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A42403 Mysteries unvailed wherein the doctrine of redemption by Jesus Christ, flowing from the glorious grace and everlasting love of God, the very fountain of life and salvation unto lost sinners, is handled : the most usuall Scriptures explained and reasons answered, which are urged for the universality of the death of Christ for all persons : vvherein the unsoundness of this opinion, together with divers other conclusions as depending upon it, are discovered and the truth unvailed / by Robert Garner. Garner, Robert. 1646 (1646) Wing G262A; ESTC R33310 73,741 221

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this Scripture to wit That God so loved that uncircumcised forlorn hopelesse far-off people the Nations of the Gentiles the world aliens strangers common and unclean wilde beasts creeping things fowles of the aire so called as standing in opposition to the Jewish Church that he gave his onely begotten Sonne for them that they might certainly besaved throughhim The second glorious mystery held forth in these words is this to wit That the onely way to life everlasting is through beleeving in the Sonne of God This is that rightousnesse which is of faith which stands in opposition to the righteousnesse of the Law The righteousnesse which is of the Law saith on this wise The man which doth these things shall live by them But here is another a new a blessed lesson which the Lord Iesus teacheth Nicodemus is written for our learning to wit That the Son of Man is lifted up that whosoever beleeveth in him should not perish but have everlasting life We are not to understand beleeving in this Scripture or any other of the like nature to be mentioned as a condition or worke wrought by us but we are to understand it as standing in opposition to working for life and salvation The way to life is not by our workings or our righteousnesse but in receiving the righteousnesse of another to wit of the Lord Jesus through the faith of the operation of God And thus we are to understand all these Scriptures which speak of justification by faith We are not justified and saved by our own working or our own righteousnesse but in receiving the righteousnesse of another through the faith of the operation of God And thus through the helpe of God I have cleared this Scripture from that corrupt sense which they put upon it and have declared the minde of God in it And thus that fore-named Scripture Ioh. 1.29 and this doe agree in one A Seaventh Scripture propounded The 7th Scripture by them is 1 Iohn 2.2 The words are these following And he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours onely but also for the sins of the whole world In which words that I may declare the minde of God in them he opeing of it and cleare them from that corrupt sense which they put upon them these things are considerable to wit First the propitiation it selfe and that is Iesus Christ the righteous as he is here expressed Secondly The end and benefit of this propitiation and that is here expressed to be for sins that is for the remission of sins Thirdly The persons who are concern'd in the benefit of this propitiation and they are here expressed to be We and the whole world He is the propitiation for our sins and the sins of the whole world But what are we to understand in this place by the whole world They say We are here to understand all persons in the world or every man and woman in the world from first to last And hence they conclude That Jesus Christ the righteous is the propitiation for the sins of all persons in the world from first to last I shall shew the unsoundnesse of this opinion Some reasous to clear thi● Scripture and of this interpretation of this Scripture from two or three considerations in the words themselves with these depending upon them First In the very same sense that Jesus Christ the righteous is the propitiation for our sins in the very same sense and in no other hee is the propitiation for the sins of the whole world that is he is the propitiation for fins under one and the same consideration onely Now the holy Spirit teacheth us and it is best to cleave to his testimony Rom. 3.25 That God set forth Jesus Christ to be a propitiation through faith in his blood The holy Spirit here teacheth us in what sense or under what consideration Jesus Christ is the propitiation or reconciliation for sinnes to wit through faith in his blood that is he is the propitiation for the sins of those and those onely who do beleeve in him for remission of sins And thus we are to understand the word Our in this place of John Iohn 5.3 He is the propitiation for OVR sins that is for us who through his power doe beleeve in him unto righteousnesse For it is well known that John writes here unto beleevers such as beleeved in Christ unto remission of sinnes And in the very same sense wee are to understand that in the fourth chapter of this Epistle verse 10. Herein is love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Sonne to bee the propitiation for our sinnes that is such or so great is the love of God that he hath given us remission of sinnes and reconciliation with himselfe through faith in the blood of his Sonne To the same purpose also is that in Rom. 5.10 When we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son that is through faith in his death as is most plain from the former part of the chapter And verse 11. We joy in God through our Lord Iesus Christ by whom we have now received the atonement Wee have received the atonement that is we are reconciled to God through faith in Christ Now then if the holy Spirit witnes that Jesus Christ is the propitiation or reconciliation for sinnes through faith in his blood and no otherwise and that he is no propitiation reconciliation or redemption to any but