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A17183 Fiftie godlie and learned sermons diuided into fiue decades, conteyning the chiefe and principall pointes of Christian religion, written in three seuerall tomes or sections, by Henrie Bullinger minister of the churche of Tigure in Swicerlande. Whereunto is adioyned a triple or three-folde table verie fruitefull and necessarie. Translated out of Latine into English by H.I. student in diuinitie.; Sermonum decades quinque. English Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; H. I., student in divinity. 1577 (1577) STC 4056; ESTC S106874 1,440,704 1,172

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holie ghost c. 872 1 He which sent me to baptise with water the same sayde vnto me Vppon whom so euer thou shalt sée the holie Ghost c. 1033 1 I am not Christ but am sent before him to beare record of him c. 578 1 Behold the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world c. 365. 568 2 Away with these thinges from hence make not my fathershouse an house of merchandize c. 586 3 He that commeth from on high is aboue al He that c. 527 983 3 I am the voyce of a cryer in the wildernesse make streight the waye of the Lord c. 983 3 Ye your selues are witnesses that I saide that I am not the Christe c. 867 3 If I haue tolde you of earthly things and ye beléeue not c. 964 3 This is condemnation bycause the light came into the worlde c. 546 3 He whom God hath sent dothe speake the words of god For God giueth not the spirite by measure vnto him c. 627 3 God so loued the worlde that he gaue his onely begotten sonne c. 48. 546. 549 3 He that beléeueth in the sonne of God is not condemned c. 779 3 And as Moses lifted vp the serpent in the wildernesse c. 48. 549 3 No man hath ascended vp into heauen but he that came downe frō heauen c. 696 3 Verily I say vnto you Except a man be borne of water and of the spirite c. 501. 1046. 1049 3 The winde bloweth where it lusteth and thou hearest the sounde thereof c. 714 3 Hée that beléeueth not is condemned alreadie bycause h●e hath not b●léeued in the name c. 643 4 God is a spirite and they that worship him must worship him in spirite and truth c. 416 427. 715 4 I knowe that the Messiah shal come which is caled Christ c. 539 4 Iesus him selfe did not baptise but his disciples c. 1056 4 The home cōmeth when ye shal neyther in this mounteine neither at Ierusalem worship c. 1004 4 He whiche drinketh of this water shall thirst againe c. 1002 5 They that haue done good shall come foorth vnto the resurrection of life c. 747 5 The father hath giuen all iudgement to the sonne that al might honour the sonne as they honour the the father c. 661. 686. 920 5 Therefore the Iewes sought the more to kill him not onely bycause he had broken the Sabbaoth daye c. 59. 683 5 Who so hath the sonne hath life who so hath not the sonne of God hath not life c. 643 5 My father worketh hetherto I worke c. 638 5 Thinke not that I will accuse you to my father there is one that acc●●eth you c. 402 5 There is one which accuseth you euen Moses in whome ye hope c 376 5 The Lord conueyed him selfe away while the people woulde haue made him a king c. 218 5 We know that the sonne of god is come hath giuen vs a mynde that we should knowe him c. 685 6 The words of our lord touching the eating of his body make muche for the meaning of the wordes vsed in the sacramental supper c. 54 6 He that eateth me shall liue by me c. 49 6 I am the liuely bread that came downe from heauen c. 684 6 Ex●ept ye eate the fleshe of the sonne of man and drinke his bloud ye haue no life in you c. 1049 6 My fleshe is mea●e in déede and my bloud is drinke in déed c. 696 6 He that cateth my flesh drinketh my bloud dwelleth in c. 825 6 No man commeth vnto me vnlesse my father drawe him c. 589 6 This is the w●l of him that sent me the ●ather that euery one which s●●th the sonne and beleueth in him shoulde haue euerlasting life c. 48 643 6 Lord to whome shal we go thou hast the wordes of eternall life and we beleeue and knowe c. 569 6 Doth this offend you What therefore if you shall sée the sonne of man c. 69 7 The holy Ghoste was not yet there bicause Iesus was not yet glorified c. 430 7 If any man thirst let him come vnto me drinke c. 706. 725. 825 8 I am the light of the world He that followeth me doth not walke in darknesse 686. 833 8 The diuell was a murtherer frō the beginning and abode not in the truth c. 485. 746 8 We are not borne of fornication we haue one father euē god c 683 8 If ye abide in my sayinge ye shal be my disciples in déede and ye shal knowe the truth c. 676 8 Verily I say vnto you before Abraham was I am c. 678 8 He that is of God dothe heare the word of God c. 822. 827 8 Abraham was glad to sée my daye and he saw it and reioyced c 433 8 Verily verily I say vnto you c. if the sonne therfore shall make you frée c. 444. 591 9 Maister who sinned this man or his parentes that he was borne blinde c. 293 9 Doest thou beléeue in the sonne of God c. 59. 652 10 I am the doore c. 662 10 Many good works haue I shewed you from my father for which of these good works do ye stone me c. 683 10 I and my father are one Then the Iewes tooke vp stones c. 59 10 How long doest thou make vs doubt c. 538 10 I haue power to forgiue ●innes to rai●e to life whome I will and to giue righteousnesse c. 696 10 My shéepe heare my voyce I knowe them and they follow me c. 645. 822. 827 10 I giue vnto my shéepe euerlasting life neyther shall they perish for euer c. 683 11 I am the resurrection and the life he that beléeueth in me c 68 12 My soule is heauie euen vnto the death c. 64 12 I when I shal be lift vppe from the earth will drawe c. 64 12 Verily verily I say vnto you vnlesse the séede of corne c. 65 13 Verily verily I say vnto you He that receiueth whome so euer I shall send receiueth me c. 1104 13 About the end of the Supper the diuell entred into Iudas c. 80. 515. 1108 13 Verily I say vnto thée the cock shall not ●●●we till thou hast denyed me thrise c. 564 13 He that is washed néedeth not saue to washe his feete c. 772 13 The Apostle or messinger is not greater than he that sent him c. 877 13 A newe commandement I giue vnto you that ye loue one an other as I haue c. 826 14 Ye beleeue in God beleeue and in me c. 692 14 That comforter whiche is the holie Ghost whome the father will send in my name c. 627. 724 14 I will praye the father and
you derely beloued thrée seuerall places two of them out of the Gospell and the third out of S. Paule in which places as it were in a perfect abridgment you may haue comprised what thinges soeuer can bee required of such as worship God in trueth In the Gospel according to S. Matthew thus saith our Lord and Sauiour Hoord not vp for your selues treasures in earth where the rust and moth doeth corrupt and where theeues breake through and steale but lay vpp treasure for you in Heauen where neither mothe nor rust doth corrupt and where theeues do not breake through and steale For wher your treasure is there wil your hartes also be No man can serue two maisters For eyther he shall hate the one and loue the other or else he shall leane to the one and despise the other yee cannot serue God and Mammon Therefore I saye vnto you bee not carefull for your life what ye shall eate or drink nor yet for your bodie what ye shall put on is not the life more woorth than meate and the bodie more worth then rayment Beholde the fowles of the ayre for they sowe not neyther doe they reape nor carrie into barnes yet your heauenly father feedeth them Are not yee muche better then they Whiche of you by taking carefull thought can adde one cubite to his stature And why care ye for rayment consider the Lillies of the feelde howe they growe they labour not neither doe they spinne and yet I saye vnto you that euen Solomon in all his royaltie was not araide like one of these Wherefore if God so cloath the grasse of the fielde which though it stande to day is to morrow cast into the fornace shall he not muche more do the same for you O ye of little faith Therefore take no thought saying what shall wee eate or what shall wee drinke or wherewith shall wee be cloathed for after all these thinges do the Gentiles seeke for your heauenly father knoweth that ye haue neede of all these thinges But seeke ye firste the kingdome of God and all these thinges shall be added vnto you Care not then for to morrowe for the morrowe shall care for it selfe Sufficient vnto the daye is the euill thereof This saith the Lorde in the sixth of Matthewes Gospell Againe in the twelfth Chapter of Sainct Lukes Gospell he saith Take heede and beware of couetousnesse for no mannes life standeth in the aboundance of the things which he possesseth that is the life hath no néede of superfluitie or no mans life hath néede of more then enough And he put foorth a similitude saying The grounde of a certeine riche man brought foorth fruites plentifully and hee thought within him selfe saying what shall I doe because I haue no roome where to bestowe my fruites And he saide this will I doe I will pull downe my barnes and buyld greater and therein will I gather all my fruites and my goodes and I will saye to my soule Soule thou hast muche goodes layde vpp in stoare for many yeares take thine ease eate drinke and be merrie But God saide vnto him thou foole this night doe they require thy soule againe from thee then whose shall these thinges bee which thou hast prouided So is hee that gathereth richesse to him selfe and is not riche to Godwardes Paule the vessell of election followinge in all thinges his teacher and maister cryeth out and sayth Godlinesse is a greate lucre if a man bee content with that hee hathe For wee brought nothing into the world and it is certaine that wee may carrie nought away but hauing food and rayment wee must therewith bee content For they that wil be riche fall into temptation and snares and into many folish and noysome lustes which drowne men in perdition and destruction For couetousnes and the loue of monie is the roote of all euill which while some haue lusted after they erred from the faith and wrapped themselues in many sorrowes But thou O man of God flee these thinges and followe after righteousnes godlines faith loue patience meekenesse c. Whosoeuer therefore meaneth by bodily labour or any kind of traffique to gett a lyuing and things necessarie for himselfe and his familie let him take these godly preceptes in stéede of Triacle and other wholesome medicines to strengthen his mind against the enuenomed force of poysoned gréedines and infectinge plague of couetousnes And when hée hath with this medicine against poyson compounded of the doctrine of the Euangelistes and Apostles fortified his minde against the plague then let him immediately bend himself to some labour and kind of occupation But let euery one pick out and choose an honest and profitable occupation not a néedelesse Arte or a Science hurtfull to any other man And finally let all men flée idlenesse as a plague or contagious disease And nowe againe let vs in this case heare the heauenly woordes of that holy Apostle Paule who sayth We charge you brethren in the name of oure Lord Iesus Christe that yee withdrawe your selues from euery brother that 〈◊〉 mordinately and not after the institution which h●e receiued of vs For when wee were with you this wee warned you off that if any would not woorke the same should not eate For wee heare say that there are some which walke amonge you inordinately working not at all but be busie bodies Them that are such wee commaund and exhorte by our Lord Iesus Christe that they working in quietnesse eate their owne bread In all ages and among all honest men both idlenesse and néedelesse occupations haue béene alwayes condemned Hesiodus said Both Gods and men abhorre the lazie hand in bosomd lout That workes not in a cōmon weale but lurckes and liu's without Paines taking like the idle droane that liues vppon the spoile Of that for which the busie Bees do tyre themselues with toile And Sophocles said Where idlenesse doth sit a broode ther 's neuer good egg hatcht For God doth not assiste slouthfull persons and idle slowbackes Now I call those néedelesse occupations whiche idle and ill disposed people do vse thereby to be troublesome to their neighbours and to deceiue other men exercising I confesse an occupation but such an one as is vtterly vnlawfull vnprofitable to all men themselues onelye excepted to whome it bringes in excessiue gaynes of which sort are vsur●rs engrossers hucstars and other moe that haue many artes to francke themselues with an idle shewe of businesse like a swine shutt vp to be ●atted in a stie As for them 〈◊〉 wealth is come to them not by their own labour or their own industrie but by inheritāce of their aūcetours leauing let them cōsider with thēselues by what meanes the riches were gotten which nowe by inheritaunce are fallen to their lott and if they perceiue that they be heires of vniust gotten goods let them be liberall and make amendes for them not doubling the euil in possessing vniustly and
