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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09183 The piththy [sic] and moost notable sayinges of al scripture, gathered by Thomas Paynell: after the manner of common places, very necessary for al those that delite in the consolacions of the scriptures Paynell, Thomas. 1550 (1550) STC 19494.3; ESTC S122454 195,516 370

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powers and officers Roma .xiii. Tite .ii. Hebre .xiii. i. Pet .ii. Obey for conscience sake Roma xiii Offerynge of the poore wyddowe Mar .xii. lucke .xxi. Olde wyne is pleasaunter then newe luc .v. Olde thinges are gone Apo .xxi. One brother may mary the others wife and how Marcke .xii. One thinge is necessary luc .x. One flocke and one shepeherde Iohn .x. One worde fulfylleth the lawe Gala. v. Oure bodyes are the members of Christ .i. cor .vi. Oure ablenes commeth of god .ii. Cor .iii. P. Paul and Barnabas Actes .xiii. Paul a maker of tentes Actes .xviii. Pauls miracles Actes .xix. Paul is detter to all nacyons Roma .i. Paul is not ashamed of Christes gospell Ro .i. Paul dothe tame hys body .i. Cor .ix. Paul was vnquieted in his fleshe .ii. Corin .xii. Paul receaued his gospell by the reuelation of Christ Gala .i. Paule withstode Peter Gala .ii. Paules crowne and glory .i. Thes .ii. Paules Epistles in diuerse places are harde to be vnderstanded .ii. peter .iii Peter and Andrewe folow Christ mat .iiii. mar .i. Peter rebuked Christ mat .xvi. mar .viii. Peter is rebuked of Christ mat .xvi. Mar .viii. Peter baptised in the name of Iesus Act .ii. viii Peter by prayer is deliuered act .xii. Peters shadowe Act .v. Perfect is he c. Math .ix. Peace be here mat .x. luke .x. Pharisees eate not with vnwashed handes mar vii Pleasure shall haue payne luk .xvi. Plantes not planted by god mat .xv. Pilate Iohn .xix. Poore folke ye shall alwayes haue with you but not me math .xxvi. marke .xiiii. Iohn .xii. Praye secretly math .vi. Praye but bable not math .vi Praye and forgeue Marke .xi Praye for kynges and rulers .i. Timo .ii. Prayers of saynctes Apoca .v. Prayse not thy selfe .ii. Corin .x. Preachyng of the crosse .i. Cor .i. Preache the gospel and lyue of the gospel .i. cor .ix Preachers are worthy double honoure .i. Tim .v. Preache in season and out of season .ii. Timo .iiii. Pryde wyl haue a fal Luke .xviii. Pryce of the thynges solde were delyuered to the Apostles Actes .iiii. Prophetes haue desired to se that ye se Mat .xiii. Prophetes are not without honoure c. Math .xiii. marke .vi. Luke .iiii. Iohn .iiii. Properties of scribes mark .xii. Luke .xx. Promises were made to the sede of Abraham and not to the seedes Gala .iii. Proue thine owne worckes Gala .vi. Put vp the swearde math .xxvi. Pure and vndefiled deuotion Iaco .i. Q. Quycke sacrifice Roma .xii. R. Racha math .v. Receaue not those that brynges no christes learnyng .ii. Iohn .i. Reconcile the to thy brother and then offer math .v. Reioyse but wherin Luc .x. Reioyse in thy infirmites .ii. Cor .xi. xii Reioyse in the crosse of christ Gala .vi. Reioyse in temptation Iaco .i. Reioyse in god .ii. Cor .x. Redeme the time Ephe .v. Rewarde of the blessed is greate math .v. Rewarde of synne Roma .vi. Remission of synnes Iohn .xx. Resist not wronge math .v. Resiste not the powers Roma .xiii. Resiste the deuyll .i Pet .v. Riche men enter hardly into heauen Math .xix. marcke .x. Luc .x. Riche menne fall into dyuers snares .i. Timo .vi. Riuers of waters of lyfe Iohn .vii. Ryghteousnes commeth be faithe Roma .iii. S Saboth day was made for man marcke .ii. Salute no man by the waye Luc .x. Saluation commeth of the Iues. Iohn iiii Salomons temple was .xlvi. yeares