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A44831 Pilula ad expurgandam hypocrisin A pill to purge formality : wherein is discovered the sad and woful condition of all formal professors in religion : also the glory and excellency of those that walk in the power of godliness ... / by Tho. Hubbert, Esq. Hubbert, Thomas. 1650 (1650) Wing H3215; ESTC R4502 125,199 276

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what consolation can a man have greater then this to finde in the book of God that his name is written in the book of life which the Saints do finde and that often in the Scriptures O what pleasure can a man be capable of more then to enjoy life and health nay an Eternal life free from cares sorrows or sickness a life as durable as the life of God and enjoyed with and in God full of glory full of sweetness full of delight where nothing but pleasures are for evermore Now others see no excellency in things of this nature ask them what they would have to compleat their delight their answer will be gold silver riches lands honors esteem in the world and things of that nature that afford seeming joy and contentment to their carnal sense these are their Jewels these are the objects of their happiness it can never enter into their thoughts much less can they perceive that there is such delight and sweetness in the wayes of God as in the enjoyment of these sublinary treasures they are perswaded that the sweetness that men talk of that is found in the practices of godliness are but meer notions and conceipts in mens brains of such as these the Lord complains by the Prophet Hosea saying I have wrote to them the things concerning the weighty matters of my Law but they were accompted as strange things they have no skill in them they are things that they never heard neither hath it ever entered into their hearts to conceive them it is as impossible for them to understand those hidden mysteries as for a blinde man to Judge of colours an excellency in any thing that tends heaven-ward or savors of the Spirit of grace is not at all to be discerned by the blinde and carnal eye of the world Such a soul wherein godliness dwels is wholly swallowed up with that infinite fulness that it seeth in God when the Queen of Sheba saw the excellency of that wisdom that was in Solomon the text saith that there was no more spirit left in her 1 Kings 10.5 O then how much more is that soul that looks and meditates on the glorious wisdom beauty righteousness excellency and sweetness that is in God and Christ swallowed up lost confounded and utterly undone in it self its beholding Gods fulness maketh it come to see its own emptiness and to say of God O Lord thou art Almighty thou art al-sufficient but I am frail and weak I am nothing yea less then nothing O therefore blessing honor glory and power be unto him that sits upon the throne and to the Lamb for ever and ever It s reported of one that had much communion with God as he was sitting at meat with his friends he was rapt with such a suddain extasie of spirit that he to the amazement of his friends broke out into these words saying O for ever and ever and ever blessed be the great and glorious God and this was his deportment for half an hour together certainly we may well say this man was ravished and swallowed up with that fulness he saw in God and in Jesus Christ our Lord now such a man seeth nothing in himself nor in any creature whatsoever for the brightness of the glory of the Lord maketh all ●●ings in the world to appear as they are meer emptiness and vanity yea every man in his best estate is altogether vanity that is in his most setled estate wherein he thinketh he stands but let him take heed lest he fall But here men must beware of that error of the Antinomians who deny the performance of all duties to God Certainly these men do not onely deny the Law but the Gospel too for though duties before faith are abominable yet when they flow as the fruits of faith they are not onely accepted and required of the Saints 2 Jam 18. Note that as saith justifies the person so works justifie his faith but they are faiths witnesses also Shew me thy faith without works I will shew thee my faith by my works for faith without works is a dead faith which works are a mans duties to God and which God himself commands how is it possible for a man to manifest to another that he hath grace when there are no fruits of grace appear how can a tree be said to have life without the budding and sprouting of its branches O it s a sad thing for men to boast that Christ dwels in them and yet they alwayes do the devils service because they cannot merit heaven by their duties therefore God shall have none from them but be robbed of his glory but a soul truly gratious will tell you that the love of Christ constrains it it cannot choose but it must draw neer to God in holy duties there is its life it can finde no communion no refreshment no subsistence without its addressing unto Christ in holy duties Now when men by their profession say that they enjoy Christ free grace in a plentiful manner and yet walk loosely carnally and vainly in their conversations saying They trust all unto Christ vainly believing that he will do all their works for them that he will not be onely their Mediator but their Actor they lying in sin alas how short come these of evidencing their Justification and their Interest in Christ by their Sanctification these are no fruits of Christs dwelling in a soul O therefore you that the devil and your own fleshly corruption hath so far blinded as to perswade you that free grace and