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A16945 A sermon very notable, fruictefull, and godlie made at Paules crosse the. xii. daie of Noue[m]bre, in the first yere of the gracious reigne of our Souereigne ladie Quene Marie her moste excellente highnesse, by Iames Brokis Doctor of Diuinitie, [and] master of Bailye College in Oxforth, with certein additions, whiche he at the tyme of vttering, for auoidyng of tediousnes, was faine to omitte. Brooks, James, 1512-1560. 1553 (1553) STC 3838; ESTC S117364 39,014 158

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of Iesus whiche was called ouer you by that holye aulter whereunto you haue come by the holy sacramentes whiche you haue receaued by the terrible iudgment to come of the quicke and the dead at the dredfull day of dome breifly by the health of your owne soules euen as you truste to be saued and auoyde euerlasting dampnation I beseke you I praie you I exhort you I require you I charge you yea I adiure you What vehemencie of wordes haue we here what an obtestation is this what an adiuration But go toe let vs see what is thy request O woman saye on at ones in few wordes Verely euen this Consider with your selues my dere chyldren consider fyrste the consent of all the foure Euangelistes with the holy Apostie saint Paule of whome all the blessed sacramente is termed vniformelye and that no lasse than a leuen tymes the very body blude of christ Consider agayne the hole concent of all the aūciant doctors and catholyke writers of all aiges whiche beinge well constred and well vnderstande do fully and holly affirme it the very bodie and bloude of christ Considre also the cōcent of dyuers general coūcelles whose authoritie as S. Austen saith is most solempne and honorable whiche hath in the sprite of god determined and decreed it the very bodie and bloude of christ Considre more ouer the meruealous reuelations and wounderful miracles wrought of god and wroten of auncient authours which hath frō tyme to tyme declared it the very bodie and bloude of christe Consider ouer and besides this the great bitter scourges plages that hath all wayes lighted on al christen realmes dispisinge disworshippinge it and contrarily the prosperous successe and trāquilitie of al christē realmes accepting and worshippinge it as the very bodye and bloude of christ Considre finally the dredful dedly dampnable state condition you stande in now at this present as many as do not sted fastly beleue it y e verye bodie and bloude of christ For in thꝭ behalfe as Epiphanius saith ▪ you are fallen frō grace and from life euerlasting A gratia salute You are dead you are dead you are dead Hither to your mother good brethren Now than if you continue in the misbeleife of this most holy and blessed sacram●t and in all other most pernicious peuilent most detestable and dampnable heresies which are ●ow abroode our mother the holye catholyke churche maye haue iust occasion to repayre to the heauenly phicision her spouse say the wordes of my theme Domine ▪ filia mea modo ▪ defūcta est c. Lord my doughter the churche of Englande ▪ as touchyng the life of fayth good beleif she is euē now in apart disceaced and dead but come laye thy moost gracious hande on her and she shall reuiue HERE haue you harde the death of this doughter the churche of Englande as touchinge the life of faith and good beleife Nowe shall you heare in lyke maner the death of the same doughter as touchinge the life of charitie and good lyuinge If misliuyng also and lacke of charitie derely beloued do bring death to thꝭ doughter as in dede it doth ▪ how can she be thought than other thā disceased other than dead in manye ▪ membres of hers at least for whan was misliuinge I pray you euer in any aige more a lofte and more riffe than euen now of late by our tyme in this oure realme Whan hadde euer more place than of late yeares the sayenge of the holye Apostle In nouissimis diebus instabūt tēpora periculosa erunt homines seipsos amantes ce In the later daies their shall come perillous tymes y ● people shal be louers of thē selfes couetous bostars proude cursed speakers disobedient to father mother vnthankefull vnholy vnkinde cōnaunt brekers stubberne falfe accusars ryotous fearce dispisers of them which are good headdie highminded gredie vpon voluptuousnes more thā the louers of god hauinge a similitude of godly lyuinge but denieng the vertue therof Whan the saieng of the prophet Osee Nōest ueritas nō est