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A10218 De pace Regis et regni viz. A treatise declaring vvhich be the great and generall offences of the realme, and the chiefe impediments of the peace of the King and kingdome, as menaces, assaults, batteries, treasons, homicides, and felonies ... and by whome, and what meanes the sayd offences, and the offendors therein are to bee restrained, repressed, or punished. ... Collected out of the reports of the common lawes of this realme, and of the statutes in force, and out of the painfull workes of the reuerend iudges Sir Anthonie Fitzharbert, Sir Robert Brooke, Sir William Stanford, Sir Iames Dyer, Sir Edward Coke, Knights, and other learned writers of our lawes, by Ferdinando Pulton of Lincolnes Inne, Esquier. Pulton, Ferdinando, 1536-1618.; Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir, 1470-1538.; England and Wales. Public General Acts. Selections. 1609 (1609) STC 20495; ESTC S116053 719,079 571

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is an oppression and for the redresse thereof the same tenant may pursue against his lord a Writ of Ne iniuste vexes grounded vpon a braunch of the statute of Magna Charta St. 9. H. 3. 10 thereby commaunding the Lord that he shall not oppresse nor vniustly vexe his tenant for more rent or seruices then hée ought to pay or doe 12. E. 4. 7. 28. Ass p. 33 5. Ed. 4. 82. Or otherwise the tenant may auoid this surplusage of rent in an Assise Writ of Rescous or Cessauit brought against him by his lord but in a Repleuin he cannot auoid his lord of this rent newly incroched séeing the same lord hath had seisin thereof and so it is if the lord of a Manor 40. Ed. 3. 44. 49. Ed. 3. 22. 39. E. 3. 6. which is auncient demesne will encroch vpon his tenants and distraine them or any of them that hold their lands by Charter fréely to doe other seruices or customes to the same lord then they ought to doe or that their auncestors were accustomed to do this is an oppression of the same tenants and for the redresse thereof all the tenants of the said auncient demesne Manor may haue against their said lord the kings writ of Monstrauerunt directed to the said lord commaunding him thereby that hée shall not require nor cause to bée required of his said tenants more seruices or customes then they ought to doe Fitz. Na. Br. 14. or had wont to doe And if after the said writ directed he will distraine the goods of them or any of them againe to doe more seruices then they ought to doe Then the same tenants or such or so many of them as bee so distrained may procure an attachment against their said lord Fitz. Na. Br. 15. returnable in the K. Bench or common place for this oppression and contempt wherin euery of the same tenants shall recouer his dammages seuerally according to his losse 8 Euery excessiue amerciament which one person doth take of another Oppression by excessiue amerciament is also to be accounted an oppression of the party so amerced for by the Statutes of Magna Charta West 1. St. 9. H. 3. 14 3. Ed. 1 6. it is ordained That no Citie Borough Towne or man shall be amerced but for a reasonable cause and according to the quantitie of his offence and euery fréeman shall bée amerced sauing his fréehold a marchant sauing his marchandize and euery other mans villaine besides the kings sauing his villaine tenure and the same amerciaments shall bee assessed by the oath of honest and lawfull men of the same vicenage So that if one person doe take a much greater amerciament of another then the quantitie of his offence doth require in a Court Baron or other Court which is not of record or doe take that amerciament of his owne authoritie without being before assessed by others vpon their oathes and so maketh himselfe iudge in his owne cause this is an oppression of the party amerced for the redresse whereof the party grieued may procure to be directed to the lord of the said Manor or to his Baylife a Writ of Moderata misericordia which was founded vpon the said stat of Magna Charta commaunding them thereby Fitz. Na. Br. 75. that they shall take a moderat and indifferent amerciament of the same person according to the quantity of his offence And if the lord or his baylife will not then cease to distraine for the said excessiue amerciament the partie so oppressed may haue against the offendor an attachment directed to the Shirife of that Countie where the same Distresse is taken to attach him to appeare in the kings Court and to answere his said offence Oppression by committing of wast 9 The Wast and Estrepement which one person hauing a particular estate in another persons land doth make or commit to the disheritance of him in the reuersion or remainder of the same land without his consent may also be accounted an oppression of him in whom the said inheritance is for when one person doth lease or otherwise conuey his land to another for the terme of life liues or yeares he doth in effect but lend the same land to the sayd particular tenant for the terme betwéene them agréed vpon expecting to haue the same againe at the end of the terme in as good plight and in such sort as it was when he first did deliuer and lend it And therefore if the particular tenant during the continuance of his estate doe commit any wast in the same land he cannot deliuer it againe at the end of his terme in such plight and sort as at the first he did receiue and borrow it but by the wast the perpetuall profit of the land is impaired and therefore of so much in value hée in the reuersion or remainder is disherited And for the preuention thereof by the statute of Marlebridge it was ordained St. 52. H. 3. 