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A14185 Lectures upon the vvhole Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians, deliuered in St. Peters Church in Oxford: by the reuerend and faithfull seruant of Christ Henry Airay ... and now published for the vse of Gods Church by C.P. ... Airay, Henry, 1560?-1616. 1618 (1618) STC 245; ESTC S100494 890,650 1,118

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baptisme one God and Father of vs all for meete it i● that so many as are ioyned together in the vnitie of these be also knit together in one minde and in one iudgment according to Christ Iesus Eph. 4.5 euen as our Apostle vrgeth this same reason to this same purpose else where Secondly because there is not a better remedie against dissensions and schismes the● to be like minded in the Lord as without which it cannot be but that there be dissensions and schismes For what was the cause of the dissensions contentions wherewith the Church of Corinth was troubled Was it not because they were not like minded in the Lord One held of Paul another of Apollos one of Cephas another of Christ one would pray and prophecie bare-headed another with his head couered and when they came vnto the Lord his Supper one was hungry and another was drunken And how can it bee but that there should bee dissensions and contentions when one likes this and another that one would haue this and another that one drawes this way and another that way In a little house yee know if the husband be of one minde and the wife of another the Parents of one minde and the children of another the master of one minde and the seruants of another and euery of them will needs follow their owne minde and fancie their owne way how troubled must needs that house be And therefore our blessed Sauiour being now ready to be offered in that holy praier for all his children praied that we might be all one euen as He and the Father were one Ioh. 17.21 that wee might all be one in the Father and in him euen that we might bee like minded in the Lord. Phil. 3.16 And in the next chapter our Apostle prescribeth it as a remedie against dissensions in the Church to proceede by one rule and to minde one thing If then we will walke as becommeth the Gospell of Christ we are not onely to bee ioyned in one faith and in hope but in all things wee are to be like minded one towards another according to Christ Iesus we are to loue and like affect and fancie will and desire the same things as they are pleasing vnto the Lord being at one with God wee are to be of one minde amongst our selues Here then our aduersaries will aske of vs if this be so necessarie a dutie how happens it that ye are not all like minded What meane the tearmes of Zuinglians Lutheranes Bez. epist 5. Caluinists amongst you How is it that amongst you some are Brownists some Baroists some Puritanes some Protestants How is it that touching ceremonies touching discipline and the like there is such difference amongst you Doth not these things plainely argue that yee are not like minded amongst yourselues For answere whereunto 1. Of them that aske vs these questions I demand of them the like are they all like minded What meane then the tearmes of Thomists Scotists Vide Par. in Iren. cap. 26. Ockamists Canonists and Diuines amongst them How is it that amongst them some are White some Blacke some Gray Friers some Franciscans some Dominicans some Iesuits some barely Priests How is it that not touching ceremonies or discipline alone but touching maine and great points of doctrine there is such difference amongst them Touching the Scriptures doth not Arius Montanus say that the bookes of the old Testament not found in the Hebrue Canon are Apocryphall and doth not Bellarmine denie it Doth not Canus say that the Hebrue text is wholy corrupt by the malice of the Iewes and doth not Bellarmine denie it Doth not Bellarmine himselfe for expounding of the Scriptures sometimes referre vs to the fathers of the Church sometimes to generall Councels sometimes to the Pope and Cardinals sometimes to the Pope himselfe It would be too long to runne through the rest of many points of doctrine where in they dissent among themselues They neede no other to note this vnto the whole world then Bellarmine himselfe who in the beginning of the discussing of euery controuersie betwixt vs and them sheweth how not onely we dissent therein from them but how they dissent amongst themselues First therefore let them plucke out the beame of their owne eye that so they may see clearely the mote which is in our eie le● them cleare the point that they are like minded amongst themselues and then let them tell vs that we are not all of one minde But how doe they shew that wee