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A07064 Antonios reuenge. The second part. As it hath beene sundry times acted, by the children of Paules. Written by I.M.; Antonio and Mellida. Part 2 Marston, John, 1575?-1634. 1602 (1602) STC 17474; ESTC S112254 33,126 82

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most vnmatcht in woe Who dare assume that but Antonio Pan. Wil t still be so and shall you blood-hound liue An. Haue I an arme a heart a sword a sowle Alb. Were you but priuate vnto what we know Pan. I le knowe it all first let 's interre the dead Let 's dig his graue with that shall dig the heart Liuer and intrals of the murderer They strike the stage with their daggers and the graue openeth Ant. Wilt sing a Dirge boy Pan. No no song t will be vile out of tune Alb. Indeede he 's hoarce the poore boyes voice is crackt Pa. Why cuz why shold it not be hoarce crackt When all the strings of natures symphony Are crackt iar why should his voice keepe tune When ther 's no musick in the breast of man I le say an honest antick rime I haue Helpe me good sorrow-mates to giue him graue They all helpe to carie Feliche to his graue Death exile plaints and woe Are but mans lackies not his foe No mortall scapes from fortunes warre Without a wound at least a scarre Many haue led these to the graue But all shall followe none shall saue Bloode of my youth rot and consume Virtue in dirt doth life assume With this ould sawe close vp this dust Thrice blessed man that dyeth iust An. The gloomie wing of night begins to stretch His lasie pinion ouer all the ayre We must be stiffe and steddie in resolue Let 's thus our hands our hearts our armes inuolue They wreath their armes Pan. Now sweare we by this Gordian knot of loue By the fresh turnd vp mould that wraps my sonne By the deade browe of triple Hecate Ere night shall close the lids of you bright stars Wee le sit as heauie on Pieros heart As Aetna doth on groning Pelorus Ant. Thanks good old man Wee le cast at royall chaunce Let 's thinke a plot then pell mell vengeance Exeunt their armes wreathed ¶ The Cornets sounde for the Acte ¶ The dumbe showe ACT. V. SCEN. I. ¶ Enter at one dore Castilio and Forobosco with halberts foure Pages with torches Luceo bare Piero Maria and Alberto talking Alberto drawes out his dagger Maria her knife ayming to menace the Duke Then Galeatzo betwixt two Senators reading a paper to them at which they all make semblance of loathing Piero and knit their fists at him two Ladies and Nutriche all these goe softly ouer the Stage whilst at the other doore enters the ghost of Andrugio who passeth by them tossing his torch about his heade in triumph All forsake the Stage sauing Andrugio who speaking begins the Acte And. Venit dies tempúsque quo reddat suis Animam squallentem sceleribus The fist of strenuous vengeance is clutcht And sterne Vindicta towreth vp aloft That she may fal with a more waightie paise And crush liues sap from out Pieros vaines Now gins the leprous cores of vlcered sins Wheale to a heade now is his fate growne mellow Instant to fall into the rotten iawes Of chap-falne death Now downe lookes prouidēce T' attend the last act of my sons reuenge Be gratious Obseruation to our sceane For now the plot vnites his scattred limbes Close in contracted bands The Florence Prince Drawne by firme notice of the Dukes black deeds Is made a partner in conspiracie The States of Venice are so swolne in hate Against the Duke for his accursed deeds Of which they are confirm'd by some odde letters Found in dead Strotzos studie which had past Betwixt Piero and the murdring slaue That they can scarce retaine from bursting foorth In plaine reuolt O now tryumphes my ghost Exclaiming heauen 's iust for I shal see The scourge of murder and impietie Exit SCENA SECVNDA Balurdo from vnder the Stage Bal. HOE who 's aboue there hoe A murren on all Prouerbes They say hunger breakes thorough stone walles but I am as gant as leane ribd famine yet I can burst through no stone walles O now sir Gefferey shewe thy valour breake prison and be hangd Nor shall the darkest nooke of hell containe the discontented sir Balurdos ghost Well I am out well I haue put off the prison to put on the rope O poore shotten herring what a pickle art thou in O hunger how thou dominer'st in my guts O for a fat leg of Ewe mutton in stewde broth or drunken song to feede on I could belch rarely for I am all winde O colde colde colde colde colde O poore knight ô poore sir Gefferey sing like an Vnicorne before thou dost dip thy horne in the water of death ô cold ô sing ô colde ô poore sir Geffrey sing sing CANTAT SCENA TERTIA ¶ Enter Antonio and Alberto at seuerall doores their rapiers drawne in their masking attyre Ant. VINDICTA Alb. Mellida Ant. Alberto Alb. Antonio Ant. Hath the Duke supt Alb. Yes and tryumphant reuels mount aloft The Duke drinkes deepe to ouerdowe his griefe The court is rackt to pleasure each man straines To faine a iocund eye The Florentine Ant. Young Galeatzo Alb. Euen he is mightie on our part The States of Venice ¶ Enter Pandulpho running in masking attyre Pan. Like high-swoln floods driue down the muddie dammes Of pent allegeance O my lustie bloods Heauen sits clapping of our enterprise I haue beene labouring generall fauour firme And I doe finde the citizens growne sick With swallowing the bloodie crudities Of black Pieros acts they faine would cast And vomit him from off their gouernement Now is the plot of mischiefe ript wide ope Letters are found twixt Strotzo and the Duke So cleare apparent yet more firmely strong By suiting circumstance that as I walkt Muffled to eues-drop speech I might obserue The grauer States-men whispering fearefully Here one giues nods hums what he would speake The rumour 's got 'mong troope of citizens