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A53112 The complaint of English subjects delivered in two parts. First part, is the complaint, of the poor, middle, and meanest sorts of subjects, concerning their bodily assistance. Second part, is the true Christians complaint, against vice, and wickedness, for the good of their soul's health. Also, werein is set forth, the late prodigious growth, of atheism, errors, and vice: with a call to repentance. As also, how needful it is, in these times, for every one of us, first of all, to look into our own hearts, and endeavour to amend what is their amiss. And lastly, a brief discourse, concerning our late unfruitful, and cold summers: as also, what is thought to be the real causes of it, by way of opposition, to the opinion of astrologers. By Richard Newnam of Tiverton in Devonshire. Newnam, Richard. 1700 (1700) Wing N935; ESTC R218651 71,890 130

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in the 6th Chapter of Genesis vers 3. But they of the Old World in all that time did not Repent and therefore at last they were all drowned in the Flood see in 7th Chapter of Genesis vers 12. Again I say Nineveh was a great City and the People thereof very Wicked see Jonah chap. 1. ver 2. For their Wickedness was grown to that prodigious height that it ascended up to Heaven before the Lord and therefore God pronounc'd his Judgments against them by the Mouth of the Prophet Jonah But as soon as Jonah had Preach'd the Word of the Lord unto them and told them Yet forty Days and Nineveh shall be overthrown Then they presently Believed and Repented from the highest to the lowest of them and therefore God shewed them Mercy and repented of the Evil that he had said he would do unto them see in Jonah chap. 3. from the first verse to the end of that Chapter And thus we may see that God doth first of all shew himself a God of Mercy before he doth shew himself to be the God of Justice And therefore I may now justly and truly say without giving offence to any Man that God hath been and still is very Merciful to us here in England and that in his forbearing of us in all these our Infirmities with great Patience For is not our Land now become a very sinful Nation O what Wickedness is their in the whole World that is not now acted done and committed here in England amongst us for now in this our Age home to this very day do not we continually wallow in the prophane wicked foul filthy shameful Sins of Sabbath-breaking Hypocrisie Pride Whoredoms Sodomy Murthers Blasphemy Swearing Cursing Flattering Lying Frauds Perjuries Thieving Oppression Vnjust Dealing Covetousness Self-intrest with all maner of Undermining Falshood and with Hearts full of secret Mischief striving by all manner of false ways Clandestinely to deceive and undermine our fellow Creatures and yet at the same time with a Judas-like Kiss or Counterfeit Smile profess themselves real Friends to him or them whom he or they at that very time intend to deceive O! what greater Wickedness than these can there be in the whole World And such Wickedness as these do not only continue amongst us but now they do superabound abundantly beyond measure all England over And therefore I say both from Reason and Scripture rationally and divinely we may all of us think our selves to be as great Sinners as any were in the Old World or in any other Nation ever since the World began who have been destroyed for their Sins And therefore 't is now high time for us all to Repent and Amend our Lives for who can tell what may follow these our most great and grievous Sins And 't is to be questioned whether our Sins may deserve that Mercy from God which the Ninehvite's then received from him for they the Ninehvite's immediately Repented at the Preaching of the Prophet Jonah as you may read it in the 12th Chap. of Matthew vers 41. But for our selves 't is much to be feared that our Impenitent Hearts are now much like the Hearts of the old Jews who were too much hardened to repent which if so who can tell how soon we may feel the severe Judgments of God amongst us for we are as great Sinners as any of they were look in the 13th Chapter of Saint Luke's Gospel the 1 2 3 4 and 5th verses and there you will find that when some told Christ what great Sinners the Galileans were Jesus answered them Suppose ye that these Galileans were sinners above all the Galileans I tell you Nay But except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish Or those eighteen upon whom the Tower in Siloam fell and slew them think ye they were Sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem I tell you Nay But except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish And thus we see the Jews had warning from Christ himself and yet they did not Repent And now are not we in England warned to Repentance and that not only by Signs and Tokens from Heaven and Earth but by the Holy Bible the written Word of God wherein we may see by all the Commandments of God and Jesus Christ and by all the sayings of the Prophets and the Preachings of the Apostles that all such horrid Sins as we now daily commit and live in them are most abominable in the Eyes of the Almighty God And therefore it is now high time for every one of us from the highest to the lowest to Repent and turn us every one of us from our Evil Ways And though we have not now amongst us in these our days personally the Prophets and Jesus Christ himself and his Apostles to teach us and reprove us yet we have to this very day left unto us by divine Records for our Doctrine for our Instructions and for our Reproof all their Holy Sayings and Preachings And besides all this we cannot to this very day pretend to make any excuse for it that we have not sufficient warning given us to Repent us of all our Evil Doings for God be thanked for it still to this very day there are not wanting in our Church of England many good devout and most eminent Preachers that do constantly shew themselves like good Pastors and are faithful Shepherds over their Flocks and every Sabbath-day do by their most powerful and pressing Arguments use their utmost endeavours to perswade Sinners and to reclaim them from all their Evil Ways exhorting them to true Repentance and Amendment of Life and also to endeavour always to live in Obedience to all the Laws of God and all the Commandments and Sayings of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ And then for the better performance of it they are not wanting to offer up their most devout Prayers to Almighty God for his Blessings to remain upon them These Pastors and only such good Pastors as these are are now the only true Moses's Aaron's that are now left on the Earth to stand in the Gaps and Ways in which destruction cometh and there do lift up their most devout Hearts and Hands and interceed unto the Lord for us And thus by their Prayers together with the Prayers of all other true devout Christians God's most severe Judgments have hitherto been stopt from falling down upon us But after all those Signs and Tokens and Warnings if at last we will be like the Impenitent Jews and will not repent us of our Evil Ways then our Punishments will be only from our selves 〈◊〉 to prevent all such Evils let us now ●●●●●w●th repent us from the very bottom of our H●●r●s as the Ninevite's did and also that we may be the better enabled so to do let us now forthwith first of all every one of us look into our own particular Hearts and see what is there amiss and amend it And after that to the very utmost of
