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A67305 Victorious love a tragedy, as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drewry-Lane / written by Mr. William Walker. Walker, William, d. 1726. 1698 (1698) Wing W455; ESTC R9390 29,066 53

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Actus Quarti ACT V. SCENE I. Enter the Emperour Barnagasso chain'd Zaraida Zanhaga and Guards Zaraida in disshevell'd hair intreats the Emperour Zar. OH spare him spare him spare my Husband's Life His Blood can't make you Beautiful to me 'T will paint you worse than horrid Monsters are Why will you kill him then O cruel King Is that the way to Love because he 's mine He dyes how can I love his Murderer My Eyes are weak they cannot look on Blood That colour makes me weep my Heart 's so soft Like our quick plant from a rude touch it flyes But kindly opens to the gentle hand More mercy and less Blood might do much more Aside Oh! I d say any thing to save his Life Which I have brought to such a shameful Death Oh could we now but dye with Honour I were blest Bar. Forgive me love if I reproach thee now My Friend too who disswaded me from Death See what your pray'rs have done I was unjust When I would end this miserable Life Oh my Prophetick fears are true 't was once My own to dye the happy minute fled Unheeded by the slighted Friend will ne're return Now lead me where you please to death which ne're Can come too soon to a wise man lead on Zar. Why hast you so my Lord Death is not slow To come can you leave me for death Emp. My Love admits of no delay speak Fair Accept my flame and he shall live live great But for your self good Gods the Earth shall groan Millions of Slaves shall sweat in her rich veins Slaves who are born and dye in Golden Mines Their e'ry stroke shall cleave an Empire forth The rough form'd ●ass shall loose it 's close embrace The Embryo Gold shall from the Womb be torn And shall by curious art be form'd a new By pray'rs or force I will enjoy your charms Zar. Vain Promises you ask so high a price The Universe's now worth what I must give Bar. Vain Promises you ask so high a price The Universe's now worth what I must give Bar. Spare all thy tears Zaraida spare thy sighs My life 's not worth the Ransom he requires Zar. Oh cruel King are you a Man yet bear Unmov d what bent the stormy Winds and Seas My face alone could calm their Rage but now Nor that nor tears nor sighs can move your Breast My voice has lost it's sweetness now Oh call The Winds and Waves call them not cruel now No more be they accurst for they were kind Much kinder than the cursed Monster Man Em. 'T is you are cruel now curse on 't I could Force her Love but then I 've imperfect joy Aside Have you thought To Zar. Zar. Yes I have thought Emp. And what is the result Zar. That if one crime can sink a Soul to Hell Where will thy World of Murders hurry thee Emp. To Heav'n poor fool where should great Jamoan go Zar. What for Murder Emp. Ask thy self that if common Murder sinks Where must thou go whose hands are dipp'd In a fond Husbands Blood Bar. Why dost thou sport Almighty justice thus Think'st thou such slight evasions weigh with Heav'n Emp. If they weigh here I look no further Aside How can you call me cruel yet endure Your Husbands limbs by drawing Engines stretch'd His Veins drawn fine as silken wefts His Blood inflam'd by journeyi●● on now finds A longer course renew'd and now it's dams Broke down irregularly runs forc'd up To the last limits of that little world It under dyes the white with scarlet streakes The snowy Corps blushes at the disgrace Can you bear this without reluctancy Zar. Oh do you know so well the pains o' th' rack And yet can cruelly design him there Emp. And now he curses Heav'n that made him young For life in youth is rivetted more close To the Inwrapping Flesh Now he roars loud with more than Lyons rage And now he flings his Body forward on The rack provoking Death who bears his taunts And servilely attends my nod O life Wretched indeed when Death so terrible To Humane thoughts is languish'd for Bar. Were it yet more wretched I have a Soul To bear it all cease then to threat and do Emp. The burning Vessel now boyls o're he foams And froths at mouth he struggles with the choaking stench His Eye-balls strain'd crack their suspending threads And from their splinter'd jaggy roots a deluge flows Nature quite tir'd with passion raves no more Yet still the Body huggs th' unwilling Soul In fond Embraces locks the Spirit fast Thristing for Separation Can you be Yet unmov'd at this description Alas You little know the thousand pains he bears Zar. O Gualata Now I feel I fear for you My Female-Courage trembles at the thoughts Yet I 'll not shrink a jot from Virtues Rules Nor give this Beauty to that Tyrants Arms Tho at my first Embrace thy pains should cease Bar. Where are ye Gods if the loud fall of two Such mighty wrecking Orbs can't rouze your souls Awake nor let a Mortal brave ye thus Em. Think Can you bear to see him piece-meal torn His angry flesh wrench'd from th' unwilling bones His Bowels ript while Life yet shivers there His big heart dancing in a Sea of Blood Shall first be mash'd then thrown into his Face Zar. I cannot think it thought startles at it Em. I 'll aid your barren Imagination I 'll lead you where your eyes shall straight behold That horrour