are not all of one minde If ye be say they then what meane the tearmes of Zuinglians Lutherans Caluinists amongst you But I say vnto them what doe they meane to note vs by such tearmes The memories of these men we honour and reuerence as also we doe other notable lights which haue beene in the Church and are at this day But if we be named after any other name then only the name of Christ Iesus it is through their malice not by our desire Yea but how is it say they that some amongst you are Brownists some Baroists some Puritans some Protestants that touching ceremonies and outward discipline there is such difference amongst you I answere that if there be any Brownists or Baroists amongst vs wee hold them not to be of vs and therefore their distraction from vs ought not to be obiected vnto vs. Now for our difference about ceremonies and outward discipline I wish we were all like minded in these things and it is a fault and blemish of some in our Church that we are not like minded in these things But for the substance of doctrine and grounds of religion wherein is it that we are not like minded If they could no doubt they would taxe vs in the substance as they doe in the accident and as they cannot in the substance so I wish they could not taxe vs in the accident So should the ioy of our Sion be full if we were all like minded both for the substance and for the accident and so many as loue the peace of Sion and wish her prosperitie pray also that this her ioy may be fulfilled Againe this may serue to reproue a fault too too common amongst vs. For if we be ioined together in one faith and in one hope if we agree in the substance of truth we thinke it a small matter to dissent amongest our selues about smaller matters And indeed it is the lesse matter But yet it is a thing which we ought to labour euen to be like minded in the Lord in all things Which our Apostle sufficiently sheweth when in his exhortations vnto vs to be like minded he doth not limit vs vnto these or these things but indefinitely hee would haue vs to be like minded according to Christ Iesus In matters of faith and in matters of ceremonie in matters of doctrine and in matters of discipline in matters of life and in matters of learning in matters of religion and in
matters of ciuill conuersation he would haue vs to be like minded as in the Lord it may be warranted Let vs therefore beware how we sooth vp our selues in dissenting about matters of lesse moment when we agree in matters of greater importance The more like minded we are in the Lord the more is our conuer●ation such as becommeth the Gospell of Christ Let our care ●herefo●e be that both in matters of lesse moment and likewise in matters of greater importance we may be like minded ●n the Lord as becommeth the Gospell of Christ But how may we be like minded in the Lord This our Apostle sheweth in the next words and that is 1. If we haue the same loue i. If we loue the same things in the Lord. 2. If we be of one accord i. If we agree in our wills and desires in the Lord. And 3. if we be of one iudgement i. If we agree in one truth of Christ Iesus For these the particulars are as I take it comprised vnder and meant in that generall so that i● we thus loue and agree in the Lord then are wee like minded in the Lord and our conuersation in a great part is such as becommeth the Gospell of Christ Because I haue stood long vpon the generall I shall the lesse neede to stand vpon these particulars which in effect haue beene handled in the generall Briefly therefore of these as time will giue leaue The 1. thing then which in these particulars I note is that the Apostle would haue them to haue the same loue the same I say in respect of the obiect that they should loue the same things the same Church the same Gospell the same truth euen as we say that they haue the same faith who belieue in the same Christ Hence then I obserue that if we will be like minded and walke as becommeth the Gospell of Christ the● must we loue the same things in the Lord not one one thing and another an other thing but the same things as simply the same things For we may loue the same things and yet be f●● from that loue of the same things which becommeth vs as namely if we loue the same delights of the flesh the same sins or corruptions whatsoeuer but the same things in the Lord and in the loue whereof hee is delighted and well pleased Thus it is commaunded vs euery where in the booke of God that we all loue the same God the same truth the same meanes of our saluation in Christ and generally the same things whatsoeuer they be that belong vnto our peace And the reason of it is plaine For where one loues one thing and another another thing as for example one Christ and