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A29369 Bridge's remains, being VIII sermons ... by that learned and judicious divine, Mr. William Bridge ... Bridge, William, 1600?-1670. 1673 (1673) Wing B4459; ESTC R18600 124,015 222

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me which is worst sin or sorrow Possibly it may be your affliction and sorrow to walk alone but to keep bad company is your sin and guilt Quest Why but are they all alike guilty that do keep bad company Answ No. For there are three sorts of men that do or may possibly keep bad company Some are wicked themselves some are Professors and some Members of Churches It ill for a wicked man to keep bad company it is worse for a Professor of the Gospel but it s worst of all for a Member of a Church 1. It s ill for any man to keep evil company it is ill for a wicked man himself to do it for the more companions that a man hath in his wickedness the more he is inclosed therein and the harder it is for him to break away from his wickedness Is it not an hard thing for a Bird to flie away that is taken in the Lime twiggs Why evill company is the Devils lime-twiggs and what is the reason that many a man doth continue in his sin who is convinced of the evil of it but because he is held fast in the bands of his wicked company O saith one I confess it is my duty to live otherwise but I cannot get away from my company so that though a man be a wicked man himself it is an evil thing for him to keep bad company But Secondly As it is an evil thing for a wicked man to keep bad company so it is worser for a Professor of the Gospel to do it Peccatum majus The more repugnancy there is between the sin and the sinner the worser and the greater is the sin Now a Professor of the Gospel is such an one as hath Dedicated himself unto God and separated himself from the world and therefore for him to keep ill company is directly contrary unto his profession the more that any man sins against his knowledge and Conscience the greater is his sin such a sin is called Rebellion 1 Sam. 15. And Rebellion is as the Sin of Witchcraft Now what Professor is there of the Gospel but doth know that he ought to avoid evil company Possibly a poor ignorant prophane man may not know his duty in this case but a Professor knows his duty and therefore as it is evil in any man to keep bad company so it is worser for a Professor of the Gospel to do it But Thirdly In the third place it is worst of all in a Member of a Church for he sins against his present Remedy Sins against Remedy are the worst sort of sins It is a grievous sin for any Young unmarried man to commit Fornication but if a man be married and doth commit Adultery he sins worse why because he sins against remedy and because he hath a remedy by him So here it is ill for any man to keep ill company but worst for a Member of a Church Why Because he sins against a Remedy he hath Communion with the Saints he hath good company by him a remedy by him and therefore for him to keep bad company is the worst of all the more any man despises the ways and ordinances of God by his sin the greater is his sin Now if you look into Scripture ye shall find that when a man hath two things before him doth chuse the one and refuse the other look what that is that he leaveth that he is said to hate and despise Now a Member of a Church hath two sorts of companies before him and therefore if he shall chuse to walk with those that are evil he is said in Scripture language to hate and despise the company of the Saints and is it a small thing in your eyes to hate or despise the Company and Communion of the Saints Object Why but though I do keep company sometimes with those that are wicked yet I do not despise or hate the company of the Saints for I keep company with them too Ans That 's strange Strange in regard of your self Strange in regard of others Strange in regard of your self for if you find any savour in good company is it not strange that you should not refrain bad company surely good company will either eat out the heart of your bad company or bad company will eat out the savour of your good company Strange therefore it is if you should keep both companies strange in regard of your self and strange also it is in regard of others When the Deer is shot the rest of that Herd will push him out from amongst them and if you be shot with the Arrow of bad company 't is strange that the rest ●f your Herd should not push you out of their society and avoid you because you will not avoid others But Secondly You say that you keep company with the good too but I pray tell me is it not the Mud of the good company that you converse withal As in a River or Pond there is Water and Mudd so in all good company there is the Water of Life and there is the Mud of their Infirmities and Vanities if it be the Mud of good company that you converse with then do you keep bad company even whilest you converse with those that are good But Again Thirdly You say you keep company with both good and bad bad and good But who art thou that dost so I read in the old Testament that those creatures which live both in the land and in the water were counted unclean I read also in Scripture of a sincere Christian and a Luke-warm Professor and what is lukewarm water but that water which hath both heat and cold in some equal degrees and what is the lukewarm Professor but one that can run with both and comply with both companies I