which your lagging fancy could not reach Zar. Hold hold tho all your arts can't make me yield I 've heard enough to dye farewell Swoons Bar. That thou wert dead indeed there all my fears Would end the weary Soul retires for ease Em. By Heav'ns a lucky opportunity Bear her to the Royal Bed and him to Death Bar. Oh stay no pow'r shall force me hence till she Revive Zaraida Curse on my weak Voice Why was 't not loud as Whirl-winds Tempests roar Oh that my Chains could ring a loud alarm To wake the sleeping Gods and her Where Father where Oh that my Teeth my Nails could straitway dig Quite through this Globe to find the wand'ring God! What shall I do to save her from his Lust I 'll wake or crush her Soul out with my weight Rushes upon her Zar. Oh Barnagasso Am I once more here Thus let my Kisses breath my Soul into Waking gets between his Arms. Your Body that we may together dye Bar. Oh Love nor Hell nor Heav'n shall part us now Emp. Then Earth shall Guards force her from him or Racks Unheard of be your Fate unbind him first He struggles Then force her from her hold As they unbind him he snatches a Sword and holds her in his left hand Bar. Now I am loose no Power shall bind my Hands again Em. Curse on my Dalliance it has ruin'd all Bar. See King my Fate is now my own but I Will live live to revenge my self by Heav'ns 'T is ominous 't is the
below Caelest We above are for 't too Both. Well then it must be so What Mortal can withstand What Heav'n and Hell command Pr. Then must Gualata dye Spir. Yes Gualata must dye Pr. And must Zaraida yield Spir. Yes Zaraida must yield Pr. What if she should deny Spir. Then force her to comply Dance here which ended the Caeles ascend and Infernal decend singing Emp. It shall be so I love to see the Gods Jocose a sign they 're pleas d to serve my Love The Captive King shall dye as fate Commands And what my Father sent me shall be mine Zan. 'T is fit your Majesty should please your self The Ghost of Dafila rises between ' em Daf. Is it so Father but you 're mine no more My Soul disdams to pay my Bodies Debt Pr. Good Heav'ns what make he straggling here uncall'd Gho. Uncall'd indeed by thee as were all Spirits else For since your own can serve why should you trouble us Thy cheat's too gross to pass on Heav'nly Minds Scarce had I past the lagging hindmost Stars When loe our Mighty God my Voyage stop My Priest said he forgetting all respect To Right preferring present Gold to future Heav'n Reverses my decrees and wrests my Will Divides those hearts I 've joyn'd and takes the fair From Barnagasso whom my Soul admires Hast to my lov'd Gualata hast thence hie And to the Emperour declare my Will Tell him the Fair must be Gualata's Wife Thus spoke the God I all Obedience flew And now my Soul is eager to return I must be gone resolve t' obey or dye Zan. Poor superstitious Boy Pri. O that my Charms Could bind his Soul in Hell for this affront Emp. This Boy has shock'd my Soul in vain I love If Heav'n oppose in vain are all my Arts And yet for he was Treacherous on Earth Perhaps he but deceives me now the Priest Sings most melodious to my Ears his Voice Like a deluding Syren leads me on Avert the Omen Heav'n but this is true This I am sures a Ghost the Boy I kill'd Whom thwarted Heav'n has on this errand sent The others are but counterfeited shapes Spirits too complaisant to cross my Will But shall I loose her for a Childish Ghost Her whom I love No it is fixt this Night I 'll grasp the Fair how then shall Heavn ' be serv'd As far as Love permits I will obey Go tell the Prince what Fate commands yet that My Mercy interceeds if he will yield her mine To Zan. That part o' th' Oracle his Life I 'll spare If not this night he must submit to Fate Exeunt severally SCENE changes to another Apartment of the Palace Enter Barnagasso and Zaraida Bar. How happy my Zaraida are we thus Belov'd of Heav'n when Guardian Spirits watch And Gods grow careful of our lives what harm Can hurt us now since they detect the cheat Let Priests damn on kind Heav'n will ward the blow Zar. All their mask'd Spirits are impostours found Their mystick clew kind Heav'n untwists the youth How wisely Heav'n appoints its Instruments Who serv'd us when alive serves us in death Oh we will gratefully our Tribute pay Or Crown'd or Chain'd we will Religious be But did this Messenger no more disclose Bar. He seem'd to hope yet doubted Fates decree He bade me be my self in all Distress Let Honour lead my thoughts he said no more Nor needed he This was advice enough Fear not my Love no pow'r can part us now Hell dare not and sure Heav'n will never change Zar. Here comes one will endeavour it Enter to them Zanhaga Bar. Well how has Heav'n dispos'd of me am I To live or dye Say thou Ambassadour Zan. 