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A13809 A sermon preached the 26. day of May. 1584. in S. Maries Church in Shrewesbury before the right honorable the Earle of Leicester, accompanied with the Earle of Essex, the Lorde North, diuers knightes, gentle-men of worshypfull callyng, the worshipfull bayliues, aldermen and burgesses of the towne of Salop. By Iohn Tomkys publick preacher of Gods word there: now first published by the authour. Seen, perused, and allowed accordyng to her Maiesties iniunctions. Tomkys, John. 1586 (1586) STC 24110; ESTC S118479 38,851 98

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the sacrifice of himselfe but beleue vs when wee teach that a Luc. 22 19 1. Cor. 11.24 25 thereby the memory of his death is continued vntill his comming according to the institution of Christ himselfe Now since Christ hath loued vs more than hee hath loued his body his bloud his soule his life all the which he gaue for b 1 Co. 6.20 the price of our redemption 7 23. let vs loue one an other c Eph. 5.2 as hee hath loued vs and so become the followers of God as deare children And this much concernyng the Substance of the Sacrifice which is Christ himselfe * 2 The qualities of the sacrifice were an holy oblation an obedient suff●yng d Heb. 10.1 The ceremoniall lavve had the shadovv of good thinges to come and not the verie image of the thinges Therefore Paule knowing that e Rom. 10.4 Christ is the ende of the lawe f Mat. 5.17 whiche hathe fulfilled the law of commandementes through his obedience g Eph. 2.14 and performed what soeuer was figured in the law of ceremonies for our redemption calleth him in this text h Ephe. 5.2 an offering and a Sacrifice The kindes of Sacrificers in the lawe of Moses were manie and sundry not deuised by Men i Leu. 1.1 Num. 7.89 but ordayned by god to signifie partly the filthinesse of sinne in vs a Esa 59 2 vvhereby vvee be deuided from god and partly the expiation of sinne through Christ b Heb 9 14 vvhereby vve be reconciled vnto god All these kyndes Paule reduceth vnto two c Eph. 5.2 An oblation and an hoast both the whiche hee termeth Christ to be And not without cause For such was Christ the sacrifice in true performance as wer these in shadowed figure So by the nature of them we may learne the qualities of the sacrifice which is Christ For first Paul calleth Christ d Eph. 5.2 Prosphoran an oblation an holy offering Secondly he calleth him Thusian an host a slayne sacrifice By the first we learn Christes e Luc 1 35 holinesse by the second wee learne Christes f Psal 22 1 Mar. 27 46 Mar. 15.34 suffering It was meete that this sacrifice shoulde be holy that it might sanctifie the vnholy It was meete that this sacrifice shuld suffer that it might beare gods wrath due for sinne The offering in the olde lawe is therfore reputed holy because it was such as god which is holy appointed to bee offered The slayn sacrifice in the same law is iustly termed to suffer because it was a sensible beast or a sensible birde appoynted by God to be slayne Muche might be sayde of the figures whcich are these but for want of time I will onely speake of the trueth whiche is Christ * Two qualities of the Sacrifice to be considered And in him two things here are to be considered First his Holinesse Secondly his suffering * 1. Christs holines It was most necessarie that this sacrifice shuld be holy for otherwise a Mat. 5.13 Mar. 9.50 Luc. 14 34 it had not bene fit to haue bene offered to the most holy God It had not benefit to put away our vnholinesse It had not bene fit to haue sanctified vs. If the salt in it selfe had not saltnesse a Mat. 5.13 Mar. 9.50 Luc. 14 34 it could not season the things that it seasoneth If the fire in it selfe had not heat it coulde not heate those things which ar before it If the sun in it self had not light it could not lighten the superioure and inferiour bodyes No more coulde this sacrifice Christ make vs holie in the sight of god were it not that it is holy of it selfe For if reason require that the thing which is to imparte a qualitie with another bee first fully indued with the same it selfe then must it necessarily be required that Christ whiche was to make vs holy be first in himselfe moste holy Nowe let vs consider the gracious prouidence of God to vs-ward That Christ might become an holy sacrifice to make vs holy vnto our God a Mar. 1.18 20. Lu. 1.35 he was conceiued without sinne by the holy Ghost b Mat. 1.25 Luc. 2.7 he was borne without sinne of the virgin Mary c Mat. 5.17 1. Pet. 2 22. he liued without sin in true obedience d Mat. 27.24 Luc. 23 47 he dyed without sinne an innocent death For these causes Christe is called e Luc 1 35. the holye thinge f 1. Pet. 2 9. by whom we