read in Hos 7. That God compared the declining people of Israel unto a Cake dough-baked baked on the one side and not on the other Why But because they were for God and Idolls too They could walk and converse with both So now when men are for both companies they can stand with the Saint and they can stand with Sinners they can sit with the Scornful and they can sit with the Faithful they can go in and out with Gods people and they can go in and out with the wicked What doth this argue but that they are dough-baked and lukewarm Professors Yet fourthly if there be any such amongst us which God forbid give me leave to speak three or four words unto them You say you can walk with both good and bad but what comfort can you have in walking at all with those that are bad Mr. Dod said once there are two questions which if a man can rightly answer he may have comfort in every condition The first question is What am I The second question is Where am I If said he in answer to the first What am I I can truly say I am Godly I am in Christ I am one of
enjoyn and commend this duty but doth encourage us unto it for saith he Prov. 13.20 He that walketh with the wise shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed So that it is a good mans duty to keep company with those that are good and as it is his duty so he can do no other his spiritual disposition doth naturally lead him unto it You say Birds of a Feather will together And what is the reason that the Sheep doth converse with the Sheep and not with the Swine That the Pidgeon doth converse with the Pidgeon and not with the Raven but because their disposition doth naturaly lead them to converse with those that are in nature like to them Now the divine nature of all good men is spiritually the same naturally therefore as a good man he cannot but converse and walk with those that are good And as he can do no other so it is best for him to do so for in good company there is much safety as there is danger in bad so in good company there is great safety Our way to Heaven is a journey and we are all travelling thither now ye know that in a great journey a good day and a good way and good company is very comfortable so in our journey to Heaven a clear Gospel day a plain even way and good company is a great mercy and a sweet privilege insomuch as John that wrote the book of the Revelations glories in it for I pray mark how he stiles himself I John am the Pen-man of this Book and would you know saith he what my title is it is this your Brother and Companion in Tribulation and in the Kingdom and Patienee of Jesus Christ Rev. 1.9 It seems then First That he that lies in Christs bosome will lie in the bosome of the Saints of all the Disciples it 's written of John that he was the Beloved Disciple that lay in Christs bosome now says he to all the Saints I am your Brother and Companion Secondly it seemes by this Scripture That he that is our true companion will keep us company into tribulation I am your Brother and Companion in Tribulation Thirdly you may here see that those who are the Saints companions in tribulation shall be companions also with them in the Kingdom of Christ I am your Brother and Companion in tribulation and in the Kingdom and Patience of Jesus Christ Fourthly That it is an honour mercy and a great priviledge to be a companion with the Saints though it be in matter of tribulation for herein doth John glory I John who also am your Brother and Companion in Tribulation plainly then it is a great mercy and a sweet priviledge to have good company But to clear up this thing to you I shall only make use of one argument which though one hath many in the bosome of it Thus if there be much benefit to be found in good company and much hurt and mischief in bad company then it is best for every good man to keep good company Now in good company there is much benefit and in bad company there is much mischief For 1. As for the benefit of good company If in case you be going into evil ready to fall into what is evil he will put forth his hand and will hold you from it saying Oh my friend Do not this thing for it is displeasing unto your God and my God Ye know how it was with David when he was going to destroy Nabal and all his house he met with Abigail and by her councel was diverted from it insomuch as he blessed God for her councel Ye are the Salt of the Earth saith Christ Now there are two properties of Salt it keeps the me●t from putrifaction and it makes it savory So will good company do they will make you more savoury in your Spirits and keep you from that corruption and putrifaction which you are apt unto And 2. As good company w●ll keep you from evil so they will provoke whet and stir you up unto what is good yea though they be of lower and meaner parts and gifts then your self For as the Chips and shavings of Wood and little sticks will set the great blocks and billets a fire so warm and lively Christians though weak in parts will warm and put life into others though in parts and gifts much beyond them Heb. 10.24 Let us consider one another to provoke unto Love and good works Solomon tells you That the lips of the Righteous disperse knowledge Pro. 15.7 and if you look into the 4th verse ye shall find that the wholesome Tongue which onely dwells in the mouth of the righteous is a Tree of life The word in the original is an healing tongue there is a cutting-wounding-tongue and there is an healing-tongue Now the