Christ coming into the soul gives liberty to all licentiousness no no where the Law saith thou shalt not do the Gospel saith thou shalt not will no not think He that lusteth after a woman in his heart hath committed adultered already saith the Gospel know therefore that such a loose doctrine as this is damnable and not fit to be owned by any who would go for Christians O Christians your conversations must be suitable to your profession you must not only profess Christ but act Christ you must now live as that you may honor that great and glorious name of Christ 1 Pet. 15.16 O be you holy for the Lord your God is holy Now this holiness must extend to all manner of conversation towards God and man I shall freely grant that duties Justifie not and to rest in them is sin yea the best that ever man did perform was full of imperfection and when we have done all that we can we are but unprofitable servants for the best of Saints while they are in the Body are clothed with all maner of infirmities but the way to destroy them is to be often with God in the Mount If now thou canst appeal to God that thou hast found these nine particulars in thee and that they are sixed in thy heart and that thou hast the witness of Gods Spirit with thy spirit for the truth thereof then thou mayst safely conclude that
Salomons the King of Kings estimate the greatest things in the world nay the power of the whole world to be nothing yea less then nothing who of nothing raised the world and all created Beings therein and to the same nothing can reduce them at his will and pleasure This I say is that God which sendeth godliness with a power into the soul of his Saints The next thing that we must consider is The ends why God sends godliness into the souls of his people with such power By the way taking notice of godliness as it is observable in its Cause and Effect for godliness in this place is Metonimically spoken the Effect for the Cause now Grace is the cause of godliness and godliness is the effect of Grace for Grace is that which makes a man a godly man and its Grace that comes with power into the soul whereby the life of man is acted and carried on in the wayes of godliness These things thus premised we shall proceed to the aforesaid Ends or Reasons Reas 1 The first End or Reason that God hath in sending godliness into the soul with power is because of the great opposition it must encounter withall and that is from the devil the world the flesh and spirit of men The devil he is the strong man and hath taken possession of the soul and alwayes stand upon his guard to keep his ground with all the powers of hell and all the strength that he can possibly make yea he bids defiance against Heaven Satans plea. Men and Angels and maketh this or the like plea for himself This soul is mine it was born mine We were by nature the children of wrath Ephes 2.2 3. c. yea it hath lived mine I have had the possession of it these twenty or thirty years yea it may be forty or fifty years what power now shall snatch him out of my hands he is my bounden servant he is my ancient souldier he hath covenanted to fight under my banner he is a loyal subject of my Kingdom he is true to his trust he will oppose my opposers he will defend my right and interest he will not have me lose any footing he will rather perish then have me dispossessed why then should not I actuate all my power and force for him to keep him still my faithful servant rather die then part with him Now Christ he comes and laies claim to this soul and saith This soul is mine Christs plea. and it was given me of my Father yea Joh. 24. I have loved him more then mine own life I have shed my pretious blood for him that I might redeem him out of the jaws of hell and deliver him from the power of Satan I am the Captain of his deliverance yea Heb. 2.10 I have bought him at a dear rate and paid more for him then heaven and earth it self yea 1 Pet. 1.18 then all the createed power in both and I will have him and Christ enters this Fort binds the strong man and doth cast him out by the strength of those weapons which are not carnal but spiritual yea mighty through God to cast down strong holds this is that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that Saviour that can that will ransom and deliver his People maugre all oppositions whatsoever this is that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that Anointed one Ephes 4.8 that victorious King of Kings that leads captivity captive and gives gifts to men of whose power the Saints receive power 1 Joh. 2.13 and grace for grace whereby they are inabled to wrestle against pincipalities and powers Ephes 6.12 against the Rulers of the darkness of this world yea against spiritual wickednesses in high places As it must be powerful to stand in opposition against Satan so against the world for if Grace and Godliness were not powerful the world would soon repel and overcome it it would exclude and bar the door of the soul against them for the world doth as really fight against the soul as the devil doth now what is the world certainly all that is in the world that is the lust of the flesh 1 Joh. 2.16 the lust of the eyes and the pride of life the first and strong invaders of our first Parents that did invade and overcome that laid siege unto took possession of the strong-fortified and enabled-to-resist faculties of the soul of Adam and in him do still smite his loyns and ensnare and seize upon the power and strength of all his seed they plead a right and possession by antiquity and they will keep their hold until they be evinced and cast out by the