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A73502 The Epistles and Gospelles with a brief postil vpon the same from after Easter tyll Aduent, which is the somer parte set forth for the singuler cōmoditie of all good Christen men and namely of prestes and curates. 1542 (1542) STC 2968.3; ESTC S124410 239,766 422

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holy goost we be called by the worde to the knowlege of Gods wyll ☞ to thintent we maye vnderstande that Iesus is Christe I meane that he is such one in whome is reposed all grace helth defense and sauegarde agaynste synne death Satan the worlde and so forth This he that beleueth Borne of God is sayd to be borne of god as though saint Ihon shulde say To beleue that Iesus is Christ is not a worke of humane power strength but it is suche a worke whervnto is requyred the power of God an heauenly renewyng or regeneration wherby the holy goost transformeth vs into newe creatures And what is this faith whiche is so myghty It is as I haue sayde the same that maketh vs beleue that Iesus is the sonne of god that was baptysed which thinge is to be comen by water that suffered death and passion for the redemption of men which is to be comen by bloude That Iesus Christ is verite for the holy ghost doth witnesse it that is to say both trew god and trewe man And that he is trewe god thre thinges doth witnesse it in heuē the father the sonne which is him selfe and the holy ghost and these thre be one selfe witnesse And that he is trewe man thre thinges doth witnesse it in erth the spirite which he hath bequethed into the handes of his father at his death the water with which he was baptised and the bloude which he hath shed with water when his syde was percyd after that he was deade And these thre thinges be one selfe witnesse And if we receyue the witnesse of menne why shuld we not take the witnesse of god which is infinitely greater than mās that he is the sonne of god This witnesse was made by god the father in his baptisme Mat. iij. And also he hath testified yt in the mountaine he hath testified it by the lawe by the prophetes Who so euer then beleueth that he is the sone of god he hath the witnesse of god in him he receyueth the recorde and testimonye of god he is borne of god and in the spirite of his faith he is farre stronger ouer the world and victorious of the worlde Folowe we then good brethren and systers this generation of God of fayth and of baptisme and lo we haue ouercome all thynges that is to wytte the worlde the fleshe and the concupiscences Nowe yf we be rydde and not combred wyth these thynges surely the yuel spirite can haue nothynge in vs but than the spirite of god only may all and doth all in vs. Vnto god then be all thankes honour and glory accordingly Amen On the fyrste sondaye after Ester The Gospell on the fyrst sondaye after Ester daye called lowe sondaye the .xx. chapter of Ihon. Th argument of thys Gospell ☞ How Christ appeareth to hys disciples which were assembled togyther and of theyr cōmission that was gyuen them to preache THe same daye at nyght whyche was the fyrst daye of the Sabbothes whan the dores were shut where the disciples were assembled together for feare of the Iewes came Iesus and stode in the mydde and sayeth vnto them Peace be vnto you And whan he had so sayd he shewed vnto them hys handes and hys syde Then were the disciples glad whā they sawe the Lorde Esa lxi Mat. xi Ioh. xvii Than sayd Iesus to them agayn Peace be vnto you As my father sent me euen so sende I you also And whā he had sayd those wordes he brethed on them and sayeth vnto them Receyue the holy goost Whoseouers synnes ye remytte they are remytted vnto them And whosoeuers synnes ye retayne they are retayned But Thomas one of the twelue whych is called Didimus was not wyth them whan Iesus came The other disciples therfore sayde vnto hym we haue sene the Lorde But he sayde vnto them excepte I se in hys handes the prynte of the nayles and put my fnnger into the prynt of the nayles and thurst my hande into hys syde I wil not beleue And after eyghte dayes agayne hys disciples were wyth in and Thomas wyth them Then came Iesus when the dores were shut and stode in the myddes and sayde peace be vnto youe After that sayde he to Thomas brynge thy fynger hyther and se my handes and reache hyther thy hande and thurste into my syde and be not faythlesse but beleuyng Thomas answered and sayd vnto hym my Lorde and my God Iesus sayth vnto hym Thomas because thou haste sene me thou haste beleued blessed are they that haue not sene and yet haue beleued And many other sygnes truly dyd Iesus in the presence of hys disciples Ioh. xxi whyche are not wrytten in thys boke These are written that ye might beleue that Iesus is Christ the sonne of God and that in beleuynge ye myght haue lyfe thorowe hys name An exhortacion vpon thys Gospel THe Gospell of thys daye good people doth declare vnto vs the appearyng of our Lorde Iesu Christ vnto hys disciples after hys resurrection that is to wyt how he came and shewed hymselfe vnto them the dores beynge shut for feare of the Iues. And here truly he dyd shew the diuersitie of bodyes and what difference there shal be betwene the sensuall bodyes and betwene the spirituall betwene the materiall and corruptible bodyes in thys worlde betwene the spirituall bodyes and incorruptible after the resurrection Trouth it is also that we ought not to suffer any infideles as were the Iues to enter in amonges vs from whome the Apostles dyd shut theyr dores Nowe Iesus beynge in the myddes of them dydde salute them in gyuynge vnto them hys peace wyth whych gretynge or salutation he conforted and confirmed hys disciples myndes that they shulde nothynge doubt of hys resurrectiō whych as the Euangelist Luke wytnesseth they counted but for a dreame Luke xxiiij Wherfore he shewed vnto them hys handes and hys syde perced And by thys shewynge of hys handes and feete Christe openeth two thynges Fyrst by these sygnes he wolde be knowen For in affliction is Christ truly knowen Seconde by them he wolde assure hys disciples of hys glorious resurrection And verely thys shal be the signe of saluation vnto the faithful at the greate daye of iugement and the signe of lamentation and of sorowe vnto the infidels which thā shal se whome they haue percyd The faithfull shal be gretly cōforted in seing him as his disciples were at this tyme. To these disciples I saye he did ones gyue his peace and made them his apostles that is to saye his legates or ambassadours not onely of Iurye but of al the worlde in lyke maner as god the father had sent him and made hym apostle in the worlde And he gaue them the holy gost for to remytte synnes and to pardō in his name and whose synnes so euer they pardoned shuld be forgyuen in heauen The pardone of the apostles assuredly was but a signe of the trewe pardone
which was made on hygh alredye And vnto them to whome they wolde not remytte here in erthe they shulde not be remytted nor pardoned in heuen And this that they did not pardon them was signe that they were not pardonyd on hygh S. Cyprian Surely it is not man of him selfe that forgiueth but God For as saynt Cypriane sayth Non potest seruus remittere quod in dominū commissum est that is to say the seruant can not pardone the thinge that is trespassed againste the maister S. Ambrose And therfore saint Ambrose sayth in his boke of Cain Abell that synnes be forgiuen by the worde of god wherof the prest is as an interpretour and certain executour But who were they whome they dyd not forgyue Truly all those which dyd not giue feith and credence to their wordes Nowe in thys apperinge Thomas called Didimus was not present Wherfore when the disciples dyd shewe hym that they had sene our Lorde rysyn agayne to life whyche had shewed vnto them bothe his handes and hys syde percyd he answered that he wolde not beleue them onles he myghte se him and put his finger in to the holes of the nailes and hys hande into hys syde So eighte dayes after oure Lorde the dores beynge shutte dyd againe apere in the myddes of them as he had done before and gaue them for gretynge hys peace accordynge to the vsage of the Iues Pax vobis by whyche is vnderstande quietnes of conscience and all goodnes And nowe Thomas was there also vnto whome he sayde answering hym vnto the wordes whyche he had sayde by hys vnfeithfulnes beholde my handes and put thy finger into the holes hold forthe thy hande and put it into my syde Be no more feithles but faythfull hereby declaringe vnto hym that he seeth all that he heareth all that he is in all places and that he maye do all Whiche done Thomas did confesse hym to be his Lorde and his God And truly not so much Thomas as the spirite of fayth whiche wyth the fayth entred into hym At that tyme oure Lorde gaue witnesse of fayth vnto Thomas whiche hathe beleued in seynge of hym but he dothe gyue farre greater prayse and cōmendacion vnto them whiche haue beleued and yet haue not sene hym in person corporally but only spiritually with the eye of feyth or mystically in forme of breade in the moost blessed sacrament of the aulter and also vnto them whiche shall beleue him Then let vs beleue him by seynge him spiritually and so doyng we shal be more happy then Thomas in thys that he hath sene hym corporally Now sayth the Euangelist al these thinges be wryten vnto vs to th ende that we shulde beleue that Iesus is Christ the sonne of God The vse of miracles and in beleuyng this that we shulde haue euerlastynge lyfe by his name For asmuch as the ende and vse of all the sygnes and miracles of Christe is that by them we shulde be broughte and allured to the true fayth in Christ which thyng shal make vs to enioye euerlastyng blysse through his name that is to wit by his word Rom. i. For verely Gods word is the vertue power of God vnto the helth saluation of al that beleue on Christ Iesus our Lorde redemer To whō with the father holy goost be glory praise for euer Amē The Epistle on the seconde sondaye after Ester The .i. Epistle of Peter the .ij. Chapter Th argument ☞ The Apostle saynt Peter doth exhort vs here to folow Christ in al thynges euen as shepe folowe theyr shepherde MOst derely beloued brethren Christe also suffered for vs leauing to vs an exemple that ye shuld folow his steppes which dyd no synne neyther was there gyle founde in his mouthe whiche whan he was reuyled reuyled not agayne whan he suffered he threatened not but cōmytted the vengeaunce to hym that iudgeth ryghtuously whiche his owne selfe bare oure synnes in his body on the tree that we beynge delyuered from synne shulde lyue vnto ryghtuousnes By whose strypes ye were healed For ye were as shepe goynge astraye but are now turned vnto the shepherde and byshop of your soules THe Epistle of thys daye good christen people whiche be the wordes of saynt Peter doth put before our eyes the liefe of our Lord Iesu Christ to this intent purpose that we shuld folow hym as a perfecte president and exemplar For it is he whiche dyed for vs which hath done no synne according to the sayeng of the prophete Esaye in whose mouth hath bene founde no gyle nor deceipte Esa lij And whiche when any sayde harme by hym he sayde no harme agayne When he suffered he dyd not threaten but commytted the vengeaunce vnto hym that iudgeth iustly that is to wit vnto God the father No doubt God iugeth ryghtly neyther regardyng mens persons as doth the worlde neither only after the outwarde workes but after the hart outwarde workꝭ to And therfore is gods iugement according to the trouthe as Paule sayeth Rom. ij Furthermore it is Christe whiche hath borne our synnes on the tree of the crosse that our synnes myghte be so by hym taken awaye and we beynge deade vnto synne shulde lyue vnto iustice But what iustice Truly vnto the iustice or ryghtuousnes that procedeth of fayth which is frō aboue For we be healed of our synne by hys woundes by his passion by his sacrifisyng for vs. Wherfor this is the final vse of our deliueraunce or iustificacion by Christ that we shulde no lōger lyue vnto synne but vnto iustice vertue As though saint Peter wolde saye Ye wol be christians whō Christe hath redemed ☞ than go to it shall not become you any longer by disobedience towardes youre rulers superiours to lyue vnto sinne but vnto ryghteousnes to thintent ye maye be obedient vnto them and suffre persecution vexaciō yea and dethe of them yf occacion be gyuen euen as Christ dyd And thys is euen the right vse of Christes passiō to lyue a newe lyfe to become iust rightuous in al our lyuyng For as the Apostle saynt Paule witnesseth writyng to the Ephesians Ephe. ij we be the workmanshyp of God created made to do good workes But to returne to the texte S. Peter allegeth here vnto you good people the workes of the prophete Esaye where he sayeth Esa liij that by the strypes woundes of Christe ye were healed O moost comfortable wordes Bytter verely were these strypes to our Sauiour Christe but they were swete to vs so swete that wythout them we shulde haue ben in moost paynfull misery anguyshe Let vs than neuer put out of our myndes thys moost comfortable tydynges thys swete mery Gospell that Christ bare our synnes in hys body on the tree Thys treasure I meane the knowlege of this thyng who so wanteth is moost nedy pore yea he hath nothynge at all For this is no doubte