24. That Farmors during their termes shall not make wast sale or exile of houses woods or men nor of any thing belonging to the Tenements which they haue in farme without they haue speciall graunt in writing making mention of a couenant that they may doe it And to the intent that condigne punishment might bée prouided and inflicted vpon such as should be transgressors and oppressors in these cases of Wast by the statute of Gloucester it was enacted St. 6. Ed. 1. 5 That a man shall haue an action of Wast in the Chauncerie against him which is tenant by the courtesie of England The tenants forf which cōmitteth wast or otherwise tenant for terme of life or for terme of yeares or against a woman which holdeth in Dower and he which shall bée attainted of Wast shall forfeit the thing wasted and besides shall pay treble so much as the Wast shall be taxed and after by the statute of Westminster the second the same was in a sort confirmed St. 13. E. 1. 14 and the said action of Wast was againe giuen against the foresaid tenants by the courtesie in dower for terme of life or yeares and also ordained to extend against Gardens And by the same statute the proces to be vsed in the said action of Wast was assigned to be Summons Attachment and Distresse and if the party defendant doe not appeare at the distresse then a writ shall be awarded to the Shirife to inquire of the wast by the oathes of twelue men And because diuers persons did let their lands to others sometime for terme of life or anothers life and sometime for terme of yeares and after the said tenants did graunt their estates which they had in the same Lands and Tenements to others to the intent that they in the reuersion viz. their lessors their heires or assignées should not take knowledge of their names and yet the first lessees did continually occupie the said Lands and tooke the profites to
30. St. 18. El. 13. an 18. El. it was established That euery such person which shal be Atturney for any other person or persons being demandant or plaintife tenāt or defendāt in any actiō or suit cōmenced in any of the K. courts of record at West plead to an issue in the same shal deliuer or cause to be deliuered his lawfull warrant of Atturney to be entred of record for euery of the said actions or suits wherin he is named an Atturney to the officer or his deputy ordained for the receit or entring therof in the same terme whē the issue is entred of record in the said court or before vpon paine of forf of x. l. for euery default for not deliuery of the said warrāt the one moity to the K. his heirs successors the other to such officer to whō or in whose office the same warrāt shold be deliuered entred or filed to be rec by A. of det B. P. or I. wherin no W. E. P. c. also he shal suffer such imprisonmēt as by the discretiō of the I. of the Court where any such default shall be made shall be thought good Fit N. B. 9 6 If a man make an Atturney in a real action brought against him Deceit by an Atturney after by couin agréed vpon betwéene the demandant and the said Atturney the same Atturney maketh default whereby the tenant doth loose his land then the same tenant who lost his land may haue a writ of Deceit against the Atturney And so it is if a man bring an action of Trespasse against two others Register fo 113. Fit N. B. 96. and the plaintife and an Atturney by couin agréed vpon betwéene them doe cause two straungers not parties to the writ to come into the court and to say that they be the same two defendants named in the writ and that they do constitute the same man to be their Atturney in that suit wherupon the same Atturney as Atturney to the defendants named in the writ do plead to an issue and after suffer the enquest to passe by his default by which meanes the plaintife doth recouer against the defendant in this case they who be indéed defendants and against whom the same action of Trespasse was brought may haue a writ of Deceit against the same Atturney that appeared as Atturney for them and shall recouer their dammages 10. Ed. 4. 9. 20. Eliz. Dyer 367. If an Atturney be informed by his client to plead a false plea which he cannot in conscience plead he may procure this Entrie to bée made Quod non fuit veracitér informatus ideo nihil c. to defend him in a writ of Deceit brought against him by his said client If an Atturney do sue forth a Capias where there was no originall writ before 20. H. 6. 39. he shal be committed to prison and thrust out of his place in that and all other Courts 4 As the law doth punish her Officers who do practise or commit any deceit or fraud in stead of truth in place of iustice The law reiecteth fraudulent acts so doth she renounce and condemne all acts of greatest importance if they be intermixt with guile and falshood For though Iudiciall acts as Fines Recoueries Warranties deedes inrolled c. being of their owne natures iust and lawfull and meanes to settle titles to appease controuersies and to yeeld each person his due bee therefore greatly respected and fauoured in her sight yet if any of them be deuised or executed by couin or to deceiue then she doth vtterly reiect them and adiudge them void Co. li. 3. 