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B02468 A new form of meditations for every day in the year. Written originally in French by F. John Crasset. And put into English at the request of several persons of honour and quality, by a well-wisher to devotion.; Nouvelle forme de méditations. English Crasset, Jean, 1618-1692. 1685 (1685) Wing C6851A; ESTC R174380 155,968 440

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thou have in Hell Where thou wilt have for tormentors All those that thou hast damned O my God! Forgive me my own proper sins And impute not to me the sins of others I have hitherto been a Tyrant I will henceforth be a Martyr I have lived like a Devil I will now live like an Angel I have labour'd only to destroy Souls I will now labour to save them I shall not be in security Unless I save as many as I have damn'd I am not born for my self alone I must likewise answer for my Neighbour My life is only necessary for my self But my reputation is necessary for others I ow Chastity to my self But I ow Modesty to the whole World Wo unto the world from scandals Matth. 17. He that scandalizes one of these little ones it were better for him to have a Milstone hung about his neck and to be flung into the Sea Matth. 17. If thy hand scandalize thee cut it off Mark 4. VVo unto him by whom scandal cometh Luk. 7. XXVII MED Of outward Pennance and Mortification THere is nothing more united than Soul and Body Nothing less united than Soul and Body When the one goes forward the other goes backward When one goes up the other goes down When the one is well the other is sick When the one is strong the other is weak I am not a man if I obey my Passions I am no Christian unless I fight against my Passions I am no Penitent unless I mortifie my Passions How do I know whether my sins be forgiven me Whether the punishment be remitted me Whether God will chastise me spiritually Or punish me corporally If I spare my self God will not spare me If I punish my self God will not punish me If I hate my self God will love me If I love my self God will hate me O! I will chastise my Body That I may be predestinated I will fight against this enemy of God That I may be crowned I will mortifie my senses That I may live a life of the spirit I will be crucified with JESUS That I may rise again with JESUS I abhor my body unless it have wounds as his had Since I have not the heart to make my self any I will suffer those that God shall make me O Christian Soul Make of thy body a living and dying victim Mortifie thy Passions thy Senses and thy Desires Mortifie thy self at all times In all places In all things Mortifie thy self discreetly and prudently Give thy flesh unto God and he will give thee his spirit Do thou take care of the exteriour And he will take care of the interiour Do thou do what is easie and he will do that which is hard Walk as long as thou art able And he will carry thee when thou canst go no longer The flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh Gal. 5. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God Rom. 8. Those that belong to Christ have crucified their flesh with its vices and lusts Gal. 5. If you live according to the flesh you shall die Rom. 8. XXVIII MED Of the excellency of Mortification WHat is Mortification 'T is a death of love which kills the criminal life Which takes the Soul off from the senses Which severs her from the body Which makes her live in spirit What is Mortification 'T is a Martyrdom of love without Crime or Tyrant Less bloody than that of faith but longer and more tedious More free and more voluntary More honourable and more innocent More troublesom and more constant What is Mortification 'T is a continuation of the Sacrifice of JESUS Which fills up what is wanting to his Passion Which makes our Bodies Members of his Which enlivens us with his Spirit Gives us a share of his Sorrows Which merits for us a treasure of his Grace Which disposes us to the throne of his Glory O let me die the death of the Just That I may live the life of the Just O let me be a victim to love That I may die a death of love I beseech you brethren through the mercy of God that you yield your bodies a living and holy Host and pleasing to God Rom. 12. I die every day 1 Cor. 15. I am fastned to the Cross Gal. 2. I fulfil the things that are wanting to the Sufferances of Christ in my flesh for his body which is the Church Col. 1. If by the spirit you mortifie the works of the flesh you shall live Rom. 8. XXIX MED Of the Profit and necessity of Temptations THe evil purifies the good A Storm makes Trees take deeper Roots Wind blows away the Chaff Fire refines Gold Snow warms the Ground A Combat tries ones strength Infirmity conserves Humility Temptation increases Charity Every thing hath its contrary War produces Peace Every thing subsists by opposition You will be saved but by Temptation Unless you be tempted you will not be predestinated Unless you fight you will not be crowned Unless you be assaulted you are already overcome This Combat is troublesom but it is necessary It gives an exercise to your virtue But it gets you a Crown That which encourages you to resist Will crown your patience The feeling of Temptation hurts not Provided the heart consent not God is with you what do you fear You are stronger than your enemy He cannot overcome you unless you will He cannot bite you unless you go near him Be vigilant in the first beginnings Pray to God at all times Fly occasions Be firm in your resolutions Take counsel in your Doubts Seek for succour in your Combats Go up to Heaven there to see your Throne Go down into Hell there to see your place 'T is on this Combat peradventure That your Salvation depends 'T is on this Moment that your Eternity depends 'T is on this Crisis that your life depends 'T is on this Temptation that depends your Predestination O JESUS my King I fight for you and before you You are the Spectator of my labours You are the Witness of my feebleness Suffer me not to betray you Permit me not to ruin my self Arise O God of Hosts make hast unto my succour Defend me against my foes Scatter away those that hate me He that is not tempted what does he know Eccles 34. Gold and Silver is tried in the fire and men that are acceptable in the furnace of humiliation Eccles 12. Esteem it all joy brethren when you fall into several temptations Jac. 1. Vexed in few things in many things they shall be well disposed Wisd 3. XXX MED Of the causes of our Temptations WHy am I tempted 'T is because you are proud Or because you watch not over your Senses Or because you avoid not Occasions Or because you have ill Habits Or because you are not in order Or for that you have quitted your Vocation Or because you are not sufficiently employed 'T is because you are a man Because you are a Sinner And
deserves He was forsaken in his Soul And consumed with sorrows in his Body All his Senses were crucified His Eyes by the sight of his Enemies His Ears by their Blasphemies His Smell by the infection of the place His Touch by his wounds His Tast by the bitterness of the gall His Memory by the sight of our crimes His Understanding by the darkness His Will by the terrours His Appetite by infirmity By disgust and by sadness He had no Part in his Body Which was not loaden with wounds He suffered like a mere man Who neither had been God nor happy The Victim was indeed flayed But it was still sound within The whips had taken off the skin But they had not touch'd the entrails That he might afflict all the organs Of our Excesses and Gluttonies He suffered a cruel Thirst He makes the bitterness of his Chalice Descend down into his Body Then was the Book of this divine Lamb Written both within and without Jesus complains that he is athirst Knowing that they would give him gall to drink He discovers to us his sorrow And the love that consumed him He thirsts after our Salvation and Perfection He desires to suffer more 'T is Love that makes him dy O Jesus my Saviour What can I do for your relief Cannot I quench your thirst Doubtless you desire something of me What is that thirst that burns you O I know what it is that you require You would have me quit this Sin Renounce that company Draw near unto your Cross Entertain my self with your Sufferings Apply my self a little to Prayer Give my self to Devotion Keep silence when I am provoked and offended This is what you desire of me This is what will quench your thirst Shall I dare to refuse This relief to your Pains O that I did burn with your love As you burnt with mine O that I could suffer for you As much as you suffered for me O how love makes me languish O I have long desired to dy That the Scripture might be fulfill'd he said I thirst John 19. O that som one would give me water of the cistern of Bethlehem which is in the gate 1 Par. 11. Woman give me to drink John 4. They gave for my food gall and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink Ps 98. As the heart desires the fountains of waters so doth my soul thirst after the living God Ps 41. CXIV MED On the sixth Word of our Lord on the Cross ALL is Consummate Jesus having taken the Vinegar said All is accomplished The Holocaust is consummated The Commands of my Father are executed The Gospel is announced The Prophecies are verified The ransom of mankind is paid Their sins are pardoned The Captives are delivered Heaven is opened The Sacraments are instituted The Devils are overcom The World is repaired I have nothing more to say do or suffer I have nothing now to do But to give up my soul 'T is now in the power of men To live well and save themselves O the happy Consummation of the just O the unhappy Consummation of the wicked All is Consummate the sinners will say Our pleasures are past Our pastimes are at an end Our fair days are eclipsed Our hopes are vanish'd away Our time is slid away Our life is ended Our malice is Consummated We must now begin to suffer An evil which can never end We must begin a misery Which will never be Consummated All is Consummate the Just will say Our evil days are past away Our sufferings are terminated Our combats are ended Our troubles are calmed Our sorrows are allayed Our infirmities are cured Our tears are wiped away Our Miseries are Consummated There is no more Cross for us to bear No more evil to suffer No more Pennance to do We are going into a Country of Peace Where our joy shall never have an end Choose O Christian Soul One of these two Consummations You must of necessity one day say All is Consummate Will you say it as Lazarus did Or will you say it as Dives did Will you say it as JESVS did Or as Pilate did When your time is Consummated You will find that all is but vanity O Jesus the Author of our Faith And the Consummator of our Salvation Let me consume my life for you As you consumed yours for me Let me accomplish all your commands Let me spend my self for your glory Let me burn with your love Let me make a victim of my body Let me annihilate my self continually Let me fulfil all your designs Let me acquit me of all my duties Let me say with truth when I dy All is ended All is consummate It is consummate John 19. By this one oblation he consummated for ever the sanctified Heb. 10. Looking upon the Author of faith and the Consummator Jesus Heb. 12. He learnt by those things which he suffered obedience and he was made consummate Heb. 5. If a man lives many years and do rejoyce in all these things he must remember the darksom time and the evil days which when they com the things that are past will be argued of vanity Eccles 11. CXV MED On the last Word of JESVS Christ on the Cross FAther into thy hands I commend my soul Jesus leaves himself to his Father When he is forsaken by him He teaches us how to dy As he taught us how to live He teaches us confidence After he had taught us patience Let us imitate Jesus living Let us imitate Jesus dying Let us rest betwixt his arms Let us recommend our souls into his hands He is our Father Can he forsake us He is our Saviour Will he damn us Let us at our death say to Jesus Christ Father into thy hands I recommend my Spirit It came from thee as from its beginning It returns to thee as to its end It is a blast of thy mouth 'T is an emanation of thy spirit 'T is the price of thy blood 'T is the Sanctuary of thy Grace I recommend it into thy hands Which were pierced for its sake I recommend it to thy heart Which burnt with love for it O Lord take it into thy care And when it hath left its body I beseech thee not to forsake it Unless it fall into thy hands Alas its Salvation is desperate O Lord permit not that Soul to be lost Which has cost thee so dear Go forth O my Soul quit thy Body How coms it that thou apprehendest death JESUS has answered for thee He has recommended thee to his Father When he recommended to him his own Spirit Go forth of thy Body O Christian Soul In the name of the Father who created thee In the name of the Son who redeemed thee In the name of the Holy Ghost who sanctified thee Jesus calls thee to his Heaven Bow down thy head through obedience Fear nothing thou art in security In the hands of JESUS Christ Jesus crying with a loud voice said Father into thy hands