Making lowde murmur with confused dinne One shakes his head and sighes O ill vs'd powre Another frets and sets his grinding teeth Foaming with rage and sweares this must not be Here one complots and on a sodaine starts And cries ô monstrous ô deepe villanie All knit there nerues and from beneath swoln brows Appeares a gloting eye of much mislike Whilst swart Pieros lips reake steame of wine Swallowes lust-thoughts deuours all pleasing hopes With strong imagination of what not O now Vindicta that 's the word we haue A royall vengeance or a royall graue Ant. Vindicta Bal. I am acolde Pan. Who 's there sir Geffrey Ba. A poor knight god wot the nose of thy knighthoode is bitten off with cold O poore sir Geffrey cold cold Pan. What chance of fortune hath tript vp his heels And laid him in the kennell ha Alb. I will discourse it all Poore honest soule Hadst thou a beuer to clasp vp thy face Thou shouldst associate vs in masquery And see reuenge Ba. Nay and you talke of reuenge my stomack 's vp For I am most tyrannically hungry A beuer I haue a headpeece a skull a braine of proofe I
ANTONIOS Reuenge The second part As it hath beene sundry times acted by the children of Paules Written by I. M. LONDON ¶ Printed for Thomas Fisher and are to be soulde in Saint Dunstans Church-yarde 1602 Antonios Reuenge ¶ The second part of the Historie of Antonio and Mellida ¶ The Prologue THE rawish danke of clumzie winter ramps The fluent summers vaine and drizling sleete Chilleth the wan bleak cheek of the numd earth Whilst snarling gusts nibble the iuyceles leaues From the nak't shuddring branch and pils the skinne From off the soft and delicate aspectes O now me thinks a sullen tragick Sceane Would suite the time with pleasing congruence May we be happie in our weake deuoyer And all parte pleas'd in most wisht content But sweare of Hercules can nere beget So blest an issue Therefore we proclaime If any spirit breathes within this round Vncapable of waightie passion As from his birth being hugged in the armes And nuzzled twixt the breastes of happinesse Who winkes and shuts his apprehension vp From common sense of what men were and are Who would not knowe what men must be let such Hurrie amaine from our black visag'd showes We shall affright their eyes But if a breast Nail'd to the earth with griefe if any heart Pierc't through with anguish pant within this ring If there be any blood whose heate is choakt And stifled with true sense of misery If ought of these straines fill this consort vp Th'arriue most welcome O that our power Could lackie or keepe wing with our desires That with vnused paize of stile and sense We might waigh massy in iudicious scale Yet heere 's the prop that doth support our hopes When our Sceanes falter or inuention halts Your fauour will giue crutches to our faults Exit ACT. I. SCEN. I ¶ Enter Piero vnbrac't his armes bare smeer'd in blood a poniard in one hand bloodie and a torch in the other Strotzo following him with a corde Pie HO Gasper Strotzo binde Feliches trunke Vnto the panting side of Mellida Exit Str. T is yet dead night yet al the earth is cloucht In the dull leaden hand of snoring sleepe No breath disturbs the quiet of the ayre No spirit moues vpon the breast of earth Saue howling dogs nightcrowes screeching owls Saue meager ghosts Piero and black thoughts One two Lord in two houres what a toplesse mount Of vnpeer'd mischiefe haue these hands cast vp ¶ Enter Strotzo I can scarce coope triumphing vengeance vp From bursting forth in bragart passion Str. My Lord t is firmely saide that Pie Andrugio sleepes in peace this braine hath choakt The organ of his breast Feliche hangs But as a baite vpon the line of death To tice on mischiefe I am great in blood Vnequald in reuenge You horrid scouts That centinell swart night giue lowde applause From your large palms First know my hart was rais'd Vnto Andrugios life vpon this ground Str. Duke t is reported Pie We both were riuals in our May of blood Vnto Maria great Ferraras heire He wan the Ladie to my honours death And from her sweetes cropt this Antonio For which I burnt in inward sweltring hate And festred rankling malice in my breast Till I might belke reuenge vpon his eyes And now ô blessed now t is done Hell night Giue lowde applause to my hypocrisie When his bright valour euen dazled sense In offring his owne heade publick reproach Had blurd my name Speake Strotzo had it not If then I had Str. It had so please Pier. What had so please Vnseasoned Sycophant Piero Sforza is no nummed Lord Senselesse of all true touch stroake not the head Of infant speach till it be fully borne Goe to Strot. How now Fut I le not smother your speach Pie Nay right thine eyes t was but a little splene Huge plunge Sinn 's growne a slaue and must obserue slight euils Huge villaines are inforc't to clawe all diuels Pish sweete thy thoughts and giue me Str. Stroake not the heade of infant speach Goe to Pie Nay calme this storme I euer held thy breast More secret and more firme in league of blood Then to be struck in heate with each' slight puffe Giue me thy eares Huge infamie Presse downe my honour if euen then when His fresh act of prowesse bloom'd out full I had tane vengeance on his hated head Str. Why it had Pier. Could I auoyde to giue a seeming graunt Vnto fruition of Antonios loue Str. No Pie And didst thou euer see a Iudas kisse With a more couert touch of fleering hate Stro. No Pie And hauing clipt them with pretence of loue Haue I not crusht them with a cruell wring Strot. Yes Piero Say faith didst thou ere heare or reade or see Such happie vengeance vnsuspected death That I should drop strong poyson in the boawle Which I my selfe carous't vnto his health And future fortune of our vnitie That it should worke even in the husht of night And strangle him on