77. As a man was Lord of the Mannor of D. wherein there was a tenant which had some parcels of freehold land in fee simple the Lord demised certaine lands parcell of the demesnes of his said Mannor to the said freeholder for xxj yeares reseruing certaine rent and demised some other lands parcell of the said demesnes to the same fréeholder at will reseruing another rent and graunted by copie of Court roll certaine other lands parcell of the same Mannor to the sayd freeholder for the terme of life according to the custome of the sayd Mannour reseruing a third rent And after the same freeholder demised all the sayd lands which hee held by lease for yeares at will and by copie in D. to a straunger for the terme of life and then the same freeholder leuied a fine with proclamations of so many messuages so many acres of land medow pasture c. as he had by lease for yeres at will by copie of Court roll of his owne inheritance in D. by couin fraud to barre the lord of his inheritance All the proclamations were made and the fiue yeres were past the same fréeholder continued in possession of the land which was graunted to him by lease for yeres at will and by copie and paid to the Lord yerely his seuerall rents for the same And after the stranger to whom the fréeholder made the lease for life died and the lease which the Lord made to the fréeholder for xxj yeares expired And then the same freeholder claimed the inheritance of all the land which the Lord demised vnto him for yeares at will by copie intending to barre the Lord thereof by force of the fine with proclamations the fiue yeares past But this fine was adiudged void against the Lord and that it did not barre him to clayme and enter vpon his land for that it was leuied by him who had but estate in those lands for yéeres at will or by copy of court Roll and that neither had nor could pretend any title to the inheritance of the land but only by fraud practised the disheritance of the leassor And whereas the meaning of the makers of the statute of Anno 4. H. 7. St. 4. H. 7. 24 was as it may appeare by the preamble of the same that fines ought to be of the greatest strength to auoid strifes and debates when the lessée for yeares at will or copyholder shall make an assurance by fraud and couin A fine leuied of land to defraud the right owner therof to the intent a fine may be leuied to disherit the right owner of his land this is not a meanes to auoid or appease strife but to begin it where none was before and therefore the same statute did not intend to ratifie such an estate begun by deceit And further the meaning of the makers of the said statute was not That he who could not leuie a fine of this land in respect of the debilitie of his estate therin should be enabled by his owne practise and deceit to leuie a fine therof to barre him who had a lawfull title therein and a right to leuie a fine thereof And the same lessée for yeares tenant at will and copyholder contriued his fraud in so secret manner that by his couert practise he depriued his
their owne vse and in the said Lands and Tenements did commit wast and destruction to the disheritance of them in the reuersion For the restraint and punishment of which said offence being both an oppression and also a fraud and deceit St. 11. H. 6. 5 Fit N.B. 59 by a Statute made Anno 11. H. 6. it was ordayned That they in the reuersion in such case may haue and maintaine a writ of Wast against the said Tenants for terme of life anothers life A termor alieneth his estate occupieth the land cōmitteth wast or for yeares and so recouer against them the place wasted and their treble dammages for the wast so by them done as they ought to haue done for the wast done by them before the said Graunt and Lease of their estate Prouided That this Ordinance shall not hold place but where the first Tenants before the Graunt and Lease of their estates in the manner and forme abouesaid were punishable of wast and also where after the said Graunt and Lease the said first Tenants of the said Landes and Tenements do take the profits at the time of the wast done to their owne proper vse And though the wordes of the said Statute doe giue an action of Wast in the case aforesaid but onely to him in the reuersion Co. li. 5. 77. yet he in the remainder also being in the like mischiefe shall or may take the benefit thereof and maintaine an action of Wast in this case against his particular Tenant for life or yeares if eyther of them doe commit wast to his disheritance And whatsoeuer the intent of the Grauntor is in the case aforesaid yet if the Grauntée doe assigne his Lease take the profits thereof and commit Wast he is punishable according to the sayd Statute for his intent shall not be issuable nam exitus acta probat viz. the taking of the profites doe sufficiently expresse his intent and euery assignée of the first Tenant mediat or immediat is within the compasse of this Statute for the Statute was made to suppresse Fraud Wast and Oppression And so was the Statute of Westminster the second béeing made and prouided to restraine Wast and Oppression committed by one Tenant in common to the preiudice and disheritance of another by which it was ordayned St. 13. E. 1. 22 That whereas two or more doe hold Wood Wast cōmitted by a tenant in common Turbarie Fishing or such like things in common wherein none knoweth his owne seuerall and one of them doth commit Wast against the will of the other an action of Wast may lye and when it is come vnto iudgement the defendant shall chuse eyther to take his part in a place certaine by the assignement of the Shirife and by the view and oath of his neighbours sworne and tryed for the same intent or els he shall grant to take nothing from thenceforth in the same Wood 3. E. 1. Wast 25. 50. Ed. 3. 3. Turbarie and such other but as his parteners will take And if he doe chuse to take his part in a place certaine the place wasted shall be assigned for his part according as it was before he committed the Wast And because the before rehearsed statute of Marlebridge doth expresse in generall termes in what thinges Wast may be committed as in Houses Woods and Men and the words of the writ of Wast in the Register be Quare fecit vastum venditionem seu destructionem de terris domibus Boscis Gardinis and the foresaid Statutes of Anno 6. Edw. 1. 