are become a chosen generation a royall priest-hood and holy nation a people set at liber-tie But to what end verily that g 1. Pet. 2 9. we shoulde shew forth the vertues of him that hath called vs out of darkenesse into merueilous light And what coulde we not be saued were it not that our sacrifice Christ were in this absolute manner most holy No verily For God will not that man-kind be saued except by Man his law giuen to mankinde bee fulfilled That is God will so bee found mercifull towards mankinde in remitting of sinne that he wil stil remayne iust in requiring of mankinde obedience to his lawes Therfore when all mankinde was gone astray so that a Ro. 3.10 there was none righteous no not one 11. None that vnderstood None that sought after god the sonne of god himselfe became innocent man that in the nature of man hee might obey the lawes of God that b Rom. 5 19 as by one mans disobedience manie were made sinners so by one mans obedience manie might be made righteous as also before I proued * Two lessons to bee learned And here we may learne two lessons * 1 the greatnesse of our sinnes The one The greatnesse of sinne which could not be put away but by the death of the Sonne of God * 2 The assurance of our saluatiō Leu. 11 44 The other the assurance of our saluation whiche standeth with the iustice of God Let vs therefore so hope for life euerlasting that c 1. Pet. 1.16 wee he holy as our redeemer is holy And this much of the first qualitie of the sacrifice which is absolute holinesse 2. Christs fferyng The second qualitie of this sacrifice which is Christ our Sauiour is his suffering This his condition Paule putteth vs in remembrance of when in the texte hee calleth him Thusian an hoast a Sacrifice The thinges whereof this sacrifice stoode was either a Psa 50.13 a bull or b Leu. 1.2 an Oxe or c 3 1 an heffer or d Num. 19.2 a calfe or e Leu. 4 3. a Ram or f Gen. 22.13 an ewe or g Leu. 3.7 a lambe or h 9.3 a goate or i 1.2 a turtle doue or k 12.8 a young pigion which was appointed by the law first to be l 12.8 slayne thē m 3 2. to
the booke it is written of me that I shoulde doe thy will O God And thy will is that hee should voluntarily die for vs. In th 10 of Iohn where Christ teacheth vs that b Io 10 11 he is the good shepheard and that we are his sheepe to testifie hys prompt minde to die for vs hee pronounceth that whereas c Io. 10 18 no man could take his life from him hee layde it dovvne of himselfe for his sheepe If any obiect and say Yea but when Christ saw that his bitter death approched comparing it to d Mat 26 39 mar 14 36 Luc 22 42 a cuppe he prayed his Father that if it vvere possible it might passe from him Howe then was his death voluntary since gladly hee would eschewe it I aunswere this speache of Christ sheweth not any vnwillingnesse to dye for vs but the truth of both his natures humane and diuine and his willingnesse to offer himselfe in sacrifice for our redemption For in that Christ was subiect to humane affections and passions a Mat. 26 38 as heauinesse b Mar. 14 33. trouble of minde c Luc. 22.44 and agonie into the which he fel not so much through the terrour of death approching as the sensible feeling of Gods wrath then begon to be layd vppon him for our sinnes it sheweth that he was a true and a natural man ⸪ But in that hee subdueth the infirmitie of the fleshe * Mar. 26 39 42. mar 14.36 Lu 22 42 and submitteth his will to the will of his Father hee sheweth himselfe to be god who being conceiued as touching his manhood without sinne moderateth hys humayne affections in such a temperature by the power of his god-head that although hee were subiect vnto them yet they brake not out to rebellion against god but were preserued without blemishe of sinne And lastly he willingly yeeldeth to gods determination and voluntarily submitteth himselfe to the death of the crosse concluding his prayer a Mat 16.39 Neuerthelesse not as I will but as thou wilt b Mar. 14 3 Not that I will but that thou wilt c Luc. 22.42 Not my will but thine be done Ye see then that the manner of his sacrificing was by a vvilling and a voluntary death Oh the exceeding loue of Christ to vs-ward d Rom. 5 8 vvho vvhen vve vvere yet sinners died for vs. e Io. 15.13 Greater loue than this hath no manne vvhen any man bestoweth his life for hys friendes But vvee are the friendes of Christ 14 if we doe vvhatsoeuer he commaundeth vs. And this is his commaundement that f Io. 15 12 vve loue one an other as he hath loued vs. But he loued vs with an vnfayned loue whiche of his owne accorde gaue himselfe for vs. Let vs therefore loue one an other vnfaynedly as beseemeth the disciples of Iesus Christ And this may suffice to be spoken of the maner of the sacrificing of Christ * 3. The sacrifice was the innocent soule the vndefiled body the precious blood of Christ Now in the third place the sacrifice it selfe commeth to be considered * 3. The sacrifice was the innocent soule the vndefiled body the precious blood of Christ Heerein must bee noted two things Two things noted First the substance then the qualities of this sacrifice that thereby we may learne both vvhat it is and of what kinde it is * 1 The substance of the Sacrifice is the man-head of Christ Of the Substance of this sacrifice Paule speaketh in this texte when as he telleth vs that a Eph. 5.2 Christ gaue hymselfe for vs. So then looke what christ is as touching his Man-head and that is the sacrifice offered for vs. But Christ according to his humanitie standeth of a reasonable soule and an humane body Therefore it followeth that he gaue his soule * Christs soule giuen to redeme our soules his body for our bodyes to redeeme our soules and his body to redeeme our bodies Body for body and soule for soule yea he gaue for vs b Mat. 27.35 his body to be crucified c Ion. 19 34 his bloud to be shed d Ion. 19 03 his soule to bee seperated e Ion. 19 33 hys life to be yealded So then so tenderly did Christ loue vs that f Pet●● 18.19 he redeemed vs not with corruptible thinges siluer and golde 20 but with his owne pretious bloud as of a lambe vndefiled and without spot Which was ordeined before the foundation of the worlde but was declared in the last times for our sakes Neyther was there anie thing fitte to become the sacrifice for sinne but the Sonne of God being free from sinne For although the sacrifices of the law were ordayned by God yet a Heb. 10 4 was it vnpossible that by the bloud of bulles and goates our sinnes should be taken away And although Angels be most excellent creatures of God yet was the nature of none of them fit for this sacrifice And therfore the Sonne of god tooke not vpon him b Heb. 2 16 the nature of an Angell but of c Luc. 1 35 Man that in hys Manhead hee might reconcile Man vnto god d Gen. 2.6 as in Man-head Man fell from god This was the onely way to satisfie gods iustice and to pacifie his wrath that e Rom. 5.19 as by the disobedience of one Man Adam many wer made sinners So by the obedience of one Man christ 12 many might also bee made righteous * And that as by one Man Adam sinne entered into the worlde and death by sinne * So by one man Christ we might receiue the attonement thorough the remission of sinnes to euerlasting life Of this point intreateth Paule more at large in the fifth to the Romanes a scripture for this purpose diligently to bee wayed And thus ye fee that onely christ a Reuel 5.5 the Lion which is of the tribe of Iudah and the roote of Dauid is worthy to open the booke of life and to lose the seuen seales of the Mysteries of the kingdome of heauen b Io. 1 29. euen the lambe of god whiche taketh away but sinnes c Reuel 5.6 the lambe of god which was killed for vs d. 1. Pet. 1.20 the lambe of God which is a● ordayned for vs before the foundation of the world And for conclusion of this point marke I beseech you this mysterie in our reconciliation that he onely is the sacrifice who onely is the sacrificer Christ the one Christ the other e Rom. 5.1 Heb. 10 14. who by himselfe hath reconciled vs to god his father Therfore blame vs not although we dare not teach as doe the Papists most blasphemously that Christ is offered in the Lordes supper by the minister to god for our sinnes f Heb. 9.26 who in the ende of the vvorld vvas made manifest once to put avvay sinne by
dearely beloued in the Lord that hee giueth vs not onely his blessed worde to become (a) Deu. 8.3 Mat. 4.4 Luc. 4.4 the foode of the soule but also (b) Mat. 22. faythfull Ministers to breake vnto vs the same Hee sent vnto his auncient people descended from Abraham the Patriarche according to the fleshe his holy Prophetes (a) Esa 1.1 Ier. 1.1 Ezech. 1.1 Ose 1.1 Amos. 1.1 Abdi 1.1 Hab. 1.1 Ag. 1.1 Zach. 1.1 Mal. 1.1 * The sūme of the Prophetes doctrine Ier. 7.21.22 to expounde the lawe to them (b) Esa 5.11 to denounce his curses to the obstinate (c) Psal 1.1 to publishe his blessinges to the penitent and (d) Ier. 31.31 to foreshewe the newe couenaunt betweene God and Man in Christe the Messias then to come (e) Esa 8.1 Hab. 2.2 And the same Prophets by the instinct of Gods holy spirite committed to writing for the instruction of the posteritie the summe of the deuine Sermons which they preached to the people Hee hath sent vnto his newe people (f) Io. 11.16 Rom. 3.29 gathered to geather of the beleeuing Iewes and beleeuing Gentiles thorowe faith in Christ his Son his blessed Apostles * The sūme of the Apostles doctrine (g) Mat. 28.19.20 Mar. 16.15 Act. 2.38 to preach