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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A44433 Discourses, or, Sermons on several Scriptures by ... Ezekiel late Lord Bishop of London-Derry. Hopkins, Ezekiel, 1634-1690. 1691 (1691) Wing H2729; ESTC R31535 75,889 298

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of it and that our Obedience unto every part be raised to the highest degree of Love Zeal and Charity This Title was once good but it is now lost by the Fall in the common Ruine and Rubbish of Mankind and he who hath not another Title upon better and easier Terms will find Cherubims and the Flaming Sword of Divine Justice set to guard the Tree of Life from his Approaches as once they did from guilty Adam II. It is Evangelical Obedience There is therefore another Obedience which gives a Right unto the Tree of Life and that is an Evangelical Obedience which according to the Grace Condescention and Equity of the Gospel shall be accepted unto and rewarded with Everlasting Happiness Now this Evangelical Obedience consists not indeed in Innocency and Perfection but in sincere Desires and proportionable Endeavours after it when we strive to the utmost to live holily and to walk more strictly with God according to the Rules that he hath prescribed us in his holy Word And it consists of two Parts Mortification of our corrupt and sinful Affections whereby we die daily unto Sin And the Spiritual Renovation and Quickning of our Graces whereby we increase daily in spiritual Strength and make farther Progresses in Holiness and true Piety And as it consists of these two Parts so hath it also these two Adjuncts 1. The one is True Repentance for our past Sins reflecting upon them with Shame and Hatred confessing and bewailing them with Sorrow and Contrition and endeavouring with all Earnestness and Sincerity to abstain from the Commission of the like for the future 2. The other is A True and Lively Faith whereby we rely on the Blood and Satisfaction of Jesus Christ for the Remission of our Sins and upon his perfect Righteousness and prevalent Intercession for the Acceptation and Reward of our imperfect Obedience Whosoever doth thus sincerely do the Commandments of God universally and constantly with his whole Strength and Mind as though he expected to be saved by the Merits of his own Works and yet after all doth so entirely rely on the Merits of Jesus Christ for Salvation as though he had never done any thing He it is and he alone who hath this Right unto the Tree of Life and shall enter through the Gates into the Heavenly City For he doth his Commandments out of a sincere Love and God who is Love will own his Sincerity Secondly What Right bedience gives to Eternal Life I come now to consider what that Right is which this Evangelical Obedience or doing the Commands of the Law according to the Favour and Mercy of the Gospel doth confer upon us by virtue of which we may assuredly expect Eternal Life And here I. It cannot be a Right of Purchase Not a Right of Purchase or Merit It is a foolish Presumption and intolerable Arrogance to think we can deserve any thing at the hands of God unless it be his Wrath by our Sins For 1. In all proper Merit there must be an Equivalence In Merit there must be an Equivalence or at least a proportion of Worth between the Work and the Reward Which to imagine between our Obedience and the Heavenly Glory is to exalt the one infinitely too high and to abase the other infinitely too low What proportion is there between a Cup of cold Water given to a Disciple of Christ and that Ocean of Everlasting Joy and Pleasure which shall be the Reward of it A Man might more reasonably expect to buy Stars with Counters or to purchase a Kingdom with two Mites than think to purchase the Heavenly Kingdom by paying down his Duties and good Works which are no way profitable unto God For is it any Pleasure to the Almighty that thou art righteous Job 22.3 or is it any Gain unto him that thou makest thy Way perfect and bear no more proportion to the infinite Glory of Heaven than a single Cypher doth to the numberless Sands of the Sea 2. The very Grace that enables us to do the Commandments of God Grace to obey is given freely is freely bestowed upon us by himself and therefore the Obedience we perform unto him merely by his own Assistance cannot be said without a grand Impropriety to merit any Reward from him Such kind of Merit is but an idle and frivolous pretence For certainly he who gives me Money to buy an Estate of him doth as freely give me that Estate as if I had never bought it of him but he had immediately bestowed the Land upon me and not the Summ of Money 3. All our Obedience is imperfect All our Obedience is imperfect and therefore if it deserve any thing it is only Punishment for the Defects and Failures of it This Coin is not currant this Metal is base and adulterated the King's Stamp defaced and obliterated the Edges clip'd and the Superscription which should be on both sides Holiness to the Lord