through faith in his blood only I then conclude that by the whole world in this place we can in no wise understand all persons or every man and woman in the world The second reason is taken from the consideration of the end and benefit of this propitiation and that is here expressed to be for sins that is for the remission of sins Whosoever have a part or interest in this propitiation they have all their sins fully and perfectly remitted to them washed away in his precious blood There is not one person to or for whom Christ is a propitiation or reconciliation but he hath all his sins washed away in his pretious blood and shall certainly be saved Therefore this cannot agree to all persons in the world Thirdly something is to be learned from the connexion of these words with those before-going If any man sin saith he we have an Advocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous And he is the propitiation for our sinnes and not for ours onely but also for the sinnes of the whole world Hence I conclude that all those for or to whom Jesus Christ is the propitiation he is for them an Advocate also And though some do separate between the propitiation and advocation saying That hee is the propitiation for many for whom hee is not an Advocate yet certainly these two are so inseparably linked together that though we must distinguish them yet we must not yea we cannot separate them There is no
by Blood-shedding the latter by Blood-sprinkling or washing I shall make it appeare in the sequell of the Treatise that all the blood which Christ did shed is the blood of Sprinkling Whereby it will appeare how unsound in it self and how dishonorable to Christ his distinction is And as for those Scriptures to wit John 4.42 1 John 2.2 2 Cor. 5.19 1 Peter 2.24 Hebrewes 2.9 1 Timoth. 2.6 Iohn 1.29 Romans 3.24 and Hebrewes 9.14 which in his second page hee alledgeth for the proving of the former distinction I shall through the Lords helpe make it appeare in the sequell of this discourse also we are to understand them and that according to their proper meaning in another sense then he puts upon them And that they are all of them spoken of such who are partakers in themselves before God of reconciliation atonement remission of sinnes and salvation by the price and power of the death or blood-shed of Iesus Christ And wheras in pag. 22. speaking of the several ends of the death of Christ and that aptly in some things He saith that when the death of Christ in respect of that end which was for propitiation and ransome is onely mentioned as it is for all saith he so it is exprest in such generall words onely as the World all men c. And for this he alledgeth 2 Cor. 1 Tim. 2.6 Hebrew 2.9 In answer to which The Reader must consider that this Conclusion of his belongs to the first part of their distinction And as their distinction is in it selfe unsound as will be still more evident by the consequent matter So his Conclusion is vnsound also Which will appeare from what is written in Hebr. 9.28 In which Scripture mention is made of the death of Christ in respect of ransome and propitiation onely and that as a ground of faith and yet it is not exprest in such generall words as the VVorld or all Men. For it is there said Christ was once offered to beare the sins of many and unto them that looke for him shall hee appeare the second time without sinne unto salvation Mind it He was once offered to beare sinnes Here is the end of his death in respect of ransome and propitiation onely and yet it is not applyed vnto all persons but unto many And as for those 3. Scriptures alledged by him to maintaine his Conclusion I shall speake something to them in their due place And before J leave this distinction J cannot but give you to take notice That Mr. DENN in his Drag-net page 80. doth not let to affirme That Iesus Christ redeemeth all persons according to the second part of their distinction to wit In drawing them to himselfe by the workings of his Spirit in them To which purpose he alledgeth what is written in Acts 2.17 It shall come to passe in the last dayes saith God I will powre out of my Spirit upon all flesh c. This powring out of the Spirit hee saith belongeth to all persons To which I answer If wee consider First What is the matter of the promise together with the measure of it to wit The powring forth of the Spirit Secondly The Time appointed for the performance of it Jt shall come to passe in the last dayes Thirdly What is meant here by all flesh Which concerneth the persons interested in this promise Fourthly What are the effects of the performance of this promise to wit Your Sonnes and Daughters shall prophesie c. I say if we consider and understand these things It will appeare how weakely and wrongfully Mr. Denn applyeth this Scripture to this purpose And as for his following Scriptures which he alledgeth to the same purpose If he will mind and duely weigh them in their severall circumstances and expressions he may see that they hold not forth the same thing which that in the Acts doth And as for his interpretation of the words of Christ in Iohn 12.32 which are the groūd of that his discourse which he cals the Drag-net I shall in the sequel of my Treatise in opening the same words discover what an unsound sense he puts upon them Now of the things before spoken this is the summe Whensoever we read of Atonement redemption reconciliation as touching persons redeemed reconciled or saved by Jesus Christ We are to understand That it is such an Atonement reconciliation or redemption which they are partakers of in themselves before God according to the riches of his grace by Jesus Christ Which good pleasure and grace of God was given them in Christ Iesus before the world began But is now made manifest by the appearing of Iesus Christ And is then made manifest in the