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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17338 A sermon preached at Pauls crosse on Trinity sunday, 1571. By E.B. Bush, Edward.; Bunny, Edmund, 1540-1619. 1576 (1576) STC 4183; ESTC S107148 27,884 68

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peare in the text last alledged And in Ioel it is sand Que cunque in vocauerit c. who soeuer calleth vpon the name of the Lorde shal be saued And our Sauiour Christ saith Whatsoeuer ye aske of the father in my name be shal geue it you We haue examples of the holy patriarches prophets and Appostles which prayed to none other but onely to god On the other part we haue not in al the scriptures any one commaundement to pray to any sainct nor any promise that our prayers ether made vnto thē or offered to God in their names shal be accepted or graunted of God nether haue we any one example of any one Godly patriarch Prophet or Apostell that euer prayed to any other but only to God and therefore ought we also to poure fourth our prayers only to god And thys in my iudgement might sufficiently serue any man that will humbly submit himself to Gods truth and not be froward obstinat against the same Secondelye Gods name is saide to be neare because hys power is euer presente to saue and deliuer his But here it may bee obiected Howe is Gods power euer presente when the Godlye do greatelye complaine after this sort Why standest thou a far of O Lord and hidest thee in dew tyme euen in affliction And againe how long wilt thou forget me O Lord for euer How long wilt thou hyde thy face from me Vsque quo domine How long O Lord shal all the workers of wickednes triumphe c I answer that all though God be euer present to saue his yet he doth not shewe the same nether do they tast of it vntil it séeme ●ood vnto almighty God and therefore it fo●oweth in the second part VVhen I shall ●ake a conuenient tyme I wyll iudge iustly ●o that we must paciently wayte on the ●ord and abide the Lords leasure And whē●e shal take a conuenient time he wil iudge ●ustly This iust iudgement of God consist●n .ij. points partly in sauing and deliuering ●is people which feare hym and partly in ●unishinge and plaginge his enemies where by the waye I maye note that all ciuil iustice which ought also to be conformed to the iustice of God consisteth lykewise in these two pointes in defending the good and punishing the euill All common wealthes saith the philosopher must be ruled with Praemio paena reward to the good punishment for the euil And therfore wher the good and Godly be punished or the wicked spared there is neither iust iudgement nor good gouerment Here before I procede any further I must exhort al iudges and magistrates by the example of almighty God to iude iustly and seuerely to punish synne and especially I must earnestly moue you seuerely sharply to punish murther and sheding of bloud For mens handes are so ticklish and their feete so ready to runne to this mischiefe as may appeare by these stirs vprores lately raised which can scarsly be appeased that vnlesse this enormity be seuerly punished no peace nor quietnes can be preserued And yet I do not mind to kindle you to any further seuerity then God in his law hath commaunded In the .ix. of Genesis we reade that he which sheedeth mans bloud by man shal his bloud be shed againe This was before the law was giuen In the lawe Exod. 21. it is thus sayd he shall dye the death In the .35 of Numeri God expressely cōmaundeth that whosoeuer killeth any person the iudg shal slay the murtherer through two witnes but one witnes shal not testifi against a persō to cause him to die And it foloweth after ye shal take no recompense for the life of the murtherer which is worthy to dye but he shal be put to death Here al agréemēt with the parties is excluded prohibited of god And the reason hereof foloweth in these wordes for bloud defileth the land and the land cannot be cleansed of the bloud that is shed therein but by the bloud of him that shed it In the .19 of Deuteronomie God commaundeth thus thy eye shall not spare him but thou shalt put away the cry of inno●ent bloud from Israell that it may be well ●ith thée Thy eye shall not spare him saith God thou shalt haue no pity nor compassiō●pon him thou shalt not say Oh he is a pro●er man a tal fellow able to do good seruice ●o thy eye shall not spare hym sayth god Paule spared