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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A87872 The martyrdome of King Charles, or His conformity with Christ in his sufferings. In a sermon on I Cor. 2.8. / preached at Bredah, before his Maiesty of Great Britaine, and the Princesse of Orange. By the Bishop of Downe. June 3. 13. 1649. Leslie, Henry, 1580-1661. 1649 (1649) Wing L1164; Thomason E569_10; ESTC R22162 31,059 32

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and death saying It is not lawfull for us to put any man to death Joh. 18.31 But that high court of justice as they term it which was erected for his Majesties triall had lesse power it was not lawfull for them to put any man to death much lesse their Soveraign for the great councell of the Jewes had some power being instituted by God himselfe it was proper for them to judge of blasphemy if they had judged aright though power of life and death was taken from them by the Roman conquerour but the court that condemned our Soveraign had no power at all neither is it any court as not being instituted by any who had authority they did honour themselves and so their honour is nothing The great councell that condemned Christ was rightly constituted of all its members and under no force so was not the councell that condemned our Soveraign for the better part of it the house of the Lords was wholly layed aside and the house of Commons often purged so that the tenth man legally elected was not present and those that were their under such a force that they must say and doe as their Caiphas would have them Ioh. 8.54 Christ was allowed to speake for himself and Pilat desired him to make answer unto those things they witnessed against him and marvelled greatly that he answered not But our Soveraign was not allowed to speak for himself he was condemned before he was heard Matth. 27.13.14 Bradshaw and Cook two foule mouthed Dogges interrupted him and told him plainly that the court would not allow him to speak nor hear his reasons for they knew well that they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spak So that their proceedings were more illegall than the proceedings of the Jewes And as their proceedings were more illegall so in many things more cruell too Ioh. 19.25 Christs followers were not barred from comming unto him for his mother stood by the crosse and other women of her kindred so did the beloved Disciple but our Soveraign was not allowed any of his servants or friends to attend him during the time of his tryall and long before he could not so much as obtain any of his Chaplains to Minister ghostly comfort unto him which as he sayed in his Book Was a greater rigour and barbarity then is ever used by Christians to the meanest Prisoners and greatest malefactors whom though the justice of the Law deprive of worldly comforts yet the mercy of religion allows them the benefit of their clergy as not aiming at once to destroy their bodies and to damne their soules These murtherers were more cruell for having deprived him of all things else they were even loth that he should save his soul and therefore as they denyed him the service of his Chaplains so the souldiers by their rude and barbarous carriage in his Chamber did as much as they could hinder his private addresses unto God A great company of people and of women Luc. 23.27 bewailed and lamented Christs death without any check or reproof but men could not expresse any sorrow for his Majesties death without the danger of their own life and when some silly women wept bitterly seeing his Majesties execution they were mocked threatned and some of them beaten The Jews did not much trouble the followers of Christ before his death Joh. only the blind man whom he cured was excommunicated for confessing him and Lazarus was threatned but none of them suffered yea when they apprehended our Saviour they suffered his Disciples to depart as he himself desired saying If ye seeke me Ioh. 18.8 let these goe their way Yea and after Christ had suffered they would not have persecuted his followers if they could have been silent for at first the councell only admonished them Not to speak at all Act. 4.18 nor Preach in the name of Jesus But these murtherers most cruelly persecuted all his Majesties friends and followers putting many of them to death for their loyalty even in his life time which much grieved his righteous soul and they cut off others after his death for his precious bloud was not sufficient to quench their thirst as they thirsted after Royall bloud so also after Loyall bloud and herein they imitate the savage Tartars who when their great Chain dyes they cast many of his dearest friends into the grave after him When our Saviour was upon the Crosse he commended his Mother to the beloved Disciple and that was not envyed nor the disciple questioned for it but when our Soveraign on the Scaffold commended those who were neerest unto him Ioh. 19.26 and delivered such small Tokens as were left him unto one who was by to be given unto them as the pledges of his love Ioh. 19.38.39 that was envyed the party questioned and the Tokens taken from him Our Saviour was not denyed a buriall for two honorable counsellers took a care of his Funerall and the Jewes as malicious as they were did not oppose it onely they desired a watch to be set upon his Sepulcher But our Soveraign was denyed this honour though three honorable counsellers begged his body to have buryed it in the Sepulcher of his Fathers they could not obtain it but the murtherers carryed away his Corps to Windsor thinking there to hide it in a private corner where no man should know and those honorable counsellers following after with much adoe obtained to have the disposing of it in a more seemly place but without all Funerall solemnity which yet in a most sumptuous manner is bestowed upon a base rigicide Dorislaus that all the world may see they preferre a Barabas before the Lords annointed The Jewes could not indure to heare Christ magnified after they had crucified him and therefore they raged against the Gospell which containes the History of his life As much have these Jewes raged against his Majesties Book the issue of his divine soul and laboured by all meanes to suppresse it but they can no more obscure his glory that shineth in that book then they can obscure the sunne in the firmament Finally they are more malicious than the Jewes because they committed this parecide more directly against their knowledgd and conscience for the Jewes did not cleerly know that Jesus was the Christ they expecting a Messias to come with great pompe and worldly glory were offended at the basenesse of his birth and many of them seduced to beleeve that he was an impostor Therefore sayed our Saviour Luk. 23.34 Act. 3.17 Father forgive them for they know not what the do And Saint Peter Through ignorance ye did it And our Apostle If they had known it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory But the murtherers of our Soveraign knew very well that he was their King their undoubted Soveraign and a most pious Prince and yet even for that cause and no other but because
