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A03087 A simple, and religious consultation of vs Herman by the grace of God Archebishop of Colone, and prince Electour. [et] c. by what meanes a Christian reformation, and founded in Gods worde, of doctrine, administration of the deuine sacramentes, of ceremonies, and the hole cure of soules, and other ecclesiastical ministeries may be begon among men committed to our pastorall charge, vntil the Lorde graunt a better to be appoynted either by a free, and Christian cou[n]sayle, general, or national, or elles by the states of the empire of the natio[n] of Germanie, gathered together in the holye Gost; Einfaltigs Bedencken, warauff ein christliche in dem Wort Gottes gegrünte Reformation an Lehr, Brauch der heyligen Sacramenten un Ceremonien, Seelsorg und anderem Kirchendienst, biss auff eines freyen, christlichen, gemeinen oder nationals Concilii, oder dess Reichs Teutscher Nation Stende, im Heyligen Geyst versamelt, Verbesserung, bei denen so unserer Seelsorge befohlen, anzurichten seye, English Wied, Hermann von.; Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560.; Bucer, Martin, 1491-1551. 1547 (1547) STC 13213; ESTC S103980 258,817 620

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thy brest that the power of Christe crucified may be euer thy succour and sure protection in all thynge ❧ Then let hym saye to the people The Lorde be wyth you ❧ Let the the people answere And wyth thy spirite ❧ The pastour Let vs praye Almightie and euerlastyng God the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe I call the vpon thys N. thy seruaunte for whom the churche requireth the Sacramente of baptisme and therein thy grace and spirituall regeneration and thou saydeste aske and ye shal receyue etc. so gyue thy grace and mercie to thys chylde as thy church prayeth the that he maye obteine the redemption of thy sonne and inheritaunce of euerlastynge and blessed lyfe whiche thy cōgregation seeketh for hym thorowe baptisme Open to hym the dore of thy kyngdome at whiche thy churche knocketh for hym thorowe Christe our Lorde Amen ❧ Let vs praye Further almightie God whiche in olde tyme dyddeste destroye the wycked worlde wyth the floude accordynge to thy terrible iudgement and dyddeste preserue onely the familie of godly Noe eighte soules of thy vnspeakable mercie and which also dyddest droune in the redde sea obstinate Pharao the Kynge of the Egiptians wyth all his armie and warlike power and causedist thy people of Israel to passe ouer with dry feete and wouldest shadowe in them holy baptistisme the lauer of regeneration furthermore whiche dyddeste consecrate Iordane wyth the Baptisme of thy sonne Christe Iesu and other waters to holie deepynge and washynge of synnes we praye the for thy exceadynge mercie loke fauourably vpon thys Infante gyue hym true fayeth and thy holie spirite that what so euer fylth he hath taken of Adam it maye be drouned and be put awaye by thys holie floude that being seperated from the numbre of the vngodlie he maye be kepte safe in the holie arke of the churche and maye confesse and sanctifie thy name wyth a lustie and feruent spirite and serue thy kyngdome wyth constant truste and sure hope that at length he maye atteyne to the promises of eternal lyfe wyth all the godlie Amen ❧ The pastour The Lorde be with you ❧ The people And wyth thy spirite Heare the Gospell of oure Lorde Iesus Christe Marke x. In that tyme they broughte chyldren to Iesus that he might toutch them But the disciples rebuked them that broughte them When Iesus sawe that he toke indigna ion and sayed vnto them sulfure the litleoues to come vnto me etc. Beleue these wordes and thys deede of our Lorde Iesu Christe vpō them and doubt not but that he wyll so receyue your chyldren also and embrace them wyth the armes of his mercie and gyue them the blessynge of eternall lyfe and the euerlasting communion of the kyngdome of God The same Lorde and our Sauiour Iesus Christe confirme and encrease thys your fayth Amen ❧ After thys the pastoure shall laye his handes vpon the chyldes heade and the godfathers touching the child shall praye wyth hym Oure father whiche arte etc. Then they shall also rehearse the crede I beleue in God the father etc. ¶ Let vs praye After thys the churche shall synge the Psal Cxiiij Item Cxv. and. Cxxxvi. When Israell went forth etc. Not to vs Lorde etc. Item prayse the name of the Lorde etc. Ye seruauntes prayse the Lorde ❧ The pastour The Lorde be with you ¶ The people And wyth thy spirite ❧ Let vs praye Almightie and euerlastynge God heauenlie father we gyue the eternall thankes that thou haste vouchsafed to cal vs to thys knowledge of thy grace fayth towardes the. Encrease and confirme this fayth in vs euermore Gyue thy holie spirite to thys infant that he maye be borne agayne and be made heyre of euerlastyng saluation which of thy groce and mercie thou hast promised to thy holie churche to olde men and to children thorow our Lorde Iesus Christ which liueth and reigneth wyth the nowe and for euer Amen ❧ Thus gyuynge his blessynge let hym dimisse the congregation ❧ Of administration of Baptisme The daye folowinge let the infantes beinge exorcised the daye before be broughte agayne to the cōgregation a litle before the supper of the Lorde whō there the pastour after that the Gospel is reade and declared and the crede songe shal bid to be broughte to the foūtstone and shal exhort the parētes the godfathers and kinsfolke after the maner folowinge Beloued in Christ yesterday by the grace of God we hearde how exceading and vnspeakable mercie is exhibited in Baptisme Ye haue renounced Satā and the worlde ye haue cōfessed the fayth of Christe ye haue promised obedience to Christ and the cōgregation and ye haue required of God the father that for his sōnes sake our Lorde Iesus Christ he will deliuer these infātes from the kingdome of darkenes and settle thē in the kingdome of his beloued sōne You must remēbre these thinges and doubt nothing but that we shal receyue all these thynges that we require if we beleue Therefore liftynge vp your mindes vnto the Lorde appeare ye here with all religion as in the sighte of almightie God the father the sōne and the holie gost and receiue ye sure fayth and thankesgiuing the benifitte of regeneration and adoptiō into euerlastyng life of the one god him selfe the father the sonne and the holie goste And bicause the Lorde hym selfe commaunded vs to baptise in the name of the father the sōne and the holie gost vndoubtedly god him selfe baptiseth our infātes cleanseth thē frō sinnes deliuereth thē frō euerlasting death putteth vpō thē his owne rightuousnes and gyueth them life eternal We must acknowledge with true faith and euer magnifie these exceading benifittes of God Wherfore that we may steare vp our fayth and mindes Let vs heare the wordes of S. Paule folowing concernynge thys matter ❧ To Tite Chapter iij. But after that the goodnes and loue of oure sauiour God towardes mē appeared not of the workes of ryghtuousnes whiche we dyd but after his mercie he saued vs by the lauer of regeneration and renuing of the holie goste etc. ❧ The pastour The Lorde be wyth you ❧ The people And wyth thy spirite ¶ Out of the Gospell of Mathewe the laste Chapter The Lorde Iesus said vnto his disciples All power in heauen and in earth is gyuen vnto me Go ye therfore into al the worlde and preache the Gospell to al creatures and teach al the heathē baptising thē in the name of the father the sonne the holie gost etc ❧ The pastour The Lorde be with you ❧ The people And wyth thy spiritie ❧ Let vs praye Almightie and mercifull God and father thou diddest promise to Abraham oure father and the father of all that beleue and in him thou dyddeste promise to vs also his chyldren that thou wouldeste be a God to vs and to oure seede Wherefore as thou diddest receyue the infantes of the olde people into grace and into thyne owne people by circumcisiō And thy sonne Christe Iesus our Lorde and
purpose that we being many which receiue this sacramēt with tr●● faith shoulde be more and more vnited in ● one bodie euen the bodie of Christ and th● we should altogether abide and liue in hi● and he in vs after that we hade gotten the true communion of his bodie Thys is singulerly to be noted that the Apostle willinge to proue that we which in the holye supper of the Lorde are partakers of the Lordes bodye and bloude be one bodye added furthwith For al we be parttakers of one bread whereby he signifyed also the communion of one cuppe Lette vs than consider this reason of the Apostle diligentli For if we testifie and declare therebi that we are one bodye and one breade of Christ and that we truly receyue and obteyne the communion of Christes bodye and bloude from the Lordes table whā al we that come ●ogether to the Lordes table be parttakers ●f one breade and one cup two thinges suer ●● folow hereof one that they which in one ●ongregacion of the faythfull doe minister ●ore than one supper of the Lord testifie of ●●em selues therby that they be not one bo●ye and one breade of Christ nether rightly ●●ceiue nor haue the cōmunion of the Lordes ●odye and bloude The other is that they ●hiche be present at the Lordes supper and ●●eyue not the sacramentes testifie by thys ●●eir abstinences from the lordes table that ●● wil not be a mēber with other Christi●●s whyche receyue the sacramentes that they wyll not be one bodye with them and one breade of Christe if they be sufficiently enstructed of thys institution