a buyldynge Iohn .ii. Sandals marcke .vi. Salt of the earth math .v. Saluation commeth of workes Ephe .ii. Saintes call for vengaunce Apo .vi. Sathan knew Christ mat .viii. mar .i. iii. v. iii. iiii Sathan of himselfe can do nothyng math .viii. Sathan doth chaunge himselfe into an aungell of lyght .ii. Cor .xi. Saul Saul Act .ix. Saduces denye the resurrection Ac .xxiii. Sectes are necessarye .i. Cor .xi. Scripture concludeth al thynges vnder synne Gala .iii. Scripture geuen by the inspiration of .ii. Tim .iii. Seconde death Apo .xx. xxi Seke first for the kyngdome of heauen mat .vi. Seke not to be deuorsed .i. Cor .vii. Seke for heauenly thinges collo .iii. Sel al that thou hast Luk .xviii. Separate thy selfe from fond axers of questions .i. Timo .vi. Seruaunt is not aboue his lorde Math .x. Luke .vi. Iohn .xiii. xv Seruauntes be obedient to your maisters col .iii. i. Pet .ii. Shake of the dust of thy feete Math .x. Mark .vi. Luke .ix. x. Synners must be openly rebuked .i. Timo .v. Synnes to death and not to death .i. Iohn .v. Symon I haue prayed for thee Luk .xxii. Sorowe shall turne to ioye Iohn .xvi. Sowe spiritual thinges and reape carnall .i. Cor .ix. gala .vi. Sowe litle and repe lytle .ii. Corin .ix. Sorowe not for the deade .i. Thes .iiii. Speake one thynge .i. Cor .i. Spirite of the father spake in the apostles mat .x. Spirites haue no bones Luc .xxiiii. Spirite searcheth all thinges .i. Cor .ii. Stryue to entre in at the streight gate Luke .xiii. Steuen sawe Iesus standyng on the righte hande of his father Actes .vii. Steuen was stoned to death Act .vii. Stande not in thy owne conceate Roma .xv. Striue lawfully and be crouned ii Tim .ii. Striue not about wordes ii Tim .ii. Suffer for wel doyng i. Pet .ii. iii. Sweare not at all Mat .v. Iac .v. Surfeting and dronkennesse Luc .xxi. T. Take no thought for the bodye Luke .xii. The tree that bringeth not good fruite muste be burnte Mat .iii. The thinges that defile man Math .xv. mar .vii. The thinges that come out of the herte Mat .xv. The Apostels anointed many sicke folke with oyle Mar .vi. Iacob .v. The workes that shal folow them that beleue Mark .xvi. The harte is where the treasure is Luke .xii. The dead shall heare Christes voyce Iohn .v. The fathers wyll Iohn .vi. The thefe entreth in by the wynd owe. Iohn .x. The thing that is of god cannot be destroide Ac .v. The gifte of God cannot be bought Ac .viii. The testimonie of our conscience is oure reioysing ii corinth .i. The tree of lyfe Apo .ii. The ende of the cōmaundement is loue i. Tim .i. Thre sortes of chaste men Math .xix. There is but one mayster and one father mar v. There are thre thinges that beare recorde in heauen and thre in earth i. Iohn .v. The institucion of the sacrament of the aulter Math xxvi Mar .xiiii. Luke .xxii. i. Cor .xi. This infirmitie is not vnto death Iohn .xi. Thynges to be abstayned fro Act .xv. Thinges written are for oure learnyng Rom .xv. Thinges prepared for those that loue god 1. cor .ii Thynges sene and not sene ii Cor .iii. Thou shalt not kyll Math .v. Thou shalt not be angry Math .v. Thou shalt not commit aduoutrie Math .v. Thou shalt not loke on a woman to luste her Matthew .v. Thou shalt not forsweare thy selfe Math .v. Thou art Christ the sonne of the lyuyng god Math .xvi. Marke .ii. Iohn .vi. Thou arte Peter Mat .xvi. Thou shalt not washe my fete Iohn .xiii. Tythes Luke .xi. Math .xxiii. Heb .vii. To sit on my right hand c. Math .xx. Mar .x. Touche no wemen i. Cor .vii. Tribulacion the right waye to heauen Act .xiiii. Tribulacion bringeth patience Roma .v. Trust not in ryches Mark .x. i. Tim .vi Truth maketh man fre Iohn .viii. Two coates Marke .vi. Luke .iii. ix