hearts of those to whom Jesus Christ appeareth abolishing death and bringing life and immortality to light through the Gospel 2. Tim. 1.9.10 This that I have said may serve thus farre to cleare the truth and to discover the unsoundnesse of that distinction or rather separation which they make in the redemption of Christ And whereas Thomas Moore in the two last lines of page 23 further saith That the Scripture distinguisheth and putteth great difference between the Redemption life and Justification that is In Christ for men and the same Vpon or In men through the enjoyment of Christ And for this purpose alledgeth Rom. 3.24 and 4.24.25 and 2 Cor. 5.19 1 John And the former of these saith he is larger then the latter I answer First I doe not find that these Scriptures doe hold forth any such distinction As for that in Rom. 3.24 Where it is said We are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus I answer Doth he not here speake of such persons who in themselves before God are freely justified from all their sinnes by the grace of God through that redemption which is in or by Iesus Christ onely through faith in his blood that so the righteousnesse of God in Christ might be declared that he onely might appeare just and the Iustifyer of him that beleeveth in Jesus And whereas he also alledgeth Rom. 4.25 Where it is said He was delivered for our offences and raised againe for our justification Is not this also to be understood ●f that life and justification which 〈◊〉 IN MEN through faith in Christ ●rucified and risen from the dead ●or so it is applyed in Chapt. 5. ver ● And this is the meaning also of ●hat in verse 24. saith he The righ●eousnesse of life is imputed unto those ●hat beleeve on him that raised up ●esus our Lord from the dead that ●s The righteousnesse of life is not through our owne workes though never so excellent for that is the thing he drives at but in receiving the righteousnesse of another to ●wit Jesus Christ crucifyed and risen from the dead And whereas he further alledgeth Rom. 5.6 where it is said When wee were yet without strength in due time Christ dyed for the vngodly And
forgivenesse of sinnes a glorious inheritance and the sealing of the Spirit as the earnest of that inheritance In By or Through IESUS CHRJST And thus we are to vnderstand that in Rom. 3.25 and other Scriptures which speake of Redemption justification remission of fi●s life and salvation In I●sus Christ And thus in opening of these Scriptures and these expressions it appeares how vnsound and unwarrantable his distinction is And whereas he further saith speaking of this distinction concerning this two-fold redemption by Christ That the form●r of these is larger then the latter I would but know Where the Scripture Speaketh of such a two-fold redemption the One of which is larger and the other straiter And because with one consent they alledge divers Scriptures and reasons to maintaine that Christ dved for all persons and hath redeemed all persons according to the first part of their destinction and according to the larger redemption as they call it I shall therefore in the next place proceed to the consideration and tryall of the most usuall Scriptures and reasons alledged by them to that purpose And first it is needfull to set downe in their owne expressions how they deliver their judgement in this point And thus they expresse themselves to wit Christ say they dved for all the sinnes of all men He suffered punishm●n● due for the sinnes of all Mankind The sinnes of all beleevers and vnbeleevers are washed away in the blood of Christ Christ suffered to procure justification and saivation for all His sufferings for all are of the same nature whether men beleeve it or not The blood of Christ is of a purging nature for all These things are thus se● downe in a little Booke se● forth in Print by Thoma● Lambe and others in way o● Question and Answer upon this point to wit In the 2● Question and Answer o● page z the 2. Question and Answer of page 6. the 2● Question and Answer o● page 7. the latter part of the first Answer of page 8. the latter part of the first Answer of page 9. the 7. line of page 10. the 2. last line● of page 12. The first Q. and A. of page 15. The first Q● and A. of page 17. The 4. and 5. lines of page 23. The which opinion they ●retend to prove two wayes First from divers places of Scripture Secondly from divers Reasons Both which through the Lords help I shall weigh in ●he ballance of the Sanctu●ry that we may accordingly The most usuall places of Scripture which they ●ropound to justifie this o●inion are these that follow ● Corinth 5.14.15 He●rewes 2.9 1 Timothy 2.6 Esa 53.6 John 1.29 and 13.16.17 1 John 2.2 John 6.51 and 4.42 and 12.47 2. Corinthians 5.19.21 He●rewes 9.26 Luke 2.30 31. ●2 ●2 John 11. 50,51 52. Acts ●3 47 Esa 49.6 These fore-mentione● Scriptures are most of them urged by Thomas Moore in the severall passages of hi● Book upon this poynt An● all of them by Mr. Lamb in the fourteenth fifteenth and sixteenth lines of page 2. Also in the nineteenth twentieth and one and twentieth lines of page 7. And in the twenty three and twenty foure lines of page 9. of the forementioned Book I shall first search and try the Scriptures they have alledged and then proceed to the declaration and examination of their Reasons And before I enter upon the triall of the Scriptures it is necessary to premise one caution to wit That it is unsafe and unwarrantable to take all expressions in the Scripture as simple or undepending expressions not seriously considering their dependance upon some part of the Scripture before-going or following after or both For so doing it is the high way to pervert the Scriptures and to run headlong into dangerous opinions This rock those who made that Book and others of their judgement doe run upon in seeking