of death not restored to blesse agayne But now is he rysen agayne frō death sayth he to be the fyrst frutes of them that be aslepe to rayse them to euerlastynge lyfe agayne Yea yf it were not true that Christe is rysē again than were it neyther true that he is ascended vp to heauen nor that he sent downe the holy goost nor that he sytteth on the ryght hande of the father hauynge the rule of heauen and earth reygnynge as the prophete sayeth from see to see psa lxxi nor that he shulde after thys worlde be a iudge of lyuynge deade to gyue rewarde to the good and iugement to the euell That these lynkes therfore of oure fayth shulde all hange together in stedfaste confirmation it pleased our sauiour not strayght way to wythdraw hymself from the corporall syght of hys disciples but chose out fourty daies wherin he wold declare vnto them by manyfolde and moost stronge argumentes and tokens that he had conquered death and was truly rysen agayne to lyfe lu xxiiij He began sayeth Luke at Moses and all the prophetes and dyd expoune them the prophecies that were wrytten in al the scriptures of hym to confirme the truth of his resurrection longe before spoken of whych he verefyed in dede as it is declared manyfestly by hys ofte appearaunce to sondry persons at sondry tymes Math. xxviij Fyrst he sente hys angels to the sepulchre whych dyd shewe to certayne women that the stone of the graue was remoued from the dore therof and shewed them the empty graue sauynge that the buriall lynnen remayned therin and of these sygnes were these women fully instructed that he was rysen agayne and so dyd they testifye it opēlye Ioh. xx After thys Iesus hymselfe appeared to Mary Magdalene and after that to other certayne women strayght afterwarde he appeared to Peter than to the two disciples whych were goynge to Emaus i. cor xv lu xxiiij He appered to the disciples also as they were gathered together for feare of the Iues the dores shut Ioh. xxi At an other tyme he was sene at the see of Tyberias of Peter and Thomas and other disciples whan they were fyshynge i. cor xv He was sene of more thā fyue hundred brethren in the mount of galile where Iesus appoynted them by hys angel whan he said beholde he shal go before you into Galile there shal ye se hym as he hath said vnto you Actu i. After thys he appeared vnto Iames and last of all he was vysiblye sene of al the Apostles at such tyme as he was takē vp into heauen Thus at sondrye tymes he shewed hymselfe after he was rysen agayne to cōfirme this artycle and in these reuelations somtyme he shewed them hys handes hys feete and hys syde and bad them touch hym that they shulde not take hym for a goost or a spirite Somtyme he also dyd eate wyth them but euer he was talkynge wyth them of the kyngdome of God to confirme the truth of hys resurrection For then he opened theyr vnderstandyng to perceyue the scriptures sayd vnto them Thus it is wrytten and thus it behoued Christ to suffer to ryse from death the thyrde daye lu xxiiij and to haue preached openly in hys name penaunce and remission of synnes to all the nations of the worlde Ye see good christen people howe necessarie thys artycle of oure fayth is seynge it was proued of Christ hymselfe by such euident reasons and tokens by so longe tyme space Now therfore as our sauiour was diligēt for oure cōforte and instruction to testifie it so let vs be as ready in oure beleue to receyue it to our comforte and instruction As he dyed not for himselfe no more dyd he ryse agayne for hymselfe He was dead sayth saint Paule for our synnes and rose agayne for our iustification O moost comfortable worde euermore to be borne in remembraunce He dyed sayeth he to put away synne he rose agayne to endewe vs wyth ryghtuousnes Hys death toke awaye synne malediction hys death was the raunsome of them both Hys death destroyed death and ouercame the deuyll whych had the power of death in his subiectiō Hys death destroyed hell wyth all the damnation therof Thus is death swalowed vp by Christes victorye thus is hel spoyled for euer Yf any mā doubt of thys victorye i. cor xv let Christes glorious resurrection declare hym the thynge Yf death coulde not kepe Christ vnder his dominion but that he arose again it is manyfest that hys power was ouercome Yf death be cōquered than must it folowe that sinne wherfore death was appoynted as the wages must be also destroyed Yf death and synne be vanished away then is the deuels tyrannye resysted whyche had the power of death and was the author of sinne and the ruler of hell Yf Christe had the victory of them all by the power of hys death and openly proued it by hys valiaūt resurrection as it was not possible for hys great myght to be subdued of them than thys true that Christe dyed for oure synnes and rose agayne for our iustification why may not we that be hys members by true fayth reioyce and boldly saye wyth the prophete Osee the Apostle Paule i. cor xv where is thy darte O death where is thy victory O hell Thankes be vnto God saye they whyche hath gyuen vs the victory by our Lord Christ Iesus Thys myghtye conquest of hys resurrection was not only sygnifyed afore by dyuerse fygures of the olde testament as by Sampson whan he slewe the Lyon Iu. xiiij out of whose mouth came out swetnes and hony and as Dauid bare his fygure whan he delyuered the lambe out of the Lyons mouth and whan he ouercame i. Reg. xvij Ion. ij slewe the great gyant Goliath and as whan Ionas was swalowed vp of the whales mouth and cast vp agayne on londe to lyue but was also moost clerely prophecied by the prophetes of the olde testament in the newe also confirmed by the Apostles He hath spoyled sayeth saynt Paule rule and power and all the dominion of our spirituall enemyes Col. ij He hath made a shewe of them openlye and hath triumphed ouer them in hys owne person Thys is the myghty power of the Lorde whome we beleue on By hys death hath he wrought thys victorye for vs and by hys resurrection hathe he purchased euerlastynge lyfe ryghtuousnes for vs. It had not ben ynough to be delyuered by hys death from synne excepte by hys resurrection we had ben endowed wyth ryghtuousnes And it shulde not auayle vs to be delyuered from death except he had rysen agayne to open for vs the gates of heuen to enter into lyfe euerlastinge And therfore saynte Peter thanketh God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ for hys abundaunt mercy i. Pet. i. bycause he hath begottē vs sayeth he vnto a lyuely hope by
spirituall pestilence we go styll on and procede wythout care or thought and euen for thys purpose as it semeth we desyre of God large sustentacion and aboundaunce of al thynges and to be delyuered from the corporal pestilence and infections that we maye the more frely and aboundaūtly endure after a delicate sorte in the spirituall infection But assuredly my frendes almyghty god the sercher of hartes whyle he seyth vs slepynge in such careles wyse and that we nothynge regarde thys so pestilent a pestilēce he also winketh at our destruction accordynge to our owne vowes requestes he graunteth vs copye and aboundaunce of all thynges and so blyndeth vs wyth the prosperous successe of all thynges and drowneth vs in the synke and puddell of synnes tyll at last oure synnes by longe vse runne into a custome and that the name of synne be forgotten Wherfore moost dearely beloued brethren and systers albeit euery day we ought to exhibite supplications and prayers to the Lorde wyth a rough chastisement of our body to dryue awaye frō vs so horrible floudes of all myschefe namely in thys region moost addict and gyuen to cōmessacions to bankettynges to reuelynges to surfettynges to ydelnes to the vyces that ensue of them to thintent that god ones at laste maye lyghten vs wyth hys grace that we maye vse his gyftes to the helth of our soule and to the holsomnes of our body in suche sorte as these goodes of the contrey I meane our corne and cattel myght be auaylable aswell to the tuicion and defēce of our body as to our soules health But as I haue sayd and saye agayne God hath made vs so blynde and so vnsauery The abuse of goddes gyftes that we are waxen playne Epicures vtterly voyde of all feare or care of God mooste shamefully abusynge hys gyftes to the ryot of the body and destruction of the soule And for asmuche as thys our detestable wickednes and abuse of this godly institucion is not amended but waxeth yerly worse and worse therfore God hath gyuen vs vp in to a disalowed mynde so that we make these letanyes and rogation dayes by our sinnes vtterly vnprofytable and vnfrutfull vnto vs. Rom. i. Beholde how angrye and how sore displeased God is wyth vs neyther is there any to aswage and appeace hys fury syth our letanyes our supplications processions prayers wherewyth we rather mocke god thā worshyp hym spendynge our tyme and abusynge hys benefites in thys wyse be rather kyndlynges and nouryshmentes of goddes indignation and vengeaunce thā mitigacions and swagynges therof God graunt therfore and be presently at hāde assystent to vs good people that ones at last we may come home againe to our selues and to returne to the hart and that we may beynge instincted and kyndled wyth ernest and sure fayth put from vs hys wrath and displeasure to whome be prayses and glory in secula seculorum Amen The epistle on the Ascension daye The fyrst chapter of the actes of the Apostles Th argument ☞ Christes Ascension into heauen is here described IN the former treatyse Deare Theophylus we haue spoken of all that Iesus beganne to do and teach vntyll the daye in whych he was taken vp after that he thorow the holy goost had gyuen commaundemente vnto the Apostles whome he hadde chosen Ioh. xx to whom also he shewed hymselfe alyue after hys passion and that by many tokens appearynge vnto them fourtye dayes and speakynge of the kyngdome of God lu xxiiij and gathered them together and commaunded them that they shulde not departe frō Ierusalē Ioh. iiij but to wayte for the promise of the father wherof sayth he ye haue herd of me For Ihon truly baptysed with water Ioh. i. but ye shal be baptised wyth the holy gost after these few dayes Whan they therfore were come together math iij they asked of hym saynge Lorde wylt thou at this tyme restore agayne the kyngdom to Israel And he said vnto them Math. xxiij lu xxiiij It is not for you to knowe the tymes or the seasons whych the father hath put in hys owne power but ye shall receaue power after that the holy goost is come vpon you Ioh. xv And ye shal be wytnesses vnto me not only in Ierusalem but also in all Iewry and in Samary and euen vnto the worldes ende And whā he had spokē these thynges whyle they behelde he was taken vp an hye Mar. xvi and a cloude receaued hym vp out of theyr syght And whyle they loked stedfastly vp toward heauē as he went beholde two men stode by them in whyte apparell whych also sayd Math. xxiiij mar xiij Apoc. i. ye men of Galilee why stande ye gasynge vp into heauen Thys same Iesus whyche is taken vp from you into heauen shall so come euen as ye haue sene hym go vp into heauen WElbeloued brethren and systers in our Sauiour Christe thys daye is called the Ascension daye because that as thys daye Christe our Sauiour and redemer mounted or styed vp to heauen after hys resurrection leauynge hys Apostles and disciples vpon the earth whych thynge is one of the articles of our Crede or beleue And albeit saynt Luke the holy Euāgelist doth ascertayne vs of this thing in the ende of hys Gospell whych he wrote of the actes and lyfe of Christ yet for asmuche as he touched the thynge but brefly and lyghtly there therfore he doeth here in the lesson of thys daye whych is the begynnynge of an other boke that he wrote for our instruction of the dedes and actes of the Apostles intreate the mater more at large Fyrst therfore ye shall marke and obserue good people that the Euangelical histories do paynt out Christ vnto vs as yet couered wyth the burthen of the fleshe ☞ as yet not glorifyed how be it in the meane season he declared hymselfe aswell by hys heauenly doctrine as by many hys myracles which he shewed that he was very God But in the actes of the Apostles he is described and set forth vnto vs as one that nowe raygneth is glorifyed Thus therfore saynt Luke begynneth hys description In the former treatyse or boke whych I wrote dearly beloued frēd Theophilus whych by interpretation sygnifyeth a louer of God we haue spoken of all that Iesus beganne to do and teache Theophilus He sayeth not of all that Iesus began to teache do For our Sauiour Christe fyrst dyd practyse and worke such thynges as he afterwarde taught He wente to Ihons baptisme Mat. iij. He wythdrewe hymselfe for a season out of the company of the worlde afore he wolde take vpon hym to preache and to teach other Mat. iiij The spirite led hym into wyldernesse where he fasted fourty dayes and fourty nyghtes He suffred there moost sharpe honger to arme hymselfe wyth abstinence and pacience He there endured the mooste bytter assaultes and temtacions of our goostly enemye the
the power of synne to delyuer vs from the daunger therof and to gyue vs exemple to dye to synne in our lyfe As the Iues dyd eate theyr Ester lābe kept theyr fest in remembraūce of theyr deliueraūce out of Egypt Euē so let vs kepe our Ester feast in the thankfull remēbraunce of Christes benefytes whych he hath purchased for vs by hys resurrectiō passyng to hys father wherby we be deliuered from the captiuitie thraldome of al our enemyes Let vs in like maner passe ouer the affections of our olde conuersacion to be delyuered from the bondage therof to ryse with Christ Exo. xij The Iues kept theyr feast in absteynynge from leuened breade by the space of .vij. dayes let vs christen folke kepe our holy day in a spiritual maner that is in absteining not from material leuened bread but from the olde leuen of synne the leuen of maliciousnes wyckednes Let vs cast frō vs the leuen of corrupt doctrine that wyl infect our soules Let vs kepe oure feast the hole terme of our lyfe with eatynge the bred of purenes of godly lyfe truth of Christes doctrine Thus shall we declare that Christes gyftes graces haue theyr effect in vs that we haue the right beleue knowlege of his holy resurrection whervnto yf we applye our fayth to the vertue therof in our lyfe cōforme vs to the exemple signification ment therby we shal be suer to ryse hereafter to euerlastynge glorye by the goodnes and mercy of our Lorde Iesus Christe to whome wyth the father and the holy goost c. On the fyrst sondaye after Ester The Epistle on the fyrste sondaye after Ester daye called lowe sondaye The fyrst Epistle of Iohn and the .v. Chapter Th argument of thys Epistle ☞ Of the excellency of fayth and how it ouercōmeth the worlde MOst dere beloued brethren al that is borne of God ouercōmeth the worlde And this is the victory that ouercōmeth the world euē our faith Who is it that ouercommeth the worlde i. cor x. but he whyche beleueth that Iesus is the sonne of God Thys Iesus Christe is he that came by water and bloud not by water onely but by water bloud And it is the spirite that beareth wytnesse because the spirite is trueth for there are thre whiche beare recorde in heauen the father the worde and holy goste And these thre are one And there are thre whyche beare record in earth the spirite water and bloud and these thre are one Yf we receaue the wytnes of men the wytnes of God is greater For thys is the wytnes of God that is greater whyche he testifyed of hys sonne He that beleueth on the sonne of god hath the wytnes in hymselfe An exhortation vpon thys Epistel OVre Epistle taken out of the first epistle catholyke of saint Iohn good christen brethern doth shewe vnto vs that we haue a generation from god which is that which procedeth of faith this ouercommyth the worlde that is to saie the concupiscences of syn̄es which be pryde couetous and lecherye Assuredly my frendes ther is I trust no man amonges vs but knoweth that of nature we be al born in synnes ☞ in vnrightuousnes in vtter ignorance of al ghostly and