they were simple and yet they pearce to the inward partes of the heart When hee speaketh softly beleeue him not for there are seuen mischiefes in his hart And therefore in Ecclesiastes it is very well sayd It is better to heare the rebuke of a wise man than the songe of a foole That is of a flatterer And yet althoughe flatterie bée so great an euill it is notwithstanding fauoured of all men so that as an infecting plague it is crepte into the Church into Princes Palaces into Iudges Courtes and euerie priuate house For like an alluring Mermayde it hath a songe that doeth delight our flesh For wée like fooles are blinded with selfe loue and doe not marke that flatteries and allurementes doe breede oure destruction Eze●hiel blameth greatly all flattering Preachers and sayeth Woe vnto them that lay to the people peace people peace peace when there is no peace which dawbe with vntempered morter which sowe entising pillowes vnder euerie elbowe and put alluting kercheifes vpon euery head to hunt after catch soules Of such kinde of teachers that delight more in lyes and flatterie than in syncere veritie the Apostle Paule saith The time shall come that they shall not abide to heare sounde doctrine but they whose eares do ytche shall gett them teachers according to their lustes and shall turne their eares from the truth and shal be turned vnto fables And Dauid praying against this plague as the thing that is most pernicious to all kinges and Princes in authoritie doeth say The righteous shall smite mee friendly but the precious baulmes of the wicked shal not annoynt my head And againe Lord deliuer mee from lying lippes and a deceiptful tongue Thus much haue I hetherto said for the exposition of the ninth commaundement Now followeth the tenth and last commaundement which word for word is expressed thus Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house thou shalt not couet thy neighbours wife nor his manseruaunt nor his maydseruaunt nor his oxe nor his asse nor any thing that is thy neighbours Which words the Lord in the fifte of Deut ▪ doth lay downe in this maner and order Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours wife thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house nor his field nor his manseruaunt nor his maydseruaunt nor his oxe nor his asse nor any thing that is thy neighbours Neither is there any difference or contrarietie in the thing it selfe although in Exod. Thy neighbours house and in Deuteronomie Thy neighbours wife be set first in order Now this maketh somewhat against them that diuide this laste precept into two commaundements which is in deede but one as it may be partly gathered by this order thus inuerted in the setting of it downe in two sundrie places In this precept coueting is especially forbidden I meane euill longing and corrupt desiring For coueting is a word indifferently vsed as well in the better as the worse signification For Dauid affirmeth that he did long after God and his lawe I haue wished for saith hee O Lord thy saluation And I haue longed after thy commaundementes Psal. 119. Wée must here therfore be able with discretion to iudge betwixt that good affection which God did first create in man and that other motion the roote of euill that groweth in our nature by the discent of corruptiō from our first father Adam There was in Adam before his fall a certaine good appetite with pleasure and delight He was not so hungrie that hūger did pain his emptie bowels whiche is in déede a plague for sinne but he did eate with a certaine swéet and delectable appetite Hee was delighted with the pleasures of Paradise Hee did with a certaine holy desire both loue and long after the woman which God had brought and placed before him And this good appetite or desire procéeded from God himselfe who made both Adam and all his affections good at the first Yea and at this day also there are in men certaine naturall affections and desires as to eate to drink to sléepe and such like belonging to the preseruation of mans life which of themselues are not to be accompted among the number of sinnes vnlesse by corruption of originall vice they passe the bounds for which they are ordeyned But in this treatise vpon the tenth commaundement desire is vsed in the worser part and is taken for the concupiscence or coueting of euil things This concupiscence being translated from Adam into vs al is the fruite of our corrupt nature or ofspring of original sinne whose seate is in the hart of man and is the fountaine and he adspring of all sinne and wickednesse that is to bee found in mortall men For the Lord in the Gospell doeth expressely say whatsoeuer entreth in by the mouth goeth into the bellie and is caste out into the draught but the things that come out of the mouth proceede frō the heart and those defile the man For out of the heart doe come euill thoughts murders adulteries whordomes theft false witnesse bearinges despiteful speakig these be they that do defile the mā And the Apostle Iames speaking altogether as plainely in an other place doeth say Let no man when he is tempted say that he is tempted of god For euery one is tempted while he is drawen away entised with the baite of his owne concupiscence then when lust hath conceiued it bringeth ●oorth sinne and sinne when it is finished bringeth forth death Concupiscence therfore is a moti-on or affection of the minde which of our cor●upt nature doth lust against God and his lawe and s●●rreth vs vp to wickednesse although the consent or déed it selfe doth not presently followe vppon our conceipt For if the deede do follow the lust then doth the sinne increase by stepps and degrées For first wée must consider the very blotting out or corrupting of the Image of God in vs Originall sinne and that disease that lyeth hidd in our members which is by vse called euill affections Secondarilie wee must consider that it increaseth by our delight and pleasure therein Thirdly it is augmented if wee consent and séeke after counsell to commit the crime and lastly if the consent breake forth to the déede doing than is it greater and greater according to the qualities of accidentes or circumstances Now al these are reckoned in the number of sinnes thoughe by degrées the one of them is greater thā the other touching which I will by Gods sufferāce speake somewhat more largely when I come to the treatise of sinne Wherefore that euill and vnlawfull affection which is of our naturall corruption and lyeth hidd in our nature but bewrayeth it selfe in our hartes against the purenesse of Gods lawe and maiestie is that very sinne which is in this lawe condemned For although there be some which thinke that such motions diseases blemishes and affections of the mind are no sinnes yet God by forbidding them in this lawe doeth flatly condemne them But if any man doubt
oure forefathers did not pray to any other but God alone the onely creatour of all thinges and did b●leeue verilie that hée would be mercifull vnto mankinde for the blessed séedes sake And although they did not so vsuallie call vppon God as wée at this day doe thorough the mediatour and intercessour Christe Iesus euen as the Lord in the Gospel did himselfe testifie and say Hetherto haue ye not asked any thinge in my name aske and ye shall receiue yet were they not vtterly ignoraunt of the mediatour for whose sake they were heard of the lord Daniel in the ninthe Chapiter of his Prophecie maketh his prayer and desireth to be heard of God for the Lords sake that is for the promised Christ his sake Finallie so often as the holy Saincts did in their prayers say Remember Lord thy seruaunts Abraham Isaac and Iacob they did not looke backe to the persons or soules of the deceased Patriarches but to the promise that was made to the Patriarches Now since that promise is In thy seede shal all the kinreds of the earth be blessed and since Paule doeth testifie that Christ is that blessed seed it followeth consequently that the holy fathers in their prayers had an eye to the blessed seede and that they did desire God to heare them for Christ his sake For in one place also the Lord promiseth deliueraunce to king Ezechias saying I will defend this citie for mine owne sake and for my seruaunt Dauids sake But in the 7. and 28. Chapter of Esaies Prophecie it is manifest that the citie was spared for Christe his sake the sonne of the Virgin whiche is the foundation placed in Sion whome Ezechiel in the 34. Chapiter calleth by the name of Dauid and the Gospell calleth Dauids sonne Last of all the Apostle Paule doth shewe that the auncient fathers had amongest them the very same Sacramentes which wee nowe haue as hee doth in other places also make vs partakers and applie to vs both circumcision and the Passeouer the Sacramentes whiche were giuen to them of old as doeth appeare in the second to the Col●ssians 1. Cor. the fifth cap. In the tenthe Chapiter he threateneth gréeuous punishment to the Corinthians at the handes of God vnlesse they absteine from thinges offered to idols and from all heathenishe sensualitie And thereuppon he bringeth in the example of the Israelites which he doth after this manner applie to his purpose I would not brethren that ye should be ignoraunt that our fathers were the Church of God and that they had the same sacraments which we at this day haue For they were all baptised vnto Moses that is by Moses or by the ministerie of Moses in the cloude and in the sea For the cloude and the sea were figures of baptisme And they did also eate of the same spirituall meate and did drincke of the same spirituall drincke And immediately after hée interpreteth his owne meaning and saith For they drancke of the spirituall rocke that followed them which rocke was Christ Mannaverily and the Rocke did typicallie represent the spirituall foode wherewith Christ refresheth both vs them who is himselfe the bread and drincke of eternall life But although they did bodilie outwardly visiblie receiue these Sacramēts yet for because they were destitute of faith and the holie Ghost because they were defiled with the worshipping of idols with surfetting and fornication they displeased God were by him destroyed in the desarte And therefore vnlesse ye also absteine from those filthie vices neither shall baptisme nor the sacrament of the Lords supper auaile you but ye shall vndoubtedly bée destroyed of the lord Since therefore it is by most euident proofes of Scripture declared that the old fathers had the same Sacramēts the same inuocation of God the same hope expectation and inheritance the same spirite the same faith and the same doctrine which we at this day haue the marcke I hope whereat I shot is fullie hit and I haue I trust sufficiently proued that the faithfull fathers of the old testament and wée the beléeuers of the newe couenaunt are one Church and one people which are all saued vnder one congregation vnder one only testament and by one and the same manner of meanes to wit by faith in Christ Iesu Thus much haue I hetherto said touching the likenesse the agréement and the vnitie betwixt the old newe testament or people of god I wil now add somewhat touching the diuersitie betwixt them and the thinges wherin they differ In the verie substaunce truly thou canst find no diuersitie the difference which is betwixt them doth consist in the maner of administration in a f●w accidents and certeine circumstāces For to the promise or doctrine of faith and to the chiefe and principall lawes there were annexed certeine external thinges whiche were added vntill the time of amendment so that the whole Ecclesiasticall regiment the manner of teaching the doctrine of Godlinesse and the outward worship of God was amonge the old fathers of one sort and is amonge vs of an other But the especiall things wherin they differ may be rehearsed and sett downe in thefe fewe principall poinctes First and foremost all things of the newe couenaunt are more cleare and manifest thā those of the old testam●t The preaching of the old couenaunt had alwayes in it for the most parte some mystie or cloudie thing and was still couered and wrapped vpp in shadowes and dimme sh●wes But the publishing of the newe testament is cleare and manifest so that it is called the light which is without all mystes and darckenesse Moses did with a vayle couer his face neither could the children of Israel behold his countenance but wée beholding not only the countenance of Moses which is nowe vncouered but the pleasant and amiable face of Christ himselfe doe greatly reioyce to see our saluation openly reuealed before our eyes In that sense 〈…〉 say that his disciples were happ●● where hée brake out into these w●●ds Happie are the eyes which see the thinges that ye see For I say vnto you that many Prophets and kinges desired to see the thinges that ye see and sawe them not and to heare the thinges that ye heare and heard them not The iust man Simeon did in this sense call himselfe as happie a man as liued and did thereupon promise that hee was willing to die saying Lord now lettest thou thy seruaunt depart in peace according to thy woord For mine eyes haue seene thy saluation which thou hast prepared before the face of al people to be a light to lighten the Gentiles and to be the glorie of thy people Israel But althoughe our forefathers had not so much light as doeth shine to vs in Christe since his comming in the fleshe yet was that little light whiche they had sufficiēt to the getting of saluation by faith in Christ E●en wée our selues although wée sée him farre more clearelie than oure forefathers did
bee Christ tell vs plainely Iesus aunsweared them I told you and ye beleeue not the workes that I do in my fathers name these beare witnesse of mee But ye beleeue not because ye are not of my sheepe And presently after hée addeth Ye say that I blaspheme because I said I am the sonne of god If I doe not the woorkes of my father beleeue mee not but if I doe and if ye beleeue not mee beleeue my woorkes that ye maye knowe and beleeue that the father is in mee and I in him In the seuenth of Iohn wee read They that beleeued in him said Will Christe when hee commeth shewe more signes than this man hath shewed that is to say Admit we graunt that there is an other Christ to bee looked-for yet this is most sure that the other Messiah cannot doe more and greater miracles than this man doth Let vs therefore beléeue that this is the true Messiah Before Caiaphas the highe priest and the whole counsel of the Péeres of Israel also before Pontius Pilate in the iudgemente hall of the Romane Empire oure Lord Christ did openly in expresse woordes confesse that hee is that true and looked-for Messiah Hée verilie as the Prophets foretolde of him did of his owne accord die for sinners the third daye after that hee roase againe from the dead hee ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of God the father And the Euangelistes reciting faithfully the words and déedes of Christ doe to the most notable ones alwayes add All this was done or saide that it mighte be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophete Wherefore it were not worthe the labour heere to gather together the prophecies of the Prophetes by them to examine the woordes and deeds of Christ and by the manifest agréement betwixte them for to conclude That GOD hath perfourmed to vs that which he promised vnto our fathers in giuing to vs his onely begotten Sonne Christ Iesus whiche is the true and looked-for Messiah For this haue the Euangelistes alreadie done and that too with so great faith and diligence that for the plainenesse of the thing it cannot bee bettered To this place nowe ye maye referre all that I haue in my former Sermons saide touching the signification or mysteries fulfilling and abrogating of the Lawe And to content oure selues with a smaller number of testimones might not this one which is read in the fourth of Sainct Iohn bee in steede of many thousand confirmations The woman of Samaria sayeth to the Lord I knowe that the Messiah shall come whiche is called Christe therefore when hee commeth hee shall tell vs all thinges Iesus aunsweared her I am hee that speake to thee Loe what could be said more plainely I sayth hee am the Messiah euen I I say that doe euen now speake to thée and did at the first saye If thou knewest the gifte of God and whoe it is that sayth to thee Giue me to drinke thou wouldest haue asked of him and hee would haue giuen thee water of life For whosoeuer shall drincke of the water that I shall giue him hee shall neuer bee more a thirste but the water that I shall giue him shal be in him a well of water springing vp into eternall life They therefore are the most thirstie and vnfortunate of all men whiche longe-for and looke after an other Messiah beside our Lord and Sauiour Christe Iesus The Apostle Saincte Peter in a méetely longe Oration well grounded