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A06492 A commentarie of M. Doctor Martin Luther vpon the Epistle of S. Paul to the Galathians first collected and gathered vvord by vvord out of his preaching, and novv out of Latine faithfully translated into English for the vnlearned. Wherein is set forth most excellently the glorious riches of Gods grace ...; In epistolam Sancti Pauli ad Galatas commentarius. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. 1575 (1575) STC 16965; ESTC S108973 590,302 574

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any true feling of sinne or of the terrour of death haue forged these vaine toyes blasphemies of their owne braine and therefore they know not what they say or what they teach Moreouer they can shew no example of any worke done either before or after grace that could iustifie before god Wherfore these are nothing else but vaine fables and lies whereby the Papists deceaue both them selues and other For Paule here plainly affirmeth that a man is not iustified by the works of the lawe either going before grace wherof he here speaketh or comming after You see then that Christian righteousnes is not such an essentiall qualitie engrafted in the nature of man as the Scholemen doe imagine when they say The Diuinitie of the Schole men When a man doth any good worke God accepteth it and for that good worke he poureth into him charitie This infused charitie say they is a qualitie grafted in the heart and this they call formall righteousnes which maner of speaking it is expedient for you to know and they cā abide nothing lesse then to heare that this qualitie furnishing the soule as whitenes doth the wal should not be coūted righteousnes They can clime no higher then to this cogitatiō of mans reason that man is righteous hy his owne formall righteousnes which is grace making him acceptable vnto God that is to say loue or charitie So to this qualitie cleauing vnto the soule that is to wit charitie which is a worke after the law for the law sayth Thou shalt loue the Lord thy god c. they attribute formall righteousnes and they say that this righteousnes is worthy of euerlasting life and he that hath it is formally righteous and moreouer he is effectually or actually righteous because he now doth good workes wherevnto euerlasting life is due This is the opinion of the Scholemen yea euen of the best among them Some other there be which are not so good as Scotus and Occam which sayd that for the obtaining of the grace of God this charity infused or geuen of God is not necessary but that a man euen by his owne naturall strength may procure this charitie aboue all things For so reasoneth Scotus If a man may loue a creature a yong man a maiden a couetous man money which are the lesse good he may also loue God which is the greater good If he haue a loue of the creature through his naturall strength much more hath he a loue of the creator With this argument were all the Sophisters conuicted and none of them all was able to soile it Notwithstanding thus they replie The scripture compelleth vs to cōfesse say they that God besides that naturall loue and charitie which is engrafted in vs wherwith alone he is not contented requireth also charitie which he him selfe geueth And heereby they accuse God as a tyranne and a cruell exactor who is not content that we kepe and fulfil his law but aboue the law which we are of our selues able to fulfill requireth also that we should accomplishe it with other circumstaunce and furniture as apparell to the same As if a Mistres should not be contented that her Cooke had dressed her meate excellently well but should chide her for that she did not prepare the same being decked with precious apparel hauing a croune of gold vpon her head What a mistres were this who besides that which her Cooke was onely bound to doe and also exactly performed would require moreouer precious apparell or a croune of gold which she could not haue Euen so what a one should God be if he should require his lawe to be fulfilled of vs which otherwise by our owne naturall strength we obserue and fulfill with such furniture as we can not haue But here lest they should seeme to aduouch contrary things they make a distinction and say that the law is fulfilled two maner of waies first according to the substance of the deede and secondly according to the minde of the commaunder According to the substance of the deede say they we may fulfil al things which the law commaūdeth but not according to the meaning of the Commaunder which is that God is not contented that thou hast done all things which are commaunded in the law although he can require no more of thee but he yet further requireth that thou shouldest fulfill the law in charitie not that charitie which thou hast by nature but that which is aboue nature and heauēly which he himselfe geueth And what is this els but to make of God a tyranne and a tormentor which requireth of vs that we are not able to performe And it is in a maner as much as if they should say that the fault is not in vs if we be damned but in God which with this circumstance requireth his law to be accomplished of vs. These things I doe the more diligently repete that you may see how farre they haue wādred from the true sense of the scripture which haue sayd that we by our owne naturall strength may loue God aboue all things or at least by the worke wrought we may deserue euerlasting life And because God is not contente that we fulfill the law according to the substance of the deede but will haue vs also to fulfill the same according to the meaning of the Commaunder therefore the scripture further compelleth vs to haue a qualitie aboue nature poured into vs from aboue and that is charitie which they call formall righteousnes adorning and bewtifying faith being also the cause that faith iustifieth vs So faith is the body and the shell charitie the life the kernell the forme and furniture These are the dreames of the Scholemen But we in the steede of this charitie do place faith and we say that faith apprehendeth Iesus Christ who is the forme which adorneth furnisheth faith as the colour adorneth and bewtifieth the wall Christian faith thē is not an idle qualitie or empty huske in the heart which may be in deadly sinne as they say vntill charitie come and quicken it but if it be true faith it is a sure trust and confidence of the heart and a firme consent wherby Christ is apprehended So that Christ is the obiect of faith yea rather euen in faith Christ himselfe is present Faith therefore is a certaine obscure knowledge or rather darkenes which seeth nothing and yet Christ apprehended by faith sitteth in this darknes like as God in Sinai and in the temple satte in the middest of darknes Wherfore our formall righteousnes is not charitie furnishing and beutifying faith but it is faith it self which is as it were a certain cloud in our harts that is to say a stedfast trust affiance in the thing which we see not which is Christ who although he be not seene at all yet is he present Faith therefore iustifieth because it apprehendeth and possesseth this treasure euen
Christ present But this presence cā not be comprehended of vs because it is in darknes as I haue said Wherfore wher assured trust and affiance of the heart is there Christ is present yea euen in the cloud and obscuritie of faith And this is that formall righteousnes whereby a man is iustified and not by charitie as the popish Scholemen do affirme To conclude like as the Scholemen say that charity furnisheth and adorneth faith so do we say that it is Christ the furnisheth and adorneth faith or rather that he is the very forme perfection of faith Wherefore Christ apprehended by faith and dwelling in the heart is true christian righteousnes for the which God counteth vs righteous and geueth vs eternall life Here is vndoubtedly no worke of the lawe no such charitie or loue as the Sophisters dreame of but a farre other maner of righteousnes and a certaine new world beyond and aboue the lawe For Christ or faith is not the law nor worke of the law But concernīg this matter which the Scholemen neither well vnderstood nor taught we entende to speake more largely hereafter Now it shall be enough that we haue shewed that Paule speaketh not here onely of the ceremonial law but of the whole law The true rule of Christianitie Contrary to these vaine trifles and doting dreames as we haue also noted before we teach faith and geue a true rule of Christianitie in this sorte First that a man must be taught by the lawe to knowe him selfe that so he may learne to say with the Prophet All haue sinned and haue neede of the glory of God. Also there is not one righteous no not one Not one that vnderstandeth not one that seeketh after God All haue gone astray Also against thee onely haue I sinned Thus we by a contrary way do driue men from the merite of congruence and worthines Now when a man is humbled by the law and brought to the knowledge of himselfe then followeth true repentance for true repentance beginneth at the feare iudgement of God and he seeth himselfe to be so great a sinner that he can finde no meanes how he may be deliuered from his sinne by his owne strength works or merits Then he perceaueth wel what Paule meaneth when he saith that man is the seruaunt and bondslaue of sinne Also that God hath shut vp all vnder sinne that the whole world is gilty before god c. Then he seeth that all the diuinitie of the Scholemen touching the merite of congruence and worthines is nothing els but meere foolishnes and that by this meanes the whole Papacye falleth to ruine Here then he beginneth to sigh and saith in this wise Who then can geue succour For he being thus terrified with the law vtterly despaireth of his owne strength he loketh about and sigheth for the helpe of a Mediatour and Sauiour Here then cometh in good time the holesome word of the Gospell and saith Sonne thy sinnes are forgeuen the. Beleue in Christ Iesus crucified for thy sinnes If thou feele thy sinnes and the burthen therof looke not vpon them in thy selfe but remember that they are translated and laid vpon Christ whose stripes haue made thee whole This is the beginning of health and saluation By this meanes we are deliuered frō sinne iustified made inheritours of euerlasting life not for our owne works and deserts but for our faith wherby we lay hold vpon Christ Wherfore we also doe acknowledge a qualitie and a formall righteousnes in the heart not charitie as the Scholemen doe but faith and yet so notwithstanding that the heart do behold nothing apprehend nothing but Christ the Sauiour And here it is necessary that you know the true definition of Christ The Scholemen being vtterly ignorant hereof haue made Christ a iudge and a tormentor deuising this