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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10708 The. holie. Bible. conteynyng the olde Testament and the newe.; Bible. English. Bishops'. Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575. 1568 (1568) STC 2099; ESTC S122070 2,551,629 1,586

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hearken named Rhoda 14 And when she knewe Peters voyce she opened not the doore for gladnesse but ran in and tolde howe Peter stoode before the doore 15 And they sayde vnto her thou art mad But she affirmed that it was euen so Then sayde they it is his Angel 16 But Peter continued knockyng And when they had opened the doore and sawe hym they were astonyed 17 * And when he had beckened vnto thē with the hande that they myght holde their peace he tolde them by what meanes the Lorde had brought hym out of the pryson ☜ And he sayde Go shewe these thynges vnto Iames and to the brethren And he departed and went into another place 18 Nowe assoone as it was day there was no litle adoe among the souldiers what was become of Peter 19 And when Herode had sought for hym and founde hym not he examined the kepers and commaunded them to be caryed away And he descended from Iurie to Cesarea and there abode 20 And Herode was displeased with them of Tyre and Sidon But they came all with one accorde to hym and made intercession vnto Blastus the kynges chaumberlayne and desired peace because their countrey was norisshed by the kyng 21 And vpon a day appoynted Herode arayed hym in royall apparell and set hym in his seate and made an oration vnto them 22 And the people gaue a shout saying It is the voyce of God not of a man 23 And immediatly the Angel of y e Lorde smote hym because he gaue not God y e honour he was eaten of wormes and gaue vp the ghost 24 And the worde of God grewe and multiplied 25 And Barnabas and Saul returned to Hierusalem when they had fulfylled their office and toke with them * Iohn whose sirname was Marke ¶ The .xiij. Chapter 2 Paul and Barnabas are called to preache among the gentiles 7 Of Sergius Paulus and Elymas the sorcerer 13 The departure of Marke 14 Paul preacheth at Antiochia 26 The Iewes are reiected 28 They that are ordayned to lyfe beleue 1 THere was also in the Churche that was at Antioche certayne prophetes and teachers as Barnabas and Simeon that was called Niger and Lucius of Cyrene and Manahen which had ben norisshed vp with Herode the tetrarch and Saul 2 As they ministred to the Lorde and fasted the holy ghost sayde Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the worke wherunto I haue called them 3 And when they had fasted prayed layde their hādes on thē they let thē go 4 And they after they were sent foorth of the holy ghost departed vnto Seleucia from thence they sealed to Cyprus 5 And when they were at Salamine they preached the worde of God in the synagogues of the Iewes And they had also Iohn to their minister 6 And when they had gone through the I le vnto Paphos they founde a certayne sorcerer a false prophete a Iewe whose name was Bariesu 7 Which was with the deputie of the countrey one Sergius Paulus a prudent man The same called vnto hym Barnabas and Saul and desired to heare the worde of God 8 But Elymas the sorcerer for so is his name by interpretation withstoode them and sought to turne the deputie away from the fayth 9 Then Saul which also is called Paul beyng full of the holy ghost set his eyes on hym 10 And sayde O full of all subtiltie and all mischiefe thou chylde of the deuyll thou enemie of all righteousnesse wylt thou not cease to peruert the wayes of the Lorde 11 And nowe beholde the hande of the Lorde is vpon thee and thou shalt be blynde and not see the sunne for a season And immediatly there fell on hym a myste and a darcknesse and he went about seekyng them that shoulde leade hym by the hande 12 Then the deputie when he sawe what was done beleued and wondred at the doctrine of the Lorde 13 Nowe when they that were with Paul were departed frō Paphos they came to Perga in Pamphylia And Iohn departed from them and returned to Hierusalem 14 But when they departed from Perga they came to Antioche in Pisidia and went into the synagogue on y e Sabboth day and sate downe 15 And after the lecture of the lawe and the prophetes the rulers of the synagogue sent vnto them saying Ye men and brethren yf ye haue any worde to exhort the people say on 16 Then Paul stoode vp and beckened with the hande and sayde Men of Israel ye that feare God geue audience 17 The God of this people of Israel chose our fathers exalted the people when they dwelt as straungers in the lande of Egypt and with an hye arme brought he them out of it 18 And about the tyme of fourtie yeres suffred he their maners in the wyldernesse 19 And he destroyed seuen nations in the lande of Chanaan and deuyded their lande to them by lot 20 And afterwarde * he gaue vnto them iudges about the space of foure hundred and fyftie yeres vnto the tyme of Samuel the prophete 21 And afterwarde they desired a kyng and God gaue vnto them Saul the sonne of Cis a man of the tribe of Beniamin by the space of fourtie yeres 22 And when he was put downe he set vp Dauid to be their kyng of whom he reported saying I haue founde Dauid the sonne of Iesse a man after mine owne heart which shall fulfyll all my wyll 23 Of this mans seede hath God accordyng to his promise brought foorth to Israel the sauiour Iesus 24 When Iohn had first preached before his commyng the baptisme of repentaunce to all the people of Israel 25 And when Iohn had fulfylled his course he sayde Whom ye thynke that I am the same am I not But behold there commeth one after me whose shoes of his feete I am not worthy to loose 26 ☞ Ye men and brethren chyldren of the generation of Abraham and whosoeuer among you feareth God to you is the worde of this saluation sent 27 For they that dwell at Hierusalem and their rulers because they knewe hym not nor yet the voyces of the prophetes which are read euery Sabboth day they haue fulfylled them in condempnyng hym 28 And though they founde no cause of death in hym yet desired they Pilate to kyll hym 29 And when they had fulfylled all that were written of hym they toke hym downe from the tree and put hym in a sepulchre 30 But God raysed hym agayne from the dead 31 And he was seene many dayes of them which came vp with hym from Galilee to Hierusalem which are his witnesses vnto the people 32 And we declare vnto you howe that the promise which was made vnto the fathers 33 God hath fulfylled the same vnto vs their chyldren in that he raysed vp Iesus agayne ☜ As it is written in the seconde psalme Thou art my sonne this day
iiii b. Gen. 48. d. () That is twelue of the clocke 4. Reg. 17. Iohn vii b Iere. ii b. Ioh. vii b. Luk. vii b. 3. Reg. 9. a. ii Par. vii c. Exod. xxi c Rom. i. a. i. Cor. iii. ● Mat xxvi f. Ma● xiiii g. Luk. xxii c. Iohn ix d. and x. c. Math. ix b. Luk. x. a. (a) Meanyng the prophets Ioh xv ● Math. xii g Mark. vi ● Luk. iiii c. Iohn ii a. Math. viii a ▪ Luk. vii a. Act. xviii a. ☞ ●here ●pe were 〈◊〉 Or els 〈◊〉 the sheepe 〈◊〉 that is where they ●ashed sheep 〈◊〉 wher sheep 〈◊〉 Math. ix a. Mark ii b. Luke v. ● Actes iii. b. and .ix. f. Iohn viii a. i. Cor. xii a Mat. xxvi f Ma● xiiii g. Luk. xxi ● Iohn ●x a. Math. xi c. Luk. x. c. Iohn vi c. Luk. xxiii c Math. v. ● i. Iohn xi c. (a) Meaning those that are drowned in sinne (b) That is they that receaue it by fayth Iohn i. a. Iohn viii d. Io●●i b. Iohn v. a. Iohn xx c. 〈…〉 Ma● 〈…〉 Luk ● d. ii Pet i. d. Act ●vii b Deu. xvi●● Iohn ii ● ▪ i. Thess ii ● Deut. xviii ● Math. xiiii b Mark. vi d. Math. iiii d. Luk. vi c. Ma● xiiii b. Ma● vi d. Luk ix b. 3. Reg. iiii g () This sum amounteth to about fyue pound sterlyng Luk ●i d. 〈◊〉 xiiii ● 〈◊〉 vi f. Math. xii c. and .xvi. a. Mark viii b Luk. xi d. Exod. xvi b Math. xvi ● Luk. xxii c. Iohn v. ● Mat. xiii g. Mark vi a. Iohn ●ii g. Luk. xxii e. (a) To 〈◊〉 yf it be seperate from the spirite wherof it hath the force For it cōmeth of the power of the spirite that y e flesshe geueth vs lyfe feedeth vs. And therfore that we may be truly ●edde ●rished with it we must bring the spirituall mouth of faith to receaue it Iohn vii c. Mat. xvi e. Mark v● ● Luk ix c. Iohn xi c. Luk xxi● ● Iohn xii ● Yf this feaste they dwelled 〈◊〉 dayes in their tentes 〈◊〉 xv ● 〈◊〉 xi f. Math. xxi ● Iohn iiii c. and .vi. c. Iohn xii f. Exod. xx ● Deut v. a. Iohn v. a. Ge● xvii b. Deut. ● ● Leuit xix ● Pro. xxii● c () or openly Math. xiii g Mark vi a. Iohn vi ● Mark xi e. Luk. xix g. Iohn viii d. Mat. xxii b Mark xii a. Luk. xx d. Iohn viii ● and .xiii. d. Esaias iv a. 〈…〉 the holy ●host 〈…〉 of the holy gho●t Math v. a. Math. ii a. Iohn iii ● Math. xxi a Mark xi a. Luk. xix e. Luk. xx b. Iohn v. c. Iohn i. a. ix a. xii g. Num ●● d. Deut. xvii a Mat. xviii ● M●●h xi ● Iohn vii e. 〈◊〉 x●i d. Math xv●●● 〈◊〉 iii. d Iohn xiiii b Iohn xiii d. and xiiii b a Gen. iii. a. i. Iohn iii. b. Iohn x. c. Iohn x. d. 〈…〉 Exod. ● Iohn ● ☞ (a) Whyle oportunitie serueth Iohn i. a. viii b. xii g. Esai viii b. Math. xii a Mark ii d Luk. vi a Ioh. v. b. ●ii● Io. ●ii g. ●● Iohn vii f Iohn iiii c (b) He declared his fayth by his outwarde profession Iohn xv d. Prou x ● 〈…〉 Ezech ● M● v ● i. Tim. ii c. Math xi d. Luk x. d. Mark x. f. Math xi d. Luk x. d. Mark x. f. (b) To 〈◊〉 they among ye●ciles whē they were straunge●● from 〈◊〉 Churche Math ix d. and 〈…〉 Math ix d. and 〈…〉 Iohn vii ● Iohn xiiii a and xvii c Iohn viii g Iohn xiiii a and xvii c Iohn viii g Iohn ● d. Psal 82 a. Exo. xxii b. Mat xxvi f Mar. xiiii g Luk xx● ▪ g Iohn ix a and .xv d Mat xxvi f Mar. xiiii g Luk xx● ▪ g Iohn ix a and .xv d Math. xxi ● Iohn vi g. Iohn ● ☞ Luk. vii f. Iohn ix a. Iohn vii d. Math ix c. Luk. viii g. Mark v. d. Iohn xx f () which is about two myles Iohn xi d. Iohn i. ● and .xiiii. a. Iohn iii. b. Rom. i. b. Abac. ii a. Heb. x. g. Iohn i. ● and .xiiii. a. Iohn iii. b. Rom. i. b. Abac. ii a. Heb. x. g. (a) For compassion ▪ feling in hym selfe ou● miseries Luk xix f. Iohn ix b. Iohn xii d. Iohn v. c. (b) By ●sa●e way that they thought to escape daunger they 〈◊〉 unto it Io● 〈…〉 Mat. xxvi a Mar. xiiii a Mat. xxvi ● Mat. xiiii a. Luk. xxii ● Iohn vii b. Iohn xi ● 〈◊〉 xxv● a 〈◊〉 x●●i● a. I●hn xiii d. (a) The 〈◊〉 thinke all 〈◊〉 that ●●●eth their ●●ndes Iohn xi b. 〈…〉 Esa lxii d. Zach. ix b. Iohn xii c. 3 Reg. 8. c. Actes viii c. ii Par. vi f. Iohn xiii d. Esa liii d. i Cor. xv e. Math. x. d. and xvi d. Mark viii d Luk. xii b. Iohn xiii a. and xvii d. Iohn xi c Iohn xv d. and. xvi b. Psal e x a Esai ix b. Dan. vii d. Miche v. a. Ephe. v. c. Esai liii a. Rom. x. c. Iohn ix e. Iohn v ● Iohn i. ● iii c. viii b. Iohn iii. b. ☞ Math. xi d. and 28. d. Luk. x. c. Iohn ●● d Ephe. v. a. i Peter ii d. Math. x. c. Luk vi f. Iohn xv c. Luk. xi d. Psa● xl● b. (a) Vnder pretence of frendship seeketh his destruction Iohn xiiii d and .xvi ● Math. x d. Luk. ix c. Mark ix c. Math 2● b Mar. x●●●● Luk. xxii b Iohn x●x ● 〈…〉 Iohn xii a. Iohn xii d. and xvii a. Iohn vii c. Iohn xv a. i Iohn ii a. Iohn xi f. Actes xii a. Math. 26. c. Mar. xiiii c. Luk. xxii d Iohn xviii c ☞ Iohn xii d. and xvii● d. Iohn i. a. and xi c. Math. xi d. Iohn vi c. Iohn i. a. and xi c. Math. xi d. Iohn vi c. Iohn x. ● Iohn xvi ● Mat xvii a. and xxi c. Ma● 〈…〉 Lu● x●● Math. 18 d Iohn xv a. i Iohn v. a. ii Iohn i. a. Acte● xv d. Iohn xx d. and xvi b. Actes ii ● (a) Satan is the prince of ● wo●●d because he exerciseth 〈…〉 this wo●lde and worldlynges are subiect vnto hym (b) Because Christe was without sinne ▪ Eccle. 24. c. ☞ Iohn xiii b. Actes xv b. (a) Those b●yng foorth no fruite that are not graft in Christe Math. xxi c Iohn iii. d. Mark xi d. Iohn xvi f. Iacob i. a. (b) That is the loue wherwith Christe loued vs. Iohn xiii d. i Iohn iii. d. (c) So that there is nothyng omitted that is necessarie for our saluation Iohn xvii e Math. x. c. Luk. xxi c. Mark x. c. (d) It is called their word not y t it doth disagree from Gods worde but because they preache it ii Cor. iiii (e) They are without al excuse that folowe not the word of God preached vnto them Psal 35. c. and lxix ▪ ● Io● x●i d. and xv● b. Actes ii a Math. x. b. Mar. xiii d Luk. xxi c ▪ Act.