to maintaine this opinion of Generall redemption as it is usually called But it is safe warrantable and needfull in the interpretation of many expressions in Scripture to consider well their dependance that so the mind of the holy Spirit may through his own teaching be understood This way I shall tread in the interpretation of the severall Scriptures now to bee considered that as the Lord gives me understanding I may discover the minde of God in them And the rather I am encouraged to this undertaking because I know and am perswaded that I have the Spirit of God which will reveale spirituall things to me yea the deep things of God One Scripture propounded by them to maintaine their opinion is the 2 Cor. 5.14 15. The fir●● Scripture The words are these following For the love of Christ constraineth us because we thus judge that if one died for all then were all dead And that he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which died for them and rose againe In the interpretation of this Scripture The difficulty of this Scripture the greatest difficulty lyeth in the word All They say we are here to understand the word universally for all persons that is Adam and all his posterity from first to last I say we are to understand it generally and under another consideration Before I come to declare the meaning of this Scripture I shall first give too reasons from the words themselves to cleare them from that corrupt sense which they put upon them Two reasons to cleare the words First All those for whom Christ died are in time made alive by the power of his death Two reasons to cleare the words This is clearly held forth in verse 15. He died for all that they which live or they which are made alive marke that That is He died for all to make them alive to recover them from death and to bring them into an estate of life by his dying for them and rising againe This indeed is the force and meaning of these words and so they do agree also with other Scriptures The holy Spirit speaketh to the same purpose 1 Iohn 4.9 God sent his onely begotten Sonne into the world that we might live through him And can this be any lesse but that the Sonne of God giveth life by his death unto all these for whom he died And the same is taught us by the Lord Jesus in Iohn 6.51 The bread which I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the World that is The world shall be made alive by my death and above in verse 33. The bread of God is he which cometh downe from heaven and giveth life to the world And if any shall doubt what life he speakes of they may be resolved from Christ himselfe in verse 51. It is a life which shall last for ever And the same lesson he teacheth us in Iohn 12.32.33 And I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men to me And this he said signifying what death he should
God It is not these appearances that gives men an interest in God or makes them to live in the sight of God For faith he All are dead not the Gentiles onely who had no privileges but the Jewes also who had many priviledges There is no betternesse before God in the one then the other Rom. 3.9 And there is but one way to life and glory both for Jewes and Gentiles to wit by Jesus Christ who died and rose again And this was now to take away all glorying in the flesh in appearance in outward priviledges or in any other thing That as it is written He that glorieth let him glory in the Lord. The second mystesy in the words is this to wit that Christ died for All that is for all nations or all kindreds of people not of the Jewes onely who had many outward priviledges but of the Gentiles also who had nothing at all to glory in that so the freenesse and riches of the grace of God might through the death of Christ be exceedingly magnified unto them also that so all nations of the world might enjoy life and salvation through the death of Christ This is the grace of God given to the Gentiles which hee speakes of in the next chapter and exhorts them to walk worthy of that so that ministery of reconcilation which God had committed to him and others to preach amongst them and which God had made effectuall ●o them in bringing them to Christ might in no wise be blamed And thus now they had something to answer them which gloried in appearance that is in outward and fleshly priviledges and not in heart And thus much concerning the first consideration from the words to prove that the word All in this place we are to understand as the proper meaning of it All Nations or kindreds of people not Jewes only but Gentiles also The second consideration is from those words in verse 16. Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh that is time was when we knew or acknowledged men according to outward or fleshly priviledges and God did so require it Time was when we set a high esteeme upon the Circumcision the Jewes onely because they were distinguished from all others by many excellent outward priviledges But Now Jesus Christ by his death hath taken away that difference which was between them and others He was manifested for All he died for All without respect to any such differences as was once between Jew and Gentile Therefore henceforth or from this Time we make no difference between one and other we know no man according to any outward or fleshly priviledge For Christ hath laid down his life as well for the Gentiles as the Jewes whereby all such difference is Now taken away And thus from these two considerations I conclude that by the word All in this place we are to understand All nations of men or kindred of people in way of opposition to one nation or people onely All nations had now not before in point of execution a doore of life and salvation opened to them by the death of Christ And indeed there is a glorious mystery held forth to us under this consideration of the