another Antichrist when one hateth that which another loueth where euery man loues that which himselfe liketh and scarce two loue the same things what loue can there be nay what distractions must there not needes be nay what desolation are not likely to ensue In the Church of Corinth they loued not the same things but one loued this man another that ma● and what dissentions bred it in that Church In our neighbor kingdome of France they loue not the same things but one sort loue the light of the word another sort loue darkenesse better then light and what bloud hath it shedde in that kingdome Amongst our selues we loue not the same things in the Lord but one sort loue their pleasures another sort their profits another sort their promotions the fewest sort the things that they should loue and what but a iudgement likely to ensue Nay beloued here is the miserie and like to be the ruine of our Land in our Land wee loue not the same things in the Lord but we loue too many of vs that man of sinne and the poysoned cuppes of the fornications of that whore and too few of vs the simplicitie of the truth of Christ Iesus to speake plainely we loue too many of vs the Pope and his marchandize and too few of vs Christ and his truth we speake not the ●anguage of Canaan but halfe in the speach of Ashdod and halfe in the language of Canaan Hereupon it is that Pope and his adherents conceiue courage against vs to subdue vs and our Land and to make vs a prey vnto their teeth Beloued if we will not for the loue of the Lord and because the holy Ghost hath commanded vs yet for the loue of our owne liues and that we be not made a prey vnto our enemies let vs loue the same truth of Christ Iesus and generally the same things in the Lord. Let vs no longer halt betweene God and Baal Christ and Antichrist religion and superstition but with religious hearts let vs loue the same truth the same God the same things in the Lord that some may be ●ike minded according to Christ Iesus The 2. thing which in these particulars I note is that the Apostle would haue the Philippians to be of one accord i. to ●gree in their wils and desires touching euery thing that is good belong it vnto religion or vnto ciuill life and conuersa●ion Whence I obserue another necessarie dutie for vs that we be like minded and walke as becommeth the Gospell of Christ and that is that we agree in our wills and desires in the Lord that vnitie and concord amongst vs bee preserued and maintained To agree in mischiefe we are ready enough neither neede we any to moue vs thereunto For as it is in the Prophet Psal 50. If we see a theefe we consent vnto him and we are partakers with the adulterers we runne with the wicked to doe euill and we easily ioyne hands with the wicked and vngodlie But to bee of one accord in the Lord we are not so easily drawne albeit this be the agreement that the holy Ghost requireth of vs and commendeth vnto vs. Ps 133.1 Behold saith the Prophet how good and ioyfull a thing it is brethren to dwell together in vnity i. to liue together in that concord and good agreement which is acceptable to the Lord. And the more to shew the precious worth of holy agreement amongst the sonnes of God be likeneth it vnto the oyntment prescribed for Aaron which was so sweete that when Aaron was annointed therewith Ex. 30.23 the smell of it was most pleasant vnto all that were by And euen so sweete and pleasant a thing it is to see brethren to be of one accord in the Lord. This is that which is commended in the faithfull in the Acts Act. 4.32 that they were of one heart and of one soule agreeing in their mindes wills desires and affections And where this agreement in the Lord is not there the Lord is not And yet in matters wherein wee differ one from an other how hardly are we brought to bee of one accord in the Lord If we differ in matters of religion either we will not vouchsafe one to talke with an other in them
194. it must be constant ibid. it is certaine pag. 409. Hum●lity 8. an effect of grace 87. a preseruatiue of concord 305. properties of it pag. 3●3 Humiliation of Christ voluntarie 323. it was of the whole person pag. 324. Hypocrisie pag. 248. I. IGnorance in religion pag. 120. Imitation of Saints 790. rules for it pag. 792. Impatience in wrongs pag. 794. Inferiours not to be contemned pag. 503. Inuocation of Saints condemned pag. 26. 57. 59. ●66 Ioy in the Lord. 572. 756. it containes the whole worship of God pag. 612. Iustification not by works 150. 672. See Merits by imputed righteousnesse pag. 677. K. KNowledge in the Word pag. 119. 652. Knowledge of Christ threefolde 643. it is excellent and precious 649. 