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A51589 Mvltvm in parvo, aut vox veritatis wherein the principles, practices, and transactions of the English nation, but more especially and in particular by their representatives assembled in Parliament anno Domini 1640, 1641 : as also, 1681 are most faithfully and impartially examined, collected, and compared together for the present seasonable use, benefit and information of the publick : as also the wonderful and most solemn manner and form of ratifying, confirming and pronouncing of that most dreadful curse and execration against the violators and infringers of Magna Charta in the time of Henry the Third, King of England, &c. ... / by Theophilus Rationalis ... Rationalis, Theophilus. 1681 (1681) Wing M3061; ESTC R32098 64,306 68

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Royal Steed To give us light whereof we stand in need Heavens say Amen now If it be your will When this is done let Peace continue still This oh dear Heavens is now my plain request That so poor Fanns at length may have some rest Bellum dat litem dat pax bona quaeque Deorum Vt tandem redeas jain peritura preor I am Right Honourable Right Worshipful and well-beloved Commoners Your most Humble most Faithful and most Obedient Servant to be commanded Theophilus Rationalis Multum in Parvo AUT VOX VERITATIS c. THAT we are fallen into an Age wherein almost all sorts of Men amongst us are still setled upon their Lees there 's none of us all so happy as to be ignorant thereof and how that the Judgments and Sentiments of Men and more especially in this latter Age of the World are most strangely degenerated biassed enslaved and almost overwhelmed with pride vain-glory hypocrisie self-interest that great Diana and Goddess of this World ambition passion prejudice partiality faction rebellion the espousing of a party Et cum multis aliis c. And yet that which is most wonderful and matter of astonishment is this viz. That all these Parties in general or particular do declare and pretend That as to their several Transactions in the World wherein they are concerned and in opposition to the rest of their Neighbours is purely to manifest their great and fervent Zeal to the Honour and Glory of Almighty God and to promote as much as in them lyes a most firm exact and uniform Obedience not omitting at all times their specious pretences of their steady and untainted Loyalty to their Prince both in Church and State But how these Gentlemen and specious Pretenders before mentioned will come off at the long run for as we usually say Finis coronat opns without a scratch't face and a blot in their scutcheons when-as their several Transactions shall be impartially examined and searched to the bottom is a kind of a pretty question to be started and indeed it would be a very ingenious and pleasant divertisement to any person that would make it his business to study the point and thoroughly and impartially to make an experiment thereof This small Treatise Courteous Readers peradventure may give you some small satisfaction in relation to the premises and it is more than probable that others hereafter of a more learned and more ingenious capacity may take example by this small and well-intended piece to enlarge thereupon and farther to explain what I have here succinctly intimated only for my own and for some others which I shall forbear to name present and seasonable satisfaction as to those grand Debates Councels and Transactions which are now in the midst of us upon the wheel and here I must beg that the Lord of his infinite Grace and Mercy would be pleased to send us at length a good issue upon them all both in Church and State This I thought requisite to cite by way of Introduction and now will take leave to conduct you somewhat closer and nearer to our matter in hand Et honoi soit que mal y pense and herein we shall proceed in manner and form as followeth That we are fallen at present not only into a degenerate rebellious ambitious and stubborn Age but in particular into a very curious critical and obnoxious time in that age viz. Anno Domini 1680 and 1681 wherein as by experience is manifestly true a man is almost made though not in the edg of the Law but in the edg of some others who would be Law-makers a Capital offender for some words placing or speaking which peradventure may be very good orthodox and loyal in themselves until they come to be scanned weighed and interpreted by others in a quite different and contrary sense I know Courteous Readers you are most of you at least the best of you able and I hope willing to joyn issue with me herein as Attestators to the truth hereof But whether there be a fatality in these present years as there was about 40 years since which are by-past and gone and all things buried or at least ought to be forgotten in an Act of Oblivion as to the Transactions of those as we do usually call them rebellious times