fond fantasie concerning the merite of congruence worthines But Christ according to his true definition is no lawgiuer but he is a forgiuer of sinnes and a Sauiour This doth faith apprehend and vndoubtedly beleue that he hath wrought works and merits of congruence and worthines before and after grace abundantly For he might haue satisfied for all the sinnes of the world by one onely droppe of his bloud But now he hath shed it plentifully and hath satisfied abundantly Ebr. 9. By his ovvne bloud hath he entred into the holy place once for all and obtained eternal redemption for vs. Also Rom. 3. And vve are iustified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus vvhom God hath set forth to be a reconciliation vnto vs through faith in his bloud Wherfore it is a greate matter to lay hold vpon Christ by faith bearing the sinnes of the world And this faith alone is counted for righteousnes as the Apostle teacheth in the third and fourth Chapters to the Romaines Here is to be noted that these three things faith Christ acceptation or imputation must be ioyned togither Faith taketh hold of Christ and hath him present and holdeth him inclosed as the ring doth the precious stone And who so euer shal be found hauing this confidence in Christ apprehended in the hart him will God account for righteous This is the meane and this is the merite wherby we attaine the remission of sinnes and righteousnes Because thou beleuest in me saith God and thy faith layeth hold vpon Christ whom I haue freely geuen vnto thee that he might be thy Mediatour and high Priest therefore be thou iustified and righteous Wherefore God doth accept or accoūt vs as righteous onely for our faith in Christ And this acceptation or imputation is very necessary First because we are not yet perfectly righteous but whiles we remaine in this life sinne dwelleth still in our flesh and this remnant of sinne God purgeth in vs Moreouer we are sometimes lefte of the holy Ghost and fall into sinnes as did Peter Dauid and other holy men Notwithstanding we haue alwaies recourse to this article That our sinnes are couered and that God will not lay them to our charge Psal. 32. and Rom. 4. Not that sinne is not in vs as the Sophisters haue taught saying that we must be alwaies working well vntill we feele that there is no gilt of sinne remaining in vs yea sinne is in deede alwaies in vs and the godly doe feele it but it is couered and is not imputed vnto vs of God for Christes sake whom because we doe apprehend by Faith all our sinnes are now no sinnes But where Christ and faith be not there is no remission or couering of sinnes but mere imputation of sinnes and condemnation Thus will God glorifie his sonne and will be glorified him selfe in vs through him When we haue thus taught faith in Christ then do we teach also good works Because thou hast laid hold vpon Christ by faith through whom thou art made righteousnes begin
other meanes Wherefore euen by this we may plainely see the inestimable pacience of God in that he hath not long agoe destroyed the whole Papacy and consumed it with fire and brimstone as he did Sodome and Gomorre But now these ioly felowes goe about not onely to couer but highly to aduance their impietie and filthines This we may in no case dissemble We must therefore with all diligence set forth the article of iustification that the same as a most cleare Sunne may bring to light the darknes of their hypocrisie and may discouer their filthines and shame For this cause we doe so often repete and so earnestly set forth the righteousnes of faith that the aduersaries may be confounded and this article established cōfirmed in our hearts And this is a most necessary thing for if we once lose this Sunne we fal againe into our former darknes And most horrible it is that the Pope should euer be able to bring this to passe in the church that Christ should be denyed troden vnder foote spitte vpon blasphemed yea and that euen by the Gospell and sacraments which he hath so darkned and turned into such an horrible abuse that he hath made them to serue him against Christ to set vp and stablish his detestable abhominations O deepe darkenes O horrible wrath of God. Verse 16. Euen vve I say haue beleeued in Iesus Christ that vve might be iustified This is the true meane to become a Christian euen to be iustified by faith in Iesus Christ and not by the workes of the lawe Here we may not stand vpon the wicked glose of the Scholemen which say that faith then iustifieth when charitie and good workes are ioyned withal With this pestilent glose the Sophisters haue darkened peruerted this such other like sentences in Paule wherein he manifestly attributeth iustification to faith onely in Christ But when a man heareth that he ought to beleue in Christ and yet faith notwithstanding iustifieth not except it be formed and adorned with charitie by and by faith faileth him and thus he thinketh with him selfe If faith without charitie iustifieth not then is faith in vaine and vnprofitable and charitie only iustifieth For except Faith be adorned and furnished with charitie it is nothing And to approue this their pernicious and pestilēt glose they alledge this place out of the Corinthes Though I speake vvith the tounges of men angels haue no loue I am nothing This place is their brasen wall But these men are without vnderstanding therfore they can see or vnderstand nothing in Paule And moreouer they haue not onely done iniury to the words of Paule but also they haue denied Christ buried al his benefits Wherfore we must auoid this their glose as a most deadly and deuilish poison and conclude with Paule that we are iustified not by faith furnished with charitie but by faith onely and alone We graunt that we must also teach good workes and charitie but it must be done in time and place that is to say when the question is concerning workes and toucheth not this article of iustification But here the matter resteth in this point to know by what meanes we are iustified and attaine eternall life To this we aunswere with Paule that by faith onely in Christ we are pronounced righteous and not by the workes of the law or charitie Not because we reiect good workes but for that we will not suffer our selues to be remoued from this anker hold of our saluation which Sathan most desireth Since then we are now in the matter of iustification we reiect and condemne all good workes for this place will admitte no disputation of good workes Wherefore in this matter we doe generally cut of all lawes and all the workes of the law But the law is good iust and holy True it is But when we are in the matter of iustification there is no time or place to speake of the law but the question is what Christ is and what benefite he hath brought vnto vs Christ is not the law he is not my worke or the worke of the law he is not my charitie my chastitie my obedience my pouerty but he is the Lord of life and death a Mediatour a Sauiour a redemer of those that are vnder the law and sinne In him vve are by faith and he in vs. This bridegrome must be alone with the bride in his secrete chamber all the seruants and family being put apart But afterwards when the dore is open and he cometh forth then may the seruauntes and hādmaides returne to minister vnto them Then may charitie and good workes beginne to doe their office Let vs learne therefore to discerne all lawes yea euen the law of God and all workes from faith and from Christ that we may define Christ rightly and know that he is not the law and therfore he is no exactor of the law and workes but he is the lambe of God that taketh avvay the sinnes of the vvorld This doth faith alone lay hold of and not charitie which notwithstanding as a certaine thankfulnes must follow faith Wherefore victory ouer sinne and death saluation and euerlasting life come not by the law nor by the workes of the law nor yet by the power of free will but by the Lord Iesus Christ only alone Verse 16. That vve might be iustified by faith in Christ and not by the vvorkes of the lavv Paule speaketh not here of the ceremoniall law onely as before we haue sayd but of the whole law For the ceremoniall law was as well the law of God as the morall law was As for example Circumcision the institution of the Priesthoode the seruice and ceremonies of the temple were commaunded of God no lesse then the ten commaundements Moreouer when Abraham was commaunded to offer vp his sonne Isaac in sacrifice it was a law This worke of Abraham pleased God no lesse then other works of the ceremoniall law did and yet was not he iustified by this work but by faith for the scripture saith Abraham beleued God and it vvas counted to him for righteousnes But since the reueiling of Christ say they the ceremoniall lawe killeth and bringeth death Yea so doth the lawe of the ten commaundements also without faith in Christe Moreouer there may no law be suffred to raigne in the conscience but onely the law of the spirite and life wherby we are made free in Christ from the lawe of the letter and of death from the workes therof and from all sinnes Not because the lawe is euill but for that it is not able to iustifie vs for it hath a plaine contrary effect and working It is an high and an excellent matter to be at peace with God and therefore in this case we haue neede of a farre other Mediatour then Moses or the lawe Here we must doe nothing at all but onely receaue the
