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A61654 A treatise of family instruction wherein it is proved to be the duty of parents and masters of families to train up their children and servants in knowledge of the Scriptures : with directions how this work may be done ... / by Owen Stockton ... Stockton, Owen, 1630-1680. 1672 (1672) Wing S5701; ESTC R34620 210,007 358

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after his own Image in Righteousness and true Holiness That Adam did not continue in this estate but sinned against God by eating the forbidden fruit That all men have sinned and come short of the Glory of God That the wages of sin is death That Jesus Christ died for our sins That he rose again from the dead the third day That he ascended into Heaven and sitteth there at Gods right hand to make Intercession for us That whosoever believeth in Jesus Christ shall receive remission of sins and have eternal life That the dead shall be raised and be all judged at the last day That at the day of Judgment they that have done evil shall be cast into Hell Fire where they shall remain for ever and they that have lived godly in Christ Jesus shall be taken into the Kingdom of Heaven c. Now if you have not ability to teach them the more abstruse and mysterious points of the Christian Religion teach them those things which are plain and easie and whilst you do so God will open your Understandings and give you farther insight into the Mysteries of the Gospel 3. Your fear of wresting the Scriptures should make you diligent in using the means to get a true and right understanding of the Scriptures but it should not make you neglect your duty in teaching your Children the knowledge of the Scriptures That man who had but one Talent and out of fear did not improve his Talent but went and hid it in the Earth was not excused by his having but a mean Talent or by his pleading his fearfulness but is called by his Lord a wicked a slothful servant and was cast into outer darkness where there was weeping and gnashing of Teeth Matth. 25.24 25 26 30. He which had received the one Talent came and said Lord I knew thee that thou art a hard man And I was afraid and went and hid thy Talent in the Earth lo there thou hast that is thine His Lord answered and said unto him Thou wicked and slothful servant thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not and gather where I have not strawed thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the Exchangers that I might have received mine own with usury Take therefore the Talent from him And cast the unprofitable servant into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth If you ask What means should we use that we may come to the true and right understanding of the Scriptures and be kept from wresting them I answer 1. Be sensible of your own inability to understand the Scriptures of your selves and pray to God to open your understandings and to guide you into the true and right meaning of his holy word It is Gods work to open the eyes of our understandings whereby we may understand his word Luc. 24.45 Then opened he their understandings that they might understand the Scriptures Prov. 20.12 The hearing ear and the seeing eye the Lord hath made even both of them And seeing it is Gods work to enlighten our minds we must pray to God to reveal to us the meaning of his word when we give our selves to the reading of it Psal 119.18 Open thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy Law And when we do with humble and lowly minds seek unto God he will teach us and lead us into the knowledge of the truth Prov. 28.5 They that seek the Lord understand all things Psal 25.9 The meek will he guide in judgment the meek will he teach his way They are usually proud and self-conceited persons that fall into error Psal 119.21 Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed that do erre from thy Commandments 2. Read the Scriptures diligently and mark the coherence of what you read with that which went before and that which followeth after observe the scope and consider well both the words and matter of those places which have any difficulty in them this will help you to a right understanding of the Scriptures 2 Tim. 2.7 Consider what I say and the Lord give thee understanding in all things 3. Compare one Scripture with another that which is more obscure with that which is more clear that is the way to come to know the mind of Christ in the Scriptures 1 Cor. 2.13 16. Comparing spiritual things with spiritual we have the mind of Christ 4. Consider what is the general design and scope of the whole Scripture and if you would not wrest the Scriptures understand and expound particular Texts so as they may agree with and not contradict the general scope and design of the whole Scripture Now the general scope and design of the Scripture is 1. To bring us to believe in Christ and to teach us to expect eternal Life by believing on Christ John 20.31 These things are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing ye might have life through his Name Prov. 22.19 20. That thy trust may be in the Lord I have made known to thee this day even to thee Have I not written to thee excellent things in counsels and knowledge 2. To keep us from sinning against God 1 John 2.1 My little Children these things write I unto you that ye sin not And to direct and help us to live holy and godly lives Tit. 1.1 According to the faith of Gods Elect and the acknowledging of the truth which is after Godliness 1 Tim. 6.3 If any man teach otherwise and consent not to wholesome words even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Doctrine which is according to Godliness 3. The general design of the Scriptures is to comfort and to encourage us in all estates and conditions to hope in God Rom 15.4 Whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope 5. Receive such Truths as God reveals to you out of his word with love and yield sincere obedience to them When persons do not love and obey the Word God gives them up oft-times to strong delusions that they believe lies instead of truth 2 Thes 2.10 11. Because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved and for this cause God shall send them strong delusions that they should believe a lie But as for such as do sincerely obey the voice of the Lord and continue therein the Lord is wont to give them good understandings and the spirit of a sound mind Psal 110.10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom a good understanding have all they that do his Commandments John 7.17 If any man will do his will he shall know of the Doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of my self 6. Lean not to your own understandings but trust in the Lord with all your hearts rely upon him to keep you from Errour of Judgment and to lead and guide
