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A16684 A catechisme, that is to saie, a familiar introduccion and trainyng of the simple in the commaundementes of God, and the principles of oure religion muche necessarie to be taught and knowen to all good christian people, sette foorth in questions with direct answers to the same: [et] translated into Englishe for the behoufe and commoditee not onely of childre[n], but also of al suche deuout lerners as are not seen in the Latine toungue. Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559. 1548 (1548) STC 359; ESTC S104375 47,037 202

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rote and head spryng of this sinne whiche is wrath hastines desier of reuengyng and from all that whiche maye by any meanes ensue spryng out of this euyll roote M. Is it lawefull than for no man to reuenge and punyshe open syn S. Yes the high powers magistrates and theyr deputies officers and lawfull ministers vnder them haue authorite and cōmaundement of god whose minysters they are to reuenge with the sweorde all iniquitie Rom. xiii violence and contempte of god and to correcte and punyshe all suche transgressions offences to the glory of God and for the quietnesse of the cōmon welth so that it bee done with all equitie and iustice Sapi i. Deut. i. and .xxiiii Leui. xviiii and .xix Exo. xxiiii without any carnal respect or parcialitie so it bee after godly lawes ordynaunces and not by any cruelnesse or tyranny M. Can not the higher powers or iudges abuse their autoritie S. Yes if they punishe any man that is gyltlesse innocent vnlawefully of any malice enuye hatred beyng moued through couetousnesse or some pryuie grudge or yf they procure any mans death that is innocente or consent vnto it do not resist all violence and iniurye or doe not saue all persones from all mutual harmes or oppressions in euery behalf to the vttermost of theyr powers than they offende againste this commaundemente M. What is mente by the seuenth commaundemente whiche forbiddeth aduoutry S. Therby is commaūded vnto euery man to kepe himself pure and clene from alll maner of vnchastnes filthines and voluptuousnes and from all maner of prouocacions or examples through worde or gesture that myght intice any person eyther young or old to any vnlawfull or inordinate lustes Likewyse from all maner of excesse in eatyng drinkyng or apparell frō all maner of lasciuiouse wanton gestures filthy or baudye rimes or cōmunicacion wherby any man may take occasion of offence or euill for Gods wyll is that we should be pure and holy both in body soule spirit M. Why so S. Because we are the temples of God redemed Leui. xix i. Thes v. washed and sanctified with the moste pure deare and precious bloud of Iesus Christe M. But what thynkest thou of the lawfull vse of matrimony S. Forsouth the lyfe company of man and wife in matrimony after the ordinaunce of God is estemed of the holy ghoste honourable and he prayseth it as his ordinaunce and the veray ryght and onely meane and remedye to lyue a perfite chaste life And therfore it is cōmaunded vnto all men of what state and condicion soeuer they be except they haue a speciall gift or that they be vnapt of nature therunto M. Nowe to the .viii. commaundement The .viii commaundement Thou shalt not steale what is bidden or forbidden in this commaundemente S. Not onely to forbeare stealyng but also that I should not hindre or hurte any man in his ryches or worldely goodes through any subtiltie guile craft deceipt pillage oppression extorcion priuye or open or through any maner of vnrighteousnes or wrongfull meanes whatsoeuer it be M. Whan kepest thou this cōmaundemente S. Whan I submit and offer vppe my selfe vtterly to God our heauenly father through our sauior Iesus Christ that he may mortifie in me all maner of care and sorow after worldly goodes lykewyse all couetousnes sekyng of priuate lucre and idlenes and that he may teache me to put my trust in hym and to be helpfull beneficiall and pitifull towarde my neighbor labouryng truely and diligently in my vocacion that I maye haue also wherwith to help others The ninth cōmaundement M. What is ment by the nynth commaundement Thou shalt not beare any false witnes c. S. That euery manne should help to defende mainteine and further his neyghbours good name fame honestie as his owne And that no man shoulde lye dissemble flatter towarde his neighbor or to bear or take any maner of false recorde or witnesse against him or to geue sentence and iudgemente vpon any manne falsely and vniustly And here is also forbidden all maner of reuilyng slaunderyng or backe bityng of any man all maner of false iudgement wrythyng wrestyng concealyng of the trueth for any pryuate affeccion of enuy malice fauor or lucre M. whan kepest thou this cōmaundement S. whan I loue and confesse the trueth in all my lyfe woordes and dedes without any falsehede or dissimulacion interpreting all wordes reportes of my neighbor as charitie requireth to the best coueryng and excusing as ferre as I can with honestie all thinges that should hurt my neyghbour whiche myght redounde vnto his slaundre shame confusion or dishonor The tenth commaundemente M. What is commaunded in the tenth last commaundemente Thou shalt not lust after thy neyghbors house c. S. That I should neuer haue any vnlawfull lust any wicked thought desyre or affeccion to any thyng contrary to the wil of God but be as pure and wholly in heart mynde wishe and will euen as Adam was before his fall and as heauenly as the celestiall angels of God M. Howe came any manne euer attayne vnto my very enemies without any respect of persones at all And all they whosoeuer haue nede of my helpe whether they dwell nygh vnto me or farre from me For all these am I bounde to helpe and succour so farre as I can by the commaundement of god And what I cannot perfourme for lacke of habilitie there may I wishe in my harte and beare a good minde and affeccion toward all men specially toward myne owne householde kinred and suche as be of the householde of fayth M. What promises of rewarde or thretnynges of punishmente are geuē to the kepers or transgressers of these commaundementes S. Euen those aboue rehearsed in the .ii. commaundement J am the lorde thy God a strong and gelous God c. by the whiche woordes he declareth vnto vs his euerlastyng and immutable iustice and agayne he sheweth vs howe highly he estemeth this his commaūdement that all mankynde bothe small and great myght learne to loue feare and humbly to obey hym M. Howe is god a gelous god S. For as muche as he hath spoused and maried our soules vnto hymselfe Osee ii in euerlastyng loue and in the highest trueth and vnfaynednes therfore he neyther can nor wyll suffre vs to fixe or hang our loue vpon any creature Iohn iii. but only to be maried vnto hym and to loue hym as our onely spouse with our hole hart and affeccion M. Whan doeth God punyshe the children for their parentes wickednes sake Exo. xx Eze. xviii S. Whan the children are lyke vnto theyr parentes in wickednesse and folowe their parentes wicked cōdicions M. And whan doeth God shewe mercye vnto the children for their parētes sake S. Eze. xviii xxxiii Whan the chyldren are vertuous and folowe theyr parentes properties in vertue in the feare of God M. Is
