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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13043 The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London.; Annales Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1580 (1580) STC 23333; ESTC S117590 888,783 1,248

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onely y ● wound w t the wind but wise men also some Lords eke to marke the matter muse thereon so farre forth that the Lorde Stanley that was after Earle of Darbie wisely mistrusted it and sayde vnto the Lorde Hastings that he muche mislyked these two seueral Councels For while we quoth he talke of one matter in y e one place little wote we wherof they talke in the other place My Lorde quoth the Lorde Hastings of my life neuer doubt you for while one man is there which is neuer thence neuer can there be thing once moued that should sound amisse toward me but it shoulde be in mine eares ere it were well out of their mouthes This ment he by Catesby whiche was of hys néere secrete Catesbie counsell and whom he verie familiarly vsed and in his most weightie matters put no man in so speciall trust reckening himselfe to no man so liefe sithe he well wyste there was no man so muche to him beholden as was this Catesby which was a man well learned in the lawes of this land and by the speciall fauour of the Lorde Chamberlaine in good authoritie and much rule bare in all y e Countie of Leycester where the Lorde Chamberleynes power chiefely laye But surely great pitie was it that he had not had eyther more truth or lesse wit For his dissimulation onely kept all that mischiefe vp In whom if the Lorde Hastings had not put so speciall trust the Lorde Stanley and he had departed with diuers other Lordes and broken all the daunce for many yll signes that he sawe which he now construes all to the best So surely thought he that there coulde be no harme toward him in that Councell intended where Catesby was And of truth the Protector and the Duke of Buckingham made verie good semblaunce vnto the Lorde Hastings and kept him much in companie And vndoubtedly the Protector loued him well and loth was to haue lost him sauing for feare least his lyfe shoulde haue quaiied their purpose For which cause he moued Catesby to proue wyth some wordes cast out a farre off whether he coulde thinke it possible to winne the Lorde Hastings vnto their part But Catesby whether he assayed him or assayed him not reported vnto them that he founde him so fast and heard him speake so terrible words that he durst no further breake And of trueth the Lorde Chamberlayne of verye trust shewed vnto Catesby the distrust that other began to haue in the matter And therefore hée fearing least theyr motion might with the Lorde Hastings minishe his credence wherevnto onely all the matter leaned procured the Protector hastily to rid him And much the rather for that he trusted by his death to obtayne muche of the rule that the Lorde Hastings bare in his Coūtrey the onely desire wherof was the allectiue that induced him to be partner and one speciall contriuer of all this horrible treason Wherevpon soone after that is to wit on the Fryday the thirtéenth day of June many Lordes assembled in the Tower and there sat in Councell deuising the honourable solemnitie of the Kings Coronation of which the tyme appoynted then so neare approched that the Pageantes and subtiltyes were in making daye and night at Westminster and much vitayle kylled therefore that afterward was cast away These Lordes so sitting together communing of thys matter the Protector came in amongst them first about ix of the clocke saluting them courteously and excusing hymself that he had bene from them so long saying merily that he had bene a sléeper that day And after a little talkyng with them he sayde vnto the Byshop of Elie My Lorde you haue verye good Strawberies at your Garden in Holborne I require you let vs haue a messe of them Gladly my Lorde quoth he woulde God I had some better thing as readie to your pleasure as that And therwith in all the hast he sent hys seruant for a messe of Strawberies The Protector set the Lordes fast in communing therevpon praying them to spare him for a little while departed thence And soone after one houre betwéene x. and xj he returned into the Chamber among them all changed with a wonderfull soure angrie countenance knitting y e browes frowning fretting gnawing on his lippes so sat hym downe in his place all the Lordes much dismayde and sore maruelling of this manner of sodaine change what thing should him aile Then whē he had sitten still a while thus he began What were they worthy to haue that compasse and imagine the destruction of mée beyng so néere of bloud vnto the King and Protector of his Royall person and his Realme At this question all the Lordes sat sore astonyed musing much by whom this question shoulde be ment of which euery man wyst himselfe cleare Then the Lord Chamberlaine as he that for the loue betwéene them thoughte he might be boldest with him aunswered and sayde that they were worthy to be punished as heynous traytors whatsoeuer they were