healing-wholesome tongue is a Tree of Life do you therefore desire to gather and eat of the Tree of Life then must you keep company with an healing not with a cutting and a wounding tongue And if ye look into Prov. 20.21 ye shall find that the tongue of the righteous is as choice Silver the heart of the wicked is nothing worth though he saith his heart is good and as good as any mans though he cannot speak of good a● others do Yet says Solomon the heart of the wicked is nothing worth but the tongue of the just or righteous is not onely as Silver but as choice Silver And do you ask wherein the worth of his ●ips doth consist I will tell you saith Solomon The Lips of the righteous feed many Do you therefore desire to be fed and to meet with such company as shall feed your Soul then you must keep company with those that are good and righteous And if ye look into verse 11. ye shall find he saith That the Mouth of the righteous is a well of Life Do you therefore desire to draw up the Waters of Life then must you get your Bucket and come unto the mouth and company of the righteous Now if the mouth of the righteous be a well of Life and his Lips be as choice Silver that will feed many What a good thing is it and profitable for a man to keep company with those that are good Yet 3dly 3. As good company will provoke unto what in good so in case you fall at any time into evil thes will stretch forth their hand and lift you up agaiy For says Solomon Eccles 4.9 Two are better then one For if they fall the one will lift up his fellow but wo to him that is alone when he falleth for he hath not another to lift him up Again If two lie together then have they heat but how can one be warm alone And if one prevail against him two shall withstand him Are you therefore under some great Temptations and do you fear that Satan will prevail against you then you must keep good company for if one prevail against him two
shall withstand Or Is your heart grown cold and dead then must you keep good company For If two lie together then they have heat but how can one be warm alone Or are you fallen into any sin then must you keep good company For if they fall the one will lift up his fellow Is it not a good thing then to keep good company Surely it is yet 4. As good company will help to lift you out of the mire when you are fallen into it So in case you be in any outward great straight good company will help to pull you out of that ditch and straight For what a great straight was Daniel in when the King would put him to Death unless he told him his Dream and the meaning of it How is it possible for me to know what another Dreams yet Daniel must die unless he tell the King his Dream Well! What doth Daniel do in this case he goes up to God in his Prayers And chap 2.17 He went to his house and made the things known to Hananiah Mishael and Azariah his Companions But why did he go to them It seems they were praying Companions For says the Text He told it to them that the would desire mercies of the God of Heaven concerning this Secret that Daniel and his Fellows should not Perish Well and what then Then verse the next was the Secret revealed unto Daniel Suppose Daniels Companions had been drunken wicked Companions what help could he have had from them But they were praying Companions and a praying Companion is a great help in the time of straight And 5. In the 5th place As good company is a great help to a man in the day of his straights so it is a continual blessing For says the Psalmist Psal 133. Behold how good and pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in unity it is like the precious Oyntment upon the Head c. 'T is as the dew of Hermon c. For there the Lord commandeth his blessing and life for evermore It is not barely said That there God blesseth or doth pronounce a blessing but there he commands his blessing makes it effectual there he commands his blessing Was not Labans house blessed with the company of Jacob Was not Potiphars house blessed with the company of Joseph Surely where good company is there is Gods blessing yea There he commandeth his blessing and life for evermore It is recorded of one Heathen that when he would set his House and Land to Sale he caused the Cryer to proclaim Bonum habet vicinum Thinking that it would sell the better for a good Neighbour and surely a good Neighbour is a good commodity and good company is a great mercy There the Lord commandeth his blessing and life for ●vermore And thus ye now see the benefit of good company 2. As for the mischief of bad company there is much mischief to be found therein For as good ●ompany will provoke and quicken you unto what is good so bad company will cool and quench you to what is good Bad company is a great quench-cole and will abate your affections unto what is good Will not water mixed with Wine abate of the strength of the Wine so will bad company abate your strength of affections unto what is good P. Mart. observing that many of the Jews stayed behind in Babylon when others came out of Babylon with much heat and zeal to build Gods House He enquires into the reason why any should stay behind and he concludes that the Society and Company of the Babylonians had cooled their devotions unto Gods Service they had been 70. years in Babylon Ide● pietatis amor religionis studium refrixerati Pet. Mar. in Judg. 1 Cap. and having so long mingled themselves with the people of the Nations they were now cooled to the service