S. Forasmuche as they haue the fauor of God through Christe whatsoeuer is required in them that haue thei also sufficientlye in and through Christe whiche hath taken theyr weakenes vpon himselfe is become their satisfaccion as he is to all others And his fayth and obedience is of grace imputed vnto them and throughe his spirite they are sanctified to bee the tēples of God whose heade and sauior is Christe and they membres of his body M. Than may they be baptised with a good conscience S. Yea no doubt For seyng they are reputed as faythfull in the syghte and iudgement of god thorowe Christe they ought as faythfull to bee baptised that thorowe the ministracion of the churche they may haue a sure token witnes that they are the heyres of the blessyng promised vnto the sede of the faythfull the membres of our sauior Christe cleane purged and washed from all theyr synne in his bloude M. From what synne nedeth a chylde that is newe borne whiche hath wrought neither good nor euil to be purged or washed S. From original sinne whiche is the verye roote of all other synne M. What is originall sinne S. It is the poison infeccion or corrupcion of nature wherein we are conceyued Whiche alwayes resisteth rebelleth and lusteth againste the wyll of God and is euer inclined and redye vnto all euill wickednes and hath a luste and delite therin From the whiche we can none otherwyse be deliuered or pourged but alonlye throughe the power of God in our sauior Christ M. But how are we pourged from this sinne through baptisme S. In as muche as in baptisme we haue a promise that it is forgeuē vs and not imputed to damnacion vnto vs. And againe that the holy ghost is also geuē vs whiche shall dayly mortifie kyll and subdue this synne and wicked inclinacion in vs begynnyng and daylye increasyng in the stede therof a newe affeccion and nature in vs obediente vnto the wyll of God and deliting therin whiche in the blessed resurreccion shall bee altogether perfite M. Nowe tell me what ought our baptisme to worke in vs and to put vs in remembraunce of S. Firste we ought to bee thankefull vnto God for it and vnto our parentes also for furtheryng and healpyng vs vnto it and to receyue all doctrine and correccion of them obediently and redily M. What more S. It ought also to put vs in remēbraunce of the remission of our synnes of the grace and mercye of God and of the blessed resurreccion wherin we shall aryse agayne vnto euerlastyng lyfe By the remembraūce wherof we maye haue a singular comforte agaynst all synne agaynst the deuyll death hell damnacion M. And what els S. Finally it ought to worke in vs a perfite obedience vnto the wyll of God to leade our liues in continuall repentaunce and amendemente praying ernestly that he wyll strengthen and make more perfite in vs through his holy woorde and spirite the newe byrth whiche is already begonne in vs and dayly to mortifie our fleshe and to practise with all faythfulnes and diligence to serue God and to kepe his commaundemētes M. Nowe what is the .v. speciall article of the christen doctrine or religion S. The holy supper of the lorde M. What is the supper of the Lorde S. It is an holy ordinance and institucion of our sauior Christe wherby christen people are commaūded to eate and drynke the bread and cuppe of the Lorde together therby to remembre his passion and to be assured of theyr communion with hym in his body and bloud For it is a pledge and an assuraunce that the Lorde geueth them his bodye bloud to be the foode and nourishemēt of theyr soules vnto euerlastyng lyfe M. Than is it not a bare signe and an vnfruitfull token S. No. For we receyue in the supper a spirituall meate and drinke wherin by the lordes owne institucion the true communion and participaciō of the bodye and bloud of Christe is most liuely represented and confirmed vnto vs. And at the ministracion therof beeyng ministred after Christes institucion it is certayne that he is alwaies presente and worketh effectuously therwith M. How ought this supper to be ministred S. In euery poynte condicion as the Lorde himselfe dyd ministre and ordeyne it M. Where is it written how the lorde did ministre and ordeyne it S. In the holy Euangelistes Mat. xxvi Marc. xiiii Luke xxii Matthew Marke Luke And in the .xi. Chapiter of the fyrst Epistle to the Corinthians in these woordes In the same night that the Lorde Jesus was betrayed he tooke bread and whan he had geuen thankes he brake it M. What learnest thou out of these wordes S. Fyrst I lerne that this supper sealeth vp confirmeth assureth vnto vs the verye true communion of the true body and bloud of Christ with all the frutes and benefites whiche he dyd euer pourchase and merite thorowe his body bloud M. Howe canste thou proue that S. By the verye woordes of the institucion For whereas he commaundeth vs to eate his body and drynke his bloud that is to saye to receyue our nouryshement vnto euerlastyng lyfe thorowe fayth of his bodye and bloud he addeth immediatlye Whiche is geuen vp for you and shed for you By the whiche woordes he signyfieth seeyng we are partakers of his bodye and bloud and in faythe fleshe of his fleshe and bones of his bones he our head and we his members that we are also partakers of all that he did euer purchasse or merite thorow his passion and bloud shedyng that is reconciliacion with God the father remission of our synnes righteousnes and euerlasting lyfe M. What lernest thou more out of the forsayed woordes S. I learne also that the Lorde geueth me thorowe this supper a sure hope and comforte that I am partaker of the new testament and of the couenaūt of grace whiche he confirmed and sealed with his precious bloud M. What is that newe Testamente or couenaunte of grace S. It is this that almyghtye God for the bitter passion and deathes sake of his deare beloued sonne wyll freely pardon and forgeue me all my synnes and take me for his childe and heyre and at the latter daye will rayse me vp agayne vnto euerlastyng ioye requiryng that I should beleue all this stedfastly and loue and serue him obediently M. And is nothyng els to bee noted in the woordes of the institucion S. Yes this also is to be learned that al they which minister or receyue this holy sacramente muste celebrate kepe the memoriall or remembraūce of our sauiour Christe Iesus M. Wherin consisteth this memoriall or remembraunce S. It cōsisteth specially herein that we beeyng assembled and gathered together in his name considre and setfoorth with all diligence and reuerence all the benefites of our Lorde Iesus whiche he hathe doen and suffered for vs or will yet hereafter do for vs And agayne that we render moste highe