all your Spirit Obey them voluntarily Obey them blindly Imitate Jesus obedient even unto death Lose your life rather as he did Than lose your obedience Would God have Holocausts and Victims and not rather to be obeyed Better is Obedience than Victims 1 Kings 15. It is as it were the sin of enchantment to resist and as it were the wickedness of Idolatry to refuse to obey ibid. The obedient man shall speak Victories Prov. 21. He that resists power resists God's order Rom. 13. Obey your Prelates and be subject to them for they watch as being to render an account for your Souls that they may do it with joy and not mourning Heb. 13. LXXXVIII MED Of Religious Discipline IF Religion is a Building The Rules are the Foundation thereof If Religion is a Body The Rules are the Sinews thereof If Religion is a Fortress The Rules are the Walls thereof If Religion is a Holy Place The Rules are its Inclosure You are no Religious man If you do not keep your Rules If you keep them by halfs You are a Religious man by hafls Or rather you are not at all As it is not to be a true Christian Not to be a believer in all If you do not observe your Rules You will never be perfect Blood runs through the veins And Graces through the Rules Look how many of them you transgress So many Graces do you lose One cannot without danger of life Out the Conduit-pipes of life Without the Rules of Religion One cannot arrive to perfection Observe the Laws of Nature And you will be a perfect man Observe the Laws of Grace And you will be a perfect Christian Observe the Laws of your Order And you will be a perfect Religious man There is no Rule be it never so small Which has not Graces of Salvation Which has not all the authority of God Which has not the ty of his power Which has not the seal of his goodness Which has not the Character of his Sanctity If you do not observe your Rules Your Virtues are Illusions Your Devotions are irregular They are great steps out of the good way You draw off from perfection Instead of drawing near to it The Spirit of Singularity Is the beginning of Heresies 'T is the Plague of Religion 'T is the Enemy of Humility 'T is the ruin of Communities It s Devotion is Schismatical It s Separation is Heretical Its Sentiments are presumptuous Its Examples are scandalous He that is not in order Is ill treated by the Prince of order He that separates himself from the Community Loses the graces of the Community Unless you be a member of the body You will have no part in the life thereof The members are united by the Rules If you cut off the ligaments of graces You must be reckoned among the dead Unless you live in order You will never live in peace Your Rules are the Out-works Which cover and defend you If you quit these defences You run a hazard of being lost Without the grace of vocation One cannot live in Religion This grace is tyed to the Rules It runs through these Channels Whoever breaks this commerce Does draw on himself an infinity of evils That which you break is small But the damage thereof is considerable These light unfaithfulnesses Dispose you unto greater He that is not faithful in small matters Will not be faithful in great ones How will you do hard matters If you do not do easie things A breach be it never so little Breaks the Religious Inclosure This small irregularity will produce a greater It will breed great temptations It will give an entrance to the Devil This Rule say you is small It is therefore easie to be observ'd You do ill therefore in breaking it It has cost many a tear to him that made it A grace ought to be esteemd That cost him dear that made it One sparkle kindles a great fire A Fort is taken by a small breach A small cranny is enough to sink a Ship Every thing in the service of God is great His Will heightens all that it orders 'T is he that made these Rules 'T is he that intimates these Laws to you They all have his hand and seal They all mark his authority He conducts every Being to its end He pushes on all Creatures to their center The Inanimate by their weight The Rational by his Laws If you keep order it will keep you If you disturb it it will disturb you If you destroy it it will destroy you O Christian and Religious Soul Do not disturb the peace of your Sisters Do not undermine the foundations of your Order Do not ruin the prop of Religion Do not lose the grace of your Vocation Do not rend the Breasts of your Mother Do not afflict your Father's heart His Spirit is in his Rules You offend him when you break them You slight him when you neglect them You treat him as imprudent Since you reject his conduct You make him pass for a Tyrant Who commands you things impossible Did you com into Religion For to live without Order and without Religion The Laws do preserve States The Rules maintain Communities To break one through contempt Is a sin of consequence Can one transgress it often and freely Without slighting it Can one desire perfection not being willing To rid ones self of one imperfection O my God! How culpable am I In doing ill in the Land of the Saints I wear the Habit of a Religious man But I have not the spirit of one I dwell in a sacred place With a profane Heart and Spirit I am the Plague of my Order The reproach of my Religion The scandal of my Brothers A grief to my Mother 〈…〉 Founder 〈…〉 his Law A man without Disciplin A Religious man without Religion O good Shepherd run after me Bring back your strayed Sheep Make her re-enter into the Fold If the Wolf finds her alone He will devour her O I will henceforth follow you I will obey your Laws I will perform all my Duties I will henceforth live in order To have Rules and not to keep them Is to seem to be a Religious man And not to be one Keep the Law and Counsel and there shall be 〈◊〉 thy Soul Prov. 3. If you love me keep my Commandments Jo. 14. He that is faithful in a small matter will be fait●… a greater Luk. 16. He that slights small things will fall c. Eccl. 19. They afflicted the spirit of the holy one Is 63. Odious unto all as an Out-law and execrable as enemy to his country and citizens 2 Macch. 5. Great are thy judgments O Lord and unutterable a thy words For this undisciplined couls have gone astray Wisd 17. The End of the First Tome THE THIRD PART OF THE Principal Mysteries of the Life and Death of the Son of God and of his Holy Mother LXXXIX MED Of the Imitation of Jesus Christ JESUS has said this We must
I commend my spirit And saying this he gave up the Ghost Luk. 23. And bowing down the head he gave up the Ghost John 19. Our King before ages wrought Salvation in the midst of the Earth Psal 73. He that adheres to our Lord is one spirit 1 Cor. 6. If God be for us who is against us Rom. 8. Therefore let those who suffer according to the Will of God recommend their Souls to their faithful Creator in good deeds 1 Pet. 4. CXVI MED Of the Death of the Son of God JESUS is dead Who will fear death He died for us Who will refuse to dy for him He died wasted with pains Who will refuse to suffer He died for his Servants Who will serve any other Master but him He died for our sins Who will dare to put him to death again O the good Shepherd Who died for his Sheep O the High Priest Who immolated himself for men O the faithful Friend Who lov'd us until death O the Divine Master Who placed his Chair on Mount Calvary O JESVS Since thou didst dy for me It is just that I should dy for thee Since thou hast given me the example I must dy as thou didst Wherefore I pardon all my enemies I hope thou wilt give me thy Heaven Recommend me I pray to thy good Mother Bid her take care of me O forsake me not O my God When all the World forsakes me Sustain me by thy grace When I have lost the strength of my body I thirst I desire to see thee I desire to dy When will my end com When shall I consummate my Sacrifice O my Father I recommend my spirit into thy hands I unite my death with thy Son 's Remember that he redeem'd me with his blood Lose not my soul which is of so great value Bowing down his head he gave up the Ghost John 19. The just man perisheth and no body thinks of it in his heart Isai 57. Think upon him who endured such contradiction against himself from sinners that you may not be wearied in your minds fainting Heb. 12. He died for the wicked Rom. 5. Christ died for us ibid. For this end did Christ dy and rose again that he might be Lord of the quick and the dead Rom. 14. Your are dead and your life is hid with Christ c. Col. 3. CXVII MED In form of Prayer on the seven Stations of the Sufferings of the Son of God 1. STATION O Jesus my Saviour who didst sweat blood and water in the Garden of Olives at the sight of thy torments and of my sins And who didst strip thy self of thy farce for to cloath thy self with my Infirmities I aadore thee all bathed in thy blood I give thanks to thy sacred heart for having afflicted it self for my sake I detest all the sins which did cause so great a sadness I resolve to dy rather than ever more to afflict thee Give me grace that I may as thou didst conceive a great sorrow for my iniquities that I may resist even unto blood the Temptations of the Devil and of the Flesh and that I may conform my self in all things to thy example and to the will of thy Father 2. STAT O Jesus my Lord who wert buffeted and ill treated in the houses of Annas and Caiphas I give thee thanks for having suffered these injuries and these confusions for the love of me Alas how often have I buffeted and injured thee in the person of my neighbour since thou reckonest as don to thy self all the ill that is don to him I beg most humble pardon of thee for it And I resolve henceforth for thy sake to suffer all the injuries that shall be don to me and never more to offend thee in the person of my Brothers either by action words judgment or will 3. STAT O Jesus my King who wert scorned by Herod and by the Jews when they preferred a Robber a Seditious felow and a Man-killer before thee I beg pardon of you for having so often preferr'd the Devil and wretched Creatures before you I promise never more to dishonour you You shall always be the King of my heart and I will rather dy than lay you as I have don under the feet of Lucifer that Robber that Seditious wretch and Murderer of all men 4. STAT O Jesus the purest and chastest of all men whose innocent flesh was torn with the blows of the Whips in Pilate's house for to expiate the Criminal Pleasures that we take in our flesh I acknowledge that it was for my sake that you suffered such cruel torments I am sorry for having given you so many wounds and that I have so often renewed them by the satisfaction which I have given to my Senses I conjure you by your Dolours to sanctifie my Body and Soul and to wash them with your pretious blood from all their Impurities and never to suffer that that flesh which has been washed in your blood be ever stain'd with any sin 5. STAT O Jesus the greatest of all Kings who wert crowned with Thorns and didst wear on thy Shoulders the Royal Marks of thy Principality I acknowledge thee for my King as despised and disfigured as thou art And since thou hast no part of thy body which was not wounded I will take no more pleasure in my body but will live in grief and pain that I may be one of thy Subjects and one of thy Members 6. STAT O Jesus my Redeemer who for my sake wert fastened to a Cross and who didst shed all thy blood for to rescue me from the power of the Devil whose Slave I was I give the thanks for this incomparable love that thou didst bear to me for so many torments which thou didst suffer for my sake I kiss with respect thy sacred feet and thy sacred hands which were pierced for my sake I adore that sacred heart which was opened for my love and I promise rather to dy than ever more to crucify thee in mine 7. STAT O Jesus my life who didst dy for me and who wert forsaken by thy Father that I might not be forsaken at my death O most meek Lamb immolated for the Salvation of men Victim of Love and Patience who wert consummated on a pile of sorrows O the Saint of Saints O the King of Kings What can I do for to acknowledge so great a goodness Why may not I dy for you as you died for me I believe that thou art my Saviour and I should despair did I not believe it I hope that thou wilt pardon me my sins and that thou wilt bestow on me thy Heaven since thou gavest me thy life I detest my Crimes which are the cause of thy death and I will rather lose my life than ever make thee dy in my heart since this death is infinitly more sensible and more ignominious to thee than that of the Cross I beg your pardon for all those who have offended me I give my self