Then all the Congregation answered and said with a loud Voice As thou hast said so must we do Apollos who was mighty in the Scriptures Acts 18.24 was very successful in the Conviction and Conversion of obstinate sinners for he mightily convinced the Jews vers 28. And in the edification of such as were converted to the faith vers 27. Who when he was come helped them much which had believed through grace SECT 2. We must teach our Families the knowledge of the principles and the practice of the Duties of Religion Nothing but the Truth Soul-saving Truths What are Soul-saving Truths Seasonable Truths Direct 2 COnsider well what Doctrine you teach your Families if you would convert and save their Souls For by taking heed to the Doctrine that you instil into them you may save both their and your own Souls 1 Tim. 4.16 Take heed to thy self and unto thy Doctrine continue in them for in doing this thou shalt save both thy self and them that hear thee If any ask What Doctrine should we teach our Families in order to the Conversion Edification and Salvation of their Souls I answer In the general teach them the holy Scriptures I have proved already that it is the Will and Command of God that we should instruct our Families in the knowledge of the Scriptures Chap. I. Sect. 1. And I have also shown that teaching Gods Word to our Families will be a means of their Conversion Psal 19.7 The Law of the Lord is perfect converting the Soul and of their edification Acts 20.32 I commend you to God and the Word of his grace which is able to build you up And of their Salvation Rom. 1.16 I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto Salvation As the Reader may see more largely in the perusal of the first and second Chapters If any say Tell us more particularly what Doctrine we should teach our Families out of the Scriptures in order to their Conversion Edification and Salvation Answ 1. Instruct them in the knowledge of the Principles of Religion As for instance Teach them that there is a God and that this God is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek him And who is the true God That there is but one God and that this one God subsisteth in three distinct Persons the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost That God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and Truth That God knoweth all things is every where present Almighty Eternal Holy in all his Works and Righteous in all his Ways Faithful Just Abundant in Mercy c. That God made the Heavens and the Earth and all things therein and Rules and Governs all his Creatures by his Wise and Gracious Providence That Man was created in the Image of God and sinned against God by eating the Forbidden Fruit That by Adam's Disobedience all Men were made Sinners and are by Nature the Children of Wrath and that Judgement came upon all men to Condemnation That God out of his great Love sent his only begotten Son into the World to seek and save that which was lost That JESUS of NAZARETH who was conceived of the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin MARY suffered under PONTIUS PILATE was the promised MESSIAH That He died for our Sins and rose again the third day and ascended into Heaven where he sitteth at the right hand of God making intercession for all that come to God by him from whence He shall come again to judge the World in Righteousness That God for Christ his sake hath made a New Covenant wherein he hath promised Remission of sins Sanctification eternal Life and all other good things freely to them that believe on his Son That those whom God hath ordained to eternal Life he calleth out of Darkness into Light and turneth them from their sins unto God and unites them to Christ by faith and puts his Spirit into them and causeth them to walk in his Ways and to serve him in Holiness and Righteousness all the days of their Life That there shall be a general Resurrection of the Dead both of the Just and Unjust that after the Dead are raised the whole world shall appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ that every one may receive according to what he hath done while his Soul lived in his Body That such as have lived and died in their sins without Repentance shall be cast into Hell where they shall abide with the Devil and his Angels in everlasting fire And such as have believed in Christ and repented of their sins shall be received into Heaven where they shall be ever with the Lord. It is necessary that you should teach your Children and Servants the knowledge of the Principles of Christian Religion Heb. 5.12 Ye have need that one teach you again which be the first Principles of the Oracles of God For Knowledge is the foundation of Practice Psal 119.34 Give me understanding and I shall keep thy Law yea I shall observe it with my whole heart And Solomon tells us Prov. 29.2 Also that the Soul be without knowledge it is not good And as you must teach them the knowledge of the Principles so also the practise of the Duties of the Christian Religion as to believe in Christ to repent of their sins to love God with all their Hearts and to love their Neighbours as themselves to do the same things unto others which they would that others should do unto them to deny themselves to love their Enemies to do good to them that hate them to read hear and meditate on Gods Words to be contented in every estate c. Knowledge without Obedience will be so far from leading them to everlasting life that it will make them have the greater condemnation Luk. 12.47 That Servant which knew his Lords will and prepared not himself neither did according to his will shall be beaten with many stripes But by teaching your Families both to know and do the will of God you shall make them partakers of eternal Happiness John 13.17 If ye know these things happy are ye if you do them Thus David instructed his Son he taught him both to know and serve the Lord 1 Chron. 28.9 And thou Solomon my Son know thou the God of thy Father and serve him with a perfect heart and willing mind 2. Teach them nothing but the Truth Do not pervert and wrest the Scriptures to their and your own destruction Do not give them poy son instead of the sincere milk of the Word It was the practise of Christ and of his Apostles to teach nothing but the Truth Matth. 22.16 Master we know that thou art true and teachest the way of God in truth 2 Cor. 2.17 We are not as many which corrupt the word of God but as of sincerity as of God in the sight of God speak we in Christ By teaching them the Word of God in truth you shall be