sodaine that faire showe Of death for the excessiue ioy of his fate Might choake the murder Ha Strotzo is 't not rare Nay but waigh it Then Feliche stabd Whose sinking thought frighted my conscious hart And laid by Mellida to stop the match And hale on mischiefe This all in one night Is 't to be equall'd thinkst thou O I could eate Thy fumbling throat for thy lagd censure Fut Is 't not rare Str. Yes Pie No yes nothing but no and yes dull lumpe Canst thou not hony me with fluent speach And euen adore my toplesse villany Will I not blast my owne blood for reuenge Must not thou straight be periur'd for reuenge And yet no creature dreame t is my reuenge Will I not turne a glorious bridall morne Vnto a Stygian night Yet naught but no and yes Str. I would haue told you if the incubus That rides your bosome would haue patience It is reported that in priuate state Maria Genous Dutchesse makes to Court Longing to see him whom she nere shall see Her Lord Andrugio Belike she hath receiu'd The newes of reconciliation Reconciliation with a death Poore Ladie shall but finde poore comfort in 't Pie O let me swoone for ioy By heauen I thinke I ha said my prayers within this month at least I am so boundlesse happie Doth she come By this warme reeking goare I le marrie her Looke I not now like an inamorate Poyson the father butcher the son marry the mother ha Strotzo to bed snort in securest sleepe For see the dapple gray coursers of the morne Beat vp the light with their bright siluer hooues And chase it through the skye To bed to bed This morne my vengeance shall be amply fed Exit SCENA SECVNDA ¶ Enter Luceo Maria and Nutriche Mar. STAY gentle Luceo and vouchsafe thy hand Lu. O Madam Ma. Nay pree thee giue me leaue to say vouchsafe Submisse intreats beseeme my humble fate Here let vs sit O Luceo fortunes gilt Is rubd quite off from my slight
Pandulpho harke My lustfull daughter dies start not she dies I pursue iustice I loue sanctitie And an vndefiled temple of pure thoughts Shall I speake freely Good Andrugio's dead And I doe feare a fetch but vmh would I durst speake I doe mistrust but vmh death is he all all man Hath he no part of mother in him ha No licorish womanish inquisitiuenesse Pan. Andrugio's deade Pie I and I feare his owne vnnaturall blood To whome he gaue life hath giuen death for life How could he come on I see false suspect Is vicde wrung hardly in a vertuous heart Well I could giue you reason for my doubts You are of honour'd birth my very friende You know how god-like t is to roote out sin Antonio is a villaine Will you ioyne In oath with me against the traitors life And sweare you knewe he sought his fathers death I lou'd him well yet I loue iustice more Our friends we should affect iustice adore Pan. My Lord the clapper of my mouth 's not glibd With court oyle t will not strike on both sides yet Pie T is iust that subiectes acte commaunds of kings Pan. Commaund then iust and honorable things Pie Euen so my selfe then will traduce his guilt Pan. Beware take heed least guiltlesse blood be spilt Pie Where onely honest deeds to kings are free It is no empire but a beggery Pan. Where more than noble deeds to kings are free It is no empire but a tyranny Pie Tush iuicelesse graybeard t is immunity Proper to princes that our state exactes Our subiects not alone to beare but praise our acts Pan. O but that prince that worthfull praise aspires From hearts and not from lips applause desires Pie Pish true praise the brow of common men doth ring False only girts the temple of a king He that hath strength and 's ignorant of power He was not made to rule but to be rul'd Pan. T is praise to doe not what we can but should Pie Hence doting Stoick by my hope of blisse I le make thee wretched Pan. Defyance to thy power thou rifted Iawne Now by the lou'd heauen sooner thou shalt Rince thy soule ribs from the black filth of sinne That soots thy heart then make me wretched Pish Thou canst not coupe me vp Hadst thou a Iaile With trebble walles like antick Babilon Pandulpho can get out I tell thee Duke I haue ould Fortunatus wishing cappe And can be where I list euen in a trice I le skippe from earth into the armes of heauen And from tryumphall arch of blessednesse Spit on thy froathy breast Thou canst not slaue Or banish me I will be free at home Maugre the bearde of greatnesse The port holes Of sheathed spirit are nere corb'd vp But still stand open readie to discharge Their pretious shot into the shrowds of heauen Pie O torture slaue I banish thee the towne Thy natiue seate of birth Pa. How proud thou speak'st I tell thee Duke the blasts Of the swolne cheekt winds nor all the breath of kings Can puffe me out my natiue seat of birth The earth 's my bodies and the heauen 's my soules Most natiue place of birth which they will keepe Despite the menace of mortalitie Why Duke That 's not my natiue place where I was rockt A wise mans home is wheresoere he is wise Now that from man not from the place doth rise Pie Wold I were deafe ô plague hence dotard wretch Tread not in court All that thou hast I seize His quiet 's firmer then I can disease Pan. Goe boast vnto thy flattring Sycophants Pandulpho's slaue Piero hath orethrowne Loose Fortunes rags are lost my owne 's my owne ¶ Piero's going out lookes backe Exeunt at seuerall doores T is true Piero thy vext heart shall see Thou hast but tript my slaue not conquerd mee SCENA TERTIA ¶ Enter Antonio with a booke Lucio Alberto Antonio in blacke Alb. NAY sweet be comforted take counsell and Ant. Alberto peace that griefe is wanton sick Whose stomacke can digest and brooke the dyet Of stale ill relisht counsell Pigmie cares Can shelter vnder patience shield but gyant griefes Will burst all couert Lu. My Lord t is supper time Ant. Drinke deepe Alberto eate good Lucio But my