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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A49006 An act of Common Council for regulating the election of sheriffs and for repealing the treasonable and disloyal acts and proceedings of that court in the time of the late rebellion City of London (England). Court of Common Council. 1683 (1683) Wing L2858; ESTC R919 14,193 20

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Orders and Proceedings touching better guarding of the Parliament and seizing Delinquents 4 27 Nov. 1648. Orders for paiment of One Thousand Six Hundred Pounds for Military Affairs out of the next Aldermens Fines 27 Nov. 13 Jan. 1648. Vpon a Petition prepared to the Parliament for Iustice upon all Capital Actors from the highest to the lowest in the War against the Parliament brought into Common Council and the Lord Mayors refusal to put it to the question and He with the Aldermen and Officers at last withdrawing the Commoners continued and put a Commoner in the Chair and then Voted the said Petition and ordered it to be presented in the Name of the Commons in Common Council with a Narrative of that Days procéeding And an Ordinance thereupon shortly after made by the House of Commons touching the calling and holding of Common Councils 13 Jan. 1648. Also a Reference then made touching Officers to sit in Common Council and whether they shall be chosen annually 13 Jan. 1648. George Griffith appointed to pray before the Common Council Also a Reference touching a Loan of 120000 l. desired by the House of Commons 12 April 1649. Declaration that the Recorder is an Officer of the Common Council 29 May 1649. Commons in Parliament Fairfax Council of State c. Invited to Dinner on a Thanksgiving Day at the charge of the Chamber A Bason and Ewer of Gold then to be presented to Fairfax and 934 Ounces of Plate and 200 l. in Gold to Cromwell 29 May 2 June 1649. Order touching Election of an Alderman of Bread-street 2 June 1649. Entry of an Order of the House of Commons for the Lord Mayor to deliver the Sword to the Speaker upon his reception in the City 6 June 1649. William Steel chosen Recorder by Common Council by virtue of an Act of the House of Commons 3 July 1649. Robert Mitchell Town Clerk displaced and Jo. Sadler elected 3 July 1649. A Committée to consider with a Committée of the House of Commons for raising 150000 l. for Ireland 5 July 1649. Orders touching Arrears due to Commanders 18 July 18 Sept. 11 Decemb. 1649. Order to refer to the House of Commons a difference with the Court of Aldermen touching choice of Recorder 18 July 1649. Order that at the rising of every Common Council another Common Council shall be appointed 1 Sept. 1649. Orders relating to Assessments made for the Parliaments Army 1 6 Sept. 1649. Orders for buying from the Commissioners at Gurny House the reversion of the Mannor of Finsbury being Deans and Chapters Lands 25 Sept. 9 Oct. 1649. Reference touching the Lord Mayors and Sheriffs House-keeping 9 Nov. 1649. Report that no Places be disposed without order of Common Council 14 Novemb. 1649. Order for allowances to be made Monthly out of the Chamber to the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs 7 Decemb. 1649. Act touching Lord Mayors and Sheriffs House-kéeping As also the Act made in the Reign of Ph. Ma. therein mentioned and for making them allowances out of the Chamber and against Selling of Places And that the Com. Council shall nominate two Persons to all Places and the Mayor and Aldermen to choose One 11 Decemb. 1649. Order touching Assessments for Forts Guards 9 Dec. 1649. Two Persons nominated to the Court of Aldermen for Clerk of the Bridge-House 21 Jan. 1649. For one of the Cities Musick 8 April 1650. For Sheriffs Officers 24 March 1650. 18 April 1651. For Common Pleader 29 April 1651. Reference for revoking Procéedings in 1646. concerning a Petition to the King and all others that reflect on the Parliament or Army 25 Jan. 1649. The stile of all Petitions to the Parliament as the Supream Authority or to the Parliament of the Common-wealth c. 〈◊〉 his Highness Oliver Lord Protector c. Petition for altering the Laws 25 Jan. 1649. Secondaries Places to be disposed by a Committée 6 Feb. 1649. Reference touching a Petition for satisfaction of Persons alledged to have laid out themselves for the Publick Safety 7 Febr. 1649. Common Councils acknowledgment to the Parliament declaring their Resolutions to stand and fall with them 2 Apr. 1650. Narrative touching a Common Council call'd without Lord Mayors directions and held after his departure from it by virtue of an Ordinance of Parliament 14 17 June 1650. Report touching the Place of Recorder and other Officers Also Order touching allowances to be made by the Committee appointed for the Sale of Offices 9 July 1650. Agréement of the Common Council to Fast and Pray for the Army gone into Scotland 20 August 1650. Orders touching a Contribution from the Common Council to the Army 27 Aug. 12 24 Sept. 18 Decemb. 