride and Arogancy in relation to himself but honourably writ in regard to King John whose Power and Valour he extoll'd desiring his Friendship Three Years after that unfortunate King came into France and thence into Spain where the King entertain'd him honourably and gave him the Towns of Madrid and Andujan with a competent Revenue for his Maintenance He stay'd not long in Spain but return'd into France designing thence to go into England to perswade those Kings to
their Title to Castile and that the King of Portugal offer'd to marry his Daughter Beatrix the Heiress of that Crown to Edward the Son of Edmund Earl of Cambridge A Treaty being set afoot the following Articles were agreed upon That Beatrix the Daughter of Portugal should be contracted to Ferdinand younger Son to the King of Castile that so Portugal might not be united to Castile That the Prisoners and Galleys taken in the Sea Fight should be restor'd to the Portugues That the King of Castile should furnish the English with a Fleet to return Home These were hard Terms for the King of Castile but the Desire of Peace overcame all Difficulties and he gave Hostages for the Performance of those Conditions Thus the Battel was prevented and the War ended The Joy conceiv'd for this Peace was interrupted by the death of some eminent Persons King John return'd to the Kingdom of Toledo and lay Sick at Cuellar when his Wife Queen Ellenor dy'd in Childbed of a Daughter that liv'd not long Her Body was Buried in the Royal Chappel at Toledo Her death mov'd the King of Portugal to alter the first Article of the late Treaty and he sent to offer his Daughter to the King thinking by that means to secure the Succession of the Crown of Portugal it being tedious to expect till Prince Ferdinand were grown up They easily agreed and one of the Articles was that in case King Ferdinand dy'd the Queen Dowager should govern Portugal till the Princess had a Child of Age. The City Elvas was the place appointed for the Marriage These things happen'd in Spain about the end of the Year At the same time in Greece the Aragonians and Navarrois were at War about the Dutchess of Athens and Neopatria Philip Dalmao Viscount Rocaberti Admiral of the Aragonian Fleet subdu'd those Dominions for he expell'd the Navarrois put Garrisons of his own into the Towns leaving Romanus de Villanucva Governour and return'd home himself Sicily was also in Confusion for Artal de Alagon Count de Mistreta being a Man of great Power would marry the Queen to his own liking and bestow the Crown on whom he pleas'd To this purpose he call'd out of Lombardy John Galeazzo who was not yet Duke of Milan but he would not go because the Aragonians had taken his Fleet in the Port of Pisa some time before The Nobility of Sicily were offended that D. Artal should pretend to the whole Power of Government William Raymund de Moncada having Communicated his Design to the King of Aragon enter'd Catanca seiz'd the Queen and convey'd her away to Augusta a strong Fort of his own on the Sea Shore into which he had put a good Garrison of Catalonians sent him by the King under the Command of Roger de Moncada D. Artal seeing himself disappointed lay'd Siege to Augusta Dalmao in his Return out of Greece touch'd in Sicily and understanding how Affairs stood forc'd the Enemy to raise the Siege and convey'd the Queen safe into Spain The Queen afterwards marry'd in Aragon and by that means the Kingdoms of Aragon and Sicily were united with a stronger and more lasting Band than they had been before Charles the Heir of Navarre was still detain'd a Prisoner in France The King of Castile interceding for him he was set at Liberty which 〈…〉 oblig'd him that he ever continu'd firm to the Interest of Castile He came to 〈◊〉 at the beginning of the Year 1383 and was receiv'd with Joy His Father grown Old corrected his course of Life The Marriage of the King of Castile with the Princess of Portugal was solemniz'd with great Pomp at the Place appointed Her Father could not be Present being then Sick D. Alonso Earl of Gijon again rais'd Uproars in Asturias Some Forces were sent which easily reduc'd him to his Duty and the King went to hold the 〈◊〉 at Segovia where nothing memorable was done but altering the Common Account as had been done before at Valencia of reckoning from the Aera of Cesar to begin at the Birth of our Saviour On the 20th of October after a languishing Sicknels Ferdinand King of Portugal dy'd at Lisbon He liv'd 43 Years 10 Months and 18 Days and Reign'd 19 Years 9 Months and 10 Days and may be reckon'd among the good Princes for his Meekness Learning and Sweetness of Temper His Body was bury'd in the Monasters of Franciscans of Santarem near to his Mother Queen Constance Sardinia was not yet free from Tumults Hugh Arborea Son to Marianus aim'd as well as his Father at a Crown but being of a cruel and haughty Temper was murder'd by his own People It was hop'd his Death would put an end to those Troubles Therefore Brancalcon Doria who had serv'd the King faithfully repair'd to Aragon to regulate the Affairs of the Island but was secur'd because his Wife Ellenor Arborea a Masculin Woman attempted by force of Arms to Revenge her Brother's Death and recover her Father's Estate and took several strong Holds Her Husband Brancalcon was carry'd under a strong Guard to pacify her but could not prevail wherefore he was long in Custody at Caller and the Interest of Aragon went down the Wind the King being wholly taken up with other Cares which touch'd him nearer CHAP. IV. Portugal full of Divisions about the Succession to the Crown King John of Castile having been proclaim'd at Lisbon enters that Kingdom has many Places deliver'd to him Besieges Lisbon but is forc'd to raise the Siege and return to Castile THE King of Portugal's Death was the cause of bloody Wars betwixt that Crown and Castile The People would not hear of submitting to a Stranger all were for Electing a King of their own A Meeting of the Nobility was held at Lisbon but nothing concluded Some of the great Ones underhand invited King John of Castile to take Possession of the Kingdom Among these was D. John the Master of Avis who dealt subtilly because he had not yet gain'd the Affections of the People Time was spent in Castile consulting the Affair till the Opportunity was lost never to be recover'd At last it was decreed the King should go before in peaceable manner and the Army follow to subdue if there were Occasion such as offer'd to oppose him The Bishop of Guardia which is on the Borders of Portugal offer'd to deliver up that City to the King Before he set out upon this Expedition it was requisite to put a stop to the wicked Designs of some Men in Castile D. John Brother to the late King of Portugal who had fled to Castile was imprison'd at Toledo for no other Crime but because he might pretend a Right to that Crown being Brother to the late King The Earl of Gijon was secur'd in the Castle of Montalvan because after he had been pardon'd so often he still kept Correspondence with the Portugueses All his Estate was Consiscated and he left in Charge with
the Arch-bishop of Toledo who kept him long at Almonaçir three Leagues from that City This done the King and Queen went to Plasencia and thence set out for Portugal The Clergy of Guardia as had been promis'd by the Bishop came out to meet them with Crosses wishing them Joy of their Accession to that Crown The Governour of the Castle held out not knowing what party to take Before the King 's coming he was proclaim'd at Lisbon through the Persuasions of D. Henry Emanuel Earl of Sintra and Uncle to the late King Ferdinand Ellenor the Queen Dowager consented to it knowing her self too weak to oppose the Designs of the great Ones Yet the People began to be divided and many Lives were lost The first kill'd was the Count John Fernandez de Andeyro whom the Master of Avis stabb'd in the very Palace The popular Fury stopp'd not here for they Murder'd D. Martin Bishop of Lisbon in the Tower of the Cathedral whither he fled for Sanctuary only because he was a Castilian and seem'd to favour King John The Queen fearing some Outrage with the consent of the Master of Avis withdrew from Lisbon to Santarem Only Passion and Madness seem'd now to Reign The Master of Avis was Handsome Generous Familiar and had many other good Qualities which seem'd to make amends for the Fault in his Birth On the other side King John tho mild unless provok'd was reserv'd and of few Words so that tho some Places submitted to him upon his first coming he gain'd not the Affections of the Portugueses who expect to be familiarly Treated by their Kings At the beginning of the Year 1384 the King went from Guardia to Santarem to visit the Queen Dewager his Mother in Law and consult with her what Method was to be taken With him went 500 Horse a sufficient Number in time of Peace but too small to quell Rebels The Governours of the Kingdom of Toledo ceas'd not to make new Levies and send them towards Fortugal The greatest want was of Mony the Treasury and Country being exhausted with the last Wars They therefore took to the value of 4000 Marks of Silver out of the Treasury of the Church of our Blessed Lady of Guadalupe which the People look'd upon as an ill Omen 〈…〉 War began with Sacriledge Charles Prince of Navarre that he might not be thought ungrateful was gathering a good Body of Men to assist King John The King of Aragon thought it safest to look on In Portugal after much Consultation it was resolv'd the Queen Dowager should resign the Government of the Kingdom to the King her Son in Law This which was look'd upon as the means to appease the People provok'd them the more to Mutiny They hated the Government of Castile and upbraided the Queen with Parjury and breach of Trust yet many of the Nobles who had much to lose were concern'd at these Confusions and favour'd King John These were Henry Emanuel Earl of Sintra John Texeda who had been Lord Chancellor D. Peter Pereyra Grand Prior of Portugal who was afterwards Master of Calatrava in Castile and his two Brothers James and Ferdinand with many more Besides these many of the Commonalty especially in the Province between the Rivers Duero and Minho where one Lope de Leyra born in Galicia was Governour Alonso Pimentel deliver'd up Bragança he being Governour there John Portocarrero and Alonso de Silva did the same by other Places where they Commanded Thus far the pretensions of Castile went on successfully and it was thought the whole Kingdom united could not oppose them much less being divided But their Hopes soon vanish'd D. John Brother to the late King being detain'd Prisoner in Castile the People fixt their Eyes upon the Master of Avis Bastard Son to King Ferdinand He laying hold of the opportunity offer'd to expose himself for his Country Yet the People at that time did no more but name D. John that was Prisoner in Castile their Governour The more to incense the People he was painted upon their Colours in Irons The Command of the Army was given to the Master of Avis They said Queen Ellenor was not lawfully marry'd to the King and therefore Queen Beatvix was a Bastard This was done in Lisbon which had declar'd against Castile and was supported by many of the Nobility particularly by Nun̄o Alvarez Pereyra Son to the Grand Prior tho his Brothers sided with Castile This Gentleman was the Founder of the House of Bragança the most powerful in Portugal Nun̄o Pereyra was sent with a Body of Men to wast are Frontiers of Castile Some Forces sent by King John to oppose him were routed with great Slaughter and much greater Disgrace D. Gonçalo Brother to the Queen Dowager was in Coimbra with a good Garrison Thither King John went with the two Queens believing he would have receiv'd him but was disappointed This was the more grievous to King John for that Peter Earl of Trastamara Son to D. Frederick deserted from him and fled to that City It was suspected that Queen Ellenor weary of favouring Castile knew of his Flight Therefore the King sent her to Tordesillas in Castile with a great Retinue where she afterwards dy'd She lies bury'd at Valladolid in the Cloister of the Mercenarians This done a Council of War was held about besieging Lisbon the Metropolis of the Kingdom whither the principal People were withdrawn with the best of their Goods Opinions vary'd Some were for dividing the Army and securing the Country Others said all would be easy Lisbon once taken This Advice prevail'd and the Army march'd to the Siege By the way they wasted the Country burnt the Villages drove the Cattle and took several Towns They incamp'd and intrench'd themselves before that part of the City where now is the Monastery of All Saints To secure the Sea as well as the Land 13 Galleys and 12 Ships came from Sevil and anchor'd before the City to hinder any Resort of Provisions which soon grew scarce for the Multitude of the Besieg'd was great To remedy this want 16 Galleys and 8 Ships came from Porto which with the help of the Wind and Tide tho they lost 3 Ships supply'd the distress'd City This Relief chang'd the Face of Affairs for Autumn coming on the Army in the Field sicken'd and therefore King John made some Overtures of Peace Peter Fernandez de Velasco for the Castilians and the Master of Avis for the Portugueses were commission'd to Treat The Master of Avis positively affirm'd they would accept of no Conditions unless he were left to govern the Kingdom till such time as Queen Beatrix had a Son of Age to take the Administration upon him This he would not depart from having already conceiv'd some Hopes of obtaining the Crown for himself Sickness dally increas'd and many Men of Note dy'd of the Common sort 200 perish'd in one Day This made the great Men waver and grow weary of that unfortunate War
They wish'd for any manner of Composition and at length the Mortality was so great that the Siege was rais'd with much Loss and Dishonour and the Army march'd away James Sarmiento was made Marshal de Camp in the Place of his Brother deceas'd and had the Government of Santarem given him Other Officers were put into Garrisons about the Country the King designing to recruit his Army and return as soon as possible This done the Fleet and Army mov'd towards Sevil. Much harm might have been done them had the Besieg'd pursu'd but they were glad to be rid of them at any rate Processions were made at Lisbon and throughout the Kingdom for this Deliverance At this time the King of Aragon shew'd no Kindness to his two Sons by the first Wife the Princes John and Martin The Blame was laid upon the Mother in Law but Prince John had offended his Father by Marrying privately the Lady Violante Daughter to the Duke of Berri not regarding the Queen of Sicily which was much the better match The King vented his Passion upon John Earl of Ampurias in whose Dominions and under whose Protection they were Marry'd for as soon as his Son return'd home and was Pardon'd he seiz'd the greatest part of the Earl's Estate The Earl himself fled by Sea to Avignon resolving to make use of the Forces of his Friends for recovering of his Dominions CHAP. V. John the Bastard Master of Avis proclaim'd King of Portugal King John of Castile sends his Fleet then enters Portugal himself with an Army The famous Battle of Aljubarrota and rout of the Castilians AT the beginning of the Year 1385 the King of Castile was employ'd in raising Land-Forces and had fitted a Fleet of 12 Galleys and 20 Ships Yet all things went on slowly because he fell Sick and was in Danger of Death yet as soon as recover'd he forwarded all Preparations News was brought that the Garrison of Santarem had taken the Master of 〈◊〉 and Grand Prior of S. John but this prov'd False and the Joy conceiv'd was turn into Sorrow for it was certainly known that the Portugueses in Coimbra had proclaim'd the Master of Avis King which was engaging themselves so far that there was no way to go back again The chief of the Rebels in that City had consulted together and agreed it was absolutely Necessary to choose them a Head and that for the greater Authority he ought to be declar'd King Some thought this too bold an Attempt and were against excluding Queen Beatrix whose Right it was or so far Provoking the Anger of Castile Others favour'd Prince John tho then a Prisoner at Toledo but this was wholly rejected he being in no Condition to assist them Therefore they all voted for the Master of Avis who was present and proclaim'd him King on the 5th of April at the Monastery of St. Francis in Coimbra where that Consultation was held All that were present even those that had before oppos'd it kiss'd his Hand and did Homage to him to express their Zeal Prophesies were then invented to justify their Choice and they gave out that at the beginning of these Troubles a Child in the Cradle had three Times with a loud Voice cry'd out D. John King of Portugal Which they attributed to the Master of Avis for Men are apt to fancy every thing as they would have it From that Day the Portugueses despairing of Pardon became more resolute and bold The Province between the Rivers Duero and Min̄o soon declar'd for the new King This Joy was somewhat abated by the Arrival of the Fleet of Castile on the Coast of Portugal which meeting no body to oppose it ravag'd all the Sea Coasts The King of Castile was at Cordova and thence at the beginning of Summer sent his Queen to Avila since she could be no longer useful her Subjects having wholly cast her off About the beginning of July D. Peter Tenorio Archbishop of Toledo made an Incursion into the Country of Viseo destroying all the Country and sparing neither Sex nor Age but at their Return they were met with and overthrown by the Portugueses Many other Encounters happen'd with various Success but all prov'd ruinous to the Natives for both Parties liv'd at Discretion The Army of Castile randevouz'd at Guidad Rodrigo when the Summer was well advanc'd Only Prince Charles Son to the King of Navarre was expected with a good Body of Men. A Council of War being held the wiser sort were against Fighting and only for wasting the Country and wearying out the Rebels But their Opinion prevail'd who being young were hottest and magnify'd the Strength of Castile despising the Enemy as a raw and undisciplined Rabble and therefore were for putting an end speedily to the War This advice the King follow'd tho the other was the safest The Castilians were overseen in many things and they ought at least to have expected the Succours that the Prince of Navarre was to bring Having fix'd this Resolution they enter'd that part of Portugal call'd Be●ra and took Cillorico Thence they advanc'd and burnt the Suburbs of Coimbra and attempted to take Leyria which held for Queen Ellenor During the Siege of Cillorico the King being unhealthy and considering the Danger of the War made his Will upon the 21st of July In it he ordain'd that the Lordships of Biscay and Molina his Mother's Inheritance should for ever be annex'd to the Crown and belong to the eldest Sons of the Kings of Castile He appointed 6 Tutors for his Son and Heir Henry and 12 Governours of the Kingdom during his Minority The Queen his Mother in Law the Princes John and Denis of Portugal the Children of King Peter and Son of D. Ferdinand de Castre who were all Prisoners in Castile he order'd should have Justice done them The Shortness of his Life gave not Leasure to make it known whether he design'd to put to Death or release them Many other things he ordained in his Will which being made without Deliberation was the Cause of many Troubles and Confusions The Portugues Army was advanc'd to Tomar with a Resolution to try their Fortune The Castilians march'd to meet them They discover'd one another about the Mid-way and there Intrench'd themselves The Portugueses were in a narrow Place having a Plain on the Front and deep Morasses on each side which secur'd their Flanks they were 2200 Horse and 10000 Foot The Castilians being much more Numerous encamp'd in an open Plain about a League and half from them and being confident of their Strength advanc'd and offer'd Battol on the Eve of the Assumption The King of Castile led the main Battel and some of the Nobles the Wings which in the time of need were useless by season of the Streightness of the Ground D. Gonzalo Nun̄ez de Guzman with a Body of 〈◊〉 was order'd through By ways to fall upon the Enemies Rear that none might escape being taken or
Relief and a solemn Embassy was sent thither The Embassadors having laid down the miserable Condition of their King made humble suit for assistance and all the Nobles of France unanimously agreed the King ought to be supported It was resolv'd 2000 Horse should be sent into Castile under Luis de Bourbon the King's Uncle by the Mothers side and 100000 Florines for their pay They promis'd if this relief prov'd too small that the King himself would March in Person with all the Power of France and esponse the Quarrel of Castile Pope Clement from Avignon wrote a letter to King John comforting him in his Adversity Peter Earl of Trastamara the King's Cousin who deserted from his Army to Coimbra and thence went over into France being pardon'd return'd now into Castile These Helps were small but the slowness of the English prov'd the safety of Castile The King of Portugal besieg'd Coria but could not take it because some fresh Forces got into it therefore he return'd Home with much Booty The Corses met again at Segovia in order to lay Taxes for raising of Mony Here the King Publish'd a Manifesto to prove his Title to the Crown against the Duke of Lancaster But what just Title could the Son of a Bastard have where there were so many of the True Line living The Duke of Lancaster accepted of the Offers made by the Portugues He endeavour'd to obtain passage through Aragon and the King of Castile to hinder it Both parties sent their Embassadors to that King upon this account Passage being refus'd the Duke came over from England into Spain by Sea and landed at Coruna on the 26th of July In that Port he took 6 Galleys of Castile Fernan Perez de Andrada Governour of the Town defended it with such bravery it was not taken The English were only 1500 Horse and the like number of expert Archers a small Body but might have done great Harm had they immediately joyn'd the Portugueses The time they lost before Corun̄a gave a great Advantage to their Enemies Nevertheless they took several Towns in Galicia and even the City of Santiago the Metropolis of that Kingdom Some Men of Note of that Country went over to the English The Duke of Laucaster at length sail'd for Portugal and Anchor'd at the Mouth of the River Duero The King and Duke met at Porto With the Duke came his Wife Constance his Daughter Catherine and Philippa and Elizabeth two Daughters by his first Wife It was resolv'd they should joyn their Forces That the Duke should have the Kingdom of Castile and the Portugues certain Cities and Towns They agree'd the new King should marry the Dukes Daughter Philippa in Case the Pope would dispense with his Vow of Chastity as Master of Avis The King of Castile was at Zamora making Preparations to defend himself and gathering the Forces that came from France and Castile He publish'd an Edict by which all were ennobl'd who should serve two Months with Horse and Arms at their own Cost and Charge D. John Garcia Manrique Arch-bishop of Sevil was sent with a good Body of Men to secure Leon. All things succeeded better than was expected The third part of the English not us'd to that Climate was consum'd by Sickness Besides many ranging the Country disorderly were cut off by the Boors Thus nothing remarkable was done that Summer only some Messages pass'd betwixt the Kings The Duke sent to challenge the King of Castile and require him to resign up that Crown to him The King also sent Persons of Note to justify his Title but underhand to propose a Match betwixt his Son and Heir Henry and the Dukes Daughter by the Lady Constance This Proposal was no way displeasing to the Duke yet in publick he answer'd He would hear of no Terms but delivering up the Kingdom Near about this time tho far remote as to Place dy'd three Kings On the 4th of June Charles King of Naples was kill'd in Hungary his Head being cloven with a Partesan On the first of January following which began the Year 1387. Charles the IId King of Navarre ended his Days at Pamplona Some say it was the Year before His Body was buried in the Cathedral of that City Four Days after Peter the IVth King of Aragon departed this Life at Barcelona He liv'd 75 Years and reign'd 51 wanting 19 Days Of Stature he was small not Healthy very quick a great lover of Honour and of making a show of Majesty in so much that he was call'd Peter the Ceremonious He maintain'd War against powerful Princes without Foreign Aids only by his own Valour and Conduct was a lover of learned Men and particularly addicted to Astrology and Chimistry His Body was first bury'd at Barcelona and thence translated to Poplete as he had ordain'd Charles King of Naples upon the death of Luis King of Hungary had that Crown offer'd him by the Nobility he went thither and being entertain'd at Dinner by the Queen was murder'd by her Order He left a Son and a Daughter which were Ladislaus and Joanna they both reigned in Naples successively and the one being a Child the other unfit for Government they were the cause of Bloody Wars in Italy The King of Navarre had long been troubled with a Leaprousy It was commonly reported he was burnt to death for that by the Advice of Phisitians he us'd to be wrap'd in Cloaths dip'd in Brimstone on which a Spark of Fire accidentally falling is said to have consumed the Bed and Him This was the more easily believed because he was Cruel Covetous and Lascivious Joanna his youngest Daughter was Married to John de Montforte Duke of Britany who had by her four Sons and three Daughters Charles the Son of him Deceased Friend and Brother-in-Law to the King of Castile inherited the Crown of Navarre He return'd out of Castile and in the Cortes caus'd Pope Clement to be own'd as had been done in Castile for till then Navarre as well as Aragon had stood Neuter This was thought to be done rather to please the French and Castilians than out of respect to Justice The King of Castile to oblige the new King withdrew his Garrisons out of several Towns in Navarre which he held by Contract and forgave him a great Summ of Mony his Father ow'd Thus the new King was encourag'd to attempt the recovery of many Towns taken from his Father in Normandy by the French and English and sent Embassadors to them accordingly This King was mild liberal and generous whence he came to be call'd the Noble By his Wife the Lady Ellenor he had the Princesses Joanna Mary Blanch Beatrix and Elizabeth his Sons Charles and Luis died Young Illegitimate Godfrey Marques of Cortes the Founder of that Family and Joanna marry'd to In̄igo de Zuniga In Aragon King John was Crown'd after the death of his Father He was a meek Prince if not provok'd He could not be present at the
6 Months On the 15th of October dy'd at Rome Pope Vrban the VIth In his place the Cardinals of that Faction soon chose the Cardinal Peter Tomaçello of Naples who was call'd Boniface the IX No sooner was the Term of the Truce expir'd but the Portugues sat before Tuy a City in Galicia plundering all the Country about it The King of Castile was afraid to hazard a Battel but sent the Arch-bishop of Toledo and Master of Alcantara to carry Relief to the besieg'd They came when the City was taken but lost not their Labour for they concluded a Truce for 6 Years upon Condition Tuy and all other Towns taken during the War should be restor'd on both sides The Year 1390 was very remarkable in Castile for the Cortes then assembl'd and the important Affairs in them debated First the King offer'd to resign the Crown to his Son the Prince hoping that done the Portugueses would easily admit of his Wife's Title Neither the Nobility nor Commons would upon any account consent to it because the Prince was under Age. Next it was consider'd what should be done with those who during the War had deserted the King A general Pardon was decreed for all excepting only the Earl of Gijon who had often relaps'd and was still a Prisoner and doubtless the K. if he durst would have made an end of them It was enacted that the Kingdom should furnish a sufficient Sum of Mony to pay the standing Forces which then us'd to live upon Discretion and ruin the Farmers To this purpose a Reform of the Troops was made so that only 4000 Men at Arms 1500 light Horse and 1000 Archers were left on Foot who were to be ready upon all Occasions and live upon their Pay All Subjects were forbid serving any foreign Prince which was afterwards strictly observ'd The Popes us'd to give Benefices in Spain to Foreigners whence it follow'd that those Benefices were not serv'd and the Natives wholly neglected Learning It was therefore made a Request to Pope Clement that he would remedy that Abuse Besides the great Men in the Times of Confusion had seiz'd the Church-Livings and put in such Priests as they pleas'd allowing them small Stipends and kept to themselves all the rest of the Profits The Bishops of Burgos and Calahorra who were most concern'd sought for Redress and the King favour'd them but seeing those great Men concern'd oppos'd it he would proceed no farther fearing to disoblige them more than he had done by a Decree which allow'd all Vassals of Lords to appeal from their Courts to the King 's King Henry by his last Will had recall'd many Grants made during his Life and now the Nobles strugl'd to have them put in Force again the King in outward appearance seem'd willing but he had other Thoughts in his Heart as appear'd by his Actions At this same time Embassadors came to that City from the Kings of Granada and Navarre Those of Navarre demanded that since Queen Ellenor left in Castile for recovery of her Health was now perfectly well she should return to her Husband The King thought this a just Request and therefore order'd his Sister to prepare for her Journy She excus'd her self alledging the hatred that People bore her who had endeavour'd to Poison her by the Hand of a Jabish Physician The King would not force his Sister yet oblig'd her to restore her Daughter Joanna to her Father since they had no Issue-male Thus the King of Navarre being forsaken by his Wife was Crown'd by himself with much Pomp in the Cathedral of Pamplona He was Anointed lifted upon Mens Shoulders and all there present saluted him King From the Moorish King came the Governour of Malaga Embassador to Castile to renew the Truce then ready to expire which was granted him he bringing great Presents of Horses Furniture and rich Cloth This Truce was sign'd by the Kings and their eldest Sons D. Peter Tenorio Archbishop of Toledo at his own Cost built a beautiful Bridge over the River Tagus at that City which to this Day is call'd the Archbishop's Bridge Near the Bridge were some few Houses or Cottages and the King pleas'd with that Seat to encourage People to live there granted a Charter of Priviledges and call'd it Villa-franca To Prince Ferdinand his younger Son besides the Lordship of Lara which was his already he gave the Town of Fen̄afiel with the Title of Duke In token of this Dignity a plain Crown was put upon his Head without Flowers to distinguish it from the Regal His Arms were those of Castile and Aragon quarter'd by way of Distinction from the Prince and because he was descended from both those Houses The Cortes held at Guadalajara broke up when the Summer was well advanc'd In June the Truce with Portugal for 6 Years was concluded The Power of Portugal daily increas'd and they adher'd firmly to the Popes of Rome Therefore Boniface the IXth who as has been said succeeded Vrban made Lisbon a Metropolitan See Segovia is a City seated on the Mountains that part Old and New Castile its chief support is the Woollen-Manufacture Winter there is very sharp by reason of the Mountains the Summer temperate the Hills being always cover'd with Snow There the King resolv'd to spend the Summer and by the way to see the Monastery of Paular which he was building at Rascasria not far from that City and is the beautifullest the Carthusians this day possess in Spain At Valladolid he gave to the Benedictine Monks the Old-Palace to convert it into a Convent where they now hold their General Chapters Besides he had before given the Church of Guadalupe then possess'd by secular Priests to the Hieronimites These are three Monuments of this King's Piety besides certain Religious Laws which he establish'd Particularly at the Cortes at Briviesca three Years before this he forbid bringing out the Cross at the Reception of Kings and weaving it on Carpets or other things where it might be trod upon Summer expiring he sent the Prince and Princess to Talavera he himself went to Alcala designing for Andaluzia to regulate some Disorders there 50 Christian Souldiers who had serv'd the King of Morocco and were call'd Farfanes came to Alcala These were expert in the Moorish manner of Exercise which those People perform dexterously on Horseback The King upon Sunday the 9th of October went out to see these Men exercise He was mounted on a Mettlesom Horse and having a mind to Gallop some way clapt Spurs to him he ran into the Plow'd Lands and stumbling in the Furrows came down with such Violence that he kill'd the King He liv'd only 33 Years and reign'd 11 Years 3 Months and 20 Days To stir up his Subjects to honourable Emulation he invented an Order or Brotherhood who were to wear a Collar of Gold with a Pidgeon hanging at it and instituted Rules for this Order but Death put an end to this and all
management of the Revenue was distributed among them and it was order'd that five should govern one half of the Year and five the other This settlement it was hop'd would end all debates but it was soon broken by an Accident Two of the Duke of Benavente's Servants kill'd one belonging to the Earl of Gijon as was suspected by their Master's Order whereupon looking on him as Fierce and Ill Princip'd the Cortes alter'd the Form of Government and ordain'd that the King's Will should be fulfill'd yet so that till the Marques of Villena and Count Neibla being sent fo by the King came to Court the Arch-bishop of Toledo should act for them and have 3 Votes among the Governours Two Millions of Marauedies were allow'd the Duke of Benavente and Earl of Gijon yearly during their Lives in lieu of the Government Besides it was granted to the Arch-bishop that he alone should have the Management of half the Revenue The truce with Portugal was upon expiring and it was no time to renew the War The King being in his Minority and the Kingdom exhausted Embassadors were sent to renew and proloug the Truce John Allonso de Guzman Earl of Niebla left his House to attend the Government whereupon ensu'd a great Mutiny at Sevil James Hurtado de Mendoça being great with the King aspir'd to be made Admiral which could not be done without disobliging Alvar Perez de Guzman who had some time been in possession of that Command The Earl of Niebla favour'd the new Pretender whereupon the other joyning with Peter Ponce Lord of Marchena secur'd Sevil and turn'd out all the Earl's Adherents At Segovia the Embassadors return'd to the King from Portugal with News that that King would not hear of prolonging the Truce The Duke of Benavente being ill look'd upon at Court and depriv'd of the Government withdrew to his Estate and it was reported he held intelligence with Portugal and had agreed to marry that King's Bastard-daughter Beatrix He understood what was given out justify'd himself by pleading the Wrong done him in depriving him of the Lady Ellenor de Albuquerque and over'd if he might have her to break off the other Match The Governours considering the state of Affairs consented and appointed the place for celebrating the Mariage but the Duke immediately recanted and pursu'd the Match in Portugal The Arch-bishop of Toledo to prevent any mischief might ensue went to confer with the Duke and offer'd him in Mariage a Daughter of the Marques de Villena with as good a Portion as he expected from Portugal but the Duke would not harken to it Seeing nothing would content him the Arch-bishop return'd to Zamera to prevent the Governour of the Pallace who held the Tower of S. Saviour from delivering It up to the Duke as was suspected he would and the City was in Arms upon that score All things were compos'd and the Governour deliver'd up that Tower according to the Arch-bishop's Order It was now the Heat of Summer when News was brought that the Embassadors again sent to Portugal could not obtain a Prolongation of the Truce The Portugueses were resolv'd to make use of that Advantage and enlarge their Dominions The first that took the Field was the Duke of Benavente who with 500 Horse and a great number of Foot incamp'd near Pedrosa a Town not far from the City Toro Castile was reduc'd to great Streights At Granada the Moors mutiny'd About the beginning of this year King Mahomet always a Friend to the Christians dy'd His Son Joseph succeeded him and was of the same Temper for he freely releas'd many Christians during his Father's Life This his Goodness was prejudicial to him He had four Sons Joseph Mahomet Hali and Hamet Mahomet was ambiti●●● and having no hopes of obtaining the Crown by fair means us'd Craft giving out that his Father was a Moor only in Name but in his Actions a Christian Many upon this Account sided with him and the Business was brought to that height that the City was in danger of falling together by the Ears An Embassador of the King of Morocco who was there at that time interpos'd and in an Assembly of the Principal Men of the City represented to them the Mischiefs of Discord and the Advantage might then be made upon the Christians if they were united This he did so effectually that all the Rebels were pacify'd and Mahomet promis'd to submit himself to his Father After this they gather'd 700 Horse and 3000 Foot and making an Incursion into the Kingdom of Murcia took a great Booty of Cattle and carry'd away many Captives Alonso Fajardo the Lieutenant of that Country pursu'd them with only 150 Horse yet charg'd them so furious and fortunately that he routed them kill'd many and recover'd the Prey Thus Spain was deliver'd of a great Danger that threaten'd on that side which was such that the King of Aragon who was least concern'd that he might be the more at leasure to oppose the Moors lay'd up a great Fleet he had fitted out against Brancaleon Doria who again revolted in Sardinia This Defeat so terrify'd the Moors that they sent to beg a Truce of the King of Castile which was easily granted in regard to the War that was expected with Portugal The Portugues King was puff'd up with his Success seeing himself so setled in the Throne and having in the space of four Years as many Sons by his Wife the Lady Philippa The 1st was Alonso who dy'd young the 2d Edward who succeeded his Father the 3d Peter created Duke of Coimbra and the 4th Henry Duke of Viseo and Master of the Order of Christ and much given to the Study of Astrology by the help of which and the greatness of his Spirit he first attempted to Coast along the vast and unknown Shore of Africk by that means opening the way to those who after him discover'd the remotest Countries of the East to the great Honour and Profit of the Portugues Nation as shall be shown in its place This King's youngest Children were John and Ferdinand This same year Charles the VIth King of France ran distracted The Constable of France was murder'd by a Gentleman who immediately fled to the Duke of Britany This Action so inrag'd the King that because the Duke refus'd to deliver up the Murderer he march'd against him in Person and one day being upon his March at Noon when the Heat was most violent he suddenly drew his Sword kill'd two that were next him and wounded another raging in that distracted manner till he fell from his Horse He was carry'd back to the City where he recover'd his Senses yet so that he was ever after craz'd John Juvenal Bishop of Beauvais says that in his Fits nothing so much enrag'd him as hearing the English nam'd and that he abhorr'd a Red-Cross because born in the English Colours CHAP. X. The Divisions among the Nobility of Castile continue A Truce betwixt Castile and
believing he was displeas'd on some private Account but this Em●●ssy avail'd nothing A great number of French enter'd Aragon by the way of Russ●●●● to rob and plunder the Country Queen Violante who by reason of her Husband's Carelesness govern'd the Kingdom sent an Embassador to complain to the King of France and her Uncles 〈◊〉 Dukes of Burg●ndy Beri and Or●●ans whereupon the French return'd home at such time as King John of Aragon was taken away suddenly He went a Hunting on the Mountain of Foxa near the Castle of Mongriu and Vrriols in the f●●thest part of 〈◊〉 He rous'd a she Wolf of a prodigious size or whether he only imagin'd it for with the Surprize he fell down and gave up the Ghost on the 19th of May. He was more remarkable for his lazy Life than for any Virtue His Body was bury'd at P●blet● the common Place of Burial of those Kings He left no Issue-male but two Daughters by two Wi●es call'd Jo●●●na and Violante The first was marry'd to Mathew Earl of F●●x the latter contracted to 〈◊〉 Duke of Anjo● In his Will he appointed his Brother Martin Duke of 〈◊〉 his Successor which was approv'd of ●● all the Kingdom to avoid falling under a 〈◊〉 if the Daughters inherited Martin was busy subduing of Sicily Mary his Wife supply'd his Place taking the Title of Queen and ●●acing Guards to look to Queen Violante who say'd she was with Child to prevent any Frand The Earl of 〈◊〉 pretended to the Crown in right of his Wife because the Females had always been allow'd to inherit Yet notwithstanding his just ●laim the Cortes which met in July at Zaragoça una●●mously adjudg'd the Crown to Martin then absent They also treated of the Preparations it was requisite to make to repulse the War which was expected from France CHAP. III. The Queen of 〈◊〉 ●●turns to her ●●●band The Earl of Faux invades Aragon The War bet●●●● 〈◊〉 and Portugal renewed Joseph King of Granada dies Mahomet his 2d Son usurps The Turks come over into Europe THE Kingdom of Aragon labour'd under the Apprehensions of a War and all the Country was full of Martial Preparations Castile was at Peace the Nobility being reduc'd the Earl of Gij●n gone to France as had been agreed The Queen of Navarre tho against her Will was at 〈…〉 to return to her Husband To make her easy he made Oath he would treat her 〈◊〉 a Queen and the Daughter of Kings and the King of Castile bore her Company to 〈◊〉 a Town on the Boders of Navarre Her Husband receiv'd her at Tudel● with all possible Expressions of Affection and there was publick Thanksgiving in all Places for her Return John Hu●tad● 〈◊〉 Mendoça the Lord 〈◊〉 was much in the King of Castile's Favour who for his good Service gave 〈…〉 of Agreda Ciria and Boravia This Bounty of the King's 〈◊〉 Envy in the 〈◊〉 and those of Agreda would not admit him as their Lord but 〈…〉 to stand upon their Defence The King went thither and being receiv'd into 〈◊〉 Town was prevail'd upon not to alienate that Place from the Crown and in lieu of it gave D. John the Towns of Almaçan and Santistevan de Gormaz King 〈◊〉 Embassadors into France 〈◊〉 the Earl of Gijon and they came to Paris at the time appointed but the Earl appear'd not yet as they were up●● returning they understood he was arriv'd at Rochel in the Provin●● 〈◊〉 They impeach'd him before the King and after a full hearing he was declar'd 〈…〉 and commanded to submit himself to the King of whom he might hope for Pardon ●o obtain which the King of France offer'd his Intercession In case he refus'd to put himself upon his King's Mercy he was given to understand he must expect no shelter or assistance in France Orders were sent to Britany and all other ●rates dependant on the Crown of France not to give him any S●ccour or Relief The 〈◊〉 of Castile knowing what Judgment had been given demanded the Town of Gijon should 〈◊〉 surrender'd to him but the Earl's Wife who was in it refus'd Whereupon he laid ●lege to it and having taken it cast down not only the Walls but the Houses Her Son Henry was delivered to the Countess upon Condition she should depart the Land This done the King return'd to Madrid intending to visit And●luzia and in order to it went to Talaver● where in November he receiv'd the Embassadors who came from the King of Granada to renew the Truce They were order'd to follow the King to Sevil where he was receiv'd with the usual Joy He caus'd the Archdeacon of Ezija to be apprehended as a mutineer and promoter of all the harm done to the Jews The Truce was renew'd with the Moors and thus the whole Kingdom was restor'd to Peace Great hopes were conceiv'd of King Henry but all vanish'd away for he became sickly which continu'd all his Life time and his Judgment fail'd so that nothing hardly remarkable is recorded during the rest of his Reign Some attribute this to the defect of our Histories and others say the profound Peace he enjoy'd gave him no Opportunity of acting any thing worthy of Note The Duke of Benaven●e was kept Prisoner at Monterrey in custody of the Master of Santiago and thence remov'd to Alm●d●var This offended the Arch-bishop of Santiago upon whose Word he came 〈◊〉 Court. Besides that Prelate would not own the Popes of Avignon on these Distates he withdrew into Portug●● There he was first chosen Bishop of Coimbra and afterwards Archbishop of Braga 〈◊〉 this time John de Castro was Bishop of Palencia more famous for his Loyalty to King Peter than any other thing This Prelate fled into France and was restor'd when Queen Constance came to the Crown He is 〈◊〉 to have writ the be●● and truest Chronicle of the Life of King Peter but it is not Extant doubtless suppress'd by the prevailing Enemies of that unfortunate King In Aragon the People were indifferent peaceable tho where a Prince's right is disputable it commonly causes Troubles D. John Earl of Ampuria● was secur'd for favouring the Earl of Faux his claim A War threaten'd from France On the 2d of October the Cortes met at St. Francis in Zaragoça in a very full Assembly it was there resolv'd to raise an Army and give the Command of it to Peter Earl of Vrgel It was not without Cause they made these Preparations for the Earl of Faux having pass'd the Pyr●nean Hills with a mighty Army wasted all the Country along the River S●gre and at last in November lay'd Siege to the City Barbastro with 4000 Horse and a great number of Foot In the Camp he caus'd himself and his Wife to be proclaim'd King and Queen of Aragon About the middle of December there was an Earthquake at Val●ncia which threw down many Buildings and shook others This the Commonalty look'd upon as an ill Omen foreboding
his Nephew P●t●r de Luna but the King not approving of him the Bishop of Siguença Vicar of the Archbishoprick had charge of it for some Years till the Popes election took place The Joy and Devotion of the great Year of Jubilee 1400 was much lessen'd by the Schism in the Church tho the Christian Princes us'd all possible Means to put an end to it To this purpose for the humbling the Obduracy of Pope Benedict the King of Castile at the perswasions of D. Peter Hernandez de 〈◊〉 Cardinal of Spain publickly disown'd him Yet the King of Aragon interposing three Years after he submitted to him again From Lag●●doc and Catalo●●a the Plague spread over all Spain with such a mighty Mortality that it oblig'd the King of Castile to give leave to Widows to marry the same Year their Husbands dy'd which before was forbidden The King generally resided at Sevil that being a Pleasant and Healthy place and he very ●ickly In July the first Clock was fixing in the Steeple of the Cathedral for there were no such Clocks before in Spain and a great Bell to it the King Noble● and a Multitude of People being present when on a sudden a Storm rising a flash of Lightning kill'd several Men. This being taken as an ill Omen Processions were made to appease God's Wr●th Near the Town of Nieb●● 5 Leagues from Segovia an Image of our Blessed Lady was 〈◊〉 and many People devoutly resorting thither to visit it Queen Cath●rine built there a Church for it with a Monastery of Dominican● adjoyning to it which drew many 〈◊〉 and settle there so that in our Days it is grown up to be a pretty considerable 〈◊〉 ●●●P V. The Death of the 〈…〉 Sicily Of Tamerlan and Bajazet Pope Benedict again received in Castile The King of Castile has a Son born Pope Boniface dies Innocent the VII●● chosen at Ro●● THE Lady Violante Daughter to John King of Aragon was during her Father's Life contracted to Luis 〈◊〉 Anjo● as was said before Her Marriage was delay'd because she 〈◊〉 under Age and 〈◊〉 Year it ●●s concluded upon She was to have 160000 Florins Portion and he to swe●● never to lay any claim to the Crown of Aragon in her Right This done she was nobly Conducted into France to her Husband In the Month of March 1401 the King of Castile assembled the Cortes at Tordesillas where many good Laws were enacted particularly to restrain the Avarice of the Farmers of the Revenue and Officers of Justice In the Month of May Mary Queen of Sicily dy'd at Catane● as was thought of Grief for the Death of her Son who ended his Days at 〈◊〉 Age of 7 Years Both the Mother and Son were bury'd in that City However her 〈◊〉 next of Blood remain'd King and all the Nobility aim'd to marry their Daughters 〈◊〉 to him He marryed Blanch third Daughter to the King of Navarre who afterwards inherited her Father's Kingdom The Kings of Aragon and Nava●●● met upon this Account on the Frontiers there the 〈◊〉 deliver'd his Daughter to the 〈◊〉 in Law who sent her from Valencia to Sicily in a ●●eet commanded by D. Bernard de Cabrera but her Departure and Marriage was in the Year 1402. In November the same Year the Queen of Castile was deliver'd of a Daughter call'd Mary who was afterwards marry'd to her Cousin German Alonso King of Aragon and Naples but they had no Issue for she prov'd Barren After the Defeat of the French and Hungarians at Nicopolis Bajazet Emperor of the Turks lay'd Siege to Constantinople At the same time Tamerlan the Tartar with an incredible Army as is reported of 40000 Horse and 600000 Foot overran all the East His Custom was when he sat down before a City the first Day to put up white Colours in token of Mercy the second Day they were red to denote he would shed the Blood of the Inhabitants and the third black which signify'd the utter Desolation of the Place It happen'd the City Berytus did not surrender before the second Day and then sent out their Women and Children cloath'd in White with Boughs in their Hands to appease him but he nothing mov'd caus'd his Horse to trample them to Death A Genoese who follow'd his Camp took the Boldness upon this Occasion to put him in mind he was a Man and he with a furious Countenance answer'd Dost thou think I am a Man I am no such I am the Scourge of God and Plague of Mankind Baj●zet seeing all Asia was in danger of being lost rais'd the Siege of Constantinople and pass'd over into Asia On that part of Mount Taurus call'd Stella they came to a Battle and after a mo●● Bloody Dispute 200000 Men being slain Bajazet was overthrown and taken Him Tamerlan put into a Cage and in that manner carry'd him about Asia treading on his Shoulder every time he mounted a Horse-back and feeding him like a Dog with bits thrown from his Table King Henry of Castile though sickly attended the Affairs of the Government and sent Embassies to all parts and particularly to the Levant he sent Pelayo de Sotomay●● and ●●●dinand de Palaçuelos who were present at that famous Battle between the Turks and Tartars Tamerlan treated them courteously and at their return to Spain sent along with them an Embassador of his own to settle Peace and Unity with the King of Spain He having concluded his Negociation return'd home accompanied by three Spanish Embassadors who writ a Journal of that Embassy which is still Extant Tamerl●n's Glory was not lasting At his return home he built a beautiful City which he called Mercanti He left two Sons who differing about the Inheritance tore in 〈◊〉 the Empire purchas'd by their Father This Year was unhappy to the Portugueses and Navarrois for the Heirs of both Kingdoms dy'd D. Alonso eldest Son to the King of Portugal was but 12 Years of Age. He was bury'd in the Cath●●ral of Braga This Loss was the more tolerable for that there were several Brothers besides as the Princes Edward Peter Henry John and Ferdinand and two Sisters Blanch and Elizabeth At Painplona dy'd the Princes Charles 5 Years and L●●ys but 6 Months 〈…〉 were bury'd in that Cathedral The Grief of the Navarrois was the more inconsolable for that there remain'd never an Heir-male and the Crown must of course fall to the Female This Wi●●er at the end of the present Year and beginning of that of our Lord 1403 the Rains were so great in Spain that most Rivers overflow'd doing great harm Particularly Guadalquivir swell'd above the Wa●●s of Sevil and came as far as the Church of St. Michael Alonso Perez then Governour by his Industry prevented much Mischief that might have been done The See of Toledo was vacant since the Death of the late Archbishop D. Peter T●●orio This was caus'd by the Discord betwixt the Popes for Castile had