is declared in the next words The Law of his God is in his heart none of his steps shall slide Fifthly Bring them in love with the word of God love to the Word will root and ground the Truths of God in their hearts Ephes 3.17 Rooted and grounded in love Love to the word of God will root it so deeply and firmly in their hearts that no troubles will cause them to depart from the word of God but they will stick and cleave to it unto their dying day Cant. 8.6 7. Love is strong as death many Waters cannot quench Love neither can the Floods drown it If you ask How shall we bring our Children and Servants to love the Word of God I answer 1. Shew them the purity excellency and amiableness that is in the word of God Psal 119.140 Thy Word is very pure therefore thy Servant loveth it 2. Stir them up to practise the word of God that will cause them to love it Psal 119.167 My Soul hath kept thy Testimonies and I love them exceedingly 3. Shew them what a dangerous thing it is not to love the word God is wont to send down sore Judgments upon them that do not receive his Truth in the love of it 2 Thes 2.10.11 12. Because they received not the love of the Truth that they might be saved and for this cause God shall send them strong delusions that they should believe a lye that they all might be damned who believed not the Truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness 4. Exhort them to put away and hate their sins and then they will love and delight in the word of God Psal 119.163 I hate and abhor lying but thy Law do I love 5. Counsel them to feed daily upon Gods word by Meditation and Faith for this will cause them to taste the sweetness of it Jer. 5.16 Thy words were found and I did eat them and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoycing of my Heart Psal 104.34 My meditation of him shall be sweet And when they taste the sweetness of Gods word they will love it above all things in the world Psal 119.103 128. How sweet are thy words unto my taste Yea sweeter than Honey to my month therefore I love thy Commandments above Gold yea above fine Gold SECT 12. How to draw our Families to close with Christ How to ortifie them against the offence of the Cross Direct 12 ENdeavour as much as in you lieth to draw them to JESUS CHRIST that they may receive and close with him upon the terms of the Gospel Whatever Instructions you give your Families if you leave them Christless you leave them in a miserable perishing condition 1 John 5.12 He that hath not the Son of God hath not Life But if you can prevail with them to come to and to close with JESUS CHRIST they shall become the Children of God and shall assuredly obtain everlasting Life John 1.12 As many as received him to them gave he power to become the Sons of God even to them that believe on his Name 1 John 5.12 He that hath the Son hath Life John 6.47 Verily verily I say unto you He that believeth on me hath everlasting Life If you ask What shall we do that we may draw our Children and Servants to come to and close with JESUS CHRIST I answer First Shew them their miserable lost and undone condition without Christ The misery of Man without Christ is set out by the Apostle Ephes 2.12 That at that time ye were without Christ being Aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and Strangers from the Covenants of Promise having no Hope and without God in the world In this Text the misery of such as are without Christ is set forth several ways 1. They are Aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel that is they are none of the People of God 2. They are Strangers from the Covenants of Promise that is they have no part or portion in any of the promises either of the first or second Covenant the Covenant of Works or the Covenant of Grace 3. They are without hope They have no hope of mercy either in this world or in the world to come They may have much presumption and much carnal security but they have no hope 4. They are without God that is without the love and favour of God without the grace of God without any communion with and enjoyment of God There is much also said in few words towards the setting forth of the misery of a man that is without Christ in that fore-mentioned Scripture 1 John 5.12 He that hath not the Son of God hath not Life He hath not the Life of Grace here but is dead in his sins he hath not the Life of Glory hereafter but is debarred of all hope of entring into the Kingdom of Heaven for ever The conviction of their misery and perishing condition without Christ will draw them to seek after Christ Luke 15.17 18. I perish with hunger I will arise and go to my Father Mat. 8.25 His Disciples came to him saying Lord save us we perish Inform them also that salvation from their miserable perishing condition is to be had in Christ and no where else but in Christ Acts 4.12 Neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other Name under Heaven given among men whereby they may be saved When the people of Israel saw that salvation was to be had in the Lord and no where else this caused them to come to him Jer. 3.22 23. Behold we come unto thee for thou art the Lord our God truly in vain is salvation hoped for from the hills and from the multitude of mountains truly in the Lord our God is the salvation of Israel Secondly Acquaint them with the amiableness and excellency of the Lord Jesus Christ with what benefits they shall receive from him if they embrace him as namely that all their sins shall be pardoned Act. 10.43 and their Souls shall be taken into Covenant with God Isa 55.3 and they shall be blessed with all spiritual blessings Eph. 1.3 and that they shall have all the blessings of Heaven for ever John 3.16 When the Spouse had set forth Christs excellencies that he was the chiefest of ten thousand altogether lovely c. Cant. 5.10 16. They that before saw no beauty or comeliness in him why they should desire him vers 9. What is thy Beloved more than another Beloved c. fell in love with Christ and began to enquire where they might find him and how they might come to enjoy him Chap. 6.1 Whether is thy Beloved gone O thou fairest among women whether is thy beloved turned aside that we may seek him with thee Thirdly Cause them to understand that God is very willing to bestow his Son and Jesus Christ is very willing to bestow himself upon all those that feel their need of him and are willing to receive him as is evident from such Scriptures as