pin'd heart shall eat on naught but woe Alb. My Lord we dare not leaue you thus alone Ant. You cannot leaue Antonio alone The chamber of my breast is euen throngd With firme attendance that forsweares to flinch I haue a thing sits here it is not griefe T is not despaire nor the most plague That the most wretched are infected with But the most greefull despairing wretched Accursed miserable O for heauens sake Forsake me now you see how light I am And yet you force me to defame my patience Lu. Faire gentle prince Ant. Away thy voice is hatefull thou dost buzze And beat my eares with intimations That Mellida that Mellida is light And stained with adulterous luxury I cannot brook 't I tell the Lucio Sooner will I giue faith that vertue 's scant In princes courts will be adorn'd with wreath Of choyce respect and indeerd intimate Sooner will I beleeue that friendships raine Will curbe ambition from vtilitie Then Mellida is light Alas poore soule Didst ere see her good heart hast heard her speake Kinde kinde soule Incredulitie it selfe Would not be so brasse hearted as suspect so modest cheeks Lu. My Lord Ant. Away a selfe-one guilt doth onely hatch distrust But a chaste thought 's as farre from doubt as lust I intreat you leaue me Alb. Will you endeauour to forget your griefe Ant. I faith I will good friend I faith I will I le come and eate with you Alberto see I am taking Physicke heer 's Philosophie Good honest leaue me I le drinke wine anone Alb. Since you enforce vs faire prince we are gone Exeunt Alberto and Lucio ¶ Antonio reades A. Ferte fortiter hoc est quo deum antecedatis Ille enim extra patientiam malorum vos supra Contemnite dolorem aut soluetur aut soluet Contemnite fortunā nullū telū quo feriret animum habet Pish thy mother was not lately widdowed Thy deare affied loue lately defam'd With blemish of foule lust when thou wrot'st thus Thou wrapt in furres beaking thy lymbs 'fore fiers Forbidst the frozē Zone to shudder Ha ha t is naught But fomie bubling of a fleamie braine Naught els but smoake O what danke marrish spirit But would be fyred with impatience At my No more no more he that was neuer blest With height of birth faire expectation Of mounted fortunes knowes not what it is To be the pittied obiect of the worlde O poore Antonio thou maist sigh Mell. Aye me Ant. And curse Pan. Black powers Ant. And cry Ma. O heauen Ant. And close laments with Alb. O me most miserable Pan. Woe for my deare deare sonne Mar. Woe for my deare deare husband Mel. Woe for my deare deare loue Ant. Woe for me all close all your woes
in me In me Antonio ha Where liue these sounds I can see nothing griefe 's inuisible And lurkes in secret angles of the heart Come sigh againe Antonio beares his part Mell. O here here is a vent to passe my sighes I haue surcharg'd the dungeon with my plaints Prison and heart will burst if void of vent I that is Phoebe empresse of the night That gins to mount ô chastest deitie If I be false to my Antonio If the least soyle of lust smeers my pure loue Make me more wretched make me more accurst Then infamie torture death hell and heauen Can bound with amplest power of thought if not Purge my poore heart with defamations blot Ant. Purge my poore heart from defamations blot Poore heart how like her vertuous selfe she speakes Mellida deare Mellida it is Antonio Slinke not away t is thy Antonio Mel. How found you out my Lord alas I knowe T is easie in this age to finde out woe I haue a sute to you Ant. What is 't deare soule Mell. Kill me I faith I le winke not stir a iot For God sake kill mee insooth lou'd youth I am much iniur'd looke see how I creepe I cannot wreake my wrong but sigh and weepe An. May I be cursed but I credit thee Mell. To morrowe I must die An. Alas for what Mell. For louing thee t is true my sweetest breast I must die falsely so must thou deare heart Nets are a knitting to intrappe thy life Thy fathers death must make a Paradice To my I shame to call him father Tell me sweet Shall I die thine dost loue mee still and still Ant. I doe Mell. Then welcome heauens will Ant. Madam I will not swell like a Tragedian in forced passion of affected straines If I had present power of ought but pittying you I would be as readie to redresse your wrongs as to pursue your loue Throngs of thoughts crowde for their passage somewhat I will doe Reach me thy hand thinke this is honors bent To liue vnslau'd to die innocent Mel. Let me entreat a fauour gratious loue Be patient see me die good doe not weepe Goe sup sweete chuck drinke and securely sleepe Ant. I faith I cannot but I le force my face To palliate my sicknesse Mell. Giue me thy hand Peace on thy bosome dwel That 's all my woe can breath kisse Thus farewell Ant. Farewell my heart is great of thoughts Stay doue And therefore I must speake but what ô Loue By this white hande no more reade in these teares What crushing anguish thy Antonio beares Antonio kisseth Mellida's hand then Mellida goes from the grate Mel. God night good harte Ant. Thus heate from blood thus soules from bodies part ¶ Enter Piero and Strozzo Pie He greeues laughe Strozzo laugh he weepes Hath he teares ô pleasure hath he teares Now doe I scourge Andrugio with steele whips Of knottie vengeance Strozzo cause me straight Some plaining dittie to augment despaire Tryumph Piero harke he groanes ô rare Ant. Beholde a prostrate wretch laid on his toumbe His Epitaph thus Ne plus vltra Ho Let none out woe me mine 's Herculean woe CANTANT Exit Piero at the end of the song SCENA QVARTA ¶ Enter Maria Ant. MAY I be more cursed then heauen can make me If I am not more wretched Then man can conceiue me Sore forlorne Orphant what omnipotence can make thee happie Mar. How now sweete sonne good youth what dost thou Ant. Weepe weepe Mar. Dost naught but weepe weepe Ant. Yes