power of Grace which is the onely weapon we have to ward off the assaults of these spiritual wickednesses 1 Joh. 5.4 Rev. 15.2 this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith and by the power that God put into those glorious Martyrs they overcame the world in all its persecutions imprisonments yea and death it self It comes with power that it might beat down the corruptions of flesh and spirit that daily rebel and rise up against the Saints and that made Paul say I beat down my body I club it down 1 Cor 9.27 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vi subjicio corpus meum I beat it black and blue as the Original word signifies and all yet all was little enough for Naturam expellas furcâ licet usque recurrit there are such imperfections in the perfectest Christians such reliques of Nature that there will be still continual buffetings and conflicts between the Spirit and the Flesh though the Spirit doth oppose and sometimes get ground yet the Flesh will be returning and getting head again so long as we are in the body little doth the world know what ado Grace hath with the Flesh and Spirit of the Saints there will be such reluctances such combates such heavy burthens upon the soul that oft times it makes the Saints go very heavy and sad most part of their dayes And therefore the Apostle exhorts us To cleanse our selves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit 2 Cor. 7.1 Rom. 7.23 24. and this makes him cry out Who shall deliver me from the body of this death well I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord that is by that power of Christ that he sends into his soul he was delivered and by that power alone are all the Saints delivered from these three great capital Enemies Reas 2 That it may make us stand strong against all our enemies that oppose whatsoever Stand fast saith Paul in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made you free Gal. 5.1 1 Cor. Watch you stand fast in the faith and quit you like men and be strong for God he hath given us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord and ye are kept by the power of God through faith to eternal salvation 1 Pet. 1.5 Now the reason why the
Saints do so often fall and slip is because they trust to their own strength and rest not on this power which they receive from Jesus Christ for he that hath this power in his soul and doth make use of it by Faith it may contend against Sin Corruption Death and Hell it self yea and overcome all as the Apostle saith I am able to do all things through Christ that strengtheneth me In him we are more then conquerors and certainly did we but know what comforts we lose and what foiles we receive in not making use of this power it would put us upon our Watch and Guard and make us careful to keep Centinel by this power in our souls Had David and others made use of this power and stood upon their Watch he had not committed Adultery Peter had not denied his Master Jacob got the Blessing by a lye Abraham denied his wife for fear of Pharoah and so divers others which I could wish might be as Landmarks unto us whilst we sail through the sea of this world Reas 3 Why godliness comes with power into the souls of the Saints is that it might put another frame of spirit into them then they had before as the Lord spake of Caleb Because he had another spirit with him therefore he shall see the Land yea I will bring him into it and his seed shall possess it Yea he followed me fully saith the Text now this Spirit was nothing else but the Spirit of Faith so he fulfilled after me as the Hebrew Word signifieth that is He was constant in obedience to Me or to my Commands Certainly where Grace raigns in the soul sin doth not onely decay but die the man is become another man as Paul when he was converted he was another man then he was before he was of a new mould a new temper before he persecuted the Saints but now he embraceth them and preacheth to them before he knew not who Christ was Who art thou Lord but now he doth not onely know Christ Ego non sum ego but preacheth Christ and suffereth for him yea now he is willing to die for him yea the Saints know this by experience that there is a certain vis a power infused into the soul from God which was not before in them otherwise they could never have had any dominion oversin never have been made new creatures but should have still remained under the power of darkness and in their natural estate they should never have known any difference betwixt themselves and the wickedest man on the earth but should have committed the same abominations with them they should never have been translated from death to life neither should their spot have been differenced or known from the spot of the wicked had not God made them experimentally to know and feel a mighty overawing and sin-conquering power sent and let in unto their souls from the Almighty Spirit of God which doth divide between the marrow and the bone between the Flesh and the Spirit Reas 4 That it may make us to carry on Gods great design in the advancing of the Lord Jesus for in such souls where this power comes Christ is greatly exalted in his Kingdom in his person and in his offices for he that believeth glorifieth the Father who hath sent his Son into the world and the Son who is the glory of the father these souls put to their seals that God is true such a soul gives a testimony unto the world that whatsoever God hath said of his Son in the word is the very truth of God yea it can freely adventure all and lay all upon Christ for life and salvation yea had it ten thousand souls it would