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A07960 A path-way to penitence with sundry deuout prayers, fruiteful aduertisementes, and wholesome counsailes of godly fathers towards the amendement of life and some withdrawing of the bridle of ouer-much liberty taken. J. N.; Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1591 (1591) STC 18328.5; ESTC S4794 39,805 330

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wouldest mercifully looke vpon me thy naughty seruant and haue mercy vpon me that haddest mercy on the woman of Canaan and on Mary Magdalene that sparedst the Publicane and forgauest the theefe hanging vpon the crosse To thee O most holy father I confesse my sinnes which if I woulde hide from thee O Lorde I can not Spare me O Christ whome I haue much offended in thinking speaking and dooing and in euery manner wherein I fraile man and sinfull might sin by my fault by my owne faulte through my great default Therefore O Lord I beseech thy mercy that cammest downe from heauen for my saluation that liftedst vp Dauid from his fall of sinne spare me O Lord spare mee O Christ that sparedst Peter whē he denied thée Thou art my Creator and my Redéemer my Lord and my sauiour my king and my God Thou art my hope and my trust my guide and my help my comfort my strength my defence and deliuerer my life my health and my resurrection my light and my desire my assistance and my refuge I pray and beséech thée helpe me and I shal be safe gouerne me and defend me strengthen mee and comforte me confirme and make mee glad lighten mee and vifite me raise me being dead because I am of thy making and workemanship O Lord despise me not being one of thy housholde seruants although lewd vnworthy and a sinner but whatsoeuer I am good or bad I am alwais thine To whome shal I flie except I goe to thée If thou doest cast me off who shall receiue mee If thou doest despise me who shal look vpon me Uouchsafe therefore to know mee one vnworthy flying vnto thee though I be vile and vncleane seeing if I be vncleane thou canst purge me if I be blind thou canst make me to sée if I bee sicke thou canst make mee whole if I be dead and buried thou canst raise me again For thy mercy is greater then my iniquitie thy godlines is greater then my vngodlines thou canst forgiue more then I can commit and release more then I can offend Dispise me not therefore O lord neither looke on the multitude of my iniquities but according to the multitude of thy mercies haue mercy on me be fauourable vnto mee a great sinner Say vnto my soule I am thy saluation who didst say I will not the death of a sinner but rather that hee may bee conuerted and liue Turne me O Lord and bee not angry against me I pray and beséech thée O most merciful father that for thy mercies sake thou wilt bring me to a good end and to the happinesse of true repentance by due contrition and pure confession of all my sins Amen A prayer before confession to God MOst holy and mercifull Lord Iesu Christ the only hope of my souls health receiue this the confession of my sins which I will make vnto thee and giue me I beseech thee due sorrowing of heart and grace to bewaile them with the tears of mine eies and that hereafter both day and night I may mourn for my negligences offences with an humble and pure hart Let my praier approch in thy sight O Lord if thou shalt be displeased with mee whom shall I séeke to helpe me who shal pitty mine iniquities Be mindfull of mee O lord who calledst the Cananean and the Publican to repentance and receiuedst Peter when he wept O lord my God receiue my praiers the Sauior of the world good Iesu that gauest thy selfe to the death of the crosse to saue sinners respect me miserable sinner that am calling vpon thy name neither respecte thou so much my euilnes that thou forget thy own goodnes And if I haue committed that wherby thou maiest cōdemne me thou hast not lost that whereby thou mayest saue me Spare me therfore thou that art my Sauiour and haue mercy on my sinfull soule vnloose her bonds and beale her wounds Lord Iesu I desire and beséech thée shew me thy countenance I shall be safe send forth thy light and thy trueth into my soule that I may sée in this grosse body the number quality greatnes of my offences which I ought nowe to confesse to thee with answerable sorrowing bitternes of hart Grāt thou that liuest rainest god for euer euer A prayer to be sayd after the confession of our sins to God O Lord I beséeche thee let this my confession be accepted with thee which I haue nowe made before thée by calling to minde and rehearsing of my sinnes and whatsouer there is wanting in me either of due contritiō and sorowing or of pure and dutifull confession let thy godlines and mercy supply it and according thereunto vouchsafe that I may bee receiued ful and perfectly absolued in heauen who liuest and raignest world without end Amen A prayer before the holy