Lorde himselfe who is aboue the Scripture and is made vnto me the merite and price of righteousnes and euerlasting life On him I lay holde him I sticke to and leaue workes vnto thee which notwithstanding thou neuer didest This solution neither the Deuill nor any Iusticiary can euer wrest from thee or ouerthrowe Moreouer thou art in safetie before God For thy hearte abideth fixed in the obiect which is called Christ who being nailed to the crosse and accursed not for him selfe but for vs as the text saith vvas made a curse for vs. Holde fast this and lay it against all the sentences of the lawe and workes whatsoeuer and say doest thou heare this Satan Here must he needes geue place for he knoweth that Christe is his Lorde and master Verse 11. And that no man is iustified by the lavve in the sight of God it is euident For the iust shall liue by faith This is an other argument grounded vpon the testimony of the Prophet Habacucke And it is a sentence of greate weight and aucthoritie which Paule setteth against all the sentences that speake of the lawe and workes As if he should say what neede we any longe disputation Here I bringe forth a moste plaine testimonie of the Prophet againste the which no man can cauill The iust man shall liue by faith If he liue by faith then he liueth not by the lawe For the lawe is not of faith And here Paule excludeth workes and the lawe as things contrary to faith The Sophisters as they are alwayes ready to corrupt the scriptures do wrest and peruert this place after this manner The iust man doth liue by faith that is to wirte say they by a faith which is effectuall or working or formed and made perfect with charitie but if it be a faith not formed with charitie then doth it not iustifie This glose they them selues haue forged and by the same they doe iniurie to the wordes of the Prophet If they did call this formed or furnished faith the true faith which the Gospell teacheth this their glose should nothing at all offend me for then faith should not be separated from charitie but from the vaine opinion of faith As we also put a difference betwene a counterfeit faith and a true faith The counterfeit faith is that which heareth of God of Christ and of all the mysteries of his incarnation and our redemption which also apprehendeth beareth away those things which it heareth yea and can talke goodly thereof and yet there remaineth nothinge els in the hearte but a naked opinion and a sounde of the Gospell which howe farre of it is from true faith hereby it may appeare in that it neither renueth nor changeth the hearte it maketh not a new man but leaueth him in the vanity of his former opinion and conuersation and this is a very pernicious faith The morall philosopher is much better then the hypocrite hauing such a faith Wherefore if they would make a distinction betwene their formed faith and a false or counterfeit faith as I haue said their distinction should not offend me But they speake of faith in such sorte that they make charitie the forme and perfection of faith This is to preferre charitie before faith and to attribute righteousnes not to faith but to charitie wherefore when they doe not attribute righteousnes to faith but onely for charities sake they attribute to faith nothing at al. But the holy Ghost which geueth to all men both mouth tongue knoweth howe to speake He coulde haue said as the Sophisters doe wickedly imagine The righteous man shall liue by faith formed and beautified or made perfecte by charitie But this he omitteth of purpose and saith plainely The righteous man liueth by faith Let these doltish Sophisters goe therfore with this their wicked and pestilent glose We will still hold and extoll this faith which God himselfe hath called faith that is to say a true and a certaine faith which doubteth not of God nor of the diuine promises nor of the forgeuenes of sinnes through Christ that we may dwel sure safe in this our obiect Christ and may keepe still before our eies the passion and bloud of the Mediatour and all his benefites Now faith alone which ●●ieth holde vpon Christ is the onely meane that we suffer not these benefites to be takē out of our sight or wrested from vs by any meanes Therfore reiecting this pestilent glose we must vnderstād this place of faith onely And this Paule himselfe declareth when he disputeth against faith formed with charitie after this sorte Verse 12 And the lavv is not of faith The Scholemen say The righteous man doth liue if his faith be formed and adorned with charitie But contrariwise Paule saith The lavv is not of faith But what is the law Is it not also a commaundement touching charity yea the law commaundeth nothing els but charitie as we may see by the texte it selfe Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God vvith all thy soule c. Againe shevving mercy vnto thousands that loue him and keepe his commaundements Also In these tvvo commaundementes consist the lavve and the Prophetes If the lawe then that commaundeth charitie be contrary to Faith it must needes follow that charitie is not of faith So Paule plainely confuteth that glose which the Sophisters haue forged touching their formed faith and speaketh onely of faith as it is separate from the law Nowe the law being separate and set aparte charitie is also set aparte with all that belongeth to the lawe and faith onely is left which iustifieth and quickneth to euerlasting life Paule therfore reasoneth here out of a plaine testimony of the Prophet that there is none which obtaineth iustification and life before God but the beleeuing man who obtaineth righteousnes and euerlasting life without the law and without charitie by faith alone The reason is because the law is not of faith that is the law is not faith or any thing belonging to faith for it beleueth not neither are the works of the lawe faith nor yet of faith therfore faith is a thing much differing from the law like as the promise is a thing much differing from the law For the promise is not apprehended by working but by beleuing Yea there is as greate a difference betwene the promise and the law and consequently betwene faith and works as there is distaunce betwene heauen and earth It is impossible therefore that faith should be of the lawe For faith only resteth in the promise it onely apprehendeth and knoweth God and standeth onely in receauing good things of God. Contrariwise the law and workes consist in exacting in doing and in geuing vnto god As Abell offering his sacrifice geueth vnto God but he beleuing receaueth of god Paule therefore concludeth mightely out of that place of Habacuck that the righteous mā liueth by faith alone For the law in no
also for by them hope is stirred vppe But Faith as also I haue shewed before goeth before hope for it is the beginning of life and beginneth before all tribulation For it learneth Christe and apprehendeth him without the crosse Notwithstāding the knowledge of Christ can not be long without the crosse without troubles and conflictes In this case the minde must be stirred vppe to a fortitude of spirite For hope is nothing else but a spirituall fortitude as Faith is nothing else but a spirituall prudence which consisteth in suffering according to this saying That through patience c. These three things then dwell together in the faithful Faith which teacheth the truth defendeth from errours Hope which endureth ouercōeth al aduersities as well bodely as ghostly Charitie which worketh all good things as it foloweth in the text And so is a man entire and perfect in this life as wel within as without vntill the righteousnes be reuealed which he waiteth for and this shal be a perfect an euerlasting righteousnes Moreouer this place containeth both a singuler doctrine consolation As touching the doctrine it sheweth that we are made righteous not by the workes sacrifices or ceremonies of Moises lawe much lesse by the works and traditions of mē but by Christ alone What so euer is in vs besides him is of the flesh and not of the spirite What so euer then the world counteth to be good and holy without Christe is nothing else but sinne errour and flesh Wherfore circumcision and the obseruation of the lawe also the workes religions and vowes of the Monkes and of all such as trust in their owne righteousnes are altogether carnall But we sayth Paule are farre aboue all these things in the spirite and inward man For we possesse Christe by Faith and in the middes of our afflictions through hope we wait for that righteousnes which we possesse alredy by Faith. The comfort is this that in serious conflicts and terrours wherin the feeling of sinne heauines of syirite desperation such like is very stronge for they enter deepely into the hearte and mightely assaile it thou must not folow thine owne feeling For if thou doe thou wilt say I feele the horrible terrours of the lawe and the tyrannie of sinne not onely rebelling against me but also subduing and leading me captiue and I feele no comfort or righteousnes at all Therefore I am a sinner and not righteous If I be a sinner then am I giltie of euerlasting death But against this feeling thou must wrastle and say Although I feele my selfe vtterly ouerwhelmed and swalowed vp with sinne and my heart telleth me that God is offended and angrie with me yet in very deede it is not true but that mine owne sense and feeling so iudgeth The word of God which in these terrours I ought to folow and not mine owne sense teacheth a farre other thing namely that God is neare vnto them that are of a troubled heart and saueth them that are of an humble spirite Also he despiseth not an humble and a contrite heart Moreouer Paul sheweth here that they that are iustified in spirite by Faith doe not yet feele the hope of righteousnes but wait still for it Wherfore when the lawe accuseth and sinne terrifieth thee and thou feelest nothing but the wrath and iudgement of God despaire not for all that but take vnto thee the armour of God the shield of Faith the helmet of hope and the sword of the spirite and trie how good and how valiant a warriour thou art Lay hold of Christe by Faith who is the Lord of the law and sinne and of all things else which accompanie them Beleuing in him thou art iustified which thing reason and the feeling of thine owne heart when thou art tempted doe not tell thee but the word of god Moreouer in the middest of these conflictes and terrours which often returne and exercise thee waite thou patiently through hope for righteousnes which thou hast now by Faith although it be yet but begun and imperfect vntill it be reuealed made perfect in the kingdom of heauen But thou wilt say I feele not my selfe to haue any righteousnes or at least wise I feele it but very litle Thou must not feele but beleue that thou hast righteousnes And except thou beleue that thou art righteous thou doest great iniurie vnto Christe who hath clensed thee by the washing of water through the word who also died vpon the crosse condemned sinne and killed death that through him thou mightest obtaine righteousnes euerlasting life These things thou canst not deny except thou wilt openly shew thy self to be wicked blasphemous against God vtterly to despise God all his promises Iesus Christe with all his benefites and so consequently thou canst not denie but that thou art righteous Let vs learne therfore in great and horrible terrours when our conscience feeleth nothing but sinne and iudgeth that God is angrie with vs and that Christ hath turned his face from vs not to folow the sense feeling of our owne hart but to stick to the word of God which saith that God is not angry but looketh to the afflicted to such as are troubled in spirite tremble at his word and that Christ turneth not himselfe away from such as labour and are heauie loden but refresheth and comforteth them This place therefore teacheth plainly that the lawe and workes bring vnto vs no righteousnes or comfort at all but this doth the holy Ghost onely in the Faith of Christe who raiseth vp hope in terrours and tribulations which endureth and ouercommeth all aduersities Very few there be that know how weake and feeble Faith and hope are vnder the crosse and in the conflict For it seemeth that they are but as smoking flaxe which is ready by by to be put out with a vehement winde But the faithfull who beleue in the middest of these assaultes and terrours hoping against hope that is to say fighting through Faith in the promise as touching Christe against the feeling of sinne and of the wrath of God doe afterwardes finde by experience that this sparke of Faith being very little as it appeareth to naturall reason for reason can scarsely feele it is as a mighty fire and swaloweth vp all our sinnes and all terrours There is nothing more deare or precious in all the world to the true children of God then this doctrine For they that vnderstand this doctrine doe know that wherof all the world is ignorant namely that sinne death and all other miseries afflictions and calamities as well corporall as spirituall doe turne to the benefite and profit of the elect Moreouer they know that God is then most nere vnto them when he seemeth to be farthest of and that he is then a most mercifull louing Sauiour when he semeth to be most angry to afflict to destroy