Agag but God did reiect him Achab spared Benadab But God plagued him for it Wher the mighty God saith kill shall earth and ashes say spare No the magistrate is appointed to execute Gods law And not to dispence with it at his pleasure The second thing that is to be considered is that we must put awaye the cry of innocent bloud by the which we may learn that bloud wrongfully shed crieth for vengeance As the bloud of Abell cryed vnto God from the ground and wo be to that lande where God is as it were enforced to take the sword into his owne hande it is a terrible thyng saith the Apostle to fall into the handes of the liuing god The third thing that there is to be noted is that it may be well wyth thée the which admonisheth vs that it cannot be well with that people where the shéeding of innocent bloud is not punished God will not be pleased with the Isralites vntil the heades that is to say the princes rulers of the people whoe had bene causers of that fornicatyon Idolatry committed with the Moabits he hanged before the son God will not be pacified with the Isralits vntil Athan be stoned The storme wil not cease vntil Ionas who was the occasiō therof be throwne ouer bord And so surely this realme and chiefly thys City of Londō wil neuer be quiet vntill these Ionasses these sheders of bloud be ether throne ouer bourd or tourned off the ladder And yet my meaning is not but that in some cases slaughter may be committed and the same by death be not reuenged As if a man slea his neighbour and before dyd not hate hym God in such cases prouided places of refuge to the which the stear should flée and ther●e saued from the auenger of bloud And also if a mā be constrained and extremely vrged for the safety of his owne lyfe the magistrate may consider thereof But my meaning is that this wilfulnes of whot heads lusty blouds is to be restrained and sharply punished A crocked word by and by his dagger on his head a little ouerthward aunswer and hys sword in his syde This is not to be suffered in a Christian common wealth But to come 〈◊〉 my matter generally I exhort al iudges ●●d magistrats to iudge iustly not to turne ●●dgement into wormewood neither by vn●st and wrongfull iudgement neither by ●elaying and deferring of iustice And also 〈◊〉 beware that neither bribery do blind thē or respect of persons do moue them to
and eased of their synnes These beleue that almighty God for Christ Iesus sake wil be merciful to their synnes and forgiue them their iniquities And thus by faith Christs obedience is made their obedience Christs fulfilling of the law is become their fulfilling of the lawe Christes righteousnes is their righteousnes and couereth all their vnrighteousnes So that although they be vnrighteous synners in themselues yet before God they be righteous for Christ Iesus sake I pray God we all may be in the number of this sort of synners These synners God loueth and heareth The eies of the Lorde are ouer the righteous and hys eares be open vnto their prayers But there is another sort of synners which commit syn without griefe of mind ●r compunctiō of hart which delight in syn ●nd run forward in synne like the stoned ●orse in the battel wallow in wickednes ●yke the sow in the myre They haue not ●hys lyuely faith which is an assurance of Gods loue towardes vs in Christ Iesus 〈◊〉 lyuely apprehension of Gods mercyes in Christ These cannot prayse God nay the ●nger of almighty God hangeth ouer them ●o route then out Let vs beware and take ●éede that we be not in number of these syn●ers These god heareth not but hath as it ●s in the Psalm Odisti omnes qui operatur ●niquit●tem 1. Thou hatest al those the work wickednes But rather let vs rent our harts not our garments and turne to the Lord our God who is gracious and mercifull flow to anger and of great gooones Here also I wyl show you that the papists ●annot praise god and yet they boast much of prayer and say that praier is despised neglected of vs But I trust any man may easily perceyue partly by the earnest zeale of Godly men in praier partly by the earnest exhortacions of good men to prayse lastly by the Godly bookes that we haue written or prayer that thys is no true reporte by them to deface gods touth and to bring vs into hatred with the people In deede as our Sauiour Christ dispised the hipocritical praiers of the papistes We condemne their vnfruitefull numbling in a straunge tounge and their vngodly