Communion TO come to the Table of thy most sweete banket O holy Lord Iesus Christ I doe feare and tremble that am a sinner nothing presuming of my own merits but trusting in thy mercy and goodnesse for I haue a hart and body spotted with many crimes togither with a mind and tongue not warily kept Therfore O holy Deity and dreaded Maiesty I poore wretch attached with many causes of sorrow and griefe of mind haue recourse to thée the fountaine of mercy vnto thee I hasten to be cured I flie vnder thy protection And whom I am not able to bear as a iudge I hope to finde a Sauiour to thee O Lord I shew my wounds before thée I wipe away my shamefastnes I wote my sinnes bee many and great for which I am afraide but I hope of thy mercies which are infinite Looke vnto me with the eies of thy mercy Lord Iesus Christ King eternall God and man crucified for man heare mee hoping in thee haue mercy on mee that am ful of sins and wretchednes thou which neuer wilt cease to let runne the fountaine of thy compassion Remember O Lord thy creature which thou redéemest with thy owne blood It repenteth me that I haue sinned and I am in desire to amend the works of my life Therefore most mercifull father take from me all my iniquities and sinnes that I being purified in minde and body I may worthely taste of that which is most holy and grant that the same that I vnworthy intende to receiue may be the remisson of my sins the perfecte purging of my offences the expelling of filthie cogitations the renuing of good godly intentions and a most firme defence of my soule and body against the snares deceits of my enemies Amen A praier to be saide after the holy Communion I Giue thee thankes holie Lord almighty Father god eternal that hast vouchsafed to feed me a sinner thy vnworthy seruaunt for no merites of mine but of the vouchsafing of thy mercy And I beséeche thée that this holy Communion be not vnto me a guiltinesse vnto punishment but rather a wholsome intercession to forgiuenesse
Let it be to me the armour of faith and shielde of good wil. Let it be a cleansing of my vices and destruction of concupiscence and lust the increase of charity patience humility and obedience a sure defence against the assaults of al enemies both visible and inuisible a perfecte quieting of my motions both carnall and spirituall a sure staying on thée one true god and a happy consummating of my life and end And further I beséech thée that thou wilt vouchsafe to bring me a sinner to that vnspeable banket where thou with thy sonne and the holy Ghost art to all thy Saintes the true light and the ful sac●ety the euerlasting ioy and most perfect mirth and felicicity through our Lord Iesus Christ. Amen A deuout praier of the seuen last wordes of our Sauiour O Lord Iesus Christ who art noted to vtter specially seuen words or sentences whiles thou didst hāg on the crosse wherby we vnderstande it was thy will wee should alwaies be mindful of the same most holy spéeches I beséech thée by the vertue of the same that thou haue mercie on me in whatsoeuer I haue sinned and offended against thée in the like nūber of mortall sins or their branches Lorde euen as thou saidst Father forgiue my crucifiers so giue me grace that I may forgiue all them that work me any euil Lord as thou saidst to the Théefe To day shalt thou bee with mee in Paradice by thy grace let me so liue that at the houre of my death thou maiest say To day shalt thou bee with mee in Paradice Lord as thou didst say to thy mother Woman beholde thy sonne and then vnto the Disciple Beholde thy mother euen so let thy loue and charity bring me to be conuersant with thy blessed mother Lorde as thou diddest say O my God my God why hast thou lefte mee Giue me grace to say whensoeuer I am in trouble or vexation Father haue mercy on me a sinner helpe me my King and my God who hast redéemed me with thy owne bloud Lord euen as thou saiedst I doe thirste after the death of soules so let me euer thirst after thee loue thée the welspring of liuing water the fountaine of eternall light Let me runne to loue thée with all the desire of my hart Lord as thou saidst father into thy hands I commend my spirite giue me grace to liue so perfectly that at my death I may say to thée Lord into thy handes I commend my spirite receiue mee that am comming vnto thée for now is the time thou diddest appoint Lorde as thou saidst It is finished meaning that the sorrowes and labors suffred for vs miserable sinners were now at an end let me by thy help deserue to heare the swéet spéech of thine Come my beloued for I haue now determined to accomplish thy petitions Come with mee that thou maiest sit with my Angelles and Saintes feasting in my Kingdome and reioysing world without end Amen A prayer for the daily bread ALmighty God wee thy wretched children do cry vnto thée from earth as to our father in heauen vouchsafe through thy infinit mercy to giue vs