1650. Thanksgiving appointed for the Victory in Scotland 12 Sept. 1650. Question put after the Lord MAYOR and Aldermen gone out of the Common Council 26 Septemb. 1650. Touching Elections of Common Council-Men and preparing orders for proceeding and adjourning of Common Councils 7 15 26 Febr. 1650. Order touching dividing of the Court 28 Feb. 1650. In Mr. Griffith's absence some Member to pray in Common Council 15 March 1650. Petition to the Parliament to be excused the further Charge of some Troops declaring they had already cost them Two and Twenty Thousand Pounds in the expedition against Scotland 10 April 1651. Order that Lord MAYOR issue out Warrants for new Elections of Common Council Men in place of those that have not taken the Oath required by Parliament 25 April 1651. Order that Common Council Men may depart within an hour after Summons 13 May. 1651. Also that no new matter be moved in Common Council after Twelve in the Morning and Seven in the Evening Ibid. Fast appointed for success of the Army in Scotland 3 June 1651. Petition to the Parliament for Writts to elect new Burgesses 12 June 1651. Election of one of the Prothonotaries in the Sheriffs Courts 19 June 1651. Proceedings at a Common Council after the Lord MAYOR and Aldermen were gone out and Owen Row voted into the Chair 2 July 1651. And 29 July 1651. Owen Row voted into the Chair by the Commons in Common Council before the Lord MAYOR and Aldermen came in Resolve of Common Council to adventure Lives and Estates in defence of the Common-Wealth against the King of Scotland and proceedings thereupon 11 Aug. 1651. Thanksgiving appointed for several Victories 7 Oct. 1651. Order that the Lord MAYOR and Aldermen withdraw out of the Common Council and the Commons turned into a grand Committee 3 Decemb. 1651. That none be admitted to the Freedom without notice of the Common Council 12 Decem. 1651. 11 March 1652. As also so much of an Act or Order made 16 Octob. 1638. upon Report to the Common Council as limits the number of persons to be admitted into the Freedom by order of the Lord MAYOR and Aldermen Votes touching allowances to Lord MAYOR and Sheriffs out of the Chamber 15 June 20 July 1652. Thanksgiving appointed for the
and affections and the Common Council's thanks to the Parliament for assisting them with Money towards their charges of raising Forces 6 Sept. 1642. Recommendation to the Citizens of the Earl of Essex his desire to borrow One Hundred Thousand Pounds 15 Sept. 1642. Suspention of Mr. Weld Town-Clerk 15 Sept. 1642. Agreement to send out Twelve Companies for defence of Religion the King Kingdom Parliament and City upon notice from the Parliament of Prince Rupert's approach 18 Oct. 1642. A Committee appointed touching Malignant Ministers 2. Decemb. 1642. Dislike of a Petition of Mr. Osbolstone and other Citizens to the Common Council to endeavour an end of the Warr and an accomodation between the King and both Houses 12. Decem. 1642. Petitions to the King and Parliament touching the King's return upon dishonourable Terms and Proceedings thereupon 16. Decemb. 9 and 18. Jan. 1642. Money to be advanced for the Parliament to prevent the Armies disbanding and Ministers to stir up men for that purpose 18. Feb. 1642. Propositions for reforming the Army Ibid. Discharge of the Remembrancer and Cities Marshals Ibid. Propositions to the Parliament touching Monies to be raised for the Army and other matters 21. Febr. 1642. Report to the Parliament touching Reformation of the Army and a Religious Covenant and Association with the Parliament's Answer 23. Febr. 1642. Monies to be raised at desire of the Parliament for the Earl of Essex preparing to go against Prince Rupert 10. March 1642. The Chamberlain to take up Monies in all 12000 l. for the Fortifications 25. Marc. 4 13 25 May. 21 Jun. 6. Jul. 1643. Application to the Parliament for Assessments to be paid to the Treasurers of Money and Plate at Guild-Hall 25 March 1643. Forty Thousand Pounds advanced for the Army 6 April 1643. Companies to lend their Arms for the Auxiliary Forces raised in the City 27 April 1643. Parliament to be moved for demolishing the Cross in Cheapside Ibid. Propositions touching reducing Newcastle 20 25 May. 10 June 1643. Orders and Reports upon a difference between the Militia and Sub-Committee at Salters-Hall 7 10 14 21 June 1643. Petition to the Parliament for listing of Horses 21 June 1643. Several Fifteens Twenty Four in all raised for Military affairs 5 Jan. 19 March 1641. 