in such manner disown'd Pope Benedict that it did not submit to the other To remedy this Evil the Cortes assembled at Valadolid Thither the Aragonian Embassadors repai●'d in favour of Pope Benedict who after he had continu'd two Years at Avignon in the nature of a Prisoner made his escape in a Disguise down the River Rosne His Interest was so well manag'd by the King of A●●gon that on the 28th of April he was again solemnly acknowledged by the King Nobility 〈◊〉 ●●●rgy The same was done in France on the 26 of May but this was not lasting H●wever by virt●●●●● this Submission Pope Benedict as he had design'd two Years before gave the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 to D. Peter de Luna his Nephew who yet made some stay in Arag● ●●on other Affairs Pope Benedict was withdrawn to Seillon a Town in Pro●●●ce by reason of the Plague that rag'd there Martin de Salua Cardinal of Pam●lona dy'd ●●●he Pope gave ●●th his Archbishoprick and Cardinal's Cap to Michael de Salua his Nephew Mathew Earl of Faux departed this Life and with him dy'd his Pretensions to the Crown of Arago● 〈◊〉 he left no Heirs and the Lady Joanna his Wife compounded with the King her Un●●●●●he had 3000 Florins a Year assign'd her a small Recompence for a Kingdom wrongfully taken from her but Necessity took Place of right This done she spent the rest of her Life in Aragon Spain enjoy'd Peace intestine Broils having ceas'd and its En●mies abroad being tyr'd with long Wars Only the King of Navarre was dissatisfy'd for having lost his great Possessions of Evreux Bri● and Champagne in France Many Embassies were sent in to France about this Affair and he himself went thither twice but all to no effect His Right was indisputable therefore he resolv'd the 〈◊〉 ●●ime to try whether he could obtain by Presents and Courtship what had been bef●●● 〈…〉 him He left the Queen to govern in his Absence and departed for France There●●●er much debating of this Affair it was at last agreed he s●ould quit those Pretensions and withdraw his Garrison out of Ch●rbourg which still held 〈◊〉 him and in lieu thereof should have the Ci●y N●mo●●● in the Province of Beance in France ●●th the Title of Duke also a Pension of 12000 Florins and a great Sum of ready Mony This was concluded at Paris on the 9th of July 1404. It is reported that with this Mony King Charles built two stately Palaces at Olit● and Tafalla Towns of Navarre about a League distant from one another and that if Death had not prevented him he intended to joyn those two Towns by a continu'd Gallery built betwixt them The Kings of Castile and Granada seem'd to vie with one another in sending rich Presents and other acts of Courtesy It was convenient for the Moors to support that Friendship because they were weak and to the King of ●astile by reason of his continual Indisposition One rich Present the Moo●ish King made of Jewels and rich Garments that it might be the more acc●●●●bl● he sent it by one of his Wives for the Moors especially the Kings have many ●●t not long after the War broke out betwixt these two Kings Of the first of October Pope Boniface the IXth dy'd at Rome His Cardinals immediately assembled and chose Cos●●●● Me●●orato an Italian who took the Name of Innocent the VIIth He enjoy'd that Dignity only two Years and twenty Days The Christian Princes lay'd hold of this Opportunity to unite the Church but all in vain for both Popes pretended there was no place of Security for them to meet In Truth neither car'd to hazard losing that high Dignity particularly Pope ●enedict who was crafty and subtle Yet many Persons esteem'd for Sanctity of Life ad●er'd to him and among them the Holy F. Vincent Ferreriu● of the Order of S. Dominick famous for the Gift of Miracles and for th●●ast N●mbers he converted of which 8000 Moors and 35000 Jews are reckoned besides the Christians he reclaim'd from their Wicked Lives The general Joy conceiv'd throughout the Kingdom upon this Account was increas'd by the Queens being deliver'd at Toro on the 6th of March 1405 of a Son call'd John It ●●s a great Addition to the publick Satisfaction that all Men had despair●● of it because of the delay and the King's Infirmit● There was publick rejoycing at home and Emba●●●●● came to ●ongratulate from abroad The Queen lay'd hold of this Opportunity to 〈◊〉 pardon for D. Peter de Castilla Son to D. John and Grandson to King Peter whose only Crime was to be descended from that King He was not only pardon'd but had a Pe●sion allow'd him left several Children and of him is descended the Family of Castilla no●●n being At Guadalujara dy'd D. James Hurtado de Mendoça Admi●●l of Castil● 〈◊〉 ●on In̄igo Lopez de Mendoca afterwards created first Marques of Santi●●●● inherited his Estate D. Alonso Enriquez younger Brother to the Earl of Trastamara 〈◊〉 made Admiral CHAP. VI. Great T●mults in Aragon appeas'd by the Cortes A Battle betwixt the Castilians and the Moors The Cortes of Castile meet at Toledo and King Henry dies there A notable 〈…〉 his ARagon at this time was full of Tumults At Zaragoça there were two Factions the Heads of them were Martin Lopez de 〈◊〉 ●●●za and Peter Cerdan two powerful Men. At Valencia there were also two Factions that of the S●leres and that of the Centellas They decided all their Differences by dint of Sword 〈◊〉 and plundering the Officers of Justice not being able to curb them The King assembl'd the Cortes at Maella a Town in Aragon to put a period to these Troubles There many good Laws were enacted It was also ordain'd that Martin King of Sicily should 〈◊〉 as soon as possible into Spain that he might learn to observe the Pri●●l●dges of 〈…〉 and not endeavour afterwards to govern that Kingdom arbitr●●● 〈◊〉 He understanding this was the desire of his Father and all the Kingdom fitted out 〈…〉 and set 〈◊〉 from Trapana a City in Sicily By the way he touch'd at Nice in Pi●●●●● to visit Pope Benedict who was there at that time pretending to agree Differences with his Competitor 〈◊〉 Duke ●● An●o● who call'd himself King of Naples and in Right of his Wife clain'd th●●●own of 〈◊〉 was there at that time and by the Pope's Mediation that Affair was compos'd The King of Sicily departing thence on the 3d of April landed at Ba●●●●●a Great rejoy●●ng was throughout the Kingdom for his Arrival hoping his stay wo●●● be long but th●● were deceiv'd for he pretending the Islanders were not fully ●●acify'd and that D. Bernard de Cabrera govern'd in his Absence too absolutely leaving Affairs but half compos'd in Aragon but to Sea ●●ain on the 6th of August in the same Fleet that brought him and pass'd over to Sicily As soon as Arriv'd he banish'd D. Bernard the Court and soon after commanded him to
June 1409 they elected a third Pope who was Peter Philargus a Native of Candia of the Order of Fryers Minors and Archbishop of Milan In his Papacy he took the Name of Alexander the Vth. His Reign was short and extended not to a Year This which was looked upon as a Remedy only serv'd to increase the Disease for instead of two now there were three Popes each pretending to be the Right So weak is all humane Policy CHAP. IX The Death of Martin King of Sicily Several pretenders to the Crown of Aragon Their several Claims Martin King of Aragon prefers that of his 〈◊〉 Prince Ferdinand of Castile tho unjust PRince Ferdinand govern'd the Kingdom of Castile prudently yet let slip no Opportunity of advancing his Family and increasing his Estate For this reason some Persons spar'd not to set the Queen against him which was easy as she was a Woman and naturally Jealous There is nothing more uncertain than the favour of Princes They said the excessive Power of Prince Ferdinand might prove dangerous to the Crown for that too much Grandeur is seldom attended with Loyalty James Lopez de Zun̄iga and John de Velasco whose Interest was great at Court were the Men that chiefly heightned these Jealousies Frederick ●●rl of Trastamara the Son of Peter Constable of Castile advis'd the Prince to secure them but they having notice of the Design fled The Queen when she knew it was offended and grew more suspicious than before saying that Affront was offer'd to her and design'd to deprive her of their Advice and Assistance Besides the other Blessings which Heaven and Nature had plentifully bestow'd on Prince Ferdinand in which no Prince of that Age surpass'd him he had a numerous Issue viz. 5 Sons Alonso John Henry Sancho and Peter call'd afterwards the Princes of Aragon and two Daughters Mary and Ellenor About this time dy'd Ferdinand Rodriguez de Villalobos Master of the Order of Alcantara and Prince Ferdinand obtain'd that Honour for his fourth Son Sancho the Pope dispensing with his Age. Henry the third Son was in the like manner soon after made Master of the Order of Santiago upon the Death of Laurence Suarez de Figueroa Many were offended that the Prince not content with the Government bestow'd all Perferments upon his Sons At this time the Duke of Austria and Earl of Luxembourg sent to offer Supplies of Men to carry on the War of Granada Charles Duke of Orleans promis'd 1000 French Horse and made suit to have to Wife Queen Beatrix the Widow of King John the Ist of Castile who had the right to the Crown of Portugal Neither was his offer accepted of nor his Request granted for the Queen would not marry again or leave Spain and the Truce was continued for 5 Months longer at the suit of Joseph King of Granada Yet soon after the Moors making an Attempt upon Priego gave a sufficient occasion to the Christians to break with them but the King of Granada ●ent to excuse that Action as done without his Consent and offering to make Reparation of Damages such as Judges appointed on both sides should decree This year betwixt Salamanca and Cuidad Rodrigo was found an Image of our Blessed Lady held in great Veneration and call'd De la Pen̄a de Françia very famous for a Monastery of Dominicans built in that Place and for the great Concourse of People that resorts thither The same year was unfortunate to the Aragonians to the Death of Martin King of Sicily only Son and Heir to the King of Aragon who departed this Life at Caller in Sardinia on the 25th of July in the flower of his Age and the promising hopes conceiv'd of him His Father had sent him into that Island to suppress Brancaleon Doria and Aymerick Viscount Narbonne who having marry'd two Daughters of Marianus Judge of Arborea lay'd claim to and endeavour'd to possess themselves of it They were grown strong because the Power of the Aragonians was small and the Islanders rather favour'd them than Strangers The King 's coming chang'd the Face of Affairs Both Parties assembl'd their Forces and met near a Town call'd Luri There they engag'd the Isanders were overthrown and Brancaleon their General taken Death prevented the Kingdom making his Advantage of that Victory and putting an end to the War But Peter de Torrellas the Mareschal that Prince's Favourite and some other Men of Note with the Forces that remain'd for some time made good the Aragonian Party The King's Body was bury'd in the Cathedral of Caller By his Wife Blanch he had one Son who dy'd not long before him He had also two Bastard Sons by two Sicilian Women one was 〈…〉 whose Mothers Name was Teresa and by Agathusa he had the Lady Violante afterwards marry'd to the Earl of Niebla It was reported the Cause of his Death was his too much Familiarity with a young Woman of Sardinia before he was perfectly recover'd of a Sickness he had In his Will he constituted his Father Heir of the Kingdom of Sicily and ordain'd his Wife 〈◊〉 Blanch should continue in the Government thereof as he left her at his Departure then ●● Several Persons of Note were nam'd to be assisting to her with their Advice The loss of this Prince was much lamented throughout the Kingdom of Aragon and many contests arose about the Right of Succession It is in vain to relate how grievous this Misfortune was to his Father every one may judge●● himself Yet he monerated his Sorrow and having perform'd the Funeral Rights to 〈…〉 apply'd himself to setling of the Kingdom His Favourites advis'd him to marry 〈…〉 was 〈…〉 might have Children and by that means settle the 〈…〉 prevent many Mischiefs which must otherwise follow He approv'd of the●● 〈…〉 beautiful Lady and of the Blood Royal of Aragon The Marriage was solemniz'd at Burcelona on the 17th of September The King was but 5● years of Age but sickle and extreamly fat those very Medicines or Provocatives he made use of for getting of Children wasted him inwardly and hasten'd his Death Luis Duke of Anjou being inform'd of the Death of the King of Sicily was the first that reassum'd his Hopes of inheriting that Crown He sent the Bishop of Conserans to desire the King to declare his Son Luis whom he had by the Lady Violante Daughter to King John 〈◊〉 to the Crown as being the next of Blood the eldest Sister Joanna being dead two years before He also ask'd leave for the Mother to come to Aragon to breed up her Son according to the Custom of the Country It was look'd upon as an ill Omen that the King during the Solemnity of his Marriage should he pressed to declare an Heir The People thought the Earl of Vrgel to have a better Right but it was only to please their own Inclin'd out for all Nations would rather have a King of their own Country than a Stranger The Earl's
was done tho with some Difficulty and thus at length after so many Revolutions that Island was pacify'd Sardinia was also brought under by an Agreement made with William Vincent Narbonne in Virtue of which he was to deliver up to the King the City Sacer which he was then possess'd of and all his other Lands and Possessions in that Island and in lien thereof to have certain Towns and a Sum of Mony in Spain This was the Posture of Affairs in Aragon In France about this time dy'd Archimbaud Earl of Faux He left 5 Sons John who succeeded him in the Earldom Gaston the IId Archimbaud the IIId Peter the IVth who became a Priest and was Cardinal of Faux and the youngest Matthew Earl of Cominges John the eldest marry'd the Princess Joanna Daughter to the King of Navarre and she dying without Issue he took to Wife Mary Daughter to Charles d' Albret by whom he had two Sons Gaston the eldest and the youngest Peter Viscount Lautrec the Founder of the Family of that Name in France which has produc'd many famous Men and continu'd very renown'd till near our Days The Peace the Kingdom of Aragron enjoy'd abroad could not influence the Earl of Vrgel to desist from his wicked Machinations In Castile the Truce concluded with the Moors at their Instance the foregoing April was prolong'd for 17 Months more For this reason the Mony that the Country had rais'd to carry on the War against the Moors and amounted to the Sum of 100000 Ducats was by the general Consent and Approbation of the whole Kingdom given to the new King Ferdinand for his present Expence besides a good Body of Horse and Foot that attended him A very opportune Supply to settle him in his new acquir'd Kingdom and curb the wicked Designs of ill-meaning Men. His greatest Recommendation was his courteous and loving Disposition which gain'd him the good Will of all Men and yet the Aragonians were dissatisfy'd that he kept about him a Guard of Strangers and pretended by that Method to secure to himself the Crown they had of their own accord given him They complain'd it was a Reflection upon the Loyalty of the Natives and the Fidelity they had inviolably observed towards their Kings since that Kingdom was first 〈…〉 King with 〈…〉 what he could gather in Aragon march'd after 〈…〉 punish him The Earl had but a small Power to 〈…〉 thought to make use of Policy Therefore he sent Embassadors to 〈…〉 to do Homage to him which accordingly they 〈…〉 October All this was only to amuse the new King to the 〈…〉 his Army and send back the Troops of 〈…〉 greatest part of them The King and Pope Benedict 〈…〉 upon there the Pope gave the King the Investiture 〈…〉 and Corsica as was of Custom they being Feo●es of 〈…〉 the Kings of Aragon After this Interview at the end of 〈…〉 the next which was 1413 the Cortes of Catalonia met at 〈…〉 to pacify the Earl of Vrgel that he might not disturb the Peace 〈…〉 to which purpose they granted all he sent to demand and particularly that Prince 〈◊〉 should marry his Daughter and Heiress All these Condescentions did not satisfy him but 〈…〉 Correspondence with England and France to procure Assistance 〈…〉 The King having notice of it to ●●●sh him in time rais'd all the Forces he 〈…〉 sent him 400 Horse out of Castile but they 〈…〉 joyning him The King of Navarre offer'd his 〈…〉 Subjects should take it ill if he made use of many 〈…〉 of ●ortes Bastard Son to that King came with a good 〈…〉 With this Force he broke into the Country of the Earl of Vrgel 〈…〉 till he s●t down before ●alaguer the chief Town of that Dominion in which 〈…〉 confiding in the Stren●●● of the Place was The Siege was tedious and difficult but whilst it lasted all the rest of the Earldom submitted to the King At this time came 〈…〉 Embassadors from the Kings of France and Naples He of France advertiz'd him 〈…〉 the Insolency of the ●●●ke of Burgundy and the rebellious Practices of the 〈…〉 as in great Danger being in a manner a Prisoner with his Son and 〈…〉 and therefore earnestly intreated he would assist him King Ladislaus 〈…〉 their Forces against the Duke of Anjo● his Competitor in the Kingdom 〈…〉 might prove a dangerous Enemy to Aragon having also 〈◊〉 to that Kingdom To the King of France he answer'd he was much conce●●● 〈…〉 Misfortunes and would as soon as his Affairs did permit assist him with his utmost ●ower The answer to Ladislaus was That he thank'd him for his offer of Friendship but that there had been an uninterrupted Friendship betwixt him and the Duke of Anjon which he could not violate and therefore would rather chuse to be a Mediator betwixt them 〈…〉 part with either against the other The Embassadors being dismiss'd the Siege was 〈…〉 observ'd 〈…〉 began to want Provisions and desir'd to Article Elizabeth th● Countes● to prevent further 〈◊〉 with her Husband's leave and the King's Permission 〈◊〉 out to endeavour to app●●● him All she could obtain of the King was the Earls 〈…〉 he would surrender himself The Case was desperate and there was no way 〈◊〉 ●o submit to Necessity On the last day of October the Earl came to the Camp and ●●lling at the King's Feet begg'd Pardon promising to behave himself better for the future All the King answer'd was That tho he had deserv'd Death he gave him his Life y●● made ●o 〈…〉 his Liberty or Estate but order'd him to be secur'd at Lerida After the 〈…〉 and that Earldom pacify'd the Earl was convicted of high Treason and 〈…〉 was confiscated and he condemned to perpetual Imprisonment 〈…〉 many Friends in that Kingdom and therefore was sent to Castile where 〈…〉 Castle of Vren̄a next in that of Mora and lastly dy'd a Prisoner at 〈…〉 of Valencia Antony de Luna who held the Castle of Lohorri for the Earl seeing that had befallen him left that Castle and his own Estate and fled Thus those Troubles concluded with more ease than had been expected CHAP. III. The Christian Princes all combine with the Emperor to put an end to the Schism in the Church In order to it King Ferdinand of Aragon has a Conference with Pope Benedict The Council of Constance The two Popes John and Gregory abdicate WHilst what has been related happen'd in Aragon all the Princes of Christendom sent their Embassadors to Sigismund the Emperor desiring him to find out some means to restore the Unity of the Church by putting an end to the Schism which had lasted so many Years He having consulted with the Embassadors about that Affair sent to require those who call'd themselves Popes to consent to the calling of a General Council where they should all freely renounce the Papacy and stand to the Determination of the Fathers Hitherto their Condescention was fegn'd and they had
after the Death of the King her Husband retir'd into Castile and there spent the time of her Widowhood with her Children A motion was made that the King of Castile should marry her Daughter the Princess Mary Queen Catherine approv'd not of that Match To prevent it she pleaded the King was too young whereas in reality she was rather inclin'd to Match him in Portugal with the Princess Ellenor who was her Neece and not only she but most of the Court thought that Match would unite the two Kingdoms in a lasting knot of Amity Death prevented those Designs which suddenly took away Queen Catherine at Valladolid upon Thursday the 2d of June in the Year 1418 at the age of 50. Of Body she was large and gross somewhat free in drinking as is the Custom of her Country open hearted and bountiful which Virtues some made use of to advance their Interest and slander others Most of her Counsellors and Ministers were mean Persons which is very dangerous for Princes She was bury'd in the Royal Chappel of Toledo in a particular Tomb where she had given a Revenue for 15 Chaplains to pray for the Souls of her and her Husband The Queen's Death produc'd great Alterations The King notwithstanding his tender Age came out of that profound Ignorance in which his Mother had kept him and began in some Measure to govern the Kingdom assisted with the advice of some Persons about him Among them the chiefest was the Arch-bishop of Toledo who being of a haughty Spirit ambitious of Honour and a busy Man seiz'd the Government into his own Hands so that under the Shadow of the King's Name he turn'd all things which way he pleased Two Embassadors came from France to sue for some Succours in that time of need They were put off with an excuse grounded on the King's Minority the late Troubles and new ones that were fear'd It was again propos'd to marry the King The Archbishop ow'd all his Preferment to the Crown of Aragon and therefore prevail'd the Match with Aragon should be preferr'd before that of Portugal On the 21st of October the King and Princess were contracted at Medina del Campo with great Pomp. One of the Articles of Marriage was that the Princess Catherine younger Sister to King John should be marry'd to one of the Princes of Aragon None was particularly nam'd because Prince John the eldest was unresolv'd where he should take a Wife First he was contracted to Elizabeth Daughter to the King of Navarre and broke off in hopes of marrying Joanna Queen of Naples as was said before He spent some time governing Sicily instead of Queen Blanch whom her Father the King of Navarre caus'd to return home she being the eldest Sister and Heiress of that Crown Many Princes made suit to her for her great Fortune but her Father preferr'd before them all this Prince John for his good Qualities and because he hoped Aragon and Navarre might come to be united King Alonso his Brother having no Issue Her Dower for the present was 420000 Florins It was also articl'd That in case Queen Blanch should die without Issue her Husband after the Decease of his Father and Mother in Law should during his Life stile himself and be actually King of Navarre They were marry'd by Proxy at Olite The Prince's Commissioner was James Gomez de Sandoval Nephew to the Archbishop of Toledo Lieutenant of Castile and Steward to the Prince with whom he afterwards was in the highest Favour and at last was cast down as shall be shewn in its place This Contract was made in the Year 1419. This same Year the Admiral Vincent Ferrerius of the Order of S. Dominick chang'd this Life for a better at Vannes in Britany and was afterwards for his Virtue and the Miracles he wrought put into the number of the Saints His Body was bury'd in the Cathedral of that City Let us return to King John of Castile Castile began to be disturb'd the Nobility being at Variance The King was too young and weak to curb them Many envy'd the Arch-bishop of Toledo and were offended that a Priest should have more Power than all the Nobility The King was advis'd to take upon him the Government since he was 14 Years of Age. To this purpose the Cortes met at Madrid to which all Persons of Note resorted On the 7th of March all that Assembly being together in the Palace of that Town the Archbishop made a study'd Speech declaring to them how the King intended to take the Government upon himself and lay aside his Tutors D. Alonso Enriquez the Admiral in the Name of all there present approv'd of his Resolution and they altogether applauded it It was requisite the King 's tender Years should have some support therefore he admitted to his Council all those who had been of it in his Father's time and during his Nonage The Arch-bishop of Toledo the Admiral the Constable Peter Manrique Lieutenant of Leon and John Hurtado de Mendoça the Lord Steward were appointed Commissioners to consider of all Grants and bestow Preferments Gutierre Gomez de Toledo Arch-deacon of Guadalajara was appointed to draw up and register all Orders This the Arch-bishop took ill pretending it belong'd to him as Chancellor of Castile Among others the Princes of Aragon John and Henry Master of the Order of Santiago were then at Court them the Arch-bishop endeavour'd by all means to draw to his Party that they might support him against his Enemies and he continue fixt in the Government From Madrid the King went to Segovia where a Dispute happening betwixt the Courtiers and Townsmen they were very near coming to blows The Princes of Aragon did not agree among themselves both aspiring to possess themselves of the King and Government and admitting of no Competitor The Nobility was divided D. Ruy Lopez Davalos the Constable and Peter Manrique favour'd Prince Henry Ferdinand Earl of Trastamara and the Arch-bishop of Toledo sided with Prince John The King was young and changeable soon angry and as soon pleas'd His Stature was large considering his Age his Complexion clear but withal he was weakly and had no good Face yet of Temper was mild and tractable He delighted in Hunting Justs and Turneaments lov'd Learning and could himself make indifferent Spanish Verses These Virtues which shew'd themselves in his Childhood in his riper Years spread more and grew to Perfection Yet all this was defac'd by his love of Ease and neglect of the Government He gave little attention to Business and that always in hast in short he was not fit to rule a Kingdom This it was that put his Courtiers in the way of obtaining great Preferments especially Alvaro de Luna who began already to be more in his Favour than any other Queen Mother some Years before to obstruct his unreasonable Advance in the King's Esteem had prudently forbid him the Court ordering him to return to Aragon
King of Granada dies Mahomet succeeds him AT Toledo whither the King of Castile went as soon as the Cortes broke up the form of Government was alter'd the Town being before divided into Factions and subject to Mutinies It was the Custom every two Years to choose 6 Officers somewhat in the nature of Aldermen 3 of the Commonalty and 3 of the Gentry These with the two Alcaides who are not unlike to our Sheriffs and the chief Alguazil made up a Court or Council and govern'd all the Affairs of the City All Men were free to come to their Consults and Vote with them which occasion'd Disorders The King regulated this Affair and order'd as King Alonso had before done at Burgos that there should be 16 Regidores or Aldermen chosen half of the Gentry and half of the Commonalty who were to continue for Life and the most Votes among them should take place When any of these dy'd the King was to name another This caus'd another inconveniency for those Places were expos'd to sale At Pamplona the Government of that Place which was divided betwixt three Governours was afterwards also reform'd One of these Governours had charge of the Suburbs another of the City and the third of a certain Quarter call'd Navarreria which often caus'd Disputes about the extent of their Jurisdiction King Charles ordained there should be but one Governour and with him 10 Aldermen who should have the whole Power in their Hands and that all the City should compose but one Body and be subject to one Tribunal John Earl of Faux had now a Son born to him call'd Gaston who in time through strange Revolutions came to be King of Navarre Prince Charles Son to Prince John of Aragon and the Lady Blanch his Wife dying He ought to have inherited his Grandfather's Crown and his Father sent his Mother with him to be bred in her Father's Court. As soon as the Prince came to Court he was created Prince of Viana and several other Towns particularly Corella and Peralta given him a thing new in Navarre but done in imitation of the neighbouring Kingdoms It was enacted that those Dominions should for the future ever belong to the Heir of the Crown This Law passed on the 20th of January 1423. Five Months after to satisfy the desires of the People the Oath of Allegiance to the Prince as next Heir was taken by the three Estates at Olite where the King being very antient commonly resided by reason of the Pleasantness of the Seat and the Beauty and Magnificence of a Palace he himself had built Ever since his Minority the King of Portugal had pressed him of Castile to settle a lasting Peace and enter into a League both Nations being wasted with tedious Wars and desirous to put an end to the Miseries it occasin'd So far the Portugues was comply'd with that a Truce was concluded for 29 Years and it was also agreed that after the Expiration of that time neither Party should commit any Hostility upon the other without declaring War a year and a half before such Breach made This Truce was proclaim'd at Avila where the King then was to the great Joy and Satisfaction of the People Processions of Thanksgiving were made and all manner of Sports to express the publick Satisfaction In certain Justs that were kept at Court Ferdinand de Castro the Portugues Embassador was Challenger and all others refusing to run against him Roderick de Mendoça Son to John Hurtado de Mendoça threw him out of the Saddle at the first shock and had like to have kill'd him The King comforted and presented him and as soon as recover'd sent him home well satisfy'd Embassies pass'd now betwixt the Kings of Castile and Aragon John Hurtado de Mendoça sent to the latter at Naples gave him the Reasons why Prince Henry was confin'd and demanded in his King's Name to have Catherine the Prince's Wife Ruy Lopez Davalos the Constable and the other Fugitives of Castile deliver'd up Dalmatius Archbishop of Tarragona was sent by the King of Aragon to Castile to shew that the Reason why he did not grant what that King requir'd was that it was contrary to the Antient Liberties of the Kingdom of Aragon not to protect any that sled thither for shelter besides that he had given them a safe Conduct which according to the Laws of Nations could not be violated He also declar'd to the King the posture of Affairs at Naples how many Jealousies arose betwixt the King and Queen whereupon the Country was divided into Factions and that the Fortune of the Aragonians began to decline it being much fear'd they would come to blows The Queen complain'd that King Alonso took more upon him than was his due That he bestow'd all places of Trust chang'd Garrisons and made the Souldiers take an Oath of Fidelity to him In fine that he turn'd all things which way he listed and incroach'd upon the Laws and Liberties of that Kingdom These things she lay'd to the Charge of her adopted Son King Alonso as an inconstant and changeable Woman grown weary of him and now she was deliver'd of Fear prov'd as ungrateful as she had been liberal in her Distress King Alonso fear'd the Inconstancy of the Queen and could not bear with her open Leudness therefore he order'd a Fleet to be fitted out in order to send her away to Catalonia This was not carry'd so privately but the Queen had notice of it and from that time the Friendship betwixt those two Nations began to grow cold Both parties complain'd that their Adversaries dealt not ingenuously but lay'd Snares to intrap them and it was true enough The King kept at Castelnovo the Queen at Porta Capuana a strong Place From this beginning sprang two Factions in Naples one of the Aragonians and the other of the Andegavenses or Anjovines Names odious in that Kingdom and which lasted till our Days The Enmity and Contrivances went on King Alonso feign'd himself sick John Caracciolo the Seneschal came to see him He was great in the Queen's Favour and that more than became her Modesty therefore he was secur'd at this Visit and the Aragonians immediately repair'd to Porta Capuana The Queen's Party shut the Gates and drew up the Bridge so that King Alonso was forc'd to go off not without some Danger for they cast Darts at him from the Walls Thus by degrees they came to sight in the very Streets At first the Aragonians got the better possess'd themselves of the City and having plunder'd and burnt several Houses besieg'd the Queen in her strong Palace It s own Strength and the Resolution of the Garrison defended it against all the Attempts of the Aragonians Sforcia who lay near at Hand came to relieve the Queen and Bernard de Cabrera came out of Sicily to reinforce the King as did a Fleet of 22 Galleys and 8 large Ships from Catalonia This Fleet arriving at Naples on
about the end of the Year Among other Things the Bones of S. Luis Bishop of Toulouze Son to Charles the 2d King of Naples were carry'd into Spain to the City of Valencia where the King landed The King of Castile hearing of his Arrival sent Embassadors to him at the beginning of the Year 1424 to Congratulate with him upon his safe Arrival and the Victories he had obtain'd as also again to demand the Fugitives and Out-laws should be deliver'd up to him to answer to such things as should be lay'd to their Charge These Embassadors had Audience at Valencia upon the 3d of April At the same time the Affairs of Aragon declin'd apace in Naples and no hopes remain'd of retrieving them notwithstanding that Sforcia the famous General marching to raise the Siege of Aquila was on the 5th of January drown'd passing the River Averno then much swell'd with the Winter Rains His Death was no way Advantagious to the Aragonians for Francis Sforcia his Son supply'd his Place Pope Martin and Philip Duke of Milan joyn'd with the Faction of Anjou The Duke fitted out a Fleet at Genoa and sent it to the Relief of the Queen under the Command of Guido Taurello This Fleet and the Army by Land besieg'd Gaeta It might well have been defended but was soon surrender'd only upon Condition the Aragonian Garrison should have liberty to depart From Gaeta the Army and Fleet mov'd towards Naples James Caldora to whom that City was committed agreed with the Enemy who promis'd him the Arrears due to him from the Aragonians and he open'd the Gates to them He pretended to justify himself that Prince Peter design'd to kill him whereas in Truth he was a faithless and changeable Man On the 12 of April the City of Naples was lost but still the Aragonians kept two Castles there viz. Castelnovo and that called Del Ovo which is very little but strong being seated on a Rock encompass'd by the Sea After the taking of Naples all other Towns surrender'd to the Victors The King of Aragon was much concern'd that the King of Castile imprisoning his Brother had oblig'd him to quit Naples which was the cause it was lost He meditated Revenge yet resolv'd to try all ways rather than declare War Dalmao de Mur Arch-bishop of Tarragona sent Embassador upon this Account deliver'd his Message before the King of Castile and Nobles at Ocan̄a He demanded the Prince's Liberty saying if he were Guilty of any Crime his long Imprisonment was Punishment enough and he ought to be forgiven being so near of Kin to the King of Castile besides that his Brother the King of Aragon would never desist till he had obtain'd his Demand There were many about Court who had advis'd the Prince's Imprisonment and fear'd if he were releas'd they should suffer Others were apprehensive of losing what they had got of the banish'd Person 's Estate These oppos'd the releasing of the Prince and Alvaro de Luna proud with his vast Preferment sided with them Thus nothing was concluded and the Embassadors departed The King of Castile went away to Burgos at the same time that his Daughter Catherine dy'd at Madrigal a Town in Old Castile on the 10th of August She was bury'd in the Monastery of Huelgas Soon was the Grief conceiv'd for her Death converted into Joy the Queen being deliver'd on the 5th of January 1425 at Valladolid of Prince Henry In April the three Estates took the Oath of Allegiance to him as Heir to the Crown The King of Aragon was making all necessary Preparations for War at Zaragoça At Valladolid a Council was held to make the necessary Provision to oppose him Opinions vary'd as is usual in such Cases Some were for declaring War immediately a hot sort of People where there is no Danger Others more prudent said all possible means ought to be us'd to prevent a Breach The King was doubtful and knew not which Advice to take Charles King of Navarre fearing this Dispute might be destructive to Spain sent Peter Peralta his Steward and Garci Falces his Secretary Embassadors to Castile to offer himself as Mediator When this Proposition was ready to be embrac'd it was obstructed by Letters from the King of Aragon requiring Prince John his Brother to repair to him immediately He having obtain'd leave of the King of Castile set out for Aragon and had Commission to treat with that King of an Accommodation The Army of Aragon lay at Taraçona ready to break into Castile and the King was so intent upon this Expedition he seem'd to have lay'd aside all Thoughts of Naples And Yet he had receiv'd Intelligence that Braccio who besieged Aquila was overthrown and killed before that Place on the 25th of May. James Caldora General of the Pope's Forces in the Service of the Queen obtain'd this Victory being assisted by John and Sancho Carrillo Nephews to the Cardinal of that Name They in pursuance of the Victory soon made themselves Masters of Marca de Ancona which Braccio had before taken The Body of Braccio was carry'd to Rome and bury'd before the Gate of S. Laurence he being an Excommunicated Person In the time of Pope Eugenius the IV he was translated to a beautiful Tomb at Perosa by Nicholas Fortebrachio who took Rome and did this Honour to his Uncle by the Mother's side In May at Florence dy'd D. Peter Fernandez de Frias Cardinal of Spain his Body was brought over and bury'd in the Cathedral of Burgos He was of a mean Extraction but his good Parts obtained him that Preferment together with the Favour of the Kings Henry and John His Life was scandalous for Avarice and Leudness Having some Words at Burgos with the Bishop of Segovia a Servant of his cudgell'd the Bishop which render'd the Cardinal very odious tho afterwards the Servant confess'd he had done it without his Master's Knowledge Yet many saying he ought to be punish'd he was forc'd to withdraw into Italy The King seiz'd upon all the Mony he had gather'd which was a great Sum. He was Governour of Marca de Ancona for the Pope and in Castile built the Monastery of Espeja of the order of S. Hierome Prince John was nobly receiv'd by his Brother at Taraçona Whilst the said Prince John made Proposals for an Accommodation and expected a more ample Commission from the King of Castile to determine the Points in Debate the two Brothers march'd into the Territories of Navarre but without doing any harm and encamp'd near Milagro the heat of Summer being then over The Commission being come from Castile certain Persons of all three Kingdoms met at Aruel and on the 3d of September came to this Conclusion That Prince Henry be immediately set at Liberty and all his Honours and Estate restor'd him as also the Arrears of the Profits thereof which had been deposited during his Confinement The same was decreed in favour of Peter Manrique who was also
that in case they were divided the most Votes should decide the Matter They having consulted together Decreed That the King should remove to Cigales That the Princes of Aragon should have leave to visit him and That D. Alvaro de Luna should be banish'd the Court for a Year and half I know not whether it was more shame to the King or Kingdom that the King should be commanded by his Subjects The King as had been ordain'd went to Cigales where the Conspirators visited him and among them Prince Henry who kneeling shed Tears in token of Repentance Such is the Power of Dissimulation D. Alvaro went to Ayllon a Town of his own many Nobles bearing him Company After his removal the Nobles fell at Variance every one striving to gain the King's Affection because he was intirely govern'd by his Favourite Ferdinand Alonso de Robles had got the start of all others for having been in Favour before now his Competitor was remov'd he grew still greater insomuch that upon pretence he was indispos'd the King and Nobles often went to Council to his House It rais'd Envy in many to see a mean Person lifted up to that Height and the King was displeas'd at him for having rashly given Judgment against D. Alvaro de Luna to whom he ow'd many Obligations His Enemies making use of the King's Displeasure prevail'd with the King of Navarre to accuse him of many Crimes as that he was a Seditious Person kept Correspondence abroad and Conspir'd with the Nobility against the King and often spoke irreverently of him His Case being hear'd he was secur'd at Segovia and at last dy'd a Prisoner at Vzeda leaving an Example of the uncertainty of Court-Favour This Year the King of Granada was by his Subjects expell'd his Kingdom and went over in a miserable Condition to beg the King of Tunez his Assistance Mahomet call'd The Little as soon as he was seated in the Throne persecuted all the other King's Friends putting some to Death banishing others and seizing their Estates which he prodigally gave away One Joseph of the noble Family of the Abencerrages who was Governour of the City seeing no hopes of prevailing against the Usurper fled to Murcia hoping to bring the Forces of Castile upon the new Tyrant before he was well fix'd in the Government At the same time two remarkable Things happen'd in Castile One was that the King obtained of Pope Martin the Thirds of Ecclesiastical Revenues for ever The other that the Order of St. Hierome was divided into two Branches One F. Lope de Olmedo who was familiar with Pope Martin was the Author of this Separation Near Sevil he founded a Monastery of the Invocation of St. Isidorus which was the Head of his Reformation and of it the Fryars were called Isidorians This Division lasted till King Philip the II again united the whole Order under the Antient Rule of St. Hierome Let us return to the Troubles of Castile CHAP. X. D. Alvaro de Luna returns to Court greater in the King's Favour than ever The banish'd King of Granada restor'd Some Affairs of France and final end of the Schism in the Church SOme natural Sympathy or other extraordinary hidden Cause it was doubtless that so link'd together the Affection of the King of Castile and D. Alvaro de Luna that they could not live asunder notwithstanding on that Account they both became odious but particularly D. Alvaro to such a degree that it exceeded all the Malice the Antient Romans ever bore Sejanus or any other the Favourites of their Emperors They were so blind in their Affection that neither the King took Notice how prejudicial that Familiarity was to him nor D. Alvaro was sensible that he was driving headlong to his Ruin Nothing pleas'd the King nor was his Countenance ever smooth or serene since D. Alvaro was remov'd from him Of him he commonly spoke in the Day and thought of him at Night The Courtiers perceiving that of necessity D. Alvaro must shortly be restor'd and that then his Power and Interest would be much greater than before as having overcome the Malice of his Enemies and conquer'd his ill Fortune made all their Efforts to gain his Favour Even the King of Navarre being envious that his Brother Prince Henry should have a greater Interest in the King of Castile than himself began to favour D. Alvaro and sollicit he might return to Court. On the 6th of January 1428 dy'd D. Ruy Lopez Davalos at Valencia where the King of Aragon then was This Gentleman was more Fortunate in his Issue than in his Life By three Wives he had seven Sons and two Daughters From them in Italy are descended the Earls of Potencia and Bovino the Marqueses del Vasto and Pescara and many other Honourable Families in Spain His Body was deposited at Valencia thence afterwards translated to Toledo and bury'd in the Monastery of St. Augustin He us'd to give ear to Astrologers being himself much addicted to that vain Science yet he could never foresee his own Fall When he dy'd he had not altogether lay'd aside the hopes of recovering his Estate Prince Henry of Aragon began to labour to bring it about but Fortune and all his Friends fail'd the Unfortuate Ruy Lopez Only Alvar Nun̄ez de Herrera a Citizen of Cordova his Steward in the time of Prosperity continu'd faithful to him till the last and was cast into Prison as accessary to the Crime his Master was accused of As soon as discharg'd he never gave over prosecuting John Garcia the Forger of that Contrivance for Perjury till he was executed on that Account To relieve his Master he sold all he had got under him and gather'd 8000 Florins in Gold which he put into the Timber of a Loom that it might not be discover'd and loading it upon an Ass sent his Son a Foot in a Disguize with it to him A wonderful act of Fidelity well deserving a particular Encomium His Death secur'd D. Alvaro de Luna in the Ministery The King of Castile resided at Segovia his thoughts taken up in disappointing the Designs of the Nobility and breaking their Cabals He publish'd an Order commanding them to release one another of the solemn Promises they had made to stand together and granted a general Pardon for all past Faults To the Princess Catherine Wife to Prince Henry in lieu of Villena he gave the Cities of Truxillo and Alcaraz and some lesser Towns in the Kingdom of Toledo near Gaudalajara as also 200000 Florins which was a prodigious Portion At the Instance of Prince Henry the King also revers'd the attainder of Ruy Lopez Davalos but his Estate and Honours were not restor'd to his Children as of Right they ought to have been After this the King went to Turuegano Thither by his Order came D. Alvaro de Luna with a great and splendid Retinue and joyful for the Victory he had obtain'd over his Enemies He advanc'd daily