13. Edw. 1. and 11. H. 6. doe declare who are forbidden to doe that Wast and séeing Wast in Lands Houses Woods or c. is a great wrong and oppression to him or them in reuersion or remainder of the same therefore I will somewhat particularly explaine which the Law doth construe and expound to be Wasts prohibited and punishable by the foresaid Statutes or either of them to the intent that both he that hath the inheritance and also the particular Tenant may know what is due to either of them in respect of their seuerall estates and what to take and what to leaue And to begin with the words of the Writ touching Wast in Land Wast in land If one person doe demise or conuey to another for the terme of yeares life or c. Land 22. H. 6. 18 2. H. 7. 14 17. E. 3. 7. 9. Ed. 4. 35. Co. li. 5. 11. Fit Nat. Br. 149. Lib. in t 6●6 where there is included in the bowels of the earth Tynne Yron Lead Coale Stone Grauell Morter Sand Chalke or Marle if the Myne or Pit thereof be not open when the Lessées estate or terme doth begin the said Tenant may not open the ground make a new Myne and take the same Coale Stone Grauell or c. for if he doe it is Wast of the land and he in the reuersion or remainder may punish him therefore by an action of Wast For whereas there was assured to the Tenant but Vesturam terrae and the annuall profit of the Land hée hath digged and carried away the Land it selfe and impaired the inheritance thereof for euer But if there bée a Myne or Pit open in any part of the ground so demised or assured at the time of the Lease or assurance thereof or at the time when the estate of the Tenant did begin then the Tenant may digge there and take and carry away so much of the Coale Stone Grauell as shall be necessarily vsed or imployed for or towards the repaire or maintenance of the House Land or other commodities therewith demised and it is no Wast But if he do giue sell 41. E. 3. Wast 82. or otherwise dispose the same to any other person place or vse sauing as is aforesaid then for so much as he shall so mis-imploy it is Wast If one person doe lease or assure his Land to another and all the Mynes or Pits therein for yeares life Co. li. 5. 11. or c. the Lessée may open and digge the ground for Coale Morter Stone c. and take and carry away the same though there was not any Myne open at the time of the Lease or estate made For by the assurance it doth appeare that the Lessor was contented that wast should be made in any part of the ground leased by myning or digging and in this case the Lessée may sell or otherwise dispose the same Coale Stone Marle or c. at his pleasure 17. Ed. 3. 7 for it is as much as if the Lease or assurance had béene made to the Tenant without impeachment of any manner of Wast to be committed by Mynes Pits or diggings If the Tenant for yeares life or c. doe eyre plough vp and conuert into Tillage or Wood ground an auncient and vsuall m●wen Meddow it is Wast and so it is 15. H. 3. Wast 131. 46. Ed. 3. Wast 91. if he doe drowne or
for without the glasse it is not a perfect house The same Law is of Wainscot whether it bée affixed to the house by the lessor or by the lessée or whether it bée fastened by great nayles or small nayles or by screwes or yrons put through the postes or wals or by any other meanes yet if it bée taken away it is Wast and the Tenant of the house shall bée punished for it by action of Wast for it is made parcell of the house as séeling and plastering of a house is For the sayd Furnace Bench Table Doore Glasse 20. H. 7. 13. 21. H. 7. 26. and Wainscot are made parcell of the inheritance of the house as the Wals Beames and Transomes bee and they shall discend to the heire of the house and not accrue to the executors Neither shall they bée forfeited by Vtlarie nor attached in an Assise as Chattels may But if in any of the cases aforesaid the Tenant doe repaire the house or thing wasted 20. E 3. Wast 32. 22. H. 6. 58. 28. H. 6. 2. 38. Ass p. 1 42. Ed. 3. 22. and make it so long so broad so high and in such and so good sort as it was when his estate did begin before any action of Wast shall bée brought against him therefore then no action of Wast is maintenable against him for that cause Notwithstanding if any house wall couered or c. were ruinous at the time of the beginning of the Tenants estate 22 H. 6. 18 21. Ed. 4. 39. and after the Tenant doe pull it downe and build it againe though it bée not so large as it was before yet is it no Wast neither is the Tenant punishable therefore by an action of Wast for that he had not béen punishable therefore if hée had suffered it wholly to decay and not haue builded againe any part thereof If Wast bée committed in seuerall principall parts of a house 4. Ed. 3. 32. 8. Ed 2. Wast 112. 12 Ed. 3. Wast 108. 127. he in the reuersion or remainder thereof may by an action of Wast recouer the whole house for this dispersed Wast As in like case if Timber Trées of Oake Ash or Elme bée felled in seuerall parts of a Wood or Close hée in the reuersion or remainder may by an action of Wast recouer against the Tenant the whole Wood or Close for this dispersed Wast To procéede according to the wordes of the Writ with Wast in Woods Wast in woods If the Lessée for yeares Lessée for life Tenant in Dower Plo. Com. 470. 3. E. 6. Dyer 65. 7. H. 6. 40 21. H. 6. 46 14. H. 4. 12. or c. doe sell or fell Oakes Ashes or Elmes béeing of twenty yeares growth and aboue the value of thrée shillings foure pence this is Wast and punishable by an Action of Wast For those Trées of that age will endure long bée méete for Building and bée parcell of the inheritance of him in the reuersion or remainder 27. H. 6. Wast 8. 