Treasure and where it must be gathered mat .vi. Turne thy cheke Math .v. Luke .vi. V. W. Vayle of the temple Mar .xv. Watche and be redy Mat .xxiii. xxv Watche and be sober i. Thes .v. Watche and pray math .xxiiii mar .xiiii. Water of lyfe Iohn .iiii. Wauer not with euery winde of doctrine Ephe .iiii. Walke in the daye and night Iohn .xi. Walke while ye haue light Iohn .xii. Walke in a newe lyfe Roma .vi. Walke honestly Roma .xiii. Walke in humblenes of mynde Ephe .iiii. Walke circumspectly Ephe .v. Weddyng garment math .xxii Wedlocke muste be had in price Hebreb .xiii. werers of softe clothyng math .xi. Women must learne of theyr husbandes i. cor .xiiii Wemens garmentes i. tuno .ii. i. Pet .iii. Wemen maye not teache i. Timo .ii. Wemen must teache theyr doughters and what T it .ii. Vessell of honour and dishonoure ii Tim .ii. Vessell of wrathe and mercy Roma .ix. Wemen must be vnder obedience and in silence i. corinth .xiiii. Wemen are the glory of man i. corinth .xi. Weapons of oure warre ii corinth .x Whelpes and of the crommes that fall from the table matthewe .xv. Hole men haue no nede of Phisicke mat .ix. mar ● Who is greatest in the kyngdome of heauen matthewe .xviii. Whome a man shoulde feare Luke .xii. Who can endure the laste daye apoc .vi. Who are in the presence of god apoc .vii. Why smytest thou me Iohn .xviii. Wycked men shal be caste into a turnes of fyre Math .xiii. Wherto man obeyeth therto he is seruaunt Roma .vi. Wynde bloweth where he lusteth Iohn .iii. Wyse as serpentes Math .x. Wydowes i. Timo .v. Virgins folowe the Lorde apo .xiiii. Wo be to the offender mat .xviii. mar .ix. Luc .xvii Wo be to the riche Luc .vi. Wo be to you phariseis Luc .xi. Wo be to preachers yf they preache not i. Cor .ix. Workeman is worthy his meate Mat .x. Workes that folowe the faythfull Mar .xvi. Workes of the worlde are euel Iohn .vii. Worke and of dutye recouer thy rewarde Ro .iiii. Worke and eate i. Thes .v. Workes folowe the dead apo .xiiii. Worldly wysedome i. Cor .iii. Worde of god sanctifieth al creatures i. Timo .iiii Worde of god is quicke Heb .iiii. Worldly frendshippe Iac .iiii. Worship god and not men nor aūgels apo .xix. xxi Worde of god lasteth for euer i. Pet .i. Worme of conscience mar .ix. Woman is subiect to man Rom .vii Vnprofitable seruauntes Luke .xvii. Y. Ye ye naye nay Math .v. Iaco .v. Z. Zacharias and Elizabeth Luke .i. ¶ Imprinted at London at Flietebridge by Thomas Gaultier at the costes charges of Rychard Kele dwelling in in the Poultrye
it with ioye and not with grefe for that is an vnprofitable thynge for you ¶ The Epistell of S. Iames the fyrste Chapter MY brethren count it excedyng ioye when ye fall into dyuers temptations for as moche as ye knowe howe that the entryng of your faithe bryngeth pacience and let pacience haue her perfecte worke that ye maye be perfecte and sounde lackyng nothynge Yf any of you lacke wysdome lette him axe of god whiche geneth to all menne indifferently and casteth no manne in the teth and it shal be geuen hym But lette him axe it in fayth and wauer not for he that douteth is lyke tghe waues of the sea tost of the wynde and caried with violence Neyther lette that manne thynke that he shall receaue any thing of the lorde a waueryng mynded man is vnstable in all his wayes Let the brother of lowe degree reioyce in that he is exalted the ryche in that he is made lowe for euen as the floure of the grasse shal he vanishe awaye The sonne riseth with heate and the grasse wydereth and his fioure falleth awaye and the beautie of the fashion of it perisheth euen so shall the riche manne perishe with his aboundaunce Happy is that manne that endureth in temptation for when