of the Lorde and haue not a lawful cause to abstaine frō the sacramentes Therefore for thys verye cause that the Lord conmanded vs to do that in his holie supper that he himselfe dyd and he celebrated it wyth those hys disciples only whych had wholy giuen thēselues to hys doctrine and euer folowed hym and celebrated one supper only the prechers shal obserue two thynges First they shall teach and exhorte the people wyth all diligence that in thys most holy sacrament they shewe them selues the true disciples of the Lord that is to saye such as putte al their trust in the Lord hymself and haue bound them selues wholy to his worde and folowe the fame studiously in al thinges For thus the lord sayeth Iohn iij. If ye abyde in my worde ye are my disciples in deade But they that wyll declare themselues to be faythful ministres of the Lorde in the administracion of these misteries shall not admitte anie other to the lordes supper but such as be tried and haue confessed before the congregacion that they haue giuen thē selues to the Lorde and haue proued the same with theyr life as the Lord also celebrated the supper wyth chosen disciples Secondly that in one cōgregaciō of the faythfull one supper be ministred and that the pastour himself celebrate it if he may by anie meanes at such tyme whan the whole congregacion is wont to come together as vpon sondayes and holye dayes if so be there shal be present that wyl communicate as men that be one bodye and one breade of Christ and are so outwardly also ioyned together of the Lord that thei pertain to one congregacion and pastoral cure and receiue the communiō of the Lord out of one bread and one cuppe The seconde thynge that the Lorde dyd in his supper is this he gaue thanges to the father and that in such language as the disciples might vnderstand al thinges and be sterred vp wyth hym to prayse God For whyche cause the pastours shall warne the people firste that in the administracion of thys sacrament we must gyue thankes to God throughe oure Lorde Iesus Christe for al the benifites that he hath gyuen and giueth to vs dayly and cheifely for that benifite out of whyche al other come and be made true benifites vnto vs I meane that he so loued vs that he gaue vs hys sonne a redemer that all that beleue in him shoulde not perishe but haue euerlasting lyfe Iohn iij. wherefore he hath giuen vs all thynges wyth hym Ro. viij remyssion of synnes the spirite of adoption and al thinges that may dooe vs good ether in body or soule in this lyfe or in the life to come Secondly that the prieste and ministre of this sacrament in gyuinge thankes to God giueth thankes in his owne name and in the name of the whole cōgregacion wherfor the people must lyft vp theyr mindes and herkē to the thinges that are spoken of the priest that thei maye praise and thanke God together with the preist For in thys giuinge of thankes as Chrisostome well warneth all thinges must be commune betwene the people and the prieste where vnto all men that be present are called whan the preiste saieth lifte vp your hertes Item lette vs giue thankes to oure Lord God And they promise the same whan they Answer we haue vnto the Lord. It is worthi and right For in old time as S. Cipriane testifieth whan the prieste or ministre sayde lyfte vp your hertes the people aunswered we haue vnto the Lorde But all these thinges must be done before the Lord in spirite and truth Wherefore the people must wyth all dyligence ioyne they● myndes wyth the wordes of the priest tha● with one hert one mouth thei may magnifi and thank God with him The. iii. and principal poynt in the Lordes supper is this that he distributed the bread and the cuppe to al and bad al take both that al should eate the bread and drink of the cup and added This is mi bodi which is giuē for you This is mi bloud of the new Testamēte which for you and for many is shed furth vnto the remyssion of sins Out of these wordes of the Lord the pastour shal teach the people with great reuerēce and diligence that this is the principal point and work in the supper of the Lord that sacramētes be distributed according to the insttituciō of our Lorde Iesus Christ and receyued with true faith in Christ with this faith I saie that we certanly beleue that our Lord Iesus Christ himselfe is here present in the midest of vs and that he himself though i● be bi the ministerie of the church doth truly giue vs his body blod and together althinges whatsoeuer he obteined deserued by the offryng of his bodye on the crosse I meane remissiō of sins the euerlastyng couenant of Gods grace the blessed adoption of God that we be the sons heires of God ●is coheires Out of these thinges y● pastors ●hal teach warne the peple with al possible ●iligence First that they come to these most deuyne misteries not as the common sorte were wont to do heretofore wyth cold myndes far from a faythful and religious consideration of the thynges that bee here executed but that they sterre vp theim selues and come with a godly burning desyre of Christ flamynge furthe
maye studye to do those thynges with al oure hertes whiche pertaine to oure helth thorough oure Lorde Iesus Christe ¶ Heare ye the Gospel Iohn iij. God so loued the worlde that he gaue his only begotten sonne that al whych beleue in him shoulde haue lyfe euerlainge ¶ Or. i. Timo. i. ¶ This is a sure sainge and worthey of all embrachynge that Iesus Christe came in to this worlde to saue sinners ¶ Or Iohan. iij. ❧ The father loueth the sonne and hath giuen althinges in to his handes he that beleueth in the sonne hath lyfe euerlastynge ❧ Or Acte x. ❧ All the prophetes beare wytnesse vnto Christ that all that beleue in him receiue remission of theyr sinnes thorought hym ❧ Or. i. Iohan. ij ❧ My litel children if anye haue synned we haue o iuste aduocate with the father Iesus Christ and he is an attomement for our synnes ❧ Whan the pastour hath shewed to The people one of the sayde Gospels He shal saye further Because our blessed Lorde hath lefte thys power to his congregacion that it maye absolue them from sinnes and restore them in to the sauour of the heauenlie father which being repētance for theyr sinnes do truly beleue in christ the lord I the minister of christ the congregacion declare and pronoūce remission of synnes the fauoure of God and life euerlastinge thorought our Lord Iesus Christ to all thē which be sorie for their sinnes which haue true faith in Christ the Lord and desire to opproue them selues vnto him After this where clerckes or scholars shal be they shal syng some what in latine taken out of the holye scriptures for an entraunce or begininge After that thei shal singe kyrie eleson and gloria in excelses but because that kyrie eleson is a cōmune praier of the congregacion and gloria in excelses is also a cōmune thankes giuing let the people sing both in douch After this songe he that shall execute the holie ministerie shal recite a collect in douch but yet so that all the people maye well vnderstand it For therefore the ministre speaketh thys sentence to the people The Lorde be with you And let vs praie and the people answereth And with thy spirite signifiinge thereby that they also praye together with the minister For so Chrisostome interpreteth this saiynge And because thys must be a cōmune praier of the whole congregacion it is called a collet for that that a praier gathered of the wyshes of al that be presēte is offred to god by the minister or because it is a prayer of the cōgregacion gathered together and prainge together vnto the Lord But the purer collectes and more cōsonāt to the holie scriptures must be chosen out of which sorte we wil cause some to be set furth After the collectes there shall folowe accordynge to the custoume a lesson of an epistle which shal be red in suche a place the reader turninge hys face to the people that it maie be hearde and vnderstāded of the whole cōgregaciō Wher fore it shal be also red in douch because that lesson pertayneth to the instruction and admonition of all the people After the epistle where clerckes be lette alleluia be songe in latine or a graile or sequence if they haue anye pure and some douch songe Than let the Gospel be red in douche to the people whych reading an interpretacion and ordinarie sermon shall folowe furth with and after the sermon a praier for al states of men and necessites of the congregation after this sorte Almightie euerlastinge God and mercyfull father which by thy dere sonne our Lord Iesus Christ and his Apostles cōmaundest that we shoulde come before the in his name and diddest promise that thou wouldest mercifully giue vs whatsoeuer agreinge together we should aske in his name we beseche the by thy sonne our only sauiour first that thou wilte mercifully forgiue vs al our sinnes iniquites which we acknowledge and cōfesse here in thy sighte and that thou wilte fauourally turne awaye from vs thorough the bloude and satisfaction of thy sonne our mediator thy most iuste wrath whyche we haue deserued thorough so manifolde transgression of thy commaundementes But confirme thou in vs thy holye spirite that we maye holy giue ouer our selues to the obedience of the now and euer that calinge vpon the alwaies for our selues and for other we maye obteine thy grace and helpe We praie therefore cheifely for thy congregacions deliuer them from a … olues hired seruauntes which ether spoile and deuour thy shepe miserabli or tratrouously for sake them and destroy them and proudly reioise and delite thēselues in theyr destruction