cast them all into Christs arms it s resolved there to live and there to die its faith is surely fixt that the gates of hell cannot prevail against it come what will come he is confident that neither life nor death principalities nor powers shall be able to separate him from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord thus is the soul sustained and upheld by the power of grace and acts couragiously to and for Christ and the exaltation of his glory Reas 5 That such a soul where this power comes may strongly hold its communion with Christ that as Christ gives out of himself and fulness unto the soul by a direct act so the soul may be somewhat enabled to retribute unto Christ of what he hath received by a reflect act as the beams of the Sun are made reflective by the earth unto us which is the cause of the heat we feel so the beams of the Sun of righteousness descending and coming into the soul make it warm vigorous and communicative to and for God and as it hath received mercies so it will be alwayes returning praises whereunto it would be altogether dead for by nature we are dead to every good work had it not first been enlivened and quickened with a power from above for we cannot stir nor move for God until he stirs and moves in us we are altogether senseless till made sensible by him t is in him we live we move and have our being we could not love God had not he loved us first nor could we give out our selves unto Christ did not Christ first breathe into our souls the spirit and power of grace and therefore we may well say that none can hold communion with Christ but those and those onely to whom Christ sends the power of godliness Reas 6 That godliness may predominate and bear rule and sway in the soul that it may be the Queen Regent and sole governess thereof that as sin hath formerly raigned to Gods dishonor so now grace may raigne to Christs glory That as sin hath raigned unto death Rom. 5.21 even so might grace raign through righteousness unto eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord so that as sin hath mastered and over-powred all the faculties of the soul and members of the body in bringing of them in subjection to Satan so now godliness sitting upon the throne exerciseth them for Christ and brings them into subjection unto him now grace and godliness stand Centinel in the soul and command all so that when any cavalering lust or corruption appears it may take them off or if they should prevaile through frequent assailings that then the soul may flee to Christ for more forces to incounter and cast them out for Christ he hath promised to assist his people against all their enemies who by the power of his death will bury all his and his Saints enemies in his grave so as they shall never prevaile against them here nor hereafter Reas 7 That it may continue a soul in that new nature whereunto it hath been begotten again unto Christ for were it not that there were a certain power in godliness to keep the soul from falling into its old natural condition and a spiritual physick to
sustaine and keep it from relapsing into its former fits it would soon be reduced into its former station and be visited with its old disease wherein it was seated and wherewith it was infected before grace entered into it and the ground is because of the abundance of strong corruptions inherent and accompanying the best regenerate for the flesh is still warring against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh for there was ever a strong antipathy between these two Now Christ who is the Captain of our Salvation make his graces powerful in his Saints that so they may not give ground but stand fast in that condition whereunto he hath called them for the Saints are kept through faith unto salvation by that power of grace which is given unto them of God the Father and and our Lord Jesus Christ otherwise were it not powerful all the grace the Saints had received was but in vain and so Christs death and resurrection had been to little purpose for one end of Christs death was to kill sin and so of his resurrection to raise us up to newness of life and so to keep us there that we should never be surprised and conquered by the old man but contiue in the new and walk as a people ransomed by the Lord. Reas 8 That by this power the soul might act for God for Christ the Gospel and the Saints in the performance of its duty to all that it might honor the Father with that honor that is due unto his name that it might suffer with and for Christ and that it might love embrace and defend the Gospel and the Saints against all oppositions whatsoever for had not the graces of the Spirit of Christ come into the soul with power the soul could never have performed any duty acceptable to God for God accepts of nothing unless it come first from his Spirit for its the voice of his own spirit whereby the Saints cry Abba Father for as on the one hand every good and perfect gift cometh from God who is the Father of lights so on the other hand no man of himself without this power is able to think a good thought or speak a good word much less do any good action man through his lost ability in Adam is spiritually dead but carnally living nothing that he can own or lay claim unto as his act but sin but when godliness comes into a soul with power O then the faculties of the soul are resuscitated and made alive again and the members of the body are regulated brought into conformity unto the spirit and made by it to act for God who before acted against God that before were the weapons of unrighteousness unto sin are now become the