he is tryed he shall receaue the crowne of lyfe whiche the lorde hath promised to them that loue hym God tempted not vnto euyl nether tempred he any manne But euerye man is tempted drawen awaye and entised of his owne concupiscence Then when luste hathe conceaued she bryngeth forth synne and synne when it is finished bryngeth forthe deathe Euery good gyfte and ruerye perfecte gyfte is from aboue and commeth downe from the father of lyght with whome is no variablenes neyther is he chaunged vnto darrkenes Lette euerye man be swyfte to heare slowe to speake and slowe to wrath for the wrathe of man worketh not that which is righteous before god Se that ye be doars of the worde and not heaters only deceauyng your selues with sophistry Pure deuotion and vndefiled before goo the father is this to visite the faberlesse wyddowes in their aduersytie and to kepe hymselfe vnspotted of the worlde The .ii. Chapter WHosoeuer shall kepe the whole lawe and yet fayle in one poynt he is gyltye in all There shal be iudgement mercyles to him that sheweth no mercye and morcye reioyseth againste iudgement Faith yf it haue no dedes is deade in it selfe I manne is iustifyed of dedes and not of faythe onely Is the body without the spryte is dead euen so faithe without dedes is dead The .iii. Chapter IF a manne synne not in worde the same is a perfecte man and able to came all the body The tounge is a lytle member and bosteth greate thynges It is an vnruelyr euyll full of deadly poison the tounge can no manne came Yf any man be wyse and endued with learnyng among you let him shewe the worckes of conuersation in mehnes that is coupled with wisdome The wysdome that is frome aboue is fyrste pure than peasable gentle and easye to be intreated full of mercy and good frutes without iudgyng and without simulation yea the frute of righteousnes is sowē in peace of them that maintayne peace The .iiii. Chapter Ye axe and receyue not because ye axe amisse Knowe ye not howe that the frendship of the worlde is enemitie to godwarde Whosoeuer wyl be a frend of the world is made the enemy of god What thing is your lyfe It is not euen a vapoure that appeareth for a lytle time and then vanished awaye To hym that knoweth howe to be good and doth it not to hym it is sinne The .v. Chapter GO to now ye riche men wepe and howle on your wretchednes that shall come vpō you Your riches is corrupt your garmētes are mothe eaten your gold and your syluer are cankred and the rust of them shal be witnes vnto you and shall eate your fleshe as it were fyre Aboue all thinges my brethren sweare not nether by heauen nether by the earth nether by any other othe Let youre yea be yea and your naye naye lest ye fall into ypocrisie Yf any of you be disealed let him call for the elders of the congregation and let them praye ouer hym and anoynte him with oyle in the name of the Lorde and the prayer of fayth shall saue the sicke and the lorde shall rayse hym vp yf he haue committed sinnes they shall be forgeuen hym Confesse youre faultes one to another and praye one for another that ye maye be healed The prayer of a righteous manne auayleth muche yf it be feruent Brethrē yf any of you erre frō the truth another conuert hym let the same know that he which cōuerted the synner from goinge astraye oute of his waye shall saue a soule from death and shall hyde the multitude of synnes ¶ The .i. Epistle of S. Peter the first Chapter GYrde vp the loynes of your mynōe● be sober trust perfectly on the grace that is brought vnto you by the declaring of Iesus Christ as obedient children not fashioning youre selues vnto your olde iustes of ignoraunce but as he whiche called you is holy euen so be ye holy