684. great vantage 651. experimentall pag. 683. L. LEuiticall ceremonies abolished pag. 60● Life ought to be conformahle to our profession 242. reasons 243. a warfare 511. we are not to esteem it for Christ pag. 558. Light how the faithfull are lights 442. they communicate their light to others pag. 449. Light behauiour pag. 833. Loue testified by prayer 23. perswaded 103. 114. 250. qualities of true loue 103. to bee guided by knowledge pag. 127. Lying pag. 829. M. MAintenance of Ministers pag. 901. Martyrs ground of their cheerfulnesse pag. 200. Meanes of grace pag. 267. Mercy of God 5. vse of it pag. 6. Merit confuted 154. 183. 339. 390. 933. it ●annot stand with Christ pag. 664. Ministers their duty 10. 373. 850 calling honourable 13. 74. their successe from God 73. willingly to be heard 175. 475. to loue their people 499. how they ought to be qualified 474. whether now worse then euer 482. how to bee entertained 549. 555. to visit the sicke 561. to be maintained pag. 901. Ministery a labour 507. a warrefare pag. 512. Multitude not safe to bee followed pag. 808. 905. Mutuall affection commended pag. 471. 547. Murmuring against God or man pag. 421. N. NAme of Jesus pag. 353. Naturall man described pag. 71. 440 444. 891. O. OBedience of Christ actiue and passiue pag. 326. Occasion of this Epistle pag. 2. o th lawfull 94. conditions of it pag. 96. Ouerweening conceit a sin pag. 87. 736. P. PApists their dissentions 292. slanderers of religion and true professours 590. 661. enemies of the crosse of Christ pag. 812. Patrons of liuings pag. 920. Pastours to loue their flockes 103. 209. 276. 373. 805. 725. 499. to entreat them gently 568. 733. ought to be patternes of holinesse 796. 850. often to iterate their admonitions pag. 803. Paul twice prisoner vnder Nero. pag. 156. Peace of God and of conscience pag. 4. 813. 859. Pelagianisme by whom renued pag. 302. Perfection in this life pag. 718. 735 759. 888. Persecution for the Gospell 82. 259. a gift of God 88. 268. it doth not diminish the Church pag. 159. Perseuerance finall prooued 63. 747. 733. parts of it pag. 64. Perswasion threefold 76. how a man may be perswaded of anothers saluation pag. 77. Philippi a City of Macedonia pag. 3. Physicke pag. 530. Popish Cleargy 484. perfection pag. 762. Pouerty comforts in it pag. 884. Prayer to God alone 26. 54. necessity of it 43. 51. 108. motiues to it 109. it is effectuall pag. 186. Preachers different 171. markes of a good Preacher pag. 173. Proficiency in religion pag. 376. 396. 721. 730. Promises of God pag. 856. Prouidence of God pag. 468. Purgatory confuted pag. 224. 360. Purity to be laboured after pag. 138. 838. Q. QVarrelling 424. to compose them a Christian duty pag. 738. Questions touching ceremonies discipline not substantiall pag. 293. R. RAge of tyrants a token of their perdition pag. 257. Recusants censured pag. 351. Regeneration imperfect in this life 286. 716. 433. the true circumcision 606. it altereth the whole man pag. 632. 891. Relapses in religion pag. 397. Resurrection of Christ duties from it pag. 341. Resurrection of our bodies confirmed pag. 854 863. Reward of workes pag. 916. 929. 933. Rich men their duty pag. 883. Righteousnesse two-fold 668. of faith and of workes cannot stand together pag. 671. S. SAbaoth pag. 836. 941. Sacrifices of Christians pag. 464. 933. Saints in Christ who pag. 3. 433. 944. Saints not mediators of intercession 28. 57. to bee reuerenced 60. and imitated 790. subiect to infirmities pag. 743. 791. 866. Security pag. 195. 413. Sicknesse incident to the faithful and why 519. of flying in the time of sicknesse pag. 559. Schisme causes thereof 780. remedies pag. 782. Scriptures not obscure 1●0 to bee searched with diligence pag. 121. 584. Soule of man immortall pag. 222. 858. Suffering for Christ pag. 268. Swearing reprooued pag. 9. T. TImothy the approuer of this Epistle pag. 2. Thankesgiuing to God 34. 809. how we are to giue thankes pag. 40. V. VAine-glory to be auoyded pag. 303 625. 824. Vertue of Christs resurrection pag. 692. Vnity in affection and iudgement perswaded pag. 294. Vnregenerate their actions all sinfull pag. 151. 153. 891. Vnthankfulnesse to God a greeuous sinne pag. 35. 810. Vsury condemned pag. 846. W. WAnt doth not deiect Gods Children pag. 875. Weake to be supported pag. 770. Will accepted for the deed pag. 434. Women commended in the Scriptures pag. 742. Workes good their causes 144. we are to abound in them 145. fruits of righteousnesse 149. their author 152. their end 153. perswaded by our Church 247. 394. 639. true vse of them 663. no part of our righteousnesse 592. 659. 674. 634. how called dung pag. 637. 646 661. Word of God a light 443. 