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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A77501 Gospel-marrow, the great God giving himself for the sons of men: or, The sacred mystery of redemption by Jesus Christ, with two of the ends thereof, justification & sanctification. Doctrinally opened and practically applied. Wherein (among many other useful and profitable truths) the unhappy controversie of the times about the extent of Christs death is modestly and plainly discussed and determined for the satisfaction of those who are willing to receive it. To which is added three links of a golden chain. As it was lately held forth to the Church of God at Great Yarmouth. / By John Brinsley, minister of the Gospel there. Brinsley, John, 1600-1665. 1659 (1659) Wing B4715; Thomason E1852_1; ESTC R209806 253,046 425

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Quest But yet the Question runs on How not cast them out here Ans To this Grotius returnes an Answer Grotius's Sup. position rejected as unsound that they being thus come unto Christ he will not for his part cast them cut of his Kingdom of grace being entred as Schollars into his School from whence he conceives this Expression to be borrowed he will not expell them Thus saith he do froward School-masters sometimes deal by their Schollars Non faciam ut morosi Magistri non expellam eum nempè si perpetuò voluerit meus esse per me non stabit quo minus fit Grot. Annot. in Text. expell them without any just desert But so will not Christ deal by his Schollars those that come to him being once his they shall ever be so for all him continuing and abiding with him if they will But this savouring rankly of the Arminians founding mans perseverance in Grace upon the liberty of his own will I reject it as unsound The true sense of the phrase here More solidly to hold you no longer in suspense by Casting out here understand we rather a Rejection than an Ejection a Repelling than an Expelling Neminem ad me venientem repellam omnes admittam omnes amplectar Rupertus ad loc Maldon c. Non repudiabo sed benevolè excipiam in aeternum servabo Piscator Schol. in loc Two things comprehended under it Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out Non repudiabo non repellam I will not refuse and reject him but will receive and embrace him bidding and making him welcome So may we most fitly look upon the phrase here as having a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in it intending more than it speaks importing a gracious reception with a loving and lasting entertainment Thus will the Lord Jesus Christ receive all those that come unto him by faith he will own them and entertain them as his and that for ever Two things conceived to be comprehended under this Expression 1. He will receive them entertain them Him that cometh unto me I will not cast out 1. Christ will receive those that come to him Quemadmodum si publicus dicat Hospes neminem qui ad hospitium venerit ejiciam Mald. ad loc Even as a publick Host saith Maldonate should say the like terms If any man come to me I will not cast him out his meaning would be apprehended to be not I will not cast him out of my house having once received him in whereof no man would make any doubt but that he will not refuse any such guests but would readily receive them into his house bidding them welcome giving entertainment to them making provisions for them And in such a sense undestand we our Saviour here where he maketh the like Proclamation Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out That is I will not refuse nor reject him but will readily receive him into my house my Church where I will receive and make him welcome giving entertainment to him providing for him whatever shall be requisite in order to his salvation applying to him the merit of my death making him a sharer in the benefit of my Intercession communicating unto him Grace here and Glory hereafter Such a Reception it is that Christ here promiseth to all those that come unto him that believe on him And this will he certainly perform to them Whoever they are that come unto him they shall not be rejected of him So was it with those who came to him in the dayes of his flesh for the cure of their bodily infirmities we do not read that he refused that he rejected any of them or that he sent them away without what they came for Great multitudes followed him and he healed them all saith the Text Mat. 12.15 True indeed for that woman of Canaan who came to him in the behalf of her daughter of which you have the story Math. 15. at the first he seemed to give her a repulse but it was only for the trial and exercise of her faith and patience wherein she persevering he grants her request Be it unto thee even as thou wilt saith he v. 28. And the like may they expect who come unto him upon a spiritual account for the cure of their soul-maladies for the taking away the guilt and power of sin and for the obtaining of eternal salvation by him he will not reject them However he may for a time for the like exercise of their faith hold them off yet he will not cast them out he will receive them he will embrace them Even as he dealt by those Infants And the Infants brought to them that were brought to him in the arms of others presented to him for his blessing He took them up in his arms saith the Text and layed his hands upon them and blessed them Mark 10.16 Not repelling them as his Disciples did they looking upon it as a matter of trouble and a thing beneath their Master not suitable to his excellency and greatness to meddle with young children they rebuked those that brought them But saith the Text when Jesus saw it he was much displeased and said unto them Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not v. 13 14. thereby declaring his readiness to receive all those whoever they are that shall come unto him to seek and receive any spiritual benefit from him Whoever they are that desire communion with him he will have communion with them This is that which he tells the Laodicean Angel Rev. 3.20 Behold I stand at the door and knock If any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him and sup with him and he with me Whoever they are that hear Christ knocking at the door of their hearts and consciences by his Word and the motions of his Spirit if they shall open unto him receiving and entertaining him by faith he will unite himself to them vouchsafing to them a sweet communion with himself Him that thus cometh unto him to have communion with him he will not cast out Obj. But what say we then to the guest in the Parable He came to the Mariage-feast The Case of the Guest in the Parable cast out from the Mariage-Supper resolved came to have communion with Christ yet we find him cast out Bind him hand and foot and take him away and cast him into outer darkness that is the doom which the King there passeth upon him when he came to see the guest Mat. 22.13 Ans To this an Answer is soon returned by consulting the verse there next following which giveth us an account of the ground of this his ejection For many are called but few are chosen v. 14. Many called outwardly to an outward visible communion with Christ who are not truly given to him are not in the number of Gods Elect. And in this