spiritual thinges And therfore Sainct Austine wryteth on this wise The wordes of S. Austine Beholde my brethern beholde the generacion of mankynde from the firste death of that first man For synne from the first man hath entred into this world and by syn̄e hath death entred and so hath passed thorough all men as witnesseth thapostle But marke sayth saynte Austine this worde passed through Pertran sijt Synne is rūne through vpon all the ofsprynge of Adam and for this cause is the new borne chylde gylty of eternal damnation he hath not yet done syn but he hath caught synne For surely that fyrst synne of oure foreparentes dyd not styll remayne in the headsprynge but it passed through into the ofsprynge not into hym and hym but into al men The fyrst synner the fyrst trāsgressour begat synners subiecte to death Than came the Sauiour of a virgine to heale saue them he came to the but not the waye that thou cāmest For he proceded not of the concupiscēce of the male and female he came not of that bonde of concupiscence Bycause therfore he came to the not by that waye that thou cammest ☞ therfore he delyuered the. But where dyd he fynde the He founde the solde vnder synne lyenge in the death of the fyrste man drawynge vp the synne of the fyrst mā beynge gylty and hauynge condemnation yer thou couldest discerne good and euell asunder Hetherto I haue rehersed vnto you the wordes of saynt Austyne Wherfore to retourne to my purpose forasmuch as we be borne in synne whych bryngeth wyth it ignoraunce blyndnes and infidelitie therfore we can not chalenge thys to our owne power and vertue that we beleue Iesus to be Christ but for the beleuynge herof we haue nede to be borne agayne and to be renewed through the holy goost and by the worde of God to thintent we may purely vnderstande the thynges that be of God and that we maye by faythe take holde of the promyses of Christ and so finally wyth sure confidence determine wyth our selues that Iesus is Christe Ioh. iij. that is to saye the annoynted Kynge and Sauioure of the worlde Before we be newe borne agayn by spirite we be al Nicodemes For no doubte before we be thus borne agayne we be all but Nicodemes that is to saye we maye well beleue that Christ came as a greate mayster from God and that nomā coulde do the sygnes and myracles that he dyd But thys is but an historial fayth and they that haue it do as yet walke out of the kyngdom of heuen wyth Nicodemus to whō Christ answereth Verely verely I saye vnto the onles a mā be borne agayne from aboue he can not se the kyngdome of God Ioh. iij. whych selfe thynge the holy apostle saynte Ihon doth in thys place declare in other termes saynge i. Ioh. v. he can not beleue Iesus to be Christe For he that beleueth not thys can not se the kyngdome of god To beleue that Iesus is Christe is surely to determine and conclude wyth thy self that Iesus is fyrste to the a Sauiour and secōdly What it is to beleue that Iesus is Christ that he is a kynge anoynted with the oyle of gladnes perpetually to rule to preserue to defend the so saued by hym And here saynt Ihons entent and purpose is to declare vnto vs a difference betwene the historiall faythe concernynge Christe whyche the deuyll also hath A difference of faythes and so all hypocrites and betwene the true and sauynge fayth whych beleueth that Christ doth both saue vs and also taketh a continuall charge regard of our saluation To thys fayth we be borne agayne whan through the
veritie All that herde hym speake and preach were astonnyed vpon hys doctrine For he taught them not after the fashion of the scribes and pharisees whych neuertheles were the greate doctours learned men of the lawe but as one hauynge a wonderfull grace and authoritie Yea euen his very enemyes were cōpelled to testifie of hym that he taught the waye of God in trouth as appeareth in the .xxij. chapter of Matheu Neyther dyd Christ only teach hys shepe that is to saye those that folowed hym lyke shepe that were well nere lost but he also healed them bestowynge euen hys very lyfe for them For I praye you dyd he not dye for our synnes Was it not he only which with his bloude wasshed awaye the fylthynes of oure synnes Yea doubtles But who be these hyrelynges whyche whan they se the wolfe come to deuoure the shepe they rūne theyr waye Surely these be those whych preach the worde and that also purely and syncerely but they prech it for lucre for honoure for glorye or for the belyes sake These I saye be no true herdmen but hyrelynges for these dryue not awaye the rauenous wolues that is to saye the deuyll and hys lymmes I meane the Antichristes whych persecute deuoure Christes flocke but as soone as persecution trouble for the worde commeth Ier. xxiij anone they are gone Of these do the prophete Ieremy speake sayenge Wo be vnto the shepeherders that destroye and skatter my flocke I wyll therfore vysite the wyckednes of theyr ymaginations It is true that the Apostle wryteth Episcopatus quid sit Qui episcopatū desiderat bonū opus concupiscit that is to saye He that desyreth an ouersyght or a cure ouer a flocke whych after the greke worde is called a byshoprych coueteth a good worke Lo sayeth saynt Ierome wrytynge to Oceanus the Apostle calleth a byshopryke a worke and not a dignitie Saynt Hierom a laboure and not a deyntenes a worke wherby through humilitie he muste be lowly not to swelle in pryde For a byshop or curate must be fautles sobre full of good doctrine not gyuen to foule and fylthy gaynes but meke diligent full of charitie accordynge to thexemple of Christ the hygh and supreme shepeherde of all and the shepeherde of shepeherdes whych as thys Gospell sayeth gaue hys owne lyfe for the sauegarde and health of hys shepe that is to saye of all vs that folowe and beleue on hym Wherfore my brethren and systers to conclude how happy be we for to haue suche a herdman for to know to loue to folowe to heare hys swete voyce that gyueth lyfe to heare hys doctrine to be refectioned fedde wyth the meate whyche gyueth euerlastynge lyfe to haue wysedome and myght that surmoūteth the worlde by the sayd our herdmen lyghtenyng vs in hym by fayth drawynge vs to hym by hope inflamynge vs by charitie Vnto hym therfore be glorye in all the nations wythin the compasse of the erth for euer and euer Amen The Epistle on the .iij. sonday after Ester The fyrst epistle of saynt Peter the .ij. Chapter Th argument ☞ Peter exhorteth to laye asyde all vyce to absteyne from fleshly lustes and to obeye worldlye rulers DEarely beloued brethrē I besech you as straūgers and pylgrems abstayne frō fleshly lustes Gala. v. which fyght agaynste the soule Ro. xiij and se that ye haue honest conuersaciō among the Gentils that where as they backbyte you as euyll doars they maye se your good workes Mat. v. and prayse God in the daye of visitation Submytte youre selues therfore vnto al maner ordinaūce of man for the Lordes sake Ro. xiij Tit. iij. whether it be vnto the Kynge as vnto the chiefe heed other vnto rulars as vnto thē that are sent of hym for the punyshemēt of euyl doars but for the laud of them that do well For so is the wyll of God that wyth well doynge ye maye stoppe the mouthes of folysh and ignoraunte men as fre and not as hauyng the libertye for a cloke of maliciousnes but euen as the seruaūtes of God Honoure al men Ro. xij Loue brotherly feloshyp Feare God honoure the Kynge Seruauntes obey your masters wyth feare not onely yf they be good and courteous but also thoughe they be frowarde For it cometh of grace in Christ Iesus our Lorde THys Epistle good christian brethern systers is very excellent and notable For in it is handeled the second part of Christianitie that is to wit how in thys liefe after we haue ones receyued and taken the euangell or glad tydynges of oure saluation whych thyng we call commonly in englyshe a gospell we ought to lyue In the processe that goeth before thys epistle saynt Peter taught and shewed the other parte of Christianitie whych is of fayth and howe we ought to beleue the gospell and also how we be edified and buylded vpon Christ the corner stone wheras before that tyme we were the chyldren of vengaunce and as abiectes and castawayes in gods syght but nowe we be made the chyldren of God by Christ Whyche treasure truly saynt Peter doth extolle and lyfte vp wyth prayses aboue measure so that it were well with vs if after the knowlege of so greate ryches we myght be lycenced forth with to departe out of thys miserable lyfe But forasmoch as we dye not by and by after the receyuing of so greate commodities felicities therfore nowe doth saynt Peter teache vs how and by what meanes we shuld lyue here in erth that we dye not eternally For Satan our mortal ennemy neuer slepeth but euer watcheth that he maye eyther quite and cleane plucke vs frome gods worde or at lest waye that he myght wery vs and make vs slauthful and negligent in doyng of good workes For assuredly it commethe so commenly to passe that forthwyth when we heare by the preachyng of the gospell that we be set at peax wyth God iustified in hys syght by only faith in him then noman wil do any longer any goodnes at al whych thynge no doubte chaunced euen in saynt Peters tyme. The occasion of thys epistle By reason wherof he toke occasion to wryte these thynges concernyng the institution of the christian liefe As though this holy Apostle Peter wold say Good brethern syth ye haue now receyued the gospell and syth ye be iustified by fayth in Christ now it shal be very good and necessarie for you to goo about to redresse your maner of lyuing and to absteyne from carnal and flesshely desires and lustes But it is an horrible thyng to be spoken that fleshly disires and lustes do not cease no not in the iustified persons Yea we se by daily experience that then more and more carnall desires do breake forth not bicause this faulte commeth by the gospel ☜ as many ennemyes of the Gospell and papystes blasphemously do allege but bycause Satan is the ennemy of the gospel and of the iustice
this was not ynough Christ vpbraydeth his apostles of theyr infidefitie For it was necessary also that they shulde beleue Christes resurrection Wherfore he vpbraydeth them of theyr infidelitie sayenge that albeit they had sene altogether yet they beleued it not and that they yet wāted thys article of resurrection What it is to beleue the resurrection of Christ What is it than to beleue the resurrection of Christ whych beareth so great a stroke and is of such importaunce that the disciples were called infideles and mysbeleuynge persones for the defaute of it Certes to beleue the resurrection of Christ is nothynge els than to beleue we haue a reconciler before God whych is Christ whych maketh vs at one wyth God the father and iustifyeth vs in hys syght For what so euer is in man of hys owne nature and byrth wythout regeneratiō is but synne and death whereby he heapeth vpon hymselfe gods vengeaunce Agayne God is the eternal iustice and clerenes whych of hys nature hateth synne Hereof it commeth that betwene God and man is perpetuall enmitie neyther can they be frendes or agre together Christe therfore beynge incarnate dyd bothe translate our synnes vpon hymselfe and drowned the wrath of the father in himselfe to reconcile vs to his father Wythout thys fayth we be the chyldren of vēgeaunce we can do no good worke that maye be acceptable to God neyther wyll God heare our prayers For thus in the .xviij. psalme it is wryttē They cryed and ther was no helper to the Lorde and he answered them not Yea the moost excellente worke wherby we thought to obtayne grace helpe comforte of God was imputed vnto vs for synne as the prophete in the .cix. psalme sayth Oratio eius in peccatum fiat Be hys prayer counted for synne for surely we can not wyth al our powers of our owne nature pacifie god We neded therfore Christe to be mediatour for vs to the father and to make vs at one wyth hym and finally to obtayne what so euer is necessary for vs. By the same Christ it behoueth vs to aske of God what so euer thynge we nede Ioh. xvi as Christ hymselfe enstructeth vs sayenge What so euer ye aske the father in my name it shal be done vnto you What soeuer we demaunde of God surely by thys Christ which hath satisfied for our synnes we must obteyne and get it For Christ is he whych layeth a garison about vs ☜ he is the defēce and bukler vnder whome we be hydden euen as the chekens be nouryshed and hydde vnder the wynges of the henne By him only our prayer is allowed before God By hym onely we be herde and get the fauoure grace of the father Thys is now to beleue vpon Christes resurrection yf as it is recited we beleue that Christ hath borne vpon hym aswell our synnes as the synnes of the hole worlde hath drowned in hymselfe the one and the other and also they re of the father wherby we be reconciled to God and made ryghtuouse before hym Now ye se your selues howe fewe christian men and wemen there be whych haue thys fayth wherby all men be delyuered from theyr synnes and be made ryghtuouse All outwarde christen men beleue not in the resurrection For they beleue not in the resurrection of Christe that theyr synnes be taken awaye also by Christe but go about to be iustifyed by theyr owne workes Thys man entreth into the cloyster is made a monke or freer she a nonne some one thynge some another that they may be delyuered from theyr synnes and yet they saye they beleue in the resurrection of Christe where theyr workes do shew cleane contrary Wherfore thys article haue the holy fathers preached and inculked specially before other For thus saynt Paule in the .xv. chapter of hys fyrste epistle to the Corinthi sayeth Yf Christ hath not rysen frō death to lyfe thā vayne is our preachynge vayne also is your fayth And a lytle after Yf Christ haue not rysen vayne is youre fayth ye be yet in your sines What maner cōsequēs is thys how do thys folowe Thus truly yf Christe rose not from death to lyfe it foloweth that synne death dyd swalowe hym vp and kylled hym After that we could not ryd our selues out of our synnes Iesus Christ toke them vpon hym to treade vnder hys fete death and hell and to be made Lorde ouer them Now yf he rose not agayne than surely he ouercame not synne but was ouercome of synne And yf he rose not agayne he redemed vs not and so we be yet in our synnes Furthermore in the tēth to the Romaynes he sayeth thus Yf thou confessest wyth thy mouth Iesus to be the Lorde and beleuest in thy harte that God hath raysed hym from death ☞ thou shalt be saued Herevnto agreeth all scripture both olde and newe But it is not yet sufficient to beleue the resurrection of Christ For al wicked persones beleue thys yea Satan doubteth not but that God suffered rose agayne ☞ But we must also beleue the summe of the resurrection and also what frute and profyte we haue taken therby that is to saye pardon of our gylt and as it were a gayle delyuerey of all our synnes that Christe passed thorough death and by it ouercame synne death yea and what so euer coulde hurt vs he trode vnder his fote and is constitute and made at the ryght hande of the father in heauen the myghty Lorde ouer syn Satan death hell and what soeuer hurteth vs and that all these thynges be done for our sake whyche thynge the wycked persons beleue not Ye se than my frēdes how much is layde in thys artycle of resurrection so that we may better wante all the reste than thys one article For what were it to beleue all the artycles as that God was borne of the virgine Mary that he dyed and was buryed yf thou doest not also beleue that he rose agayne Abac. i. And thys God meaneth in Abacuc where he sayeth I shall worke a worke in you whych no man shall beleue whan it shal be tolde And thys is the cause why Paule in al hys epistles handleth no worke or myracle of Christ so diligently as he doth the resurrection of Christ Yea he letteth passe all the workes and myracles of Christ and chefly teacheth vs the frute of it so that none of thapostles hath so paynted Christ vnto vs as Paule Actu ix Wherfore not wythout cause Christ sayd to Ananias Thys is my vessell of election to beare my name before the Hethen people and kinges and the chyldren of Israell It foloweth in the texte Go ye into the hole worlde and preach the Gospell to euery creature What shall they preach none other thynge but that Christe is rysen from death and that he hathe vaynquished and takē awaye synne and all mysery What is gospel he that beleueth thys is saued For