word All to wit That the grace of God was more abundantly enlarged or stretched forth by the manifestation and death of Christ then before The grace of God was now extended farre and wide vnto all Nations and kindreds of people It was now without bounds and limits enlargnig it selfe vnto the ends of the Earth without making any difference be tweene Iew and Gentile Vntill then it was limitted or bounded unto the Iewish Nation onely I say the grace of God and the way of Life and Salvation was bound vp within that compasse or corner onely and all other Nations were without Christ and without God in the World But in due time by the manifestation and death of Christ the grace of God was extended to all Nations without any difference This I conceive is that which the holy Spirit teacheth in the second verse of the next Chapter as an accomplishment of the prophesie in Esa 49.8 I have heard thee in a time accepted and in the day of Salvation have I succoured thee behold now is the accepted time behold now is the day of Salvation that is now that the Son of God hath appeared in the flesh and suffered death upon the Crosse for the sinnes of all Nations and now that the word of reconciliation is to bee preached or declared to all Nations Now is the accepted time now is the day of Salvation And he ushereth in each expression with a note of attention and admiration Behold now Behold now As if he should say mind it well and wonder at it Now there is a door of life and salvation opened to all Nations of the World And this indeed is a misery which the Scripture much speaketh of which if it be well minded and considered is of great use both to discover the unsoundnesse of that opinion of Christs dying for all persons as also to give much light to the understanding of many other Scriptures wherein we are to understand All to be meant of Nations or Kindreds of People and not of Persons I will mention a few Scriptures for many Psalm 22.27 and 67.2 3 4 7. and 72.11 17. and 117.1 Esa 45.22 and 52.10 and 56.7 Luke 2.10 30.31 and 3.5 6. John 1.7 and 12.32 33. Ephes 3.9 Titus 2.11 In these Scriptures and in many others we have this mystery held forth to us both by way of prophecie and performance to wit That the grace of God by the manifestation and death of Christ and not before is extended farre and wide to all Nations of the World Untill then it was limited and bounded by himselfe into a little corner but then it was enlarged unto all the ends of the Earth The understanding Reader will weigh things together And thus I have through the Lords helpe both cleared this Scripture from that corrupt sense and declared the true and naturall meaning therof being perswaded that what I have said herein is the mind of Christ being no wayes crossing either to the scope of the place it selfe or to any other Scripture Another Scripture propounded by them to justifie their opinion is that in Heb. The second Scripture 2.9 The words are these following But we see Iesus who was made a little lower then the Angels through the suffering of death crowned with glory and honour that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man The last clause of the verse that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man is that which they pitch upon to maintaine Christs dying or suffering for the sins of all persons even of every man Before I come to declare the meaning of this Scripture it is somthing needfull to cleare the translation it selfe In our translation the words are rendred that he by the grace
him up for us all how shall he not with him freely give us all things So also Rom. 4.25 He was DELIVERED for our offences and was raised againe for our justification I will conclude this with that in the 1. Iohn 4.9 Jn this was manifest the love of God towards us because that God SENT his onely begotten Sonne into the world that we might live through him And verse 10. Herein is love not that we loved God but that he loved us and SENT his Sonne to be the propitiation for our sinnes All these Scriptures teacheth us and I know no Scripture to the contrary that Gods giving sending or delivering of his onely begotten Son unto death doth include in it the blessednesse and salvation of all those for whom God gave him sent him or delivered him unto death Now then to returne to the place in hand If by the love of God in this place we are to understand the everlasting powerfull quickning saving love of God And if Gods giving sending or delivering his Sonne unto death doth include in it the blessednesse and salvation of all those for whom he gave him or delivered him unto death I doe then conclude that by the World in this Scripture we may not vnderstand all persons or all men and women in the world from first to last for then it would follow that God loved all persons in the world with an everlasting powerful quickning saving love in his Sonne and that all persons in the world should certainely be saved and blessed by Iesus Christ But by World in this Scripture we are to understand the Nations of the Gentiles as standing in opposition before the death of Cnrist unto the Nationall Iewish Church The naturall meaning of this Scripture The Jewes were within in respect of many glorious priviledges the Gentiles were without The Iewes were the Church in respect of that choise which God made of them and the many excellent Lawes and ordinances which he gave to them onely the Gentiles were the World as being a cast-out people aliens from the common-wealth of Israel strangers from the Covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the World this world it is which is here spoken of God so loved the WORLD that he gave his onely begotten Sonne that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have ever lasting life A twofold glorious mystery in this Scriture And the words thus