not much wickedness and be not a fool that thou maist not die in a time not thine Eccles 7. Time is short 1 Cor. 7. Redeeming time Eph. 5. He swore by him that lives for ever and ever That Time shall be no more Apoc. 10. Wherefore whilst we have time let us do good Gal. 6. XXXVI MED Of Persecutions DO the good persecute you Examin your self Do the wicked torment you Rejoyce We cannot please God and Man We cannot be beloved by the good and the bad If I will please men I displease JESUS Christ If I am hated by the wicked I am lov'd by JESUS Christ Their Persecution pushes us on to Heaven It loosens us from Creatures It maintains us in our duty It hinders us from dispersing our selves It makes us dwell at home It purges us of our Vices It implants virtues in us It gives us a distast to this life It makes us desire death Would you have gon to God had the World lov'd you Would you have sought after God If the World had not rejected you 'T is God gives the word to his Creatures 'T is he that forbids them to make much of you He that orders them to send you packing He that commands them to drive you away He arms the World against you To force you to return to him He sows thorns upon the ground To hinder you from resting there He cannot will sin but he wills the effect of sin He hates the Persecutors but loves the Persecuted O my God! How admirable is thy wisdom How amorous is thy conduct If you had not wounded me I had never been cured Unless you had hedg'd me in with thorns I had made my escape from you I had not been yours if the World would have had me I had been against you if the World had not been against me O how am I indebted to its hatred O what obligation I have to your love O how mercifully severe have you been to me O how kindly have you persecuted me Fill their face with shame and they will seek thy name O Lord. Ps 82. Lord in their anguish they sought after thee Isa 26. I will hedge thy Vineyard with thorns Hos 26. You shall be hated by all men for my sake Matth. 24. Blessed are those who suffer persecution for justice Matth. 5. XXXVII MED That it is necessary to be afflicted and persecuted THere is no Salvation without a Cross No Merit without Patience No Victory without Combat No Virtue without Exercise Standing water corrupts Flesh without Salt putrefies Iron that is not used rusts A Horse is slow without a Spur. How miserable are you if you have no misery How will you be a Martyr if you have no Tyrant How will you be a Christian unless you be persecuted How will you be saved unless you be afflicted JESUS was hated by the wicked And you would be loved by them JESUS was persecuted and you would be made much off JESUS was contemn'd by the World And you would be honoured by it You must be either a Martyr or a Tyrant Either a Persecutor or persecuted O JESUS Be with me and let all the World be against me I had rather have the hatred of the wicked Than their friendship Their Persecutions rather than their kindness I will not please those that displease you I am overjoy'd that I displease those Whom you cannot please Since I suffer Persecution I have the tokens of Predestination Since I have Tyrants I shall be one of the number of the Martyrs Since I am persecuted by the wicked I begin to be in the number of the good Through many tribulations we must enter into the Kingdom of God Act. 14. If you suffer any thing for justice you are happy 1 Pet. 3. Communicating with the sufferances of Christ rejoyce that we may rejoyce in the revelation of his glory 1 Pet. 4. All that will live piously in Christ JESUS shall suffer persecution 2 Tim. 3. XXXVIII MED Of Human Respect TO displease God for fear of displeasing men To omit any good for fear of the wicked To believe in JESUS Christ and blush at his Gospel To dissemble our faith when we are bound to make profession of it Is to be an Apostate and an Infidel 'T is to be a Christian in name and an Infidel in action There are Apostates of heart There are Apostates of mouth There are Apostates in actions You are not so in your heart But you are by your mouth You are not so in words but you are so by your actions And that 's enough for your damnation 'T is not sufficient for to be saved To have faith in your heart You must have it also in your mouth 'T is not enough to confess it by words But you must profess it by your actions To dissemble your faith upon occasions Is to renounce your Religion If you confess JESUS before men He will confess you before his Father If you renounce him before men He will renounce you before his Father If you blush to be his Disciple He will blush to be your Master If you own him to be your Lord He will own you to be his Servant O JESUS my Lord I have been a long time a Christian in name And a Pagan in action I have the faith of a Christian but the life of a Heathen I renounce my Religion for fear of a What will people say I apprehend more the Jeers of the wicked Than Martyrs did the cruelty of Tyrants Alas You confest me before your Father And I renounce you before men You are not asham'd of me in Heaven And I am asham'd of you on Earth O I hate my cowardice I detest my dissimulation I will shew that I am a Christian And profess my Religion He that is afraid of man will soon fall Prov. 9. I say to you my friends be not frightned by those who kill the body and after can do no more Luk. 12. Every one that shall confess me before men the Son of man will confess him before the Angels of God Luk. 12. He that shall be ashamed of me and my words him will the Son of man be ashamed of when he comes in his Majesty and that of his Father and the holy Angels Luk. 9. v. 26. XXXIX MED Of Slander or Detraction A Word is soon said but not so soon amended It passes lightly but wounds cruelly It pierces the heart of God who forbids Detraction It pierces the heart of your neighbour who suffers the Detraction It pierces the heart of your friend who gives ear to the Detraction It pierces the heart of him who is the Author of the Detraction It is an envenomed Viper that poisons all hearts 'T is a sharp Sword which divides the members of JESUS Christ 'T is a cruel Lance which transpierces his heart 'T is a Robbery of the greatest of goods 'T is a murder of the noblest of lives 'T is a wound of the Soul 'T is an
no body praises you nor loves you Call me to Heaven where I shall see you where I shall love you where I shall praise you for all Eternity Amen So be it One may also read to the Patient the Meditations upon the last words of JESVS upon the Cross which are in the Third Part. THE SECOND PART OF THE Meditations FOR THE ILLVMINATIVE LIFE LIII MED Of the care of our Perfection BE ye perfect like your Heavenly Father A Child ought to resemble his Father An Image its Original An Effect its Cause A Disciple his Master He that advances not in Christ's School Deserves not to be his Disciple Not to advance is to go backward Not to amend is to grow worse Not to gain is to lose One cannot stand still on a River Without going down or up If you stop you go down If you rest you go backward If you once say 'T is enough you undo your self One must labour much for to be perfect God possesses his happiness without motion The Angel gets his with a small motion Man coms to his with much motion All things are wanting to him Who thinks that he wants nothing Grace will not be barren Love cannot be idle 'T is a fire that never says 'T is enough Either it burns or it goes out Either it increases or diminishes The Talent is taken from him Who does not improve it The Tree is cut down that bears nothing O my God! How much time have I lost How many Graces have I squandred away How little virtue have I How little improvement have I made All the World advances I only go backward The Trades-man learns his Trade And yet I learn not mine The Schollar becomes learned And I am still ignorant Every one strives to be perfect Onely I will still be imperfect O my Divine Master Forgive me what is past And I will henceforward do better Alas I have not yet begun Oh! What a way have I to go O how I fear to be surpriz'd with night Let us run for to win the prize Let us advance that we may not be surpriz'd Be ye therefore perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect Matth. 5. Do not you know that those who run a Race all run and but one gains the Prize so run that you may get it 2 Cor. 9. I therefore do so run not as in uncertain I so fight not as beating the air but I chastise my body and bring it into servitude 1 Cor. 4. I said Now I have begun this is a change of the right hand of the highest Ps 76. LIV. MED Of Prayer and the Difficulties that occur therein WHy are we oblig'd to pray For to honour God's Majesty To yield an homage to his grandure To acknowledge his Providence To testifie to him our dependency on him To stir him up to do us good To put our selves in a condition of receiving good from him To enlarge our hearts To make them capable of his graces Prayer unites us to God It fastens us to his Divine Breasts It squeezes the Milk of Grace out of them It inriches us with his Bounties It supplies our Necessities It fills up our Wants It makes us powerful like God It makes us triumph over God That body is dead that breaths not That Soul is dead that prays not Whence coms it that I obtain nothing of God 'T is because you ask evil things 'T is because you ask being in all ill state Without Attention Without Devotion Without Humility Without Confidence Without Perseverance Prayer penetrates Heaven It gets all that it asks God can refuse it nothing As his nature is nothing but goodness He desires nothing but to pour himself out He is a Nurse that has too much Milk He seeks about every where for an empty heart For to fill it with his goods He has engaged his word 'T is his Son that prays in us He has given us his spirit He has transferr'd his merits on us What may we not obtain By offering to God the merits of his Son Whence com my distractions They com from the Devil Who would give us a disgust of Prayer They com from your Imagination Which is light and volatile They com from your spirit Which busies it self with vain things They com from your heart Which is fastned to Creatures Which flies where its treasure lies Which converses with what it loves Which is not pleas'd with God Because it has no love for God They often com from the body Which loads and weighs down the spirit They com from the little care You take of your perfection They com from your sloth They com from your infidelity There is nothing but Mortification That enkindles the fire of Prayer Whence coms it that I have no comfort 'T is because you have no affliction Because you desire it with too much passion Because you seek it in Creatures 'T is for to beat down your pride To keep you in humility To make you know your self To make you sensible of your weakness To stir up your desire To punish your negligence To spur up your sloth To exercise your patience To increase your merit To draw you off from your senses To make you live in Spirit To settle you in Faith To strengthen your Hope To purifie your Love To try your Fidelity To make you a Spiritual man To make you set a value on grace To make you desire conserve recover it To shew you the necessity of it For to moderate your Fervours To manage your health For to make you merit the good things Which God designs to bestow on you To prepare your heart For to receive som great favours 'T is for to draw you from Meditation And make you pass to Union O my God! I beg your pardon for having left off Prayer Alas I thought you were angry When you shew'd me the greatest affection I will henceforth be more faithful I will humble my self in my Poverties I will expect your Visit with patience I will support all my states I will suffer all my disgusts 'T is too much honour for me To be in your presence Is it not to be in Heaven to be with you We know not what we ought to pray for but the spirit himself doth petition for us with unexpressible groans Rom. 8. Pray without intermission in all things give thanks 1 Thess 4. Ask and it shall be given you seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened to you Matth. 7. God is a Spirit and those who adore him must adore him in spirit and truth John 5. You ask and you receive not because you ask ill Jam. 4. My prayer shall turn back into my bosom and the speeches of my mouth shall be acceptable to you and the meditation of my heart in thy sight always Ps 15. LV. MED Of Faith 'T Is to be without Reason To be without Faith 'T is not to be a Man Not to be a Christian Fath is above
the Lord thy God at what time he led thee in the way Jer. 2. What wouldst thou have in the way of Egypt for to drink troubled waters ibid. Thy malice shall argue thee and thy aversion shall rebuke thee ibid. Know and see that it is evil and bitter to have forsaken the Lord thy God ibid. See whether the way of iniquity be in me and lead me in the eternal way Ps 138. LXXVIII MED Of Dryness and Aridities I Believe what I see I hope for what I touch I love that which pleases me I believe amidst light I hope when I have a feeling I love when I am in comfort This is the way of the Sences I believe what I do not see I hope for what I cannot compass I love that which does not please me I believe when I am in darkness I hope even in my dereliction I love even in my desolation This is the way of the Spirit O my God! How sensual is my Devotion I have not yet ador'd you in Spirit O happy State Where the Soul sees God without light Where she hopes in God without support Loves God without any sensible attract This is to see God without species To be united to God without a medium To suffer divine impressions To have no more proper subsistence To lead a supernatural life This is the Kingdom of Jesus Christ In darkness I have made my bed Job 17. Meat and drink is not the Kingdom of God but justice and Peace and joy in the Holy Ghost Rom. 14. They shall be dispersed for to eat and if they be not satiated they will murmur Ps 58. It is expedient for you that I should go for if I do not go the Comforter will not com to you Jo. 16. God is a Spirit and those who adore him must adore him in spirit and truth LXXIX MED Of Silence HOw fine a Science is it to know how to speak You will never learn it Unless you know how to hold your tongue To speak well and speak much Are two things which agree not together All the World learn how to speak Few there are that learn to keep Silence And notwithstanding the first of Sciences Is to learn how to keep Silence Where there are many words There is not much sence A Wise man speaks but little Because he is afraid of speaking ill He speaks a long time to himself Before he speaks to others A Fool is always talking Because he thinks of nothing but talking He pours himself all out Because he knows not how to dwell at home God kept Silence for a whole Eternity He made himself heard by Men Only for to instruct and save them Keep Silence as God does Never speak but through necessity A Soul that is full of God Cannot any more speak to men He that speaks much to men Showes that he is void of God For to becom perfect in a short time You need only know how to be silent He that is Master of his Tongue Is Master of his Passions Solitude and Silence are the two Schools of Virtue There it is that God makes himself known There it is that he speaks to the heart Silence produces Prayer And Prayer produces Silence After that Moses had spoken to God He could not speak to men He that comforts himself exteriourly Finds but little comfort within The Holy Ghost loves silence His voice is like a gentle Zephyre One cannot hear it if there be never so little noise Never quit Silence but for something that 's better One cannot without grace speak well And can you hope for it when you speak In a time that God forbids you to speak Every one speaks of that which he loves The Tongue is the Heart's