repentaunce for the remission of sinnes (h) Rom. 6.1 c. to teache newnes of life to the glory of God (i) Heb. 4.12 and to testifie the performance of the new couenant between God and Man in Christ the Messias in their time exhibited And least the Church of God (k) Num. 12.17 1. Cor. 4.1 which is his houshoulde should want the least crumbe of his heauenly foode the same holie spirite hath mooued the Apostles and Disciples of Christ (a) Io. 20.31 Reuel 1.19 to recorde in writing the historie doctrine and prophesies of the newe couenaunt Soe bountiful a Father is our God which giueth vs plentie of heauenly foode so prouident a Lord is he whiche sendeth vs from age to age faithfull disposers thereof * The sūme of Gods word The summe of the whole word of God so gratiously giuen so faithfully taught and so necessarilie written is contained in two pointes true fayth and godly life * The methode of the Epistle to the Ephesians The Apostle Paule hath exactlie obserued this methode in this his heauenly Epistle written to the Christians of Ephesus For in the first three chapters hee prooueth that we are (b) Rom. 3.20 28. iustified not by our workes (c) Lu. 17.5 but by faith which is the (d) Ephe. 2.8 Gift of God And in the three last chapters he sheweth that works be necessary because they are the (e) Gal. 5.22 fruites of faith (f) Iam. 2.18 whereby our profession is adorned (g) Mat. 5.16 and God glorified O that this lesson were as well practised as it may easely be learned then should we be (a) Ia. 1.22 not onely hearers of the worde but doers of the same The Apostle hauyng taught this doctrine to the Ephesians and that most plentifully for the space of (b) Act. 20.31 three yeares and being therefore become (c) Ephes 3.1 a prisoner in Rome committeth to writing the summe of his doctrine for the confirmation of the faith of the Ephesians the instruction of the ages to come Herein he imitateth the auncient Prophetes whose maner was briefly (d) Esa 8.1 Abac. 2.2 to put in writing that whiche largely they taught Such loue bare Paul to the flocke of Christ so perfect a paterne is hee of a godly pastor Now for somuch as it is so necessarie to learne to beleue aright (e) Act. 13.39 Rom 3.28 that thereby we may be iustified and to liue a right (f) Mat. 5.16 that thereby God may be glorified I esteemed this text very fitte for this auditorie because therein the Apostle briefly cōprehendeth both those pointes although in an altered order * The distribution of the text first speaking of life and then of fayth If the profession of Christians were nothing els but an idle speculation then were it somewhat to be able to talke 〈◊〉 Religion although wee liued not religiously But Christ the authour of truth and the wisedome of his heauenly father hath taught vs that (a) Mat. ●●ayn we call him our Lord except 〈…〉 wil of his father reuealed vnto 〈◊〉 his word Iames as a faithfull do●●r in the schole of Christ exhorteth vs to (b) Iam. 1.22 be doers of the word not hearers onely deceiuyng our selues what greater care thē ought Christians to haue than by their godly liues to make their holy conuersation to shine in the world to the glorye of God the edifying of his Churche to the testimonie in their owne consciences that they be his children * The vse of Gods lawe And lest wee should wander out of the way of righteousnes by framing vnto our selues a fayth according to our foolishe fantasies or a life agreable to our curious imaginatiōs God hath giuen vs his lawe (c) Psal 1.2 to meditate therein both day and night Yea and that we may bee effectually stirred vp to serue our heauenly Father without feare a Luc. 1.74.75 in holinesse and righteousnesse before him all the dayes of our life hee dealeth with vs in his word diuersly For sometimes hee b Deu. 11.27 promiseth his blessinges to vs if we obey his statutes Sometimes he c 28. threatneth his curses if we transgresse his ordinaunces sometimes he d Esa 1.2 prouoketh vs with the remembraunce of his benefites bestowed vpō vs Sometimes he e Pro. 3.11 Heb. 12.5 c. Imitation chasteneth vs with his fatherly correction for our amēdement Vnto these and many other meanes of our instruction set forth vnto vs in Gods word S. Paule in this place addeth the very example of God himselfe to be imitated by vs exhorting vs to be f Eph. 5.1 followers of God as deare children Herein appeareth the godly discretiō of the Apostle who wel considering that we are as childrē not able to practise the preceptes of obedience except we haue a paterne to imitate layd before vs nurtereth vs by this meanes in the way of righteousnesse * Now that we erre not in this imitatiō taught by the Apostle * Foure things are to be obserued in this imitation we must carefully obserue foure thinges The first Who is to be imitated The second Why he that is to be followed is to be imitated The third Wherein he is to be imitated The fourth Of what maner that thyng is wherein hee is to be imitated * 1. God is to be imitated Paule meaning to teache vs by imitation to leade a Christian life proposeth God himselfe to be imitated by vs Saying a Ephes 5.1 Be ye imitators of God Herein we haue a mirror of Gods mercy towardes vs which