of God And indeed what is the reason that many are so cooled over what they have been unto what is good but because they have mingled themselves with evil company 2. As evil company will quench and cool your affections unto what is good so they will insensibly infect you with what is evil You see how it is with Diseases though a man have an infectious disease yet if I keep at a distance from his Breath and the like I am not infected therewith but if I come near him to suck in his breath then I am infected So here though evil wicked men are very infectious yet if Et solent vitia alibi connata in propinqua membra perniciem sua● efflare sic improborum vitia in eos derivantur qui cum illis vi● habent consuetudinem Tertul. advers Volent keep at a distance I shall not be infected with them but if I come so near as to suck in their breath by keeping them company then I am infected by them A little Leaven saith the Apostle leaveneth the whole lump And he speaks of persons though you think there is but a little leaven or malice in such or such a mans company yet it is leaven and a little of that leaven will leaven all the lump Who would have thought that Alexander should be infected with the fashions of the Persians whom he conquered yet by conversing with them he was infected by them say Histories Were not the Jews infected with the superstition of Egypt by their conversing with them Had not Joseph learned to swear by the life of Pharaoh by being in his house Was not Peter infected in the High priests Hall by his converse with them Did not Isaiah cry out Wo is me for I am undone because I am a man of unclean lips For I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips It may be you think that they shall not infect you with their principles or their practices But they do insensibly infect Evil company doth insensibly infect a man with Evil. You see how it is with a white Loaf that is set into the Oven and doth stand neer the brown Bread it comes out with a black patch on the side thereof And ye have heard what he said that went thrice to Rome the first time said he I saw your fashions and manners the second time I learned them and the third time I brought them away So the first time you go into evil company you see their fashions and hear their Qui semel it Romam videre scelestum qui secundo cognoscere qui tertio in patriam referre Cluveri Histor mundi Epist p. 687. words the second time ye learn them and the third time you bring them away And will you say No I have been often in such company yet I have not brought their fashions and manners away then remember what the Apostle saith Evil communications corrupts good manners And have you not brought a black patch away with you It may be others see it though you your self do not I believe the word of God rather then your word Evil communications
doth corrupt good manners It will infect your Judgment before you are aware and your Practice before you are aware for evil company is infecting company And in the third place 3. As they do insensibly infect a man with what is evil so they do by your company with them draw you into the fellowship and communion of Satan For there are two great Princes in the world Christ and the Devil and Christ ruleth in the children of Obedience and those that have communion with them have thereby communion with Christ So Satan ruleth in the the children of Disobedience and those that have fellowship and communion with them have thereby communion with Satan For how can a man have communion with the Members and not with the Head Now is it not a great evil and mischief to have communion and fellowship with Satan This you have that keep company with wicked Men. 4. And if you have communion with Satan and his Members here then you shall have communion with him and his Members hereafter There is a draught of things to come in this life Those that stand at the right hand of Christ here shall stand at his right hand in the day of Judgment And those that stand on his left hand here shall stand on his left hand at the day of Judgment So those that are bound up with the wicked here shall be bound up with them hereafter There is a bundle of Life and there is a bundle of Death Some men there are that shall be bound up in the bundle of Life and some men there are that shall be bound up in the bundle of Death Take them and bind them hands and foot and cast them into outward darkness sai h Christ Here is a company of Drunkards bind them together and cast them into Hell for ever Here is a company of Swearers and there a company of Opposers and Jearers and there a company of unclean persons and there a company of more moral civil men Take them and bind them up as so many Faggots and cast them into that fire that shall never be quenched And I pray tell me Who do you think shall be bound up with these Shall not those that bundle up themselves with them now That keep company with them now Come out of her my People saith Christ lest you partake with her in her Plagues They that will partake with wicked men in their company now shall partake with them in their plagues hereafter And 5. For the present what shall you get by all your wicked company but a reproch and a blot that shall not be wiped off Doth not the mingling of the Water with the Wine alter the colour of the Wine So shall your mingling with evil company do it shall not onely abate of your strength unto what is good but it shall alter the colour of