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life_n foe_n powder_n sanguine_a 24 3 15.9867 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14401 The most excellent workes of chirurgerye, made and set forth by maister John Vigon, heed chirurgie[n] of our tyme in Italie, translated into english. Whereunto is added an exposition of straunge termes [and] vnknowen symples, belongyng to the arte Vigo, Giovanni da, 1450?-1525.; Traheron, Bartholomew, 1510?-1558? 1543 (1543) STC 24720; ESTC S105827 667,948 594

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xvi Flesshe Fo. ij Fistula cimbalaris Fo. xij Fistula in the brest Fo. xcix Fistula and the cure fo cxxviij ccliij Fist in the corner of the eyes fo cxlj Fistula of that fundamēt f. cxlix cclxij Fistula and hys kyndes eodem Foyne and hys cure fol. xciiij Foyne thorow the body fol. cij Formica hys cure fo xxi Formica miliaris hys cure and sygnes fo xxij Forunculi fo xxvi Frensche pockes fo clx Frensch pockes confyrmed fo clxij Froncle and hys cure Fo. xxxiiij Formica Fo. xx Fugilles fo lxxxij Fundament aposteme therof fo lxxv Fundamente ryftes chappynge and clyftes fo cl Furcula broken hys cure fo clxxvi G. Gargarisme resolutiue fo lxij Glandula scrophula differ fo xxxix Goutes are cured fo clxvi cclxij Gratia dei fo cclxiiij Grystell fo ij Guidegi fo v Gūmes hote apo in thē fo lx cclviij Guttes fo ix Guttes hurt the sygnes fo C Gutte the loosynge of the greate gutte fo cliiij Gutta rosacea fo cxli H. Handes tynglyng of them fo xlvij Hardnes of the purse of the stones f. lxxiij Health sygnes of health in woundes of the heade fo xc Heed purgers of the heed fo xcij Heed and hys situation fo iij Heed diseases of the heed fo xliiij Heed wounde of the heed fo lxxxvij Heed payne of the heed fo ccxxviij Heed apos●emes therin fo xl Heed repercussiues are not to be ministred aboute the heede eodem H●e●● displaced fo clxxxiij Hemoragia Fo. lxxxv Hemora cōsideratiōs therof fo lxxxvi Hemoragia remedie for it eodem Heere 's fo I Heere 's a linimēt to engendre f xxxxi Heere 's curlynge inwarde in the eye ●yddes fo cxxxviij Heere 's to make thē growe fo cxxvix Heere 's to preserue them frome fallynge fo ccxxxij Hernia fo cclx Hernia ventosa fo lxxiij cclx Hernia in suckynge chyldren eodem Hernia aquosa the cause of it eodem Hernia carnosa fo lxxiiij Hernia syxe kyndes of it eodem Hernia humoralis Fo. xviij Heresipelas eodem Herisepel colour signe therof fo xix Heresipelas cured eodem Harte Fo. vij Hidropisis the cause of it fo lxxiij Hyppes wounde therof fo clij Hyppe displaced fo clxxxiii Horcenes fo ccxxxiij I. Iawes apostemes of them fo lx Iawes displaced fo clxxxi Ie●●num fo ix Iguis persicus fo xxiij xxl Impe●igo fo cxxxix Incarnatiue fo xvi Incarnatiue medicines fo ●●i Incarnatiues fo cciiij Inflation fo xxiiij Incision to make it fo xxxiij Incision how to procede after it f. xv Incisorij fo vi Instrumētes the makyng of thē f. ccxlij Intestinū rectum fo ix Inuolutum eodem Ioyntes woundes of them fo xcv Ioyntes payne in them fo clxvi Ioyntes of the handes or fyngers displaced fo clxxxiij Itchyng of the eyes fo liiij cclvij K. Kybes a playster for it fo clvij Kydnes hurt and sygnes fo C Knee swellyng in it fo lxxx Knee bone displaced fo clxxxiii Knobbes fleshie knobbes fo xxxvij Knottes of the eye lyddes fo lvi L. Lacuna Fol. v Legges wounde in them fo ciij Legges broken fo clxxix Lethargus fo