which God in process of time granted unto her and not only a meer Man-child did the Lord give unto Hannah but such a Man-child as afterwards became an excellent Prophet of the Lord whose Name was Samuel And after that I find besides Samuel Hannah had by her Husband Elkanah several Sons and Daughters as you may read it in the 2d Chapter of the 1st Book of Samuel vers 21. And thus we may see by those Presidents offered and mentioned in these several Scriptures herein quoted and also by several other places of Scripture the like Presidents may be found and by all of them it may be plainly seen how much Prayers and Tears have always from time to time prevailed with God when they have been offered up unto him with true devout and sincere Hearts and therefore I think it would not be amiss but rather think it very necessary and needful for us all with true devotion now to offer up our Prayers with Tears and desire God to give every one of us a Heart fit for true Repentance and Amendment of Life which if we would all of us so pray and endeavour so to do then no question might be made of it but that God would yet shew us mercy and then we should have the Blessings of the Lord return upon us which now seems to be departing from us Read the second Chapter of the Prophet Joel vers 12 13 14. Therefore also now saith the Lord Turn ye even unto me with all your heart and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning And rent your heart and not your garments and turn unto the Lord your God for he is gracious and merciful slow to anger and of great kindness and repenteth him of the evil Who knoweth if he will return and repent and leave a Blessing behind him even a Meat-offering and a Drink-offering unto the Lord your God But again I say that God doth sometimes by the disorder of the Elementary Parts of this World bring upon the Earth Dearths and Famine it self is plain by what God himself made known to Pharaoh in his Dream for God did not only make known unto him that he would bring a Famine upon the Land of Egypt but by what means the Famine should come was also made known unto Pharaoh in his Dream and that to be by means of unseasonable Weather as violent East-Winds which should blast and wither the Corn-Fields so as that they should come to no perfection to bear Corn for the Egyptians to have Bread out of them as you may read it in the 41 Chapter of Genesis the 6th the 23d and 27th verses Again I say that God hath and yet can by his immediate Power that he hath over all the Elementary Bodies alter and change the Weather as he seeth most fit either by way of Mercy or Judgment is plain And also that it is mens Iniquities that doth oftentimes provoke God to bring upon the Earth Dearths and Wants and Famine it self is plainly to be seen and understood if men would but consult seriously within themselves these following Scriptures which I shall here quote unto you which you may read at your leisure Jeremiah 5th Chap. vers 24 25. Ezekiel 4th Chap. vers 16 17. Hosea 2d Chap. vers 8 9. Read Joel the 1st Chapter all over from the beginning to the end thereof Amos 4th Chapter vers 6 7. And lastly look in the 14th Chapter of the Prophet Ezekiel vers 12 13 14. It is there thus written The Word of the Lord came again to me saying Son of Man when the Land sinneth against me by trespassing grievously then will I stretch out mine hand upon it and will break the Staff of the Bread thereof and will send Famine upon it and will cut off Man and Beast from it Though these three Men Noah Daniel and Job were in it they should deliver but their own Souls by their Righteousness saith the Lord God And thus we may see that when Men by their Iniquities do provoke God to anger then in his Wrath he immediately changeth and disordereth the Heavenly Bodies or other Elementary Parts of the World as he pleaseth And thus working by his own secondary Causes as he thinks most fit he can when he pleaseth with hold these good things of the World from us and also from this last Text of Scripture just now here quoted we may observe that when the black Deeds of the Wicked are many and that they are so much over-grown that they do superabound then the Prayers of the Righteous can prevail with God no longer to prevent the pouring down of his Judgments upon the Heads of Wicked Men For then the Prayers of the Righteous only for the deliverance of their own Souls shall be heard and not for the Souls of the Wicked And now I say again these before-mentioned Scriptures do make it out plain That all Disorders both in Heaven and Earth from time to time are always performed by the immediate Hand of God and not as Astrologers say only from the Courses of the Stars as they were ordained to be in their first Creation And therefore I must now say again that no Astrologers or any other Men of any other vain Sciences whatsoever can foretell by the Courses of the Stars or by any other way whatsoever what shall fall out or come to pass either of Plague or Famine or what shall be the event of Wars or who shall have the Victory or foreknow by the Calculating of Nativities what shall befall any Man or Men or what Years will be fruitful or unfruitful for all these things are Secrets and only belong to God himself and not unto Men except out of his own goodness and meer pleasure in Mercy to some of his own chosen Ones he is pleased to reveal these his Secrets to such Men as he thinks most fit to pour out his Spirit upon them to that purpose and for that end to preserve his own People as may be seen in that of Pharoah for God did not forewarn Pharoah King of Egypt of what he was about to do wholly for the sake of Pharoah himself or for the Egyptians sake but mostly for the Advancement of Joseph and then consequently for the Preservation of all the Children of Israel And therefore it was that none of the Magicians or any of the Wise Men of Egypt could interpret Pharoah's Dream for it was only God's chosen One that could do it who was Joseph and that not of himself but by the Inspiration of the Lord as Joseph himself acknowledgeth in this same 41 Chapter of Genesis and the 16 verse It is there said And Joseph answered Pharoah saying It is not in me God shall give Pharoah an answer of Peace Again I say that the Revelation of Secrets doth only belong unto God and not unto such Men as are called Astrologers But when God thinks fit he revealeth them to his own chosen Ones as you may read in the