Aragonians and gain'd the Victory The Enemy enter'd the King's Ship and he finding it made much Water say'd he yeilded himself Prisoner to the Duke of Milan tho not present In the same Ship were taken the Prince of Taranto and Duke of Sessa 12 other Ships were taken and in them many Prisoners of Note among them the King of Navarre whose Life Roderick Robolledo sav'd at the beginning of the Fight Prince Henry of Aragon was also made Prisoner Authors do not agree about Prince Peter Some say he escap'd by Night with 3 Galleys out of the Fight Others that he arriv'd with the rest of the Fleet from Sevil at Ischia at the time of the Battle Besides those mentioned Raymund Boil Viceroy of Naples James Gomez de Sandoval Earl of Castro with his two Sons Ferdinand and James D. John de Sotomayor In̄igo Davalos Son to the Constable D. Ruy Lopez Davalos and a Grandson of his called D. In̄igo de Guevara fell all into the Hands of the Enemy After this famous Victory the People of Gaeta sallying routed the Aragonians enter'd their Camp and plunder'd all the Baggage of those great Men. Many were taken Prisoners the rest of the Army was dispersed This Battle was fought on the 5th of August near the Island Ponça Who would not have thought this Overthrow had quite defeated the hopes of the Aragonians and yet contrary to all humane Probability this very Misfortune was the best step towards their gaining the Kingdom of Naples After the fight the Victorious Genoeses return'd home where they secur'd the greatest number of Persons to pay the Charge of the Fleet. The Kings with about 300 Men of Note were carry'd to Milan where the Genoese Admiral made his Entry in the nature of a Triumph and such a one as had not been seen in many Ages All Italy was in suspence considering what Advantage that Duke would make of his Victory and fear'd he would improve it to subdue all that Country He himself was dubious whether he should impose some hard Conditions upon them or put them to Ransom but fear'd when at Liberty they would seek Revenge At length Honour prevail'd and he resolv'd to discharge them Gratis sending them back with rich Presents He therefore receiv'd the King of Aragon with much Honour and they discours'd largely of the Danger of suffering the French to take footing in Italy Whilst these things were in Agitation at Milan the Lady Elizabeth by order of her Husband the Duke of Anjou who as has been said was Prisoner went by Sea to Genoa thence to Gaeta and lastly coming to Naples on the 18th of October much encourag'd those that were of her Party Pope Eugenius assisted her with Forces and she being a Woman excellently qualify'd purchas'd the Love of the People Many Councils were held in Spain to consider what could be done for the Kings The Cortes of Aragon met at Zaragoça and it was agreed to equip a Fleet to secure Sicily and Sardinia for all thoughts of Naples were given over At Soria the King of Castile and Queen of Aragon prolong'd the Truce for 5 Months longer Queen Ellenor Mother to the Kings that were Prisoners dy'd suddenly at Medina del Campo and was bury'd at S. John de las Duen̄as a Monastery she built At Milan the Duke and his Prisoners concluded a League Offensive and Defensive The King of Navarre went into Spain with full Commission to govern Aragon and raise Mony The Prince of Taranto and Duke of Sessa went to Naples to encourage their Party and order Prince Peter with the Fleet to assist them The King's Orders were obey'd and immediately the City Gaeta was deliver'd up to him on Christmas day Soon after the King of Aragon being set free by the Duke came to Protovenere Some will have it that there were signs which foretold the King's Imprisonment as that an Arch of the Bridge that was then building at Zaragoça over the River Ebro fell and kill'd five Men. Nine Leagues from Zaragoça on the Banks of Ebro stands a Town called Villilla where there is a Bell which those People are perswaded rings of it self before any extraordinary Accident This Bell is said to have rung without any humane help the day before the Kings were taken also on the 30th of October and again on the 5th of January following which was the year 1436 and was the Day the King was set at Liberty I do not pretend to justify these things or so much as to plead for them It is enough that grave Authors mention them and quote Eye-witnesses for the Truth of them Let the Reader make what Judgment of it he pleases CHAP. VII The Affairs of Italy after the King of Aragon was releas'd Peace concluded betwixt Castile and Aragon The Prince of Castile marries the Princess of Navarre The Portugues Loss in Africk THE Peace concluded at Milan was the cause of a bloody War for the Genoeses openly revolted against the Duke of Milan complaining he reap'd the fruit of their Victory by releasing the Kings whilst they lay under the Odium of having made them Prisoners besides that the Duke had chang'd his Protection they had implor'd in time of need into absolute Tyranny Thus having underhand made a League with Pope Eugenius and the Duke of Anjou they declar'd War Paccio Alciato Governour of the City for the Duke was kill'd and many others The chief contriver of this Revolution was Francis Spinola who had gain'd Reputation by defending Gaeta and was therefore puffed up with Pride besides that he did it in hatred to the Family of the Fliscos and Fregosos who favour'd the Aragonians Many other Towns follow'd the Example of Genoa and expell'd the Milanese Garrisons They kept the Spanish Prisoners they had for whose Ransom the King of Aragon was forc'd to pay them 70000 Crowns The Sicilians on account of antient Friendship were releas'd Gratis Only 3 Sons of John de Vintemilla remain'd long Prisoners at Genoa the cause of detaining them is not known The King of Aragon at the request of Duke Philip endeavour'd to pacify the People of Genoa with the Fleet his Brother Peter sent him from Gaeta but desisted for fear of losing time in reducing those People when the Affairs of Naples call'd upon him From Porto Venere he sent his Brother Henry into Spain and gave him the Territory of Ampurias ordering him to be assisting in the War against Castile in case that King did break as was fear'd he would when the Truce expir'd The King himself set sail and arriv'd at Gaeta on the 2d of February Mean while Prince Peter his Brother had taken Terracina to the great regret of the Pope to whom that City belong'd Upon the King's Arrival the Neapolitan Nobility repair'd to Gaeta He appointed Francis Picinino General to oblige Duke Philip whose greatest Favourite the Father of this Francis was All Italy was alarm'd and many Cities combin'd to drive the
end to the Treaty of Peace and the Queen of Castile return'd to Arevalo where she was before War broke out in several Places at the same time The Chief Heads of the Rebellion were Prince Henry of Aragon the Admiral and the Earl of Benavente D. Alvaro de Luna and his Brother the Archbishop of Toledo bravely made head against the Rebels In̄igo Lopez de Mendoça escap'd being kill'd very narrowly with a very few of his Men all the rest being cut off by John Carrillo Lieutenant of Caçorla who lay'd an Ambush for him At the same time another Party of the Malecontents was defeated by the Forces of D. Alvaro near a Town call'd Gresmonda In this Action was kill'd Laurence Davalos Son to the Constable D. Ruy Lopez Davalos John de Mena a famous Poet in those Days lamented his Death in Elegiack Verse At the same time the King of Navarre came into New Castile with a good Body of Men in favour of the Rebels because the Royalists were too hard for them and being dispersed about the Country plunder'd it and ravish'd the Women In Old Castile the King took Medina del Campo and Arevalo from the King of Navarre At a Village call'd Naharro in that Neighbourhood he had a Conference with Ellenor Queen Dowager of Portugal Nothing was concluded touching the Rebels but the King sent Embassadors to advise Peter Duke of Coimbra to do the Queen right The King of Aragon also sent an Embassy from Italy to Portugal to the same effect but nothing was done for that Prince would not quit the Government and the Kings were not at Leasure to use Force So that Queen Ellenor ended her days in Castile The Princes of Aragon hasted out of the Kingdom of Toledo to Old Castile to secure their Interest there Arevalo open'd the Gates to receive them and thence they went to Medina del Campo and sat down before it Some Skirmish happen'd but the Siege lasted not long for some of the Townsmen by Night gave entrance to the Rebels The King had dispos'd his Forces about the Streets and publick Places The Townsmen kept close in their Houses D. Alvaro de Luna his Brother the Archbishop of Toledo and the Master of Alcantara in Disguize escap'd through the midst of their Enemies being advis'd so to do by the King knowing their Lives were in Danger if taken by the Rebels They came and kissed the King's Hand conducting him to the Palace with feign'd Respect The Queens and Prince Henry hearing what had happen'd came thither and after a long Consultation in hatred to D. Alvaro all the Officers of the King's Houshold were remov'd Others that had adher'd to the King were turn'd out of the City It was propos'd to compose Differences the King being then a Prisoner and Judges were appointed to decide all Controversies D. Alvaro was commanded not to depart out of such Towns of his own as should be assign'd during the term of 6 Years and that he should not write to the King unless the Letters were first perus'd by the Queen and Prince Henry Moreover that he should not make any new Alliances or maintain Soldiers and for Security that he would perform all this he should deliver his Son D. John as Hostage and nine Castles within 30 Days These things much afflicted D. Alvaro who yet ceas'd not to study new ways to rise But all Men shun him that is falling and the Rebels strengthned their Party by fresh Allyances Joanna Daughter to the Admiral was contracted to the King of Navarre Beatrix Daughter to the Earl of Benavente to Prince Henry of Aragon These Matches were contriv'd by James Gomez de Sandoval Earl of Castro who sought by that means to unite the Malecontents and ruin D. Alvaro de Luna CHAP. X. The Progress of the Aragonians in Naples That City taken by them New Disorders in Spain The Archbishop of Toledo Dyes Of some Men famous for Learning THe Civil War in Spain seem'd to be at an end but Italy was all over in a Flame with the War of Naples The Forces of Renee wasted with delay and his Wife and Children being sent to Marseilles seem'd to denote there remain'd but small hopes Besides James Caldora the great Prop of that Party dy'd suddenly as he was going to Plunder Circaslo a Town of the Pope's Jurisdiction and the rest of his Family after his Death joyn'd with the Aragonians whose interest daily advanc'd They took the City Aversa subdu'd all Calabria and defeated the Forces of Francis Sforcia in Apulia Pope Eugenius made a League with the Venetians Florentines and Genoeses to expel the Aragonians out of Italy To this purpose the Cardinal of Trent entred the Kingdom of Naples with 10000 Men but they being Raw Soldiers did no great matter The Army of Aragon march'd directly to Naples and sate down before it Renoe not daring to come into the Field Some Provisions and Recruits were brought to the Besieg'd by the Genoeses These were small Helps for the Multitude within was great and began to suffer much Want Corn being excessive dear Some advis'd to Surrender upon any Terms but that not succeeding one Anello and his Brother both Bricklayers fled to the Camp and offer'd to shew how the City might be taken without much danger so they were well rewarded Their design was to convey Men into the Town through an Aqueduct that carries the Water into the City 200 Men were chosen for this purpose and order'd to obey the two Brothers The Way was so difficult that most of them were left behind and only 40 went through and came to the Wall of a Private House where a Woman Cry'd out and had betray'd them had they not soon stopp'd her Mouth Much time was spent in getting through the Sun was up and no Sign made to give notice they were within It was fear'd they were all Cut off and yet the Forces appointed to give the Assault apply'd the Scaling Ladders but faintly hearing no Noise within The 40 Soldiers hearing the Noise seiz'd a Tower upon the Walls call'd Sophia Thither the King of Aragon made to Relieve them and Renee to drive them out and there follow'd a hot Dispute but at length the Aragonians having forc'd some of the Gates enter'd the City Renee after having done all that became a good Commander and brave Soldier retir'd to the Castle Some Houses were Plunder'd but no body Kill'd Thus the Aragonians made themselves Masters of Naples upon Saturday the 2d of June 1442. The Soldiers were publickly commended and rewarded according to the Merit of every Man and particularly Peter Martinez Commander of those who came through the Aqueduct The Two Bricklayers receiv'd more than could be expected by such mean persons Some curious Men observ'd that Belisarius took that City from the Goths by the same Stratagem Renee having no hopes left capitulated to deliver up all Places that held out for him upon liberty to depart freely
Within 10 Days the Conclave elected Thomas Sarzana of Luca who took the Name of Nicholas the V. a good and virtuous Pope a great favourer of Learning Still the War continu'd in Milan and Duke Philip was earnest with King Alonso's Embassador to resign that Dutchy to him resolving to live a private Life so he could first be Revenged of his Son in Law Whilst Messengers passed betwixt them Duke Philip dyed in the Castle of Milan on the 13th of August That same Month the King of Castile married the Lady Elizabeth but without much Pomp by reason of the Tumults raised by the Nobility Immediately the King and Queen began to contrive the Ruin of D. Alvaro de Luna which was the Reward of his making that Match King Alonso of Aragon was by Duke Philip appointed his Heir in his Will In pursuance hereof Raymund Buil the King's Commissioner caused all the Officers in the Castle of Milan to take the Oath of Fidelity to him as Duke but the Rabble soon made themselves Masters of both Castles and rased them King Alonso could not repair thither being employed in the War with the Florentines from whom he had taken Ripa Maranica and Castellon de Pescara The Florentines implored aid of Frederick Lord of Vrbino and Malatesta Lord of Arimino The King besieged Piombino and took an Island near it called Lillo The People of Piombino articl'd to pay yearly as an Acknowledgment a Gold Cup with 500 Crowns The Florentines also came to Agreement with the King who went away to Sulmona leaving Garrisons in the Island Lillo and Castellon de Pescara Next King Alonso marched towards Milan but Francis Sforcia prevailed and wrested that Duchy from him In him began a new Race of Dukes as also an Hereditary War betwixt France Italy and Spain which has lasted to our Days as will appear in the proper Places Castile enjoyed no Peace for the Moors pressed on the one side and on the other the King of Navarre waited to make his Advantage of the Discord betwixt the Nobles of that Kingdom After a long Siege Torija surrendred to the King but at the same time the Aragonian Garrison in Atiença surprized the Castle called Pen̄a de Alcaçar in the Territory of Soria This moved the King to march to Soria with 3000 Horse At the same time the Cortes of Aragon sat at Zaragoça to make Preparations for War and ordered that every tenth Man by Lot should be listed However they sent Embassadors to the King of Castile to know what his Design was and advise him not to break the Peace The King answered he always used to go well attended but that the Aragonians had done ill in assisting the King of Navarre and if they did not forbear he would take other Measures He also sent Heraulds to make his Complaints in the Cortes and the Aragonians sent back another Embassy Whilst these Messages passed betwixt them a Party of Castile surprized the Castle of Verdejo in the Territory of Calatayud Thus all treaty of Peace ceased and they had soon come to blows but that a Conspiracy of the Nobles in Castile obliged the King to return to Valladolid There he kept his Christmas and began the Year 1448. At the same time a party of Navarre took the Town of Campeço and the Governour of Albarrazin Huelama a Town on the Borders of Castile The chief care was to reduce the Nobility and reconcile the Prince to his Father for he was a restless and inconstant Youth never fixed The Ambition of D. Alvaro de Luna and John Pacheco hindred any Agreement each of them striving to ruin the other D. Alonso de Fenseca Bishop of Avila a Person of great Judgment endeavoured to reconcile them To disappoint the Designs of the Nobility it was resolved on a Day appointed to apprehend many of them In order to put this Design in Execution the King and Prince met betwixt Medina del Campo and Tordesillas on the 11th of May. As it had been agreed it was performed The Earls of Benavente and Alva Henry Brother to the Admiral the two Brothers Peter and Suero Quin̄ones were apprehended and sent Prisoners to several Places It was layed to their Charge that they design'd to bring the King of Navarre into Castile but the People said this was meer Invention The Admiral and Earl of Castro fled to Navarre and their Estates were seized upon the Towns being unprovided which were Medina de Ruyseco Lobaton Aguilar Benavente Mayorga and many others James Manrique voluntarily delivered up the Castles of Navarrete and Trevin̄o as a Pledge of his Loyalty to the King The Cortes still sat at Zaragoça and a Truce for 6 Months was concluded betwixt Aragon and Castile The Earl of Castro after he fled from Castile remained in Navarre the Admiral came to Zaragoça on the 29th of May. There he consulted with the King of Navarre and agreed to go over to Italy to give the King of Aragon an account of Affairs At that time the King of Aragon lay before Piombino as has been said thither came to him at the same time the Admiral and Garci Alverez de Toledo Son to the Earl of Alva They were graciously received and the King promised to assist them In Castile some Months were spent in seizing the Towns belonging to the Nobility the King and Prince having consulted together agreed to Garrison the Frontiers especially against the Moors Alonso Giron Kinsman to John Pacheco was appointed to command the Frontiers about Hellin and Humilla with 200 Horse and 400 Foot with which Forces he overthrew a Body of Moors that made an Incursion on that side but his Men falling to Plunder the Infidels rallyed and charging them afresh cut off most of them the Commander with a very few escaping Prince Henry again offended at D. Alvaro de Luna withdrew from Madrid where he was with his Father to Sagovia This perplexed the King and he resolved to summon the Cortes to meet at Valladolid to seek some Remedy for these Evils Prince Henry by his Father's Command came to Tordesillas the King before he met him having declared in publick that he was resolved to be reconciled to his Son and to reward or punish the rest as they deserved and particularly that he would divide the Estates of the Rebels among those that had continued Loyal All the Representatives of Cities that came to the Cortes commended the King's Resolution only James Valera who was for Cuenca advised not to proceed against the Nobles Ferdinand de Ribadeneira told him what he had said would cost him dear but the King going away seemed not to approve of Ribadeneira's Boldness CHAP. IV. The Earl of Benavente escaping raises new Tumults The Affairs of Portugal The Mutiny of Toledo Fresh Tumults among the Nobility of Castile The Mutineers of Toledo punish'd THE Imprisonment of those great Men and Flight of the others caused great Troubles in Castile and all the Discourse was
the Nobility of Castile should have a Conference and chiefly that the Prince of Castile should joyn with the Malecontents This they durst attempt because Prince Hemy had then possessed himself of Toledo in opposition to his Father Those who had raised the Tumult were for submitting to the King they were apprehended in the Cathedral where they took Sanctuary The two mutinous Canons were sent to the close Prison at Santor caz their Lives being spared in regard they were Churchmen Mark Garcia and Ferdinand de Avila were dragged about the Streets and after much ill usage as they deserved put to Death Mean while the Moors there being no body to oppose them ravaged all the Frontiers of Andaluzia on that side next to them They took much Booty and came up to the very Walls of Jaen and Sevil. So great was the Confidence of the Moorish King that he assured him of Navarre that he would not doubt of taking Cordova provided he would make a Diversion on the side of Aragon The King of Navarre returned thanks for that offer but the putting it in Execution was delay'd for some time On the 26th of July many Nobles of Castile met at Corun̄a near Soria Some will have it that Henry Prince of Castile was in this Assembly They complained of D. Alvaro de Luna who was the cause that many Noblemen lived in Banishment and others in Prison and therefore encouraged one another to stand together It was resolved that every one should gather the greatest Force he could till the middle of August and joyn Prince Henry Yet tho they met at the time appointed near Pen̄afiel in Old Castile many Noblemen slunk away without regard to their Ingagements Every one suspected the other but above all they were jealous of Prince Henry because he was very uncertain in his Humour and no less of the King of Navarre who had much Business to mind of his own at home and in France This King had a Castle in Guienne called Maulisson delivered to him by the English and had given Charge of it to his Constable This Castle the Earl of Faux besieged with 12000 Foot and 3000 Horse entrenching his Army and battering the Walls The King of Navarre repaired thither with what Forces he could gather in haste and encamping near the Enemy they had an Interview in which nothing was concluded the Earl affirming he could not depart without taking the Castle having promised it to the King of France Hereupon the King of Navarre returning to Spain the besieged were obliged to surrender only upon Liberty for the Garrison to march whither they pleased The delay of the King of Navarre and slowness of the Nobility gave time to reconcile Prince Henry to his Father The Agreement being well advanced both dismissed their Forces the King stayed in Old Castile and the Prince returned to Toledo where he was received with all manner of Expressions of Joy There at length Peter Sarmiento designing to deliver up the City to the King and putting no end to his Robberies and Extortions was deprived of the Government of the City and Castle at the beginning of the Year 1450. He complained and put the Prince in mind of his Promise nevertheless he was forced to depart the City carrying with him 200 Horses and Mules loaden with Riches he had plundered The People was not permitted to take any thing from him he having the Prince's Pass Yet he was robbed of part by the way and the rest when he came to Gumiel was seized by the King's Order Sarmiento himself fled to Navarre and having obtained Pardon of his Crimes lived Miserably the rest of his Days at Bastida a Town in the Territory of Rioja that place alone being left him of all his Possessions His Confederates were more severely punished They were taken in several Places and put to Death with exquisite Torments The Punishment seemed cruel but it was designed to terrify others from committing the like Violence and Extravagances for the future and to warn those that were in Power not to make use of it to the Destruction of those committed to their Charge CHAP. V. The mutiny of Segovia The Affairs of the Crown of Aragon The Civil War in Navarre The Factions of the Agramonteses and Biamonteses there The Emperor Frederick marries Ellenor Sister to the King of Portugal The Moors twice defeated by the Christians SCarce was the Mutiny at Toledo quelled when another broke out at Segovia whither the Prince was gone Peter Portocarrero who began to be great with the Prince accused John Pacheco Marques of Villena of a Crime for which he ought to be apprehended The Bishop of Cuenca John de Silva the King's Standard-bearer and the Marshal Pelayo de Ribera attested the same thing They all advised the Prince to make him an Example and it was resolved to secure him It was not easy to do it by reason of his great Power and also that he having notice of the Prince's Displeasure made himself strong in a quarter of the City Lest much Blood should be shed in forcing him he was permitted to go away to Turuegano a Town of his own There to gain Peter Portocarrero he gave him to Wife Beatrix his Bastard Daughter and with her the Town of Medellin in Estremadura near Guadiana Thus his Enemies were weakened and the Prince began to be appeased The War with the Aragonians continu'd but not very hot Bordalva a Castle on the Frontiers of Aragon was taken and lost again The King of Aragon was worse looked upon as being the chief contriver of all the Troubles and an Opportunity was now offered of being revenged on him Many advised the Prince of Viana to take upon him the Crown and Government since his Father had no Right to it and this was the beginning of great Disorders The King of Navarre was at Zar agoca where the Coxtes of Aragon met in Summer They limited the Power of the Deputy Justices of Aragon and decreed that all Goods upon which there depended any Law-suit should be deposited in the Hands of an Officer appointed for that purpose that the Judges having such Goods in their Power might not delay deciding of Causes The King of Aragon sent Embassadors to exhort the Princes of Spain to Peace resolving if there were War to stand by his Brother and Subjects In all other respects he seemed to have forgot Spain taken up with the Pleasures of Italy having gained much Reputation and enjoying Peace the Fruit of his great Labours The Grecian Emperor oppressed by the Turks sent Embassadors to him to desire his assistance against them The same did Demetrius Paleologus Prince of Attica and Peloponnesus or Morea Brother to the Emperor Constantine offering him great Territories when the War was ended Aranitus Earl of Epirus or Albania did the like But above all we must not omit the Embassy sent by George Castriot commonly called Scanderbeg the Turks having given him
with 4000 Aragonian Horse and 2000 Foot to invade the Duke's Territories on the side of Alexandria la Palla Ferdinand the King's Son and Duke of Calabria who had now 3 Children Alonso Frederick and Ellenor had 6000 Horse and 2000 Foot to make War upon the Florentines He entred the Territories of Cortona and Arezo wasted the Country burnt the Villages and took the considerable Town of Toyano He also overthrew Astor de Faenca who came first to the Assistance of the Florentines whereupon some other Castles were taken On the other side Antony Oleina having made himself Master of Vado a Town in the Territory ceased not thence to infest the Lands of the Florentines The War went on no less vigorously in the Dutchy of Milan Francis Sforcia endeavoured to draw Renée Duke of Anjou to his Assistance promising when that War was ended to aid him in recovering the Kingdom of Naples Renee found the Passes on the Mountains guarded by the Duke of Savoy and Marques of Montferrat and therefore came to Genoa by Sea with only two Ships and a small Retinue which soon rendred him contemptible Luis Dauphin of France who was afterwards King came as far a Ast with Forces to favour the Dukes of Milan and Anjou but at the end of three Months that Army returned into France without doing any Thing Thus the Affairs of the Milaneses and Florentines were in a dangerous Posture but the Ruin of others proved their Safety The loss of Constantinople inclined all Parties to harken to Peace and the more readily because it was given out the Turk design'd to pass over into Italy Simon de Camerino an Augustin Fryar a Man more active and fit for Business than Learned took such pains that in April he concluded a League betwixt the Venetians Florentines and Milaneses which was afterwards ratifyed in August The King of Aragon complained of the Falshood of the Venetians in that they should conclude any Confedracy without his Knowledge or Consent Hereupon he recalled his Son from Florence to Naples The Venetians Florentines and Milaneses fearing to offend so powerful a King sent Embassadors to him to excuse their Hastiness in concluding the League whereof they still offered to make him the Head begging if still he thought them faulty that he would forgive it To back them the Pope also sent the Cardinal of Fermo his Legate to the King He in a long Harrangue laid before him the Danger that threatned from the Turks offered him in the Name of the Confederates to be Head and General of the League and prayed he would not obstruct the Peace of Italy The King answered he neither began the War nor would be any hindrance to the Peace that he forgave the Affront done him in making any Confederacy without his Knowledge and was ready to take upon him the Command against the Infidels After the King had given his Answer the Articles of the League made betwixt the Venetians Florentines and Milaneses were read and were to this Effect That the Venetians Francis Sforcia and the Florentines shall inviolably observe what is here agreed unto among the Confederates for the term of 25 Years and longer if it shall be so thought fit and be in perfect League and Friendship with King Alonso of Aragon for the publick Peace of Italy and to oppose the Designs of the Turks That King Alonso shall defend the Venetians Milaneses and Florentines as if they were his own Subjects against all Enemies either Italians or Forreigners That in time of Peace to be in a readiness for any sudden War the King Venetians and Francis Sforcia be obliged to keep each of them in constant Pay 8000 Horse and 4000 Foot and the Florentines 5000 Horse and 2000 Foot well armed and equipped That if any War break out none of the Confederates shall make Peace without the Consent of the others nor joyn in League with any State in Italy without the Concurrence of all That if any of the Confederates be invaded each of the others be obliged immediately to send to their Assistance half his Horse and Foot which shall not be recalled till the War is ended That whosoever shall receive such Succour be obliged to assign them Quarters and furnish them with Provisions and other Necessaries at the same rates as the Natives have it That if any of the Confederates shall make War upon another of the Allyes then the others be obliged to send the same Supplies to him that is attack'd as if the other were none of the Confederates and yet the League to stand good in all other Respects That if any of the Allyes be invaded none of the others shall give his Enemies Passage through his Country or furnish them with Provisions but rather oppose them with all his Power These Conditions with only some small Amendments were approved of by the King All the Cities and States of Italy were included in the Confederacy except the Genoeses Sigismund Malatesta and Astor de Faença who were not admitted by the King The Genoeses because they observed not the Articles of Peace concluded on some Years before Sigismund and Astor because after receiving Mony from the King of Aragon for to pay their Men they went over to the Enemy This League it was generally hoped would advance the publick Interest of Christendom but all fell to nothing by the Death of Pope Nicholas who supported this great Colossus and departed this Life on the 24th of March. Within 14 Days the Cardinals elected in his place Cardinal Alonso Borgia who had before vowed and given it under his Hand if he were chosen Pope he would make War on the Turks calling himself Calixtus so great was his Assurance of obtaining that Dignity it being as was given out foretold him when a Child by F. Vincent Ferrer To requite whom for that Prophecy he Canonized him as he did S. Edmund an Englishman This Pope was born at Xativa in the Kingdom of Valencia of mean Parentage but he never did any thing that was little He proved a constant Enemy to the King of Aragon either because he thought it conduced to his Grandeur or that as it generally happens he hated him being more obliged than was in his Power to pay Thus he could never be prevailed upon to grant a new Bull of Investiture of the Kingdom of Naples to the King and his Son He was more studious of advancing his Kindred than became him for in one Day he made his two Nephews John Mila and Roderick Borgia Cardinals He also constituted Peter Borgia Brother to Roderick Vicar General of all the State of the Church Pope Alexander and Duke Valentine two Persons afterwards odious to the World for their wicked Practices were Branches that sprang from this Papacy Peace was ratifyed betwixt Castile and Aragon and the King of Navarre as had been agreed ceased pretending to any Towns in Castile receiving a Pension in lieu of them The Tumults in Navarre did not cease
the People being divided into Factions A great Number followed Charles Prince of Viana most Men believing he had the best right His Sister Blanch espoused his Quarrel with all her might which so highly offended the King their Father that he treated with the Earl of Faux his Son in Law about making over the Crown to him and disinheriting Charles and Blanch. The better to secure their Design they courted the King of France to joyn with them The King of Castile favoured Prince Charles and therefore there was danger of a War betwixt France and Spain At the same time King Henry was making Preparations for the War with the Moors of Granada and concluding a new Match then in Hand The Cortes met at Cuellar where all degrees of People encouraged one another to take Arms and laboured to express their Loyalty to the new King During the King's absence the Archbishop of Toledo and Earl of Haro were left at Valladolid joynt Commissioners to govern the Kingdom This done having gathered a powerful Army in which were 5000 Horse the King entred the Territories of the Moors and marched to the Plain of Granada Soon after he destroyed all the Territory of Malaga with Fire and Sword in so short a time that a single Man a Horseback could scarce have overrun it so soon Joanna Sister to King Alonso of Portugal had been contracted to the King of Castile by Proxy The Marriage was celebrated at Cordova on the 21st of May with great Solemnity and Joy the Nobility and Commonalty from all parts flocking thither There was running at Tilt and other Sports and Shows among the Military Men. Some looked upon it as an ill Omen that the Marriage was solemnized in the heat of War and therefore said that Joy would not be lasting They were married by the Archbishop of Tours then Embassador in Castile from the King of France with whom Castile was in amity and at odds with the English they being mortal Enemies to the French The fame of the War against the Moors brought such Numbers of Men that the Army consisted of 14000 Horse and 50000 Foot With these Forces three Incursions were made into the Territories of the Moors firing all the Plain even in sight of the City Granada The Moors assembled on all sides but the King thought not fit to come to a Battle having resolved for three Years continually to destroy the Corn and by that means reduce them to extream want This highly offended the Soldiers who gaped after Plunder and they threatned since so many Opportunities were let pass they would not fight when their Officers commanded The Nobility also conspired to seize the King and carry on the War after another manner Peter Giron Master of Calatrava was the chief of the Conspirators In̄igo de Mendoça third Son to the Marques de Santillana advised the King to return from Alcaudete where that contrivance was hatched to Cordova without acquainting him what was intended against him At Cordova the King was informed of the Conspiracy For that Reason as also because the Season was far advanced he dismissed his Army with Orders to be again ready in the Spring The Nobility were also dismissed and their Posts given to others which was a Punishment for their disloyalty and shewed their Intrigue was discovered The King went away to Avila and thence to Segovia to hunt resolving to return to Andaluzia very soon and to express his Resolution took two Branches of a Pomgranate Tree knotted together for the Orle of his Scutcheon that being the Coat of Arms of the Kings of Granada This denoted he would not desist till he had quite expelled the Moors In Naples at the beginning of the Year 1456 D. Alonso de Aragon Prince of Capua and Ellenor his Sister both Grandchildren to the King of Aragon were married to Hippolito and Sforcia Maria Son and Daughter of Francis Sforcia Duke of Milan Pope Calixtus was much alarmed at this Allyance it being chiefly designed against him The King of Castile returned to the War with the Moors but without the Nobility He observed the same method he had done before of wasting the Country and the Soldiers being kept from fighting were ready to Mutiny To prevent any Tumult the King called them together and in few Words shewed how much better it was to subdue the Enemy without hazarding themselves than to try the event of a Battle which must cost many Lives Thus the Army was rather appeased than satisfyed and returned to Cordova where some were dismissed and others put into Winter Quarters About the latter end of the Year the King went away to Madrid Mean while the King of Portugal sent a great Fleet towards Italy to joyn with the Confederates It arrived there at such time as the heat of the Princes of Italy was abated and new Commotions began to break out at Genoa and Siena Thus the Portugues Fleet returned home without effecting any thing Elizabeth Queen of Portugal dyed at Ebora on the 12th of December It was suspected and even agreed on all Hands that she was Poisoned The great Love the People bore her whilst she lived made this Suspicion the more easily pass for Truth and their Tears for her Death sufficiently declared their Affection The King tho he was in the prime of his Age would not marry for several Years This year was very unfortunate to the City and Kingdom of Naples for great Earthquakes which overthrew or at least endamaged many Towns and Castles The greatest Mischief was done at Brindez and Isernia In the farthest parts of Italy some Buildings were levelled with the Ground from the very Foundations others were abandoned and a Town called Boyano was swallowed up a Lake remaining in the Place of it to this Day as a Memorial of that Disaster 60000 Souls are said to have perished Pope Pius the II. and S. Antoninus say 30000 either of them a prodigious Number CHAP. IX The Prince of Viana flies to Naples The Kings of Castile and Navarre meet and conclude a Peace The War with the Moors The Death of Alonso King of Aragon His Character and Will John King of Navarre inherits the Crown of Aragon SPain found no end of its tedious Troubles The Tumults in Navarre were hotter than ever Their Neighbours the Biscainers took Arms against one another and many were daily killed Among them the great Men and Heads of Families devoured the People confiding in the strength of their Houses which are like Castles King Henry coming in time from Segovia with a sufficient Force to quell these Disorders overthrew many of those Houses which served as an Example to others not to commit the like Insolencies This happened in February 1451. Upon the way the King received into his Family a Youth born at Darango his Name Perucho Munzar who afterwards became his great Favourite Being so near Navarre the King was willing to assist Prince Charles his Friend and Ally but
been suitable to them This popular Inclination so entirely gained him the Affections of the Commonalty that they were never known to continue more firm to their Prince but it disobliged most of the Nobility John de Luna had the Government of Soria taken from him and was cast in Prison by the Contrivanc of John Pacheco who by these means endeavoured to get into his Power a Grandaughter of D. Alvaro de Luna Daughter to his Son John de Luna then dead The young Maid was in the Custody of that Governour of Soria who was her Kinfman and his Wife her Aunt This young Lady he married to his Son James Pacheco and by that means united the Farldom of Santistevan to his own Estate Alonso Faxardo Lieutenant of Murcia making his Advantage of the Confusion of those Times seized Carthagena and Lorca with several other Forts in that Country Against him the King sent Gonçalo de Saavedra who took from him not only those Places but all he had inherited of his Forefathers and he thought it a Happiness to save his Life At the same time dyed the Marques de Santillana He left these Children James his Heir Peter then Bishop of Calahorra In̄igo Laurence John and others from whom some noble Families in Castile are descended On the 4th of September dyed the Queen of Aragon at Valencia and was buryed in the Monastery of Nuns in that City called the Trinity Soon after the King of Portugal passing over into Africk with a powerful Fleet on the 18th of October took from the Moors a Town called Alcaçar near Ceuta His Brother Ferdinand Duke of Visco and his Uncle Henry were with him in this Expedition Duarte de Meneses was left Governour of the Place He after the King's Departure three several times repulsed great Multitudes of Moors that attacked him and made them desist from that Enterprize Prince Charles sent Embassadors out of Sicily to his Father to beg Pardon and offer his Submission But he dealt not fairly for at the same time he sollicited the King of France and Duke of Britany to joyn in League with him to recover by Force what his Father would not voluntarily yield up to him For this Reason and for fear the Sicilians should proclaim him King his Father pardoned him and he came over to Spain at the beginning of the Year 1459. Thence he went over to Majorca to wait the Event of what his Father designed for him despairing of obtaining his Mother's Kingdom His death which was near at Hand put an end to all his Contrivances His Demands were that his Father should pardon him and his Adherents and release the Constable of Navarre D. Luis de Biamonte with all others that had been delivered as Hostages That he should cause the Oath of Allegiance to be taken to him as Heir and give him leave to live quietly in any Town except the Court That he should restore to him Viana and Gandia which were his own If this were granted he offered to withdraw his Garrisons out of all Places that held for him He also desired that his Sister Ellenor Wife to the Earl of Faux might be removed from the Government of that Kingdom Much time was spent in Debate but at last neither was all he demanded granted nor what was promised performed It was the Opinion of the Vulgar that this was all the Contrivance of his Mother in Law who wished his Death fearing if he succeeded his Father it would not be well with her self and her Children The Seed of Sedition which had been long sowed in Castile at length broke out The King besides his other Faults was wholly devoted to Women First he loved one Catherine de Sandoval but left her because she admitted the Courtship of another yet soon after made her Abbess of the Monastery of S. Peter de las Duen̄as at Toledo Alonso de Cordova her Gallant was beheaded at Medina del Campo In the Place of Catherine de Sandoval he took the Lady Guiomar the most Beautiful Woman next to the Queen They two as is usual in such Cases fell at Variance D. Alonso de Fonseca Archbishop of Sevil favoured the Mistriss the Marques de Villena sided with the Queen Thus the Court was divided and the Servant grew so haughty as to Cope with her Sovereign It came to that pass that they gave one another ill Language and at length the Queen laid violent Hands upon the Mistriss and treated her severely which the King highly resented Another scandalous thing happened which was that D. Beltran de la Cueva Lord Steward of the Houshold a great Favourite of the Kings to whom he had given a plentiful Fortune grew into Familiarity with the Queen The People generally judged ill of that Freedom and some were of Opinion the King knew they were faulty and consented to it to hide his own Impotency It is to be suspected that a great part of this Fable was forged in favour of King Ferdinand and Queen Elizabeth when they came afterwards to the Crown Some time after this Scandal gathered strength when upon account of an Embassador coming out of Britany D. Beltran was Challenger in a Feast of running at Tilt that was in Madrid and Pardo and after the Sport was over made a Banquet greater than was thought could be done by any private Person The King was so pleased that in the Place where the Tilting was in memory of it he caused a Monastery of Hieronimites to be erected which because the Place was unhealthy was afterwards removed to that where it now stands The People after the Example of the Court were addicted to all manner of Ludeness and Prodigality and the Nobility without any regard of the King combined to raise new Troubles About this time many extraordinary Accidents were thought to foretell the Calamities that were threatned by these Disorders There appeared in the Sky a great Flame which dividing it self into two Parts the one ran towards the East and vanished the other continued some time In the Territory of Burgos and Granada there fell a shower of great Stones which killed much Cattle At Pen̄alver a Town in the Country of Alcarria it was reported a Child of three years of Age foretold the Troubles that would ensue unless the People did Pennance for their Sins The King's Lions at Segovia fought and the little one killed the biggest and eat part of him The People made Processions to appease God being terrify'd with these strange Omens but they mended not their Lives Particularly the Clergy was extraordinary depraved in so much that about this time D. Roderick de Luna Archbishop of Santiago forced away a Bride on her Wedding Day to debauch her which caused the People to Mutiny being Headed by D. Luis Osorio Son to the Earl of Trastamara In revenge of that hainous Crime they deposed that Bishop and seized all he had His End was answerable to his Life the rest whereof he spent
in Poverty yet wickedly and hated by all Men. Thus he soon endured the Punishment of his short Pleasure being severely chastized by the Hand of God as he had well deserved The End of the Two and Twentieth Book The History of SPAIN BOOK XXIII CHAP. I. The Councel of Mantua Beginnings of Tumults in Castile War at Naples betwixt the Aragonians and House of Anjou Scanderbeg Prince of Epirus comes to the Assistance of Ferdinand King of Naples POpe Pius the Second having appointed a General Councel to meet at Mantua a great number of Bishops from all Parts and Ambassadors of Princes repaired thither as did the Pope himself His only Care was to stir up all Christendom to unite its Forces against the Common Enemy David Emperor of Trebizonde a City in Asia the Lesser upon the Euxine Sea Ussumcassanus King of Armenia and George who stiled himself King of Persia offered great Numbers of Horse and Foot and a mighty Fleet but there was little Confidence to be reposed in their Promises The Western Countries were so entangled with Broils and Confusions at home that little could be hoped from them Notwithstanding all these Difficulties the Pope was not discouraged but resolved to use his utmost Endeavours to promote the Holy War and therefore in a full Assembly of those that came to the Councel made a most Learned Speech laying before them how great a Reproach to Christianity the loss of the Eastern Empire had been and how much nearer since that time the Danger threatned all the Western Part of the World He pressed for some Prince to encourage that War by taking upon him to be General and then offered to carry the Cross before them himself His Words moved the Auditory but the Ambassadors of Princes wasted the Time in Private Controversies Particularly John Duke of Lorrain Son to Renee Duke of Anjou complained that the Pope had given the Investiture of the Kingdom of Naples to Ferdinand his Enemy Thus nothing was done to any purpose only a Verbal Decree was made for carrying on the War The Pope published a Bull in which contrary to his own Opinion at the Councel of Basil he ordains That none shall Appeal from the Pope to a General Councel Thus the Councel was dissolved the Eighth Month after the opening of it The Aragonian Ambassadors after the Councel broke up went away to Naples to Congratulate with the new King upon his Accession to that Crown In̄igo Lopez de Mendoça the Ambassador of Castile obtained of the Pope a Jubilee for all that gave certain Alms employed to build at Tendilla a Monastery of Friars of St. Isidorus of the Invocation of St. Ann. Mean while the City Guadalajara was taken from his Brother James de Mendoça he having possessed himself of it wrongfully John Fernandez Galindo a famous Officer surprized it with 600 Horse This the Nobles took for a new Cause of Discontent and combined against the King D. ●●ederick the Admiral heightned their Discontents He sollicited his Son-in-Law the King of Aragon to join with the Seditious Nobility and make War upon Castile With him joined the Archbishop of Toledo D. Peter Giron Master of Calatrava and the Families of Manrique and Mendoça Their Pretence was to reform the Government D. Alonso de Fonseca Archbishop of Sevil gave the King an Account of these Practices As a Reward for this good Service the Archbishoprick of Santiago vacant by the Death of D. Roderick de Luna was given to a Kinsman of his called also Alonso de Fonseca who was Dean of Sevil. D. Luis Osorio had then possessed himself of the Revenues of that Church confiding in the Power of his Father the Earl of Trastamara None but a Person of great Authority could reduce him and therefore the two Archbishops changed Sees by the King's Consent The Church of Pamplona upon the Death of D. Martin de Peralta was given to Cardinal Besarion a Greek but very Learned and of a godly Life The Troubles of Naples were the chief Thing that disturbed Pope Pius otherwise wholly bent upon the Holy War The War began again to break out betwixt John the Son of Renee and the new King Ferdinand most of the Neapolitan Nobility as given to Change favouring the House of Anjou The first that appeared in Arms was Anthony Centellas Marquis of Croton who having got his Liberty meditated Revenge but the King was too quick and again laid him in Prison Martin Marciano tho married to Ellenor the King's Sister headed the Rebels many joined with him among whom the chief were the Prince of Taranto Anthony Cardora and John Paul Duke of Sora. Francis Sforcia Duke of Milan being at the Councel of Mantua advised the Pope to enter into League with King Ferdinand for that the French being expelled Italy all Difficulties that obstructed the War with the Turks would be easily surmounted The Pope approved of this Councel but it was not easily to be put into Execution for that King Ferdinand was then besieged in Barletta a City of Apulia and knew not well how to defend himself The Pope would send him no Relief because the Enemy had secured all the Avenues by Land Therefore he sent to George Scanderbeg Prince of Epirus then a most Renowned General who understanding the Pope's Will sent before Coicus Strosius with 500 Albanian Horse and soon after gathering a good Fleet sailed to Ragusa and thence to Barleta Immediately upon his Arrival the Rebels raised the Siege King Ferdinand having joined the Succours sent him by the Pope and Duke of Milan overthrew his Enemies in Battel and soon recovered the Towns that held for them Scanderbeg having spent a Year in this Expedition returned home well satisfied with the King who gave him and his Heirs the City Trani and the Castles of St. John and Siponto After this he obtained several Victories over the Turks and died at the end of Seven Years leaving a Son called John under the Care of the Venetians Nevertheless he ordered him till he could recover his Principality to live at Naples upon what Estate that King had given him From him is descended the most Noble Family of the Castriots Marquisses of Civita de Santangelo in the Kingdom of Naples In Spain Charles Prince of Viana having obtained Pardon for himself and his Followers and the Promise of a competent Revenue for his Maintenance came from Majorca to Barcelona on the 22d of March 1460. It was proposed to marry him with Catherine Sister to the King of Portugal When the Match was as good as concluded the King of Castile took it off offering him his Sister Elizabeth with Assurance of obtaining what he desired of his Father with the Assistance of Castile Hereupon Prince Charles no farther thought of the Match with Portugal and the Princess Catherine went into the Monastery of S' Clare at Lisbon where she ended her Days at such time as it was designed to marry her to Edward IV.
