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A01570 The ground of Christianitie composed in maner of a dialogue between Paule and Titus, contayning all the principall poyntes of our saluation in Christ. Gee, Alexander. 1584 (1584) STC 11697; ESTC S103007 79,776 112

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¶ THE GROVND of Christianitie Composed in maner of a dialogue between PAVLE and TITVS Contayning all the principall poyntes of our Saluation in Christ 1. Peter 3. 15. ¶ Sanctifie the Lorde God in your hearts and be readie alwayes to giue an answere to euery one that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you AT LONDON Printed by Robert waldegraue and are to be sold at the signe of the Beare in Paules Church-yard by Thomas VVoodcocke ANNO DOM. 1584. ¶ To the right Honourable Lord Fraunces Earle of Bedford one of her maie sties most Honourable priuy Councell Knight of the Noble order of the Garter A. G. wisheth prosperity in this world with increase of peace mercy and grace and in the worlde to come life euerlasting ALbeit right Honourable the multitude of foolish Pamphlets friuolous toys which in these our dayes are put in print haue brought almost no lesse contempt of the faculty of printing then discouragement to those that woulds write more waightye matters yet I thought it in conscience good for me to bee no more therby discouraged from attempting any thing which may either tend to the glory of God or benefit of his Church then for a man to be squaimish to eate because he hath seene another surfet It could not come in my minde though it rowled too and fro towardes many vnto whome to dedicate this rude and simple worke of mine rather then vnto your honour whose iust most deserued commēdation aswell in matters of religion as also in all other politique affayres as I spare presently to vtter because to prayse any man to his face doth seeme rather fained flattery then pure loue so the trueth it selfe deuoid of partiality can not vniustly conceale nor iniuriously suppresse I coulde easily haue procured vnto my selfe many pulbacks lets and hindrances from attempting so aduenturous an enterprise had not the assured knowledge of your Honoures singuler humility in abasing your self to them of lower degree fully perswaded me to the contrary Neither the worthinesse of the writer who is as bold as blinde Baiyard nor the excellency of the worke as it proceedeth from so base a workman deserueth in any wise so excellent a patronage but in that it redoundeth to the repairation of the ruines of Christe his Church whereof as it hath pleased the Lorde in mercy to make you a maintainer so you will no doubt from Day to Day and time to time shew your selfe a notable fauourer yea euen of the smallest stones in the building which because they bee neither grauen with curious worke or pollished with exquisite art though some doe rashly condemne yet I know youre honour will not reiect but rather will consider that notwithstanding the chambers of Christs church are in some places a trimming vp with beautifull worke yet in some other places the groundsell being scarse layd strong oken Timber so it bee sounde may doe more good then fine firre if it bee weake The worke which I make bolde at this time to shrowd vnder your protection is briefe pithy framed in manner of a dialogue handling al the cheefe points of Chrstianity with many additions no lesse profitable then necessary for those that desire to be further instructed in many points where I thought it most requisite and conuenient All men yea euen the simplest haue neede nowe to get assuraunce of saluation to themselues not by workes without knowledge which bewrayeth intollerable Hipocrisye but first by true faith grounded vpon the rock of Gods word and then by workes proceeding from the same that they may bee able to giue an account of their fayth to stop the mouth of the aduersary in the day of triall The false Apostles are already craftily crept in which seeke to vndermine vnstable soules wresting and writhing the scriptures to their own damnation whose iudgement is iust for the Lorde hath sente them strong delusions that they should beleeue lies that all may bee damned which beleeue not the trueth but haue pleasure in vnrighteousnesse as they haue not regarded to know God so God hath deliuered them vp to a reprobate minde to doe those things which are not conuenient The cheefe respect and finall end of this my small labour according to my poore Talent is to helpe the simpler sort whom I know the more is the pity to be yet besotted with ignorance whome I seeke rather to enstruct because they bee not skilfull then to confound the aduersary who is very subtill Wherefore I present this small worke vnto your honour as a token of my vnfained good will and great zeal towards you beeing readye at all times and in all places to perfourm all other duties wherwith the Lord shall enable mee with no lesse feruent prayers to the Lerde for your health of bodye to his pleasure in this life then cuntinuall supplications for the placing of your soule and body in the heauens with our cheefe Lorde and Captain Iesus Christ among the angels and blessed saints in the life to come of which ioy the Lorde make your honour and all those that loue the c●mming of Christ partakers for the same Christes same Amen Your honours most bounden Alexander Gee A Christian mans duety The reward of sinne The ground of Christianitie In maner of a Dialogue betweene PAVLE and TITVS PAVLE WHat is the chiefest duety of a Christian man in this life TITVS The chiefest duety of man and not of man onely but of all the creatures in the world in their nature is to set forth the a Gen. 1 26. eph 1 6. exod 9 16. psa 8 1. glory of God PA. How shall we performe this duety TI. To perfourme this duety it is necessary to know vnto what death we by our selues are subiect what great saluation God of his b Dent. 4 37 7 7 8 ios ●4 2 psa 44. 3. ioh 15 16. act 13 48 2● 14. rom 5 6 9 11 1● 11 7 35. 1. cor 4 7. eph 1 4 2 10. colo 1 12. 2 tim 1 9. free mercy hath giuen vnto vs through faith and what thankfulnes we owe vnto him for our deliuerance PA. Tell me these thinges in order first what is sinne and what doth it deserue TI. c 1. Ioh 3 4. Sinne is the breach of the law of God conteined in the ten commandements and the reward of this sinne is eternall death PA. Rehearse the ten commaundements TI. d Exod. 20. 1. God spake these wordes and sayde I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the lande of Aegypt c. Honour one onely God Images forbid●en PA. VVhat meaneth this commaundement thou shalt haue no other Gods but me TI. The meaning of it is that I should acknovvledge but a 1. Cor 8 4 6 ephe 4 5 6 1 t●m 2 5. one only God that I should b Deut. 6 13 math ● 10. honour feare him that I shoulde c Math 22. 37