'T is true both Hell and Heav'n have mark'd you dead Nay have requir'd it as the only means To save our selves but yet our gracious King Unus'd to Cruelty dares to offend On Mercy 's side and mitigate your Doom Thus says our Monarch if the Fair will yield I will Restore your Crowns and be your Friend Nor think this hard since Fate design'd her mine And asks your Life for your Presumptious Love But that he spares demanding only her Bar. Can he at once both give and take my Life Thinks he the Body lives without the Soul Hence Trifler with thy self-refuting speech But say was it not fear extorted this Which now you lay on Mercy was there not A Boy who gave the lye to your false Oracles A most unwelcome Guest at your repast Zan. Since you misconstrue thus my Masters Love Hear what his Mercy when Rejected can Tho Heav'n it self should justifie your claim He 'd still go on and force her to his Bed Lay hold on Mercy e're it be too late Or she must yield this Night or you must dye Zar. Where where 's the King my tears shall bend his mind Oh I will do what honour can permit To save my Dear my Barnagasso's like Bar. Is it then possible you 'll leave me thus Zar. You are unkind my Lord to mention it Bar. Stay then and bear with me what Heav'n appoints Back to your King this answer give tell him He knows me not or he had spar'd his gift I can as bravely spurn those Lands as he can give As for Zaraida tell him nought of her Lest he should think I could be so debas'd As but to ve ask'd my self to part with her Alas tho in a Storm we often throw The nearest Jewel o're we still preserve our selves And what art thou but my immediate self Embaces her Go tell thy Master I 'm prepar'd for Fate Yes I will dye but how is yet to be resolv'd Exit cum Zaraida Manent Zanhaga Solus Zan. The manner of your Death 's not much to me So you but dye I thrist not after Blood But as a servile ladder to my hopes Which I have now infallibly dispos'd And shall by night have reach'd the top what now Remains since you 're secure but Jamoans life That ta'en each Loyal head shall straight be lopp'd I 'll throw this Rubbish in to drink their Blood Lest as Fools say my Throne should slipp'ry be This Mortar shall cement my walls not Blood Of Bulls more sure Fate prosper this design And Victims Blood shall make your Altars shine Exit Finis Auctus Tertii ACT IV. SCENE I. SCENE continues Enter Barnagasso Solus Bar. IF Death but ends Despair why all this noise Were it indeed to cease to be to leave This gawdy something be resolv'd to nough Yet were it better than unhappy life He who enjoys a pleasing Privacy We count most Blest because he 's at quiet there And what is quiet but the next degree To nought but one step further there 's nothing Nothing is quiet in Perfection A voice Zaraida sings our Elegies Voice within I 'll listen to her Airs but I should not For they 're so sweet they 'll draw me from my thoughts Of Death and charm me back to Life again He retires to
one side of the Stage while this Song 's sung within Sung by Mr. Freeman Ease with soft Sleep your weary Eyes Refresh your Spirits till you rise While Musick shall your dreams surprize To me your fatal Birth is due Doom'd by that God you never knew To dye on Seas where you were Tost And thrown on Sooty Africk's Coast Where falsely you to Creatures pray And leave that God your God's obey Give not so soon to th' hungry Grave That Beauty he profusely gave 'T is brave to bear with Misery Break not his Laws nor strive to dye When he sees fit he 'll set you free Bar. How strange her Fancy works What Fear suggests Death seems too dreadful to her tender years I 'll bear me to relieve her troubl'd thoughts Exit SCENE Drawn discovers Zaraida Asleep on the Couch her Mothers Ghost by her Ghost Descends Zar. Stop not your Airs blest Shade yet if you must Go tell Gualata that we must not Dye In her sleep Enter Barnagasso to her Bar. What fast Asleep she 's gone to rest t'inure Her thoughts to Death How Beautiful she lyes Coming forward And feeds each Sence with exquisite delights Oh she has a continu'd round of Joys Which sharpen not abate desire Why Heaven Why was this sweetest Beauty wretched made Oh! that some pitying God would seal my Eyes With hers be both for ever ever seal'd How sweet she breaths I 'll catch the blest perfume And with soft Kisses I 'll awake my Fair. Kisses her she starts Zar. Where Where my Barganasso Where am I Bar. Oh you are in a tender Husbands Arms Zar. There hold me till I have recover'd strength To tell you how I have labour'd in my Sleep When I had left you full resolv'd on Death My Sences frighted at the leap you meant Here I retir'd to ease my burden'd Mind Expecting you Sleep scarce had clos'd my Eyes When a Pale Ghost appear'd and Sung such Airs As both Instructed and Delighted too Bar. I heard a Voice my Love and thought 't was yours Such Harmony is in your Thoughts and Words That Musick comes unfelt from both in Dreams You Chant such Airs as Charm the Drowsy'st Dead Zar. How could I Dream of what I never thought My Soul was gone to rest had left to think Ev'n thought it self was weary'd into sleep It was no Dream caus'd by unsetl'd Thoughts How could I think of what I never knew My Lord it was a Ghost the unknown God Forbids our deaths you cannot must not dye Bar. That proves it but a Dream the Child of Fear You form'd the danger great for succour flew To Thoughts extravagantly wild and gross Is there a God above our Glorious Sun The mighty Deity now jealous grown Checks the rude Question Oh my Zaraida Let not our crimes draw down more thunderbolts And yet forgive me Heav'n I wish we could But be they such as end at once not Plagues That ling'ring keep us cruelly alive Zar. What is it your despair would urge you to Bar. I would secure my self and you from shame The lustful King back'd by the Cunning Priest Prepares for Force How can you bear the thought of this Zar. Oh never never I 'll be only yours Bar. I know you 'd dye e're think of change but pow'r Too weakly answers to our will his Slaves Are train'd to Rapes perhaps I too must view The deed if mortal eyes can bear what would Deprive the Sun himself of sight Oh Heav'ns If there be yet a way to save my Love Shew it me point it out to my dark Soul For Humane Wisdom's at a loss to help us Zar. Trust Heav'n that sure will guard my Innocence Bar. 