virtues in our conuersation Surelie since (h) Act. 11.26 Christians take their name of Christ it is very reasonable that wee should bee most diligente in learnyng his Doctrine that wee may knowe what to professe moste circumspect in obseruing his imitable woorkes that we may expresse our Religion by our life So shall wee bee (i) Iam. 1.22 doers of the worde and not hearers onelie so shall wee not deceiue our owneselues And that yee may knowe the as Christs Doctrine is to bee learned so his life is to bee imitated I beseach you call to minde that he persuaded his Disciples to bee a Mat 11 2● meeke because hee was meeke and to b Ioh. 13.34 15.12 loue one an other because he had loued them saying c Mat. 11.29 learne of mee that I Am meeke and lowly in hearte and d Ioh. 13.14 15.12 loue ye one an other as I haue loued you If we compare age with age faulte with faulte we finde that ignorance and superstition were the blottes of the age past and that the blemishes of our age are carelesnesse as well in learning Gods will in his worde as in expressing the same in our life in some and dissimulation counterfeityng loue with men and zeale to God in others How farre these men are from the right imitation of Christ e Ioh. 2.17 which was eaten vp with the zeale of Gods house and f 1. Pet. 2.22 in whose mouth was found no guile God g Act. 1.24 which knoweth the secretes of the hearte doth knowe and their consciences wherein they are giftie doe beare them witnesse Hath God light vp the a Psal 119.105 candle of his worde in our age and doe wee contemne the benifite of the light Hath God deliuered vs in these daies many b Mat 25.15 talentes do wee deliuer him none backe with increase what then must we looke for Suerly c Mat 21.43 to haue his worde taken from vs and to bee giuen to a nation that will bring forth the fruites thereof and d 26.25 to be depriued of the talentes which shall bee deliuered to good and faithfull seruantes which will vse them with increase O then my brethren let vs striue to attaine that happinesse which Christ pronounceth to stande e Luc. 11.28 in hearing the worde of God and keeping it And hetherto how God may bee imitated by vs in his Sonne Christ Iesus our Lorde * 3. in his Saints Thirdelie God setteth forth him-selfe to bee imitated of vs f 1. Cor. 4 16 1. Thes 1.6 in his Sainctes And hereby our heauenly Father setteth forth vnto our vewe as in a glasse the power of the operation of his holie spirite in 2. Cor. 4.7 earthen vessels For when wee consider that the faithfull seruants of the Lord whose prayse is in the worde of God were (a) Iam. 5.17 subiect to the same infirmities that wee are and yet neuerthelesse shone in sundrie virtues thereby wee my learne that wee (b) Io. 15.5 which of our selues can do nothing yet abidyng in Christ by faith and Christ abidyng in vs by his Spirite may bring forth much fruite So the mistrust which might rise thorowe our owne weakenesse in ourselues is remoued by the consideration of the mightie operation of Gods Spirite in others For we must not thinke (c) Deut 10.17 2. Chro. 19.17 Iob. 34.19 Act. 10.34 Rom. 2.11 Gal. 2.6 Ephe. 6.9 Col. 3.21 1. Pet. 1.17 that God is an accepter of persons (d) Act. 10.35 The saints virtues to be imitated but that in euerie nation he that feareth him and woorketh righteousnes is accepted with him we must therfore diligentlie search forth the vertues of the seruaunts of God that we imitating their good workes may imitate God which setteth him selfe forth in them by vs to bee imitated So then we must learne righteousnesse of (e) Gen. 6.9 7.2 righteous Noe faith of (f) 15.6 rom 4.3 Gal. 3.6 Ia. 2.23 faithfull Abraham chastitie of (g) Gen. 39.8 chaste Ioseph meekenesse of (a) Num. 12 13. meeke Moses we must learne zeal of (b) 25.7 8. zealous Phines courrage of (c) courrageous Iosua vncorruptenesse of (d) 1. Sam. 12.5 vncorrupte Samuell Wee must learne valiantenesse of (e) valiante Dauid wisdome of (f) 1. King 3 12. wise Salomon patience of (g) Iob. 1.21 Iam. 5.11 patience Iob. I passe ouer many rare virtues which appeared in diuers of Gods seruantes mencioned both in the newe Testament and in the olde all which are examples vnto vs that wee followyng them may be founde (h) Ephes 5.1 followers of God as becommeth deare children