your profession Solomon says It shall be a snare upon you Prov. 22.24 25. Make no friendship with an angry man and with a furious man thou shalt not go least thou learn his ways and get a snare unto thy Soul What will not a wicked man think of himself when you that are godly shall keep company with him Will not he say if my condition were not good and if I were not godly this man or woman would not keep company with me Thus you harden and offend him by your company with him and who among the Saints is not offended at your walking and conversing keeping company with such men Now is it nothing in your eye to offend the generation of the Righteous and the Unrighteous too Yet this do you do that are professors of the Gospel by your company with those that are evil Yet this is not all but as you offend the godly and the wicked so you offend God himself For the more you converse with wicked men the less you converse with God and God with you the more you turn in to them the more God will turn from you the more society you have with the world the less acquaintance you shall have with God God is offended in a way of Anger the Saints in a way of Grief and the wicked in a way of Stumbling by your keeping company with them Oh what an evil thing therefore is it to keep company with those that are bad And thus ye see the mischief of evil company Now if there is so much benefit in good company and so much mischief in evil company then it is and must be best for every good man to keep good company But as ye have heard there is much benefit in good company and much mischief in bad company surely therefore it is best for every good man to keep good company It is his duty to do He can do no other but do it And its best for him to do so Therefore a good man will have good company Quest 1. But though a good man will have good company yet whether is it not lawful in some cases to keep evil company Answ Ye have heard and seen and read what the Scripture saith in this case and the Scripture onely is the rule of lawful and unlawful things And pray do but mark what stress the Scripture lays upon this prohibition and how it loads it with variety of expressions Will ye instance in the persons of ungodly men then it forbids your company with ungodly sinners and scorners In the first Psalm Vain persons that have no good will are meerly vain dissemblers evil and wicked doers In Psalm 26.4 5. I have not sate with vain persons neither will I go in with dissemblers I hate the Congregation of evil doers and I will not sit with the wicked And what can be said more to delineate and characterize the persons themselves whose company you are to avoid Or will ye instance in the actions of keeping company Mark how the Scripture loads this prohibition in that respect Here the Psalmist saith I have not sate with them neither will I go in with them If they will go into an Ale-house or elsewhere I will not go in with them I will not sit with them neither will I go in with them And in the first Psalm there are three terms standing sitting and walking Blessed is the man that standeth not sitteth not walketh not with them And in that 4th of the Proverbs there are no less then four expressions put together upon this prohibition in one verse at the 14. he saith Enter not into the path of the wicked and go not in the way of evil men then ver 15. avoid it there 's one expression Passe by it there 's another Turn from it there 's another and Pass away there 's another Now if you will break through this hedge of expressions with some distinctions take heed how you distinguish over and against the letter of the Scripture that is so full lest a Serpent bite you Quest 2. Why but may I not then converse or be with
Relations Husband Wife Child or Kindred if they be ungodly Answ Yes for says Paul If the unbelieving husband will not depart let him not depart but you must re●ember what I said in the beginning That Company is a matter of choice and not of necessity and if you shall rather keep company with your carnal jearing and opposing Kindred then your Spiritual Kindred then it is not your Kindred but the Carnality of your Kindred that you keep company with Quest 3. Why but if it be unlawful for a Professor of the Gospel to keep bad company whether may it stand with Grace so to do Suppose I do keep bad company and suppose it be unlawful so to do whether is it such an evil as cannot stand with Grace Answ I answer That it is in this sin as in all other sins Now says the Apostle He that is born of God sinneth not that is He doth not so lie in his sin but he purgeth it out For he that hath this hope saith he purgeth himself else he were of the Devil saith he who sins and does not purge out his sin but as the fountain or spring purgeth out the dirt that doth fall into it so he that is born of God sinneth not but he doth purge it out And so in this case as a good man may fall into another sin so he may fall into this sin of evil company but if a Professor be convinced of the evil of it and doth not leave his evil company and purge himself from it then he is not born of God thus it can no more stand with Grace then another sin Quest 4. Why but if it be unlawful to keep evil company and it be our duty to keep good company yea to keep company with all those that do fear the Lord then Whether is it lawful to keep company with erroneous persons For David saith here I am a companion of all those that do fear thee Now so it is that