iiij Lenitiue of payne fo xx Lyce fo ccxxxi Ligamentes fo ij Ligature or byndynge fo cxi Lynte a goodlye lynte and the vse therof fo xxxviij Lyntes fo cxiij Liniment to engender heer fo cxxxi Liniment for a skurfe eodem Lyppes choppes in them fo cxlij Lyuer fo ix Liuer a cerot for hardnes of it f. lxxxij Liuer hurte the sygnes fo C Longes fo viij Lotion for holowe vlcers fo cxlviij Lugia fo xxxiiij Lūges signes of woūdes therin xcvij Lupia fo xxxix Lupus fo xliij M. Marula fo cxxxij Malum mule fo clvij Mammylle fo vij Mans bodye fo I Matrice fo x Matrice of a woman with chylde fo xi Matrice itchynge of it Fo. clv Matrice vlcers of it eodem Matrice wounde of it fo cij Maturatiues symple cōpoūde f. ccij Mediastine fo viij Medicyne howe to knowe hys qualitie fo lxxxiiij Mellinus fo xxxvij Melancholie fo xliij Membre Fo. I Membres the diuision of them eodē Membres symple fo ij Membres compounde fo iij Membres principall and not principall eodem Membres conteyned fo ix Membre putrified fo clviij Membre extenuate fo ccxxxiiij Meri fo v Meseraice fo ix Mesenterium fo x Midriffe mediasti woūded f. xcvij Midriffe fo viij Milte fo ix Milte hurte and sygnes fo C Milke to drye it vp fo cxliiij Mirach Fo. viij Molares Fo. vi Morphew Fo. cxxxix Mortemale fo clxiiij Mouth stynkynge fo ccxxxi Mūdificati of smalage f. xv lxxvij Mūdificatiues in generall fo ccij Muscle fo I Muscles of the breest fo vij Mu●●les are numbred fo xi N. Natta fo xxxix Natural thynges not natu fo xvi Nayles brusynge of them fo ccxxxvij Necke woundes of the necke fo xciij Necke Apostemes of the necke f. lxiiij Nerui optici fo vij Nodes nodation the cure fo xxxvij Nodi mellini fo lvi Noli me tangere Fol. xliij cxlij Nose the burnynge rednes Fol. lvij Nose wounde therin Fol. xcij. Nose stynkynge Fol. ccxxxi Nuke Fol. ij iiij O Oleum magistrale Fol. xciij Oleum de perforata Fol. cvij Ophthalmia Fol. ccxv Ordeolum Fol. lvi Os laude Fol. ij Os sacrum fo vij Oyntmentes colynge Fol. lxxxiiij Oyntmentes heatynge eodem Oyntmentes for vlcers Fol. cxxvij Oyntmentes in general Fol. ccix Oyle for the palsye Fol. cx Oyle of grayne Fol. cxci Oyle of erthwormes Fol. cxcviij Oyles the composition and nature of them Fol. ccxvi P Palsye Fol. iiij Palsye cure of it Fol. cix Palliatiue cure Fol. lvij Pannicles Fol. ij Panaritiun Fol. lxxix Paast conseruatiue of semes fo xcix Pericranium Fol. iiij Pestilence the cure of it Fol. xxxi Pestilence Galenes potion agaynst the pestilence Fol. cxvij Pestilence Fol. clxxxviij cclxiij Pessarie fo clv Pessaries in general Fol. ccxvi Petrosa ossa Fol. iij Peyne a lenitiue of peyne Fol. xx Peyne wythin the eare Fol. lviij Peyne in the backe bone Fo. lxviij Peyne of the ioyntes Fol. clxvi Peyne medicines swagyng it ccv Peyne causes of it eodem Peyne .xv. kyndes of peyne eodem Pia mater Fol. iiij Pixis Fol. vij Piles Fol. clv Pilles for the pestilence Fol. xxxij Pilles for the pockes Fol. clxiij Pilles in generall fo ccxix Places apte to receaue winde fo xlvi Playster of waybreed fo xxiij Playster of pomegranades fo xxiiij Playster of an apple fo .li. lij Playster of oynyons fo lviij Playster mitigatiue fo cxv Playster of dogges turde fo cxxiiij Playster stupefactiue fo cxxvi Playster to swage payne fo clxxix Pleura fo viij Pockes part of all diseases fo clx Pockes the boke of pockes eodem Pockes confyrmed fo clxij Polipus Fo. l●j Pomegranades prepared fo xvi Porta fo ix Portanarium eodem Pore vritides Fo. x Porus sarcoydis fo lxxxiij Pouder corrosiue and how to administer it fo xxi Pouder conseruyng a seeme fo lxxxv Pouder cicatrizatiue fo lxxxix Pronosticatiō of deeth or lyfe fo xc