laudes and thankes vnto him for suche excellente benefites geuyng vp and yeldyng our selues wholly vnto hym M. What maner of people are to bee admytted vnto this supper S. All that are truly repentaunte and sorye for their sinnes and yet beleue stedfastlie that god for Christes sake wyll be mercyfull vnto them and that they are the true membres of Christe liuing in the feare and true obedience of the Lord and in perfect loue of theyr neighbour as brethren of one kyngdome membres of one bodye and redemed with one bloud of Iesus Christ redye to confesse the doctrine of the holy gospell in the middes of all persecucion and affliccion and to defende it euen vnto death M. what thinkest thou of thē whiche will neuer receiue this holy supper with the faithfull congregacion of Christe S. If they abstaine from it wilfullye of concempte and stubbernes that is to saye yf they maye haue it ministred vnto them after the institucion of the Lorde and yet regarde it not and will not receyue it it is an euidente token that they pertayne nothing at all vnto the body of Christe For whosoeuer beleueth in the Lorde truly can not neglecte or contemne any of his hollye ordinaunces but with all reuerence vse them as ofte he maye M. Where as s Paul sayeth Lette euery manne proue hymselfe and so eate of that bread What is mente therby or whan eate we this supper wurthyly S. Of our selues we can neuer be woorthy vnto it But God of his grace and mercye reputeth vs woorthy of his heauenlye misteries and benefites whansoeuer we referre the remission of oure sinnes and oure saluacion vnto the death and resurreccion of Christe and seke it therat onely Wherfore whansoeuer I receyue the holy supper with this faythe and belefe that Christe Iesus gaue his tender bodye vnto death for me and shedde his precious bloud for me and so redemed me from euerlastyng deathe And that his fleshe and bloude are the foode and sustenaunce of my soule whereby I am refresshed and nourisshed vnto euerlastynge lyfe submitting my selfe in this faythe hartilye and fullye both bodye soule vnto the will of god and vtterly detesting in word dede and example almaner of sinne and wickednes and whatsoeuer maye geue any occasion therunto c. then receyue I this hollye supper wurthyly For this is the true communion and participacion of Christes bodye and bloud wherby we are sure that he dwelleth in vs and we in hym For els we coulde doe none of this at all M. Me thynketh by thy answers that the holy supper of the Lorde sendeth and referreth vs all together vnto the deathe and passion of Christe that we maye so by that meanes enioye and haue fruicion of the same S. Yea forsouth for whan he suffred vpon the crosse then he was made the onely euerlastyng sacrifice sufficiente for our saluacion wherefore there is nothyng remaynyng for vs more but that we maye enioy and haue the fruicion of hym M. And was not the supper ordeyned of God to bee a propiciatory sacrifice wherin the body of Christe should be offered vnto God of freshe or of newe S. No forsouth For that were iniurious vnto his death And the woordes doe sounde thus take and eate c. Where he commaundeth vs not to sacrifice or to offer his body but onely to eate c. M. And why was it ordeyned to bee receiued in two diuerse kyndes S. That was done for our infirmities sake to teache vs the more plainly that he is not only the meate wherwith our soules are norished but also the verye drynke wherwith they are refreshed that we shoulde seke no parte of our spirituall lyfe any where els sauyng at hym and in hym alone M. And ought all men generally without excepcion to receyue both kyndes S. Yea for south so do the woordes of Christe commaund saying drinke ye all of this from the whiche to derogate or mynishe any thyng it were an heynous synne M. But now how oughteste thou to behaue thyselfe after thou haste thus receiued this holy supper S. I oughte fyrste to reioyce in the remission of my synnes in the lyfe of Christe in me and in the blissed resurreccion whan as he shall lyue fully in me and in vs be all in all And thus to auaunce my selfe agaynste synne agaynst the deuyll death and hel And to geue God eternall thankes for all these his excedyng benefites M. What oughtest thou els to doe S. I ought also to subdue to tame and to crucify mine owne fleshe and bloud with al maner of wicked lustes and affecciōs to liue hereafter as a mēbre of that body onely whose head is Christe and not as a membre of any other body But vtterly to yelde and geue ouer myselfe vnto my lorde God to bee one breade and one bodye with all faythfull christians whyche doe truely inuocate and call vpon the name of the Lorde to lyue with them in perfite loue and charitie and wyth this bande of loue to haue my heart fixed and knitte vnto theirs and thus euermore to remayne cōtinue And I ought also to confesse and magnifie my Lorde Iesus in his churche and congregacion with all my woordes and dedes awaytyng dayly to haue this lyfe changed with a better and into a better lyfe M. What yf we receyue the supper with suche as be vnwoorthy doe we make our selues also vnworthy by reason of that S. No we doe not if so be that we consente not vnto theyr synnes but haue in mynde and will yf we can know them and may come vnto them to exhorte and admonishe them faythfully our selues or els cause some other to doe it For it pertayneth vnto no priuate person to exclude any man out of the churche or congregacion but onely vnto the whole churche or vnto them that are chosen appointed of the same vnto that office And theyr duetie it is to considre bothe in this matter and all other what may be most profitable and expediente vnto edificacion M. But nowe why should men receyue this sacramente ofte seing they receyue the sacramente of baptisme but once S. Baptisme is a sacramente of enteraunce into the religiō of Christ and betokeneth that menne are nowe dead vnto the olde lyfe wyll from thencefoorth walke in a newe lyfe Wherfore lyke as Christe died but once that for our synnes and shall from hence foorth dye no more euen so ought the sacrament of baptisme whiche representeth the same to bee receyued but once But the holye supper is a sacramente of procedyng and goyng forward in the religion of Christ and signifieth that the manne whiche is once incorporate vnto Christe and fed or susteyned continually through hym wyll euermore continue procede and goe forwarde in a perfite christian life And forasmuche as many impedimentes lets and temptacions doe chaunce vnto suche menne by the waye which notwithstandyng doe styll hungre and thurst after ryghteousnesse And this supper
