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life_n blood_n death_n die_v 5,200 5 5.7048 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04351 A sermon preached before the Queenes Maiestie at Hampton Courte, the 19. of February laste paste. By VVilliam Iames Doctour of Diuinitie James, William, 1542-1617. 1578 (1578) STC 14465; ESTC S107697 20,743 68

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and how readye tongues to mislike the state of oure Churche what secreate conuenticles they haue howe they daylye buzze of strange newes howe big they looke on the professors of the Gospell howe they still retayne one Masse tricke or other to put the people in minde how willingly they will maintaine grosse Popery but for disputation sake only If you looke narrowly into them you shall perceiue them to be plaine Samaritans playne Herodians the one ready to hinder the building of the house of God the other lyke craftye Foxes to eate vppe the lambe Iesus God that is not deceyued will vomit out all those luke warme Souldiors he cannot abide suche as can couer Neroes crueltie with Catoes grauitie nor suche as to hide Herodes butcherie pretende Iohn Baptistes simplicitie These leaues wythout fruite these eares without corne these clouds without water these lampes without oyle as they haue liued without feare so shall they dye without hope and as they haue bodies without life so haue they soules without God As Copper resembleth Gold is nothing lesse as stage players do ofte put on another person than their own as in the Rainebow there appeare many colours when in déede there are none at all as in broken glasses where there is neuer a face yet there appeare two faces so in these double faced Ianusses in these chāgeable Chamaeleons ther is nothing lesse than that which séemeth most to be What though they say they seeke they sacrifice let them bragge of their forwardnesse we know that empty Tubbes do euer make the greateste sound A fresh Iuy doth not always signify the best wine The Cypers trée is the tallest trée but it beareth leaste fruite Bladders puffed vppe with winde are good for nothing but to make footballes I can compare these hypocrites to nothing so fitly as to the Distridge who when there was a contention betwene the byrdes and foure footed beasts to deceiue the byrds shewed his bil wings and to deceiue the beasts put forthe hys hoofe so seeking to please both deceiued both And as Austin saide of some while they will be Iewes and Christians they are neither Iews nor Christiās so these whyle they wil be Papistes and Protestāts they are neither Papists nor Protestants Yet they say we seeke we sacrifice we loue the Lord with al our hart with all our soule with al our strength But if they once maye warme themselues at the highe Priestes fyre they will foresweare wyth Peter if a little storme of affliction ryse they wyll goe backe in the tyme of trouble if you bid them sell all they haue they will eyther with the yongmā departe heauy or wyth Ananias his wife kepe back half they wyll embrace the worlde wyth Demas they wyll forsake the Apostle with Himeneus and Philetus they wil persecute with Alexander I pray God they do not sell which Iudas And yet notwithstanding al this such is their shamlesnesse that as in hearte they séeke nothing but the ouerthrowe of Christes Kingdome so in worde they pretend nothing so much as to serue God and to sacrifice vnto hym And thus much as touching the consente and hipocrisy The second parte of this texte is the answere wherin there are foure things in order worth the consideration Fyrste the vnitie of the aunswerers Zorobabel Iosue and the reste of the chiefe fathers of Israell and a flatte deniall It is not for you but for vs. Secondly the agréement of them in building wee oure selues and wee togyther Thirdely what they will builde a house to the Lorde God of Israell Fourthly the warrant whereby they builde as Kyng Cyrus the King of Persia hath commaunded vs. And for the firste the aunswere was not of one but of Zorobabel Iosue and the reste of the chéefe fathers of Israel wherein wee learne that in matters of weight there oughte not to take place Zorobabels own opinion but it muste be aided with the consente of others sic volo sic rubeo must haue no place in Gods matters They aunswere not as the Datorse in tyme of Poperye did to a reasonable demaund The Popes holinesse will not admitte it and if his holynesse woulde yet my Lorde woulde not suffer it Zorobabel as his name importethe by interpretation to one straunge and farre from confusion and althoughe in thys refusall he be a very Precisian yet he is not singular He aunswereth not it is for you and mee but ioyning hymselfe wyth the reste It is not for you and vs. Here are many thinges that if tyme and place would suffer would require long tractation As firste that Zorobabels refusall and the reste doth teache vs that aide of the Idolatrouse of the wicked although it be offred is to be refused especially in matters touching the building of Gods house Abraham refused to take of the King of Sodom so much as a thréed or a shoe lachet leaste he should say I haue enriched Abraham The yong Prophet for eating breade with the wicked old Prophet was deuoured of a Lion Theodorus li. 2. ca. 6. Eccles Hist. reporteth that Liberius going into banishement refused al gifts of the Emperour and hys wife let them giue these sayth he to Auxentius Epictetus their Arrian heretikes Secondly here we learne by this example that the company and leagues of the wicked are vtterly to be shaken off For blessed is the man that doeth not walke in the counsell of the wicked nor stande in the way of sinners nor sitte in the seate of the scornefull He that toucheth pitche shall be defiled wyth it one shéepe infecteth a whole flocke one sparckle kindleth a greate flame and one infected house is able to poyson a whole Citie There is no participation of righteousnesse and vnrighteousnesse Iohn the Euangeliste woulde not washe in the bathe wherin Cherinthus the enimy of the truthe bathed himself Caius and Alexander being condemned to die being led to execution with certaine Marcionistes made an especiall requeste to their tormentors that they might be slayne asyde from those Marcionists and that their bloud might not in death be mingled with theirs wyth whome in life they agréed not in religion Thirdly here may be obserued to our singular comforte that the Lord discloseth to his seruants the counsells of the wicked and ouerturneth the practises of hys enimies against hym and his churche as of Achitophel Hamman Herod the rest The thing that here is especially to be weighed is the resō the moued Zorobabel and the rest and that is the they would not haue the true seruice of God mingled with Idolatrous or straunge worshippe They enuyed not that these Samaritans shoulde serue the Lorde they desired nothing more than that the Lorde myght faithfully and religiously be serued but therefore did they deny them any parte or felowshippe in this worke bicause they worshipped strange Gods erected Idolles and put their truste and confidence in creatures The God of Israell can not abide to be worshipped with