in all maner of conuersation because it is written be ye holye for I am holy The father without respect of person iudgeth according to euery mannes workes Ye know how that ye were not redemed with corruptible siluer and golde from your vayne conuerrsation whiche ye receyued by the tradicions of the fathers but with the precious bloude of Christ as of a lambe vndefiled and with out spot which was ordeyned before the world was made but was declared in the last tymes for your sakes whiche by his meanes haue beleued on God that raysed him from death glorifyed hym that your faythe and hope might be in god Se that ye loue one another w e a pute heart feruently for ye are borne a new not of mortal sede but of immortall by the worde of god whiche lyueth and lasteth for euer All fleshe is as grasse and all the glorye of mā is as the floure of grasse The grasse withereth the flowre falleth awaye but the roord of the lord endureth euer The .ii. Chapter IF so be that ye haue tasted howe pleasaunt the lord is to whom ye come as to a liuing stone dissalowed of●ten but chosen of god and precious and ye ae liuing stonce are made a spiritual house and an holy priste hode for to offer vp spirituall sacrifice acceptable to god by Iesus Christ Vnto you whiche beleue he is precious but vnto thē which beleue not the stone whiche the buylders refused the same is made the head stone in the corner and a stone to stumble at ●nd a rocke to offende them whithe stomble at the worde and beleue not that whereon they were set Derely beloued I beseche you as straungers and pilgrimes abstayne from fleshly lustes which fight against the soule and se that
shall serue him and they shall se his face and his name shal be in theyr foreheaddes and there shal be no mighte and they nede no candle neyther lyghte of the sunne for the Lorde god geueth them lyght and they shall raygne for euermore I am Iohn whiche sawe these thinges hearde them And when I hadde hearde and sene I fell downe to worshyppe before the fete of the angel whiche shewed me these thinges and he sayd vnto me se thou do it not for I am thy felow seruant the felow seruaunt of thy brethren the prophetes of them whiche kepe the sayenges of this boke but worshyppe god He that doeth euyll lette him de euyll styll and he whiche is fylthy lette him be fylthy styl and he that is righteous let him be more righteous and he that is holy lette him be more holy And beholde I come shortely and my rewarde with me to geue euerye manne accordynge as his dedes shal be Blessed are they that do goddes commaundementes that their power maye be in the tree of lyfe and may entre in through the gates into the cytie for without shall be dogges enchaunters and whoremongers and murderers and ydolaters and whosoeuer loueth or maketh lesynges ¶ The ende of the boke for the whiche God be praysed ¶ The Table of the newe Testament A Abstayne from bloud c. Act .v. Abstayne from fleshly Iustes .i. Pet .ii. Adam was not deceiued but Eue. i. Tim .ii. Aduoutrie in berte Math .v. Agaynst riche men Iacob .v. Agree with thine aduersary Math .v. Almes muste be done secretely Mac .vi. Alpha c Omega Apo .i. xxi All nations shal be gathered before christ mat xxv Al thinges are open to god Heb iiii Al power is geuen vnto Christ Mat .xxvii. Al thinges were comment act .ii. iiii Al thinges are pure Rom .xiiii. Al thinges are lawful but not expedient .i. cor .x. Al thinges are created by god Col .i. Ananias death act .v. Al men by one man condemned Roma .v. An euel tree Math .vii. Anna fasted and prayde Luke .ii. An aulter of the vnknowen god act .xvii. Antechrist the sonne of perdition .ii. Thes ii An Aungell appered to Ioseph Math .i. Aungels