'T is too presumptious to lye down at ease And leave the Gods to work our freedom out No let 's employ the little time we have To live in searching after death for death 's The only means can save us now inclos'd By miseries on every side besieg'd In vain I search no Nook no Cranny's found No passage left unguarded to escape but death Prepare my fairest Love for we must dye Oh that so sweet a thing should want a Name That 's soft enough t' express how sweet it is Zar. I 'm ever your obedient Wife but death 's So terrible it shakes my heart yet worse Much worse 't would be to part How must we dye Bar. Some death that 's quick for I expect with fear Each moment when they 'll force thee from my Arms Our Minutes are as dear as Miser's Gold We have not time to starve our Souls away Hell will o retake us ere that 's done but hold Here 's one says he 's my Friend if he speak true He 'll not deny the Passport which I want Enter to them the General Barsiloa Gen. Forgive my abseuce which my place requir'd I 've heard what cheats were us'd in th' Oracle And fearing the effects of just despair I 'm come to bid you think of Life of Love In spite of Priests you shall be great again Bar. I Laugh to see you shoot so wide o' th' mark Yet if you mean by bravely dying to be great I 'm yours no Priest indeed can hinder that Gen. No you shall live blest both with liberty and love Bar. Perhaps my Father 's heard my earnest Pray'r And sends thee to point out a way to live Speak if I can have honourable Life I must not dye death would be a rashness then Much unbecoming Barnagasso's Soul Gen. Know then in Tombu ther'e 's a Law preserv'd These many years by Sacred care enroll'd By the First King e're wore the Imperial Crown By this the General who Victorious comes From Foreign Wars is Priviledg'd to Ask What his extreamest wishes prompt him to Ev'n to the Crown h 'as won Bar. Are these your mighty hopes credulous Man Why didst thou sound so brave a Charge to raise My Spirits high with expectation vast Then sink 'em down unable to sustain their weight Think'st thou a Law can bar his hot desires He who can trample on Divine Commands May safely break such Mothy Bonds as these Gen. Still has it been inviolable kept With fresh repeated Oaths he Swore to grant What e're Ambition with red Vict'ry flusht Could Ask if I would Lead his Armys on Bar. You Argue weaker still so lame his Oaths Observ'd he 'd sooner keep another Mans. Gen. But 't is his Interest That will go far He knows the Soldiers are at my Command Prone to resent my injuries as their own What tho' he 's amorous he loves his Crown Too well to lose it for a moments sport Bar. That argument I confess were strong For Fear works wonders had he not such helps As ne're can fail to buoy his Spirits up A States-man burning Lust and a damn'd Priest If he 's a Coward spite of these 't is strange Oh! I 've consider'd well whatever look'd The least resembling hope and find no Ground To Anchor in but Death
your own You stood the shock of Numbers you alone And there 't is Conquest not to be o'rethrown Tho' Biggots talk strike boldly on and win Where Wits make War such fools will venture in Let not rais'd Pride ingross the Poet's hill It has two Tops one must be yours it will Vnthinking Bards or for some cause unknown Rais'd up a Tyrant they can ill pull down And yet great Dryden lives Thus from true Worship blinded Pagans stray'd Form'd Idol Gods that damn'd them yet obey'd Persue your course and a lost Stage maintain In Wits wide Empire none shall Monarch Reign Could any one you must all else excel So very young you write so very well Sylvius Prologue Sent by a Friend Between a Tragaedian and a Comoedian Trag. Enters AS murmuring Oceans lull'd to Peaceful ease Com. Mimicks As murmuring Oceans lull'd to Peaceful ease Trag. What means the fool Com. To play the fool and please You bring a tedious simile so flat Of Oceans winds and waves with the Devil knows what And think to please with stile so great and gawdy Trag. What would you say Sir Com. Why I 'd speak bawdy A smutty whim still the whole Audience takes Whim pleases Fools and smuttyness the Rakes Trag. Nor Rakes nor Fools my business is to fear Com. Then faith good Sir you have no business here Trag. To please the fair was my intended Rule Com. Leave that to me I best can play the Fool. Trag. What! a buffoon Prologue to deep Tragick fear Com. 