harte in all maner of temptacions affliccions or necessyties and euen in the very panges of deth cry boldely and merily vnto the and saye I beleue in God the father allmyghtie maker of heauen and earthe And in his onely sonne Iesus Christe our lorde c. But o Lorde God heauenly father to comforte my selfe in affliccion and temptacion wyth these articles of the christē faith It is not in my power For fayth is thy gyft and for as muche as thou wylt be prayed vnto and called vpon for it I cumme vnto thee to praye and beseche the bothe for that and for all my other necessities euen as thy deare beloued sonne our sauiour Christe Iesus hath hymselfe taught vs. And from the very botome of my harte I crye and saye O our father whiche arte in heauen c. This doen I adde this prayer for the mornyng O Mercifull lorde God heauenly father I rēder most high laudes prayse and thākes vnto the that thou hast preserued me both this nyght and all the tyme and dayes of my lyfe hitherto vnder thy proteccion and hast suffred me to lyue vntyll this presente houre And I beseche the hartily thou wylt vouchesafe to receyue me this daye and the residue of my whole lyfe from hencefurthe into thy tuicion rulyng and gouernyng me with thy holy spirite that all maner of darkenesse of misbelefe infidelitie and of carnall lustes and affeccions maye be vtterlye chaced and driuen out of my harte and that I maye be iustified saued both body and soule thorow a right and a perfect fayth and so walke in the lighte of thy mooste godlye truthe to thy glory and prayse and to the profit and furtheraunce of my neybour thorowe Iesus Christe our Lorde and sauioure Amen Or thus more brieflye O Mercyfull lorde God heuenly father I laude and prayse the that thou haste preserued me this nyghte from all perill daunger and euyll And I beseche the of thy mercye to kepe preserue me from hencefoorth likewise And driue all maner of darkenesse oute of my hart that the light of thy truthe may shyne before me gyde me in all my wayes And thou wil vouchesalue also to kepe preserue our most noble kyng with all our rulers magistrates teachers parentes and all our frendes thorow Iesus Christe our Lorde and sauiour Amen A prayer to be sayed at nyght goyng to bedde O Mercifull Lord God heauenly father whether we slepe or wake lyue or dye we are alwayes thyne Wherefore I beseche the hartilye that thou wilte vouchsalue to take care and charge of me and not to suffre me to peryshe in the workes of darkenesse but to kindle the lyght of thy countetenaunce in my harte that thy godlye knowlege maye daylye increase in me thorowe a ryght and a pure faith and that I may alwayes be founde to walke lyue after thy wyll pleasure thorow Iesus Christ our lorde and sauiour Amen Or thus more briefly O Mercifull lorde God our heauenly father I laude thanke the moste hartily for that thou hast so graciously kepte preserued me this daye besechyng the to forgeue me all my synnes whiche I haue committed againste the I beseche the to preserue me and all men this night from all snares and wyles of the wicked fiende And graunte that although our corporal iyes shal slepe yet that our hertes myndes may continually watche wake in the thorowe Iesus Christe our Lorde and sauiour Amen A prayer to be sayed before meat O Mercifull father thou fedest and nourishest all maner of creatures vouchesalue to nouryshe and to refreshe vs nowe with thy gyftes so that we do not misuse them but that we beyng strengthned thorowe them maye bee more hable to serue thee in our callyng and cōdicion of lyfe and to walke and lyue before the in all vertue and honestie through Iesus Christ our Lorde and sauiour Amen After meate O Mercifull Lord God our heauenly father we laude prayse and thanke thee for thy moste holy and excellent giftes wherwith thou hast so graciouslye nouryshed and refreshed vs And we beseche the heartily graūt that we may neuer forget thy mercyfull goodnes toward vs but that we may cast al our care and sorowe vpon the only and may alway seke receyue with a perfite trust and confidence all maner of sustenaunce both of bodye and soule at thy handes which art the fountaine and welspryng of all goodnes through Iesus Christe our Lorde and sauior Amen Certaine godly lessons for al faythfull people young and olde HArken Israel the Lorde our God is one God Thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God feruētly with all thy heart with all thy soule and with all thy strength All these woordes whiche I commaunde the this daye shall remayne continually in thy hearte Thou shalt beate them diligentlye into thy chyldren and thrust them sharplye into theyr heartes And lette all thy communicacion talkyng bee of them whether thou beest in thy house or goest abrode whether thou goest to bedde or rysest vppe Thou shalt bynde them for a token vpon thy hād And let them euermore glister before thy iyes Thou shalt wryte them vpon thy doores and vpon thy gates Micheas vi I will tell the O man what is good and what God requireth of the. Namely nothyng els but that thou kepest iudgement and doest ryghteousnes and that thou applye thy selfe vnto all godlynesse and walke humbly before thy Lord God Iaco. i. This is the pure and vndefiled religion before God our father to visite and coumforte the wedowes the fatherlesse in theyr sorowe affliccion and misery and for a manne to kepe hymselfe without spotte before the worlde i. Timo. i. The ende and fulfyllyng of all the lawe is this namely loue out of a pure hearte a good conscience and a perfite vnfayned fayth Iohn xiii By this shall all men knowe that ye are my scholars yf ye loue one an other lyke as I haue loued you i. Iohn iii.iiii.v God is loue and he that remayneth in loue remayneth in God and God in hym He that hath loue is borne of God and knoweth God He that loueth not he knoweth not God for God is loue If we loue one another than remayneth God within vs his loue is perfite in vs. And hereby doe we know that we are the childrē of God and that we haue loue yf we loue God and kepe his commaundementes And this is his commaundemente namely that we beleue in the name of his sonne Iesus Christe and loue one an other M. The God of all grace and mercye strengthen thee and all menne in the knowlege of his sonne our sauior Iesus and in the power of his heauenlye and godly spirite To hym be all laude prayse thankes glory power rule honor world without ende Amen Imprinted at Londō in Flete-strete at the signe of the Sunne ouer against the conduyte by Edwarde Whitchurche The .xix. daye of October the yere of our Lorde M. D.XLVIII Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum
God S. It is a comon maner of speakyng vsed among men whereby is sygnifyed that he hathe receyued euen after his mans nature a power honor aboue all Angels creatures wherin he ruleth with the father in euerlastyng glorye as they do aboute kynges and prynces which sit at theyr ryghthandes M. Wherunto exerciseth the lord this his high godly power dominion S. He exerciseth it in the gouernaunce of all thynges in heauen and vpon yearth continually presence therby vnto all faythfull here vpon yerth to deliuer preserue and defende them from all euyll perill and daunger and to purchase them of the father al that is good and necessarye for them praying for them continually as a true and a mercifull prieste patrone and aduocate vntyll suche tyme as they bee also exalted and taken vppe lyke vnto hym and with him in heauen vnto euerlastyng honor and glory M. What doeth it helpe or profite vs to beleue that Christe is ascended into heauen and that he sitteth at the ryght hande of God S. Fyrste we are assured therby that the waye dore and entreaunce into heauen which was before locked vnto all men by reason of our synne is nowe opened Secondarily it is a syngular comforte vnto vs to confirme vs in pacience in all maner of aduersitie forasmuch as we are sure by this faythe that we haue a myghtie and a louyng protector aduocate and spechemanne with the father in heauen Thyrdly this faythe reioyseth and lifteth vppe our heartes from all yearthly transitorie visible and carnall thynges vnto heauenly eternall inuisible and spirituall thynges putteth vs in remembraunce to lift vppe our heartes from this yearthly and synfull lyfe and to serue our God with heauenly spirituall seruice and not onely with yearthly and bodilye ceremonies M. Beleuest thou any thyng els of our sauior Iesus S. Yea forsouth that he shall come from thence to iudge the quicke and the dead M. What confessest thou by this S. Forsouth that my lorde Iesus Christ shall come againe frō heauen with his verye bodye shall appeare before all the world visiblye in the glorye of his father and shall iudge all menne both such as shall than liue and also those whiche were before dead to the euerlastyng comforte and felicitie of all faythfull whiche haue honored hym and taken him for theyr brother aduocate patrone and defender And agayne to the vtter confusion and condemnacion of all vnfaythfull whiche would neuer beleue his worde nor suffer hym to rule nor to haue dominion ouer them M. But whan shall this iudgemēt once come S. The daye and houre is vnknowen vnto all men wherfore no mā ought to busy or trouble hymselfe muche aboute it but euery one of vs ought continually to loke diligent aboute vs that we do fulfyll those thynges whiche pertayne vnto our vocacion committed vnto vs of the lorde that that tyme and daie come not vpon vs sodenly vnwares and out of season For the ignorance of the daye and tyme ought to put vs continually in remembraunce that we neuer lyue securely rechelesselye Mat. xxiiii and .xxv Luke xii but continually watchyng in the feare of God standyng alwayes prepared with the loynes of our mynde redye gyrded vp i. Peter i. Ti. iii and wayting for the Lorde Iesus Christe shewing our selues good willyng diligente and redye vnto all good workes wherby we maye helpe and further our neyghbor by any meanes M. Do our workes than meryte any thyng of God S. Our workes merite nothyng of God for any worthynes in themselues but yet God whiche of his mercy worketh them in and by vs wyll also of his mercy highly rewarde them in vs. M. Now what foloweth next S. The thirde principall article of the holy ghost our sanctifier M. What are the woordes of this article S. J beleue in the holy gost c. M. What is that to say S. Forsouth thus muche I beleue that there is an holy ghoste whiche procedeth from the father and the sonne with whom he is one very liuyng God the thirde persone in the godhead which worketh so in vs that we shal be partakers of the saluaciciō that is purchased by Christ Through whose power operacion onely all holy men haue spoken and without hym canne no man speake or doe any thyng that is good and godly For we haue nothyng in vs but very darkenesse ignoraunce and hypocrisie M. what is the proper office of the holy ghoste S. It is to sanctifie all those whiche are in the bonde couenante of God through Christe vnto the holye temples of the Lorde that they hereafter may contende and begynne their viage vnto the euerlastyng lyfe in theyr mortall body and also that they may euen here in this lyfe haue theyr God dwellyng in them And agayne it is his office to lyghten theyr heartes with the knowlege of the father and the sonne to leade theim into all trueth to comfort them in al maner of temtacion necessitie and aduersitie to prepare vs vnto a newe life to strengthen vs vnto all goodnesse And so to renewe all christen mennes heartes that they may be changed and made newe men M. But seyng there are many and diuers spirites how may a man discerne and knowe the holy spirite from the worldly deuelishe euil and wicked spirites S. By the fruites properties aboue rehersed but specially by the holy scripture For seyng it is certayne that scripture was inspired by the holy gooste all maner of doctrine that is not consonaunte and agreable vnto it is of an other and not of the holye spirite For the holy spirite is neuer contrarye to hym selfe nor neuer bryngeth in any straunge doctrine in religion M. What followeth S. I beleue an holy christen churche the communion of saintes M. what is that to saye S. That is I beleue and confesse one company and congregaciō of faithfull christians vpon erth from the tyme of Adam vntyll thys daye and vntyll the ende of the worlde whiche is sanctifyed and incorporate into one body vnder one head thorowe the holy goste And they consent and agree together in oure sauiour Christe as the verye membres of one bodye in all thynges pertayning vnto edyfying in faythe and in all Godlynes M. But howe may this congregacion be gathered and suche edifying in faythe and all godlynesse perfourmed S. Thorowe the worde of pure doctryne and exhortacion And thorowe the ryghte vse of the holy sacramentes And thorow other ordynaunces of discipline in the church wherby the christian congregacyon is kepte in order after the worde of God and sundered from all maner of of strange sectes M. Why callest thou the churche holy and christen S. For the causes aboue rehersed because the holy ghoste hathe peculiarlye gathered and sanctified it in a godlye and an holye exercise and lyfe i. Tho. vi in body and sowle and also because Christe hathe sanctified it thorowe his precious bloud M. Why callest thou