that which pertaineth to the néedfull sustentation of the bodie and grant thy grace and blessing vnto all our labours honest exercises For vnles thou buildest the house they that build it labour in vaine Helpe vs that we may cast out the net of our vocation in thy name to good lucke in taking and therwithal giue vs thy grace that euery one in buying and selling may deal with a good conscience without fraude deceit Kéepe vs from ill seruantes from an vnfaithful family to deale with Giue vs that liue in pouerty patience that we murmure not agaynst thy diuine will nor of malice transgres thy commandements grant to them that be rich that they be not proud therof but rather that they may inrich themselues with good workes and so lay vp a good foundation for the world to come O Lord God two things I do aske of thée kéepe me from Idolatry in preferring any thing before the loue of thée bee it wife children friends house riches or any priuat opinion and giue me neither beggary nor riches but rather the which is néedefull for my sustentation least being ouer full I be moued to deny thee and say who is the lord or otherwise bée compelled by néed to rage and to forsweare the name of my God From these things preserue me I beséech thee through Iesus Christ thy beloued sonne Amen Against the diuels temptation O Mighty and good God the heauenly Father wée find by thy holy worde that the diuel the old serpent our aduersary lieth in waite by a thousand or infinite indeuors to kéepe our soules from saluation and to bring vs into the filthines of sin confusion and desperation He inticeth vs with riches hee woulde catch vs with pouerty voluptuousnesse the coueting of worldly honour and desire of power and authority or els by other worldly carefulnesse He laieth snares for vs by wordes by déedes by night by day which way soeuer we turne vs he assaulteth vs with his temptations whether we watch or sleepe he is at our backes and openeth his iawes to deuour vs. O lord who shal escape him Behold he wacheth without ceasing and neuer is at rest but we of the sluggishnesse of our flesh watch not carefully to resist him by thy helpe Opē therfore our eies that we may know how puissant and subtil an enemy we haue for our wrestling is not onely against flesh and bloud but against Sathan the Prince of this world Haue mercy on vs O GOD and make vs strong comfortable in the vertue of thy power put on vs that armour that we may resist his assaultes girde our loines with the truth· put on vs the breast-plate of righteousnes and shooes of Euangelicall peace But aboue all things strengthen our harts with the target of faith wher with we may breake off the fierie dartes of the wicked féende put on vs the helmet of saluation and giue vs the sword of the spirite which is thy holy worde in true sence and vnderstanding so shall we manfully resist and ouercome our said aduersary If thou be our helper wee shall not feare him though the whole earth be in broile and the mountaines cast into the Sea thou art our force and refuge which liuest and raignest world without end For Benefactors O Most mercifull God sith it is so that all ingratitude displeaseth thée giue me grace I beseech thée to be mindful and thankeful for al thy benefites and that I be not found vnthākful toward them that haue done me any good least I fal into thy iugemēt for it O most swéet god giue to them that good both of body and soule which they stand in néed of And giue me grace to be beneficial vnto others as I haue foūd others to me after my power Let me not for the ingratitude of others faile or
waxe fainte herein specially towards the faithfull for as much as thou our heauenly father art good and sufferest thy Sun to rise both on the good and euil and rainest on the iust and vniust I beséech thee let vs follow this thy liberal example that wee may shew our selues to be thy true sons that thy name be not dishonored or thy honor vioalated who liuest and raignest true and almighty God now and for euer Amen For the vnity of the Church MErcifull God who hast called vs by one and the same hope of our calling euē as there is one Lorde one faith one baptisme one God and Father of vs al or more rather as thou the Father art one God with Christ thy beloued Sonne in the holy Ghost so ought we to be one in thée I therefore do beséech thée that all that beare the name of Christian men may bee of one mind in the true catholike faith and that we may be careful to maintaine the vnitie of the Church in the bonde of peace to vnite our hearts in charitie Take from vs all carnall affection enmity hatred and swelling of mind and curiositie of foolish and vnprofitable questions that beget nothing but strife Breake the power of the diuel with the malice and deceit of men who indeuour to disseuer that band of vnity Assist vs O mercifull God that as many as haue departed frō the sound vnderstanding of the scriptures