the same shall judge him in the last day Rev. 20.12 And I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the Books were opened and another Book was opened which is the Book of Life and the Dead were judged out of those things which were written in the Books according to their works SECT 14. They deal unjustly with their Families who defraud them of the Instruction that is due to them Motive 14 THe Law of Equity requires that Parents should use their utmost diligence to instill knowledge into their Children and to train them up in a godly sort 1. Because they have been instrumental to convey to them a sinful ignorant nature Psal 51.5 Job 14.4 If one man had hurt another the Law of God delivered by Moses required that he should be at the cost and pains to get him throughly healed Exod. 21.19 He shall pay for the loss of his time and cause him to be throughly healed Seeing Parents are instrumental to convey that sin to their Children which hath given their Souls a deadly wound t is but just and equal that they should be at the cost and take pains to get them healed of their ignorance and do what in them lieth to get their Souls converted to the Lord. 2. It is just and equal that we should teach our Children because God hath taught us his Word for this very end and purpose that we should teach the same unto our Children Deut. 4.10 The Lord said unto me Gather the people together and I will make them hear my words that they may teach their Children 3. Justice requires that we should give to every one that which is due to him He that detains from any one that which is his due when it is required and it is in the power of his hand to render it is an unjust man Now Instruction is due to our Children and Servants for God commands us as we have heard before to instruct them and their necessity calleth aloud upon us to be diligent in teaching and instructing them and therefore we cannot withhold instruction from them without being guilty of injustice And it is a great crime to be guilty of injustice Unjust persons are accounted amongst the chiefest of Sinners And to with-hold from our Children or Servants that which is due to their Souls is greater injustice then to wrong them in their Estates or in those things which are due to to their outward man If then we would fulfill that Precept Col. 4.1 Masters give unto your Servants that which is just and equal knowing that ye have a Master in Heaven And that of the Apostle Rom. 13.7 Render to all their dues And that of Solomon Prov. 3.27 With-hold not good from them to whom it is due when it is in the power of thine hand to do it We must not neglect this good work of teaching and instructing our Children and Servants seeing Instruction is due to them Let thus much suffice by way of motive to stir up Parents and Masters of Families to set upon a diligent performance of this duty of training up their Children and Servants in the Knowledge and Obedience of the Scriptures CHAP. III. Directions for managing of this work of Family-Instruction so as to promote the Conversion Edification and Eternal Salvation of all that are under our Charge I Shall in the next place proceed to some Directions for the successful managing of this work of Family-Instruction and shall shew how we should carry it on so as to promote the Conversion Edification and Eternal Salvation of all such as are under our Charge SECT 1. Such as would instruct their Families in the knowledge of the Scriptures must be diligent in studying the Scriptures Direct 1 IF we would instruct our Families in the knowledge of the Scriptures it is necessary that we our selves should be well acquainted with them and that we may come to be well acquainted with the Scriptures we must read them often observe diligently what we read and pray to God to open our understandings that we may understand his holy Word and lay up what he teacheth us in our hearts and meditate in his Law night and day Before the Lord commands us to teach his Word to our Children he prefixeth this Charge That we should lay up his Word in our own hearts Deut. 6.6 7. These words which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy Children And the Apostle calls upon those whom he would have teach others to let the word of Christ dwell richly in themselves Col. 3.16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another A daily searching of the Scriptures attended with Meditation and Prayer will greatly advantage us in this work of Family-Instruction and that in several respects I will instance in two 1. Hereby we shall be furnished with wisdom and knowledge Psal 119.98 99. Thou through thy Commandments hast made me wiser than mine Enemies for they are ever with me I have more understanding than all my Teachers for thy Testimonies are my meditation And the more we are furnished with Heavenly Wisdom the more dextrous and ready we shall be to win those Souls that are committed to our charge Prov. 11.30 He that winneth Souls is wise 2 Cor. 12.16 Being crafty I caught you with guile And as wisdom will make us dextrous in winning Souls to Christ so also it will conduce much to the inabling of us to edifie and build up such as are brought home to him Col. 1.28 Teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus The Romans who were filled with knowledge were thereby made able to teach and admonish others Rom. 15.14 I my self am perswaded of you my Brethren that ye also are full of Goodness filled with all knowledge able also to admonish one another 2. By searching the Scriptures and meditating on them night and day we shall become successful in this work of Family-Instruction God will make this work prosper in our hands to the Conversion Edification and Salvation of such as he hath committed to our care to be instructed in his holy word For the Lord hath promised that whatsoever that man doth who meditates in his Law it shall prosper Psal 1.1 2 3. Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly But his delight is in the Law of the Lord and in his Law doth he meditate day and night And he shall be like a tree planted by the Rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doth shall prosper Ezra who was a ready Scribe in the Law of Moses Ezra 7.6 taught Gods Word to the people of Israel vers 10. And what effect had his teaching It had great power to humble and reform the people Ezra 10.1 12. The people wept very sore