Geue thē good and faithful ministers and pastours preserue the same Encrease thy holie spirite in al persones whiche be at this holie ministerie that therein they maye faythfully serue the and with the profite of thy flocke that thy scatered sheepe maye thorough thy gospell be gathered to thy dearesōne the high and only true shepeherde and bishoppe of oure soules Iesus Christe from all straynge ether of errours or of synnes breifely that they maie be brought againe to the true communion of him that there maye be one flocke and one shepeherde So we praie the also holie father for thy seruauntes the ministers of ciuile gouernaūces for our most gracious emperour king for all other kynges princes and magistrates And specially we praie the for our most reuerende archebisoppe and ryght excellent prince for his consel and officers for the consel and magystrates of thys citie Gyue all these thy holie spirite that they maye truly knowe and embrace Christe thy sonne to whom thou hast giuen al power and al iudgement in heauen and in erth and that accordinge to their strength they maye so serue his kingdome that thei maie so gouerne vs whiche are in dede subiectes to them but be the creatures of thy hande and the shepe of thy pastures that in thys place and euerye where we maye lyue a peacible and quiete life with al godlines and honesti and being deliuered fro al fear of our enimies we maie serue the in al righteousnes and holines we pray also heauenlie father for al those moreouer whiche yet pertayne not to thy kyngedome cause the lyght of thy gospel to shyne vnto them also drawe thē to they sonne oure sauioure that beleuinge in him they bee saued with vs. And as touchinge them whom thou haste some what drawen vnto hym so that thei graunt him to be their sauiour and the sauioure of al men but neuer theles thei haue not yet bound them selues to al obedience of the gospel encrease in these the faith and knowledge of they sōne which thou hast giuen thē that they maye thoroughlye geue ouer their selues vnto the obedience of him and of his congregacion and that they may magnifie the in the same thorugh out al their lyfe wyth godlie saiynges and doinges Furthermore we praye the father mercyful God the great conforter of the
of synnes whereunto he shall adde an absolution Then he shall recite the Crede shal make suche a prayer ¶ The pastour The Lorde be with you ¶ They whiche be present And wyth thy spirite Almightie euerlastyng God whiche of thy exceadyng mercie haste gyuen vs thy sonne and all thynges wyth hym lighten our hertes and myndes that we may certeynly beleue and acknowledge thy sonne to be oure onely sauiour and the in hym our God and father and that we maye so receyue and enioye the communion of his bodie and bloud from thys his table ordeined by his cōmaūdement that his newe and diuine lyfe wyth al trust of his grace and sure expectation of blessed resurrection may be cōfirmed and encreased in thys oure sicke brother or sicke sister and in vs all that we also may be content to susteyne thy hande in this present visitation and loke wyth affiaunce for thy callyng out of thys wycked worlde and that as longe as it shall please the we maye lyue here and more sanctifie thy name and sette forth thy kyngdome thorowe the same thy beloued sonne our Lorde Here the pastoure shall saye the Lordes prayer That done he shall wishe peace to the sicke person and all that be present Thē he shall rehearse the wordes of the supper playnely and reuerently The Lorde that night that he was betrayed etc. When he hath rehearsed those wordes lette hym giue the whole Sacrament to the sicke personnes and to those of the standers by which shal offre them selues gistes to the Lordes bourde as it behoueth wyth those wordes that we rehearsed before After the cōmnunion let hym cōclude the Lordes supper with thākesgiuyng blessyng as is described before The sicke folke also muste be euer exhorted to liberalitie towards the pore Of cōmunion in priuate houses for men in health Bicause some both of the ordre of knighthode and men of other degrees dwell farther from temples then that they can euer come together to the commune assemble of theyr parish in the winter other incommodious tymes of the yere the pastours shall not be grieued to celebrate the holie supper in theyr houses at conuenient tymes when they shall require it and when there shall be iust causes so to do by thē selues or by other meete ministers after the maner and facion that is described before But they whiche dwell so nigh the temples of theyr parishes that they maye well come together to the cōmune communion of theyr parish shal haue no priuate cōmunion in theyr houses administred whiche thynge the olde holie fathers forbadde to be done ❧ Of conuersion from sinnes or repentaunce and christian excommunication IT is greatly to be lamēted that mannes weakenes the diuyls power is so great that so manie of thē which be receyued amonge the childrē of God fal so sone frō the begonne obedience of God and caste awaye the grace whiche they had receyued and the holie goste beinge vnthankefull towardes God theyr father whom they offende so vngodly and towardes theyr sauiour Christ whō they madly put from them and agaynste the holy goste whom they so traiterously agrieue and finallie moste noysome agaynste thē selues For they prouoke the wrath of God agaynst thē selues which shall punishe thē euē with temporal paynes and not onely them but also those that be ioyned vnto them by any meanes Whiche thynge the historie of Saul Dauid and other testifieth Furthermore they take from them selues the mooste excellent consolation in thys lyfe I meane the callynge vpon God For they that cōtinue in synne against theyr conscience can not call vpon God Finallie they bynde them selues to eternal dānation and that that is moste horrible they whiche haue fallen suffre not them selues to be moued for the moste parte that they may returne vnto God Wherefore it shall perteyne to a good pastour to be euer more busie aboute hym selfe and other in godlie exhortatiōs that they may worke theyr health wyth feare trēbling as Paule sayeth and that they suffre not the gyfte of God to be idle in them and to vanishe awaye but that they steare vp and exercise the same desiring that the same may be confirmed in them fleinge peruerse entisementes and resistynge naughtie affections as we sayed before in the place of good workes But if any man hath fallen and hath sinned euen agaynst his conscience secretely or openly let hym neuertheles heare the worde of god so fatherly alluring vs vnto amendment when he sayeth in Ezechiell as truely as I lyue I wyll not the death of a synner but that he be conuerted and lyue Therfore God would also and so greatly commaunded that in the cōgregation the doctrine of repentaunce should be beaten in whiche he hym selfe beganne in Paradise when he rebuked Adam and Eue after the fall and cōforted them agayne wyth a most ample promise of grace by the seede that shoulde come Al the sermons of the prophetes teach the same thinge and therfore Iohn Baptist and Christ hym selfe and the Apostles groūded the summe of theyr preaching hereupon Come agayne to your selues repent etc. As for repentaunce it is a griefe and anguishe of mynde by reason of synne out of a faythful consideration of the filthines and abomination whiche the lawe sheweth to be in synne and out of the feare of Gods iudgement agaynst sinne which the law threateneth driuynge vs to seeke forgyuenes of synnes and the grace of God wyth all diligence And therfore Ioell ij Cutte sayeth he your hertes and not your garmentes and turne to the Lorde your God for he is gentle and mercifull patient and of great compassiō recōcileable touchyng wickednes etc. Itē in Esai Where shal the Lorde dwel in a broken and humbled spirite etc. Psalme xxxviij My bones haue no peace frō the sight of my synnes Esaie i. Cease to do frowardly learne to do well The preachers must be diligent to steare vp thys repentaunce wyth preachynge of Goddes worde whiche is taughte vs in the lawe and Gospell For thereby synne is vttered and reproued as Paule sayth thorowe the lawe is the knowledge of synne It admonisheth also that these miserable calamities of mankynd so manie warres so daungerous commotions and all destruction of peace and politie wyth other euyls whiche dayly sprynge vp newe by the punishmētes of Goddes angre kendled agaynste vs for synnes Finally it rehearseth vnto vs terrible exemples of gods chastisinge the floude the dronynge of Pharao the destruction of the kyngdome of Israel and Hierusalē etc And where as the Lordes word testifieth that what so euer aduersitie chaunceth vnto vs it is sent from God for oure synnes the same worde of the Lorde by these dayly miseries and incommodities admonesheth vs of our sinnes and calleth vs vnto repētaūce Finally the Gospel most vehemently rebuketh the contempte of Christ that men wyll not acknowledge hym and his exceadynge benifites that they refuse his grace offered to them that they neglecte to cal vpon God wyth