445. a word of life pag. 451. Worldly carefulnesse pag. 800. OBSERVATIONS more largely amplified CHAP. I. THanksgiuing is a seruice principally required in a Christian 34 Our fellowship in the Gospell with other Churches a great blessing 36 Prayer is needfull euen for those graces we haue 43 We are to pray for the continuance of the Gospell 48 The ground of our perseuerance is the immutabilitie of God 63 All our sufficiency is of God 68 Our loue to Ministers a good argument of our growth in godlines 82 To suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake is a gift and grace of God 88. 268 Prayer necessarie for the increase of Gods graces 108. 186 We must proceed and goe forward in godlinesse 112 Christians are to abound in good workes 145 Good workes are the fruits of righteousnes 149 The Church is not diminished but increased by persecution 158 Afflictions of the godly turne to their comfort 180 Christ Iesus the onely gaine and vantage of Christians 200 A Christians desire should be to be dissolued and to be with Christ 215 The dissolution of Gods Saints is a passage into heauen 221 The long life of good Pastors a blessing of God vpon a people 229 Our practise must be conformable to our profession 242 In a Christian courage we are not to feare the aduersaries of the truth 253 The rage of persecutors an infallible signe of their destruction 257 Faith is a speciall gift of God 265 CHAP. II. NO
heart holy Dauid here that vpright and iust man holy Iob here that chosen vessell to beare Christ his name before the Gentiles our holy Apostle shall haue their faults and their falls Here Abraham and Lot will bee sometimes at variance here Paul and Barnabas will sometimes not be of one accord here Paul and Peter will sometimes not be of one iudgement here we shall haue our falls we shall haue our imperfections whatsoeuer we be Only in the Citie which is aboue shall all teares be wiped from our eyes all wanes supplied all imperfections perfited all sinne cease and all enemies be vtterly destroyed only there our knowledge our iudgment our loue our peace our ioy shall be perfit How should we not long then to remoue out of the bodie and to dwell with the Lord And yet to earthly minded are we many of vs that here we could bee content to pitch our tabernacles and neuer to remoue hence euen as if we loued darknes better then light and had rather dwell in the valley of teares then in the valley of blessing where we are but strangers then at home in our owne Citie Let vs beloued remember that here the best of vs haue our blemishes and that when it is it the best with vs we are but in the way vnto that which is best of all for vs that the best reformed Church on earth is not thorowly reformed and that the most sanctified man on earth is but onely in part sanctified And let vs make this benefit hereof daily more and more to grow out of loue with this life and in loue with that life in which there shall be no more death daily more and more to weyne our selues from the vanities of Ierusalem which is on earth where many things will be done through contention and vaine-glory and to haue our conuersation in heauen where we shall all be like minded hauing the same minde and being of one accord and of one iudgement And let this suffice to be obserued in generall from the matter of the Apostles exhortation whereby ye see the state euen of the best reformed Churches and so of the most holy men and what vse is to be made of the imperfections which follow the most perfit in this life Now let vs come vnto the seuerall points whereunto the Apostle exhorteth the Philippians and in them vs. The first thing wherevnto hee exhorteth them is in generall that they be like minded or like affectioned as the same phrase is translated else where Ro. 12.16 hauing their affections likings and desires set on the same things for in this as in the generall are comprised as I take it those particulars which follow in this verse So that when he exhorteth them to be like minded it is in generall that their affections be set on the same things louing the same things according in desire of the same things and according in iudgment of the same things but all in the Lord. Whence I obserue a necessarie dutie in all Christians called to the knowledge of God by the Gospell of Christ Iesus which is that they be like minded in the Lord setting their affections likings and desires on the same things in the Lord. A duty which our Apostle prescribeth almost as oft as any other duty 1 Cor. 1.10 In the beginning of his former to the Corinthians he beseecheth them by the name of our Lord Iesus Christ that they all speake one thing and that they be knit together in one minde and in one iudgement Where yee see he beseecheth them and in them vs euen by the name of our Lord Iesus Christ to be all of one minde and because disagreeing in words engendreth