is are sent to minister for man Heb .i. Aungels offer vnto god the prayers c. Apoc .viii. A great rebuke to be barren Luk .ii. Attenians hearers and tellers of newes Act .xvii. Armour of god 1. Thes .v. A wauering mynded man Iacob .i. Auoyde them that cause diuision Rom .xvi Auoyde 〈…〉 Tit. iiii Are and haue 〈…〉 Luc .xi. i. Iohn .v. Are wisedome in fayth ● Iaco .i. B. Battayle in heauen Apo .xii. Be content with your wages Luke .iii. Be fetuent in a good thyng Gala .iiii. Be folishe in this worlde .i. Cor .iii. Be holy in your conuersation i. Pet .i. Beleue and be saued Iohn .iii. v. vi xi Beleue my workes Iohn .x. Beleue and do greater workes c. Iohn .xiiii. Beleue not euery sprite .i. Iohn .iiii. Be rather a minister then a maister Math .xx. Better it is to be single thē to be maryed .i. co .vii Better it is not to eate then to offend .i. Cor .viii. Better it is not to know what good is then afterwardes to do euyll .ii. Pet .ii. Be perfect Math .v. Roma .iiii. Be not children in wyt but in malyce .i. Cor .xiiii. Be not wery of well doyng Gala .vi Be content with thyne estate Philip .iiii. Be swiste to heare slow to speake Iaco .i. Be riche in good workes .i. Timo .vi. Beare one anothers burthen Gala .vi. Be angry and synne not Ephe .iiii. Beware of euell doers Phil .iii. Beware of false prophetes Math .vii. Blasphemy agaynst the. c. mat .xii. mar .iii. luc .xii. Blessed are the poore with other Mat .v. Lu .vi. Blessed are the dead in god Apo .xiiii. Blynde lede the blynde Mat .v. Luke .vi. Bloude and body of Christ .i. Corin .x. Breade of god Iohn .vi Breade of lyfe Iohn .vi. Breade the Christ doth geue is his fleshe Iohn .vi. Breakyng of breade Act .ii. Braunche cannot beare fruite of it selfe Iohn .xv Boke of lyfe Apo .xx. Burnyng lake Apoc .xxi. Byrth of Christ Math .i. Bynde and lose Math .xviii. By a swearde Luke .xxii. Byshops and their qualities .i. Timo .iii. Titum .i. C. Capernaum Math .xi. Care not for the body Math .vi. Care not for rayment Math .vi. Care not for to morowe Math .vi. Cast not pearles before swine Math .vii. Cayphas prophecied Iohn .xi. Cayphas Iohn .ii. Cencurions fayth Math .viii. Luk .ix. Christ came to fulfill the lawe mat .v. Christe hath pleasure in mercy Math .ix. Christe came to call c. Math ▪ ix mar .ii. Luk .v. Christe came not to send peace c. Math .x. Christ was called a glutton Math .xi. Luke .vii. Christ the carpenters sonne Math .xiii. Mark .vi. Christ walked vpon the see Math .xiiii. Mat .vi. Christ was sent to the lost Israelites Math .xv. Christ wil not offend kynges Math .xvii. Christ payde tribute Math .xvii. Christ came not to be ministred vnto Marke .x. Christ caste out the sellers and byers Marke .xi. Luke .xix. Iohn .ii. Christ was layde in a manger Luke .ii. Christ is the resurrection and fall of many Lu .ii. Christ was founde in the temple Luke .ii. Christ came to saue men Lu .ix. Iohn .xii. i. Ti .i. Christ was obedient to his parente Luke .ii. Christ continued all night in prayer Luk .vi Christ shall come sodenly vpon man Luke .xii. Christ swette droppes of bloude Luk .xxii. Christ the light of the worlde Iohn .ix. Christ came not to iudge the worlde Iohn .xii. Christ came to bare witnes of truthe Iohn .xviii. Christ brethed vpon his disciples Iohn .xx. Christ dyed for our sinnes Roma .v. i. Peter .ii. Christ dyed and reuiued Roma .xiiii. Christ was made lyke to man and why Heb .ii. v. Christe was without synne Heb .v. i. Peter .ii. Christ by his owne bloud redeme vs. He ix i. Pet i. Apo .v. Christe maketh intercession for vs. Heb .ix. Christ made agrement for our synnes .i. Iohn .iiii Christes pouertie Math .viii. Lu .ix. Christes yoke is easies Mat .xi Christes