'T is new Trag. So is Nonsence Com. No not here Wit whets like Wine which before Meals we quaff To make the Ladys cry first make 'em laugh Trag. Zoons Sir the Poet sent you here to trick me Com. You and the Poet both are Coxcombs snick me Trag. Then may his Play be damn'd I humbly crave it Com. Don't damn Trag. Damn it Com. Don't swear Trag. Damn it Com. Save it Exeunt repeating the last line Epilogue By the same Gentleman Spoke by Mrs. Cross TO Sing to Court to Dress to Fence to Dance All draw their Rules from niceties of France Our Author too ' cause great Molliere did Play Must Mimick France and play the fool to day To write of Love so young we hear of few He at Eighteen dares Write and Act it too As to the Hero I cant justly tell But faith he acts the Lover pretty well His Africans he makes a Hell of Snow For what Torments us most we reckon so And Cold 's the greatest Plague those Mortals know He says he for my sake this Play decreed Then I for his sake beg it may succeed Since then this Insects by my Influence bred Destroy it not e're the third Entry's made My Deity must bend to an Ignoble Fate Vnless I can Preserve what I Create But if you should I make no curse but this May your dear Love-Intriegues go all amiss The Men be hot as our Hell the Lady's cold as his SONG Sung by Mrs. CROSS MYrtillo Dead and I a Slave What Sorrow can suffice Madness assist a Wretch to rave And Fountains fill my Eyes But ah what Pomp of Woe can prove The just Endearments of our Love II. One Soul our Bodies did enclose One Tomb shall hold our Dust He perisht by relentless Foes I follow to be Just For ah no Pangs or pompous Grief Can bring him back or me Relief III. His Lips those wither'd Roses now I 'll kiss again to Life And sacred keep my Nuptial Vow Or dye and end the Strife For ah what sighing Notes can shew Myrtillo's Worth or Sylvia's Woe Printed and Sold by Ralph Smith at the Bible under the Royal Exchange HYmens Praeludia or Loves Master-piece being that so much Admired Romance Intituled Cleopatra in Twelve Parts Elegantly Render'd in English by Robert Loveday The Humorous Lieutenant or The Generous Enemies A Comedy DRAMATIS PERSONAE MEN. Jamoan Emperour of Tombut Barnagasso King of Gualata Zanhaga Uncle to the Emperour Barsiloa His Son the General Dafila His Second Son a Youth Marabou Priest of the Sun WOMEN Zaraida An Europaean Shipwrack'd Mrs. Cross an Infant at Gualata Officer Guard Musicians Spirits c. SCENE the Banze or Pallace of Tombut Time the same with that of the Representation ACT I. SCENE I. Enter Zanhaga and Dafila Zan. WEll Dafila How do you like the Charge The King my Nephew has preferr'd you to How fares the Beauteous Captive Say my Son Daf. Deaf to all Joys but those she finds in Love Whole Crowds of Courtiers snarling gaze upon me And Whispering Curse the Partial Emperour Then swelling call me Awkward Boy and with Their angry Brows threaten to foyl my Youth Zan. Your Innocence my Child which mov'd him to Repose this Trust in you will keep you safe Daf. Like new-fledg d Birds untaught to flye I strive And fain would bear me through the yielding Air I leap but fearfully from Shrub to Shrub Nor dare I trust the Unknown Heav'n Father You must direct my early Flights take take Me on your Wing and teach me how to beat Secure in this uncertain Wav'ring Air. Zan. What shall I teach thee say my Dafila Daf. Since then the King can deign to look on me That I may not disgrace his Trust too far As my poor Ignorance unus'd to Courts Must needs unless you help tell me for I Have nought distinctly heard clear my dark thoughts Relate the source and progress of these Wars What could induce our Mighty Emperour To War upon Gualata's King whom Fame Reports as Bounteous as a God Zan. 'T was Love seduc'd our Monarchs heart The strongest passion and the weakest too There was an infant Shipwreck'd at Gualata So wondrous fair our Africk stood amaz'd Affrick so us'd to Wonders gaz'd at this Our Master grown in Love dispatch't an Embassy Of their Old King Senega then alive Demanding her he was deny'd her heart Was to young Barnagasso deep engag'd Who then resided there the King not wont To be refus'd Swore to revenge th' Affront Yet Cunning in his Rage hid his Designs And like a Serpent circled in his Head Where e'ry Passion as in Councel sate In the deepest center but soon sally'd forth And as she pass'd by Tombu's Frontiers to her Lord Surpriz'd this Fair who since in Tombu Mourns Daf. How did young Barnagasso brook this Rape Zan. His grief deny'd the common Outlet tears Like Waters pent in hollow Caverns shook His Frame then with an Earthquakes force Tore wide its narrow bounds and burst the Deluge forth With which o'rewhelm'd amidst his Guards Thrice the brave Heroe sunk but soon he rose For rallying Reason wip'd the Woman from his eyes And bold Revenge alone his thoughts employ'd Daf. For Injur'd Beauty and a Ravish'd Wife Revenge is surely just but pray proceed Zan. The good old King had long indulg'd his ease His years had long excus'd him Wars rough toyls Yet now touch'd with his Darlings wrongs he griev'd That he had been but was
no more his Age Reflected on the Battels which his youth had won With envious Pride survey'd his Wounds inspir'd by these Like one in Renovating Juices steep'd His Soul rowz'd from it's Lethargy shook off Inglorious ease and boldly call'd for War But Fate design'd his Soul for rest he dy'd And with his Crown Entail'd the War On Barnagasso which he lead eager on resolv'd To hazard all for her Reliefe But soon your Brother stopp'd this Rapid Flood O'repow'rd with numbers this Invading King Whom now in Triumph he to Tombu leads Daf. By Heaven's this Story Warms and Cools me too My Youthful blood boyls at the Thoughts of VVar And yet I 'm cold to think our Emperour Should force such softness from her Virgin Flame How glorious would it be to curb his Love And give her Body where her Soul is plac'd Zan. You shew your self a Novice every way This Fair unknown has such Inviting Charms As may excuse the boldest Ravisher Daf. Oh Father you mistake her Eyes would turn His savage heart he 'd Adoration pay To that Fair Shrine which he could not pollute Zan. Yours is Aereal love not fit for Kings Whose grosser apetites descend so low That but to purchase for themselves a moments bliss They 'd sacrifice the quiet of anothers life But you should check my Boy this cheating flame Should this be known your head must answer it Daf. 