Pruna and sygnes therof fo xxiiij Purgation howe it maye be gyuen wythout digestiue fo xxix Purgatiōs of choler fo liiij lxij xcv Purga of sanguine fo liiij l. lxij Purgation of melancholy ibidem Purgation of flegme ibidem Pur. of salt grosse flegme fo liiij Purg. of a myxte cause fo lxij Purgation of hote cause fo lxxxi Purgation of colde cause eodem Purgers of the head fo xcij Purse of the stones hardenes therein fo lxxiij Pustules carbunculous fo lxxi Pustles in the eye lyddes fo cxxxviij Putrefactiō in vlcers is knowē f. cxx R. Ragadie vulue Fo. cliiij Retifyeng of the ayre fo xxx xxxi Regiment of health fo ccxxi Rhethe mirabile fo v Reynes fo ix Reynes payne of them fo ccxxviij Repercussiues perilous in eyght cases fo xvi Repercussiues are not to be ministred in the heed fo xlvij Repercussiues how to vse thē fo xvij Repercussiues maye not be ministred in the emunctories fo lix Repercus symple cōpounde fo cxcix Resolution sygnes of it fo xiij Resolutiue with repercussiō f. lxxviij Resolutiues symple fo CC Resolutiues compounde fo cci Rybbes fo vij Rybbes brokē displaced fo clxxviij Ryftes in the fundament fo cl Rotten nayles and the cure fo lxxx Rubies in the face fo cxl Rupture and the causes fo lxxiiij Ruptorie of capitell fo ccviij S. Sanguine feuer fo ccxxx Saphati fo cxxxi Scaldynge fo ccxxxix scabbes of the heed causes f. cxxix cclv Scabbes of the eye lyddes fo cxxxiij Scabbes and hys cure fo clxv Scipions pouder fo cxlviij Sciatica and hys cure fo clxix Sclerosis fo vij Sclirotyke aposteme fo lxxviij Scourged and hys cure fo ccxxxi Scrophula glādula differ fo xxxix Scrophules fo lxxxii ccli Sebell in the eyes fo cxxxv Secundiue fo vij Sense comune sense fo iiij Sephiros fo xiij Sephiros and hys cure fo xli Sephiros cancer differ eodem Sephiros cacrous in a womans brest fo lxvi Serpigo fo cxxxix Shulders apostemes therof fo lxxvi Shulders the woūdes therof fo xcv Shulder broken fo clxxvi Shulder displaced Fol. clxxxi Syde bones Fol. iii. Signes of sharpe matter fol. lxx Signes of mortificatiō of pust f. lxxi Signes of resolution Fol. xiii Signes of maturation Fol. xxxiii Signes of hote exitures and colde eo Signes that be good in vlcers Fo. cxix Signes that be euel Eo Sight weaknes of it Fol. cxxxvij Simples folow in order Fo. clxxxiiij Sinnowe Fol. i. Sinnowes Fol. xij Sinnowes woūdes in thē F. ciiii ccxlvi Sinowes the peyn of thē F. clxvi Sirupes their properties Fo. ccxiii Skin roughnes therof Fol. ccxxxv Skynne Fol. ij Skull breakynge of it Fol. lxxxvij Skul howe to know breking of it Fo. lxxxviij Slepe Fol. ccxxix Slepynge Fol. xxxi Smellyng diminished Fol. ccxxxiij Solution of continuitie Fol. lxxxij Sowyng of a woūde Fo. xciij cxiij Sowynge two maner of it Fol. cxiii Sowynge of guttes Fol. ci Spasme and the cure fol. cviii Spasme prohibition of it fol. xciiii Spondiles Fol. vi Squinātie of four kindes Fo. lxi cclviij Stomake Fol. ix Stomake hurt the signes Fol. c. Stomake weaknes therof Fo. ccxxx Stones Fol. x. Stone for the stone Fol. cxcv Stones wounde of thē Fol. ciij. Subtiliatiue medicines why they be vsed Fol. cvi Suffumigation to resolue windines of the eares Fol. cxlv Suppositories Fol. ccxvi Swellynge in the