instrumental to their Regeneration Jam. 1.18 Of his own will begat he us with the word of Truth and the rendring of them fruitful in good works Col. 1.6 Which is come unto you as it is in all the world and bringeth forth fruit as it doth also in you since the day that ye heard of it and knew the grace of God in truth And be a means of saving their Souls for it is by the knowledge and belief of the Truth that we are brought to salvation 2 Thes 2.13 God hath from the beginning chosen you to Salvation through Sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the Truth It is said Prov. 14.25 A true witness delivereth Souls By a true Witness we may understand one that instructeth those that are under his Charge in the knowledge of the Truth The Hebrew word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which we render a Witness is sometimes used as Kircher observes pro predicatore for a Teacher and we find the word Witness used in this signification Act. 26.16 To make thee a Minister and a Witness And then the words may have this sence That teaching and instructing persons in the knowledge of the Truth is a means to deliver their Souls from eternal destruction III. Teach them Soul-saving Truths By Soul-saving Truths I mean such Truths as will be a certain and infallible means of saving your Children and Servants Souls if they be rightly understood firmly believed and sincerely practised If you ask What are those Truths which will be a means of saving our Children and Servants Souls if we teach them to our Families I answer Such as these 1. Teach them to know GOD and his Son JESUS CHRIST by so doing you shall guide them into the path of Life For John 17.3 This is life eternal That they may know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent 2. Teach them their lost and miserable condition by Nature their need of and their misery without Jesus Christ and the way and means by which they may come to be partakers of Christ For if you can draw them to Christ they shall not miss of eternal Life 1 John 5.12 He that hath the Son hath Life 3. Explain to them the Covenant of Grace what great Mercies and Blessings are contained in the Covenant that their Souls may long to be brought under the Bond of the Covenant shew them also how and by what means they may get into Covenant with God for if you can bring them to lay hold upon the Covenant of Grace you shall make them Partakers of Salvation for eternal Life and Salvation is promised to such as are in Covenant with God 2 Sam. 23.5 He hath made with me an everlasting Covenant and this is all my Salvation 4. Shew them the nature necessity and excellency of faith in Christ and labour to bring them to believe in Jesus Christ If they be brought to believe in Christ they shall certainly have everlasting Life John 6.47 Verily verily I say unto you He that believeth on me hath everlasting Life 5. Teach them the nature and necessity of Repentance and press home upon them such Scriptures as may stir them up to the practice and exercise of Repentance if you can by any means bring them to a true and unfeigned Repentance you shall thereby save their Souls Ezek. 33.14 16. Again when I say to the Wicked Thou shalt surely die if he turn from his sin and do that which is lawful and right he shall surely live 6. Teach them to serve and obey the Lord Jesus Christ for he will save all those that obey him Heb. 5.9 He became the Author of eternal Salvation to them that obey him 7. Teach them to love God with all their Hearts and Souls and to love Him above all Persons and Things that are in the world Eternal Life is promised to such as love God Jam. 1.12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when he is tried he shall receive the Crown of Life which the Lord hath promised to them that love him 8. Teach them to fear and reverence the Lord and that you may breed the fear of the Lord in their Souls acquaint them with the Power Holiness Goodness Justice Omniscience and Omnipresence of God and his other glorious Attributes for the fear of the Lord ariseth from and is produced by the knowledge of God Job 37.23 24. Prov. 2.5 and put them in mind of Gods Covenant wherein the Lord hath promised to put his fear into our hearts Jer. 32.40 If you can bring your Families to fear the Lord you shall save their Souls Prov. 19.23 The fear of the Lord tendeth to life Psal 145.19 He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him he also will hear their Cry and will save them 9. Teach them to hope in God for all those good things which are promised in the Covenant of Grace and to keep up their hope in God under all their troubles and temptations by hoping in God they shall obtain the salvation of their Souls Rom. 8.24 We are saved by hope 10. Teach them the nature of Prayer to whom they must pray and for what and how they must pray if they would find acceptance with God The Lord Jesus taught his Disciples how to pray and John the Baptist did the like to his Disciples Luke 11.1 One of his Disciples said unto him Lord teach us to pray as John also taught his Disciples By teaching your Families to call upon God in an acceptable manner you shall promote their salvation For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved Rom. 10.13 11. Teach them to be sincere and to walk uprightly with God for if they walk uprightly they shall be saved Prov. 28.18 Whoso walketh uprightly shall be saved 12. Teach them to wait upon God in all his Ordinances and to wait for the accomplishment of all his Promises They that wait on the Lord are under a promise of Salvation Prov. 20.22 Wait on the Lord and he shall save thee 13. Teach them the way to obtain the Remission of their sins for if they obtain the pardon of their sins they shall be in a blessed condition Rom. 4.7 Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven And shall obtain everlasting life Rom. 8.30 Whom he justified them he also glorified 14. Teach them to avoid evil company and to walk and converse with such as fear God that may prove a means of their salvation Prov. 9.6 Forsake the foolish and live and go in the way of understanding Prov. 15.20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise 15. Exhort them to persevere in the faith of Christ and to continue in their obedience of his Commandments as long as they live for in so doing they shall assuredly obtain everlasting life Rev. 2.10 Be thou faithful unto the death and I will give thee a Crown of Life Matth. 24.13 He that shall endure to the end the same