stead shew the a 1. Cor. 11. 26 fruite of our Lords passion to all that heare the gospel Againe when the benefite of the Lordes passion is thus offered as it vvere by the hande of God it must be receiued by faith as it vver● a certaine hand of man the vvhich faith the b Rom. 10. 17. ep●e 1. 18. 19. 1. cor 12. 5. 9. 11. ioh 17. 20. rom 14 17. 1. t●m 3 15. 1 cor 1. 21. holy ghost worketh in men that heare the Gospell and obey c Gen. 17. 11. exod 12. 3. 4. rom 4 11. Furthermore it is sealed vp vvith eyther Sacrament of Baptisme and of the Lordes Supper and the strength and vse therof is painted out as it were in tables Therefore vvhen thou rehersest the article of thy belee●e concerning the passion of the Lord persuade thy selfe firmely beleeue most assuredly that the sonne of God suffered death for thee vvhich thing if thou doe thou art partaker of the Lordes death in so much that all the vvhole obedience of Christe is thy acquitall from d 1. Cor 1. 30. sinne and rhy righteousnesse But there is a double obedience to bee marked in Christe his obedience of the Crosse e Gala. 3. 13. and his obedience of the Lavve vvhich vvas his perfecte fulfilling of the same Like as his obedience to the Crosse is our cleansing from sinne ● f Eph. 2. 15. colos 2. 14. so his obedience of the law is imputed to vs for our righteousnes The fifth is that vvhen we be thus made partakers of the Lords passion through faith it vvill come to our remembrance Additions Christes passion and resurrection what is the lot of the Godly in this life for like as Christ hath suffered so will hee haue the rest of the godly to a Rom. 8. 28. 1. thes 1 6 1 pet 4 13 phil 1 29. 1 pet 1 11. 2. 21. 2 tim 2 11. hebru 6 8. suffer that they may be conformable to the image of the sonne of God For therfore do we suffer with him that we may be glorified together with him Rom. 8. The sixt is that wee shall call to minde what thing Christ is who hath redeemed vs with his own bloud require th at our hands for now sith wee are redeemed by him vve must obey him VVhat willeth he First that we should renounce his enemy the diuel b Iohn 8 11. rom 6 4 12. heb 12 1. 1. pe 4 2. 1. ioh 1 6. Secondly that vve shoulde fly sinne that we offende not God againe wittinglye and willingly with our sinnes Thirdly that wee giue our selues to holinesse and Godlynesse and that vvee serue him in true feare c Luk. 1 75 Ieuit. 11 44 esa 52 11 rom 6. 4. ephes 1. 4 phil 1 10 2. 15. col 1 22 1. thes 4 3 1. pet 1. 15. 1. ●ohn 3. 3. all the dayes of our life vvhich thing if wee doe wee shall obtaine the end of our faith that is the euerlasting saluation of our soules which God the father grant vnto vs through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen PA. Shevve me thy iudgement of the resurrection of Christ TI. VVhiles that wee are yet in this mortall life wee must to the vttermost of oure povver expresse this ●ayth and beleefe that we haue in the d Act. 1. 2. 10 40. 1. cor 15 5 6 resurrection of Christ and of our rising again through him in our conuersation and liuing walking still a newe life which in this world is to rise againe with Christ as S. Paule testifieth saying VVe e Act. 2 38 col 2. 12. rom 6. 3. gal 3. 27 are ●uried with him by baptism for to dye that likewise as Christe was raised from death by the glory of his father euē so wee shoulde also walke in a new life For if wee be gra●t in death like vnto him euen so must we be in the resurrection These words shall the e●sio● bee vnderstanded if we● will consider and marke that Additions Of Christ es resurrection the vvhole life of our Sauiour Christ ought to serue vs in steede of an example or paterne vvhereby vve should make our selues conformable vnto him spiritually in those things that haue been truly and really or in very deede fulfilled in his body and can in no vvise be fulfilled in ours as for an exāple our sauiour Christ hath ben conceiued by the holy ghost born of the virgin Mary he hath been crucified and put to death he did rise againe the third day ascēded into heauen Al those things can not be performed not fulfilled in our bodyes as they vvere in his But let vs endeuour our selues that our spirit or invvard man may be fashioned made conformable vnto him in these things a Psal 51. 6 gen 6 5 8. 11. heb 15. 16 roman 3. 4. Our bodies are conceiued and borne in sinne not by the holy Ghost nor in the vvomb of a virgin as our sauiour Christ was but they are conceiued by the carnal copulation of man and vvoman and of corruptible seede That vve may therfore be conformable vnto him in this point let vs come vnto his true Church and beleeue his gospell vvhen vve be in the true church of Christ vvhich is both our mother a chast virgin vve shall be b 1. Pet. 1 23 conceiued begotten in it by the incorruptible seede of the vvorde of God our heauenly father and by the vertue of his holy spirite shal be borne againe the children of God made nevv creatures vve shal put off the olde man put on the nevv bearing the image of the nevv Adam vvhich is Iesus christ as we haue c 1. Cor. 1. 5 born the image of the old Adam and of the man of sin After that we be thus conceiued by the holy ghoste borne of a virgin which is the true church spouse of our sauiour Christ the residue of our life must also be conformable Additions A mortifiyng of the flesh vnto the life of our Sauiour Christ as o●● spiritual conception birth is VVe be not crucified and put to death as he was but we doe learne of him to beare the a Math. 11 29 crosse with him and to be crucified vnto the vvorld that the vvorld may be crucified vnto vs as S. Paule vvryteth of him selfe But to be b Galat. ● 5. 24. 6. 14. crucified and dead vnto the vvorld is to be crucified and deade vnto sinne and to bee crucified and dead vnto sinne is to forsake sinne and to be no more a seruaunt vnto it then the dead be wont to serue the liuing For as the deade hath no more to doe vvith the liuing but are seperated from them so they be dead vnto the world that hath forsaken it to serue the liuing God c Rom. 6. 6. 13. 14. ●2 and that vvill not fashion them selnes after it nor walke after