Also they know that they haue an euerlastīg righteousnes which they wait for through hope as a certaine and sure possession laid vp for them in heauen euen when they feele the horrible terrours of sinne and death Moreouer that they are then Lordes of all things when they are most destitute of all things according to that saying hauing nothing and yet possessing all things This sayeth the Scripture is to conceaue comfort through hope But this cunning is not learned without great and often tentations Verse 6. For in Iesus Christe neither circumcision auaileth any thing neither vncircumcision but Faith vvhich vvorketh by loue That is to say Faith which is not fained nor hypocritical but true and liuely This is that faith which exerciseth requireth good works through loue It is as much to say as He that will be a true Christian in deede or one of Christes kingdom must be a true beleuer Now he beleueth not truely if workes of charitie folow not his Faith. So on both hands as well on the right hand as on the left he shutteth hypocrites out of Christes kingdom On the left hand he shutteth out the Iewes and all such as will worke their owne saluation saying In Christ neither circumcision that is to say no works no seruice no worshipping no kinde of life in the world but faith without any trust in works or merites auaileth before god On the right hand he shutteth out all slouthfull and idle persons which say if faith iustifie without works then let vs worke nothing but let vs onely beleue and doe what we list Not so ye enemies of grace Paule sayeth otherwise And although it be true that onely faith iustifieth yet he speaketh here of Faith in an other respect that is to say that after it hath iustified it is not idle but occupied and exercised in working through loue Paule therfore in this place setteth forth the whole life of a Christian man namely that inwardly it consisteth in faith towards God and outwardly in charitie and good works towardes our neighbour So that a man is a perfect Christ an inwardly through faith before God who hath no neede of our workes and outwardly before men to whom our Faith profiteth nothing but our charitie or our works Therfore when we haue heard or vnderstād of this forme of Christian life to witte that it is faith and charitie as I haue sayd it is not yet declared what Faith or what charitie is for this is an other question For as touching faith or the inward nature force and vse of Faith he hath spoken before Where he shewed that it is our righteousnes or rather our iustification before god Here he ioyneth it with charitie and workes that is to say he speaketh of the externall office thereof which is to stirre vs vp to doe good workes and to bring forth in vs the frutes of charitie to the profite of our neighbour Verse 7. Ye did runne vvell vvho did let you that ye did not obey the truth These are plaine wordes Paule affirmeth that he teacheth them the truth and the selfe same thing that he taught them before and that they ranne well so long as they obeyed the truth that is they beleued and liued rightly but now they did not so since they were misled by the false apostles Moreouer he vseth here a new kinde of speech in calling the Christian life a course or a race For among the Hebrues to runne or to walke signifieth as much as to liue or to be conuersant The teachers doe runne when they teach purely and the hearers or learners doe runne when they receaue the word with ioy and when the frutes of the spirite doe folow Which thing was done as long as Paule was present as he witnessed before in the third and fourth chap. And here he sayeth Ye did runne vvell that is to say all things went forward well and happely among you ye liued very well ye went on the right way to euerlasting life which the word of God promised you c. These wordes Ye did runne vvell containe in them a singuler comfort This tentation oftentimes exerciseth the godly that their life seemeth vnto them to be rather a certaine slow creeping then a running But if they abide in sound doctrine and walke in the spirite lette this nothing trouble them thoughe their doings seeme to goe slowly forward or rather to creepe God iudgeth farre otherwise For that which seemeth vnto vs to be very slow scarsely to creepe runneth swiftly in Gods sight Againe that which is to vs nothing els but sorrow mourning and death is before God ioy mirth true happines Therfore Christ sayth Blessed are ye that mourne vveepe for ye shal receaue cōfort ye shall laugh c. All things shall turne to the best to them which beleue in the sonne of God be it sorrow or be it death it selfe Therefore they be true runners in deede and whatsoeuer they doe it runneth well goeth happely forward by the furtherance of Gods spirite which can not skill of slow procedings Verse 7. VVho did let you that you did not obey the truth They are hindred in this course which fall away from Faith and grace to the lawe and workes as it hapned to the Galathians being misled and seduced by the false apostles whom he couertly reprehendeth with these wordes vvho did let you that ye did not obey the truth In like maner he sayd before in the third Chap. vvho hath bevvitched you that ye should not obey the truth And here Paule sheweth by the way that men are so strongly bewitched with false doctrine that they embrace lies heresies in the sted of the truth and spirituall doctrine And on the other side they say and sweare that the sound doctrine which before they loued is erroneous that their errour is sound doctrine maintaining and defending the same with all their power Euen so the false apostles brought the Galathians which ranne well at the beginning into this opinion to beleue that they erred and went very slowly forward when Paule was their teacher But afterwardes they being seduced by the false apostles and falling cleane away from the truth were so strongly bewitched with their false perswasion that they thought them selues to be in an happie state and that they ranne very well The same hapneth at this day to such as are seduced by the Sectaries and fantasticall spirits Therfore I am wont to say that falling in doctrine cometh not of man but of the Deuil and is most perillous to witte euen from the high heauen to the bottom of hell For they that continue in errour are so farre of from acknowledging their sinne that they maintaine the same to be high righteousnes Wherfore it is vnpossible for them to obtaine pardon Verse 8. It is not the persvvasion of him that calleth you This is a great consolation and a singulare doctrine whereby
vpō this their fall vnlesse they repented This fatherly and Apostolicall care and admonition of Paule moued some of them nothing at all For many of them acknowledged Paule no more for their teacher but preferred the false apostles farre aboue him of whom they thought them selues to haue receaued the true doctrine and not of Paule Moreouer the false apostles no doubt sclaundered Paule among the Galathians saying that he was an obstinate and a contentious fellow which for a light matter would breake the vnitie of the churches and for no other cause but that he alone would be counted wise and be magnified of them Through this false accusation they made Paule very odious vnto many Some other which had not yet vtterly forsakē his doctrine thought that there was no daunger in dissenting a litle from him in the doctrine of iustification Faith. Wherfore when they heard that Paule made so hainous a matter of that which seemed vnto them to be but light and of small importance then maruelled and thus they thought with themselues Be it so that we haue swarned something from the doctrine of Paule and that there hath bene some fault in vs yet that being but a small matter he ought to winke thereat or at least not to vehemently to amplifie it lest by the occasion thereof the concord of the Churches should be broken Wherevnto he answereth with this sentence A litle leuen leueneth or maketh sovver the vvhole lumpe of dough And this is a caueat or an admonition which Paule stādeth much vppon And we also ought greatly to esteme the same at this day For our aduersaries in like maner obiect against vs that we are contentious obstinate and intractable in defending our doctrine and euen in matters of no great importance But these are the craftie fetches of the Deuill whereby he goeth about vtterly to ouerthrow our doctrine To this we answer therefore with Paule that a litle leuen maketh sovver the vvhole lumpe In Philosophie a small fault in the beginning is a great and a foule fault in the ende So in Diuinitie one litle errour ouerthroweth the whole doctrine Wherefore we must separate life and doctrine farre asunder The doctrine is not ours but Gods whose ministers onely we are called therefore we may not chaunge or diminish one tittle therof The life is ours therefore as touching that we are ready to doe to suffer to forgeue c. what so euer our aduersaries shall require of vs so that Faith and doctrine may remaine sound and vncorrupt of the which we say alwayes with Paule A litle leuen leueneth c. A small mote in the eye hurteth the eye And our Sauiour Christ sayeth The light of the body is the eye therefore vvhen thine eye is single then is thy vvhole body light but if thine eye be euill then thy body is darke Againe If thy body shall haue no part darke then shall all be light By this allegorie Christe signifieth that the eye that is to say the doctrine ought to be most simple cleare and sincere hauing in it no darknes no cloud c. And Iames the Apostle sayth He that faileth in one poynt is giltie of all This place therfore maketh very much for vs against these cauillers which say that we breake charitie to