29. H. 8. Dyer 36. Co. li. 4. 64 and notwithstanding the said lease or any other particular estate for life assured the same trees be the leassors and not the leassees though the leassor cannot fell them or graunt or sell them to any other without consent of the tenant for that the said tenant hath the loppe and maste of them and shade for his cattell And likewise if the boughes or braunches of any of the same trées beeing of the said age of twentie yeares bée cut downe by the tenant the same is also wast for they in like sort may serue for building But if a house with certaine ground be assured to a tenant for terme of yeares life or c. whereupon Oake 7. H. 6. 40. 41. Ed. 3. Wast 82. Ash or Elme aboue twentie yeares of age be growing if the same house doe fall in decay during the said terme the said tenant of his owne authoritie without the assignement of the Leassor may fell sufficient of the said Oake Ashe or Elme to repaire the same house for the Law hath ordained that one commoditie or parcell of the farme demised shall help to maintaine the other And so the tenant if hee will may fell timber to repaire the house though the same were in decay at the time of his entrie Notwithstanding 12. H. 8. 1. 7. H. 6. 40. 29. H. 8. Dyer 36. 49. E. 3. 1. 42. Ed. 3. 22. 11. H. 4. 31. 9. H. 4. Wast 59. 9. H. 6. 66. if hee bée so disposed hee may permit the same house which he so found in decay to bee vtterly ruinated and fall downe for hée need not keepe the house in other repaire than he receiued it But if the tenant doe giue or sell any timber or fell more for any of the vses aforesaid than is necessarie and sufficient or doe fell any timber to build a newe house where there was none vpon the ground before then he may bee punished therefore by an Action of wast And the same Law is of a Copieholder who can fell no timber but to repaire his houses which hee holdeth by copie of Court Roll. The felling of Maples Sallowes Willowes Hornebeams Crabtrees 46. E. 3. 17. Hasils Thornes or such like is no wast for that they will not continue long nor serue for building And therefore they are accounted seasonable wood and are lawfully to bée felled by the termor and to bée spent vpon the same ground for house-bot 12. H. 8. 1. plough-bot hedge-bot fold-bote or fire-bote which the Law doth allowe to the termor for yeares or life And the tenant may fell Oakes Ashes or Elmes for any of the purposes aforesaid 21. H. 6. 46. if there be no vnderwood growing vpon the same ground to be imployed to those vses By the custome of some countrie where wood is plentifull Oakes Ashes and Elmes vnder twentie yeares groweth be called vnderwood 11. H. 6. 1. Lib. Intr. 617. or seasonable wood and may be felled by the termor for any of the vses aforesaid and so may wrangles aboue twentie years growth which are neuer like to prooue timber or méete for building but in some other countries where wood is scant it is otherwise Felling of seasonable wood 40. E. 3. 25. Fitz. N.B. 59. which is vsed to bée cut euery seauen tenne fiftéene or twenty yeares is no wast Neither is it wast for the tenant to fell and take dotards or to take windfalles wherein there is no timber for they bee the tenants to vse and spend as is aforesaid 7. H 6. 40. Co li. 4. 64. Fit N.B. 59 29. Ed. 3. 33. But windfalles wherein there is any timber bée the Leassors And so is the timber of a house which doth decay and fall downe during the terme the Leassors vnlesse the tenant will reedifie the same house and imploy the said timber in the building thereof againe Though the felling of Willowes or other such like
yeare vnder their couent seales within one yeare next before the making of the said act should be vtterly void St. 31. H. 8. 13 And by a like statute made Anno 31. H. 8. it was ordayned That all leases of lands tenements or other hereditaments not vsually let leases of lands c. in reuersion leases of lands c. not reseruing the old and accustomed rent sales of wood assurances of lands of the kings gift or auncient foundation without the kings licence made by any abbots or gouernours of any Monasteries or other religious houses which were before the making of the said act dissolued within one yeare before the comming to the K. hands of the same Monasteries religious houses c. or which after that should bee dissolued or come to the kings hands should be vtterly void for the same leases sales of wood and assurances were intended to be made by fraud to deceiue the king of certaine commodities which the makers of that statute did meane and intend to giue him 40 Where maidens and women children of noblemen gentlemen and others as well such as were heires apparant to their auncestors as others hauing left vnto thē by their father or other auncestor friends lands tenemēts hereditaments or other great substance in goods cattels moueable for and to the intent to aduaunce them in marriage somewhat like according to their degrées and as might be most for their surety comfort as wel for themselues as of all other their friends kinsfolks were ofttimes vnawares to their said friends or kinsfolkes by flattery trifling gifts faire promises and other such deceitfull fraudulent practises of many vnthrifty light persons therunto by the intreaty of lewd persons others that for rewards bought and sold the said children secretly allured and woon to contract matrimonie with the said vnthrifty light persons and thereupon either with sleight or force oft times were taken conueyed away from their said parents friends or kinsfolkes to the displeasure of God disparagement of the said children continuall heauinesse of all their friends For the redresse and preuention wherof by a statute made Anno 4. St. 4. 