mark 12 30 cleaue vnto him that I should not doe after the abhominations of any d Deut. 75 esay 30. 22. Idolatrous people to worship stockes or stones that I shoulde not e zach 13. 12 deut 13. 2 3. hearken to any false Prophetes that teach their own fantasies and not the word of God that I should not seek to f Deut. 8 10 18 11 12. esa 8 19. acts 19. 13. gal 5 20. any Sorcerers coniurers witches soothsayers charmers or any such but that I should harken vnto g Mark 9 7. Christ alone and adde h Reue. 22 18 19. prou 30. 6. nothing to the word which he hath spoken but put all my i Ierem. 17 5 18 7. trust in God alone k Rom. 10 13 psal 50 16 2 tim 2 22 call vpon him alone l Malac. 10 math 10 28 luke 12 5. fear him alone and m Math 10 37 phil 3 7. 8. loue him aboue all PA. VVhat meaneth the second commandement that we shall not make any grauen image TI. In this commaundement be contained three thinges first that we should not thinke God to be like either n Deut 4. 15 c. act 17 27 esai 40 18 25 esai ●6 3. man or woman gold or siluer or any other thing and therefore that we make no image of God in any case Secondly that onely o Iohn 4. 24. in spirit and truth we worship God alone and beside him none p Psalm 97 7 esa● 44 19 dan. 4 18. other no Saint no Angell no creature and therefore that vve make no image of any other thing either to worship the image it selfe either God Saint or Angell by the image neyther q Abac 2 18 ier● 10 14 16. yet to this ende to be the better put in minde of God by the image Thirdly that we worship not God in any r Deut 12 32 5 32 ios 1 7 outward worship according to our ovvne fantasies but onely as himselfe hath commaudded in his vvorde PA. VVhat meaneth the third commaundement Oth●● forbidden The vse of the Sabbaoth that we should not take the name of God in vaine TI. God chargeth vs in this commaundement these three things first that a Deut. 28. 58 59 p al. 8 1 iere 10 6 2 ●hro 29 13 we vse with most high reuerence the name of God whensoeuer we speake or think vpon him Secondly b Deut. 18. 10 11 12. esai 8 19 47. 9 mal 1 3 5 gal 5 20. that we neuer blaspheme the name of God by coniuring witchcraft sorcery or charming or any such like neyther by curssing nor banning Thirdly that we neuer swear by the name of God in our commō c Math 5 35 36. iam 5 2. talke althogh the matter be neue● so true but vvith feare and reuerence make mention of the name of the lord our God d Esai 48 1 in truth in iudgement and in righteousnes to e Iosu 2. 12. 2 2 cor 1 23 2 cor 11. 31. gal 1. 20. the glory of God or maintenance of brotherly loue or also before a f Ex 22 11 12. Magistrate in witnessing the truth when we are therevnto lawfully called In vvhich causes vve must sweare by the name of God lone neither by heauen nor earth g ler. 5 7 22 16. amos 8. 14 ephe 1 5. neyther by ●ooke Saint nor Angell nor any creature As for Masse Crosse Roode or such other we ought so to detest such manner of Idols that they shoulde not once be named among vs. PA. VVhat meaneth the fourth commandement Remember thou keepe holy the sabbaoth day TI. The hallowing of the Sabbaoth day is to rest from h Deut 5 14 exod 16 26 our labour in our calling and in one place to assemble our selues together and with feare and reuerence to heare marke and lay i Math. 13 23 vp in our hearts the word of God k Acts 20 7 15 21 13 15 16. luke 4 16 preached vnto vs to l Math 18 19. pray altogether that which we m 1 Cor. 14 15 vnderstād with one consent and at the times appointed n 1 Cor. 11. 33 acts 2. 42 acts 20. 7. to vse the Sacraments in faith and repentance and all our life long to o Num. 29 7. heb 4. 9. 10. rest from sinne and wickednes that the Lord by his holy spirite may vvorke in vs his good vvorke and so Superiours honorable Murther Adultery begin in this life that euerlasting rest PA. VVhat meaneth the fifth Commaundement Honour thy father and thy mother TI. The meaning of it is that we should honour that is to say loue feare obey and relieue our a Leuit. 19 3. 3 20 22 23. ephe 6 1 2 3. Patents or any other that are vnto vs in their steede as our b Exo 2● 28. rom 13. 1 tit 3 1. Princes Rulers Magistrats c Heb. 13 17. 1. thes 5 12. 13 our Pastors and teachers our d Eph. 6 5 6 7. tit 2 ● 10. masters and all other vvhich are aboue vs in any calling placed by God the e Leui. 19 32. aged grayheaded And also all maner of superiou●s that they may be honourable they must put on a fatherly affection and shevv them selues in deed parents in f col 3 19 4 1. eph 6 ● 9. defending and guiding their inferiours PA. The sixt commandement Thou shalt doe no murther vvhat meaneth this TI. First the Lord God forbiddeth vs herein all g Gen. 6 9. deut 5 17. killing h Mat. 5 38 39 fighting and i Col. 3 12 13. quarrelling all k Leu. 19 14. reproches mockes and ●aunts Secondly he forbiddeth all killing in heart that is all l Leuit. 19 17 18. mat 5 21. 22. 1. ioh 3 15. anger and malice all desire of m Pro. 20 22 reuenge Thirdly on the other side he commandeth vs to preserue life by exercising n Math 25 35. 36 esai 58 6 7 ezech 18 7. the works of mercy and compassion tovvardes our brethren yea euen tovvards our enemies Fourthly o Math. 5. 44. leui 19 18. uk 6 17. rom 12 17 18 8 13 19. to loue one another invvardly in heart as our selues yea euen our enemies and them that hate vs. PA. VVhat meaneth the seuenth commaundement that vve shall not commit adultery TI. VVe are forbidden herein first all p Rom. 18 ●0 Ieuit. 19 29 deut 23 17. adultery formication and all other q H●b 22 23 24. vnclennes in our bodies Secondly all vnpure r M●ch 5 28. thoughts lusts of the heart Thirdly all other things vvhich might entice vs to such vncleannes as all ſ E●ai 3. 16 17. rom 13 13. vnchast behauiour t Eph 4 29. ephe 5 3 4. filthie VVhere dome forbidden Theft forbidden Lying forbidden talke and songs a Deut.