mother I do sigh and wring my hands Beat my poore breast and wreath my tender armes Harke yee I le tel you wondrous strange strāge news Ma. What my good boy starke mad Ant. I am not Ma. Alas is that strange newes Ant. Strange news why mother is 't not wondrous strange I am not mad I run not frantick ha Knowing my fathers trunke scarce colde your loue Is sought by him that doth pursue my life Seeing the beautie of creation Antonio's bride pure heart defam'd and stoad Vnder the hatches of obscuring earth Heu quo labor quo vota ceciderunt mea ¶ Enter Piero Pie Good euening to the faire Antonio Most happie fortune sweete succeeding time Rich hope think not thy fate a bankrout though Ant. Vmh the diuell in his good time and tide forsake thee Pie How now harke yee Prince An. God be with you Pie Nay noble blood I hope yee not suspect An. Suspect I scorn 't Here 's cap leg good night Thou that wants power with dissemblance fight Exit Antonio Pier. Madam O that you could remēber to forget Ma. I had a husband and a happie sonne Pi. Most powreful beautie that inchanting grace Ma. Talke not of beautie nor inchanting grace My husband 's deade my son 's distraught accurst Come I must vent my griefes or heart will burst Exit Maria Pie Shee 's gone yet she 's here she hath left a print Of her sweete graces fixt within my heart As fresh as is her face I le marrie her Shee 's most fair true most chaste most false because Most faire t is firme I le marrie her SCENA QVINTA ¶ Enter Strotzo Str. MY Lord Piero Ha Strotzo my other soule my life Deare hast thou steel'd the point of thy resolue Wilt not turne edge in execution Str. No Pie Doe it with rare passion and present thy guilt As if t were wrung out with thy conscience gripe Sweare that my daughter's innocent of lust And that Antonio brib'd thee to defame Her maiden honour on inueterate hate Vnto my bloode and that thy hand was feed By his large bountie for his fathers death Sweare plainly that thou chok'tst Andrugio By his sons onely egging Rush me in Whil'st Mellida prepares her selfe to die Halter about thy necke and with such sighs Laments and acclamations lyfen it As if impulsiue power of remorse Str. I le weepe Pie I I fall on thy face and cry why suffer you So lewde a slaue as Strotzo is to breath Str. I le beg a strangling growe importunate Pie As if thy life were loathsome to thee then I Catch straight the cords end and as much incens'd With thy damn'd mischiefes offer a rude hand As readie to girde in thy pipe of breath But on the sodaine straight I le stand amaz'd And fall in exclamations of thy vertues Str. Applaud my agonies and penitence Pie Thy honest stomack that could not disgest The crudities of murder but surcharg'd Vomited'st them vp in Christian pietie Str. Then clip me in your armes Pie And call thee brother mount thee straight to state Make thee of counsell tut tut what not what not Thinke on t be confident pursue the plot Str. Looke here 's a troop a true rogues lips are mute I doe not vse to speake but execute He layes finger on his mouth and drawes his dagger Pie So so run headlong to confusion Thou slight brain'd mischiefe thou art made as durt To plaster vp the bracks of my
tin-foild state And poore Maria must appeare vngrac't Of the bright fulgor of gloss'd maiestie Luc. Cheer vp your spirits Madam fairer chance Then that which courts your presence instantly Can not be formd by the quick mould of thought Mari. Art thou assur'd the dukes are reconcil'd Shall my wombes honour wed faire Mellida Will heauen at length grant harbour to my head Shall I once more clip my Andrugio And wreath my armes about Antonio's necke Or is glib rumor growne a parasite Holding a false glasse to my sorrowes eyes Making the wrinkl'd front of griefe seeme faire Though t is much riueld with abortiue care Lu. Most virtuous Princesse banish straggling feare Keepe league with comfort For these eyes beheld The Dukes vnited you faint glimmering light Nere peeped through the crannies of the east Since I beheld them drinke a sound carouse In sparkling Bacchus Vnto eache others health Your sonne assur'd to beautious Mellida And all clouds clear'd of threatning discontent Ma. What age is morning of Lu. I thinke 'bout fiue Ma. Nutriche Nutriche Nu. Beshrow your fingers marry you haue disturb'd the pleasure of the finest dreame O God I was euen comming to it lawe O Iesu t was comming of the swetest I le tell you now me thought I was maried and mee thought I spent O Lord why did you wake mee and mee thought I spent three spur Roials on the Fidlers for striking vp a fresh hornepipe Saint Vrsula I was euen going to bed you mee thought my husband was euen putting out the tapers when you Lord I shall neuer haue such a dreame come vpon mee as long as Ma. Peace idle creature peace When will the Court rise Lu. Madam t were best you tooke some lodging vp And lay in priuate till the soile of griefe Were cleard your cheeke and new burnisht lustre Cloath'd your presence 'fore you sawe the Dukes And enterd 'mong the proud Venetian States Mar. No Lucio my deare Lord 's wise and knowes That tinsill glitter or rich purfled robes Curled haires hung full of sparkling Carcanets Are not the true adornements of a wife So long as wiues are faithfull modest chaste Wise Lords affect them Vertue doth not waste With each slight flame of crackling vanitie A modest eye forceth affection Whilest outward gainesse light lookes but entice Fairer then Natures faire is fowlest vice She that loues Art to get her cheeke more louers Much outward gaudes slight inward grace discouers I care not to seeme faire but to my Lord Those that striue most to please most strangers sight Follie may iudge most faire wisdome most light ¶ Musique sounds a short straine But harke soft musique gently mooues the ayre I