vnderstood doe hold forth to us a twofold glorious Mysterie First that God so loved that vncircumsised forlorne hopelesse formerly farre off as I may say forgot people the World the nations of the Gentiles Aliens strangers Common and uncleane as Peter cals them Wilde beasts creeping things fowles of the Ayre as the Lord expresseth them Acts 10. that he gave his onely begotten Sonne for them to save them to give them remission of sinnes and everlasting life through believing in him I say in these words we have held forth to us this glorious mysterie this exceeding abounding love of God to this World which was hidden from former ages and generations but was made manifest in due time God So loved the World So richly So exceeding abundantly so as was never knowne or heard of before that he gave his onely begotten Sonne to bring redemption and salvation vnto them The Sonne of man was lifted up for all Nations of the World The brasen Serpent as all other shadowes of Christ and ordinances of the Law was appropriated unto the Iewish nation onely but the Son of man was lifted up That whosoever beleeveth in him should not perish but have everlasting life These words whosoever beleeveth in him doth not imply any power in lost man to come to Christ or beleeve in him But they are expressed to shew that there was a doore of life and salvation set open for all nations yea for this most hopelesse and most wretched WORLD through the death of Christ And therfore the Lord Iesus speaking of his death in Iohn 12.32 he saith And I if I be lifted up from the Earth will draw all NATIONS of the WORLD to beleeve in me Here is the exceeding riches of the love of God magnified to this most hopelesse world in the death of his Sonne who never till now tasted the sweetnesse of the same And thus it followes in that place of Iohn 3.17 God sent his Sonne into the world that is into or upon the Earth to condemne the WORLD that is the nations of the world but that the world through him might be saved that is He was not sent to execute vengeance upon this forlorne formerly forgotten cast-out hopeless world but God so magnified his free rich vnspeakeable unsearchable everlasting love to this most wretched most hopelesse world that he gave his onely begotten Son to die for them that they might certainely and powerfully enjoy life and salvation through him This I conceive to be the true and naturall meaning of this Scripture And whereas some who take hold of the word might in this Scripture doe say that all persons in the world might be saved and that all might be saved who are not saved I desire them to consider that the word might in this place doth carry in it the force of an vndoubted and absolute certainty and it is as much in this place as shall be saved or shall certainly be saved J shall propound some other Scriptures a few for many to cleare up the truth of this to us Gal. 1.4 He gave himselfe for our finnes that he MIGHT redeeme us from this present evill world and 4.4.5 God sent forth his Son to redeem them that were under the Law that we might receive the adoption of Sons Ephes Christ loved the Church and gave himselfe for it that he MIGHT sanctifie it and that he MIGHT present it to himselfe a glorious Church Titus 2.14 He gave himselfe for us that he MIGHT rodeeme us from all iniquitie 1 Iohn 4.9 In this was manifested the love of God towards us because God sent his onely befotten Sonne into the world that we MIGHT live through him Now J desire the understanding Reader to consider whether the word might in these Scriptures doth not carry in it the force of an vndoubted certainty and an absolute promise or performance to wit that the thing is done or shall certainly and undoubtedly be done And so in this place where he saith The world through him might bee saved the meaning is The world through him shall certainly and powerfully be saved And this will be yet more cleare if we consider what the holy Spirit meaneth when hee saith through him The world through him might be saved that is Through his death through his life through the giving forth of his Spirit to them enabling them to beleeve in him unto life everlasting And thus the world is saved through him And thus I have cleared up the first glorious mystery which is held forth to us in
was a ministeriall not an absolute or powerfull declaration o● peace or a ministeriall salutation o● well-wishing to that house And s● it is expressed in Mat. 10.12 An● when ye come into an house salute it 〈◊〉 that is with all happinesse and peace and salvation to it And if the house be worthy or as Luke saith If th● Sonne of peace be there that is If he manifest his grace and power in them perswading their hearts to receive you and embrace your words then shall your peace or salvation or well-wishing rest upon that house if not it shall turne to you againe So much in answer to their second reason Thirdly say they The Saints are commended for believing so For this purpose they alledge Iohn 4.42 1 Iohn 4.14 I answer The Saints in Scripture did not believe so to wit that Christ died for the sins of all persons or of every person from first to last Neither is it any commendation before God unto any of 〈…〉 who do now believe so seeing the Scriptures rightly understood holdeth forth no such thing to us And as for those places of Iohn 4.42 and 1 Iohn 4.14 they admit not of such 〈◊〉 interpretation as they put upon them but teach another Doctrine which is holy precious and glorious Both which things I have largely declared above in the opening of those Scriptures Fourthly because say they It is a condemning sin to any hearing the Gospel not to believe so to wit That Christ died for their sin For this purpose they alledge Iohn 3.18.19 and 12.47.48 and 16.9 1 Iohn 5.10 I answer It is most true that whosoever though formerly never so sinfull