same haue mercie on me for thy sonnes Iesus Christe whiche for our sakes was made a sacrifice Kindle my minde with thy lighte and gouerne me with thy holy spirite whiche thou haste promised vs for thy sōnes sake Thus in our praier we must euer cōprehēd Christ the mediatour as the church hath vsen in collets A fourme of calling vpon Christ frō the beginning adding these wordes in th ende thorow Christ our Lorde Moreouer this is a true inuocation acceptable to God O Lorde Iesu Christe the sonne of God heare me loke vpō me pitie me and geue me thy holy spirite and eternal lyfe Thus we reade that S. Stephan Act. viij called vpō Christ Lorde Iesu receiue my spirite Such prayer attibuteth vnto Christ the glorie of diuinitie for that that God hath reueiled him selfe in hym and worketh together with hym as we reade Io. v. what so euer the father worketh the same doeth the sonne also And in the xiiij He that seeth me seeth the father I am in the father and the father is in me This is the sentence of such an inuocation Lorde Iesu Christe sōne of God healpe me geue me thy holy spirite which together cōfesseth the father the sōne whiche is mediatoure and the holy gooste Wherefore this article of the diuine substaūce and of the thre persons must be learned and exercised in dayly prayers But forasmuch as this sincere doctrine of true and godly inuocatiō is horribly darkened Agaynst the inuocation of dead sayntes and ymages thorow that abomimable wickednesse and madnes vpon Idols whiche is cōmitted in calling vpō dead men their images bones wherunto they haue boūd not only diuine power but also a certen peculiar strēgth and efficacie of saintes wheras yet it is euidēt that we must assigne the power working of god to nothing in which god him selfe hath not expressedly witnessed in his worde that he wyl gyue the same but it is playne that deade mē helpe nobody Nor worke in ydoles for these causes I saye the people muste be called backe from suche ydolotrye vnto the true and religiouse inuocation of God as to a moste godlye worke and principall worshypping of God wherin we chiefely learne and feele which is the true fayth yea this is the only worke wherby the true people of God may be most discerned from the vngodly Of the creation and gouernaunce of al thinges OVre hole saluatiō and euerlasting lyfe consisteth herin that we truly knowe God in oure Lorde Iesus Christe that is to saye with a sure and lyuely fayth In thys knowledge the chiefest poynt is to knowe that it is God which made all thinges and preserueth and gouerneth the same alone wherfore the preachers shall studye to declare to the people wyth singuler dylygence and to beate into their heads those places of the scripture that teach and testifie of the eternal substaūce of God of his power knowledge goodnesse and seueritie for wythout this knowledge and fayth we can neuer truely and effectuously fele our sinnes much lesse repent and amende our selues neyther shal the law alone driue vs therunto for what shal eyther his preceptes or threates moue or feare vs of whose power bowntuousnes or seueritie as yet we knowe or fele nothinge substantially and effectuosely wherfore he that wil comme to God muste necessarily knowe afore hande and beleue that it is God which made preserueth and iudgeth all men and largelye rewardeth them that loue him Very many boste them selues to knowe God but in that that thei studi not to frame their life according to the wil of god dispising the worde of God they beare sufficiente witnes of thē selfe to the cōtrary namely that they say in theyr hertes there is no God though they confesse the same before men It is therfore ryght necessarye that preachers often tymes and with great diligence do propounde and beate in to theyr eares the common place of creation preseruacion and gouernaūce of all thynges And in the article of the creation of thynges the pastours shal diligently teach that that Lorde whiche delyuered the ten commaundementes the whole holy scripture and the gospell it selfe is the only true God and maker of thinges whiche of no thinge created heauen earth the sea and whatsoeuer is conteined in thē our selues also and alone preserueth the same throughe his power and hath partly made the other creatures subiecte vnto vs beinge created to his ymage appoyntynge them to a profitable vse and partly ordeyned them to the ministerye of the health both of the bodye and soule Wherfore the preachers shal often allege faythfully declare and printe in the mindes of theyr herers those places of the scripture that teache that God made vs and al other thinges of no thinge and that we were fashoned after the ymage of god finally that inferiour creatures be subiecte vnto oure rule by Goddes ordinance and that the superiour creatures be appoynted to procure oure healthe that the same herers maye dayly lerne more and more the almightines and goodnes of Goddes maiestie and that in them selues and in all other thinges that they handle in whyche they be occupyed whyche they beholde here or by any meanes do exercise they knowe hym haue him in reuerēce prayse him cal vpon him And that therby they may trust more fully in the almightines goodnes of God and more cherefully obey his cōmaūdementes and also feare his wrathe the more and that they maye vse all thinges whiche they do vse in this lyfe as the moste holy creatures and gistes of God and our sauiour wyth more holynes dayly and thankfulnes and larger liberalytie towardes theyr neighbours ▪ For this cause the prophets in the prayses of God do so magnifie and sette before our eyes with moste elegant descripcions the principal and notablest workes of God in the vniuersall nature of thynges as the heauens the son the moone the sterres the Why the holy scripture often propoūneth vnto vs the merueylous workes of God clowdes the wyndes mystes rayne dewe snowe froste thunder lyghtnynge mountaynes valleys fildes contreys medowes springes riuers standinge waters sondry trees and herbes the pryncypall kyndes of beastes both tame and wylde men and other innumerable workes of God For whiche many psalmes doe greatly magnifie the glory of God as psal xix xcv Ciiii. Cxxxvi. Cxlv. Cxlvii Cxlviii Iob doeth the same thinge from the xxxviii Chapiter to th ende of his booke And Esay in the .xl. chapter vnto th ende of hys boke Lyke places ye shal finde in other canonicall bookes euery where This contemplaciō of the notable workes of God and admiracion of the diuine maieste was the cause why Christe the Lorde hym selfe and other sayntes lyfted vp theyr eyes and handes to heauē whē they praye And in the fourme of prayinge the Lorde taught vs to saye Oure father whiche arte in heauen for when we behold wyth oure eyes and myndes those mooste excellent and wonderfull workes
thorowe the trust of Goddes promises he obtayned the couenaūt of grace and of his saluation and became deare to God yet that he dyed a straunger in the lande promised to hym and to hys posteritie Whō neuertheles though he were a straūger and had no certayne possession in the lande God merueilously guyded wyth his posteritie and defended from all harme and encreased hym wyth as maner of blessinges Of whō singeth the Psal Ciij When they were verie fewe in numbre and went from nation to nation and frō kyngdome to kyngdome he suffered not anie man to do them wronge and he pinished kinges for theyr sakes toutche not myne anoynted and hurte not my prophetes Vnbeliefe was the cause of miseries and punishementes in the olde people Thorowe the same fayth of his grace he gouerned and guided the other patriarches and the vniuersal people of Israell whiche were truly the people of Israel and the childrē of the promises And what so euer calamitie happened vnto them it was a punishment of theyr vnbeliefe bycause they had not obeyed to Goddes voice Finally the cōgregation must be taught thys thinge also diligently that that couenaunte Thorowe Christ all benifittes happened to the fathers of grace and al other benifites were obtained confirmed and exhibited to the fathers by the sonne of God Christ the Lorde the euerlastinge worde of the father Al thei desired to see hys daye and than they beganne to enioye the promised blessinges whan they sawe that daye he speake wyth the fathers he guyded them and fedde thē not onely wyth corporal manna rayninge doune from heauen and wyth water drawne out of the rocke by the power of God but also with spiritual meate and drinke of blessede participation wyth hym and heauenly lyfe whiche he gyueth to his whereof Paule speaketh saiyng Al eate the same spirituall meate and dranke the same spiritual drinke For they dranke of the spiritual stone folowynge them that is of Christ Wherfore they receiued the same spirituall meate and drinke namely Christe the Lorde not onely amonge them selues but also together with vs though that meate and drinke horough vnbeliefe profited not al. Wherfore lette the preachers with al diligence teach and cōfirme this thinge perpetually that al benifittes of God that were exhibited to the fathers frō the beginninge and al that be bestowed vpon vs haue ben gyuen and be gyuen by Christe onely the blessed seede of Abraham the heade and sauiour of the vniuersal churche ¶ Of the difference of the olde and newe Testament FOr as muche as not onelye Saynte Paule but also the prophete Ieremie putteth a playne difference betwene the newe and olde Testamente affirmynge that the newe Testamente pertayneth to the commynge of Christe and the olde to Moses and the olde people the preachers shal diligently obserue this difference that the places of the scripture concerning the olde testamēt and the new and olde people maye be handsomely interpreted that they wythdrawe nothynge from the grace and benifittes of God promised and exhibited either to the fathers or to vs as some are wounte to doe not vnderstandinge sufficiently the wordes of Paule Of which men some affirme that those thinges that God did with the fathers were al