thinke the bridegroom 's vp Lucio stand close O now Marya chalenge griefe to stay Thy ioyes encounter Looke Lucio t is cleare day SCENA TERTIA ¶ Enter Antonio Galeatzo Matzagente Balurdo Pandulpho Feliche Alberto Forobosco Castilio and a Page Ant. DARKNESSE is fled looke infant morn hath drawne Bright siluer curtains 'bout the couch of night And now Auroras horse trots azure rings Breathing faire light about the firmament Stand what 's that Mat. And if a horned diuell should burst forth I would passe on him with a mortall stocke Alb. Oh a horned diuell would prooue ominous Vnto a bridegroomes eyes Mat. A horned diuel good good ha ha ha very good Al. Good tand prince laugh not By the ioyes of loue When thou dost girne thy rusty face doth looke Like the head of a rosted rabbit fie vpon t Bal. By my troth me thinks his nose is iust colour de Roy Mat. I tel thee foole my nose will abide no iest Bal. No in truth I doe not ieast I speake truth Truth is the touchstone of all things and if your nose will not abide the truth your nose will not abide the touch and if your nose will not abide the touch your nose is a copper nose and must be nail'd vp for a slip Mat. I scorne to retort the obtuse ieast of a foole Balurdo drawes out his writing tables and writes Bal. Retort and obtuse good words very good words Gal. Young Prince looke sprightly fie a bridegroom sadde Bal. In truth if he were retort and obtuse no question hee would bee merrie but and please my Genius I will be most retort and obtuse ere night I le tell you what I le beare soone at night in my shielde for my deuice Gal. What good Balurdo Bal. O doe me right sir Gefferey Balurdo sir sir as long as yee liue sir Gal. What good sir Gefferey Balurdo Ba. Marry forsooth I le carrie for my deuice my grand fathers great stone-hors flinging vp his head ierking out his left legge The word Wighy Purt As I am a true knight wil 't not bee most retort and obtuse ha Ant. Blowe hence these saplesse iestes I tell you bloods My spirit 's heauie and the iuyce of life Creepes slowly through my stifned arteries Last sleep my sense was steep't in horrid dreames Three parts of night were swallow'd in the gulfe Of rauenous time when to my slumbring powers Two meager ghosts made apparition The on 's breast seem'd fresh pauncht with bleeding wounds Whose bubling gore sprang in frighted eyes The other ghost assum'd my fathers shape Both cride Reuenge At which my trembling ioynts Iced quite ouer with a froz'd cold sweate Leap't forth the sheets Three times I gasp't at shades And thrice deluded by erroneous sense I forc't my thoughts make stand when loe I op't A large bay window through which the night Struck terror to my soule The verge of heauen Was ringd with flames and all the vpper vault Thick lac't with flakes of fire in midst whereof A blazing Comet shot his threatning traine Iust on my face Viewing these prodigies I bow'd my naked knee and pierc't the starre With an outfacing eye pronouncing thus Deus imperat astris At which my nose straight bled Then doubl'd I my word so slunke to bed Ba. Verely sir Gefferey had a monstrous strange dream the last night For mee thought I dreamt I was asleepe and me thought the ground yaun'd and belkt vp the abhominable ghost of a misshapen Simile with two vgly Pages the one called master euen as going before and the other Mounser euen so following after whil'st Signior Simile stalked most prodigiously in the midst At which I bewrayed the fearefulnesse of my nature and being readie to forsake the fortresse of my wit start vp called for a cleane shirt eate a messe of broth and with that I awakt Ant. I pree thee peace I tell you gentlemen The frightfull shades of night yet shake my braine My gellied blood 's not thaw'd the sulphur damps That flowe in winged lightning 'bout my couch Yet stick within my sense my soule is great In expectation of dire prodigies Pan. Tut my young Prince let not thy fortunes see Their Lord a coward He that 's nobly borne Abhorres to feare Base feare 's the brand of slaues Hee that
obserues pursues slinks back for fright Was neuer cast in mould of noble spright Ga. Tush there 's a fun will straight exhale these damps Of chilling feare Come shal 's salute the bride Ant, Castilio I pree the mixe thy breath with his Sing one of Signior Renaldo's ayres To rouse the slumbring bride from gluttoning In surfet of superfluous sleepe Good Signior sing CANTANT What meanes this silence and vnmooued calme Boy winde thy Cornet force the leaden gates Of lasie sleepe fly open with thy breath My Mellida not vp not stirring yet vmh Ma. That voice should be my sonnes Antonio 's Antonio Ant. Here who cals here stands Antonio Mari. Sweete sonne Ant. Deare mother Ma. Faire honour of a chast and loyall bed Thy fathers beautie thy sad mothers loue Were I as powrefull as the voice of fate Felicitie compleat should sweete thy state But all the blessings that a poore banisht wretch Can powre vpon thy heade take gentle sonne Liue gratious youth to close thy mothers eyes Lou'd of thy parents till their latest hower How cheares my Lord thy father O sweet boy Part of him thus I clip my deare deare ioy Ant. Madam last night I kist his princely hand And tooke a treasur'd blessing from his lips O mother you arriue in Iubile And firme attonement of all boystrous rage Pleasure vnited loue protested faith Guard my lou'd father as sworne Pensioners The Dukes are leagu'd in firmest bond of loue And you arriue euen in the Solsticie And highest point of sun-shine happinesse ¶ One windes a Cornet within Harke Madam how you Cornet ierketh vp His straind shrill accents in the capering ayre As proud to summon vp my bright cheek't loue Now mother ope wide expectation Let loose your amplest sense to entertaine Th' impression of an obiect of such worth