some that fear God have fallen into errours whether may I therefore keep company with them For answer Answ It is ordinarily said That a man must consider his own weakness and their strength that are erroneous If I will mingle a spoonful of Wine with a pailfull● of Water shall I not lose the Wine For so say some If I am but weak in knowledge and will go and mingle my self with them that are strong in errours what shall I do but lose my own knowledge But there are two or three things that I shall speak to in this case of Conscience 1. Ye must know That there are some errours that are less some that are so gross that do manifest a wicked state and condition in them that hold them They are called errours of the wicked 2 Pet. 3.17 Now though I may sometimes converse with those that are less erroneous yet if their errours be such as cannot stand with Grace the Gospel or the power of Godliness then I am to shun their company as much as the company of a Drunkard Swearer or Unclean Person But Secondly You must observe all this verse the Psalmist doth not barely say I am a Companion of all that fear thee but he explains who those are that do fear the Lord and such as keep his Precepts now men that depart from his ordinances do not keep his Precepts and therefore though in regard of their other profession they may seem for to fear the Lord yet if they do not keep his Precepts this Scripture doth not warrant me to be their companion And in the third place 3. You know and must remember what the Apostle saith If any one that is called a Brother does walk inordinately from such turn away and avoid them So that though I must keep company with those that fear the Lord while they stand right yet if they do not stand right but do walk disorderly then I am commanded by another Scripture to avoid them for a while that they may be ashamed And thus now I have answered to those several Cases of Conscience and have cleared the Doctrine Application Now by way of Application if a good man will keep good company then what shall we think of those that never kept good company all their dayes 20 30 40 years old yet never kept good co●pany It may be they have kept company with Civil Moral men but saith David I am a companion of those that fear thee and do keep thy Precepts Or it may be they have sometimes occasionally faln into good society but they have not chosen the company of such as do fear the Lord and keep his precepts Now if a good man will keep go d company what shall we think of those that never kept good company all their time Yea what shall we think of those that have kept and doe keep bad company Every man is as his company is The Heathen co●ld say Noscitur ex comite Nostre ex comite qui non cognoscite ex se c. he is known by his company that cannot be known by himself A mans company is a Commentary upon his Life thereby you may understand a man though he be never so close and mystical It s recorded of Augustus Caesar that he came thus to know his Daughters inclinations for being once at a publick shew where much people were present he observed that the Grave Senators talked with Livia but loose youngsters and riotous persons with Julia whereupon he concluded that the one w s grave and the other light and vain And if ye look into the 50 Psalm ye shall find that God doth conclude a man to be a wicked man by his converse and partaking with those that are wicked verse 16. But to the wicked saith God What hast thou to do to declare my statutes or that thou shouldst take my Covenant in thy mouth Dost thou come to the ordinance and dost thou speak of the Covenant of Grace These do not belong to thee Why For thou hatest instruction and castest my words behind thee For when thou sawest a Thief then thou consentedst with him and hast been partaker with the Adulterers O what a sad condition therefore are all those in that do keep bad company God looks upon them as wicked that doe keep company with the wicked Object Why but is it not better to keep bad company then none It is not good for man to be alone that is uncomfortable is it not therefore better to have bad company then none Ans No. For suppose you were to go a journey whether would you chuse to ride alone or in the company of Thieves Would you not rather chuse to ride alone though it be uncomfortable then in the company of Thieves Surely ye would Why such are all wicked company Amici temporis fures Friends are thieves of time especially wicked friends for they will not only rob you of your precious time but of your precious duties principles and graces Or pray tell
they cannot discern of company And what is the reason that they discern not between company and company but because they are not spiritual Would ye therefore be able to make a right choice of your company then get this discerning spirit 4ly And in the fourth place observe Who those are that are most profitable in your society who those are that are most sound in their faith savoury in their spirits and most communicative and profitable in their lives and with such close Some have knowledge enough to discourse with but they have no savour in their spirits Some are of a savoury spirit but they want knowledge and are not communicative but let those that fear thee turn unto me and those that have known thy testimonies saith David as if he should say Lord I would not only have knowing men to be my companions but fearing men Neither would I only keep company with those that