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A80359 The memory of that faithful servant of the Lord Thomas Carleton, reviv'd. Being a collection of several of his vvritings in the ensuing volume as a testimony of his zeal for promoting the blessed truth and establishing of Friends therein. : Also some testimonies concerning his faithfulness and perseverance in the way of the Lord, unto the finishing of his course here with joy, which was the 18th day of the ninth month, 1684. Carleton, Thomas, 1636?-1684. 1694 (1694) Wing C589A; ESTC R170899 77,974 209

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World and all that nature that in it we may live and by it all may be preserved unto the end That so the Lord God Almighty his Living Holy Name and Eternal Truth may be Feared Served Honoured and Obeyed over all by and through all for He alone is worthy yea Everlasting worthy God blessed for ever and evermore Saith the Soul and Spirit of him who is the Lords and yours in the Unity of the Gospel of Christ Jesus T. C. A General EPISTLE CONTAINING Wholsom Admonition and Advice to Friends in IRELAND and else-where By Thomas Carleton DEar and well beloved Friends Brethren and Sisters who are in some Measure gathered by the Arm of God's Power and have known the blessed Appearance of Life and Salvation to you is the Salutation of my unfeigned Love and in the Fellowship of God's Everlasting Light do I tenderly greet you all and for the clearing of my Spirit of that which for some time hath been upon me do I communicate these Lines in the true Simplicity of my Heart dearly desiring all that love the Lord Jesus Christ To keep low and near the Lord and wait to feel God's living Power in your Hearts unto which we were turned or exhorted from the Beginning for in the Light of the Lord I see there is a Necessity for it For unless the Sense of God's living Power be felt Profession is vain and Meetings are not made profitable for the Mysteries of Life and Salvation and of true Christianity consist not only in any Profession Name or Notion of this or that Principle Article or Creed formed or received in the Minds of Men or Women but in a living Enjoyment and Possession of the Power and Spirit of Christ Jesus the Author and Finisher of the living saving Faith So my dear Friends all wait to feel the Operation of that Power in every Heart and Soul to subdue all to God and to work all into submission and real obedience to the heavenly Will and Mind of Christ Jesus who is come a Light into the World that all men through him might believe hear is the unchangeable standing Rule which every one is to measure themselves by and he or she that is measured or squared by this are as polished Stones for God's spiritual House and he or she that is not squared by this are not fit to be Members of God's Building so all having the Measuring line in your hearts let Judgment be laid to it and so try all things words works behaviours and the Intent of all and from what ground and spirit it doth proceed and this unchangeable everlasting Rule all keep to it and Build by it so shall you be justified with it in the Day of Tryal so all things done by this unchangeable unerring Rule the Law of the Spirit of Life this keeps clean and pure and sets free of all Mud and Confusion Sin and Iniquity and things that bring death and darkness over the Soul and understanding and so cloud the Testimony So let every man and woman by this standing Rule examine themselves and so let them eat speak or act as the Lord shall perswade them and wherein any one doubteth and is not clear in what he or she undertaketh let such forbare and wait in quietness till the Lord clear their way So all take heed and keep to the Rule for in the Lord's Light we see Light and have Clearness and Freedom and Peace but going from the Light without Rule without Guide the Vail comes over Darkness gathers in Confusion and Trouble then Peace comes to be lost So you that have known in any measure the work of Regeneration and of the New Birth through the working of God's Spirit and power in your Hearts by which some unclean spirits have been cast out keep to the Power still and beware of letting in the unclean spirit again for if you do the latter-end will be worse then the beginning And lean not to the World's Wisdom beware of that spirit I advise all for by that wisdom God is not known and if once the Sense and enjoyment of God be lost then man and woman is in a woful state without God in the World so keep out of the world's spirit I intreat you all and live as Fools to it and all its wayes fashions customs for in the light of the Lord I see a great Snare there at this day and too many that make Profession of Truth are like to be split upon that Rock So dear Friends live loose to the world and all the glories of it and seek to be wise in that which is not of this world that you may be loved of God and so dwell in that which can bear the revilings and reproaches of this world and the contradiction of sinners as our Lord Jesus Christ hath left us an Example So beware of looking back to Egypt's Glory again to see any heauty or comliness in that dark Land for from the Lord I see a Temptation attending God's spiritual Israel in this day as surely as ever it attended Israel after the Flesh and many are too prone to desire the pleasures of Egypt again though the best of them be bondage as many to their Sorrow have found yea too many there be that cannot bear tryals and reproaches and the way of the Cross and self-denyal but think it long and wearisom and hard as they did in the dayes of old and so are too ready to murmur and repine and lust in their hearts after this World 's glory again and joyn to its fashions and customs again and so set up Idols again as they did whose Carcases fell in tho wilderness with whom the Lord was displeased So beware of letting in that spirit of destrust unbelief and rebellion against God and his pure Witness in your Consciences and beware of building that which was once destroyed or licking up that which was once vomited or entertaining of that which was once cast out or owning that which was once denyed either in words in works in behaviour in apparel in doctrine or faith hath Truth in you condemned for all idle vain prophane wicked unfound and unfavoury words and brought you into a Form of needful true and sound words keep to it still hath Truth condemned all idle proud prophane wicked and ungodly Actions and all empty airy foolish wanton lustful proud self-willed and Men-pleasing behaviours and brought you into moderation gravity plainness reallity and Truth in Life and Conversation keep to it still hath Truth condemned for decking and adorning the Body with vain superfluous proud needless worldly eye-taking Toyes in Apparel and led you into plain profitable decent needful things keep to it still and fashion not your selves like unto the World nor learn any of their manners nor of the breeding of that Egyptian-Spirit which keeps the Seed in bondage and oppressed the just in the particular and in the general so from the Lord I advise you all and
Countenance said O is it so that I who have written so much can scarce now write my Name well it must be so and the Will of the Lord be done I am content and thus was his precious time spent in giving and resigning himself up unto the Will of the Lord saying come Lord Jesus receive my Spirit And so about the sixth hour at Night as he was in a slumber fell into a Fit or Trance Jonathan Nicholson his Brother in Law being with him in Bed heard him say as he fell into a fit Farewell Farewel Farewell three times as if he had been waiting for the time of his change but in about half an hour he again revived and came to his perfect senses as before Three of his Children being brought to him he called to them by their Names saying dear Babes I am glad to see you expressing it with much joy and gladness advising them to live in the fear of God and to be good Children and to keep amongst Friends and said I have not much Gold and Silver to leave you but I hope the blessing of the Lord will attend you and so Kissing and Embracing them he took leave of them his dear Wife coming to him weeping he said to her Weep not thy care and tenderness hath been much over me and often seemed to lament and pitty his dear Wife that had been a true Help-meet unto him from the time of their first coming together unto that day in his Exercises and Weakness which were not a few And so after he had taken his leave of those about him he fell into another fit and in less then half an hour was taken away with little or no pain being the 18th Day of the aforesaid ninth Month 1684. This is to be noted that he often in his Life time when in great pain and affliction by reason of the Distemper of his Body did desire the Lord to mitigate his pain upon his Death-bed and not take him away in those Tortering fits which the Lord in great Mercy did Answer for he did say that he was not Sick and felt little pain but a great weakness and decay of outward strength yet still was well Preserved in a sweet Frame of Spirit to the great Satisfaction and Comfort of those that were with him at his last End Thus they are blessed that Die in the Lord from henceforth they rest from their Labours and their Works follow them where the voice of the oppressor is no more heard the Wicked cease from Troubling and the weary are at Rest George Rooke The TESTIMONY OF ANTHONY SHARP DEar Thomas Carleton was a True and Sound Meek and Faithful Friend that Loved the Blessed Truth and Faithful Brethren and was so much in the self denial and a Lover of the Brethren that he Preferr'd them before himself And having the marks of a True Desciple was a good Example and left a good Savour behind him and I am satisfied he is at Rest Anthony Sharp The Captives COMPLAINT OR THE Prisoners PLEA Against the Burthensom and Contentious Title of TYTHES With a True Relation of the Prisoners Spiritual Progress and Travel towards the New and Heavenly Jerusalem Together with the sad and grievous Sufferings he sustained by a Persecuting and Covetous High Priest in Cumberland for his Gospel Testimony against Tythes Here is also laid down several Grounds and Reasons against the Propriety Payment of Tythes in this Evangelical Day and Dispensation As also several Papers and Queries sent to the Priest which to this Day remains Unanswered All which is now referred to the view judgment and understanding of every Conscientious impartial Reader of what Profession soever wherein the Prisoner doth recommend himself his Sufferings and the empty groundless Cause thereof to every Mans Conscience in the sight of God as was the Practice of the Apostles and Saints of old in the primitive Times 2 Cor. 4.2 Re-printed in the Year 1604 The Captives Complaint or the Prisoners Plea c. FOrasmuch as it hath pleased the incomprehensible wise God who made Heaven and Earth and all that is therein to create Man and set him apart for his own Service Worship and Glory as the most competent Creature whereby to advance