heareth the word of Christ and believeth in him that is receiving him 〈◊〉 our Saviour submitteth to his righteousnesse trusteth in his grace hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death to life And it is also most certaine that whosoever doth not believe in Jesus Christ nor submit to his righteousnesse nor trust in his grace nor kisse his Septer but trusteth in his own righteousnesse or loveth to continue in wayes of darknesse disobedience and rebellion against Christ every such one is in the estate of condemnation none of his sins are forgiven but they are all and every one of them charged against him and he with all his sins upon him lyeth naked under the bitternesse and terrour of the just wrath of Almighty God For indeed there is no other way whereby we can escape the wrath of God and attaine remission of sins and everlasting life but onely through believing in the righteousnesse of another to wit the Lord Jesus And whosoever is drawne by the power of the Father to believe in Jesus Christ he is righteous even as Christ is righteous he hath all his sins covered with the righteousnesse of Jesus Christ But whosoever doth not believe in him all his sins are uncovered and he like a miserable naked sinfull guilty cursed wretch lieth with all his sinnes charged upon him under the wrath of God This that I have said is the very minde of GOD those Scriptures above mentioned none of which righly understood doth in any measure serve to justifie their opinion of Christs dying for the sins of all persons And whereas they say That there is no other means whereby an unbeleever should become a beleever then the hearing of this report That Christ died for the sinnes of all alledging for this Rom. 10.14 How shall they beleeve in him of whom they have not heard I answer It is most true what the Scripture saith How shal they beleeve in him of whom they have not heard But that such a report as they speak of is the Gospel of Christ and that which should bee preached as a truth of God cannot bee proved from the testimony of God in this or other Scriptures Thus much in answer to the Scriptures and reasons propounded by them to maintain this opinion In which answeres it appeares how greatly they are mistaken and how much they erre in this matter from the right understanding of the Word of truth And before I leave this point Divers errors attending upon the forementioned opinion I conceive it not unnecessary to shew some other mistakes and errors held forth by them most of which doe attend upon this opinion of Christs dying for the sins of all persons I shall not trouble my self nor the Reader with all the unsound passages of their severall books but point at those which are most considerable And herein I shall referre the Reader chiefly to that fore-mentioned book set forth by Thomas Lamb and others upon this point First it is resolved by them upon the question That all persons ough● to beleeve that all their sins past present and to come are pardoned T● confirm this as they conceive they alledge Rom. 3 28. Gal. 2.16 Col. 1● 21 22. and 2.13 14. Ephes 2.13 14 15. This is the substance of what i● contained in the 13 14 15. lines of page 4. and in the 19 20 21 22. lines of page 5. In answer to which first Answe I conclude according to the Scripture That all the Prophets give witnesse unto Jesus Christ that through faith in his Name whosoveer beleeveth in him shal receive remission of sins Secondly their conclusion is not agreeable either to the scope or language of the Scripture Thirdly the Scriptures they alledge doe no wayes seem to justifie their conclusion but are all of them spoken to and of such as actually through the power of Christ beleeve in him unto remission of sins as the understanding Reader will easily discern Fourthly this conclusion of theirs contradicts another conclusion of their own in the 19 20 21 22 lines of page 4. Where it is resolved by them upon the question That all mens sins are not pardoned in Christ as a truth to be preached to and to be beleeved by all Now if it bee not a truth to bee preached to all that their sinnes are pardoned in Christ as they themselves confesse How then can that conclusion stand firm That all men ought to beleeve that all their sinnes are pardoned Shall they beleeve a thing which is not a truth And thus themselves do contradict themselvesr Secondly it is affirmed by them That nothing is required of any to make them partakers of remission of sinnes but onely faith to beleeve the report of the Gospel This is the substance of the 17. and 18. lines of pag 4. and 26. and 27. lines of the same page In answer to which nsw I desire thee Reader to take notice especially of one thing to wit That they make faith to consist in a bare assent to the truth of the Gospel And say they nothing is required of any to make them partakers of remission of sins but only faith to beleeve or to assent unto the truth of the Gospel preached Surely the pretious faith of Gods elect is of more glorious excellent