misericordia nō est scientia dei in terra Maledictū mēdaciū hom● cidiū furtū adulteriū inundauerunt et sanguis sanguinem terigit There is no trueth there is no mercie there is no knowlege of god in the land but swearyng liyng manslaughter theft and adultry hath gottē thouer hād and one gyltinesse followeth an other When the saiyng of the prophete Esaie Terra infecta ē ab habitatoribꝰ suis quia trāsgressisuut leges mutauerunt ius dissipruerunt foedus sēpit̄num dereliquerunt Dominum blasphe mauerunt sanctum Israel abalienati sunt retrorsum The yerthe is euēinfected with her inhabitātes for thei haue transgressed the Lawes chaunged the ordinances broken the euerlasting couenaunt forsaken our Lorde blasphemed the holie one of Israel and are gone bacwarde When the saiyng of S. Iohn the holie Euangelist Totus mundus in maligno posi●ꝰ est All the whole worlde is set on mischiefe All whose saiynges the holie Doctour S. Basile thinkynge fulfilled in his age discribeth a disorder not much disagreaunt from the disordre of this our age Subuersasūt pietatis dogmata ▪ ●bati pietatis ritus ābitio eorū qui d●m nō metuūt ecclesiarū gubernacula inuadit iam manifeste uelut impietatis proemium primae sedis dignitas ꝓstituitur ita ut qui maledicēdo est seuerior ad Episcopatū populi acquirendū sit prior ac potior Euanuit hōestas sacerdotalis desierūt qui gregē domini pas●ūt cū sciētia dispensatio●s pauperū ad ꝓpria oblectamēta mūerūque largitioes absumētibus ijs qui ābitionis dn̄andi studio tenē● Elāguit Cāonū exacta diligētia multa ē pctilicētia Qui. N. humanis adiuti oiffuijs ad prīcipatū perueniūt hac ipsa delīquēdi ꝑinissa licētia gratificātur ● Inter ca ridēt nosinfideles nutāt ●modicae sūt fidei fides ipsa in ābiguū uocatur ignorātia of● ūditur inētibus ꝓpterea quam formā ac speciē pietatis pratexunt qui sermonē u●●sute adulterāt Silēt N. pie docētium ora reresoluta uero est quaeuis blasphema lingua ꝓpha nata sunt sacra qui sam sunt in plebe domus oratiōis fugiūt ut pote ī quibus īpia docētur Ab ignatur pastores ut dispergātur greges Vnum iam crimen est quod uehemēter pumtur si quis pat̄nas traditiones diligent̄ obseruet Godly decrees saith he are ouerthrowen Godly vsages are put out of place thambition of them that feareth not God inuadeth the gouernemente of Churches the dignitie of the high Sea as a rewarde of impietie is now openly so set out to sale that whoe is more earneste then other in railynge he is more forwarde then other in attainyng a bishoprike Priestly grauitie is vanyshed awaye Gone are they whiche feedeth Christes flock with knowlege Thei whiche are ambitious
is not only not to bee contempned but is also of euerie good Chrystian earnestlye to bee allowed earnestlye to bee embraced and folowed For what other thing I pray you ment Saint Ciril when he saied Probares est humilitas animi nobilis signum doctoribus credere ●● illis ueluti Doctioribus cedere A goodlye thynge is Humilitie and a signe of a gentle stomach to geue credence to the doctors and to geue place to they●● as to the better learned What other thing ment S. Ierome if at least that worke be S. Ieromes and not rather Bedes as Amorbachiꝰ iudgeth whē he sated expoundyng thys text of the wiseman Be not wise in thine owne conceipt That mā is to be coūted wise in his own conceipt whoo in those thinges whiche he might wel haue learned by thinstruction of the doctors presumpteously extolleth himselfe aboue other as a doctor and better learned Est autē sapiēs in semetipso qui in illis quae ex patrum magisterio recte potuit cognoscere sese prae caeteris quasi doctior extollit What other thing ment S. Clement scholer to S. Peter whan he saied diligēter obseruandum est ut lex dei cum legitur non secundū propriā ingenij intelligentiā legatur uel doceatur Sunt N. multa in scripturis diuinis quae possunt trahi ad eum sensum quem sibi unus quisque praesumit ideo oportet ab eo intelligentiā discere scripturarum qui eam a maioribus secūdum ueritatem sibi traditā seruat Diligent obseruacion ought to be had that whan the lawe of god is reed it be not reed nor taught after euery mans owne intelligence deuise For many thinges there are in the holy wryt which may be drawne euen to that very sence whiche euery man phantaseth imagineth in his owne brayne And therfore of him ought we to lerne the true sence of scripture who obserueth the same accordinge to the trueth by tradition geuen from thelders to there successours euermore frōtyme to tyme With this