that which is lacking in your Faith Phil. 1.4 Always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with Joy He put up no prayer at any time but he remembred them all and it was not irksome to him so to do but he did it with Joy And as the Apostle Paul so also others of the Servants of Christ have been wont to labour and strive mightily with God in Prayer for those whom they have taught and instructed in the ways of God Col. 4.12 Epaphras who is one of you a Servant of Christ saluteth you always labouring fervently for you in prayers that ye may stand perfect and compleat in the whole Will of God He did not only pray but laboured in prayer and that fervently not sometimes but always and that not for his own concernments but for you besides it is not said in prayer but in prayers intimating that he put up a multitude of prayers for them and it was no small measure of grace that he laboured thus earnestly for on their behalf but that they might stand perfect and compleat in the will in all the will of God 3. Prayer will do great things with God for others as well as our own Souls Jam. 5.16 Pray one for another that ye may be healed the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much By praying in faith and with fervency we may obtain converting grace remission of sins and eternal life for our Children and Servants and others as well as those of our own Families 1 John 5.16 If any man see his Brother sin a sin which is not unto death he shall ask and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death This promise may give us great encouragement to pray in faith for the conversion and salvation of such as are visible and open sinners If any see his Brother sin c. If we consider 1. The persons to whom this promise is made and they are every one that believeth in the Name of Jesus Christ It is not a priviledge that did belong only to the Apostles or extraordinary men of God but it is said If any man that is any man that believeth in Christ as appeareth from the thirteenth verse 2. The persons for whom Believers may obtain Life and Salvation upon praving to God for them and they are his Brethren sinning Brethren If any man see his Brother sin he shall give him life for them He first speaks of a Brother in the singular number and then saith Life for them in the plural which shews that the word Brother is to be taken collectively as Beza observes for all or any Brother for whom a Believer shall pray to God If you ask Who is meant by a Brother I answer The Apostle seemeth to use the word Brother in this Epistle in the same latitude with Neighbour which may be proved from several passages in his Epistle as Chap. iii. 14 15 16. Chap. iv 20.21 And Piscator expounds the word Brother Fratris nomine intelligit proximum qui eandem nobiscum fidem ac proinde eundem in coelis patrem profitetur 3. He excepts no sins but the sin unto death that is as most expound the place the sin against the Holy Gaost which is a sin that shall never have forgiveness As for any other sins if Believers ask of God Repentance and Forgiveness of sins for them that have sinned that so they may have Life and Salvation God will grant them their desire Another Scripture that sheweth the efficacy of prayer in order to the obtaining for others forgiveness of sins and Grace whereby they may be qualified to receive forgiveness of sins we have Jam. 5.15 The prayer of faith shall save the Sick and the Lord shall raise him up and if he have committed sins they shall be forgiven him Ishmael was a wild Child Gen. 16.11 12. yet when Abraham prayed Gen. 17.10 O that Ishmael might live before thee God answers him verse 20. As for Ishmael I have heard thee And though the Lord adds afterward But my Covenant will I establish with Isaac Yet this as Rivet observes seems rather to be an excluding of Ishmael's Posterity than his Person from the Covenant unto whom the same day that God gave him this answer Abraham administers Circumcision the Seal of the Covenant When the woman of Canaans Daughter was grievously vexed with a Devil her prayer prevailed with Christ to deliver her Daughter from the power of the Devil Matth. 15.22 28. Objection I have prayed often to God to give my Children Grace and to convert and turn them from their sins but I do not see that my Prayers avail any thing with God for my Children they abide still in a graceless condition Answer 1. Do you instruct them diligently as well as pray for them Do you watch over them Do you shew them a good example Do you reprove them Do you give them due correction If you do not use other means as well as prayer possibly that is the reason why your prayers avail not for their conversion The Apostle Paul who earnestly desired and prayed for the salvation of the Jews Rom. 10.1 Brethren my hearts desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved joyned with his prayers the use of all means to effect their salvation Rom. 11.14 If by any means I might provoke to emulation them which are my flesh and might save some of them So must we joyn the use of all other means with prayer if we would have our prayers become effectual for the conversion and salvation of our Children 2. Though we see no present return of our prayers yet we should continue praying and not faint or be discouraged until we have obtained what we pray for Luke 18.1 He spake a Parable unto them to this end that men ought always to pray and not to faint Though the Lord may be silent for a season and seem not to regard our Prayers to try our Faith and Patience yet he may purpose to give us all that we pray for He dealt thus with the Woman of Canaan when she came to him with a Request on the behalf of her Daughter at the first he answered her not a word Matth. 15.23 And when the Disciples intercede for her he seems to discourage them from making any farther request for her by saying to them ver 24. I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the House of Israel and afterward when she continued to cry after him he seemeth to beat her off and reject her prayer by telling her Verse 26. It is not meet to take the Childrens Bread and cast it to Dogs Yet she still holding on her suit at length Christ yields her the whole desire of her heart Verse 28. Then Jesus answered and said unto her O Woman great is thy Faith Be it unto thee even as thou wilt And her Daughter was made whole from that very hour 3. If God should