5. P. M. 8. 5. P. M. it was enacted Deceitfull conueying a maid inheritable vnder xvj yeares of age That it shall not be lawfull to any person or persons to take or conuey away or cause to be taken or conueyed away any maid or woman child vnmaried being within the age of xvj yeares out of or from the possession custodie or gouernance and against the will of the father of such maid or woman child or of such person or persons to whom the father of such maid or woman child by his last Will or by any other act in his life time shall assigne bequeath giue or graunt the order kéeping education or gouernance of such maid or woman child except such taking conueying away as shal be had made or done by or for such persō or persons as without fraud or couin then shal be the master or mistresse or the gardian in socage or gardian in chiualry of or to such maid or woman child St. 4. 5. P. M. 8. If any person or persons aboue the age of xiiij yeares shal vnlawfully take or conuey The forf for taking away a maid vnder 16 yeares of age or cause to be taken or conueied any maid or woman child vnmaried being within the age of xvj yeares out of or from the possession against the will of the father or mother of such child or out of or from the possession of such person or persons as then shall haue by any lawfull wayes or meanes the order kéeping or education or gouernance of any such maid or woman child then euery such person persons so offending being thereof lawfully attainted or conuicted by the due course of the law of this realme other then such of whō such person taken away shall hold any lands or tenements by knights seruice shal be 2. yéeres imprisoned of his or their bodies without baile or mainprise or els shall pay such fine for his or their said offence to the Q. and party grieued as shal be assessed by the Q. counsell in the starre chamber at Westminster If any such person or persons shall so take away St. 4 5. P. M. 8. or cause to be taken away as is aforesaid Taking away deflouring or cōtracting matrimony with a woman c. and defloure any such maid or woman child as is aforesaid Or shall against the will or vnknowing of or to the father of such maid or woman child if the father be in life or of or to the mother of such maid or woman child hauing the custody gouernance of such child if the father be dead by secret letters messages or otherwise contract matrimony with any such maiden or woman child except such contracts of matrimony as shal be made by the cōsent of such person or persons as by the title of wardship shall then haue or be intituled to haue the mariage of such maid or woman child then euery such person or persons so offending being thereof lawfully conuicted as is aforesaid shall suffer imprisonment of his or their bodies by the space of fiue yeares without baile or maineprise or els shall pay such fine for his or their offence to the Quéene and party grieued as shal be assessed by the Quéenes Counsell in the Starre-Chamber The Quéenes Counsell of the Starre-chamber by bill of complaint or information Who may hear and determine these offences and Iustices of Assise by inquisition or indictment St. 4 5. P. M. 8. haue authority to heare and determine the said offences vpon euery which indictments and inquisitions such processe shall be awarded as vpon an indictment of Trespas at the common law If any woman child or maiden being aboue the age of xij St. 4 5. P. M. 8. yeres and vnder xvj A woman consenting to an vnlawfull contract doe at any time cōsent to such person that so shall make any contract of matrimonie contrary to the forme and effect of this statute then the next of her kinne to whom the inheritance should returne or come after her decease shall from the time of such assent haue and enioy all such lands tenements and hereditamēts as she had in possession reuersion or remainder at the time of such assent during the life of such person that so shall contract matrimony and after the decease of such person so cōtracting matrimony thē the said lands shall discend reuert remaine and come to such person or persons as they should haue done in case this act had neuer béen made other then to him onely that so shall contract matrimony But this act shall not extend to take away or diminish any liberty custome St. 4 5. P. M. 8. or authority cōcerning any
orphans within the City of London or any other City Borough or Towne where Orphans Orphans are commonly vsed to be prouided for either by grant or by custome But the Lord Maior of the city of London and the Aldermen of the same and euery other head Officer of any other Citie c. where such Orphans be prouided for shall and may haue take like rule order kéeping and charge of such Orphans and of all their lands tenements goods cattels as heretofore they vsed or lawfully might haue had vsed if this act had not bin made There was grandmother a widdow mother a widdow ij daughters Co li. 3. 