Let vs therefore brethren diligently reade the word of God that there finding the godly life of the Saints described wee may vse it as a paterne of Christian imitation Neither let vs mistrust the merciful assistance of Gods holy spirit (i) Psal 145.18 which is neare vnto all that call vpon him truly in faith * The Sainctes must be followed with a caution in two pointes But because (k) Ia. 3.2 the Sainctes of God haue alwaies had their imperfections and blemishes Such is the fraylenesse of mans nature they are not so perfect paternes that wee may without exception imitate them Therefore Paule addeth this Caution a 1. Cor. 11.1 Euen as I am of Christ teachyng vs thereby that the Sainctes are so farre forth to bee followed as they followe Christ and no further neither in life nor in doctrine * 1 in life So then Noes b Gen. 9.21 drunkennesse the Patriarches c Gen. polygamie Iosephs d 44 5. dissimulation is no warrante that wee may be dronke or at one time haue manie wiues or dissemble This caution obserued wee may not imitate Moses e Num. 20.11 mistrust of God nor Dauids f 2 Sam. adulterie and murther nor Manasses g 2. Chro. 33.2 idolatrye So farre must wee bee from imitatyng the faults of the Seruants of God that wee maye not with h Mat. 26.70 Mar. 14.68 Lu. 22.57 Io. 18 17 27 Peter denie Christ nor with i 20 25 Thomas doubte of his resurrection nor with k Act 15 39 Paule and Barnabas fall out among our-selues And yet these with many like bee examples of the Fathers not of the reprobate but of the elect not to bee imitated l Gal 5 22 as the fruites of the Spirite but to be auoyded m 19 as the woorkes of the fleshe * 2. in Doctrine And as this limitation So as the godlie followe Christ is to bee obserued in maners so is it in doctrine But the Doctrine which Christ taught was such as hee confirmed by the written worde of God whereby a Mat 4 4 7.10 Lu 4 4 8 8 2 1 hee confounded Satan b 18 21 confirmed
his callyng c Io 10 34 confuted his aduersaries d Luc 24 27 instructed his Disciples And if wee diligently reade his Sermones and Epistles of the Apostles recorded in the booke of the Newe Testament we shall finde that what they taught e Rom 4 6 they confirmed by the holie Scriptures For they knewe f Io 5 39 that in the Scriptures is eternall life and that they are they which testifie of Christ They knewe g 2 Tim 3 15 that the holie Scriptures are able to make men wise vnto saluation through the faith which is in Christ Iesus They knewe that h 16 the whole Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach to conuince to correct and to instruct in righteousnesse i 17 That the man of God may bee absolute being made perfect vnto all good workes They knewe k 2 Pet 1 20 that no prophecie of the Scripture is of anie priuate interpretation (a) 21. and that the prophecie came not in olde time by the will of man but that holie men of god spake as they were mooued by the holy ghost And if this rule No further to followe Men then they followe Christ had bine precisely followed from the time of the Apostles vntill our age Poperie had neuer bene so vniuersally receiued in Christendome as to the losse of many soules it hath For what is Popery Poperie discribed but an hypocriticall Religion brought in by the doctryne of Men with-out the warrant of the worde of god And this much concernyng the imitation of god in his Sainctes * 2. God is to bee imitated of vs because wee are his deare children Now it followeth to shew the cause which is the second principal point why God wil that we immitate him Paule yeeldeth the cause heereof adding (b) Eph. 5.1 As deare childrē And in these wordes the Apostle vseth a most vehement persuasion whether wee way them by naturall reason or in them call to minde the great benefite which god hath bestowed vpō vs. For it stādeth with naturall reason that the naturall childe imitate the naturall father in expressing not his vices but his vertues that he may be as well the mirror of his good maners as the glasse of his cōtenaūce Ought we not then which are a Ioh. 1.12 the spirituall children of god b Heb. 12.9 the Father of spirites to folow him in all things wherein he hath set forth himselfe as a paterne to bee folowed that in our manners we may resemble him by bringing forth the fruites of the spirite whereof anone we will speake And least we should thinke that hee requireth impossible thinges at our hands Behold his fatherly dealing with vs hee requireth no workes of vs but such as himself his sonne and his saints haue done before vs for our example Now if the remēbraunce of benefites receiued may stirre vs vp to duetifulnesse Paule would haue vs to knowe that since god hath vouchsafed to make c Ioh. 1.12 vs by grace his beloued children