but were in a state of Grace they had Faith as precious Faith as the Apostle himself who wrote this Epistle vers 1. To them that have obtained like precious Faith with us But by the dawning of the Day is meant the Day of Glory which is called the Day of Christ Phil. 1.9 10. Phil. 2.16 and by way of Emphasis That Day 2 Tim. 4.8 And by the Apostle Peter in this same Epistle Chap. 3.12 The Day of the Lord. It is the dawning of this day that the Church and People of God long for Cant. 2.16 Vntil the day break and the shadows flee away turn my Beloved and be thou like a Roe or a young Hart upon the mountains of Bether Rev. 22.20 Surely I come quickly Amen Even so come Lord Jesus By the Day-Star arising in their hearts is meant their full and immediate fruition of the Lord Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven for they having like precious Faith with the Apostle had this Day-star the Lord Jesus already dwelling in their hearts by faith Ephes 3.17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by Faith And the Apostle speaks not of what they had already but of what they should attain unto hereafter which is their full and immediate enjoyment of Christ in Heaven Our entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven may well be set out by this Phrase the Day-star arising in our hearts because when we come to heaven there shall be great Glory revealed in us as well as given to us Rom. 8.18 I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the Glory that shall be revealed in us And the reason why the Saints desire to be in Heaven is That they may be with Christ Phil. 1.23 Having a desire to depart and to be with Christ The World may well be stiled a dark place in opposition to the Kingdom of Heaven which is called by the Name of Light Col. 1.12 The Inheritance of the Saints in Light and because most places and persons in the world are full of Ignorance and Darkness In the Psalmists days all places of the earth except the Land of Israel were dark places Psal 74.20 The dark places of the earth are full of the Habitations of Cruelty And in Israel which was a Land of Vision the Prophet complains Hos 4.1 There is no knowledge of God in the Land Now as long as we are in this dark place the World where we are compassed about with much ignorance we shall do well to take heed to the word of Prophecv which the Lord hath given us as a Light to guide and direct our paths till the Day of Glory dawn upon us and we are taken up into the Kingdom of Heaven where there shall be no need of the Sun or Moon or any Temple but the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb shall be the Light of His People for ever Revelat. 21. 22 23. Thirdly We may observe That we cannot have a more sure Rule to guide us either in matters of Faith or Practice than the holy Scriptures What do we desire to guide and direct us what we should believe or what we should practise Do we desire a Vision a Revelation a Voice from Heaven The Word of Prophecy is as sure as these Yea the Apostle having been speaking of a Voice from Heaven gives the preheminence to the Word of Prophecy and saith We have a more sure Word of Prophecy Besides this place which I have already produced to prove that the Light to which we must attend and by which we must order our Lives and Conversations is the Mind and Will of God revealed in the Scriptures I might mention several others as Prov. 6.23 The Commandment is a Lamp and the Law is Light Psal 119.105 Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet and a Light unto my path The same also may be gathered from the discourse of Christ with the Lawyer and of Abraham with the rich man that was in Hell-Torments Luc. 10.25 26 27 28. There came a man to Jesus Christ and asked him this question Master what shall I do to inherit eternal Life And whether doth Christ send him for direction To the Scriptures He said unto him What is written in the Law How readest thou Whereupon the man tells Christ what he had found written and what he had read in the Law And he answering said Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy strength and with all thy mind and thy Neighbour as thy self To which Christ gives him this answer And he said unto him Thou hast answered right this do and thou shalt live Whence we may infer That reading the Scriptures and practising what we read will guide us into the right way that leads to everlasting life When the Rich Man who was tormented in Hell pleaded with Abraham to send Lazarus to his Brethren to preach to them that they might not come into that place of torment what answer did Abraham give him Did he tell them They had a Light in them if they did follow that it would lead them to Repentance and Salvation No he refers them to the Scriptures Luc. 16.29 Abraham saith unto him They have Moses and the Prophets let them hear them He doth not mean they had Moses and the Prophets alive and conversing amongst them in their own persons but they had the Writings of Moses and the Prophets and they were to attend to them and adds moreover If the Scriptures that were written by Moses and the Prophets would not lead them to Repentance the coming of one from the dead would not work upon them verse 31. If they hear not Moses and the Prophets neither will they be perswaded though one rose from the dead 5. The danger of neglecting the Scriptures and following our own Light without looking to and regulating our apprehensions by the word of God may be further evidenced from the fallible nature of our understandings We are all of us since the fall of Adam subject to many and great mistakes insomuch that ' David cried out Psal 19.12 Who can understand his Errours We are subject to such great mistakes that a man that walks as he thinks according to his Light may commit hainous sins when he is pesrwaded in his mind that he doth nothing but what he is bound in conscience to do When the Apostle Paul persecuted the Members of Christ he did not do it from malice or to please the Jews or to get preferment but he followed his Light he thought verily that it was his duty to oppose the ways and Members of Christ Acts 26.9 I verily thought with my self that I ought to do many things contrary to the Name of Jesus of Nazareth A man may be so far mistaken as that he may think he doth God good service when he is committing abominable sins It is an abominable sin to kill the servants of Jesus Christ yet