AMEN ¶ Imprinted at London by Richarde Bankes and are to be solde in Fletestrete at the sygne of the whyte Harte Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum ❧ THE EPIstles and Gospelles with a brief Postyll vpon the same from Trinitie sonday tyll Aduent drawen forth by dyuerse learned men for the singuler cōmoditie of al good christians and namely of prestes and Curates Christus Mat. iiij Poenitentiam agite appropinquauit enim regnum coelorum Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum ANNO. M.D.XL THE COPY OF THE KINGES GRACIOVS PRIVILEGE HEnry the eyght by the grace of God kynge of England and of Fraūce defensour of the faith lord of Irelande and in earth supreme hed immediatly vnder Christ of the church of Englande To al Printers of bokes wythin thys our Realme and to all other our officers ministers and subiectes these oure letters hearyng or seynge greatyng We let you wete that we of our grace especiall haue gyuen priuilege vnto oure welbiloued subiecte Richarde Bankes that no maner parson wythin thys oure Realme shal prynte any maner of bokes what so euer our sayde subiecte shall prynte first wythin the space of seuen yeares nexte ensuyng the prynting of euery suche boke so by hym printed vpon payne of forfeture the same Wherfore we wol and commaunde you that ye nor none of you do presume to prynte any of the sayde bokes duryng the tyme afore sayde as ye tendre oure pleasure and woll auoyde the contrary The Epistle on Corpus Christi day The fyrste epistle to the Corinthyans the .xi. chapter Th argument ☞ The institution of the most blessed sacrament of the Aulter is here by S. Paule described vnto vs. BRethren that which I deliuered vnto you I receyued of the lorde For the Lorde Iesus the same nyght in whych he was betrayed toke breade and when he had gyuen thākes he brake it and said Take ye and eate this is my body whych is broken for you Thys do ye in the remembraunce of me After the same maner also he toke the cup whē supper was done sayenge Thys cup is the newe Testament in my bloude This do as oft as ye drynke it in remembraunce of me For as oft as ye shal eate this bread and drinke this cup ye shal shewe the lordes death tyl he come Wherfore whosoeuer shall eate of thys breade and drynke of this cup vnworthyly shal be gylty of the body and bloude of the lorde But let a man examyne him selfe and so let him eate of the breade and dryncke of the cup. For he that eateth and drynketh vnworthely eateth and drynketh hys owne damnation because he maketh no difference of the lordes body ☞ The exhortacion vpon this epistle ye shall fynd immediatly before the Epistle on Easter daye The Gospell on Corpus Christi daye The .vi chapiter of Iohn̄ Th argument ☞ Christ is the true breade of lyfe IEsus sayde vnto his disciples and vnto the company of the Iues. My fleshe is meate in dede and my bloud is drinke in dede He that eateth my flesh and drynketh my blod dwelleth in me I in hym As the lyuing father hath sent me and I lyue for the father Euen so he that eateth me shall lyue by the meanes of me Thys is that breade whiche came downe from heauen not as your fathers dyd eate Manna and are deade He that eateth of this bread shall lyue euer IN this present Gospel good people our sauiour Christ which is the true shepherd and feder of our soules goeth about to shake of frō oure myndes the fylthy cares of thys corporall life willyng vs rather to apply our selfes and to labour wyth the gredy desire of the heuenly and gostly ryches to obteyne euerlasting life He biddeth vs caste out of our myndes the worldy breade wherwith our bodyes be fedde and couet that heuenly brede which giueth and conferreth vnto vs euerlastinge and immortall lyfe of the soule Thys breade is taken by faythe and fayth is to be obteyned and gotten of almyghty god For it is vndoubtedly hys gyfte Whosoeuer therfore beleueth in Christe he alredy hathe euerlastyng lyfe inasmuche as he hath the foūtayne of immortalitie I am sayeth Christe the breade of lyfe As who shulde say I am that same fode whiche gyueth lyfe not only corporall but rather the lyfe of the soule and eternall The Iues amonges whom Christ was conuersaūt and vnto whom he had this cōmunicacion bosted muche in the Manna that was sente downe from heauen vnto theyr auncestours But what sayeth Christe vnto them Your fathers dyd eate Manna in the wyldernes and dyed Austin Your fathers sayeth S. Austine bicause you be lyke them murmuryng fathers of murmuryng chyldren For assuredly this people in nothyng offended god more then in grutchyng and murmuryng agaynste God Now they therfore dyed bicause they beleued sayeth S. Austin the thynge that they sawe ☜ but the thyng they sawe not they beleued not nor yet vnderstode O sacramentum pietatis o signum vnitatis The wordes of saynte Austine o vinculum charitatis Qui vult viuere habet vnde viuat accedat credat incorporetur vt viuificet O wonderfull sacrament of godlynes o wonderfull token of vnitie o wonderfull bond of charitie He that wyl lyue he hath wherof he may lyue let him drawe nigh let him beleue let him be incorporated that he may be quickened Let him not departe for the frame of the membres let him not be a rotten mēbre worthy to be cut of nor yet croked whereof he may be ashamed Let him be a fayre mēbre open sounde cleauing to the body Let him lyue to god Let him nowe labour in earthe that he maye afterwarde lyue in heauen The sacramēt of this thing saith this holy doctour that is to saye of the vnitie of the body and bloude of Christe is taken at gods bourde of some men to their saluatiō and of some to their damnation ☜ The thynge it selfe is ordeined to the saluation of al men and to the destruction of none For my fleshe sayeth Christe is very meate and my blode very dryncke Thys breade cam downe from heuen and hath an heuenly power of workynge gyuen it of god that who so euer worthely do eate it shall lyue eternally and neuer dye Wherfore good christen people we haue no nede to demaunde from heuen any Manna sythe we haue the very heuenly breade in dede that is to say the body of our sauiour Christe ready vnto vs to gyue vs euerlasting lyfe if so be we wol take it worthely with fayth For vndoubtedly Christ is that heuenly breade whiche gyueth immortalitie to our soules whych for oure sakes was betrayed and crucifyed He is the worde of god in whom who so euer stedfastly woll beleue shall haue euerlasting lyfe Who so euer shall conuey thys heuenly breade into the bowels of his soule shal be nourished and growe vp to euerlastinge lyfe For assuredly thys is the lyuely
iustifienge spirite of God whych worketh by pure and lyuely fayth Wherfore good brethren systers let vs not thinke trustynge to our owne merytes and workes that we loued God fyrst and so deserued kyndnes at hys hādes For yf ye thynke so saynt Ihon reproueth you sayenge We loue God bycause he fyrst loued vs. Now yf a man sayeth he loueth God and hateth his brother he is a lyer For he that loueth not hys brother whome he seeth how can he loue God whom he hath not sene And thys cōmaundemēt sayeth saint Ihō we haue of God that he that loueth God must also loue hys brother But I praye you howe do we loue our brother and se so many lye in euery corner wythout comforte Yea we se Christ an hōgred Math. xxvi and we gyue hym no meate We se hym thyrstye and we gyue hym no drynke We se hym harbroughles and we take hym not in naked we cloth hym not syck and we vysite him not in prison and we come not to hym For in asmuch as we do it not to one of these our poore brethren Christ count it vndone to hym Wherfore yf we vnfaynedlye loue God let vs declare our loue wyth worthy frutes let vs loue oure brethren as we be here wylled to do Then shall we wyth confidence and full hope loke for the daye of iudgement wythout feare at whych tyme the heuenly kynge shall saye vnto vs. Come ye blessed of my father inherite the kyngdome prepared for you from the begynnynge of the worlde To thys heauenly kynge the sonne of man oure Lorde and Sauiour be gyuen al glorye for euer and euer Amen The Gospell on the fyrst sondaye after Trinitie The .xvi. chapter of Luke Th argument ☞ Of the ryche man and of poore Lazarus IEsus put forth a parable vnto hys disciples sayenge There was a certayne rych man whyche was clothed in purple and fyne whyte and fared deliciously euery daye And there was a certayne begger named Lazarus which laye at his gates ful of sores desyrynge to be refreshed wyth the cromes which fell from the rych mans borde and no man gaue vnto hym The dogges came also and lycked hys sores And it fortuned that the begger dyed and was caried by the angels into Abrahams bosome The rich man also dyed and was buried And beyng in hel in tormētes he lyft vp hys eyes and sawe Abraham a farre of and Lazarus in hys bosome and he cryed and sayd father Abraham haue mercy on me and sende Lazarus that he may dyppe the typpe of hys fynger in water and coole my tonge for I am tormented in thys flame But Abraham sayd Sonne remember that thou in thy lyfe tyme receyuest thy pleasure and cōtrary wyse Lazarus receyued payne But nowe is he cōforted and thou arte punyshed Beyonde all this betwene vs and you there is a greate space set so that they whych wolde go from hence to you can not neyther maye come from thence to vs. Then he sayd I praye the therfore father sende hym to my fathers house For I haue fyue brethrē for to warne them lest they also come into this place of tormēt Abraham sayd vnto hym they haue Moses and the prophetes let them heare them And he sayd naye father Abraham but yf one come vnto them from the deade they wyll repente He sayd vnto hym Yf they heare not Moses and the Prophetes neyther wyll they beleue thoughe one rose frome death agayne GOod people thys Gospel as it is ryght comfortable to the poore godly persons so it is ryght fearfull to the vngodly rych persons The sely pore godly person is muche vexed wyth troubles and diseases in thys lyfe he lyeth otherwhyles beggynge at ryche mens gates ful of sores desyrynge to be refreshed wyth the cromes whych fal frō theyr tables The vngodly person lyueth all at pleasure and florysheth But se the ende of these two in theyr death The poore Lazarus is forthwyth caryed by angels into Abrahams bosome The rych man is buryed in hell What is thys to be borne vp of angels and to be layd in Abrahās bosome Surely it is nothynge els but to dye in the fayth of Abraham whose soules must nedes be in the handes of God What is it to be buryed and to lye in hell in tormentes To dye wyth an euell conscience These thynges do chaūce in death ☞ what tyme we passe out of thys worlde Albeit ye shall yet vnderstande that it was not pouertie that saued Lazarus nor the ryches that damned the rych man but it is the fayth that saueth which worketh pacience and hope and agayne it is the lacke of fayth and despisynge of the neyghboure that dāneth As longe as the rych man lyued he was so choked wyth worldlye pleasures that he coulde not se what was what but whan he was in hell and in tormentes than he lyfted vp hys eyes then he sawe Abraham afarre of and Lazarus in hys bosome Surely my frendes in death fyrst we espye our vngodlynes and damnacion Thā we se the felicitie ioye of the godly persons esa lxvj Math. xxv Thys is that worme that dyeth not whych the prophete Esaye speaketh of Thā fyrst the vnwyse virgines se that the wyse haue oyle Then it commeth to our mynde to whome we haue done good and to whome we haue done euel Then doth the lawe shewe it selfe where as the gospell is taken awaye then fyrst but to late and in vayne we seke fauoure Prou. i. Then thou rych mā thou canst speake fayre and saye Father Abraham haue mercy on me But herken o thou vngodly rych man what father Abraham shall answere the agayne Sonne remember that thou in thy lyfe tyme receyuedst thy pleasure and contrary wyse thys poore Lazarus receyued payne Lo the sentence of the sharpe iudgement of God For as saynt Iames sayeth Iaco. ii Iudgemente wythout mercy shal be to them whych haue shewed no mercy Also the wyse man sayeth in hys prouerbes He that stoppeth hys eare at the cryenge of the poore shall also crye and not be herde Furthermore the prophete sayeth Ps xxxij For thys shall euery godly person make hys prayer vnto the in due season but in the greate water floudes they shall not come nyghe hym So good people ye se by thys parable that after thys lyfe we shall come shorte to make intercession eyther for our selues or for others For the soule of thys rych gluttō here espyenge he could nothing preuayle for hymselfe began to intreate for hys fyue brethren and desyred that Lazarus might be sent to hys fathers house for to warne them leste they also come into that place of tourmēt But what was answered vnto hym agayne They haue Moses and the prophetes let them heare them as who shulde saye they haue gods worde amonges them whyche teacheth them how to eschue euerlastynge punyshmentes and how to be saued yf they wol not regard it there is no recouery