or whether this critical time doth portend good things to his Majesty of Great Britein's whom God of his infinite mercy long preserve for our peace and quietness sake affairs and concerns as to his present Government in particular or whether of any good consequence to the Subjects of his Three Kingdoms in general or whether this year the Lyon and the Lamb shall not lye down together according to an ancient Prophecy or whether His Majesties just Prerogative and his Subjects Priviledges shall go hand in hand together I am not able to determine although some pretend to give a shrewd guess thereunto as to future contingencies yet I will hope the best as being fully perswaded and convinced that the God and Father of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who is the Author of Peace and Lover of Concord and of the Souls of them who are willing under their Magistrates whether Heathen or Christian to live quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty will be pleased at length to bring forth peace tranquillity and order out of all our disorders animosities and present confusions And herein let every true and Loyal-hearted Subject and English man say Amen But however this I am sure of as being able to attest that truth in particular viz. That humble Petitions and Addresses to His Majesty of Great Britain this year Anno Domini 1681 is A-la-mode and the very newest fashion and in my slender judgment and apprehension is a very comely decent and commendable fashion since the Dissolution of the late Parliament at Oxford and His Majesties late Declaration to all his Loving Subjects and Ordered to be read by the Reverend Clergy of the Land in all Churches and Chappels since which time Addresses and Humble Petitions have swarm'd in a main from all Points of the compass viz. from Cities Burroughs Towns-Corporate Lieutenancies Trained-Bands c. as if they were resolved to storm VVhitehall VVindsor-Castle Hampton-Court and His Majesty Himself God of Heaven preserve Him with no other weapons than steady and untainted Loyalty and with all dutiful and humble Allegiance unto His Majesties Government as it is now by Law established both in Church and State And for the which the Lord High Chancellor of England in the Person of His Majesty hath given them all his true and hearty Thanks for their so numerous and seasonable appearing at this present conjuncture in opposition to some others who it seems have not the good-hap with the rest of their Neighbours sure it was by the malevolent aspect and influence of some auspicious male-contented Planets to form and word their Humble Addresses and Petitions according to the
true Tory-men indeed and very uncharitable in the highest measure but only to prune and pare off some Luxuriant and overgrown branches viz. Court Parasites evil Councels who were great Favorites corrupt Judges and such-like Sycophants which had well-nigh sucked like so many idle Drones the very sap from the root of our most Noble Magnificent thrice happy and never enough to be admired Triple-Constitution And in order to the accomplishment of the aforementioned premises I have consulted several Authors for my best satisfaction that are now extant as to the Transactions of those times wherein I must confess I do find them at a very great distance and opposition one to another and very various in their several sentiments and apprehensions according to their particular inclinations as to the merit of the cause on either side wherein by the way although with all due submission to the more grave acurate and discerning Judgments of the Learned I do humbly conceive some of these have erred too much on the right and others too much on the left hand but yet as to matter of fact as to what was really done and transacted in those days they do in the main generally all agree And among the rest I have perused one piece in particular which in my slender apprehension hath avoided both extremes and as we do usually say In Medio consistet Virtus and hath passed Scilla and Charibdis without any danger of too much reflecting upon either side Him I have made choice of in particular as one of the ablest Pilates to steer my course through the Channel whereby to avoid those many Rocks and Quick-sands which a man may suddenly run upon if he have not the Conduct of an experienced guide and so God send the good Ship of Vox Veritas unto her desired harbour A Ship though but small in bulk yet pretty handsomely and tight built for Publick service and I hope will be able stoutly to defend His Majesties particular Person and Government by King Lords and Commons against all bold Assassinates against all crafty Incendiaries against all cursed Achitophels against all absolute Monarchical Tories and Tantivies against all Blood-thirsty and Hellish Papists whatsoever who would not only pervert but utterly destroy the present best established Government this day in the Christian