according to the interpretation of the holy Ghost whome our Sauior left to be the comforter directer of his church and of a reprobat mind haue brought in errors heresies strifes they may throughe thy grace returne to the acknowleding of thy trueth Likewise defend vs from the tumultuous spirits of errors and schisme that the church be not troubled and the harts of the ignoraunt seduced by sugered wordes So shal we of one agréement and with one mouth honour thee the God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ. Amen For the preseruation of the Church O Father of all mercy conserue I beséeche thée thy vniuersall Church the congregation of all true faithful people against the gates of hell against all the deceiptful snares of the Diuell and against all malice and rebellious madnesse of the worlde saue thy Arke and al christians therin that it perish not in the raging sea and tossing waues I beseech thee Suffer thy Church that it may remain vnshaken vpon that foundation and firme corner stone wheron it was by thee erected O lord God of might and vertues turne towards vs looke downe from heauen and visite this thy vineyard Make that perfect which thy right hand hath planted and which thou hast chosen vnto thy selfe that the boughes branches thereof may spread increase fence it with thy shield receiue vs thy shéep in to thy protection that we bee not by any aduersary of the same taken out of thy hand Mercifully protect vs from al such as séek the ouerthrow of sound doctrine and the stablishing of Idolatrous heresie Remember not Lord our offences who in time past diddest remit thy peoples iniquity Conuert vs Lord our Sauiour and turn away thy wrath from vs. Perfourme this for the loue of thy name least the holinesse thereof bée violated and dishonoured Graunt this I beséech thee for the loue of thy most beloued Son our onely hope and Sauiour Amen Another prayer for conseruation of the church ALmightie God who gauest victorie to Gideon with a handfull of men to ouercome his enemies And thou O Christ our Sauiour as thou sauedst Peter from drowning when hee walked on the Sea and Paul the Apostle from the bottome of the Sea hauing escaped danger of shipwrack thrée times so preserue vs in this storme and tempest of our enemies here ready to swalow vs vp and strengthen vs with thy right hand that in our victory thy name may be to all men most holy and glorious A prayer at the trauaile of childe-birth OUr most mercifull and gracious father in Christ Iesu our Lorde who hast promised to our forefathers the children of Israell that if they would hearken to thy voice in obeying thy will and commaundements ther shoulde none mis-carry with their fruite or otherwise bée barren wee thy vnworthy seruants and their sinful ofspring acknowledging the wickednes of life and the calamity of our age to be such that we may iustly say with Ezechias This is a troublesome time children are at the point to be borne and the mothers wante strength to deliuer them good Lord we most humbly and deuoutly beséech thée with thy clemencie and mercifull helpe to respecte this thy handmaides wretched estate which for disobeying thy holy wil thou hast inflicted vpon the daughters gf our first parent Eue that this our sister may obtaine at thy mercifull hande the fauour of safe and spéedie deliuerance and her fruit to come vnto the new birth of baptisme and regeneration that she ouercomming by thy mercifull goodnes the paines and trauell which thy pleasure is she shoulde suffer she may liue and laud thy holy name and say with thy beloued seruants holpen in this case Thus hath the Lorde dealt with me at such time as he looked vppon me thou O Lorde vouchsafing to wipe her teares and to make her a glad mother Graunt this mercy vnto her we beséeche thée who hast promised to be their assured helpe and comforter that put their trust in thee A prayer for making a good end O GOD most holy thou hast appointed to man a tearme of his life which hee can not passe for he hath his prefixed time the number of his moneths is in thy hande thou hast remembred euery day of our life which passeth away so swift as if our selus did flye away all our years are but as smoke shadow all flesh is grasse which soone withereth it is as the flower of the fielde that soone perisheth Teach me therefore that I may now at length knowe and thinke vppon my ende which is so néere at hand My dais be but as a hand bredth Teache mee O Lorde to bée mindefull of death and to learne to die sith in this pilgrimage wee haue no long dwelling place O Lord let my end be foreknowen vnto me that in this world I may liue ende my life vnto thee and accept the day of my return and of our reuealing of our lord Iesus Christ thy beloued sonne by my readines in holy conuersation and godlines Suffer me to make my ende with perfect vse reason and in true confession of my sinnes with contrition Let me not speake like one that is mad nor vtter any blasphemous words against thée my good Lorde or contrarie to my saluation Uouchsafe to protect me also frō sudden death and from eternal damnation that I be not ouertaken by death before I am fully prepared in performing of true repentance And whē the same houre shall come make me strong and without feare to beare the Temporal