'T is hard to dye for what we cannot help All Sects are pleas'd their God should be ador'd Why then should mighty Jamoan disallow my love Zan. Take heed you 're in the Court where ev'n your looks Are too severely scann'd no word but 's screw'd To a forc'd meaning I must to the King Whom I begin to view with envious Eyes The growing mischief rolls disjointed here Aside Pointing to his Head And wants a moments thought to ripen it My Child stay not long after me the King Expects you to make up the Court to day Exit Dafila Solus Daf. Is it a fault to love in one so young What pity 't is so sweet a bliss should not Be lawful too Why does my duty bid me hold When I designe no ill What crime can I Commit who only strive to please yet Heav'n Pardon my years if you will count it Sin All youths have their one fault and love is mine Exit SCENE drawn discovers the Emperour on an Imperial Throne Zanhaga Dafila who enters in the midst of the dance c. a Warlike Dance ended they come forward Emp. Sound there sound louder yet your brazen notes Let ev'ry accent reach the Thrones above Stop our bright Father with repeated charms Let him look down and see his sporting Son Crown'd a victorious King a mortal God Zan. What more could he himself have done From his high hopes you hurl'd young Gualata down And in exchange for Scepters gave him chains Emp. My weari'd People by his chains I freed Africk no more shall tremble with alarms Nor Babes be hush'd with Barnagasso's name Curs'd be that name more curst my General Who spar'd his life What hindr'ed him t o've lopp'd The haughty boy and made my joys compleat But there 's a spiteful Daemon haunts my rest Which in my greatest sweets still mingles gall And makes ev'n Nectar poyson to my taste Zan. Curse on his pleading honour say I too It breaks my well wrought measures all my Arts And when by studied politiques I 've won A Crown his aery notions idely throw The jewel from him Emp. Had curs'd Gualata dy'd I needed not have feign'd that lye with which I would delude Zaraida's heart flatter'd My love with hopes that she despairing ere To see him more might cast her ey 's with pity down On me 't is true my heart unus'd to shifts Started within me at the base design My Monarch Soul disdain'd th' unworthy trick But love prevail'd and I by Proxy told The Lye which my own tongue refus'd tell me How did Zaraida take the news you bore Daf. I found her in a thoughtful posture lay'd Where nothing that but look'd like joy appear'd She list'ned carefully to th' tale I told And ever as I mention'd Barnagasso dropt A Sigh let fall a tear which were he dead Might bribe the Gods to give him back again With doubtful answers her fond hopes I fed Till wearied with uncertainty she begg'd me give The blow as Fate had sent it her But when I feign'd the story of his death I us'd such apt expressions to deceive Her faith that she dissolv d in tears retir'd And told me they were so intirely one She could not long be after him Emp. Some tribute she should pay his memory She lov'd him not at once nor can at once Forget the am'rous play thing but her pride Will soon o'recome her grief she ll think on me And rather choose a Sceptre than a Grave Daf. Much I fear it her love 's too resolute Emp. Your Son Zanhaga is the fittest youth For Court intrigues so innocent his face None could suspect a Serpent in such fruit Then he 's so faithful to his Master's trust That I 'll employ him once more in a secret Daf. 'T is strange he thus should praise my innocence Yet teach me to be false in Childhood too Emp. He shall to Gualata the same story tell With which he first abus'd Zaraida's ears Who knows what his despair may urge him to Zan. Oh 't is a brave design pursue it home For I shall reap the fruits of all your toil Aside Daf. How soon vice creeps in each unguarded breast 'T was his commands that made me Villian first Now for my self I 'm tempted to be one If Barnag●sso dye my Youth and Innocence May win Zaraida for my self not him Whose love she hates as Hell My Lord the General Seeing him Warlike Musick enter the General kneels to the Emperour Emp. Welcome my Soldier to thy Monarchs arms Thou faithful Prop to my declining Throne My grateful blood so near a kin to yours Leaps and is fir'd at every kind embrace Eager to force its banks as who should say Let our divided Streams in the fame channel run Gen. Such gratitude were I again to fight Would doubly edge my Sword new vigour give To e'ry stroke my Weapons animate And sure to conquer Barnagasso I Should need it all Emp. You speak of this Gualata as indeed a Man Gen. Or rather God Oh had you seen him when Adorn'd with plumes fit for the royal sports Of War he led his willing Squadrons on So gracefully in order rang'd his Troops His beauty and his Sword were Rivals grown And both were deep imbrued in humane gore Oft on those heaps which he himself had made He 'd wishing gaze to find the hottest work And then like Lightening flew to share the sport His men as each were wrong'd with him spurr'd on And hop'd a noble harvest from this Sun While he as he disdain'd he were not Gyant born Mow'd all around and