37. the grandmother being seised of certain land in sée holden in socage did by her last wil in writing bequeath the same to the said ij daughters to the heirs of their ij bodies begotten by euen portions equally to be diuided the remainder to the mother being her sole daughter and heire apparant her heires and after the mother maried a second husband and then the grandmother dyed after whose death both the said daughters entred into the said lands so deuised vnto them and then the yonger daughter being betwéene the age of xiiij and xvj yeares and liuing in house with her father in law and mother of her owne will and forwardnesse and with the consent and agréement of her father in law departed foorth of his house in a morning and the same day in another place maried a husband In this case it was adiudged that the said yonger daughter had forfeited her moitie or halfe part of the said lands so deuised vnto her The daughters forfeiture for mariage without her mothers consent by her contracting of Matrimonie and that her said mother should take the benefit of the said forfeiture for the mother had the custodie and gouernement of the said daughter at the time of the said contract by the special words and prouision of the said statute which gouernment was annexed to the person of the mother Iure naturae and was not transferred to her second husband by her mariage as her lands and goods were and so her husbands consent was not materiall nor that consent which the meaning of the makers of that statute did respect and prouide for And though the daughter was forth of her mothers house at the time of the contract of mariage yet in the iudgement of law the mother had then the custodie of her which was inseperable from her person And seeing the foresaid stat of 4. St. 4. 5. P. M. 8. 5. P. M. doth giue the forf to the next of the kin to whom the inheritance should discend or come after her decease during the life of such person that so shall contract matrimonie therfore the partie must be of the blood next of the blood to whom the inheritance vpō such forf shal discend or come which is the mother not the eldest sister for administration may be grāted of the goods of the son or of the daughter dying intestat to the father or mother as to the next of the blood of the party deceased according to the stat of an 21. H. 8. 5. And further though the elder sister be of kin to the yonger yet in this case if the yonger haue any issue her land should discend to her issue and if she haue no issue it should remaine to her mother for that the elder and yonger sisters were tenants in common in taile though they neuer made partitiō indeed the remainder therof to their mother in sée by force of the said deuise of their grandmother who by her will meant and ordained that the land should bee diuided and that one of them should not enioy the whole as suruiuor to the other 41 Hauing written of deceits and frauds practised or performed by some particular persons to others as by the tenant to his Lord Seuerall deceits prohibited by seuerall Statutes the debtor to the creditor the seller to the purchaser the lessor to the lessée c. I am now to expresse and discouer some other guiles frauds and falshoods which the offendors therin do endeuor to put in vse or practise not onely against any one two or more speciall persons as in the cases aforesaid but against euery person that shall put them in trust or otherwise shall haue occasion to vse them or theirs which our stat lawes haue accused and condemned to be offences and haue inflicted vpon the transgressors thereof seuerall punishments As by the stat of Anno 9. St. 9. H. 5. 8. H. 5. falsifiers and counterfeiters of deceitfull and vntrue weights Counterfeiting of weights deceitfull being attainted thereof shal be taken by Iust of peace Sherifes Eschetors other cōmissioners kept in prison without mainprise vntil they haue made fine and ransome according to the Iust discretion St. 23. H. 8. 4 By the stat of An. 23. H. 8. If any diminish a barrell a kilderkin or firkin to the deceit or hurt of another Deceit by diminishing of a vessell by taking out the head or any staffe he shal forf iij. iiij d. and be punished by the discretion of the chiefe officer Deceitfull things vpon fustian before whom the offence shall be presented and the vessell shall be burned By the stat of An. 11. H. 7. Sat. 11. H. 7. 27. If any denizen or forreiner shall vse yrons or other deceitfull thing vpon fustians vnshorne to breake off the nap and cotton of the same but onely the broad shéeres he shall forfeit for euerie offence twentie shillings to the king and him that will sue By the statute of Anno 18. Deceit in goldsmithes work● El. If any Goldsmith doe make any Goldsmithes worke Sta. 18. El. 14 or plate which shall be touched marked or allowed for good by the Wardens or Masters of that Mysterie and that in the same there shall be found any falshood or deceit then the sayd Wardens and Corporation shall forfeit the value of the thing exchanged or sold to the king and the partie grieued By the Statute of Anno 1. Deceitfull vsing of linnen cloth Eliz. If any do cast or cause to be cast St. 1. El. 12. any péece of linnen cloth ouer a péece of timber and doth by any deuice racke draw and stretch the same of length and bredth and then doth beat it and cast deceitfull liquors mingled with chalke or other things vpon it or doth vse any other deceitfull thing wherby it shal be the worse for the vse thereof then he shal forf the same to the K. and him that will sue for it be one moneth imprisoned at the least and pay such fine as shall be assessed by the Iustices before whom he is condemned By the Statute of Anno 19. Deceits in weights or beames for pewter or brasse H. 7. St. 19. H. 7. 6 4. H. 8. 7. If any