And all the other affyrmed the same That is quoth he yonder sorceresse my brothers wyfe and other with hir meaning y e Quéene At these words many of y e other Lords were greatly abashed y ● fauoured hir But y e Lord Hastings was in his minde better content y ● it was moued by hir thā by any other whō he loued better Albeit his hart somwhat grudged y t he was not afore made of counsel in this matter as he was of the taking of hir kinred of their putting to death which were by his assent before deuised to be beheaded at Pomfret thys self same day in which he was not ware y t it was by other deuised y t himself should be beheaded y e same day at London Then saide the Protector ye shall all sée in what wise that sorceresse and that other Witch of hir counsell Shores wife with their affinitie haue by their sorcerie and witchcrafte wasted my body And therewith he plucked vp his dublet sléeue to his elbow vpō his left arme where he shewed a werish withered arme and smal as it was neuer other And thervpō euery mans minde sore misgaue them wel perceiuing y ● this matter was but a quarrel For they well wist y ● the Quéene was too wise to goe about any such folly And also if she would yet would she of all folke least make Shores wife of counsell whom of all women she most hated as that Concubine whome the King hir husbande had most loued And also no manne was there present but well knew that his arme was euer suche since hys byrth Naythelesse the Lorde Chamberlayne which from the death of Kyng Edward kept Shores wyfe on whom he somewhat doted in the Kings lyfe sauing as it is sayde he that while forbare hir of reuerence toward the K. or else of a certayn kind of fidelitic to his friend aunsweared and sayd certaynly my Lord if they haue so
Englande tooke leaue of the King and on Sonday came to Saint Dennis and after to Bolongne where they tooke shippe and returned into Englande the fourth of July The second of June in the morning betwéen the houres of seauen and eight Thomas Hawarde Duke of Norffolke was beheaded on a Scaffolde sette vpon the Tower hill The Duke of Norffolke beheaded Aboute the ninth of June Frauncis Duke of Momorencie French Embassadors chiefe Marshall of Fraunce Gouernour and Lieutenant of the Isle of Fraunce Generall to Charles the ninth Kyng of Fraunce and Paule de Foix of the priuie Councell to the saide King and Bertrande de Saligners Lorde de la Mothefenalon Knightes of the order of Saint Michael Embassadors for the same King arryued at Douer The fouretéenth day they shotte London bridge towards Somerset house at the Strande where they were lodged The fiftéenth daye beyng Sundaye the saide Embassadours League vvith Fraunce confirmed at VVestminster repayred to the White hall where they were honorablye receyued of the Quéenes Maiestie with hir Nobilitie and there in hir Graces Chappell aboute one of the clocke in the afternoone the Articles of treatie league or confederacie and sure friendship concluded at Blois the ninetéenth of Aprill as is afore shewed betwixt the Quéenes Maistie and the Frenche King being read the same was by his Maiestie and his Embassadours confirmed to be obserued and kepte wythout innouation or violation c. The reste of that day wyth great part of the night following was spent in greate triumph with sumptuous banquets The eightéenth of June the feaste of Saint George was holden at Windsore where the French Embassadoures were royally feasted and Frauncis Duke of Momorencie was S Georges feast at VVindsore stalled Knight of the moste honorable order of the Garter The eight and twentith daye of June the afore named Embassadoures departed from London towardes Fraunce The fouretéenth of June Thomas Lorde Wharton deceassed in his house of Chanon Rowe at Westminster The thyrtéenth daye of July the Qu 〈…〉 Maiestie at Lorde Treasorer Lord priuie Seale L. Chamberlaine vvyth other officers White hall made sir William Cecil Lorde o 〈…〉 〈…〉 hley Lorde highe Treasorer of Englande Lorde Willi 〈…〉 〈…〉 awarde late Lorde Chamberlaine Lorde priuie Seal 〈…〉 The Earle of Sussex Lorde Chamberlaine sir Thomas Smith principall Secretarie and Christopher Hatton Esquier Captaine of the Guarde c. The two and twentith of August Thomas Percie Earle Earle of Northumberland beheaded of Northumberlande late of Topcliffe who hadde béene béefore attainted by Parliament of highe Treason as béeyng one of the principall conspiratoures in the late rebellion and nowe broughte oute of Scotlande whether he hadde fledde was beheaded at Yorke aboute twoo of the clocke in the afternoone on a newe Scaffolde set vppe for that purpose in the Market place In this moneth of Auguste sir Thomas Smith one of the Englishmē sente to Vlstar in Irelande Quéenes Maiesties priuie Councell carefully tending the reformation of Irelande sent hys sonne Thomas Smith Esquyre thither with a Colonie of Englishemen to inhabite the Ardes in Vlster Richarde Pipe Nicholas Woodroffe the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Lionell Ducket Mercer the 28. of October The eyghtéenth of Nouember in the mornyng was Anno reg 15 A strange Starre appeared séene a Starre