only corporall and erathle and so much as they can they ouer throwe or doe not ryghtly regarde manye goodlye benifities of God amonge vs and holesome ordinaunces as officers iudgementes restraynynge of malefactours whiche thynges they saye pertayne not at all to the newe Testament Other thorowe the same ignoraunce of the Gospell and newe Testament gyue more then is conueniente to iudaicall rytes and ceremonies and they set forth the obseruation of them wyth the hurte of fayeth in Christ euē in this time of christian libertie Wherfore the preachers shal obserue that A double vnderstandynge of the olde testamente one as God instituted it an other as men abuse it the prophetes the apostles speake muche otherwise of the olde Testament whē they speake of it as it was at the begyunyng cōfirmed to Abraham Moyses and all the olde people then when they haue matter in hande conceruyng the Iewes whiche brake thys couenaunte in dede and onely bosted outwarde ceremonies wythout fayeth in Christe and true obedience towardes God For when they speake of the olde Testament after the first maner that is to saye as it was deliuered from God to the fathers they testifie that it is the couenaunte of the grace of God and that it conteyneth in it the promises of Christe the Mediatoure They call the people that keepe it the fyrst begotten and peculiar people of God the kinglie priesthode the holy people to whom in thys promise I wyll be your God etc. God promised thorowe his sonne his euerlastyng mercie remission of synnes adoption to be sonnes and heyres and therfore a newe and blessed lyfe For God bestoweth all these benifites vpon them to whom he sheweth hym selfe God Which thing may appeare hereby that Christe proueth to the Saddnceis the blessed resurrection of saintes which is a passage into a newe and blessed lyfe by thys that God testified that he was the God of Abraham Isaac and Iacob which then were deade in theyr bodies For it was knowen euen amonge the Sadduceis that God is not the God of the dead but of the quycke that is to saye of them that lyue well and blisfully Thys folowed then euidently that al they to whō suche promise was made muste necessarely be raysed from death to lyfe wherein they should be heyres euē after the fleshe of saluation and euerlastyng lyfe whiche God promised them whē he testified that he was theyr God Wherfore that olde couenaūt or Testamēt made with the fathes cōprehēdeth also remission of sinnes grace and adoption into the children of God the gyuinge of the holye goste by whome he circumcided and renued theyr hertes and certified them of saluation and perpetual gouernaunce and protection And for the confirmation of thys grace he deliuered vnto them the whole religion the lawe and the possession of the lande of Canaan al that did he thorough Christe our onely mediator and sauioure and for this cause god setteth forth so greatly this his leige and he calleth the lawe and his statutes the couenaunte of life and wysedome wherein the people of Israel excelled a● nations he wytnessed wyth thys leige that he is presēt with his that he dwelleth amonge them heareth theyr prayers and deliuereth them from al daungers For whiche causes Paule also wrote of the Iewes Romano iii. and ix cha that the oracles of God were deliuered vnto them and adoption and the glorye of the childrē of God and the worshippinge of God and that Christ the Lorde was gyuē them with all the benifittes of God For thys cause also he declareth and proueth to the Gala. iii. that we whiche beleue in Christe be the children of Abraham and of the new testament after that we haue putte on Christe thorough
lawe of God whiche of right requireth of vs that we do the thinges that he commaundeth vs to do moste desirously and abhorre the thynges that he forbiddeth with al our herte and all our strength so that we abhorre nothynge more in all oure lyfe Here of it appeareth playnly that we are taughte by the lawe of God whyle we beholde it after the meaning of Christ that we be not onely sinners but also prisoners and solde vnder synne For we can not represse in any wise those inward motions with our owne strength which thing whē we learne and acknowledge out of the lawe then we haue a true and an holesome knowledge of the lawe Therfore as the Apostle teacheth diligently and beateth in thys knowledge of the law so al preachers must be most diligēt to teach and print the same in the people omitting the subtile disputations of the lawe that make nothinge to the purpose For while they cōtinually beate in this substantial obseruaūce of the law which Paule teacheth they shall steare vp in men a true knowledge of synnes and thereby a lyuely and effectuous repentaunce and a careful and earnest conuersation vnto Christe For they that geue them selues earnestly to thys perfecte obediēce of the law and turne their lyfe thereunto shall muche better perceyue then anie man can teache how great corruption there is of nature and howe greate tirannie of synne in vs. An other sayinge of Paule whereby we may know the true vse of the lawe is thys The lawe worketh wrath wherwith the Apostle signifieth that we do not onely not acknowledge sin of our selues but also neglecte it when we haue acknowledged it and dispice carelesly the iudgement and wrath of god against synne which the law threatneth as though God were not so much offēded with our sinnes as the scripture wytnesseth and as though he could wynke at them Where as yet Dauid testifieth that God wyl not iniquitie For thus he sayeth Thou arte not the God that wylleth iniquitie And thou hatest al that worke iniquitie and shalt destroy them that speake lyes Wherfore God would fraye steare and moue vs agayne wyth his heauenly voice that we myght feele his wrath in oure consciences And thys he doeth wyth threateninges of punishmētes and miseries which he added to his cōmaundemētes in the law both corporall and euerlastynge manie tymes and ryght horribly and al sinners shal suffre them if they repent not and be deliuered thorowe Christ Therfore the preachers muste diligently declare to the people these punishmētes miseries that at length they maye vnderstande the wrath of God and feele it in theyr cōsciences that being frayed wyth the intollerable iudgement of God they may be steared to seke grace in Christ and deliueraunce from thys wrath of God Hereof it appeareth sufficiently that the law was not geuē to testifie and to quicke but that thorowe it we mighte vnderstande that synne raygneth myghtely in vs and that we shoulde seeke an other waye wherby we myghte come into Goddes fauoure and obtayne that lyfe that the Gospell sheweth namely fayeth in Christ Wherof S Paule wrate to the Galathians iij. For if there had bene a lawe that had bene able to quycken ryghtuousnes had ben of the lawe in dede But the lawe iustifieth not but condemneth while it prescribeth and requireth that that God requireth of man to be done and threateneth death and hell to all them that perfourme not the thynge that it prescribeth and requireth whiche thynge no man can do For we are so destitute of the glorie of God and true ryghtuousnes so solde to sinne and plainly so dead as Paule witnesseth that the law it self which should be a remedie vnto vs and brynge vs againe to lyfe is turned into oure destruction and casteth vs further into hell concupiscence beinge steared vp thorowe it and synne encreased Wherefore thys is the vse of the whole lawe that it shewe vs thys oure perdition thorowe synne and that it dryue vs beinge stryken wyth true griefe for syne and wyth the feare of Goddes iudgement and being destistute of all hope of saluation to begotten otherwyse to Christe the sauiour which thorowe his passion and death hath remoued the wrath of God from vs hath obtayned fauoure gyueth the spirite of regeneration thorowe whiche spirite beinge sanctified and strengthened we are dryuen forth to worke well and we are stayed wyth this consolation that he is oure onely Meditoure and Sauiour whiche maye sette his perfect obediēce and rightuousnes betwene the father and vs and at length in the resurrection wyll deliuer vs from all synnes and gyue vs perfecte ryghtuousnes The thyrde place of Paule is thys The The lawe is our guyde or scholemaister to Christe law was made vnto vs a scholemaister vnto Christ Thys ende then of the lawe must be diligentlye declared and repeted in sermons For all we haue yet neede of thys scholemaistringe accordyng to the measure of fayth and the spirite gyuen to euery one For there remayneth a greate weakenesse in vs all by reason whereof we haue neede thorowe the feare of the seruile spirite to be euer dryuen to Christe and to be kept in the obedience of God vnto a fulle libertie of the spirite of chyldren Further more no small parte of christian people in thys laste and so corrupte age of the worlde after so notable a defection from the lawe of God foloweth theyr lustes without care and lyueth in manifest vices It is then as necessarie to preache the lawe to thys kynde of people and to rayse them vp from the sleepe of theyr vices thorowe the feare of Goddes iudgementes and to dryue them to Christe as it was to the olde people Therefore it shall pertayne to the preachers whyle they exhort to good workes to beate in diligently the cōmaundementes of the lawe the promises and threates ioyned to the commaundementes Howe be it they muste do it wyth such moderation that togyther wyth principall diligence they teache that it is Christe onely that worketh the true obedience of the lawe and that he satisfied thorowe his obedience that that wāted in ours wherin there is no perfection For as longe as we lyue here oure obedience is verie sclender and vnperfecte nor satissieth the lawe at anie tyme whiche lawe setteth thys marke of our obedience that we loue God wyth our whole herte our whole soule and all our strenghthes Wherefore those places in the lawe and in the prophetes that preache of Christ Euē the lawe leadeth and remitteth to Christe whereof there be manie in the scripture shal be declared and commended to the people wyth greate diligence For the lawe profiteth vs not onely in this poynte that thorouge the knowledge of synne whiche it stirreth vp and the feare of Goddes wrath whiche it causeth it calleth vs agayne to Christe and keepeth vs thorough obediēce towardes god in Christ and yet by none other strēgth thā of Christ but also it magnifieth and sheweth