weapons of righteousness unto the glory of that God who by his power cast into the soul did change that vile and sinful body and made it glorious and instrumental for his praise hereby the understanding is unvailed it s now brought unto new discoveries its carnal foolishness is sanctified wisdom it 's now able to discern and know the wonderful mysteries of godliness this power of godliness is the Eye-salve of the soul which takes off the condense film of ignorance and works a sensible illumination in that faculty of the understanding also this is the restorer of the will it brings it from nature to grace from willing the things of the flesh to will the things of God it disingageth the affections it stops their pursuit after the world and causeth them to run after God and the things of God nay further this power of God is a new Heaven created in the soul it s the new birth it s the regneration it s the new nature it s the death of the first and the life of the second Adam it s the extirpation of nature and sin and the renovation and transplanting of grace and life in the soul hereby the eyes can see for God the ears hear for God the tongue speak for God and the feet walk for God in a word the whole man by vertue of this power is made serviceable for God which it could never have been had not this godliness come into the soul with power Reas 9 That the Saints might be made fit for a suffering condition Phil. 1.29 for it s not onely given to Saints to beleeve but also to suffer for his names sake The Saints they are Christs witnesses on earth against the world Act. 5.32 Rev. 11.3 how have the people of God stood as a wall of brass in witnessing for the truth of Christ in the times of those ten persecutions what wicked cruel and barbarous dealing did they finde and receive from this world was not all maner of cruelty exercised against them that hell and men could invent and yet by this power of godliness they were enabled to indure all yea and with rejoycing also that they were counted worthy to suffer for the name of Christ O ineffable support O glorious conquest the sense of pain was swallowed up of the sense of joy the torments of hell vanquished and slighted by the thoughts of Heaven whilest burning burnishing while extinguishing reviving whilest crucifying enjoying Paradise Do but look into the book of Martyrs and see what sawing asunder roasting ailve putting into boiling oil eyes burning out and what not and yet by this power God made them stand strong and oppose his and their enemies to their own shame and confusion so that the Saints slaughterings at length became their persecutors sufferings they were wearyed and tired out with afflicting and butchering of the Saints and as God by his Power did then make them couragiously to stand so is he still the same God nor is his hand shortned that he cannot help but still will continue this power unto his people that they shall stand for Christ and undergo any kinde of suffering with joy for we fight against principalities and powers yea against spirituall wickedness in high places and this is another end why godliness comes into the soul with power That it might make the Saints live above the world that is might elevate their affections and make them live in Heaven where Christ their head is that it might dispossess worldliness and enthrone heavenly-mindedness that it might glorifie the soul and take it off from poring on this dunghil the world and the seeming glory thereof and fix it upon a Kingdom Pecuniam quae permaneat ac continuo duret gloriam quae semper floreat Basil and the real and permanent glory thereof to be enamored of the ravishing beauties of God the King of that glory that so the temptations allurements of the world being slighted and the glory and excellency thereof counted as dirt and dung the eternal glory of God may be advanced and onely aimed at in that soul for it is the glory of the Church here to have the Sun upon her head and to be crowned with a crown of
what excellency there is in godliness that so your carriages to others may make them to enquire after it to be in love with it to desire to know it and to be acquainted with it O be sure to carry your self so as that you give no offence to Jew or Gentile nor to the Church of God but let your carriage be such as that all men may be in love or at lest convinced that the way you walk in is just holy and good Pity poor souls that are ignorant of this power of godliness O remember it was once your condition and had been so still had not infinite free grace and tender mercy made a difference O therefore let your bowels yern towards them that are your brethren according to the flesh and let your prayers be to God that they may be endued from above with this power that the Spirit of grace would overshadow them and breathe the breath of life into their souls that they may be saved that they which belong to his eternal election may be speedily called home to partake of that sweetness of that Olive Tree Rom. 11.16 whose root is Jesus Christ stretch forth your helping hand to save poor sinners let your prayers be incessant for them O intreat and beseech them to be reconciled to God O let them know from you that there is sufficiency in the blood of Jesus Christ to save their pretious souls perswade them to come in to Christ and tell them what sweetness you have found in the wayes of God let them know that when you were in their condition that you thought your selves in a good condition but now God having opened your eyes you can tell them the error of your thoughts for you were going to the pit of