TI. I beleeue that Iesus Christ hath vvholly c 1. Ioh. 2. 2. col 1. 14. 19. 20. 21 22. 1. Gor. 1. 30. esa 53. 4. 5. 8. 12. rom 3. 23. 24 25. 5. 8. ● Cor. 5. 19. appeased God for my sinnes and payd the full punishment due to them and therefore that they be freely forgyuen mee and shall neuer bee layde to my charge PA. VVhat beleeuest thou of the resurrection of the body TI. I beleeue that after this lyfe ended my soule d Eccles 12. 7. Luk. 16. 22. 23. 43. shall go to God that gaue it and that my bodye shall rest i● the graue till the appointed time and then I shall e Iob. 19. 26. 27. 1. Cor. 15. 42. 43. 1. Cor. 15 53. 1. thes ● 13. see God in my flesh I my selfe shal see him and mine ovvne eyes shall looke vpon him euen in this body made glorious and without al corruption like vnto the body of Christ PA. VVhat is that thou sayest of life euerlasting TI. I beleeue that vvhen God shall f Iob. 19. 25. Dan. 12. 2 Ioh 5. 28 〈◊〉 11. 24. phil 3. 11. 1. the. 4. 14. rayse agayne this body and ioyne againe in one my body and soul that then my body shal be without al corruption no more subiect to any chaunge but that Life euerlasting Of our selfe will The Sacraments defined death it selfe our last enemy shall bee taken avvay svvallowed vp in victory and I shal liue so a Luk. 20. 36. apo 20. 5. 6. rom 6. 11. that I shall neuer dye God strengthen vs by his spirit in the inner man that we maye bee able to comprehende vvith all his Saintes vvhat is the length the breadth the height the depth that vve may knovv the Lawe of Christ and be filled vvith all fulnesse of God PA. The Lord increase this sayth in vs. But tell m● haue vve this fayth in our ovvne power to beleeue of our selfe will TI. No but sayth is the gyft b ●●h 2. ● phil● ● 29. 2 Thes 1. 3. 3. 2. of God euen as our saluation likevvise is and of our selues there is not one of vs that can so much as name the Lorde Iesus but it is wrou●ht in 〈◊〉 by the holy Ghoste c Ioh. 17. 20. Rom. 14. 17. 1. tim 3. 15. 1 Cor. 1. 21. through the preaching of the vvorde confirmed and made strong through the vse of the same vvord and Sacramentes PA. VVhat call●st thou Sacramentes TI. Sacramentes be d Gen. 17. 11. Exod. 12. 3. 4. outwarde signes ordayned of God for the greater assurance and strengthning of our fayth beeing vnto vs e Rom 4 11. sure pledges of those benefits of our saluation which we receiue in Christ to be outs and are represented vnto vs ●y the outvvarde signes of vvater in Baptisme and breade and vvine in the Supper They serue also for a marke of our profession whereby vve differ from other people vvhich be heathen PA. How many Sacraments be there TI. There be two f 1 Cor. 10. 1. 2 ioh 19. 34. Sacramentes that is to say Baptisme and the Supper of the Lorde PA. VVhat strength of fayth haue vve through our Baptisme The vse of Baptisme Of the Lords Supper TI. Baptisme is a seale and token by which God vvill haue me assured that a Mark 1. 4. act 21. 16. my sinnes are forgiuen me and that my lyfe is acceptable in his sight for as the vvater vvasheth away the filthynes of the body euen so should I through the holy Ghost be therby fully certified that the b Act. 22. 16. eph 5. 26. tit 3 5. 6. 1. Pet. 1. 2. 3. 21. 1. iob 1 7. 8. bloud of Christ being sprinkled vppon my soule by the c Act. 15. 9. hande of faith hath vvashed away both the giltinesse of my sin and the punishment due to the same And as after our outvvarde vvashiug the body is more comely so after our Baptisme the spirite of God vvorketh in vs that sinne d Rom 6. 3. 4. 5. 6. c. is dead in our mortall bodyes and vve be risen vp into e 2. Cor. 5. 17. gal 5. 24. 25. newnes of lyfe and in vvhom soeuer baptisme hath not this worke he may well haue the name but in deed he is no Christian PA. VVhat strengthning of our sayth do we finde in the vse of the Lords Supper TI. The Supper of the Lorde doth through the holy Ghost strengthen my fayth that I shoulde not doubt but as surely as I receiue the bread vvine into my body to become of perfect substance vvith my flesh f 1. Cor 1. 30. 10. 16. so Christ hath giuen him selfe wholly to become mine and nourisheth my soule to euerlasting lyfe g Rom. 4. 25. his death and passion is my deliuerance from sin his h 2. Cor 5. 21. righteousnes is my iustification euen so surely confirmed vnto me as if I my self had performed in mine owne body that moste holy obedience vnto his father vvhich he alone fulfilled Thus I receiue the Sacraments as signes and seales of the righteousnes that is by fayth PA. Are not then the bread and vvine in the Supper of the Lorde turned into the body and bloude of Christ No transubstantiation Preparation to the Lords Supper TI. The breade and wine as touching their nature and substance are a Mat. 26. 29. mat 14. 2● 1. cor 1● 〈◊〉 1● 11. 〈◊〉 2● 28. not turned but as touching the vse of them they differ from common breade vvine in that they are appoynted of God to serue vnto vs as b Rom. 4. 11. seales and pledges of those benefites which Christ to his body wrought for vs. PA. Now then for as much as the Lordes Supper in respecte that it is holye it muste haue the guestes holy and it refuseth them that be prophane and in respect that it is misticall it must haue such guestes which are able by their well practised sences to distinct the invvard mysteries from that which appeareth to the eyes and in that it hath a remembrance it requireth a mindefull heart of the good turne receyued Tell me therefore in vvhat manner oughtest thou to prepare thy seife to the receyuing of th●se misteries TI. In preparing my selfe to receyue the Supper of the Lorde I ought diligently to obserue these three thinges First to c 1. Cor 11. 28 examine my selfe vvhether I d 2. Cor. 13. 5. stand in sayth or no vvhich I shall know if I feele my e 2. Cor. 1. 21. 22. 5 5. eph 1. 13. hart f Rom. 8. 15. eph 3. 12. assured by the spirit of God that the g 1. Ioh 1. 12. puni●hment of my sinnes is fully discharged in Christ and that vvhatsoeuer he hath done perteyneth not onely to others but euen h Esai 53 6. 7. 8. 9. c. eph 3. 17. 1. tim 15 16. to