and confirmed with Scripture and stronge reasons in the second of the Actes doeth shewe that oure Lord Iesus is that true Messiah For with this sentence he shutteth vp his Sermon Therefore let all the house of Israel surely knowe that GOD hath made both Lorde and Christ this Iesus whome ye haue crucified To the same marcke tendeth that large and learned Oration of the first martyre S. Steuen which is extant to be séene in the seuenth Cap. of the Actes Philip doeth out of Esaies Prophecie declare to the Eunuche of A●thiope that Iesus is Christ Sainct Paule in al the Iewishe Synagogues putteth forth none other proposition to preach on but this Iesus is Christ that is Iesus is the king the bishoppe and the Sauiour of the faithfull And in the thirtéenthe Chapiter hée doeth at large declare and proue that proposition true So nowe these most euident and cleare testimonies of holie Scripture cannot choose but suffice such heades as are not of purpose sett to cauill and wrangle I will not at this present too busilie and curiouslye dispute against the ouerthwarte Iewes who looke for an other Messiah and doe denie that oure Lord Iesus the sonne of God and the Virgin Marie is the true Messiah The wretches feele that to be true which the Lord in the Gospel did foretell them saying When ye shall see the abhomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophete standing in the holy place let him that readeth vnderstand Then let them that are in Iurie flee to the mounteynes But woe to them that are with childe and giue sucke in those dayes For great shall the affliction bee And againe speaking of the Citie of Hierusalem hee sayeth The dayes shall come vppon thee that thine enimies shall compasse thee with a trenche and hemme thee in and lay seege to thee on euerie side and shall make thee eauen with the grounde and thy sonnes that are within thee And they shall not leaue in thee one stone standing vppon an other beecause thou knowest not the time of thy visitation And againe There shal be wrathe vppon this people and they shal fall with the edge of the sword and shall be ledde captiue into al nations And Hierusalem shal be trode vnder foote of the Gentiles vntill the times of the Gentiles bee fulfilled Nowe since they feele these thinges to bee so finished as they were by Christ foretold in the Gospell why doe not the wretches giue God the glorie and in other thinges beléeue the Gospell acknowledging Iesus Christe the Sonne of God and the Virgin Marie our Lord and Sauiour to bee the true and looked-for Messiah What haue they wherewith to cloake their stubborne incredulitie They haue nowe by the space of more than a thousand and fiue hundreth yeares béene without their Countrie I meane the land of promise that flowed with milke and honie they haue wanted their Prophets and lacked the solemne seruice and Ceremoniall rites For where is their temple where is the highe prieste where is the altar where are the holy instrumentes where be the sacrifices that ought to bee offered according to the Lawe All the glorie of Gods people is nowe translated vnto the Christians They ioy to bee called the sonnes of the faithfull Abraham they enioye the promises made vnto the fathers they talke and make mention of the fathers they iudge rightly of the lawe and couenaunt of the Lord they haue the holy Scriptures and in expounding them they haue great dexteritie they haue the
vnseparable ioyning or knitttng vnto him For Dauid sayeth There is fulnesse of ioyes in thy sight and at thy right hand are pleasures for euermore And Sainct Iohn sayeth Nowe are we the sonnes of God and yet it appeareth not what wee shal be But we knowe that when he shall appeare wee shal be like him for we shal see him as hee is Moreouer the Lord in the Gospell sayeth Blessed are the pure in heart for they shal sée god But all men are indued with vnpure hearts therefore no man shall sée god Because no vncleannesse abideth in consuming fire And God is a consuming fire therefore wee cannot bee partakers of saluation vnlesse we be purely cleansed But without the shedding of bloud there is no cleansing or remission of sinnes I doe not meane the bloud of Rammes or Goates but of the onely begotten sonne of GOD oure Lord Christ Iesus Hée therefore toke our fleshe and bloud hée came into the world died willingly for vs and shed his bloud for the remission of oure sinnes and so by that meanes purged the faithfull so that now being cleane they maye be able to stand before the most holye God who is a consuming fire To this may be annexed the cōsideration of the incarnation of oure Lord Iesu Christ his death resurrection and ascension into heauen wherof I did aboue make mention in the definition of the Gospell For in those pointes doeth consist the whole mysterie of our reconciliation Touching whiche I doe in this place speake so much the more brieflye because in the e●position of the Apostles Créede I haue handled so much as séemeth to concerne these points of doctrine whiche whosoeuer will knowe may looke and finde them there Now that Christ alone is our most absolute life and saluation it may bée gathered by that whiche is alreadie spoken and yet not withstanding I will héere alledge some testimonies more to the ende that the veritie and sinceritie of the Euangelicall trueth may be the more firme and euident to all men That in Christ alone our life and saluation doth cōsist so that without Christ there is no life and saluation in any other creature y Lord himselfe doth testifie saying Verilie verilie I say vnto you hee that entereth not by the doore into the sheepefold but goeth in some other way hee is a theefe and a robber Verilie verilie I say vnto you I am the doore of the sheepe as many as came before mee are theeues robbers Loe here there is but one doore onely through whiche the way doeth lye vnto eternal life And Christ is that doore They therefore which doe by other meanes than through Christ striue to come to life saluation are theeues robbers For they steale from Christ his honour and glorie considering that hée both is and abideth the onely Sauiour and in so doing they kill their owne soules The same Sauiour in the Gospell sayeth I am the waye the trueth and the life No man commeth to the father but by mee Hath hee not in these fewe wordes reiected and vtterly excluded al other meanes of saluation making himselfe alone our life and saluation This phrase of speach No man commeth to the father but by mee is the same that this is Through Christ alone we come vnto the father Moreouer the Lords Apostles haue so layde Christe alone before oure eyes that no man can choose but vnderstand that without Christ Iesus there is no life to bée founde in any other creature The holy Apostle Sainct Peter in the Actes sayeth There is in none other any Saluation For there is none other name vnder heauen giuen amonge men wherein wee must bee saued And Sainct Paule in the fift Chapiter to the Romanes doeth often times repeate That by the righteousnesse of one man Iesus Christe all the faithfull are iustified Againe the same Paule sayeth Thoroughe him is preached to you the remission of sinnes and throughe him is euerie one that beleeueth iustified from al the thinges from whiche ye could not be iustified by Moses lawe Like to this also hee hath other testimonies in the second Chapiter of his Epistle written to the Galathians It is manifest therefore that thoroughe Christe alone the forgiuenesse of sinnes life euerlasting are fréely bestowed vpon all the faithfull whiche giftes as they are not without Christe at all so are they not bestowed by any other meanes than thorough Christ alone Concerning the remission of sinnes whiche is the chiefe tydinges of the Gospell I haue at large alreadie discoursed in the ninthe Sermon of the first Decade other places more Nowe for the proofe that our Lord doeth fully absolue from sinnes fully remitte sinnes and fully saue repentaunt sinners so that nothing more can be desired or wished for and consequently that the Lord himselfe is the most absolute fulnesse of all the faithfull without whome they that beléeue neither doe nor can wishe for any thinge else to life saluation and absolute felicitie hee doeth himselfe in the Gospell say Euerie one that drinketh of this water shall thirst againe but whosoeuer shall drincke of the water whiche I shal giue him he shal liue eternallie And againe I am the bread of life Hee that commeth to mee shall not hunger and he that beleeueth in mee shall neuer thirste The Apostles therefore after they had eaten this celestiall bread that is after they had once beléeued in Christe when many departed and did forsake Christe being demaunded whether they also would leaue him did aunswere Lord to whome shal wee goe Thou hast the wordes of eternal life and we beleeue and knowe that thou art Christ the sonne of the liuinge God. Loe heere they neither wil nor can forsake Christ Because there is none other to whome they may ioyne themselues For hee alone is the life and saluation of them that beléeue and that too so absolute and perfecte that in him alone they maye contente and stay themselues With the writinges of the Euangelists doth the doctrine of the Apostles fully agrée For Paul to the Colossians sayth It pleased the father that in the sonne shuld dwell all fulnesse And againe In the Sonne doeth dwell all the fulnesse of the Godhead bodilie and ye are fulfilled in him And in the Epistle to the Hebrues he affirmeth that the faithfull haue ful remission of sinnes because sacrifices for sinne doe ceasse to be offered and that God doeth by the Prophete Ieremie promise so absolute remission of sinnes that hee will not so much as once remember or thincke on them hereafter To this place belongeth the whole Epistle written to the Hebrues and the conclusion of the eighth Sermon in the first Decade wherein I reckoned vnto you the treasures that God the father doth giue to vs in Christ his sonne our Lord and Sauiour Vppon this nowe doth follow consequently that they haue not yet rightly vnderstoode the Gospell of Christe nor syncerely preached it whosoeuer doe attribute to
he had no mother Wherevppon sprange a suspicion that he should say the Lord was bare man and that hee should mainteine the hereticall opinion of Paulus Samosatenus and Photinus Whiche thing Socrates handleth at large Historiarum Lib. 7. Cap. 32. But Nestorius was iniurious to the Scripture and to true faith For Elizabeth the wife of Zacharie and the mother of S. Iohn Baptist béeing full of the holy Ghost in expresse woordes saluteth the holy virgin Marie and calleth her the mother of the Lord that is the mother of god And albeit his heauenly nature be without generation and corruption yet notwithstāding it is most certeine that hee whome Marie brought forth was God in verie déede For that whiche is borne of her sayeth the Angel is the sonne of God therefore shee brought forth God and shee worthily is called the mother of god For if she bare not God she brought forth bare man neither hath the sonne of GOD coupled man vnseparablie to himselfe In like manner since God of his owne nature is immortall truely he cannot die but if any man for that cause should absolutely denie that God was crucified and offered yea and died for vs hee should gainesaye Paule saying Had they knowen it they would not haue cr●cified the Lord of glorie But who is ignorant that the God of glorie or glorious god cannot be crucified In the meane while since he which according to the fleshe suffered and was nailed on the crosse was God not bare man onely wee rightly say that God suffered and was nailed on the crosse for vs though he which suffered suffered according to that onely which could suffer For Peter the Apostle sayeth Christ hath suffered for vs in the flesh The first Toletane counsell following him decréed in these wordes If any shall say or beleeue that the God head may be borne let him be accursed If any shal say or beleue that the deitie of Christ may be turned chaunged or iubiecte to suffering let him be accursed If any shal say or beleeue that the nature of the Godhead and the manhoode is one in Christe let him bee accursed And Damasus bishop of Rome sayeth If any shall saye that in suffering on the crosse the sonne of God God suffered paine and not the flesh with the soule whiche hee put on in the fourme of a seruaunt whiche he toke on him as the Scripture sayeth let him be accursed Therefore whereas Paule sayeth that God hath purchased to himselfe a Churche with his owne bloud who is so madd to beléeue that the diuine nature hath or euer had bloud In the meane while who is such a dorrhead that he vnderstandeth not that the fleshe whiche God toke hath bloud and since that God accounteth not that as an others but his owne which he tooke vnto him selfe wee most truly say that GOD with his owne bloud redéemed the world Wherevppon Theodoretus also bishopp of Cyrus Dialog Eran. 3. a little before the end sayeth If Christ be both GOD and man as both the holy Scripture teacheth and as the most blessed fathers haue always preched then as man hee suffered but as God he was not subiect to suffering But when wee say the bodie or fleshe or humanitie suffered wee do not separate the diuine nature For as it was vnited to his humane nature whiche was hungrie and thirstie and wearie yea and slept also yea and was vexed with sorrowe and heauinesse for the passion which hee should suffer abyding in deede none of those but suffering that to abide the affections passions of nature euen so was it ioyned vnto him when he was crucified permitted that his passion should bee throughlie ended that by his passion he might suffer death not feling griefe truely by his passion but making his passion agreeable conuenient for himselfe as the passion of his temple or dwelling place of his flesh ioyned vnto him by the whiche also they that beleeue are called the members of Christ he himselfe is called the head of those that beleeue Thus farre hée This figure of speache is called of some 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 alteration or chaunging of Iohn Damascenus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 mutual giuing or an interchaunging of properties That is wont to be called a communicating of properties to witt when that propertie is giuen to one nature which is proper to another As for example No mā hath ascended vp into heauen sayth the Lord but he that came downe from heauē euen the sonne of man whiche is in heauen Truelie his humane nature was not then in heauen when the Lord spake this but in earth yet notwithstanding beecause flesh is taken into the fellowshipp of his Godhead that whiche is proper to this is attributed to his manhood And bishop Fulgentius making mention of this interpretation in his second booke to kinge Thrasimundus hath thus left written He said this not that the humane substance of Christ is present in euery place but because one the selfe same sonne of God and sonne of man very God of the father as hee is very man of man though according to his true humanitie hee was then locallie in earth yet according to his diuinitie whiche by no meanes can be conteined in place hée did wholie fill heauen and earth Thus sayeth hée Wherefore the sentences bearing witnesse of Christ in the writinges of the Euangelistes Apostles are diligētly to be marked For some are peculiarly referred to his diuine nature as are these I and the father are one Before Abraham was I'am In the beginning was the word the word was with GOD and God was that woord Hee is before all thinges the image of the inuisible God by whom all thinges are made And some are particularly referred to his humane nature or to the mysterie of his embassage or ministration of whiche sort are these The father is greater than I. Thou madest him a little inferiour to the Angels My soule is heauie euen to the death Againe there are testimonies whiche haue respecte to both natures but to neither of them seuerally do they sufficiently agree Such are these My flesh is meate in deede and my bloud is drincke in deede I haue power to forgiue sinnes to raise to life whome I will and to giue righteousnes and holinesse I am the sheepeheard the doore the light the waye the trueth the life No man cōmeth to the father but by mee For these doe sett forth and commend vnto vs the verie substaunce of Christe the person I meane of oure true sauiour and mediatour God and man For no man forgiueth sinnes but God onely Againe they are not forgiuen without death and sheading of bloud as the Apostle witnesseth in the ninth Chapiter to the Hebrues Againe there are testimonies whiche cannot aptly bee declared but by communicating of woords Touching whiche I hope this is sufficient Againe he doth not diuide the person of our mediatour God