whiche d Ephe. 2.3 by nature were the children of wrath our duetie is with all readynesse to imitate him our louyng Father a 5.1 as becommeth deare children * Two thinges insinuated in the Greeke wordes But for so much as the Apostle by vsing chosen woordes in the greeke tongue wherein hee wrote this Epistle b Ephe. 5.1 Os tecna agapeta hath insinuated both the meane whereby we become the children of god and the fruite thereof I will briefly speake of those two pointes and so conclud this part * 1. The mean wherby we are made Gods children is a spirituall birth The meane whereby we become gods children is c Ioh. 1.13 a byrth not of bloud nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of god This birth Christ calleth d 3.3 5. a new birth which is wrought by gods holy spirite e Heb. 9.14 which clenseth our consciences from dead workes f Mat. 3.11 and inflameth our hartes with the loue of the truth And that we may know that this byrth is altogether spirituall Iames telleth vs that g Iam. 1.18 god of his own will begate vs with the word of truth And Peter teacheth vs that h 1. Pet. 1.23 we are borne a new not of mortall seede but of immortall by the worde of god who liueth and indureth for euer So thē since euery thing in this birth is most excellent a. Iam. 1.18 the father God b 1. Pet. 1.23 the seede his word c Ioh. 3.5 8. the worker his spirite d 1.12 the fruite his children the due remembraūce of this gracious meanes wherby we receiue this priuilege to bee e 1.12 the sonnes of god ought to moue vs effectually to bee f Ephe. 5.1 folowers of god our Father as beseemeth deare children * 2 The fruit of this spirituall birth is our fauoure with God The fruite and commoditie which insueth vnto vs by the meanes of this spirituall birth is exceeding great For thereby we become g Ephe. 5.1 Agapetoi that is amiable diligible acceptable and pleasaunt in the sight of our god in whom hee taketh full delight as a father in his childrē And this is more then Agapoumenoi beloued For amōg men some time children are beloued of their parentes affectionately when their cōdiciōs deserue no loue at all h Gen. 27.6 as was Esau of Isaac But by meanes of this new birth there is cause why god loueth them whom he hath so regenerate For thereby we become the members of that holy body whereof a Ephe. 4.15 Iesus Christ is the head And the● cā it not otherwise be but as b Luk. 1.35 Chris● the head is holy of it self so must tru● Christians the members of that head c Rom. 6.5 1. Cor. 6.11 participate by grace the holynesse o● their head wherby they become acce●ptable amiable vnto God This moued Paul the Apostle to teach vs that d 1. Cor. 1.30 we are of god in Christ Iesus Who of god is made vnto vs wisedome and righteousnes and sanctificatiō and redēption And as the whole body of Aarō became fragrāt by the meanes of the precious e Exo. 30.30 ointement f Psal 133.2 which distilled from his head to the hemme of his garmentes as his whole body was glorious through his g Exod. 28.2 beautifull attire so is the whole body of Christ h 1. Cor. 6 15 whereof we be members sweete in the presence of god through the sanctification of his spirite glorious before him through the righteousnesse of his sonne For through Christ we as i 1. Pet. 2.5 liuely stones be made a spirituall house an holy Priesthode to offer vp spirituall sacrifices acceptable to god by Iesus Christ k 9 yea we are a chosen generation a
and without In which description as all thinges are most excellent so this is most comfortable vnto the elect that whereas he saw no temple he yealdeth the reason a Reue. 21 22 23 For the Lorde God almightie and the lambe are the temple of it Adding And this city hath no need of the sun neither of the moone to shine in it for the glory of God did light it the lambe is the light of it 24 And the people which are saued shall walk in the light of it And the kinges of the earth shall bring their glory and their honour vnto it And the gates of it shall not be shut by daye 25 for there shall be no night there 26 And the glory honor of the Gentiles shall bee brought vnto it 27 And there shall enter into it none vncleane thing neyther whatsoeuer worketh abhomination or lyes but they which are writtē in the lambs booke of life O gracious God which in mercie hast prepared so glorious a place for thy seruauntes Thy name be praysed Thy name be praysed But calling to mind our filthines through sinne let vs a Reuel 7.14 washe our robes through faithfull repentance in the bloud of the lamb that they may become white and let vs glorifie Gods name by a godly life that it may appeare that we are his children Otherwise wee may not promise to our selues the fruition of that rest And this much concerning the