immediate Death Gen. What shall I do to save so brave a Man Bar. Give me a Sword disswade me not from Death When life 's a burden grown think not I 'd dye If I could live as Barnagasso should If you 're my Friend as I can hardly doubt Relieve my wants and charitably help To end that Life which I cannot preserve Gen. Defer it but a moment more till I Can sound the King then if I fail 't is time Enough to dye a minute is not much Bar. Should I let slip this moment Heav'n affords Perhaps why do I say perhaps I 'm sure 'T will never never come again Zar. Nay now my Lord you 're too unjust to me And to your self to slight so great a boon Despair when there is room for Hope is mean And what is mean can never enter here Death is unlawful as you said your self While life can honourably be preserv'd Come we will joyn our Forces and intreat A short Reprieve can you deny your Wife Gen. Can you deny your Friend who begs you Live Zar. My Lord I 'm not acquainted yet with death Stay but an hour you will not leave me sure Gen. How can you need such Courtship to your Life And to a happy one if Heav'n can make it so Pointing to her Zar. We conquer see he yields he melts apace Bar. Do with me what you please but much I fear Zar. What my Lord Bar. That we shall live to Curse this weak neglect Ex. cum Zar. The General at the other Door SCENE Changes to the Emperour's Apartment Enter the Emperour and Zanhaga Em. Did he so haughtily reject my Gift Zan. He bad me say he was prepar'd for Fate Em. Then Fate shall be prepar'd for him or false Or true the Oracle shall now take place Away repenting thoughts Remorse avaunt Methinks I see his Soul already wing'd Bring me the Royal Bowl Zanhaga quick I 'll drink its happy Voyage through th' Air Zan. And Ill drink yours now Fate thou' rt kind indeed Exit and Returns with Two Bowls Em. This 't is to be a King and fortunate Were I Gualata now I were to dy Zan. And were I either of you so were I. Aside Em. Come give it me Ill drink this Health tho death Were mixt inseparably with the Draught Drinks Zan. Aside That would not I tho' Heav'n should follow it If Poyson causes Death he guesses well However there 's no Robbery he gets a Star And I his Crown he 's pleas'd and so am I. Em. Zanhaga I forgot you should have drank of mine Zan. My Lord this Bowl is rich enough for me How wond'rous kind he is Now I am great Drinks Gualato Tombu are my own And all by Wit by Politicks refin'd How I could hug my self and how applaud Aside That brave ambition which has urg'd me on Emp. Come my Zanhaga 't is not fit Death wait Love calls upon me to destroy this King And reap from thence what Love and Beauty bring As they are going out the General enters and stops ' em Gen. I beg your Majesty to hear my suit Emp. What is it Barsiloa speak I 'll hear Gen. 'T is in behalf of the whole Empire of Your self to punish whom the Gods would change The course of Nature rain cold Winter down A freezing Hell on scorching Africa If Blood so Innocent be rashly spilt Em. What tends it that way then Aside Speak I'm in hast Gen. I beg the gallant Pris●ner may be freed And his fair Wife giv'n to her Husbands arms Emp. Why ask'st thou not my Crown as well thou may'st And sooner should succeed proud insolence Darest thou oppose thy self to me and Heav'n Who has requir'd his Death and Doom'd her mine Away I 'll hear no more such suits lead on Gen. My Lord 't is what our Laws allow my self Who made 'em Slaves now beg they may be free Emp. Those Laws one King has made another may Revoke Zanhaga sure this cannot be your Son Zan. I know not if he be my Son a few Hours more and he shall be my Slave Aside Gen. You can't but know the forgeries of the Priest To the Emp. His curs'd abuse of Sacred Rites inflames All Africk with a Pious Rage if he Must dye t were better far you tell the World The true the only cause say he 's the rub To your ho●●ust Proclaim in Tombu's Streets Gualata dyes that you may act the Beast Securely with his Wife this would be great Tho wicked yet 't is better than to skulk Behind a poor pretence of Fates commands Which you your self have countenanc'd the Priest To forge there is some Vertue in a bold Attempt but a mean action adds that sin To Cruelty and dwindles you to nothing straight Em. Oh Love how poor a God art thou whose chains So much debase whom they Subject my Slave Sees in my Face my heart and braves me now Zan My Lord 't is time Fates orders were obey'd Emp. I thank thee thou hast rowz'd Revenge and Love My Thunder first shall crush this Prince then you Gen. 