World by stretching of it forth beyond its legal and due bounds proviso's restrictions and limitations And from such notorious and malicious persons in grain let every good and loyal Subject and every true English-man insert it in his Quoditian Litany and private Devotion Libera nos Domine The Title of that particular piece I have even now mentioned is viz. The Reign of King Charles By H. L. Esquire London Printed by F. L. and J G. for Henry Seile Senior and Junior over-against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet and Edward Dod at the Gun in Ivy-Lane Anno Domini 1656. And that the said person was not biassed you may perceive by the Date thereof It was in the time when the late Tyrant Oliver Cromwell had assumed the seat of chief Magistrate and at that time of day to have dipped his Pen in gall might have been very grateful and complesant to that grand Usurper who having such a puissant and dreadful Army of well-disciplin'd victorious and well-paid Janizaries at his Command made the Lyon so impudently bold as to call our grand Charter of England Magna Charta Magna F. And in a small space of time after that it pleased God to snatch him away from us in a high tempestuous wind as an example to all future Tyrants who shall offer to attempt the like boldness upon our fundamental Laws Liberties and Properties And that you may be the better satisfied as to the impartiality of this ingenious and fair Historian what he was or is if as yet inter vivos I cannot tell Pray do but peruse his Preface to the said History and you will find in his Verbis in his own Apology viz. What Oblique Descants will come to Traverse upon this honest Narrative I already prejudicate The fate of those who write of Times within ken Time's better for the History than for the Historian For while they render truth more resplendent they usually bring the Relator under a cloud whence the bane of all faithful Tradition that an Historian is rarely found until the truth be lost And what is History without its Idium Truth but a meer Romance And if so what Pen will undertake the History of a King Kings in their Functions so nearly resemble the Divine Nature as God himself hath stiled them Gods And as in many respects they represent it so also in that of Cyprian though not in his sense De Deo etiam periculosum est dicere verum Though as man they are within the incidence of frailty for as that Emperor said Imperium non tollit affectus Soveraignty doth not proscribe humane affections yet their failings have been in former times accounted like their Persons so sacred that to touch them though never so tenderly hath been esteemed Petty-Treason But in King Charles the grand concernment of these Annals the danger is counter-changed and to exhibit in him any thing of merit and importance less than a Nero or Domitian many will not endure And these two extremes make my passage through this History like that of Jonathans to the Philistins a sharp Rock on the one side and a sharp Rock on the other side Which consideration hath moved me to decline many things otherwise remarkable and not commonly known and to content my self with saving truths nor should I have adventured a modest Vindication of this King in some particulars not reflecting upon the fatal proceedings against him had not the ingenuity of some eminently disaffected to him led me the way But if in relation to these perils I have been studious to bear my self erect yet in other concernments some will censure me for too strong a Biass Some will say peradventure I seem no friend to the Clergy and lest my silence should make this an Accusation which is but a meer Calumny I answer Churchmen I honour no man more and this I do for their Sacred Orders sake But if their Order be Sacred it doth not I wish it did make all such who are initiated in that Order too many of that holy profession are ever were and will be Sacred in another and worse sense The unsanctified lives of some officiating at the Sacred Altar have been the complaint of all ages Read we not to their shame of the sons of Eli whose impiety made them abhor the Offerings of the Lord Doth not Chrysostome tell us of some of his Contemporaries who had Canonical Discipline been punctually observed should not have been permitted so much as to step over the threshold of Gods house were notwithstanding advanced to the highest grison of Church-Dignities And if this Narrative presents some Ecclesiasticks blame-worthy the inference is fallacious that