his glorious dreadful Name over all his Creatures upon the Earth over whom He gave Man dominion and for the better Ruling and Governing His Creatures and Worshipping and Glorifying Himself the Author and Creator of all He hath indued Man with Reason and Understanding and infused into him a Principle of his own Life and stamped or set His own Image in him thereby to beautifie His creature Man giving him dominion power and liberty over all that He had made both the Fruits of the Earth and every Creature moving thereon the Fishes of the Sea and the Fowls of the Air and every Creature moving therein save only of the Tree of Knowledg of Good and Evil he was not to Eat Now the Serpent being more subtil then all the Beasts of the field did insinuate it self into the affections of the Woman and having got room in the weaker Vessel did induce both the Man and the Woman through feigned smooth words and not by direct opposition mark that into disobedience to the Lord God of Heaven and Earth whose Image they then lost by the Serpents Transformation who raised the discontented aspiring self-seeking Principle that desired to be equal with God which they soon received and obeyed thereby losing the happy blessed and good estate in which he was placed and thereby fell into the knowledg of Evil and naked miserable estate with God being Transformed into the image of the Serpent was captivated in the Curse and so came to be driven out of the Garden of Eden in which he was placed and to be fenced out from the Tree of Life and from the Presence of the Lord in that State for ever And because the Serpent had done this the Lord cursed it above all Cattel and every Beast of the Field and put enmity between its seed and the Seed of the Woman saying The Womans Seed shall break its Head and it should Bruise his Heel so the Enmity being placed between the Seeds the warfare was begun which ever since hath continued through the Generations of Mankind and hence the striving between the Twins in the Womb comes to be known and the Elected and Reprobated Seed is known and the Seed of the Bond woman and the Seed of the Free-woman is known and the Fleshly Birth persecuting that which is born of the Spirit is known and the Promise of the Lord to the Seed of the Woman is known and fulfilled in those that witness the Second Adam the Lord from Heaven to be come and the Seed of the Covenant is known to such in which all the Nations of the Earth is blessed and blessed and happy are they that are apprehended and overcomes in this Seed for they shall again come to eat of the
Cor. 3.14 15. as is evident and clearly seen to he the very State and Condition of the Ministers and People of England to whom the Way of Life of Regeneration of Light of Righteousness of Peace of having their Hearts sprinkled from an evil Conscience and of witnessing Redemption and Remission of sins is hid and to them the covering is not yet taken away for the Vail is over their Hearts and what they see and know of God is but by the seeing or hearing of the outward Eye or Ear as Job said chap. 42.5 knowing nothing but what they know Naturally in a literal historical notional external Sense and in these Things they foyl and corrupt themselves never owning or obeying the Light that leads out of Darkness and Discovers all the works thereof which makes all things manifest and gives the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ which till then is Vailed through which we draw nigh unto God and makes bold to enter into the inner Sanctuary even the holy Place being purified through his Blood having our Consciences purged from dead works Hebr. 9.14 which is not yet made manifest where the Tabernacle is standing Hebr. 9.8 neither do they know the Power which through his death hath rent the Vail but we that are come to believe in the Light and to witness the New Covenant which God promised to his People Jer. 31.31.23 c. Rom. 11.27 Hebr. 8.8.10 c. Hebr. 10.16 17. they whose Hearts are turned to the Lord know the Vail taken away accord-to his promise 2 Cor 3.16 17 18. and we all with open face behold the glory of the Lord and are changed into the same Image from glory to glory as by the Spirit of the Lord now the Lord is that Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty Now being born of the same Seed and not another and regenerated by the same Life and Power and because we have the same Spirit of Faith which the Apostles and Servants of the Lord had as it is written 2 Cor. 4.13 Psalm 116.10 I believed therefore have I spoken we also have Believed and therefore speak now we have this Treasure in earthen Vessels that the Excellency of the Power may be of God and not of us 2 Cor. 4.7 and having this hope and trust we use great boldness and plainness of speech and are not ashamed of that worthy Name by which we have been called nor of the glorious Gospel of Christ for it is the Power of God unto all those that Believe and this Mystery viz. Christ in us the hope of Glory Col. 1.26 27 hid from Ages and Generations hath he opened and revealed in us blessed honored and glorified by the sweet and precious Name and Love of our God for ever that hath opened the mysteries of his Kingdom and hath revealed them unto Babes Sucklings and to the little and lowly in Spirit and yet hath hid them from the Wise and Prudent of the Earth this is the Lords doing and is marvellous in our Eyes blessed yea everlastingly blessed be his holy Living eternal Name Love Life and Power who alone is worthy of all Glory Rule and Dominion for evermore And having this Testimony and for this Testimonies sake and for our love and faithfulness thereunto we suffer and are brought into bonds by the chief Priests and Rulers of this Generation for as it was in the Apostles dayes so it is now They that will live Godly in Christ Jesus must suffer persecution and as Christ said In the World you shall have tribulation but in me you shall have Peace and if you love Me the world will hate you and even so persecuted they the Prophets that went before us this persecuting spirit getting a place and room in the Woman as I said before broke forth in Cain the third Person in the Earth and he slew Abel his only Brother and here the Enmity between the Seeds appeared which I mentioned in the beginning and this envious Persecuting spirit hath had a place and descent through all the Generations of Man-kind to this very Day as the Scriptures are full how they that served and feared the Lord did suffer Persecutions Afflictions Tribulations Reproaches spoiling of Goods Buffettings Imprisonments yea even to the Death and all for following the Lord in the Regeneration and for serving and obeying Him in heart and spirit and for departing and separating themselves from the Ways Worships Customs Traditions and beggerly rudiments of the World and as they persecuted the Prophets and Apostles of Christ that went before us even so do they persecute us and yet they will profess they know God but their Works deny Him for I was no sooner turned from Darkness to Light nor from Satans Power to God nor from sin to righteousness nor from the lusts and pleasures of the Flesh to serve the Living God nor no sooner come to deny my self and take up the Cross of Christ and follow him through Tribulations Reproachings Revilings Mockings Fastings Temptings or what other Sufferings soever or through Death it self unto Life yea no sooner I say was I given up to follow him but persecution arose for the Gospel sake notwithstanding my long Travel and Pilgrimage in the Wilderness neither considering the Faintings the Hungrings the Thirstings the Jeopardies Perils the many desperate Dangers the dark Disconsolate days the long and wearisom Nights my poor Soul sustained with many a sigh and heavy groan with many a dolefull lamentation with much brokenness of Heart and contrition of Spirit when Rivers as it were run down from mine Eyes when my Heart failed me for fear in the day of my spiritual progress from Egyt to Canaan I say never considering the afflictions I bad gone through the enmity in Gods enemies without arose against me to repoach revile and persecute me and as I said before having withdrawn and separated my self from them with their Way and Worship I was hated envied and threatned by them but especially by one of Englands chief Priests named Lewis West a Man whose Life and Gonversation doth more fully declare him to all that knows him part whereof I may set down in this following Treatise and shall leave it to the view judgment and consideration of all sober juditious Men that knows any thing of the Way and Worship of God but especially to those my Neighbours and Country-men that hath known both him and me according to the flesh though he be a Man in esteem honour and repute amongst Men and the Children of this World and hath attained to his several Titles and degrees of Honour and Preferment being reckoned one of their chief and learnedst orthodox Divines being as his Wife once said to me contemning me as ●udatious and for my puerility and illiteratness far inferior to argue or dispute matters of Conscience with him brought up at his Book and School from his Child-hood and I being but a Child
they will be as a broken Reed but all keep low and mind the narrow Way that leadeth unto Life the self denying way 't is but a few that find it yea peradventure but a few of that few that professes to walk in it The broad way the way of the World lies very near on every hand it is soon stepped into if once ones Eye be turned aside then it appears delightfull and hath a show of Beauty in it but it leads to the chambers of Death And my Friends those things I laid before you in my former Epistle I hope I need not here reiterate or make repetition of but as I was enjoyned by the Lord to deliver them unto you so I would have all Male and Female to ponder them in your Hearts that all may be clear and I clear of all And Friends keep your Hearts clear of the spirit of this World of all the Ways Fashions Pleasures and Alurements thereof shake your selves from them live loose to them for things may be Lawful to them and by their Law that may not be Lawful to us by our Law The Law of the spirit here is our rule so take heed of measuring by their Rule for our Rule being spiritual exceeds all their carnal Rules and our Righteousness must exceed theirs also so all minding the Rule and minding the Line none needs go out of their Way for it exceeds all the Lines and Rules of Mans making so come to the just measure the measure of Truth for unjust measures are abomination in the sight of God And all shake your selves from all the Whorish Babilonish brats from all her Customs from all her Ways and Worships partake not of them come away come away hasten hasten out from among them bid adieu to all her Glories and escape for your lives as Lot did out of Sodom before Gods destroying Angel go forth for his Wrath is kindling and his Fury is coming up into his Face and who shall stand before him Oh therefore come come away linger not hasten hasten to little Zoar the City of