death which is nothing else but the doore to eternall life Let me thy seruant then depart in peace because mine eies haue séen my saluation which thou hast prepared before the face of all people as a reuealing light to the Gentils to the renowne of Israel thy people Giue me grace that at the last instant I may speake at the least this word which thy beloued Son vttered vpon the Crosse saying Father into thy handes I commend my spirite And when I shall not be able to speake yet vouchsafe I béeseech thee to heare my last grones through Iesus christ Amen Against desperation O Most iust and mercifull GOD seeing through my owne faulte and will I haue often transgressed thy commaundements and contemned thée my Lorde God to my greeuous burden of offences whereby my conscience is sore vexed and wounded that thereby trembling and weakenes of mind groweth vppon me I beséech thee most holy father suffer mee not to distrust thy grace and mercy at any time leaste I fal into desperation which is the most gréeuous of all sins Comfort me that euen in the middest of death I may fixe all my hope in thée which art my life without distrust of thy mercy and helpe Behold me with the eies of thy mercy as thou didst Peter after he had denied thée least dispairing like Iudas the traytor I might sin against the holy Ghost O God the holy Ghost helpe mee in my extreame necessity when Sathan shall gréeuously accuse me before thée laying open the Booke of my conscience and the sight of Hell terrifie mée when I shal be compassed about with the sorrowes and fearefull temptations of death when al the world shal forsake me and take parte against mee then I beséeche thee to comfort me that my hope fall not from me Comfort my heart with thy testimony and seale that I may firmely beléeue the remission of sinnes and that I may bée mindfull of thy most holy couenant in Baptisme and of the annexed promise He that beeleeueth and is baptized shal be saued The prayer of a Magistrate or one in authority O Almighty God Lord of heauen and earth who hast brought and set mee in the place of a ruler and giuē me power ouer others I beséech thée to giue me a wife prudent heart that I may gouern thy people according to my office and vnderstand good from euill to the performing of iustice without any feare or respecte of persons Giue me counsail strength that I may doe that which is acceptable vnto thée profitable for thē that be vnder me auaileable to publike peace and quietnesse Let mee not forget that I haue not my authority of my selfe but from the high God and that I am to execute the iudgement or rule not of man but of God in heauen and thou assisting me in the same beholdest all my doinges who at length wilt inquire and take accoūt of my words workes and ordinaunces that am sure to liue but a short time in mine office And because the punishment shal be sore gréeuous on them that rule not well when the mighty shall be mightely tormēted For God is the ruler of all who wil not spare the person of any nor feare his greatnesse who hath made both greate and small hauing an equall care for all Assist me therefore O mercifull and eternal god that I may by thy grace and helpe bear my selfe well in my office offring violence nor iniury to any nor suffer it to be done of others or to beare with any iniustice sith I am thy seruaunt and the sonne of thy handmayde a weake man and of short life vnable for to vnderstand thy iudgement and lawes Send therfore wisedome to be assistant vnto mee in the place which I doe occupy that it may be with me and labour with me that I may knowe what is acceptable to thee which also may guide me in all my affaires and kéepe me in hir power that my doings may be to thy liking in christ Iesu our redeemer sauior The prayer of a sonne or daughter MOst mercifull God the celestiall father who hast commaunded that I shoulde honor my parents of whom I tooke this life who also acceptedst in good part that duty and obedience for Christ thy beloued Sonne and promisest to rewarde the same with long life together with sundry temporall benefites and the heauenly blessing I beseeche thee euen from the bottome of my heart that thou vouchsafe to giue vnto my most kind and louing parentes long life and prosperous yeares and also to defend them from al mischaunces hurt and domage Giue me also a heart apt to loue and obay them and that I may honour them in deedes speech and all patience that the same blessing of god may come vppon me and that I may succéede my father as well in old age as in worldly