ende of the way which is euerlasting life * 4. The loue wherein God must be imitated must be vnfained sincere and free Now followeth the fourth end last point of the text How God is to be imitated in loue And this doeth Paule laye downe in these wordes b Ephe. 5.2 Euen as Christ hath loued vs and hath giuen himselfe for vs to be an offering and a sacrifice of a sweete smelling sauour to God Heere the Apostle sheweth what maner of loue it is by the practising whereof God is imitated Namely that wee loue God and one an other vnfeynedly sincerely and freely without regard of merite For not euery shew of loue is allowed before God but that loue onely * The obiect of our loue double whiche is agreeable to the nature of that whiche is loued Then since the obiect of our loue is double a Mat 22.37 39 mar 2.30 31. luc 10.27 god and our Neighbour let vs view their natures apart * 1. God God is b Ier. 10.10 Ioh. 17.3 1. thes 1.9 true c Leu. Pet. 1 16. holy and the d Iam. 1.17 fountayne of all goodnesse Therefore it is meete that we should loue him for himselfe with an vnfayned sincere and free loue Our Neighbour be it hee be an heathen yet is he an excellent creature of God e Gen. 1.26 27.5.1 made after his image and similitude * 2. Our neighbour Therfore to be beloued for the Creators sake vnfaynedly sincerely freely How much more ought our loue to be such toward our Christian neighbor considering f Ephe. 4.24 Col. 3.10 that in him the image of God g Rom. 5.17 which was decayed by Adam is renued through christ h Ioh. 1.12 wherby hee is become thorough grace the child of God a Rom. 8.17 and the heyre of euerlasting life So then it foloweth that as we ought to loue god with an vnfayned sincere and free loue because he is our father so should we loue one an other vnfaynedly sincerely freely because we are his children And this is that manner of loue whiche if we practise b Ephe. 5.1 we become folowers of God as deare children * The loue whereby we imitate God two waies described But that I digresse not from my text marke I beseeche you my brethren how Paul describeth this manner of loue two wayes in the text First by a double example thē by proofe of the second example * 1. By example Examples in imitatiō be the playnest documentes so that they be perfect Now consider the godly discretion of Paule For he heere confirmeth his doctrin by two examples agaynst the which none exception can be takē * 1. Of the father The first example of this vnfayned sincere and free loue is God the Father c Ioh. 3.16 who so loued the worlde that hee gaue his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life If we consider this gracious dealing of god with vs we shall finde it to be a most perfect mirrour of his free loue towardes vs what soeuer herein we way For if we examine the causes of the loue of God to vs ward When in vs whiche are most vniust and most vnholy there was no cause why the most iust and most holy God should loue vs this loue flowed frō his owne bountie as from a Iam. 1.17 1. Ioh. 4.10 the fountaine of all goodnesse If we search into the manner of the loue wherewith God loued vs so and so exceedingly that he gaue to ransome vs from our spirituall bondage b 1. Pet. 1.18 not siluer gold or precious stones not onely a creature to saue vs creatures c Heb. 2.16 not an angell to deliuer vs men d Ioh. 3.16 but his own sonne yea his onely Sonne e Mat 1.23 God to remayne God and man f Heb. 10.5 to be a sacrifice g Phil. 2.8 by an ignominious death to bee offered for vs h 1. Cor. 1. Pet. 1.19 euen the price of our redemption If we take a vewe of the ende for the which God loued vs we shall perceaue that it was not to the benefite of himselfe or of his Sonne a Rom. ● ●5 For God in himselfe and of himselfe without his creatures is absolutely blessed but to our benefite b Rom. 4.3.4 that wee through him being saued c Mat. 25. ●4 with him might liue blessedly for euer If we ponder what God whiche so dearly hath loued vs requireth againe at our handes verely nothing d Ephe 2.8 but that hee giueth vs e Rom. 5.1 a liuely fayth to receaue Christ f ● Cor. 1 ●0 that in him we may receaue all thinges necessary for our saluation g Ephe. 1.4 and that wee be holy and without blame before him in loue So then ought we to loue as the Father hath loued vs vnfaynedly sincerely and freely that we may be found h Ephe. 5. ● followers of God as dear childrē But if anie obiect that the loue of the Father is not mentioned in the text and thereupon inferre that I digresse frō the same I answere It is included in the little word Cai so that the sentence may be thus translated i 1. Ephe. 5. ● Euen as Christ also hath loued vs whereby by a secret speache the loue of the Father is insinuated as in