Heauen the church of Sainctes is the true tabernacle and temple of our high priest Christe our priest is the onlie and euerlasting teacher maister of his vniuersall Church For not onely that age hath so taught whiche liued in the dayes of his fleshe but the spirite of Christ was in the Prophets by whom now also he ruleth all the seates of his catholique church Christ himself as yet speaketh vnto vs and will speake euen vnto the end of the world by the mouth or writings of the holy Apostles and all teachers preaching the doctrine of the Apostles And this doctrine is sufficient for the catholique Church For it comprehendeth all those thinges fullie which perteine to a holie and happie life Christe our high priest maketh intercession for all the Sainctes in his owne Temple For hee béeing the only aduocate and patrone of all the faithful prayeth to the father for vs on the right hand of god For he ascended vnto the right hand of God the father that he should alwaies appeare there in the presence of God to followe all our suites faithfully Of whiche thinge I haue spoken more at large in my laste Sermon where I intreated of Inuocation and Intercessiō The same our Lord onlie blesseth vs For he was made a malediction and cursse for vs that we might be blessed in him according to that notable and aunciente Prophecie In thy seede shall all the nations of the worlde be blessed Moreouer Christe our Lorde sacrificeth for vs. For hee offereth incense when hée maketh supplication for vs and appeareth on the right hand of god And he offereth a sacrifice for sinnes vnto the liuing god not a sacrifice of a beast but him selfe alwayes an effectuall sacrifice to make satisfaction for all the sinnes of the people Whereof since I haue entreated aboundantlie in the treatise of Ceremonies héere of purpose I am the bréefer Againe since our lord Iesus Christ is y holy of holiest doubtlesse he sanctifieth consecrateth his catholique church annointing it with the oile of the holie ghost that we may be made both holie priests to offer spirituall sacrifices to god For we read y that holy ointmēt powred on Aarons hed ran down to his beard euen to the skirts of his clothing For Christ the highe priest of his vniuersall Churche powreth his spirit as wel vpon them that are verie farre off as vpon them that are neare at hande For hée crieth in the Gospell If any man thirst let him come vnto mee and drinke He that beleeueth on me as the scripture hath saide out of his bellie shall flowe riuers of water of life And againe For their sakes sanctifie I my selfe that they also might be sanctified in trueth To be short when we say and confesse that Iesus Christ is the priest or bishop of the faithfull people we say this that Christ is our chosen and appointed teacher and maister to gouerne and teach his vniuersal church to make intercession for vs to plead all our suites faithfully before the Father in heauen which is the onely patrone mediatour and aduocate of the faithfull with God who by the sacrifice of his bodie is the perpetuall only satisfaction absolution and iustification of all sinners throughout the whole worlde who consecrateth into priestes those that beléeue that that they also might offer to God the Father through Iesus Christ acceptable sacrifices might be the house and tabernacle of God. Out of this it shal be easie to iudge what manner of priesthoode Christs is who is our highe prieste and Bishop His priesthood is the verie office or verie function and working of the priest whereby Christ the priest him selfe executeth all thinges in heauen and in the Catholique Churche whiche beelong to his priestly office Wherefore it must néedes bee that this Priesthoode of Christe our highe Bishop is not visible and corporall but altogether spirituall For verie well sayth Paule Christe were no priest if he were on the earth where they that are of the tribe of Leuie do minister in the tabernacle or temple where there is a temple or tabernacle with manyfolde holie garmentes and vessels But Christe our Lorde is of the tribe of Iuda borne I say of a royall tribe albeit we are not ignoraunt in the meane while that the royall tribe that is the tribe of Iuda and the priestly tribe that is the tribe of Leuie were mingled together For we reade that Elizabeth which was of the daughters of Aaron was Cousen to the virgin the mother of God she being of the line of Dauid Neither is our Lord read at any time to haue vsed the temple or the holy vessels in his ministerie For although sometime he taught in the temple yet he taught not onely in the same He neuer sacrificed in the temple at the holy altars either of incense or of burnt offerings He neuer vsed priestly garments whiche were figuratiue Wherof I spake when I expounded the ceremonial lawes Therefore when he woulde sacrifice for the satisfaction of the sinnes of the whole worlde he suffered without the gate offered himselfe a liuely and most holy sacrifice according as the shadows or types prophecies and figures foreshewed in the law of Moses wherof in like maner I haue entreated in the discourse of the ceremoniall lawes And when hee had offered the sacrifice of his bodie he ascended into heauen and sitteth at the right hand of the father that from thence he may giue light vnto his Church and there appeare alwayes for vs in the presence of God the Father And therefore he doth not now corporally execute his priestly office on earth in like sort teaching vs now as in the dayes of his fleshe he taught the men of his age For nowe he doeth illuminate with his spirite the mindes of his and daily repaireth or renueth the Euangelicall doctrine of the Apostles and yet for all that hée himselfe speaketh by the mouth of thē that teache and preache the Gospell He blesseth vs from heauen that is to say he inricheth vs with all heauenly blessing Of him the Apostle speaking saith And the annoynting which ye haue receiued of him dwelleth in you and ye neede not that any man teache you but as the same annoynting teacheth you of all thinges and it is true and not lying and as it hath taught you ye shall abide in it Of him the diuine Prophet speaking sayth I wil powre water vppon the thirstie and floudes vppon the drie ground I wil powre my spirit vpon thy seede and my blessing vppon thy stocke or buddes They shall growe together like as the grasse and as the willowes by the waters side By whiche words we learne that Christ our high priest hath no néede of a bishop suffragane or vicar in his Churche For he himselfe is present with his Church and gouerneth it by his spirit The selfe same Christ at the
holy Ghost had y comforter present in their mindes went reioycing from the presence of the counsel bicause they were counted worthy to suffer reproch for the name of Christe So we read in the Ecclesiasticall historie that the martyrs of Christ being full of the holy Ghost euen in extreme torments and moste bitter deaths were most patient and sange prayses and gaue thanks vnto GOD. Furthermore we haue heard that the holy Ghoste is called of the Lorde the spirite of trueth For in an other place also hee beautifieth him with that name for he saith When the cōforter shall come whome I will send vnto you from the father euen the spirite of trueth which proceedeth from the father hee shall beare witnesse of me And he is called the spirite of trueth bycause there is an other hypocriticall spirite an erronious and lying spirite in the mouth of all false Prophetes This our spirite worketh in his worshippers sinceritie gentlenesse of mynde and integritie Those he teacheth all trueth For our Lorde elsewhere in the gospel sayth That comforter whiche is the holy Ghoste whome the father will send in my name he shall teache you all things and bring all thinges to your remembraunce what so euer I haue sayde vnto you Therefore the spirite of trueth hath taught the Apostles all trueth that is to be beléeued and all godlinesse and they haue deliuered the same fully to the Church For the holie Ghost driueth away all errours destroyeth all heresies confoundeth all Idolatrie and vngodlinesse and poureth true faith into our heartes and establisheth true religiō in the Church The Actes of the Apostles affoorde vs verie many of examples By this spirite of God the Apostles foretolde things to come shadowing out amōg other things Antichrist and the corruption of this oure last age and admonishing the Church least the elect shoulde be intangled in errours and blasphemous wickednesses Now he is called the spirit of promise for that he was promised of god by the Prophetes through Christ to the Fathers to the apostles and to al that beleue the apostles doctrine and was at length also through the same Christe fully giuen and perfourmed This worde putteth the godly in mynde that they shoulde not ascribe the hauing of this so great and healthfull a gift to their merites but to the méere grace of god And the holie Ghoste is graunted yea giuen vnto vs by the promise of god Wherevpon it followeth that all the giftes of God are fréely giuen which thing the Apostle Paule principally proueth and earnestly beateth into our heades in his epistles specially to the Romanes and the Galathians In Luke the Lord sayth If I with the finger of God cast out diuels no doubt the kingdome of God is come vpon you Saint Matthewe rehearsing the same wordes sayth If I by the spirite of God cast out diuels thē is the kingdome of God come vpon you Therefore the holie Ghost is called the finger of god to wit the might and power of god Men of occupations worke with their fingers God worketh his workes by his diuine power I meane by his spirite whose power is so greate that euen his little finger giue me leaue so to speake surpasseth all the power and strength in the worlde That appeared in those Sorcerers of Egypt Didymus rehearseth a parable touching the vnitie of the diuine substaunce and admonisheth diligently and conueniently that we should not for corporall things forge and feigne vnto our selues a corporall meaning of spirituall things For he sayth But beware lest thou being cast downe vnto base things doest imagine in thy mynd diuersities of corporall actions and begin to forge to thy selfe magnitudes and inequalities and other members of the body greater and lesser saying that the finger from the hand and the hand from him whose hand it is doth differ by many inequalities bycause the scripture doth now speak of bodylesse thinges purposing to shewe the vnitie onely and not the measure of substance also For as the hand is not diuided from the body by the whiche it worketh and bringeth all things to an end and is in him whose hand it is so also the finger is not separated frō the hand whose finger it is Therefore away with inequalities and mesurings when thou thinkest of God and vnderstande the vnitie of the finger of the hande and of the whole substaunce by which finger the lawe was written in tables of stone Thus farre he Now the holie Ghost is read as wel in the writings of the Prophets as also of the apostles to be shadowed out by water and a liuely or continuall running founteine I will poure out sayth the Lord by Esaie waters vppon the thirstie and riuers vpon the dry ground And anon by interpretation he addeth I will poure my spirite vpon thy seede and my blessing vpon thy stocke And in the Gospell the Lord sayth If any mā thirst let him come vnto mee and drinke Hee that beleeueth in me as sayth the scripture out of his bellye shall flowe riuers of water of life To which in way of exposition the holie Euangeliste addeth But this he spake of the spirite whiche they that beleeue in him should receiue Surely water maketh barren groundes fruitfull cleanseth things defiled giueth drinke to them that be thirstie and cooleth them that are in a heate so the grace of the holy spirit maketh barren myndes fruitfull to bring foorth fruite to the liuing god By the selfe same grace our harts are cleansed from all vncleannesse the same quencheth the thirst of the soule and comforteth it when it is afflicted and fulfilleth all the desires thereof Fire is simple and pure and some bodies it consumeth and othersome it purgeth making them more fine and cleane It warmeth also and hath many profitable and necessarie operations in man Therefore the holy Ghoste is rightly shadowed out vnto vs by fire For he is pure and simple he consumeth the vngodly cleanseth the faythfull from the filthinesse of sinnes and maketh them to burne with the loue of God and their neighbour setting them on fire doubt lesse with the fire of his loue When he was giuen to the Apostles in the day of Pentecoste there was heard a sound as it had bene with the force of a mightie winde comming by which thing was signified that the doctrine of godlinesse shoulde be spread throughout the whole worlde by the power of GOD and wonderfull successe maugre the might of the whole world setting shoulder against the same all in vaine For the wind no man staying it bloweth through the whole world pearceth all places and no mā can keepe it out it hath also wonderfull effectes in bodies to chaunge thē And the holie Ghost pearceth al thinges softneth mens hearts and of froward stubborne and rebellious he maketh most lowly modest and obedient men Fierie toungs appeare vpon the heades of the Apostles and disciples indued