destruction and knew it not O put them upon the consideration of Eternity let them know that their pretious souls must shortly launch into the ocean of Eternity and if there be not provision made for them if they have not Christ Jesus for their Pilot to steere their course for them they must certainly sinke and perish and be cut off for ever from the presence of the Lord and the glory of his Power and do all that possibly you can in all your addresses to them to perswade them that what you say to them is out of that love and intire affection that you bear to their poor souls Jude ver 23. And others save with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the garment spotted by the flesh as you ought to use all means to perswade and draw men by the Spirit of Love to forsake their evil wayes and to enquire after Jesus Christ so if that will not prevail you may yea you ought to thunder against them and to rouse them out of their security in denouncing the Judgments of God by the terrors of the Law that you may do as much as in you lieth to terrifie and affright them out of their miserable condition so that if it be possible you may be instrumental to deliver them from eternal fire and from the wrath of an infinite God hereby shall you gain glory to God and testifie to the world your lothing and detestation of sinful wayes and discover unto such leprous souls that those spots wherewith sin hath defiled them are not the spots of Gods people for this the Lord saith of sinners Deut. 32.5 who walk in the imagination of their own hearts Their spot is not the spot of my people This may also exhort you who are the Saints who have received the power of godliness into your souls to pay your tributes of thankfulness unto the Lord. O do you bless praise and magnifie the great and glorious Name of God for ever O let your mouthes be filled with praise and thanksgiving to your God for ever and ever O you have cause to say Blessing and honor and glory and praise be given to him that sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb for ever who hath looked upon you in your low estate and redeemed you from condemnation This is the Lords own work and it ought to be mavellous in your eyes this should cause you to spend the length of your dayes to the honor and service of your God in holiness of life and all manner of godly conversation this the consideration of your deliverance from your spiritual enemies sin death and hell should be a strong engagement upon your spirits to serve the Lord in righteousness and holiness all the dayes of your lives Luk. 1.74.75 for you owe your selves to Christ remember you are bought with a price be not any longer the servants of sin and Satan live not to please men for if you be men-pleasers you cannot be the servants of Christ O dedicate your souls spirits and bodies to Jesus Christ yea and offer them up to God a living sacrifice for this is that Worship that is required at Saints hands by the word of God Rom. 12.1 O know there can be no greater manifestation of your thankfulness to God then your universal obedience to all Gods commands let this be done in the whole course of your lives hereby shall you evidence unto the world that you are those in whom dwels the power of godliness and by this you may draw others to be in love with the wayes of holyness and stop the mouths of all gain-sayers and opposers of it Now there are several motives to incite you Saints to this great duty of thankfulness 1. Praedestino 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 8.29 praecognovit First From the consideration of your predestination why should God preordain that you should be to the praise of the glory of his grace from all Eternity yea to appoint you to be his adopted children in Christ Jesus Yea you are those whom God acknowledged before nd therefore he was pleased to predestinate you to life glory O now that God was pleased to appoint you for his people pass by so many thousands of the same lump and extend his mercy to you will not this raise up your hearts to thankfulnes shall not this be the theam and subject of your everlasting praises 2. Electio 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 From the consideration of your Election why should God choose you out of that common mass of mankinde to make you heirs of life and glory yea coheirs with his Son Jesus Christ even as a Potter of a rude mass of clay maketh one vessel to honor and another to dishonor it s the Apostles allusion Rom. 9. Why wert not thou whom he hath made a vessel to life and glory made a vessel of wrath and confusion Why wert not thou passed by from all Eternity and numbered amongst the children of perdition it was only free grace that made the difference it was the good pleasure of the Lord to elect you to Salvation and pass by others leaving them under the curse of sin O remember