meeting with him which was y e sonne of Epiphanes the said Bacchides was destroyed 1. Mach. 10. Christes line Eleasar Mathan First wiffe Parentes Melchi Seconde wiffe Estha Sonne Naturall Heli. Sonne Brothers of one Vēter Twiēs Sonne Naturall Sonne Iacobus The Child of Adoption by the Lawe Ioseph Christes line P. Demetrius was ouercome of Antiochus the younger by Triphon after he was returned from Arabia 1. Mach. 10.11 Q. Antiochus was the last king of the Assirians the lande of Syria was tributary to the Romanes and Pompei was sent against Tigrauen king of Armenia he made Scaurus lieftenaunt in Syria and then when Aristobolus Hircanus were at debate and being receaued into Hierusalem by Hircanus friendes he brake vp the temple wherin Aristobolus friends were for whiche cause he was neuer fortunate after al he was before for he made the porches of the temple stables for his horse And after he had made Hircanus bishop he led Aristobolus with his children captiue to Rome and here ended the kingdome of Syria which came into the Empire of the Romanes R. Antiochus the younger gaue the priesthood to Ionathas and was slain by sleight of Triphon who desired to r●igne 1. Mach. 11. Triphon slue his maister Alexander and Ionathas the Machabite with his two sonnes 1. Mach. 1. S. Iulius Caesar in the tyme of Cassius liefetenaunt of Syria warred with Pompeius after his victorie held the chiefe rule .3 yeres and .7 monethes for before him the comon wealth was gouerned vnder cōsulles .464 yeres and from the tyme of Romulus it was gouerned vnder .7 kinges .240 yeres at the ende wherof succeeded the consulles vntyll Iulius Caesars dayes who ruled alone T. Crassus toke away almost all the golde of the Temple from the which Pompei kept his handes cleane he spent it vpon his souldiers that he had in Parthia whervpon he had golde crammed into his mouth and therof dyed Kynges of Syria Antiochus Eupator N. Demetrius sother O. Alexander Demetrius P. Antiochus the young R. Triphon Antiochus Q. The Presidentes of Syrie Pompeius Scaurus Emeperours of Rome Iulius Caesar S. Marcus Anthonius Gabinus Crassus T. Cassius 〈…〉 made of his father liefetenaunt of 〈…〉 a notable meete with his companie being king of y e Iewes by Anthonie Augustus ▪ by S●us was after brought in into the kingdome of Iurie who slewe y e infantes amongst whom he thought to haue killed Christe he had .7 wiues yet the scripture speaketh but of these 4. he slewe Maria●●ne his wife by the accusation of her sister for adulterie with her husband whom he also slue he slue his sonnes Antipater Ansiobulus Alexander and many other Iewes at the last he slue him selfe dyed miserably leauing Archelaus his sonne after hym This Herode next hym hath his brothers vnder whō be his wiues vnder them his .6 sonnes of his .4 wiues C. Archelaus after long battayle with his brethren made liefetenaunt of Idumea and Iurie of the Senate of Rome being puft in pride for y e promise of his roome was accused before Caesar for tirannie was driuen out in exile to Vienna of Burgandie where he died whiche landes being brought vnder tribute Componius was sent of Augustus Caesar whiche Componius was Procurator of Iurie Mat. 2. D. Herode Antipas slew Iohn Baptist to whom Pilate sent Christe vnder whom he suffered being Tetrarche of Galilee after long battayle with Archelaus enuiyng Herode Agrippa king of y e Iewes after Christes death went to Rome by the counsayle of his wife he was driuen in exile by the accusation of Herode Agrippa to Lions where he dyed miserably with Herodias his concubine Mat. 14. E. Herodes Agrippa oft troubled with varietie of fortune to whom was geuen the Tetrarchie of Trachonitis by Caligula the which Philip refused and Claudius afterwarde added Samaria and Iudea and called him kyng And he beyng desirous to please the Iewes slewe Iohn Iames imprisoned Peter toke vpon him gods honour and therfore dyed eaten of wormes Act. 12. It is to be noted that Mathan Melchi descended from Dauid but Mathan by Solomon and Melchi by Nathan Mathan had to wife one Estha of whom he begat Iacob Iacob being dead Melchi of the line of Nathan the sonne of Leui maryed her to wife of whō he had Hely so Iacob Hely were made brothers of one venter Hely maryed a wyfe dyed without chyldren and therfore Iacob maried her of whom he had Ioseph so that Ioseph was the naturall sonne of Iacob and the sonne of Hely by lawe therof it is that Matthewe calleth Ioseph the sonne of ●acob and Luke calleth Ioseph the sonne of Hely L. Iohn Baptist was prophe●ied to Zacharie by the angel Gabriel and was borne of Elizabeth when she was ●aren sanctified in her wombe when he was .vij. ●eres of age went into wil●ernesse where he liued an ●ustere life and after Christ was baptised and had preached penaunce and shewed Christ he was beheaded by Herode Antipas at the request of Herodias his concubine in ●he .32 yere of his age Luk. 1. A Antipater borne in Idumea a gentile was confederated first with Hi●●anus who went at his counsayle to the kyng of Arabie he ioyned with Pompeius and after his death with Iulius Caesar whom Caesar sent with .3000 men against Pellucium in which battayle doyng valiantly yet he had many woundes he was accused of Antigonus for the death of his father and brother and for betraying of the Empire before Caesar Whervpon he put of his clothes and shewed the scarres of his woundes which he receaued for Caesars sake saying Though my tongue speake not let these woundes declare whether I haue ben a traytor At the last he was poysoned he had Crispis to wife neece to the kyng of the Arabians of whom he had foure sonnes one daughter as appeareth here Antipater A. Herodes B. Phaselus Iosippus Feroras Salom● Mathata Mariamne Nosis Cleopater Archelaus C. Aristobolus Alexander Antipater Philippus Herods antipas D. Herodes Agrippa E. Herodias Componius F. Marcus Annius ●uffus Valerius G. Pontius Pilatus H. Anna. Caiphas F. Componius and his folowers in this line were Procurators of Iurie this Componius was made Procurator of Iurie by Augustus Caesar after that Archelaus was exiled who because the Samaritanes entred in the night into Hierusalem and to the Temple and did cast the bones of the dead men about the Temple he commaunded the gates of the Temple to be shut vntil the day who after his returne to Rome Marcus was sent after his returne was sent Annius Ruffus in whose dayes Caesar was slayne after whom Valerius was sent to be Procurator of Iurie G. Valerius a Greke borne he was made Procurator of Iurie by Tiberius Caesar he deposed Anna and substituted Ismael whom within a whyle he deposed set vp Eleasar the sonne of Annas and after a yere deposed him and appoynted Simeon whom he also depriued after a yere and constituted
Legales as it were where christes lawes be expressed and conteyneth 4. bokes or Gospelles Matthaewe Who principally treateth of the actes of Christe of his humanitie of his death resurrection and assention Chapters 28. Marke Wherin chiefly is treated the fortitude of Christe and doth repeate most thinges of Matthewe Chapters 16. Luke Which speaketh chiefly of the annunciation of the blessed virgin and Christes actes death and resurrection Chapters 24. Iohn In whom Christes diuinitie is chiefly shewed and other actes of his diuine power Chapters 21. Historical shewyng the actes deedes of y e Apostles and is one booke Act. of Apo. Wherin S. Luke declareth the sendyng of the holy ghost after his visible assention into heauen of the actes of the Apostles especially of Paul wherin is also set out as it were the young age of the Churche in her first grouth Chapters 28. Sapiētial be named these wherin the wisdome of Christ is expressed by examples preceptes of godly lyuing geuen by his Apostles be bookes 21. Romanes Wherin Paul doth reuoke the Romanes from the errours of the Gentiles declaryng the order of their iustification what shoulde proceede and what should folowe their iustification Chapters 16. Corinth 1 Wherin he doth call backe some that were deceaued of false Apostles Philosophers by their eloquence some which were deceaued by the iudaicall obseruation of the lawe he calleth them backe to true faith and to the wisdome of God Chapters 16. 2 Wherin Paul vpon their conuersion and repentaunce prayseth and comforteth them Chapters 13. Galath Wherin Paul calleth home agayne such as were deceaued by false prophetes that they shoulde returne backe to the lawe and to their ceremonies and wylleth them to come agayne to the true faith of the Gospell Chapters 6. Ephesians Wherin the Apostle prayseth the Ephesians which did persist constantly in the faith of the Gospell receaued Chapters 6. Philippians Wherin the Apostle prayseth the Philippians for that after they had receaued the worde of trueth they did not receaue the false Apostles Chapters 4. Colossians Wherin Paul blameth the Colossians for that they were reduced by the false Apostles and exhorteth them to returne to the veritie of the Gospell Chapters 4. Thessalonians 1 Wherin he doth commende the Thessalonians which receauyng the worde of trueth though they suffered persecution of their owne kinrede yet they did persist in the faith nor woulde receaue the false Apostles Chapters 5. 2 Wherin the Apostle instructeth them of the last tymes of the commyng and of the persecution of antechrist of his aduauncement and ouerthrowe Chapters 3. Timoth. 1 Wherin Paul instructeth him of the order and office of Bishops and Deacons and of all ecclesiasticall discipline Chapters 6. 2 Wherin Paul doth exhort him to the crowne of martirdome and doth infourme him of all the rules of the catholike veritie and what shal be done in the last dayes and of his owne sufferyng Chapters 4. Legales also Titus Wherin Paul doth instruct Titus his disciple of the constitutyng and ordering of priestes or elders of all spirituall conuersation and of the eschewing of heretikes Chapters 3. Philemon Wherin the Apostle commendeth Philemon of his faith to Christe and of his charitie to the godly and he prayeth him to deale gentlye with Onesimus his seruaunt and to entertayne him friendly Chapter 1. Hebre. Wherin the Apostle sheweth the weakenesse and the abolishment of Moyses lawe and the perfection of the doctrine of the Gospell and that Christ is true God and man and a mediatour betweene God and man Chapters 13. Iames. Wherin Iames geueth exhortation vnto patient sufferyng and that there is no exception of persons before God and doth also open the hurtes that come by an euyl tongue he forbiddeth warres and discentions he rebuketh the riche that be vncharitable and doth stirre men to vertue Chap. 5. Peter 1 Wherin Peter geueth thankes vnto God which by the death of his sonne did mercifully saue all mankinde and doth instruct to good life diuers states of men Chapters 5. 2 In which the Apostle induceth the beleuers to holde the true faith he doth note and condempne the falsenesse of heretikes and doth describe the seconde commyng of Christe Chapters 3. Iohn 1 In which saint Iohn doth testifie of the worde of trueth and life exhortyng men to confesse their sinnes affirmyng that we haue Iesus Christe an aduocate with the father disswadyng men from the loue of the worlde and perswadyng them to loue God and their neighbours Chapters 5. 2 Wherin he commendeth the elect Lady and her sonnes and doth exhorte them to brotherly loue and doth admonishe them to eschewe heretikes Chapter 1. 