ingin and wepon as an ingyne and wepon most sure fought I reneus against theretike valentinus fought Tertulliā against theretike Marcion fought Origen against theretike Celsus fought Cyprian against theretike Nouatus fought Iherom agaynste theretike Iouinian fought Austē against theretike Donatus breifely fought all the holy doctours alwayes against all theretikes of there tyme euen from the beginning successiuely hitherto And with this ingyne and wepon were al theretikes euermore discumfeted vanqueshed beten downe flat to the groūde whiles they were inforced magre ther ●eth and spite of there berdes tunderstande scripture alwaies accordinge to thexposition of our mother the holye churche the holy doctors catholike writers frō time to time frō age to age this much for this point Albeit the processe of my mater maye seme to require here som what to intreat of these ●● notes antiquitie vniuersitie cocent wherby as wel y e catholike church as y ● catholike veritie is discerned knowne yet for as muche as these iii. notes hath bin here in this place very coūn●gly wel tuned vnto you and that tuned but of late so that the sounde of theim maye be thought yet so brime in your eares that they nede not to be tuned agayne at this presente therfore wyll I nowe passe thē ouer with silence What other notes most specially S. Austē vsed to tune for hys parte to solace and kepe him selfe with in the lappe of his mother the catholike church he notifieth it to vs in this wise Multa sūt quae me in ecclesiae gremio iustissime teneāt tenet consencio populorū atque gentium tenet authoritas miraculis inchoata spenutrita charitate aucta uetustate firmata tenet ab ipsa sede petri usque ad praesē●ē episcopatum successio sacerdotū tenet postremoipsū catholicae nomen cae Many thinges there are wherwithall I am holden by force of good reason within the lappe of oure mother the churche I am holden in by the consent of all christen people all christen nations I am holden in by authoritie begone with miracles norisshed with hope increased with charitie cōfirmed with auncientnes I am holden in by the succession of preistes from Peters owne sea continuallye stille euen to this present bishoprike finally I am holden in by the name catholike whiche is of that propertie force vertue that neuer hitherto any secte of heretikes were they neuer so unpudent hath dared to calle any of there congregacions or conuenticles the catholike church If than the very name catholike amonge al other notes did somewhat holde in S. Austen within the lappe of his mother the churche who wyll not be holden in consideringe bothe that name many other goodly names and appellaciōs moo ▪ wherewithall she is termed signified almoost euery where through the scriptures She is tho●ly spouse of christ so dereli beloued of hun that he calleth her amica mea fonnosa mea colum●a mea my derelyng my beutifull my doue accounting alwayes all iniuries done to her euen as done to him selfe qui tangit illā tangit pupillā oc●li mei who that toucheth her sayth he toucheth the balle of myne yeie She is the chaste tirtildowe and will receaue no nother make She is the mother of all faithful abhorreth al bastardes borne of heresie infidelitie She is the garden so enclosed that there may no wylde bore lighly entre therein destroy her swete flowars She is y e vineyard eiect which brīgeth forth swete wyne quod confortet corhominis not such as the babilonical strūpet beareth in her phial able to poyson the hole worlde She is the well springe of clere water rūning to euerlastinge life will suffre no mixture of mudde foūtens dissipate She is thon lye keper of the carcas that is to witte of all trueth wherunto the Egles that is y e high lerned of y e churche hath alwaies haunted and fedde vpon She is the stronge piller of trueth bylt on a suer rocke agaynste whom nother errour nother heresie nother tyrānie no nother the gates of hell shal euer preuayle Nec portae inferi preualebunt aduersus eam She is the bodye of Christ mistical so ioyned vnto Chryst her head that they haue one spirite and can not be diuided She is the cote of Christ without seame desuper conte●ta per totū wherin is no particion at all She is the clocking hēne vnder whose winges as her chikēs the faith full are alwayes safe so if they straye farre abrode they are in daunger to be snatched vp of the kyght the deuell Breifely she is tharke of Noe within whom is life and safetie without whom is present death drowning Thā from the vnitie of this our mother the holy catholyke churche wherein is one god one faith one hope one Baptisme one