is on the Reverse at least A Sacrifice to Hypocrisie Formality and Vain Glory and therefore this counterfeit and base Alloy will not pass for Purchase-Money and had it what it deserves it would be melted down in the Furnace of Hell 4. Suppose it were perfect Obedience is due from us which it is not yet is it no more than our bounden Duty and Duty can never be meritorious We are bound by the Law of Nature and as we are Creatures who have received our Beings and the Continuance and Preservation of them from God to employ our selves faithfully and assiduously in his Service and if for our greater Encouragement therein he hath promised and will bestow upon us a vast and unconceivable Reward we must attribute it wholly to the Supererrogation of his free Bounty for without this all our Services were duo to him before Thus our Saviour tells us Luk. 17.9 10. Doth the Master thank the Servant because he did the things that were commanded him I trow not So likewise ye when you shall have done all those things that are commanded you say not in a complemental way but with Truth and Sincerity we are unprofitable Servants we have but done that which was our Duty to do And therefore certainly if we cannot deserve Thanks much less can we deserve so ample a Reward as Eternal Life And therefore those that think to purchase Heaven and Eternal Life by doing that which is not commanded nor their Duty will find a fearful Disappointment of their presumptuous Hopes when they shall hear that sad Greeting Who hath required these things at your hands This Right then of Merit and Purchase is excluded and no Man can have a Right to Heaven upon the Account of the Worth and Value of his Works There is therefore a Threefold Right which they that do the Commandments of God have to Heaven A threefold Right to Heaven and Eternal Happiness 1. They have a Right of Evidence 2. They have a Right of Inheritance 3. They have a Right of Promise 1. Obedience to Gods Commandments gives us a Right of Evidence to Eternal Life
A Right of Evidence He is judged to have the best Right to an Estate who can produce the best Evidence for it Now the best Evidence that can be shewn for Heaven is our unfeigned Obedience All other things that Men may rely upon to justifie their Title will prove but forged Deeds to which only the Spirit of Presumption or Enthusiasm hath set his Seal and not the Spirit of God and therefore we find how miserably the Confidence of those Wretches were dismounted and their Hopes frustrated who came with Lord Matth. 7.22 Lord Have we not prophesied in thy Name and in thy Name cast out Devils and in thy Name have done many wonderful Works All this may be and yet be no good Title no good Evidence for Heaven for if those who cast out Devils have not cast out their Lusts if those who prophesie in his Name by their Sins dishonour and blaspheme that Name if those who are Workers of Miracles are yet Workers of Iniquity he professeth against them that he knows them not and commands them to depart from him for ever as Workers of Iniquity Matth. 7.22 23. whereas on the contrary we find a joyful and blessed Sentence pronounced upon others according to the Evidence brought in for them by their good Works so our Lord himself tells us Come ye Blessed of my Father Matth. 25.30 inherit the Kingdom prepared for you for I was hungry and ye gave me Meat for I was thirsty and ye gave me Drink a Stranger and ye took me in naked and ye cloathed me sick and in Prison and ye visited me This Particle For is not a Note of Causality or Merit but only of Evidence for as Evidences prove our Right to our Possessions so likewise our Obedience and good Works do effectually prove the Right which we have to Eternal Life through Christ's Purchase and God's free Donation and therefore the Evidence being clear the Sentence must in Equity proceed accordingly God as a just and righteous Judge instates them in the Possession of the Kingdom of Heaven because they visited and releived and cherished his Son in his Members Not that their Love to him or their Charity to them purchased any such Right but only proves and evinceth it It is not the Cause of their Justification but a Reason why God declares them justified as the Deeds which I produce are the Reason why an Estate is adjudged mine though the Cause of my Title to it be either my own Purchase or another's Gift As therefore those are said to have no Right nor Title to what they pretend who can shew no Evidence for it so those who obey not the holy Will and Commands of God have no Right to the Tree of Life because they have no Evidence to shew nor no Plea to urge for it but will certainly be cast in their Suit 2. A Right of Heirship Those that do God's Commandments have a Right of Heirship and Inheritance unto Eternal Life for they are born of God and therefore Heaven is their Patrimony their Paternal Estate for so are the Words of the Apostle 1 Joh. 2.29 Every one that doth Righteousness is born of God And if they are born of God then according