will doubtless several more when they shall meet sit to redress the present Grievances of the Nation against whom and his irregular ways there are by learned Gentlemen legal Articles of Charge to be delivered to your Lordships which I am generally first commanded to lay open First The Offices of this Kingdom that are the Eyes the Ears and the Hands of this Common-wealth these have been engrossed bought and sold and many of the greatest of them holden even in the Dukes own hands which severally and apart gave in former times and ages sufficient content to the greatest Favourites and were work enough for the wisest Councellors By means whereof what strange abuses what infinite neglects have followed The Seas have been unguarded Trade disturbed Merchants oppressed their Ships and even one of the Navy Royal by cunning practise delivered over into foreign hands and contrary to our good Kings intention employed to the prejudice I had almost said to the ruin of Friends of our own Religion Next Honours those most precious Jewels of the Crown a Treasure inestimable wherewith your Noble Ancestors my Lords were well rewarded for eminent and publick service in the Common-wealth at home for brave exploits abroad when covered all with dust and blood they sweat in service for the honour of this Crown What back-ways what by-ways have been by this Duke found out is too well known to your Lordships whereas it was anciently the honour of England as among the Romans the way to the Temple of Honour was through the Temple of Virtue But I am commanded to press this no further than to let your Lordships know one Instance may perhaps be given of some one Lord compelled to purchase Honour Thirdly as divers of the Dukes poor Kindred have been raised to great honours which have been and are likely to be more chargeable and burdensom to the Crown so the Lands and Revenues and Treasuries of his Majesty have been intercepted and exhausted by this Duke and his Friends and strangely misemployed with strange confusion of the Accompts and overthrow of the well-established ancient Orders of his Majesties Exchequer The last of the Charges which are prepared will be an injury offered to the Person of the late King of blessed memory who is with God of which as your Lordships may have heard heretofore you shall anon have farther information Now upon this occasion I am commanded by the Commons to take care of the honour of the King our Soveraign that lives long may he live to our comfort and the good of the Christian world and also of his blessed Father who is dead on whom to the grief of the Commons and their great distaste the Lord Duke did they conceive unworthily cast some ill ordure of his own foul ways Whereas Servants were anciently wont to bear as in truth they ought theit Masters faults and not cast their own on them undeservedly It is well known the King who is with God had the same power and the same wisdom before he knew this Duke yea and the same affections too through which as a good and gracious Master he advanced and raised some Stars of your Lordships Firmament in whose hands this exorbitancy of Will this transcendency of Power such placing and misplacing of Officers such irregular running into all by courses of the Planets such sole and single managing of the great affairs of State was never heard of And therefore only to the Lord Duke and his own procurement by mis-informations these faults complained of by the Commons are to be imputed And whereas for our most gracious Soveraign that lives whose Name hath been used and may perhaps now be for the Dukes Justification The Commons know well that among his Majesties most Royal Virtues his Piety unto his Father hath made him a pious nourisher of his Affections ever to this Lord Duke on whom out of that consideration his Majesty hath wrought a kind of wonder making Favour hereditary But the abuse thereof must be the Lord Dukes own and if there have been any commands such as were or may pretend his misinformations have procured them whereas the Laws of England teach us that Kings cannot command ill or unawful things whenever they speak though by their Letters Patents or their Seals If the thing be evil these Letters Patents are void and whatsoever ill event succeeds the Executioners of such Commands must ever answer for them Thus my Lords in performance of my duty my weakness hath been troublesome unto your Lordships It is now high time humbly to intreat your pardon and to give way to a Learned Gentleman to begin against him a more particular Charge Sir Dudley Diggs his Prologue being ended the Impeachment of the Commons it self was next read the which if you please you may peruse Page 40. in the said Narrative before mentioned with the Dukes Answer Defence and Reply to every particular Article thereof The Answer of the Duke to his Impeachment was a kind of a new Grievance to his Adversaries for it being contrived and so inlaid with modesty and humility it was like to have a powerful influence towards the conversion of many who expected a Defence of another and more disdainful spirit Again it seemed to instate him in impunity and the Commons having charged him as they thought through and through loth they were to fall short of Victory And now having pursued him with such vehemency thought themselves worsted should he now at the last make a saving game of it