Northwarde verye brighte and cleare in the Constellation of Cassiopeia at the backe of hir Chaire whiche wyth thrée chiefe fixed Starres of the saide Constellation made a Geometrical figure losinge wise of the learned menne called Rombus thys Starre in bignesse at the fyrste appearing séemed bigger than Iupiter and not muche lesse than Venus when she séemeth greatest also the said Starre neuer changing hys place was carryed about with the daylye motion of Heauen as all fixed Starres commonlye are and so contynued by little and little to the eye appearyng lesse for the space of almoste sixetéene Moneths at what tyme it was so small that rather thoughte by exercise of ofte viewyng myghte imagine the place than any eye coulde iudge the presence of the same and one thyng is herein chieflye to be noted that by the learned skill and consent of the best and most expect Mathematicians which obserued the state property and other circumstances belonging to the same Starre it was found to haue bin in place Celestiall farre aboue the Moone otherwise than euer anye Comet hathe bin séene or naturally can appéere Therefore it is supposed that the signification thereof is directed purposely and specially to some matter not naturall but celestiall or rather supercelestiall so straunge as from the beginning of the worlde neuer was the like The four and twentith of Nouember Edward Earle of Earle of Darby deceassed Darbie Lord Stanley and Strange of Knocking Lord and Gouernor of the Isle of Man Knight of the noble order of the Garter and one of the Quéenes Maiesties priuie Councell deceassed at his house called Latham in Lancashire His life and death deseruing commendation and crauing memorie to be imitated was suche as followeth His fidelitie vnto two Kings and two Quéenes in daungerous times and greate rebellions in whyche time and alwayes as cause serued He was lieutenant of Lancashire and Cheshire and lately offered tenne thousande men to the Quéenes Maiestie of his owne charge for the suppression of the last rebellion His godlye disposition to his tenantes neuer forcing anye seruice at their handes but due payment of their rent His liberalitie to strangers and such as shewed themselues gratefull to him His famous house kéeping 220. in checkroll neuer discontinuing y e space of xlij yere His féeding especially of aged persōs twice a day lx od besids al cōmers thrice a wéeke appoynted for hys dealing dayes and euerye Good Friday these xxxv yeres one with another 2700. with meate drinke money and money worth There was neuer Gentleman or other that waited in his seruice but had allowance from him to haue as wel wages as otherwise for horse and man His yearely portion for the dispenses of hys house 4000. l. His cunning in setting bones dis-ioynted or broke His deliuery of hys George and Seale to the Lord Straunge wyth exhortation that hée myghte kéepe it so vnspotted in fidelitie to his Prince as he had and his ioye that he dyed in the Quéenes fauoure his ioyfull parting thys world his takyng leaue of all his seruants by shaking of handes and his remembraunce to the last daye The eyght and twentith of Nouember Iohn Hall Gentleman Hall and VVilkinson executed and Oswald Wilkinson late of Yorke and Gailour of Yorke Castell béeyng before arraigned and condemned of treason were drawne from the Tower of London to Tiborne and there hanged bowelled and quartred Thys yeare a greate and sharpe frost almoste continuallye Greate froste a sharp vvinter lasted from before the feaste of all Saints till after the feaste of Epiphany of oure Lorde wyth sometimes
into the which no houest man commeth to lye which honorable Preacher yée well remember substantially declared vnto you at Paules Crosse● on Sunday last passed the right title that the most excellent Prince Richarde Duke of Glocester now Protector of this Realme hath vnto the Crowne and Kingdome of the same For as the worshipfull man groundlye made open vnto you the children of King Edward the fourthe were neuer lawfully begotten for as much as the King leauing his very wyfe Dame Elizabeth Lucie was neuer lawfully married vnto the Quéene their mother whose bloud sauing that he set his voluptuous pleasure before his honor was ful vmnéetly to be matched with his and the minglyng of whose bloude togither hath beene the effusion of great parte of the● noble bloud of this Realme Whereby it may well séeme the mariage not well made of which there is so muche mischiefe growne For lacke of which lawfull accoupling and also of other things which the sayde worshipfull Doctor rather signified than fully explaned and which things shall not be spoken ●●r mée as the thing wherein euery man forbeareth to say that he knoweth ●● auoyding displeasure of my noble Lord Protector bearing as nature requireth a filiall ●●●●re●●● to the Duches his mother for these causes I s●y before remembred that is to wit for lacke of other is●●● lawfullye comming of the late noble Prince Richarde Duke of Yorke to whose morall bloud the Crowne of Englande and of Fraunce ●● is by the hyghe aucthoritie of Parliament entayled the ryght and title of the same