our Refuge which God hath appointed for us come give up give up all in pure obedience follow the Lamb even the Lamb of God that takes away the sin and finisheth Transgression and breaks the bonds of Death oh give up leave all and come away and wait to feel the Blood of sprinkling the Blood of the Lamb to sprinkle the posts of your Doors that the destroying Angel may not enter but may pass over you as he passed over his Israel of old for I know it from the Lord and can declare it unto you that God hath a Remnant at this Day as he had in that that are in Covenant with him And those are they that hath obeyed Truth in their inward parts and hath kept their Garments unspotted of the World and hath walked with God in the simplicity of their Hearts they are his he hath Chosen them out of the World he hath called them by his Name and espoused them to himself and whosever toucheth them touches the apple of his Eye God will take care of them and will be their munitioned Rock he will pass by them and spare them as a Man spareth his onely Son that serveth him oh therefore retire retire to the Lowly Meek and self-denying Spirit of Jesus live in the possession of it so shall you be Heirs of Life and Glory in and through Christ Jesus and Citizens of the New and Heavenly Jerusalem whose Walls is salvation and Gate● praise and though fear may surprize the hypocrite and astonishment cease upon the Disobedient and Rebellious yet you shall ●●and as Mount Zion that cannot be moved the Lord God Almighty will strengthen your stakes so that not a stake of Jerusalem can be removed nor a Cord of Zion ever ●e broken the Mouth of the Lord hath said it Oh therefore all sink down sink down to the pure Principle of God in the inward Man the just Mans path the shining Light of Jesus Christ oh let that Guide all and Order all and then may we say with David thy Word o Lord is a Light unto my feet and a Lanthorn unto my paths indeed and so in the Light feel the Love the first Love renewed and strengthened again oh strengthen strengthen that little that yet remains that it may grow warmer and warmer and not colder and colder for where iniquity abounds there Love grows cold and undoubtedly in such the Life declines therefore feel universal Love to grow to fill to run through all for Love worketh no ill to his Neighbour it is the fulfilling of the Law as faith the Apostle so if any one Male or Female have declined have walked disorderly have turned aside from the holy Commandment from the Footsteps of the flock of God from the holy Order of the holy Life and Gospel of Jesus Christ it stops the Currant of Love both in themselves and others oh let such return return repent and amend and bow to the Righteous Judgment of him to whom all Judgment is committed and at the Footstool of Jesus truly humbled in true Tenderness and Contrition of Spirit wait to feel the Currant and Streams of Love from God the Father to flow in and heal again and to restore again that so the heavenly sap vertue and universal love may be felt to spring run and ascend again through every member or branch that love and good will in all may grow and increase and the contrary nature may decline and that root in which enmity self-love pride and contention stands may be daily subdued and slain that all may bow to the Cross and be subject to the Power the heavenly Power of God oh feel it feel it in your Souls to live oh let none resist it in themselves nor in others for whoever resists the Power resists the Ordinance of God so prise it prise it my dear Friends retain the sense and savour of it in your selves let not that be lost in any high nor low rich or poor old nor young there is a living Beauty and Comliness in it still it is beyond all professions or prescribed Forms or imitations of Mans making there can no form nor likness be made of it so the nature and work of the Power being possessed and lived in it will preserve all in Love Unity and Peace and Heavenly fellowship and spiritual oneness out of all jars strifes discords or divisions And the God of Peace and Love will be with us and delight to do us good and will undoubtedly cherish and maintain his own heavenly Birth and righteous Seed which by the over shadowings of his heavenly eternal Power he hath begotten and raised in all his regenerated ones So to the pure gift of God I Recommend you all my dear Friends Brethren and Sisters that in it we may all hold the mistery of Faith in a pure Conscience even that Faith that gives Victory and Dominion over the
it they bring from a strange Vine which Christ Jesus will not own and all take heed and keep low in God's Fear And you my Friends that are Rich in this World or have much of the Creation of God do you watch and take heed for there is a Snare and that none of the least which attends that state also and if the Lord hath encreased your store set not your Hearts upon them nor trust to them for he that trusteth to his Riches shall fall for as one said They are not for ever but sometime make themselves Wings and fly away so be not lifted up with them but eye the Lord and possess as though you possessed not and labour to be Rich towards God and Rich in good Works and remember poor afflicted Joseph and be ready to do good and to communicate as said the Apostle and keep your Hearts single and loose to those things and so in God's Wisdom you will see your Way and Service and the End and Use of all And all you Young Men and Women that are single and unmarryed you have an Oportunity to serve the Lord do you keep low and beware of being entangled or brought in Bondage by youthful Lusts for thereby many have lost a good condition with God and brought themselves to Sorrow and Wo both in this Life and that which is to come And above all take heed of joyning Affinity with strange Nations and such as know not God nor obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ for this was forbidden Israel after the flesh Deut. 7.3.4 and for their Disobedience herein God's anger was kindled against them and they were carryed away captive many years which made Ezra the Servant of the Lord rent his Garments and pluck his Hair off his Head and Beard and mourn before the Lord till he and the Elders of Israel resolved to put away their Strange Wives Ez 9 10. chap. And Esau by marrying the Daughters of Heth so grieved his Father and Mother that Rebecca complained she was weary of her Life Gen. 27.46 And Paul advised not to be unequally yoked together Believers with Unbelievers knowing there could be no Union between Light and Darkness nor the Temple of God and Idols c. so keep your Hearts single to God and wait in God's Wisdom to overcome the Wicked One in your own particulars and seek to be marryed to the Lord first and joyned to the Lord by his eternal Spirit which brings into Unity and keeps Chastity in Mind and Spirit unto him and observe the Advice of the Apostle who said The Unmarried cared for the things of the Lord how he or she might please the Lord but the married for the things of this World how he or she might please Wife or Husband So all be watchful and mind your Places and Callings in Christ Jesus but if any one in the Fear and Wisdom of God do see it their way to marry let such seek God's Counsel and be not hasty but wait in it that he or she may enjoy a Wife or a Husband in the Peace and Love of God and to be joyned one by his eternal Spirit and then Meet helps and a Blessing one to another and then the Marriage is honourable and the Bed undefiled so all keep clean and live up to God in all things in all States and Conditions in your Places and Callings whereunto God hath called you that the Lord may take pleasure to do you good and to multiply his Blessings upon you that the Issues of Life and Peace may abound and run through all and rest upon all your Hearts and Souls as the dew of Hermon And the God of Peace and Love preserve us all in his Peace and Love and carry us through all by the Arm of his Eternal Power and guide us all in his heavenly Wisdom to the Praise Glory and Renown of his Everlasting Name who is God alone blessed forever and for evermore Written the 13th of the 7th Month 1676. Your Friend Brother in the Obedience of Truth Tho. Carleton FINIS
several years by reason of the hard-hearted cruelty of the Priest that sought for his Goods more then for the good of his Soul as plainly appears by those his unchristian-like Actions even like those of old that would cry Peace Peace while People put into their Mouths but when for Conscience-sake they could not do it then those false Teachers prepar'd War against them and thus he that is born after the flesh persecutes him that is born after the spirit from one Generation to another But after this his so long Imprisonment it pleased God to make way for his deliverance out of those Bonds by the Death of the said Priest his persecuter who on a journey broke his Legg whereof he Died without ever Returning home but his Wise fulfilling her Husband's Cruelty would not condescend to his Enlargement which was in her power to do but constrained him to go to London being above Two hundred Miles which he Travelled on Foot and so obtained his full Liberty by a Habias Corpus the Lord having endued him with Christian patience all this time to undergo what he permitted his persecutor to Inflict upon him And after this it was some time my lot to travel with him in the service of Truth in whose Company I had great satisfaction for he did not only Preach in Word Doctrine but in Life and Conversation also and so was A rightly qualifi'd Minister of the Gospel and was a serviceable Member in the Church of Christ both for the Propagating of Truth and a Support to Friends where he Lived and Travelled the Lord having endued him with a good Understanding which did so sanctifie his Natural acquirements that he was thereby qualified to answer his Call into the Ministry which he delivered in Meekness according to his Deportment in his Conversation which which was Mild Courteous little in his own Eye or in outward shew or appearance Yet would not turn his back off an Enemy to Truth in Truth 's defence and he was qualfi'd for Truth 's service in his open and plain Testimony which was both sweet and lively to the Comforting the Faithful stirring up the Careless and reaching the Witness in those who were unacquainted with the Way of Righteousness For indeed his Labour in the Work of the Gospel was refreshing to the honest-hearted who as a faithful Steward over the manifold Grace's of God a measure of which was committed to his Charge did ●ruly Labour in the Service thereof not by constraint but willingly not for filthy Lucre but with a ready Mind neither as being Lord over God's Heretage but being an Ensample unto the Flock for which I doubt not he hath his Reward at the Hand of the great Shepheard even a Crown of Glory that fadeth not away And now I shall speak a little of his manner of Life towards his latter End for as he had been an Innocent carriag'd Man and a lover of Truth and Righteousness from a Child so it pleased God to preserve