see not as yet so much repentance in these Judaises Here let no man thinke that I charge that horrible crime upon the Scottish Nation I know it was not the fault of the Nation but of that religion wherein most of them were brought up Yea and albeit the greatest part of that Nation be infected with the leaven of Knox and Buchanan yet are they not all alike guilty Some of them and the farre greatest part were meerly cousened out of their loyalty 1 Sam. 15.11 by their blind guides Like those wo hundred who followed Absolom out of Jerusalem in their simplicity knowing no thing of his treason for they were made to beleeve that their religion was in danger to be overthrowne and that they were bound in conscience to take armes to defend it and to assist their brethren in England yet so as that they never intended any violence unto the Kings person and did from the bottome of their hearts abhorre the delivering him up unto his enemies Others againe never approved of any of their proceedings against the King knowing that their rebellion was most unlawfull yet did they in some sort comply with the Rebels for fear of losing their estates their liberties their lives these are more like unto Peter who out of fear denyed his Master than to Iudas who sold him out of covetousnesse Besides both these there are many other noble Gentlemen who expressed as much loyalty to their Soveraigne as ever subjects did and gave as good proofe of it by their service under the banner of that most renowned Lord the Lord Marquis of Montrosse the glory of this age and honour of this Nation All these being deducted it will appear that it was the smallest part of that Nation who acted Judas his part howsoever by craft they had got the power into their hands and used the tongues of their fiery preachers to charm the discontended people from making any opposition against their proceedings And even these too as infamous as they are have not dishonoured their Nation more than their brethren of England have done theirs as the Scribes and Pharisees expressed more malice against our Saviour than Judas did so those who murthered our Soveraign expressed more malice than they that sold him and are to be accounted the greater Traytors because of the reward which they ga●e unto the other For God himself aggravates he whordome of Israel by this circumstance that she gave a reward unto her lovers Ezech 16.33.34 Thou art not like other women for they receive gifts but thou givest a reward to all thy lovers As she is a more shamelesse whore who hires men for her lust than she that prostitutes her body for a reward so are they to be accounted the greatest Traytors who not only did rise up against their Soveraign but also hired others into a Rebellion and to betray him into their hands From Judas come we to the great councell The Parliament is the great Councell and hath acted all and more against their Lord and Soveraign than the other did against Christ they consulted how to put him to death gave mony to betray him sent souldiers to apprehend him In that great Councell Annas and Caiphas were chiefe In this Cromwell and Ireton and Cromwell prophecyed a Caiphas did using almost the same words Jt is expedient that he dye a●d unlesse he dye the Nation will perish Bradshaw and Cook are the Scr●bs and Lawyers who fiercely pursued him they curst themselves with his bloud as the others did with Christs for Bradshaw spoke to this purpose on the Bench Our Lives are threatned if wee medle with his blood but whatsoever shall befall us we will doe justice upon him And is not this just as the Scribes and Pharisees said His bloud be upon us and on our Children Fairfax was Pilat the Governour Matth. 27.25 who seemed unwilling to consent to his death and sought to wash his hands of his bloud by laying it upon others And his wife Lady Pylat who diswaded the murther of our Soveraign more than the other did the killing of Christ The Army are the Souldiers who apprehended him watched him mocked him reviled him cryed justice and execution against him and at last crucified him and parted his garments amongst them Revel 11.8 And London is the great city spiritually Sodome where our Lord was crucified We have now taken a view of the actors in both tragedies and of their severall parts in the third place if you will consider their proceedings you shall find them alike too save only that the proceedings against our Soveraign were more illegall and in many things more cruell Their accusation against Christ was onely generall that he was a blasphemer a deceaver and one that perverted the nation but wherein they could not shew dolus versatur in generalibus So was the charge against our Soveraign generall and as farre from truth too as that he was a tyrant and which is ridiculous a Traytor but they could prove no particular crime against him When Pilat desired the Jewes to bring a particular accusation against Jesus shewing what evill he had done They answered if he were not a malefactor Matth. 22.23 Joh. 18.30 we would not have delivered him up unto thee And such is the plea that the murtherers use for themselves if the King had not been a wicked tyrant the Parliament would not have used him as they have done The Jewes pretended a Law for killing of Christ saying unto Pilat who was a stranger We have a Law and by our law he ought to die But they had no such law to produce Ioh. 19.7 So the murtherers of our Soveraign labour to perswade strangers that they acted according to the Laws of their own Land but their consciences can tell them that they did it without Law and quite contrary to the Law of the land the Law of God the Law of nature and nations Christ was condemned not by any rule of Law but by the vote of Parliament Caiphas asked the question What think ye they answered he is guilty of death So was our Soveraign condemned by vote Matth. 26.66 Crumwell the Caiphas asked the rest What think ye and they all being packt by him and chosen for the purpose answered he is worthy to die In Christs first triall before the great councell his enemies were his judges but in his second triall when he was sentenced to death Pilat onely was judge who was willing to have released him and his enemies were only his accusers but in the whole proceedings against our Soveraign his enemies were not only accusers and parties but also his judges the most professed enemies he had and the most desperate Traytors that ever the sunne did shine on who had acted so much villany that they could not imagine any safety for themselves unlesse he were destroyed and all that belong unto him The Jewes confessed that they had no power of life