is and muche wished for of oure Lorde Iesus Christe namely that he came for thys cause into the worlde beinge made man to deliuer all them that beleue in hym from synne death and eternall damnation and to gyue them a newe and perpetuall ryghtuousnes and lyfe Whiche thynge al the prophetes spake afore hāde of him as the lorde him selfe expouned in the laste of Luke So sayeth he it behoued Christ to suffre and to ryse from the dead the thirde daye and that repentaunce and remission of synnes should be preached in his name among all nations The Apostles taught the same thynge euerie where as it appeareth in theyr actes For thus Petre preacheth repente your fautes and let euerie one of you be baptised in the name of Iesus Christ for the forgyuenes of synnes and ye shall receyue the gyfte of the holy goste actes ij Item the God of oure fathers hath raysed Iesus whom ye kylled hangyng vpon wodde hym God hath exalted wyth his ryght hande a prince and a sauiour to gyue repentaunce vnto Israell and forgyuenes of synnes etc. And agayne he commaunded vs that we shoulde preach to the people and testifie that it is he which was appointed of god a iudge of the quicke and the deade To hym all the Prophetes beare wytnes that who so beleueth in hym he shall receyue remission of synnes thorowe his name Saynt Paule preacheth the same thynge actes xiij Be it knowen to you then bretherne that thorowe thys man remission of synnes is preached etc. Though thys preachyng of the Gospell be short neuertheles it is the power of God vnto saluation to euerie one that beleueth Ro. i. Wherfore Christe also compareth the Gospell to a mustarde corne to a treasure hidde in a felde to a precious margarite for the gettyng wherof we must sell and leaue all thynges Math. xiiij But that the strēgth and efficacie of the Gospel may be more euident the preachers muste euer studiously set forth Christe and religiously preache howe great thynges he suffered for our saluation howe great thynges he did Further howe he wil haue these thynges shewed vnto vs and what he wyll worke in vs thorowe thys preaching It is euident thorow the preachyng of the lawe that all we be synners of oure selues and destitute of the glorie of God Rom. iij. Item that we are deade thorowe misdedes and synnes and be by nature the children of wrath as other be Ephesi ij prisoners and solde vnder synne that we oure selues can not ryse out of thys perdition of oure owne strengthe Roma viij Wherfore to obtaine saluation there needed a mediatour and sauiour whiche might pacifie God beinge angrie and recōcile vs to God and deliuer vs frō synne and death and make vs heyres of euerlastynge lyfe Suche a sauiour and intercessour Christe is made vnto vs. i. Timo. ij one God and one attonemaker of God and men Christe Iesus a man whiche gaue hym selfe a price of redemption for al men etc. Thys Mediatour first entreateth wyth God the father thorowe his lyfe death passion and intercession to turne his wrath frō vs to receyue vs into fauour and to gyue to vs as to his children the holy spirite and euerlastyng lyfe Further he cometh to vs and handleth his matter with vs thorowe the misterie of the Gospell his holy spirite and the crosse that we maye beleue hym and thorow faith obtayne ryghtuousnes and euerlasting life And he handleth his matter wyth God after thys sorte firste he ordred his whole lyfe accordyng to the wyl of the father beinge made obedient vnto hym vnto death whiche thynges we should haue done But bicause he sawe that they were impossible vnto vs he perfourmed them hym selfe he fulfylled the lawe as he sayth in Mathew I came not to destroye the lawe but to fulfyll it And Paule to the Gala. iiij Whē the fulnes of tyme came God sent forth his sonne made of a woman made subiecte to the lawe to redeame them that were subiecte to the lawe Therfore he wrate also to the Cor. Christe is made rightuousnes vnto vs of God that is to saye his rightuousnes was perfourmed for our sakes and gyuen vnto vs. Item Phil. iij. Yea and I thynke all thinges to be losse for the excellencie of the knowledge of Christe my Lorde and I cōpt them for refuse that I maye wynne Christe and be founde in hym not hauing my rightuousnes of the lawe but that that is thorowe the fayth of Christe etc. For whoso beleueth in Christ to him whole Christ and his perfecte ryghtuousnesse is imputed at once and togyther Secondly Christe translateth and remoueth all our synnes vpon him selfe dieth for them and suffreth al those thinges that we should haue suffred for our sinnes As Iohn Baptiste testifieth Beholde the lambe of God whiche taketh awaye the synnes of the worlde Item Esaie of a truth he bare our diseases and he susteyned our sorowes and we cōpted hym stricken wyth a plage and depressed of God But he was wounded for oure iniquities and beaten for oure synnes the chasteninge of peace was vpon hym and we were healed wyth his stripes And we haue strayed lyke sheepe euery mā into his owne way and God hath putte vpon him the iniquities of al vs. Item Paule Rom. viij God spared not his owne sonne but gaue him for vs all and Chap. iiij He was deliuered for oure synnes and raysed for our iustification So Gala. iij. Christ redeamed vs from the curse of the lawe beinge made a curse for vs for it is wrytten cursed is euerie one that hangeth on tree Thirdly he is a mediatour for vs that God wyll receyue vs into fauoure Esaie liij He bare the synnes of manie and prayed for transgressours The prayer of Christe Iohn xvij teacheth the same thynge I praye for them not for the worlde but for those whome thou hast gyuen me keepe them in thy name etc. And Paule Ro. viij Christe is at the right hande of the father and maketh intercession for vs. Itē to the Hebr. v. whiche in the dayes of his fleshe when he had offered vp with strōge criyng and teares prayers and supplications before him that was able to deliuer him etc. Yea the whole epistle sheweth thys thinge mooste euidently that Christe oure high bishoppe offred hym selfe for our sinnes and entred into the most holie place wyth his owne bloude an euerlastyng redemption beinge founde out So then Christe handled and doeth handle the matter for vs thorowe his death and obedience shewed to the father and thorowe his intercession that he reconcileth vs to God the father and for thys cause he is made Lorde ouer all thynges as the Apostle witnesseth Psal ij whiche beinge in the fourme of God thought it no robberie to be equall wyth God but he emptied him selfe taking the fourme of a seruaunt constituted in the lykenes of men and in shape founde as a man he humbled him selfe made obedient vnto the death and that of the crosse Wherfore God
euerie where thys nature thys strength of a newe creature in Christe and of a man borne agayne thys ordre and consequentie or rather lynckynge togyther of the workes of the holie gooste in the beleuynge Whiche places the preachers muste often wyth singuler diligence propoune faythfully declare and continually beate into the people Of whiche places these be some Ro. viii But ye be not in the fleshe but in the spirite for the spirite of God dwelleth in you And if anie man haue not the spirite of Christe the same is not his Nowe if Christe be in you the bodie is dead concerning synne but the spirite is life cōcerning Iustification etc. Wherefore bretherne we are detters not to the fleshe that we should liue after the fleshe for if ye lyue after the fleshe ye shall dye But if ye mortifie the dedes of the fleshe with the spirite ye shall lyue For as manie as shal be ledde wyth the spirite of God be the chyldren of God etc. ii Cor. v. Iudgyng thys that if one died for all then all were dead and he dyed for all that they whiche lyue after thys myght not lyue to them selues but to hym that died for them and rose againe etc. Gala. v. walke in the spirite and ye shall not perfourme the concupiscence of the fleshe Item but the fruite of the spirite is charitie ioye peace etc. Ephe. v. Ye were sometyme darkenes but nowe lyghte in the Lorde walke as the chyldren of lyghte etc. Item Se then that ye walke circumspectly not as vnwyse but as wyse redeamyng occasion bicause the dayes be euyl etc. Phil i. Thys I praye that your loue may abounde more and more in knowledge and all vnderstandynge that ye may allowe the thinges that be ryghte good that ye be sincere etc. Collo iii. putte on then as the chosen of God holie and beloued the bowels of compassion gentlenes sobrenes etc. Tit. ii Iesus Christ gaue hym selfe for vs for to redeame vs from all iniquitie and to purifie vs to hym selfe a peculiar people a folower of good workes