the Gospell perteyneth to the conscience and therfore it teacheth not the chaunge of the temporall lyfe or state whyche ciuile ordinaunce alloweth Let vs then my frendes folowe the fayth of thys Apostle Peter and hys penitent harte confessynge our vnworthynes And then doubt we not but we shal be called to the greate feaste where we shall sytte at table wyth the hole company of heauen in the heauenly palace of God the father To whome wyth the sonne and holy goost be prayse and glorye AMEN The Epistle on the .vj. sondaye after Trinitie The .vi. chapter to the Romaynes Th argument ☞ Of the spirituall signification of oure baptisme BRethren knowe ye not that all we whych are baptised into Iesu Christ are baptysed to dye wyth hym We are buryed then wyth him by baptysme for to dye that lykewyse as Christ was raysed vp from death by the glory of the father euen so we also shulde walke in a new lyfe For yf we be grafte in death lyke vnto hym euen so shall we be partakers of the resurrection knowynge thys that our olde man is crucifyed wyth hym also that the bodye of synne myghte vtterly be destroyed that henseforth we shulde not be seruaūtes vnto synne For he that is dead is iustifyed from synne Wherfore yf we be deade wyth Christ we beleue that we shall also lyue wyth hym knowynge that Christe beynge raysed from death dyeth nomore Death hath nomore power ouer hym For as touchynge that he dyed he dyed concernynge synne once And as touchynge that he lyueth he lyueth vnto God Lykewise consyder ye also that ye are dead as touchynge synne but are alyue vnto God thorowe Iesus Christ our Lorde AFter the holy Apostle saint Paule good christē people had declared to the Romaynes the profyte of these two great artycles of our fayth that is to saye christes death and his resurrection shewing them that Christ by hys moost precious death purchased the euerlastynge remission of our synne and by hys resurrection ascended vp to heauen to open the gates therof for vs and apeased the wrath of the father and made vs in fauoure agayne wyth hym that by this his dede we be iustified ☜ made goddes louynge chyldren and the ryghte enheritours of the kyngdome of heuen now in thys epistle he teacheth vs an other lesson to be cōsydered in Christes death and resurrection and setteth it before vs as an exēple to folow the maner therof in our owne selfe meanynge it shulde not auayle vs to beleue that Christe dyed and rose agayne from death excepte we woll conforme our lyfe to hys death and resurrection Do ye not knowe sayeth saynt Paule what further thynge is sygnifyed vnto you in Christes death or to what ende ye be baptysed Verely so many as be christened in the name of Christ Iesus and by baptisme be grafte in the nomber of hys seruauntes be therfore baptised that in a certayne similitude they shulde dye wyth hym Such a signification and fygure hath Christes death vnto vs that besyde that it is the pryce of our synnes it monysheth vs daylye to dye to synne dayly to mortifye and to slee the euell affections and motions of synne and concupiscence rysynge vp in our hartes agaynst the wyll of God And verely such a sygnification hath the ceremonye of our baptysme also vnto vs. The significacion of baptisme For whan we be plonged vnder the water and be lyfte vp agayne it meaneth nothinge els but that our synne is washed and slayne by Christ and we by hys grace lyft vp frome deth whych our synne deserued to euerlasting lyfe It sygnifyeth furthermore that we there promyse to dye to synne dayly to ryse vp agayne out of synne to a new lyfe the lyfe of ryghtuousnes And thys is the vertue fygure of baptysme whych yf we take not after thys purpose we do but deceyue oure selues wyth the outwarde token of the sacrament and lose the inwarde commoditie therof Wherfore my frendes consyder the spirituall meanynge of this holy sacrament let it put you in mynde that ye haue promysed there a perpetuall mortificacion and penaunce of your synne wherof it is a sygne Ye be ones baptysed and nede nomore to receyue the sacrament but yet the sygnification therof muste ye dayly fulfyll that is to dye to synne to ryse more and more to perfytnes of lyfe For we be not washed from our synne by the bloude of Christe shed for vs in hys death that we shulde retourne agayne therto but therfore be we clensed that from henseforth we shulde defoule our selfe nomore wyth synne And as Christ dyed and was buryed for vs so shuld we dye and be buryed wyth him that is to saye synne shuld dye in vs and be vtterly as buryed neuer to be sene agayne in our lyfe And as Christe was raysed vp from death by the glorious spirite of the father to lyfe agayne so shulde we dayly ryse vp from the frutes of synne to a new lyfe walke continually there in And as the power of goddes holy spirite raysed Christ vp agayne from death to lyfe whyche worke redounded to the greate glorye and prayse of God euen so by the power of the same spirite shall we be able to ryse frō death of synne to the newnes of vertuouse lyfe In whych our doynge we shall in some maner worke to the glorye of god when men shal se our well doynge and prayse the father of heauen for hys grace that he worketh in vs. Let then noman refuse to mortifye hys euell affections that he fealeth in hym That yf it be paynfull for hym to abstayne from synne let hym consyder that els he can not be the chylde of God For he is none of Christes that hath not hys spirite and by thys token is it knowen who is grafte in Christe and is in the state of saluation For it is not he whyche foloweth the lustes of hys fleshe but he whych walketh after the spirite Let vs consyder what saynt Paule sayeth here Yf we be lyke Christ in the similitude of hys death we shal be partakers wyth hym in the generall resurrection for yf the selfe same spirite ruleth in vs to fyghte agaynst synne whych raysed Christe from death to euerlastynge lyfe it shall also rayse vs from the corporall death of our body to lyfe agayne and that to lyfe euerlastynge And let vs knowe thys of suertye that as Christe hath not slayne synne and crucifyed it vpon the crosse that we shulde lyue in it and serue the desyre therof but that we shulde be deliuered frō the daunger of it euen so ought we to slee oure olde Adam that is to saye all euyll motions and lustes of synne whyche we inheryte by that we be Adams chyldren conceyued and borne in synne I saye we ought to subdue hym all oure lyfe tyme kepe hym vnder by the crosse of wylful penaunce and afflictiō so by lytle and lytle to abolysh and expell
and also the religion of christen persones ye be ashamed of And why be ye ashamed Truly bycause ye perceyue that the ende of suche loose and vnruly lyuyng is death and what death death euerlastynge eternal dampnacion in the fyre of hel where is continuall wepynge and gnasshynge of teeth But now good people seynge ye be infraūchysed and delyuered from the bondage and consequētly from the condemnation of synne and are become the seruauntes of God ye haue your frute into sanctification that is to saye thys frute thys cōmoditie thys auauntage ye haue therby that ye be now sanctifyed and made holy and iuste persons in goddes syght and your ende shal be euerlastynge lyfe For truely so longe as ye were seruauntes to synne ye coulde loke for none other rewarde for none other stypende or wages then death Death I saye is the vndoubted stypende of synne and of beastly lyuyng But contrary wyse Deth is the wages of synne yf ye woll be folowers of ryghtuousnes and force your selues to serue God vtterly renouncynge the stynkynge seruyce of synne ye shall surely haue a farre contrarye rewarde that is to wyt euerlastynge lyfe Aug. in Enchiri capi cvi which as wryteth saint Austine is a certayne rewarde of good workes albeit the Apostle calleth it not so here but he calleth it the grace or gyfte of God Therfore herken what saynt Austine sayeth further The wordes of S Austine A stypende or wages due for the worke of a souldioure is payde and not gyuen therfore the apostle sayeth the stypende of synne is death to shewe that death is not vndeseruedlye put but due to synne But grace yf it be not frely is no grace Ye muste therfore vnderstande that euen the selfe good merytes of man be the rewardes of God vnto whych whan eternall lyfe is yelded what is rēdred but grace for grace These be saynt Austines wordes Wherfore good people let vs not thynke that we be fre from good workes by the bloud of Christ but rather cleane contrary that we be nowe bounde to good workes accordyng to saynt Pauls doctrine here whych affirmeth that yf we serue synne we shal be sure to haue the wages of synne euen euerlasting death But yf we lyue vertuously and iustly serue God we shal be sure to haue euerlastyng lyfe not as a rewarde of dutye but as a gyfte and grace of god through Iesus Christ our Lorde To whome be all glorye Amen The gospell on the .vij. sondaye after Trinitie The .viij. chapter of Marke Th argument ☞ The myracle of the .vij. loues Whan there was a verye greate companye and had nothynge to eate Iesus called hys disciples to hym and sayde vnto them I haue cōpassion on the people because they haue nowe bene wyth me thre dayes and haue nothynge to eat and yf I sende them awaye fastyng to theyr owne houses they shall faynt by the waye For dyuerse of them came from farre And hys disciples answered hym where shulde a man haue breade here in the wyldernesse to satisfye these And he asked them how many looues haue ye They sayd seuen And he commaunded the people to syt downe on the grounde And he toke the seuen looues and whan he had gyuen thankes he brake and gaue to his disciples to set before them And they dyd set them before the people And they had a few smal fyshes And whan he had blessed he cōmaūded them also to be set before them And they dyd eate and were suffysed And they toke vp of the brokē meate that was lefte seuen baskettes full And they that dyd eate were aboute foure thousande And he sente them awaye IN thys gospel good christen people ye shal note that they whyche fyrst and formest do seke for the kyngdome of god and the ryghtuousnes of the same can in no wyse peryshe and dye for honger but that the grace of God doth preuente them in al thynges as we se in thys hystorye howe tenderly and buselye our Sauiour Christ prouideth for the peoples bodely sustenaūce euen before they aske it sayng I haue compassion ouer the people forasmuch as they haue bene now wyth me thre dayes and haue nothyng to eate Thys then is Christes order of fedynge fyrste to repast the soule wyth hys worde and then to releue the bodye Horatius in epist But the worldly care is contrarye accordynge to a Poetes sayenge O ciues ciues quaerēda pecunia primum est virtus post nummos That is to saye O citizens citizens fyrst seke for money and after money for vertue But Christ sayth Fyrst seke for the kyngdome of God and al these thynges shal be cast vnto you An exēple of infidelitie Secondly here is described vnto vs an exemple of infidelitie in thapostles and vnder them in all suche as woll do as they dyd here whyche leauynge gods worde forgettynge all the myracles whych Christ had done before by whyche they ought well to haue gathered that Christ myght haue fedde thys multytude wythout any vytayll at all be deceyued by the iudgement of reason whyche onely loketh vpon the thynge present and thynketh thynges only to folow of sure occasiōs only Surely whyle reason iudgeth thus it iudgeth wel before the worlde in ciuile thynges But before Christ and in his presence to cal reason into iudgement thervpon to despayre of Christes power is certaynly a point of infidelitie namely syth before God there is nothyng impossible Mat. xix And here furthermore we haue an exemple in Christe of great gentlenes and pacience The tyme of gods helpe whych reiecteth not the vnfaythfull disciples Thyrdly here is prescribed vnto vs the tyme whan Christ is wont moost of all to helpe whyche is euen then when no occasion is present but whan reason vtterly despayreth of her argumentes or coniectures So Christe in thys historye suffreth hys Apostles a lytle whyle to delude themselues wyth the argumētes of theyr owne reason that he might bringe them to the vttter denyall of themselues also that they myght learne to flee to the almyghtynes of god wherby he is able to helpe euen there where no occasion of helpynge is offered ☜ We be neuertheles here taught and admonished not to despise suche occasions of temporal lyuynge as be offered vnto vs. For Christ of hys omnipotency myght haue made bread of stones or myght haue caused foode to haue rayned downe frō heauen or yf he had wolde he myght haue fedde the people onely wyth the vertue of hys worde But Christ doth none of all these but taketh the breade and the fewe fyshes whyche by occasion was ministred vnto hym and by hys blessynge of breade maketh breade and of fyshe fyshe Fynally we be here instructed and taught that bodely foode and sustenaunce wyth all other necessaries of our lyfe commeth vnto vs by the only prouidence and blessynge of God yea euen then whan we thynke lest of it Wherfore good people accordynge to the lesson