me Secondly to examine my selfe whether I finde my selfe invvardly i 1 Cor. 4 4. ioe 2. 12. 13. mat 26. 15. 2. co● 7. 10. 11. sory for my sinnes vvith an inward hatred and lothing of sinne and an k Rom 6. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8. 11. phi 3. 13. 14. earnest desire and sure purpose vvholly to conforme my selfe to the vvill of Gods word Thirdly i● any offence be betwixt others and me that I l Mat 5. 23 24. reconcile my selfe vnto them All these thinges although they ought earnstly to be considered in the vvhole course of our m Lu. 1. 74. 75. life yet Our works imperfect True causes of well doing then especially vvhen vve come to the Supper of the Lorde PA. Sith that this is then the doctrine of saluation that when vve vvere dead through sinne God of his great mercy sent his sonne to be made man to dye for our sinnes and to fulfill all righteousnes a Math. 315. that he might bring agayne lyfe into the vvorlde and so giue that lyfe vnto euery one whosoeuer should receiue the holy Ghost to beleeue that so vve might be saued by fayth vvho before were condemned by our vvorkes VVhereto then now serueth our wel-doing or vvhat auayleth it to do good workes TI. True it is our good vvorkes deserue b Esai 64. 6. pro. 35. 7. psal 16 2. nothing at Gods hand for in his sight our good vvorkes are not good and all our righteousnesse is like a defiled cloth and vvere they neuer so manye yet by them God receyueth nothing at our handes and all our vvell doing extendeth not vnto him and therefore if vve vvill aske any thing by vvorkes we must aske of them of whom we haue de●erued it at the hands of God we can aske nothing and therfore as touching merite we will let our vvorkes alone but we haue greater causes of vvell doing and which ought more to enforce vs then eyther lyfe or death vve must do vvell first to shevve our thankfull c Rom. 6. 11. 12. 12. ● 1 pet 2. 5. heartes to our Sauiour Christ to testifie our loue towards him vvith keeping his commandementes by which workes vve make our election more certaine vnto our selues Againe vve ought to doe vvell that our example may call our brethren vnto righteousnesse that they also may become with vs of the houshold of fayth But the greatest cause of all other is that in our vveldoing we ●et forth the d Mat. 5. 16. 1. Cor. 6. 20. 1. pet 2. 12. glory of God and VVhat is required in good works Fiue things to b● obs●r●ed Prayer his holy name is praysed in our good vvorkes This ought to be so precious in our eyes that ten thousand helles and heauens should not so much moue vs. This is the excellency of verue that God in it is glorified and this is the great horror and confusion of sinne that God in it is dishonoured PA. VVhat vvorkes callest thou good vvorkes TI. Our good workes can neuer be good and acceptable in the sight of God vnlesse in doing them vve keepe these two thinges first that they be framed according to the a Ephes 2. 10. Colo. ● 20 21. tit 1. 14 deut 12. 32. ●sai 29. ●3 mat 15. 9. vvill of Gods lawes and commaundements Secondly that they proceede from an heart b Rom. 24 23. heb 11. 6. purged by fayth If eyther of these two points be lacking our workes are abhominable in the sight of God although they appeare neuer so glorious in the sight of men PA. Because prayer is our especiall meanes which God vvill haue vs vse to increase in fayth tell mee vvhat belongeth to true prayer TI. It is requisite in true prayer that vve obserue these fiue thinges First that vve make our prayers c Psal 56. 15. 81. 9. rom 10. 13. ●am 1. 5. math 4. 10. onely to God d Ioh 14 13. 15. 16. 16. 23. through Christ and not to Saints Secondly that vve be inwardly e 2. Iohn 5 14. Ioh. 4 23 24. Psal 51. 17. 145. 18. 2. ero 20 12. math 1. 7. rom 8. ●6 touched with the neede of the thing we aske hauing our mind wholly bent therevpon and not carryed avvaye vvith bye thoughts Thirdly that our praiers be grounded vpon f ●am 1. 6. math 11 24. 1. Iohn 5. 15. Gods promises vvith full assurance that they shal be graunted so farre as the Lorde doth knovve them to be meete and needefull for vs. Fourthly that vve g Luk 18. 1. 2. 3 e rom 12. 12. 1. thes 5. 17. Col 4. 2. eph 6. 18. continue in praier although vve obtaine not our requests as the first Fiftly that vve aske not those thinges vvhich we thinke h ●am 4. 3. rom 8. 26. good in our ovvne fantasie but i 1. Ioh. 5. 41. onely that vvhich God commandeth The Lord● Pr●yer The manner and order how we ●hould ●ra● vs to aske of him all which thinges be contained in the a Math. 6. 9 luke 11. 1. 2. Lords prayer PA. Reherse the Lords prayer TI. Our Father vvhich art in heauen hallovved c. PA. VVhat desirest thou in this prayer TI. Marke and I vvill shew thee in the forme of a prayer PA. Say on TI. O almighty and eternall God which vou●hsafest that we as it were thy heauenly children shold euery one of vs call thee our heauely b Math. 23. 9. eph 5. 20. 4. 6. col 1. 12. heb 12. 9. 1. ioh 3. 1. esai 63. 16. 1. Petition farther grant that thy holy name may be glorified among vs c Psa 145. 1. 113. 2. 3. rom 11. 36 1. 20. 16. 27. esai 40. 21. ●irst in the reuerent contemplation of thy excellent workes in heauen and in earth Secondly becau●e moste properly liuely and comfortably t●ou h●ste made thy self known vnto vs by thy holy d Deut. 4. 32. eph 4. 6. word especially by thy promise of grace freely pardoning and receiuing vs into thy fauour for Christ Iesus sake Thirdly e Rom. 22. 24. rom 1. 9. 14. 15. 16. 1. cor 2. 6. 11. 1 ich 4. 13. esa 52. 5. ezech 36. 20. ● Petition in that thou by the working of thy holy spirite dost effectually frame our hearts to loue righteousnesse and hate iniquity Graunt that thus in all things thou onely may●st be had in honour all other set aside Graunt that thy kingdome may flourish that is that thy holy spirite may beare rule vvithin vs to all heauenly delight and that thy holy word may haue the preheminence to be our onely law of righteousnes which we may all obey Graunt that the kingdome of thy grace and mercye may reigne continually in our harts so that we may bee partakers of the realme of thy glory and maiestye f Math. 32. 5. 19. Declare thy selfe Lord and King ouer