dissension of minde therefore that wee may the rather be all of one minde hee beseecheth vs all to speake one thing In the end likewise of his latter to the Corinthians 2 Cor. 13.11 he commendeth this dutie vnto them saying Finally brethren fare yee well be perfect be of good comfort be of one minde as thinking this dutie so necessarie that both in the beginning and in the end and at all times they were to be put in minde of it In this place likewise yee see how roundly and deeply he adiureth and chargeth the Philippians and in them vs to be ●ike minded saying If there be any consolation in Christ c. fulfill my ioy that yee be like minded And in the last chapter saue one to the Romanes Rom. 15.5 he maketh a most earnest praier vnto God for them that they might be like minded one towards another saying Now the God of patience and consolation giue you that yee ●e like minded one towards another according to Christ Iesus that ●ee may with one minde and with one mouth praise God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ Where first the Apostle im●lieth that if they be like minded God must giue them this to ●e like minded and therefore hee praieth vnto God to giue ●hem this grace that they be like minded one towards another Secondly he noteth how he would haue both them and vs ●o bee like minded one towards another viz according to Christ Iesus to consent in that truth which hee hath taught and in that loue which hee hath commanded for otherwise if we be like minded but not according to Christ Iesus not in the Lord what great thing doe we doe Are not the Iewes like minded among themselues the Turkes amongst themselues the aduersaries of the truth amongst themselues Were not the Priests Scribes and Pharisies of one minde when they condemned the innocent bloud and the whole multitude of the Iewes when they cried all at once saying Crucifie him crucifie him away with him and deliuer vnto vs Barrabas And are not they all of one minde that cast their heads together with one consent and consult to worke wickednesse in what kinde soeuer it be And to consent and be like minded in these and the like things is it not rather a conspiracie then an vnitie We a●e not then onely to be like minded but to bee like minded in the Lord to be like minded according to Christ Iesus And lastly the Apostle sheweth to what end he would haue vs to be like minded namely that with one minde and one mouth we may praise God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ not onely with one minde but also with one mouth nor onely with one mouth but also with one minde Thi● then yee see it to be a dutie so necessarie in vs and in all Christians that wee be like minded in the Lord that the Apostle still commendeth it vnto vs beseeching vs to be like minded charging and adiuring vs to be like minded and praying vnto God that we be like minded But why is it so necessarie a dutie that we be like minded i● the Lord Many reasons might be alleaged but I will one● mention two As first because we haue one Lord one faith one
that being God hee for our ●●kes became also man how then ought wee to submit our ●elues one vnto another in all humblenesse and meeknesse of ●inde The like motiue or reason is vsed by our Sauiour Christ himselfe where he saith vnto the people that were with ●im Learne of me that I am meeke and lowly in heart Math. 11. ●0 Ioh. 13. ●5 as also ●here he washeth his Disciples feet to teach them humility and ●hen saith vnto them I haue giuen you an example that yee should ●n euen as I haue done to you What should I go forward to ●uote Scriptures to this purpose Nothing more vsuall in the ●criptures then by the example of Christ to stirre vp vnto our ●euerall duties and what ought to be more effectuall with vs ●o perswade vs when the souldier sees his Captaine fight ●here needes no further spurre to set him into the batteil Christ is our Lord and we his seruants if hee our Lord and Master haue giuen vs such an example and haue said vnto vs ●oe as ye haue me for example should there neede any further ●purre vnto vs for this duty If he haue so humbled himselfe ●or vs that being God he became also man if hee haue had ●uch compassion on vs that when wee were enemies vnto him ●e reconciled vs vnto God if he so loued vs that he laid down his life for vs how ought we to be humble and lowly minded one towards another how ought wee to haue compassion vpon our poore brethren especially in this heauy time how ●ought we to loue one another with brotherly loue Christ my brethren is our head If we be members of his bodie we must draw our life and our spirituall nourishment from him we must in all things grow vp into him which is our head Fare be it therefore from vs to disdaine