him all along even to his Lifes end although attended many times with great Weakness of Body by reason of some Distempers occasioned partly by the aforesaid Imprisonment which he underwent for his Testimony 's sake which God had given him to bear against the Anti-christian Ministry of the Age Yet that saying was fulfilled in him as in the Apostles time although the Outward Man perished and grew weaker and weaker the Inward Man was renewed day by day for these light afflictions which last but for a moment work in us a far more Exceeding and Eternal weight of Glory while we look not at those things that are seen but at the things that are not seen for the things that are seen are Temporal but the things that are not seen are Eternal So we need not fear any of these things that we may suffer for a good Cause if the Devil be permitted to cast some into Prison and we may have Tribulation for a time yet the promise is to those that are Faithful unto Death they shall receive a Crown of Life So although many be the Tryals and Exercises of the Righteous yet the Lord in his own appointed time can and will deliver out of them all and although for a time the Back be given to the smiter yet the Rod of the Wicked shall not always be upon the Backs of the Righteous but God will Rescue them out of their hands that they shall not be a prey to them any longer But too few Consider when Righteous and Good Men are taken away that it's God's Pleasure and Goodness to them to take them from the Evil to come as he hath done our dear Friend of whom I am writing And though he be removed from us yet the remembrance of his innocent Life doth remain with us and although it be our loss yet it is his gain In that Eternal Joy Rest Where his Soul 's for ever blest And when he was upon his Death-bead he was sweetly preserved in a sense of that Life that flowed from the Fountain of pure Refreshment which made him to utter many savoury Expressions even to the Edifying of those that stood by him some of which that could be remembred are here inserted For when I with some other Friends went to see him we had a Meeting at his House at Ballany Carrick in the County of Wicklow on the first day of the Week before he departed this Life being the 16th day of the Ninth Month 1684. where he sat up in the Meeting all the time and we had a Heavenly season and the Lord's refreshing Presence was with us which he having a sense of did often express his great Joy and Satisfaction therein and in the enjoyment of Friends company and said he could wish if it were the Will of God that he might be taken away when we were there So I with some other Friends stay'd all Night and lodged in the Chamber where he lay and he was very quiet and patiently bore his Affliction The next Morning one of his servants coming to him ask'd him how he did his answer was to her naming her by her Name thou hast had much trouble in attending of me but now the time is short that I have to stay for he was not unsensible that the time of his Dissolution drew near his servant being reached with his words began to weep he said I know there will be Mourning for me but blessed be God it is not as those that have no hope for he knew that hope which was grounded upon the Foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Jesus Christ being the Chief Corner-stone the same that all the Faithful did bear Witness too in former Ages And so that day was chiefly spent in preparing for the time of his Change in setting his House in Order and setling his outward Concerns and when he came to Sign his Will his Hand shoke by reason of weakness of Body He looking up with a chearful
Tree of Life that is in the midst of the Paradise of God and their names shall be written in the Book of the Life of the Lamb from henceforth and for ever It being my aim and intent at this time to present unto publick view and to the manifested Light and Judgment of all pious and sober Men not only my discent state and condition from my Childhood but rather my estate and condition in Spirit in all the gentle leadings drawing and carryings on of my Soul by the Lord from the day of the dispensation of the tender Mercy and Love of God by his light dispensed and made known in me unto this present day of my Sufferings for his Name and Gospel and also to give a Relation of the ground and cause of my S●fferings the Person by whom and the manner how with a breviate of my Testimony and Judgment in the matters of this Treatise in as much brevity as possible whereby to clear my Conscience and answer the witness in others in the sight of God AS for my discent to speak after the manner of Men I sprang of mean though honest Parents according to the Flesh my Father being a Husbandman in the County of Cumberland I according to his pleasure was educated sometimes at School sometime with Herding and tending of Sheep or Cattel sometime with the Plow Cart or Threshing Instrument or other lawfull Labours according to the manner of that part of the County in which I lived yet such was the love and tender mercy of the Lord who always had respect unto the meek and lowly in heart and dwells with the the contrite and humble in Spirit and shews kindness and mercy to them of low degree that he was pleased to visit me with his everlasting Love which often presented unto me my state and manner of Life and by the same Love and Light he made known unto me that his Way and Worship was a purer holier Way and cleaner Life then yet I had attained unto and withall gave me to see the evils and miserable effects of that state and condition in which I lived according to the Fashions Customs Ways and Worships of the formal World which secret drawings I felt time after time as a small still Voice inwardly calling for Righteousness and Holiness of Life and as it were saying This is the Way walk in it Read your own States for thus I was induced to seek after the Lord and to make further enq●iry into the Way of God out of which I perceived my self and then not knowing where the Lord was to be found nor that it was he that stirred and drew by his Love in me I gave my self to Reading and searching of the Scriptures which was then Preached by the Man made Ministers and also generally believed by the People they taught to be the Word of God and the alon● way to the Kingdom and to the knowledge of God his Way and Worship and believing their Doctrines I did with much diligence and zeal press after the knowledge of the Scriptures giving up my self to Hear Sermons learn Catechisms and the like after the manner and general Practise Taught by the then Preachers sometime more Strickt then the rest whose comliness seemed to Transcend the precedent Generation of Priests and their way of Worship yet it pleased the Lord not only inwardly to break my rest in spirit but also outwardly to afflict me with Bodily afflictions for I was afflicted from my youth up and from my Childhood the rod of Correction was upon me inwardly and outwardly inwardly known to my self alone and outwardly apparent to most or all that knew me after the flesh some concluding I was in a Consumption some in one Disease some in another and then by the advice and will of my Father according to the flesh I sought to and proved many Doctors and Physitians for the restoration of the health of my Body but they like the Priests were all Physitians of no value for none did remove the cause nor take away the effect which still remained with me and upon me as a motive spur or whip to drive me forward to get an interest in the Lord who through the riches of his Love did spiritually apply my Bodily afflictions for the Health and Salvation of my Soul inwardly drawing my affections and desires after Him still presenting to my view and raising in my unerstanding a way more Holy and Pure and more agreeable to his Will then the way I was in drawing me from one degree of Grace to another and from one Dispensation to another according to his good Pleasure and W●ll then I began to affect those that separated from the formal Worships and pub●ick People who s●emed to be a People of more reformed lives and judgments and of more circumspect Conversations and chused rather to settle and joyn with those called Independants who at that day were beautiful and glorious to that glimmering Twilight estate that I was in they being then pretty tender and low I often adjudged my self inferiour unworthy and undeserving the Fellowship and Society of such a People yet still I pressed forward desiring to attain unto that state which was before me which by the eye of Faith I saw and to apprehend that for which I was apprehended in the Love of God yet was I often tossed in my self like restless waves in a troubled Sea not feeling peace nor stability with the Lord I often besought the Lord in secret in the brokenness and contrition of spirit to clear my understanding and judgment and make me to know his own Living Way Truth and People Sects and Opinions then abounding one saying this is the way an●t●er saying that is the way one saying lo Christ is in this or here another saying He is in that or there thus every Denomination and Judgment construing wresting and interpreting the Scriptures to their sundry Tenents and forcing meanings from them to answer their Principles and to maintain every of their interpretations as authentick Truths in all which I was as one without Foundation tossed with every of their windy Doctrines i● st●ll rested with me Man was created for Gods glory I being ever and anon judged and condemned in my self for Sin and Disobedience for the Law was come by which is the knowledge of Sin and the Commandment being come Sin revived and I died and having as it were wrought Death in me by that which was good then S●n by the Commandment became exceeding Sinful and then was I driven to seek for Peace night and day early and late in publick and private Fastings or Feastings or Family Devotions whatsoever running from one House to another and from one Town to another from one Assembly and Worship to another even as it were from Sea to Sea seeking the Word of the Lord as Amos said Amos 8.12 in all their Sabboths Lectures Humiliations or Thank givings diligently observing every Ordinance so called in which