the great hurt and damage of the churches But we protest that we desire nothing more then to be at vnitie with all men so that they leaue vnto vs the doctrine of Faith entire and vncorrupt to the which all things ought to geue place be it charitie an Apostle or an angell from heauen Let vs suffer them therfore to extoll charity and concord as much as they list but on the other side lette vs magnifie the maiestie of the word and Faith. Charitie may be neglected in time and place without any daunger but so can not the word and Faith be Charitie suffereth all things geueth place to all men Contrariwise Faith suffereth nothing geueth place to no man Charitie in geuing place in beleuing in geuing and forgeuing is oftentimes deceaued and yet notwithstanding being so deceaued it suffereth no losse which is to be called true losse in deede that is to say it loseth not Christe Therefore it is not offended but continueth still constant in well doing yea euen towards the vnthankfull and vnworthy Contrariwise in the matter of Faith and saluation when men teach lies and errours vnder the colour of the truth and seduce many here hath charitie no place For here we lose not any benefite bestowed vppon the vnthankfull but we lose the word Faith Christe and euerlasting life Let it not moue vs therfore that they vrge so much the keping of charitie and concord For who so loueth not God his word it is no matter what or how much he loueth Paule therfore by this sentence admonisheth as well teachers as hearers to take heede that they esteme not the doctrine of Faith as a light matter wherw t they may dally at their plesure It is as a bright sunne beame comming downe from heauen which lightneth directeth and guideth vs Now like as the world with all the wisedom and power thereof is not able to stoppe or turne away the beames of the sunne comming downe from heauen directly vnto the earth euen so can there nothing be added to the doctrine of Faith or taken from it for that is an vtter defacing and ouerthrowing of the whole Verse 10. I haue trust in you through the Lord. As if he would say I haue taught admonished and reproued you enough so that ye would hearken vnto me Notwithstanding I hope wel of you in the lord Here riseth a question whether Paule doth wel whē he sayth he hath a good hope or trust of the Galathians seing the holy Scripture forbiddeth any trust to be put in men Both Faith and charitie haue their trust and beleefe but after diuers sorts by reason of the diuersitie of their obiectes Faith trusteth in God and therfore it can not be deceaued charitie beleueth man and therefore it is often deceaued Now this Faith that springeth of charitie is so necessary to this present life that without it life can not continue in the world For if one man should not beleue trust an other what life should we liue vpon earth The true Christians doe sooner beleue and geue credite through charitie then the childrē of this world doe For faith towards men is a fruite of the spirit or of christian Faith in the godly Herevpon Paule had a trust of that Galathians yea though they were falne frō his doctrine but yet through the lord As if he should say I trust vnto you so farre forth as the Lord is in you ye in him that is to say so farre forth as ye abide in the truth From which if you fall away seduced by the ministers of Sathan I will not trust vnto you any more Thus it is
11.28 Math. 9.13 Math. 9.2 Iohn 15.33 Luke 19.10 The doers of the lavve doe not the lavve Verse 12. Verse 10. The consciēce is not quieted and pacified vvith the obseruation of mans traditions Confidence in vvorks vtterly taketh avvay Faith or at least hindreth it in vs. Iusticiaries meritmongers vvill be recōpensed for their vvorkes vvith euerlasting life He that receaueth Moises in one poynt must receaue him in all Christians are free from the policie of Moises as touching their conscience Deut. 34. They that seke to be iustified by the lavve deny Christ Gal. 3.14 1. Cor. 1.12 Paule condēneth not circumcisiō but to trust in circumcision is that vvhich he condēneth Christe and the lavve can not dvvell together True Faith. VVe must either forgoe Christ or the lavve Deut. 27.26 The doctrine of the Pope led vs quite avvay from Christ and made him altogether vnprofitable to vs. VVhat daunger it is to seeke righteousnes by the lavve Iohn 3 3● Iohn 5.18 The Popes kingdom is grounded vpon mens traditions 1. Cor. 4.7 VVhat he loseth thrt falleth from grace Math. 15 1● Verse 3. Vers 14.25 Rom. 8.24 Rom. Rom. 7.23 The righteousnes of the faithfull standeth not in feeling Faith hope differ in respect of their subiect Exod. 25.20 The differēce betvven faith and hope in their office The difference as touching the obiect Difference in order Rom. Difference in vvorking The differēce betvven faith and hope in diuinitie is the same that is betvvene fortitude and prudence in policie As soone as vvee begin to lay hold on Christ our enemies the fle●h the vvorld the Deui●l rise vp against vs but hope vvr●s●l●th against them all Psal. 116.10 Rom. 15. ● Rom. 5.1 Rom. 1.24 The true knovvledge of Christ is not vvithout the crosse Faith. Hope Charitie of loue 1. Cor. 13 1● VVhatsoeuer the vvorld estemeth to be good and holy vvithout Christe is sinne A svvete consolation in anguish trouble of conscience Psal. 51.17 Psal. 51. Our righteousnes consisteth not in feeling but in beleuing Ephes 5. ●6 Rom. 5.8 Rom. 5.34 Rom 14.9 1. Cor. 15.3 Esay 66.2 Math. 11.28 Esay ●2 3 The treasure of the Faithfull 2. Cor. 6.7.10 A true and a liuely Faith. Paul shutteth all hypocrites out of the church of God both on the right hand on the left The vvhole life of a Christian The christian life is a course or a race That vvhich seemeth to vs to creepe runneth svviftly in Gods sight Math. 5.4 Luke 6.21 Rom. 8.28 Galath 3.1 False doctrine bevvitcheth men Falling in doctrine cometh of the Deuil The authority of the false apostles A consolation for them vvhich conceaue a false opinion of Christe Christe is set out in the Scriptures as a gift and as an example Coloss 2.3 1. Cor. 1.30 Rom. 10.4 To vvhom Christ must be set out as a gift and to vvhom as an example Math. 11.28 Iohn 6.27 Math. 3.17 1. Pet. 1.17 Coloss 1.13 The false apostles misreported Paule to the churches Doctrine and life must be separate farre a sunder The doctrine of Faith. Luke 11.34 Luke 11.36 Iam. 2.10 Charitie suffereth all thīgs but Faith suffreth nothing 1. Cor. 13. ● Charitie may be deceaued but faith cannot VVhen vve must exercise charitie and vvhen not VVhether vve may trust vnto men VVicked teachers are troublers of mens consciences The aucthoritie of the false apostles Galath 1.8 ● The differēce betvvixt doctrine life No errour in the doctrine of Faith. Actes 13.50 Actes 17.4 The false apostles enemies of the crosse of Christ Gal. 6.12 The doctrine of Faith. 1. Cor. 1.17 2. Pet. 1.11 The church is in best case most flouri●heth vnder the crosse Esay 3● 17 * He meaneth that God somtimes in punishing shevveth him selfe as though it vvere not he but Satan and contrarivvise Satan vvhen he flattereth shevveth him self as though he vvere God and not Satan Esay 53.12 The vvorld hath no pitie vpō the godly Iohn 16.2.3 VVhat the vvorld loketh for by the death of the godly Math. 5.10 Marke 9.10 Luke 14.34 Actes 5.41 1 Pet. 3.14 1. Pet. 4.14 Luther vvil be at no vnitie vvith the enemies of the Gospell The Gospell setteth forth the glory of God and discloseth the craftes of the Deuill Math. 5.12 Paul vvisheth that the false apostles vvere cutte of VVhether it be lavvful for Christians to curse Galath 1.3.4 The Maiestie of Gods vvord is highly to be aduaunced Actes ● 20.21 Psal. 54.5 Psal. 55.15 * As Corah Dathan and Abiron Paules example in suffering VVhat the vvorld condemneth in godly teachers An obiection The Apostles after the doctrine of faith adde precepts of good life Philip. 1.21 Iude. 1.4 Carnall men vnderstād not the doctrine of Faith. The saying of the vvicked The greatest part of men vnderstād the doctrine of Faith carnally The profite of tentations 1. Pet. 2.16 The godly are free accordīg to the spirite but bond seruaunts according to the flesh Gal. 5.17 Carnall men abuse Christian libertie Christian libertie must be taught though men abuse it Coloss 1 1● They vvhich vnderstād the Christian libertie serue one another through loue 1. Cor. 3 11.1● Leuitis 19 1● Meritmōgers hypocrites vnderstād not the doctrine of faith and of good vvorks 1. Cor. 3.12.15 Galath 4 1● Reason is naturally delited vvith superstition No mā loueth his neighbour as himselfe Naturall corruption superstition remaining in the faithfull A saying of Hierome Paul teacheth good vvorks and condemneth euill vvorkes 1. Sam. 31.6 Math. 12.3 ●● Math. 22 2● Ephes 1.2 A brief summe of all Moises lavves The shortnes of the doctrin of all true christianitie To serue our neighbour through charitie A description of an hypocrite Charitie the bright sunne of all good vvorkes A briefe exposition of this commaundement Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Hovv our neighbour ought to be loued Charitie a singular vertue VVho is our neighbour The cōmaundement of charitie 1. Cor. 13.7 The doctrine of faith and charitie the shortest and longest The vvay hovv to kepe concord The ende of the authors of vvicked opinions Hovv the doctrine of faith and of vvorks is to be taught An obiection Galat. 2.16 Galat. 3.10 Arguments from precept to vvorke So euill consequence of the Sophisters It is vvryttē therfore it is done The Loue of our selfe corrupt Sinne is not here layed to our charge because of our Faith in Christe 1. Cor. 13 1● Charitie can not pacifie God. Apoc. 21.27 Esay 53.9 1. Pet. 2.22 1. Iohn 3.2 * He alludeth to the place of Exodus Chapt. 13.21 1. Cor. 13.12 Faith adorned vvith charitie is the papistes righteousnes Rom. 1.23 Deut. 6.5 Math. 22 3● Marke 12 2● Luke 10.27 Perfect loue God first loued vs. 1. Iohn 4.10 Galath 2 4. Galath 4.4.5 Galath 5.17 Desires and lustes of the flesh euen in the godly To vvalke in the spirite VVhat the cōcupiscence or lust of the flesh is after Paule Beleuers are both sinners righteous Hierome The