see O Lorde my God the vvhole course of my life to be almost nothing else but a continual breaking of thy holy lawes commaundementes The thoughts of my heart eyther in vanity or else in open wickednes are in number infinite and through the aboundance of them my mouth is dayly prouoked to speake and my bodye stirred vp to do execute contrary to thy holy wil. A Godly Prayer And againe O Lord I see thy heauy vvrath vengeance and iudgement against sinne to be intollerable so that the least vvicked thought and moste secret cogitation of my heart procureth thy vvrath cursse vvhich haue none ende the tormentes of hell and euerlasting fire yea although in all my life I had but once in thought broken any one of thy cōmaundements a Exod 20. 5. luk 18. 7. 8. psal 5. 5. 2. cor 6. 14. And I know O Lorde God that thou art true and iust and canst not abide sinn and vvickednesse but vvilt iustly punish euery sinn with the selfe same tormentes of hell vvhich thy iustice hath appointed This O Lorde my God throweth me dovvne and amazeth me so that I knovve not vvhat to doe I looke into my selfe vievving mine ovvne povver vvhether I am able to ouercome this punishment of sinne or no and I see that the most cruell and paynefull punnishmente that I can deuise to my selfe as in vvhipping my body all the dayes of my life wearing haire cloth pining my selfe vvith fasting or any other payne I see I see O Lord that all this punishment is not sufficient for b Luke 17. 10. collos 2. 23. one of my least sinnes bcause it deserueth the euerlasting paynes of hell I looke to heauen I see there is no Saint nor Angell able to abide and. c iohn 14. 10. 12. 31. 16. 32. 2. cor 5. 19. ouercome this horrible punishment of sinne I looke to men in this vvorlde euen to them that chalenge to themselues the titles of holines and hye perfection but alas I see no remedy in them I finde no difference for al are in like fault and condemnation al haue gone out of the way al are made altogether vn profitable ther is none that doth good no not one All by nature are the children of vvrath all are as A Godly Prayer a Esa 119. 167 sheepe going astray and therefore haue neede to turne vnto the chiefe shepheard and hye bishop of their soules Thus vevving the vvhole race of mankinde alasse I see no hope among the children of men for all their holinesse righteonsnesse and perfection is not able to satisfie for one of the least of their ovvne vvicked thoughtes much lesse for mine or others seeing the punishment is by thy iust decree and sentence thy euerlasting cursse VVherfore I am driuen from my selfe and all that I can doe to ●eeke this punishment ●ischarged othervvhere or else to quayle and perishe for euer vnder the heauy burden of sinne I see there is no hope for me in An gelles Saints and mortall men but only in that perfect man Christ Iesus thy deare sonne in vvhome I see the full punishment of my sinnes fully payed satisfied discharged and ouercome In him I see death vanquished the payne of hell in victory svvallovved vp the cursse satisfied the eternity of the punishment through his euerlasting povver ouerreached This I see O Lorde by the eyes of sayth beeing through thy holye spirite fully assured that all the vvhole punishment of sinne payed by my Sauiour Christ is not onely payd for other men but also for me and my sinne This assurance of my fayth being thy onely vvorke in me I beseech thee in mercy to strengthen and b Luk● 17. 5. increase for I feele it often full of vvauering and doubting Graunt that I may dayly more and more in my soule and conscience feel my selfe knit and grafted into the bodye of thy son vvherby I may be assured that vvhat soeuer he hath done pertaineth to me and is fully vvholly mine that I may through the povver of his death feel sin A Godly Praeyer a Rom. 6. 6. 7. 8 7. 6. 8. 10. dayly die in me through the povver of his resurrection feel my selfe risen from sinne to haue my ful ioy comfort in those thinges vvhich be agreeable to thy holy vvill commandements vtterly hating and abhorring from my heart al thinges vvhich be contrary to thy vvill and pleasure that euen in this life I may still looke for thy blessed hope and b Act 17. 31. 1. corin 1. 7. titus 2. 11. 13. philip 3. 20. heb 9 28. 1. peter 3. 12. appearing of the glory of the almighty God of our sauiour Iesus Christ vsing the things of this vvorld as though I c Mat. 25 34. vsed them not till that good time b●e come in vvhich it shall please thee to call me to thy euerlasting kingdome of glory there to reigne vvith my Lord and sauionr Iesus Christe for euer and euer Amen VVhat it is to giue glory to God PAVLE WHat is it I pray thee tell me to giue glory to God TITVS No man can yeeld true glory vnto God without the true knowledge of Christ a 1. Cor. 20. 31 ephe 4 3. 21. iudg 15. apoc 4. 9. 5. 13. 19. 7. Verily man was created to this ende that he should glorifie his Creator But through the fall of our first parentes it came to passe that neither he knew God aright b Rom. 1. 20. 21 no● glo●ified him aright If thou demaunde what it is to giue glorye vnto God to giue glory vnto any bodye is nothing else but to attribute true vertue vnto him as vvhen some King dealeth iustly vvis●ly valiauntly and mercifully his subiectes yeeld him glory that is to say his subiectes like well of his doynges and vvith singuler good vvi●l doe blaze them abroad And in like vvise is c Iosua 7. 29. 1 sam 6 5. ioh 9. 24. VVisdome of God Iob 12. 13. rom 16 27. iere 51. 15. Righteousnesse of God 1. Tim 2. 5. ioh 1. 14. rom 1 3. 8. 2 gal 4. 4. 1. cor 1 30 hebr 1. 10. 11. Math 3 15. Rom. 5. 18. 2. cor 5. 21. glory giuē vnto God when his vertues are rightly acknowledged and felt as his wisedome his righteousnes his puissance his mercifulnes his truth and such others The wisedome of God is seene in this that he repaireth againe men vvhome he had created to his glory so as he might be his sonne borne of a virgine recouer again the image of God which he had lost through sinne and so giue glory to the wisdom of God His righteousnes is seene by this that hee would not receiue into fauour man that had sinned vvithout amendes made for the wrong that he had done for vvhere as it was of necessity that eyther man must haue perished euerlastingly for his sinne or else that some one of mankinde