wherefore resolved they were to ply him with a speedy Reply But while they were hammering of it the King sent them a Letter demanding without farther delay their speedy producing their Bill of Subsidy to be passed to which to prevent their Dissolution they immediately conformed But first they had drawn up a Declaration of the same make and mind with their former Impeachment of the miserable estate of this Kingdom and not without some high Contests it was allowed by the House before the Bill of Subsidy Whereupon his Majesty was so exceedingly incensed King Charles his Second Parliament Dissolved as on the very next day June the 5th he Dissolved the Assembly though the Lords sent four of their House unto him beseeching him most earnestly that he would permit them to sit but two days longer but he answered Not a Minute The same afternoon the Earl of Bristol Arundel and Bristol confined the Dukes grand Prosecutor was committed to the Tower and the Earl of Arundel confined to his own house There came also forth from his Majesty a Proclamation for Burning all the Copies of the Commons Declaration made before the Parliaments Dissolution This Rupture of the Parliament The King charged with Imprudence being supposed to issue from the Kings great affection to the Duke I find him charged with deep imprudence and high oversight to hazard the Love of Millions for him only On Monday before this doleful disaster there happened a
To this he answered That whatsoever was said or done by him in that place and at that time was performed by him as a publick Man and a Member of that House and that he was and ever will be ready to give an account of his Sayings and Doings in that place whenever he should be called unto it by that House where as he taketh it he is only to be questioned and in the mean time being now but a private man he would not now trouble himself to remember what he said or did in that place as a publick Man Sir Miles Hobart was also questioned for locking the Parliament House Door and putting the Key in his Pocket to which he pleaded the Command of the House The other Gentlemen were questioned for reproving the Speaker and not permitting him to do that the King commanded him who all alledged in defence the Priviledg of the House After this they were committed some to the Tower and some to the Gatehouse and some to the Fleet And May the first the Attorney sent a Process out against them to appear in the Star-Chamber and to answer an information to be entred there against them but they refused as denying the Jurisdiction of that Court over offences done in Parliament which created the greatest and longest Controversie in Law that had been started in many years April the tenth Anno Domini 1630 dyed William Earl of Pembroke Lord High Steward of England of an Apoplexy He was the very Picture and vive Effigies of Nobility His Character His Person rather Majestick than Elegant his presence whether quiet or in motion full of stately gravity his mind generous and purely heroick often stout but never disloyal so vehement an opponent of the Spaniard as when that Match fell under consideration he would sometimes rowze even to the trepidation of King James yet kept in favour still for that King knew well enough that plain dealing was a Jewel in all men so in a Privy Councellor was an ornamental duty and the same true-heartedness commended him to King Charles with whom he kept a most admirable Correspondence and yet stood the firm confident of the Commonalty and not by a sneaking cunning but by an erect and generous prudence such as rendred him unsuspected of Ambition on the one side or of Faction on the other This universality of Affection made his loss most deplorable but men are lost when all turns to forgotten-dust That affection would not that he should be so nonpluss'd but kept his noble Fame emergent and alose and if this History shall bear it up I shall esteem it not more his felicity than my own April the twenty fifth of this year was Arraigned Convicted Anno 1631. Condemned and on May the fourteenth Executed upon Tower-Hill Mervin Lord Audley Earl of Castle-Haven for Rape and Sodomy In England fell two great Favourites of different parties Anno 1634. of the Commonalties one and of the Kings another Of the Commonalties Sir Edward Coke who died about the latter end of this Summer Sir Edward Coke departeth this life full of days he died most whereof he had spent in eminent place and honour His abilities in the Common Law whereof he passed for an Oracle raised him first to the dignity of Attorney-General to Queen Elizabeth Then of Lord Chief Justice of the Kings-Bench under King James His advancement he lost the same way he got it viz. by his Tongue so rare it is for a man very eloquent not to be over loquent long lived he in that retirement to which Court-Indignation had remitted him yet was not his recess inglorious for at improving a disgrace to the best advantage