then vnder the lawe must not alwayes endure but must onely continue to the cōming or reuealing of Faith which this sweete verse of the Psalme 147. doth teach vs The Lord deliteth in those that feare him that is to say which are in prison vnder the lawe But by and by after he addeth and in those that attend vppon his mercy Therfore we must ioyne these two things together which are in deede as contrary the one to the other as may be For what can be more contrary then to hate and abhorre the wrath of God and againe to trust in his goodnes mercy The one is hell the other is heauē and yet they must be nerely ioyned together in the heart By speculation and naked knowledge a man may easily ioyne them together but by experience and inward practise so to doe of all things it is the hardest which I my selfe haue often proued by mine owne experience Of this matter the Papistes and Sectaries know nothing at all Therefore these wordes of Paule are to them obscure and altogether vnknowne And when the lawe reueileth vnto them their sinne accuseth and terrifieth them they can finde no counsell no rest no helpe or succour but fall to desperation as Caine and Saule did Seeing the lawe therfore as is sayd is our tormentour and our prison certaine it is that we can not loue it but hate it He therefore that sayth he loueth the lawe is a liar and knoweth not what he sayth A theefe and a robber should shewe him selfe to be starke madde that would loue the prison the fetters and chaines Seing thē the law shutteth vs vppe and holdeth vs in prison it can not be but we must needes be extreme enemies to the lawe To conclude so well we loue the lawe and the righteousnes thereof as a murtherer loueth the darke prison the streit bondes and irons How then should the law iustifie vs Verse 23. And shut vp vnder the faith vvhich should after be reueiled This Paule speaketh in respect of the fulnes of the time wherin Christ came But we must applie it not onely to that time but also to the inward man For that which is done as an hystorie and according to the time wherin Christe came abolishing the lawe and bringing libertie and eternall life to light is alwayes done spiritually in euery Christian in whom is found continually somewhile the time of the law and somewhile the time of grace For the Christian man hath a body in whose members as Paule sayth in an other place sinne dwelleth and warreth Nowe I vnderstand sinne to be not onely the deede or the worke but also the roote and the tree together with the fruites as the Scripture vseth to speake of sinne Which is yet not onely rooted in the baptised flesh of euery Christian but also is at deadly warre within it and holdeth it captiue if not to geue consent vnto it or to accomplish the worke yet doth it force him mightely thervnto For albeit a Christian man doe not fall into outward and grosse sinnes as murther adultery theft and such like yet is he not free from impatiencie murmuring hating and blaspheming of God which sinnes to reason and the carnall man are altogether vnknowne These sinnes constraine him yea sore against his will to detest the lawe they compell him to flie from the presence of God they compell him to hate and blaspheme god For as carnall lust is strong in a yong man in a man of full age the desire and loue of glory and in an old man couetousnes euen so in a holy and a faithfull man impatiencie murmuring hatred and blasphemie against God doe mightely preuaile Examples hereof there are many in the Psalmes in Iob in Ieremie and throughout the whole Scripture Paule therfore describing and setting forth this spirituall warfare vseth very behement words and fitte for the purpose as of fighting rebelling holding and leading captiue c. Both these times then of the lawe and the Gospell I meane are in a Christian as touching the affections and inward man The time of the lawe is when the lawe exerciseth me tormenteth me with heauines of heart oppresseth me bringeth me to the knowledge of sinne and encreaseth the same Here the law is in his true vse and perfect worke which a Christian oftentimes feeleth as long as he liueth So there was geuen vnto Paule a pricke in the flesh that is the angell of Satan to buffet him He would gladly haue felt euery moment the ioy of conscience the laughter of the heart and the sweete tast of eternall life Againe he would gladly haue ben deliuered from all trouble and anguish of spirite and therefore he desired that this tentation might be taken from him Notwithstanding this was not done but the Lord sayd vnto him My grace is sufficient for thee For my povver is made perfect through vveaknes This battaile doth euery Christian feele To speake of my selfe there are many howers in the which I chide and contend with God and impatiently resist him The wrath and iudgement of God displeaseth me and againe my impaciencie my murmuring and such like sinnes doe displease him And this is the time of the lawe vnder the which a Christian man continually liueth as touching the flesh For the flesh lusteth continually against the spirite and the spirite against the flesh but in some more and in some lesse The time of grace is when the heart is raised vppe againe by the promise of the free mercy of God and sayeth VVhy art thou heauie O my soule and vvhy doest thou trouble me Doest thou see nothing but the lawe sinne terrour heauines desperation death hell and the Deuill Is there not also grace remission of sinnes righteousnes consolation ioy peace life heauen Christe and God Trouble me no more O my soule What is the lawe what is sinne what are all euils in comparison of these things Trust in God who hath not spared his owne deare sonne but hath geuen him to the death of the crosse for thy sinnes This is then to be shutte vppe vnder the lawe after the flesh not for euer but till Christe be reuealed Therefore when thou art beaten downe tormented and afflicted by the law then say Lady law Thou art not alone neither art thou all things but besides thee there are yet other things much greater and better then thou art namely grace faith and blessing This grace this faith and this blessing doe not accuse me terrifie me condemne me but they comfort me they bid me trust in the Lord and promise vnto me victorie and saluation in Christe There is no cause therfore why I should despaire He that is skilfull in this arte and this cunning may in deede be called a right Diuine The fantasticall spirites their disciples at this day which continually bragge of the spirite do perswade them selues that they are very expert
ouerthroweth whole kingdoms and Empires Therfore as many as trust to their owne strength and righteousnes doe serue a God but such a God as they them selues haue deuised and not the true God in deede For the true God speaketh thus No righteousnes wisedom nor religiō pleaseth me but that onely whereby the Father is glorified through the Sonne Whosoeuer apprehendeth this Sonne and me and my promise in him by Faith to him I am a God to him I am a Father him do I accept iustifie and saue All other abide vnder wrath because they worship that thing which by nature is no God. Whosoeuer forsaketh this doctrine must needes fall into the ignorance of God he vnderstandeth not what the true Christian righteousnes wisedom and seruice of God is he is an Idolater abiding vnder the law sinne death and the power of the Deuill and all things that he doth are accursed and condemned Therefore the Anabaptist imagining with him selfe that he pleaseth God if he be rebaptised if he forsake his house wife and children if he mortifie his flesh and suffer much aduersity and at length death it selfe yet there is not one droppe of the knowledge of Christe in him but secluding Christ he dreameth altogether of his owne workes of the forsaking of his goodes of his affliction and mortification and now differeth nothing frō the Turke Iewe or Papist in spirite or in heart but onely in the outward appearance workes and ceremonies which he hath chosen to him selfe The same confidence in workes haue all the Monkes and other religious orders notwithstanding in their apparell and other outward things there is a difference There are at this day very many like vnto these which notwithstanding would be counted among the true professors and teachers of the Gospell and as touching the words they teach that men are deliuered from their sinnes by the death of Christ But because they teach faith in such sort that they attribute more to charitie then to faith they highly dishonour Christe and wickedly peruert his word For they dreame that God regardeth accepteth vs for our charities sake wherby we being reconciled to God doe loue God and our neighbour If this be true then haue we no neede of Christ at all Such men serue not the true God but an Idol of their owne heart which they themselues haue deuised For the true God doth not regard or accept vs for our charitie vertues or newnes of life but for Christes sake c. But they make this obiection Yet notwithstāding the Scripture cōmaundeth that we should loue God with all our heart c. It is true But it foloweth not that because God cōmaūdeth vs therfore we do it If we did loue God with all our heart c. then no dout we should be iustified liue through this obedience as it is wrytten He that shal doe these things shall liue in them But the Gospel sayth Thou doest not these things therfore thou shalt not liue in them For this sentence Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God c. requireth a perfect obedience a perfect feare trust loue towards god These things men neither doe nor can performe in this corrupt nature Therfore this law Thou shalt loue the Lord thy god c. iustifieth not but accuseth condemneth all men according to that saying The lavv causeth vvrath c. Contrariwise Christ is the finishing accomplishing of the lavv to righteousnes to euery one that beleueth Of this we haue spoken largely before In like maner the Iewe keping the law with this opinion that he by this obediēce wil please God serueth not the true God but is an Idolater worshipping a dreame an idoll of his owne heart which is no where to be found For the God of his fathers whom he saith he worshippeth promised to Abraham a Seede thorough the which all nations should be blessed Therfore God is knowen the Blessing is geuē not by the lawe but by the Gospel of Christ Although Paule speake these words Thē vvhē ye knevv not God ye did seruice c. properly prīcipally to the Galathians which were Gentiles yet notwithstanding by the same words he also toucheth the Iewes who though they had reiected their Idols outwardly yet in their hearts they worshipped them more then did the Gentiles as it is sayd Rom. 2. Thou abhorrest Idols committest sacriledge The Gētiles were not the people of God they had not his word and therfore their Idolatrie was grosse But the Idolatrous Iewes cloked their Idolatrie with the name and word of God as all Iusticiaries which seeke righteousnes by workes are wont to doe and so with this outward shew of holines they deceiued many Therfore Idolatrie the more holy and spirituall it is the more hurtfull it is But how may these two contrary sayings which the Apostle here setteth downe be recōciled together Ye knevv not God ye vvorshipped God. I answer All mē naturally haue this general knowledge that there is a God according to the saying Ro. 1. Forasmuch as that vvhich may be knovvn of god vvas manifest in thē For God was made manifest vnto thē in that the inuisible things of him did appeare by the creation of the world Moreouer the ceremonies religiōs which were alwaies remained among al nations sufficiently witnesse that all men haue had a certain general knowledge of god But whether they had it by nature or by the tradition of their forefathers I wil not here dispute But here some wil obiect againe If all mē knew God wherfore thē doth Paul say that the Galathians knew not God before the preaching of the Gospel I answer There is a double knowledge of God general perticuler All men haue the generall knowledge namely that there is a God that he created heauen earth that he is iust that he punisheth the wicked But what god thīketh of vs what his wil is towards vs what he wil geue do to the end we may be deliuered from sinne death and be saued which is the true knowledge of God in dede this they know not As it may be that I know some man by sight whō yet in dede I know not thorowly because I vnderstand not what affection he beareth towards me So mē know naturally that there is a god but what his wil is or what is not his will they doe not know For it is wrytten There is none that vnderstādeth God. And in an other place No mā hath sene God that is to say no man hath knowen what is the will of god Now what doth it auaile thee if thou know that there is a God yet art ignorāt what is his will towards thee Here some thinke one thing some an other The Iewes imagine this to be the will of God if they worship him according to the rule of Moses lawe the Turke if he obserue his Alcoran the