interpreter He that loves the World Willingly talks of the World He that loves God delights to talk of God You may know a man by his tongue And man shall be judged by his tongue My God! give me thy love That I may willingly speak of thee Fill me with thy presence That I may love Silence I shall never be a man of reason Whilst I love conversation Speak but little speak low without passion Never speak but in necessity Never speak against Charity Speak with sincerity simplicity without Affectation vanity when you ought to speak Keep Silence when you ought to keep it If any one offends not in word he is a perfect man Jam 1. If any one thinks himself to be Religious not bridling his tongue his religion is vain ibid. Since thou hast spoken to thy servant I have more impediment and slowness of tongue Exod. 4. Where there are many words there frequently is want Prov. 14. The heart of fools is in their mouth and the mouth of the wise is in their heart Eccl. 21. Let every man be quick to hear but slow to speak Jam. 1. LXXX MED Of Sickness GOD sends us Sicknesses Either to draw his glory out of them As to the man that was born blind Or to punish our sins as to the Paralytick Or for to try us as to Job Or for to keep us in Humility As to S. Paul and to Timothy I am not able to do any thing but I can suffer I can do much if I can suffer much Others labour for me I suffer for others They honour God by their Actions I honour him by my Sufferings I have well deserved what I suffer I merit much by suffering I acquit for what is past I heap up for the time to com God takes my health from me For to give me sanctity He is with me I suffer with him I carry his Cross He carries mine How strong is my Spirit When my Body is weak How weak is my Spirit When my Body is strong Sickness gives me a disgust to life My heart aspires no more but for Heaven O my Body Thou must be punisht And have thy Purgatory as well as the Soul Unless thou hast it here upon Earth Thou must have it in Hell For nothing that is impure Shall enter into Heaven There are but these two places That thou canst have it in Rejoyce O my Soul for thy Enemy is low He is no more in a condition to hurt thee O my God! I deserve indeed to be sick Since I have so much abus'd my health O how much am I indebted to you For having thus afflicted me Since you spare me not at present You will spare me in Eternity Since you chastize me during my life You will be gracious to me after death O how glad am I to make of my Body A Victim of Love and Sufferance There is no Sacrifice more pleasing To your Eyes than that of Patience Son in thy Sickness despise not thy self but pray to God and he will cure thee Eccl. 38. Behold thou art now healed sin no more least something worse do befal thee Jo. 5. This sickness is not to death but to the glory of God Jo. 11. When I am weak then am I
strong 2 Cor. 12. LXXXI MED Of Modesty A Man is known by his Countenance A Soul is known by her Body 'T is a Looking-glass which represents her And wherein she is painted to the life A light Body shews a light Soul A modest Body shews a modest Soul It does nothing but what it is made to do When the Body is out of order 'T is judg'd that the Soul is so too What figure must that Soul have Which gives so ill an one to her Body A quiet and modest Exteriour Is the mark of a perfect Soul Of a Soul that tends to Union Of a Soul that is without passion God is a tranquil Spirit He is never disturb'd He dwells only in Peace He composes and quiets all things by his presence He imprints his Modesty on that Soul That he gives life to And if he does not imprint it 'T is because the Soul does not obey him When I see a Modest Body I say O here is the House of God! Here is the Temple of our Lord All things are here in peace and in order 'T is the Modesty of this Soul That reflects upon her Body 'T is the Sanctity within That sheds it self without An affected Modesty cannot last long When the Soul is well composed The Body is modest at all times The gestures of an ill regulated Body Com from the irregularity of the Soul She is agitated with Passions She gives ear to Temptations She sinks under her pains She gives her self up to her desires He that has God within himself Goes not elsewhere to seek him The Iron is at rest When it touches its Load-stone A Soul which touches God Is peaceable and without motion O My God! How tranquil is thy Spirit O how agitated is mine How grave is yours How light is mine How Modest is yours How unruly is mine If you were Master of my Heart You would also be Master of my Body If I quit the Out-works The Devil will gain the place I will therefore regulate my exteriour That I may conserve for you the Empire of my heart A man is known by the sight and a wise man is known by the shew of his face The cloathing of the body and the laughing of the teeth and the gate of the man tell of him Eccl. 19. Let your Modesty be known unto all men Phil. 4. The man of the heart that is hidden in the incorruptibility of a quiet and a modest spirit which is rich in the sight of God 1 Pet. 3. I beseech you by the modesty and meekness of Christ 2 Cor. 10. Do you on like the Elect of God Humility Modesty Patience Col. 3. LXXXII MED Of Divine Inspirations GOD holds his peace after he has spoken He scorns after having been scorned He hides himself after that he has sought He withdraws after he has called He punishes after having long endured Inspiration is the Voice of God 'T is a Blast of his Spirit 'T is a Ray of his Wisdom 'T is an Impression of his Love 'T is the Seed of Eternity 'T is the Principle of Salvation 'T is the price of the Blood of Jesus 'T is a Grace that has cost him his life You stifle the voice of God When you stifle an Inspiration You imitate Herod Who put St. John to death You imitate Saul Who put the Priests to death You imitate the Jews Who put JESUS and the Prophets to death You resist the Holy Ghost You sin without ignorance You sin through obstinacy through malice You bury the Talents of God You abuse his Gifts You trample the Son of God under your feet You do an injury to his Spirit You profane his pretious Blood You detain Truth Captive You break off the thred of his Graces You put your Salvation in danger The Justice of God will break out upon you Your Talents will be taken from you The Kingdom of Grace will be translated elsewhere God will speak no more to you The Holy Ghost will breath no more on you The Word of God will touch you no more Your Conscience will no longer molest you Hope will no longer encourage you Charity will no longer warm you Fear will no longer retain you Remedies will no longer profit you You abuse extraordinary Graces You will have them no more O my God! I confess that I am a Prodigal Who have wasted all your goods That I am a Herod Who have put your Voice to death O I will make you wait no longer I will no longer resist your grace You have too long knock't at the door of my heart This very day I will let you in You would have me quit this sin I will quit it You would have me change my life I will change it You would have me renounce gaming I will renounce it You would have me speak to my Enemy I will speak to him You would have me frequent the Sacraments I will frequent them You would have me love you alone I will love you in Time and Eternity Amen Wo to thee that despisest shall not thy self also be despised Isai 33. I called and you refused I extended my hand and there was none that regarded Ye despised all my counsel and ye neglected my rebukes and I will laugh in your destruction Prov. 1. I go and you will seek me and you will dy in your Sin Jo. 8. Extinguish not the spirit Thess 5. This day if you hear his voice c. Ps 44. LXXXIII MED Of the Word of God GOD created the World by his Word And he will not save it but by his Word He redeem'd it by his Word Incarnate Nor will he save it but by his Word Incarnate The Holy Ghost is produc'd in the heart of God By his Interiour Word The Holy Ghost is not produc'd in the heart of Man But by the Exteriour Word You are not a Sheep of JESUS Christ's Unless you hearken to his voice Your heart will bring forth nothing but Thorns Unless it receive this Divine seed JESUS speaks by the mouth of the Preacher 'T is he that rings in his Tongue He is cloath'd with the sound of his Voice As he came forth-cloath'd with a body of Flesh The Word written in Books Is a Sacrament of Salvation The Letter is the Species JESUS is the Sence The Increated Word Unites it self to the Word created That he may enter into hearts sanctify them What an Impiety to despise this Sacrament What a Crime to trample on the Son of God Alas How often have I don it I let it fall down on the ground I stifle it in my heart I eat this heavenly bread And I do not profit by it I hear this Divine Word and I am not converted If it does not convert me it will pervert me If it does me no good it will do me hurt If it give not life to me it will be my death If it doth not save me it will damn me Blessed is the womb that bore thee c.
Throne Jesus contemned riches To teach us to contemn them Compare O Worldling Thy house to his Stable Thy bed to his Crib Thy doon to his Dunghil Thy cloaths to his Swath-bands Thy riot to his Nakedness Jesus is poor And thou art rich Jesus in a Stable Thou in a Palace Jesus on the straw Thou on a doon-bed Jesus is all naked Thou art well clad Jesus wants all things Thou nothing O divine Babe How does your Birth rejoyce me But how does your Poverty afflict me How does your Infancy comfort me But how does your Crib astonish me I will love the Poor since I cannot love Poverty I will relieve the Poor That I may relieve your necessity I will cloath the Poor That I may cover your nakedness I shall not be saved unless I be like unto you I must be poor as you are Or you must be rich as I am If therefore I will not be poor as you are I must make you rich as I am 'T is to do good to you to do it to the poor I will therefore relieve you In the person of the poor I will feed you lodge and cloath you in c. O I think my self happy That I can render back to you What you have given me That I can help you out of your necessity That I can cloath feed and lodge you The foxes have their holes and the Birds of the air their nests but the Son of Man has not where to lay his head Matth. 8. He came into his own and his own received him not Jo. 1. Amen I say unto you as long as you have don to one of these my least brothers you have don to me Matth. 15. He was made poor being rich that by his poverty you might be made rich 2 Cor. 8. XCIV MED Of the Humility of the Infant Jesus GOD did annihilate himself By uniting himself to nothing He hath humbled all his whole greatness He has made himself as little as he was great He debased himself as much as he was elevated His humiliation is infinit substantial eternal As long as he keeps his humanity He will keep the marks of his humility Why was he made man Why was he made passible and mortal Why did he take our flesh Why was he made an Infant Why would he be born of a Woman Why would he lodge in a Stable 'T is to pull down our pride For to teach us humility For to win our hearts For to be more like us O Divine Babe How great are you in Heaven But how little are you on Earth How are you honoured by the Angels But how are you despised by men How do I respect you in the form of God But how I love you in the form of an Infant 'T is an astonishing thing To see a God humbled But much more astonishing To see a Man elevated O how am I confounded To be proud before an humbled God Whosoever shall humble himself like this little one he is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven Matth. 18. Behold God is my Saviour I will do confidently and will not fear Isai 12. He exinanited himself taking the form of a Servant Phil. 2. XCV MED Of the Divine Humiliations in the Mystery of the Incarnation THe Word was God and he became Man The Word was happy And he became miserable The Word was holy And he took the form of a sinner He became man For to communicate his Divinity to us He became miserable For to communicate his felicity to us He appeared to be a sinner For to communicate his sanctity to us O Jesus annihilated under the form of Man Of a Sinner of a Wretch O the greatest and the least O the first and the last O the highest and the lowest My Soul Wilt thou be proud Seeing thy God annihilated Wouldst thou appear to be a Saint Contemplating thy God under the form of a Sinner VVouldst thou live in pleasures Seeing thy God in misery O Nothing VVilt thou never annihilate thy self VVilt thou never be in thy proper place What good hast thou don What ill hast thou not don Whence didst thou com Whether art thou to go 'T is an unsupportable pride For man to grow proud When he sees his God humbled The Word was made flesh John 1. He exinanited himself taking the form of a servant Phil. 2. God sending his Son into the similitude of the flesh of sin Rom. 8. Him who knew not sin he made him a sin for us that we might be made the justice of God in him 1 Cor. 5. XCVI MED Of the Holy Name of Jesus JESUS is a name of greatness sweetness valour Of greatness which signifies the God of men Of sweetness which signifies the Father of men Of valour which signifies the Saviour of men His greatness makes him to be ador'd in Heaven His sweetness makes him be belov'd on Earth His valour makes him be fear'd in Hell When I pronounce the Name of JESUS I represent to my self the greatest of all Kings The most charitable of all Fathers The most valiant of all Warriours The most humble of all Men. The most faithful of all Friends The mildest of all Masters The most obliging of all hearts The most amiable of all Espouses When I pronounce JESUS My sadness is dissipated My courage is raised My heart displays it self My spirit awakens My soul melts into joy All my Enemies fly away If Jesus is my Saviour cannot he save me Ought he not to save me He is charged with my Salvation He has accepted the commission of it He makes it his business He will spare nothing for that end It will cost him his life What can I fear having a Saviour What ought not I to hope for Having such a Saviour O JESUS The Father of the poor The Comforter of the afflicted My Soul is speechless before you My heart says to you that you are all its good Be unto me a JESUS in my life Be unto me a JESUS at my death If I have committed what may damn me You have not lost what may save me O JESU Put your self as a seal upon my heart As a seal upon my mouth As a seal upon my arm That I may think on nothing but you Speak of nothing but you Labour only for you O JESU I adore you as a name of greatness I love you as a name of sweetnese invocate you as a name of valour I will give my blood for to be saved Since you gave yours for to be a Saviour I will suffer Wounds as you did That with you I may be a Saviour of men But thou art in us O Lord and thy holy name is invocated on us Jer. 14. It shall be that every one who invocates the name of Lord shall be saved Joel 2. For there is no other name under Heaven given to men in which we must be saved Act. 5. In the name of Jesus let every knee bow Phil. 2. XCVII MED Of the
