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life_n declare_v eye_n glutton_n 25 3 16.2602 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A44364 The spirit of the martyrs revived in a brief compendious collection of the most remarkable passages and living testimonies of the true church, seed of God, and faithful martyrs in all ages: contained in several ecclesiastical histories & chronological accounts of the succession of the true church from the creation, the times of the fathers, patriarchs, prophets, Christ and the Apostles. Hookes, Ellis, d. 1681. 1664 (1664) Wing H2663A; ESTC R224173 399,190 375

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lay two nights without any bed saving a few great Canvas Tent Cloths and after two nights he had a pair of Sheets allowed him but no Woolen clothes and there was kept without any being suffered to come at him only twice a day the Keeper when he brought him Victualls shortly after he was brought before the Earl again who examined him of the Sacrament at his Answers the Earl seemed to be somewhat pleased and hoped he would be conformable and commanded that he should have a bed and fire and liberty to go amongst his Servants when he departed he was much troubled in his Spirit for fear lest he had given advantage to his Adversaries in not confessing Christ so boldly as he ought to have done and was much grieved but considering his condition he cryed earnestly unto the Lord saying Strengthen me with thy holy Spirit with boldness to confess thee and deliver me from their enticing words that I may not be spoiled through their Phylosoply and vain deceit A day or two after he was sent for before two Priests who began to discourse with him concerning the Mass asking him what part of the Mass offended him he answered the whole Mass did offend him upon which discourse and other matters that past between them Articles were drawn up against him and they exhorted him to recant his Opinions he told them he could not change nor alter and desired them to speak to the Earl that during his Imprisonment his Friends might be suffered to relieve him with necessaries they still presisted to advise him to forsake his Opinions not regarding any Worldly shame he answered what he did was not for avoiding Worldly shame nor yet for any vain praise of the World but in the reverent fear of God they told him it was pity such a well-favoured Young man should so foolishly cast away himself he answered them to this effect My Wife Children and other delights of this World are as Sweet to me as another mans may be to him and I am as unwilling to lose them as another would if I might enjoy them with a good Conscience but my trust is said he that God will strengthen me to lose them all for his sake for I do not say or do any thing either out of Stubbornness willfullness vain Glory or any other Worldly purpose but with a good Conscience in the fear of God and farther said I commit my cause unto God who hath numbered the hairs of my head and appointed the dayes of my life who is a Righteous Judge and will make inquisition for my blood From Latham he was carried to Lancaster Castle where he was threatened for preaching to the people out of the Prison shortly after he was carried to Lancaster the Bishop of Chester came thither and sent for the Goaler and rebuked him for suffering George Marsh to fare so well and from thence he was removed to Chester and being brought before the Bishop he was further examined concerning the Sacrament and other matters and Articles drawn up against him and the last time he was brought before the Bishop the Bishops Chanceller made a Speech to the people to this effect The Bishop said he as a good Shepherd doth see to his Flock that no Scabby diseased Sheep infect the other wherefore his Lordship hath sent for this George Marsh as a Scabby Sheep to weed him out lest he corrupt others and then read the Articles against him and askt him if he would have mercy Marsh said he durst not deny Christ then the Bishop read the Sentence against him and committed him to the Northgate Prison and there was he kept in a dark Dungeon where none dared to come to him that had any Friendship towards him for fear of the Bishops threats so that he was kept very strictly in Prison until the time that he suffered death having little comfort or relief from any worldly Creature sometimes in an Evening some Citizens at a hole upon the Wall of the City that looked into the dark Prison would call to him and ask him how he did he would answer them chearfully that he did well and thanked God that he of his Mercy had appointed him to be a Witness of his Truth and to suffer for the same wherein he did rejoyce desiring that he might not faint under the Cross but patiently bare the same to Gods Glory and the Comfort of his Church once he had ten pence cast him in at the said hole and another time two shillings which did help to supply his necessity shortly after he was led to the place of Execution with a Lock upon his Foot he began to exhort the people but one of the Sheriffs would not suffer him to speak saying We must have no Sermon now so with patience he ended his dayes in the Fire Whilst he was a Prisoner he wrot several Epistles to his Friends and Relations and such as had been assistant to him in the time of his Sufferings the Epistles being large I shall only insert some of the Principle heads of some of them which if the Reader pernseth he will find them to be worth ●oting considering the time they were wrot in and first I shall begin with a letter he wrot to the Faithful Professors at Langton An Epistle by George Marsh to his Friends at Langton Grace be unto you and Peace be multiplied in the knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord Amen I thought it meet to write unto my beloved in the Lord at Langton to stir up your minds and to call to your remembrance the Words which have been told you before and to exhort you as that Good Man and full of the holy Ghost Barnabas did the Antiochians That with purpose of heart you continually cleave unto the Lord and that ye stand fast and be not moved away from the hope of the Gospel when Persecution ariseth because of the word do not fall away like shrinking Children and forsake the Truth for after this life the Godly being delivered from their Tribulations and Pains shall have a most quiet and joyful rest whereas the Wicked and Ungodly contrary wise shall be tormented for evermore as Christ by the Parable of the rich Glutton and wretched Lazarus doth plainly declare these ought we to have before our Eyes alwayes that in the time of Adversity and Persecution we may stand stedfast in the Lord and endure even unto the end that we may be saved for unless we like good Warriors of Christ Jesus endeavour our selves to please him who hath chosen us to be his Souldiers and fight the good sight of Faith even unto the end we shall not obtain the Crown of Righteousness which the Lord that is a righteous Judge shall give to all them that love his Coming Let us therefore receive with meekness the word that is grafted in us which is able to save our Souls and ground our selves on the sure Rock Christ for as the Apostle saith Other Foundation