communiō one sacrifice one preisthode and al one From this vnitie I saye who so euer diuideth him selfe he is as S. Cyprian sayth an alian a prophane an enimie alienus est prophanus est hostis est habere iam non potest deum patrem qui ecclesiā non habet matrem he can not nowe haue god to hys father who will not whytesafe to acknowledge the churche for his mother he can not be partaker of goddes charity who is an enimie vnto his vnitie Non potest particep● esse diuinae charitatis qui hostis est ●nitatis wherunto accordeth also this sayeng of S. Austen Who so doth seperate him selfe from the catholike church how commendably and howe godly so euer he thinketh him selfe to liue and it were no more but for this one haynous offence only that he is seperate frō the vnitie of christ he shal not haue life non habebit uitam he shall not haue life saith he he shal be counted as dead for the verye ire and indignaciō of god hath euen now alredie lighted vpon him yea tarieth on him toe ira dei mane● super eum Wherfore in what state and condition this doughter this particuler churche of Englande standeth at this presente it is nowe to be considered Wheras euery good doughter ought to captiuate her intelligence geue that to her spirituall mother whiche no good chylde lyghtly denieth to his naturall mother that is to witte dreid reuerēce credit loue and obezaūce to her lawes and ordinaunces accordinge to the holsome councel of the wyseman sayeng Audi filimi disciplinam patr●s●ui et ne dimittas legem matristuae Heare o my sōne the discipline of thy father and leue not vndone the lawe of thy mother what shall a man say than of this doughter Englande whiche for many mēbres of hers yea mo thā a good maynie nother d●ed●th her mother nor reuerēceth her mother nor crediteth her mother nor loueth her mother nor obeieth her mother but rather dispiseth her spiteth her taunteth her checketh her reuileth her with all termes of ignomime reproche that possibly cā be imagined ceaseth not cōtinually to deface her as much as in her lieth to bring her mother to vtter confusion and desolacion O lord god who seith not y ● miserable the wretched and the dedly dampnable state this doughter Englande in a parte standeth in Who seinge it do not inwardly and hertely lament the same Yet this not withstandinge this good woman our mother the holy catholyke church for her motherly af fection and tender loue moued euen with the very boweles of pitie and compassion she soroweth lamenteth and bewayleth the dedly defection of thys her doughter pitifully cōplayninge crienge out and sayeng Audite obsecro cōfines Angliae audite uniuersi populi uidete dolorem meū Adduxit mihideus luctum magnum Vidi enim defectionem filiae meae quam super duxitilliaeternus Filiam enutriui exaltaui ipsa autem spreuit me Educaui illam cum gaudio iucunditate dimisi autem eam cū sletu luctu Iccirco ecce ego plorans oculus meus deducens aquas Factasum in derisum omni populo angliae canticum eorū tota die Ambulato filia mea ambulato Ego enim squalida gemēs et maerore confecta desolata darelicta sum sola Heare I beseke you o you borderers of Englande heare all you people about heare you and see you my grefe God hath sent me great heuines For I haue sene the deadly defection of my doughter England whiche her gostlye enemie hathe put in to her mynde I haue brought vp and promoted adoughter and she hath at lēgth set me at nought I brought her vp with ioye gladnes but I lost her agayne with sorow and morning Beholde therfore I morne the very teares runneth downe by my chekes I am made a laffinge stocke to al people of England and their songe all day longe walke doughter walke go doughter go thou hast forsaken me thou hast leafte me as a lone woman and as a sorowfull rufull and wofull mother And knowinge that al poore of life and death is in the only hande of god whiche killeth reuiueth sendeth downe to the graue and fetcheth vp a gayne to him as to the moost cunninge phisicion do she repayre to him for the reuiuing of her deade doughter do she besily make her mooste ernest peticion and prayer euen with these or the lyke wordes whiche I haue nowe taken to my theme Domine filia mea modo defuncta est sed ueni impone manum tuā super eam et uiuet Lord my doughter the churche of Englande as touching the life of liuely vnitie she is euen now in aparte disceased