a Cyp. of the Lordes supper Agust vpon Iohn treatise 25 Origen in Math cap. 15. hart by invvard drinking hee is receiued but by the Sacramentall signification he is holden of all men The Sactamentall sort of eating Christes body is iterated as often as the Lords supper is celebrated which is not iterated often times to this end that we shold iterate the eating and receiuing of the Lords body in very deede like as we doe with corporall meate vvhich doth perish after it is eaten but to thintent that in celebrating the remembrance of the Lords death according vnto his institution we may feede our fayth in him and offer a sacrafice of praise vnto our Redeemer For as the breade of life once truely eaten receiued vvasteth not after it is eaten and receiued so it doth not require to haue the iteration of eating and receiuing for it sticketh by them feeding them into euerlasting life vvhiche are once made partakers thereof Hereof I doe admonish men because of the ignorant that they doe not referre the iterating of this eating receiuing to the very heauenly meat it selfe but vnto the sacrament thereof The b Ioh 6 35. 51 54. 55. 1 corin 11 28 29. 1 cor 6. 15. 12. 27. ephes 4 15. 16. 5. 30. continual and vncessing sort of eating Christs body is not sacramentall but spiritual and that onelye haue povver and efficacy to feede vnto euerlasting life vvhereunto vvee must apply those thinges that be vvritten in the sixt Chapter of Iohn This is obtained by fayth onely by which we incorporate into Christe and being once incorporate doe liue in a continuall fruition thereof by the grace of the redemption purchased by his flesh and bloud c 1. Cor. 1. 30. ephe 1. 7. mat 2. 28. 1. tim 2. 6 luk 10. 45 heb 9. 12. 15. 1. pet 1. 18. 19 20. To eate and drinke the flesh and bloude of Christe in this sort is to be continually refreshed continuallye to enioye this Heauenly foode for as Of the Lords Supper Augustine sayth This grace is not consumed with bitings This manner of a Iohn 6. 40. 41. 47. 48. 51. 53. 54. 58. eating is to inioy the euerlasting life purchased by Christs death not onely in faith but in very deede The spirituall eating which I do acknowledge to be in the Lords supper doth derogate nothing of that which I haue said of the coutinuall and vnceassing fruition of the body and bloud of Christ for that spirituall eating is nothing else if it be well considered but a certain putting in b ●uk ●2 19. 1. cor 11. 24. 26 remembrance of this whereby and by the efficacie of calling to remembraunce the grace of Christ once receiued is reuiued againe in the hearts of the faythfull communicantes by the faythe in Christes worde which is set fotth in the supper And this kinde of chewing the cudd vvhich is vsed in the Sacrament of the Lords body and bloud by faith is not vnfitly called the spirituall eating forasmuch as by it the heauenly meate is called vp again into the mouth of the hart to be ruminated and doth so by the sweetenesse thereof most pleasantly ref●esh our spirite and the meate is also by this order made more sauory and effectuall PA. Tell me what it is to be spiritually present TI. To be c Ioh. 6. 40. 6● spiritually present is to bee in a spirituall sort that is in such sort as appertaineth to spirites VVherefore vvhen vve say that Christ is spiritually present in the supper we doe not mean of the inuisible presence of his body which the papists do appoint vnder the formes of bread but of that way that he is present by the working of his spirite fe●ding and refreshing their minds which doe receiue vvith sincere and true fayth that vvhich he gaue at his last supper The trueth of the sacrament deliuered Of the Lords Supper by Christ is not in the a Ioh 6. 54. 55 56. 63. corporal presence of his body in the bread but in the trueth of the word and the efficacy of his inuisible grace Our whole saluation doth stand in this point that the b Math 20. 24. rom 4. 25. gal ● 20. eph 5. 2. 1 tim 2. 6. tit 2 14 heb 1. 3. ● 27 9 14 26 28 10 3 5 ● 7 10 12. 14. body of the only begotten sonne is giuen for vs to God the father vnto death to be c Math. 20 28. gal 3 13 4 5. 1 tim 2 6. tit 2 14. 1 pet 〈◊〉 19. apoc 5. 9 an offering of propit●ation or mercy and the ransome of our redemption And therfore vve beleeue that Ch●istes death is auailable to the redemption of the worlde to the forgiuenesse of our sinnes and for our reconcilement vvith God the father Moreouer vvee beleeue that our onelye succour and refuge is to flye to the mercy of our father by Iesus Christ and assuredly to perswade our myndes that he is the obteiner of forgiuenesse for our sinnes and that by d Math. 20 28 titus 2. 14. 1 peter 1. 19 ●poc ● 9. his bloud all our spottes of sinne be washed cleane that he hath pacified and set at one all things by the bloud of his crosse that hee by the same one onely sacrifice vvhich hee once offred vpon the crosse hath brought to effect and ●ulfilled all things and that ●or that cause he said when he gaue vp the ghost e Iohn 19 30. It is finished as though hee vvould signify that the price and ransome vvas novv full paid for the sinne of all mankind Lastly vve agree in this vnity in the Lord that that redemption once made in verity for the saluation of man continueth in full effect for euer and worketh vvithout ceassing vnto the end of the vvorld that the sacrifice f Heb. 5 6 7 26 9 11. 12. ●4 10 9. 10. once offered cannot be consumed that the Lordes death and passion is as effectuall the vertue of that bloud once shed as fresh at this day for the washing avvay of our sinns as it vvas euen the same day that it flovved out of the blessed side of our sauiour Of the Lordes Supper PA. VVhat couenances or similitudes be there in the Lordes supper TI. Ther must be three similitudes in this sacrament a similitude of nourishing of vnitie and of conuersion The similitude of a Ioh. 6. 35. 53 54 55. nourishing is this that as the bread and vvine do nourish our bodies and comfort our outvvarde man so the body and bloud of Christ be the meat and food of our soules and do comfort the invvard man Secondly the similitude of vnitie is this that as this loafe of vvhich vve eate vvas made of many cornes of vvheat by the liquor of water knoden into dovve and yet is but one loafe and as the vvine vvas made of the iuyce of diuers grapes yet is