he was so excellent as King James said of him he was like a Cat throw her which way you will she will light upon her feet And finding a Cloud at Court he made sure of fair weather in the Country applying himself so devoutly to popular Interests as in succeeding Parliaments the Prerogative felt him as her ablest so her most active Opponent upon which account he was 1 Caroli made High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire on purpose to exclude him the ensuing Parliament there being an especial Nolumus and clause in his Commission prohibiting his Election not withstanding which Elected he was in Norfolk and those words of Restraint upon the debate of the Question in the House of Commons Voted void On the Kings the Great Lord Treasurer Sir Richard Weston Sir Richard Weston Lord Treasurer of England dieth Earl of Portland this year and he almost expiring together he ending this life March the thirteenth a sad loss to the King and the sadder because he thought it irreparable The truth is he was a Person very able for the Office and the Exchequer was in the mending hand while he enjoyed that place for he had a most singular Artifice both in improving the incomes and in a frugal moderation of his Masters expence But the Kings forrow was not so extreme for him but the Peoples joy was full as great for there was now grown so sad an antipathy between his Majesty and his Subjects that like those two Emperors Antonine and Geta they were always of contrary Senses and Minds rarely agreeing in any one particular The deportment whereby he so much disobliged the Commonalty was his promoting Monopolies and other advantages of Regality The Archbishop and he were usually at great odds this vacant place was at present entrusted to Commissioners until the King should otherwise dispose thereof September the 29th the Earl of Arundel brought up to London out of Shropshire one Robert Parr as the wonder of our times for long life he having attained to the age of near 160 and probably might have continued longer had not so tedious a journey and over-violent agitation of his aged Body accellerated his end so that it may be said he sacrificed some years to others curiosity In Michaelmas-Term was canvassed and debated the grand Controversie between the King and Subject about Ship-Money Anno 1635. The great Debate about Ship-money for the Ship-Writs having been issued out August the 11 to divers Counties many Inhabitants and among the rest Mr. Hambden of Buckingham-shire assessed by the Sheriff made default of payment whereupon the King equally hating to be either flattered into or frighted from the belief of its Legality wrote a Letter to the Judges demanding their Opinions upon the case stated To which the Judges delivered their Opinions as followeth May it please your most Excellent Majesty WE have according to your Majesties Command severally and every Man by himself and all of us together taken into our serious consideration the Case and Questions signed by your Majesty and inclosed in your Letter And we are of opinion That when the good and safety of the Kingdom in general is concerned and the whole Kingdom in danger Your Majesty may by Writ under your Great Seal of England Command all the
unanimously and with loud Acclamations throw up your Caps and Beavers into the Air and cry Vive le Roy or Currat Lex vivat Rex And if so for my own part I should yet hope to see if it shall please my Gracious God to lend me a little longer time of health and strength many Halcyon and most happy days in the Land and Nation of my Nativity before I go away hence and shall be seen no more And that an happy union and good correspondence between his present Majesty and his future Parliaments without the least suspition or jealousie one of another may yet come to pass in our days I do most humbly beseech thy Divine Majesty who are the Lord God Almighty to grant for thy great names sake and for thy Vicegerents sake and for his Peoples sake who are truly Loyal and obedient Subjects in and through thy most dear and well beloved Son the Lord Jesus Christ in whom thou art well pleased and whom by thy free grace goodness and most stupendious mercy and compassion to thy poor creatures is the Lord and giver of everlasting Life to all those who shall most faithfully and most sincerely though but imperfectly obey him And now to him with thy eternal Majesty who art King Immortal Invisible and only wise God by the assistance of thy holy and for ever blessed Spirit of Grace I do most humbly desire to render give and ascribe all honour glory laud and praise might Majesty reverential fear and all humble adoration from this time forth and for evermore Amen And now in the close of all Whereas in my Title-Page I have there intimated how Magna Charta was most solemnly and most wonderfully even to the astonishment of the Spectators ratified pronounced and proclaimed and therefore must not now leave