King of England D. Frederick the Admiral discovered the Prince's Designs to the King of Aragon He sent for him to Lerida where the Cortes of Catalonia then sate and those of Aragon at Fraga He was advised not to go but resolved to obey and was received with Demonstrations of Love but presently after committed to Prison notwithstanding he loudly complained of Breach of Faith and the Designs of his Mother-in-Law The Nobility associated themselves engaging never to give over till their Prince were set at Liberty CHAP. II. War renewed by the Moors of Granada the Prince of Viana imprisoned and released his Death the Rebellion of Catalonia also in Navarre the Kings of France and Castile meet THE Peace established with the Moors having lasted about Three Years was now broken Ismael King of Granada had Two Sons Albohaçen and Boabdelin Albohaçen desiring to exercise his Valour gathered 2500 Horse and 15000 Foot with this Force he entred the Territory of Estepa in Andaluzia did great Mischief and drove away a vast number of Cattel Roderick Ponçe Son to the Earl of Arcos being informed hereof with the Assistance of Luis Pernia Commandant at Osuna mustered about 260 Horse and 600 Foot and marched after the Enemy who was going off in disorder and fearing no Encounter It seemed a Madness for so small a Number to engage that Multitude but D. Roderick from an Eminence observing that part of the Moors with the Booty had passed the River called De las Yeaguas and only the Horse remained behind commanded the Trumpets to ●and and his Men to fall on The Christians charged the Moors who were divided into three Bodies and received them with Resolution The Fight lasted long but at length the Moors were put to the Rout and 1400 of them slain Of the Christians 30 Horse and 150 Foot were killed Our Men quartered that Night at a place called Fuente de Piedra and being next day gathering the Plunder saw the Cattel coming towards them in great Flocks At first they imagined the Enemy had rallied but it soon appeared that the Cattel being left was returning as naturally they will towards their own Pasture The Peace thus broken Incursions were made on both sides but nothing remarkable happened Only D. John de Guzman first Duke of Medina Sidonia prepared to besiege Gibraltar nothing discouraged by the Misfortune of his Father The War raised against the King of Aragon in his own Dominions was more dangerous The Catalonians sent Deputies to beg of him to set at liberty the Prince of Viana He refused and from Words they came to Blows A great Number of Men set out from Barcelona and possessed themselves of Fraga on the Borders of Aragon Gonçalo de Saavedra sent by the King of Castile to the Assistance of the Catalonians with 1500 Horse was a great Encouragement to them D. John de Cabrera Earl of Modica in Sicily was General of the Catalonians On the other side D. Luis de Biamonte was on the Frontiers of Navarre with a good Body ready to enter Aragon if the King would not grant their Request Necessity obliged him to set his Son free on the First of March 1461. ordering the Queen his Mother-in-Law to conduct him from Morella where he was Prisoner to Villafranca There he was delivered to the Catalonians who nevertheless would not admit the Queen into Barcelona tho' they laid down their Arms. Yet for all this contrary to his Father's Will they swore to him as Heir to that Principality obliged his Father to declare him Governor of all his Dominions a Dignity usually given to the eldest Sons of those Kings and to consent that he should be Absolute in Catalonia These were hard Terms but there was no other way to appease the Catalonians Now again the Treaty of Marriage between Prince Charles and the Princess Elizabeth of Castile was hotly pursued and it was looked upon as good as concluded whereupon the Prince sent to Compliment the Princess and her Mother War broke out at the same time in Navarre for Charles Artieda as soon as the Prince was at liberty seized in his Name the Town of Lumbier in that Kingdom D. Alonso afterwards Duke of Villahermosa sent by the King besieged and furiously battered that Place The Prince's Party was weak but the King of Castile sent Roderick Ponçe and Gonçalo de Suavedra with Forces who raised the Siege Greater Preparations were making to continue that War when the News was spread abroad that the Queen was with Child This pleased some yet others gave out she was with Child by D. Beltran de la Cueva but it could never be proved whether this were true or that it was only so allowed afterwards in favour of King Ferdinand when he came to the Crown D. Alonso de Fonseca the Archbishop was sent from Court on pretence of doing him Honour to reside at Valladolid and Govern the Kingdom whilst the King was absent at the War he designed in Navarre This was done by the Advice of his Competitor the Marquiss de Villena who removed him from the King hoping thereby to become absolute in his Favour and promised to reduce the Disaffected Nobility particulary the Archbishop of Toledo and the Admiral for the Master of Calatrava had already submitted and was raising Men for the War in Navarre As soon as D. Alonso de Fonseca was gone to Valladolid the Marquiss de Villena went into the Kingdom of Toledo and at the same time the Master of Calatrava came to Aranda de Duero with 2500 Horse With that Force the King of Castile marched towards Almaçan The Aragonians were much alarmed but the Army marched away towards Navarre and in May came to Logron̄o a great Town in the Territory of Rioja there having received Supplies from all Parts they advanced into Navarre The Town of St. Vincent and Guardia surrendered Viana was besieged and at last delivered up by Peter Peralta who was Governour thereof and Constable of Navarre Lerin was very strong and could not be taken D. Alonso Son to the King of Aragon took the Town of Arbacuca by assault all the Castillian Garison being killed or taken All these high Designs came to nothing by the death of Charles Prince of Viana at Barcelona It was supposed Trouble and Toil was the cause of his death but the Biamonteses could never be persuaded but he had a slow Poison given him in Prison He died on the 23d of September begged pardon of his Father at the Hour of his death and was buried at Poblete He lived 40 Years 3 Months and 26 Days more famous for his Misfortunes than any other thing His Device was Two fierce Mastives fighting for a Bone denoting the Kings of France and Castile between whom Navarre was consumed Other great Men died now as Charles VII King of France His Son Lewis XI succeeded him Prince Henry Uncle to the King of Portugal departed this Life on the 13th of
November having never touched Woman tho 77 Years of Age. Of all the Brothers only D. Alonso the Bastard Duke of Bragança remained and he also died the next Year By his Wife Beatrix Daughter to the Constable Nun̄o Pereira he had a Son called Ferdinand from whom are lineally descended the Dukes of Bragança in Portugal Prince Charles dying the Cause of Discord was taken away and yet the Effect ceased not Ferdinand Brother to the Deceased was immediately sworn Heir to the Crown first at Calatayud for Aragon and then at Barcelona for Catalonia Nevertheless the People took Arms the Nobility giving it out that the Prince was poisoned by his Mother-in-Law The chief Incendiary was F. John Gualves a Dominican who with seditious Sermons stirred up the People to Rebellion Barcelona being in an Uproar the Queen went away thence to Girona The King of Aragon perceiving the Danger that threatned sollicited foreign Princes particularly the King of France and Castile to assist him or at least that the latter would not offend him since Prince Charles was dead King Henry was at Madrid joyful that the Queen was with Child having caused her to be brought thither on Men's Shoulders that the Journey might not do her harm At the beginning of the Year 1462 she was delivered of a Daughter called Joanna who was immediately sworn Heiress of Castile The People believed her the Daughter of D. Beltran and the more because he was then created Earl of Ledesma Andrew de Cabera his great Friend was made Steward of the Houshold which was a step for him to attain vast Wealth The Count d' Armagnac was then at Court as Ambassador from the King of France to settle Peace The Archbishop of Toledo being reconciled to the King held the Supreme Power On the 23d of March the Aragonian Ambassadors at length concluded a Peace between Castile and Aragon and for Security Cautionary Towns were given to the King of Castile who put others into a Third hand to remain as Pledges on his part On the 12th of April the King of Aragon made a League with the King of France at Olite It was there agreed That the King of France should send the Aragonian 700 Men at Arms and 200000 Crowns for which the States of Cerdagne and Russillon were mortgaged to him the Revenues thereof not to be accounted any part of Payment To ratifie this Contract the Two Kings appointed an Interview at Salvatierra a Town in the Province of Bearne At the same time the Earl of Faux had the Lady Blanch Sister to Prince Charles and Heiress of Navarre delivered up to him notwithstanding her grievous Complaints of the Wrong done her She was confined to the Castle of Ortes in the Territory of Faux and there soon after poisoned Her Body was buried in the City Lascar Both the Kings of Castile and Aragon ratified the Peace concluded at Madrid On the 30th of May the Catalonians besieged the Queen of Aragon in Girona forced the City and had taken the Old Castle called Gironela where the Queen was but that the French Horse coming obliged them to quit that Design and the City The King of Aragon also hasted to the relief of his Wife and having worsted the Rebels in several Rencounters and taken many Towns encamped near Barcelona at last The Queen of Castile miscarried at Aranda with the Fright that her Hair took fire by the Sun shining through a Glass The Grief for this Loss was soon forgot by reason of the great Joy and Festivals at the Wedding of the Count de Ledesma with the younger Daughter of the Earl of Santillana at Guadalajara the King and Queen being present Thence the Queen went to Segovia and the King to Atiensa to Hunt Thither came a Gentleman called Copones from the Catalonians to offer him that Country provided he would support them The King accepting their Offer sent them 2500 Horse whose arrival in Catalonia animated the Multitude and they presently proclaimed King Henry Earl of Barcelona This News was very pleasing to the King of Castile but much more to hear that D. John de Guzman Duke of Medina Sidonia had taken Gibraltar from the Moors and the Master of Alcantara Archidona He ordered Gibraltar to be inserted among his Royal Titles Incursions were made into Valencia and Aragon and that Kingdom might have been subdued had King Henry been resolute Therefore the King of Aragon laboured to be reconciled with him To this effect the Admiral of France and that King 's Ambaslador came to Almaçan where King Henry was at the beginning of the Year 1463. He was splendidly entertained and in a Ball Danced with the Queen whereupon he swore never more to Dance with any Woman It was agreed the Kings of France and Castile should have a Conference and accordingly they met near Fuenterabia about the end of April The Castilians vied to outdo one another in rich Apparel whereas the French and particularly their King were very plain which caused the Castilians to jeer and reflect upon them The Spaniards passed the River Videsao some say by way of acknowledging the King of France to be the greater Our Historians say it was because all that River belongs to Spain and therefore King Henry being come to the High-water Mark on the further side side There were the Borders of Castile and France and that King Louis answered It is true Here the Judgment given by the King of France as Arbitrator between Castile and Aragon was read the Heads whereof were That the Castilians should quit Catalonia and Navarre That the City Estela and its Liberty should remain to King Henry and that the Queen of Aragon and her Daughter should remain at Raga in custody of the Archbishop of Toledo as Hostages for performance of Articles This Judgment offended all the Three Nations concerned and nothing more was effected at this Conference Philip de Comines a famous French Historian absolutely condemns this and all such Meetings of Kings as the Incentives of Emulation and Discord whereas all they can propose to do at an Interview may be as well settled by their Ambassadors without any Hazard or Discontent to either Party He relates how the Spaniards came over into France and were entertained by the King That King Henry had an unpleasing Countenance and his Garb was disagreeable to the French whereas the Spaniards attributed the Plainness of the French King's Habit to Covetousness He adds the only Fruit of this Meeting was Plots and Contrivances among the Nobility which at length proved the Ruin of King Henry whom he says he saw forsaken by his Subjects and reduced to Misery This Year on the 12th of November passed from this Life to a better the Holy F. James de Alcala in the Monastery of Franciscans at Alcala de Heneres built by D. Alonso Carrillo Archbishop of Toledo He was born at S. Nicholas in the Diocess of Sevill His Life and the Miracles he
wrought were such That Pope Sixtus V. Canoniz'd him on the 2d of July 1588. Garibay Lib. 14. Cap. 7. says he died in the Year 1461. CHAP. III. The Catalonians send for Peter Constable of Portugal and Proclaim him Earl of Barcelona The Kings of Castile and Portugal meet The Rebellion in Castile D. Beltran de la Cueva great Favourite to King Henry of Castile created a Duke TWO Ambassadors from the Catalonians were at the Conference between the Kings of France and Castile to sollicit they might not be forsaken but their Negociation proved successless At Tolosa a Town in Guipuscoa the Rabble killed a Jew called Gaon on the 6th of May for attempting whilst the King was at Fuenterabia to collect a certain Tax about which there had been great Mutinies before This Murder was not punished Soon after at Segovia whither the King went great Broils were raised by Two Friars One of them in his Sermons affirmed That many Christians turned Jews which was meant to reproach the Liberty allowed that People The other as hotly opposed him Sevill was in an Uproar for that D. Alonso de Fonseca the Elder sollicited to be restored to that Church which he said he had only given in trust to his Kinsman The Nobility and Commons were divided between him and his Competitor but the King coming thither in Person put D. Alonso the Elder into possession and caused 6 of the principal Mutiniers to be executed The King of Portugal at this time returned into Africk with a powerful Fleet. Prince Ferdinand his Brother and D. Peter his Cousin bore him Company The Catalonians being forsaken by the Castilians and perceiving France and Italy were secured by the King of Aragon sent to invite Peter the Constable of Portugal to come from Ceuta and take possession of that Principality which they said appertained to him in Right of his Mother who was Daughter to the Earl of Urgel He embraced the Offer and arrived at Barcelona on the 21th of January 1464. There he was immediately proclaimed Earl of Barcelona and King of Aragon This Attempt proved unsuccessful for want of Strength and cost him his Life besides other Mischiess The first was that by the Departure of the Constable the Forces of the Portugueses in Africk were weakned which was the occasion they were repulsed with loss from Tangier and the Inroads they made into the Country were inconsiderable Near Mount Benasa being engaged with the Enemy the King was in great danger and Duarte de Meneses exposing himself to save his King was killed with some others The Earl of Villareal that day made good the Rear which gained him great Honour in so much that after the Fight the King said to him By you alone the Faith has this day prevailed The King of Castile from Sevill went to Gibraltar and having invited the King of Portugal thither Entertained him for the space of 5 days after which he returned to his Kingdom This done King Henry by the way of Ecija broke into the Kingdom of Granada and obliged the Moores to pay the Tribute before agreed upon and make him rich Presents Thence he hasted back to Madrid designing again to Entertain the King of Portugal who came to pay a Vow he had made to our Lady at Guadalupe The two Kings met upon the Bridge called Del Arçobispo that is the Bounds of the Kingdom of Toledo The Queen of Castile went with her Husband to see her Brother the King of Portugal Here it was agreed the King of Portugal should Marry Elizabeth King Henry's Sister and the Prince of Portugal Joanna Heiress of Castile but the Wedding being put off at that time never after took effect Heaven had decreed the Aragonians should possess the Crown of Castile tho after many Troubles which some Prodigies seem'd to foretell At Sevil there happened such a terrible Hurracan that it carried away a Yoke of Oxen with the Plow and threw a great Bell a vast distance from the Steeple of S. Augustin's Church It also tore up many large Trees and ruined Buildings In the Air Armies fighting were seen but this may be doubted of because none but Children saw it Lastly Three Eagles fought in the Air till all three fell down dead Hereupon Processions and other Acts of Devotions were performed to appease Gods Wrath. King Henry began to dislike the Archbishop of Toledo and the Marquiss de Villena suspecting they had not dealt fairly betwixt him and Aragon for this reason they were not with him in the Field nor at the Interview with the Portuguese but went away from Madrid to Alcala Thither came to them the Admiral the Master of Calatrava the Family of Manrique D. Peter Giron and the Earls of Alva and Plasencia The King of Aragon upon account of great Promises made him joined with them which was the beginning of mighty Troubles Their Pretence was That the Princess Joanna was not lawfully begotten and consequently could not inherit the Crown Therefore they resolved to seize Prince Alonso and the Lady Elizabeth the Kings Brother and Sister who resided with their Mother at Maqueda Upon Hostages given by the King for security of his Person the Marquis de Villena came to Madrid but with an ill Design which was to withdraw the rest of the Nobility from their Allegiance To this purpose he Advised the King to secure the Archbishop of Sevil and at the same time gave him notice of what was designed so that he fled and joined with the other Rebels This Success made D. John Pacheco so impudent that he attempted with a Body of Armed Men to seize the King and broke into the Palace but the King retiring to a part thereof that was strong he resolved to force it at night yet the King having Intelligence he was disappointed Many Advised the King to secure the Marquis but he refused because he had given him a Safe-conduct Thus the Posture of the Kings Affairs was daily worse especially because at that time the Popes Bull came which constituted D. Beltran de la Cueva Master of Santiago a thing very offensive to the People who looked upon that Dignity as Prince Alonso's due D. Beltran was raised in opposition to D. John Pacheco who again attempted to seize the King perswading him to go to Villacastin but was discovered and prevented From Burgos the Conspirators now in open Rebellion sent a very Insolent Letter to the King the Heads whereof were That the Moores had too much Liberty at Court That Preferments were sold That the Mastership of Santiago was undeservedly given to D. Beltran That the Princess Joanna as unlawfully begotten could not inherit the Crown Lastly That if these Grievances were Redressed they were ready to lay down Arms and submit This Letter the King received at Valladolid and made no account of it D. Lope de Barientas Bishop of Cuenca pressed the King to subdue the Rebels by force of Arms but could not prevail therefore a
wrote his History positively asserts his being poisoned by the Marquess of Villena But I cannot find to what purpose that Nobleman should undertake such a hainous Crime CHAP. VI. John Duke of Lorrain Supports and Heads the Rebels in Catalonia for his Father Ferdinand Prince of Aragon declared King of Sicily The Crown of Castile offered to the Princess Elizabeth she refuses it Peace betwixt the King and Nobels REnce Duke of Anjou having accepted of the offer made him by the Catalonians because he was himself too Old to undertake that Expedition sent his Son John Duke of Lorrain who we said before was by the Aragonians drove out of Italy The King of France not regarding his League with Aragon sent him Supplies as soon as he had ended the Civil War with his Brother the Duke of Berri and Charles Duke of Burgundy John Earl of Armagnac between whom and the Duke of Lorrain there was a professed friendship brought him some Supplies with these Forces he began the War fortunately but the end was not suitable Barcelona received him with joy and it was resolved to carry the War to Ampurias The King of Aragon tho' Old and Blind repaired thither near Roses a Party of Aragonians was defeated The Body of the French Army marched towards Girona resolving if the Commandant Peter de Rocaberty came out to fight him if he kept close to Besiege the Place The Aragonians Marched out and in several Rencounters worsted the Enemy Prince Ferdinand came and put his Forces into the City whereupon the Siege was raised Soon after the Prince going out with a Party was defeated by the French and many of his Men killed Roderick Rebolledo who had behaved himself bravely in defence of the Prince was taken It was resolved to wear out the heat of the French therefore all the Frontiers were Garrisoned and Duke Alonso de Aragon left to Command there and observe the Enemy Prince Ferdinand returned to Zarogoza where the Cortes sate and was present when his Mother died as has been said above His Mother being dead and his Father 70 years of Age all the weight of the Government fell upon him therefore to give him the more Authority he was declared King of Sicily This was about the time that Prince Alonso of Castile departed this Life as we have declared The death of Prince Alonso being known at Zaragoça immediately Peter Peralta was sent to the Factious Lords of Castile to ask the Princess Elizabeth in Marriage for Prince Ferdinand His Father stayed at Zaragoça and he went away to carry on the War in Catalonia The Duke of Lorrain desiring to possess himself of Girona raised 15000 Men in Russillon and Cerdagne which with the Forces he had before was a Power too great for the Aragonians to cope with so that they could put no Relief into the Town which was closely besieged Nevertheless through the Valour of the Bishop of D. John Meliguerite and other Commanders it held out Mean while Prince Ferdinand had a Town called Verga delivered to him on the 17th of September From this time the Affairs of the Aragonians began to look with a better Aspect and the more for that the King recovered his Sight a thing then thought miraculous A Jew of Lerida undertook the Cure and couched a Cataract in the Right Eye on the 11th of September when he refused to proceed to the other saying There was no favourable Aspect of the Heavens but being pressed by the King on the 11th of October he perfected the Cure upon the Left Eye To add to this Publick Joy the Weather and want of Necessaries obliged the Enemy to raise the Siege of Girona In Portugal Prince John married his Cousin Eleanor not regarding the Promise he made to marry Joanna Princess of Castile Her Mother 's loose Life made her Birth suspected Ferdinand Duke of Viseo Father to the Lady Eleanor passed over into Africk obtained there some Victories over the Moors and returning home by his Wife Beatrix the Daughter of D. John Master of Santiago in Portugal had a Son called Emanuel who came in time to be King of Portugal The Portugueses talk of strange Prodigies seen at the Birth of that Child denoting his future Grandeur Upon the death of Prince Alonso many submitted to King Henry but the Peace was not lasting and the War that ensued wasted the Power of Spain Burgos returned to its Duty and at Madrid the Archbishop of Sevill the Earl of Benavente and other Noblemen did Homage to the King The Rebels having lost Prince Alonso resolved to offer the Crown to the Princess Elizabeth as they did at Avila the Archbishop of Toledo making an Harangue to persuade her and railing at the King She thanked them for their Offer and wishing long Life to the King her Brother intreated them to pay to him that Duty they offered to her Her Modesty surprized them all and she was thought the worthier to Reign They bent their Thoughts upon Peace and the more because the King had sent Commissioners to offer them all his Free Pardon At length Peace was concluded at Avila by the Archbishop of Sevill and Andrew de Cabrera Lord Steward of the Houshold upon these Articles That the Princess Elizabeth be sworn Heiress to the Crown That the Cities and Towns of Avila Ubeda Medina del Campo Olmedo and Escalona be given to her but upon Condition she shall not Marry without the King's Consent That the King be divorced from the Queen the Pope consenting to it That she and her Daughter be sent to Portugal That all the revolted Nobility be pardoned and restored to their Estates and Preferments taken from them during the Troubles Four Months were allowed for the Performance of these Articles These Conditions pleased not the Marquss de Santillana and his Brothers who thought it more for their Interest to have the keeping of the Princess Joanna The Queen with the Assistance of Luys de Mendoça was gone away by Night from the Castle where she was kept to her Daughter at Buytrago This much troubled the Archbishop of Sevil who had the Charge of keeping her During her Confinement she was delivered of Two Sons Ferdinand and Apostol who it is affirmed were bred in the Monastery of S. Dominick the Royal of Nuns in Toledo The Monastery of Guisando in the mid-way betwixt Madrid and Avila was appointed for the King and the Lords to meet There many Conditions were agreed to and much granted to the Nobles none of them doubting but the King and his Sister being weary of those Confusions would refuse them nothing they could ask It is said the King and Marquess de Villena had a private Conference the Substance whereof is not known but by what followed it was supposed it only tended to the securing the Marquess and advancing his Family On the 19th of September the Nobility did their Homage to King Henry and swore the Princess Elizabeth Heiress to the Crown
from Pope Pius II. but it appears to have been false by the Bull afterwards granted upon that occasion by Pope Sixtus IV. King Ferdinand was but 16 Years of Age but proper and strong The new married Couple sent Letters to the Pope King Henry and other Princes and Great Men excusing their being so hasty in marrying They were forced to borrow Money for their Expences About the same time Henry Son to Prince Henry of Aragon was by the King his Uncle created Duke of Segorve and Alonso the King's Bastard-Son Earl of Ribagorça On the 6th of December died at Rome D. John Cavajal Cardinal and Bishop of Plasencia He was Auditor de Rota Legate to Three Popes and a Man of a good Life He built a Bridge over Tagus in Estremadura which is still called the Cardinal's Bridge Whilst King Henry was busie settling the Affairs of Sevil advice was sent him from Cantillana by the Master of Santiago of his Sister's Marriage His Displeasure was very great Immediately he set out for Truxillo designing to give that Town to the Earl of Plasencia for his good Services during the Troubles The Townsmen resolved to oppose it and therefore the King rather than use Violence gave him in lieu of it the Town of Arevalo in Old Castile and because it was not worth so much as the other added to it the Title of a Duke At Truxillo the Master of Alcantara who had sided with Prince Alonso was pardoned and the King gave or restored the City Coria to Gutierre de Caceres and Solis his Brother Thus many who deserved Punishment received Rewards Here Letters were brought the King from his Sister excusing her marrying and promising she and her Husband would be as dutiful as if they were his Children if he would treat them with the Affection of a Father No other Answer was returned but that the King at Segovia would consider of that Affair Another Message was sent to Segovia at the beginning of the Year 1470 to press the King to give leave to the Prince and Princess that they might pay their Respects to him promising their future Behaviour should make amends for the Displeasure they had done him All the Answer was a Business of that Importance required the Advice of the Nobility This was the Pretence but in reality he was offended at the Princess Elizabeth and had fixed his Affection on his Daughter Joanna whom Lewis King of France had sent to demand in Marriage for his Brother Charles created Duke of Guienne Besides he pressed King Henry to join with him in calling a General Councel in opposition to Pope Paul with whom he was at variance This Request was flatly denied by the King the Business of the Marriage was put off At the same time D. Alonso de Aguilar at Cordova apprehended the Mareschal D. James de Cordova who suspected no such Design He was soon released by the King's Order but thinking he should obtain no Satisfaction for that Wrong went away to Granada and thence with the Consent of the Moorish King sent a Challenge to his Adversary to fight upon the Plain of Granada On the appointed Day having waited till Sun-set and D. Alonso not appearing he dragged his Effigies at his Horse's Tail That done he sent Letters to all Parts with Pictures representing that Passage The Knights of Alcantara would not submit to their Master and the Dispute came to open Hostility The Master not being able alone to oppose so many begged Assistance of his Brother Gutierre de Solis They wanted Money and Garci Alvarez de Toledo Earl of Alva lent them a Sum upon the Mortgage of the City Coria Thus the Earls afterwards Dukes of Alva got that City which being confirmed to them by Grants of Kings remains in the Family to this day Nothing remarkable hapned between the Master and Knights only they hindred his Forces passing the River Tagus and soon after they were dispersed The Master being thus outed his Estate died some Years after D. John de Zun̄iga Son to the Duke of Arevalo succeeded him and was the last Master of Alcantara he resigning up that Dignity to King Ferdinand D. John Pacheco Master of Santiago lay sick at Ocen̄a being greater in the King's Favour than ever notwithstanding all his Misdemeanours which occasioned the People to say he had bewitched the King and it was given out the Court removed to Madrid only to be near him When he returned to Court after his Sickness the King went out to meet him and gave him the Town of Escalona the Inhabitants whereof refusing to receive him the King went thither in Person to deliver it to him The Earl of Armagnac fled into Spain for fear of being killed because he privately marry'd the Earl of Faux's Daughter without her Father's Consent He was well received by the King and soon after returned into France the Cardinal of Albi in that King's Name assuring him his Life but it proved fatal to him as will appear hereafter The Biscayners who had been long divided into the Factions of On̄es and Gamboas about this time fell into great Confusions Peter Fernandez de Velasco Earl of Haro was sent by the King to appease them which he soon did banishing the two Heads of the Factions called Peter de Avendan̄o and John de Moxica Pope Paul II. granted a Jubilee to all that gave Alms two thirds thereof to be employed in rebuilding the Church of Segovia and the rest for his own Use King Henry went thither from Madrid to gain this Jubilee In Portugal the Duke of Viseo died at Setuva on the 8th of September being 37 Years of Age James his Second Son succeeded him He was buried in the Monastery of S. Francis in that City and thence translated to the Church of the Conception at Beja which with the Monastery of Nuns it belonged to was built by his Wife Beatrix In Valladolid the People mutinied and took up Arms against those that were descended of Jews tho Christians themselves King Ferdinand and his Queen could not quell them The Party oppressed implored the Protection of King Henry by which means that City was reduced to his Obedience The Earl of Benavente was left to Govern there and King Ferdinand with his Wife returned to Duen̄as There that Queen was delivered of a Daughter of her own Name Ambassadors came from France to press the Marriage before Treated of and it was now agreed to All things being concluded the Marquess of Santillana brought the Princess Joanna for which Service and for having kept her the King gave him the Towns of Alcoçer Valdolivas and Salmeron which belonged to the Marquess de Villena in the Right of his Wife the Countess of Santistevan who in lieu of it had the Town of Requena with all the Duties belonging to it which are considerable because that place is near the Frontiers of Valencia A Monastery of Carthusians called Paular between Segovia and Buytrago was the place
away to Burgos and thence to Ordun̄a upon his coming all was presently quiet He made a Truce between the Two Parties till such time as they could be fully Reconciled and set all the Prisoners free After this great Levies were made throughout Castile and the Nobility was summoned to the end to force King Ferdinand and Elizabeth his Queen to depart the Kingdom yet by the Advice of the Master of Santiago this Design was laid aside Toledo and Sevil mutinied at the same time both Cities being divided into Factions Those of Toledo were the Ayalas and Silvas The Earl of Cifuentes was Head of the Silvas and he of Fuensalida of the Ayalas To put an end to these Contentions by the Advice of the Bishop F. Peter de Silva the Earl of Cifuentes Married Ellenor Daughter to him of Fuensalida What was designed to produce a Peace proved the cause of greater Discord not only the Earl of Cifuentes but John de Ribera his Uncle being admitted into the City against the Kings will one of them coming to be Married and the other to honour that Solemnity The Faction of the Silvas having got their Chief among them armed against their Adversaries with such fury that King Henry was forced to come thither in Person and having appeased the Tumult deprived the Earl of Fuensalida of the Government of the City which he had held many years and put Garci Lopez into that Command with the Title of Deputy At Sevil the Marquess of Cadiz was expelled that City by the Duke of Medina Sidonia Hence ensued a formal War which was ended by D. Yn̄igo Lopez de Mendoça Earl of Tendilla sent thither to that purpose he using more Art than Force or Severity Medina Sidonia was restored to its Owner It was a very great loss for Castile that Pope Paul II. died on the 25th of July During his Papacy he did much for the good and advantage of Spain On the 9th of August was chosen in his place the Cardinal Francis de Ruvere of the Order of Friers Minors he took the Name of Sixtus IV. a Man of no less Merit than his Predecessor and as well affected towards Spain At the same time a Body of Moores broke into the inward parts of Andaluzia and made great havock in the Territory of Alcantara The Booty they took was so great they could observe no Order in marching In Revenge for this Affront and to Divert the Enemy by the King's Order the Marquess of Cadiz with his Forces took the Town of Cardella in the Kingdom of Granada by force but he leaving a weak Garison in the place it was soon recovered by the Moores This Year was Fortunate to Portugal King Alonso about the middle of August set sail from Lisbon with a Fleet consisting of 300 Sail between great and small resolving to renew the War in Africk With him went Prince John his Son that he might learn his first Military Rudiments in that Holy War and all the Flower of the Nobility and Souldiery of the Kingdom The Army consisted of about 30000 Men. At his first landing he took from the Moores the Town of Arzila in which above 2000 Infidels were killed and 5000 sold as Slaves which raised a great Sum of Money This Success was not bought without Blood for several Persons of Note among the Portugueses were killed and among them D. Alvaro de Castro Earl of Montesanto and D. John Coutin̄o Earl of Marialva whose dead Body the King having seen turning to his Son he said God grant you prove so great a Souldier The Example of Arzila so terrified the Moores of Tangier that they abandoned it the Command of which Place the King gave to Roderick Merlo Henry de Meneses Earl of Valencia was left Governour of Arzila and Alcaçar Having in so short a time concluded such Noble Exploits the King returned with his Fleet in safety to Portugal D. Alonso Vasconcellos was in this Expedition created Earl of Penella as a Reward of his good Service CHAP. IX Catalonia reduced Charles Duke of Guienne dies Cardinal Borgia the Pope's Legate comes into Spain Interview of the Kings of Castile and Portugal The Master of Santiago strengthens himself against his Enemies Barcelona surrendred to the King of Aragon IN Catalonia the Aragonians were now successful for after the Death of the Duke of Lorrain Girona was surrendred to the King What remained of the Enemy whose Chief Commanders were Reiner Bastard Son to the Duke and James Galeoto were either besieged in a Town called S. Adrian on the Banks of the River Bese or overthrown by the General D. Alonso de Aragon as they marched to relieve that Place The King tho' so old ceased not to press the Enemy in Ampurias As he lay encamped near Torella he is said in a Dream to have seen a notable Soldier that died in that War who advised him not to decamp from thence because it would prove dangerous to him The King took no notice of this Dream but moved thence and having taken Roses and laid Siege to Peralada was in great danger of his Life by a Camisade given at Night by the Earl of Campobaso who commanded the Enemy He was so surprized that he fled half naked to Figueras Nevertheless next day he returned to the Siege and wasted the Country which obliged the Town to surrender All that Country being subdued he marched with his Army and sate down before Barcelona the Siege of which Place lasted long he being resolved to carry that Town by Policy rather than open Force In Old Castile King Ferdinand and Queen Elizabeth laboured to draw the People to their Party some Towns surrendred to him and among them Sepulveda This done they sent for the Archbishop of Toledo resolving to reconcile him at any rate and being come went with him to Tordelaguna a Town of his on purpose to oblige him Charles Duke of Guienne not regarding that he was contracted to the Princess Joanna as doubting whose Daughter she was was now making a Match with the Duke of Burgundy's Daughter As soon as King Henry had notice of it he went from Segovia to Badajoz to meet the King of Portugal at the beginning of the Year 1472. The Earl of Feria in whose Custody that City was in Hatred to the Master of Santiago would not admit the King Between that Place and Elvas the two Kings met and treated about the King of Portugal's marrying the Princess Joanna but nothing was concluded The Portugues placed no great Confidence in the King or the Master of Santiago beside that King Ferdinand and his Queen became daily more acceptable to the People For the present the Insolence of the Earl of Feria was winked at but not long after King Henry went into Andaluzia with a Resolution to punish all the Mutinous Lords He came to Cordova and would not go on to Sevil because the Duke of Medina-Sidonia was possessed of that City and had
the City Toledo and turn out the Mareschal Ferdinand de Ribadeneira who stood firm to King Henry The Citizens repulsed him and the King having notice of that Attempt came himself and quieted the City All things being reduced to good order such as had a hand in that Uproar were pardoned which made those Disaffected Persons the more bold After this D. John Pacheco Master of Santiago withdrew to Pen̄afiel where his Wife was being desirous at last to live at ease and fearing he must be odious to many Men having long continued great at Court which he thought his Absence would remedy In his Place he sent his Son James to whom as has been said he had before resigned the Marquisate of Villena The King received the Marquess with as great Demonstrations of Affection as if his Father had done him some signal Services He had a good Presence was in the Prime of his Youth and his Garb suitable to the Greatness of his Fortune From Toledo the King returned to Segovia where his Affection to him daily encreased to that degree that he went daily to visit the Marquess who was lodged in the Monastery of Friars of S. Hierom called El Parral A Proposal was made of reconciling Andrew de Cabrera and the Family of Pacheco and that he should deliver up to the King the Castle of Segovia and all the Treasures in it In lieu of it they offered him the Town of Moya near the Borders of Valencia and not far from Cuenca where the said Cabrera was born He was willing to harken to these Proposals but the Townsmen understanding it mutinied and brought in an Aragonian Garrison John Fernandez de Heredia brought those Forces from Valencia and took Possession of the Town in the Name of the Princess Elizabeth which much troubled King Henry The Lady Elizabeth went from Tordelaguna in the Kingdom of Toledo to Aranda de Duero being invited thither by the People in Hatred to Queen Joanna whose that Town was her Lewdness being very Offensive to the whole Kingdom and most particularly to the King as who was chiefly concerned But some Men tho' Wickedness displease them have not Resolution enough to punish it and such was this Prince as long as he lived The Queen and her Daughter Joanna were at this time kept in the Castle of Madrid by the Marquess de Villena Agreda followed the Example of Aranda near to which it is seated and submitted to the Princess Elizabeth which was not only grievous to the King but more to the Earl of Medina Celi to whom he had given that Town At this time D. Alonso Carrillo Archbishop of Toledo who accompanied the Princess to Aranda assembled in that Town a Synod of the Bishops of his Province Besides the Bishops many other Ecclesiastical and Secular Persons of Note repaired thither It was given out they were assembled for Reformation of Manners but it is rather to be suspected the Design was to strengthen the Aragonian Faction and gain the Affections of those that came thither On the 5th of December they published Four Decrees and no more which were these That Bishops in Publick always wear a Surplice That every Priest be obliged at least three or four times a Year to say Mass That Church-men shall not take Service or receive Wages from any Man whatsoever except the King That no manner of Benefice be given to any who does not at least well understand Grammar Scarce was the Synod broke up when King Ferdinand came to Almaçan and Berlanga where the Earl of Medina Celi and Peter de Mendoça Lord of Almaçan entertained him splendidly Thence he went on to Aranda to give Life to his Party by his Presence This Year died in Castile D. Frederick the Admiral and D. Gomez de Caçeres y Solis Master of Alcantara to whom succeeded D. John de Zun̄iga as has been said before In France Nicholas Son to John Duke of Lorrain departed this Life His Grandfather Renee was still alive whose Grandson by a Daughter called also Renee inherited the Dukedom of Lorrain This Duke was famous for a Victory he obtained over the Flemmings near to Nanci a City in his Dominions In this Fight Charles the Bold Duke of Burgundy was defeated and slain John Earl of Armagnac after his flight into Spain was never looked upon by his King Being therefore disgusted he made War in Guienne with Forces of the Duke of Burgundy and there took Peter de Bourbon Governor of that Province Prisoner he being betrayed by his own Men. This Presumption much more offended the King especially for that he would not release him till his Town of Lectour which had been taken from him was restored The Cardinal Albigensis with some Forces he gathered took Lectour and destroyed it and put the Earl to Death notwithstanding he surrendred upon Conditions Tho' the Action in it self were not justifiable being a Breach of Faith yet most Men said He had well deserved that Fate for his many horrid Crimes and particularly for Counterfeiting the Pope's Bull to dispense with him to marry his own Sister which he did and lay with her The End of the 23d Book The History of SPAIN BOOK XXIV CHAP. I. The Princess Elizabeth pretends to be Reconciled to her Brother and openly aspires to the Crown upon his Indisposition D. John Pacheco Master of Santiago dies Differences betwixt the French and Aragonians King Ferdinand goes to Barcelona Jews Massacred in Sicily Ferdinand and Elizabeth proclaimed King and Queen of Castile The King of Portugal undertakes the Protection of the Princess Joanna his Niece THere was no end of the Discontents of the Nobility of Castile The Aragonian Faction increased daily in strength The Master of Santiago ceased not to heap up Riches and only dreaded the Aragonians should prevail which would endanger his Estate great part whereof had belonged to the Princes of that House This made him endeavour to obstruct the Mariage of Prince Ferdinand with the Princess Elizabeth and that of D. Henry of Aragon with the Princess Joanna His great Aim was to possess himself of the Castle of Segovia as well as that of Madrid looking upon them as his greatest security Only Andrew de Cabrera who had great Interest with the King and was a Man of much forecast opposed him This caused Animosities betwixt them and each strove to undermine the other The Master was more Powerful but Cabrera more Fortunate and Politick He used all his Endeavours to Reconcile King Henry to his Sister the Princess Elizabeth which the absence of the Master of Santiago much forwarded and finding the King one day alone he pressed him hard upon that Point representing to him the danger of opposing the Inclinations of the People and how much to the King's advantage it was to have them well affected towards him The King being naturally irresolute and inconstant was easily moved At several other times Cabrera urged the same thing to the King till
with a Company of Robbers did great harm thereabouts From Segovia whither he returned he resolved to go Visit his Father who was sick By the way at Alcalà he Visited the Archbishop of Toledo thinking by that Civility to gain him to his Party At Guadalajara he also Visited the Marquess de Santillana and so went on to Barcelona where his Father lay In the Kingdom of Valencia the Towns of Segorve and Exerica Mutinied at the same time and took up Arms. The People of Exerica to free themselves from the Tyranny of Francis Sarsuela who they pretended oppressed them Those of Segorve to follow D. Henry de Aragon contrary to the King's Will and Pleasure These Confusions lasted long but nothing remarkable hapned in them only that at length Segorve was confiscate and Exerica restored to its Owner King Ferdinand was at Barcelona consulting with his Father about the War in Russillon when News was brought him from Castile that that D. John Pacheco Master of Santiago departed this Life on the 4th of October upon whose Death the Nobles were worse divided than before Many aimed at that Mastership The Duke of Medina Sidonia the Marquess of Santillana and the Earls of Albuquerque and Benavente confided in their Riches and hoped that way to carry it D. Alonso de Cardenas chief Commendary of Leon was chosen in that City and D. Roderick Manrique Earl of Paredes at Veles The Marquess de Villena pleaded the Pope during his Father's Life-time had given him that Dignity but because he produced no Bull it was supposed he only did it to delay time till he could make an Interest with his Holiness As he went towards Villarejo de Salvanes to meet the Earl of Ossorno he was apprehended and sent Prisoner to Fuentiduen̄a King Henry Resenting this Affront and believing the Earl of Ossorno would not obey his Orders sate down with some Forces before Fuentiduena tho he was then much indisposed Many Lords as well Spiritual as Temporal repaired thither to serve him Delays were dangerous the King's Sickness increasing and the Weather being bad therefore they resolved to oppose one Fraud against another Lope Vasquez de Acun̄a Brother to the Archbishop of Toledo pretending to Treat with the Earl of Osorno's Wife secured her and a Son of hers and carried them away to Huete This obliged her Husband to release the Marquess Thus the Designs of the Earl of Osorno were disappointed King Ferdinand being informed what had hapned left the Care of the War in Ampurias to his Father and returned to Zaragoça There he thought if the Affairs of Castile would permit to assemble the Cortes of Aragon in order to raise Money whereof he stood in great want The more because the French Forces daily increased and they had besieged Elna with 900 Horse and 10000 Foot That place being reduced to great extremity surrendred on the 5th of December upon Condition the Garrison should march away in safety It was much feared lest Perpignan should be lost the Castle being already in the Hands of the French as were all the Garrisons about it This year was particularly Remarkable for the Havock made among the Jews in all parts of Sicily The Rabble without respect to D. Lope de Urrea their Viceroy who punished some of them killed many of those Wretches and plundered their Houses The Peace with the Moores of Granada was duely observed on both sides In Navarre there were Tumults between the Biamonteses who took part with the Princess Ellenor and the Agramonteses who favoured the King of Aragon CHAP. II. The Death of Henry King of Castile Ferdinand and Elizabeth usurp the Crown of Castile from Joanna the Rightful Heiress and are proclaimed King and Queen The King of Portugal undertakes the Protection of the Rightful Heiress his Neece KIng Henry's Indisposition which had held him long daily encreased and being heightned with Troubles and the Toil of his late Expedition became mortal The Physicians ordered him to be carried to Madrid hoping the Air might contribute to his Recovery but neither that nor any Medicines proved effectual On the 11th of December having prepared himself as became a good Christian he gave up the Ghost at the end of the 45th Year of his Age and having Reigned 20 Years 4 Months and 22 Days His Will was not made in form but written in haste by John de Oviedo his Secretary in whom he reposed great Confidence He appointed the Cardinal of Spain and Marquess de Villena his Executors Being asked by F. Peter de Maçuelos Prior of S. Hierom in Madrid who Confessed him at that time Whom he appointed to Succeed him He said the Princess Joanna whom he recommended to his Two Executors as also to the Duke of Arevalo the Marquiss of Santillana the Earl of Benavente and the Constable in whom he most confided His Body was deposited without much Ceremony in the Monastery of S. Hierom at Madrid and thence as he had ordained translated to the Church of Guadalupe This Prince was for nothing so remarkable as for his loose Life He left no Issue Male and was himself the last of the Male Line of King Henry the Bastard King Henry's death caused a mighty alteration in Castile The greatest number took part with the Princess Elizabeth yet many adhered to the Princess Joanna particularly the Marquess de Villena and the Duke of Arevalo with all their Kindred and Followers supported that Lady They expected she should have the Title of Queen and they all the Power chusing a Husband for her where they thought fit All the Country from Toledo to Murcia sided with these Two Noblemen as did all the Men of Note in Galicia with such Resolution that they took Arms against D. Alonso de Azevedo y Fonseca Archbishop of Santiago because he declared for the other side At Segovia such as were there present publickly took the Oath of Allegiance to Queen Elizabeth upon a Scaffold raised for that purpose Then King Ferdinand and Queen Elizabeth were proclaimed by a Herauld amidst the loud Acclamations of the People All kissed her Hand and conducted her a Horseback to Church Few Lords were then in Segovia and none of them Grandees The first that came to express their Loyalty were the Cardinal of Spain and Earl of Benavente soon after the Archbishop of Toledo the Marquiss de Santillana the Dukes of Alva and Albuquerque the Constable and the Admiral Others did their Homage and took the Oath of Allegiance by Proxy No Oath was taken to King Ferdinand till he came and swore to preserve the Privileges of the Kingdom He was then holding the Cortes of Aragon and Zaragoça and endeavouring to raise Money but as soon as he heard of the death of King Henry he set out for Castile He left his Sister Joanna Contracted to Ferdinand King of Naples then a Widower to preside in the Cortes It was usual with the Nobility of Castile to sell their Loyalty as dear