3 In this he prayseth the godlinesse of his beloued Gaius which he extended vnto straungers and he doth exhort him to perseuer styll in that godlinesse and well doyng Chapter 1. Iude. In the which the Apostle doth admonishe all men of their owne saluation and he doth bryng in by the way the altercation that was betwixt Michael and the deuyll and doth detest the life of the heretikes Chapter 1. Propheticall Apoca. Which treateth of reuelations shewed vnto Iohn by an angell in the Isle of Pathmos of the tribulations which the Churche of Christe did then suffer prophecieth also of such tribulations which the Church shall suffer hereafter especialy in the time of antechrist and of the punishmentes of them which be dampned and of the rewardes of the elect Chapters 22. ¶ Faultes escaped In the first prologue pag. 3. line 26. destoyed reade destroyed 27. line neither the reade neither by the. In Matthewe chap. 26. vearse .71 reade this felowe In the actes chap. 13. vearse .4 they sealed reade they sayled Chap. 15. vearse .3 conuersation reade conuertion Romanes chap. 11. vearse .9 in the margent write Psal 68. Colossians chap. 3. vearse .16 the worde of God reade the worde of Christ Hebrues chap. 1. vearse .8 righteousnesse reade rightnesse HEre is to be noted that such partes and chapters which be marked and noted with such semy circles at the head of the vearse or line with such other texts may be left vnread in the publique reading to the people that therby other chapters and places of the scripture makyng more to their edification and capacitie may come in their roomes And here let the minister of Christ and dispenser of the misteries of God haue a due and weightie consideration to reade this hie treasure of Gods worde with all reuerence and grauitie truely distinctly and sensibly for it is the mightie power of God to salu●tion to euery one that beleueth So let the hearers also with all mekenesse and lowlinesse receaue this worde that is thus grafted and grounded amongst them by the great mercie of God which worde is able to saue their soules saith the holy Apostle saint Iames. For as both the reader and hearer be pronounced blessed by Christes owne mouth who heare the worde of God and do fulfyll it
the lawe of God both day and night remember that he calleth him blessed whiche walketh in the way of the Lorde whiche wyll searche diligently his testimonies and wyll in their whole heart seeke the same Let not the couert suspitious insinuations of the aduersaries driue thee from the searche of the holy scripture either for the obscuritie whiche they say is in them or for the inscrutable hidden misteries they talke to be comprised in them or for the straungnes and homlynes of the phrases they woulde charge Gods booke with Christe exhorteth thee therefore the rather for the difficultie of the same to searche them diligently Saint Paul wylleth thee to haue thy senses exercised in them and not to be a chylde in thy senses but in malice Though many thinges may be difficult to thee to vnderstande impute it rather to thy dull hearing and reading then to thinke that the scriptures be insuperable to them which with diligent searching labour to discerne the euill from the good Only searche with an humble spirite aske in continuall prayer seeke with puritie of life knocke with perpetuall perseueraunce and crye to that good spirite of Christe the comforter and surely to euery suche asker it wyll be geuen such searchers must nedes finde to them it wylbe opened Christe him selfe wyll open the sense of the scriptures not to the proude or to the wyse of the worlde but to the lowly and contrite in heart for he hath the kay of Dauid who openeth and no man shutteth who shutteth and no man openeth For as this spirite is a bening and liberall spirite and wyll be easyly founde of them whiche wyll early in carefulnesse ryse to seeke hym and as he promiseth he wyll be the comforter from aboue to teache vs and to leade vs into all the wayes of trueth if that in humilitie we bowe vnto hym deniyng our owne naturall senses our carnall wittes and reasons so is he the spirite of puritie and cleannes and will receede from him whose conscience is subiect to filthynesse of lyfe Into suche a soule this heauenly wysdome wyll not enter for all peruerse cogitations wyll separate vs from God and then howe busyly soeuer we searche this holy table of the scripture yet wyll it then be a table to suche to their owne snare a trap a stumbling stocke and a recompence to them selfe VVe ought therefore to searche to finde out the trueth not to oppresse it we ought to seeke Christe not as Herode did vnder the pretence of worshipping hym to destroy hym or as the Pharisees searched the scriptures to disproue Christe and to discredite him and not to folowe him but to embrace the saluation whiche we may learne by them Nor yet is it inough so to acknowledge the scriptures as some of the Iewes dyd of the holyest of them who vsed suche diligence that they could number precisely not only euery verse but euery word and sillable how oft euery letter of the alphabete was repeated in the whole scriptures they had some of them suche reuerence to that booke that they woulde not suffer in a great heape of bookes any other to lay ouer them they woulde not suffer that booke to fall to the grounde as nye as they coulde they woulde costly bynde the bookes of holy scriptures and cause them to be exquisitely and ornately written VVhiche deuotion yet though it was not to be discommended yet was it not for that intent why Christe cōmended the scriptures nor they therof alowed before God For they did not call vpon God in a true fayth they were not charitable to their neighbours but in the middes of all this deuotion they did steale they were adulterers they were slaunderers and backbiters euen muche like many of our christian men and women nowe a dayes who glory much that they reade the scriptures that they searche them and loue them that they frequent the publique sermons in an outwarde shewe of all honestie and perfection yea they can pike out of the scriptures vertuous sentenses and godly preceptes to lay before other men And though these maner of men do not muche erre for such searching and studiyng yet they see not the scope and the principall state of the scriptures which is as Christe declareth it to finde Christe as their sauiour to cleaue to his saluation and merites to be brought to the lowe repentaunce of their liues and to amende them selfe to rayse vp their fayth to our sauiout Christe so to thinke of him as the scriptures do testifie of hym These be the principall causes why Christe did sende the Iewes to searche the scriptures for to this ende were they wrytten saith Saint Iohn Hec scripta sunt vt credatis vt credentes vitam habeatis eternam These were written to this intent that ye shoulde beleue and that through your beliefe ye shoulde haue euerlasting life And here good reader great cause we haue to extoll the wonderous wisdome of God and with great thankes to prayse his prouidence considering howe he hath preserued and renued from age to age by speciall miracle the incomparable treasure of his Churche For first he did inspire Moyses as Iohn Chrisostome doth testifie to wryte the stonie tables and kept him in the mountayne fourtie dayes to geue him his lawe after him he sent the prophetes but they suffred many thousande aduersities for battayles did folowe all were slayne all were destroyed bookes were brent vp He then inspired agayne another man to repayre these miraculous scriptures Esdras I meane who of their leauinges set them agayne together after that he prouided that the seuentie interpreters shoulde take them in hande at the last came Christe him selfe the Apostles did receaue them and spread them throughout all nations Christe wrought his miracles and wonders and what folowed after these great volumes the Apostles also did wryte as Saint Paul doth say These be wrytten to the instruction of vs that be come into the ende of the worlde and Christe doth say Ye therefore erre because ye knowe not the scriptures nor the power of God and Paul dyd say Let the worde of Christe be plentifull among you and agayne saith Dauid Oh howe sweete be thy wordes to my throte he saide not to my hearing but to my throte aboue the hony or the hony combe to my mouth Yea Moyses saith Thou shalt meditate in them euermore when thou risest when thou sittest downe when thou goest to sleepe continue in them he saith and a thousande places more And yet after so many testimonies thus spoken there be some persons that do not yet so much as knowe what the scriptures be wherevpon nothing is in good state amongest vs nothing worthyly is done amongest vs In this whiche pertayne to this lyfe we make very great haste but of spirituall goodes we haue no regarde Thus farre Iohn Chrisost It must nedes signifie some great thing to our vnderstanding that almightie God
and my braunches are the braunches of honour and louing fauour 19 As the vine haue I brought foorth fruite of a sweete sauour my floures are the fruite of honour and riches 20 I am the mother of beautie of loue of feare of knowledge and of holy hope I geue eternall thinges to all my children to whom God hath commaunded 21 In me is all grace of lyfe and trueth in me is all hope of lyfe and vertue 22 O come vnto me al ye that be desirous of me fill your selues with my fruites 23 For my spirite is sweeter then hony and so is myne inheritaunce more then the hony combe the remembraunce of me endureth for euer more 24 They that eate me shall haue the more hunger and they that drinke me shall thirst the more 25 Who so hearkeneth vnto me shall not come to confusion and they that worke in me shall not offende they that take me to be knowen shall haue euerlasting lyfe 26 All these thinges are the booke of lyfe the couenaunt of the highest and the knowledge of the trueth Moyses commaunded the lawe in the preceptes of righteousnesse for an heritage vnto the house of Iacob and committed the promise vnto Israel 27 Be not weery to behaue yourselues valiauntly with the Lord that he may also confirme you Cleaue vnto him for the Lord almightie is but one God and besides hym there is none other sauiour 28 Out of Dauid his seruaunt he ordeyned to rayse vp a most mightie king sitting in the seate of honour for euermore 29 This filleth with wysdome lyke as the fludde of Phison and as the fludde of Tigris when the newe fruites are a growing 30 This bringeth a plenteous vnderstanding like Euphrates and filleth it vp as Iordane in the time of haruest 31 This maketh nurture to breake foorth as the light and as the water Gehon in the haruest 32 The first hath not knowen her perfectly no more shall the last seke out the grounde of her 33 For her thought is fuller then the sea and her counsell is profounder then the great deepe 34 I wysdome haue cast out fluddes I am as a great water brooke out of the riuer I am as the riuer Dorir and as a water conduite am I come out of the garden of pleasure 35 I sayde I will water the garden of my young plantes and fil the fruite of my byrth So my water brooke became exceeding great and my riuer approched vnto the sea 36 For I make doctrine to be vnto al men as light as the faire morning and I shal make it to be euer the clearer 37 I will pearse thorowe all the lower parties of the earth I will loke vpon al such as be a sleepe and lighten all them that put their trust in the Lorde 38 I shall yet powre out doctrine lyke as prophecie and leaue it vnto such as seke after wysdome and their generations shall I neuer fayle vnto the holy euerlasting worlde 39 Beholde howe that I haue not laboured for my selfe onely but for all them that seke after the trueth The .xxv. Chapter 1 Of three thinges whiche please God and of three which he hateth 7 Of nyne thinges that be not to be suspect and of the tenth 15 Chiefely of the malice of a woman 1 THree thinges there are that my spirite fauoureth which be also alowed before God and men The vnitie of brethren the loue of neyghbours a man and wyfe that agree well together 2 Three thinges there be which my soule