and dead but come laye thy mooste gracious hande on her and she shall reuine This muche afore the prayers FOR as muche as derely beloued in our sauiour christ this doughter this church of Englād nowe in a parte disceased and dead hathe come to her death by thre maner of wayes firste for lacke of the life of liuely vnitie with her mother the holy catholyke churche secondarilye for lacke of the life of faieth good beleife And thridlye for lacke of the life of charitie and good liuing sithē the firste part hath been alreadie declared I entende God helping and your patience suffring of the two other partes now briefely to entreate and finally to declare how God laieth his most gracious hand on this dead doughter for her resuscitation and reuiuyng againe and this dooen after a plaine homelye perceiuable sort I shal committe you to God First as touchyng the death of this doughter Englande for lacke of the life of faith good belief No merueil it is verely if she for a good I muste saie for a great numbre of her membres be sore infected sore poysoned sore soule sicke or rather dead in soule through misbeleuyng no merueile I saie it is at all For why what soeuer diuelish diuises meanes and waies hath been vsed heretofore of the chiefest miscreauntes misbeleuers and heretikes that euer wer in christes church Tharrains I meane for thalluremēt of other to thinfectiō of their detestable doctrine if a mā marke it well he shal finde the verye selfsame deuises meanes and waies or y e like to haue bē practised put in vre of late here in this our realme almost in euery point Tharriās firste for that thei coulde not otherwise lightlye perswade but vnder the colour of the woorde of God they talked commonlye of the scripture alledged the scripture appeled to the scripture bosted of the scripture and a nūbre of textes thei had gathered together for their assertion whiche were in very deede as Bunderius writeth l. apparaunt textes mo in numbre then the euident plain textes the catholik ꝭ could finde out for the true part And therupon
other sortes vnto theim thei muegled the symple with scismaticall psalmes and Hymnes of their owne deuise the young petites with false fond Cathechismes as did also Iulianus thapostata in hys time thelder scholers w t ▪ large exhibitiōs as did also Berengarius in his time the prestes and prechers with the promotiōs dignities of the churche as many at least as would subscribe to their heresie the catholikes in the meane time whiche refused subscriptiōs being either depriued of suche liuings ther had other banished other imprisoned other at the lest cōmaunded to silence And hathe not the like practizes been put in vre of late yeres emong vs also Was there not vsed aswel in Sermones as in Lectures and other commune assemblies a certeine scismaticall and singular kinde of praier somewhat differente from the commō order sort of praier Was there not one perilous pernicious pestilente Cathechisme emong other thinges set fourth of late with a commaūdement to bee readde in al Grammare scholes through out the whole realme And that also setfurth as allowed by the clergy in Synod Lōdi wheras the conuocacation without all doubte for the lower house at leaste was neuer made priuie thereunto ▪ Hathe not our exhibitiones worthely termed ARRIANS or BERENGARIANS exhibitions been distributed of late to Scholers namely in Oxfoorth with great parcialitie and respecte of personnes more for the Corruptione of youthe then for any good zeale to the maintenaunce of vertue and learning none being made partakers therof at length but suche onely as would bee conformable to al Subscriptions ▪ Which if it were not a certein kynde of byinge poore neadie symple Soulles to the Deuill for moneie I report me to you Hathe there been anye spiritual promotion and dignitie ye or almoste anye meane liuyng of the Churche bestowed these fewe yeares paste but vppon suche onely as woulde ernestly setfurth either by preching either by subscribyng al the erronious doctrine falsli termed the Kynges procedinges Hath there been any catholike of late yeares refusyng subscription but that hath been other depriued other imprisoned other banished their company other at leaste silenced Tharrians ouer and besides this for y e better defēce of their indefensible heresie thei would admit nothing against thē but what was other by expresse wordes mēcioned in scripture ▪ other els by their own fōd iudgemēt to bee gathered of scripture And