Belial and also what becomes of the Posterity of many of the Priests that are gone are they not already in many p●ces crouching for pieces of silver and morsels of bread yea even to such as their Fathers persecuted search and see if it be not so But to proceed this not answering his desire and end more mischief resting in his heart against me he cited me to the Bishops Court but for what I know little save that he himself said for all manner of Tythes since he became Incumbent in that place notwithstanding what was done as aforesaid his Libel I never got they commonly being Scrools of Lyes so the Court proceeded to Excomunication whereupon he procured a Writ called Excommunicate Capiendo and thereby cast me into Prison about the latter end of the seventh Month 1663. where I have continued these four years during all which time he never did so much as give me a visit in my Prison-house nor never laboured to convince me or regain me either by exhortation information or instruction c. as is provided and enjoyed in the Articles to be enquired of in their Visitation read Article the 10th concerning Ministers duty to Popish Recusants and other Sectaries nay he would never so much as allow me a fair sober Discourse to reason the case or matter in difference but when I have met with him having sometime gone to his house is soon as ever my judgment differed from his or that I either opposed or questioned any thing he said or held out forth-with he broke into passion and fury sometime buffetting me with his fist as he hath often done both to his own hearers and others other times calling me rogue and rascal with such like vilifying tearms in great fury Threatening he would humble me c. But still all this not answering his ambitious spirit and covetous ends he yet deviseth more mischief and presently he casts about to compass my little parcel of Land as Ahab did Naboth's yea worse then Ahab for he never profered me the rate in money 1 Kings 21.1 2. c. I read Ahab being sad and dejected because of Naboth's answer Jezebel his Wife could soon cure that malady saying to Ahab what art not thou King Arise and be merry and I le give thee the Vineyard so he soon devised a way to kill and take possession c. And indeed whether L. W's Wife hath not been a deviser and abetter against me it is questioned by some but I leave it to the Lord and themselves and he goes on in Law untill the Sheriff returned I could not be found although I was in his Custody and that the Priest L. W. knew well enough upon which false return a Writ of Outlawry came forth against me and then they knew where to find me for thereupon the Sheriff's Clark gave another Mittimus to the Goaler for me And untill that time I never had the least notice neither from him or any one of the Kings Officers save only that his Wife did once say I laid for contempt and that her Husband would take another course for his Tythes c. and the Jayler keeping me more strict then my Fellows I required a reason of him he said he had received another Mittimus for me I asked him for what cause he said he knew not but it was at L W's Suit I desired a sight of it if he pleased he said yes if I would give him thirty pence I said it were but reasonable that I knew upon what account I was so dealt with but no account could I have untill I bought a Coppy thereof of the Sheriffs Clark yet being as a Child very ignorant in matters of Law having never been concerned in matters of Law nor never had occasion at any Court with any person whatsoever save this with him I let it go on in singleness of heart resolving to leave the issue to the Lord knowing he was all-sufficient and chusing rather patiently to suffer then to involve my self into such dubious unseen troubles and vast expences as of the Law doth produce especially being so uncapable of things of that nature and thus it continued in suspence I still waiting to see the effect untill about a year after he stirred again and sought through smooth words subtilly to have enticed some of my Relations to have given him a Composition for me telling them one while Ten pounds another while Twelve or Sixteen pounds would do it pretending to shew them all the favour imaginable if they would do any thing and when his blandilocutions could not prevail then he sought to terrifie them with threats saying he had a Writ ready and the Sheriff would come and take possession and all I had would be Confiscated to the King c. also the People and Neighbours adjacent with great exclamation pressing them to compound saying it was pitty it should be forfeit which put them to a point not knowing what to do some of them gave me an account once and again with tears and great grief and vexation I as often before desired and also discharged them not to meddle in it it was my own and I knew not that it could go for a better Testimony I had nothing but what I had received of the Lord the loss was like to be solely mine so let him and me alone for what he could inflict I was to bear and that he could go no further then the Lord permitted and what he intended for evil the Lord turned to good and I hoped to be preserved and provided for upon which they were disswaded and would not be induced by him So by the aforesaid Writ he called a Jury and by compulsions summoned my Brother and others that farmed my Land to give an estimate of the Annual value of it and also what Goods and Chattels I was possessed of about two years before viz. the time when he began that Suit intending to make all Confiscate from that day forward so the Jurors gave in their Survey at Six pound per annum c. in the year 1666 Then after he had done all this what through the Exclamation of my Relations and Neighbors for the satisfying of them and what through the advice of others my Friends I procured a Reversal resolving to joyn Suit and try with him and never more I did neither to this day nor before in matters of Law proceedings in my own defence and how the Lord prevented or confounded him in his proceeding I know not but to this day his expectation hath perished and it is between three or four years since he begun and indeed I can truly say it was freely offered and not it only but Liberty and Life also if it had been required into the Will of the Lord feeling and enjoying his Peace and Presence I am satisfied and can say it is enough and in the uprightness of my Heart I desire I may honour him with life liberty and substance while this
the Sign must I not be cast out of your Church and into Prison 21. What is his Body of Christ and what is the Blood whether is his Body Spiritual or Carnal or how is the Lords Body to be discerned 22. Whether is the Body one or how many Bodies hath He or how do they Eat and Drink his Blood that Eternal Life abideth in 23. How did they eat the same Spiritual Meat and Drink the same Spiritual Drink which were Baptized under Moses for they drank of that Rock which followed them and that Rock was Christ 24. What is the difference between the Cup of the Lord and the Cup of Devils and the Table of the Lord and the Table of Devils 25. Whether are they worthy Receivers purified from their Sins and sanctified through His Blood seeing His Body was broken and His Blood shed for the remission of sins 26. Whether they that are yet in their Sins do not eat and drink their own condemdemnation not discerning the Lords Body 27. Who is the Head of your Church and Body or who is King Priest and Prophet whether Christ King Pope or Bishop or how many Heads is there 12 Month 1667. Send thy Answer to me at my Prison-house in Carlile T. C. Another sent after about the 4th Month 1667. L. W. I Having all along a desire to be edified in the True Way and Worship of the Living God and an inclination from my childhood to follow after that which is good righteous and unreprovable in the sight of the Lord and to keep my Conscience undefiled and my judgment clear and uncorrupted as the Lord God of Heaven knows from whom nothing can be hid and seeing the ground of the Controversie between thee and me is matters of Faith or Worship and so matters of Conscience to me and such as I cannot easily renounce nor dare not turn from unless my judgment were otherwise perswaded I therefore sent some Propositions to thee to that effect an answer whereof I expected from thee before this time which thing I thought but requisite and very consistant with thy Office and Profession being that which the Ministers of Christ was always ready to do being willing to render a reason of their Faith and Hope to any that should demand it and also to exhort inform and instruct in the Doctrine and Principles of Truth with all meekness gentleness and long-suffering which thing if thou refuse to do let me know upon what grounds for I have not straitned thee for time but thou mightest have done it with deliberation so I desire a sober answer of thee of all and every particular propounded or else a reason why thou wilt not and it may suffice for the present T. C. Now having as briefly as possible given a True and Impartial Relation of all the differences states and proceedings on both sides that is of most importance and concernment and the ground and cause of all as things hath passed and been carried on between us plainly and honestly so far as I know and do remember I shall leave all both his and mine causes and proceedings with all that hath been done to the witness of God in all Hearts and Consciences that gives a true sense and understanding of the nature and property of every word and work and accordingly let the sober moderate and unbyassed Reader or Hearer judge of us and between us and especially such as have known us both after the flesh and the Lives and Conversations of us both among them ziz the Parishioners of Addingam and others in the Towns and Parishes adjacent amongst whom we have lived and with whom we have had to do many of them being privy to the most part of those things and so may the better bear witness to the Truth or Falshood of them being as I have said elsewhere willing to recommend my self to every Mans Conscience in the sight of God and as I own and acknowledge the Light for my Leader Guide and Salvation so I am willing that all my deeds should be brought to the Light and that which I do or have done that is not justifiable in the Light let it be condemned by Light and I ashamed and this is to do as I would be done unto also these my Papers that I have sent to him they are now made publick and so are no longer his and mine only but other Mens to judge and consider of In my first I desire as I would often have willingly embraced that he or any other of his Function and Profession would give me or us a sober moderate visit or meeting at their own time and place allowing us person for person that there we might dispute the differences in Religion between them and us in a sober moderate spirit which to us is of great price and if in the Spirit of meekness he or they could convince us that we are schismatical and erroneous c. as they have frequently affirmed and preached behind our backs whether in denying of Tythes or in any other thing whatsoever I can say it for my self and believe it for many others that if in our Consciences we were convinced thereof we would reform our Judgments and pay Tythes and submit in any other thing whatsoever as really and conscientiously as any People in the Nation without either suing at Courts spoyling of goods excommunications cominations imprisonments or the execution of any Law whatsoever and if this be not very equal and reasonable let all sober People judge and whether it be not the part and place of Men professing that Function and to be Ministers of Christ and Overseers in the Church that Spiritual Men might War and overcome with Spiritual Weapons and by the Armor of Light and the Power and Demonstration of the Spirit of Christ Jesus that as the said L. W. hath oft Preached it may be known to whom the Lord hath given the Urim and the Thummim but these they use but in words only but instead of dealing so with us they 'l turn us over to a Consistory Spiritu●l or Ecclesiastical Court so called which as I may truly say is as Carnal and Earthly a corrupt Court at this day as any in the World I know of and to the Secular Powers and Civil Magistrate c. and when we are brought before them and answers to what is Charged against us pleading matters of Conscience the Doctrine of Christ or His Apostles or the priviledge of the Church in a Gospel Dispensation then they cry hold your peace we have no thing to do with that Dispute it with your Ministers you shall not Preach here c. And all we can get of their Ministers is Rogue and Rascal Erroneous and Schismatical Fellow or Audacious Saucy youth I 'll humble you we 'll take a Course with such Refractary Fanatick as you are ere long c. So having the Sword by their thigh and the Law by their side thus are we preyed upon by