23 Feb. 1642. 6 July 1643. An Act repealing Two former Acts whereby the Court of Aldermen were to nominate Two persons to the Common-Hall for election of Chamberlain and Four for election of Bridge-Masters and the Comonalty to choose out of them and no others 21 June 1643. A Search to be made upon complaint of Arms carried out of the City to the Enemy 14 July 1643. Vpon notice of the King's Forces near the City and a Rising in Kent and Surrey Monies to be advanced 18 July 1643. And 1 Aug. 1643. Fifty Thousand Pounds ordered to be advanced Afterwards 11 Aug. 1643. Fifty Thousand Pounds to be raised by the Companies and Fifty Subsidies by private persons 26 Aug. 1643. an Ordinance of Parliament thereupon 9 Septemb. 1643. the City Seal to be given for the said Subsidies Message from Common Council to the Earl of Essex to assure him of their resolutions to assist him 1 Aug. 1643. A Petition to the House of Commons for punishment on Delinquents 6 Aug. 1643. A Committee to joyn with a Committee of Parliament for raising Monies 2 Octob. 1643. Orders touching Monies to be raised by sparing weekly Meals 10 22 Jan. 3 8 16 Feb. 1643. 30 March 1644. Order touching pulling down Houses c. near the Forts 10 Jan. 1643. Invitation of both Houses and Assembly of Divines to Dinner 12 13 22 Jan 1643. Order for a Petition to the Parliament to settle the Church Government 22 Jan. 1643. Petition to the Parliament for Reforming and Recruiting the Army 26 Jan. 1643. A Loan of 20000 l. to the Parliament 4 April 1644. Order for presenting to the Parliament a Petition of Souldiers maimed in the Parliaments Service to be admitted into Sutton's Hospital 8 Apr. 1644. Order that no Petition be read in the Petitioners presence 9 May 1644. Ralph Robinson to pray before the Common Council 9 May 1644. Petitions to the Parliament to continue their Endeavours in the Cause of God and the Kingdom assuring them they will stand by them with their Lives and Estates according to the Covenant 9 10 May 1644. Petition to the House of Commons for punishment of Delinquents and not to readmit Members that had deserted them 16 18 May 1644. A Committee to consider and promote the Parliaments desire for raising 2 or 300000 l. 28 May 1644. Suit made by Alderman Gibs to be discharged his place of Alderman 5 June 1644. An Ordinance desired to charge persons for finding Arms. Ibid Petition to the Parliament for Iustice upon Delinquents 22 July 2 August 1644. Petition to the Parliament touching Estates Sequestred 2 Aug. 1644. Ordinance to be presented to the Parliament to raise Money for Forts and Guards 20 Aug 1644. Motion to the Parliament for fortifying Redding 9 Sept. 1644. Reference touching raising 20000 l. for setting out Forces towards the West and an Ordinance of Parliament thereupon 27 Sept. 2 23 Oct. 1644. Petition to the Parliament against Free-trade with Ports in Hostility 23 Oct. 44. Petition to the Parliament for fortifying Windsor c. 9 28 Nov. 1644. Reference touching easing the Cities Charge out of Delinquents Estates 28 Novemb. 1644. Ordinance desired for further power to search for Suspicious Persons 17 27 Decemb. 1644. Petition to the Parliament for Ships of War to secure Trade in the West 16 24 Jan. 1644. Orders and Resolutions touching the calling and managing of Common Councils 24 Jan. 1644. And 24 Apr. 1645 A difference betwéen the Mayor and Aldermen and Commons touching the Mayor and Aldermens right of a Negative Voice proposed to be determined by the Parliament and order to suspend their Right in the mean time Reference upon a Motion for advancing 80000 l. for the Army after refusal of the Kings Propositions at Uxbridge 4 March 1644. Col. West by virtue of an Order of Parliament presented to be Lieutenant of the Tower 24 Apr. 1645. Proposition for reducing of Oxford approved 16 May 1645. Petition to the Parliament for recruiting Fairfax's Army to regain Leicester c. Also Order that the Parliament be desired that Massy may continue at Gloucester 7 June 1645. Common Council Men to move Inhabitants to supply Arms Men or Money for relief of Taunton 9 June 1645. Orders for paying Money raised for Military Affairs 9 Novemb 1644. 15 April 16 May 13 June 4 July 9 26 August 4 15 Sept. 1645. Parliament to be desired that the Scots Army may assist for the Regaining of Leicester 14 June 1645. Parliament and Assembly of Divines invited to Dinner at the charge of the Chamber upon a Thanksgiving for Victory against the King And the Committée for the Militia to joyn