is by the inst course of inheritaunce according to the common lawes of thys Lande deu●lute and commen vnto the most excellent Prince the Lord Protector as to the very lawfully ●●●●tten sonne of the forere membred noble D●●● of Yorke Which thing well considered and the great knightly prowes pondered with manifolde vertues which in his noble person singularly abound the Nobles and Commons also of this Realme and specially of the North part not willing any bastard bloud to haue the rule of the land nor the abustons before in the same vsed any longer to continue haue condiscended and fully determined to make humble petition to the most puissaunt Prince the Lord Protector that it may lyke his grace at our humble request to take vpon him the guiding and gouernance of this Realme to the wealth and encrease of the ●ame according to hys verie right and iust tytle Which thing I wote it well he will be lothe to take vpon hym as he whose wisedome well perceyueth the labour and studie both of minde and body that shall come therewith to whomsoeuer so will occupie the roome as I dare say he will if he take it Which roome I warne you well is no childes ●●●●e And that the great wise man well perceiued when he ●ayd● V●●●g●o cuiu● rex puer est Wo is that Realme that hath a childe to their King Wherefore so much the more cause haue we to thanke God that this Noble personage which is so righteously intituled thervnto is of so sad age and therevnto so great wisedome ioyned with so great experience which albeithe will be loth as I haue sayd to take it vpon him yet shall he to our petition in that behalfe the more graciously in●l●●● if ye the worshipful Citizens of this the chiefe Citie of this Realme ioyne wyth vs the nobles in our saide request Which for your owne weale we doubt not but ye will and nathelesse I har●●ly pray you so to doe whereby you shall doe great profit to all this Realme beside in chosing them so good a King and vnto your selfe special commoditie to whom his Maiestie shal euer after beare so much the more tender fauour in howe much he shal perceyue you the ●●ore proue and beneu●lently minded toward his election Wherin deare friends what minde you haue ●●● requi●e you plainely to shew vs. When the Duke had sayde and looked that the people whom he hoped that the Maior hadde framed before should after this proposition made haue cryed King Richarde King Richard all was husht and mute and not one word aunswered therevnto wherewith the Duke was maruellously abashed and taking the Maior nearer to hym with other that were aboute him priuie to that matter sayde vnto them softlye what meaneth thys that thys people be so styll Syr quoth the Maior percase they perceyue you not well That shall wée mende quoth he if that will helpe And by and by somewhat louder hée rehearsed them the same matter agayne in other order and other wordes so well and ornately and naythelesse so euidentlye and playne wyth voyce gesture and countenaunce so comely and so conuenient that euery man muche maruelled that hearde him and thought that they neuer had in theyr liues heard so euil a tale so well tolde But were it for wonder or feare or that eche lookt that other shoulde speake first not one worde was there aunswered of all the people that stoode before but all was as styll as the mydnight not so muche as rowning amongest them by which they myght séeme to commune what was best to doe When the Maior sawe this hée with other partners of that Councell drewe aboute the Duke and sayde that the people had not béene accustomed there to be spoken vnto but by the Recorder which is the mouth of the Citie and happily to him they wyl aunswere With that the Recorder called Fitz William a sad manne and an honest Fitz VVilliam Recorder which was so newe come into that office that he neuer had spoken to the people before and lothe was wyth that matter to begynne notwithstandyng therevnto commaunded by the Maior made rehearsall to the Commons of y ● the Duke had twice rehearsed them to himselfe But the Recorder so tempered hys tale that he shewed euery thing as the Dukes wordes and no parte of hys owne But all this noting no chaunge made in the people which alway after one stoode as they had béene men amased wherevppon the Duke rowned vnto the Maior and sayde this is a maruellous obstinate silence and there with he turned vnto the people agayne with these wordes Deare friendes wée come to mooue you to that thing whiche peraduenture wée not so greatlye needed but that the Lordes of thys Realme and the commons of other parties might haue sufficed sauing that wée sache loue beare you and so much set by you that we woulde not gladlye doe without you that thing in whiche to be partners is your weale and honour which as it séemeth either you sée not or wey not Wherefore we require you giue vs answeare one or other whether yée be ininded as al y ● Nobles of the Realm be to haue this Noble Prince now Protector to be your King or not At these wordes the people beganne to whisper among themselues secretely that the voice was neither lowde nor distinct but as it were the sounde of a swarme of Bees tyll