every one of them and if any one do plead himself free by their Law then as some of them hath said they know what to do they have another ba●t to catch us with which they know will hold and that is tender us an Oath and because we will not swear like themselves then either fine or imprison or banish c. and having got us into Prisons for Tythes or such things there they let us lie as dead Men out of mind never owning nor regarding us in any thing from year to year unless to envy and straiten our Liberty c. by stirring up and provoking the Goalers against us who being willing to do the Priests and Magistrates a favour hath often shown their severity to the hazard of the lives of the Innocent in their Custody whom they have called sometime their sheep and yet preyed upon us not allowing us the Liberty they allowed to Fellons and Murderers c. yet still the Lord was with us and wonderfully preserved us to his praise when Men rose up against us to have swallowed us up with open mouth blessed be His Name for evermore And also whether it were not requisite that he gave me a true and particular account of every of his demands and claims whatsoever or of any other difference if any had been betwixt us before he had thus far proceeded to have damnified me having done what in him lay to deprive me of all save only my life which I have yet for a prey And also whether it had not been his place and duty pretending to be a Teacher and Instructer of others● a M●nister and Pastor or Elder in the Church being reputed a Learned Orthodoxical Divine and sometime professing himself my spiritual Father but such measure a● I have had from him are no spiritual instructions to me I say if so whether he ought not to have answered my Queries and also my other Papers sent to him which he never would do to this day thereby to have informed and cleared my judgment and understanding being things appertaining to Faith and Religion and the Profession and Worship of Christianity and so matters of Conscience to me let all sober wise Men judge Also I shall appeal unto all sober and conscientious Men and Women and refer my self to the witness of God and the illuminated understanding in all whether ever any of the Holy Men of God did so with any person in the Church or out of the Church Believer or Infidel as he hath done with me yea or nay or whether ever you read of any of the Apostles or Ministers of Christ in Ages past that denied to give a Reason of their Faith and Hope in Christ Jesus and to Instruct Exhort Inform Teach Reprove Rebuke c. as he hath done or whether you read of any Ministers of Christ that sued at Law for the maintenance of their Bellies spoyled and Persecuted Excomunicated out of their Church into Prison sought Mens Liberty Heritage Estate and yet can shew no fair nor just cause as he hath done yea or nay Whether ever any Ministers of Christ did swear lye and beat with the fist of wickedness as he hath done yea or nay or whether ever any Ministers of Christ was so inclined to drunkenness and to frequent Ale-houses that they needed to be restrained by a Fine as his wife hath done with him yea or nay All which with several such like deeds which I shall now omit I need not go far to prove being his own practice doth notoriously evidence and testifie the same sufficiently known to many that knows both him and me and by what is before related Now considering the many Disputes Contentions Strifes suing at Law spoiling of goods casting into Prisons and the great unparalell'd sufferings that have been occasioned in this Nation in these late years about Tythes and the great objections and exclamations made against us for denying them about which I have a share being deeply concerned and involved therein together for the quietness and peace of my spirit upon which this thing hath long rested ●xcites me to cast in my mite and lay down my reasons and grounds whereupon I have denied them and suffered for the non-payment thereof tho weakest and unfitest of many thousands for such a work yet according to what I have received and am perswaded of I shall lay down in truth and simplicity and that chiefly for the satisfaction of such as desire to be satisfied and for the stopping the many objections and maledictions of others made in secret behind my back by some of my Neighbours especially the people called Independants in that part who most of any hath condemned me for suffering so much for such small trivial matters as they say being as it seems a small scruple in their Consciences and such a more as they can easily swallow now though in the beginning rise and growth of their Religion their Judgment was wholly against Tythes in a Gospel day yea some of them preaching in great zeal against them Condemning the Institution of them saying They were clear contrary to the maintenance of a Gospel Ministry and yet when they saw that Tythes were like to be the only wages maintenance and reward of their preaching being generally established by the Laws and Cannons of England for that end rather then they would want that sweet morsel and goodly Garment and the Fleshly ease that came thereby and suffer any thing for the denying of the same they could soon through their Christian Prudence or Policy cure that Malady and for the better digestion of that Diet make to themselves a stomach Pill or two to Cure that Crudity and so rather Suppress Extirpat Hide or let fall one of their Principles then either want that delightsome livelyhood or beloved Benefice or yet either suffer any thing either in Liberty or Estate for the holding that Principle throughout So for the Considerations aforesaid I shall endeavour to answer the general Objections Principly made against me and my Brethren in this case and what I hold and believe concerning them 1st Objection is Abraham's Returning from Chedarlaomer from Rescuing his Nephew Lot Melchisedeck met him and blessed him and blessed the Lord in his behalf and brought forth Bread and Wine and set before him c. and to him Abraham gave a Tenth of the spoyls Gen. 14.18 Heb. 7.4 Answer To this I say I never find it a president or rule for me suppose he gave a Tenth it was a voluntary gift he was neither commanded by God nor compelled by Man and if he had not given I think he had not sinned and that which he did give was but a Tenth of the Spoils taken at the Victory and so no rule for me being no Soldier at any such Slaughter and so not partaker of any such Spoils so if it be binding to any as I think to none it is to Soldiers and not to Plowmen and what if he in
according to the Covenant that I made with their Fathers when I took them by the hand and led them out of Egypt for because they abode not in my Covenant I regarded them not saith the Lord But this is the Covenant that I will make with them after those days I will put my Law in their Hearts and write it in their inward parts and I will be their God and they shall be my People Jer. 31.33 Ez●k 37.26 c. Hebr. 8.8 9 10. and 10.16 They shall not need to Teach every Man his Neighbour or every Man his Brother saying Know the Lord for they shall all know me even from the least to the greatest of them and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more mark Their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more here suffer me to enlarge a little by the way Now where Remission of sin is there needs no more Offering for sin and for this end was Christ made manifest to take away all sin and in him was no sin howbeit the Children of Darkness who are strangers to the Covenant of Promise being never yet come to the Light nor to the Second Covenant the New and Living Way they I say that have not received this they say there is no Redemption from under sin there is none say they can be set free from iniquity while on this side the grave there is not an upright Man upon the Earth say they that doth good and sinneth not there is none Righteous no not one a strange Doctrine in a Gospel Day this Generation used to bless the Name of the Lord for this glorious Day and Golden Age and time said some wherein his Gospel was so purely Taught and Preached mark this confusion is the Gospel purely Taught them when they are yet in their sins but it may be they have not received the Gospel in Power and Purity but in name and word only for the Gospel is the Power of God Rom. 1.16 or Christ Jesus the Light of the World the Power of God and the Wisdom of God 1 Cor. 1.24 who was manifested to take away sin but these will pretend to be Gospel Men and Christians who say none can be purified from sin and thereby frustrate the end of the Lord and make void his coming who came to save his People from their sins and he is able to save to the utmost them that come unto God by him but may it not be said they come not unto God by him and they enter not in at the Door but climbs up some other way that holds sin for Tearm of Life which the Devil is Author and Lord of then whose Servants are they let wise Men judge a smookey Tenent a Principle of Darkness assended out of the Bottomless Pit sure no Christians what ere they may profess What hath Christ suffered in vain What hath the shedding of his Blood no more effect What is he not able perfectly to save those to come unto God by him Is he not able to save his People from their sins Is he not able to redeem from death Is his Hand shortned Or his Power weakned Is he not the same he was in the Apostles dayes Is not his power the same yesterday to day and for ever mark Was he not given for Salvation to the Ends of the Earth Was he not sent to redeem those that were under the Law Was he not sent to save his People from their sins Was he not ordained a Light to lighten the Gentiles and the Glory of the People of Israel Yea a Light to lighten those that sit in Darkness and the Regions of the shadow of Death and to guide their feet in the Way of Peace Was he not manifested to take away our sins and was not his Blood shed for the Remission of sins the Apostle said yes and if it be not so that our sins be done away nor we not sanctified purified and