i. Iohn i. And thys is the tydynges that we hearde of hym and shewe vnto you that God is lyghte and there is no darkenes in hym If we shall saye we haue felowshyppe wyth him and walke in darkenes we lye etc. Item iii. Euerie one that hath thys hope in hym purifieth hym selfe as he is pure all that committe synne the same committe iniquitie and synne is iniquitie And ye know that he appeared to take awaye synnes etc. These places and suche other in whiche the nature of regeneration and of a newe creature and the ordre cōsequence or rather the knittyng of the workes of the holy gost be declared the preachers must often recite faythfully expoune and printe into the people in theyr sermons that they maye learne thorowly and euer diligently reuolue in theyr myndes that they whiche be borne agayne in Christ and grafted in him and be made fruitefull braunches in thys lyfe and good trees muste also brynge forth good fruites and forasmuche as they be a newe and diuine creation made vnto good workes they muste trauayle also in newe and diuine workes whiche God hath prepared in them wyth his commaundement calling and gifte and worketh cōtinually wyth his spirite to his owne glorie and to the edification and repayryng of our neighbours But alwayes and before al thinges they muste be taught moste diligently that a cōscience fearfull by reason of hir synnes and the wrath of God muste comforte hyr selfe wyth the voice of the Gospell and certifie hyr selfe therby that God wyll surely gyue his holie spirite whyle we praye for it in thys distresse and that thys petition is a true and principall worshyppyng of God which god chiefly requireth of vs. And this high worshyppyng of God muste be learned onely wyth the exercise of true fayeth wherof the blinde men of this world know nothynge putting theyr ryghtuousnes and holines in outwarde ceremonies and truste of theyr owne rightuousnes But when the herte wrastleth wyth the feelynge of the wrath of God and lyuely knowledge of synnes and comforteth hyr selfe with fayth in Christe the mediatoure in thys case that sweete word of Esaie is vnderstāded which is the place of my reste sayeth the Lorde I wyll loke vpon the humble and broken in spirite and tremblynge at my worde For then the Lorde dwelleth in vs in dede when we flee to Christe the mediatour and determine wyth our selues that for his sake we be accepted and hearde of the heauenly father and made heyres of euerlastyng lyfe Wherfore the true fayth of the Gospel whereof we speake in this place signifieth not onely the knowledge of the storie as in Iames when he sayeth the deuylles beleue but it signifieth that knowledge of the Gospell and assentyng caused thorowe the spirite of Christe whereby there spryngeth in our hertes a sure truste of Goddes beniuolence and adoption thorow which we haue affiaūce that God is mercifull vnto vs and hath made vs heyres of euerlasting lyfe for his sonnes sake whiche fayth excludeth all trust of our owne ryghtuousnes and all errour concernyng God his wyl towardes vs. For thys fayth comprehendeth a sincere and perfecte vnderstandinge of all the articles of our religion and an assent therunto Therfore thys pure doctrine of the Gospel muste be reteyned of fearfull consciences that they maye knowe that they obteyne remission of synnes frely for Christes sake by fayth and not by the deseruyng of workes And let them beware that they remoue not thys glorie of the Mediatour Christe vnto mennes workes For if the promise of saluation dyd hange vpon our worthines the conscience shoulde remayne vncertaine stickyng in perpetuall doubte and shoulde flee from God For we can not satisfie the lawe of God at all and many sinnes cleaue euer in vs and there remayneth great weaknes Neither could the hert call certaynely vpon God if oure owne deseruynges were to be brought forth for it should be frayed awaye perceyuing him selfe to be destitute of those merites that God requireth Therefore we muste come vnto God wyth thys fayeth wherby we beleue that we are accepted and iustified before God for Christes sake and not for our merites Thys fundation muste be layed fyrste of al wherby we be planted in Christ and disseuered from all vngodlie men and aliauntes frō Christe Afterwarde it is necessarie to enstruct the people a right of good workes chiefely after thys sorte ¶ Of good workes That thys place may be more easely vnderstanded it shall be conuenient to deuide it into these fyue questions ¶ The first What workes are to be done ¶ The seconde Howe they may be done seing that there is so great weaknes of mannes nature and so great lettes of Satan ¶ The thirde Howe they may please God beinge vnperfecte and verie sclender ¶ The fourth Why we must do good workes and auoyed euyll ¶ The fyfth Of the difference of synnes ¶ The first
question What good workes must be taught and done ¶ The answer Those that God hath cōmaunded in the ten cōmaūdemātes those that be cōteyned in the same after the interpretatiō of Christ and his Apostles For we must take ryght good hede that we deuyse not worshyppinges of God and good workes wythout the worde Therfore Christe also sayeth They worshippe me in vayne wyth the cōmaūdemētes of men For God wil that not onely fayth but also al our good workes be limited with his worde as with a sure rule leste after the maner of the heathen we deuyse to our selues vayne imaginations and workes of our owne as it hath chaunsed in callynge vpon sayntes in voued pilgrimages to the bones of sayntes in forbiddynge of mariage and suche lyke ¶ The seconde question Howe maye good workes be done ¶ Answer Mānes diligēce perfourmeth outwarde discipline metely so so But the commaundementes of God require also the inwarde workes of the herte as the feare of God fayth loue towardes the cōmaundementes of God true inuocatiō patience in troubles chastitie cet And it is well knowen that mannes weakenes can in nowise perfourme such workes without Godds healpe Ther fore God poureth his spirite into the hertes of the Godlye which helpeth them whiche gyueth them newe lyght and strength and this is a true exercise wherin God wil haue vs to call vpon Christe and to flee to hym that he maye gyue vs the holie goste and guyde vs therwyth that we fall not For it was an harde thynge for Dauid not to fal into desperation when he was dryuen out of his realme and appeared to be cast away of God Therfore he fled to praier as to an onely holde that was lefte and he required to be stayed and strengthned wyth the holy goste that he myghte call vpon God and loke for the ende of the matter in patience Wherfore Christe sayeth I wyll not leaue you fatherles Item the Lorde sayth in Zacharie Cha. xij I wyl poure vpon the house of Dauid the spirite of grace and prayer that is to saye he gyueth vs the holie goste that we maye beleue vnfaynedly that we are in the fauour of God by whiche fayth our mynde is steared vp to inuocation For whē we knowledge that the mercie of God is present wyth vs we loke for healpe and comfort from him and we submitte our selues to his wyll etc. Therfore God dyd not onely commaunde vs what we shoulde do but also he promiseth and offereth vs healp to do the same The cause why few men vnderstande thys thing and considre it a right is the dissolute and vnreligious lyfe and great securitie that reigneth in the common people For they fyght not agaynst synnes but vtterly folow all maner of lust and fall into greate blyndnes of mynde so that they know neither God nor his workes in men But they that lyue in the feare of God and call earnestly for thys healpe and ayde of the holie goste haue true experience howe present and effectuous his healpe is in affictions Wherfore it is ryghte expedient fo● fearfull and weake myndes whiche haue some begynnyng and desire of godlines to considre diligently the sayinge of S. Paule Philip. ij It is God that worketh in you both to wyll and to brynge to passe accordynge to the good purpose of his mynde that is to saye though thou feele thy selfe to be weake neuertheles when thou goest aboute any good thynge in thy lyfe accordyng vnto thy vocation vnto the glorie of God be of good comforte and knowledge that God wyll healpe the in thys endeuour and gyue the his holie spirite and good successe to thy worke ¶ The thirde question Howe do good workes please God seinge that there remaineth euer in thys fleshe so great weaknes in thys lyfe For we all haue experience dayly that there sticketh in vs as yet muche doubtyng cōceruyng God and his worde distrust of his presence and healpe inordinate motions and carefulnesse of thys lyfe Whiche woundes of mannes weaknes the sayntes feele to be so much the greuouser as they more studie to remedie them Whiche thinge Paule bewayleth of him selfe Roma vij It is profitable that the people be often and playnely admonished of thys question For a great parte of men be encombred in two errours Some be in perpetual doubte being vncertaine whether their lyfe or workes please God and lyuynge in an heathnishe vngodlines For they can not call vpō God but they flee his syghte There is a verie great multitude of thys sorte amonge men Wherfore thys heathnishe blyndnesse of men muste be diligently reproued An other arrogancie and trust of our owne rightuousnes and workes as was the errour of that pharisie whiche in the temple gloried of the keepyng of the lawe not perceyuyng his owne vncleanes and synnes Therefore that thys double errour and thys blyndnes maye be ouoyded we muste knowe that three thinges are required