his confession and the keyes of giuing of sentence iudgement or of opening shutting vpp of heauen of forgiuing or reteyning of sinnes They say that this power was promised to Peter in Matthew the Lord saying Vnto thee wil I giue the keyes of the kingdome of heauen but that it was giuen to all the disciples in Iohn Christe saying Whose sinnes soeuer ye forgiue they are forgiuē to thē And in these dayes is giuen to the priests by the bishop in their consecration laying their hands on the priests at the giuing of them their orders sayinge Receiue ye the holy Ghost whose sinns soeuer ye forgiue they are forgiuen them They call the power of placing ministers of the Church Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction to consist in a certeine prelacie and the fulnesse of it to rest onely in the Pope hauing respecte to the whole vniuersall Church For it belongeth onelie to the Pope to appoint rulers and prelats in the Ecclesiastical Hierarchie because it was said to him Feede my sheepe Moreouer they say that all iurisdiction ecclesiasticall doth come from the Pope to inferiour rulers either mediatlie or immediatlie in which thinges authoritie is limitted at his pleasure that hath the fulnesse of power For a bishop hath authoritie onelie in his di●cese and a curate in his parish c. Power of Apostleship or preaching the word of God they call the authoritie of preaching which the Lord had giuen to his disciples saying Go ye into all the world preaching the gospel to all creatures But doctours in these dayes affirme y none ought to be sent out to preach but onely by Peter that is his successour mediatly or immediatly c. They say that the power of iudiciall correction was giuen to Peter by God to whome he said If thy brother shall offend or trespasse against thee c. For the words of the Lord are knowen wel enough in S. Matth. cap. 18. They say therfore that God gaue authoritie vnto priestes not onely of excōmunicating but also of determining iudging and establishing commandements lawes and canons because in that place it is said Whatsoeuer ye bind vppon earth it shal be bound in heauen To conclude they saye that the power and authoritie to receiue thinges necessarie for this life in reward of their spirituall labours was giuen by these woordes of the Lord Eatinge and drincking suche as they haue These thinges do these men teach concerning Ecclesiasticall power not onelie foolishlie but also falslie Of the power of consecration sacrificing howe vaine and foolish it is wee haue oftentimes said in other places and perhaps will say more if God graūt life in conuenient place and time Of the power of the keyes we wil dispute God willing about the end of the next sermon And something we brought when we disputed of penance auricular confession But they are foolish shameles trifles which they babble of ecclesiasticall iurisdiction of the fulnesse of the high power that is to saye of the bishop of Rome whiche I doubt not are knowen well enough to the whole world longe agoe and of that matter there shall follow hereafter some arguments for the confutation therof in these our sermōs Wheras they vsurpe vnto themselues the office of teaching and crie out that no man can lawfullie preach but such as are ordeined by them they thereby séeke the ouerthrowe of Gods word the defence assertion of their owne errors whiche shall also be intreated of in his due place The power of excommunicating they haue so filthilie shamefullie abused that the Church through their negligence and wicked presūption hath not only lost true discipline but also excommunication it selfe hath béene a great many yeares nought else with the bishops of Rome but fire sword wherewith they first raged against the true professours of Gods word and persecuted the innocent worshippers of Christ Moreouer that there is no power giuen of God to the ministers of the Church to make new lawes we wil shew in place cōuenient The authoritie and power to receiue wherewith to liue haue they put in execution to the vttermost but in recompence of their temporall haruest they haue not soawen spirituall thinges but rather being a sléepe they haue suffered him that is oure enimie to soaw cockle in the lords field and that not by any other but by their owne meanes For haue not they not being contented with thinges necessarie for this life vnder that colour subtilely inuaded kingdomes and most shamefully cruelly possessed them Wherfore he that seeth not that ecclesiastical authoritie as it is by these men affirmed and also by them put in practise is but a méere tyrannie ouer simple soules it is plaine hee séeth nothing at all Wée wil nowe herevnto ioyne a true simple plaine manifest doctrine concerning ecclesiasticall iurisdiction Power is defined to be a right which men haue to doe some thing by It is called in Gréeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wherof the first word signifieth right and power the second abilitie to execute power or authoritie For oftentimes it commeth to passe that a man shall haue authoritie to doe a thinge but is destitute of abilitie to performe it But God can do both and hath giuen them both vnto the Apostles against those the were possessed with diuels as Luke witnesseth saying 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hee gaue them power and authoritie ouer all diuels c. And there is also one sort of power whiche is free and absolute an other sort of power whiche is limitted whiche is also called ministeriall Absolute power is that which is altogether frée and is neither gouerned or restreyned by the lawe or will of any other Of which sort is the power of Christ which he speaketh of in the Gospell saying All power is giuen vnto me in heauen in earth goe therefore and teache all nations baptising them c. Hee speaking againe of this power in the Reuelation shewed vnto S. Iohn the Apostle sayeth Feare not I am the first the last and I am aliue but was dead and behold I am aliue for euermore And I haue the keyes of hell and of death And againe These thinges sayeth he that is holie and true which hath the keye of Dauid whiche openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth no man openeth The power whiche is limitted is not frée but subiecte to an absolute or greater power of another whiche cannot of it selfe doe euerye thinge but that onelye that the absolute absolute power or greater authoritie doth suffer to be done and suffereth it vnder certeine conditions Of whiche sort surely is the Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction and which may rightly be called the ministeriall power For the Church of God vseth her authoritie committed vnto her for this purpose by her ministers S. Augustine acknowledging this distinction speaking of Baptisme in his fifte treatise vppon Iohn sayeth
whiche are persuaded that the sacramentall speaches are not to be expounded as figuratiue and borrowed but most properly and literally so that by that meanes the water bread and wine are not nowe signes and tokens onely of regeneration and of the body of Christe giuen and of his bloude shed for vs but regeneration it selfe and the verie substantiall body and bloude of oure Lorde Iesus For being of this opinion they are offensiue vnto the common manner both of speaking and interpreting vsed in all ages they are also repugnaunt to true fayth yea to common sense Whereby it commeth to passe that by their confounding of the signe with the thing signified they bring in a seruile weaknesse that I may vse S. Aug. words A carnall bondage For he Li. 3. de doct Ch. ca. 9. intreating of the Sacramentes of Christians sayth The Lorde him selfe and the Apostles in their doctrine haue left vs fewe thinges in steade of many and those most easie to be done most reuerend in vnderstanding and moste pure in obseruing as is baptisme and the celebration of the body and bloud of the Lorde Which Sacramentes euerie man when hee receyueth being instructed acknowledgeth wherevnto they are referred that wee should not worshippe them with carnall seruitude or bondage but rather with spirituall freedom or libertie And as to folow the letter and to take the signes in stead of the thinges which are signified by them is a point of seruile weaknesse so to expound the signes vnprofitably is a point of euill wandering error And yet he speaketh more plainly chapter 5. First of all you must beware le●t you take a figuratiue spech according to the letter For to this agreeth that which the Apostle saith The letter killeth but the spirite giueth life For whē that which is figuratiuely spoken is taken as though it were spoken properly it is carnally vnderstanded Neyther is there any thing that may more agreably be termed the death of the soule then whē that wherein we excell beasts which is vnderstanding or knowledge is made subiect to the fleshe by following the letter For he that followeth the letter vnderstandeth words translated or borrowed as proper or naturall neither doth he referre that which is signified by a proper worde to another signification but if for an example he shall here mention of the Sabbaoth he vnderstandeth it no otherwise but as one day of the seuē which by continuall course come goe And when he heareth mention made of sacrifice it wil not out of his heade but that this is ment of that whiche was wont to be done aboute offering of beastes and fruites of the earth To be shorte this is the miserable bondage of the soule to take the signes for the things them selues and not to bee able to lifte vp the eyes of the mynd aboue the bodily creature for the obteyning of euerlasting light Thus farre August By these wordes of Augustine we doe gather that they reuerēce the sacraments by spirituall libertie which neither stick to the letter neither worship and reuerence the visible thinges and elements as water breade and wine in steade of the thinges signified but being rather admonished and stirred vp by the signes they are lifted vp in their mindes to behold the things signified The same Augustine in the same booke chapter 15. teaching when and after what manner a trope or figure is to be receiued or acknowledged sayth In figuratiue speaches this manner of rule shall be kept that so long you viewe with diligent consideration what is read vntill the interpretation come vnto the rule of charitie For if it be not repugnaunt to charitie thinke not that it is a figuratiue speach And yet more plainly hee addeth in the 16. chapter following If it bee an imperatiue speache eyther forbidding any haynous offence or wicked deede or cōmaunding any profitable or good deede it is no figuratiue speach But if it commaund any wicked deede or forbid any deede of charitie then it is figuratiue Except ye eate the fleshe of the sonne of man and drinke his bloude ye haue no life in you Hee seemeth to commaund some horrible offence or wicked deede therefore it is a figuratiue speache commaunding vs to communicate with the passion of Christe and comfortably and profitably to lay vp in our remembraunce that his fleshe was crucified and wounded for vs The Scripture sayth If thine enimie hunger feede him Heere no man doubteth but hee commaundeth well doing but that whiche followeth For in so doing thou shalte heape coales of fire vppon his head A man would thinke that a wicked and euill deede were commaunded therefore doubt not but that it is figuratiuely spoken And so foorth All these thinges doe conuince their errour whiche interprete sacramentall speaches as proper and reiect al figures and tropes especially in the institution of the supper Neuerthelesse I am not ignorāt what they set againste this last testimonie of S. Augustin that the words of our sauiour in the sixte of Iohn doe make nothing to the interpretation of the ministration of the sacrament and therefore that the place of S. Augustine doth nothing agrée to our purpose But it is manifest that in the same booke S. Augustine disputeth of signes and of the sacramentall speaches And that is manifest also by many other places oute of S Augustine that he often alledgeth these wordes of our sauiour out of the sixte of Iohn to expounde the celebration of the supper But why doe they nothing perteyne to the celebration of the Supper Doth he speake of one body in the Supper and of an other in the 6. chap. of Iohn shal we beleue that the Lorde had and hath two bodies Our Lorde Iesus hath but one body the whiche as it profiteth nothing being eaten corporally according to S. Iohn 6. chapter euen so that body being corporally eatē doth nothing auaile according to S Mat. 26. chapter But this matter we haue elsewhere handled And of as little force is this vnsauourie obiection of theirs which is that the consequence is false when we argue thus Circumcision is the couenant the lambe is the Passoeuer Sacrifices are sinnes and sanctifications or cleansings are sacramentall speaches mysticall and figuratiue therefore this also This is my body is a mysticall and figuratiue speache For since in Sacramentes there is the like reason why may wee not frame arguments from the one to the other And that sacraments haue the like reason it is receyued of all them whiche acknowledge the trueth aright and it shall be proued hereafter to the full But if it be not lawfull to reason frō the sacraments of the olde testament and by them after a certeine comparison to interprete ours and by ours to make them plaine truely then the Apostle did not well who by a false consequent by comparison we reade to haue argued from their sacramēts vnto ours in the 1. Cor. 10. and to the Coloss