fear thee but with such as are knowing and do know thy testimonies Thus let his choice be yours a knowing man and a fearing man a fearing man and a knowing man will make a meet companion for you 5ly And if you would make a good and comfortable choice of your company then in case you be a man Let the friend of your bosome be a man and not a woman unless it be your Wife and if you be a woman then let the friend of your bosome be a woman and not a man unless it be your Husband for if the special friendship be between a man and a woman who knows how soon the spiritual friendship may degenerate into carnal affection and if it may be let your friend or companion stand upon even ground and a level with you for the Germane Proverb is often true He that will eat Cherries with Noblemen shall have his eyes spirt out with the stones thereof Therefore affect not company too high for you But whatever degree your company be of be sure that it be not such as will be apt to take an offence from you nor such as you shall be apt to take an offence from for then your society will always be uncomfortable Thus do and your choice shall be right Quest 3. Well but suppose I have chosen good company and I can say in truth with David here I am a companion of all those that do fear thee and do keep thy precepts What shall I do that I may improve my company I praise God I have good company but I do not know how to improve them what shall I therefore do that I may improve my good company Answ First You must be humbled for all the mispence of your time with good company The way to improve a mercy is to be humbled for our not improvement of it Secondly If you would improve your good company Then lay your right ends together when you meet you see how it is with a fire that is half burned if you would mend it you take the sticks and lay them together but then you do not lay the cold ends together but the hot ends together Now there is no company so good but hath its cold ends and its warm ends if you lay your cold ends together when ye meet what heat what warmth what good or improvement can you expect Therefore lay your warm ends together when you meet together Thirdly Observe what that grace is wherein your companions doth excell and labour more and more for to draw that forth every Saint and Godly man doth not excell in every grace Non omnis fert omnia tellus Every ground will not bear Wheat or Rye but some one Grain and some another so every Christian doth not excell in every grace some in one grace and some in another It may be he hath life and you have light or it may be he hath light and you have life And why hath God given this to one and that to another But that they may be beholding one to another and have communion one with another Would ye therefore improve your communion and good company Then observe what that grace is wherein he doth most excell and labour more and more to draw out the same Fourthly Take heed also of pride and envy which is the bane of all good company Pride will make a man speak and pride will make a man hold his peace I am a poor ignorant man or woman saith one and therefore I will not speak of that which is good before their company yet this may be out of pride I have an opportunity of doing good in this company saith another and therefore I 'le speak yet this may be out of pride too There was such an one spake good words at such a time saith another but 't was little to the purpose and this may be out of envy Now envy is between equals and pride between unequals either therefore you converse with your equals or with your unequals if with your equals take heed of envy if with your unequals take heed of pride Fifthly And in the fifth place If you would improve your good company and profit by them then pray over them and for them Of all companies says Mr. Greenham I never profited and gained more by any then by those that I prayed most for and what is the reason that you profit no more by your good company but because you pray no more for them and over them You will pray over your hearing reading or meditation why because it is an Ordinance So is this of good company too And therefore if you would improve and profit by your company then pray much over them and for them Yet Sixthly Do not rest secure in your good company for though you be in a good company you may possibly get more hurt then if you had been in bad company And what is the reason that you come sometimes from bad company into which you have been cast occasionally or against your will with your soul troubled for their sin and through Gods providence do get good thereby And you come from good company with your heart flat and dead and dull but because you rest secure in your good company In the one you watch in the other not Wherefore rest not secure in your company though it be ne're so good Good company is Gods Ordinance but it is an Ordinance that doth tend unto other Ordinances Some Ordinances tend unto other Ordinances It is an Ordinance that we should rest on the Sabbath-day But why are we to rest then for rest sake No but we are to rest in order to the positive sanctification of the Sabbath so we are to keep good company but why What for it self No but in order to other Duties Now if it be an Ordinance that lyes in order to other Ordinances why should we rest in it The more you rest in it the less you will improve it Therefore do not rest secure in your company although it be ne're so good But be