vnder the Pope Now Paule goeth about to declare out of the ten commaundements what it is to serue one an other through loue Verse 14. For the vvhole lavve is fulfilled in one vvord vvhich is this Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Paule after that he hath laid the foundation of Christian doctrine is wont to build gold siluer and precious stones vpon it Now there is no other foundation as he himselfe sayeth to the Corinthians than Iesus Christ or the righteousnes of Christe Vpon this foundation he buildeth now good workes yea good workes in deede all which he comprehendeth in one precept Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe As if he should say when I say that ye must serue one an other through loue I meane the selfe same thing that the lawe sayeth in an other place Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe And this is truely to interprete the Scriptures and Gods commaundements Now in geuing preceptes of loue he couertly toucheth by the way the false teachers against whom he setteth him selfe mightely that he may defend and stablish his doctrine of good workes against them As if he sayd O ye Galathians I haue hetherto taught you the true and spirituall life and now also I will teach you what be good workes in deede And this will I doe to the ende ye may know that the vaine and foolish workes of ceremonies which the false Apostles doe onely vrge are farre inferiour to the workes of charitie For such is the foolishnes and madnes of all wicked teachers and fantasticall spirites that not onely they leaue the true foundation and pure doctrine but also continuing alwayes in their superstitions they neuer attaine to good workes Therefore as Paule sayeth they build nothing but woode hay and stubble vppon the foundation So the false apostles which were the most earnest defenders of workes did not teach or require the workes of charitie as that Christians shuld loue one an other that they should be ready to helpe their neighbours in all necessities not onely with their goods but also with their body that is to say with tounge hand heart and with their whole strength but onely they required that circumcision should be kept that dayes monethes yeres and times should be obserued and other good workes they could teach none For after they had destroyed the foundation which is Christ darkened the doctrine of Faith it was impossible that there should remaine any true vse exercise or opinion of good workes Take away the tree the frute must needes perish The Apostle therfore diligently exhorteth the Christians to exercise themselues in good workes after that they haue heard and receaued the pure doctrine of Faith. For the remnauntes of sinne doe yet still remaine euen in those that be iustified which as they are contrary to Faith and hinder it so doe they hinder vs from doing good workes Moreouer mans reason and the flesh which in the sainctes them selues resisteth the spirite and in the wicked doth mightely raigne is naturally delited with Pharisaicall superstitions that is to say it taketh more pleasure in measuring God by her owne imaginations than by his word and doth the works that she her selfe hath chosen with farre greater zeale then those which God hath commaunded Wherfore it is necessary that the godly preachers should as diligently teach and vrge the doctrine of good workes as the doctrine of Faith for Satan is a deadly enemie to both Notwithstanding faith must first be planted for without Faith it is impossible to vnderstand what a good worke is or what pleaseth God. Let no man thinke therefore that he thorowly knoweth this commaūdement Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe In deede it is very short and easy as touching the wordes but shew me the teachers and hearers that in teaching learning and liuing doe exercise and accomplish it rightly Therefore these wordes Serue ye one an other through loue and these also Thou shalt loue thy neighbor as thy self are incomprehensible no man no not euen the godly doe sufficiently consider teach and exercise the same And which is a wōderful thing the faithfull haue this tentation that if they omit neuer so light a matter which they ought to do by and by their conscience is wounded but they are not so troubled if they neglect the dueties of charitie as daily they doe or beare not a sincere and brotherly loue and affection towards their neighbour For they doe not so much regard the commaundement of charitie as their owne superstitions from the which they be not altogether free during this life Paule therfore reprehendeth the Galathians in these words For the vvhole lavv is fulfilled in one vvord As if he had said ye are drowned in your superstitions ceremonies concerning places times which profit neither your selues nor others and in the meane while ye neglect charitie which ye ought onely to haue kept What madnes is this So sayth Ierome We weare cōsume our bodies with watching fasting and labour but we neglect charitie which is the onely lady mistresse of workes And this may be wel seene in the Monkes who straitly obserue their traditions concerning their ceremonies fasting watching apparel such like In this case if they omitte any thing be it neuer so litle they sinne deadly But whē they do not only neglect charitie but also hate one an other to the death they sinne not nor offend God at all Therefore by this commaundement Paule not onely teacheth good works but also cōdemneth fantasticall and superstitious works He not onely buildeth gold siluer and precious stones vpon the foundation but also throweth downe the woode and burneth vp the hay stubble God witnessed by examples in the olde Testament how much he did alwayes esteme of charitie whervnto he would haue that very law it self and the ceremonies therof to geue place At such time as Dauid and they that were with him were hungrie and had not what to eate they did eate the holy shewbread which by the lawe the lay people might not eate but onely the priests Christes disciples brake the Saboth in plucking the eares of corne yea and Christ him selfe brake the Saboth as sayd the Iewes in healing the sicke on the Saboth day All these things shew that charitie or loue ought to be preferred before all lawes ceremonies that God requireth nothing so much at our handes as loue towardes our neighbour The same thing Christe also witnesseth when he sayeth And the second is like vnto this Verse 14. For all the lavv is fulfilled in one vvord As if he sayd Why doe ye burden your selues with the lawe Why doe ye so toile and tormoile your selues about the ceremonies of the law about meates dayes places and such other things as how ye ought to eate drinke keepe your feastes sacrifice c. Leaue of these follies and hearken what
I say All the lawe is fully comprehended in this one saying Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe God deliteth not in the obseruation of the ceremonies of the lawe neither hath he any neede of them The onely thing that he requireth at your hands is this that ye beleue in Christ whom he hath sent in whom ye are made perfect and haue all things But if vnto Faith which is the most acceptable seruice of God ye will also adde lawes then assure your selues that all lawes are comprehended in this short commaundement Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Endeuour your selues to keepe this commaundement which being kept ye haue fulfilled all lawes Paule is a very good expounder of Gods commaundementes For he draweth all Moises into a briefe summe shewing that nothing else is cōtained in all his lawes which are in a maner infinite but this short sentence Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Naturall reason is offended with this basenes and shortnes of wordes for it is soone sayd Beleue in Christ And againe Loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Therefore it despiseth both the doctrine of Faith and true good works notwithstanding this base vile word of faith as reason taketh it Beleue in Christ is the power of God to the faithfull whereby they ouercome sinne death the Deuill c. wherby also they attaine saluation eternall life Thus to serue one an other through loue that is to instruct him that goeth astray to comfort him that is afflicted to raise vppe him that is weake to helpe thy neighbour by all meanes possible to beare with his infirmities to endure troubles labours ingratitude contempt in the Church in ciuile life conuersation to obey the Magistrate to geue due honour to thy parentes to be patient at home with a froward wife and an vnruely familie c these I say are workes which reason iudgeth to be of no valew But beleue me they are such workes that the whole world is not able to comprehend the excellencie and worthines thereof for it doth not measure workes or any other thing by the word of God but by the iudgement of wicked blinde and foolish reason Yea it knoweth not the valew of any one of the least good works that can be which are true good works in deede Therfore when men dreame that they well vnderstand the commaundement of charitie they are vtterly deceaued In deede they haue it wrytten in their heart for they naturally iudge that a man ought to doe vnto an other as