the first hour for there must thou be to all eternity where the worm never dieth and the fire never goeth out O Reader weigh all these things together lay them to thy heart and consider how the estate stands between God and thy own soul and do it speedily before it be too late for from hell there is no redemption after this life no repentance that will do a man any good nor yet any cries that God will hear no lamentation that can avail thee any thing Act the actings of Faith and Repentance here in this life where they are onely to be imployed and thou shalt reape the fruits of them in the life to come glory and immortality and eternal rest and peace unto thy soul And so we are come to the third and last part of the words And from such turn away c. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Istos igitur aversare And from such turn away THus having presented unto your view the Canaan of life and the Region of death we are now arrived unto a discovery of means to divert your steps out of the paths of death and to guide them into the wayes of life to wit by the aversion and turning away from the society and wicked deeds of the ungodly These words are the Apostles dehortation to Timothy and in him to all Christians declaring how that Saints ought not to make wicked and ungodly men their companions yea though they made a shew and had a form of godliness as these have in the precedent words there is nothing difficult in the words onely we give you the Etymology and meaning of this turning away 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 aversor what maner of turning is here meant the word signifies not onely to turn away but to disdain to refuse to despise to detest and to have such persons in abomination to shun their company and that not now and then by fits but in the general course of our lives that as these men are Gods enemies so we should account them as our enemies And from such turn away Whence note I Obser That its the duty of the Saints to shun and avoid the society and company of all wicked and ungodly men yea though they have a form of Religion 1 Cor. 5.9 I wrote to you saith Paul in an Epistle not to keep company with fornicators verse 11. yea though he be a brother that 's in the fellowship of the Gospel yet if such a man of that neer relation be a Fornicator a Drunkard an Idolater or an Extortioner with such a man have no society keep not company 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Original is be not mingled with him have not such familiarity as a man hath with his friend so in that 2 Thess 3.14 have no company with him be not mingled together so David saith Psal 119.93 I am a companion of all them that fear thee that is of all those that fear the Lord then by good consequence he is no companion of them that fear him not you have the accompt of this point in these six particulars Reas 1 First Sin is of a diffusive and infecting nature it s very apt to spread and infect all that come neer unto it it corrupts your spirits and breaks your peace when wicked men come together they cast out their sin and some out their shame it flows from them every where like wild fire and its like to pitch where it comes it sticks fast You know the Lord prohibits Israel from keeping company with the Heathen which were cast out least they should learn theit maners and walk in their wayes so that no good can be expected from their company and society but the contrary you know that David saith a lyar shall not come into my house nor dwell in my habitation for ever Now all wicked men are lyars there is none that doth good no not one the way of truth they have not known Reas 2 The company and presence of a godly man doth obdurate the hearts of the wicked in their sin and wickedness t is their apology and defence for their transgressions what say they if we were so bad as some would make us certainly such a man and such a man would not keep us company or take us for his associates you know its a dangerous thing for a man to be as a stumbling block to make others fall into condemnation there is wo denounced against such a one so that hereby thou mayest be an occasion of hardening the wicked in their sinful courses Reas 3 By this course a godly man makes the sins of the wicked to become his sins for approbation of presence if sin is committed and not reproved it makes that man guilty of that sin who is in such company You know that the Apostle saith Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but reprove them rather and it s a very seasonable exhortation of the Apostle when he saith Be not partakers of other mens sins which every man is that keeps company and makes wicked men his familiars in the course of sin for such a man hath fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness and so is a partaker of other mens sins Reas 4 For that the Saints ought to withdraw themselves from such company 2 Thess 3.14 that they might be ashamed yea may be a means to convince them of their evil to call them out of that condition or at least to make their consciences check them for their ungodly courses yea and put them upon the inquiry after better things for God is not tyed which way or by what means he will work to draw any home unto himself Reas 5 For that he which keeps company with the wicked keeps company with Solomons fools and he that keeps company with such fools Pro. 13.20 shal be destroyed He that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed for they walk in the way to destruction and their paths lead to the Chambers of death there is no way of life that they will take knowledg of for the wicked desire not the knowledge of the Lord nor to understand his wayes for as Job saith they say Depart from us for we desire not the knowledg of thy wayes Reas 6 Because the Saints are to judg the world yea to judg Angels as the Apostle saith Know ye not that the Saints shall judg the world that is you ought to know it for its a truth yea saith he we shall judg Angels O therefore you ought not to make the world that is men of this world whose happiness is in this life to be your companions for Christ testifies Rom. 7. John 17. That his Saints are not of the world but he hath redeemed them out of the world therefore that man that is a friend to the world is an enemy to God O therefore come out from amongst them and keep at