hateth and I vtterly abhorre the life of them A poore man that is proude a riche man that is a lyar and an old body that doteth and is vnchaste 3 If thou hast gathered nothing in thy youth what wilt thou find then in thine age 4 O howe pleasaunt a thing is it when gray headed men are discrete and when the elders can geue good counsell 5 O howe comely a thing is wisdome vnto aged men yea vnderstanding counsel to men of honour is a glorious thing 6 The crowne of olde men is to haue much experience and the feare of God is their worship 7 There be nyne thinges which I haue iudged in my heart to be happy and the tenth will I tell foorth vnto men with my tongue A man that whyle he liueth hath ioy of his children and seeth the fal of his enemies 8 Well is hym that dwelleth with an houswyfe of vnderstanding and that hath not fallen with his tongue and that hath not ben fayne to serue such as are vnmeete for him 9 Well is hym that findeth a faythfull friend and well is him which talketh of wysdome to an eare that heareth hym 10 O howe great is he that findeth wysdome and knowledge Yet is he not aboue him that feareth the Lorde 11 The feare of God hath set it selfe aboue all thinges 12 Blessed is the man vnto whom it is graunted to haue the feare of God vnto whom shall he be likened that kepeth it fast 13 The feare of God is the beginning of his loue and the beginning of fayth is to cleaue fast vnto it 14 The heauinesse of the heart is all the punishement and the wickednesse of a woman goeth aboue all 15 All punishement and plague is nothing in comparison of the plague of the heart euen so al wickednesse is nothing to the wickednesse of a woman 16 What so euer happeneth vnto a man is nothing in comparison of it that his euil willers do vnto him and al vengeaunce is nothing to the vengeaunce of the enemie 17 There is not a more wicked head then the head of the serpent and there is no wrath aboue the wrath of a woman 18 I wyll rather dwel with a lion and dragon then to kepe house with a wicked wyfe 19 The wickednesse of a woman chaungeth her face she shal moffle her countetaunce as it were a beare and as a sacke shal she shew it among the neyghbours 20 Her husbande is brought to shame among his neyghbours because of her when he heareth it it maketh him to sigh 21 All wickednesse is but litle to the wickednesse of a woman the portion of the vngodly shall fall vpon her 22 Lyke as the clymyng vp a sandy way is to the feete of the aged euen so is a wife full of wordes to a still quiete man 23 Loke not to narowly vpon the beautie of a woman lest thou be prouoked in desire towarde her 24 The wrath of a woman is dishonour and great confusion If a woman get the mastrie then is she contrarie to her husbande 25 A wicked wyfe maketh a sory heart an heauy countenaunce and a dead wound Weake handes feeble knees is a woman that her husband is not the better for 26 Of the woman came the beginning of sinne thorowe her we all are dead 27 Geue thy water no passage no not a litle neither geue a
wicked woman her will 28 If she walke not after thy hande she shall confounde thee in the sight of th●e enemies Cut her of then from thy fleshe that she do not alway abuse thee ▪ The .xxvi. Chapter 1 The prayse of a good woman 5 Of the feare of three thinges and of the fourth ● Of the ielousie and drunkennesse of a woman 28 Of two thinges that cause sorowe of the thyrde whiche moueth wrath 1 HAppy is the man that hath a vertuous wyfe for the nūber of his yeres shal be double 2 An honest woman maketh her husbande a ioyfull man and she shall fill the yeres of his lyfe in peace 3 A vertuous woman is a noble gift whiche shal be geuen for a good portion vnto such as feare God 4 Whether a man be riche or poore he may haue euer a mery heart a cheareful countenaunce 5 There be three thinges that my heart feareth and my face is afrayde of the fourth treason in a citie a seditious people and noysome tongues all these are heauyer then the death 6 When one woman is ielous ouer an other it bringeth payne and sorowe vnto the heart and a woman that telleth out all thinges is a scourge of the tongue 7 When one hath an euyll wyfe it is euen as when an vnlyke payre of oxen must drawe together he that getteth her getteth a scorpion 8 A drunken woman is a great plague for she can not couer her owne shame 9 The whordome of a woman may be knowen in the pryde of her eyes and eye liddes 10 If thy daughter be not shamefast hold her straytly lest she abuse her selfe thorowe ouer much libertie 11 Beware of all the dishonestie of her eyes maruel not if she do against thee 12 As a way faring man that is thirstie when he hath founde a well drinketh of euery water so will she sit downe by euery hedge and make her selfe common to euery man that passeth by 13 A louing wyfe reioyceth her husbande feedeth his bones with her wysdome 14 A woman of fewe wordes is a gift of God to all nurtured myndes may nothing be compared 15 An honest and manerly woman is a gift aboue other giftes and there is no wayght to be compared vnto a minde that can rule it selfe 16 Like as the sunne when it ariseth is an ornament in the hie heauen of the Lord so is a vertuous wyfe the beautie of all her house 17 Like as the cleare light is vpon the holy candelsticke so is the beautie of the face vpon an honest body 18 Like as the golden pillers are vpon the sockettes of siluer so are the fayre feete vpon a woman that hath a constant mynde 19 Perpetual are the foundations that be layed vpon a whole stony rocke so are the commaundementes of God vpon the heart of an holy woman 20 There be two thinges that greeue my heart in the thirde is displeasure come vpō me When an experte man of warre suffreth scarsenesse and pouertie when men of vnderstanding and wisdome are not set by and when one departeth from righteousnesse vnto sinne Who so doth such the Lorde hath prepared him vnto the sworde 21 There be two maner of thinges which me thinke to be harde and perilous A marchaunt can not lightly kepe hym from wrong neither a tauerner hym selfe from sinne The .xxvii. Chapter ● Of the poore that woulde be riche 5 The probation of the man that feareth God 13 The vnconstantenesse of a foole 16 The secretes of a friend are not to be vttered 20 The wicked imagineth euyll whiche returneth vpon him selfe 1 BEcause of pouertie haue many one offended and he that seketh to be riche turneth his eyes asyde 2 Lyke as a nayle in the wal sticketh fast betwixt two stones euen so doth sinne sticke betwixt the bier and the seller 3 If he holde him not diligently in the feare of the Lorde his house shall soone be ouerthrowen 4 Lyke as when one sifteth the filthynesse remayneth in the syue So remayneth there some vncleane thing in the thought of man 5 The ouen proueth the potters vessel so doth temptation of trouble trye righteous men 6 The tree of the fielde is knowen by his fruite so is the thought of mans heart knowen by his wordes 7 Prayse no man except thou haue heard him for a man is knowen by his wordes 8 If thou folowest righteousnes thou shalt get her and put her vpon thee as a fayre garment and thou shalt dwell with her and she shall defende thee for euer and in the day of knowledge thou shalt finde stedfastnesse 9 The byrdes resorte vnto their lyke so doth the trueth turne vnto them that be occupied withall 10 The lion wayteth the pray so doth sinne vpon them that worke vnrighteousnesse 11 The talking of him that feareth God is nothing but wysdome as for a foole he chaungeth as the moone 12 If thou be among the vndiscrete kepe thy wordes to a conuenient time but among such as be wise speake on hardyly 13 The talking of fooles is abhomination and their sport is volupteousnesse and misnurture 14 Much swearing maketh the heere to stande vp and to stryue with such stoppeth the ●ares 15 The stryfe of the proude is bloodshedding and their blaspheming is heauy to heare 16 Who so discouereth secretes leeseth his credence and fyndeth no friende after his will 17 Loue thy friende and binde thy selfe in faythfulnesse with him but if thou bewrayest his secretes thou shalt not get him againe 18 For like as the man is that destroyeth his enemie so is he also that dealeth falsly in the friendship of his neyghbour 19 Like as one that letteth a byrde go out of his hande can not take her againe Euen so thou if thou geue ouer thy friende thou canst not get him againe 20 Yea thou canst not come by him for he is to farre of He is vnto thee as a Roe escaped out of the snare for his soule is wounded 21 As for woundes they may be bounde vp againe and an euyll worde may be reconciled but who so bewrayeth the secretes of a friende there is no more hope to be had vnto him 22 He that winketh with the eyes imagineth some euyll and he that knoweth him will let him alone 23 When thou art present he shall hyghlie commende and prayse thy wordes but at the last he shall turne his tayle and sclaunder thy saying 24 Many thinges haue I hated but nothing so euyll for the Lorde him selfe also abhorreth such a one 25 Who so casteth a stone an hye it shal fal vpon his owne head and he that smyteth with guyle woundeth him selfe 26 Who so diggeth a pit shall fall therein and he that layeth a stone in his neyghbours way shall stumble theron and he that layeth a snare for another shall be taken in it him selfe 27 Who so geueth a wicked noisome counsell it shall come vpon hymselfe
And they commaunded to make this writing in tables of brasse and fasten it vnto the wall that compasseth the sanctuary in an open place 49 And to lay vp a copie of the same in the treasurie that Simon and his posteritie might haue it The .xv. Chapter 1 Antiochus maketh a couenaunt of frendship with Simon 11 and Tryphon is persecuted 15 The Romanes write letters vnto kinges and nations in the defence of the Iewes 27 Antiochus refusing the helpe that Simon sent him breaketh his couenaūt 1 MOreouer king Antiochus the sonne of Demetrius sent letters from the Iles of the sea vnto Simon the hie priest and prince of the Iewes and to all the people 2 Concerning these wordes Antiochus the king sendeth greeting vnto Simon the hie priest and to the people of the Iewes 3 Forsomuch as certaine wicked men haue gotten the kingdome of our progenitours I haue purposed to chalenge the realme againe and to restore it to the olde estate Wherefore I haue gathered a great hoast and made shippes of warre 4 That I may go through the countrey and be auenged of them which haue destroyed our lande and wasted many cities in my realme 5 And therefore nowe I make thee free also from all the tributes whereof all kinges my progenitours haue discharged thee from other customes wherefrom they haue releassed thee whatsoeuer they be 6 Yea I geue thee leaue to smite money of thyne owne within thy lande 7 As for Hierusalem I wyll that it be holy and free and all the weapons and houses of defence which thou hast builded and kepest in thyne handes shable thyne 8 Whereas any thing is or shal be owing vnto the king I forgeue it thee from this time foorth for euermore 9 And when we haue obtayned our kingdome we shall do thee thy people and the temple great worship so that your honour shal be knowen throughout the whole worlde 10 In the hundred threescore fourteenth yere went Antiochus into his fathers land and all the men of warre came together vnto him so that fewe were left with Tryphon 11 So the king Antiochus folowed vpon him but he fled vnto Dora which lyeth by the sea side 12 For he sawe that there was mischiefe comming vnto him and that his hoast had forsaken him 13 Then came Antiochus vnto Dora with an hundred and twentie thousand men of armes on foote and eyght thousand horsmen so he compassed the citie rounde about and the shippes came by the sea 14 Thus they vexed the citie by land