knee Fol. lxxx Swellynge or loosenes of the eyes Fol. cxxxviij Sweate superfluous Fol. ccxxxv Syrsen Fol. iiii Siphac Fol. viij Siphac Fol. x. T. Table of medicines for a chirurgien Fol. ccxij Talpa topinaria Fo. xxxiii xxxix Talpa is cured Fol. xlviii Tela aranea Fol. vii Tela vnea Eo Tentes fol. cxiii Tenasmō fo cliii Terminus comunis Fol. xii Tertian pure Fol. ccxxviii Tertian not pure Fol. ccxxix Testudo Fol. xlviii xxxix Tessilus oyntment Fol. cclxiiii Thighes wounde in them Fol. ciii Thighes chafynge betwene the thyghes Fol. clvi thighe bone broken Fol. clxxviii Thryst Fol. ccxxix Throte Fol. v. Throte Apostemes of it fo lxiiii Tonge Fol. vi Toth ache Fol. clxx cxciii Trachea arteria Fol. v. Transuersales Fol. iii. Tremblynge of the herte Fol. xxxi Trociskes of affodilles Fol. ccvii Trociskes restrictiue Fol. Eo V. Verrices or swelling veines Fo. clvii Ventricles of the brayne Fol. iiii Vētoses application therof Fo. ccix Vētoses in thre causes Fol. lix Ventoses when they oughte not to be ministred Fol. Eo Ventoses Fol. ccxxii Vertue imaginatiue Fol. iiii Vertigo Fo. Eo Verualia Fol. vi Veyne Fol. ii Veyne the maner of byndynge it Fol. lxxxvi Vesicatorie Fol. l. Vesicatorie medicines Fo. ccviii Vlcers in generall Fol. cxvii Vlcer what it is causes and kyndes of it Fol. cxviii Vlcers in general cured Fol. cxxi Vlcers virulent corosiue Fo. cxxiii cclii Vlcers rottē filthie Fol. cxxv cclii Vlcers holow the cure Fo. Eo cclii Vlcers of the heade Fo. cxxix Vlcers of harde curation Fol. cxxvi Vlcers of the nose Fol. cxli. cclviij Vlcers of the face Fol. cxlii Vlcers of the mouth Fol. Eo Vlcers of the throte Fol. cxliii Vlcers of the backe Fol. Eo Vlcers of the brest Fol. Eo Vlcers of the arme Fol. cxliiii Vlcers of womans brestes Fol. Eo Vlcers of the eares Fol. Eo Vlcers of the bellie Fol. cxlviii Vlcers of the stanckes Fol. Eo Vlcers of the yarde Fol. Eo Vlcers of the fundamēt not percinge Fol. cl Vlcers of the matrice Fol. clv. Vlcers of the hanches Fol. clvi Vlcers virulente of the thighes legges Fol. clvii Vlcers moyst of the head Fol. cxxix Vlcers in the eyes Fol. cxxxii Vndimia Fol. xiii cclxii Vndimia and hys cure Fol. xxxv Vnguentum mixtum Fol. xv Vng. egip Fol. xv xxvii ccvi cclxiiii Vnguentum basilicū magistrale Fol. xvi ciiii cclxvii cxlvi Vnguētum magistrale for vlcers and cankers Fol. xlv Vnguentum apostolorum Fol. ccvi Vngm̄ basilicū capitale Fo. lxxxviii Vnguētū de minio Fol. cxxix cxlviii Vngula in the eyes Fol. cxxxiiii Vomitynge Fol. ccxxxii Vrine reteyned Fol. ccxxxv Vuula Fol. vi Vuula the fallynge therof Fol. lx W. wakynge Fol. xxxi wartes in the eye lyddes Fol. cxxxviii wartes growing in the eares Fol. cxlv water ryght excellent for the eyes Fol. cxxxvi waters magistral Fol. ccxx waters simple Fol. ccxxi wyndye apostemes Fol. xlv wynde places apte to receaue wynde Fol. xlvi windie the cause of windy apostemes Fol. Eo wynde medicines breakynge wynde Fol. ccii wyndines in the eares Fol. cxlvii wine of pomgranades is made Fol. cxliiii wine to a woūde fo lxxxiiii wormes called sirones in the flesh Fo. cxl wormes and other thynges in the eares Fol. cxlvii woundes Fol. lxxxii ccxlv wounde of the heade Fol. lxxxvii woundes of the face Fol. xcii wounde sowynge of a wounde Fol. Eo cxiii woundes of the nose eares Fol. Eo wounde in the eye Fol. Eo woundes of the necke fol. xciiii woundes of the shulders fol. xcv woūdes of armes ioyntes