it the communion of sainctes S. Because all they which do truly beleue in Christ and are so sanctified thorow his bloud which are the very right sainctes whersoeuer they bee scattered in the whole worlde i. Tho. xii they are one bodye one temple vnder one head Iesus Christe with whome and with the father they haue felowshippe i. Iohn i and thorowe the holye ghoste they are ioyned and knitte together in one God one fayth i. cho vi Ephe. iiii one baptisme one loue M. And haue they no maner of felowshyp with the wicked and vnfaythfull ii cho vi i. cho v S. None at all so nere as they canne knowe and discerne them leste they myght seme to consente vnto theyr vngodlynesse or peraduenture myght bee infecte thorowe theyr wicked exaumple ii thes iii For the holy ghoste commaundeth all suche to bee auoyded except they will suffer themselues to bee admonyshed and exhorted ii Ch. vii ii thes iii. and wyll earnestlye repente lamente theyr synnes and amende M. Nowe what followeth nexte S. Remission of sinnes M. What beleuest thou herein Esai xxxiii Iere. xxxi and .xxxiii Mat. xviii S. Here I confesse and beleue that in the holy christen churche and no where els I and all faythfull beleuers haue daylye forgeuenesse of all our synnes so that we hartylye repente and be sory for them and that the Lorde wyll neuer enter into Iudgemente with vs nor neuer recken oure synnes vnto vs vnto dampnacion nor neuer punishe vs for them with suche payne as they haue deserued i. Cho. v M. So heare I well that the christians haue still synne But howe agreeth with this the former article of the holy communion of sainctes S. They are both trewe For the churche of Christe thorow perfyte fayth in hir brydegrome head Christe is pure and holy Ephe. i. v For as muche as there canne be no synne nor vnpurenesse in Christ but of hir selfe she is cōpased with diuerse infirmities and synnes whiche she daylye feleth confesseth and lamenteth with an heuy sorowfull hart And seketh for helpe and grace at Christe and so reneweth hir selfe dayly thorow the holy gost and laboreth contynually in mortifying the residewe of the olde man that styll remayneth M. But howe may we obteyne this dayly remission of synnes S. Esai xlv Not thorow any workes of our owne nor yet thorowe the merites Ti. iii workes or desertes of any saincte that is dead but only thorowe the mere grace and mercy of God Ephe. ii vndeserued of vs thorowe the free redēcion of our sauior Iesus Christe whiche hathe purchased and bought vs this pardone forgeuenesse with his precious bloud Esai liii For his innocent death is the ransom of our trāsgressions and iniquities As the gospell testifieth M. For as muche as thou hast made mencion of the ghospell tell me what is that ghospel Luke i. S. To speake properly it is a glad ioyfull tidynges and message of the grace and loue of God towarde vs thorowe his sonne Iesus Christe M. Vnto whome is this ghospell preached and publyshed S. Vnto all menne vniuersally Mat. xvi sauyng onely suche as wilfully and malyciouslye contemne mocke and blaspheme it But it sheweth hir vertue power specially in them that are poore in spirite and are ouerladen with the burthē of their sinnes Mat. xi laboryng to bee rydde quite and eased of them M. What foloweth S. Resurreccion of the fleshe M. What beleuest thou herein S. By this I confesse and beleue that all menne that are dead shall be raised vp agayne at the latter daye from death Exo. iii Esai xxvi Eze. lvii Iob. xix Iohn .v. ii Cho. v. ii Cho. xv So that euerye bodye that is dead and rotten in the yearth or consumed with water fyer or by any other meanes shall receyue his owne forme and proporcion agayne and shall bee vnited and knytte again with the soule and shall ryse vppe agayne from the dead Mat. xxviii Iohn .xx. Exo. vi immortall and incorruptible Lyke as Christe our head is risen vppe with his very true body M. But howe can that be possible S By God whiche is the woorker of it Act. xxvi ii cho v. Phil. iii. Gene. ii is nothyng vnpossible no more than it was impossible for him to make and create mankynde of nought M. What is the resurreccion of the bodye necessarye Were it not enough that the soule alone should reigne eyther in glorye and honor or els in shame and confusion S. It pleased not God that man beyng made vnto hope and created vnto saluacion of two partes body soule should only remaine with the one parte and enioy euerlasting lyfe with the one alone but that the body also should receyue rewarde with the soule and remayn for euer holy immortall ii Ch. v without any maner of temptacion or infirmitie decked with power and honor euen as the Angels of God yea euen after the example of Christ himselfe as he was transformed before his disciples vpon the mounte Tabor M. He that coulde beleue this perfitely howe coulde he be afrayed of death S. Luke xxii The feare of death is of very nature as we may perceyue in Christe And forasmuche as death is the punyshemente of sinne Gene. iii therfore mankynd dredeth death by reason of his synne the more Whiche feare and drede yet the faythfull beleuers do ouercome Philip. i forasmuche as they knowe that it is the rediest waye vnto euerlastyng felicitie to die And for this cause the faithfull are not so vnmeasurablye heuy sorowfull for the death of their faythfull frendes Apoca. xiiii i. thes iiii as the hethen and vnfaithfull are which haue no beliefe in the resurreccion Lyke as the housebande manne taketh no thought nor sorowe for the sede that is caste into the yearth because he hath a sure trust hope that it shall come againe with a plentifull and an excedyng recompence M. Now what is the laste article of our christen faith S. And the euerlasting life M. What is thy belief in this Soph. iii. S. Hereby I confesse and beleue Iohn v i. Cho. v i. Peter i that I with bodye soule vnited knitte together againe after the resurreccion shall enioye the kyngdome of God and liue euerlastynglye in the ioye felicitie of heauen with oure sauior Christe the soonne of God i. thes iiii Mat. xxv i. cho xv as one of the membres of his body M. what maner of ioye shall this be S. That can no toungue expresse Esai lxiiii i. cho ii nor no hearte comprehende But it shall consiste speciallye herein that the faythful shall know and behold euerlastynglye Ion. xix Iohn xvii euen with their corporall iyes the euerlastyng light and the highest ioye And beyng incorporate with God for euer shall haue perpetuall participacion of all heauenlye