and by water insomuch that they suffered no man to go in nor out 15 In the meane season came Numenius they that had ben with him from the citie of Rome hauing letters written vnto the kinges prouinces wherein were contayned these wordes 16 Lucius the consull of Rome sendeth greeting vnto Ptolomi the king 17 The Ambassadours of the Iewes our friendes being sent from Simon the hie priest and from the people of the Iewes came vnto vs for to renue the olde friendship and bonde of loue 18 Brought a shielde of golde weying a thousand pounde 19 Wherefore we thought it good to write vnto the kinges and prouinces to do them no harme nor to take part against them their cities nor countries neither to maintaine their enemies against them 20 And we were content to receaue of them the shielde 21 If there be any wicked persons therefore fled from their countrey vnto you deliuer them vnto Simon the hie priest that he may punishe them according to their owne lawe 22 The same wordes wrote the Romanes also vnto Demetrius the king to Attalus Araba Arsaces 23 And to all regions as Samsanes to them of Spartia Delo Mydo Sidon Caria Samos Pamphilia Lycia Alicarnassem and to the Rhodes to Faselidis Coo Sida Arado Cortyna Gnidum to Cypres and Cyren 24 And of euery letter they sent a copie to Simon the hie priest 25 So Antiochus the king brought his hoast vnto Dora the second time to take it where he made diuers ordinaunce of warre and kept Tryphon in that he should not go eyther in or out 26 Then sent Simon vnto Antiochus two thousand chosen men to helpe him with golde siluer other plenteous thinges 27 Neuerthelesse he woulde not receaue them but brake all the couenaūt which he made with Simon afore and withdrewe him selfe from him 28 He sent Athenobius also a frend of his vnto Simon for to reason with him saying Ye withholde fro me Ioppa and Gaza with the castle that is at Hierusalem which are cities of my realme 29 Whose borders ye haue destroyed and done great euill in the lande hauing the dominion in many other places of my kingdome 30 Wherfore deliuer now the cities which ye haue taken with the tributes of the places that ye haue rule vpon without the borders of Iurie 31 Or els geue me fiue hundred talentes of siluer yea for the harme that ye haue done in the cities for the tributes of the same other fiue hundred talentes yf no we shall come and fight against you 32 So Athenobius the kinges friend came to Hierusalem and when he sawe the great worship honour of Simon in golde siluer so great plentie of ornamentes he maruailed tolde Simon as the king commaunded him 33 Then aunswered Simon and saide vnto him As for vs we haue neither taken other mens landes nor withholden thē but onely our fathers heritage which our enemies had vnrighteously in possession a certaine time 34 This heritage of our farhers haue we chalenged in processe of time 35 And whereas thou complaynest concerning Ioppa Gaza they did great harme to our people and in our lande yet wyll we geue an hundred talentes for them Neuerthelesse Athenobius aunswered him not one worde 36 But turned againe wrothfully vnto the king tolde him al these words and the great dignitie of Simon with al that he had seene the king was very angry 37 And in the meane time fled Tryphon by ship vnto Orthosias 38 Then the king made Cendebeus captaine of the sea coast and gaue him an hoast of footemen and horsemen 39 Commaunding him to remoue the hoast toward Iurie to builde vp the citie of Cedron to make vp the portes and to warre against the people of the Iewes As for the king him selfe he folowed vpon Tryphon 40 So Cendebeus came vnto Iamnia and began to vexe the people to treade downe Iurie to take the people prisoners to slay them 41 And to builde vp Cedron where he set horsmen and other men of warre that they might come foorth and go through the streetes of Iurie lyke as the king had commaunded him The .xvj. Chapter 1 Cendebeus the captaine of Antiochus hoast is put to flight of the sonnes of Simon 11 Ptolomeus the sonne of Abobus killeth Simon and his two sonnes at a banket 23 Iohn killeth them that lye in wayte for his lyfe 1
is written by the prophete 6 And thou Bethlehem in the lande of Iuda art not the least among the princes of Iuda For out of thee shall there come a capitain that shal gouerne my people Israel 7 Then Herode when he had priuilye called the wyse men inquired of thē diligently what tyme the starre appeared 8 And he sent them to Bethlehem and sayde Go and search diligently for the young childe and when ye haue founde hym bryng me worde agayne that I may come and worship hym also 9 ☞ When they had hearde the kyng they departed and loe the starre which they sawe in the east went before them tyl it came stoode ouer the place wherin the young chylde was 10 When they sawe the starre they reioyced excedyngly with great ioy 11 And went into the house and founde the young chylde with Marie his mother and fell downe and worshypped hym and opened their treasures and presented vnto hym gyftes golde and frankensence and mirre 12 And after they were warned of God in a dreame that they shoulde not go agayne to Herode they returned into their owne countrey another way ☜ 13 When they were departed beholde the Angel of the Lord appeared to Ioseph in a dreame saying Aryse take the young chylde and his mother and flee into Egipte and be thou there tyll I bryng thee worde For it wyll come to passe that Herode shall seke y e young chylde to destroy hym 14 When he arose he toke the young chylde and his mother by nyght and departed into Egipt 15 And was there vnto the death of Herode that it myght be fulfylled whiche was spoken of the Lorde by the prophete saying Out of Egipte haue I called my sonne 16 Then Herode when he sawe that he was mocked of the wyse men was excedyng wroth and sent foorth and slew all the chyldren that were in Bethlehē and in all the coastes as many as were two yere olde or vnder according to the tyme which he had diligently searched out of the wyse men 17 Then was fulfylled that which was spoken by Ieremie the prophete saying 18 In Rama was there a voyce hearde lamentation wepyng great mournyng Rachel weping for her children and woulde not be comforted because they were not ☜ 19 ☞ But when Herode was dead beholde an Angel of the Lorde appeared to Ioseph in a dreame in Egipt saying 20 Aryse and take the young chylde and his mother and go into the lande of Israel For they are dead whiche sought the young chyldes lyfe 21 And he arose toke the young chylde and his mother came into the lande of Israel 22 But when he hearde that Archelaus dyd reigne in Iurie in the rowme of his father Herode he was afrayde to go thyther Notwithstandyng after he was warned of God in a dreame he turned aside into the parties of Galilee 23 And went and dwelt in a citie which is called Nazareth that it myght be fulfylled which was spoken by the prophetes He shal be called a Nazarite ▪ ¶ The .iij. Chapter ¶ 1 Iohns preachyng office lyfe baptisme 7 reprehendyng of the Pharisees 13 and baptizyng of Christe in Iordane 1 IN those dayes came Iohn the Baptist preachyng in the wyldernesse of Iurie and saying 2 Repent for the kingdome of heauen is at hande 3 For this is he of whom it is spoken by the prophete Esayas saying The voyce of one crying in the wyldernesse prepare ye the way of the Lorde make his pathes strayght 4 This Iohn had his rayment of Camels heere and a girdle of a skynne about his loynes his meate was locustes and wylde hony 5 Then went out to hym Hierusalem and all Iurie and all the region rounde about Iordane 6 And were baptized of hym in Iordane confessying their sinnes 7 But when he sawe many of the Pharisees and Saducees come to his baptisme he sayde vnto them O generation of vipers who hath warned you to flee from the anger to come 8 Bryng foorth therefore fruites meete for repentaunce 9 And be not of suche mynde that ye woulde say within your selues we haue Abraham to our father For I say vnto you that God is able of these stones to rayse vp chyldren vnto Abraham 10 Euen now is the axe also put vnto the roote of the trees therefore euery tree which bryngeth not foorth good fruite is hewen downe and cast into the fire 11 I baptize you in water vnto repentaunce But he that shall come after me is mightier then I whose shoes I am not worthy to beare he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire 12 Whose fanne is in his hande and he wyll purge his floore and gather his wheate into his garner but wyl burne vp the chaffe with vnquencheable fire 13 Then commeth Iesus from Galilee to Iordane vnto Iohn to be baptized of hym 14 But Iohn forbad hym saying I haue nede to be baptized of thee and commest thou to me 15 Iesus aunsweryng sayde vnto hym Suffer it to be so nowe For thus it becommeth vs to fulfyll all righteousnes Then he suffred hym 16 And Iesus when he was baptized came strayghtwaye out of the water and loe the heauens was open vnto hym and Iohn sawe the spirite of God descendyng lyke a doue and lyghtyng vpon hym 17 And loe there came a voyce from the heauens saying This is my beloued sonne in whom I am well pleased ¶ The .iiij. Chapter ¶ 1 Christe fasteth is tempted 17 he begynneth to preache 18 he calleth Peter Andrewe Iames and Iohn and healeth all the sicke 1 THen was Iesus ledde away of the spirite into wyldernesse to be tempted of the deuyll 2 And when he had fasted fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes he was afterwarde an hungred 3 And when the tempter came to hym he sayde If thou be the sonne of God commaunde that these stones be made breade 4 But he aunswered and sayde it is written Man shall not lyue by breade only but by euery worde that proceadeth out of the mouth of God 5 Then the deuyll taketh hym vp into the holy citie and setteth hym on a pinacle of the temple 6 And saith vnto hym If thou be the sonne of God cast thy selfe downe For it is written He shall geue his Angels charge ouer thee with their handes they shall lyft thee vp lest at any tyme thou dashe thy foote agaynst a stone 7 And Iesus sayde to hym It is written agayne Thou shalt not tempt the Lorde thy God 8 Agayne the deuyll taketh hym vp into an exceadyng hye mountayne and sheweth hym all the kyngdomes of the worlde and the glorie of them 9 And sayth vnto hym All these wyll I geue thee yf thou wylt fall downe and worshyp me 10 Thē sayth Iesus vnto hym Auoyde Sathan For it is written Thou shalt worshyp the Lorde thy God and hym