Commandment is for you if ye will not hear if ye will not lay it to heart to give glory unto my Name saith the Lord of Hosts I will even send a curse upon you and I will curse your blessings Whether it be a word of Command or Promise or Threatning or an Example of Gods Judgments on sinners or of his blessing bestowed on his servants tell them That these Commandments O my Children the great God that made you and that will bring you to Judgment hath given to you if you obey them he will love you and bless you and give you all good things in this world and great blessings in the world to come But if you will not hearken to his Voice but cast his Law behind your backs he will send many heavy Judgments and great Plagues upon you in this world and if they do not lead you to repentance he will cast you both Body and Soul into Hell Fire And so for the Promises tell them These great and precious Promises shall be your portion if you will believe in Jesus Christ and live holy and godly lives Gal. 3.22 1 Tim. 4.8 Do the like by the Threatnings tell them That these will surely be executed on them if they live in those-sins against which such and such Judgments are threatned For GOD is faithful and able to perform his Word and is no Respecter of persons and there is no lying hid from his all-seeing Eye nor any possibility to escape out of His Hand VVhen you meet with Examples of Gods Judgments on impenitent sinners tell them Those Examples are recorded on purpose to keep them from falling into such sins 1 Cor. 10.5 6. and to lead them to Repentance Luk. 13.1 2 3. And that if they live in the same sins they must expect to meet with the same Judgments And so also the Examples of Gods mercies towards his servants tell them That if they will serve God the same mercies and blessings that God gave Abraham or David or any other of his servants he will give them But of these things I have spoken before more largely in the Third Chapter and it will be needless to repeat them again By what hath been said there it is evident that there is much more work lieth upon Parents besides teaching them to read the Scriptures as VVatching over them Reproof Correction c. SECT 22. Instructing Children while they are young makes eminent Saints Object 22 WE may teach our Children to know and remember the Scriptures but we can't teach them obedience that is Gods work and what good will it do them to know and remember the Word if they do not obey it And besides if they should whilst they are young walk in the ways of God they will forsake them when they grow old and be the worse for their instruction and make good the old Proverb A young Saint and an old Devil Answ 1. It is true that it is Gods work to teach our Children Obedience but we must use the means Shall the Ministers of the Gospel forbear preaching the word because the conversion of souls is Gods work not theirs 2. God doth ordinarily bless the Endeavours of Parents and Masters of Families when they are diligent and faithful in their work not only to the breeding of knowledge but also to the bringing of their Children and Servants to obey the Lord and walk in his ways Gen. 18.19 He will command his Children and Houshould after him and they SHALL keep the way of the Lord to do Justice and Judgment Here God promiseth that upon Abrahams commanding his Children and Houshold they should keep the way of the Lord. And what God promiseth to Abraham he promiseth and will peform unto all that walk in Abrahams steps If persons that have had Religious Education would consult their own experience they will find that generally God instils Principles of Grace into such as are converted by means of their Religious Education 3. That Proverb A young Saint and an old Devil was of Satans coining to deter persons from seeking and serving the Lord for it is contrary to the word of God for that saith Prov. 22.6 Train up a Child in the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it None prove such eminent Saints as they that begin to seek and serve the Lord whilst they are young I will give two or three instances hereof Josiah was a very humble tender-hearted Prince he wept at the hearing of Gods Law 2 Kings 23.18 19. He was very zealous in the Reformation of Religion and destroying Idolatry Chap. xxiii ver 1. to 25. There never was such a Passover kept either in the days of the Judges or of the Kings of Israel or Judah as Josiah kept 2 Kings 23.22 23. He excelled all the Kings that lived before him and all that came after him verse 25. And like unto him there was no King before him that turned to the Lord with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might according to all the Law of Moses neither after him arose there any like him And as he was thus eminent in Godliness so he continued constant to his dying day 2 Chron. 34.2 He did that which was right in the sight of the Lord and walked in the ways of David his Father and declined neither to the right hand nor left And one reason why he proved so eminent and constant in the ways of God was this He began while he was young to seek after the Lord as is expressed in the following verse For in the eighth year of his Reign while he was yet young he began to seek after the God of David his Father Obadiah who feared the Lord from his youth 1 Kin. 18.12 I thy Servant fear the Lord from my youth attained unto a great measure of the fear of God verse 3. Now Obadiah feared the Lord greatly He kept his Integrity though he lived in Ahabs House who was such a wicked Prince that he did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the Lord. He was a great shelter to the Lords Prophets when they were persecuted and some of them put to death by Jezabel he hid an hundred Prophets in a Cave and maintained them with Bread and VVater verse 4. David began to seek and trust in God while he was young Psal 71.5 Thou art my hope O Lord God thou art my Trust from my youth And we know he proved a man after Gods own heart the instances of his exemplary piety are so many that it would be too long and so well known that it would be needless to mention them SECT 23. How to deal with Servants that hold Erronious Opinions Object 23 SOme of my Servants are tainted with Erronious Principles which I knew not of when I took them into my Family and I look upon it as labour in vain to instruct persons that are infected with Errors Answ I. It