benefites And likewyse that I offende not or greeue my swéete mother that bare me in hir wombe with much griefe and brought mee vp with much car● and busines whom I ought not to forsake or discomfort least her curse come vpon me And if before this I haue shewed my selfe disobedient to my parents or vnquiet vouchsafe mercifully to forgiue me the sinnes of my youth and my secret offences O Lord remember not but let me acknowledge my owne foolishnes and performe due repentance therefore carefully setting before mee the wholesome example of Iesus Christ who in his childhood was an admonition to his parents and an example to all children by his obedience So let me by thy help be endewed alwaies with Christian obedience Kéepe mee from the company of naughty persons and if they intice me let me not go with them but with-holde my féet from their paths Let me encrease and profit in wisedom age and fauour with GOD and men through the same thy beloued sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ. Amen The praier of a seruant O Mercifull God who by the precious passion and death of thy Sonne Iesus Christ hast made me an ouercommer of hel and death being deliuered from perpetual seruitude from the power of sin from the kingdome of darkenesse and from the horrible tiranny of the diuel I beséech thée vouchsafe vnto me by thy grace that I fall not into any wearines or disliking of that state and seruantly condition whereunto thou hast caled me according to thy good wil and pleasure nor through impatience neyther murmure against this thy ordinance or enuy the dignity and better calling of others But that I may performe this thy will with all ready willingnesse as if I serued the Lord of al and not men Helpe me most pittiful Lorde that I may with all feare and patience obey my carnal maisters be they good or euill in those things that be not contrarie to thy will not seruing to the eie as ther with to please men but from my heart for thy commaundementes sake Giue mee grace that I may be sounde faithfull in all
the life to come and better it is to fal into the hands of the Lord then of men for that thy mercy is infinite O most holy father graunt vs to end our liues in the true and Catholicke faith of thy Sonne Iesus Christ who is the euerlasting reconciliation and perfecte oblation for our sinnes Amen A Dailie exercise for a Christian. LONDON Printed by Iohn Wolfe 1591. EXercitium christiani quotidianum In nomine patris filii spiritus sancti Benedicta sit sancta indiuidua Trinitas nunc semper per infinita secula seculorum A Daily exercise for euery Christian. In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost When thou hast made thée ready kneeling downe and holding vp thy hands say Blessed be the holy and vndiuided Trinity nowe and euer and world without end PAter noster qui es in coelis sanctificetur nomen tuum adueniat regnum tuum fiat voluntas tua sicut in coelo in terra panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris ne nos inducas in tentationem sed libera nos a malo Amen CRedo in Deum patrem omnipotentem creatorem coeli terrae in Iesum Christum filium eius vnicum Dominum nostrum qui conceptus est de spiritu sancto natus ex virgine Maria passus sub Pontio Pilato crucifixus mortuus descendit ad inferna tertia die resurrexit a mortuis ascendit ad coelos sedetque ad dextram Dei patris omnipotentis vnde venturus est iudicare viuos mortuos Credo in Spiritum sanctum sanctam ecclesiam catholicam communionem sanctorum remissionem peccatorum vitam aeternam Amen Misereatur nostri omnipotens Deus demissis omnibus peccatis nostris perducat nos ad vitam aeternam Amen Indulgentiam absolutionem remissionem omnium peccatorum nostrorum tribuat nobis omnipotens misericors Dominus Dignare Domine die isto sine peccato nos custodire Miserere nostri Domine miserere nostri Fiat misericordia tua domine super nos quemadmodum sperauimus in te Domine exaudi orationem meam clamor meus ad te veniat Domine Deus omnipotens qui ad principium huius diei nos peruenire fecisti tua nos hodie salua virtute vt in hac die ad nullum declinemus peccatum sed semper ad tuam iustitiam faciendam nostra procedant eloquia dirigantur cogitationes opera per Christum Dominum nostrum Amen DIrigere sanctificare regere gubernare dignare Domine Deus rex coeli terrae hodie cord● corpora nostra sensus sermones actus nostros lege tua in operibus mandatorum tuorum vt hic in aeternum te auxiliante saluemur liberemur ab omni malo per te saluator mundi qui viuis regnas in secula seculorum Amen Veni Domine Iesu preliat●r fortissime princeps exercitus Domini qui diabolum vicisti seculum apprehende arma scutum exurge in adiutorium mihi Domine Deus intende orationi meae misericordia tua exaudiat desiderium meum Conforta me Domine vt ●mnia possim quae iussisti d●fende me ab omni malo nunc dirigens oculos meos ad te euelle precor de laqueo pedes meos protege me sub velamento