are not comely 14 I wyll therefore that the yonger women do marrie to beare chyldren to guyde the house to geue none occasion to y e aduersarie to speake slaunderously 15 For certaine of them are alredy turned backe after Satan 16 Yf any man or woman that beleueth haue wydowes let them susteine them let not the Churches be charged that there maye be sufficient for them that are wydowes in deede 17 The elders that rule well are worthy of double honour most speciallye they which labour in the worde teachyng 18 For the scripture sayth Thou shalt not moosel the oxe that treadeth out the corne And the labourer is worthy of his rewarde 19 Agaynst an elder receaue none accusation but vnder two or three witnesses 20 Them that sinne rebuke before all that other also may feare 21 I testifie before God and the Lorde Iesus Christe and the elect angels that thou obserue these thinges without hastynesse of iudgement and do nothyng after parcialitie 22 Lay handes sodenly on no man neither be partaker of other mens sinnes Kepe thy selfe chaste 23 Drinke no longer water but vse a litle wine for thy stomackes sake thine often diseases 24 Some mens sinnes are open beforehande hastyng before vnto iudgement and in some they folowe after 25 Lykewise also good workes are manifest before hande and they that are otherwyse can not be hyd ¶ The .vj. Chapter 1 The duetie of seruauntes towarde their maisters 3 Agaynst such as are not satisfied with the worde of God 6 Of true godlynesse and contentation of mynde 9 Agaynst couetousnesse 11 A charge geuen to Timothie 1 LEt as many seruauntes as are vnder the yoke count their maisters worthy of all honour that the name of god and his doctrine be not blasphemed 2 And they whiche haue beleuyng maisters despise them not because they are brethren but rather do seruice forasmuch as they are beleuyng and beloued and partakers of the benefite These thynges teache and exhort 3 Yf any man teache otherwyse and consenteth not vnto the wholsome wordes of our Lorde Iesus Christe and to the doctrine whiche is accordyng to godlynesse 4 He is puft vp knowyng nothing but dotyng about questions and strifes of wordes wherof commeth enuie stryfe raylynges euyll surmysynges 5 Vayne disputations of men of corrupte myndes destitute of the trueth thynkyng lucre to be godlynesse From suche be thou separate 6 Godlynesse is great lucre if a man be content with that he hath 7 For we brought nothyng into the worlde and it is certayne that we may carry nought away 8 But hauyng foode and rayment we must therwith be content 9 For they that wyll be riche fall into temptations and snares and into many folishe noysome lustes which drowne men in perdition and destruction 10 For loue of money is the roote of all euyll whiche whyle some lusted after they erred from the fayth pearced thē selues through with many sorowes 11 But thou O man of God flee these thynges and folow after righteousnes godlynes faith loue pacience mekenes 12 Fight the good fight of faith lay hand on eternall lyfe wherevnto thou art also called and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses 13 I geue thee charge in the sight of God who quickeneth all thynges and before Iesus Christe which vnder Pontius Pilate witnessed a good profession 14 That thou kepe the commaundement without spot vnrebukeable vntyll the appearyng of our Lorde Iesus Christ 15 Which in his tymes he shall shewe that is blessed and prince only the kyng of kynges and Lorde of Lordes 16 Who only hath immortalitie dwelling in the light that no man can attayne vnto * Whom no man hath seene neither can see vnto whom be honour power euerlastyng Amen 17 Charge them which are riche in this world that they be not hie minded nor trust in vncertayne riches but in y e lyuyng God which geueth vs aboundauntly all thinges to enioy 18 That they do good that they be riche in good workes that they be redye to geue glad to distribute 19 Laying vp in store for them selues a good foundation agaynst the tyme to come that they may lay holde on eternall lyfe 20 O Timotheus saue that which is geuen thee to kepe auoydyng prophane and vayne bablynges and oppositions of science falslie so called 21 Which some professyng haue erred concernyng the fayth Grace be with thee Amen ¶ Sent from Laodicea which is the chiefest citie of Phrygia Pacaciana The seconde Epistle of the Apostle Saint Paul to Timothie ¶ The first Chapter ¶ 6 Paul exhorteth Timotheus to stedfastnesse and patience in persecution and to continue in the doctrine that he had taught hym 12 wherof his bondes afflictions were a gage 16 A commendation of Onesiphorus 1 PAul an Apostle of Iesus Christe by the wyll of God according to the promise of lyfe which is in Christ Iesus 2 To Timothie a beloued sonne Grace mercy and peace from God the father and Christe Iesus our Lorde 3 I thanke God whom I worshippe from my forefathers in pure conscience that without ceassyng I haue remembraūce of thee in my prayers night day 4 Desiryng to see thee myndefull of thy teares that I may be fylled with ioy 5 When I call to remembraunce the vnfaigned fayth that is in thee whiche dwelt first in thy graundmother Lois and in thy mother Eunica and I am assured that it dwelleth in thee also 6 Wherfore I put thee in remēbraunce that thou stirre vp the gyft of God which is in thee * by the puttyng on of my handes 7 * For God hath not geuen to vs the spirite of feare but of power and of loue and of a sounde mynde 8 Be not thou therfore ashamed of the testimonie of our Lorde neither of me his prisoner but suffer thou aduersitie with the Gospell accordyng to the power of God 9 Who hath saued vs called vs with an holy callyng not accordyng to our workes but accordyng to his owne purpose and grace which was geuen vs in Christe Iesus before the world began 10 But is nowe made manifest by the appearyng of our sauiour Iesus Christ who hath put away death and hath brought life and immortalitie vnto light through the Gospell 11 Wherunto I am appoynted a preacher and Apostle and a teacher of the gentiles 12 For the which cause I also suffer these thynges Neuerthelesse I am not ashamed For I knowe whom I haue beleued and I am perswaded that he is able to kepe that which I haue committed to hym agaynst that day 13 See thou haue the paterne of wholesome wordes which thou hast hearde of me in fayth loue that is in Christe Iesus 14 That good thyng which was committed to thy keping holde fast through the holy ghost which dwelleth in vs. 15 This
them which are euyll and hast examined them which say they are Apostles and are not and hast founde them lyers 3 And hast suffred and hast patience and for my names sake hast laboured and hast not faynted 4 Neuertheles I haue somewhat against thee because thou hast left thy first loue 5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do the first workes Or els I wyll come vnto thee shortly wyll remoue thy candlesticke out of his place except thou repēt 6 But this thou hast because thou hatest the deedes of the Nicolaitans which deedes I also hate 7 Let hym that hath an eare heare what y e spirite sayth vnto the Churches To hym that ouercommeth wyll I geue to eate of the tree of lyfe which is in the middes of the paradise of God 8 And vnto the Angel of the Churche of Smyrna write These thynges sayth he that is first and the last which was dead and is alyue 9 I knowe thy workes and tribulation and pouertie but thou art riche And I know the blasphemie of them which cal them selues Iewes and are not but are the synagogue of Satan 10 Feare none of those thynges which thou shalt suffer Beholde the deuyll shall caste some of you into prison to tempt you and ye shall haue tribulation ten dayes Be faythfull vnto the death and I wyll geue thee a crowne of lyfe 11 Let hym that hath an eare heare what the spirite sayth vnto y e Churches He that ouercommeth shall not be hurt of the seconde death 12 And to the Angell of the Churche in Pergamos write This saith he which hath y e sharpe sword with two edges 13 I knowe thy workes and where thou dwellest euen where Satans seate is and thou kepest my name and hast not denyed my fayth Euen in those dayes when Antipas my faythfull martir was slayne among you where Satan dwelleth 14 But I haue a fewe thynges agaynst thee because thou hast there them that maynetayne the doctrine of Balaam whiche taught in Balacke to put a stumblyng blocke before the chyldren of Israel that they shoulde eate of meate dedicate vnto idols commit fornicatiō 15 Euen so hast thou thē that maintayne the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which thyng I hate 16 Repent or els I wyll come vnto thee shortly and wyll fyght agaynst them with the sworde of my mouth 17 Let hym that hath an eare heare what y e spirite sayth vnto the Churches To hym that ouercommeth wyll I geue to eate Manna that is hyd and wyll geue hym a white stone and in the stone a newe name written which no man knoweth sauyng he y t receaueth it 18 And vnto the Angell of the Churche of Thyatira write This saith y e sonne of God who hath eyes lyke vnto a flambe of fyre and his feete are like fine brasse 19 I knowe thy workes and thy loue seruice and fayth and thy patience and thy deedes which are mo at the last thē at the first 20 Notwithstandyng I haue a fewe thynges agaynst thee because thou sufferest that woman Iesabel which called her selfe a prophetisse to teache and to deceaue my seruauntes to make them commit fornication and to eate meates offred vp vnto idols 21 And I gaue her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not 22 Beholde I wyll cast her into a bed and them that commit fornication with her into great aduersitie except they turne from their deedes 23 And I wyll kyll her chyldren with death all the Churches shall knowe that I am he which searcheth the raynes and heartes And I wyll geue vnto euery one of you accordyng vnto his workes 24 Vnto you I say and vnto other of thē of Thyatira as many as haue not this learnyng which haue not knowē the deepenesse of Satan as they say I wyll put vpon you none other burthen 25 But that which ye haue alredy holde fast tyll I come 26 And whosoeuer ouercommeth and kepeth my workes vnto the ende to hym wyll I geue power ouer nations 27 And he shall rule them with a rodde of yron and as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to sheuers 28 Euen as I receaued of my father so wyll I geue hym the mornyng starre 29 Let hym that hath an eare heare what the spirite sayth to the Churches ¶ The .iij. Chapter 1 He exhorteth the Churches or ministers to the true profession of fayth and to watchyng 12 with promises to them that perseuer 1 AND write vnto the Angel of the Churche that is at Sardis this sayth he that hath the seuen spirites of God and the seuen starres I knowe thy workes thou hast a name that thou lyuest and thou art dead 2 Be awake and strength the thynges which remayne that are redie to dye For I haue not founde thy workes perfect before God 3 Remember therfore howe thou hast receaued and heard and holde fast and repent If thou shalt not watche I wyll come on thee as a thiefe and thou shalt not knowe what houre I wyll come vpon thee 4 Thou hast a fewe names in Sardis which haue not defiled their garmētes and they shall walke with me in white for they are worthie 5 He that ouercommeth shal be thus clothed in whyte aray and I wyll not put out his name out of the booke of life and I will confesse his name before my father and before his Angels 6 Let him that hath an eare heare what the spirite sayth vnto the Churches 7 And write vnto y e Angel of the Church of Philadelphia this sayth he that is holy and true which hath the key of Dauid which openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth 8 I knowe thy workes Beholde I haue set before thee an open doore and no man can shut it for thou hast a litle strength hast kept my sayinges and hast not denyed my name 9 Beholde I make them of the synagogue of Satan which call them selues Iewes and are not but do lye Behold I wyll make them that they shal come and worshyp before thy feete and shall knowe that I haue loued thee 10 Because thou hast kept the wordes of my patience therfore I wyll kepe thee from the houre of temptation which wyll come vpon all the worlde to trie them that dwel vpon the earth 11 Beholde I come shortly Holde that which thou haste that no man take away thy crowne 12 Hym that ouercōmeth wyll I make a pyller in the temple of my God and he shall go no more out And I wyll write vpon him the name of my God and the name of the citie of my God newe Hierusalem which commeth downe out of heauen from my God and I wyll write vpon hym my newe name 13 Let hym that hath an eare heare what the spirite sayth vnto y e Churches 14 And vnto the Angel of the Churche which is in Laodicea write