treasures with him Apoca. xxi Luke xxii Psal xvii i. Ch. xv For as than God shal be all in all M. But tell me more plainlye what maner of persons shall enioye this euerlastyng life S. All they that beleue in Christe Iohn iii. M. But how muste a man beleue in Christ S. Forsouthe that he is the sonne of the liuing god Iohn vi whiche was sent from god and came into this worlde and toke mannes nature vpon him Math. xvi and tooke vpon hym to dye for our synnes i. Iohn iiii and was crucifyed vpon the crosse and throughe the power of his godhead rose vp agayn from death for our iustificacion Roma iii This must euery man beleue in his heart and also openly confesse with his mouth Roma x. M. But here thou makeste no mencion of the vnfaythfull What shal be doen with them S. They Dani. xii Ihon. v Luke xvi Esd xxx Math ix like as they shall rise vnto euerlastyng shame condemnacion and confusion euen so shall they be clere destitute of the blessednesse ioye and felicitie of the faythfull And their part shall be in the euerlastyng fyre and in the exterior darkenesse where euerlastyng wooe waylyng and gnashing of teeth shal be M. And is this article of euerlastyng lyfe of necessitie to be beleued S. Yea moost necessarye For yf this article be not beleued than are the other also eyther not beleued at all or els they are beleued in vayne M. why so S. Because muche profite ensueth of the belefe of this article yf it bee truly beleued As peace and quyetnesse of conscience reioysyng in God and in his workyng and vpon that pacience and constancye in trouble and aduersitie and also tontempt of all transitory thynges whether it be goodes honor or lyfe For the scope and ende of al that is prescribed and promysed in the scripture is euerlastyng lyfe vnto the glory of God M. But who will geue vs suche a fayth S. Forsouth that wyll God our heuenly father doe yf we call vpon hym therfore thorowe instante earnest prayer M. Nowe God the father sonne and holy ghoste geue vs and all men this fayth and preserue and strengthen vs therin vnto the ende Amen What is the thirde chiefe pointe or article of the christen doctryne and religon S. The lordes prayer M. Declare me thesame and fyrst what is praier S. Praier is an heartie inuocacion and callyng vpon God our heauenly father Math. v. vi Marke x Iohn .xvi. Iaco. i desiryng of him in the name of Christe all our necessities with a sure trust and confidence that he wyll heare vs. M. Forasmuche as thou sayest that prayer is an inuocaciō and callyng vpon God is than the inuocacion of sainctes whiche are in heauen no ryght prayer S. Math. vi Our sauior Christ speaking of that prayer whiche he promiseth to heare sayeth that we should inuocate and praye vnto the father onely Wherfore he that prayeth otherwyse Fyrst he maketh such a praier wherof he hath no promise of God to be heard Esai xlv Secondarily he committeth also idolatry forasmuche as he ascribeth that thyng vnto dead sainctes and creatures whiche is due vnto God onely As to be our God and father to bee almyghtie to serche to knowe the inward secretes of the hearte i. Pa. xxviii Iere. xvii to be the fountayne of whom al that is good procedeth and of whom all succour help comforte in any maner of necessitie is onely to be hoped and loked for c. All these are due vnto God onely He is onely to be adored or inuocate Esa lxiii Abraham knoweth vs not c. He is onely to be wurshipped serued wherfore to ascribe or attribute any of these thynges vnto any other than to hym only Mat. iiii is manifest Idolatry M. But nowe tell me what is it to praye in the name of Christe M. It is as muche as to praye for suche thynges as becummeth vs to axe and hym to geue namely for suche thynges as are holesome and necessarye for vs. Or els it is as muche as to praye after the commaundemente of Christe and for his sake i. Timo. ii For the father geueth vs all thynges whatsoeuer he geueth vs for Christes sake Heb. ii For the whiche cause they onely can praye in the name of Christe that beleue in Christe are very ryght christians which will neuer desire or praye for any thyng that is or maye be agaynste the glory and honor of Christe M. Doeth not God knowe wherof we haue nede before we pray S. Yes he doeth Math. vi M. And what nede we than to open our necessities vnto hym thorow praier S. For gods be halfe we nede not at all But for our owne behalfe it is necessary and good that we maye knowledge and confesse that we haue nothyng of our selues but all of God whiche thyng maketh vs meke humble M. well howe and after what maner ought we to pray S. Euen as our sauiour Christe taught his disciples and no nother wyse in effecte M. Why no notherwyse Roma viii Math. vi S. Because all maner of prayers that are not consonante and agreable vnto that whiche contayneth all necessarye peticions both for bodye and soule they are not good nor auaylable i. Iohn v M. What are the wordes of the prayer S. Our father whiche arte in heauen c. M. Why sayest thou father S. Because I learne thereby that I am a chylde of god and therfore ought to take my leaue of the deuyll for euer and to lyue onely after the wyll and pleasure of God and not after the desire and lust of myne owne fleshe M. why saiest thou our father S. To put me in remēbraunce of the brotherly loue that I owe towarde my neibour For seeyng god hath receyued vs all together and all a lyke thorowe his soonne oure sauiour Christe vnto his chyldren and chosen vs to be the heyres of all his goodes and treasure therfore we oughte to take and to loue one another euen as brethren and as the chyldren of one father and truly to praye vnto the father eche one for other M. Why sayest thou In heauen S. To remembre thereby his highe power and heauenlye glory M. what comfort hast thou by that S. Euen this that I maye by reason of that the more suerly set all my truste and affiaunce in gods ayde and helpe hauyng all my ioye and delight in heauen M. what is the effecte of all the peticions that folowe S. The effecte of all is this that the lorde will make vs partakers of al thinges that maye be good vnto vs and delyuer or preserue vs from all that maye be euill and noysome vnto vs. M. And what order is kept in those peticions S. Fyrste we desyre and praye therein for spirituall and heauenlye thynges and after for worldely transitory thynges M. For what spirituall