surmounted all Fears He sweat Blood and Water He fought even unto Death O divine Saviour How rough was this first encounter to you How bloody was this battle to you Alas I was in your heart for to afflict you In the arms of the Jews for to torment you My Sins were in the World before you Since it were they that afflicted crucified you O divine Master You give us excellent Examples But no body will imitate them You give us excellent Lessons But no body will learn them You go the first to the on-set But no body will follow you Your Disciples have forsaken you They sleep during your agony They afflict you instead of comforting you They betray you instead of helping you What a confusion is this for me I yield to a human temptation Being supported by the force of a God And Jesus surmounts the temptations of the Devil Being cloathed with the weaknesses of all men O pretious Blood Which bathest an ungrateful ground Warm and water my heart O my Redeemer I will henceforth imitate your courage I will resist even unto blood I will triumph over the flesh I will fight even unto Death O I will drink of your Chalice Since you vouchsafed to drink mine He began to fear and to be heavy Mark 14. My Soul is sad even unto death stay here and watch ibid. His sweat became as drops of blood trickling down upon the earth Luk. 22. He surely hath born our infirmities and our sorrows he hath carried Isai 53. CI. MED On the Prayer of our Lord in the Garden JEsus draws off from his Disciples And prays to his Father in his sadness He prays with Reverence Perseverance Resignation He prays and is not heard He teaches us how to pray He teaches us how to resign our selves O the good Jesus He would not be heard that we might be heard He obtain'd no favour for himself But he obtained favour for us Pray in your Afflictions Pray alone by your self Pray with Humility Resignation Conformity Never be weary of Praying Say to God in all your fears Most holy and most charitable Father Here is a Chalice of confusion Which my Enemies prepare for me to drink Remove it if it please you from me Yet not my will be don but thine Father of Mercy Here is a Chalice of Pain that is very bitter Make it I beseech you to pass from my mouth Yet not my will be don but thine Father of the Poor Here are my Goods taken away from me Here is a Chalice of Poverty Which they will make me drink Cannot I be dispensed from it Let thy will be don and not mine Thus run through all your Pains Represent them quietly to God And conform you self to his Will Going forwards a little he fell prostrate on his face praying Matth. 26. My Father if it be possible let this Chalice pass from me yet not as I will but as thou wilt ibid. Father if this Chalice cannot pass unless I drink it thy will be don ibid. My God I will cry out by day and thou wilt not hear Ps 21. CII MED Of the Outrages that our Lord suffered in Anna 's and Caiphas 's house TO give bussets to a God To spit in his face To treat him as a false Prophet To declare him a Blasphemer To judge him worthy of Death To condemn him as a Criminal O abominable Impiety O detestable Crime This is what you do when you offend God When you offend your Neighbour You strike Jesus when you strike his Members You dishonour Jesus When you dishonour his Members Suffer like Jesus the injuries spoken to you Suffer like Jesus the outrages don to you Are you more noble than he Are you more innocent than he Are you worse treated than he Jesus suffers and will you suffer nothing Jesus does not revenge himself and will you O JESU I deserv to be despised Since I have so often despised you I well deserv to receiv bussets Because I have so often busseted you Behold you are declar'd guilty And I would pass for innocent Behold you are condemn'd to death And yet I will not leav my life O I will dy for you since you died for me I will suffer for you since you suffer'd for me Shut my mouth when I would complain Ty up my tongue when I would speak If I give scope to my choler I shall no more be able to retain it I resolve therefore never to speak in passion One of the servants that stood by gave a buffet to Jesus John 18. He hath blasphem'd what need we any longer of witnesses What do you think And they answering said He is guilty of death Matth. 26. They spit in his-face and beat him with buffets ibid. I have not turned away my face from those that rebuked me and from those that spit upon me Isai 50. He shall give his cheek to the striker he shall be filled with reproaches Thren 3. Why dost thou strike me John 18. I was troubled and did not speak Ps 76. CIII MED Of the Contempt that Herod used Jesus Christ with and that Jesus Christ shewed of Herod HErod desires to see Jesus And Jesus does not regard him Herod asks questions of Jesus And Jesus gives him no answer Herod requires Miracles of Jesus And Jesus works none Herod scorns Jesus And Jesus cares not The Wisdom of God passes for folly With the People of the wide World The Humility of Jesus does not please The Grandees and Sages of the World Jesus does not speak to the Proud He does not manifest himself to the curious He is not delighted with the unchast He abhors Adulterers He withdraws his graces from the ungrateful He despises those that despise him He is silent after that he has spoken He holds his peace after he has called He withdraws after that he has sought Herod thou didst put S. John to death Thou didst stifle the Voice of Jesus Thou hast slighted his Counsels Thou didst sacrifice him to thy Passion Jesus is dumb for thee Thou hast kill'd his Voice Wonder not then that he cannot speak to thee O My God! How dreadful is your silence How I fear least you speak no more to me Alas How many Prophets have I put to death How many Precursours have I killed How many Inspirations have I stifled How many Graces have I rejected I hear your Word and I obey it not I read good Books and I profit not O I will henceforth obey you O I will this day be converted Herod was a long time desirous to see him because he had heard many things of him and he hoped to see him work some miracle Luk. 23. He questioned him with many speeches but he answered him nothing ibid. And Herod with his army set him at nought ibid. That which is foolish of God is wiser than men and that which is weak of God is stronger than men 2 Cor. 1. To thee O Lord will I cry be not
Seal of my Predestination I will not therefore forsake it I will not drag it after me But I will carry it and keep you Company O Holy Cross Who wert consecrated with the blood of a God Receive me into thy Arms. Let me repose on thy Bosom Give thy self wholly to me As I give my self wholly to thee Carry me that I may carry thee Clasp me so strongly betwixt thy arms That nothing may separate me from thee Carrying his own Cross he went forth into that which is called the place of Calvary John 19. Com and follow me Mark 10. Then Jesus said to his Disciples if any one will com after me let him deny himself and take up his Cross and follow me Matth. 16. I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest Luk. 9. We have all strayed like Sheep and God laid on him the iniquites of us all Isai 53. CVIII MED Of Jesus Crucified JEsus was extended on the Cross He was nail'd to it by his Hands and Feet He is fastned to it with violence He is elevated with pain He rests only on his Wounds There issue out of them four Rivers of Blood Which water the Field of the Church And which blot out the sins of the World He is presented with bitter Wine to drink Which would have asswaged his sorrow He takes som of it into his mouth That he may feel the bitterness of it But he does not swallow it down That it may not allay his torments He is blasphem'd he is cursed He is invited to com down from the Cross But he remains on it even to the end O Jesus I adore thee On this Throne of Sorrows and Ignominies O Divine Saviour I cast my self into thy arms Since thou dost extend them for to embrace me O Sacred Victim of love All burnt and consum'd with Sufferings O High Priest of the new Law What dost thou do upon this Cross Com down and all the World will believe in thee O com not down If thou art the Son of God thou must dy on it If thou com'st down they will not believe in thee They will not follow thee Every one will fly from his Cross No body will dy upon it O my dear Cross I kiss thee and imbrace thee I will dy betwixt thy arms I have espoused thee in my Baptism This Marriage is indissoluble There is nothing but death That can separate us Let the World be no more trouble som to me I bear the marks of our Lord Jesus in my Body I am Crucified with him I will dy with him My Soul Look on thy Saviour on the Cross It is thy sins which have Crucified him He was once Crucified on Calvary But how often hast thou crucified him in thy heart As often as thou dost offend him So often dost thou Crucify him Thou must either Crucifie Jesus Or thy own Passions O Jesus make me dy For fear I should put thee to death Crucify my Body For fear I Crucify thy Spirit They crucified him and with him two others on this side and that side and Jesus in the middle John 19. They gave him wine mingled with gall to drink and when he had tasted it he would not drink Matth. 2. All the day long I spread forth my arms to an unbelieving and contradicting people Rom. 10. With Christ I am fastned to the Cross Gal. 2. They that be Christ's have crucified their flesh with the vices and Concupiscences Gal. 5. God forbid that I should glory saving in the Cross of our Lord Jesus-Christ by whom c. Gal. 5. Crucifying again to themselves the Son of God and making him a mockery Heb. 6. CIX MED On the first Word of Jesus Christ on the Cross JEsus was a long time on the Cross Without uttering so much as a word He keeps a profound silence And does not complain of his Sorrows His Blood does not call for Vengeance But for Grace for those that shed it He prays for them in the height of his Pains And whilst they insult over his misery He excuses their Sin and diminishes the malice of it He does the office of an Advocate For those whose Judge he is He forgets his own evils To think on his enemies evils Their loss is more sensible to him Than the Death which they make him suffer Keep silence O Christian Soul When thou art on the Cross Do not complain of thy Evils Do not lose the fruit of thy Sufferings Hide thy self in the bosom of Humility And repose thy self upon thy Patience Pray for thy Enemies Forget their Injuries Excuse their Intention If thou canst not excuse their action Thou art unworthy of favour If thou refuse to pardon them O Jesus I Pardon my Enemies I Pardon all those that crucify me Alas they know not what they do They think they do me hurt And they procure me much good They think they do themselves good And they procure much hurt to themselves They do themselves more hurt Than I could wish to them Lord Pardon them they know not what they do I sin out of malice and they sin out of ignorance If they had as much grace as I have They would not be so wicked as I am If I were tempted as they are I should possibly be wickeder than they Father forgive them for they know not what they do Luk. 23. Forgive thy neighbour hurting thee and then shall thy sins be loosed to thee when thou prayest Eccl. 28. Love your enemies pray for those that persecute and calumniate you Matth. 5. To me revenge and I will render it saith our Lord. Rom. 12. CX MED On the Repentance of the good Thief and the Impenitence of the bad one ONe of the Thieves confesses Jesus Christ And the other renounces him The one adores the other blasphemes him The one ascends up to Heaven by his Cross The other falls down into Hell by his Cross The one is saved by the side of Jesus The other is damned by the side of Jesus He is the Redeemer of them both And only one makes profit of the Redemption He gives his life for them both And one of them dies in his obstinacy O Judgments of God! how profound are you O Goodness of God! how amiable are you O Justice of God! how dreadful are you O Conducts of God how admirable are you Who will not fear to be damned Who will not hope to be saved One may be damn'd in all places Since one may be damn'd by God's side One may be sav'd at all times Since one may be sav'd at the end of his life O sweet words to one that is sick This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise Lord forget me not now thou art in thy Kingdom I do indeed desery the evil which I suffer But for you what Crime have you committed O Lord let me hear you say This day thou shalt be with me in Heaven One of the two thieves did blaspheme saying save thy self and us Luk. 23.