calling vpon creatures which is not warranted but cōdemned by the word of god But as for true prayer which is a lifting vp of our soules and a pouring forth of our harts before God an earnest inuocation of his holy name in the only name of hys deare sonne Christ Iesus our sauiour we greatly cōmend earnestly exhort al men vnto it But howsoeuer the papists glory in their prayer I wil proue vnto you by gods grace that they cannot frutefully praise God for howe can they fruitefully prayse God who dishonor God and spoyle Christ Iesus of hys glory Christ Iesus was appointed annointed of his father to be our king who onely should conquer and ouercome Sathan sinne death and damnation who only shoulde rule hys vniuersall church with hys spirite and word who onely should be the head of hys church and gyue lyfe vnto the same being his body But the papistes ●aue robbed him hereof for they haue deui●ed many other meanes ●o ouercome sinne 〈◊〉 Satan besides Christ You heard of late ●n this place how that the papistes affirme ●hat Christ died only for originall synne ●nd that for other synnes wee our selues must mak● satisfaction you heard also how ●hat Pigghius the papiste doth confidently ●uouch that originall synne is not synne ●ut onely so called because it floweth and ●ommeth from syn So that of this doctrine 〈◊〉 must needes folow that Christ died for ●hat which is not in deede synne but hath ●nly the name and title of synne They ●aue commit the regiment of Christs vni●ersall church to one man who hath bene ●uer so vnable to ●usteine so great a charge ●hat hetherto he was neuer wel able right ●y to rule that one city of Rome nor his col●edge of Cardnals Him they haue made ●ead of the Church in whom as they say ●he vnity of the Church consi●teth vpon ●hom the safety of the Church dependeth ●o that he which is not in thys Church whereof the Pope is head is out of Noes ●rke out of peters ship cannot be ●aued ●ut must néedes be drowned Thys is th●●● doctrine by the which they depriue Christ Iesus as much as in them lieth of that function vnto the which his heuenly father t●o appoint him Christ was annointed and appointed to be our onely prophet and scholemaister whom onely we shuld haue as his heauenly father did testify of hym saying Hic est silius meus dilectus in quo mihi benae complacitum est ipse andite 1. This is my welbeloued sonne in whom I am wel pleased heare him He hath deliuered vnto vs his holy word and gospell which is able to saue our soules and also to make the man of god perfect prepared to euery good work this he hath sealed and confirmed with his bloud Yet notwithstanding the papistes do affirme that all things needeful and necessary to our saluation a● not conteined in the scriptures but that we must receyue many traditio●s which yet are but triffles and beleue many vnwritten verities And thus in effect they take from hym the office of being our prophet to instruct vs Christ Iesus was annoynted of God to be our hi● priest where with the sacrifice of his body and bloud once offered hath payd the price and raunsome of our sinnes who entred once into the holy place and found eternal redemption who with one sacryfyce once ●ffered hath made perfyt al those that shal be saued who died once the righteous for the vnrighteous and bare our sinnes vpon the wood But the Papistes haue brought in a fained forged sacrifice of their owne deuise auailable as they saye not onely for the synnes of thos● that are alyue but also for them that are dead Thys feyned sacrifice as it hath no warrant at al in the word of God so is it a great derogation to the death and passion of Christ coniured by the Pope Peccatum ●rangit vt Christi Sanquis et augit It breaketh and greueth synne as wel as the bloud of Christ For thus ful rudely or rather blasphemously dyd Pope Vrbane runne to Fre●erick the Emperor They say that holy water is aueileable ad salutem animae et corporis to the saluation of the soule and body They haue taught vs to say and pray Iesu bonae per Thoma merita nostra nobis demitte debita i. Good Iesus for the merits of Thomas forgiue vs our debtes that is to say our synnes And againe Tu per Thoma sanguinem c which in a rude rime they thus translated make vs Christ to clime whether Thomas did ascend Thus we may plainely perceiue that the papistes ascribe that which is only proper to the merites and bloud of Christ Iesus the sonne of God to the merites and