you in the dark as to that particular but refer you to the Packet of Advice from Rome Number 50. the which in my slender apprehension deserves to be written in Letters of Gold upon the Walls of both Houses of Parliament And for your present and I hope pleasant satisfaction I have here inferted and presented you with the same at large HAving presented the Reader with the most remarkable Transactions of Papal Tyranny in Foreign Parts down to the year 1254 't is time to look homewards and observe Ecclesiastic Occurrences in England our last Discourse of that kind terminating with the death of King John to whom succeeded his Son Henry the third of that name for though by reason of the Fewds between John and his Barons they had invited over Lewis the French King's Son and many had to him sworn Allegiance yet the Father being dead and his faults buried with him they did not think fit to yield up themselves to the French Man's Yoak who already began to exercise an insufferable Tyranny wherever he had Power And although the Pope had at first encourag'd the Barons in their Rebellion yet when once he had hector'd King John into a Resignation of his Crown he became his Patron and forbad Lewis from intermedling with the Kingdom as being then forsooth part of S. Peter's Patrimony and therefore excommunicated Lewis for the Invasion which engag'd most of the Clergy to oppose him And so Henry on the 28th of October 1216. was Crown'd being then in the 10th year of his Age and Lewis being routed at Lincoln was glad to come to a Treaty quit his Pretensions and most dishonourably retreat into France Yet 't is observable that the Clergy were then such fast Friends to their Head the Pope and so little regardful of the Descent in the Right Line that they would not accept Henry for their King without making him first do Homage to the Holy Chureh of Rome and Pope Innocent for his Kingdoms of England and Ireland and swearing to pay the 1000 Marks per Annum which his Father had promised to that See Matth. Paris fol. 278. And besides to bring Grists to the Roman Mill the Pope's Legate at that time in England immediately on the Departure of Prince Lewis sent his Inquisitors all over the Realm and whomsoever they would discover to have sided with him Consensuetiam Levissimo Though in the least degree must atone the Crime with a large Sum insomuch as the Bishop of Lincoln before he could be restored to his Bishoprick was forc'd to pay 1000 Marks to the Pope's use and 1000 to the Legate for the little Rogue would have suips in the prey with the great One and many other Bishops and Religious Men were glad to empty their Pockets to him at the same rate Matth. Paris fol. 218. In the year 1220. the Pope was pleased to make Hugh formerly Bishop of Lineoln a Saint and since the manner of his Vn-Holiness's declaring the same may be Divertive to the common English Reader I shall give you the very words of his Letter Translated as I find it in Matth. Paris fol. 298. Honorius Servant of the Servants of God to all out well-beloved Sons the Faithful of Christ that shall inspect these Presents Greeting and Apostolick Benediction The worthiness of Divine Piety does make famous his Holy Ones and Elect placed in the Bliss of the Celestial Kingdom by the shining forth of their Miracles still upon Earth that the Devotion of the Faithful being thereby stirred up may with due Veneration implore their Aid and Suffrages since therefore we are fully satisfied that the Bounty of Heaven hath illustrated Hugh Bishop of Lincoln as well in his Life as after his Death with a multitude of Famous Miracles We have thought fit to Enroll him in the Catalogue of Saints and admonish and exhort you all in the Lord That you devoutly implore his Patronage and Intercession for you with Almighty God farther Commanding That the day of his Decease be henceforwards every year devoutly Celebrated as a Holyday Dated at Viterbium the 13th Calend of March in the fourth year of our Popedom But how much a Saint soever he was we meet with another Bishop as very a Devil for about this time a Quarrel happening between Richard Bishop of Durham and the Monks of the same Church they complain'd of him to the Pope who seem'd much concern'd at his many horrid Crimes and presently sent over a Letter in these Terms Honorius Bishop c. to the Bishops of Salisbury Ely c. Greeting and Apostolick Benediction It is fit for us to be so be so delighted in the sweet Savour of a good opinion of our Brethren and Fellow-Labourers as not to connive at Vices in those that are Pestilent since it becomes not us for the Reverence of the Order to bear with Sinners whose Guilt renders them as worthy of as many Deaths as they transmit Examples of Perdition to those that are under them who are too apt to imitate only the Depravaties of their Superiours Hence it is that since things too far dissonant from Episcopal Honesty have very often been suggested unto us