xi a. I●sep l● x●i ● x ▪ Exo. xiiii f. ii Ma vii d. “ Or Gazeron Psa cvii. a. Psa xviii ● ● Re. xvi● a. i. Re. xv● a. ii Mach x● ▪ Exo. xx d. P● xxvii a. ●ue viii g. ii Mach. x. a. Nouemb ii Par. vii b. Ioh. x. c. Nouember 1. Mac. 6. b. f. ●p xii 〈◊〉 xiii Eze xxv b. 〈◊〉 xxxv a ● Mach. c. 2. Mach. 8. c. M● x d. 1. ●lac vii e. ii Par. xx a. i. Mac. v. b. Deu. v● i. M●● e i. Mac. i. ● ii Mac. ix ● Iosep cap. xiiii lib. xii ● Mac iiii g. ii Mac. 13. d. “ Or A baron (a) This example i● not to be folowed ▪ 〈…〉 the cōmaundement i Mac. ii ● ii Ma● vi h. “ Or broken M●c i. b. Psa lxxix a ii Mac. xv a “ Or. Carphasalama ii Mac. 14. ● Esa lvi b. Esa lvi b. Esai 3● f. Februari ii M● xii●i ● “ O● Frēchmen “ Or the Macedonians Or a counsel or senate house Or one man Or 〈◊〉 Or senate house “ Or Eleasa (a) He which was went to pray and ouercome is ouercome when he trusteth in his strength and omitteth praier Iosephus cap. iii. ● xiii an t “ Or Ambri (a) Blood doth require blood ii P●ra ● a. 1. Mach. iiii b “ Or Pharathom “ Or Topho “ Or Bethbass●n 〈…〉 (a) Wicked counsel ●alleth on the counsellours Ep● 〈…〉 i. Ma● v. ● Iosep ▪ ca. ● ● lib. xiii Iosep cap. vi.l. b. xiii antiqui i. Mach. iii. a. ● Mach. xi a Iosep ca. vii lib xiii ii Mach. x. c ● Mach. x. d. i. Mach x c. and xi d. i. Mac. xii c. (a) Beholde 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 ● Ma● vii a. Or s●nate Or Darius “ Or League i. Mac. xi ● i Mac. vi c. “ Or Add●dis Ioseph cap. x. lib. xiii i. Mac. xiii ● “ Or Gazaris Le. xxvi a. i. Mac. viii c. and xii a. i. Mac. viii c. and xii a. “ Or Hierusalem “ Or Gazaris i. Mac. 14. d. “ Or Delus “ Or Mydus Iu● xi d. i. M●c xvi b i. Mac. xiii f i. Mac. xv f. Deu. xxx b ●eu xxiii f. Nouem Leu. xxi● ● Nu. xxix b iii. Esdr v. ● ●evi ●●x a. 〈◊〉 Deu. xxx a Iud. vi d. 3 Re. xviii c Eccl. xl●iii a (a) Eph●har which is to say a shyning it is also called Nephi or Nephthar whiche is a clensing ii Mach. i. c. ●er xxix b. Baruch vi a Deute ●● ● Exo. xiii d. i. Reg viii b Leui. x. d. ii Para. vii a. Some reade Nehemias Den. xxx ● i. M●ch i. b. ● Mac. iii a. ● Mac. iii. b. Exo. xxii b. ii Mach. x. ● and xi b. ii Mach. v. c (a) In working some trecherie or sorcerie against him Act. xxvii ● (a) Thou hattes were tokens of wanto●nesse that the gentiles 〈◊〉 These were kept euery fifteth yere 〈…〉 ii Mac. iiii b i. Mach. iii. b (b) That is of them that measured the corne ii Mac. iiii f. i. Mac. i. c. Iudi. v. b. ii Mac. iii. b i. M● i. Mac. i. ● “ Or Athēs O● eating of the fleshe 〈◊〉 was sa●d Pro iii. b. “ Or vnto vs. Leui. x● a. (a) Ther● that had the cha●ge of that wicked b●nquet Amo● i. a. Leui. xi a. Deu. 32. c. Iohn v. c. Leu● x●● Or H●brues “ Or lyfe ii Mac ii c. i. Mac. ii a. i. Mac iii. c. i. Mac. v. b. Deu. xx a. Iere. x●x b. Or ●yght thousand Or Eleazarus i. Mac iiii b. Nume 31 d. i Mac. vi “ Or rottennes Deut viii c. i. Mac ii●● e. Exod. xx a. ● Mach iiii f Nouemb. “ Or Celosyria i. Mach. v. a. (a) A dragma is the eyght part of an ounce whiche is about three pence i· Mach. v. b. ii Mach. viii ii Ma. xi b. De. xxviii a Iere. xvi d 2. Pa● 32. ● 3. Reg ●● 1. Mac. iii a ▪ and xi b. Iohn ii b. Esa 36. b. ii Mach. x. ● ii Mac. iii. d. “ Or A bessalom Za●cus Or 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 The No● of ā 〈…〉 they 〈…〉 Or ●cil I●●● vi ● Iud. vii f i. Re. xiiii c. ii Par. xx d i. Mach. v. c. Or Scyth●po● ▪ “ Or Maresa “ Or Esdrm D● I● i. Mach. vi d ii Mac. 19. e. i. M●●●i f ii Mac xi a ● Ma● 〈…〉 ii Ma● x. e. “ Or S●ence “ Or Theodocius ▪ Mathias i. M●c ii● c. This fact is not to be approued for that it is contra● to gods commaundement t●ou s●l not kill ▪ 〈…〉 Deute v i Mac. vii d. iii Re. xx e. Exo. xx b ● P● x●i e 〈◊〉 v● b. ● Reg 19 g Februari Collo ● Math. xxv Iohn 20. Hebre. ● Hebre. i. Mat iii xv●i Deut. xviii ▪ Collo ii ii Tim. iii. Actes xvii Gallat iiii Hebre. ix i. Iohn i. i. Pet. iiii Math. iiii Ephe ii Rom. xi i. Tes v. Ephe. iiii Ephe. iii In prologo vet testam Rom ● i. Cor. ●● (a) Gospell that is tydynges of our saluation by Christe (b) That is the rehearsall of Christes lineage lyfe Gen. xxi a. 〈◊〉 xxiiii a Gen xxv d Ge xxix d Gen. xxi a. 〈◊〉 xxiiii a Gen xxv d Ge xxix d Gen. xxi a. 〈◊〉 xxiiii a Gen xxv d Ge xxix d Gen. 38 g. Gen. xlvi d 〈…〉 a. Gen. xlvi d 〈…〉 a. 〈◊〉 iiii d. 〈◊〉 ii b. Num. i. a. 〈◊〉 iiii d. 〈◊〉 ii b. Num. i. a. 〈◊〉 iiii d. 〈◊〉 ii b. Num. i. a. Ruth iiii d. Ruth iiii d. Ruth iiii d. 4. Reg. xi a ii Par. xvi d 2. Pa. xxvii● 2. Para. 28. d. 4. Re. xx● d 4. Re. xxi d 4. Re. 24. a. 4. Reg. xi a ii Par. xvi d 2. Pa. xxvii● 2. Para. 28. d. 4. Re. xx● d 4. Re. xxi d 4. Re. 24. a. 4. Reg. xi a ii Par. xvi d 2. Pa. xxvii● 2. Para. 28. d. 4. Re. xx● d 4. Re. xxi d 4. Re. 24. a. 4. Reg. xi a ii Par. xvi d 2. Pa. xxvii● 2. Para. 28. d. 4. Re. xx● d 4. Re. xxi d 4. Re. 24. a. 4. Reg. xi a ii Par. xvi d 2. Pa. xxvii● 2. Para. 28. d. 4. Re. xx● d 4. Re. xxi d 4. Re. 24. a. 4. Reg. xi a ii Par. xvi d 2. Pa. xxvii● 2. Para. 28. d. 4. Re. xx● d 4. Re. xxi d 4. Re. 24. a. 4. Reg. xi a ii Par. xvi d 2. Pa. xxvii● 2. Para. 28. d. 4. Re. xx● d 4. Re. xxi d 4. Re. 24. a. Iere. xxii f. i. Para. iii. d. Agge i. a. i. Esd iii. a. i. Para. iii. d. 4. Reg. 18. d. Iere. xxii f. i. Para. iii. d. Agge i. a. i. Esd iii. a. i. Para. iii. d. 4. Reg. 18. d. Iere. xxii f. i. Para. iii. d. Agge i. a. i. Esd iii. a. i. Para. iii. d. 4. Reg. 18. d. Philip. ii b. Actes iiii b. Esai ● (c) This phrase doth not import y t he knewe her afterward as the like phrase vsed Math v xxviii
ix a. Ioh. xv d. Iohn xiiii d and xv d. Actes ii a. () Or cōuince (a) That when the world shal se after his ascēs●on the power of his spirite shewed vpon the apostles by hym 〈◊〉 shal be cōpe●ed in cons●e ●o confesse th●t he was iust and that he was 〈…〉 ▪ Math. xi d. xxviii d. Luk. x. d. Iohn iii. d. Iohn ▪ vii d. Math. xi d. xxviii d. Luk. x. d. Iohn iii. d. Iohn ▪ vii d. Iohn xx ● (b) By the power of the holy spirite which I wyl sende to you wherby your heartes shal be comforted ▪ (c) They we● not yet induced to the certayne knowledge that ●e was the only mediatour ● therfore that whiche they asked before was nothing ▪ in respecte of that whiche they shoulde aske obtaine by fayth whē their knowledge was grounded ▪ that he was ●scended Za● xiii c. Math. xvi c Mar. xiiii c. Iohn xiiii b ☞ Iohn xiii d. i Iohn i. a. Iohn xix f. () That is to the Apostles (a) That is the reprobate that seke the worlde 〈◊〉 not Chri●te (b) That the● may be ioyned together in loue vnitie of loue fayth and spirite Ioh. xviii b. (c) That is Iudas Iscariot Psal cix a. Iohn xv c. Sapien. ii d. Math. vi b. Luk. xi a. Galath iii. d Iohn xii d. (d) That is after they haue fulfylled their course in this lyfe they may enioy eternall lyfe M●●●● Luk● x●● ▪ Math. 26. d. Mar. xiii d. Luk. xxii d. (a) The apo●●les and disciples that are with me Ioh. xvii b. Mat xxvi ● Gene. ix ● Iohn xi f. Mat. xxvi f (b) Thhat is Iohn Mar. xiiii ● Luk. xxii g. 〈◊〉 xxiii ● Iohn xii● d. Math. 27. ● Mark· xv a. Luk. xxiii a (c) Because the Romanes had takē that auctoritie frō them Math. xx a. Math. 27 b. Mark xv a. Luk. xxiii b Iohn vi b. Math. 27. c. Mark xv a. Luk. xxiii c Actes iii. c. Math 2● c. Mark xv b Math. 27 c. Mark xv a. Luk xxiii d ●eui xxiii c Iohn v. b. Sapien. vi a. ●ohn iii. d. Rom. xiii a. Math. 27. d. Mark xv c. Luk. xxiii e Act. xvii b. Act. xvii b. Math. 27. d. Mark xv c. Luk. xxiii c Hebr. xiii c. Math 27 d. M●rk xv c. Luk. xxiii ● Math. 27. d. Mark xv c. Luk. xxiii ● Psal xxii a. Iohn xiii a. (a) That is Iohn Psal lxix e. Math. 27. f. Mark xv d. Iohn xvii a (b) The misterie of mans redemption saluation is perfected by the only sacr●fice of Christ● the promise to the fathers fulfylled the ceremonies of the law ende● (c) Because they were not yet dead for that was their custome 〈◊〉 x● g. ●●m ix b. Zach. xii c. Math. 27. g. Mark xv d. Luk. xx●●● ☞ () That is of the weeke Math. 27. a. Lu. xxiiii a. Mark xvi a Iohn xiii c. Luke 24. a. Psal xvi b. Actes ii b. Luke 24. 〈…〉 to much to his 〈◊〉 presence ● therfore he pu●led ●er from outward and e●terne officers towarde his bodylye presense a wylled her to be myndfull of his ascen●ion Lu. xxiiii d () Or weeke (b) He came in miraculously to ge●e the Apostles comfort as also an outward taste and sure argumēt of his diuinitie ▪ that by his notable miracle he might cōfirme the Apostles in the fayth of his resurrection Iohn xi b. Iohn xxi g (c) The scripture written is sufficient to confirme our faith vnto saluation by Christe ☞ Iohn ● f () Or. Site● Luk. ● ● Iohn xii●● Luk xx●●● () Or sonne of Ioanna Iohn xvi g. Iohn xiii d. Actes xii a. Ioh. xiii c. and .xix. c. Iohn xx g. ☞ Iohn xx a. and xxi c. Lu. xxiiii g Iohn iiii d. xv d. xvi b. Iohn i. ● Math. ●4 c. Lu. xxiii ● ▪ Acte ● a. Acte ●● Iohn xv ● Mark xvi ● Lu● xx● 〈◊〉 vii d. Math 24. ● 〈◊〉 xxv c. Mark xiii c Luk. xvii ● 〈◊〉 xxi c. Apoc. i. b. Math. x. a. Mark iii. c. Luk. vi e. (a) That is of men for men are wont namely to be counted when they are numbred Math. 26. b. Mar. xiiii e. Luk. xxii e. Math. x. a. Mark i. c. Luk. iii. c. Math. 26. b. Mar. xiiii e. Luk. xxii e. Math. x. a. Mark i. c. Luk. iii. c. (b) It is called y e rewarde or iniquitie because the wicked Iewes gaue the rewarde and the wicked Iudas receaued y e reward to shedde the blood of christ that innocent lambe Psal lxix f. Psal ●ix a. (c) That is to say after the language of the Hebrewes he had his conuersation and lyued with vs 1 Par. 28. b. Psal vii c. (d) Lottes for chosing of officers or deuidyng of inheritaunce grounde or goodes are alowed of god as appeareth in the holye scriptures lottes stay strife sayth Solomō But lottes of diuinatiō to know supersticiously of thynges to come are disalowed of god and vtterly forbidden ☞ Deut. xvi b. Leu. xxiii e. Actes iiii f. and .xi. b 〈…〉 that the 〈…〉 and also in y e heare●s In the speakers for that they speaking the Hebrue tongue ▪ dyd well perceaue y e straungers of diuers nations and languages dyd vnderstande them And in the bearers for that euery man hearde sensibly his owne countr●y language out of the Apostles speakyng in their mother tōgue (b) That is such as were conuerted to the Iewes religion and whose auncetours were no Iewes (c) The Iewes count the houre of the day from sixe of the clocke in y e mornyng to six at night ▪ Therfore the thirde houre after y e Iewes computation is our nyne of the clocke Ioel. ii g. Math. 27. e. Luk. xxiii f Rom. x. c. Psal xv ● iii Reg. ii b. Actes i. a. Psal cx a. Mat. xxii d Luk. iii. b. (d) By felowship ▪ is meant 〈◊〉 companying together in practising y e workes of charitie in tendering hel●ing one an other is disposyng by aimes their goodes to shewn by neyghbour By breakyng of bread is mēt y e misterie wherein our sauiour Christ doth communicate and distribute vnto vs his body blood by his blessed Sacrament of bread and wyne where is represented to y e eyes of our fayth the breakyng of Christes bodye and the sheadyng of his blood Math. ix a. iii. Reg. vi a. Iohn ii c. Actes v ● (a) He correcteth the ab●se of man which attribute to mans holynesse which only appertayneth to God Math. 27. a. Mark xv a. Luk. xxiii a Math. 27. e. Ioh. xviii g. Math. iiii c. 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 when y e godly which in this worlde are tu●moyled and troubled shoulde fynde rest and quietnesse Deu. xviii c Actes vii e. (c) So they are called because they came of the same sto●ke● and therfore were hey●es of the same promise which appertayneth to the whole body of the people Gen. xii a. Exod. ii c. Mat. xxi ● Actes vii d. Math. i. e. Philip ii b. (a) Christe is called y e chiefe