endes of the worlde are come vpon Wherfore let hym that thynketh he standeth take hede lest he fall There hath none other temptacion taken you but such as foloweth the nature of man But God is faythfull whych shal not suffer you to be tempted aboue your strength but shal in the myddes of the temptacion make a waye that ye maye be able to beare it THys lesson my frendes of the holy apostle saint Paule conteyneth certayne notable exemples of gods vengeaunce and punyshmēt whych he toke vpon the vnfaythfull fathers of olde tyme whyche where as God had moost plentyfully heaped vpon them hys innumerable benefytes graces yet they euer abode vnfaythfull and wolde not in any wyse chaunge nor amende theyr naughty and beastly lyuynge And therfore they suffered horrible punyshementes aswell for they re mysbeleue as for they re euell and detestable lyuynge ☜ All whych thynges as sayeth thapostle chaunced vnto vs in fygure that is to wyt that we shulde therby lerne to feare God to beleue in God to amende our lyfe to gyue our selues to good workes not bearynge our selfe bolde vpon vayne and ydell fayth to force not howe we lyue as many swete brethren and new gospellers or rather false brethren false gospellers at thys daye do False gospellers whych thynke they offende not what so euer they do but that they haue full remission of theyr synnes euen in the myddes of theyr abhominable lyuynge bycause they persuade themselues to be chosen and sanctifyed before the begynnynge of the worlde O Lorde what a deuelish and damnable persuasion is thys What spirite of erroure what deuel occupieth and vexeth these men thus to thynke And yet they woll be counted great clerkes and allege nothynge but scripture for them they be full of saynt Paule But they belye saynt Paule and they falsefye scripture For saint Paule mysreported is not S. Paule Nor scripture that is wrested is not scripture Let these persons then beware the soden vengeaunce of God whych hangeth ouer theyr heade For yf God spared not the Israelites vpon whome he had heaped so many benefytes and whych were hys chosen and peculiare people surely he wyl not spare vs neither shall our baptisme our hearyng of gods worde nor hys grace that we haue receyued any thynge helpe vs onles we constantly continue and abyde in oure religion and chaunge our lyfe into better So then we be here monyshed that those alonly be saued and do entre into the lāde of promysse whych stande fast to the ende as Christ sayeth in an other place He that continueth to the ende shal be saued These exemples then of the fathers be warnynges and fygures vnto vs that we shulde not lust after euell thynges as they lusted as that we shulde not be ydolaters that is to saye that we shulde not gyue to creatures suche honoure as is due only to God the creator maker of all thynges as the Israelites gaue to theyr golden calfe and as the byshop of Rome do clayme at thys daye to haue whych woll haue Emperours Kynges and Prynces to fall downe prostrate on the grounde and to worship hym euen as the deuell wold haue had Christ to do to hym Mat. iiij Wherfore in so doynge he resembleth the deuell and is no better then an Antichrist forasmuch as such honour is due only to God As Christ there declareth alledgynge scripture for hym Furthermore that we shulde not commytte fornicacion Nu. xxv as they dyd as the historye of Phinees telleth for whych defylynge of themselues there fell in one daye .xxiij. thousande Also that we shulde not tempte Christe that is that we shulde do nothynge contrarye to faythe and despice such meanes and remedies as God hath appoynted for vs to vse in al thynges as the Israelites dyd therfore were destroyed of serpentes as it is red in the .xxi. chapter of Numeri Finally that we shulde not grudge and murmoure agaynst God of an ambiciouse mynde sekynge sediciously contenciously an other callynge then God hath appoynted vs vnto as Chore Dathan and Abyron dyd and were destroyed of the destroyer All these thynges I say befell to be exemples presidentes and fygures to admonysh vs how God taketh vengeaunce vpō such dissolute and careles lyuers and to put vs in remēbraunce whych be now in the later dayes of the world Wherfore my frēdes he that thynketh that he stāde that is to wyt Stare that he ryghtly perceyueth and vnderstandeth all thynges and walketh now surely in the knowlege of God so that he despyseth al other in cōparison of hymselfe and iudgeth euery man at hys pleasure let hym take hede lest by reason of hys surenes and pryde he fall agayne from grace from vnderstandynge and frō the knowlege of gods worde Now albeit many temptacions haue assaulted vs that we haue therby also gone astreye yet we ought to comforte and lyft vp our selues wyth thys ryght comfortable sentence of saynt Paule that the temptacion which hath taken vs is humane and such as commonly chaunceth to men But God is faythfull and iust of the promyse whych he maketh to such as feare and stande in awe of hym For surely he woll not suffer vs to be tempted ouer that we be able to beare ☜ accordynge to the peticion in our pater noster Let vs not be ledde into temptacion For doubtles God tempteth no man to euel but euery man is tēpted of his owne cōcupiscence and flesh whē god permytteth it so to be But God shall in the myddes of the temptacion yf wyth ernest prayer ye woll desyre hym make a waye that ye shal be able to beare it Let vs then good people yf we be true christen persons and do answere to our name stande in awe euer of God not tempte hym not prouoke hym to anger and vengeaunce but mekely and louynglye worke and walke as he hath cōmaūded vs to walke So shall we haue eternal blesse wyth God To whō be all glorye prayse and imperie for euer and euer Amen The gospell on the .ix. sondaye after Trinitie The .xvi. chapter of Luke Th argument ☞ Of the rych man and of hys stewarde IEsus put forth a similitude vnto hys disciples sayenge There was a certayne ryche man whyche had a stewarde and the same was accused vnto hym that he had wasted hys goodes And he called hym and sayd vnto hym Howe is it that I heare this of the Gyue acomptes of thy stewardshype For thou mayest be no longer stewarde The stewarde sayde wythin hymselfe what shall I do For my mayster taketh from me the stewardshyp I cā not dygge and to begge I am ashamed I wotte what to do that when I am put out of the stewardshyp they maye receyue me into theyr houses So whan he had called all hys maysters detters together he sayde vnto the fyrste howe moche oweste thou vnto my mayster And he sayde an hundred tonnes of oyle And he sayd vnto
nor the damnation of the synner He dyd not wepe for the ruyne and fall that he knew shuld ensue of the fayre houses of the towers and great edifices and buyldynges but he bewayled the losse the ruyne and damnation of the people He sayde O Ierusalem yf thou dyddest knowe the thynges that belonge vnto thy peace euen in thys thy daye thou woldest take hede As yf he had sayd yf thou knewest thy mysery the confusion desolation whych is to come to the and specially yf thou dyddest knowe it in these dayes whan I am descended from heuen for to make thy peace wyth god my father and get the remyssion of thy synnes yf thou I saye dyddest knowe it thou shuldest haue good cause for to wepe wyth me But now all thys is hydden from the thou fearest nothynge forbycause that thou carest for nothynge But the dayes shall come in the and thyne enemyes shall enuiron the wyth bulwarkes c. Now my frendes by desolation and confusion temporall of them of Ierusalem whych wold not beleue nor receyue Iesu Christ is fygured the spirituall confusion whych shal come vnto them which yet wyll not receyue hym nor folowe hym and which make resystence agaynst hym hys gospel of whom the nomber is great For whome also Iesus Christe knowynge theyr distruction that was to come hath wept Those whych thynke to be saued by any other meanes then by hym and whych haue theyr fayth theyr hope in any other then in hym and by him surely they haue not yet receyued hym and euell shall come vnto them For God alone is the obiecte of the fayth hope and charitie of christen men Then foloweth that after he was arryued there he entred into the temple and droue out of it the byers and sellers God yf hys pleasure were I hertely beseche hym to vysite agayne hys holy temple I meane the churche of christen men and women and the house of prayer where as he alonly ought to be serued and worshipped by hys subiectes in spirite Ioh. iiij and veritie And that it wolde please hym to caste out those whych shal be founde byers and sellers by simonye and couetousnes and that woll resyst hys moost holy and sacred worde and that wyll let that the seruice of god in spirite and veritie be not accomplyshed accordynge as he wolde by hys ryghte holy worde ordenaunce to be serued and honoured Vnto him be al glorye and honoure in infinita secula Amen The Epistle on the .xi. sondaye after Trinitie The .i. epistle to the Corin. the .xv. chapter Th argument ☞ The resurrection of the deade BRethren as perteynynge to the gospel whych I preached vnto you whyche ye haue also accepted and in the whyche ye continue by the which also ye are saued I do you to wytte after what maner I preached vnto you yf ye kepe it except ye haue beleued in vayne For fyrst of all I delyuered vnto you that whyche I receyued howe that Christe dyed for our synnes agreynge to the scriptures And that he was buryed and that he arose agayne the thyrde daye accordynge to the scriptures and that he was sene of Cephas than of the twelue After that was he sene of mo then fyue hundred brethren atonce of whyche many remayne vnto thys daye and many are fallen aslepe After that appeared he to Iames then to all the apostles And last of all he was sene of me as of one that was borne out of due tyme. For I am the lest of the Apostles which am not worthy to be called an Apostle because I persecuted the congregacion of God But by the grace of god I am that I am And hys grace whych is in me was not in vayne THe thynge good people wherfore saynt Paule beynge in this worlde toke moost thought for and the whych he had moost at hys harte nexte Iesu Christ was for to knowe how euery churche dyd gouerne and entertayne themselues in the Gospell of Iesu Christ to thintēt that yf perdauenture any went out of the waye of trouth he shulde be forth wyth redressed as specially he doth shewe in the epistle of thys daye He admonysheth and reduceth in memory vnto the Corinthiās principally two thynges on the whych all the fayth and all the assuraūce and hope of christen men is founded The fyrst is that Iesus Christ is deade for our synnes It is a worde whych ought well to be imprinted in the hartes of christen people or els one ought not nor is not worthy to be called christened Iesus Christ is dead for our synnes sayth saynt Paul Then we be nomore in dette for our synnes syth that Iesus Christ hath satisfyed and payde for vs. Nor also we ought nomore to serue vnto synne seynge that by hys death he hath wylled to cause synne to dye in vs yf so be we beleue stedfastlye in hym The seconde thynge whych he reduceth in memory vnto the Corinthiās and to vs is that Iesus Christ hath ben buried and is rysen to lyfe agayne Thys is it where on the hope of the christen people ought to be founded For yf the heade be rysen agayne to lyfe in triumphe glorye in lyke case shall the mēbers ryse agayne They shal ryse agayne vnto grace and vnto spiritual lyfe in thys worlde and vnto glorye and lyfe eternall in the other Apo. xx As saynt Ihon sayeth in hys Apocalyps Happye shall they be holy is he whych hath parte in the fyrst resurrectiō the secōde death hath no power ouer them Some false preachers wolde haue tourned the Corinthians from the sayd fayth for thys cause doth saynt Paule warne them so busely sayenge My brethren I do you to vnderstande and I do reduce to your memory the good newes which I haue preached vnto you I meane the gospell which ye haue receyued by fayth to the whych ye haue stayed your selues and by the which ye shal be saued yf you folow it I let you to wyt for what reason in what fashion I haue preached it vnto you yf ye haue remembraunce therof yea yf ye haue not beleued in vayne Fyrst that whyche I haue receyued of God whyche hath bene to me reuelate What Christe is deade for our synnes accordynge as it is wrytten as it hath ben sayd before and wryttē by the prophetes Then he sayeth he hath bene buryed and is rysen agayne to lyfe And for to confirme the same the more he sayeth more ouer that Iesus Christ after hys resurrection hath bene sene by Peter and after by the xij apostles and sythin hath bene sene by .v. hūdreth brethren beynge together As yf he had sayd You ought to be well assured of thys for asmuch as these mysteries haue not ben shewed vnto me alone but the holy wrytynges doth wytnesse the same And also they vnto whome he hath appeared after hys resurrection whych be of great nomber Certes who soeuer leseth the hope of resurrection the same also
Math. vi Forgyue vs our trespasses as we forgyue thē that trespasse agaynst vs. And by these wordes sayeth saynt Austine humblynge oure soules we cease not after a maner to do dayly penaunce But it is to be feared lest many of vs playe rather the pharisees parte thynkynge our selues hyghly in gods fauour and in the meane season despysynge our neghbours whych by theyr humble submission and penitent hertes shall get vp before vs. Heauen is gyuen not to such as iustifie themselues by their owne dedes but to such as mekely and penitently call for mercy pardon and grace wherby they maye afterward worke that maye be pleasaunt in gods syght Who wol surely in heauen crowne them wyth glorye immortall To whome be honoure and prayse for euer and euer Amen The Epistle on the .xij. sondaye after Trinitie The .ij. Epistle to the Corin. the .iij. Chap. Th argument ☞ The ministration of the gospel is here praysed BRethren such trust haue we thorow Christ to godwarde not that we are sufficient of oure selues to thynke any thynge as of oure selues but yf we be able vnto any thynge the same commeth of God whych hath made vs able to minister the new testament not of the letter but of the spirite For the letter kylleth but the spirite gyueth lyfe Yf the ministracion of death thorow the letters fygured in stones was glorious so that the chyldren of Israel coulde not behold the face of Moses for the glorye of hys countenaunce whych glorye is done awaye why shall not the ministracion of the spirite be much more glorious For yf the ministrynge of condemnation be glorious much more doth the ministration of ryghtuousnes excede in glorye FOr bycause that saint Paule welbeloued brethrē in our sauiour Christe had a lytle before the begynnynge of the epistle of thys daye praysed the Corinthians sayenge vnto them that they were hys epistle in Iesu Christe in asmuch as they had receyued hys gospell and had wrytten and imprinted his fayth in theyr hartes by hys administration preachynge Ministred by vs sayeth he not wryttē with ynke but by the spirite of the lyuyng God Not written in tables of stone as those that Moses had but in tables of flesh in the harte therfore to thyntent to gyue them none occasion that they shulde waxe therwyth proude and to hope and glorie in themselues and not in God and also for to holde them in humilitie vnder the sauegarde of God saynt Paule sayeth We haue truely such hope in God by Christ not that we are sufficient of our selues c. As yf he had sayd Thys that I saye I do not speake it arrogantly presumynge of myne owne wyttes but I haue such hope in God by Iesu Christ that thys that I say is true and shall abyde true I do not saye it of my selfe as of my selfe for we be not sufficient to thinke any thynge of our selues as of our selues but oure sufficientnes and all that whyche we maye thynke speake and do touchynge goodnes cōmeth and dependeth from God whych is begynnynge myddes and ende of all goodnes The whych hath made vs and gyuen vs power to be ministers and preachers of the new testament of the new and good promises whych are by Iesu Christ He hath gyuen vs authoritie and commission to be a preacher not of the letter but of the