alarum tuarum Illumina oculos meos ne vnquam obdormiam in morte ne quando dicat inimicus meus preualui aduersus eum Reminiscere miserationum tuarum Domine misericordiarum tuarum quae a seculo sunt Delicta iuuentutis meae ignorantias ne memineris Secundum misericordiam memento mei propter bonitatem tuam Domine In manus tuas commendo spiritum meum redemisti me Domine Deus veritatis Loquutus sum in lingua mea notum fac mihi Domine finem meum Et numerum dierum qui est vt sciam quid desit mihi Fac mecum signum in bonum vt videant qui oderunt me confundantur quoniam tu Domine adiuuisti me consolatus es me O Domine quia ego seruus tuus filius ancillae tuae Diripuisti Domine vincula mea tibi sacrisicabo hostiam laudis nomen Domini inuocabo Perijt fuga a me non est qui requirat animam meam Clamaui ad te Domine dixi tu es spes mea portio mea in terra viuentium Gloria patri filio c. OUr Father which art in heauen hallowed bee thy name thy kingdome come thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen giue vs this day our daily bread and forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs and lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill So be it I Beléeue in God the Father almighty maker of heauen and earth and in Iesus Christ his only sonne our Lorde which was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the virgin Mary he suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried hee descended into hell the third day he arose againe from the dead and ascended into heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God the father almighty from whence he shal come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beléeue in the holy Ghost the holy Catholike Church the communion of saints the forgiuenes of sins the resurrection of the bodie the life euerlasting Amen The Almighty God haue mercy vppon vs and vppon forgiuenesse of our sinnes bring vs to euerlasting life Amen The Almighty and mercifull Lord grant vs pardon absolution and remission of all our sinnes Amen Uouchsafe O Lorde this day to kéepe vs without sin Haue mercy on vs O Lord haue mercy on vs. Let thy mercy O Lorde be shewed vpon vs euen as we haue put our trust in thée Lord heare my prayer and let my cry vnto thee Lord God almighty who hast brought vs to the beginning of this day saue vs by thy power that this day we fall not into any sinne but that alwaies we may speake that which is true and right and that our thoughtes and works may be directed vnto the same end through Christ our Lord. Amen LOrd God king of heauen and earth vouchsafe to direct and sanctify rule and gouerne this day our hearts and bodies our senses spéech and doings in thy lawe and in the workes of thy commaundements that here and for euer by thy helpe wee may be preserued from all daungers both bodilye and ghostly c. Come Lorde Iesu strong in battel and prince of Gods army thou that hast ouercome the diuell the worlde take thy armour and shield and rise to helpe me Giue eare O Lord vnto my praier and let thy mercy hearken to my desire strengthen me to perfourme that which thy law commandeth and teacheth me to do Kéepe and defend me from
not to be blamed if it be wel ordered for it is good and commeth of God but a cleane conscience and a vertuous life is much better more to bee desired O if ye could bee as busie to auoide sin and to plant vertue in our soules as we be to moue questions At the daie of iudgement it shall not bée asked of vs what we haue read but what we haue don not how well we haue sayd but how religiously we haue liued Tell mée now where be all the great Clarkes and famous Doctors who flourished while they liued Now other men occupie their promotions and dignities who thinke full little of them He is great that hath great charity and he that is litle in his owne sight and that setteth at naught great things And hée is well taught that forsaketh his owne will and followeth the will of God Behold the perfection of the life and religion of the ancient fathers and you shall sée how little it is that we do in comparison of them They serued our Lord in hunger thirst in heate cold in nakednes in labour in vigils fasting in praiers holy meditations in persecutions many reproches they refused honours and bodily pleasures that they might haue the euerlasting life how straight and abiect a life leade they in wildernesse How grieuous temptations suffered they What rigorous abstinence vsed they How great zeale feruour had they to spirituall profite How strong battel 's held they against sinne On the day they laboured on the night they praied And for the great swéetnes that they had in heauenly contemplation they forgot oft times their bodily refection all riches honor dignities they renounced for the loue of God Now a daies he is counted vertuous that is no offender and that may with patience kéep some litle sparke of that vertue and fauour which