'T is not big words can fright your General Have you forgot Stay Sir when first the War Broke out when Gualata all Revengeful flew To right his injur'd Honour and his Love Remember Sir what fears your Army seiz'd Even you your self Who now can Thunder trembled then not Flags By Winds more mov'd you almost shook your Soul away What had become of your bravados then Had I not undertook the desp'rate charge Kind Pray'rs and tears were paid me then I thought 'em true curst fool I did I lead Your Troops where I 've unfortunately won Conquer'd the best of Men have chain'd a God For such is Barnagasso to our World And now to be deny'd the common right Is base and I return ingrate to you Emp. Audacious Villian hence Blaspheme no more With thy vile Tongue my Sacred Majesty But that thy Fathers Services now plead Aloud my Royal Blood too which thou shar'st For Mercy begs thou Traytour hadst been dead Loath too I am t' imbrue my hands afresh In the same Purple Flood I spilt this day A thousand things now force me t' excuse thee The time calls on me for a nobler act To glut in Blood of Kings not Slaves yet e're I go to give th' aspiring Soul some check I spurn thee Traytour from my presence thus Exit cum Zan. Manet Barsiola Solus Gen. Is that to check thou art in love indeed Have I for this endur'd the Toyls of War Left a Luxurious Court for a rough Camp Forc'd my just heart to fight for Lust my Soul To sweat and drudge to pamper him for Rapes And am I spurn'd at last for my Reward My slighted wounds gape in their Masters face Revenge revenge they cry I 'll right my self By force my forming brain chalks out the way Which I must tread hast then e're 't is too late To right thy self and to prevent his Fate Exit Finis
first time I ve grasp'd A Manly Sword this day this age of Slavery Zan. This comes of slipping when occasion serves How e're I 'm sure of him tho t'other lives Aside Em. See how amaz'd the Cowards look seize him Bar. Come on I shall at least dye nobly now Em. What Noise is that Noise within Enter Officer in hast Off. Fly Sacred Sir preserve your Life The General enrag'd at his Repulse Has with a Rebell 's Fury forc'd our Gates None dare oppose my self but hardly scap'd The rolling Flood to warn you of the War Bar. Oh my brave Friend How have I wrong'd thy honesty Em. In vain is Flight I must sustain the shock Enter Barsiloa c. Gen. Fall on fall on I have not time to Embrace Thee now anon I shall let us dispatch Bar. Come Love inspire my Heart while I engage This Emperour cruel and Coward too They Fight beat the Emperour off and clear the Stage Re-Enter the Emperour Zanhaga and 2 Guards as in Flight Em. Ha! they have play'd me foul I feel besides My Wounds a Murdering Enemy within The boyling Caldron roars barb'd Irons prick My tender'st part bear me to th' Briny-Flood There let me plunge this Flaxen Taper down Wade through the dark Abyss to quench my Blaze Zan. Help me to bear him up Em. Wide wide Earth burst ope thy chilling womb In thy cold Cisterns let me bathe my Flame Build me a Throne in Aquilunda's Pool Turn here the Zaira's course I 'll gape awide Through me it's Channel lyes it shall come forth Swift liquid Flame painted with my Hearts-blood Zan. Trust me I weep to see my Master thus Em. That I could cleave to Hell dig in rich Mines Of Winter I 'd feed on Cakes of Ice The Subterranean Field should hiss should slame Ev'n Snow should burn so catching is my Plague Off I 'll to Hell the happyest Heaven is Hell Zan. How cold he feels Emp. I have my wish I freeze But here Zaraida comes ' st not a word She takes me for her Lord Who is' t dares hold me Barnagasso here Dye fond Fool. Stabs Zan. Now I 'm King again let Trumpets sound For Mighty Jamoan Great Tombu Lives Ha! What hast thou done Kill d thy best Friends Zan. Mourn not for I 've been before-hand with you Know 't was I Poyson'd you to gain your Crown I Brib'd the Priest to give the Pris'ner Death That I might wear a Triple Diadem I can't repent were it to do again And the Temptation half so fair I 'd do 't Make hast you cannot live I 'll wait rhee at the Portal Dyes Emp. I shall o'rtake thee e're thou fly'st so far Curs'd Zanhaga my Blood will weigh thee down Oh Love prepare my Starry Throne My Soul is wing'd and as my Body sinks she mounts Dyes Enter Barnagasso the General Zaraida c. Bar. This way th' astonish'd King retir'd behold Seeing them Triumphant Death How were these murders done Offi. The King was Poyson'd as Zanhaga e're His Death Confess'd by him he too had brib'd The Priest to speak your Fate the King depriv'd Of Reason by the Operating Draught Mistaking him for you destroy'd him Bar. They should have fall'n by me alone but I Submit to th' Will of Heav'n take hence the Dead Guards take them off I cannot must not pity 'em and 't is Not in my Nature to Insult to you Who with your timely aid maintain'd what I Begun I give my Thanks in this Embrace And as the next of Blood salute you Tombu's King Gen 'T is in your Love I glory more than in My Crown which so ignobly does descend My Fathers crimes have made me great I fought Not to be King but to relieve so brave A Man to be your Friend I 've not deserv'd That Name yet I 'll assume it thus Embraces Bar. Zar. 'T were vain to offer at a payment of Our debts to Heav'n which had reduc'd us to The worst Extreams and snatcht us thence to joys Unthought of unexpected bliss Heav'n has Appear'd so partial for our good that 't were A Sin to doubt its further care ev'n our Misfortunes seem but the kind Tryals of A pious mind our grief a purging flame And now all Innocent we 'll live most blest Bar. Most blest indeed in my Zaraida's Love Embraceing her What wonders were for our Deliv'rance wrought Let none hereafter at misfortunes pine Let none despair that hear our story told Let each unhappy Man his Misery With patience bear for Heav'n at last will set him Free FINIS