brethren and sisters mat .xii. mar .iii lu 8 Christes spittel Mar .vii. viii Christes later comming Mar .xiii. Christes workes beare witnes for him Iohn .v. Christes minister shal be honoured Iohn .xii. Christes pouertie enriched vs. ii corin .viii. Christes priesthode is euerlasting Heb .vii. Childrens bread is not mete for whelpes mar .vii Children vpon the .viii. daye were circum c. lu .ii Children of this worlde are wyser then the children of light Luc .xvi. Children of the resurrection shal neuer die Lu xx Choppers and chaungers of the word c. i. Cor .ii. Circumcision of the herte Rom .ii. Circumcision made without handes col .ii. Commaundementes two Math .xxii. Mar .xii. Comming of the sonne of man Math .xxiiii. Confession Iacob .v. Comforter Iohn .xiiii. xvi Comforter shal iudge the worlde
are the baren Luc .xxiii. Haruest is greate but fewe labourers Math .ix. Hate father mother and folowe christ Luc .xiiii. Hate thy lyfe and kepe it Iohn .xii. Hate me and hate my father Iohn .xv. Hatred bringeth darcknes .i. Iohn .ii. Hearde of swyne Mat .viii. Marke .v. Luc .viii. Heauen must be taken by violence Math .xi. Heauenly wysdome Iaco .iii. He that hath shall haue more Math .xiii. xxv Mar .iiii. Luc .viii. xix He that is leest shal be greatest Luc .ix. He loueth god that kepeth his commaundementes Iohn .xiiii. He that say the that he is without synne Iohn .i. He that hateth his brother is a man slear .i. Io .iii. Here and then be doynge Luc .vi. Heauens reioyse at the repentaunce of a synner Luc .xv. Hyd and close thinges shal be knowen Math .x. Hyred seruauntes Iohn x. House of god is a house of prayer Math .xxi. Mar .xi. Luc .xix. Hospitalite Heb .xiii. How man shulde loue is lorde god marcke .xii Humble thy selfe and be exalted Luc .xiiii. Howe mans body shall ryse .i. Cor .xv. Husbans loue your wyues Ephe .v. Collo .iii. I Iesus the mediator of the newe testament he .ii. I am the true way Iohn .xv. Idle wordes Math .xii. Iesus a sauiour Math .i. Iesus fyrst sermon Math .iiii. Iesus was baptised of Iohn mar .i. Iesus after Iohn was taken began c. Mark .i Iesus the sonne of the hyest Luc .i. Iesus meate Iohn .iiii. Ierusalem Math .v. Iesus is our aduocate .i. Iohn .ii. Iohn the baptiste Mat .iii. xi mar .i. Luc .i. Iohn left his father to folow christ mat 4. mar .i Iohns garmentes meate and dryncke mar .i. Iohn was fylled with the holy spirite Luc .i. Iohn for ioy sprange in his mothers bely Luc .i. Iohn the prophete of the hyest Luc .i. Iohns preachyng Luc .iii. Iohn baptised with water christ with fyre luc 3. Iohn .i. Act .i. Iohn goddes messanger Luc .vii. Ionas math .xii. Ioseph a manne of perfection math .i. Ioseph fulfylleth the angels commaunde math .i. Ioseph ruler of all Egypte Actes .vii. If an angell from heauen do preache c. Gala .i. Inner man delyte in the loue of god Roma .vii. Ipocrites praye openly and to be sene Math .vi. It is not geuen to euery man to knowe the secretes of heauen Math .xiii. Lu .viii Iewes maye not company with alienes Act .x. Iudge not Math .vii. Rom .xiiii. Iudge not afte the vtter apperaunce Iohn .vii. Iudge thy selfe truly .i. Cor .xi. Iudgement mercyles Iaco .ii. Iudas hanged him selfe Actes .i. Iustemen shall shyne lyke the sonne Math .xiii. K Kyngdome of heauen is at hande math .x. Kyngdome of god Roma .xiiii. i. Cor .iiii. Kynges thre the starre with their offerynges mat .ii. Keyes of heauen math .xvi. Kynge Herode eaten with wormes Actes .xii. Keye of knowledge Luc .xi. Kepe your vessell in holynes .i. Thes .iiii. L. Laboure for the eternall meate Iohn .vi. Labourer is worthy of his rewarde lucke .x. Lambe of god Iohn .i. Laye from you that olde man Ephe .iiii. Lazarus