spirite for the letter sayeth saint Paul sleeth the soule and the spirite doth quycken it We ought here to note well the difference that there is to preache the letter and the spirite For vnto the tyme that the lyuely worde of God be by feruēt fayth rooted in our hartes vnto the tyme I say that we serue God nomore wyth euell wyll but ioyfully and frely what studye or lections soeuer we take yea yf we knewe the olde and new testament by rote of harte yet folowe we the letter But the spirite of God the spirite of scripture the spirite of the which S. Paul speaketh of here is out of feare it serueth in lybertie For where the spirite of the Lorde is there is lybertie fredome Saynt Paule now after that he bare the lyght of God I meane the worde of Iesu Christ beynge desyrous and wyllynge not to hyde it vnder a bushell but exaltynge it and settynge it vp to be bruted and praysed of angels and of men commeth to compare the eternall gospell vnto the transitorye lawe of Moses He calleth the lawe of Moses the executynge or administracion of death damnation Not but that the law is good and holy yf it be vsed lawfully but forbycause the Iues haue abused it to theyr damnation And for the same cause by occasion it is called administration of death He sayeth than yf the administration of death that is to saye yf the auncient lawe was delyuered and gyuen in lyght in puissaunce and in glorye what shall the lawe of the gospell be whych is the administration of the spirite of lyfe and of iustice But forasmuche as dyuerse heretikes and vnlearned persones haue mysvnderstanded thys wrytynge of saint Paule in thys place therfore I thynke it not amysse brefly to make a faythfull reapport vnto you of S. Austines wordes concernynge the interpretacion of thys place Thus he wryteth in hys seconde boke agaynst the aduersary of the lawe and prophetes The lawe albeit it be holy iust and good The wordes S. Austine yet it bryngeth death to the transgressours and breakers therof whome the grace of God helpeth not to fulfyl the iustice of the lawe For it behoued that in the olde testament a lawe shuld be layde vpon the proude and stubborne Iues and on such as trusted vpon the power of theyr owne wyll whych lawe shuld not gyue them ryghtuousnes but shulde commaunde vnto them ryghtuousnes and so beynge wrapped and in tangled wyth the death for transgression that they myght fle to grace which grace not only cōmaūdeth but also helpeth thys grace in the new testament is reuelate and opened vnto vs. And of thys occasion do these blasphemours of gods worde thynke that the lawe was nought whych was gyuen by Moses bycause it is called the ministration of death fygured in stony letters They consyder not that it was so called bycause of them whyche thoughte by theyr owne fre wyll to satisfye the lawe not holpen with the spirite of grace were holden gyltye of transgression vnder the letter of the same lawe For assuredly the transgression or breakinge of the lawe shuld not be euell onles the law it selfe were good What maruayle is it than yf it be called the ministracion of death where the letter kylleth in prohibitynge euell whych is done and in commaundynge good whych is not done and on the contrary syde that the other is called the ministracion of the spirite whych quyckeneth that we mought ryse from the death of preuarication and rede not gyltie in tables ryghtuousnes ☞ but beynge fre might haue it in our hartes and maners that is to
what is wrytten in the lawe How redest thou And he answered and sayde Loue the Lorde thy God wyth all thy hart and wyth all thy soule and wyth all thy strength and wyth all thy mynde and thy neyghbour as thy selfe And he sayde vnto hym Thou hast answered ryght This do and thou shalt lyue But he wyllynge to iustifye hymselfe sayd vnto Iesus And who is my neyghboure Iesus answered and sayd A certayne man descended from Ierusalem to Hierico and fell amonge theues which robbed hym of hys rayment and wounded hym and departed leauynge hym halfe deade And it chaunced that there came downe a certayne prest that same waye and whan he sawe hym he passed by And lykewyse a Leuite whan he wente nye to the place came and loked on hym and passed by But a certayne Samaritane as he iorneyed came vnto hym and whā he sawe hym he had compassion on hym and went to and bounde vp hys woundes poured in oyle and wyne set him on his owne beast and brought hym to a cōmon ynne made prouision for hym And on the morowe whan he departed he toke out two pence and gaue them to the hoost and sayd vnto hym Take cure of hym and what so euer thou spendest more whā I come agayne I wyll recōpence the. Whych now of these thre thynkest thou was neyghbour vnto hym that fel amonge the theues And he said he that shewed mercy on hym Than sayde Iesus vnto hym Go and do thou lykewyse BLessed be the eyen whych se that you haue sene c. Welbeloued audience these be the wordes of our Sauiour Christ spoken to hys disciples in the x. chapter of Luke whych be red in the churche thys daye For the better vnderstandynge wherof ye shal marke that Christe a lytle before the speakynge of these wordes reioysyng in spirite gaue prayses and thankes to hys father of heuen bycause he had hyd the mysterye of the gospell from the proude Pharisees whych were counted the wyse and wyttye persones of the worlde and had disclosed and opened it to symple and vnlerned persons as to fyshermē publicanes and so forth such as were hys disciples And speakynge these wordes he turned hymselfe to hys disciples apart and sayde the wordes before rehersed Blessed be the eyen that se whych you do se For I tell you that many prophetes kynges wold haue sene that you se and sawe not and wolde haue herde that you heare herde not I praye you what herde what sawe these disciples that the prophetes and kynges whych were before them herde not nor sawe not Truly they sawe not they herd not Christ as dyd thappostles They busely wayted and loked for hym they knewe such one shulde come to redeme and saue them from euerlastynge dānation death wherof they were gyltie by the synne of Adam theyr fyrst father But they coulde not se hym personally For the tyme was not yet come that the father of heuen had set and determined to sende hym And amōges other holy fathers whych loked for thys redēption Luce. ij we reade in holy scripture of one Symeon a ryghtuouse and deuoute man whyche had receyued an answere of the holy goost that he shulde not se death tyll he had sene wyth hys eyen the Christe of the Lorde that is to saye the Messias that shulde saue and redeme the worlde whyche thynge came to passe For whan Christ our sauiour was brought to the temple on the eyght daye to be circumcised accordynge to the custome of the Iues thys Symeon in spyred with the holy goost came into the temple and takynge the chylde in hys armes praysed God and sayd Now thou lycencest me thy seruaunt to depart o Lorde accordyng to thy word in peace For myne eyen haue sene thy sauynge stocke whych thou hast prepared before the face of all people c. We reade also of a certayne wydowe prophetisse named Anne doughter of Phanuell Luce. ij which was also in the temple the same tyme and praysed the Lorde in lyke wyse spake of thys Christ vnto all those that wayted for the redemption of Israell These I saye and suche other whyche were in Christes tyme reioysed to se that they sawe and to heare that they herde But thys coulde not the holy prophetes and kynges whyche were before Christes commynge into thys world se bycause the tyme was not yet come So Christ myght very well call the disciples blessed bycause they saw thynges and also herde doctrine taught them which were not sene nor herde before Now whan Christe had spoken these wordes and was come agayne to the people to teache and instructe them hys doctrine beholde a certayne scribe which was a lawyer sterte vp to take Christ in a trippe and to tempte hym sayenge Mayster what shall I do to inherite euerlastynge lyfe Christ perceyuynge wherabout he went answered and sayd to the lawyer What is wrytten in the lawe Deut. vi How doest thou rede there He sayd In the lawe thus is it wrytten Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with thy hole harte and thy hole soule and wyth thy hole myght and wyth all thy mynde and thy neyghboure as thy selfe Than sayd Christ vnto hym Thou hast well answered Thys do and thou shalt lyue As who shulde saye Thou art a doctour a teacher and mayster in Israel Do the thynge that thou teachest other to do be a worker of the thynge that thou readest For not the hearers of the lawe be iust before God Rom. ij but the doers of the lawe shal be iustifyed Thynke not for al my new and straūge doctrine to your eares Math. v. that I am come to destroye the law and the prophetes as many do thinke of me No no I am not come to destroye but to fulfyll Ye scribes and pharisees cōmonly set lytle by gods hestes and commaundementes all your busye studye labour is to auaunce set vp your owne lawes your owne rytes and traditions But I tel you and take it for a warnynge that who so euer breaketh one of these lytle prety cōmaundementes of God for so ye coūte them in comparison of yours and teacheth men to do as he doth as cōmonly ye scribes and pharisees do Math. v beleue me he shall haue lest to do in heauen But that person whych fyrst doth hymselfe afterwarde teacheth other men these cōmaundementes of God of whych thou hast rekened vp the chefest of all and that whych conteyneth all the rest doubtles thys felowe shal be called a great man in heuen Now good people ye shall vnderstande that the scribes pharisees amonges the Iues in dede taught whā they sate in Moses chaire the lawe of God and hys commaundementes but they added many gloses interpretacions and additions of theyr owne heades They corrupted gods worde wyth theyr owne traditions as tauerners be wont to brewe and corrupt the pure wyne wyth other vnholsome thynges for theyr owne gaynes and auauntage
please Iesu Christ the glorie of the father the glorie of the angels and of men to abyde in you by feruent faith in your hartes founded and rooted in charitie to thyntente that you maye knowe and vnderstande the incomprehensible graces whych by him be gyuen vnto vs the largenesse and length of the same for the earth is full of the mercy of the Loroe God sayeth the prophete Dauid and the hyghnesse and depthnesse Psalm xxxij for they do perse the heauens and the hylles He whych is descended is he which hath ascended aboue al the heauens sayeth saint Paul Eph. liij To thintent also that ye shall know the great charitie of Iesu Christ toward vs the whych knowlege is more to be estemed than all the science of the worlde and that you shulde be replenyshed in all aboundaunce wyth the graces of God In thys epistle saynt Paule declareth in short conclusions the perfection of the christen lyfe vnto the whych we ought to breath and to sygh He doth not praye that god shulde gyue them much temporall goodes for to lyue at theyr ease but he desyreth and prayeth that they maye haue strength for to endure and to beare with him the crosse of Iesu Christ For all the lyfe of a christen mā is to endure In the conclusion of the epistle wyth profounde harte and wyth great spirite he yeldeth graces louynge thankes vnto God sayenge Vnto him whych is able for to gyue vs more than we can demaunde or thynke accordynge vnto the myght the whych puissantly strongly worketh and laboureth in vs vnto hym be yelden all glorie by all the church by the meanes of hys sonne Iesu Christ For euen as by him al grace is gyuē vs from the father so it must nedes be that by hym whych is the begynnynge and the ende all glorie be vnto hym rendered Then my brethren let vs not discourage our selues of the worde of God of the doctrine of the gospell for any tribulation or worldly vexacion that may happē vnto any of them by which it shal haue pleased God that they shuld bear it yf it be hys pleasure to make them to beare hys crosse vnto them whych shall beare it but so much the more let vs be founded stedfast and ferme rooted in fayth hope and charitie and we shall knowe the incōprehensible graces of God And he that surmounteth all myght shall delyuer vs from al euell and shall leade vs vnto hys glorye vnto hys heauēly kyngdome where in eternall ioye we shall yelde perpetuall graces and prayses vnto the father of heuen by our Lorde Iesu Christ To whome c. The Gospel on the .xvi. sonday after Trinitie The .vij. Chapter of Luke Th argument ☞ Christ rayseth a deade man to lyfe agayne IEsus wente into a cytie whyche is called Naim and many of hys disciples went wyth hym and much people Whan he came nye to the gate of the cytie beholde there was a deade man caryed out whych was the only sonne of hys mother and she was a wedowe and much people of the cytie was wyth her And whan the Lorde sawe her he had cōpassion on her and said vnto her wepe not And he came nye and touched the coffyn and they that bare hym stode styll And be said Yonge man I say vnto the aryse And he that was deade sat vp and began to speake And he delyuered hym to hys mother And there came a feare on them all And they gaue the glorie vnto God sayenge A greate prophete is rysen vp amonge vs and god hath vysited his people THe thynge good people whych is moost agreable vnto god and that whyche he demaundeth requyreth of vs principally is to beleue hys word as saynt Paule saythin the .xi. chapter of hys epistle to the Hebrues It is impossible to please God with out fayth For thys cause all the myracles whyche were at any tyme done aswel by Iesu Christ in erth as by hym in hys members it hath not ben for to attribute the honoure vnto hys members or that hys members hath done myracles but for to approue the worde of God and for to manyfest hys glorie and myght to thintent that he shulde be honoured and reuerenced of euery body and in euery place as the prophete sayeth Lorde god all the earth doth worship the. For thys cause oure Lorde hath raysed vp from death to lyfe the wedowes sonne of the whych is made mention in the gospel of thys day He hath here raised one from bodely death for to make vs to beleue that he hath the power also for to rayse vs agayne from spirituall death And also he shall rayse vs vp agayne bodely at the day of dome As he said vnto Martha I am the resurrection and lyfe who so beleueth in me he shall not dye eternally Ioh. xi All they therfore whych do not lyue accordynge vnto the spirite whych folowe the olde lyfe of Adam whyche accomplish the desyres concupiscences and workes of the flesh of the whych was spoken in the epistle of the last sondaye they be deade spiritually For who that hath not the holy goost he hath no lyfe he doth not belonge vnto Iesu Christ whych is the lyfe Yf any hath not the spirite of Christ he is not Christes Ro. viij He is borne and conducted of euell spirites to the pytte of hell Yf Iesu Christ do not come quyckely for to touche hym wyth hys hande the whyche sygnifyeth hys great puissaunce and myght conioyned wyth hys worde Yf he do not speake and touch lyuely the harte it is impossible that the sayd creatures shulde haue power to ryse agayne or that they shulde euer chaunge from the death of the soule vnto newnes of lyfe and state of grace For surely so longe as we be in deadly synne and vnder the thraldome and subiection of the fende so longe we be as deade persons S. Ambrose And therfore sayeth saynt Ambrose We lye deade in secrete whan eyther the fyre of vnreasonable lust brenneth vs or the colde humoure drowneth and as it were wyth a certayne slouthfulnesse of the bodye the sharpenesse of the mynde is accombred and ouerwhelmed in which case we can not ryse out of our drousye slomber but by Christe And yf sayeth thys holy doctour saynt Ambrose An allegorie it be an heuye greuouse synne whych thou thy selfe arte not able to wash awaye wyth the teares of thy penaunce and repentaunce let thy mother the holy church wepe for the. Let the people also be assistente vnto her And fortwyth thou shalt ryse agayne oute of the coffyn or beere and shalte begynne to speake wyth an other lyfe and all that heare it shall feare shal be corrected by thexemple of one They shal also prayse God Bede whych hath gyuē vs so great remedies to eschue death And here sayeth Bede is the errour of the heretiques called Nouatians confounded whych whyle they go about to destroye the