to the Apostle's Argumentation If Children Rom. 8.17 then Heirs Heirs of God and Joint Heirs with Christ who is the Heir of all things The Trial of thy Legitimation whether thou art a true and genuine Son of God will lie upon thy Obedience to his Commands For in this 1 Joh. 3.9 10. says the Apostle the Children of God are manifest and the Children of the Devil Whosoever is born of God doth not commit Sin and whosoever doth not Righteousness is not of God Now if by our Obedience and Dutifulness it appears that we are indeed the Children of God our Father will certainly give us a Child's Portion and that is no less than a Kingdom So saith our Saviour Luk. 12.32 Fear not little Flock it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom 3. A Right of Promise Those that do God's Commandments have a Right to Eternal Life by Promise and Stipulation and therefore it is called Eternal Life Tit. 1.2 which God that cannot lie hath promised Indeed the whole Tenour of the Gospel is nothing else but the Exhibition of this Promise and a Comment upon it This is the Summ of the Gospel the Terms of the Covenant Matth. 19.17 the Indenture made between God and Man If thou wilt enter into Life says our Saviour keep the Commandments And in another place our Lord tells us Matth. 7.21 Not every one that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven but he that doth the Will of my Father which is in Heaven And thus you see what Right it is that Obedience to the Commands of God gives us to Eternal Life A Right of Evidence a Right of Heirship and a Right of Promise Objection But may some say Is not this again to establish the antiquated Covenant of Works Do this and live And doth not this abolish the Law of Faith He that believeth shall be saved Is it not the Office of Faith alone to convey unto us a Right and Title unto Eternal Life Answer I answer No it doth no prejudice unto Faith for we still affirm that our original and fundamental Right to Heaven is grounded not upon our Obedience but Christ's not upon our Works but upon his his Merits and Purchase which through Faith are imparted and imputed to us Yet give me leave to say that I think the Notion of Justifying and Saving Faith is very much if not generally mistaken by us And as the Soul is the most noble and most vital Principle of Man and yet is most unknown to him what it is and how it operates so Faith which is the vital Principle of Christians and by which the Just are said to live is yet most unknown both as to its Nature and Operations unto the Generality of them Some place it in Assurance some in Affiance and Recumbence some in one Act of Faith and some in another which are either the Effects of Faith as true or the Degrees of it as strong rather than the proper and adequate Nature and Essence of it and then they mightily puzzle themselves how to accord and reconcile Faith and Obedience in carrying on the great Work of our Salvation which yet were never at a variance about it but only in their mistaken Hypothesis For what is Faith but an Assent to a Testimony The very force and import of the Word can carry no other Sense And he that saith he believes must needs mean he believes some Record or Testimony or else he speaks that which neither himself nor any other can understand Consequently
therefore a Divine Faith must be an Assent to a Divine Testimony that is to the Word of God contained in the Holy Scriptures But now if this Faith rest only in a bare and naked Assent to the Truth of Divine Revelation it is but Historical and Dogmatical which though it be a Divine Faith in respect of the Objects believed yet is it but Humane and Natural in respect of its Principle and Motives But when this Assent to the Truths of the Scripture is joined with proportionable Affections to those Truths and doth excite us to Actions conformable to the Discoveries of the Divine Will there this Faith is Justifying and Saving And certainly this is not so very distant from Obedience as to be thought hardly reconcileable with it As for Instance A Man may give a bare Assent to this great Gospel-Truth that Jesus Christ came into the World to save Sinners and yet this Faith may not save him because it may be unoperative and pass no farther than the Act of the Understanding This is a dead Faith which can never bring any Man to Heaven yea such a Faith as the very Devils and Damned Jam. 2.19 Spirits in Hell have who believe and tremble Another Man believes the same Truth and assents to the same Proposition but this his Assent influenceth his Affections and governs his Actions in Conformity to the Nature and Consequences of such a Belief And because he is assured that Jesus Christ came into the World to be the Saviour of it therefore he loves him trusts in him relies upon him hopes in his Promises and obeys his Commands And this indeed What Saving Faith is is a true Saving Justifying Faith for Saving Faith is a firm Assent unto the Truths of God revealed in the holy Scriptures working in us proportionable