Ferdinand was won to make this Match by a great Sum of Money offered him whereof he stood in great need The King of Portugal finding all things combined against him resolved to leave Castile but with a design to procure Forces out of France to March into Spain since of himself he was too weak and the Nobles that followed his Party either could not or would not support him Before his departure he proposed a Peace offering to refer himself wholly to the Arbitration of the King of Aragon and Archbishop of Toledo But the War being near ended it was too late to harken to such proposals He left the Earl of Marialva to Command at Toro and returned to Portugal on the 13th of June Some Gentlemen of Castile bore him Company being resolved to stick by him rather because they despaired of Pardon than out of any affection CHAP. V. The Tumults of Navarre The King of Portugal his Voyage into France Toro recovered by the Castilians from the Portugueses Several other Places retaken Charles the Bold Duke of Burgundy and Galeazzo Duke of Milan Murdered IN Russillon and Cerdagne the French notwithstanding the Truce had taken Salsas a strong Castle opposite to Narbonne the Bulwark of Spain and laid Siege to Lebia a strong Town in Ampurias Besides this the Soldiers under Luis Mudarra who had served well at the Siege of Perpignan Mutinied for their Pay They took several Towns and made War as if they had been Enemies and it was feared they would join with the French There was no sufficient Force to suppress them therefore the King's Party in Lerida gave them Security that they should receive their Pay and by that means they were pacified Still they were not strong enough to oppose the French the King of Aragon being then in Navarre where the Factions ran as high as ever The Biamonteses had the better being possessed of Pamplona and having laid Siege to Estela King Ferdinand also favoured them which much offended his Father and it was requisite to provide that the French might not get Footing there Those People were perswaded the King of Aragon and Princess Elenor contrived to deliver up the Kingdom of Navarre to King Ferdinand and exclude Francis Phebus the Son of Gaston Earl of Faux Grandson to the Princess Ellenor King Ferdinand went to Biscay to appease the Tumults and Relieve Fuenterabia For the Relief of that Place he ordered a Fleet to be provided which he gave in charge to D. Ladron de Guevera a Noble Person To settle the Affairs of Navarre he desired his Father to give him a meeting at Vitoria Queen Ellzabeth resided at Tordesillas on the River Duero to Curb the Portugues Garison of Toro D. Alonso de Aragon her Brother in Law was also there with 300 Horse and despairing now of being Restored to the Mastership of Calatrava he Married Ellenor de Soto one of the Queens Lady's the Pope having dispensed with his Vow of Chastity This so incensed his Father the King of Aragon that he took from him the Towns of Ribagorça and Villahermosa and gave them to D. John his Bastard Son D. Jaime de Aragon pretended these Places belonged to him by Inheritance and took up Arms to defend his Right but it cost him his Life The Citizens of Segovia Mutinied and Besieged the Castle where was the Princess Elizabeth and it was given out they had taken it Alonso Maldonado raised this Tumult in hatred to D. Andrew de Cabrera who put him out from being Lieutenant D. John Arias Bishop of the City and Luis de Mesa assisted him Queen Elizabeth repaired thither with Speed and pacified that Insurrection some of the Mutiniers fled others were Executed In August the King of Aragon came to Vitoria being detained till then by a sore Foot There with great Joy to see his Son King of Castile whence he had been himself formerly Expelled he embraced and kissed him He would not suffer him to kiss his Hand but gave him the Right The Princess Ellenor was present at this meeting They consulted about their Affairs and some write that the King of Aragon had resolved to resign up that Crown to his Son but desisted because Castile was not then entirely Reduced and Colora the French Admiral was gone with a Fleet to Portugal to carry that King into France He was then preparing for that Voyage and being in a readiness Sailed first over into Africk to secure his Conquests there With him went the Duke of Bragança the Earl of Pen̄afiel his Favourite the Prior of Ocrato and D. John Pimentel Brother to the Earl of Benavente He carried 250 Men to reinforce the Garrisons of Tangier and and Arzila From Ceuta he set Sail and Landed at Colvire in September whence he went to Perpignan and Narbonne and was received Magnificently His coming revived the War in Russillon The Aragonians took the Town of St. Laurence the French wasted the Territory of Ampurias But the worst was that the Natives were in an Uproar and therefore could not oppose the Enemy At the same time the King of Aragon returned from Vitoria to Tudela being very desirous to put an end to the Troubles of Navarre The Princess Joanna was left to Govern Catalonia during her Fathers absence Knowing her own weakness she endeavoured to come to an Accommodation and Ambassadors were sent on both sides but all they could Conclude was a Prolongation of the Truce The King of Portugal made the best of his way to Tours where the King of France was at that time He was sumptuously Received and Entertained After the Ceremony of the Reception was over he laid his Case before the King of France declaring the justice of his Cause and imploring his Aid That King promised his labour in coming to him should not be lost but his Actions were not answerable to his Words for at Paris whither the King of Portugal followed him he excused himself upon account that the English and Burgundians had again declared War against him Besides he pleaded the King of Portugal's Marriage with the Princess was not Lawful by reason they were too near of Kin. The King of Portugal thus disappointed went to meet the Duke of Burgundy his Kinsman and Ally hoping to be a Mediator betwixt him and France but without any Success The War that broke out in France was advantageous to Castile for the French who Besieged Fuenterabia concluded a Truce with the Biscayners for a short time at first and only by Land but soon after by the Solicitation of the Cardinal of Spain it was prolonged and without that limitation After their parting at Vitoria the two Kings Father and Son met again in October at Tudela to endeavour to quell the Tumults of Navarre The Earl of Lerin and the Constable Peter Peralta who were Heads of the Factions came thither and promised to stand by what the two Kings should determine Both Parties ingaged to stand to Judgment and within 16
them from thence that they levelled it with the ground The Garrisons of both Places according to Articles were conducted to Portugal Mendavia Governor of Castronun̄o received 7000 Florins and deserves great praise for having so long defended that Place against so great a power The Queen was no less intent upon reducing Truxillo the Castle of whice Place was held for the Marquess de Villena Peter de Baeza the Governor being summoned answered at first that he would not surrender unless the Marquisate of Villena were restored to his Lord as had been agreed The Queen offered to put those Towns into the power of a Third Person to be named by the Governor who should deliver them to the Marquess at the end of 6 Months But he fearing some Fraud would not submit at last the Marquess to please the Queen went into the Castle and could hardly perswade him to surrender The Governor was so higly offended that he discharged himself from ever more serving the Marquess who had not Capitulated for him and his Men. King Ferdinand on the one side desired to go to Andaluzia whither the Queen his Wife called him and on the other had a great mind to see his Sister Joanna before she Embarked for Italy Navarre kept him employed and he could not well depart thence That Princess Sailed from Barcelona in August aboard a Fleet brought thither to carry her by D. Alonso her Son in Law D. Peter de Guevara Marquess del Gasto and many other Persons of Quality She touched at Genoa was there Nobly entertained and lastly arrived at Naples There her Marriage was Celebrated with all expressions of Joy imaginable John Lopez de Medina-celi Archdeacon of Almaçan Built a Colledge at Siguença for 13 Collegians and a Monastery of the Order of St. Hierome called St. Anton. There was no end of the Troubles either in Castile or Andaluzia every Nobleman possesed himself of what Towns he could The Duke of Medina Sidonia held Sevil the Marquiss of Cadiz Xerez D. Alonso de Aguilar Cordova Their pretence was to secure themselves against their Enemies especially the Portugueses but the real design to enlarge their Estates Those very Cities were divided into Factions In Sevil some favoured the Duke of Medina Sidonia others the Marquess of Cadiz In Cordova were the factions of Alonso de Aguilar and the Earl of Cabra Queen Elizabeth tho advised to the contrary as having no sufficient Force went first to Sevil. There she possessed her self of the Castle of Triana and the other works belonging to the Duke of Medina Sidonia King Ferdinand leaving Navarre and having in some manner settled Old Castile constituted Peter de Villaldrando Earl of Ribadeo Governor of Galicia and his own Brother D. Alonso de Aragon with the Constable Lieutenants of Castile This done he set out towards Andaluzia by the way visited the Church of Guadalupe and ordered the Duke of Alva and Earl of Benavente to bear him Company being suspicious of them because it was given out they were associating with others of the Nobility On the 3d of September he came to Sevil There he found the Marquess of Cadiz was suspected and it was said of him that he was inclinable to assist the Portugueses and to that purpose kept a Garrison at Alcalà de Guadaira under the King's Nose It was proposed to gain and appease him to this purpose he had a meeting with the King by himself at Night It was moved that he should deliver up the Forts he had taken He answered he could not do it unless the Duke of Medina Sidonia at the same time surrendred the Fortresses of Nebrixa and Utrera and other Castles otherwise it would be only weakening of him to strengthen his Adversary This Demand was thought reasonable and therefore both of them delivered up their Forts to the King The rest of the Lords and Nobles were induced to follow their example especially because at the same time a Truce was concluded by D. James de Cordova Earl of Cordova with the King of Granada in whom they reposed their greatest Confidence The affairs of Navarre were in a worse posture and no hopes of any composition because the old animosities went on The Princess Elenor sought some remedy and put them in mind that the term of 16 Months wherein they had promised to accommodate all affairs was near expiring At the same time she protested that since there was no help in her Father or Brother she would have recourse to some other the blame whereof must lie at their door who were the cause of it for if some care were not taken that Kingdom must inevitably run to ruin Great misfortunes make the afflicted speak boldly Nevertheless all were deaf to these complaints both Kings being far off and they embroil'd with affairs of their own Besides the affairs of Rusillon those of Sicily and Sardinia perplexed the King of Aragon Raimund Floch Earl of Cardona was Viceroy of Sicily He went over to Naples with Queen Joanna and returned thence to his Command at such time as D. John de Cabrera dying young his Earldom of Modica fell to his Sister Anne Many aimed at that Estate some would exclude her others aspir'd to Marry her The King of Aragon because it was convenient to find a Husband to that great Fortune resolv'd to Marry her to D. Alonso de Aragon Bastard Son to his Son King Ferdinand This did not succeed but afterwards Frederick Son and Heir to the Admiral of Castile carried her from all his Rivals and by this means join'd that Earldom to his own Patrimony In Sardinia Leonard de Alagon Marquiss of Oristan mutinied he had never been thoroughly pacified and now complain'd of new wrongs done him by Nicholas Carroz de Arborea Neither Age nor Sickness hindred the King of Aragon from attending publick Affairs The Marquess of Oristan was Impeached and Judgment given against him at Barcelona on the 15th of October by which he was declared to have forfeited his Estate One only Ship was sent with Recruits which being a small succour the War lasted long King Ferdinand after reducing Andaluzia was still in Care about Portugal He rejoiced that tho' the King of Portugal had brought home a dispensation from the Pope to Marry the Princess Joanna yet he had obtained no succours in France On the other side he was concern'd because it was reported the Archbishop of Toledo did Court that King to return to Castile That Prelate being very old and passionate scarce knew what he did and therefore never reflected how weak that King was It is reported that the King of Portugal having lost all hopes of Assistance in despair set out from Paris resolving to go in Pilgrimage to Rome and Hierusalem and then become a Fryar rather out of disgust to the World than affection to that Life He went some days Journey and then sent back one of Three Servants that were with him to open a Scrutore he left
the Portugueses because on the 24th of February they had received a great Overthrow near Albufera two Leagues from Merida by the Forces under the Command of the Master of Santiago The Slaughter was so great that few escaped to Merida which as was said held for the Countess of Medellin In this Battle the Master and other Officers signalized themselves and among them James de Vera who killed the Portugues Standard-bearer and took the Royal Standard As a Reward the Master had the Pension of 3 Millions he was to pay out of the Mastership remitted and other Favours were bestowed upon James de Vera and the rest The Lady Beatrix Dutchess of Viseo Aunt to Queen Elizabeth and Mother-in-Law to John Prince of Portugal took upon her to Compose Differences betwixt Castile and Portugal King Ferdinand was in haste to take possession of his new Kingdom and the more for that the Aragonians to curb the Navarrois who had taken some Strong Holds on their Frontiers had assembled the Cortes without acquainting him which Action was contrary to the known Laws of that Kingdom Therefore the King left Queen Elizabeth to conclude the Peace with her Aunt Alcantara was the place agreed upon betwixt them Two for their Meeting This done the King went to pay his Devotions at Guadalupe and thence by the way of Santollalla Heriza and Calataynd to Aragon He made his Publick Entry into Zaragoça on the 28th of June with great State and the general Applause of the People who went out to meet him Next him went Luis Naya the chief Magistrate of the City The King was richly Cloathed and under a Canopy and the People with loud Acclamations wished him a Long and Happy Reign There he spent some time in hearing the Complaints of all that thought themselves aggrieved Soon after he went to Barcelona where he made Proposals about Recovering Russillon and Cerdagne but it took not effect then Yet Four Judges were appointed to determine all Differences betwixt France and Aragon as had been agreed at Bayonne From Barcelona the King went on to Valencia there he was splendidly received as in other Places and applied himself to pacifie certain Tumults occasioned by D. Ximeno de Urrea Viscount de Viota who had by force of Arms seized D. Jayme de Pallas Viscount Chelva and his Wife on pretence that Chelva and Mançanera possessed by the said D. Jayme belonged to him By the King's Command both Parties laid down their Arms. Afterwards when the Suit had depended three years the Judges offended at the Insolency of D. Ximeno in presuming to use Force gave Sentence against him and adjudged those Towns to his Adversary D. Jayme de Pallas CHAP. IX Peace concluded betwixt Castile and Portugal The Turks get footing in Italy and are again expelled King Alonso of Portugal dies Henry the late King of Castile his Grants vacated by the Cortes Prince John Son to King Ferdinand sworn Heir of Castile QUeen Elizabeth and her Aunt the Dutchess of Viseo met as had been agreed at Alcantara and after some days spent in Debating fixed upon these Articles That the King of Portugal should not Stile himself King of Castile nor give the Arms of that Kingdom and King Ferdinand should do the same in respect to Portugal That Prince John Son to King Ferdinand as soon as he was of Age should Marry the Princess Joanna That in case Prince John when at Age should dislike that Marriage then his Father and Mother should be obliged to pay 100000 Ducats to the Princess Joanna That if she thought the time too long to stay she might have liberty to become a Nun. That the Princess Elizabeth of Castile should be Married to Alonso Grandson to the King of Portugal That the Disaffected Nobles of Castile should not be protected in Portugal That the Conquest and Discoveries on the Coast of Africk and in the Ocean should entirely appertain to Portugal Lastly That for Security of the Performance of these Articles the Princesses Joanna and Elizabeth and Prince Alonso should be delivered as Hostages to the Dutchess of Viseo to be by her kept in the Castle of Mora and the King of Portugal on his part to deliver up to her four other Castles on the borders of the Kingdom This was the end of that tedious and expensive War Great Rejoycing and Thanksgiving was throughout all Spain for the Peace King Ferdinand from Valencia where he received this Joyful News returned to Toledo about the end of the year There Queen Elizabeth his Wife expected him and their Joy was redoubled by the Birth of the Princess Joanna whom Heaven had decreed to inherit the Kingdoms of her Ancestors Soon after the other Princess Joanna Daughter to King Henry perceiving how she was imposed upon became a Nun in the Monastery of S. Clare at Coimbra where she led a Virtuous Life and persevered till her Death Nevertheless the Princess Elizabeth and Prince Alonso were delivered up to the Dutchess of Viseo according to Articles The Countess of Medellin and D. Alonso de Monroy submitted as did other Nobles of Castile who had been the chief support of Portugal The Marquess of Villena his former Articles being somewhat altered was restored to the King and Queen's Favour about the beginning of the year 1480. By this new Contract the Marquess was left possessed of Escalona Belmonte Villena and Almansa the other Towns of his fell to the King Necessity obliged him to submit to these hard Terms In January died Renee Duke of Anjou in France a Prince no less famous for his ill Fortune than long Life Till the last he Stiled himself King of Aragon Sicily and Hierusalem all empty Titles In his Will he appointed his Nephew Charles his Heir To Renee Duke of Lorrain his Grandson by the Mother side he left the Dutchy of Bar which he possessed in France At Toledo the Cortes of Castile were assembled Great numbers of People resorted thither and many Grievances were laid before them The Country complained that the Nobility oppressed the Poor and devoured the Revenues of the Crown which was the cause that heavy Taxes were daily imposed upon the People Commissioners were appointed to inspect into this Affair and they having considered of it declared that all Grants made by King Henry or extorted by force ought to be void Yet all the Power of the Laws and Magistrates was not of force to curb the Insolencies of the Nobility In May all the Three Estates swore Prince John Heir of the Crown after the death of his Parents Now Castile being thus settled the King and Queen went first to Medina del Campo and then to Valladolid where some Noblemen received exemplary Punishment for Crimes committed which terrified others Galicia was not perfectly reduced that being a fierce sort of People The Cities Lugo Orense Mondon̄edo Bivero and Corun̄a would not submit Ferdinand de Acun̄a and a Civilian called Garcia Chinchilla were sent to
pacifie them These Two assembling the People at Santiago and putting to death the Mareschal Peter Pardo and some other Gentlemen brought the Country under subjection King Ferdinand was then gone to Catalonia upon this account Mahomer the Great Turk having in vain besieged Rhodes the space of three Months was forced to quit that Enterprize Part of his Fleet sailed to Vallona in Albania opposite to Apulia a Province of the Kingdom of Naples Thence Achmet Bassa who Commanded passed over into Italy and took the City Otranto on the 13th of August where he made a great Slaughter sparing neither Sex nor Age. From this Place the Turks made Incursions into the Country destroying all they came at to the great Terror of all Italy This moved the Christian Princes to think of joining their Forces to stifle that Flame Particularly King Ferdinand sent Gonzalo Beteta Ambassador to Pope Sixtus who was then much displeased with the King as appeared upon several occasions and now more especially for he constituted the Archbishop of Toledo his Legate in Spain without acquainting the King with his Design The publick Danger made private Animosities be forgot The King also sent D. John Melguerite Bishop of Girona in the Month of February 1481. to make a League with all the Princes of Italy At the same time the King gathered a Fleet of 35 Sail of all sorts at Barcelona The King of Portugal fitted 20 Ships for this purpose but these Succours went on slowly Therefore D. Alonso Duke of Calabria with what Forces he could gather in Italy at last laid Siege to Otranto It fell out happily that Mahomet the Great Turk died at Nicomedia in Bithynia on the 3d of May. News hereof being brought to the Turks in Otranto they surrendered that City the 5th Month after it had been besieged upon condition to depart freely The Duke of Calabria retained in his Service about 1500 Turks designing to make use of them against the Florentines It was the vulgar Opinion they well deserved it because they had called in the Turks yet many believed this was a Policy of the Duke to cast the Scandal of retaining those People upon his Enemy The Succours of Aragon and Portugal were of no use for they arrived in Italy after Otranto was surrendred Besides the distance weighty Affairs kept those Kings employed and diverted them from sending those Succours sooner King Ferdinand held the Cortes of Aragon at Calatayud whither Queen Elizabeth by her Husband's Order brought Prince John D. Alonso Enriquez the Admiral and Peter Fernandez de Velasco the Constable were appointed Commissioners to Govern Castile The King's aim was to have his Son sworn Heir to that Kingdom as had been before done in Castile and was also performed there on the 29th of May. Soon after the same was done at Barcelona for the Principality of Catalonia Besides these Cares another was added from Navarre Peter the Cardinal and James his Brother Unkles to the young King came to Zaragoça There being admitted to Audience in a long Harangue they laid before King Ferdinand the Misfortunes Navarre laboured under the Rebels being possessed of the most considerable Towns and Cities The Biamonteses had Pamplona the others Estela Sanguessa and Olite They represented That their King had nothing left him but the Title That the Earl of Lerin ceased not to commit all manner of Crimes Therefore they begged King Ferdinand to pity that young King and deliver him from the Slavery of his Subjects King Ferdinand having heard the two Brothers promised he would stand by King Francis and to shew his readiness sent certain Persons with the Two Princes who from him should advise the Rebels to submit to their King The Cortes of that Kingdom met at Tafalla there King Ferdinand's Ambassadors gave an account of what they had in Commission The Navarrois answered That if the King had not been received as he ought in the Kingdom it was not the fault of them all but of some few who disturbed the Peace of the Country yet if he would come to them no Town would be wanting in expressing its Loyalty This Answer was satisfactory and therefore it was proposed to King Ferdinand that King Francis should go to Pamplona It was thought sit he should go with a good Guard lest in that time of Confusion any Affront should be offered him At this time the King of Portugal died at Sintra in the very Chamber where he was born and on the 28th of August His Body was carried to Aljubarrota His Son John II. for his high Spirit and great Exploits Sirnamed the Great succeeded him This Prince as well as his Father was always an utter Enemy to Castile The Father carried it more openly but the Son subtilly and underhand and therefore more furiously vented his Passion upon some Noblemen of his Kingdom whom he suspected of favouring Castile as we shall soon see For Piety Goodness Severity towards Crimina Sharpness of Wit and a Tenacious Memory he equalled all the Kings his Contemporaries and excelled many He used to say That a Kingdom either found Princes wise or made them so by their continual conversing with Men of great Parts who constantly are about the Courts of Kings and use all Arts in Speech and Behaviour to obtain their Desires and discover their Ability CHAP. X. Francis King of Navarre comes out of France is Crown'd and soon after Dies A Conspiracy against the King of Portugal discover'd and the Conspirators punish'd Peace betwixt Castile and Portugal Ratified Luis the Eleventh King of France dies THree Princes died successively one year after another About the end of this year departed this Life Charles Duke of Anjou He appointed the King of France his Heir by which means Anjou and Provence were annexed to the Crown of France besides other Pretentions which served only to intail a War upon that Kingdom On the first of July in the following year 1482 died D. Alonso Carillo y Acun̄a Archbishop of Toledo a Man even when of great Age lively and active He retired in his latter days rather through necessity than of his own inclination He was buried in the Monastery of S. Francis built by himself at Alcalà de Henares he also made the Church of S. Stephen till then a Parish Collegiate He was addicted to Chimistry and died Poor yet is said to have left some Money to repair the School at Alcala On the left hand of the Archbishop's Tomb was buried his Son Troylus which the Cardinal D. Francisco Ximenez caused to be removed looking upon it as a Monument of that Prelate's incontinency From this Troylus are descended the Marquesses of Falces in Navarre their Sirname is Peralta The Cardinal of Spain succeeded D. Alonso Carrille in the Archbishoprick of Toledo He was Son to Yn̄igo Lopez de Mendoça Marquess of Santillana and Brother to James Hurtado de Mendoça first Duke del Infantado This Prelate was a Person of
about 4000 Foot were either slain or taken All the Booty was recovered Having received the news of this Victory Queen Elizabeth went away to the Borders of Navarre to hasten the Marriage betwixt her Son and that Queen And King Ferdinand hasted to Andaluzia to prosecute the War Being come to Cordova it was resolved to raise greater Forces because after the taking of Boabdil the Moores were again united under Albohacen and he had recovered Granada notwithstanding many of the Citizens hated him for his Cruelty and Avarice King Ferdinand at the head of 6000 Horse and 40000 Foot destroyed the Suburbs of Yiora and having taken Tajara by Assault utterly destroyed it Thence he Marched and Encamping on the plain of Granada sent out Parties who burnt and destroyed all about them King Albohacen having no confidence in the Citizens durst not venture out of the City and onely some small Parties came out to endeavour to pick up Staglers That King sent to offer the Earl of Cifuentes and Nine more of the principal Prisoners he had taken for his Son Boabdil He also proposed Conditions of Peace but such as were haughty and violent King Ferdinand answered he was not come to receive but to give Laws and would not hear of any Peace till they laid down their Arms. The Marquess of Cadiz and others ceased not to perswade the King to release Boabdil because it was a mean to keep the Enemy divided which would redound to our advantage King Ferdinand having wasted the Country and lest a good Garrison in Albama under the Command of Ynigo Lopez de Mendoca Earl of Tendilla returned to Cordova Thither the Moorish King was brought Prisoner from the Castle of Porcuna Being come before the King he offered to kiss his Hand but King Ferdinand Embraced and Entertained him courteously After some time they concluded a League upon these Conditions That Boabdil should give his Eldest Son and 12 other Sons of the principal Moores as Hostages that he would always continue faithful to King Ferdinand That he should pay the yearly Tribute of 12000 Ducats and come to the Cortes when Summoned That in Five years time he should Release 400 Christian Slaves Upon these terms he was dismissed King Ferdinand having Garrisoned all Towns thereabouts and given the Government of Ezija and general Command of those Frontiers to D. Luis Fernandez Portocarrero set out towards the Queen At the same time 1500 Moorish Horse and 4000 Foot under the Command of Bexir Governor of Malaga broke into the Territory of Utrera but were overthrown by Portocarrero and the Marquess of Cadiz near Guadalete In memory of this good Service it was granted to the Marquesses of Cadiz for ever that they should have the Suit of Cloaths the King of Spain wore upon every Feast of the Nativity of our Blessed Lady which is in September Within the same Month the Marquess recovered Zahara by surprize King Ferdinand and Queen Elizabeth went to Vitoria tho' with small hopes that the Marriage designed would take effect The Lady Magdalen pleaded the Queen her Daughter was Marriageable and the Prince but a Child At Vitoria the Earl of Cabra and James Fernandez de Cordova were received with extraordinary Honour the Cardinal of Toledo with all the Nobility by the King's Order going out of Town to meet them A Pension of 100000 Maravedies was given to the Earl of Cabra for his Life and to his paternal Coat of Arms was added a Kings Head Crowned within an Orle of 7 Colours betokening that number taken from the Enemy in their Retreat from Lucena The Winter Floods carryed away a great part of the Wall of Alhama and the Garrison was for abandoning the Place but the Earl of Tendilla caused a Cloth painted in such manner that the defect could not be perceived to be spread along that part By this project they gained time to repair the Damage before the Enemy understood the Cheat. For want of Money to pay the Garrison he gave them Pastboard Tickets with his name on the one Side and the value they were to go for on the other promising to make them good as soon as the danger was over On the 15th of November the Pope gave a Cardinal's Cap to D. John de Melguerite Bishop of Girona He wrote a brief History of the Kings of Spain called Paralipomena but enjoyed that Dignity only a few Months His Body lies at Rome in the Church of our Lady de Populo The troubles in Navarre did not cease and the old Factions grew strong through the general Contempt of the Government To add to all former Misfortunes a new War broke out John Viscount Narbonne Unckle to Queen Catherine pretended to have Right to that Kingdom before his Nephews and alledged that a Woman could not Inherit the Crown The truth is he had no Right and therefore by force of Arms brought all the Earldom of Faux into Subjection To put an end to these troubles it was thought convenient to hasten the Queen's Marriage The Lady Magdalen her Mother was for Marrying of her in France The People pleaded she ought not to Marry without advice of the Cortes and thereupon the Inhabitants of Tudela protested if she were disposed of otherwise they would deliver up the Town to King Ferdinand He at the beginning of the Year 1484 held the Cortes of Aragon at Taraçona where nothing remarkable was done only at first the Catalonians pleaded they ought not to be summoned out of their own Province yet at last they submitted Mean while Catherine Queen of Navarre was married to John d' Albret Lord of Perigeux Limoges Dreux and many other Places This Match produced new troubles in Navarre King Ferdinand designing to make his advantage of those Confusions stayed there himself and sent his Queen to provide for the War in Andaluzia Alboha●en kept up his Authority and his Son Boahdil had much ado to maintain the Title of King in the City Almeria that People hating him as a Friend to the Christians their Preachers employed by his Father never oeasing to rail at him About 10000 Men from Sevil and Cordova in April wasted all the Lands of Malaga No relief came to the Moores out of Africk either because that People was ingaged in other Wars or because our Fleet Commanding the Sea gave them no opportunity to stir All our Force being on that side the Genoeses under the Command of Jordieto Doria ravaged all the coasts of Catalonia and Valencia A Fleet was therefore rigged upon that Coast to Curb the Insolency of those Pyrates Some troubles in Ecclesiastical Affairs required the presence of King Ferdinand to settle them Luis Despuch Master of Montesa dying the Knights chose D. Philip Boyl in his Place but King Ferdinand pleading that by virtue of a Bull granted him by the Pope no Master of a Military Order could be Elected without his Consent the new Elect was Deposed and Charles late Duke of Viana
Governor having consulted his King who was at Guadix tho' he might have held out much longer surrendred the City when least the Christians expected it On the 4th of December the Capitulation was Signed and the day following the King and Queen entred the City in triumphant manner James de Mendoza Lieutenant of Caçorla and Brother to the Cardinal of Spain was made Governor This struck such a Terror into the Moores that many Towns surrendred gave Hostages and furnished Corn and all other necessaries Among these the chiefest were Taverna and Seron What is more wonderful the Cities Guadix and Almeria either of which might have endured a long Siege submitted of their own accord King Albohardil himself consented to it and came out of Almeria to meet King Ferdinand in the Camp by whom he was splendidly entertained Besides Two strong Castles upon the Sea Coast were taken the one called Almun̄ecar in which the Treasures of the Moorish Kings used to be kept The other was Solobren̄a where the Brothers and Sons of the Kings used to be kept in the nature or Prisoners Francis Ramirez General of the Artillery who had behaved himself bravely upon several occasions was appointed Governor of that Castle After performing such great Actions a Review of the Army was taken on the last day of December preceding the Year 1490 and it appeared by the Muster Rolls 20000 Men were lost 3000 of them killed by the Moores the rest consumed by Sickness Many of the meaner sort were frozen to death King Ferdinand let slip no Opportunity of pulling down the tottering Kingdom of the Moors Gutierre de Cardenas Chief Commendary of Leon who did great Service during this War concluded the Treaty with the unfortunate Moorish King By Virtue of this Capitulation he had the Town of Fandaraa on the Mountains of Granada with all its Dependencies amounting to the Yearly Value of 10000 Ducats allowed him for his Maintenance A small Recompence for a Kingdom but good enough for him who began his Reign with the Murder of his Brother The new conquered Moors were allowed to keep their Lands and Possessions but not to live within Cities lest they should have the Power of Fortifying themselves and Rebelling for which cause they were all disarmed These Conditions were proclaimed at Guadix This done the King and Queen went away to Ecija and thence to Sevil. All Places by the way received them as if they had dropped from Heaven Foreign Princes moved by the Fame of these great Actions sent to Congratulate with them and seek their Friendship The King of Portugal in Prosecution of what had been before Treated desired to Marry his Son Alonso to the Princess Elizabeth as a sure Bond of Friendship between the two Crowns He sent Ambassadors to this purpose and the Match was agreed upon at Sevil on the 18th of April There was great Rejoicing on this account in both Kingdoms but less in Portugal because the following Month the Princess Joanna Sister to that King died at Aveiro unmarried Neither was the Joy of Castile lasting tho' the Princess from Constantina set out for Portugal upon the 11th of November A great number of Nobility bore her Company and she was delivered up on the Banks of the River Caya which runs between Badajoz and Elvas The Chief of the Portugueses that came to receive her was Duke Emanuel who afterwards married that Princess and inherited the Crown The King of Portugal and his Son came to Estremez and the more to honour the Bride seated her between them the King being on the left hand There they were married on the 24th of November by the Archbishop of Braga Primate of all Portugal The Rejoicing continued for half a year at Ebora and Santarem whither the Prince and Princess went All this Joy was turned into Sorrow by an unthought-of Accident The King going out to take the Air on the Banks of the River Tagus Prince Alonso who was with him had a mind to run a Race with John de Meneses In the Course the Horse stumbled and falling so bruised the Prince that he soon died It is needless to represent the greatness of his Parents and Wife's Grief His Body was buried with the usual Pomp among his Ancestors The Princess Elizabeth no sooner a Wife than a Widow returned to Castile in a Mourning Litter Grief cast the King of Portugal into a lingring Disease of which he died 4 years after He founded the Royal Hospital at Lisbon and laid the first Stone of it He left no Issue Male lawfully begotten only D. George whom he had by the Lady Ann de Mendoça and whom tho' but a Child he left Master of Avis and Santiago in Portugal After his Death a new Line of Kings began Emanuel Cousin German to the deceased King and Son to Ferdinand Duke of Viseo inherited the Crown John III. was Son to this King and Prince John his Grandson who dying young inherited not the Crown Therefore King Sebastian Son to the Prince succeeded He being killed by the Moors in Africk left the Kingdom of Portugal first to Cardinal Henry his Great Uncle and after him to Philip II. King of Castile who was also Nephew to the Cardinal and Grandson to King Emanuel by his Mother Elizabeth the Empress Let us leave this and return to the War of Granada King Ferdinand earnestly desired to put an end to the War with the Moors which was so well advanced Besides the Strength of the City Granada and that it was abundantly furnished with all Necessaries another greater Difficulty perplexed the King which was That his Word was engaged to King Boabdil that neither he nor his should be prejudiced by him An Opportunity offered it self of subduing that City without breach of Faith The Citizens without regarding the Danger that threatned them from abroad besieged their King in the Castle of Albaycin and pressed him so hard that scarce any hope was left of saving himself The furious Multitude threatned never to desist till they had his Life It was not reasonable to forsake that unhappy Prince when he begged Relief At the same time the Soldan of Egypt threatned That if King Ferdinand did not give over persecuting the Moors he would put to Death all the Christians in Egypt and Syria F. Anthony Millan Guardian of the Franciscan Convent at Jerusalem sent by the Soldan with this Message by the way visited the King of Naples and coming thence into Spain delivered his Embassy bringing also a Letter from the King of Naples who was supposed to be a greater Friend to the Moors than became a Christian Prince He advised King Ferdinand since the Moors had done him no Wrong not to oppress them only upon account of Religion which might occasion greater Harms King Ferdinand was no way discouraged at the Threats of the Soldan nor approved of the King of Naples his Advice Yet after the War was ended he sent Peter Martyr his
assembled such as he thought fit with whom he expostulated the Madness of the Mutiniers shewing how absolute Necessity and not Affection had obliged him to Capitulate with the Enemy when no other way was left to save the City from perishing by Sword and Famine His Words made them calm and the People were pacified Many times Seditions are as easily suppressed as raised What became of the Moor who caused the Mutiny is not known it may be imagined he fled King Boabdil warned by the Danger past and fearing that before the expiration of the Days agreed upon for delivering up the City new Troubles and Tumults might arise he immediately sent a Letter to King Ferdinand with a Present of two choice Horses a Cymiter and some Furniture He advertised him of what had hapned in the City and how the People had Mutinied therefore inviting him to come and take possession speedily lest Delay might produce some Alteration In short he told him since God had so ordained it he would the next day deliver up the Alhambra and Kingdom to him as Conqueror This Letter was brought to the Camp upon New-Year's Day It is easie to imagin how great Satisfaction it gave to King Ferdinand He ordered all things to be in a readiness the Day following for his Entrance and that Day is still kept a Festival at Granada in Memory of the Taking of that City Having laid aside the Mourning he wore for his Son-in-Law Prince Alonso of Portugal and put on his Royal Robes he set out towards the Castle with his Army in the same Order as if going to engage the Enemy After him followed the Queen and her Children then the Nobility clad in Cloth of Gold and rich Silks When the King came in this pompous manner near to the Alhambra Boabdil the Little King came out to meet him with 50 Horse He offered to alight and kiss the Victor's Hand but King Ferdinand would not permit it Then fixing his Eyes upon the Ground with a sorrowful Countenance he said We are your Slaves Invincible King we deliver up this City and Kingdom to you not doubting you will use us with Clemency and Moderation This done he put into his hands the Keys of the Castle King Ferdinand gave them to the Queen she to the Prince her Son and he to D. In̄igo de Mendoça Earl of Tendilla whom the King appointed Governor of that City and Captain General of that Kingdom D. Peter de Granada was made head Alguazil of the City and D. Alonso his Son Admiral of that Sea The King entred the City with a good Party of Horse A great Number of Noblemen and Prelates followed among them the Chief were the Prelates of Toledo and Sevil the Master of Santiago the Marquess of Cadiz and F. Ferdinand de Talavera who of Bishop of Avila was now Elect Archbishop of Granada He having offered up his Prayers as is usual set up the Banner carried before the Cardinal of Toledo upon the highest Tower and on the sides of it the King 's and the Standard of Santiago This Action was followed by the Acclamations of the whole Army Then the King kneeling returned Thanks to Almighty God for that the Empire of the Infidels was extirpated in Spain and the Holy Banner of the Cross set up in that City where the Mahometan Superstition had so long prevailed and prayed that his Mercies might be continued unto him After the Prayer all the great Men came to congratulate his Success and kneeling kissed his Hand The same they all did to the Queen and Prince This Ceremony being ended they returned in the same Order after Dinner to the Camp To the Little King was given the Valley of Purchena not long before taken from the Moors in the Kingdom of Murcia with a sufficient Revenue but he soon after went over into Africk For they who have once been Kings cannot ever patiently submit to lead a private Life 500 Christian Captives were according as had been capitulated set free without Ransom They the next day after hearing Mass came in Procession to prostrate themselves before the King They thanked the Soldiers by whose means they obtained Liberty and commending their Bravery called them Fathers of their Country Before the King entred the City the Army took possession of the Gates Towers and Castles That done upon the 4th day they entred in the same manner as they had done before All the Army sang Hymns of Praise and Thanksgiving to Almighty God for their great Success King Ferdinand and Queen Elizabeth being richly clothed in the prime of their Age and having conquered that Kingdom seemed to appear more Majestick than before They shined above all others and were equal as to themselves Every one looked upon them as more than Human and sent from Heaven for the Glory of Spain It was they that restored Justice which before them was corrupted enacting excellent Laws for the publick Benefit They settled Religion restored Peace and enlarged their Territories not only in Spain but at the same time in the utmost Bounds of the World What is most to be commended they bestowed Honours and Preferments not according to Birth or for Favour but proportionably to the Merits of every one which stirred up their Subjects to Virtue and Learning Both the King and Queen were of a middle Stature their Limbs well proportioned their Countenances graceful pleasing and yet grave their Mien majestick but their Complexion somewhat swarthy especially the King 's was tanned with being always in the Field his Hair Chesnut-colour and long his Beard trimmed after the manner of that Age his Eye-brows large his Head bald his Mouth small his Lips red his Teeth little and thin his Back broad his Neck streight his Voice sharp quick of Speech of a sharp Wit of a sound Judgment of a courteous Disposition and easie of Access In Martial Affairs he was expert in Matters of Government not to be parallel'd so great a Lover of Business that it seemed to be his Delight and Diversion His Body was not pampered with Pleasures but inured to Labour His Diet was temperate and his Garb modest He was an excellent Horseman When young he was addicted to Cards and Dice grown more stayed his chief Sport was Hawking The Queen had a good Face fair Hair dark Eyes she used no Paints or Washes and had a singular Modesty and Gravity in her Looks She was very Devout and a Lover of Learning bore her Husband Affection but mixed with Jealousie She had some knowledge of the Latin Tongue which her Husband wanted having no Learning given him in his Youth yet he loved to read History and converse with Learned Men. The same Day that King Ferdinand was born as some relate a certain Carmelite Friar of Naples esteemed a Holy Man said to King Alonso Unkle to King Ferdinand This Day in the Kingdom of Aragon is born a Prince of your Family Heaven promises him a large Empire great