therupon this terme 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifiyng the cōsubstātialitie of the Soonne wyth the father whiche terme the Catholike fathers inspired by the spirit of truth inuēted in y e counsail of Nice thei reiected it as a new terme as a straūge tearme as a terme no where hable to befounde through out all the hole corps of the byble As in very dede the terme and selfe worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the same order of sillables can no wher befound natwithstanding the thinge ment therby is easie to be deduced gathered of scripture by the iudgement at least of the catholike churche And hath not the lyke practise bine vsed of late with vs also hath not oure new gospellers exacted of vs expresse scripture for euery thinge vsed of olde in the churche hath not they caused to be laid downe al thinges whiche are not other expressely mēcioned in scripture other by there owne fonde iudgemente to be gathered of scripture And hath not they thereupon reiected and taūted this terme transubstantiacion as a terme newe straunge papisticall and no where hable to be founde thorough out the hole bodie of the byble But albeit thys terme transubstantiacion may seme to them somewhat a new terme being not muche aboue thre hundreth yere olde yeat is the thinge of a farre more antiquitie and auncientnes As Athanasius ones answering arrius said by this terme 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Antiqua res nomen nouum accepit non uocabulo nouo nouae rei uirtus accessit An oulde thinge hath receaued a new name and yeat for all the newe name it hath not receaued y e vertue of a newe thinge And though this terme transubstantiacion lyke as this terme consubstantialitie can no where befounde in scripture as in verye dede the terme can not befoūde yet in as muche as the thing ment thereby is easily gathered of scripture by y e sīcere īcortupt iudgmēt of our mother the holy catholyke church it ought of euery good christen obedient child firmeli to be credited beleued For y t church which gathered the thinge of scripture inuēted the terme 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 against tharrians that churche whiche gathered the thing of scripture īuēted y e terme 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 agaist y e Nestoriās that church which gathered y e thīge of scripture inuented y e terme Ingenitus agaist y e priscilianistꝭ that church which gathered y e thīg of scripture inuēted y e terme persona agaist y e Sabellians y t very selfe same church hath also gathered y ● thing of scripture inuēted this terme transubstantiacion agaynst the sacramentaries If you set ought by her iudgement in thother pointes why shoulde you set noughte by her iudgemēt in this pointe Other receue her iudgemēt thoroughly other reiecte her iudgement thoroughly other make her asothsaier vtterly other make her a lier vtterly Tharrians to be shorte not tharrians only but all other kynde of miscreauntes misbeleuers and heretikes for the moost parte intendinge to in duce and bringe in the highest heresie of all they vsed cōmonly first to make induction ther unto by other meaner maters ▪ And hath not the lyke practise ●ine vsed of late yeres here with vs also hath not our new christians intendinge at length to shoote at the hyghest marke of al shote first at other lower markes yes certenly for firste butted they at holye water at holy bread at asshes at palme at tenebringe at knockynge at knelinge and at other like litle ceremonies Than roued they abrode at verities vnwryten at doctours expositions at mans traditions at prescript meates at fastings dayes at holy dayes at prayenge dayes at bodilye seruice and at suche other meane maters as vncerten markes Afterwarde pricked they fully holly most blasphemously at the crosse of Christe at the Image of christ at y ● sa●tꝭ of christ at y ● mother of christ at the spouse of christ at the sacrifice of Christ at the sacramentes of Christ there in at last at the moost precious bodi blud of christ as y ● highest marke of al the chefest misterie of our faith the greatest comforte man hath in all thys mortal life Is it than any meruel good brothrē if this doughter the churche of Englande be now ● a part disceaced dead sithen at the deuices meanes waies to slee and kylle christen souies vsed heretofore of tharrians hath byn thus practised here of ●ate by some of her own bloude and brood Agaynste whose recheles and leude