cleansed through his Blood nor do not witness Remission nor forgiveness through his Sufferings and Death and our Consciences purged from dead works and our sins done away in him I say if none have this benefit by him then is our Faith vain and we are still in our sins and both the Apostles and we are found false Witnesses of him but neither they nor we are false Witnesses for we know and they knew before us That Life and Salvation is manifested and we have seen it and that which we have seen and heard we do declare that ye might have Fellowship with us mark that ye might also obtain Remission and Redemption with us And this indeed is the Message that we have heard of him and received from him and declare unto you that God is Light and in him is no Darkness at all and if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lye But if we walke in the Light as he is in the Light then have we fellowship with him and one with another and the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all Sin c. mark ye Sons and Daughters of Darkness that say none can be cleansed from all Sin but no marvel if Infidels say so that never owns the Light that never came to the Blood of Sprinkling that never came to the Blood the Life of the Covenant that cleanseth and purifieth from all sin but are stumbling and groping in darkness immagining in their dark minds that all is like themselves and these will profess they know God but they are Lyars 1 John 2.4 for they neither keep nor believe that any can keep his Commandments but they seeing but in part believes that a Man can but be in part purified and in part sanctified but not throughout Now I would ask them one Question wherefore none can be sanctified throughout Is not that which sanctifies in part able to sanctifie throughout Is not the Blood of Christ able and sufficient to cleanse and purifie from all sin Was he not able perfectly to save those that come unto God by him Yes surely he was else he had been an imperfect Sacrifice but the cause is either they will not come to him for Life and Salvation or else when they do come they abide not with him nor continue not in obedience to press forward to the high Calling that is in Christ Jesus they sit down short of the prize they go not on unto perfection they faint and are weary before the work be compleated and finished like foolish Builders and then content themselves in their own vain immaginations and pleads inability weakness and failing which say they is insident to all Men thinking all like themselves but they measuring all by themselves and comparing themselves with themselves viz. with their own immaginations are not wise as said the Apostle but John said As many as received him to them he gave power to become the Sons of God even to them that believe in his Name John 1.12 and
warn you all that are Parents to watch over your Children and bring them up in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord and beware you breed them not up in the World's manners nor customs nor in pride lightness and vanity nor in things that puff up and lead away their minds from under the Cross of Christ Jesus but rather breed them up in Humility Lowliness and Self-denial and in the Fear of the Lord which is the beginning of true Wisdom and gate of Virtue and so endeavour to train them up in the right Way to Life and lay a good Foundation in them while they are young and then both you and they may expect a blessing from the Lord which is better then all So away with all Manners and Breeding and Education that is out of the Fear of God for you your selves know the first Nature in it self is too inclinable to be taken with the Manners and Customs of the Egyptian-Spirit and to take pleasure and conceit it self and be puffed up with and in those things that lead from God without nursing and encouraging thereunto so keep all Low in Meekness and Self-denial that God's Fear may be timely planted in their Hearts and the Principles of Life and Peace they may be instructed in as you your selves have learned them of the Lord that so the loving-kindness and gentle dealings of God towards us we may tell of them to our Children and they to another Generation so all learning the way of the Cross and Self-denyal that Will that is carnal and earthly will be mortified and slain and the Spirit of the World and the Customs thereof will be Crucified to you all and you all unto it and then how can they that are Crucified to the World live any longer therein and so Spiritual Men and Spiritual Women Sons and Daughters of the incorruptible Seed begotten again by the Power and Spirit of Christ Jesus and so dead to the World's Spirit Ways Customs Manners Traditions Ordinances and Worships all in the Fall and Degeneration from God and every one Living up to this being guided by God's Wisdom keep their Testimony clear and unviolated in the sight of God and Men. So stand true Witnesses for God and be Faithful or full of Faith in the Lord believe in Him love Him above all and trust Him with all Wife and Children Estate and Life and take heed of giving Offence or of causing Truth to suffer in its Esteem for God hath glorified it and will glorifie it and Wo from the Lord is to them that cause Truth to be Evil spoken off that brings a blot upon their Testimony and so marreth the Visage and Countenance of Truth in the particular or in the general And dear Friends stand living Witnesser for God's Truth and be not cowardly but valiant as Soldiers of Christ Jesus and stand up against all the Works and Workers of Iniquity against all Hirelings and false Shepherds against the grand Oppression of Tythes with the abolished Ceremonies and Ordinances of the first Covenant and Jews outwardly which Antichrist and the Deceivers that are gone into the World having lost the Power would innovate and set up again among the Gentiles and Jews inward contrary to the Institution of God and stand up against all Swearing and that which leads to Swearing and against Lying or Stealing and against Fighting or Killing since our Kingdom is not of this World and against Fornication Adultery Whoredom Lasciviousness Luxury and all manner of Uncleanness the sins of this World which are so vile they are scarce fit to be spoken of or named amongst the Saints so as becomes Warriours for God and the everlasting Gospel of Christ Jesus stand clear of them all and against them all and then there will be no need of shifts and excuses and crooked Reasons in the fallen wisdom to hide or cover any one with And my dear Friends let your Yea be Yea and your Nay be Nay and keep to the form of sound words in all your Communications Bargains and Dealings one with another and also with them that are without that so you may honour the Lord and honour his Truth and convince all with whom you have to do that Truth and Righteousness lives in you and you live in it this is the glory of all Profession And be not forward and rash in Words and Promises for some there are yea too many that make Profession of Truth and true Religion and yet know not a bridle for the Tongue and the Apostle said such Mens Religion was vain yea and too many there are that are hasty to promise and flow to perform and then shuffle to excuse themselves as Eve did where no Excuse can properly bear in the Truth so beware of it I desire you all for this was one express Token the Apostle laid down of the falling away therefore be slow to promise but careful quick and forward to perform when promised and that keeps Truth clear and answers the Expectations of all and Preaches to all with whom we have to do and hereby the Saints reached God's Witness in one another in the beginning so keep to it still and every one speak the Truth from his Heart without Dissimulation and learn not the slighty words and cunning evasions of the deceitful Spirits of this World which darken knowledge thereby to drive Bargains to accomplish self-ends and covetous designs for such things though never so fairly glossed are inconsistent with the innocency and naked simplicity of our Gospel neither is Truth honoured by such deceitful coverings so all Friends keep clear of such things and be plain-hearted with all Men for no coverings will hide or avail in this bright lightsome Day but that of God's Eternal Spirit which will stand over all and Darkness cannot comprehend it but going from the Light and Spirit of God into the fallen deceitful wisdom then the World comprehends and sounds and bottoms all such and so Truth suffers in the particular and in the general so the Law of the Spirit of Life which we profess is beyond all Laws and a Rule beyond all Rules and reaches further to the ordering and guiding of all those that are resolved and given up to it in Obedience then all Laws Precepts Canons or Injuctions that are outward whatsoever so the Righteosness that is God's which Christ Jesus is the Author of is beyond all and exceeds all the Righteousness of other Professions Scribes or Pharisees whereby its plain every Righteosness doth not enter nor is accepted of God but only that which exceeds the Scribes and Pharisees which Christ works in all his by the Operation of his eternal Spirit So my dear Friends wait to feel it and the effectual Works of it brought forth in you all which to feel is more then words that your Faith may stand in it and in a living Enjoyment of it for that Man or Woman that doth not feel it and the efficacy and vertue of