to Death Afterwards the Licentiate Peter de Gasca tho a Priest and one of the General Council of the Inquisition put an end to all those Tumults rather by Policy than Force He put to death Gonçalo Pizarro and the other Heads of the Rebellion This done he returned into Spain where he was first Bishop of Palencia then of Siguença till the end of his Life which was very long Ferdinand Pizarro the only Surviver of the Three Brothers was long a Prisoner in Spain for before the Rebellion of his Brother he came to answer for the Murder of Almagro which was the cause of all those Broils Thus God punished the Murder of the Emperor Atabalipa not suffering one of his Enemies to escape scotfree and the ill acquired Riches perished with their Owners The Customs of all these People were strange and all other things extraordinary Their Fish Beasts Trees and Herbs all different from ours They had no use of Letters no Money no Weights nor did they build any Ships only Boats of one Tree hollowed like Trays which they call Canoes For Cloathing they had neither Linnen Woollen nor Silk but only Cotton whereof there is abundance There was no Iron and consequently none of the Weapons and other Necessaries made thereof Corn like ours they have none but a Grain they call Maiz nor Oil nor Wine made of Grapes but they wanted not other Liquors to make them Drunk to which they are much addicted They know not how to make Candles of Wax or Tallow There were no Beasts of Burden nor to Ride nor Carts or Litters Prisoners taken in War and Slaves were sacrificed in such vast numbers that it is held for a certain truth above 20000 perished in this manner every year in only the City Mexico whose Flesh they eat without any loathing It was Customary to have many Wives and Sodomy was permitted so brutish was their Government Their Garb was strange and many went quite naked Afterwards Chile upon the South Sea was discovered where were found Warlike Indians and difficult to be subdued and on our side beyond Brasil and the River de la Plata lies Paraguay and Tucuman extending to the Streights of Magellan The Philippine Islands were found at another time and took their Name from Philip II. King of Spain The Lieutenant Michael Lopez de Legaspi conquered the chief of them called Luzon and its City Manila on the 18th of May 1572. Lastly in the year 1598 a good Body of Men under the Command of D. John de Onate set out from Mexico to the Conquest of New Mexico This Country lies in about 30 deg of N. Lat. The Soil is fruitful the People more polished than the other Indians their Houses 3 or 4 and some 7 Stories high It was known by hearsay ever since the time of Cortes and often attempted to be conquered but never before with such a Power The Success was not answerable to so great Preparations This may suffice as to the West-Indies Charles VIII King of France being inflamed with the desire of conquering the Kingdom of Naples to which he pretended he had a good Title thought it necessary to secure King Ferdinand by entring into a League with him lest he should in his absence invade France the Kingdom of Naples belonging to the House of Aragon To this purpose a Treaty was carried on for restoring Russillon and Cerdaigne King Ferdinand and Queen Elizabeth leaving the Government of their new Kingdom of Granada to the Earl of Tendilla in June set out towards Aragon to be nearer to their Commissioners who managed that Treaty At Zaragoça they settled the Government of that City and went thence to Barcelona in October There as the King came out from giving Audience according to Custom one John Canamares a Catalonian came up with his naked Sword to kill him and gave him a Wound under his Ear. This Fellow being apprehended it appeared he was Mad and had undertaken that Action because he Dreamed that if he killed the King he should succeed him However he was torn with Pinchers and then burnt The League betwixt Spain and France after much altercation was lastly concluded at Narbonne on the 18th of January 1493 all Princes except the Pope being excluded It was agreed that the King of Spain should not Marry his Daughters without the consent of the King of France and that on this account Russillon and Cerdaigne should be restored However some months passed before the execution Next to pacifie Maximilian King of the Romans the King of France restored to him his Daughter and the Earldom of Artois her Dower and gave him Security for the Restitution of the Earldom of Burgundy and the rest of the Dutchy wrongfully detained from him At the same time died the Emperor Frederick and his Son Maximilian succeeded him King Ferdinand continued still in Aragon and Catalonia till such time as according to Contract Russillon and Cerdaigne were delivered to him in September the French Garrison marching out All Historians and especially the French blame that King for parting with those Dominions he had in possession upon an uncertain hope Many lay the blame on the Bishop of Albi who was the French Ambassador at the Treaty and say he was corrupted with Spanish Gold CHAP. III. Palma one of the Canary Islands Conquered The Masterships of the Three Military Orders annexed to the Crown of Castile The Original of the Neopolitan War The death of Ferdinand King of Naples AT the same time that King Ferdinand recovered Russillon he was in the farthest part of Spain restored to the Island of Cadiz and its Port which is one of the most famous in the whole World King Henry the IV. had with his wonted Prodigality given it to D. John Ponce de Leon Earl of Arcos who dying some Months after the taking of Granada that Island was taken from Rodcrick Ponce his Grandson and Heir and restored to the Crown Yet in lieu of it the Town of Casares in Africk was given to Roderick Ponce and his Title of Earl changed into that of Duke of Arcos The Island Palma one of the Canaries was now Conquered by Alonso de Lugo sent by the King and Queen upon that Expedition But the most considerable thing which hapned this Year was that the King possessed himself of the Masterships of the Three Military Orders in Castile The Masters were exempt from the Regal Jurisdiction and were so excessive powerful by reason of their vast Riches and many Dependants that they were grown terrible to the Kings themselves For this reason Pope Innocent the VIII granted the Catholick King Ferdinand should hold those Masterships as Administrator This Bull was obtained about the same time that D. Garcia de Padilla Master of Calatrava departed this Life which was in the Year 1487 and D. Alonso de Cardenas Master of Santiago dying at this time the King took possession of that Mastership The following Year he agreed with
Burgos were sufficient to withstand the Power of the Enemy retired himself to the Castle of Santangelo and sent Word to the Duke to retire lest some misfortune should happen to him In fine the King with his whole Army entred Rome upon the last day of December preceding the Year 1495 all the People and some of the Cardinals making great expressions of Joy He Lodged himself in the Pallace of S. Mark At this time died the Cardinal of Spain at Guadalajara upon the 11th day of January aged 67 Years and 3 Months He was a noble Person excellently qualified and had a great hand in the Government all his Life-time He Founded a College at Valladolid and ordered in his Will an Hospital to be Built at Toledo to which he left all he was Worth The See of Toledo vacant by his death the King would have given to his Son Alonso Archbishop of Zaragoça but the Queen would not consent She offered it to D. Peter de Oropesa one of her Council but he would not accept of it therefore it was given to F. Francis Ximenes de Cisneros a Friar Minor of known Piety and Virtue but of mean extraction When promoted to the Archbishoprick he was the Queen's Confessor some Years after he was made Cardinal At Rome the Pope and King of France agreed that the Cardinal of Valencia should go with the King as Legate that the Great Turk's Brother should be delivered to him and that the Castles of Civita Vecchia Terraçina and Spoleto should be in his Power during the War Hereupon the King obliged himself to cause the City Ostia to be restored to the Pope after the War and to do Homage himself to the Pope as he did a few days after in the Palace of S. Peter This done the King set out from Rome on the 28th of January taking his way towards Naples whence advice was brought that the City Aquila and many other Places had voluntarily submitted to him King Ferdinand of Spain understanding what was done and of the Affront offered to the Pope resolved to declare To this purpose he sent Antony de Fonseca and John d' Albion to require the King of France to forbear making War on the Lands of the Church since he well knew the Pope and all that belonged to him ought to be exempted by the late Treaty At the same time he sent the Earl of Trivento to Command the Fleet that was fitting at Alicant and Gonçalo Fernandez de Cordova with 500 Horse by Land The Ambassadors came to Rome the same Day the King set out from thence and immediately following gave him their Credentials in the Field as he was on Horseback requiring him not to proceed further without making Satisfaction to the Church The King was surprized and said he would answer at Velitre There they delivered their Embassie more at large complaining of the Wrongs and Affronts offered to the Pope and requiring him not to proceed as to the Affair of Naples till the Case were decided in Judgment After much contesting the King said he was come too far to go back and therefore would stand to Judgment when he had conquered the Kingdom Then Antony de Fonseca replied Since your Majesty will have it so and is resolved to be tried by the Sword God the Defence of the Innocent shall be the Judge in this Cause The King my Master has done his Duty and is now left free to employ his Forces as he shall think fit This said in the presence of the King and his Council he tore the Articles of the late Agreement betwixt the Two Kings A bold Action which had almost provoked him to lay hold of him but he returned to Rome This Embassie encouraged the Pope not to stand by the late Capitulation and the next Night the Cardinal of Valencia in a Disguise stole away from Velitre He took not the Road to Rome lest it should be thought he fled by Order of the Pope but went to Spoleto a strong City belonging to the Church Whilst the King of France was yet at Rome Alonso King of Naples who had not yet reigned a whole Year resolved to Abdicate and to that intent assembled all the Nobility and his Council to whom he delivered himself in this manner You are all sensible of the dangerous Posture of our Affairs The Powerful Enemy presses upon us and yet the French do not make more haste to advance than our own People to declare for them Foreign Succours are far off and they who ought to relieve us seem least concerned at our Misfortunes I will complain of no body my Sins are the cause of this sad Disaster and it is fit he who is the occasion of it should suffer My Life is in the hands of God what I have to offer up is the Crown which I take from my own Head as unworthy of it and transfer it to my Son whose Worth you all know It is a good Change since in lieu of a Sickly Man I give you a Young and Valiant King I wish things were in that Condition that I might shew to the World how little I value its Grandeur but it is also Prudence to submit to Necessity In fine I am resolved since I cannot be useful in this time of need to quit my dear Country rather than be a Witness of its Misfortunes Perhaps this voluntary Sacrifice I make of my self may appease God's Wrath and incline the Hearts of Men to defend you It is needless to put you in mind of your Duty to your King nor him of the Care he is to have of his Subjects This Act of Resignation was performed on the 23d of January in the Castle del Ovo Thence he shipped himself with his private Treasure which was great for Sicily resolving to spend the rest of his Life in the Habit of a Priest in the City Mazara He writ to several Princes particularly King Ferdinand giving his Reasons for resigning the Crown but the truth is he did it because he was grown odious to his Subjects He lived not a Year after but spent his time in the Exercise of Virtue His Body is buried in the Cathedral of Meçina As soon as the New King was possessed of the Government he showed himself abroad in the City and to gain the Good-will of the People ordered a great Number of Prisoners to be set at liberty as well of the Nobility as Commons only excepting John Baptista Marçano Son to Marino Marçano Prince of Rosano and Duke of Sessa as also the Earl of Populo who were both in Prison since the time of the Barons Wars and were mortal Enemies to the House of Aragon This done he set out of Naples towards his Army which lay at S. German on the Borders of the Kingdom where it confines on the Lands of the Church He left his Unkle Frederick Prince of Altamura Governour of Naples The King of France coming to S. German the Town surrendered
that vast Ocean to refresh the Seamen with its Fruit Fish and Flesh tho' scarce Inhabited being but Four Leagues in length and so far from any Land Thence by the way of the Islands Terceras the Ships generally return to Lisbon in August or September The End of the 26th BOOK The History of SPAIN BOOK XXVII CHAP. I. The Death of the Prince of Castile Of Charles VIII King of France Matches of Two Daughters of Spain The Prince of Salerno expelled Naples France and Spain agree Hierome Savonarola burnt at Florence THE Affairs of Spain at one and the same time prospered in Italy and within Spain had a mixture of Felicity and Adversity Two Matches for as many of King Ferdinand's Daughters were concluded that is of the Princess Catherine with Arthur Prince of Wales and Heir to Henry VII King of England and of the Princess Elizabeth with Emanuel King of Portugal These Marriages were of great Importance because together with those of the House of Austria they bound such Mighty Princes to the Interest of Spain The Match with England was fully concluded upon the 15 of August 1497. To forward the Marriage with Portugal D. John Manuel that King's Foster-Brother came to Castile It was agreed that King Ferdinand and Queen Elizabeth should carry the Princess their Daughter to the Borders of Portugal where King Emanuel should meet them to consummate the Marriage upon the last Day of September Ceclamin was at first the Place appointed to meet but that Town wanting Conveniencies they spent three Days together at Valencia de Alcantara Their Joy was much abated by the News of the Indisposition of Prince John who died the 13 day after he was taken ill at Salamanca on the 4th of October to the great Loss and Grief of the whole Kingdom He left the Princess with Child but that availed little for in a short time after she miscarried The Prince's Body was carried to Avila to be buried in the famous Dominican Monastery of S. Thomas This dismal News came to Alcantara whilst yet the Rejoycing for the Wedding lasted but after King Ferdinand was gone King Emanuel begged of the Queen his Mother-in-Law not to let the Queen his Wife know any thing of it and so went away with her to Ebora There she was at last acquainted with the Death of the Prince her Brother She resented it as became a loving Sister but his Parents bore their Loss with great Magnanimity The Kingdom of Naples was not yet peaceable because the Prince of Salerno and his Party mistrusting the King fortified their Towns and Castles The first Demonstration that Prince gave of his Ill-will was That tho' he appeared when King Frederick was Proclaimed at Naples yet he would not be present at his Coronation under colour of Poverty However the Prince of Basiniano came to Court the day following to excuse himself and intercede for him of Salerno No means of Peace prevailed and the King was forced to march with his Army and besiege him in his strong Town of Diano Gonçalo Fernandez was now about returning to Spain as reckoning the War of Naples at an end To this purpose he had gone into Calabria thence to Sicily and now came to Naples to take his Leave of the King and Queen They pressed him to aid them in that Siege because the Defendants were numerous and the King's Party favoured them The Great Captain gathered 500 Spaniards and the King furnishing him 500 Germans he so straitned the Besieged tho' with much danger of his Person that the Prince was forced to surrender It was agreed That the Prince with all such as would follow him might safely depart the Kingdom with their Goods That all the Towns and Forts belonging to the Prince should be delivered up to the King he paying for the Cannon and Provisions in them Thus Diano was surrendered upon the 28th of December and the Prince put himself into the hands of the Duke of Melfi to be conducted to Sangalla a City in Marca de Ancona which sided with the King of France The Earls of Conça and Lauria his Confederates bore him Company He of Capacho being very old put himself upon the King's Mercy This same Year in Autumn D. John de Gusman Duke of Medina Sidonia sent a Fleet over to Africk to People Melilla which is opposite to Almeria and had been abandoned by the Moors In recompence for the Charge he had been at that Town was given to the Duke and his Heirs for ever The Xeque or Lord of Gelves who was in Rebellion aginst the King of Tunez his Sovereign to secure himself under the Christian Protection delivered up that Island and Port to the Catholick King and in his Name to John de Lanuça then Viceroy of Sicily Captain Margarit was left with the Spanish Forces to secure that Island A solemn Embassie from France now met the King at Alcala de Henares The Proposals made were That the Two Kings with their joint Forces should invade Italy That as to the Kingdom of Naples the Catholick King should possess Calabria till such time as the French King in exchange should give him the Kingdom of Navarre and 30000 Ducats yearly for what it was worth above that Kingdom That the States of Milan and Genoa should belong to the French and all the rest of Italy be equally divided betwixt them The Catholick King was not averse from the Business of Naples but as for the rest of Italy would not be concerned without advertising the Empire who had so great a Right to it At last it was resolved King Ferdinand should send Ambassadors to France to prosecute this Treaty At this time all the Monasteries of Castile were reduced to the strict Observance of their Orders which the Dominicans Augustins and Carmelites easily condescended to The Franciscans at first made some resistance According to Agreement the King sent Ferdinand Duke of Estrada and Two others his Ambassadors to conclude a Peace with France At the same time it was believed the French King resolved to invade Roussillon but Death prevented his Designs He departed this Life at Amboise on the 17th of April 1498. The Duke of Orleans called Luis XII succeeded him At Blois where the New King was and afterwards at Orleans the Treaty of Peace was carried on that King always giving good Words and fair Promises only to gain time till he was settled in the Kingdom and could be divorced from his present Wife Sister to the late King in order to marry the Dutchess of Britany who since the death of the late King her Husband was for returning into her own Country He at last compassed his ends and had by that Dutchess two Daughters only the Eldest of which was married to Francis the Heir of that Crown Before the death of King Charles it was proposed that Caesar Borgia should resign his Cardinal's Cap to which purpose that King promised him an Estate in
of Milan joined in League with the French King engaging to aid them with 1200 Men at Arms and 6000 Swissers For this Supply the King was to give them Cremona and Guiradada two Towns of Note in that Dukedom The Duke seeing little prospect of Help in the Christians prevailed with the Turks to infest the Venetian Territories which rendred him still more odious At the same time died the Prince of Salerno leaving the Pretensions to that Principality and his Hatred to the House of Aragon to his Son Robert The King of Navarre demanded of King Ferdinand the Restitution of the Towns of Arcos Guardia and S. Vincent which the latter held instead of the City Estela adjudged by the King of France to Henry IV. of Castile when he was Arbitrator betwixt the Crowns of Castile and Navarre This Pretension gave occasion to fear some Breach with France but that King being wholly taken up with his Pretensions in Italy had not leisure to engage in other Men's Quarrels For about the same time time a mighty Army of French passed the Alps and marched to the City Aste which for some Years had belonged to the Dukes of Orleans being given to Charles Duke of Orleans by Philip Duke of Milan for assisting him in his Wars with the Venetians In August 1499. that Army advanced under the Conduct of the Lord of Aubeni and John James Trivulcio They met no Opposition but in few Days made themselves Masters of Alexandria Pavia Plasencia and many other Towns On the other side the Venetians took Cremona Guiaradada Lodi and all that belonged to the Dukedom of Milan on that side This gave the People of Milan occasion to mutiny The Duke fled to the Castle and having sent his Treasure and Family before him to Germany followed soon after himself On the 6th of September Genoa submitted to the French The King of France who till then had stayed at Lions came to reap the Fruit of this Success Duke Valentine came with him whom he had promised to assist with 300 Horse at his own Charge and 4000 Swiss to be payed by the Pope to make War upon Romania He also promised to aid the Florentines to recover Pisa The Conquest of Milan being so easily performed the King of France encouraged by the Pope bent his Thoughts upon Naples but first returned home to recruit his Army The Catholick King laboured to prevent the War in Italy and made advantageous Proposals to the French in behalf of King Frederick Finding nothing would after the Resolution of the King of France he resolved to set on foot again the Treaty of Dividing that Kingdom betwixt that King and himself since King Frederick as descended of a Bastard could have no Right To this effect he sent one of his Domesticks to join with his Ambassador John Gralla then in France It was believed these Proposals would have produced a firm Peace betwixt the Two Kings tho' at the same time King Frederick threatned if the French invaded him he would bring the Turks upon Italy At the same time he made large offers to be reconciled to the Pope which Duke Valentin prevented taking any effect by writing how displeasing those Overtures were at the French Court. At the end of this Year was Born in Flanders the Lady Ellenor eldest Daughter to the Archduke who was first Queen of Portugal and afterwards of France About this time the Archbishop of Toledo began to Found an University at Alcalà after the manner of that at Paris The King was at Granada and thinking the Conversion of the Moors who were very numerous would be the only means to secure that Kingdom gave it in Charge to the Archbishop of that City with whom joined the Archbishop of Toledo They consulted about punishing some who had been Christians and were again become Moors and resolved to Baptize their Children They also treated the Alfaquies with much Courtesie which was the cause that many Infidels were Baptized These things moved the Moors of the quarter of Albaicin to mutiny and fortifie themselves but they were at last suppressed by the Earl of Tendilla the Governor and on the 18th of November 3000 of them were Baptized Many that persisted obstinate were punished and their Mosques were Consecrated into Churches About 50000 of another quarter in Granada followed their Example The Moors living along the Mountains called Alpujarras hearing they were to be Baptized by force rebelled and first those of Huejar who were soon subdued by the Earl of Tendilla and the Great Captain Soon after the Moors in the Mountains were in Rebellion and the Infidels Besieged Marxena but D. Peter Faxardo taking Alhumilla they raised the Siege King Ferdinand hereupon came from Sevil to Granada and gathering a powerful Army Marched himself to Lanjaron on the first of March 1500. That Town was taken by Storm and plundered The Earl of Lerin and other Noblemen took several strong Places whereupon the Rebels submitted and were received to Mercy upon promise they would within 4 days deliver up Castilde Ferro Adra and Ban̄ol as also all Arms offensive and defensive and pay 50000 Ducats This done the King dismissed his Army and returned to Granada to forward the Conversion of the Infidels and soon after those of Alpujarras Almeria Baça Guadix and other Places were Baptized Preachers were sent to all Parts with Guards for security of their Persons This and the report that they should be forced to quit their Sect caused the Moors of Belefique and Nixar which is the most inaccessible part of the Mountains of Alpujarras to Rebel the following Winter The King appointed the Alcaide de los Donzeles to Command against them He having gathered his Forces besieged Belefique which held out some Months but at last for want of Water was surrendred only upon promise of their Lives Those of Nixar terrified by this example submitted upon Condition they might ransom themselves for 25000 Ducats Above 10000 Moors were now Baptized On the other side the Moors of the Mountains of Ronda and Villaluenga revolted The King to suppress them published a Proclamation commanding them all to remove to Castile but underhand permitted all such as were converted to stay and enjoy their Possessions The Earl of Uren̄a D. Alonso de Aguilar and the Earl of Cifuentes were sent to make War upon those People The native Moors had been easily reduced but that some who came from Barbary encouraged them to stand it out However many came from Ronda and were Baptized for fear All the rest retired to Sierra Bermeja which is very difficult of access Our Forces encamped at the Foot of the Mountain the Moors at the same time guarded the passes Some Christians carrying a Standard with them their design being only to plunder passed a Brook and began to ascend the Hill the others fearing some Misfortune might befall them followed after The Moors endeavoured to keep them down still securing every advantageous Post but were
and believed the Country would not be satisfied to have Force used against its rightful Sovereigns When things were in this posture tending to a Breach King Philip sent ample Commission to his Ambassadors to promote an Accommodation In pursuance hereof the Two Kings came to an Agreement at Salamanca on the 24th of November upon the following Conditions That both Kings and the Queen should Govern jointly and all their Names should be inserted in all Orders Patents or other publick Wrings and the Secretaries should subscribe by Order of their Highnesses That as soon as King Philip and Queen Joanna came into the Kingdom they should be Sworn King and Queen King Ferdinand Governor and Prince Charles Heir apparent of the Kingdoms of Castile Leon and Granada That the Revenue of the said Kingdoms should be divided into Two equal Parts after all charges deducted one Part for King Ferdinand the other for King Philip and his Queen That all Employments should be given in like manner even the Commendaries of the Military Orders tho' the Administration of them appertained beyond all dispute to the Catholick King The Pope the Emperor and Kings of England and Portugal were chosen Guarrantees for the performance hereof It was also decreed that in case the Queen would not be concerned in the Government still all Three Names should be used but only the Two Kings Subscribe and if either of the Two was absent then all business should be done by the other A Copy of these Articles was sent to Flanders which displeased King Philip and his howsoever they were accepted of and Sworn to for the King of France had great power in Flanders and besides they hoped when they came into Spain all things would become more easie Now the Secretary Lope de Conchillos was enlarged having been all this while close Prisoner This Agreement was Proclaimed at Salamanca on the 6th of January 1506 and Two days after the King and Queen set Sail from Zealand Such a violent Storm arose that some Ships were lost and the rest forced to put into Weymouth in England Thence King Philip went to Windsor to meet the King of England where they concluded a League and agreed that the King of England should Marry Margaret of Austria Widow of the late Duke of Savoy and Prince Charles of Austria Marry that Kings Daughter which Matches took no effect King Philip delivered up the Duke of Suffolk who had put himself into his Protection to the King of England In this and in Feasting was spent all the next Month after which King Philip returned to Plymouth to take Ship The Catholick King hearing of the Storm his Son-in-Law had been in gathered all the best Ships along the Coast of Spain and sent them to him under the Command of D. Charles Enriquez de Cisneros who about this time raised the Estate which his Family still possesses at Portugalete At such time as the Treaty was at Salamanca the Catholick King writ a Letter to D. John Manuel requiring him to advise King Philip to wave all past discontents and be entirely reconciled It will not be amiss to insert his answer to shew the Wit and boldness of that Gentleman it is thus I received your Highness's Letter and shall perform what is your Order which is to use all my endeavours that past Discontents may be laid aside and Friendship established for it is not to be doubted that so good a Master as your Highness and such good Schollars as the King and Queen will contribute much to the Happiness of those Kingdoms God and my Conscience can bear Witness that has been always my Study tho' some and perhaps your Highness may have judged otherwise by the ill Usage I have received But Mens Tongues and Thoughts are not to be Confined nor do I seek any Reward for what I have done It would suffice that my past Services and Fatigues were not forgotten as they are I judge by my Age and the small regard had of me that your Highness designs me no other recompence in this World but in Prayers against I go into the next Which reward I do not aspire to for I have often heard it said that a Prince can carry his Ministers to Hell but never that any King tho' the most Christian as is he of France fetched any of his Favourites out of Purgatory However I will not fail of doing my Duty nor forbear begging your Highness to use your ordinary Goodness and Prudence towards advancing this Agreement CHAP. VIII The Affairs of Portugal A bloody Mutiny at Lisbon King Ferdinand Marries Queen Germana King Philip comes into Spain and declares against the Treaty with King Ferdinand Death of Christopher Columbus THE Catholick King sent Ambassadors to the Princes appointed Guarranties betwixt himself and his Son-in-Law In particular he applied himself to King Emanuel of Portugal to understand how he would stand affected in case the Agreement were broken He answered in general Terms being in strict League with King Philip. In order to entertain whom he made great Preparations and caused much Plate to be provided either to Treat or present him for it was believed he would Land in Andaluzia and therefore might touch in some part of Portugal But the Plague spread there and was come to Santarem which made the King remove from Almeirin to Abrantes a Town seated on a rising Ground and healthy There on the 3d of March the Queen was delivered of Prince Luis who proved a Person of singular Worth Piety and Virtue especially towards the end of his life which was short Yet in his youth he had by a mean Woman a Bastard Son called Antony who was Prior of Ocrato and famous for that upon the death of his Unkle Henry the King and Cardinal he took upon him the Title of King and brought great mischief upon his Country The joy for the Birth of the Prince was allaied by a mutiny raised in Lisbon upon a light occasion In the Church of S. Dominick was a Crucifix which over the wound of the Breast had a Glass Some People hearing Mass there thought the light that came from that Glass had been miraculous which one there present being a Jew newly converted freely contradicted The People in a rage laying hold of him dragged him out of the Church made a Fire then killed and burnt him A Friar of that Convent coming out made an Harangue to the rabble exhorting them to revenge the injuries done to our Saviour by the Jews which was pouring Oyl upon the Fire for immediately the multitude ran to the Houses of the new Converts Two of the Friars going before them with a Cross Such was their fury and madness that in Three days this mutiny lasted they murdered above 2000 of those People and among them either through mistake or for private grudges several of the ancient Christians The Flemmings and Germans that were aboard their Ships in the Harbour came
that King and Queen for Castile and Leon without mentioning his Father in Law or the Kingdom of Aragon which was contrary to the Agreement made with King Ferdinand at Villafasila and misbecoming the Duty of a Son to a Father The Catholick King by the way of Montagudo and Hariza went to Zaragoça where the Queen first and then he were received with great Joy the People having conceived hopes that the King's Marriage would produce a King of their own By the way before King Ferdinand left Castile he at several times pressed King Philip to deliver up to him Duke Valentin as his Prisoner that he might keep him in some secure place in Aragon or carry him over to Naples whither he designed soon to go and to that effect was sitting out a Fleet at Barcelona King Philip was willing to deliver him but his Council advised it was fit first to decide whose Prisoner he was being taken and sent into Spain by the Great Captain whilst Queen Elizabeth was yet living This Councel was followed which was a new Subject of Distast The Jealousie of the Great Captain still increased His long Delays gave Malicious Men occasion to Descant upon him Some said he expected the coming of the Emperor who designed to Embark in the Gulph of Venice with 8000 Germans to possess himself of that Kingdom Some said he held Intelligence with France by means of the Cardinal d' Amboise Others that he Corresponded with the Pope and designed to accept of the Command of General of the Church differed him to expel John Bentivolla out of Bolognia which City he had made himself Master of Others said he designed to Marry his Daughter to the Son of Prosper Colona that he might support himself with the Interest of the Coloneses Every Man affirmed as much of him as he imagined or believed was in his Power to do The Great Captain sent Nan̄o de Ocampo by the Post to Spain to clear him and to assure the King of his coming But there being so many various Reports this was looked upon as no sufficient Security and the King resolved to go away as soon as possible He constituted the Archbishop of Zaragaça Viceroy of Naples and the Duke of Calabria of Catalonia but took from him his Italian Servants and ordered some of them to go with him to Naples He also sollicited to have the King of France send him the Duke's Mother and her other Children but she could not be perswaded to go and therefore went away to the Marquisate of Mantua with Luis de Gonzaga her Nephew the King of France promising to allow her 10000 Duccats a year The Catholick King sent Charles de Alagon to Naples to give Advice of his coming and Assure the Colloneses that regard should be had to their Services On the 4th of September he set sail from Barcelona and with him Queen Germana the Two Queens of Naples Mother and Daughter and a great number of Castilian and Catalonian Noblemen that attended upon him The Fleet was very great for in it were the Galleys of Sicily commanded by Tristan Dolz and those of Catalonia by D. Raymund de Cardona besides many Ships The Galleys of Naples were left there for the Great Captain to come out and meet the King which he did accordingly On the 7th of September he set out from Naples by Land the Weather being unfit for the Galleys He stayed at Gaeta till the 20th of the month With him was the Duke of Termens and many Spanish and Italian Gentlemen Prisoners he carried the Prince of Rosano the Marquess of Bitonto Alonso de Sanseverino and Fabricius de Gesualdo others he left sick at Naples At the same time King Philip being come to Burgos and lodged in the Constables House immediately ordered the Lady Joanna de Aragon the Constables Wife to depart the Court that the Queen might have no body to make her Complaints to An Impeachment began to be drawn up against the Duke of Alva and the Admiral was ordered to deliver up one of his Castles he being grown into suspicion He having consulted with the Marquess of Villena the Duke of Najara and Earl of Benavente excused himself This Posture of Affairs seemed to threaten some great Revolution when King Philip was seized by a Pestilential Fever which brought him to his end in few days Some suspected he was Poisoned but his Doctors declared his Disease proceeded from too much Exercise The Queen stayed by him during the whole time of his Sickness and even after his Death could not be drawn from his Body notwithstanding that besides her ordinary Indisposition she was with Child He died on the 25th of September being 28 years of Age. He ordered his Body to be buried at Granada and it was deposited at Miraflores a Monastery of Carthusians near Burgos Such was the end of that Prince in the very beginning of his Reign being snatched away before he could enjoy the glory he might reasonably expect How many ill grounded Hopes fell to the Ground upon his Death And how many new Projects were started He was of an indifferent Stature of a fair Complexion had a thin Beard midling Eyes long Hair and all the Frame of his Body was comely and agreeable His Spirit was generous his Nature easie a Noble Fault of which his Favourites made ill use an Enemy to Business addicted to Pleasure and very apt to be led away by his Followers In August was seen a Blazing Star for the space of 8 days between the West and South After his Death it was supposed to portend the End of this Prince and that some notable Change or Revolution would ensue in his Kingdoms The End of the 28th BOOK The History of SPAIN BOOK XXIX CHAP. I. The Settlement made by the Nobility of Castile after the death of King Philip The Catholick King goes over to Naples his Reception in that City No Settlement in the Government of Castile Amidst their Confusions Duke Valentine makes his Escape NO sooner was King Philip dead but several Malignant Humours began to appear there being no Body left to put a stop to Evils that Threatned the Commonwealth The Queen to whom this principally appertained was Incapacitated by reason of her Indisposition Her Son Prince Charles was a Child and Bred abroad and if he Succeeded in the Place of his Mother he must be governed by Strangers Of his Two Grandfathers the Emperor was far off and unacquainted with the Affairs of Spain Only King Ferdinand remained on whose Prudence they might Rely but he was then absent disgusted and some feared he would if he were in Power Revenge the Affronts offered him For this Reason many projected strange Methods of Government and the day before King Philip died there being no hopes of Life there was such Contention among the Nobility as threatned a War To prevent all Disasters the Constable the Admiral and Duke del Infantado Met and Declared for his Catholick
ordered them to obey the Legate and Viceroy to whom he sent a Sword and Cap as also the Standards he blessed on Christmas Day The Venetians neither sent the Supplies of Mony they had promised nor of Men but under the shelter of the League endeavoured to recover what the Emperor and King of France had taken from them The Viceroy encamped four miles from Bologna and the next day being the 16th of January within Cannon shot of the Town at Belpogio a Country House of the Bentivoglios Within the City were 500 Horse and 2000 Foot under the Command of Monsieur de Alegre The same Day the Viceroy marched towards Bologna the Duke of Ferrara took Bastida and rased it to the Ground The Viceroy took up his Quarters at Belpoggio the Marquess of Padula and Count de Populo advanced with the Foot and possessed themselves of a Monastery called S. Michael de Rosque quenching the Fire set to it by those within There they planted some Pieces of Cannon and the rest on a Hill hard by Before this Advice was brought that Gaston de Foix Duke of Nemours was at Parma gathering his Forces which were 800 Lances 1000 light Horse and 3000 Foot and was to joyn at Final 20 miles from Bologna the Troops of the Duke of Ferrara being 2000 Gascons and some Horse all this in Order to raise the Siege Fabricius Colona lay about Cento and Pieve with part of the Army to observe the passage of the French the Viceroy ordered him to come to the other side of the City towards the Mountain It was resolved to move the Batteries to that side the Wall being there weakest but soon after it was agreed the Army should lie all together to secure the Cannon and repulse the Relief The Artillery was planted betwixt S. Michael and the Florence Gate On the 28th of January they began to play Part of the Wall was beaten down and some Soldiers got into a Tower where they displayed the Colours but were soon drove out by the besieged Count Peter Navarro finished a Mine and having set Fire to it the Wall was lifted up so that they without saw those in the Town and the Townsmen those in the Field under the Wall yet it sell again in the same place and setled as fast as at first This was looked upon as a Miracle because within adjoyning to the Wall was a Chappel held in great veneration called of Baracan which like the rest was blown up and settled again Nevertheless the City was in great danger when there fell a Snow for 3 Days together This gave the French General an opportunity of throwing himself into the City with a good Body of Men without being discovered by the Centinels For this reason and because the Weather continued very severe the Army of the Consederates raised the Siege and drew back to S. Lazaro 2 miles from Bologna The Forces of the Pope retired as far as Imola the Viceroy to the Castle of S. Peter and the Forces were dispersed in the neighbouring places This was the event ofthat so much talked of Siege Many as is usual in the like Cases blamed the General for that as they said without regarding the unseasonableness of the weather he had let slip 8 Days in which he might have made a considerable Advance That the Army encamped far from the place where it ought to have been That the Trenches were not well carried on nor the Mines rightly placed In fine that the Guards were so ill kept they gave the Enemy an Opportunity of getting into the Town without being discovered The truth is the Weather was unseasonable and neither the Swiss came as was expected nor did the Venetians send any Supplies of Men. There were at this Siege among the rest Antony de Leyva Captain Alvarado and the Marquess of Pescara D. Ferdinand de Avalos who was afterwards a most renowned General The King of England prepared to be in a readiness as soon as the Season would permit to invade the Province of Guienne in France those Kings of old pretending a Title to that Country and Luiz Carroz the Ambassador pressing him to undertake that Expedition in the Name of the Catholick King Thomas Gray Marquess of Dorset the King's Cousin-german was appointed General of the English Army The Catholick King thought it convenient for that time to give over the Conquest of Africk and to draw out the Forces that were at Oran leaving only as many as was requisite for the Defence of the Place He ordered the Town should be divided 600 Houses were appointed 200 for Horse and the rest for Foot The Houses Orchards and Lands belonging to the City were distributed among the Inhabitants that the Place might be more easily maintained For the greater encouragement of People to come and inhabit there it was granted they should be free from all manner of Taxes and Impositions besides that they were to receive Pay On the last of Janaary Queen Mary of Portugal was delivered at Lisbon of a Son called Prince Henry who was afterwards a Cardinal and lastly upon the Death of his Nephew King Sebastian came to be King of Portugal The same Day this Prince was born it snowed very much at Lisbon a thing extraordinary in that City Curious Persons said that Snow denoted the Innocence of his Life which was very holy and the pureness of his Chastity which he preserved as long as he lived He was in his Countenance the likest to his Father of all the Brothers King Ferdinand was now at Burgos there on the 16th of February upon the Death of the Constable D. Bernardin de Velasco he contracted the Earl's Daughter Juliana Grandchild to the King himself being born of the Lady Joanna of Aragon to Ferdinand de Velasco eldest Son to D. Inigo who succeeded his Brother Bernardin in the Lordship of Haro and the Dignity of Constable The Absence of the Duke of Nemours gave an Opportunity and Courage to the People of Bressa and Bergamo to revolt from the French and submit themselves again to the Venetians excepting the Castles which the French still kept This was a Thing of dangerous Consequence being a Precedent for all the other Cities which had been newly conquer'd to do the like As soon as the Duke had relieved Bolonia he resolved to repair thither and carried along with him Monsieur d' Alegre A French Commander called Foullette was left at Bolonia with 300 Men at Arms and 3000 Foot to secure that City Andrew Gritti with the Army of the Republick and the Inhabitants of Bressa marched forward to oppose the Duke He retired to the Mountain and after Midnight entred the City by the way of the Castle Thence he marched out to fight the Venetians A bloody and obstinate Battel was fought and many killed on both sides but the French obtained the Victory Andrew Gritti Antony Justiniano Governour of the City and Paul Manfron were made Prisoners Count Luis Bogara
Michael de Gurrea Viceroy of Majorca came to his Relief but could not raise the Siege The Besieged suffered great want of Provisions At such time as they were upon surrendring there came to them a Ship laden with all sorts of Victuals sent by the Viceroy of Sardinia This Supply lasted them till the Turk despairing of carrying the Place raised the Siege about the end of the Year The Catholick King 's Dropsie and the Great Captains Ague increased both of them being mortal Diseases The Great Captain set out of Loxa upon the point of death was carried on Mens Shoulders to Granada and there gave up the Ghost on the 2d of December Garibay says on the 10th He was a Man not to be matched being the Bravest and most Fortunate Commander that Spain had for many Years The Severity of his Usage increased his Glory it being very rare to Sail long in the Seas of Prosperity without some Storm Many great Men in process of time had the Brightness of their Honour sullied Time cut the Thread of his Life but his Renown will endure as long as the World Upon his death the Office of Constable of Naples was Vacant which was given to Fabricius Colona and continues in his Family to this day His Estate fell to the Lady Elvira Eldest Daughter and Heiress to her Father The Catholick King was gone from Madrid to Plasentia in order to continue his Journey to Sevil because the Air of that Place is very Wholesome There tho' very siick he was nobly Entertained and staid some days He sent Prince Ferdinand to Guadalupe thinking to Return thither and so went on to Serena to divert himself with Hawking that being a good Country for it and he delighting in that and the like Sports With him went the Admiral the Duke of Alva the Bishop of Burgos and 3 of his Council which were Dr. Laurence Galindez de Carvajal and the Lieutenants Zapata and Francis de Vargas To this Place about Christmas came Adrian Dean of Louvain Prince Charles his Preceptor sent from Flanders It was agreed at his coming that the Prince should be supplied with 50000 Ducats a Year and King Ferdinand altho' Q. Joanna died should during his Life continue in the Government of Castile They showed themselves liberal to him who according to appearance must soon resign up all to them The King returned to Madrigalejo in the Territory of Truxillo his Disease encreased so that it was plain he had but few days to live The Dean of Louvain repaired thither at which the King was offended and ordered him back to Guadalupe whither he went to see Prince Ferdinand He made his Will and Confessed to F. Thomas de Matienço of the Order of S. Dominick his Confessor The Queen having notice of the Danger he was in set out from Lerida and came to him the day before he Signed his Will Next day being Wednesday the 23d of January 1516. between One and Two in the Morning he gave up the Ghost He was one of the most remarkable Princes that ever Spain had yet it could not be expected he should be without Blemish but may serve for an Example to all future Kings of Spain He made Three Wills one at Burgos 3 years before his Death the second at Aranda de Duero 2 years later and the last when he died In all of them he names Queen Joanna his Heiress and Prince Charles her Son Governour In case the Prince was not in Spain by his first Will he ordained Prince Ferdinand should Govern in his stead but in the other two he changed that Article and ordered that during the Prince's absence the Archhishop of Zaragoça should Govern Aragon and the Cardinal of Spain Castile This was punctually observed as he had commanded True it is the Dean of Louvain producing the Prince's Commission was admitted to the Government together with the Cardinal To Prince Ferdinand the King his Grandfather left in the Kingdom of Naples the Principality of Taranto and Cities of Cotron Tropea Amantia and Galipoli besides a Pension of 50000 Ducats out of the Revenue of that Kingdom to be paid him till such time as his Brother settled an equivalent Estate upon him He also ordered that the Duke of Calabria tho' his Offence was great should be set at liberty and charged the Prince to give him an Estate to live upon But this Clause was never fully performed till the Year 1533. for several Reasons which are never wanting against unfortunate Men. He made no mention of the Vicechancellor Antony Augustin whether it was that he forgot his Crime or that he left it to another to punish could never be known Soon after the Cardinal of Spain sent him to Flanders where he was discharged on the 23d of September this same Year For his Executors the King appointed the Queen his Wife the Prince the Archbishop of Zaragoça the Dutchess of Cardona the Duke of Alva the Viceroy of Naples and F. Thomas de Matienço his Confessor and his Protonotary Michael Velasquez Clemente His Body was carried to his own Royal Chapel at Granada and laid near to that of Queen Elizabeth which was deposited in the Alhambra Of those that were present at his Death only D. Ferdinand de Aragon and D. Bernard de Sandoval y Rojas with some of his menial Servants attended the Body By the way whole Towns came out to meet it with Crosses and in Mourning partiticularly at Cordova when the Body passed through that City the Marquess of Priego and Earl of Cabra and other Gentlemen of that Place distinguished themselves All past Offences and the Severity he used towards them whilst living served only to stir up their generous Souls the more to signalize their Respect and Reverence to him dead and to his Memory At Granada the Clergy Citizens and Courts strove to outdo one another in the manner of the Reception and Funeral Rites which were performed with all Grandeur and Magnificence as was due to the Conquerour and Founder of the Happiness Peace and Prosperity of that City and whole Kingdom of Granada The End of the 30th BOOK LAUS DEO FINIS A Compendious SUPPLEMENT TO THE History of SPAIN From the Year 1615 till 1521. Written by F. John de Mariana Anno 1515. FRANCIS the new King of France having settled the Affairs of his Kingdom at home and being a hot and fiery Youth resolved to carry the War into Italy He passed the Alps with all his Forces and at his first Entrance overthrew and took Prisoner Prosper Colonna who with the Horse thought to have stopp'd his Passage Next he took Novara and the Castle wherein he was much assisted by the Industry of Count Peter Navarro who weary of his long Imprisonment and offended that he was not Ransom'd had taken Service with the French Thence the French King March'd towards Milan With Duke Maximilian were the Swiss Raymund de Cardona was at Verona and Lawrence de Medicis