That life 's too poore to Gal. Nay leaue Hyperboles Ant. I tel thee prince that presence straight appears Of which thou canst not forme Hyperboles The trophy of tryumphing excellence The heart of beautie Mellida appeares See looke the curtaine stirs shine natures pride Loues vitall spirit deare Antonio's bride ¶ The Curtain 's drawne and the bodie of Feliche stabd thick with wounds appeares hung vp What villaine bloods the window of my loue What slaue hath hung you gorie ensigne vp In flat defiance of humanitie Awake thou faire vnspotted puritie Death 's at thy windowe awake bright Mellida Antonio cals SCENA QVARTA ¶ Enter Piero as at first with Forobosco Pie VVHO giues these il-befitting attributes Of chast vnspotted bright to Mellida He lies as lowde as thunder shee 's vnchast Tainted impure blacke as the soule of hell ¶ He drawes his rapier offers to runne at Piero but Maria holds his arme staies him Ant. Dog I will make the eate thy vomit vp Which thou hast belk't gainst taintlesse Mellida Ramm 't quicklie downe that it may not rise vp To imbraid my thoughts Behold my stomack 's Strike me quite through with the relentlesse edge Of raging furie Boy I le kill thy loue Pandulfe Feliche I haue stabd thy sonne Looke yet his lifeblood reekes vpon this steele Albert you hangs thy friend Haue none of you Courage of vengeance Forget I am your Duke Thinke Mellida is not Pieros bloode Imagine on slight ground I le blast his honour Suppose I sawe not that incestuous slaue Clipping the strumpet with luxurious twines O numme my sense of anguish cast my life In a dead sleepe whilst lawe cuts off yon maine Yon putred vlcer of my roiall bloode Foro. Keepe league with reason gratious Soueraigne Pie There glowe no sparkes of reason in the world All are rak't vp in ashie beastlinesse The bulke of man 's as darke as Erebus No branch of Reasons light hangs in his trunke There liues no reason to keepe league withall I ha no reason to be reasonable Her wedding eue linkt to the noble blood Of my most firmely reconciled friend And found euen clingd in sensualitie O heauen O heauen Were she as neare my heart As is my liuer I would rend her off SCENA QVINTA ¶ Enter Strozzo Str. VVHITHER O whither shal I hurle vast griefe Pier. Here into my breast t is a place built wide By fate to giue receipt to boundlesse woes Str. O no here throb those hearts which I must cleaue With my keene pearcing newes Andrugio's dead Pier. Dead Ma. O me most miserable Pie Dead alas how dead Giue seeming passion Fut weepe act faine Dead alas how dead Str. The vast delights of his large sodaine ioyes Opned his powers so wide that 's natiue heate So prodigally flow'd t'exterior parts That thinner Citadell was left vnmand And so surpriz'd on sodaine by colde death Mari. O fatal disastrous cursed dismall Choake breath and life I breath I liue too long Andrugio my Lord I come I come Pie Be cheerefull Princesse help Castilio The Ladie 's swouned helpe to beare her in Slow comfort to huge cares is swiftest sin Bal. Courage courage sweet Ladie t is sir Gefferey Balurdo bids you courage Truly I am as nimble as an Elephant about a Ladie Pan. Dead Ant. Dead Alb. Dead An. Why now the womb of mischiefe is deliuer'd Of the prodigious issue of the night Pan. Ha ha ha Ant. My father dead my loue attaint of lust That 's a large lye as vast as spatious hell Poore guiltlesse Ladie O accursed lye What whome whether which shall I first lament A deade father a dishonour'd wife Stand Me thinkes I feele the frame of nature shake Cracks not the ioynts of earth to beare my woes Alb. Sweet Prince be patient Ant. S'lid sir I will not in despight of thee Patience is slaue to fooles a chaine that 's fixt Onely to postes and senslesse log-like dolts Alb. T is reasons glorie to commaund affects An. Lies thy cold father dead his glossed eyes New closed vp by thy sad mothers hands Hast thou a loue as spotlesse as the browe Of clearest heauen blurd with false defames Are thy moyst entrals crumpled vp with griefe Of parching mischiefs Tel me does thy hart With punching anguish spur thy galled ribs Then come and let 's sit and weep wreath our arms I le heare thy counsell Alb. Take comfort Ant. Confusion to all comfort I defie it Comfort 's a Parasite a flattring Iack And melts resolu'd despaire O boundlesse woe If there be any black yet vnknowen griefe If there be any horror yet vnfelt Vnthought of mischiefe in thy fiendlike power Dash it vpon my miserable heade Make me more wretch more cursed if thou canst O now my fate is more than I could feare My woes more waightie than my soule can beare Exit Pan. Ha ha ha Al. Why laugh you vncle That 's my cuz your son Whose brest hangs cased in his cluttered gore Pa. True man true why wherfore should I weepe Come sit kinde Nephew come on thou and I Will talke as Chorus to this tragedie Intreat the musick straine their instruments With a slight
true As to part loath Time bids vs parte Mine owne sweete heart God blesse vs both Exit Balurdo Ma. God night Nutriche Pages leaue the roome The life of night growes short t is almost dead Exeunt Pages and Nutriche O thou cold widdowe bed sometime thrice blest By the warme pressure of my sleeping Lord Open thy leaues and whilst on thee I treade Groane out Alas my deare Andrugio 's deade Maria draweth the courtaine and the ghost of Andrugio is displayed sitting on the bed Amazing terror what portent is this SCENA QVINTA And. DISLOYAL to our Hymniall rites What raging heat rains in thy strūpet blood Hast thou so soone forgot Andrugio Are our loue-bands so quickly cancelled Where liues thy plighted faith vnto this breast O weake Marya Go to calme thy feares I pardon thee poore soule O shed no teares Thy sexe is weake That black incarnate fiende May trippe thy faith that hath orethrowne my life I was