quod non nisi corde eoque ardenti cupido geritur Musc Com. in Text. If there be an earnest desire a longing of the soul after Christ an earnest desire of Union and Communion with him an intense love to him so that the soul is enamoured with him a serious and fixed resolution in the heart to rest upon him to trust in him for the pardon of sins and eternal salvation all which accompany a true saving faith the soul cannot be ignorant of it This is a thing which upon the enquiry every one may know of his own heart whether he hath thus come to Christ thus received him How else is it that the Apostle putteth his Corinthians upon this trial 2 Cor. 13.5 Examine your selves whether you be in the faith Prove your own selves know ye not your own selves how that Iesus Christ is in you And once knowing this now may they conclude and that certainly that they are within the compass of Gods gracious Election that they are by him given to his Son Jesus Christ Christiās make sure their Election by coming to Christ Which let every of us I say labour in this way to make sure to our selves The world being divided into two parts one part given to Christ the other part left to Satan the Prince of this world see we to which of these it is that we belong whether to Christ or Satan Is it so that we have renounced Satan abandoned his service and given our selves to the Lord Jesus taking him for our Saviour and Lord now may we conclude that we are in the number of them whom God hath given to him appointed to salvation by and through him Only see that this our coming to him be Inward and Real See that this Coming be real Not such as the coming of these Capernaites was who came unto Christ but it was as I shewed you out of a by and sinister respect And thus surely do the greatest part of Christians at this day come unto him They make a profession of his name But wherefore is it why they do it pro formâ for fashion-sake or they expect some outward advantage by it They follow Christ Vix quaeritur Jesus propter Jesum August in Joh. 6.26 as these Capernaites did for the loaves Take heed it be not so with us If we come unto Christ see that we come with upright and sincere hearts out of an earnest desire of having Union and Communion with him So coming unto him now take this as an evidence of Gods gracious Donation that we are by him given to his Son as also of Christs gracious reception So coming unto him we shall not be rejected of him So it followeth in the last branch of the Text. And him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out There have we the third and last Proposition or Doctrine Those who come unto Christ he will in no wise cast out 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Prop. 3. Casting out what Non ejiciam for as To open the Phrase To cast out properly it imports an Ejection or Expulsion a casting out of some place or company Thus we read how the Jewes cast Stephen out of the City 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Act. 7.58 And our Saviour out of the Synagogue John 9.34 35. They cast him out saith the Text 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 viz. out of the Synagogue as the 22. verse explaines it Augustines Interpretation not allowed Quale est illud intus unde non exitur foras Magnum penetrale dulce secretum August Tract in loc And in such a sense do some here understand it I will in no wise cast out That is say some out of my Kingdom of Glory So Augustine here looketh upon it Hither it is that all those who are given to Christ all Gods Elect shall come they shall come unto him in his Chamber of presence his magnum penetrale as he calls it that is his Marriage-chamber and being once entred there he shall never eject never cast them out again But this Maldonate excepts against as not being so proper to this Text Cum dicit ad me venit non significat ad se in coelo ubi fides non est Maldon in Text. where Christs promise is unto those who come to him by faith Now there is no room for no use of faith in heaven where all shall live by sight We walk by faith and not by sight saith the Apostle 2 Cor. 5.7 intimating faith to be proper for earth and sight for heaven where faith and hope shall be swallowed up of vision and fruition And therefore let we that go though in it self a truth And not unlike is that Interpretation of Cyril Nor yet Cyrils who understands this of the last Judgment at which time all wicked and ungodly ones all unbelievers shall be cast out So our Saviour tells the unbelieving Jewes Math. 8.12 The children of the Kingdom meaning them who looked upon themselves as such being the only people then under a visible Covenant shall be cast out into outer darknesse And so shall it be with all other ungodly persons Then shall Christ say to the Goats on his left hand Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels Mat. 25.41 But so shall it not be with his Elect his Sheep whom he shall then set upon his right hand speaking to them in another language Come ye blessed of my Fathtr inherit the Kingdom prepared for you c. v. 34. Then shall not they be cast out but admitted and received into those everlasting mansions Which is also there set forth in the same Chapter under the Parable of the wise and foolish Virgins the one of which are said to be kept out the other received into the Mariage-chamber v. 11 12. fitly representing the different entertainment of believers unbelievers at the day of the general Judgment A truth also but liable to the same exception with the former which also the aforesaid Author puts in The coming which our Saviour here speaketh of is by faith Non enim illuc homines ad Christum per fidem venient de quo adventu his loquebatur Maldon in Text. But so shall not men come unto him at that day The souls of Gods Saints being once entred into their glory living by sight which they do being separated from their bodies they shall henceforth have no more use of faith Now abideth faith saith the Apostle 1 Cor. 13.13 viz. whilest we live here not so after death not so at the last Judgment when men shall see and feel what now they do or will not believe So then what our Saviour here saith of his not casting forth those that come to him must be understood of this life Those who here come unto him by faith believing on him he will in no wise cast out