our brethren to wrong them to oppresse them to contemne them to swell in pride against them Nay rather let vs vse one another with all kindnesse with all gentlenesse with all meeknesse Let vs submit our selues one vnto another let vs be like minded one toward another in Christ Iesus Himselfe exhorteth vs hereunto he hath giuen vs an ensample Let the same minde c. Thirdly I note the humilitie of Christ whose example the Apostle here exhorteth vs to follow His humilitie is here described by the Apostle first by his incarnation in that being God he vouchsafed to take flesh of the blessed Virgin and to become man like vnto vs in all things sinne only excepted secondly by the worke of our redemption in that being man he yet againe further humbled himselfe and became obedient to the death euen the most shamefull death of the Crosse In the description of Christ his incarnation are very many things most worthy our obseruation touching both the natures in Christ his God head and his Manhood I can only point at some of the heads of those obseruations which hence were to bee made and more fully handled First for the Godhead of Christ in that it is here said that hee was in the forme of God it is thereby proued that Christ was true God for in the selfe same manner and phrase of speech that here he is said to be in the forme of God in the same is it afterward said that hee tooke on him the forme of a seruant Where by the forme of a seruant the Apostle expresseth his Manhead as here by the forme of God is expressed his Godhead Neither indeed can any be in the forme of God who is not true God And as in this place he is said to be in the forme of God whereby is meant that he is God so in other places plainly and directly heads said to be God Rom. 9.5 as in the Epistle to the Romans Of when are the Fathers and of whom concerning the flesh Christ came wh● is God ouer all blessed for euer and to the Colossians In Christ dwelleth all the fulnesse of the Godhead bodily Coloss 29. and in the Acts Take heede c. Act. 20.28 to feed the Church of God which he hath purc●●sed with his owne bloud The phrase of speech in this place is somewhat different but it is all one as if he had thus said who ●eing God Secondly I note touching the Godhead of ●hrist that he was equall in all things vnto God the Father the Apostle plainly sheweth where it followeth that hee ●ought it no robberie to be equall with God for in that he saith thought it no robberie hee plainly sheweth that it was his ●ght and no iniurie at all vnto the Godhead for him that ●as God to be equall vnto God If then it be Christ his right ●●d no iniurie at all to the Godhead that Christ be equall vn●● God the Father then Christ as touching his Godhead is ●quall vnto God the Father howsoeuer touching his Man●ood he be inferiour to the Father And this be noted tou●●ing the diuine nature of Christ Now touching Christ his Manhood First in that it is here ●id that he made himselfe of no reputation or as the word signi●●eth that he emptied himselfe and of all brought himselfe vnto ●othing I note Christ his Manhood not forcibly to haue ●eene imposed vpon him but himselfe voluntarily to haue ●●ken on him the forme of a seruant When therefore it is said ●●at God sent his Sonne in the similitude of sinfull flesh and againe ●●at God so loued the world that he gaue his only be gotten Sonne c. where God the Father is said to haue sent and to haue gi●en his Sonne and the Sonne is said to be sent and to be gi●en wee are to vnderstand the speeches thus that God the ●●ther sent his Sonne and God the Sonne was sent of the ●●ther yet God the Father and God the Sonne being not ●wo Gods but one God distinguished into two persons it is ●ghtly said that God the Father sent the Sonne and that the ●onne being one God with the Father made himselfe of no ●●putation voluntarily descending from his Maiestie to bee ●artaker of our miserie for if himselfe had not thus humbled ●imselfe who could haue imposed this base estate vpon him ●●mselfe being God blessed for euer The Angels which kept ●ot their first estate they were throwne downe lower than ●he earth euen to bee reserued in euerlasting chaines vnder ●arknesse vnto the iudgement of the great day But Christ ●hen he was equall vnto God in fulnesse of power glory ma●●estie knowledge abased himselfe and of almightie made himselfe full of infirmitie of immortall made himselfe mortall Secondly in that it is said hee tooke on him the forme of a seruant I note that Christ so became man as that hee ceased not to be God For it is not said that the Godhead was changed into the Manhood but that Christ being God tooke 〈◊〉 him the forme of a seruant so vniting the God head and Manhood in the vnitie of person