luc .xvi. Lawe of god shall neuer perishe Luc .xvi. Leest and the greatest in the kyngdom of heauen Math .v. Lende but loke for no gayne Lucke .vi. Leper must shew him selfe to the prest mar .i. iii. v. Lette slepe your nettes Luc .v. Lette not synne raygne in your bodyes Roma .vi. Lette there be no dissention among you .i. cor .i. Letter and the sprete differ .ii. Cor .iii. Let your wordes be poudred with salt Col .iiii. Let the righteous be more righteous Apo .xxi. Leue wordly thinges possesse heauen luc .xviii. Leuytes payd tithes Hebre .vii. Lybette is where the sprete of god is .ii. Cor .iii. Lyfe eternall Iohn .xvii. Lyue after the fleshe and dye Roma .viii. Lyke pleasure lyke paine Apo .xviii. Lyght of the worlde Math .v. Lye vnto the holy ghost Actes .vi Locke not backe Luc .ix. Lorde go from me Luc .v. Lose thy lyfe and saue it Luc .xvii. Lot fyl on Mathias Actes .i. Loue youre enemyes Math .v. Luc .vi. Loue declareth christes disciples Iohn .xiii. Loue fulfylleth the lawe Roma .xiii. Loue excelleth fayth and hope .i. Cor .xiii. Loue couereth synne .i. Pet .iiii. Loue bryngeth lyght .i. Iohn .ii. Loue not the worlde .i. Iohn .ii. Loue in dede and verite .i. Iohn .iii. Loue casteth out feare .i. Iohn .iiii. Loue one another .ii. Iohn .i. M. Make frendes of the wycked mammon Luc .xvi. Magdalen wrought a good worcke vpon christe Math .xxvi. mar .xiiii. Iohn .xii. Magdalens synnes are forgeuen Luc .vii. Man liueth be the worde of god mat 4. Luc. 4. Man is knowen be his dedes mat .vii. Manne be another mans faythe maye be holpen Math .ix. Luc .v. Manne can not seperate that god hathe coupled Mar .x. Man to abyde with his wyfe shall leue all thinge Marcke .x. Manne yf he wylbe saued must be borne of water and the sprite Iohn .iii. Manne is goddes temple .i. Cor. iii. vi ii Cor .vi. Man is the womans head .i. Cor .xi. Ephe .v. Man is the glory of god .i. Cor .xi. Man ought not to couer his heade .i. Cor .xi. Manne shal be rewarded after the worckes of his bodye .ii. Cor .v. Manne was created vnto good worckes Ephe .ii Man wrestleth against the deuyll Ephe .vi. Man shall once dye Heb .ix. Man shall vanyshe awaye as the floure of grasse Iaco .i. Manna Apo .ii. Mannes angell beholdeth the face of god mat 18. Mannes conscience and though shall beare witnes with him or against him Roma .ii. Mans wyll is accepted according to that he hath .ii. Cor .viii. Mans ende shal be according to his dede .ii. cor .xi. Mans lyfe Iaco .iiii. Many and dyuers walkers Phil .iii. Mathen or leuy the customer mar .ii. Luc .v. Martha martha Luc .x. Melchisedech Hebre .vii. Membres that are noysome must be caste awaye math .v. Many are called and fewe chosen mat .xxii. Men loue darcknes more then lyght Iohn .iii. Meate doth not make manne acceptable to god .i. Cor .viii. Manye menne peruert Paules seynges to theyr owne destruction .ii. Pet .iii. Mortify your membres Col .iii. Mortifye the dedes of the body liue Rom .viii. Moses and Helias in the monte and wherof they spake Luc .ix. Moses learnyng Act .vii. Mouth doth speake of the abundance of the hart math .xii. Muche people and fewe preachers math .ix. N Name of Iesus Phi .ii. Name of Iesus the name of saluation Act .iiii. Nazareth a citie of galile marcke .i. Newe wyne in newe vessels math .ix. marcke .ii. Lucke v. No man can serue two masters Mat .vi. luc .xvi. No man without synne Iohn .vii. No manne knoweth the sonne nor yet the father Lucke x. No manne commeth to the father but by Christe Iohn .xiiii. No manne doth good Roma .iii. No manne can tame the tounge Iaco .iii. Nothing so hyd but it shal be knowen luc viii xii Nothynge can departe manne frome the loue of god Roma .viii. O. Obey the