vanities and wicked practises and turne to Iesus Christ believe in him onely for remission of sinnes further declaring That by him onely whosoever believeth in him shall have remission of sins But it must be observed That such as preach repentance as relating to the Law as a legall worke or duty as a condition of righteousnesse life and salvation as a preparation or qualification to Christ or as something to be done by us before we can have Christ or believe in him unto remission of sins Such doe not preach repentance and remission of sins in the Name of Christ they rather seeke to drive men from Christ and bottom them upon some other foundation then Iesus Christ Now of the things which we have spoken this is the summe To preach the Gospel to the World it is to declare to them the death and resurrection of Iesus Christ and the authority which God hath given him to judge the quicke and dead at his appearing calling upon them and beseeching them in the behalfe of Christ to forsake all fleshly confidence superstitious vanities and sinfull practises to turne to Iesus Christ and believe in him onely unto remission of sins and everlasting life further declaring to them that there is no way for them whereby to escapethe wrath of God but onely through faith in Christ and that through his Name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission or sins and the wrath of God ●yeth upon him neither is there any other way for him to escape the same What I have said herein we shall find agreeable to many Scriptures Mat. 4.17 Mark 1.14.15 Mark 6.12 compared with Luke 9.6 John Acts 2.38 and 3.18.19 and ●0 42.43 and 13.38.39 and 17.30.31 and 24.24.25 and 26.15 to 21. and 28.23 Now when the Preachers of the Gospel have done this when they have preached to the World Christ crucified and risen from the dead and have called upon men to turne to Iesus Christ and believe in him for remission of sins and have declared to them that there is no other Name whereby we must be saved or whereby we can escape the wrath of God but onely the Name of that Iesus which was crucified and is risen againe from the dead I say when they have done this they must leave the issue to the Lord who onely makes this Ministery powerfull to whom he pleaseth giving them repentance that is turning them from their iniquities unto Iesus Christ inabling them to believe in him unto remission of sins and everlasting life And surely God hath appointed the Ministery especially for this end that by means thereof he might worke faith in all those whom he hath ordained vnto eternal life Luke 10.6.7 Acts 3.26 and 5.30.31 and 10.44 and 11.18 and 13 47.48 and 16.14 and 28.24.28 And thus as the Lord hath helped me I have briefly declared from the Scriptures what it is for the Messengers of Christ to preach the Gospel to the World But that Christ hath suffered for the sins of all persons that he hath redeemed all persons that he hath taken away the sins of all persons that he hath redeemed all persons that he hath wrought reconciliation for all persons as they say I find no where in the Gospel neither is it a agreeable to the Scriptures And therefore to preach this is not to preach the Gospel of Christ but something which men have added to the Gospel of Iesus Christ And thus I have declared the chiefe mistakes and absurdities which I find expressed by them in their severall bookes advising themseives to consider what snares they are entangled in and exhorting others to be ware least they be ensnared with these or the like things The conclusion And now in the conclusion of this Treatise I shall briefly propound some few re●sons further to prove that this opinion of Christs suffering for all persons or redeeming all persons is not the doctrine of Jesus Christ First For whomsoever Christ died for them also he rose againe and for them he sits at the right hand of God and maketh intercession for them This foure-fold golden chaine is so sure and strong that it can in no wise be broken or divided It may and is and must be destingvished but it neither may nor must be broken This fore-fold glorious worke of the Son of God Paul linketh together in one golden chaine Rom. 8.34 Who is he that condemneth It is Christ that died yea rather that is risen againe who is even at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for us And upon this ground he triumpheth in behalfe of himselfe and others who have a part in the same love of Christ saying Who shall seperate us from the love of Christ And Esaiah saith He powred out his soul unto death Esa 53. and he was numbred with transgressors and he beare the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors whe●e the prophet linketh these together He beare the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors Those whose sins he bare for them also he made intercession And the Apostle Iohn teacheth us that those for whom Christ is the propitiation he is for them also an Advocate with the Father 1 Iohn 2.1.2 saith he My little children if any of us do sin though let us take heede of sinning We have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous how doth he prove that saith he He is the propitiation for our sins that is He who is the propitiation or reconciliation for our sins he is without doubt our Advocate also with the Father And indeed propitiation and advocation are inseperable benefits he that hath an interest in the one hath an interest in the other also Propitiation is the ground of advocation and advocation is a fruit necessarily and inseperably flowing from propitiation Neither is advocation without propitiation neither doth propitiation go alone to any persons without the power and benefit of advocation And therefore those who go about to divide advocation from propitiation they pervert the Scriptures and divide Christ And againe Paul witnesseth that those who have a part in the death of Christ they have a part in his resurrection also Rom. 4.25 He was delivered for our offences and was raised againe for our justification From all this that hath been said it is manifest that whosoever have a part in the death of Christ they have a part in his resurrection in his sitting at the right hand of God and in his intercession also And is this any lesse then salvation Those who have a part in these things are they not saved Hence I conclude that seeing all persons have not a part in the benefit of his resurrection advocation or intercession at the right hand of God neither have they a part in the benefit of his death or sufferings for these benefits are inseparably linked together they that have a part in the one have a part in the other also Secondly