to your holy Mother I choose her for mine and I desire to dy betwixt her arms I recommend my spirit into thy hands and I conjure thee by thy dereliction not to forsake me at the hour of my death but to receive me into thy Heaven there to see thee there to love thee there to praise and bless thee for all Eternity Amen This Prayer may be recited in the time of Mass before Confession and Communion especially when one is sick and on all Fridays in the year at the foot of the Cross You must make a little Pause at each Station and produce in heart the acts that you pronounce with your mouth CXVIII MED On the Burial of Jesus Christ JEsus from the Cross is laid in the Tomb. Here is an end of his labours This is the place of his rest This is the term of his journeys His Disciples do almost lose their Faith By having lost his Presence They are fearful and dejected Because they see and hear him no longer Happy is he who receives into his heart Jesus descending from the Cross The grain of wheat that it may fructify Must dye and be hidden The arms of the Priest at the Altar Are the arms of the Cross Your heart is the grave wherein he would rejoyce Happy is he who is crucified Who is dead and buried Who is hid in the ground Who is trod under foot Who is unknown to men Who reposes in God He will soon rise again with Jesus Immortal and impassible like him Happy is he who conceives his Faith In the death and obscurity of his Senses Who loses not his hope having lost his support Who ceases not to love Having nothing that can comfort him O Jesus Hide me in thy grave Bury me in thy shrowd That I may be no more known by men Let me dy to all my senses I am ready to go along with you Even into the Prisons of Hell Provided that I be in your company I shall have nothing to apprehend Hell with you would be a Heaven to me Heaven without you would be a Hell to me Joseph taking the body wrapt it in a clean Sindon and laid it in his own new monument which he had hewed out of a rock Matth. 27. Woman why weepest thou They have taken away my Lord and I know not where they have put him John 20. My Soul was filled with evils and my life drew near unto Hell Ps 87. I was reputed with those that descend into the lake I became like a man without help free amongst the dead ibid. They laid me in the lower lake in dark places and in the shadow of death ibid. Like the vvounded that sleep in their graves ibid. CXIX MED Of the Resurrection of our Lord. JEsus is risen again He enjoys a glorious life He is com out of his grave He has conquered death He has triumphed over Satan He has broken to pieces the gates of Hell He has carried away the spoils He has frightned his guards He has confounded the Jews He is victorious over all his Enemies My Soul weep no more Jesus has resumed a new life He will dy no more in thy heart Unless thy Sin do crucify him there Jesus is risen again in our Souls He is re-entred into his Kingdom He has droven the Devils thence He has triumphed over Sin He keeps our Passions Captives He dwells therein by his Grace He lives there by his Spirit He reigns there by his Love He reposes there by his Peace All the whole Church is risen again His whole Body is out of the grave All his Members are re-animated They are no more dead nor sick My Soul weep no more Jesus has c. Jesu tarry with us for night draws on The day is going down The Devils gather together The Lions roar Our Passions revolt Ill habits awaken The World takes arms Our flesh takes strength again Your life is not in assurance Hell has conspired against you The wicked have sworn your death They will renew your sufferings My Soul c. O ye senceless Galathians What do you intend to do Do not you know Jesus any more But two days ago you lamented his death And now you are contriving To take away his life You are preparing Scourges for to tear him Thorns to crown him with Crosses to nail him to What has he don for to be crucified Is he criminal for having loved you Does he deserve death for having saved you My Soul c. Our Lord is truly risen and hath appeared to Simon Luk. 24. Christ rising from the dead dies no more death shall domineer no more over him Rom. 6. If ye are risen with Christ seek the things that are above not that are on earth Col. 3. Crucifying to themselves again the Son of God and setting him at nought Heb. 6. CXX MED Of our Lord's Wounds JEsus hath Wounds altho he be risen Do not wonder at the Wounds That remain after your Resurrection There is no hurt in feeling them There is merit in enduring them Be impassible to your passions Be immovable in your temptations The Wounds of Jesus enlighten our Faith They support our Hope They inflame our Love We cannot doubt of his affection We see his heart through his Wounds We ought no longer to be diffident Jesus is our Advocate in Heaven He prays for us by as many mouths As he has Wounds in his Body The Nails are the Keys that have opened This Ark of our Redemption All the Treasures which it includes Are now at our disposal O Jesus my Saviour How do your Wounds comfort me Secure me encourage me There issues from thence a Balsam Which cures all my sorrows Who will dare to accuse me Knowing that you are my Advocate Who will dare to condemn me Knowing that you are my Judge Who will dare to declare against me Knowing that you are my Saviour O divine Saviour Imprint on me your sacred Stigmats Imprint them in my Soul and in my Body Who can live without Wounds Seeing you covered with Wounds I cannot love my heart Unless it be wounded like yours Alas that which shall be the joy of the Predestinate Will be the torment of the damned He shewed them his hands and feet Luk. 24. He shewed them his hands and side John 20. What are those wounds in the midst of thy hands With these was I wounded in the house of those that loved me Zech. 13. Behold I have written thee in my hands Isai 49. Whom thou hast stricken they have persecuted and they have added to the pain of my wounds Ps 68. CXXI MED Of the good Shepherd JEsus is a good Shepherd He knows all his sheep He knows them as he is known by his Father He gives them life as he receives it from him He calls them all by their name He conducts them in streight ways He has a particular Providence for them He always walks before them With the Crook of the Cross in his
hand He brings them back when they go astray He casts himself into the bryars For to draw out him that is lost He lays him on his shoulders He carries him back to the fold He testifies a joy at it And he does him no hurt Jesus is a good Shepherd He feeds his dear Sheep He leads them into fat Pastures He nourishes them with his Word He fats them with his Flesh He inebriates them with his Blood He fortifies them with his grace He quickens them with his spirit He enriches them with his merits What Shepherd feeds his sheep With his own Flesh and his own Blood as he does Jesus is a good Shepherd He gives his life for his sheep He does not feed upon their flesh Not cloath himself with their wool Not strip them to cloath himself He fasted for to feed them He labours only for them He defends them against the wolves He hinders them from coming near them He helps them to drive them off He lifts them up when they fall He carries them when they are feeble He comforts them when they are sad He cures them when they are sick He raises them to life when they are dead O Jesus How good a Shepherd are you But what bad sheep have you They stray away from your conduct They despise your Pastures They will not eat at your table They go every where to seek after wolves They howl and run after them They devour the sheep as they do O my Divine Shepherd For my part I will follow you every where I will never go astray from your ways I will go up to the Mountains with you I will go down into the Vales with you I will never complain of you I will be always contented with you I am a good Shepherd I know my sheep and my sheep know me John 10. He goes before them and the Sheep follow him ibid. And I am not troubled following thee my Pastor Jer. 17. Our Lord governs me nothing will be wanting to me he placed me in a place of pasture Psal 22. I have gon astray like a sheep that is lost seek after thy servant Psal 118. CXXII MED Of the Sheep of Jesus Christ THe Sheep loves his Shepherd He follows his Conduct every where He hears and owns his voice He is in assurance with him He is lost when he goes a stray He goes well when he follows him Jesus committed to Saint Peter The Conduct of his Flock His voice is heard in the Church Out of the Church it is not heard Virtues without Obedience Are large steps out of the way One goes astray instead of advancing Who advances without being directed A Sheep does not argue He goes whither he is led He never goes righter Than when he follows his Shepherd He leaves himself to his Conduct He fears nothing in his Company 'T is to be without judgment To trust to one's own judgment It is to have no guidance Not to be willing to be guided A Sheep does not murmur He does not fall into impatience Does not take offence at his Shepherd Does not complain of his conduct Suffers himself to be stript Goes quietly to his death Suffers his Throat to be cut Dies without saying any thing There is need of extreme patience For to indure impatient men They would have God to endure from them But they will endure nothing from God A Sheep hath no fangs He does not bite his Companions He is the mildest of all Creatures He has nothing of fierceness or wildness He hates singularity He maintains himself in unity He keeps Society Is pleased in the Community The Mark of the Sheep of Jesus Is Mildness and Charity Are you one of Jesus's his Sheep Do you love the Pastor of the Church Do you follow God's Conduct Do you leave your self to his Providence Do you obey your Superiours Do you renounce your own proper lights Do you complain of your losses Do not you murmur in your pains Do you love your Neighbour Do not you offend him in word Have you a compassion of him Are not you angry as he is Thou that rulest Israel attend who leadest on Joseph like a Sheep Psal 79. My foot has followed his footsteps Job 13. He shall be led like a sheep to the slaughter and like a lamb before the shearer he shall be dumb and shall not open his mouth Isai 53. I was dumb and did not open my mouth because thou didst do it Psal 38. In this shall all know that you are my Disciples if you love one another Jo. 13. If you bite and eat each other see ye be not consumed by each other Gal. 5. CXXIII MED Of the Ascension of our Lord. WHither go you O divine Shepherd Is it thus that you forsake your Sheep Whither go you O charitable Father Is it thus that you forsake your Children Whither go you O glorious Captain Is it thus that you forsake your Souldiers What will poor Sheep do in the midst of Wolves What will poor Children do in the midst of the Streets What will Souldiers do in the midst of their Enemies Go my well beloved Quit this ungrateful Earth That has used you so ill An immortal body like yours Ought not to be in the region of death An incorruptible body like yours Ought not to be in a place of corruption An impassible body like yours Ought not to be in a place of affliction Go great Conquerour Ascend up to Heaven which you have gained Take possession of the Kingdom Which is yours from all Eternity Carry along with you your victorious Troops For to honour your Triumph Stop not till you have reach't the highest Heaven Go and sit upon the Throne of God It is just that you should rest After having laboured so much It is just that you should receive glory After having been so mightily humbled Go Ark of our Lord After having been beaten with the Waves Go and rest on the highest Mountains of Armenia Arise O Lord ascend to your place of rest You and the Ark of your Sanctification You have broken down the Gates of Hell Go now and open the Gates of Heaven Enter into the Palace of your glory Go and prepare us a place Go and present your self to your Father Go and shew him your Wounds Go and be our Mediatour Go and send us your Holy Spirit O Jesus Since you are gon to Heaven I find no more comfort here upon Earth My heart is where my treasure is My soul would fain quit her body For to go and enjoy your presence When shall I go out of this exile When shall I return to my dear Country O Jesus The hope of forlorn Souls The comfort of afflicted Souls You promised to draw all things to you When you were elevated from the Earth You are now above all the Heavens Perform now your promise Draw me out of this World Take me off from Creatures Draw me strongly For I cling close to the Earth