2. chap. But now we returne to oure purpose That we may yet at lengthe make an ende of this place they are sacramentall and figuratiue speaches when we reade and heare that the breade is the body of Christe and the wine the bloud of Christ and that they do eate and drinke the body and bloude of Christe which eate and drinke the Sacramente of the body and bloude of the Lord also that they are purged from their sinnes and regenerated into a newe life which are baptised in the name of Christe and that baptisme is the washing awaye of all our sinnes And after this manner speaketh the scripture and this fourme of speache kept the olde doctours of the Churche whome for so doing none that is wise dothe dispraise neyther can one discommend any man whiche speaketh after this manner so that he also abide in the same sinceritie wherein it is manifest that those holy men of god did walke For as they did willingly and simply vse those speaches so did they not roughly rigorously strayne the letter and speaches they did interprete them in suche sorte that none was so vnskilfull but that he might vnderstand that the signs were not that thing it selfe whiche they signified but that the signes doe take the names of the things therfore they vsed words significatiuely sacramentally mystically and figuratiuely Nowe whereas some will not haue the Sacramentall speaches to be expounded as though being not expoūded they were of more authoritie maiestie and worthines this draweth after it a soare daunger and giueth a most gréeuous offence and is repugnant to the rule of the Apostles to sounde reason and to the custome of them of old For when these kinde of spéeches are set forth and vttered to the simple sort béeing not expounded to witt The bread is the bodie of Christe When thou drinckest the wine of the Lord thou drinckest the verie bloud of the lord Baptisme saueth vs c. what other thing I pray you is set forth than a snare of carnall bondage and a most daungerous offēce of idolatrie Many words néede not in this matter since experience doeth aboundantly enoughe sett forthe in this place what hath béene done and what at this day is done The rule of the Apostles commandeth the diuine oracles to be expounded in the Church and to lay forth all the mysteries of the scripture that they may be soundly vnderstanded as wée may sée 1. Corinth 14. And reason it selfe teacheth vs that the mind of mā is litle or nothing moued if the things themselues be not vnderstoode What fruite therefore shall the simple sorte receiue by the Sacraments vnto whom the meaning of the sacramentes hath not béene opened Better therefore did the auncient fathers not onely in expounding all the mysteries of the kingdome of God and especially the sacraments but in teaching also that they ought to be expounded Whiche although it be made plaine inough by those thinges whiche goe before yet will I add two examples out of S. Augustine touching this matter Hee cap. 6. de chatechisandis rudibus sayeth Let the newe Christian man bée taught concerning the sacraments that they bée visible signes of heauenlye thinges and that inuisible things are to be honoured in them neither that the signe after it is blessed and sanctified is so to bee taken as it is daily vsed It must also be tould him what that spéech signifies which he heareth and what thing is giuen in the signe whereof it is a representation Moreouer vppon this occasion hée must bée taught that if he heare any thing euen in the Scriptures that soundeth carnally although he vnderstand it not yet to beléeue that some spirituall thing is signified thereby whiche belongeth to holy manners and to the life to come And as followeth The same Augustine Lib. 4. de doctr Chr. cap. 8. doth vtterly forbid the doctours teachers of the church not to thinke that they ought therefore to speake obscurely of the mysteries of the scripture because they sée that these things are deliuered somewhat intricately and darckely in the scripture but he rather requireth light plainnesse in them If any man desire to heare his wordes they are these If we fetche examples of the manner of speaking out of the writinges of our canonicall authours and doctours which are easily vnderstoode yet wée ought not to thincke that wee should followe them also in those spéeches wherein they haue vsed a profitable and wholesome obscuritie to exercise and as it were to quicken the readers mindes and to take awaye lothsomnes and to stirre vp the studies of the willing learners and also to make the minds of the wicked zealous that they may either bée turned to godlines or else excluded from the mysteries For so they spake that those which came after them and could vnderstand and rightly expound them might reueale a second grace vnlike to the former but yet ensuing in the church of god Therefore they which expounde them ought not so to speake as if they by the like authoritie would offer themselues to bee expounded but in all their kinde of spéeches first let them labour chiefly and first of all to be vnderstanded with as plaine kinde of speaking as they can that he be very dull and slow-witted which doeth not vnderstand or at the least let not the fault of the hardnesse and subtiltie of the thinges which we goe about to open and declare be in our owne spéech whereby that which we speake should be somewhat longer in vnderstanding Thus farre Augustine And let this that I haue hitherto said of sacramentall spéeches be sufficient The Lord be praised Amen ¶ That wee must reason reuerently of Sacraments that they doe not giue grace neither haue grace included in them Againe what the vertue and lawefull ende and vse of Sacramentes is That they profite not without faith that they are not superfluous to the faithful that they do not depend vppon the worthines or vnworthines of the minister ¶ The seuenth Sermon YEsterday déerely beloued I tould you what a sacrament was whoe was the authour of them and for what causes sacramentes were instituted of what thinges they consiste that is to say of the signe and the thinge signified I tould you also what a signe is what the thinge signified and by what names they are termed howe they are consecrated that the signe is not mingled with the thing signified but that both of them remaine in their owne nature and propertie of nature that the signe is not taken away or myraculously turned neither that the thing signified is so ioyned with the signe that whosoeuer is partaker of the one is partaker also of the other To be short I declared howe and after what manner the signe and the thing signified are coupled together to make a full perfect and lawfull sacrament where also I intreated of sacramentall spéeches Now therfore it remaineth that I also cōsequently speake of
vnto saluation that baptisme is superfluous he hath despised the ordinance of God is condemned for a rebell and an enimie to God. Furthermore that place of Iohn 3. is not to be vnderstood of the ourward signe of holy baptisme but simplie of the inward most spiritual regeneration of the holy spirite which when Nicodemus vnderstoode not perfectely the Lorde figured and made the same manifest vnto him by parables of water of the spirit that is to say of the winde or the ayer by elements verie base and familiar For by and by he addeth That whiche is borne of the flesh is flesh c. Again The winde bloweth where it lusteth c. whiche must néedes be ment of the ayer For the other part of the cōparison followeth So is euery one that is borne of the spirite Furthermore he addeth If I tel you of earthly thinges and ye beleeue not how will you beleeue if I tel you of heauēly things But the argumēt which he put forth was not altogether earthly For this is the argument of his whole disputatiō Except a man be borne from aboue he cannot see the kingdome of God That is to say vnlesse a man be renued as it were borne againe by the spirite of God which is giuen from aboue that is to say powred into him from heauen he cānot be saued The doctrine is altogether heauenly but the meanes wherby he deliuered declared set forthe this heauenly doctrine is earthly For by thinges taken from the earth he shadowed out to man beeing grosse of vnderstanding earthly a spiritual and heauenly thing laid it open as it were euen ●● the view of his eyes As by water ayre oftentimes the qualities of bodies are changed and as the effecte and woorking of water and the aire in bodies is merueilous in like manner is the working of the holy Ghoste in the soule of man which it changeth purifieth and quickeneth c. For so the Lorde himselfe afterward whiche I tolde you euen now expoundeth an other parable of the spirite And because al olde writers for the moste part by water haue vnderstood sacramentall water that is to say holy baptisme we also receiue this interpretation For we willingly graunte that baptisme is necessarie to saluation as wel in such as are of perfect age as also in babes or infantes so that necessitie constraine not the contrarie For otherwise if we goe forwarde stubbernly with S. August to condemne infantes by this place truely we shal be compelled also to cōdemne euen those that are baptised if they departe this life without partaking of the bodie and bloud of Christ For S. Augustine béeing infected with the like errour defendeth that the sacrament of the Lordes supper ought to be put into the infantes mouthe or else they are in daunger of death and damnation because it is written Except ye eate the fleshe of the sonne of man drink his bloud yee haue no life in you Therefore after this same order he placeth these two sentences Except a man be born of water and of the spirite he cannot see the kingdome of God. And Excepte ye eate the flesh of the sonne of man c. So that if thou persist obstinately in S. Augustines sentence verily thou wilt condemne the whole Church at this day which denieth the partaking of the Lordes supper vnto Infantes But if in this thing there be admitted a cōuenient interpretation why are ye so rigorous obstinate in another the like place cause not disagréeable What wil you say if in this opinion Augustine doeth not satisfie no not himselfe in all and euery point To a Lay-man he thinketh it veniall sinne if he baptise in time of necessitie He cannot tell whether it be godlily spoken the baptisme ministred by a lay-man ought to be iterated or done againe But how much better and safer had it béene letting the necessitie of baptisme pas which hath no lawful causes to holde opinion the infantes if they be not preuented by death ought to be baptised of the minister of the church in the church their parents procuring it as opportunitie first serueth that too too spéedie souden death which we cal the pinch of necessitie is no let or hinderance to saluation to them which are not yet broght to be baptised The same Augustine trembleth and is afraide to determine of the punishmente of damned infants for not beeing baptised neither knoweth truly what he might certeinly say In his first booke De anim c. ca. 9. hée saith Let no mā promise to infantes vnbaptised as it were a middle place of rest or felicity whatsoeuer it be or whersoeuer it be betweene hell and the kingdome of heauen But that sentence is for the most part receiued of all men ▪ whervpon also the infantes are buried in the churchyarde in a certeine middle place betwéene the prophane holy ground And againe the same Aug. contra Iulianum Pelagianum lib. 5. ca. 8. writeth That those infantes of all other shal come in the easiest damnation And immediately bee addeth Which of what maner how great it shal be although I cannot describe yet I dare not say that it were better for them to be as no body thā to be there And againe in his Epistle to Sainte Hierome 28. he sayth When I come to determine of the punishments of little infants beleeue me I am driuen into narrowe streightes neyther finde I any thing at all to aunswere Héere also may that be added whiche hee disputeth vppon Lib. 4. contra Donatist cap. 22. 23. touching the théefe whiche was crucified with Christe among other things saying That then baptisme is fulfilled inuisibly when not the contempt of religion but the poynt of necessitie excludeth and shutteth out from visible baptisme Why then should wee not beleeue also that in infantes departing by to to timely death baptisme is inuisibly perfourmed since that not contempt of religion but the extremitie of necessitie whiche can not bee auoyded excludeth and debarreth them from visible baptisme And since verie many at this day doe graunt that any man of perfect age withoute baptisme in the point of necessitie may bee saued so that hee haue a desire of baptisme why then may not the godly desires of the parentes acquite the infantes nowe newly borne from guiltinesse But thus much hitherto Touching this also who are to be baptised both in time past our age there hath bene bitter iarring Pelagius in time past denyed that infants ought to be baptised which we heard euen nowe Before Pelagius time Auxētius Arianus with his sectaries denyed that they are to be baptised Some in the time of S. Barnard denied the same as we may gather out of his writings The Anabaptistes at this day a kinde of men raysed vp of sathan to destroy the Gospel denie it likewise But the Catholique trueth whiche is deliuered vnto vs in the holy scriptures
treatise of the sacramēts therefore at this presēt we will do no more but touche them briefly for memories sake meaning to handle those things somewhat more largly which shall by occasion arise as they are intreated vppon But this word Cōmunion I meane the societie cōiunction or partaking of the lord Christ by the which through his spirit he doth wholy knitt and ioyne himselfe to vs and wee are made partakers of him by faith are coupled vnto him so that being by him deliuered from sinn and death we may liue in him being made heires of euerlasting life and that hée maye liue in vs and bee wholie ours as we be wholie his Neither doe wée say that the communion of the Lords body bloud is any thing else For by his body which was deliuered ouer to death for vs and by his bloud whiche was shed for the remission of our sinns it is come to passe that we being purged from oure sinnes are made his members and he now quickeneth vs and susteineth vs as food which giueth life wherevppon wee are also said to eate and drinke him as the meate and drinke of life The promise therefore wherof we made mention euen now is none other than the woord of God which declareth vnto vs that life is in Christ only For Christ deliuered his body to the death and shedd his bloud for the remission of our sinnes that we beléeuing in him maye haue life euerlasting But this promise communion of Christ is not nowe first of all giuen in the supper or by the supper For the Lord our God immediatly after the creatiō of the world promised life and remission of sinnes vnto Adam his séed through Christ afterward renued the same promise w Noe Abraham Moses Dauid and the other fathers And that the fathers did communicate with Christ were partakers of his goodnes Paul the Apostle w the whole scripture is a witnes But this so great goodnes happened not to the fathers onely For the promise was made vnto vs also and the communion of Christ was conueyed vnto vs is conueyed particularly vnto euery one of vs in holy baptisme also in the manifest preaching of the Gospel moreouer we receiue the same by faith by which we are ioyned to Christ and are made his members Therfore as we are not void without Christ before the supper but are quickened by him made his members or partners so in the verye action or celebration of the supper the promise is renued vnto vs and we renue continue that fellowship which we haue with Christ by the body and bloud of Christe spiritually truly participating his life and all his good giftes through faith And by this meanes we eate the Lords body and drinke his bloud Moreouer the Lord doth visibly declare scale vnto vs the spirituall cōmunion promise of life made through Christ by visible signes to wit the banquet of bread and wine ioyned to his word or promise namely that he is the quickening bread and drinke that we hauing receiued the signes by faith and