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life_n empress_n king_n steven_n 195 3 15.9859 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A23561 A breuiat cronicle contaynynge all the kinges from Brute to this daye and manye notable actes gathered oute of diuers cronicles fro[m] Willyam Conquerour vnto the yere of Christ a. M.d.c.lii.; Chronicles of England. 1552 (1552) STC 9968; ESTC S4659 60,362 218

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bataile at wynchester at a feld foughten at winchester they ouercame the Empresse and she flede to Gloucester and Earle Roberte of Glocester was taken but shortlie after bothe the kynge and earle Roberte were delyuered out of prison by exchaunge Shortly after the kynge gathered a greate power To ēpresse beseged and the Empresse fled vnto Oxforde where the kynge dyd besege her but she fled awaye by nyghte and so wente to Walyngford and shortlye after with a smalle companye she wente into Normandy to her husbande Geffery Plantagenet Aboughte the .x. A childe crucified ī despyte of Christe yeare of kynge Steuens raygne the Iues that dwelt in England toke and crucified a chylde at Norwytch on Easter day in derision of Chryste and hys relygion In the .xi. The deth of Gefery Plantaginet yeare of kynge Steuen Geffery Plantagenet Erle of Aniowe and husbande to Maude the Empresse after he had wonne from kynge Steuen the Duchy of Normandy ended his life and Hēry his sonne succed in that dukedō Henry Duke of Normandy in the quarell of hys mother Maude the Empresse with a great pusaūce entred into Englande Henri the second entred engand and at the fyrst wan the Castell of Malmesbury then the Towre of London and afterwarde the towne of Notyngham with other holdes and Castels betwene hym and kynge Steuen were fought manye Battayles whereby thys realme was sore troubled A peace betwene the Empresse and kinge Steuen In the .xviii. yeare of kyng Steuen peace was agreed betwene Maude the Empresse her sonne kynge Stephen on thys condicion that Steuen should be kynge duryng hys life but for al this peace kynge Steuen toke suche thought and care that he died in the .xv. The deth of king Steuen day of Octobre nexte folowynge in the yeare of Chryste M.C.liiii for he was in warre and trouble all the terme of hys lyfe and he was buryed at Feuershame ⚹ Henry the second HEnry the seconde and sonne to Geffery Plantagenet erle of Angeo and maude the empresse was crowned king the .xx. daye of Decembre the yeare of Chryste Thys kyng was a noble man Henry the secōd gretly enlarged his kingdome and muche fortunate in warres greatlye enlarged his kyngdome But diuers wryters whiche more dyd fauoure the doynges of Thomas Becket then the truthe wryte that in his latter daies he was vnfortunat but by his great manhod and pollycy the syngnory of England was muche augmented with the addicions of Scotlande Irelande the yles Orcades Britaine Poytow Gyon and other prouinceces of fraunce wherfore it may be euydent to all men that hys good wyl was to reforme in his tyme the clargie but as then god had not apoynted it Defacing of castels In the seconde yeare of kynge Henry the seconde the kynge caste downe diuers castels whiche were set vp in the tyme of kynge Steuen to defende Maude the Empresse his mother After that he went into the north partes and receyued of the kynge of Scottes A voiage into the Northe countre Cumberland and Northumberland which they sayd wer geuen to them by Maude his mother and set an order in that coūtre A voiage ī to Wales In the .iii. yeare of kynge Henryes reigne he wente with a strong Armye into Wales and quietted that countrey and after buylded the stronge castel of Rutland About the .v. yere of this kinges reygne rose a greate Schisme at Rome for some of the Cardynals chose one octauian A schysme at Rome and other some woulde haue Alexander to be Byshop whyche Schisme continued xx yeares and muche trouble folowed In the .vii. The king of scottes taken prisoner yeare kynge Henry kepte such warre in to Scotlande that he toke kynge Wyllyam prisoner whiche afterward was delyuered and the kynge of Scottes dyd fealtie and homage to kynge Henrye In the .x. yeare of thys kynge Thomas Bocket archebyshop of Cantorbury whyche sediciouslye vnder pretence of defending the liberties of the churche as he sayde Thomas becket fled the realme spake and dyd manye thynges agaynste the kynges prorogatyue royall dyd flee out of the realme went to Rome to complayne vpon the kynge to the Byshop In the xvii yeare of kynge Hēry Thomas Becket by entreaty of the byshoppe of Rome Thomas becket slayne and Lewes the Frenche kynge was restored to his Byshopryke and not longe after by certeine gentilmē was slain more falshed of the byshop of Rome Kyng Henry in the .xviii. yeare of his reygne sent Ambassedoures to the byshop of Rome to pourge hym selfe of the false accusacion of the death of Thomas Becket but amonge other thinges it was enioyned the kinge in his penaunce that it shoulde be lawfull to all his subiectes as often as thē list to apeale to the sea of Rome and that no mā shoulde be accompted as king vntill such time as he were confirmed by the Romysh Bishop By thys all men may perceiue that the Bisshoppes of Rome alway desired to haue princes and kinges readye at their becke but this Eniuncion was neuer fulfiled of the kynge of Englande In thys yeare also kynge Henry went into Ireland and subdued it Irelande wonne and anexed Irelande to his kyngdome In the .xxii. The kynges eldest sonne crowned Kyng yeare of kinge Henry he caused Henry his eldest sonne to be crowned kynge and maryed Margeret the Frenche kynges doughter Shortlye after kynge Henry the sone at the settyng on of the french kynge and the kynge of of scottes warre betwene the father the sonne wyth dyuers other made warre agaynste kynge Henry his father where were betwene them dyuers stronge battayls but alwayes the father had the victorye and at the laste his sonne with his alyees wer constrayne to bende and desyre peace whiche he gentyly graunted and forgaue their tresspasse The king of scottes takē prysonner In thys warre Wylliam king of Scottes was taken prysoner and yelded for hys raunsome the cytie of Carlyle the castell of Bambroughe the newe castell vpon Tine and swore for euer to be trew to the kinge and aswel he to do homage as his successours as ofte as they should be requyred many Iues in englande About thys tyme were manye Iues in England which agaynst the feaste of Easter dyd vse to crucifie yonge chyldren in despyte of christian relygion In the .xxviii. yeare Henry the eldest sonne of Kynge Henrye of England ended his lyfe warre renewed in Fraunce Shortlye after began the warre in fraunce for kinge Philip of Fraunce desired homage to be done to hym for the landes of Poytow and other and for the castell of Gysours The deth of kīg henry the seconde In the .xxxiiii. yeare of kynge Henry the seconde Richard Earle of Poytow mayde warre a gaynst kynge Henry of England hys father and takynge parte wyth the frenche king wan from hys father many townes castels for sorowe wherof shortly after kynge