syghtes (b) The vilenesse of the punyshment declareth here that God detesteth pride and tyranny His gaundfather also was eaten of lice (c) The more that tyrantes go about to suppresse gods worde the more doth it increase and multiplie (a) The word signifieth to execute a publike office as the Apostles was so that here is shewed that they preached and prophesied dyd not offer a sacrifice or say masse at Antioche as some vntruely gather Actes xii d. Exod. vii a. and .viii. b. Actes viii b Iohn vi d. Actes xv g. Actes xii c. Exo xiiii a. Iosue xiii d Iudi. i. a. i Reg. viii a. i Reg. x. a. i Reg. viii a. i Reg. x. a. i Reg. xvi a. Psal 89. c. Psal 132. c. i Reg. vii b. Mark i. a. Luk. iii. c. Iohn i. d. Math. iii. b. Math. x. a. i Cor. ii b. Math. 27. c. Luk. xxiii d Actes i. ● Actes i. ● Psal ii a. Hebr. i. b. Esai lv b. (b) Meaning that he would faythfully accomplishe the promises which he made of his free mercie with the forefathers that Christ should be borne of the stocke of Dauid iii Reg. ii b. Luk. 24. g. Abacuc i. a. Acte● xi ● Math. x b. Esai xlix b. Luk. i. e. (c) These were welthie and substancial women and yet superstitious beyng led with a blynde zeale whom y e common people esteemed very Godly ▪ and therfore Luke speketh here of these women as y e worlde esteemed of them (d) This they dyd according to the commaundement of the Gospel for a witnesse of their trauayle that they came into their citie and offered to them the doctrine of the Gospel which they contemned and therby signified also that they so detested their companie for this their contempt that they woulde not haue the dust of their citie hange vpon their shoes 〈…〉 the world● ▪ and 〈…〉 with God 〈◊〉 at 〈◊〉 with hym to be in peace with the worlde (b) The per●n o● the 〈◊〉 is an 〈…〉 of the ●ospel Esa xxxv b Math xv d. Luk. vii d. Actes 28. ● Actes x. d. Apo. xix b. and. xxii c. Gen. i. a. Psal cxlvi a Apo. xiiii b Actes xvii f R●m i. b. (c) They that a litle before woulde haue worshipped Paul as God nowe they are content that he shoulde be stoned as a wicked man ▪ such inconstancie is in the● ignoraunt multitude Actes xiii e ii Tim. iii. c. (d) Here we learne that when so euer we go about any wayghtie matter we ought with abstinence prepare our myndes vnto prayer that it may be the more earnest Galath ● Galath ii ● Actes i. b. Psal vii c. i para 28. b. Iohn xiii b. (a) He meaneth the holy lawe and not y e ceremonies only calleth at a yoke not able to be borne because no man not y t most holyest and perfect that euer was Christe only excepted was able to perfourme the same in all poyntes both outwardly accordyng to the letter ▪ and inwardly accordyng to the spirite (b) The prophete in this place prophecied of Christes commyng in the fleshe which shoulde buyld agayne y e tabernacle of Dauid which figured Gods Churche but then vtterly defaced and brought to ruine by the pharisaicall and Iewyshe superstitions Exod. xx a. Gen. ix a. Leuit. vii c. Iohn xiiii a Actes xii e. (c) God suffereth y e most perfect to fall and yet turne their infirmities to the settyng foorth of his glory as this ●rea●he of ●o 〈◊〉 cau●ed the Gospel to be preached in mo places Actes xv e. Rom. i. ● Act. xviii c. (a) Whiche coulde tell of thynges past and gesse of thynges to come which knowledge in many thinges God permitteth to the deuyll to this ende as Austen noteth that he myght y e more myghtelye deceaue those y t would beleue hym Mat. xvi d. Actes xix c ii Cor. xi f. Actes v. d. and .xii. b. Luk. ● Acte ● Ioh● ● Luk. ● Acte ● Ioh● ● Luk. xix g. Math. viii d Luk. ●4 g. Actes 28 ● Iohn xix c. (a) Like quarell pykynge they vsed ag●inst Christ And these be the weapons whereby the world continually fyghteth agaynst the members of Christe treason and sedition Iohn v. g. Act. xviii b. (b) The Epicures were a sect of learned men whiche beyng without the knowledge of God helde opinion that ther was no lyfe or ioye after this life but that all mans felicitie dyd consist in y e pleasures of this worlde The Stoikes were an other kynde of learned men whiche lykewyse wantynge the knowledge of God affirmed y t mans whole felicitie happinesse did cōsist in the qualities and vertues of the mynde Gene. i. a. Act. xiiii c. Psal xlvi a. Apo. xiiii b Act. vii f. Esai lxvi a. 4. Re. viii c. Gene. i. a. Act. xiiii c. Psal xlvi a. Apo. xiiii b Act. vii f. Esai lxvi a. 4. Re. viii c. i. Paral. v. c. Genes i. b. (c) The Apostle tearmeth vs the generation of God not that we be of y e substance and nature of God but because God hath created vs and by his sonne Iesus Christe hath redeemed vs and made vs his chyldren by adoption Rom. xvi a. ii Tim. iiii d Act. ●vii d. Math. x. b. Mark vi b. Act. xiii g. (a) By this hebrue speach he signifieth that he that dyeth and perysheth shall peryshe thorow his owne fault Iohn iiii g. Act. xvii b. (b) Cenchrea is a hauen at Corinth ▪ where Paul takyng shippe dyd sheare his head accordyng to his vowe For accordyng to the lawe of Moyses they that vowed them selues to God were cōmaunded to suffer their heere to grow as long as they would continue Nazarites and afterward to sheare it and to burne it This dyd Paul not forgettyng what he had before decreed with the Apostles touchynge the aboli●shyng of the 〈…〉 lest● 〈…〉 which 〈…〉 (c) Apollo beyng a wittie a learned mā was not ashamed to be taught instructed in the doctrine of christ of a poore craftes man and his wyfe (a) By the holye ghoste here he meaneth the visible graces of the holy spirite (b) By this place Iohns baptisme signifieth Iohns doctrine whiche therfore is so called for that he sealed his doctrine with the seale of baptisme in them that beleued (c) They that were baptized were not baptized with water beyng before baptized of Iohn with water but they were baptized with visible gyftes of the holy ghost which Saint Luke declaryng howe it was ▪ writeth that it was by the laying on of S. Paules handes Mark xvi d Actes v. c. Math. xvi d Math. vii e. Mark i. a. Act. xvi d. Psal cxv a. Act. xxi g. Act xx ● ● Tim. iii● d 1 Re. xvii d. 4. Re. iiii f. Luk. vii c. Actes ix g. Lu. xxiiii ● (a) That is to saye I go by the impulsion and commaundement of y e holy ghost who draweth me as with ● bonde ii Tim. ii b. (b) That whiche apperteyneth to Christes manhod which is
Exod. 32. b. () Or dyd commit fornication Nu. xiiii c. Num. xxi b Nu. xiiii c. Num. xxi b (c) Howe God wyll plague vs yf we be subiect to the lyke vices Num. xiiii c i Cor. i. b. i Thess v. d. ii Pet. ii d. Num. xiiii c i Cor. i. b. i Thess v. d. ii Pet. ii d. i Cor. viii a. (d) which is to assemble in that companie where idols are called vpon Eccle. 37. d. i Cor. xiii b. () Or in the market of victuals Psal 24. a. i Cor. viii b. (e) We must take heede y t through our abuse our libertie be not condempned i Tim. iiii a. Coloss iii. c. 1 Cor. ix ● Gen. ii d. Ephe. v. c. Deu. xxii a. Gen. i. d. (a) Something to couer her head in signe of subiection Mat. xviii a () Or tryed Math. 2● e. Mar. xiiii b Luk. xxii b. i Peter ii b. Actes i. b i Peter ii b. Actes i. b By per●●●tyng the true and pure vse of ye●ame (c) But as though these holy misteries of the Lordes body blood were common meates so without reuerence he commeth vnto them i Iebu ii c. (a) By Satans suggestiō Mark ix f. Rom. xii a. Ephe. iiii b. (b) Meaning the declaration of Gods misteries 1 ●ohn iiii b. Rom. xii a. Eph● iiii b. Esai lv a. (c) Whose vse seemeth to be more vile (d) We are more carefull to couer them Math. x. a. Luk xi a. Ephe. iiii c. (a) If the Angels had tongues and I had the vse therof and did not bestowe thē to profite my neyghbour it were nothyng but vaine babblyng ☞ Luk. xvii a. Luk. xvii a. i Cor. x e. Philip. ii a. (b) The misteries of God (a) Vnderstandeth hym Rom. xii b. Num. xi g. * Tongue i● this place and such lyke signifieth not y e instrument y t we speake with but proprietie of some language that the hearer vnderstandeth not without an interpreter Your wordes shal be l●●t for ye shal neither glorifie God therby nor profite man (c) Or geue thankes by singyng Esai 28. c. i Iohn iiii a. () That is ▪ the doctrine y t they do bring as beyng put in mynde by the spirite of God Rom. xv g. i Tim. ii b. Gen. iii. c. 1 Cor. xi a. (a) He sheweth that nothyng ought to be taught whiche we haue not learned by Gods worde Mat. 28 b. Iohn xx a. Luk. 24. b. Actes iii. a. Gala. ii c. (b) For yf Christe be swalowed vp of death there remayneth no hope of lyfe any more Colos i. c. (c) As by the offering of the first fruite the whole fruite is sanctified so by Christe which is the first that is raysed all haue assuraunce of the resurrection (d) To wyt ▪ the faythfull Psal cx a. Math. 22. d. Habre i. c. Psal viii b. Hebre. ii d. (c) That is hauyng regarde to this present lyfe and not to Gods glorie and to lyfe euerlastyng 〈◊〉 x●i d. Or one maner of f●she (f) Euen as the sunne and the moone beyng of one substaunce differ in dignitie so in the resurrection our bodies shal haue more excellent qualities then thei haue now () for what is more vyle to loke vnto then the dead ●arkasse Gene. ii b. 1. Thes iiii d. Ph●l iii. d. Esai xxv c. Osee xiii c ▪ (g) Sinne firste brought in death and geueth it power ouer vs the strength of sinne is y e law because it doth reueale y e iudgment of God agaynst vs or els the chiefe cause of our destruction is in our selues i. Ioh. v. a. (h) The hope of resurrectiō causeth ▪ the faithful to surmount all difficulties ▪ Actes xi d. Rom. xv f. ii Cor. viii a Actes xi d. ii Cor. i. c. i. Cor. xv c. Act. xix d. Act. xviii c. i. Cor. i. b. (a) Lest Satan steale vpō you at vnwares i. Corint i. c. b (c) The grief th●t I toke for your absence was greatly aswaged by their presence Rom. xv●● * A worde wherwith the accursed or vile person in the extremest degree is signified Roman i. a. i. Corin. i. a. Galat. i. a. Ephesi ● a. i. Peter i. a. Coloss i c. (a) Whiche I suffer for Christe or which Christ suffreth in me Act xix f. i Reg. ii d. Deut. viii d. ii Cor. iiii c. (b) Vsyng that wisdome whiche God gaue me from heauen i. Thess ii e. (c) Because we haue won you to Christ (d) whiche shall abolyshe all worldly glorie i. Cor. xvi a (e) Nowe to affirme one thyng then to denie it whiche is a signe of inconstancie (f) He taketh God to wytnesse that he preacheth the crueth Rom. viii a. Ephes iiii ● i. Pet. v. a. (a) Whiche was geuen t● Satan but nowe doeth repent i. Cor. v. b. (b) That is truely from myne hearte euen as in the presence of Christe (c) In working myghtyly by vs he maketh vs partakers of his victorie triumphe Luk· ii c. Exo. xxiiii d Deut. v. d. Ier. xxxi a. Exo. xxiiii d Deut. v. d. Ier. xxxi a. Philip. ii b. i. Cor. iiii b. (a) Meaning the spirituall doctrine whiche is in our heartes (b) After that God had spoken with him and geuē hym the lawe Exo. xxiiii d (d) Moyses shewed y e law as it was couered with shadowes so that y e Iewes eyes were not lyghtened but blynded and so coulde not come to christ who was the ende therof Agayne the Gospel setteth foorth the glorie of God clearely not coueryng our eyes but dryuyng y e darknes away frō them Iohn iiii ● (d) In christ who is God manifest in y e fleshe we see God y e father ▪ as in a moste cleare gl●sse Iohn xii e. (a) To wyt Satan Luk. viii f. Iohn xii f. Gene. i. a. ii Pet. i. d. ii Cor. v. a. Galath vi d Rom. viii c. Psal cxvi b ▪ i. Cor. i. a. Psal xxx b Rom. viii d. (b) which is so called in respect of the euerlastynge lyfe (a) after this body shal be dissolued it shal be made incorruptible immortall Rom. viii d i Pet. i. c. Apoc. iii. d. Rom. viii c. ii Cor. ● d Mat. xxv c. Rom. xiiii c (b) By imbracyng the same fayth whiche we preach to others (c) the greke so●deth thus ▪ Whether we be out of wyt to God we be out of wyt Whether we be wise to you we be wise i. Thess ●● (d) according to the estimation of y e flesh but as he is guyded by the spirite of god Esai xliii c. Apoc. xxi ● Rom. iii. d. Coloss i. c. Esai xliii c. Apoc. xxi ● Rom. iii. d. Coloss i. c. Coloss ii c. Esaias liii b. Rom. viii ● Esai xlix c. (a) To wyte gods free mercie wherein he hath powred foorth his infinite loue i. Cor. iiii a. (b) signifiyng his most vehement affectiō (c) Shewe lyke affection towardes me Deut. vii a. Math. viii d i. Cor. iii. b. Exod. xix g Leut. xix ● Esaias lii ● () That