Affections and Actions He who so believes the Glory of Heaven as to have his Endeavours thereby quickned to use his utmost Diligence for the obtaining of it He who so believes the Torments of Hell as thereby to be terrified from doing any thing that might expose him to so great and fearful a Condemnation He who so believes the Attributes of God as thereby to be excited to fear him for his Greatness to love him for his Goodness to imitate him in his Bounty Purity and Holiness He who so believes the All-sufficiency Merits and Mediatory Office of Jesus Christ as thereby to be engaged with all his Soul to love him to trust in him to rely upon him alone for Salvavation and to yield to him all sincere Obedience as the Law requires such an ones Faith is Saving and Justifying So that you see there is no such Discord between Faith and Works as some would imagine for that Faith that saves us must work by Love Gal. 5.6 and those Works which capacitate us for Salvation must be the Obedience of Faith Rom. 16.26 as it is called Rom. 16.26 Use Now What is the End of all this but to press you to true practical Holiness and a strict Obedience to the Commandments of God If I should go from one Person to another and ask you one by one Do you hope to be saved Where is the Man that would not testifie the Confidence of his Hopes by his Disdain at the Question Yea but remember that Salvation is a litigious Claim and you have a powerful Adversary that puts in a strong Plea against you even the Justice of God and his Eternal Wrath and Vengeance whose Title to us were it but better weighed and considered would wofully stagger the Hopes of most Men and make their Faces gather Blackness and smite their Hearts with Amazement and their Knees with Trembling In a Matter of such infinite Importance it highly concerns us to examine our Right and Title and to peruse and try our Evidences lest at the Day of Trial we be cast in our Suit and pay dreadful Damages unto the Justice of God Only those who do God's Commandments have this Right to the Tree of Life Christ hath indeed purchased Salvation for all Heb. 5.19 but he is the Author of Salvation only to those who obey him as the Author to the Hebrews speaks Heb. 2.14 And Without Holiness no Man shall ever see the Lord. The Inheritance is indeed purchased but where are your Evidences of your Heirship Sirs flatter not your selves with any vain Conceits of the Mercy of the Gospel in prejudice to the Authority of the Law The Commandments are the Statute-Law of God's Kingdom the Gospel is his Court of Chancery but neither Justice nor Equity will relieve those who have not done their utmost to observe his Statute-Law and therefore those who indulge themselves in their Sloth and wilful Neglect both of what they ought and might have done do but deceive their Souls with vain Hopes they have no Right to the Eternal Inheritance but their Portion must for ever be with Dogs and Swine without the holy City into which no unclean thing shall ever enter And if any think this Legal Preaching let mine ever be so THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST A SERMON PREACHED ON EASTER-DAY FROM ACTS II. XXIV BY EZEKIEL HOPKINS Late Lord Bishop of London-Derry LONDON Printed for Nathanael Ranew at the King's Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard 1691. THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST c. ACT. 2.24 Whom God hath raised up having loosed the Pains of Death because it was not possible that he should be holden of it CHristian Religion is founded upon such mysterious and supernatural Truths Introduction and the Principles of it are so paradoxal to the received Opinions of Mankind that the greatest Persecution it ever found in the World was not so much from Fire and Sword Racks and Tortures the evident Cruelties of the first Opposers of it as from the Magisterial Dictates of partial and corrupt Reason The Philosophers whom Tertullian calls the Patrons of Hereticks have established two peremptory Maxims utterly repugnant unto what the Scripture reveals to us both concerning our Happiness Comfort The one is Ex nihilo nihil habetur Out of nothing nothing can be made directly levell'd against the Creation of the World And the other is A privatione ad habitum non datur Regressus There is no Restoration of the same Being after a total Corruption and Dissolution of it which still continues a great Prejudice against the Resurrection of our Bodies which the Oracles of Reason have so much troubled the World with that whatsoever seem'd in the least contradictory to it they judged contradictory to common Sense and exploded it as ridiculous and impossible Under these great Disadvantages the Christian Religion labour'd whilst it not only own'd the Creation of the World out of nothing formerly described by Moses but more clearly and openly attested the Resurrection of the Dead which before was not either so clearly known or so clearly proved for these Doctrines were held so absurd by the great Sophisters of the