hée had first Another note concerning the paine ordained for sinne IT is better now to purge sin and to put away vice than reserue it to be purged héereafter what shal the fire or torment deuoure but thy sin Truly nothing Therefore the more thou sparest thy selfe now and the more thou followest thy fleshly liking the more grieuously shalt thou waile hereafter In such things as a man most hath offended shall he be most punished The slouthful persons shall bée there pricked with burning prickes of yron and gluttons shall bée tormented with great hunger thirst the lecherous and louers of voluptuous pleasures shal be filled with burning pitch and the enuious shall waile and houle as doe madde dogges there shall no sinne be without his proper torment the proud man shall bee filled full with all shame confusion the couetous shall bée pined with all penurie néede one houre there in paine shall bée more grieuous than here an hundred yeres in the sharpest penance then shall hée stand as a iudge that here submitted himselfe méekly vnto the iudgement of man then shall the méeke poore man haue great confidence and trust in God and the obstinate proud man shall quake and dreade thē euerie deuout person shal be ioyfull glad and then irreligious persons shall waile and dread then shall the vile habit shine cléere in the sight of God the precious garments shall wax foule lothsome to behold then the despising of worldly goods shall bée more of value than all worldly riches and treasure then shalt thou haue more comfort for thy deuout praying than for all thy delicate féeding then shall it please more a strait life and hard penance here than all worldly delectation pleasure Learn therefore now to suffer the small tribulations in this world that thou maist then be deliuered from the greater ordained for sin First proue here what thou maist suffer héereafter and if thou maist not now suffer so little paine how shalt thou thē suffer the euerlasting torments thou maist not haue two heauens that is to saie to haue ioy delectation here after with Christ. Moreouer if thou hadst liued alwaies in honor or in temporal felicitie what should it profite thée dying now He that loueth God dreadeth neither tormēt nor death a perfect loue maketh a sure passage to God But if a man yet delight in sinne it is no merualle if hée dreade death and hell A third fruitfull note concerning curious searching in matters of faith specially about the holy Eucharist THou must beware of a curious and an vnprofifitable searching of this most profound sacrament if thou wilt not bee drowned in the great depth of doubtfulnes for he that is the searcher of Gods maiestie shal be thrust out of glorie God is of power to worke much more than man may vnderstand neuertheles a méek humble searching of the truth readie alway to be taught to walke after the teachings of holy fathers is sufrable Blessed is the simplicitie that doth leaue the waie of hard questions goeth in the plaine and stedfast way of the commandements of God many haue lost their deuotion because they would search higher things than pertaine to them Faith and a good life is asked of thée and not the highnes of vnderstanding nor the déepnes of the mysteries of God If thou may not vnderstand nor take such things as be within thée how maist thou then comprehend those things that bée aboue thée Submit thy selfe therfore méekly to God and submit also thy reason vnto faith and the light of knowledge true vnderstanding shal be giuen thée as shall bée most profitable necessarie for there be some that be griuously tempted of the Faith and of this Sacrament but that is not to be imputed to them but rather to the enemie Therefore care not for him nor dispute not with thoughts nor answer to the doubts which thine enimie shall laie to thée but beléeue the wordes of God and beléeue the Saintes and Prophets the wicked enimie shall anone flie awaie from thée And it is oft times much profitable that the seruants of God should féele sustaine such doubtes for their more proofe and commonly the enemy tempteth not vnfaithful people and sinners whom he hath sure possession of but he tempteth vexeth in diuers manners the faithfull deuout persons Goe therefore with a pure and vndouted faith and with an humble reuerence procéed to this sacrament and whatsoeuer thou canst not vnderstand commit it faithfully to God for God wil not deceiue thée but he shall be deceiued that trusteth ouer-much to himselfe God walketh with the simple persons hée openeth himselfe and sheweth him to méeke persons he giueth vnderstanding vnto them which are poore in spirit he openeth his will vnto pure and cleane mindes and hideth his grace from them that bée curious and proude Mans reason is féeble and weak and soone he may be deceiued but faith is stable and true cannot bée deceiued Therefore all reason and all natural working must followe Faith without further