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life_n blood_n body_n holy_a 4,543 5 5.1003 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06329 A sermo[n]d [sic] spoken before the kynge his maiestie at Grenwiche, vppon good fryday: the yere of our Lord. M.CCCCCxxxvi. By Iohan Longlo[n]d byshope of Linclone. Ad laudem & gloriam Christi, & ad memoriam gloriosæ passionis eius Longland, John, 1473-1547. 1536 (1536) STC 16795; ESTC S103724 47,858 92

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landes or goodes Nay He gaue a more precyouse gyfte than so Tradidit scipsum He gaue hym selffe Hym selfe hys body And not onely hys bodye but also hys soule hys liffe hys deathe and hys godhede He gaue hys bodye for the to the Iewes to hādle to treate to beate to scourge to turmoyle to kyll to slee to crucifye to do with it what they wolde and so dyde they euen to theyr own dampnacyō he gaue so hys bodye in to theyr handes to redeme and byethe He gaue for vs also his bodye beinge a liue to the crosse beinge deade to the sepulture that thy bodye beinge a liue mought liue cleane beinge deade mought and shuld rest in the sepulture and at that daye of god to ryse ayen to be gloryfyed and raigne with hym in glory He giueth to the ayē this his moost precyous bodye nowe rysen frome deathe to liffe in that moost holy sacrament of the Euchariste the sacrament of the aultre He giueth hym selffe vnto vs bothe bodye and blood soule and godhede nowe raignynge in glory and syttynge on the ryght hande of his fadre Vbi postulat pro nobis as thapostle witnessyth is ther a petycioner for vs to god the fadre Christus Iesus qui mortuus est qui resurrexit qui est ad dexterā dei interpellat pro nobis Christe Iesus whiche dyed whiche rysse frome deathe to liffe whiche is on the ryght hande of the fadre he maketh peticyon intercession for vs. He dayly dothe shewe to god the fadre his manhode whiche he toke vpon hym the greuouse maner of his deathe and passion whiche he suffrede for vs so to moue the fadre to mercy pytie so to procure mercy for man whose peticyon cannot be contempned but gracyously harde Here saythe saynt Barnard in contemplaciō of this mercyfull intercession of Christe beinge in dextera patris Securum habes accessum o homo ad deum ubi habes apud patrem filium intercessorē apud filium matrem mater ostendit filio pectus ubera filius patri latus uulnera ibi nequit esse repulsa ubi tot ostenduntur charitatis insignia O man thou mayste surely goo and sue to thy lorde god by petycyon by desyour and prayour for thy necessities of soule Where thou hast an intercessour for the. Afore the sone thou haste his modre Marye And to procure grace and mercy to moue god to pytie she dothe shewe to hir sone Christe hir breste pappes the sone dothe shewe to his fadre his syde and woundes there can be no repulse no denyall of our peticions where are shewed and alledged so many tokens of loue and charytie The shewynge of this breste and pappes is no more but a remembraunce of the great infinite mercy of god the sone whiche he shewed to man whenne he toke manhode for vs ▪ borne of a mayden beinge an infante and suckynge his modres brestes As who saye that mercy that pitie and compassion that thou shewest to man in this doynge shewe now vnto hym in his myserie of synne haue compassion on hym shewe thyn olde mercy graunte thou him his iuste peticiō and humble suyte remytte hys synne giue hym grace take hym to thy fauour In like maner dothe god y e sone shewe to y e fadre his wounde in his syde hys other woundes to moue hym to like mercy whiche was so mercyfull to sende downe hys sone to suffre these woundes and deathe for man Postulat pro nobis he maketh petition and desyor to the fadre for vs. Ayen saynt Iohā saythe Si quis peccauerit aduocatū habemus apud patrem Iesum Christūiustū ipse est propiciatio pro peccatis nostris nō pro nostris tantū sed etiā pro peccatis totius mūdi If any man by frayltie dothe offende and synne let hym not despayre for he hathe an aduocate in heuen afore the fadre his sone Iesus Christe Aduocatum iustum a iuste aduocate For he prayeth not for euery synner that wyll crye and call and neuer ryse frome synne but for veraye true penytentes for them that are displeased with them selues and with theyr synne lett thē crye lett them call and anone he callythe with them and makyth peticyō for thē anone he heareth he helpeth and he then intercedeth to the fadre for them Iustum a iuste aduocate he promoteth none euyll causes Iustum He taketh no rewardes no gyftes no brybes He dothe not accepte any personage but after hys liuynge He regardeth not bloode nor byrth kythe nor kyne strengthe nor wisedome beawtie nor fayrenes ryches nor pouertie He regardeth onely the Christiane and vertuouse liffe of man And after hys deedes he dothe accepte or repell Iustum He is a iuste aduocate And thre tymes I reade that he dyde shewe hym selffe a vocate a peticioner for vs. Ones before his passion whenne he sayth to the fadre Ego pro eis rogo non pro mundo sed pro his quos dedisti mihi quia tui sunt I pray for them and not for the worlde I praye for those that thou haste gyuen me for they be thyn Secondaryly in hys passion whenne he sayde Pater ignosce illis quia nesciunt quid faciunt Fadre forgyue them they wote not what they doo Thyrdely after hys passion as here Aduocatum habemus caetera The fyrst intercession was by worde The soconde was by effusion of his bloode The thyrde is by his dayly shewynge to the fadre his woundes so to moue hym to mercy and pytie to haue compassion on the worlde Of this grette and infinite charytie writeth the apostle Paule in an othec place sainge Vt quid enim Christus pro impijs mortuus est uix enim pro iusto quis moritur Nam pro bono quis audeat mori Commendat autem deus charitatem suam in nobis quoniam cum adhuc peccatores essemus Christus pro nobis mortuus est in cuius sanguine iustificati sumus in cuius sanguine salui erimus ab ira What moued Christe to dye for wycked synners Scante we shall fynde one that wyll dye for a iuste man And where shall we fynde hym that dare dye for a good man Our lorde god hathe shewed a commendable and laudable charytie towardes vs for where that we were synners wretched lyuers abhomynable in the syght of god Christe dyed for vs. In whose bloode we be iustifyed and made rightuouse in whose bloode we shal be saued frome the yre wrathe of god Lyue thou neuer so well liue thou neuer so holyly let se if thou were in the case nowe to dye vnles thou shuldest gett one that wolde dye for the where shuldest thou haue one where shuldest thou fynde hym that wold doo so muche for the by whose death thou shuldest escape death Nowe thou beinge a synner a mysseliuer lett see who will dye for the Any one Not the fadre for the sone