impoyson'd by Piero's hand Ioyne with my sonne to bend vp straind reuenge Maintaine a seeming fauour to his suite Till time may forme our vengeance absolute ¶ Enter Antonio his armes bloody a torch and a poniard An. See vnamaz'd I will beholde thy face Outstare the terror of thy grimme aspect Daring the horred'st obiect of the night Looke how I smoake in blood reeking the steame Of foming vengeance O my soule 's inthroan'd In the tryumphant chariot of reuenge Me thinks I am all ayre and feele no waight Of humane dirt clogge This is Iulios bloode Rich musique father this is Iulio's blood Why liues that mother And. Pardon ignorance Fly deare Antonio Once more assume disguise and dog the Court In fained habit till Piero's blood May euen ore-flowe the brimme of full reuenge Exit Antonio Peace and all blessed fortunes to you both Fly thou from Court be pearelesse in reuenge Sleepe thou in rest loe here I close thy couch Exit Maria to her bed Andrugio drawing the Curtaines And now yee sootie coursers of the night Hurrie your chariot into hels black wombe Darkenesse make flight Graues eat your dead again Let 's repossesse our shrowdes Why lags delay Mount sparkling brightnesse giue the world his day Exit Andrugio Explicit Actus tertius ACT. IIII SCEN. I. ¶ Enter Antonio in a fooles habit with a little toy of a walnut shell and sope to make bubbles Maria and Alberto Ma. AWAY with this disguise in any hand Alb. Fie t is vnsuting to your elate spirite Rather put on some transshap't caualier Some habit of a spitting Critick whose mouth Voids nothing but gentile and vnuulgar Rheume of censure rather assume Ant. Why then should I put on the verie flesh Of solid folly No this cockscombe is a crowne Which I affect euen with vnbounded zeale Al. T wil thwart your plot disgrace your high resolue An. By wisdomes heart there is no essence mortal That I can enuie but a plumpe cheekt foole O he hath a patent of immunities Confirm'd by custome seald by pollicie As large as spatious thought Alb. You can not presse among the courtiers And haue accesse to An. What not a foole Why friend a golden asse A babl'd foole are sole canonicall Whil'st pale cheekt wisdome and leane ribd arte Are kept in distance at the halberts point All held Apocrypha not worth suruey Why by the Genius of that Florentine Deepe deepe obseruing sound brain'd Macheueil He is is not wise that striues not to seeme foole When will the Duke holde feed Intelligence Keepe warie obseruation in large pay To dogge a fooles act Mar. I but such faining known disgraceth much An. Pish most things that morally adhere to soules VVholly exist in drunke opinion VVhose reeling censure if I valew not It valewes naught Ma. You are transported with too slight a thought If you but meditate of what is past And what you plot to passe Ant. Euen in that note a fooles beatitude He is not capeable of passion VVanting the power of distinction He beares an vnturnd sayle with euery winde Blowe East blowe West he stirs his course alike I neuer sawe a foole leane the chub-fac't fop Shines sleeke with full cramm'd fat of happinesse Whil'st studious contemplation sucks the iuyce From wisards cheekes who making curious search For Natures secrets the first innating cause Laughes them to scorne as man doth busie Apes When they will zanie men Had heauen bin kinde Creating me an honest senselesse dolt A good poore foole I should want sense to feele The stings of anguish shoot through euery vaine I should not know what t were to loose a father I should be deade of sense to viewe defame Blur my bright loue I could not thus run mad As one confounded in a maze of mischiefe Staggerd starke feld with brusing stroke of chance I should not shoote mine eyes into the earth Poring for mischiefe that might counterpoise ¶ Enter Luceo mischiefe murder and How now Lucio Lu. My Lord the Duke with the Venetian States Approach the great hall to iudge Mellida Ant. Askt he for Iulio yet Lu. No motion of him dare you trust this habit An. Alberto see you streight rumour me dead Leaue me good mother leaue me Luceo Forsake me all Now patience hoope my sides Exeunt omnes sauing Antonio With steeled ribs least I doe burst my breast With struggling passions Now disguise stand bolde Poore scorned habits oft choyce soules infould ¶ The Cornets sound a Cynet SCENA SECVNDA ¶ Enter Castilio Forobosco Balurdo Alberto with polaxes Luceo bare Piero Maria talking together two Senators Galeatzo and Matzagente Nutriche Pie INTREAT me not ther 's not a beauty liues Hath that imperiall predominance Ore my affectes as your inchanting graces Yet giue me leaue to be my selfe Ant. A villaine Pier. Iust Ant. Most iust Pie Most iust and vpright in our iudgement seat Were Mellida mine eye with such a blemish Of most loath'd loosenesse I would scratch it out Produce the strumpet in her bridall robes That she may blush t' appeare so white in showe And blacke in inward substance Bring her in Exeunt Forobosco and Castilio I holde Antonio for his fathers sake So verie dearely so entirely choyce That knewe I but a thought of preiudice Imagin'd 'gainst his high innobled blood I would maintaine a mortall feude vndying hate Gainst the conceiuers life And shall Iustice sleepe In fleshly Lethargie for myne owne bloods fauour When the sweete prince hath so apparant scorne By my I wil not call her daughter Goe Conduct in the loued youth Antonio Exit Alberto to fetch Antonio He shall beholde me spurne my priuate good Piero loues his honour more then 's blood Ant. The diuell he does more then both Ba. Stand backe there foole I do hate a foole most most pathetically O these that haue no sappe of of retort and obtuse wit in them faugh Ant. Puffe holde world puffe hold bubble Puffe holde world puffe breake not behinde puffe thou art full of winde puffe