the name and authoritie of our sauior Iesus Christ also in the name of the whole congregacion M. After what maner and fourme S. with all godlye feruentnes and earnest praier vnto God For the which cause also it must be done in the open congregacion beeyng assembled together with theyr consente M. Proue me this by the woorde of God S. The Lorde sayeth in the chapiter before rehersed whansoeuer two or thre among you do consente together whatsoeuer they shall praye for that shall be doen vnto them of my father in heauen For whersoeuer two or thre are gathered together in my name there am I in the middest amōg them M. Here the lorde maketh mencion of two or three onely S. That he doeth to confirme the greater nūbre by the smaller M. But shewe me some scripture that maketh expresse mencion of the whole congregacion S. The holye Paul wryteth thus .i. Corin. v. J as one that am absent from you in bodye but yet present with you in spirite haue already as presente determined and concluded against him that hath committed that dede in the name of our lorde Iesus Christe and in your congregacion with my spirite and with the power or authoritie of our lorde Jesus Christe to geue him euer vnto the deuill to the confusion and perishyng of his fleshe that his spirite may be safe at the daye or cummyng of the lorde Jesus M. And what is the ministers or pastors duetie to doe in all this S. He ought in no wise to admit vnto the communion of the sacramentes suche as bee excluded by the churche or by the appoynted elders vntill suche time as they be reconciled therunto agayne And besides that he ought to bee as it were the mouth of the cōgregacion to open and to declare vnto the transgressours the heauinesse of theyr synnes to moue them vnto heartie repentaunce that they maye come out of the deuils snares M. But nowe cōcerning these that be sicke howe shall the minister ordre them S. If he perceyue that they be sorye and repentaunte for theyr sinnes and are desirous of the fauoure of God of remission than ought he to comfort them with some promyse of grace to preache vnto them free remission and absolucion in the presence of suche as are there by assistente leste peraduenture their conscience being vexed and their sickenes increased the wicked enemie preuent and ensnare them and so seduce and conueigh them into desperacion M. Where hast thou any example of scripture for that S. Our sauiour Christe as soone as he sawe the bedredde before hym doubtlesse in feare of hys synnes he sayed vnto him My sonne bee of good comforte thy synnes are forgeuen thee And agayne to the woman that had synned he sayed Goe thy way in peace thy fayth hath saued thee M. Hast thou no further commaundemente of the visitacion comfort of the sick to be doen by the ministers of the churche S. Yes the holye Apostle S. Iames teacheth that the praier of faythe whiche the seniors or elders of the churche doe make for the sicke shall help them and the lorde shall comforte them yf they be in synne it shall be forgeuen them M. Nowe what fruite and profite ought all this to worke in thee S. Fyrste I ought to learne hereby to receyue of any manne thankefully all maner of christian and brotherly correccion warning and informacion And also by the verye duetie and bonde of loue truely and faythfully to admonishe reproue my neyghboure whiche is euery christian man if I shal see him offēde M. why what hast thou to do with thy neighbour S. Forsouth forasmuche as we are all the mēbres of one body If I cā finde in my heart to see any to loyter and perishe in his synne not so much as to admonish him therof than it may appere that there is no christian loue in me M. Well what other fruit may thys doctryne worke in thee S. This also i. Corin. v. ii Thes ii that I contemne not in any wyse the disciplyne of binding loocyng of the churche but esteme drede it reuerently eschewyng and auoydynge all felowshippe and familiaritie of suche as wyll not conforme themselues vnto thesame M. what scripture haste thou for that S Euen the woordes of oure sauiour Christ wher he saieth Jf he heare not the church or congregacion than take or repute hym as an heathen and an vnchristian that is to say as an infidele that is sundered and seperate from al christian ordre and felowship But yet we ought not vtterly to reiecte and to hate him in our heartes but to praye hartily vnto God for hym that he may be conuerted from his wickednes againe and than with all ioyfulnes to receyue hym into all christen felowship agayne M. Well this is sufficient of this article also Now tell me what is thy dayly exercise in the seruice of God S. Morning and euening whan I arise or goe to bed lykewise before after meate I vse these prayers folowing or suche like Fyrste at my vprisyng I falle doune on my knees and lyftyng vp my handes and iyes vnto heauen I cōfesse my synnes vnto God my heauenly father after this maner A generall confession of synnes to be sayed euery morning O Almyghtie God our heauenlye father I confesse knowlege that I am a miserable a wretched synner haue manifolde wayes moste greuouslye transgressed thy moste godly cōmaūdementes thorow wicked thoughtes vngodlye lustes sinfull woordes dedes and in my whole lyfe In synne am I borne and conceyued and there is no goodnesse in me in asmuche as yf thou shouldest entre into thy narowe iudgemente with me iudgyng me accordyng vnto the same I were neuer hable to suffer or abyde it but must nedes peryshe and be damned for euer So lyttle help comfort or succour is there either in me or in any other creature Onely this is my comfort o heauenly father that thou diddest not spare thy only dere-beloued sonne but diddest geue him vp vnto the moste bittur moste vile slaūderous death of the crosse for me that he myght so pay the raūsom for my sinnes satisfie thy iudgement still and pacifie thy wrathe reconcyle me agayne vnto the and pourchace me thy grace and fauour and euerlastyng lyfe Wherefore thorowe the merite of hys moste bitter death and passion and thorow his innocent bloud sheadyng I beseche thee o heauēly father that thou wylt vouchsafe to bee gracious and mercyfull vnto me to forgeue and to pardon me all my synnes to lyghten my harte with thy holy spirite to renewe confirme and strengthen me with a right and a perfite fayth and to inflame me in loue towarde thee my neybour that I may hēceforth with a willing and a glad harte walk as it becūmeth me in thy moste godly commaūdementes and so glorifie prayse thee euerlastingly And also that I maye with a free conscience and a quiet