condemned and which be fugitiue wheresoeuer they bée found And if they haue any freehold it shall bée forthwith seised into the Kings hands and the King shall haue the profits thereof by the space of a yeare and a day and the land shall bée wasted and destroyed in the houses woods and gardens and in all things belonging to the same except men of certaine places priuiledged And after the King hath had the yeare day and wast the land shall bée restored to the chiefe Lord of the same fee vnlesse that before he redéeme the same yeare day and wast of the King by the paiment of a fine But there is a custome in the Countie of Glocester that after a yeare and a day the lands and tenements of Felons in that Shire shall reuert and be restored to the next heire to whom they ought to haue discended if the felonie had not béene committed And in Kent in Gauelkind the father to the bough the sonne to the plough there all the heires males shall diuide their inheritance and likewise women but women shall not make partition with men 33 By force of which stat of Praerogatiua Regis The yere day and wast of lands of what title shal be forfeited euer sithence that time the King hath had all the thrée things aforesaid viz. the yeare the day and the wast of the lands of him which was attainted of felonie as one of the prerogatiues annexed to the Crowne in all cases where the felon had such an estate in his land Bracton de Corona cap. 13. that he might forfeit the same after his death and that hee himselfe might lawfully haue made wast in the same without being impeached therefore And therefore if the felon be but tenant for the terme of life or for the terme of yeares of lands the king shall not haue the yeare day and wast of them after the felons death for then he might wast another mans inheritance But if a man that is seised of lands in the right of his wife do commit felonie and is attainted thereof the king shall haue the profits of the land during the husbands life if the wife doe liue so long Fitz. Cor. 327. And some doe affirme that the king shall haue the yeare day and wast of the said wiues lands after the felons death because the felon during his life might haue committed wast therein and for that the felon had such an estate in his wiues lands that by the common law he might in his life haue made alienation of them and driuen his wife to her Cuiin vita to haue recouered them But that séemeth to be helped if any such law were before by the Statute of Anno 32. H. 8. where it is ordained That no fine feoffement or other act made suffered St. 32. H. 8. 28 or done by the husband onely of any lands tenements or other hereditaments being the inheritance or fréehold of his wife during the couerture betwéene them shall in any wise be or make any discontinuance thereof or be preiudiciall or hurtfull to the said wife or her heires or to such as shall haue title interest or right to the same by the death of such wife But the same wife or her heires and such other to whom such right shall appertaine after her decease shall and may then lawfully enter into such lands c. according to their rights and titles therein notwithstanding such fine feoffement or other act fines leuied by the husband and wife whereunto the said wife is partie and priuie only except By which Statute the wife after the death of her husband may enter into her owne land notwithstanding any attainder forfeiture or other act done by her husband No yere day and wast of lands holden by ioynt purchase 34 A man seised of land in fée simple holden of a common person did infeoffe thereof the husband and wife and their heires the husband committed felonie and was attainted thereof the King seised the land into his hands for his yere day and wast and after the Kings said terme expired 4. E. 3. 47. the Lord of the fée of whom the same land was holden did sue in the Chauncerie to haue the same land restored to him to whom by warrant the Escheator did deliuer the same lend vpon whose possession the wife of the felon attainted did enter and the said Lord of the fée reentred vpon her whereupon the sayd woman brought an Assise against the sayd Lord and recouered the land Because the fée simple of the same land being in the wife by reason of the ioynt purchase with her husband the K. ought not to haue had the yeare and day after the felons death nor the Lord of the fée the land after by Escheat 35 If tenant in tayle Tenant in tayle generall or speciall or tenant in franke mariage of land do commit petit Treason or Felonie and is attainted thereof and executed the King after his death shall neither haue the yeare day or wast in the felons land nor the Lord of the fée shall haue the land by Escheat but after the felons death the same land shall discend reuert or remaine secundum formam doni to the next heire in tayle of the felon or to him in the reuersion or remainder thereof for in this case the felon was in effect but tenant for the terme of his owne life and thereby could not forfeit a greater estate in his land than that which he had And in in like sort if he that hath land by fresh disseisin or is tenant in fee farme of land A disseiser Tenant in fée farme A mortgagée vpon condition to pay the vttermost yearely value thereof or hath land in Mortgage to be redeemed by the Mortgager vpon condition of payment of money or other condition doth commit petit treason or felonie and is attainted thereof the King shall not haue the yeare day and wast for that would tend to the preiudice of others not partie to the offence who haue or may haue a better right and title to the same lands than the felon attainted Fi. Cor. 310 36 If a man that is owner of land in antient demesne Tenant in antient demesne which hee may sell without consent of the Lord doe commit petit Treason or Felonie and is attainted thereof the King shall haue the yeare day and wast notwithstanding that he hath vsed to surrender the land into the Lords hands by a rod in the Court vpon euerie alienation thereof But if he be owner of the land in auntient demesne of a base tenure it is otherwise Fitz. Cor. 290. 37 A man that tooke a Church for felonie escaped and the towne pursued The yere day wast without attainder and killed him because he would not yéeld himselfe and this matter was presented before the Iustices in Eyre and they adiudged that his goods and the profits of his lands