obedience beeing therto sealed do take vppon vs the promise communion of Christe by imprinting or transferring into our bodies the seale or sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ Of which thing the Apostle hath also intreated in the first Corinth cap. 10. And also to the Rom. cap. 4. we also haue said more thereof in the generall treatise of the sacraments But before I intreate further of other ends of the supper consisting in the description thereof I wil recite what othersome allege of the promise and communion of Christ They condemne our doctrine as hereticall For they contend that the lord promised the hee would giue vnto the faithfull his very body bloud to be eaten dronken vnder the forme of bread wine therfore it must by al meanes and without al contradiction be beléeued that the bread is the Lords naturall body and the wine his bloud that these ought to be eaten and dronken not only spiritually but also corporally vnto life euerlasting And that Christ is bodily present in the supper and the the bread is his body the wine his bloud thus they proue That which the lord speaketh cānot be false for he is the trueth it selfe But he saith that the bread is his body the wine his bloud Therefore the bread and wine of the sacrament are verily really and essentially the body bloud of Christ Whiche trueth they say must simply he beléeued although reason it selfe the whole world all senses and nature it selfe be against it We answere the in déede all things are very true which the Lord hath spoken who is truth it selfe but in that sense which he himself said and vnderstood not in that meaning which we wil inforce vpō his words Wherfore before all things we must search out the true sense of the Lords words in the supper This is my body This is my bloud c. These men crye out saying that the Lords words ought to be expounded simply according to the letter For they are wordes of the testament and the same would not haue his words to be taken by a trope of figure But wee say that all the Euangelical and apostolical bookes are numbered vnder the name of the testament therefore throughout all and euery place of the Scripture nothing must be corrupted nothing added nothing taken away vnlesse we will be subiect to the curse Wée are also constreined to confesse that there be infinite sentences in the holy scripturs which if we will procéede to expound simply according to the letter we shall ouerthrow the whole scripture the true faith or we shall séeme to goe about to reproue the scriptures of lyes or contradictiō I wil bring forth one of two examples of this sort The Euāgelist S. John writeth The word became flesh Now if we wil cleaue to the very words then must we say that God was chaunged into man But forasmuch as this sense is contrary to the faith and the scriptures For God is immutable and Christ is perfect God and man without all mingling or conuerting of naturs but remayning stil in their ownepropertics and so do we admit this exposition which declareth that the word toke flesh and that God was made man And this sense is not against scripture For Paul saith that the sonne of God neuer toke vpon him the nature of angels but the séede of Abraham And therefore the eatholique fathers together with the apostle doe expoūd this word Est is by this word Assumpsit toke vppon him Whereof Theodoret hath intreated at large in his Polymorphus Dialog 1. Againe the Lord saith in the same John The father is greater than I we should make an inequalitie in adoring the Trinitie if wee should contend that the Lordes words are simply to be vnderstood without interpretation But by cōference of other
places taking aduise of faith we say that the sonne is equall with the father touching his diuinitie but inferiour vnto him in respect of his humanitie according to that saying of the prophete which is alleged by the Apostle to that purpose Thou hast made him litle inferiour to the angels We read in the Eospell that Christ our lord had brethren and that S. John the Apostle was called the sonn of Marie Marie called the mother of John. But who vnlesse he were infected with the heresie of Heluidius wil stand herein that these places are to be expounded according to the letter specially since other places of the scripture do manifestly proue that they were called brethren which in déede were brothers sisters children cousen germans kinsmen or néere of bloud also the circumstāces of the place in the 19. cap. of S. John proue that Marie was committed to John as a mother to her sonne Wherefore if they haue a desire stil to wrangle as hetherto at their owne pleasures wee haue by proofe founde them to doe crying out and in crying to repeate This is my bodie This is my bloud This is This is This is This is Is Is Is Wée will also repeate The woord was made was made was made flesh The father is is is greater than I. Christ hath brethren I say he hath brethren hee hath brethren The scripture hath so The trueth sayeth so But tell mee nowe what commoditie shal there redound to the Church by these troublesome odious outcries and most froward contentions Howe shall the hearers be edified Howe shal the glorie of God be enlarged How shal that truth be set forth Necessitie therfore cōstreyneth vs to confesse that in some places wée must forsake the letter but not the sense and that sense is to be allowed which faith it selfe w other places of scripture conferred with it and finally the circumstances of the place the first being compared with the last do yeld as it were of their owne accord Howbeit we also cry out and repeate againe and againe that we ought not without great cause to goe from the simplicitie of the word But when as the absurditie not of reason but of pietie and the repugnancie of the Scriptures and contrarietie to the articles of oure faith doe inforce vs then we say affirme and cōtend that it is godly yea necessarie to departe from the letter and from the simplicitie of the words And that these places which we alledged euen now doe constreine vs to depart from the letter in these words of the Lord This is my bodie This is my bloud wée will proue by most sound arguments taken out of the sciptures when I haue first briefly declared the true auncient sense meaning of those vsuall and solemne words The Lord sitting at the selfe same table with his disciples reached the bread vnto them with his owne hand And he hauing only one true humane and natural body with the very same bodie of his deliuered bread vnto his disciples and not a body either of any other mans or that of his owne Neither doeth that trouble vs whiche S. Augustine reciteth of Dauid in expounding the 33. Psalm And he was borne in his owne hands where vnto he addeth immediatly Who is borne in his owne handes A man may bee borne in the hands of other men but none can be borne in his owne This is therefore ment of Dauid not of Christ For Christe was borne in his owne handes when as commending his very body vnto them he said This is my body For that body was borne in his owne handes For by these wordes S. Augustine doth not feigne that Christ hath two humane bodies but he meaneth that the humane body bare in his handes the Sacramentall bodie that is to say the bread which is the sacrament of the true body For he speaketh plainely saying He cōmending his body bare that body in his owne hands For in the second sermon almost in the same words being but a litle chaunged he saith How was he borne in his owne hands For whē he had commended his body bloud he toke that in his handes whiche the faithful know and after a sort he bare himselfe when he said This is my bodie By which words he manifestly de clared that he ment not that Christ in his naturall body deliuered his naturall body to his disciples but the which the faithful do know to wit the sacrament or mysterie For it followeth And hee bare himselfe after a sort I pray you marke this saying After a sort when hee said this is my body Wherfore those solemne words This is my body whiche is broken for you And likewise this is my bloud which is shedd for you can haue none other sense thā this This is a cōmemoration memoriall or remembrance signe or sacrament of my bodie which is giuen for you This cup or rather the wine in the cup signifieth or representeth vnto you my bloud whiche was once shed for you For there followeth in the Lords solemne words that which notably confirmeth this meaning Do this in the remēbrance of me As if he should say Now am I present with you before your eyes I shall die ascend vp into heauen then shall this holy bread wine be a memorial or token of my body and bloud giuen shed for you Then breake the bread eate it distribute the cup and drink it and do this in the remembrance of me praysing my benefits bestowed on you in redéeming you giuing you life Althoughe this interpretation bee most slaunderously reuiled and become abhominable in the sight of many yet is it manifest to be the true proper and most auncient interpretation of all other Tertul. lib. 4. contra Mart. saith Christ taking the bread and distributing it to his disciples made it his bodie in saying This is my body that is to say the figure of my bodie Hierom vpon S. Matt. Gospel saith That like as in the prefiguring of Christ Melchisedech the priest of almightie God had done in bringing forth bread wine so he might represent the truth of his bodie Chrysostome also in his 83. homilie vpon Matt. If Iesus be not dead saith he whose token signe is this sacrifice Ambrose vppon the first to the Corinthians cap. 11. Because wee be deliuered by the Lords death saith he being mindeful thereof in eating drinking we do signifie the flesh and the bloud whiche were offered for vs Au. Aug. also in many places heapeth vpp many speaches like to this same kind of speach The bloud is the soule The rock was Christ And This is my body Let vs heare then what he saith of these speaches that we may vnderstand what he thinketh of the true interpretation of this text This is my body In the 3. booke of Questions in the 57. question vppon Leuiticus hee saith It remayneth that that be called the soule whiche signifieth the
vnto euerlasting life They gather Therefore he hath giuen his verie body and bloude to the saythfull vnder the forme of breade and wine for meate and drinke to euerlasting life Whervpon it must be eaten corporally as it is corporall To the confirmation whereof they alledge the Lordes words as they are written in the 6. chapter of Iohns Gospell We answere God most perfectly and fully perfourmeth that which hee hath promised but wee adde that he perfourmeth not according to that meaning that we deuise but as his worde truely importeth We must therfore sée first of all in what sense the Lord promised to giue his flesh for breade and his bloud for drinke to the faithfull and next how we ought to eate his flesh and how to drink his bloud These thinges truly which the Lord promiseth heere are wel-nigh all allegories Parables The Lorde promiseth that he wil giue vs his sleshfor bread or meat his bloud for drink But because meate and drincke are ordeined and giuen vnto men to preserue their bodily life and the Lorde in the 6. chapter of Iohn speaketh not of the life of the bodie but of the soule there is a passage made from bodily thinges to spirituall thinges When therefore the lorde promised that hée woulde giue vs his fleash for breade or meate and his bloude for drink what other thing did he promise vs than that hée woulde giue his bodie to the death and shed his bloude for the remission of sinnes For by the death of Christe wee are as it were by meate preserued and deliuered from death By Christes bloude wee are washed from sinne our soules are as it were with drincke spiritually drunken Therefore the Lorde speaketh nothing héere of the bread of the lords supper neither doth he promise that at the supper hee will make of bread his fleash or that he would giue his bodie in fourme of bread Then let this mine exposition of Christes wordes concerning the giueing of Christes bodie or fleash in the fourme of bread c be false and ●eigned vnlesse I confirme the same by the wordes of Christe The Lorde said in the Gospell Seeke for the meate that perisheth not but remayneth to life euerlasting whiche the sonne of man shall giue vnto you A little after by interpretation hee addeth And the bread which I will giue vnto you is my fleash which I will giue for the life of the worlde I said that I would giue you breade or meate For this worde bread is after the Hebrue manner vsed by the Lorde for meate and all manner of sustenaunce but saith he this bread or this meate is my flesh and therefore I promise to giue you my fleashe when I promise to giue you The Breade of Life Héere haste thou expressely to vnderstande that the Lorde by breade did not meane bodily bread or the breade of the supper But how doeth hée promise to giue his fleash for bread that is to say to be meate for vs or to quicken vs The Lorde repeateth this worde I will giue and saith Whiche I will giue for the life of the worlde I will giue it that is to say euen to the death that through my death I may quicken you By dying therefore my fleash shall féede that is to say shall quicken Thus muche concerning the promise of his fleash for breade héereafter followeth of the eatinge thereof Like as the holy Scripture setteth downe in euery place without trope or allegorie that wee are made partakers of Christes death or of his body which was giuen for the worlde vnto life through faith so also in this presente place by a trope or allegorie hee biddeth vs to eate and drink the fleash and bloud of Christe vnto euerlasting life Therefore to eate Christes fleash and drinke his bloud is nothing else but to beléeue that Christs body was giuen for vs and his bloud sh●d for vs to the remission of sinnes and consequently that were maine in Christ and haue Christ remaining in vs For the faith whereof wee spake is not onely an imagination or thoughte concerning things past excéeding our capacitie but a most certeine assurance a féeling of heaue ▪ ly things receiued within vs to our great commoditie For therefore not only faith but also the vertue force of faith is by the Lord signified in Iohn by the allegorie both of eating and drinking Meat passeth not into the substaunce of our body without delight so also by faith thorough a greate desire of the spirite wee are ioyned with Christe that he may liue in vs and wee may liue in Christ be partakers of all his good giftes This is the spiritual eating of Christ who neuer thought no not somuch as once dreamed in this place of the grosse and bodily eating which is indéede vnprofitable But for asmuche as the whole point of the controuersie consisteth in these wordes of eating and drinking the flesh and bloud of the lord they interpreting the same words bodily and we spiritually it séemeth good to be shewed that by the words of eating drinking the Lord ment no other thing than to beléeue and consequently to abide in Christe and to haue Christ abiding in vs we will therefore by conference of places of the scripture bring foorth sire euident testimonies in confirmation of our assertion I am sayth the Lord that Bread of life Who so commeth to me shall not hunger and who so beleeueth in me shall not thirst for euer But who wil deny that there is relation betwéene to eate and not to hunger to drink not to thirst Because therfore y Lord said ▪ He shal not hunger he should first haue saide Whoso eateth me But he rather vsed y word of comming and sayed Whoso commeth to me shall not hunger To eate therfore is to come and to come is to eate And what it is to come to him he expoundeth immediatly saying Whosoeuer hath heard from the father hath learned he it is that commeth to me y is to say receiueth me beléeueth in me For Paul also sayeth Whosoeuer will come to GOD must beeleue These testimonies without contradiction doe proue that to eate is nothing else but to beléeue Yet that followeth whiche is more manifeste And whoso beleeueth in me shall neuer thirst And Whoso drinketh shall not thirst therefore to drink he hath put for to beleeue Therfore to drink is to beléeue For faith satisfieth pacifieth our mindes Héere they haue an answer y make this obiection Whether the Lord himselfe had not words whereby he might declare his minde if so be by eating drinking hee had ment beléeuing They haue I say an open testimonie wherby he vseth the one for the other Againe in the same treatise y Lord saith Whoso eateth my flesh drinketh my bloud hath euerlasting life and I will raise him at the latter day And again in y same tretise he saith This is the wil