the Lord and so is the name changed In honour as vvhen the bread and wine which before vvere receiued not vvith honour are now receiued vvith honour and reuerence not that vve honourthe bread and vvine but the thinges represented by them as in a kinges Letters and seale vve honour the king and not the seale Operation in the sacraments of the sacraments Of three manner of presence is to be considered The operation of the vvorde in the sacrament is this to change not the ● substance b 1 Cor 10. 16 17. 1 cor 11. 24 26 27. 28. of the sacrament but that the substance thereof remayning may be made the body of Christe that is sacrament of the body of Christe And this Operation can not come but by the holye Ghoste vvhereof Augustine lib. 3 cap. 4. de Trinitate sayth Pa●●non sanctificatur in Sacramentum tam mag●um ●si operante inui●●●●liter spiritu Dei The operation of the b Math 3. 11. ioh 3 5 15 3. rom ● 9 10 1 cor 10 1 2 5 ephe 5 25 26. 2 pet 3. 21. sacraments is thought of the Papistes to giue grace vvhich in very deede giue not grace of their ovvne vvorke but onely serue as instruments and meanes of that grace and life vvhich commeth from God So Peter calleth it Verb●● vit● The vvorde of life And S Paule calleth the gospel of Christ the power of God to saluation not that they of them selues giue life and saluation but that they are certaine meanes and instruments of that life and saluation vvhich commeth to vs from God To the spirituall presence and manducation of Christe principally belongeth the sixt Chapter of Iohn albeit tvvo sorts of breade are there specified bodily or sacramentall breade and spirituall bread Bodilye or sacramentall breade of the olde Testament signifieth Christe to come c Num. 11 6 ●6 24. psalm 106 14. exod 17. 6. ● cor 10 3 4. as Manna the Rocke Bodily or Sacramentall breade of the nevv Testament signifieth Christ beeing already come as the holye Euchariste Augustine in the Psalme 77. Idem in m●ster●● c●bu●●llo●u● noster significatione idem sed ●on spe●●e Spirituall vvhich is Christ him selfe borne for vs and giuen for the life of the vvorlde Iohn 6. My flesh is meat in deed c. How we should prepare our selues to the Lords supper How a man ought to prepare himselfe t●re ceiue these mysteries They which eyther come not to the Lords table 1 Contempt vpon a Math. 7. 6. h●b 6. 6. 2 VVithout fayth contempt therof either although that they do come to it yet they be not of the body of Christ eyther come not worthilye to it as they oughte to come to the communion of the Heauenlye meate vvith their heart and that a faythfull and hungrye heart b Ioh. 6. 35. act 4. 10 12. rom 4. 24. 2● 5. 8. 14. 9 ephe 1. 13. 2. cor 1. 22 3 VVithout knowledge examination greedily desiring the grace of redemption heauenly food purchased by Christs death bloud shedding albeit they doe eate and drinke it sacramentally yet for all that they neither eat nor drink the body and bloud of Christ in deed yea and to be yet more plaine vvhosoeuer doth receiue these externall sacramentall signes the bread and cup of the Lorde vvithout the true c 1. Cor. 11. 28 2. cor 13. 5. meaning and vnderstanding of them as the Corinthians did so turne the mistical supper of the Lord vnto a prophane supper not making a difference of the Lordes body they doe not truely eate and drinke it yea and though a man doe vnderstand all the pointes there of exactly as they be taught by the wordes of Christe yet beleeueth them not to be true for lack of the historicall d Mat 7. 23. prou 10. 24. math 27 4. 5. iam 2. 1● 1. iohn 4. 18. ●aith he vnderstandeth vvhat Christ himselfe reporteth of his body and bloud and in vvhat sence he gaue the bread and wine to his disciples hovv he did institute this outvvard action vnto the remēbrance of him thus farre forth his vnderstanding is good but for lacke of faith he doth not beleeue that these things bee true which are appointed vnto vs to be kept in solemne memory that is he doth not beleeue that Christes death is auaylable to the redemption How we should prepare our selues to the Lords supper of the worlde to the forgiuenesse of our sinnes and for our reconcilement vvith God the father Item though a man hath this historial faith 4 Application yet for all that doth not a Eph. 3 17. 18 19. math 26. appropriate vnto himself for the grace of this redemption but only vnto some certain saints iust persons and therefore can not say with the Apostle which loued me and gaue himself for me Item though a man do beleeue that Christe died for him and yet doth not much regard 5 Thanksgiuing the benefite therof nor is not moued by the remēbrance thereof vnto b Math. 26. 26 30. mark 14. 22. 26. luk ●2 19. 1. cor 11. 24 thanksgiuing neither is it to be wondered at hovve that shoulde come to passe seeing vve finde by daily experience that it is no straunge matter in the nature of man to make light of good turns and to giue small thanks to the giuer of them though vve knovv that the benefits be neuer so great and proceeding from neuer so kind an hearte vvhosoeuer is of this disposition doth not taste of the meat of euerlasting life the Lords body and bloud although that he amongest the rest doe participate of the bread and cup of the Lorde And ● VVithout charitie vve haue the like iudgment of them also vvhich are not endued vvith the spirite of c Math. 5. 23. 2● 22 39. luke 10. 27. iohn 13. 33. 34. 35. rom 13 ●nto the ende 2. cor 2. 6. 1. brotherly loue vvhich by their mischieuous life to declare themselues to be none of the members of Christs body PA. May vve call vpon Angels or saints TI. VVe may not call vpon Angels or holy men departed out of this life 1 For that were to giue to them an infinitenesse to be present euery where or to giue them being absent an vnderstanding of our secret meanings that is as much as a certaine godhead and therwith all partly to conuay to them 2. confidence trust that ought to be set wholly in Accesse for men to God by Christ ● psal 1. 18 ●5 4 2 118. ● 9. God alone and so to slide wholly into idolatry But forasmuch as God calleth vs to himselfe alone and doth also with adding an oth promise that hee will both heare and helpe vs to fly to the help of others vvere an euident token of distrust and infidelity And as touching the holy men that are departed out or this life vvhat