Contrivance of Laurence de Medicis his Kinsman Upon his Death the Citizens chose for their Duke Cosmo de Medicis Kinsman to the late Duke but at a great distance The Emperor held the Diet of the Empire at Worms where an Edict was published against the Lutherans but it was of no force those People being then in Arms. All Men wished for a General Council but there were great Difficulties that obstructed it However the Pope Summon'd the Council and appointed the Cities of Mantua first and then that of Vincenza for it to be held in both those Places being in Italy and not far from Germany The Hereticks pretended that the Pope as a Guilty Person could not be a Judge nor the Bishops as being obliged to him by Oath They required the Council should be free and held in Germany What they aimed at could not be any way allowed for how could they either as Persons accused or accusers set up for Judges To exclude the Bishops was never practiced and even the secular Princes themselves refused to determine Matters of Faith Their design was only to baffle and delay time Solyman the Eunuch Bassa govern'd Egypt for the Great Turk By his Order he fitted out a Fleet of 80 Sail in the Red Sea and sailing into the Ocean laid Siege to the most important Fortress of Diu in the Kingdom of Cambaya intending to drive the Portugueses out of India and wholly exclude them their Trade in those Parts The Siege was carried furiously and with obstinacy but the Portugueses behaved themselves with such Bravery that the Turks were forced to desist and return home with great loss About the same time the Pope appointed nine Cardinals to consider of all things that ought to be reformed They composed a Book containing the Heads of many things to this purpose A League against the Turks was also proposed It was agreed that the Pope Emperor and Venetians should join their Fleets to this intent and that the French King might not be any hindrance to them they resolved to have a Conference with him at Nice in Provence Anno 1538. This being determined the Pope tho then very old made hast thither the Emperor came from Spain by Sea and the King of France by Land The Meeting was in May. After a long Debate no Peace could be concluded but a Truce was agreed on for Ten Years Neither could it be brought about that the Emperor and French King should come together The Emperor promised to Marry his Bastard Daugter Margaret then Widow of Duke Alexander de Medicis to Octavius Farnesius the Pope's Grandson However the Emperor in his Return to Spain saw the French King at Aiques Mortes They were together two days and conferred in private for several times The chief thing concluded upon was That the King of France should Pardon Andrew Doria and receive him again into Favour He with the Emperor's Pope's and the Venetian Galleys in the Golph of Larta in Albania near the Morea took Castelnovo from the Turks but Barbarussa coming up with the Turkish Fleet near Prevesa put him to flight without any considerable Resistance Thus all those Preparations proved fruitless and the next Year Castelnovo was retaken by the Turks with great slaughter of the Spanish Garison left there The Venetians concluded a Truce with the Turk which produced a lasting Peace In England the Bones of S. Thomas of Canterbury were burnt Monasteries subverted and Monks and Friars forced to change their Habit and go like Laymen or secular Priests Anno 1539. At Toledo in the House of the Earls of Fuensalida on the 1 st of May died Elizabeth the Empress Her Body was carried to Granada The Emperor retired for some Days to the Monastery of Sisla of the Order of S. Hierome This Lady left three Children Prince Philip the Princess Mary afterwards Married to the Emperor Maximilian the Second and the Lady Joanna Wife to Prince John of Portugal Illegitimate Issue the Emperor had D. John of Austria got after he was a Widower and the Lady Margaret of Austria got before he Married George Duke of Saxony a great Enemy to Luther departed this Life his Brother Henry already a Luther an succeeded him Maurice of whom we shall speak hereafter was Son to this Henry Anno 1540. The City Ghent in Flanders was in Rebellion on account of a new Tax laid towards defraying the Charge of the War The Emperor resolving to repair thither in Person to gain time took his way through France Henry and Charles that Kings two Sons came to meet him on the Borders of the Kingdom and the King himself accompanied him from Orleans to Paris It was a desperate Action of the Emperor to put himself into his Enemies Power It is reported there was a design to stop him but God delivered him from so great a Danger Being come to Ghent he punished such as were most faulty and raised a Cittadel to curb that People About the same time died John the Vayvod who called himself King of Hungary He left a new-born Son called Stephen in Defence of whom the Turks made great Havock in that Kingdom Ebora a City in Portugal was at the Suit of that King made an Archiepiscopal See The Bishoprick of Silves was made Subject to it That Dignity was conferred upon Cardinal Henry the King's Brother who after the Death of King Sebastian his Nephew came to be King Pope Paul the first time confirmed and approved of the Order of the Jesuits His Bull was passed at Rome on the 27th of September This Order was Instituted by the Holy Father Ignacius de Loyola a Native of the Province of Guipuzcoa and of singular Sanctity of Life This Year on the 12th of September happened the memorable Battel wherein D. Bernar din de Mendoça General of the Spanish Galleys overthrew the Turks near the Island of Alboran Anno 1541. The Emperor having pacified Flanders and punished the Rebellion at Ghent went away for Germany hoping to reconcile the Hereticks to the Church Many Disputes happened betwixt the Divines of both Parties which might have been a sure Remedy for that Distemper had the Obstinacy of the Hereticks been to be convinced by any Arguments The last Year on the 25th of November at Worms was began a Conference betwixt the Divines which held on till this Year but upon the coming of the Emperor all things were referred to the Diet at Ratisbon which was opened the 5th of April The Divines appointed on both sides disputed the Chief for the Catholicks was John Eccius for the Hereticks Philip Melancton Cardinal Gaspar Contarenus the Popes Legate at this Diet granted to the adverse Party certain Points relating to Justification and Transubstantiation for which after his return to Rome he was publickly reproved by Cardinal Peter Garrafa who was afterwards Pope and called Paul the Fourth All men guessed by the severity of the Reprimand that it came from
Africa but the truth was they undertook this War at the Instigation of the French King whose Embassadors were aboard the Fleet. Anno 1552. Four Divines or Ministers of Wittemberg the chief of whom was Brencius came to Trent They presented to the Council a Book called the Wittemberg Confession All this was only to amuse the Council till such time as Duke Maurice had raised Men and made other warlike Preparations On the 2d of April News was brought to Trent that he had seized the City Ausburg and that the Emperor was in danger at Inspruck which caused the Council on a sudden to break up On the other side Albertus Marquis of Brandenburg possessed himself of Treves and the French of all Lorrain The Emperor was much perplex'd not being able to withstand so many Enemies He resolved to release the Duke of Saxony and the Landtgrave which pacified Duke Maurice On the Borders of Italy whither in the first Consternation he retired Forces flock'd to him from all Parts However he pardon'd the Marquis of Brandenburg designing to make use of him against the French This done he laid Siege to Metz with a great Army on the 20th of October but many of his Men perishing by reason of the badness of the Weather he was forced to quit that Enterprize On the 2d of December this Year departed this Life the Blessed F. Francis Xaverius as he was going to China He was a Native of Navarre and one of the Ten first Companions of S. Ignatius He preached among the barbarous People of India Japan and other Parts and was doubtless a Man of singular Sanctity and admirable in his Life His Body is preserved entire in the Church of his Order at Goa he being Canonized D. Peter de Toledo was Viceroy of Naples at such time as Ferdinand de Sanseverino Prince of Salerno caused the Turkish Fleet under the Command of Rustan Bassa to come against that City His Treason being discover'd he fled to Venice for which cause the Fleet returned to Constantinople without attempting any thing Only near the Island Ponça they met Andrew Doria overthrew his Fleet and took 7 of his Galleys The Prince of Salerno having declared himself went away to the Port to incite him the next Year to send another Fleet. The Emperor had put a Garison into Siena under the Command of D. James de Mendoza upon occasion of the Tumults and Factions in that City and to prevent its being deliver'd to the French D. James for his greater security raised a Fort for the Garison The Citizens suspecting this tended to deprive them of their Liberty put themselves under the Protection of France and then taking Arms expelled the Garison razing the Fort from the very Foundations which necessitated them to prepare for the ensuing War and for the Siege which was laid to the Place by D. Peter de Toledo in pursuance of the Emperor's commands This Year died at Florence Paulus Jovius at Ferrara Lillus Gregorius Giraldus and at Salamanca Ferdinand Pincianus the Greek Commentator Anno 1553. King Edward of England departed this Life on the 16th of July his Sister Queen Mary succeeded him tho opposed by many She being possessed of the Crown restor'd the Catholick Religion D. Peter de Toledo lying at the Siege of Siena died in the House of his Son-in-Law Cosmo de Medicis Duke of Florence His Forces return'd to Naples upon a Report of the approach of the Turkish Fleet under the command of the afore-mention'd Prince of Salerno This Fleet appear'd before Naples but there happening no Mutiny in the City it sailed on to Corsica great part whereof the Turks possessed themselves of it being subject to the Genoeses This Year John Prince of Portugal Married Joanna the Emperor's Daughter with great Solemnity but the Joy of this Match was not lasting Anno 1554. Before a Year was gone about after his Marriage the said Prince John died at Lisbon the 2d of January His Body was buried at the Monastery of Bethlem near Lisbon On the 20th of January his Wife was deliver'd of a Son who of the Day of his Birth was called Sebastian He was of a Noble and truly Royal Spirit but lived not long His Mother went away to Castile to govern those Kingdoms because her Brother Prince Philip was going away to be Married The new Queen of England desiring to secure her self in the Throne thought fit to chuse a Resolute and Powerful Husband and found none fitter for her purpose than Philip Prince of Spain to whom the Emperor his Father had on the last of October before resign'd up the Kingdom of Naples and Dukedom of Milan All Points being adjusted the Prince went over into England where the Marriage was Solemnized at Winchester on the 25th of July being St. James's Day Cardinal Reginald Poole was present being the Pope's Legate of the Blood Royal of England and great Sanctity of Life to reduce that Kingdom as he did to the Obedience of the Church of Rome Our Forces return'd to the Siege of Siena and the Marquis de Marignano the Emperor's General overthrew in Battel near that City Peter Strozzi a Banish'd Florentin sent by the French King with Forces to relieve the Besieged and drive the Imperialists out of Milan Anno 1555. Pope Julius died at Rome the 23d of March and on the 10th of April Cardinal Marcellus Gerninus born at Montepulchiano was chosen to succeed him and kept his former Name He held S. Peter's Chair only 22 days wherefore on the 23th of May Cardinal John Peter Garrasa born at Naples of noble Birth and a great Spirit was Elected in his room He took the Name of Paul IVth and governed the Church 4 Years 2 Months and 27 Days At length the City Siena tired with the Miseries of a long Siege was surrendred to the Emperor D. Francis de Mendoça Cardinal of Burgos was sent from Rome to settle the Government of that City At the Suit and Intercession of Cardinal Alexander Farnesius the Emperor pardoned his Brother Duke Octavius but kept in his hands the Citadel of Plasencia where a Spanish Garrison was left which King Philip the Second some Years after withdrew D. Ferdinand of Toledo Duke of Alva was at this time Viceroy of Naples he was ordered to march to Milan to oppose the Mareschal de Brissac who made War on that side for the King of France tho not with much vigor King Philip the Summer being well advanced departed out of England and came to Brussels where the Emperor his Father resigned up to him all his Kingdoms being desirous to take his repose as he accordingly did the Year following when having given up the Empire to his Brother Ferdinand he with his two Sisters the two Queens Ellenor and Mary went over into Spain and made choice for his retreat of the Monastery of S. Justa of the Order of S. Hierome in the territory of Plasencia
should be restor'd That Corsica be restor'd to the Genoeses That neither the Spaniard lay Claim to Burgundy nor the French to Milan or Naples Lastly That all Prisoners taken for 16 Years last past be set at Liberty These Articles being agreed upon King Philip in pursuance of them Married by Proxy at Paris on the 22th of June the Princess Elizabeth the Duke of Alva representing the King Soon after on the 11th of July the Lady Margaret was Married to the Duke of Savoy The Publick Joy was turn'd into extream Grief for that King Henry himself Tilting was struck into the Eye by a Splinter of his Adversary's Lance of which he died the day following His Son Francis the Second succeeded him being Sixteen Years of Age. He had three Brothers Charles Alexander Edward and Hercules His Sisters were Elizabeth and Claudia before-mentioned the youngest of all called Margaret some Years after was Married to Henry Prince of Bearne and King of Navarre Pope Paul the Fourth departed this Life at Rome the 18th of August D. Bartholomew de Miranda of the Order of S. Dominick two Years before chosen Archbishop of Toledo in the place of Cardinal Siceleus was Apprehended and made Prisoner by the Inquisitors in his Town of Tordelaguna upon the 23th of August He was many Years in Prison so great is the Power of the Inquisition in Spain At the same time King Philip arrived with his Fleet at Laredo in his return from Flanders Anno 1560. On the 26th of December last past Cardinal John Angelo de Medicis was chosen Pope He took the Name of Pius the Fourth and govern'd the Church 5 Years 11 Months and 15 Days Spain this Year was filled with Joy not only for the arrival of their long-wish'd-for King but also for his Marriage which was consummated at Guadalajara in the Kingdom of Toledo upon the 31th day of January This Joy was the greater for that all Men hoped the Peace would be lasting The Cardinal of Burgos and Duke del Infantado went to the Borders of France to fetch the Bride The great Solemnization of the Marriage was at Toledo whither the King and new Queen went from Guadalajara The Duke of Medina Celi Viceroy of Sicily took the Island of Gelves but after he was Master of it the Turkish Fleet coming upon him he lost a great part of his own and with much difficulty escaped himself Among other Prisoners taken by the Turks were one of the Duke's Sons D. Alvaro de Sande and Sancho de Avila brave Soldiers In France began the Tumults and Rebellion which lasted many Years under colour of Religion To remedy these Troubles the Three Estates or Parliament of France met at Orleans where several good Laws were enacted but never observed Francis the new King of France died in that City on the 5th of December His Brother Charles the Ninth of the Name being then but nine Years old succeeded him Anno 1561. In Rome Pope Pius the Fourth caused the Duke of Paliano and Cardinal Garrafa to be put to Death The Cardinal was strangled in Prison the Duke publickly Beheaded The Commonalty tho they were satisfied those Persons had deserved that Punishment yet using their common Liberty especially assumed by the Italians gave out it was done to please the Catholick King Certain it is the Pope their Unkle had expelled them Rome for their Crimes and now they were punish'd with loss of their Lives In the Spring Queen Mary of Scotland having at once lost her Mother and Husband returned to Scotland where she Married a second and third time A Lady worthy a more favourable Destiny for in England after a long Imprisonment she was unjustly put to Death In France the Tumults daily encreased To pacify the People it was resolved the Catholicks and Hereticks should meet and dispute at Poissy five Leagues from Paris Hippolito de Este Cardinal of Ferrara and with him James Lainez General of the Jesuits in the place of F. Ignatius de Loyola dead six Years before were sent from Rome The Pope's Intention was that in case that Meeting could not be prevented at least nothing should be positively determined in it but all things referred to the Council of Trent which he had summoned to meet again The Meeting could not be prevented the Dispute was about the Real Presence F. Lainez when it came to his turn to speak publickly with great freedom rebuked the Queen for that she being a Woman was present at Disputes about Religion In this Dispute he confuted Peter Martyr always calling him Father Peter because he had been a Friar Anno 1562. In January the Council of Trent was again open'd Cardinal John Moron and three other Cardinals presided as the Pop's Legates There was present a great number of Prelates and among them many French who came with Charles Cardinal of Lorrain In the Port de la Herradura in a violent Storm which rose in the Night Twenty two Galleys were cast away with their General D. John de Mendoça Great was the Desolation made in France many stately Churches were overthrown by the Hereticks and many Cities rebelled against the King Among others the King of Navarre to put a stop to these Evils laid Siege to Roan then in Rebellion but he was killed by a Musket-shot from the Walls on the 17th of November but before he expired the City was taken by his Forces The Prince of Conde who headed the Hereticks encouraged by the Recruits he received out of Germany was so bold as to lay Siege to Paris On the 8th of December the Catholicks gave them Battel being strengthned by a good supply of Spaniards sent by King Philip they all behaved themselves so well that they raised the Siege and pursuing the Enemy as far as Dreux overthrew them with great slaughter taking the Prince of Conde Prisoner Anno 1563. The Strength and Hopes of France at this time was in the House of Guise The Duke of Guise the King's Lieutenant then lay before the City Orleans seated on the Loire and in Rebellion One John Poltrot came out of the City purposely and in the passing of the River shot the Duke of which wound he died the 24th of February Poltrot being taken and put to the Rack confessed that Admiral Coligni and Theodorus Beza a principal Man among the Ministers had put him upon this wicked Enterprise He was at Paris publickly torn in pieces by four Horses D. Francis of Navarre Archbishop of Valencia died in a Village near that City on the 16th of April It is reported of him but no Proof appears that he writ the History of Spain which he composed with much care tho the Stile was not of the best The Council of Trent broke up the 5th of December and was soon after confirm'd by Pope Pius the Fourth Of the Spanish Bishops those that most signalized themselves for Learning in this Council were D. Peter Guerrero Archbishop
of Granada Andrew de Cuesta Bishop of Leon D. Martin de Ayala of Segovia D. James de Covarrubias of Cuidad Rodrigo and D. Antony Augustin of Lerida Of the Divines the most remarkable were the Fathers James Lainez Alonso Salmeron and Peter de Soto of the Order of S. Dominick a Learned and Pious Man He died at Trent in his old Age He was under a cloud at Rome Salarraez King of Argiers this year laid Siege to Oran and Mazalquivir The Earl of Alcaudete was in Oran and his Brother D. Martin de Cordova in Mazalquivir both of them behaved themselves with much Bravery but the Defence of Mazalquivir which was hardest press'd will ever be famous D. John de Mendoça General of the Spanish Galleys coming thither raised the Siege Anno 1564. John Calvin died at Geneva the 19th of May Theodorus Beza succeeded him former wicked but the latter if possible worse To discover how wicked a Man Beza was it suffices to read his Love Poems By them it appears he was a fit Head for the Sect he professed D. Garcia de Toledo Marquis of Villafranca Son to D. Peter de Toledo who was Viceroy of Sicily and Admiral of Spain this Year on the 6th of September near the City Velez on the Coast of Africk took from the Moores the strong Castle El Pen̄ol built formerly by Count Peter Navarro but at this time possessed by the Moores On the 25th of July the Emperor Ferdinand died at Vienna His Son Maximilian the second of the Name succeeded him Anno 1565. D. Luis de Biamonte Earl of Lerin and Constable of Navarre departed this Life without leaving any Issue-Male and D. James de Toledo younger Son to Duke of Alva Marrying his Daughter Brianda inherited all his Estate Thus ended that Family which for many Years had disturb'd the Kingdom always opposing the natural Kings from whom it was descended Elizabeth Queen of Spain with the consent of the King her Husband went to the Frontiers of France as far as the City Bayonne in Guienne where she spent 17 days with her Mother and Brothers and then returned into Spain At the same time the Island of Malta began to be infested by the Turkish Fleet. Three Months were spent in the Siege many Knights and a great number of the Enemy were slain and among them the Pyrate Dragut taken off with a Cannon-Ball At last the Turks understanding that D. Garcia de Toledo Viceroy of Sicily was coming to the Relief of the Besieged they raised the Siege and sailed off having sustained great loss In Spain in pursuance of the Decrees of the Council of Trent many Synods were held the principal were those of Toledo Salamanca and Braga In that of Toledo was the Bishop of Siguença D. Peter de la Gasca and among the Deputies for the Church of Cuenca D. Alonso Ramirez de Vergara a Man very much noted for Learning and Piety and extreamly Charitable especially towards the Jesuits for whom he built at his own Cost a Colledge at Alcala whither his Bones were translated with much Solemnity on the 25th of October 1621. to a stately Church there built by the Ladies Mary and Katherine de Mendoça The Body of the Martir S. Eugenius first Bishop of Toledo was with great Solemnity brought from the Monastery of S. Denis near Paris and arrived at Toledo the 18th of November The King was present at the Feast with all the Royal Family the Princes Rodulphus and Ernestus Sons to the Emperor and the Bishops who were Assembled at the Synod Pope Pius the Fourth departed this Life the 10th of December Anno 1566. Cardinal Michael Gislerius born at Boschio in the Territory of Alexandria a City of Lombardy and of the Order of S. Dominick was on the 7th of January chosen Pope He took the Name of Pius V. and Govern'd the Church 6 Years 3 Months and 23 Days His Life and Conversation were so Holy few have been to compare to him The Catholick King was in the Forest of Balsain by reason of the heat of the Summer when on the 12th of August the Queen was deliver'd of a Daughter called Elizabeth Clare Eugenia Solyman the Great Turk had laid Siege to Sigeth a strong but small Town in Hungary before it could be reduced he died but yet his Army afterwards took the place He left his Son Selymus the Second his Heir Margaret Dutchess of Parma the Catholick King 's Sister Govern'd the Low Countries for him the Hereticks contemned her because she was a Woman and consequently those Provinces began to Mutiny Many extraordinary Insolencies were committed in several Places but most they raged against the Images of Saints that were in the Churches The Queen of Scotland flying the Rebellion of her Subjects at Home was forc'd into England where upon false Informations contrary to all Human and Divine Laws she was cast into Prison Anno 1567. The Archbishop of Toledo after his Case had depended many Years was by Order of Pope Pius the Fifth sent to Rome where he arrived the 28th of May and was sent Prisoner to the Castle of Santangelo till Judgment should be given The Rebellion in Flanders ran high and continued for several Years D. Ferdinand of Toledo Duke of Alva was sent by the King to quench this Fire Soon after his arrival the Princess Margaret went away for Italy and the Counts of Horn and Egmont were taken up by the Duke The Rebel Hereticks in France besieged Paris The Constable Montmorancy marched to raise the Siege They came to a Battel near St. Denis where the Catholicks got the Victory but with the Death of the Constable The Enemy with the Admiral their General were put to flight Count Aremberg who came from Flanders with 4000 Burgundians to the Assistance of the Catholicks was very instrumental in obtaining this Victory Anno 1568. On the 7th of March the Bodies of the Holy Martyrs Pastor and Justus were brought from Huesca and interr'd at Alcala de Henares where they suffered and were born The principal Ring-leader of the Rebellion in the Low Countries was the Prince of Orange who fearing to meet with what he deserv'd was fled His Brother Count Luis with several Companies of Germans entred West-Frizeland Count Aremberg with his Forces and the Spanish Regiment of D. Gonçalo de Bracamonte march'd against him but being too hasty in charging was overthrown The Count and many more being slain the rest fled to Groningen through the Marishes the Country being overflow'd by reason the Dikes were broken Count Egmont and Count Horn being convicted of Treason as is believed very wrongfully were by the Duke of Alva's Order executed at Brussels They were publickly Beheaded on the 4th of June and to prevent the People Mutinying they were strongly guarded to the Scaffold and all the Streets lined This Execution rather incensed than appeased the People This done the Duke of Alva march'd against the
this Year was happy in the Birth of this Prince so it was unfortunate to Portugal and all Spain For King Sebastian carried away by the Heat of Youth and ambitious to extend the Christian Name in Africk took into his Protection King Muley Hamet He gathered Forces out of Germany Italy and Castile to join with his own He fitted out a great Fleet in which he shipped all his Forces and sailing in July arrived at Arzila a City in Africk subject to the Portugueses His first Design was to attack the Castle of Alarache which is at the Mouth of the River Lucus The Portugueses began to march up the Country and Moluco met them with a far greater number of Men. The Battel was fought on the 4th of August and the Portugueses overthrown The Slaughter was great and the number of Prisoners incredible among which were many of note No Battel in many years was so unfortunate for three Kings died there Moluco of Sickness which had long stuck by him he left his Brother Hamet his Heir The King of Portugal was killed in the Battel and Muley drowned in passing a River as he fled D. John of Austria to pacify the Flemmings consented that the Spaniards should be drawn out of those Provinces and Garisons of the Natives put into their Strong-holds which proved fatal For scarce were the Spaniards gone when the Hereticks conspired to seize D. John He having notice of their Design fled to Namur began to assemble Forces recalled the Spaniards who were marching towards Italy and had some Skirmishes with the Enemy from whom he took some places But Death taking him off in October and in the Flower of his Age put a stop to all his Designs He died a natural Death in the Field Alexander Farnesius Prince of Parma succeeded him in the Government of these Provinces The Provinces being dissatisfied with the Archduke Mathias called Francis Duke of Alenson to their assistance against D. John of Austria who having accepted of the Offer and being come to Mons in Hainault they gave him the Title of Protector of Flanders In Portugal died the Princess Mary Daughter to Emanuel by his last Wife Ellenor This Lady when she died was well in years and a Maid for tho several Matches were proposed never any took effect Anno 1579. As soon as the dismal News of the Death of King Sebastian was brought to Lisbon Cardinal Henry his Great Uncle Brother to his Grandfather was proclaimed King tho then very old and unhealthy The Nobility to secure the Succession would have him marry but it being unlikely he should have any Children there were many Pretenders to that Crown King Philip in Right of his Mother Elizabeth the Empress Philibert Duke of Savoy as Son to the Lady Beatrix both which were Daughters to King Emanuel The Prince of Parma in the Right of his Wife the Princess Mary then dead but had left two Sons Ranucius and Edward And the Duke of Bragança in the Right of Catherine his Wife These two Ladies were Grand-children to King Emanuel and Daughters to Prince Edward Mary was the eldest but was dead and Catherine was living Antony Prior of Ocrato put in his Claim as Son to Prince Luis and Grandson to King Emanuel He to cover his being a Bastard pretended his Father had been married to his Mother but no proof appeared Catherine Queen-Mother of France claimed that Kingdom as descended from Matildis Countess of Bologn Wife to Alonso the 3d King of Portugal affirming they had Issue The Portugueses urged that the Countess left no Child either by her first or second Husband and proved that when she died Robert her Nephew Son to her Sister Alicia inherited her Dominions from whom that Queen was descended by the Mother's side None of these Princesses wanted the Pens of Learned Men to vindicate their Titles but King Philip had the Power which never fails to bear down all that the Learned can say in behalf of their Cause In Sicily this Year a vast quantity of Liquid Fire gushed out of Mount Etna which did much harm in the Neighbouring Country Anno 1580. King Philip prepared for the War with Portugal and to that purpose caused several Troops of Italians Germans and Spaniards to march towards the Frontiers of that Kingdom To prevent Disorders King Philip labour'd to prevail with the new King his Unkle to declare him his Heir but at the same time whilst this was in hand King Henry departed this Life at Almeirin on the last of January It appear'd a War must of necessity ensue for that the Portugueses it could not be expected would submit to the Spaniards There wanted a General The Duke of Alva was then Prisoner at Vzeda because he had obliged his Son Frederick to Marry the Daughter of D. Garcia de Toledo Marquis of Villa Franca without regard to another Lady belonging to the Queen to whom the said Frederick had before promised Marriage and the King had commanded him not to dispose of himself till that Affair was decided It was now thought fit to release and send him to Portugal The King himself to be the nearer at hand went first to Merida and then to Badajoz a City on the Frontiers of that Kingdom His Forces were not great being scarce 12000 Foot and 1500 Horse but they were the Flower of the Spanish Army old Soldiers of great Experience With this strength and the good Conduct of the Duke of Alva Antony the Bastard who with the Favour of the People called himself King was overthrown first at Lisbon and soon after near Porto by Sancho Davila Camp-Master-General in that Expedition Thus he being expelled the Country all that Kingdom was brought under Mean while King Philip lay at Burgos so sick that the Physicians had given him over Scarce was he recover'd when the Queen his Wife who was with him died on the 26th of October He had by her four Sons Ferdinand and Charles both dead before James who lived not long after and Philip then a Child and sickly but afterwards grew healthy and lived long He had also a Daughter called Mary that was but short lived About this time died Hierome Osorio a Portugues Bishop of Silves a great Orator but not in his History as appears by the Books he wrote His Contemporary was Andrew Resendius of the same Nation a great Antiquary and imitator of Horace in the Learned Verses he composed Emanuel Duke of Savoy also departed this Life and his Son Charles succeeded him In Flanders after the death of D. John of Austria the War continued hot and most of the Country was in Rebellion Mathias the Archduke left the Country and returned into Germany Those Provinces having once revolted would not return to their duty and tho they all combin'd together yet of themselves they were not strong enough to oppose the King which made them send for Francis Duke of Alençon the French King's
Brother who call'd himself Hercules He after having imbroil'd France making himself Head of the Hereticks repair'd to the Low Countries and there at his first coming possessed himself of Cambray which till then continued Loyal This was not all for the following Year he went to Antwerp and there caused himself to be declar'd Duke of Brabant which was but a meer shadow the Prince of Orange having all the Power His Authority lasted not long being at the same time disappointed of Marrying the Queen of England Anno 1582. At Antwerp a youth a Biscainer call'd John de Xauregui resolv'd to kill the Prince of Orange To this intent one day after dinner he fired a Musket at him yet killed him not but gave him a dangerous Wound in the Cheek The young Man was presently torn to pieces and all that knew of the design executed A Burgundian managed his Business more successfully for being admitted into the Prince's Family he soon after killed him in Holland At Toledo was held a Provincial Synod in which were 7 Bishops and 2 Abbots and D. Gaspar de Quiroga Archbishop of Toledo presided the Marquis de Velada assisted at it in the King's Name This Year Pope Gregory cut off 10 days in October to reduce the Solsticies and Equinoxes to their former place Besides the Golden Number was taken from the Calendar and in its place was substituted the Epact all to regulate the Observation of Times for the future better than it was before Mary the Empress came to Spain and went to Lisbon where the King her Brother was settling the Affairs of that Kingdom and with him Cardinal Albertus Son to the Empress a Prince of extraordinary Parts Antony who called himself King of Portugal after he was overthrown fled into France and having gathered a Fleet there sailed over to the Islands Terceras otherwise called Açores which still held out for him Near the Island of S. Michael he was vanquished in a Sea Fight by D. Alvaro Baçan Marquis of Santa Cruz. Philip Strozzi one of the Admirals of the French Fleet was killed the Count de Brissac the other Admiral together with Antony the pretended King saved themselves by flight All the Prisoners of Note to the number of 80 and many others the Marquis put to death the King of France consenting to it Nevertheless the People of Tercera would not submit Anno 1583. This Year the Marquis return'd and fully subdu'd them D. Ferdinand Alvarez de Toledo Duke of Alva departed this Life at Lisbon aged 74 Years Soon after him died there also Sancho de Avila of the kick of a Horse on the 8th of June He was of the House of Velada and born at Avila Prince James Son to King Philip deceased at Madrid on the 1st of February for which reason the Three Estates in Portugal swore his Brother Prince Philip Heir to that Crown This Parliament being dissolv'd and Cardinal Albertus the King's Nephew constituted Governour of Portugal King Philip return'd to Castile to provide for the necessary Affairs there Anno 1584. The Duke of Alençon having obtain'd his Brother's Pardon return'd into France after he had been in England and Flanders but going from Paris soon died either of Sickness or Poisoned as some would have it Death put an end to his aspiring Thoughts which had compassed the Sovereignty of England France and Flanders The Prince of Orange was killed with a Musket-shot on the 10th of June by a young Burgundian call'd Baltasar who had entred into his Service to that purpose Such was the death of the Author of so many Mischiefs but this did not pacify the Flemmings King Philip had by his Wife Queen Elizabeth two Daughters Elizabeth and Catherine It was reported the eldest was kept for her Cousin the Emperor Rodulphus The youngest was contracted to Charles Duke of Savoy Zaragoça the principal City of Aragon was the place appointed for celebrating of the Nuptials Before the King set forward upon this Journey the Three Estates of Castile at Madrid swore Prince Philip Heir to the Crown This Ceremony was perform'd on the 11th of November being Sunday and the day of S. Martin in the Monastery of S. Hierome near that Town Quiroga Cardinal of Toledo sang the Mass Anno 1585. This Solemnity being performed the King set out for Zaragoca in very rough Weather the Winter Season not being yet past Thither came also the Duke of Savoy by Sea and was received with great Honour by the King his Father-in-Law The Marriage was celebrated with great Pomp and Ostentation on the 18th of March News was brought not long after that Pope Gregory being very aged and famous for his great Wisdom departed this Life at Rome the 12th of April In May following Cardinal Felix Montalto who had first bin General of the Recolet Franciscans then Bishop and afterwards Cardinal was lastly promoted to S. Peter's Chair He took the Name of Sixtus the Fifth governed the Church five Years and four Months and had many good Qualities but as there is no Man without a fault he is blamed for being too severe and covetous and for promoting of his Kinsmen more than was justifiable He Canonized S. James of Alcala a Franciscan whose Body is kept and Honour'd in the Monastery of that Order at Alcala The Prince of Parma made War against the Rebels in the Low Countries and having recover'd Gent and many other Places after a long and streight Siege he kept upon Antwerp forced it to surrender in August This Siege was very famous for the many extraordinary Devices used on both sides as also for the obstinacy of the Defendants but the Conduct of the General and Valour of the Spaniards overcame all Difficulties King Philip accompanied the new-Married Couple as far as Barcelona whence they sailed for Italy In his return at Monçon he held the Cortes or Parliament of Aragon which sate long many difficulties arising among them The violent heat of Summer and Autumn which proved sickly was the cause that many died there especially of the Strangers and Courtiers At last this Parliament swore Prince Philip Heir of all those Domimions Pope Sixtus at his first Accession to the Papacy published his Bull in which he declared Henry King of Navarre a Heretick and Excommunicated and deprived him of the Right of Inheriting the Kingdom of France as he did also Henry Prince of Conde his Cousin-German in case King Henry Brother-in-Law to him of Navarre died without Issue which was likely because till then the Queen had never been with-Child Anno 1586. Nevertheless the King of France labour'd to secure the Succession to the King of Navarre without regarding the Pope's Threats whereupon many of the French Nobility conspir'd to raise a Rebellion under the Colour of Religion The Ringleader was the Duke of Guise which much perplexed the King seeing three powerful Factions on foot which he feared would again
soon after gave it the Title and Priviledge of a City Dr. Bartholomew de la Plaça was the first Bishop About the end of this Year the Floods were very great and the River at Sevill breaking into the City did much harm at the Custom-House The King of France being entirely reconciled to the Church was at last absolved by the Pope and immediately all his Kingdom submitted to him D Peter de Toledo Marquis of Villafranca on the 23th of September took and plunder'd the City Patras in the Morca having gone from Messina with 20 Galleys upon that design Anno 1596. Sir Francis Drake landed Men at Nombre de Dios in America designing to march over that narrow Neck of Land and plunder Panama The Spaniards taking the Alarm charged and forced him to retire to his Ships about the beginning of January He often did much harm along those Coasts but at last died at Portobelo and his Fleet was driven out of the West Indies by D. Bernardin de Avellaneda Albertus the Archduke on the 17th of April took Calais from the French but not long after it was restor'd upon composition At this time the King lay at Azeca near Toledo so dangerously sick that he was given over for dead He removed to Toledo where News was brought that the English Fleet on the 1st of July took and plundered the Island and City of Cadiz and burnt the Fleet that lay there bound for Mexico which was so great a loss that many Merchants throughout the Kingdom suffered much and some broke Anno 1597. Ferdinand Tello Governor of Dourlans for the Spaniards having Intelligence with the People of Amiens the chief City of Picardy suprized and made himself Master of it The King of France considering the great Importance of that Place came thither in Person and laid siege to it Albertus the Archduke marched with about 20000 Men out of Artois designing to relieve the City but finding the King too well posted and having suffered somewhat by his Artillery and in some small Skirmishes he retired upon which the City was surrendred the Garison marching out with the usual Honourable Formalities Sigismund Bator Prince of Transilvania who at this time with much Bravery maintained War against the Turks and Hereticks went to Vienna to attend the Emperor who supplied him with Money as did the Pope and Catholick King But the hopes conceived of his Proceedings vanished for he was taken sick some said he was bewitched whereupon he forsook the War and left his Wife the Daughter of Charles the Archduke and resigning up his Dominions to the Emperor lived a private Life at Prague where he died some years after Anno 1598. This Year on the 6th of May the King gave up all the Low-Countries to his eldest Daughter Elizabeth in order to marry her as was afterwards done to her Cousin the Archduke Albertus who to that purpose resigned up his Cardinal's Cap and the Archbishoprick of Toledo which was given to Garcia de Loaysa Prince Philip's Tutor Yet this Donation was in such manner that those Countries were to be held of the Crown of Spain to which also was reserved the Order of the Golden Fleece and the Prerogative of placing Governors in certain Castles such as Antwerp Ghent and Cambray Soon after a Peace was concluded with France in bringing the which to effect the Pope laboured very earnestly The King's Distemper still increasing upon him he died at the Escurial the 13th of September and was there buried A Prince remarkable for some Vertues as Liberality Resolution Vigilancy Abstemiousness in eating and drinking But no less for many Vices as Lust Cruelty Pride Perfidiousness and several others He lived 71 Years 3 Months and some Days and reigned in Castile 42 Years 7 Months and 28 Days Prince Philip his Son succeeded him Anno 1599. On the 22d of February died at Alcala de Henares Garcia de Loaysa Archbishop of Toledo and with him the great hopes conceived of his Vertue and Ability He was buried in that Town in the Chapel of the Martyrs without any Tomb. D. Bernardin de Rojas y Sandoval at that time Bishop of Jaen succeeded him and not long after had the Cardinal's Cap brought him to Toledo the King being present at that Ceremony The new King was before contracted to Margaret the Daughter to Charles the Archduke who came to him by the way of Milan with her Mother and Albertus the Archduke The Pope was at that time in Ferrara which City after the Death of the last Duke who left no Heir fell to the Church whereof it was a Feofe Thither the Queen and Archduke repaired and the Ceremony of the two Marriages was performed by the Pope with extraordinary Magnificence tho the King and Princess were not there They departed thence and on the 25th of March arrived at Alfaques de Tortosa thence they went to Valencia where the King was married The King went forward to Barcelona to bear the Archduke company who with the Princess his Wife imbarked for Flanders on the 7th of June After which the King and Queen returned to Valencia and thence to Madrid Anno 1600. This Year was very remarkable for the Jubilee at Rome to which a great number of People resorted The Winter was so extraordinary rainy that the Tiber overflowing Rome was 3 days full of Water and great harm done Among 13 Cardinals promoted by the Pope one was Robert Bellarmine of the Society of Jesus Nephew to Pope Marcellus a Man of a good Life and extraordinary Learning as appears by the many notable Books he published The new King of France with the Approbation of the Pope put away Queen Margaret his first Wife and presently after married Mary de Medicis Daughter to Francis Duke of Florence Anno 1601. About March or April the Court of Castile removed from Madrid to Valladolid in favour of that Country which was very poor but many Inconveniences being found there some years after it returned to the same place The famous Bell of Vililla in Aragon is reported to have rung it self several times which is accounted to portend some extraordinary Revolutions or other great matters like to happen but no such strange effects appear'd for many years after At Rome on the 29th of April S. Raymundus Pen̄afort of the Order of S. Dominick was Canonized On the 25th of August Prince Doria the great Admiral sailed to Argiers with a great Fleet came before that City in the night unperceived but was drove off again by contrary Winds On the 22d of September was born at Valladolid the Princess Ann afterwards married to Luis the 13th King of France and conducted to the Frontiers by the Archbishop of Toledo Anno 1602. The Marquis de Fuentes having corrupted the Lanskeneghts that were in Garison at Final made himself Master of that place as he did also of Milesino without any Provocation or just cause given