spirituall dropsye whych was spiritually ful of the dropsye and ful of waters of concupiscence wherby it peryshed and drewe vnto eternall death Moreouer in thys gospell Christ doth aduertise vs of these couetouse and proude scribes and pharisees whych by theyr ambition at the feastes and banckettes dyd take the fyrst and moost honourable places For the whych cause Iesu Christ doth correcte them and instructeth them and vs also wyllynge vs whan we shal be called vnto mariages and feastes that we do not syt in the hyghest places but in the lowest The whych maye be vnto vs very well a moral doctrine as to the exterior worke as the holy doctours of the church do full well declare it in especiall the great clerke Basilius declareth it on thys wyse To take the lowest place at feastes accordynge to the Lordes commaundement is conuenient but agayne contenciously to runne into it is a thynge reprouable as a disturbaunce of ordre and occasion of hurly burly And surely sayeth thys clerke yf contencion be moued who shuld syt lowest amonges you ye shall diffre nothynge from those that stryue to syt hyghest for al is one mater Wherfore lyke as our lorde sayeth here it is expedient for hym that maketh a feast to appoynt the order of syttynge So shal one of vs in pacience susteyne eche other honestly and doynge al thynges in order and not after the fansye of some we shall neyther seme to conterfayte humilitie by ouermuche gaynsaynge but rather by humilitie we shall obtayne pacience For surely it is a greater token of pryde by ouermuch repugnauncie refusing not to syt in such place as the feastmaker thynketh mete for vs and contenciously to occupie the lowest rowme than it is to syt in the hyghest place whā we be commaunded so to do Thys sayenge therfore of Christ morally is thus to be taken Yet for all that spiritually it maye be well vnderstanded as Bede other expositours also do godly applie it of the mariage of the sonne of God wyth humayne nature whych is the vnion and the mariage of hym and all faythfull soules Math. xxij Of the which it is wrytten in an other place That many be called but fewe elected The whych sentence of God ought to astonny vs we ought diligently to consider what they be which be chosen in desyrynge to be of theyr company Truly Iesu Christe hymselfe doth shewe vs sayenge That whosoeuer doth hūble hymselfe in makynge hymselfe seruaunt vnto all and doynge the workes of charitie to hys brethrē for the honoure of hym he shal be elected or chosen and exalted And on the contrary who soeuer shall exalte hymselfe in wyllynge by pryde to haue maystershyp and lordshyp ouer al and vncharitably neglectynge and despysynge hys euen christen and poore brethren he shal be humbled put downe and cast backe frō the mariage for God resysteth proude men and gyueth grace vnto the hūble Wherfore my frēdes let vs at al tymes do good workes and mercy vnto all Let vs not be ambitious of worldly honoure Let vs humble our selues vnder the myghty hande of God after thys lyfe we shal be by hym exalted whan it shal be hys pleasure and godly wyll into eternal glorye wyth the cōpany of all those that be happy for to prayse hym blesse hym wythout ende The Epistle on the .xviij. sonday after Trinitie The .i. Epistle to the Corin. the .i. Chap. Th argument ☞ A gratulacion or thankesgyuynge for the true knowlege of godlynes BRethren I thāke my God alwayes on your behalfe for the grace of god which is gyuē you by Iesus Christ that in al thynges ye are made rych by hym in al vtteraunce and in al knowlege by the whych thynges the testimony of Iesus Christ was cōfermed in you so that ye are behynde in no gyft waytynge for the appearynge of our Lorde Iesus Christ whych shall also strength you vnto the ende that ye maye be blamelesse in the daye of the commynge of our Lorde Iesus Christ SAynt Paul good christen people in the epistle of thys present sondaye doth teache vs that he whych hath the grace of God in hys harte whan he seeth the poore synners leaue theyr euell lyfe and that they conuerte them vnto God in grace is excedyngly ioyfull and continually yeldeth graces and thankes vnto God For it is wrytten in the .xiij. chapter of hys fyrst epistle vnto the Corinthiās Charitie doth not reioyce at iniquitie that is to saye of the estate of sinners but is in heuynesse pytie and compassion But it reioyceth of truth whych is whan they leaue theyr synnes and the vanitie of thys worlde that they conuerte them vnto God whych is all veritie And also ioye is made in heauen amonges the angels of God as it is wryttē in the .xv. chapter of S. Luke It is ioye before the angels of God for a synner that doth penaunce Also saynt Paule here yeldeth graces and thankes vnto God for the Corinthians knowynge that it was not by any workes that they had done that they were conuerted but by the only mercy of God not deserued on theyr behalfe And thus it is of vs. In oure conuertynge by true fayth vnto Iesu Christ we be made ryche in hym in all thynges in all wordes and in al sciences that is to saye in the doctrine of the gospell by the whyche is confermed vnto vs the wytnes of our saluacion knowyng certaynly that the myght of god is in the Gospell for to saue all them whych shal beleue in it But before that we be worthy to haue suche and so great rychesses we muste renounce and vtterly forsake the vayne confidence and trust in the rychesses and delytes of thys worlde For Iesu Christ hymselfe sayeth vnto vs math vi that we can not serue God and also the rychesses of thys worlde Moreouer in an other place he sayeth that yf we do not renounce in our mynde and affection all the goodes that we do possesse we can not be hys disciples Let vs thā hold vs by fayth in oure conuersion to God the whyche fayth foloweth so many gyftes and graces of God that there lacketh nothynge for saluation And we shall abyde in all suertie and in peace of conscience the commynge of Iesu Christ whych shal be particulerly at the daye of our death and departynge frō thys worlde and generally at the daye of dome at the whyche tyme he shall come and gyue vnto vs hys great inestimable rychesses the which we do nowe tarye for by fayth and hope that is the eternal glorye of hys heauen Into the whych that we maye all come by the graces and merytes of our Lorde Iesu Christ c. The gospell on the .xviij. sonday after Trinitie The .xxij. Chapter of Matheu Th argument ☞ The pharisees question to Christ and again Christes question to the pharisees THe pharisees wēt vnto Iesus and one of them whyche was a doctour of the lawe of Moses asked
lyfe than no doubte ryghtuousnes shulde come by the lawe But the scripture concluded all thynges vnder syn that the promes by the fayth of Iesus Christ shuld be gyuen vnto them that beleue SAynt Paul my welbeloued frendes in the epistle of thys day declareth vnto vs that they chaūge the testament the euerlastynge wyll of God which testament wyll or couenaunt god hath concluded in Christ our only iustifyer and sauiour which seke saluation and iustification by the lawe not by Christ I speake sayeth saynt Paule after mans fashion that ye maye the better vnderstande me Though it be but the testament and last wyll of a man yet yf it be ones authorised and allowed nomā cutteth it of or addeth any thynge therto Ambrose Here saynt Ambrose noteth that the Apostle vseth thys comparison or similitude to thintent he wold declare that they be falsifyers of goddes testament whych wheras they beleue in Christ yet mengle with Christ the law whych hope to be partly saued by the law For in very dede the hole cause of our saluation is Christ Iesus and no iote of the lawe as the Apostle saynt Paule doth in thys epistle very fully and effectually proue Yf mans testamēt ought to be of such strength that we ought nether take ought therfro nor put ought ther to how much rather ought gods testament wyl to be such But in gods testamēt to Abraham was the promise of eternal saluacion and iustification made and vnto hys sede Ge. xxij In thy sede sayd god to Abrahā shall all the nations of the earth be blessed He sayth not in the sedes as many but in thy sede as of one whych is Christ Now thā seynge this wrytyng this testamente and couenaunte maketh mencion but of one heyre in whome God promysed that we shulde all be saued and iustifyed then we ought to allowe none other thynge to our iustification to oure blesse and saluation but only Christ Secondly S. Paule proueth by the circūstaūce of the tyme that the law blessed not nor iustifyed mākynde For the promyse or wrytyng of the testament was proued and confirmed by god in the only heyre Iesu Christ before the law was gyuen For the law was gyuen longe after that is to saye as Paul here wytnesseth aboue foure hundred and thyrty yeares after Wherfore yf the law were any cause of our iustification then the people whych were before the law was gyuen coulde not be iustifyed whych thynge is false Ro xiiij as the Apostle manyfestly proueth in hys epistle to the Romaynes For Abraham was iustifyed lōge before the lawe came yea and that before he was circumcised It is therfore playne that the euerlastyng inheritaunce can not come by the law For yf it were by the lawe as reasoneth saynt Paule than it can not come by promyse But so it is that god gaue it vnto Abraham by promyse Ergo the heritage of heuen and saluacion commeth by promyse and not by the lawe An obiection But here sayeth he ye wol aske me syth the law is not the cause of saluation but Christ is the onely gyuer of it to such as cleaue faste vnto hym by true fayth hope and charitie wherfore then serueth the lawe Solutiō what good do it Surely much good my frendes The vse profyte of the lawe is great thoughe it be not cause of our iustification I say the workes of the lawe saue vs not but it is only the merytes of Christ that saueth vs that iustifieth vs yf we stycke vnto hym by ernest quycke fayth whych worketh of loue and not of compulsion In dede a true and ryght christon man I meane a person that is cleane turned into a new man whych hath so great fayth and charitie in hym that for Christes loue he is ready to do all thynges such as man nede no lawe i. Tim. i. For the lawe as the Apostle also testifyeth is not gyuē vnto the ryghtuouse man but vnto the vnryghtuouse and disobedient to the vngodly and vnto synners to vnholy and vncleane to murtherers of fathers and murtherers of mothers to mansleers to whoremongers to beastly persons to theues and so forth The lawe than is rather a restrayner from euell than a iustifyer it is as it were a brydell tyll Christ come and be setled in vs whyche maye cause vs to worke euen of loue wythout cōpulsion of law The lawe sayth Paule was added bycause of trāsgression tyll Christ whych was the sede that was promysed came So the lawe is not agaynst the promyse of God but it standeth wyth the promyse it is as it were our schole mayster and leader to Christe For sayeth saynt Paule yf there had ben any lawe gyuen which coulde haue gyuen vs lyfe that is to say whych coulde haue iustifyed and saued vs than no doubt shulde ryghtuousnes haue come by the lawe But that could not be And therfore the scripture cōcluded al vnder synne to th ende that the promyse by the fayth of Iesus Christ shuld be gyuen to al such as beleue the same The lawe than was added not to iustifye but to brydell vs in to leade vs lyke a scholemayster vnto Christ And it was ordeined and gyuen sayeth Paule by angels as is wytnessed also in the Actes in the hande of a mediatoure Actu vij that is to saye in the hande of Moses whych went betwene as a spokesman betwene the angels and the people The people coulde not heare the lawe that was ordeyned and gyuen of the angels from god wythout a mediatour Wherfore nowe we haue muche more nede of the mediatour Christ whych may brynge vs the waye to God Here therfore good people ye lerne in this epistle two thynges the one is wherfore Christ serueth and the other wherfore the lawe serueth The lawe must be our brydell our staye our scholemayster to directe and leade vs to the true vnfayned fayth in Christ whych fayth may make vs to worke euen of loue But Christ must be counted our only iustifyer and the only cause of our saluacion We must do the workes of the lawe not as compelled by law but as prouoked by loue whych we beare fyrst to God and consequently to our neyghbour for Christes sake This doynge we shall surely be iustifyed and sanctifyed persons and shall inherite the eternall inheritaunce of God To whome be glorye c. The Gospel on the .xiij. sonday after Trinitie The x. Chapter of Luke Th argument ☞ Of the lawyers question of Christes answere IEsus sayd to hys disciples Happye are the eyes whych se the thynges that ye se For I tell you that many prophetes and kynges haue desyred to se those thynges whych ye se haue not sene thē and to heare those thynges whych ye heare and haue not herde them And beholde a certayne lawyer stode vp and tempted hym sayenge Mayster what shall I do to inherite eternal lyfe He said vnto him