he would an other should do vnto him But it foloweth not therefore that they vnderstand it For if they did they would also performe it in deede and would preferre loue and charitie before all their workes They would not so highly esteme their owne superstitious toyes as to goe with an heauie countenaunce hanging downe the head to be vnmarried to liue with bread and water to dwell in the wildernes to be poorely apparelled c. These monstrous and superstitious workes which they haue deuised and chosen vnto themselues God neither commaunding nor approuing the same they esteme to be so holy and so excellent that they surmount and darken charitie which is as it were the Sunne of all good works So great and incomprehēsible is the blindnes of mans reason that it is vnable not onely to iudge rightly of the doctrine of Faith but also of external conuersation and workes Wherfore we must fight strongly as well against the opinions of our owne heart to the which we are naturally more enclined in the matter of saluation then to the word of God as also against the counterfet visour holy shew of our owne wilworkes that so we may learne to magnifie the workes which euery man doth in his vocation although they seeme outwardly neuer so base and contemptible if they haue the warrant of Gods worde and contrariwise to despise those workes which reason chooseth without the commaundement of God seeme they neuer so excellent and holy Of this commaundement I haue largely entreated in an other place and therfore I will now but lightly ouerrunne it In deede this is briefly spoken Loue thy neighbour as thy selfe but yet very aptly and to that purpose No man can geue a more certaine a better or a nearer example then a mans owne selfe Therfore if thou wouldest know how thy neighbour ought to be loued and wouldest haue a plaine example therof consider well how thou louest thy selfe If thou shouldest be in necessitie or daunger thou wouldest be glad to haue the loue and frendship of all men to be holpen with the counsell the goods and the strength of all men of all creatures Wherfore thou hast no neede of any booke to instruct and to admonish thee how thou oughtest to loue thy neighbour for thou hast an excellent booke of all lawes euen in thy heart Thou needest no Scholemaster in this matter aske counsell onely of thine owne heart and that shall teach thee sufficiently that thou oughtest to loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Moreouer loue or charitie is an excellent vertue which not onely maketh a man willing and ready to serue his neighbour with tounge with hand with money and worldly goods but with his body and euen with his life also And thus to doe it is not prouoked by good desertes or any thing else neither is it hindred through euill desertes or ingratitude The mother doth therefore nourish and cherish her child because she loueth it Now my neighbour is euery man specially which hath neede of my helpe as Christ expoundeth it in the .10 chapt of Luke Who although he hath done me some wrong or hurt me by any maner of way yet notwithstanding he hath not put of the nature of man or ceased to be flesh and bloud the creature of God most like vnto my selfe briefly he ceaseth not to be my neighbour As long then as the nature of man remaineth in him so long also remaineth the commaundement of loue which requireth at my hād that I should not despise mine own flesh nor render euill for euill but ouercome euill with good or else shall loue neuer be as Paule describeth it .1 Cor. 13. Paule therefore commendeth charitie to the Galathians and to all the faithfull for they onely loue in deede and exhorteth them that through charitie one of them should serue an other As if he would say Ye neede not to burden your selues with circumcision and with the ceremonies of Moises law but aboue all things continue in the doctrine of faith which ye haue receaued of me Afterwards if ye will doe good workes I will in one word shew you the chiefest and greatest works and how ye shall fulfill all lawes Serue ye one an other through loue Ye shall not lacke them to whom ye may doe good for the world is ful of such as neede the helpe of others
dreame are possessed of the Deuil and altogether carnall therefore they performe and fulfill the desires of the flesh euen with all the power of the soule Therfore most necessary it was that so horrible and terrible a sentence should be pronounced by the Apostle against such careles contemners and obstinate hypocrites namely that all they which do such works of the flesh as Paule hath recited shall not inherite the kingdom of God that yet some of them being terrified by this seuere sentence may begin to fight against the workes of the flesh by the spirit that they accomplish not the same Verse 22. But the fruits of the spirite are loue ioy peace long suffering svvetenes goodnes faithfulnes gentlenes or mekenes temperance The Apostle sayeth not the workes of the spirite as he sayd the workes of the flesh but he adorneth these Christian vertues with a more honorable name calling them the frutes of the spirite For they bring with them most excellent frutes and commodities for they that haue them geue glory to God and with the same doe allure and prouoke others to embrace the doctrine and Faith of Christ Loue. It had bene enough to haue sayd Loue and no more for loue extendeth it selfe vnto all the fruites of the spirite And in the. 1. Cor. 13. Paule attributeth to loue all the fruites which are done in the spirite when he sayth Loue is patiēt curteous c. Notwithstāding he would set it here by it selfe amongs the rest of the fruites of the spirit and in the first place thereby to admonish the Christians that before all things they should loue one an other geuing honour one to an other euery man esteming better of an other then of him selfe and seruing one an other because they haue Christ the holy Ghost dwelling in them because of the word baptisme other gifts of God which christiās haue Ioy. This is the voyce of the Bridegrome and of the Bride that is to say sweete cogitations of Christ holesom exhortations plesant songs or Psalmes praises and thanks geuing wherby the godly do instruct stirre vp and refresh them selues Therefore God loueth not heauines and doulfulnes of spirite he hateth vncomfortable doctrine heauy and sorowfull cogitations and loueth chearfull hearts For therefore hath he sent his sonne not to oppresse vs with heauines and sorrow but to cheare vp our soules in him For this cause the Prophets the Apostles and Christ him selfe do exhort vs yea they commaūd vs to reioyce be glad Zach. 9. Reioyce thou daughter of Syon be ioyful thou daughter of Ierusalem for behold thy king commeth to thee And in the Psalmes it is often sayd Be ioyfull in the Lord. Paule sayth Reioyce in the Lord alvvaies c. And Christe sayeth Reioyce because your names are vvryttē in heauen Where this ioy of the spirit is there the heart inwardly reioyceth through faith in Christ with ful assurance that he is our Sauiour and our byshop and outwardly it expresseth this ioy with wordes and gestures Also the faithfull reioyce when they see that the Gospell spreadeth abrode that many be wonne to the Faith and that the kingdom of Christ is enlarged Peace Both towardes God men the Christians may be peaceable quiet not contentious nor hating one an other but one bearing an others burden through long suffering or perseuerance without the which peace cannot continue and therfore Paule putteth it next after peace Long suffering or perseuerance Wherby a mā doth not only beare aduersities iniuries reproches such like but also with patiēce waiteth for the amendmēt of those which haue done him any wrong When the Deuil cannot by force ouercome those which are tempted then seketh he to ouercome them by long cōtinuance For he knoweth that we be earthen vessels which can not long endure hold out many knockes violent strokes therfore with long continuance of tēptations he ouercometh many To vanquish these his cōtinuall assaults we must vse long sufferance which patiētly looketh not only for the amendment of those which doe vs wrong but also for the ende of those temptations which the Deuil raiseth vp against vs. Gentlenes Which is when a man is gentle and tractable in his conuersation in his whole life For such as wil be true folowers of the Gospel must not be sharpe and bitter but gentle milde courteous and faire spoken which should encourage others to delite in their company which can winke at other mens faults or at least expound them to the best which will be well contented to yelde and geue place to others contented to beare with those which are froward intractable as the very Heathen sayd Thou must know the maners of thy frend but thou must not hate thē Such a one was our Sauiour Christ as euery where is to be sene in that Gospell It is wryttē of Peter that he wept so often as he remēbred the sweete mildnes of Christe which he vsed in his daily conuersation It is an excellent vertue and most necessary in euery kinde of life Goodnes Which is when a man willingly helpeth others in their necessitie by geuing lending and such other meanes Faith. When Paule here reckeneth faith amongs the fruites of the spirit it is manifest that he speaketh not of Faith which is in Christe but of the fidelitie humanitie of one man towards an other Herevpon he sayeth in the .13 Chap. of the first to the Cor. that charitie beleueth all things Therfore he that hath this faith is not suspicious but milde taketh all things to the best And although he be deceaued and findeth himselfe to be mocked yet such is his patiencie and softnes that he letteth it passe Briefly he is ready to beleue al mē but he trusteth not all On the cōtrary where this vertue is lacking there men are suspicious froward waiward dogged so neither wil beleue any thing nor geue place to any body They can suffer nothing Whatsoeuer a mā saith or doth neuer so wel they cauill sclander it so that who so serueth not their humor cā neuer please them Therefore it is impossible for thē to kepe charity frendship concord peace with men But if these vertues be takē away what is this life else but biting and deuouring one of an other Faith therfore in this place is whē one mā geueth credite to an other in things pertaining to this present life For what maner of life should we lead in this world if one man should not credite an other Mekenes Which is when a man is not lightly moued or prouoked to anger There be infinite occasions in this life which prouoke men to anger but the godly ouer come them by meekenes Temperance chastitie or continencie This is a sobrietie or modestie in the whole life of man which vertue Paule setteth against the works of the flesh He would therfore that Christians should liue soberly and