their King who was assisted by the German Hereticks the Kings of England and Denmark and the Dutch The Catholick Electors Kings of Spain and Poland the Pope and Princes of Italy favour'd the Emperor On the 8th of November near Prague the Rebels were overthrown and 8000 of them slain The next day the City Prague was deliver'd to the Emperor Anno 1621. Pope Paul the V. died the 28th of January Cardinal Luis of Bolonia succeeded him and took the Name of Gregory the XV. On the 15th of March following died Philip the III. King of Spain at Madrid at the Age of 43 and having Reign'd 22 Years and a half His Body was buried in the Royal Monastery of S. Laurence of the Escuriall His Son Philip the IV. succeeded him being then 16 Years of Age. The End of Mariana 's Supplement The SECOND SUPPLEMENT TO THE History of SPAIN From the Year 1621 till 1649. Written by the Reverend F. Ferdinand Camargo y Salcedo Preacher and Historiographer of the Order of S. Augustin Anno 1621. AT the Beginning of the Year 1621 Pope Paul the 5th governed the Church Philip the 3d was King of Spain Luis the 13th of France James the 1st of England Ferdinand the 2d was Emperor F. Alonso Vinacourt Master of Malta Antony Prioli Doge of Venice and Osman Emperor of Constantinople These were the Princes that ruled at the Beginning of the Year which before its End shewed the Instability of worldly Affairs in the Death of some of these Potentates Pope Paul the 5th departed this Life the 28th of January being 66 years of Age and having reigned 15 Years and 9 Months In his Place was elected on the 9th of February Alexander Ludovisius Cardinal and Archbishop of Bolonia being then 76 years of Age who took the Name of Gregory the 15th D. Emanuel de Azevedo y Zuniga Count de Monterrey went in the Catholick King 's Name to yield Obedience to him Upon Ashwednesday being the 31st of March the Great Monarch Philip the 3d of Spain changed this Life for a better He was a most singular Prince for Piety and Vertue and the best beloved of any that has held these Kingdoms His Death was in the 43d Year of his Age and 23d of his Reign King Philp the 4th as soon as he heard of his Father's Death took upon him the Government and began to act with greater Wisdom than could have been expected of his tender years He ordained that all Ministers of State should give in an Estimate of what they were worth when they first came to serve On the 22d of June he opened the Cortes at Madrid being 16 years of Age when he began his Reign as born the Year 1605 upon Good-Friday at Midnight Cardinal Bellarmine died at Rome September the 17th a Person of extraordinary Piety and Learning as appears by his Books against the Hereticks of our times and for the use of all other Persons Of two Galleons that came out of India one arrived safe at Lisbon the other fought 3 days with several Turks and having sunk 7 was himself at last burnt the loss was valued at above 2 Millions besides 600 Souls Other 13 Sail of Infidels being met in the Streights by D. Frederick the Admiral he sunk 9 took 2 and 2 fled The same D. Frederick with only 9 Ships fought 18 Hollanders at the Mouth of the Streights with good Success Upon the 21st of October D. Roderick Calderon was beheaded in the great Market-place of Madrid after he had been 2 years and a half Prisoner at Valladolid Much has been writ about him by the Name of Marquis of 7 Churches and his Wife had the publick Tears of all Persons to comfort her He himself was a rare Example of Patience and Constancy which lifted him above his Fortune Anno 1622. D. John Manrique Viceroy of Oran this Year several times defeated the Moores by which means their Insolency was abated At Rome in February 3 Suns were seen two of which were very small Xongusama Emperor of Japan provoked by the Villanous Insinuations of the Hollanders in hatred to the Catholick Religion caused diligent search to be made after the Preachers thereof and put to Death 125 of them burning alive 11 Dominicans 8 Augustinians 5 Franciscans and 9 Jesuits Osman the Great Turk invaded Poland with a mighty Army but having lost 160000 Turks in eleven several Battels he had with Prince Vladislaus returned with Shame to Constantinople There it being given out that he intended to remove his Court to Grand Caire the Janizaries mutinying put him into the Castle of the 7 Towers where they murdered him and taking out his Uncle Mustapha who was kept Prisoner there proclaimed him Emperor Anno 1623. Pope Gregory the 15th departed this Life at Rome July the 8th and on the 6th of August Cardinal Barberino was chosen in his Place and took the Name of Vrban the 8th This Year also died D. Peter de Castro y Quin̄ones Archbishop of Sevil at the Age of 102 years Charles Prince of Wales Son to King James of England set out of London in a Disguise and at Paris whither he went Post saw the King and Queen at Dinner without being known Thence he departed and came to Madrid by the Post March the 17th taking up his Lodging at the English Embassador's who gave notice of his Arrival to Count Gondamar and he to the Duke de Olivares That Afternoon the Marquis of Buckingham went to visit him and gave him the reason of the Prince's coming to Spain The King caused him to remove to S. Hierom from whence he conducted him to the Court giving him the right-hand He was entertained with all the Majesty and Grandeur imaginable The Business he came about which was to marry the Princess Mary was canvassed but he proposing among other Articles the restoring of the Elector Palatin whom the Emperor had expelled for his Rebellion the Treaty was broke off and he returned to England dissatisfied but without reason The King of Persia with the assistance of the English took the City Ormuz a most important Place in the Gulph of Persia being the great Mart of Europe Asia and Africk D. James Pimentel General of the Gallies of Naples near Sardinia discovered 6 Sail of Turks whom he fought and took but with the loss of his Life having received a Musket-shot of which he died the 4th of October Mustapha the new Sultan being judged incapable to govern so great an Empire the Janazaries deposed him and set up in his Place Amurat Brother to Osman whom they had before murdered Anno 1624. This Year the Kingdoms of Grand Cathay and Tibet were discovered They lye beyond India bordering upon China on the North-side and are very large delightful and plentiful Countries The People abhor the Mahometans and scoff at the Pagans They have particular Ceremonies of their own and many Priests whom they call Lambas some
of them was charming and many things supernatural have been done by them Anno 1629. On the 17th of October the Queen was delivered of a Prince who being Baptized by Cardinal Zapata was called Balthasar Charles Dominick This Prince lived till the 1646 when it pleased God to carry him to a better Life depriving Spain of the great hopes it had conceived of his excellent Qualities Luis the 13th the most Christian King of France after he had restored the Church to its Possessions in the Province of Bearne this Year ordered that Catholicks should preside in the Courts and Parliament at Pau. The first President by him appointed was Monsieur de la Marc a famous Civilian and great Historian The said King after he had secured Rochel and Montauban having a Victorious Army in a readiness resolved to turn it against the King of Spain To this purpose he agreed with the Duke of Savoy to raise the Siege of Cazal The Marquis Spinola had distressed that Place when the French Army surmounting many Difficulties came before it A Nuncio at the same time coming thither from the Pope and the Marquis dying nothing was done till the ensuing Year Anno 1630. This Year the Order of the Regular Clergy called the Theatines was first founded in the City Zaragoza by the pious and devout Placidus Mirtus At this time the joint Forces of the Emperor and Catholick King were victorious over the Venetians and over-run their Territories Mantua was plundered and Cazal so streightly besieged that if the pressing Instances of the King of France had not prevailed for a Peace it had doubtless been reduced to very great streights Gustavus Adolphus King of Sweden upon pretence of restoring the Palatin and Duke of Mecklenburg and re-establishing the former Liberty of the Circles of Vpper and Lower Saxony declared War against the Emperor and invaded the Island of Riga The Emperor solemnly declared him an Enemy to the Empire Pope Vrban the 8th ordained that the Cardinals should for the future have the Title of most Eminent whereas before they were stiled most Illustrious King Philip with his Brothers Charles and Ferdinand accompanied his Sister the Queen of Hungary as far as Zaragoça on her way as she was going to be married to the then King of the Romans From Zaragoça his Majesty with his Brothers returned to Madrid and the Queen of Hungary continued her Journey to Barcelona D. Ferdinand Mascarenas Governour of Tangier obtained a notable Victory over the Moores of Morocco Pope Vrban beatified John of God the Father of the Poor Anno 1631. The French having before possessed themselves of the Valley of Valtolina between the Grisons and Milan and of Pignerol and other places in Italy now entred Lorain All this Country they brought under their Obedience Charles the Duke and his Brothers being forced to fly and the Dutchess made a Prisoner Their chief Design was to hinder any Supplies being sent to the Emperor against Gustavus Adolphus and to be revenged of the Duke who refused to enter into the League the French had made with Sweden The Hollanders gaping after the rich Trade of Brasil set out a Fleet commanded by Henry Lonck who arriving at Pernambuco had that Place delivered to him by the Governor Mathias de Albuquerque he being wholly unprovided to make any resistance Above 80 Persons of all sorts and among them 4 that had newly taken the Habit of S. Augustin suffered Martyrdom at Nangasaqui in Japan Anno 1632. On the 4th of July the Inquisitor General Cardinal Antony Zapata presiding and both their Majesties being present Judgment was given by the Inquisition against 7 perfidious Jews who renewed the Passion of our Saviour in his Image These 7 were burnt alive and 4 in Effigie besides others that suffered other Punishments This Year began the Conversion of the Chaldeans at the City Baçora by the means of an Augustin Friar so successfully that all those ignorant People called the Christians of S. John submitted themselves to the Pope giving it under their hands and sending the Instrument by F. Roderick of S. Michael his Preacher whom the Pope received with incredible Joy In the time of Pope Clement the 5th and Philip the 3d King of Spain F. Alexius de Meneses of the Order of S. Augustin Archbishop of Goa and Primate of India had reduced Multitudes of the Nestorians of that Country and afterwards himself instructed and baptized above 14000 Gentiles in those same parts The Count de Lin̄ares Viceroy of India understanding that the King of Mombaça had revolted and killed many Portugueses besides that being a Christian he had renounced the Faith sent Francis de Mora with a Fleet of 20 Sail who recovered the Fort the King and his People abandoning of it Prince Balthasar Charles was sworn Heir to the Crown March the 7th at the Church of S. Hierome in Madrid there being present the Prelates Nobility and Commonalty as is the Custom upon the like Occasions Monday the 7th of July a Fire broke out in the quarter of the Butchery of the Market-place of Madrid It raged so vehemently that after 33 Houses great and small were burnt it was look'd upon as a miracle that it could be stopped Some People were killed and the loss sustained was very great Prince Charles Brother to the King and Prince Cardinal died at Madrid the 3d. of July in the prime of his Years and with him the great hopes conceived of his Excellent Qualities Upon the 7th of October the Marquis de Flores Davila Governour and Captain-General of Oran fought a great Battel with the Moores call'd Benarages who live at the Mouth of the River Zahara 20 Leagues from that City The King at the request of the Princess of Flanders appointed the Prince Cardinal Ferdinand Governour of the Low Countries and accompanied him to Barcelona where he took Ship and passing over to Italy came to Milan on the 24th of May 1633. The Catholick Imperial Army and that of the Protestants under Gustavus Adolphus King of Sweden fought a most bloody Battel two Miles from Lipstat in which both the King and Papenheim the Imperial General were killed and tho the Advantage was not great on either side the Swedes marching off by Night granted the Victory to the Imperialists Anno 1633. The most Illustrious Princess Elizabeth Clare Eugenia Governess of the Low Countries departed this Life at Brussells on the 1st day of December at the Age of 67 Years She was a Lady of singular Piety and of an Heroick Spirit Charles Duke of Lorrain General of the Catholick League was very successful in Alsace Count Mathias Galassus obtained several Victories in Silesia and the Spaniards took some Places in the Archbishoprick of Cologne A Treaty of Peace between the Emperor and Duke of Saxony was began by means of the King of Denmark and the Landtgrave of Hesse Darmstat but it sorted no effect the Rebels being
Marquis of Pobar to try his Fortune with 2500 Horse who were all unfortunately lost without Fighting and the Marquis made Prisoner This Year on the 9th of October to the great Regret of all Spain died the most Serene Prince Ferdinand of Austria Brother to King Philip. He was in his Youth created Cardinal and Archbishop of Toledo and afterwards Governor and Captain General of the Low Countries He was but 31 Years and a half old when he departed this Life but lives for ever in the Fame of the many Victories he obtained Pope Vrban the 8th this Year created at once 14 Cardinals Anno 1642. King Philip being in care for the Affairs of Catalonia and desiring to reduce his Subjects in that Province calling together the Nobility went away to Zaragoça in the beginning of April Mean while the Fleet set out from Cadiz commanded by the Duke of Cuidadreal and having met and engaged the French Fleet a sudden Storm arising dispersed it This and the Impossibility of relieving Perpignan by Land obliged the Marquis de Flores Davila Governor there to surrender upon honourable Terms after the Town had suffered extreamly through want of Provisions This was a considerable loss Perpignan being the best Fortress in Catalonia against the French The main Body of our Army having taken the Posts about Lerida in order to besiege it Monsieur de la Motte with the French Forces marched to the Relief of the Place but the Marquis de Leganez attacked and forced him to retire leaving behind him 3 Pieces of Cannon The Rains were so excessive about Sevill at the beginning of this Year that the River swelled above its Banks and the Inundation was so great that all the Shores being stopped as is usual upon the like Occasions the City was filled with the Rain From the 17th till the 26th of January the River never fell nor were the Shores opened This Flood was greater than that in the Year 1625. All Triana and the Quarters of S. Bernard and S. Rocque were drowned so was that of Santelmo the Convent of S. James and S. Sebastian and other Neighbouring Places yet no body perished for the Chapter of the Cathedral gave every day the value of 2500 Ducats in Bread besides other Charity to relieve those that had suffered by the Inundation The Mole Bridge and all the Boats were carried away Anno 1643. Luis the 13th the most Christian King of France departed this Life May the 14th King Philip having setled the Affairs of his Court set out again for Catalonia Mean while the Duke and Count of Olivares with his Majesty's leave whose great Favourite he had been quitted the Government he had long managed and retired to Loeches a Monastery of Descalced Dominican Nuns founded by himself where he stayed till his Removal to Toro in which place he setled with his Wife and Family till he died The City of Lerida taken by Monsieur de la Motte General of the French Army was a long time besieged by the Forces of the Catholick King till the Enemy after an obstinate Defence was compelled by extream Famine to deliver it to his Majesty who in Person took Possession of that Place to the great Joy of the Inhabitants for being restored to their lawful Soveraign Anno 1644. Pope Vrban the 8th died the 29th of July having sat in S. Peter's Chair 21 Years Innocent the 10th was chosen to succeed him on the 15th of September The most renowned Elizabeth of Bourbon Queen of Spain deceased October the 6th to the unspeakable Grief of these Kingdoms and particularly of the Catholick King her Husband Her Exequies were most solemnly performed in the Monastery of S. Hierom in Madrid and in all Cities of France and Spain She was a Princess of singular Wisdom and Judgment in matter of Government and had by his Majesty 5 Daughters and one Son which was Prince Balthasar Charles King Philip the 4th returned to Zaragoça where the Prince was sworn Heir of that Kingdom and took an Oath to preserve their Priviledges On the 22d of July at Toro died the Duke and Count of Olivares and was buried in the Monastery of Nuns he had built at Loeches He also founded the Pallace called Buenretiro at Madrid for the Diversion of the Kings D. Luis de Haro was his Heir Him the King sent to the Provinces of Andaluzia to obtain of them a Supply of Money which they granted with extraordinary Liberality The Cortes of Aragon being summoned to meet at Zaragoça in September the King took his way thither with the Prince and having opened the Cortes left the Bishop of Malaga to preside there and went away himself with the Prince to Valencia There also the Cortes of that Kingdom were assembled and swore the Prince Heir the King honouring several Noble Families with Titles and other Demonstrations of his Affection On the 4th of December his Majesty returned to Madrid and issued his Writs for the Cortes to meet at Madrid the 22d of February Cardinal Borja having taken Possession of the Archbishoprick of Toledo and being constituted President of the Council of Aragon died of the Gout at Madrid the 28th of December and was buried in his own Cathedral The Cardinal Sandoval then Bishop of Jaen was by the King appointed to succeed him and he positively refusing that Honour three several times his Majesty prevailed with the Pope to lay his positive Commands upon him to which he was forced to submit Few such Prelates are now adays to be found The Plate Fleet arrived in good time and very rich tho there hapned great Storms and above 30 Ships of Strangers were cast away This was the severest Winter that for many years had been seen in Spain or in all Europe For above 60 days the Sun never shined out mighty Snows fell Rivers swelled and the Frost was great so that the Roads were for a time shut up to the great hindrance of Trade It was observed that a great number of Frenchmen came to Burgos in the Habit of Pilgrims on pretence of going to Santiago but as it appeared designing under that disguise to get into Portugal Expresses were sent about to apprehend them all and above 90 were sent Prisoners to Madrid Anno 1645. February the 22d the Cortes of Castile according to Summons met at Madrid and the King as is usual having assisted in Person at the opening thereof and recommended to them the Care of the Kingdom referred them to the President who was to continue at all their Sessions in his Name The Marquis de Leganez was sent with a considerable body of Horse and Foot to command as Captain-General in the Province of Estremadura against the Portugueses With him went the Marquis Molinguen General of Horse They in several Skirmishes worsted the Enemy pursuing them into their own Borders and bringing thence considerable Booties of Cattel and a great number of Prisoners After this the Marquis
Spanish and Swiss Guards with their Lieutenants At a small distance followed the orderly Troop of Noblemen and Gentlemen belonging to the Court and the Captains of the Guards Next them were the Four Mace-bearers with short Roman Crimson Coats and Gilt Maces on their shoulders Then came the Regidores and next them the Kings at Arms with their Embroidered Coats and lastly the Corregidor and Duke of Medina on the right Hand carrying the Standard In this manner they came to the grand Market Place which tho large was then too little to contain the Multitude In the midst of it was raised a Scaffold covered with rich Carpets about 5 or 6 Foot high 30 in length and 20 in breadth with a Staire-case 12 Foot wide and Railed The Duke and Corregidor the Secretaries and the 4 Kings at Armes on both sides of them facing the Windows where the Kings use to see publick Spectacles then the eldest King at Arms who was then D. John de Mendoza with a loud Voice Three times Cried Silence silence silence Hear hear hear Then the Duke also with a loud Voice said Three times Castile Castile Castile for the Catholick King Charles II of the Name whom God preserve The Multitude unanimously shouted Let him Live let him Live let him Live This Ceremony being ended in the Market Place all the Company went to the Palace where the King was Seated in the Chair of the Emperor Charles V. thence he went and did the same in the Town All this being performed the Duke required of the Secretaries and Notaries to give it him under their Hands that he again Restored the Standard to D. Francis de Herrera Enriquez Corregidor of the Town The Corregidor having received it went up to the Council Chamber of the Town and fixed it in the Balcony under a rich Canopy there to remain 8 days and nights the continual lights in the Streets displaying the richness of it On the 2d of July being the Feast of the Visitation D Luis de Aragony Cardona Duke of Segorve and Cardona the eldest Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece was Commanded to go and gird on the King's Sword The Duke came to the Kings Appartment with a great Retinue and there Knighted the King girt on his Sword and kissed his Hand Upon the 8th of the Month the Duke of Cardona as eldest Knight of the Golden Fleece Summoned the other Knights to meet in the Queen's Apartment There met the Duke of Montalto the Princes of Avelino Astillano and Barbançon and the German Ambassador all Knights of the Order the Secretary of the Order being also present in the presence of whom the Duke put the golden Collar with the Fleece hanging to it about the King's Neck the Knights there present doing Homage to him in the Name of the whole Order for the Provinces they represented Astillano Avelino and Montalto for Italy Barbançon for Flanders the Ambassador for Germany and the Duke of Cardona for Spain in Virtue of the Popes Bulls granted the Kings of Spain as Administrators of the Military Orders within their Dominions Anno 1666. This Year began with a Treaty of Peace betwixt Castile and Portugal Some proposals were offered by the Military Commanders of both Kingdoms to the Two Queens then Governing for their Sons who were both under Age. These proposals being altogether managed at a distance by 3 Persons they could not come to any Agreement and both Parties were still in Arms. It pleased God to take to himself the Queen Mother of France Ann Mauricia of Austria upon whose death the King her Son began new Commotions there being none to allay Resentments betwixt the Two Nations No Body could guess what his great Preparations tended to for he like a good Soldier kept his Counsels secret raising great jealousies in all the Neighbouring Princes The Queen Regent of Portugal also departed this Life on the 25th of February On the 25th of April the Princess Margaret of Austria was Contracted to her Uncle Leopoldus Ignatius the Emperor Her departure was fixed for the 28th of the same Month She Travelled to Denia thinking to Embark there but being disappointed went thence to Barcelona Her Imperial Majesty came the 18th of July to Monjuy distant half a League from Barcelona whither she came by Sea D. Luis Gonzaga the Viceroy first then the Bishop Chapter and Magistrates went out to welcome and kiss her Hand which Ceremony lasted from 6 in the Morning till Noon All this while she was upon the Sea in the Admiral Gally encompassed by 27 others and much bigger than any of them being guilt all over even to the Oars the Stem and Stern set round with Christal Glass through which appeared her Majesties Bed At Noon she came to the Mole of the City and all the Cannon was Three times fired round the Gallys answering She stept out of the Gally upon a Bridge made on purpose that ran 200 yards into the Sea was Railed on both sides the Rails covered with Crimson Damask and the Ground with Red and Yellow Bays The Duke of Albuquerque handed her out then followed the Dutchess the Ladies Cardinal Colonna Two Bishops and the Dukes Two Brothers These were covered but the Viceroy and other Nobility had their Hats in their Hands At the Foot of the Bridge were Two rich Chairs which took up the Empress and Dutchess the rest went a-Foot to the Mole where they again came out of their Chairs and went into a Coach the Cannon now Firing the 4th time The Empress spent 3 days in Visiting the City and Churches all which time there were Fireworks and Illuminations at Night other sports being forbidden on account of the King's death Six days before her Majesty Embarked came 7 Galleys of Malta which Saluted 7 times with Vollies of small as well as great Shot Every Salute was answered by the City and the Rejoicing lasted Two Hours The 10th of August her Majesty Embarked being 3 times saluted by the Cannon of the Town her Fleet consisted of 34 Galleys Contrary Winds obliged them to put into Roses and Cadaques at length they arrived at Final where Cardinal Nepos the Pope's Legate the Duke of Savoy the Duke of Modena the Duke of Florence his Brother with other great Men expected her Majesty accompanied by 10000 Men to guard her to Trent There the Duke of Albuquerque delivered her to the Imperial Ministers sent to Receive her and taking his leave returned with all the Spaniards going over to Sicily to take Possession of the Viceroyship of that Island Cid Hamet the Moor after having been several times assisted by King Philip IV. and receiving many Favours at his Hands in Requital for all those Obligations resolved to surprize the Town of Alarache and to that effect provided all things necessary for an Escalade A Christian Captive understanding the Design fled with danger of his Life the 24th of February and the 26th came to the Bank of the River
15 Hannibal Governs in Spain 19 Marches through France towards Rome 21 His Progress in Italy 22 Hanno His Voyage to the Southward He and Hunilco Return to Carthage 15 His Actions in Spain 16 Hanno in Sicily with 21 Spaniards and 10000 Africans 16 Hegira the Mahometan Computation of time used in Spain 100 Heir of Castile made Prince of Asturias 305 Heliogabalus Reigns 3 Years and 9 Months 57 Helvius Pertinax Reigns 2 Months and 28 Days 57 Helvius recovers Illiturgum and routs the Spaniards 31 Henry I. King of Castile but 11 Years of Age. 196 Is Married Parted from his Wife on account of consanguinity 197 His Death 399 Henry the Bastard Proclaims himself King of Castile and is the 2d of the Name 283 Is routed 285 Returns into Spain 286 Finds many Enemies Takes Carmona and breaks the Articles 289 His Death 295 Henry III. Proclaimed King of Castile 307 Takes upon him the Government 313 Dies 323 Anotable Action of his His Will 324 Henry IV. of Castile his Birth 346 Rebels against his Father 372 Reconciled to him 376 Proclaimed King of Castile 381 How disposed 381 Ravages the Territories of the Moors and Marries Joanna Sister to the King of Portugal 383 Raises mean Persons in opposition to the Nobility 386 Proclaimed Earl of Barcelona by the Rebels there 404 Supposed to be Poisoned 420 Dies 422 Henry V. King of England Invades France 339 Henry VII King of England his Death 533 Heny VIII King of England 533 Takes Therouenne and Tournay 556 Henry King of Navarre F. 216. p. 2 Dies 216 Henry Prince of Castile Governs 236 Henry Earl of Portugal Dies 165 Heresie of the Albigenses its Original 191 Of Nestorius revived 109 Heretical Opinions Condemned in Spain 434 Hereticks expelled Leon. 192 Herminij entirely subdued 44 Hesperus Reigns 7 Hierome Savonarola a famous Preacher in Florence burnt 481 Hierusalem lost 184 Taken by the Christians 158 Himilco and Hanno 14 Himilco Sails along the Coast of Spain 14 Hirtuleyus General for Sertorius twice routs the Romans 42 Hispalus King 7 Holy War in the East 155 Honorius the Emperor Reigned above 28 Years 70 Honours done to the Archbishop of Toledo 196 Horrid Treason of a Bishop 99 Houses of Haro and Lara reconciled 242 Huesca besieged Surrendred 156 I. Jaen City described Besieged Surrendred F. 209 p. 2 Jayme or James I. King of Aragon 194 Comes into Spain 195 Escapes from his Keepers 198 Marries Ellenor of Castile 201 A Conspiracy against him He is Seized 202 Escapes and invades Valencia 203 Kills the Rebel Peter de Ahones 203 Lands in Majorca 205 Wounded at the Siege of Valencia F. 217. p. 2 Marries his Son to the Daughter of the King of Sicily F. 213 2 Goes to Toledo 215 2 Imbarks for the Holy Land 216 Dies His Issue 219 Jayme or James the 2d King of Aragon Pag. 233 Proclaim'd King of Sardinia and Corsica 238 Dies 252 Jayme Heir of Aragon Abdicates 250 Jealousies of Princes 540 Jealousie the Cause of King Philip's Quen's Distemper 519 Jews banish'd Spain 83 460 Converted 336 Murder'd in Sicily Jews and Moors distinguish'd in Castile 323 Infamous Life and Death of the Queen Mother of Castile 274 Infidels twice defeated 176 Victorious 159 Divide and overrun Spain 99 Twice overthrown 243 Defeated by Prince Peter of Castile 249 200000 slain in one Battel 190 262 Ingundis Wife to Ermenegildus persecuted for the Catholick Religion 79 Inigo Arista King of Navarre 119 Innocent the 7th Chosen Pope of Rome 322 Dies 323 Innocent the 8th Pope 445 Dies 461 Insolency of the Moors 205 Intercasia surrendred 35 Interdict in Castile and Aragon at one time 224 Interregnum 77 Inquisition first setled in Spain 432 Interview of the King of Aragon and Navarre Fol. 205 p. 2 Of the Kings of France and Castile 231 Of Princes at Perpignan 337 Of Kings 269 Of the Kings of Castile and Navarre 384 Of two Kings 518 528 Invasion of the Normans Investiture of Naples granted to King Ferdinand 539 Joanna Daughter to King Henry Heiress of Navarre 216 Joanna Queen of Naples dies 359 Joanna Princess of Castile Contracted to the Duke of Guienne 414 Joanna Queen of Castile wholly unfit to govern 524 Deliver'd of a Daughter 525 John the first King of Castile 296 Proclaim'd King of Portugal 299 Makes his Will 301 Kill'd by a Fall from his Horse 306 Contents of his last Will. 308 John the 2d an Infant Proclaim'd King of Castile 325 Govern'd by the Archbishop of Toledo 339 His Character Is under Restraint 340 Makes his Escape 342 Breaks into Aragon 352 Invades Granada 355 Drives the Moors into that City gives them a great Overthrow 355 Made Prisoner by his Rebds 367 Makes his Escape 370 His Designs 380 Dies 381 John the first Crown'd King of Aragon 304 His Qualities 307 His strange Death 317 John the 2d King of Aragon dies 433 John King of France dies Charles the 5th succeeds John King of France dies 281 John Proclaimed King of Navarre 347 Crown'd 351 Subdues his Rebellious Subjects 526 John Master of Avis a Bastard aspires to the Crown of Portugal 300 Is Proclaim'd King 301 All Portugal submit to him 302 His Issue 310 His Government 332 Dies 358 John the 2d of Portugal while Prince comes to his Father's Assistance into Castile 426 Restores the Crown to his Father 313 His Accession to the Crown 473 Dies 455 469 John King of Hierusalem comes into Spain 206 John Prince of Castile usurps the Title of King of Leon and Galicia 236 Is reconcil'd to the King 239 John Prince of Castile born 432 Dies 480 John the 20th Chosen Pope 249 John the 23th Chosen Pope 330 Forced to quit the Papacy 336 John Duke of Lorrain in Catalonia for his Father 410 D. John Nunez de Lara revolts from Castile 232 Is reconcil'd to King Sancho and again ready to flie from him 232 John Hus and Hierome of Prague burnt 338 Joseph the Miramamolin comes out of Africk 154 His Death 158 Joseph governs Spain 106 Joseph King of Granada dies 311 Joseph the 2d King of Granada his strange Death 318 Joseph the 3d King of Granada dies 344 Jovianus reigns 7 Months and 22 Days 63 Irruption of the Moors into France 102 Of the Goths 64 Italy in War Jubilee first Instituted 239 Judges appointed to decide the Right to the Crown of Aragon 333 Julian the Apostate Chosen Emperor Reigns one Year 7 Months and 27 Days 62 Is kill'd 63 Julian the famous Count that betrayed Spain to the Moors 97 Invites the Moors into Spain 98 His and his Families End 101 Julianus Reigns 6 Months 57 Julius Pope dies 553 Julius the 2d Pope 503 Just Reward of Treachery 179 K. Kingdom of Aragon under an Interdict Fol. 210 p. 2 Kingdoms of the Moors 138 King of Aragon in Danger Fol. 207 p. 9 King of Aragon with 3 Princes in League against France 209 King of Aragon makes Peace
22 Years 51 His Death 52 Titinius Curvus 32 Titus Reigns 2 Years 2 Months and 20 Days Is call'd Decus Deliciae Generis humani 54 Toledo and other Towns whence so call'd 12 Toledo a new Wall about it 94 Taken 99 It s Conquest resolv'd upon The Country about it wasted 149 Closely besieg'd The manner of inclosing it It s Surrender 150 An Archbishop Chosen 151 It s Cathedral taken forcibly from the Moors contrary to Articles 152 How its Archbishops came to be Primates of Spain 152 174 Torismund succeeds Theodoredus 71 Is murder'd 72 Toro taken by King Peter 273 Surpriz'd by the Castilians 429 Tortosa Lerida and Fraga taken 171 Towns taken by the Christians 203 In Andaluzia taken 213 Recover'd by the Christians 214 Taken on both sides 276 Taken by the Moors 373 Trajan Reigns 19 Years and a half Persecution under him His Death 55 Treachery rewarded 289 Traytors punish'd in Portugal 437 Treaty betwixt the Emperour and King Ferdinand 527 Betwixt the King of Castile and his Rebels 272 Trebonianus Gallus Reigns 18 Months 58 Trojans come into Spain 9 Troubles in Castile and Aragon upon the occasion of two Children Henry and Jayme or James to those Crowns 195 Of Castile break into open War 198 In Aragon 170 265 214 In Navarre 219 In Portugal 395 Among the Moors 310 In Naples 343 In Castile and in the Church 363 Increase in Castile 407 In Aragon Sardinia and Navarre 414 In Galicia 443 In Aragon stop the Progress of the War in Granada 452 Truce for 3 Years 115 Betwixt Aragon and Navarre 171 With the Moors 186 With Portugal 305 With the Moors of Granada 306 With Portugal for 15 Years 311 With Portugal Renew'd 319 Betwixt Castile and Portugal 343 For 5 Years 354 For 3 Years betwixt France and Spain 506 Betwixt France and Spain 553 Betwixt Spain and France prolong'd 557 True Heirs of Castile Imprison'd 220 Truxillo recover'd by a strange contrivance 353 Tryal by Ordeal 75 Tubal the first that Peopl'd Spain 1 Tulga made King 89 Tumults in Aragon and Catalonia 448 In Aragon 322 Turbulent State of Christendom 332 Turks their Original and Growth 247 Pass over into Europe 318 Take Otranto in Italy 420 Two Engagements 34 Christian Ks. make War upon the Moors 164 Archbishops Murdered 180 Holy Men. 160 Synods 161 Uncles strive to Vsurp the Crown of Aragon 195 Ecclipses F. 208 p. 2 Moorish Kings at Granada destroy one another 444 Several Rebellions quelled 201 Extraordinary accidents 246 Factions in Navarre 377 Defeats of the Moors 377 V. Valencia where Seated Besieged and Relieved 157 Abandoned by the Christians 158 It s Siege resolved on It s Description Besieged F. 207 p. 2 Delivered up to the Christians 208 Valens Emperor of the East Persecutes the Catholicks 63 His Superstitious Practices 64 Valentine Duke slain 526 Valentinian the Emperor Reigns 11 Years 8 Months and 22 Days His Death 63 Valerianus Reigns 7 Years 58 Vandals who they were 67 They come into Spain 68 Various Accidents 278 Varro 45 Vasco de Gama Discovers India 474 At Calicut 476 Returns to Portugal 477 Account of his Navigation 478 Vascones subdued 85 Vast Multitude of Infidels comes into Spain 185 217 Army of Foreigners comes into Spain to the Assistance of the Christians 188 Venetians overthrown by the French 468 546 Set upon on all Sides 535 Their Army Routed 535 Overthrown by the Viceroy of Naples 558 Venice Cannonaded 556 Vespanan chosen Emperor Reigns 10 Years 54 Victory of the French and Spaniards at Sea over the English 291 Of the English at Poitiers 275 Of the Christians by Sea 326 Obtained by the Queen of Naples 346 Of the Moors over the Christians 280 Vmcenza taken by the Imperalists 538 Violante Queen of Castile proves with Child and prevents being divorced from the King F. 212 p. 2 Flies to Aragon with her Grandchildren 219 Violante Daughter to the King af Aragon Married to Luis Duke of Anjou 321 Violent Winter 368 Viriatus his Original and Life 35 His Actions 36 Defeats the Romans and makes Peoce with them His Death 37 Vitellius his Army routed and he slain 36 Vitellius the Emperor enters Rome Reigns 9 Months 54 Vitoria City Built 183 Uncertain Government of Castile 523 Unimanus vanquished and slain by Viriatus 3 Union of the Crowns of Castile and Leon. F. 205 p. 2 Universal Plague 15 266 University of Alcalâ founded 483 Ufracâ Queen of Castile a dissolute Woman 160 Her Death 165 W. Walia Ring of the Goths agrees with the Romans 69 Wamba his accession to the Crown 91 Marches against the Rebels Recovers very many Towns Takes Narbonne Reduces other Places Enters Nismes by assault 92 Returns to Spain His publick Works 93 Is deposed Reigned 8 Years 1 Month ana 14 Days 94 War in Sicily 16 Among the Moors 109 Betwixt the Kings of Castile and Leon. 138 Of Majorca and Zaragoca 162 Betwixt Navarre and Aragon 170 180 Betwixt Castile and Navarre 175 With the Moors 194 204 245 354 257 and 456 In Italy 215 382 and 544 Betwixt Castile and Aragon 231 275 In Sicily 238 In Navarre 284 Betwixt Castile and Portugal 291 309 Betwixt Castile Aragon and Navarre 351 At Naples betwixt the Aragonians and House of Anjou 401 Breaks out inseveral Parts of Castile With the Infidels put off for some time 442 Betwixt the French and Spaniards at Naples 492 Wicked contrivance of Sons against their Mother 136 Witericus the Murderer of Liuva Usurps the Crown Is killed and dragg'd about the Streets 86 Witiza made his Fathers Companion in the Throne His Reign He Murders Favila His Death 96 Wonderful Dearth 9 Providence 128 Defeat of of Hereticks 194 Judgment 245 Works of Peter Tenorio Archbishop of Toledo 320 X. Xeres Besieged by the Moors and the Siege raised 227 Z. Zahara surprized by the Moors 440 Zama governs Spain 104 Zamora made a Bishoprick and Compostela an Archbishoprick 164 Zanelus the Pope's Nuncio in Spain 117 Zaragoca Besieged in vain 116 Besieged by the Christians Taken 163 THE INDEX TO THE SUPPLEMENT A. ACeord betwixt Spain and France Pag. 5 Actions in Portugal 48 Adrian Cardinal 2 Chosen Pope 4 Agreement with Portugal 7 Alarache in vain attempted by the Moors 92 Taken 32 Albertus the Archduke governs the Netherlands 29 Alcaraz Castle Surprized 58 Alenzon Duke in the Low Countries 24 Heads the Rebels there 25 Returns into France 26 Alexander VII chosen Pope 72 Dies 93 Alonso King of Portugal imprisoned by his Brother 94 Sent to the Island Tercera 94 Alva Duke Governor of the Low-Countreys 20 Reduces Portugal 25 Amiens taken by the Spaniards 30 Ann Princess her Birth 31 Antony Perez his Sufferings 28 Antony the Bastard of Portugal vanquished 26 With the English Fleet in Portugal 28 Antwerp Plundered 24 Archbishop of Toledo Condemned 23 B. Badajoz Besieged by the Portugueses 78 Relieved 79 Baltazar Prince Born 38 Dies 46 Barbarossa Ravages the Coast of Italy 11 Battle of S. Quintin
Sigericus K. of the Goths murdred Walia K. of the Goths agrees with the Romans 418. Alans and Silingi subdued by the Goths Vandals and Suevians submit 410. 421. Gundericus K. of the Vandals aspires to the Sovereignty of all Spain Gensericus succeeds Gundericus 423. Honorius Reign'd above 28 Years Gensericus King of the Vandals passes over into Africk 440. 448. Theodoredus K. of the Goths Attila K. of the Huns in France Ann. Dom. 154. was the great battle fought against Attila K. of the Huns by the Romans Franks Visogoths wherein were 180000 Men slain Torismund succeeds Theodoredus Torismund Murdered 455. General Council at Chalcedon Theodorick K. of the Goths Theodorick K. of the Goths invades Spain 456. 460. 461. Broils ' among the Suevians 467. Euricus King after Theodorick 483. Alaricus Proclaimed King Two great Overthrows given the Goths by the Franks 506. Gesaleycus advanced to the Throne Francs overthrown 20000 killed 510. Gesaleycus his death 516. A Council at Tarragona 517. Three Synods 523. Amalaricus's Reign His death 531. Second Council of Toledo Tryal by Ordeal Theudis made K. by Election 541. Franks again invade Spain A great Plague 548. Theudis's Death Theudiselus Elected K. Is murdered 549. Agila Reigns 554. Is killed having Reign'd 5 Years and 3 Months The 5th General Council Athanagildus ascends the Throne 567. An Interregnum Suevians Converted Cause of the Suevians Conversion First Council of Braga The French call this Brunechilda Brunehault Unfortunate Marriages of the two Daughters of Athanagildus This Theodorick the Franch call Thierri * Doubtless it is Mariana that mistakes for the French Authors are positive in the Crimes of Brunechilda and that she committed them after the Death of Fredegunda Leuvigildus drives the Romans out of Spain 572. Second Council of Braga Leuvigildus chooses his two Sons Companions in the throne Ingundis Wife to Ermenegildus Persecuted for the Catholick Religion Bada Wife to Recaredus Ermenegildus the Kings Son Converted Messages betwixt the Father and Son Begining of the War betwixt Father and Son 580. Mahomet the Founder of Mahometism Born Anno Dom. 580. Sevil Besieged by Leuvigildus 586. Sevil taken Eremenegildus taken Death of Ermenegildus 586. Recaredus makes War in France Franks overthrown in Italy Leuvigildus Persecutes the Catholicks Suevians reduced under the Dominion of the Goths Kingdom of the Sueviens abolished 586. Death of King Leuvigildus The Causes of his Conversion Leuvigildus the first Goth that used the regal Ornament The Reign of Recaredus Conversion of the Goths Troubles on account of the change of Religion Recaredus restores the Church Possessions He Overthrows the Franks 587. Hereticks conspire against the King Conspirators punished Franks defeated by the Goths The third Council of Toledo 589. True Religion flourishes in Spain 590. Gregory the Great Pope Several Letters from him Several Synods Recaredus Marries Clodosinda Sister to Childebert King of Lorrain Romans defeated and Vascones subdued 610. King Recaredus dies Genealogy of the Kings of Spain Original of Dukes and Counts Liuva succeeds his Father Recaredus Is Murdered Witericus the Murderer of Liuva usurps the Crown Is killed and draged about the Streets 610. Gundemarus his Reign 612. His Death Fourth Synod at Toledo Subdues the Asturians Overthrow of Romans Peace with the Romans Jews Banished Synod at Sevil. 621. Sisebutus his Death Recaredus Reigned 3 Months Suinthila chosen King Romans quite expell'd Spain 626. Causes of Suinthila's ruin He is expelled by his own Subjects and the Franks 631. Sisenandus Usurps the Crown having expelled Suinthila and his Son A Synod at Toledo 634. 635 Chintila ascends the Throne by Election 636. The 5th Council of Toledo 〈…〉 5th 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 6th Council there 639. Tulga made King 641. Chindasuinthus Usurps with the assistance of the Army 647. The 7th Council of Toledo St. Gregory's Books sent for to Rome Monasteries Founded 648. Recesuinthus Advanced to the Throne by his Father The 8th Council of Toledo The 9th Council of Toledo 656. The 10th Council of Toledo 660. Increase of the Mahometan Power Recesuinthus his Actions and Death 672. Wamba his accession to the Crown Navarre revolts Rebellion in Gallia Gothica Paul General for the King takes part with the Rebels Paul declar'd King Wamba marches against the Rebels Recovers many Towns Narbonne taken Several otherplaces reduced The Rebels every where worsted Nismes carryed by Assault A miserable slaughter Paul taken Wamba return-into Spain Wamba his publick works Toledo a new Wall raised about it 675. The 11th Council of Toledo Third Council of Braga Laws Establish'd by Wamba A great Fleet of the Saracens destroy'd by the Goths 680. Wamba deposed Ervigius Usurps the Crown Wamba Reign'd 8 Years 1 Month 14 Days Ervigius the Usurper Governs well 681. The 12th Council of Toledo 683. The 13th Council of Toledo 684. The 14th Council of Toledo Many of these were rather Parliaments than Councils 6th General Council at Constantinople 687. Egica Anointed King The 15th Council of Toledo 688. Goths thrice defeated 693. The 16th Council of Toledo 17th and last Council of Toledo Witiza made his Father's Companion in the Throne 701. Egica dies Witiza's Reign His disorderly Life Murders Favila Death of Witiza 711. Original of the division of the Goths Roderick ascends the Throne The famous Count Julian who betrayed Spain to the Moors Roderick Ravishes Count Julian's Daughter Count Julian invites the Moors into Spain 12000. Moors pass over into Spain 713. Second coming of the Moors A Battle that lasted 8 Days 714. Horrid Treason of a Bishop The Christians overthrown Pelayus flies into Biscay The Infidels divide and over-run the Country Toledo taken Progress of the Moors Muza comes into Spain Takes several Towns Merida reduc'd An odd Project if true Abdalasis Son to Muza his Actions 716. Muza and Tarif at Variance The Mahometan computation of time call'd Hegira us'd in Spain Abdalasis the Moor Marries the Widow of K. Rhoderick End of Count Julian and his Family Deplorable State of Spain Irruption of the Moors into France Pelayus of the Blood Royal undertakes to oppose the Infidels Cause of Pelayus's taking Arms. Pelayus declared King 716. 1000 Christians miraculously overcame a great Power of the Infidels A Mountain falls 718. Muza's Death 719. Pelayus his Power increases 722. Leon taken by him Several Towns taken from the Moors Zama Governs Spain Aza or Adham Governs Several Governours 724. 731. The Moors from Spain again invade France Anno Dom. 734. was fought the great Battle between Charles Martel and the Moors that came out of Spain and Africk Pelayus his Death Favila succeeds him Is killed by a Bear Men Famous for Learning and Sancting Recaredus and D. Alonso the first Kings had the Title of Catholick Kings in Spain and then it lay Dormant until Ferdinand of Aragons time and was then revived by gift of Alexander the sixth Pope Aucupa Governs pain 739. Affairs of the Infidels 743. 744. Juseph Governs Spain 750. 753. King Alonso takes many Towns
Brother Hiaya Aldirbil much unlike to his Father and Brother He was a Coward and unfit for Government Lewd in his Life and spar'd not the Wives and Daughters of his Subjects whereby he became odious as well to the Moors as Christian Inhabitants of Toledo Upon the death of Hissem D. Alonso was discharged of the Oath he had taken at Toledo to be Friend to the Father and Son Both Moors and Christians weary of the Tyranny of that new Prince solicited King Alonso to free them from that Slavery and possess himself of that City These were the first inducements to undertake the Conquest of that most Noble City the Metropolis of all that Kingdom D. Ramon Earl of Barcelona dy'd in that City and was bury'd in the Cathedral thereof which he had built from the Ground with all suitable Pomp and Grandeur He divided his Dominions betwixt his two Sons D. Berenguel and D. Ramon called Cabeça de Estopa or Flaxen-Head This last according to Mariana the Younger but according to several Testimonies brought in Opposition to him by Peter Mantuanus in his Animadversions on his History the elder Brother Marry'd a Vertuous Lady Daughter to Robert Guiscard a Norman but then very Powerful in Italy as Zurita lib. 1. cap. 1. relates At this time the Normans were possessed of the extreme parts of Italy and Sicily This Lady built two Monasteries one of the Invocation of S. Daniel in the Valley of S. Mary in the Territory of Cabrera the other near Girona where after the death of her Husband she spent the remainder of her Life in much Sanctity Both Monasteries were given to the Nuns of S. Benedict D. Ramon Arnaldo or Berenguel who succeeded his Father in that Earldom was Son to this Lady About the same time Armengaud Earl of Vrgel made War upon the Moors in those Parts and William Jordan Earl of Cerdagne prosecuted the Arian Hereticks who now began again to appear in those parts after having been so long suppressed He Banished them Confiscated their Goods made them Infamous and put the Obstinate to death Thro' the Valour of Armengaud many Towns along the River Segre were taken from the Moors and particularly the City Balaguer the Metropolis of the Earldom of Vrgel Since we have above mentioned the Normans it will not be amiss to add a few Lines in relation to them their Conquests in Italy being parts we shall have much occasion to speak of in this History It has been already said how they being a Northern People possess'd themselves of that part of France before called Neustria and from them Normandy This they did under Rollo their Chief and General The 7th Duke from him was William called the Conqueror for that having defeated and slain Harold he made himself King of England Another Army of Normans went thro' France into Italy which was then divided into several small Principalities and much wasted with intestine Wars Here they first served in the Wars of Lombardy and Tuscany then passing into the Kingdom of Naples where they received Pay of the Prince of Capua and soon after for better Pay went over to him of Salerno who with their assistance obtained the Victory over his Enemy This War being ended thro' the persuasions of Maniacus Governor of Apulia and Calabria for the Grecian Emperor they undertook the Conquests of Sicily then possess'd by the Moors Their success was such that in a short time they drove the Infidels out of the Island then falling at variance with the Greeks expelled them also Thus they laid the Foundations of a mighty Monarchy in Italy and Sicily for at the fame of their success many more resorted to them out of Normandy All that was taken was divided among the Conquerors but the others soon dying all was devolved upon Robert Guiscard and Roger. Robert called himself Duke of Apulia and Calabria Roger was Earl of Sicily Robert by two Wives had these Children Boamundus Roger and one Daughter who if what the Catalonians say be true was Married to D. Ramon Earl of Barcelona as has been above related Roger had a Son also called Roger wh●● hanged the Title of Earl for that of King and at last became sole Lord of all that the Normans held both in Italy and Sicily Besides Italy and Greece were Tributary to him This is taken out of Gaufridus the Monk who writ the Actions of the Normans in Italy at the request of the said Earl Roger. But let us leave Italy and return to Spain The Citizens of Toledo ceased not to Sollicite the Christians to undertake the Conquest of that City Exaggerating the Calamities they endured begging relief and protesting if they were not speedily delivered from the Tyranny of their King they must have recourse to other Moors for Assistance King Alonso was perplexed and knew not what to do fearing on the one hand what might be said of him and considering on the other the great advantage of gaining that City Therefore he resolved to put it to the Votes of the Chief Nobility and Persons of most Understanding Opinions as is usual in such cases were various The most bold and daring were for undertaking that War shewing the great advantage that would Accrew to the King and to Christianity in General Others more wary said there could be no reason to attempt such a Conquest it being contrary to Conscience and Honour to break the Peace Established with those Kings where the King had received such Obligations The King having heard all their Opinions at length yielded to the desire he had of Conquering that Noble City and having positively declared his intention to be such the whole Council easily agreed to it and it was unanimously decreed to make War upon the Moors This being resolved the King applyed himself to gather store of Arms Provisions Horses and all other Necessaries He made new Levies and offered rewards to such of the Old Soldiers who were dispersed about the Kingdom as would serve All things were furnished with the more speed because News was brought that the Moors having called the King of Badajoz to their Assistance he was preparing to relieve them Such was their expedition that both Armies arrived together in sight of Toledo but the Moors perceiving King Alonso had a Gallant Army returned without attempting any thing Yet the City could not be taken at that time for that the King of it was well provided against a Siege and the natural strength of the place deterred all Men. The Christians wasted the Country burnt the Corn drove the Cattle and many Prisoners and then returned home This destruction was began in the Year 1079. and continued the next and several Years afters Canales and Olmos two Towns near that City were taken well Garrisoned and thence all the Country continually infested Thus by degrees the City began to be straitned and suffered much want Toledo is for the most part furnished with Provisions brought from