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life_n blood_n body_n holy_a 4,543 5 5.1003 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14046 The huntyng & fyndyng out of the Romishe fox whiche more then seuen yeares hath bene hyd among the bisshoppes of Englong [sic] after that the Kynges hyghnes had comma[n]ded hym to be dryuen out of hys realme. Whosoeuer happeneth upon thys book, if he loue god beter than man, et the Kynges hyghnes better then the bysshopes fals hypocrisi, let hym gyue it to the Kyng, that he may rede it before the bysshopes condemn it. Turner, William, d. 1568.; Wraghton, William, pseud. aut 1543 (1543) STC 24353; ESTC S104959 47,430 90

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thys holy minglyng together of the body blode of our lord Iesu Christe / be vnto me to all them that receyue it / hel the of body soule to deserue euerlastyng lyfe If thys were not impossible / then neded no preste nor bysshop go to the deuel / thoghe they wer neuer so great murderers and hormōgers For anon after that they had don the mischefe they myght streyht way mix to gither bothe the partes of the sacrament deserue theyrby forgyuenes of yisternyghtes aduoutri and of thys days murder But for all thyr myxyng and menglyng if they break the commandment of god / they must as well go to the deuel as other / For god regardeth not on man more then an other / as the Pope dothe / whiche sayeth that all men that eat of that forsayd mixtur shall deserue forgyuenes of sinnes and yit lik a partial felow sufferethe thys mixture whiche is of bothe the kyndes of the sacrament only to begyuen vnto / prestes / for he wil let laymen haue but the on halfe of it / He caret he belyk not uery myche for laymē that will not suffer them to cum by thys mean vnto helth of body soul and to forgyuenes of synne / Thys is the doctrine of Antichrist and if the pope be Antiwriste it is the popes doctrine 9. Ye hold still the collates of the mes whiche pop Gelasius made 01. Ye hold still the matines and houres euen song of the virgin Mari and that the psalmes whyche wer made only in the honor of the creator / shuld be song and sayd in the honor of a creature that is the uirgin Mary and thys ordenede pope Vrbane the second 11. Ye hold still that from septuagesm to Ester that Aman may not prayse god in hebrue but in latin in the chirche / for ye forbyd that alleluya shuld be song that tyme / but laus tibi domine and thys ordened pope Alexander the seconde 12. Ye hold still the secretes of the mess whyche ar open treson ahaynst god / and thys ordenede pope Gregori 13. Ye hold still the canon of the mess / whyche ordened pope Gregori 14. Ye mix water and wyn to gether still and that ordened pope Alexander 15. Ye hold still thys custom in poules that lay men may not cum in to the quere at mes tyme for fere belike / that when the gluttens say / accipite comedite take ye eat ye / they shuld take it that is offered them / thys ordened pope Leo ths iiij of that name Now seinge that theyr ar so namy ordinances traditiones of the pope in the mess / i report me vnto yow / that he indifferent men / and beno bisshoppes sonnes / or no bisshoppes bondmen / by fyndyng of your chylder / wether i haue iust occasion to seke the fox in the altare or no. 16. Ye hold still the mes in latin and syng al seruice Christen and assoyle in the old popes mother tonge that ordened Ioān Portuēsis 17. Ye take the on halfe of the sacrament from all them that ar no prestes and that ordened the Pope and hys garde / at constance 18. Ye hold still the hallowyng of the font whyche is all full of abominable blasphemes cōtrari to the word of god that ordened anthichrste 19. Ye hold still that a preste thogh he haue the frenche pox or the cācre in hys mouthe must spit in to a yong childes monthe or ellis that he cannot be baptized / or christened / the same 20. Ye hold still the embryng daves whiche Vrbanus made assum writers hold / and other write that it was Pop Calixtus 21. Ye hold still lent that made Telesphorus and Montanus the heretik whiche first taught tha Mariage shuld be vndon 22. Ye hold still the fastyng of the saterday that made Innocentius the first pope of that name 23. Ie hold still that a prest cannot make an vnlawfull vow / and that no other man can make an vnaduisede vow after xxi yer of hys age and that no vow made after xxi may be broken saue the vow of obedience and of wilful pouerti / thys made ye / ye the pope ar all on 24. Ye hold still stewes that the deuel may be worshipped theyr in condēne mariage of prestes withe deth / this also is the popes worke 25. Ye forbid still all lay men to mary the hole halfe of the hole yeare saue ij wekes / and hold all the ministers of the chirche from mariage al theyr lyfe tyme / for ye wyll suffer no man to be a subdecon or a decon or a preste except he forsweare mariage first / and so ye compell men to 〈◊〉 be votaries in as miche as theyr must nedes be ministers / and ye receyue non except ye make then forswear mariage / Thys was ordened by Gregori the seuent and by the counsel holden at mence in germany 26. Ye hold stil that it is a greater offence for a preste or auotari to Mary then if the prester shuld haue defyled all the mennes wyues in hys parishe / or the notari shuld haue defloured all the uirgines in the citi where he dwellethe For that offence that ye thynk greater / ye ponyshe wythe a greater ponishe ment / But ye ponyshe the mariage of thes for sayd persones with death at the frist / and hordom aduoutre of the same but with lof of on parte of theyr goo des / at the first tyme wyth an other parte ar the seconde tyme the thyrd tyme wyth the los of the remnant of the goodes and with perpetuall prysonment Ther for ye reken that it is lessyn for a prest to ly thre tymes withe hys negh bores wyfe or for a votari to ly thryse wyth hys brothers doghter then to once Mary / Wher as it was first inacted that the hordome aduoutri mariage of prestes and votaries shuld be ponisshed all clike wyth dethe ye obteynet a moderatiō for the pronisshmēt of the hordō of prestes decones votaries / that they shuld not be slayn if they were taken in hordom or aduoutri / But ye let mariage of prestes stand still to be ponisshed withe dethe / and made no labor at all to obteyn any relese or mitigation of the ponishment / for the mariage of votaries prestes decones But that was not gretly to be meruelede at / seyng that ye neuer in tended to mari as all they do that ar louers of hores cannot abyd that wyues shuld be gyuen vnto them But if that ye had intended nomore to be aduouterers and hore hunters / then ye purposed to be maried prestes / ye wolde nomore haue soght a relese for the ponyshment of wyueles horehuntyng prestes then ye souht a remedi and a relese for the ponishment of chast mariede prestes But ye labored for no relese at all for chaste mariede prestes /