Draw me quickly For I am weary of living Alas What a life Ah! What a death O my dear Life Give me death that I may dy to my self And live Eternally to you And our Lord Jesus after he had spoken was assumed into Heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God Mark 16. Ascending on high he led captivity captive he gave gifts Eph. 4. Let not your heart be troubled I go to prepare you a place I will take you to my self that where I am you also may be John 14. And if I be exalted from the Earth I will draw all to my self John 12. Draw me after thee Cant. 5. CXXIV MED Of the coming down of the Holy Ghost WE are not members of Jesus Christ Unless we live by his Spirit The Spirit of JESVS Is a Spirit of Life which animates us 'T is a Spirit of Grace that sanctifies us A Spirit of Wisdom which instructs us A Spirit of Love which unites us A Spirit of Peace which pacifies us A Spirit of Purity which purifies us A Spirit of Liberty which disengages us A Spirit of Joy which comforts us A Spirit of Humility which humbles us A Spirit of Obedience which subjects us The Spirit of JESVS Makes men Gods Of sinners just Of weak makes us strong Of sad glad Of cold fervent Of cholerick mild Of ignorant wise Of timid courageous The Spirit of JESVS Does not descend upon the proud It does not repose in turbulent hearts It has a horrour of impure souls It withdraws it self from vain spirits It is not in agreement with the flesh It makes a mortal War with it It could not com down upon the Apostles Whilst they saw JESUS sensibly It lives in us by Grace It dwells in us by Charity It reigns in us by Love It reposes in us by Peace We afflict it by Venial sin We stile it by Mortal sin We lose it by the love of the World We drive it away by the love of the Flesh O my God! How gentle is your spirit How severe is mine How holy is yours How profane is mine How humble is yours How proud is mine O Holy Spirit Father of the poor Comfort of the afflicted Com and descend down to us and comfort us Enlighten us by your Light Conduct us by your Grace Sanctifie us by your Love Support us by your Strength Penetrate us by your Unction Adopt us by your Charity Pacifie us by your Presence Save us by your Mercy 'T is the Spirit which enlivens John 6. They were all replenisht with the Holy Ghost Act. 2. Grace is diffused in our hearts by the Holy Ghost who is given to us Rom. 5. If any one hath not the Spirit of Christ he is not his Rom. 8. Whoever are acted by the Spirit of God they are the Sons of God ibid. If we live in spirit let us walk in spirit Gal. 5. CXXV MED Of the most Sacred Trinity MAn believes that there are as many Gods As he loves Creatures He adores a Trinity on Earth And contemns the Trinity of Heaven He esteems only the grandures of the World He seeks after nothing but earthly riches He desires nothing but the pleasures of the Senses He despises the Wisdom of God He laughs at the power of the Father He outrages the goodness of the Holy Ghost Is it to believe that God is wise And not to apprehend his Wrath Is it to believe that God is holy And yet offend him by so many Crimes Is it to believe that God is pure And yet to cleave to the pleasures of the Senses Is it to believe that God is good And yet not to love him Is it to believe God to be independent And yet not to adore him Is it to believe God to be beneficent And yet not to thank him O most Holy Trinity I bless thee and I adore thee I will love thee both in Time and Eternity Glory be to the Father who created me Glory be to the Son who redeemed me Glory be to the Holy Ghost who sanctified me Glory be to the Father who supports me by his Power Glory be to the Son who governs me by his Wisdom Glory be to the Holy Ghost who sanctifies me by his Love Glory be to the Father who sustains my Being Glory be to the Son who enlightens my Understanding Glory be to the Holy Ghost who consecrates my Will Let the Holy Trinity be blessed By Angels and Men in Time and in Eternity Amen So be it Going teach ye all Nations baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Matth. 28. Three there are who give testimony in Heaven the Father Word and Holy Ghost and these three are one 1 John 5. Holy holy holy Lord God of Hosts the Earth is full of thy glory Isai 6. All that is in the World is the concupiscence of the flesh and the concupiscence of the eyes and pride of life 1 John 8. CXXVI MED In form of a Dialogue Of the Institution of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar The Disciple I Will speak unto my Lord Altho I am but ashes and dust O my God! How wonderful is your Wisdom How profound are your Mysteries Whence coms it that you would remain on Earth Since your Body is glorious Ought not the noblest of all Bodies To be on the top of the highest Heavens Your Throne is in the Firmament The Earth is but your Foot-stool Why do not you dwell in your Palace What do you do upon our dunghill The Master I would remain here upon Earth For to content my love I converse with men For to content their desires I am with my Disciples For to content them by my Presence I am amongst my sheep For to defend them against the Wolves I leave my self to my Church For to serve them for a Victim I immolate my self on the Altars For to do homage to my Father You would have no Religion If you had no Sacrifice The ancient ones are abrogated There is only I alone that can be immolated My body is in Heaven as in its Natural place My Body is on Earth as in a Sacramental place When I came down upon Earth I did not for that quit Heaven And when I re-ascended to Heaven I did not for all that quit the Earth The Disciple I will again speak to you O Lord Altho I am but ashes and dust Whence coms it that remaining on Earth You did not make your self visible Why did you hide your self Since you desire to be beloved You would have won all hearts If you had discovered your self to your eyes The Master I am a hidden God One must dy for to see me I hid my Divinity under the form of a Man And I hide my Humanity Under the form of Bread Your life is a state of Faith My Body ought therein to be veyled Your life is a state of Merit Your Understanding ought therein to be humbled Adam did not
she slight me Why does she fly me O ye Daughters c. I am Bread and not Poyson I would make her live and not make her dy It was for to be loved that I took this shape 'T was for to be eaten That I made my self Bread And not for to be admired It is to sanctify her Body That I give her my Flesh 'T is for to enliven her Soul That I give her my Spirit 'T is for to unite her to my Divinity That I give her my humanity As wise as I am I know not what more to give her As rich as I am I have no more to give her As powerful as I am I can give her no more Why then does she sly me Why does she fear me O ye Daughters c. I have been at infinit Charges For to prepare this Banquet I have spared nothing for to content her I give her my Body to be eaten I give my blood to be drunk I heap up my graces on her I enrich her with my Merits I fill her with my Virtues I invite all the World to my Feast The sick for to cure them The weak for to fortify them The blind for to give them sight The sad for to comfort them Sinners for to sanctify them What reason has she to apprehend I do not require the end of the Sacrament For a disposition necessary to this Sacrament O ye Daughters of Jerusalem Tell my well-beloved That I expect her day and night And that she makes me languish with Love Tell her that she will dy with hunger Unless she eats this Bread That she will have no grace Unless she eats at my Table That she will have no strength no life No health no comfort That she will be strongly tempted That she will sink under that temptation Unless she eat at my Table That if she excuses her self from coming She shall not tast of my Meats Neither in her life time nor at her death Neither in Heaven nor on Earth That I will give her place To the Blind and to the Lame That she contemns me Instead of honouring me That she afflicts me Instead of comforting me That she offends me Instead of contenting me O Bread of Angels Who cam'st down from Heaven Shall I dare make thee com down into my heart Can I receive thee knowing who I am Can I refuse thee knowing who thou art Can I approach thee knowing thy Sanctity Can I draw off without necessity O Divine Lover Who dost invite us to thy Wedding And who dost invite us so lovingly Give a Nuptial Robe to this Prodigal Penitent I do not deserve this honour I am unworthy of this favour But the sentiment of my humility Will supply the want of my sanctity You will have it so You desire it You order it You command it You threaten me with your anger If I fail to be present at it 'T is better to side with Love than Fear Obedience is surer than Diffidence I will therefore approach with Respect I will receive you with Confidence I will imbrace you with Love I will thank you with Tenderness I will eat you with Pleasure I will speak to you with Liberty I will serve you with Fidelity I will bless you in time and in Eternity Amen With desire have I desired to eat this Pasch with you before I suffer Luk. 22. He that eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him John 6. A certain man made a great Supper and called many and they all began to excuse themselves Luk. 14. I say to you that none of those men that were called shall tast my Supper Bring in hither the poor and weak and blind and lame force them to com in c. ibid. CXXIX MED In Form of Prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ which may serve for a Thanksgiving after Communion SOul of JESUS sanctify me Blood of JESUS wash me Passion of JESUS strengthen me Wounds of JESUS heal me Heart of JESUS receive me Spirit of JESUS enliven me Goodness of JESUS pardon me Beauty of JESUS draw me Humility of JESUS humble me Mildness of JESUS gentle me Peace of JESUS pacifie me Love of JESUS inflame me Kingdom of JESUS com into me Grace of JESUS replenish me Mercy of JESUS have pity on me Sanctity of JESUS consecrate me Purity of JESUS purify me Cross of JESUS support me Nails of JESUS hold me fast Thorns of JESUS crown me Gall of JESUS inebriate me Mouth of JESUS bless me In my life and at my death In Time and Eternity Amen You must pause at every verse and relish that which shall touch your heart CXXX MED Of Devotion towards the B. Virgin FOr to be a Son of God's You must be the Son of Mary She is the Mother of all the just The Advocate of all sinners The Queen of all the Predestinate She brought them forth on Mount Calvary They were given to her at the foot of the Cross She hath given life to all men In giving life to God She hath co-operated to their Salvation In sacrificing him to his Father No man can go to the Father But by the Son Nor to the Son but by the Mother The Father refuses nothing to his Son Nor the Son to his Mother I shall not be saved But by the Merits of the Son Nor shall I be saved But by the intercession of the Mother The Son is our Mediatour with his Father The Mother is our Mediatrix with her Son JESVS is the Head of the Church Mary is the neck of the Church JESVS is the fountain of graces Mary is the bason of them JESVS is the Sun of the World Mary is the Moon thereof Nothing is produced in grace But by JESVS and by Mary The Moon receives the whole Sun And contributes to the generation of Beings Mary receives all from JESVS And contributes to the sanctification of Souls O holy Mother of God! I begin to breath Because my salvation depends on you Your Son is my Saviour But he is also my Judge His Goodness encourages me But his Justice affrightens me I am a Criminal I dare not appear before him But you my dear Mother You have nothing to frighten me You are a Mother of Grace and not of Justice You became a Mother Only for to give us a Saviour You would not have been the Mother of God If there had been no Sinners O I will be your child That I may be God's child O I will be your servant That I may be God's servant He saith to his Mother Woman behold your Son Then he saith to his Disciple Behold thy Mother And from that hour the Disciple received her for his John 19. Dwell in Jacob and have thy inheritance in Israel and take root in my Elect. Eccl. 24. He that shall find me shall find life and draw salvation from our Lord. Prov. 8. CXXXI MED Of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin MAry is happy In
having been conceiv'd without sin Mary is more happy In never having committed any sin 'T is a misery for us to have contracted sin 'T is a greater misery to have committed it Mary has always suffered Altho she never sinned I sin continually And I would suffer nothing Mary is Innocent And is treated as a Criminal I am a Criminal And I would be treated as Innocent Mary's first grace Is the foundation of her happiness She co-operated with it all her life long By an inviolable fidelity There are som graces in ones life time Which are the beginnings of our happiness There are somains in ones life time Which are the beginnings of our misery Co-operate with all graces Avoid all sins Dread scandalous sins they are pestilent sins Which are communicated unto others Fear contagious ones which corrupt nature O Holy Mother of God! How beautiful are you and how pure are you There is no stain in you If my Conception is not immaculate At least make my life to be so If I have contracted original sin Make me avoid actual sin Let your Son seeing my Soul at my death say Thou art my well beloved There is no spot in thee Who shall declare her generation Isai 53. Thou art all fair my friend and there is no spot in thee Cant. 4. Our Lord possest me in the beginning of his ways Prov. 8. 'T is a great work for a habitation is prepared not for man but for God 2 Paral. 