that Despise the Light accounting it as a thing of nought calling it Natural or Diabolical or an unholy thing esteeming it too mean a Meat for your stuffed up Stomachs and cannot yet be digested by you what better Testimony would you have Would you have one arise from the Dead here 's John a Man sent from God and here 's Christ Jesus which rose from the Dead which Death could not bold also we have the Testimony of the Spirit of Truth and having received this Testimony we have the Witness in our selves and can set to our Seals that God is True John 3.35 and that there is no other way to the Father but by Christ Jesus the Light which is the Life and Blood of the Everlasting Covenant though many set it at nought and will not stoop to so small a thing yet all the Powers of Darkness cannot comprehend it it will break thorow them all to your condemnation that are disobedient and for proof thereof I appeal to every of your Consciences in the sight of God and let the Light therein which abideth in you which is Truth and no Lye John 2.27 let it declare for me whether any of you can hide you from it If you take the Wings of the Morning as David said and fly into the uttermost parts of the Earth it will find you out do what you will it will declare the nature of your deeds when you do evil at home or abroad never so secretly when no man sees it will condemn you and when you do well it will justifie and you will feel peace and joy in that Work it will tell you all that ever you did as the Woman of Samaria said Is not this the Christ come and see then they came and saw and believed also not because of her words but by what they heard from him themselves saying they knew indeed that this is the very Christ John 4.42 So be intreated as a Man would intreat his Friend whom he loveth to come with the Samaritans and see wether it be not so as we have said she was but one and that a Woman yet they came forth with her to see if it was he and it was he and they believed but we are many Witnesses and Testifie what we have heard and seen and handled of him So once more I say be intreated to come and see not to come forth after us and follow us as he said Luke 17.21 23. but to turn in your minds I mean to the Light of Christ Jesus in your own Hearts for the Kingdom of Heaven is within you and there hearken to him that is the Light of the World mark the World is set in Mans Heart Eccles 3.11 and when you have heard and obeyed for that is believing indeed I question not but you will be ready to say with the Samaritans That ye know that he is indeed the very Christ So put not off by delays but while the Lord calls do you answer and while he seeks be you gathered Prov. 1.24.26 yea while the Light and Love of God is with you believe in it receive it and walk in it for Darkness comes when no Man shall walk or work John 22 35 36. And the Light of the wicked shall be put out and the spark of his fire shall be quenched Job 18.5 6. Then shall his Wrath and Fury increase which will torment the Conscience for ever where they shall feel the Worm that dies not and the Fire that never goes out then Sorrow Mourning and bitter Lamentation shall fall upon them then may they cry to the Mountains fall on us and to the Hills to cover us even they I mean that slighteth their day of Visitation and hate to be reformed For behold the Days come that shall burn as an Oven wherein all the proud and all that do wickedly shall be as stubble the Day that cometh shall burn them up and shall leave them neither Root nor Branch but to them that fear my Name saith the Lord shall the Son of Righteousness arise with healing in his Wings and they shall go forth and grow as Calves in the stall and they shall tread down the Wicked yea the Wicked shall be as Ashes under the soles of their feet in that Day when I shall do this saith the Lord he that can believe it let him This is my Testimony given forth in the same Love wherewith the Lord my God hath loved me not desiring to Eat my Morsel alone nor yet to conceal the loving kindness of the Lord which is held forth freely unto all of which I am made a partaker according to the measure of that Grace and Love received in Christ Jesus who would not that any should perish but that all Men might come to the knowledge of the Truth and be saved who was the First-fruits of Righteousness leaving us an Example to follow his steps So desiring that all might come to partake of the same Grace with us and walk in the same Light with us where there is no occasion of Stumbling and come to drink of the same Living Water with us which whosoever drinketh thereof shall never thirst again but is satisfied for ever this none knows save they that drink thereof and they are but a few Having for the Reasons aforesaid committed this to publick view it s now other Mens as well as mine to judge of and no doubt may be by some opposed as well as by others approved I therefore desire the discreet Reader having soberly and piously pondred this short Treatise in the fear of the Lord not rashly to asperse either me or it behind my back thereby to make my Principle or Testimony odious in the Eyes of such as are weak and unstable in Judgment but rather having any thing to object against the Truth of any particular herein to make known their Objections to me either by word or writing and I shall be very willing to be Christianly informed or else to give a Christian information and sober Reply for their satisfaction and for the clearing and vindicating of every particular herein according to that Talent of knowledge that is given me to improve and this I hope will be easily granted by such as is willing to do unto me as they would have me or others to do unto them which is according to both Law and Prophets Given forth about the 6th Month 1667. Tho. Carleton THE END To the CALLED OF GOD And true Professors of the LIGHT SPIRIT of Jesus Christ in these Northern Nations To the Called of GOD c. OH my well-beloved Friends Brethren and Sisters in that Spiritual Heavenly Relation that stands in the power of an endless Life do I tenderly Greet you all and in the sensible Feeling thereof do I at this time with much tenderness and fear communicate these following Exhortations unto you Upon the Second day of the Tenth Month at Even after I was returned from waiting upon and serving
the Lord amongst the assembly of his People as my body I lay down upon my Bed expecting to take its natural rest my Soul also was inclined to take its sweet repose in God and in my contemplation the care of the Churches and the concerns of the Flock of God came weightily upon me so that my natural Sleep was wiped away from mine Eyes and in my Meditation with my God these things following rose fresh in me and the delivering of them to you came greatly upon me so that I felt a real necessity upon my Soul to arise and write And a cry run through me and the Mourning of my Spirit and the Lamentation of my Soul was very great for the division of Reuben oh for the division of Reuben there was great searchings of Heart oh many a Sigh oh many a Groan oh many a Lamentation is made by many a tender Heart and many a broken Spirit for the division of Reuben which at this Day were great and many so that it came upon me in the Dread and Fear of the Eternal God to Warn all the Churches all the Called of God all the Professors of his Name High and Low Rich and Poor Man and Woman to beware of Divsion even the Division of Reuben the First-born therefore take heed take heed all you that were First-born or First begotten to God who were as the First-fruits of the Spirit in this last Age and Dispensation Oh let all be Advised I humbly intreat you and in the Counsel of God do I hereby Warn you all to beware and avoid Division for that House that is Devided in it self and against it self cannot stand oh let me advise and warn you in the tenderness and brokenness of my mourning Soul as Joseph did his Brethren of old see that you fall not out by the way oh feel feel the melting compassionate Spirit of Joseph whose Bowels broke towards his Brethren and he wept upon their Neck oh that innocent Spirit of Joseph he sought no Revenge when they were fallen into his Hand and there sheaves came bowing to his sheave and the eleven stars did obeisance unto him he was not lifted up nor exalted with Pride though Lord of all Egypt as he said but was full of Compassion and wept over them when they were smitten and terrified with Guilt only innocent Benjamin wept upon his Neck Oh see his care to his Brethren fall not out by the way And as our faithful Father Abraham said to his Nephew Lot let there be no strife between us for we are Brethren and the Canaanite and the Perizite they dwell in the Land they will see it and behold it and this will agravate the Sin and the Lord will greatly be dishonoured by it Oh see the Care and Peaceable Spirit of faithful Abraham how he sought to preserve Peace and Love and even as it were submitted to his Nephew Lot the whole Land is before thee take thy choice and let not us strive for we are Brethren so here was no superiority nor exalted Spirit in Abraham but he works by Love Oh my dear Friends be you all warned and take heed of Division for we are now upon our Travel and upon our Return out of Egypt as Joseph's Brethren were and the Lord hath given us Favour in the sight of Pharoah's Princes and hath given a large supply to the Souls of us and our families who was sorely afflicted with Famine yet in all this there is no cause of Division let no ones Heart be exalted or lifted up because of Gods Love to them We are now Returning to the premised Land the Land of Rest and Peace Therefore let us return in Peace and dwell in Love together for Love is of God and he that dwells in Love dwells in God and this Love thinks no Evil it s no maintainer of Strife nor no begetter of Division And take the Advice of the Apostle mark them that cause Division and avoid them and from whence comes War and Strife and from whence comes all Division do they not rise from fleshly self-seeking Lusts that War against the Soul And is not the accuser of the Brethren concerned would not he accuse us one to another and set us at variance one with another and provoke to sell and betray one another into the hands of the Medianites to be Bondslaves in Egypt again And what is the matter the accuser works upon is it some party coloured Coat the Father is pleased to bestow upon one more then another or upon some dream of Exaltation or being Prefered one above another or is it about some Trifle Jangling or questions of Words thus the Enemy laboured of old and wrought Division and thus he would Work now if he be not watched against Oh therefore all take heed and labour to keep near the Lord every Man for himself and every Woman for her self labour to keep out that Spirit that would provoke to strife and to contention oh let it enter into none nor being entered keep possession in any for where Strife is there is Confusion and every Evil work so if any thing would arise at any time that tends to Strief or would rend and make Division in the Bowels of the love of God I desire all to watch against it shut it out crush that Cockatrice timely kindle no such fire nor blow up that Flame with words but in the meek spirit of Jesus quench it and rather give place to wrath for a soft mild answer turns it away always remembring the words of the Apostle Why do you not rather suffer wrong and suffer your selves to be defrauded and set them to judge that are least in the Church that a speedy end may be put to it And as Christ himself said he that would be Chief let him become Servant and as I have washed your Feet even so wash you one anothers Feet Here was a blessed Example of Humility laid down and the lording of the Gentiles reproved And truly Friends they that stand single in the light and counsel of God whose Eye is impartial may clearly See and distinguish in all matters of Debate and Controversie what spirit Rules for if the Lambs spirit be there there is Innocency there is Tenderness there is Humility there is broken Heartedness that spirit that is from above is Gentle Meek and Lowly easie to be entreated it is not stubborn proud nor self willed it hates not Reproof as Fools but it loves the Reprover as a wise Man so they that are of this spirit they are of Abraham's Seed and of Abraham's Faith let there be no strife between us for we are Brethren they will readily comply and follow after Peace knowing that the Lords Honour and the Honour of his Truth is concerned so let the fruits of the Lambs spirit appear in all let the Lambs nature come up and rule in all that the Lamb and his followers may have the Victory so shut out all Pride all