call it Have ye n●● had my Brother Tomkins before you whose hand when you had burned most cruelly ye burn also his body and not only him but a great many of the numbers of Christ men that feared God and lived Vertuously and also the Queens true Subjects and seeing to these Saints you have shewed so little mercy shall it seem to my Lord and this Audience that ye shew me more favour no no my Lord but if you mean as you say why then examine you me of that I am not bound to answer you unto Bonner Well what sayest thou by the Sacrament of the Altar is it not the very body of Christ Flesh Blood and Bone as it was born of the Virgin Smith I have answered that it is none of Gods order neither any Sacrament but mans own vain invention and shewed him the Lords institution But when he was so earnestly before the Audience declaring that we knew nothing bringing out his hoc est Corpus meum to lay in my dish I proved before the Audience that it was a dead God declaring the distinction appointed between the two Creatures of Bread and Wine and that a body without Blood hath no life at which Harpsfield found himself much offended and took the Tale out of my Lords mouth saying Harpsfield I will prove by the Scriptures that you blaspheme God in so saying for it is given in two parts because there is two thing shewed that is to say his Body and his Passion as saith St. Paul and therefore is the Bread his Body and the Wine the representation of his death and blood shedding Smith You falsify the Word and rack it to serve your purpose for the Wine was not only the shewing of his passion but the Bread also for our Saviour saith so oft as you do this do it in remembrance of me and St. Paul saith so oft as you eat of this Bread and Drink of this Cup you shall shew the Lords death till he comes and here is as much reverence given to the one as the other Then rose up the Lord Bishop and the Lord Mayor desired me to save my Soul To whom I answered I hope it was saved through Christ Jesus desiring him to have pity on his own soul and remember whose Sword he carried At which I was carried into the Garden and there abode until the rest of my Friends were Examined and so were we sent away with many foul farewels to Newgate again the Lord Bishop giving the Keeper a charge to lay me in Limbo The Substance of another Examination of Robert Smith before the said Bishop Upon Saturday at Eight of the Clock I was brought to his Chamber again and there by him examined as followeth Bonner Thou Robert Smith sayst that there is no Catholick Church here on Earth Smith You have heard me both speak the contrary and you have written it as a Witness of the same Bonner Yea but I must ask thee this question how sayst thou Smith Must you of necessity begin with a Lye it maketh manifest that you determine to end with the same but there shall no Lyars enter the Kingdom of God nevertheless if you will be answemed ask mine Articles that were written yesterday and they shall tell you that I have confessed a Church of God as well in Earth as in Heaven and yet all one Church and one mans Members even Christ Jesus Bonner Well what sayest thou to Auricular confession is it not necessary to be used in Christs Church and wilt thou not be shriven of the Priest Smith It is not needful to be used in Christs Church as I answered yesterday but if it be needful for your Church it is to pick mens purses and such pick-purse matters is all the whole rabble of your Ceremonies for all is but money matters that ye maintain Bonner How art thou able to prove that Confession is a Pickpurse matter Art thou not ashamed so to say Smith I speak by experience for I have both heard and seen the fruits of the same for first we see it hath been a bewrayer of Kings secrets and the secrets of other mens Consciences who being delivered and glad to be discharged of their sins have given to Priest great sums of money to absolve them and sing Masses for their Souls health and began to tell him an Example of a Gentleman in Norfolk who being bound in Conscience through the perswasion of the Priest gave away a great part of what he had the which thing when his Brother heard he went to London and declaring it to the Council how that by subtilty the Priest had robbed his Wife and Children he recovered a great part again to the value of two or three hundred pounds as I was relating this the Bishop saw it savoured not to his purpose but began to revile me and said By the Mass if the Queens Majesty were of his mind I should not come to talk before any man but should be put into a Sack and a Dog tyed unto the same and so should be thrown into the Water Smith To which I answered again saying I know you speak by practice as much as by speculation for both you and your predecessors have sought all means possible to Kill Christ secretly Witness M. Hunn whom your predecessors caused to be thrust in at the Nose with hot burning needles and then to be hanged and said he hanged himself and also a good Brother of yours a Bishop of your profession having in his Prison an Innocent man whom because he saw he was not able by the Scriptures to be overcome he made him privily to be Snarled and his Flesh to be torn and p●●kt away with a pair of Pinsors and bringing him before the People said the rats had eaten him Thus according to your Oath is all your dealing and hath been and as you taking upon you the Office do not wit●out Oaths open your Mouths no more do you without Murther maintain your Traditions Bonner Ah you are a Generation of Lyars there is not one true Word that cometh out of your Mouthes Smith Yes my Lord have said that Jesus Christ is dead for my sins and risen for my Justification and this is no Lye Bonner How sayst thou Smith to the seven Sacraments believest thou not that they be Gods order that is to say the Sacrament of c. Smith As for the Sacrament of the Altar and all your Sacraments they may well serve your Church but Gods Church hath nothing to do with them neither have I any thing to do with them nor you to examine me of them Bonner Why is Gods order changed in Baptism in what point do we differ from the Word of God Smith First in Hallowing your Water in Conjuring the same in Baptizing Children with Annointing and Spitting in their Mouths mingled with Salt and with many other lewd Ceremonies of which not one point is able to be proved in Gods order Bonner By the