29. Holiness becoms thy house O Lord for length of days Ps 92. CXXXII MED Of the Purification of the B. Virgin MAry is the Mother of God And she passes for the Mother of a man O what Humility Mary is pure like the Sun And yet she comes to the Temple to be purified O what Purity Mary is not subject to the Law And yet she submits her self voluntarily to it O what Obedience Mary has but one Son who is most dear to her And yet she sacrifices him to God in the Temple O what Charity Imitate these virtues of Mary's Have an humble heart like her Have a pure body like her Have an obedient spirit like her Have liberal hands like her Offer up to God what you have dearest to you Sanctify to him your Children Your desires your thoughts Give him your heart That is your only one and first born Go to the Temple like Simeon Receive Jesus into your arms By the Priest's hands Sing with him that Canticle of love Now thou dost dismiss thy servant O Lord According to thy word in peace Because my eyes have seen thy Salvation Which thou hast prepar'd before the face of all People A light to the revelation of Gentils And the glory of thy People of Israel You will live in Peace If you desire nothing but Jesus You will dy in Peace If you love nothing but Jesus Beg of Mary to take you into her arms And to offer you up to her Son At the end of your life She will do it if you be her child If you be humble chast charitable like her O Mother of God! Disdain not to be the Mother of a sinner I recommend my Soul into your hands 'T is the price of your Son's blood Can you slight him Can you reject him Since you have presented the head You ought also to present the members God cannot refuse what you offer him My salvation is secure if it be in your hands O JESVS I recommend my spirit unto you I put my salvation into your hands Let me go out of this World in peace For I have seen all that I have to see My sins do disturb me O Lord I am thy Servant And the Son of thy Handmaid Can you damn your Mother's Child Can you hate him whom she loved They carried him into Jerusalem to present him to our Lord. Luk. 2. Take thy only begotten Son Isaac c. and there thou shalt offer him in a Holocaust Gen. 22. In the simplicity of my heart I joyfully offered all these things 1 Paral. 29. Now thou dost dismiss thy servant O Lord. Luk. 2. O Lord I am thy servant and the Son of thy handmaid Ps 115. CXXXIII MED Of the Annunciation of the B. Virgin 'T Is a great virtue to be little in grandure 'T is a rare virtue to be humble in honour Mary is the Mother of God Because she was his handmaid Mary takes the title of handmaid When she is qualified the Mother of God How happy is she for having conceived The Word of God in her body But she is more happy For having conceived it in her soul She conceived him in her heart Before she conceived him in her womb The spiritual Conception of God Is more honorable to her than the corporal The one makes her the Mother of God The other makes her the worthy Mother of God Make your self the Mother of our Lord By doing the Will of his Father Conceive him by Faith Bring him forth by Charity Be his Brother by Believing Be his Mother by Preaching Renew by Communion The Mystery of the Incarnation Be you humble and obedient as she was And the Holy Chost will com down on you Be our Lord's Handmaid And you will becom his Mother O most worthy Mother of God! Disdain not to own for your Son him Whom your Son vouchsafes to own for his brother If you are the Mother of God You must be the Mother of men It was for to be the Mother of men That you became the Mother of God You have two Breasts full of Milk Give one to your Son But keep the other for me Give one to the just But keep the other for sinners Behold the handmaid of our Lord be it don unto me according to thy Word Luk. 1. Whosoever shall do the Will of my Father who is in Heaven he is my brother and sister and mother Matth. 12. He is not ashamed to call them brothers Heb. 2. The Holy Ghost shall com down on thee and the virtue of the highest shall over-shadow thee Luk. 1. CXXXIV MED Of the Humiliations of the Son of God and the Elevations of Mary in the Mystery of the Incarnation JESUS of a God was made man Of a Lord he was made a slave Of Omnipotent he was made weak Of rich he was made poon JESUS by making himself man Made Mary the Mother of God JESUS by making himself a slave Made Mary the Mistress of God JESUS by making himself weak Has given unto Mary the Power of God JESUS by making himself poor Has given unto Mary the Treasures of God JESUS cannot descend lower than he descended Mary cannot ascend higher than she ascended There is nothing that is above Jesus There is nothing but God above Mary All that is not God is below Jesus All that is not God is below Mary Rejoyce in these her grandures Choose her for your Mother Acknowledge her for your Queen Take her for your Advocate Obey her whom God himself hath
glory of Jerusalem thou the joy of Israel thou the honour of our People Judith 25. Who is she that comes forth like the rising morning Cant. 6. Do thou and thy Son rule over us Judg. 8. He shall comfort us from all the works and labours of our hands in the land that God hath cursed Gen. 5. CXL MED Of the Presentation of the B. Virgin in the Temple MAry offered up unto God all that she had She offered it up as soon as she could She offered it up with a full will for ever And by an irrevocable promise We give to God but half our heart We give it as late as we can We give it with regret We give it but for a time Give all Give quickly Give cheerfully Give for ever O Holy Virgin I give my self wholy to you without reserve I give my self with all my heart I am sorry that I gave my self so late I give my self for ever And by an irrevocable donation Offer up my heart to your Son I give it to him all entire without delay Without regret without return for ever And by an irrevocable donation 'T is good for a man when he has born the yoke from his youth he shall sit solitary and shall be silent because he hath raised himself above himself Thren 3. And having not found where to rest her foot she returned unto him into the Ark. Gen. 18. In the simplicity of my heart I offered up all Kings 8. Ananias with Saphira his wife sold a field and bringing the price he laid it at the Apostles feet Ananias why hath Satan tempted thy heart to ly to the Holy Ghost and defraud of the price Act. 5. Their heart is divided now will they perish Os 10. A Protestation of Service to the B. Virgin which ought to be made on all Holy-Days and Communion Days O Holy Virgin most worthy Mother of God altho I know my self unworthy to be in the number of your Servants and of your Children yet trusting in your goodness and in your mercy and pushed on with a desire of serving you I declare in the Presence of God and of all the Heavenly Court that I choose you this day for my Queen for my Mother and for my Advocate And I make a firm resolution never to forsake your Service never to do or say any thing against your honour and never to permit that any that depend upon me ever offend you or dishonour you in any manner whatsoever I most humbly beseech you to receive me into the number of your Servants and of your Children to help me in all my Necessities and not to forsake me at the hour of my Death Amen I thought my self obliged to make this Form for those who know not the manner how to give themselves to the B. Virgin The End of the Third Part. THE FOURTH PART FOR THE VNITIVE LIFE CXLI MED Of the Love of JESVS JESVS is the most beautiful of all Men. JESVS is the greatest of all Kings JESVS is the most charitable of all Fathers JESVS is the most faithful of all Friends JESVS is the mildest of all Masters JESVS is the perfectest of all Spouses JESVS made himself man for me and like me JESVS made himself poor for me and like me JESVS made himself miserable for me and like me JESVS suffered death for me and like me JESVS is my Father and my King He is my Brother and my Spouse My Master and my Shepherd My Chief and my Physician My Salvation and my Redemption My Hopes and my Comfort JESVS loves me with all his heart He is always at the door of my heart He intreats me to give him my heart He has given his life to have my heart I am ungrateful if I refuse him my heart Wo unto him who divides his heart Cursed is he that loves him not with all his heart O Love of all Loves O Heart of all Hearts Let me love you as you love me Let me love you as you deserve to be loved Nothing above JESVS Nothing comparable to JESVS Nothing with JESVS Nothing after JESVS Goodly of beauty above the Sons of men Ps 44. All in all Christ Col. 3. Simon of John dost thou love me John 14. He that has my Commandments and keeps them it is he that loves me John 14. If any one doth not love our Lord Jesus Christ be he Anathema 1 Cor. 16. CXLII MED Of the Vnity of Love LOve comes from Unity tends to Unity Reposes in Unity conserves it self by Unity A strait heart cannot be bowed A pure heart cannot be stained A free heart cannot be captivated A single heart cannot be divided Wo unto those that have a double heart God's heart cannot love them No man can have two Heavens No man can serve two Masters No man can have two Spouses No man can love God and the World There must be but one Soul to one Body But one Sun to the Universe But one King in a State But one Governour in a Place But one Shepherd to one Flock But one Pilot to one Ship But one Love to one Heart But one God to one Creature You will say you give God half your heart Ah! did not God create the other half Did God redeem but half your heart Will God save but half your heart Did God give you but half his heart Ah! why will you give him but half of yours Is the heart of a man too much for God O the God of my Heart You have always been mine And I have never been yours I have made to my self as many Idols As I have loved Creatures I have divided my Faith When I divided my Charity I destroy'd both the one and the other When I divided them Ah! I lost my self when I did not love you I will henceforth O my God Love you with all my heart I will never more divide my affections All to all One to one One alone to one alone This is the Device of my heart O my God and my All. Since you have given me your whole heart Which is so great 'T is very just that I should give you all mine That is so small No man can serve two Masters Matth. 6. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart Matth. 22. How long do you halt on both sides if our Lord is God serve him c. 3 Kings 18. Wo unto the double hearted Eccl. 2. Their heart is divided now they will perish Os 10. CXLIII MED Of the Presence of God GOD is before me with me in me He is before me for to consider me He is with me for to govern me He is in me for to enliven me I ought therefore to be before God By thinking on nothing but him With God by labouring only for him In God by loving nothing but him I am never alone God is always with me I never work alone God always works with me I never suffer alone God always suffers with me
keepeth it Ps 126. My Prayer shall be turned into my bosom Ps 34. It it good for me to cleave to God to put my hope in our Lord God Ps 72. To thee have I lifted up my eyes who dwellest in heaven Ps 122. I am thy servant give me understanding Ps 118. If I should walk in the midst of the shadow of Death I will fear no evils because thou art with me Ps 22. The God of my heart and God my portion for ever Ps 72. I have made my bed in the dark Job 17. Let no man look upon me Job 7. Our Lord is not in a whirlwind 3 Kings 4. Behold God and my Saviour I will act confidently with him and will not fear Isai 12. But thou art in us O Lord c. Jer 14. Let all flesh be silent in the sight of God Zach. 2. I have laboured a little and have found much rest Eccl. 52. In all these things I sought rest and I shall abide in the inheritance of our Lord. Eccl. 24. He that loses his life shall find it Matth. 16 The Holy Ghost shall com down on thee Luk. 1. My Lord and my God John 20. I eace be to you fear not it is I. Luk. 25. I give you peace John 14. Behold the Bridegroom cometh Matth. 25. They who were ready entred with him ibid. Why do ye fear O ye of little faith he commands the wind and the sea Matth. 8. Remain in me and I in you John 15. Be like unto men expecting their Master when he shall return from the wedding Luk. 12. The Peace of God that surpasseth all understanding preserve your hearts and your understandings in Christ Jesus Phil. 4. We will com unto him and make our mansion with him John 14. The Disciple whom Jesus loved and who leaned on his brest at supper John 21. Ye are dead and your life is hidden with Christ in God Col. 3. He is our peace Eph. 2. In him we live we move and we are Act. 17. Blessed are the dead that dy in our Lord. Apoc. 14. Words of Love taken out of the Book of the Following of Christ for Souls that aspire to Vnion HAppy is he whom Truth teaches 1 Book c. 3. All proceeds from one word and all speaks one word ibid. He to whom all is one thing ibid. O Truth my God make me one thing with thee ibid. I am often weary of reading ibid. Let all Doctors be silent ibid. The Kingdom of God is in you ibid. When you have JESUS you will be rich ibid. O JESUS splendour of glory c. ibid. This whole Chapter is divine and fit to comfort a Soul that is in Privation I will hear what my Lord shall say 3 Book c. 1. This is what the beloved says I am thy salvation thy peace and thy life 3 b. c. 1. Lord my God thou art all my good 3 b. c. 2. Thou O Lord alone art good ibid. O Lord my God c. ibid. Thou art my glory and the joy of my heart 3 b. c. 5. Thou wilt suffice to him that loves thee ibid. Thou art the true peace of heart 3 b. c. 15. My soul thou wilt always be at rest 3 b. c. 21. O when shall I see my Lord and my God c. ibid. Read all the 48 Chapter of the Third Book which is of an infinit sweetness and comfort Son as much as thou canst go out of thy self 3 b. c. 56. Lord what confidence can I have in this life 3 b. c. 59. I had rather be poor for thy sake ibid. Read all this Chapter which is the last of the Third Book and you will find much comfort Who will give me to find you alone O my Lord. 4 b. c. 13. O Lord my God ibid. Be in me and I in you ibid. Truly thou art my Peace-maker ibid. O truly thou art a hidden God ibid. O God how sweet is thy spirit ibid. O truly there is no Nation c. ibid. O JESUS splendour of eternal glory ibid. These words taken out of the Book of the following of Christ may sweetly and profitably employ a Soul in Prayer and after Communion FINIS