of him that sent mee that who soeuer shall see the sonne beleeue in him may haue euerlasting life I wil rayse him at the later day Lo héere thou haste againe these worde● to eate Christes flesh to drink his bloud and to beléeue in Christe all in one sense Againe the Lord sayeth I am the liuely bread which came downe from heauen And againe he saith Verilie I say vnto you he that beleueth in me hath life euerlasting Whosoeuer shal eate of this bread shall liue for euer Then to eate Christe and to beléeue in Christe are all one And againe he saith Who so eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud abideth in me I in him Moreouer Iohn in his Canonicall epistle saith Who soeuer shall confesse that is to say shal beleue that Iesus is the sonne of God God abideth in him and hee in God. Againe Verily verily I say vnto you vnlesse you eate the fleshe of the sonne of man drink his bloud you can haue no life in you And the same Lord saith also in the 8. chap. of Iohn If you doe not beleeue that I am yee shall dye in your sinnes And againe Verilie Verilie I say vnto you whoso keepeth my sayinges he shall neuer see death Againe the Lord saith Like as the liuing father hath sent me and I liue by meanes of the Father so likewise whoso eateth mee shall also liue by meanes of me And Iohn in the ● cha sayeth Like as the father hath life in himself so hath he giuen to the sonne to haue life in him felfe And likewise in his Canonicall epistle hee sayeth Whoso beleeueth in the sonne of God hath a testimonie in him selfe And Whoso hath the sonne hath life Vnto these most euident testimonies of God we wil now ioyne y testimonies of men whiche doe say the very same that to eate Christ is nothinge else but to beléeue in Christ and to abide in Christe S. Augustine in his 2● treatise vpon Iohn expounding these wordes of the Lord saith This is the worke of God that you should beleeue in him whome he sent as he left written This is therefore to eate the meate that perisheth not but which remaineth vnto ●uerlastinglife Why then doest thou prepare thy teeth and thy belly Beleeue and thou haste eaten The same againe in his 26. treatise saith To beleue in him this is to eate the bread of life Whoso beleeueth in him eateth inuisibly and is filled bicause he is borne inuisibly And again in y same treatise he saith This is to eat that meat drink that drink to abide in Christ and to haue Christe abiding in him by this meanes who so abideth not in Christ in whome Christe doeth not abide doubtles hee neither eateth spiritually his fleashe c. The same Augustine Lib. de Doctrina Christiana Cap. 16. shewing when a figuratiue speach is to be admited and whē not sayth If it be an inioyning speach or forbiding some heynous offence or trespasse or commaunding some profite or good deed to be done it is not figuratiue But if it seeme to cōmaund some heynous offence or trespasse or to forbid some profite or good deede then is it figuratiue Vnlesse you eate the fleashe of the sonne of man and drink his bloud you can haue no life in you this seemeth to command an heynous offence trespasse therefore it is figuratiue willinge vs to bee partakers of the Lords passion and sweetely and profitably to keepe in memorie that his fleash was crucified and wounded for vs. Thus said Augustine who doubtlesse set downe not onely his owne meaninge héerein but also the meaning of the whole eatholique Church which was at that time Let our aduersari●s therefore take héede what they d● who will driue all y faithful to this wickednesse offence to wit that we should corporally eate Christs bodie Furthermore héervnto is to be added that which by reason of the perspicuitie plainnesse thereof doeth almoste surpasse all that wee haue alleadged before which the Lord himselfe aunsweared to those that woondred or rather murmured saying How can he giue vs that his fleash to eate after that hee had declared the summe of that true faith Doth this offend you sayeth hée that I saide I would giue you bread whiche came from Heauen euen my fleash to be meate to all beléeuers I suppose that offence shall take no iust place when you shall sée me ascend into heauen frō whence I came down vnto you where I was with my Father before all beginning then shal ye perceiue by my diuine ascension that I am the heauenly bread the naturall sonne of God and the life of the worlde ye shal perceiue moreouer that my fleash is not to be eaten bodily and to bee consumed and torne in morcels but is carryed vpp into Heauen for a pleadge of the saluation of mankinde And shortly after this he sayeth further It is the spirite that quickneth the flesh auaileth nothing And yet more manifestly he speaketh The words which I speake vnto you are spirite life Certeine it is y Christes flesh auayleth very much is more profitable to the world than any tonge yea the moste eloquent can expresse Yea the Lord hath warned vs before hand that we shall haue no life vnlesse we eate his fleash Then doeth the Lord deny that his fleash auayleth vs any thing at all if so be it be eaten as the Capernaites vnderstoode that is to say bodily For béeing bodily eaten it auayleth nothing but beeing spiritually eaten it quickeneth and the Lord hath plainely professed that he spake of the spiritual eating in which consisteth life These thinges béeing declared and confirmed after this manner we gather such thinges into a shorte summarie wherein we think sufficient aunswere is made vnto our aduersaries obiection The proposition is true whiche holdeth that the Lorde doeth certeinely perfourme that which hée hath promised But the second proposition is false which saith that the Lorde by his words in the 6. Chapter of Iohn by breade meant the materiall breade of the sacrament and that hee promised that he would conuerte the same into his fleash For by bread he ment not the materiall breade of the Sacrament but meate to liue withall according to the proprietie of the Hebrue tonge yea his very flesh which was deliuered to the death to be meate I say that we might liue through Christes death Thus therefore should the argument haue béene framed That whiche GOD promiseth he perfourmeth but he promiseth that he will giue vs his fleash for bread that is to say to be meat and life for vs Therefore hath he giuen his fleshe to be meate that is to say hee hath giuen ouer him self to the death that by his death wee mighte liue Whiche béeing so surely the meate wherof the Lorde speaketh is no bodily meate although the Lorde him selfe haue a true humane and naturall body of like substaunce to ours
but spirituall not that the fleash is conuerted into the spirit but for that it oughte to be receiued spiritually not bodily But it is eate ▪ spiritually by faith not with the bodily mouth For as chewing or eating maketh vs partakers of the meate so are we made partakers of the body and the bloude of Christe through faith But thou wilt say Howe commeth it to passe that séeing breade whereof mention is made in the 6. chapter of Iohn doeth not signifie the bread of the supper that allmoste all the doctours interpretours and ministers of the Churches do apply these wordes to the Lordes supper I answere that these wordes of the Lorde may be applyed to the matter of the Lordes supper for other causes although the breade signifie not the breade of the sacrament Yea I confesse that these words of the Lord of the eating his fleashe and drinking his bloude do bring great light to the matter of the Lordes supper S. Augustine Lib. De Consensu Euangelistarum tertio Capite primo sayeth Iohn saide nothinge in this place Iohn the. 13. of the bodie and bloud of the lord but plainly witnesseth that the lord hath spokē more at large therof in another place This much sayth hée speaking vndoutedly of the 6. of Ihon. Since therefore it is one the selfe same flesh the same bodie of our Lorde whereof hée speaketh in bothe places in the 6. of S. Iohn and the 26. of Matthewe and the selfe same is sayed in both places to haue béene deliuered to the death for vs or for our life and like-wise because there is but one meanes to be partaker of Christe whiche is by faith in his body whiche was deliuered and his bloude shed and finally bicause it is the catholique or vniuersall and vndoubted doctrine that Christes fleashe beeing bodily eaten auaileth nothing surely the thinges before written in the 6. Chapter of Iohn are agréeable and doe fully open the matter of the Lords supper And to the intente that this yet may be the better vnderstoode I will recite what testimonyes haue béene alwayes alleadged in the Churche out of the holie Scriptures concerninge the two kindes of eatinge of Christe Christes body is eaten and his bloud dronken spiritually it is also eaten dronken sacramentally The spirituall manner accomplished by faith whereby béeing vnited to Christe we be made partakers of all his goodnesse The sacramentall manner is only perfourmed in celebrating the Lords supper The spirituall eating is perpetuall vnto the godlie because faith is to them perpetuall They communicate with Christe bothe without the supper and in the supper and by it they doe more increase and continue their newe beginnings as wee haue also shewed before and now by adioyning of the holie action althings are done more manifestly and plainely As for the vnbeléeuers and hypocrites with their captein Iudas they neuer communicate with Christe neither before the supper nor in the supper nor after the supper in asmuche as they continue in their vnbeliefe but they of the Lordes Sacraments to their owne iudgement and condemnation I knowe héere what some doe teach and how they deuise a certeine third kinde of eating Christe whiche is neither spirituall nor yet sacramentall but altogether compounded of sacramentall and corporall For they holde opinion also that the true and naturall bodie of Christe is receiued bodily by the vnbeléeuers in the formes of the sacrament How be it it shall easily appeare by certein sound argumentes of the Scripture that this is but a deuise of mā which arguments we wil apply to the traitour Iudas that by this one example all the godly may learne what they eate and drink at the Lords supper For that the iudgement whiche is made of the head béeing reuealed vnto vs it shal be easier for vs to pronounce of the members Some truly do make a doubt whether Iudas were present at the supper when the Lorde distributed the holie mysteries among whome is S. Hilarie Howbeit the Euangelicall historie sayeth plainly that the Lord sat downe to meate with the twelue yea Luke so handleth his narration that we cannot dout but that Iudas did communicate of the mysteries with the rest of the Apostles which Saint Augustine also auoucheth Libro De Consensu Euangelistarum tertio Capitulo primo And likewise in the 62. treatise vpon Iohn and vpon the 10 Psalme and in his 163. Epistle Yea moreouer Aquinas also aunswering in this pointe to S. Hilarie approueth the same with vs Parte tertia Quaesti 81. Art. 2. Now therefore béeing manifest that Iudas was at supper with the rest of the Apostles it séemeth néedeful that it were knowen what he receiued of the Lorde He receiued the sacramēt of Christes body as the other disciples did but because hee had not faithe as the other had he partaked not of Christe neither did he eate and drink the Lords bodie and bloud For as many as eate the Lords body and drinke his bloud doe not hunger nor thirst for they dwel in Christe and Christe in them they are Christes members and they neuer dye The contrarie altogether appéereth in Iudas and all his fellowes wherefore the vnbeléeuers doe neither eate the Lords body nor drink his bloud Moreouer it is out of all doubt that there is no agréement betwéene Christ Belial For this hath the Apostle pronounced out of that general consent of the scriptures But Iudas is by Christe him selfe called sathan therefore Iudas did not communicate with Christe Now if we will contend absolutely that Iudas did eate the Lords body truly we shal be constrained wickedly to affirme that it is not onely an vnprofitable but also an hurtfull meate howbeit godlinesse teacheth vs that Christe is an holsome meate all wayes to all them that eate him truely S. Augustine also denyeth that Iudas did eate the Lords body or drink his bloud In the 59. treatise vpon S. Iohn The Apostles saith he did eate the bread which was the lord but Iudas did eate the Lords breade againste the lord They did eate life but hee punishment Againe in the 26. treatise Whoso dwelleth not in Christe nor Christe in him doutlesse he neither eateth his fleash spiritually nor drinketh his bloud although carnally and visibly hee breake in his teeth the sacrament of the body and bloude of Christ but he rather eateth drinketh the sacrament of so greate a matter to his condemnation c. The like also and almoste playner doeth he write in the 21. booke and 25. chapter De Ciuitate Dei. Against these they obiecte the authoritie of Paule saying That they whiche eate vnworthily are not guiltie of the bread and cupp whiche they haue eaten and drunken of but of the Lords body and bloud and also that they doe eate and drink their owne damnation for that they make no differente of the Lordes bodye wherby it followeth necessarily that they haue eaten drunken the Lords body vnworthily