herevnto that good workes please God Fyrste that the mā him selfe be acceptable to God and be iustified freely for Christes sake Secondly that it is requisite that a newe lyfe folowe and obedience towardes God though it be vnperfecte and though muche weakenes and manie vices remayne in vs. Wherfore we muste remēbre that it is euer needfull to aske forgyuenes of synnes As Christe taught vs all to praye to the father Forgyue vs our dettes For no man vnderstandeth sufficiently howe greate the anger of God is agaynste synne oure reconciler Christ dyd onely fully perceyue it when he sayed If they do thys in the grene wood what wyl they do in the drye we muste not then extenuate and diminishe synne Thirdly though thys obediēce be weake yet we must determine that it pleaseth God in the reconciled for his sonne sake as saynt Petre exhorteth to offre spirituall sacrifices acceptable vnto God thorow Iesus Christ as if he woulde say not for their owne worthines but for the Mediatours sake Christ our only high bishoppe euer makyng intercession for vs. Thys is it that is wonte to be sayed at other tymes that good workes oughte to be done out of fayth that is that a man should not wauer doubtynge whether his lyfe or workes please God but certayne determine that he is acceptable to God for Christes sake as we haue often sayed and therefore that his workes being commaunded by the worde of God be acceptable vnto God for the same Christes sake thoughe they be weake and vnperfecte Therfore faith must be exercised in good workes two wayes Firste that we beleue they please God Secondly that we praye to God that for Christes sake he wil healp vs both to lyue godlie and also to do those workes that shall profitte the common lyfe of mē that he wyll giue thē good successe Nowe let euerie man considre wyth him selfe howe greate thys mercie of God is and howe sweete thys doctrine is It semeth a small worke when the mother bryngeth vp hyr childrē gyueth sucke
washeth them and doth other thinges pertainyng to nuresing and when she enstructeh them vnto the inuocation of God and religion But the chiefest worshipping of God resteth in these poyntes if they be done in fayth that is if the mother truste that she is acceptable to God for Christes sake and beleue that hyr doinges please God for the same mans sake if she call for healpe of God to the perfourmaunce of those thynges that he wyll prosper them and make them holesome finally that he wyll keepe and nourishe vp hir infant and gouerne his lyfe in all thynges After thys sorte our fayth muste be exercised in al other busines and offices of thys lyfe Magistrates and wariars be exercised wyth sundrie daungers troubles and difficulties Neuertheles if they execute their office after thys maner and wyth suche fayth as we haue spoken of all suche thynges be worshippinges of God Thys is no small consolation to a godlie mynde And it is the true propre doctrine of the Gospel which Adam Noe Abraham Iacob Ioseph Samuel Dauid and Paule taught ¶ The fourth question Why are good workes to be done ¶ Answer Firste because God hath commaunded them Al creatures serue God and be made to the obedience of God It is euident then that seinge that man ought to shewe obedience vnto God Goddes commaundement is the fyrst chiefest cause why we shoulde do good workes And in as muche as God hath cōmaunded good workes it foloweth of the same cause that they that exercise not them selues in wel working but continue in the contempt of Goddes cōmanndementes deserue euerlastynge paynes Howe be it God punisheth sinnes in this lyfe also with infinite miseries Thys thē is an other cause whiche oughte to steare vp our myndes to worke well that we fal not into euerlasting paynes For so Paule sayeth i. Corhin vi Erre not Neither adulterers nor worshippers of Images etc. shall possesse the kyngdome of God And Gala. v. They whiche do suche thynges shall not possesse the kingdome of God The thyrde cause of doing good workes is verie necessarie for that that it is not possible that a true fayth and a certayne truste in Christe can stande wythout perfecte conuersion vnto God or wyth synnes whiche are committed agaynst a mannes cōscience These thynges appeare playnly by the verie nature of fayth For fayth is that assent to the Gospell out of whiche there aryseth a sure confidence of Goddes mercie promised for Christes sake But suche a trust can not stande with a purpose of sinning wherin there is a manifest comtempte of God and an vndoubted prouocation of Goddes wrath By reason of thys fyghtynge betwene fayth and synne Paule sayed that what so euer is not of fayeth is synne signifiynge that the nature of fayth is suche that it bringeth forth good fruites of it selfe Wherfore whē a mā sinneth as that is done by wrōge confidence so the truste in Christe is reiected and grace and eternall lyfe is cast awaye and mannes saluation is paste remedie excepte he recouer a trust in Christe and puttynge awaye all wronge affiaunce he wholly restore hym selfe into the obedience of God The large promises of Goddes reward ministre the forth cause of good workes For it is the commaundement of God that his moste ample promises shoulde be preached to all men As Paule sayeth Godlines is profitable vnto all thynges and hath a promise of the present lyfe and of the lyfe to come And we shewed before that euyll workes be punished wyth euerlastyng paynes whiche yet often tymes haue their begynnynge in thys lyfe as it apppeareth in Saul Achab Iuda So contrarie wise God requireth their workes that repent wyth eternall rewardes Howe be it thys fundation of our saluation standeth styll that is to say the trust of euerlasting lyfe in Christ the Lorde whereof we spake before namely that we obtaine remission of synnes euerlastyng lyfe thorow fayth for Christes sake and not for the worthines of our workes For thys sentence standeth fast and sure in which the Lorde testifieth of him selfe Ihō vi Thys is the wyll of the father that euerie one that beleueth in the sonne shall haue eternall lyfe For though God thorowe a merueilous purpose suffre his churche to be pressed greuously with the crosse and exerciseth it with great miseries as shal be sayed hereafter yet forasmuche as he wyll be knowen to men in thys lyfe and be magnified he steareth vp preserueth and defendeth the preachers of his name the teachers of his Gospell and also the hearers as he promised that his churche shoulde continue here vnto the ende of the worlde Therfore for thys purpose that his church maye continue perpetually he dealeth forth sundrie giftes of his spirite and he gyueth to his sayntes that thorowe good workes they deserue the encrease of vertues accordynge to the worde of Christ there shal be gyuen to him that hath And seinge that in thys life we haue neede of fode peace lawfull gouernaunce of the common weale health etc. God addeth these thynges also and recompenseth the good workes of his therwyth yet with thys moderation that neuertheles he holdeth styll his churche vndre the crosse Of thys rewarde of good workes Christe speaketh Gyue and there it shal be gyuen vnto you And Esaie xxxiij He that walketh in ryghtuousnes etc. shall dwell in an high and therfore a sure place He shall not wante meate and drynke his eyes shall se the kynge in his glorie So though Esaie Hieremie Daniel and Paule were pressed wyth sundrie and moste grenous aflictions yet God after a merueylous forte preserued them a greate whyle in lyfe and ministred vnto them abundauntly thynges necessarie for lyfe And surely for thys cause God promised vs corporall goodes that being steared vp thorowe such promises we shoulde exercise fayth and inuocation and laboure the more to be busie in good workes When thou hearest then that God commaundeth the to gyue almes and addeth his promises that he wyll gyue the agayne fode and other good thinges Giue thyne almes liberally and exercise thy faith therin and confirme thy mynde that it is God that gyueth the corne a lyuynge and all good thinges that maynteyneth the and thyne and that he wyll recompence thy liberalitie shewed for his sake And whē thou considerest these thynges wyth fayeth and hast afterwarde confirmed thys sentence of fayth in thy mynde thou muste exercise also the inuocation of God and trustynge in his promises thou muste praye hym thorowe Christe his sonne that as he hath promised he wyll gyue the thynges necessarie for life and maynteyne the and thyne and thou muste also wyth a sure hope loke for those thynges whiche thou haste so prayed for of hym nothynge doubtynge but that he wyl gyue them to the as farre as they maye be good for the in dede For if the mynde be so farre from God and so emptie of the truste of his goodnes that it can not so muche as aske
holie Gospell but onely parte of the Gospel I meane that part wherin God pronoūceth the euerlasting punishment of the euyl and not that part wherein he offereth his grace to them that beleue For they that haue thys fayth beleue that there is a God that made and ruleth all thynges that punisheth the euyll but they beleue not that God wyll be merciful vnto them forgiue them theyr sinnes freely for his sonnes sake Finally that we muste not vnderstande a temperarie fayeth wherewyth men beleue the whole Gospell in dede but it is but for a tyme. For they receyue the worde of God with ioye but whē afliction and persecution chaunceth for the Gospell they fall agayne and theyr fayeth vanishinge out of theyr myndes the sede of Goddes worde though it be spronge vp is kylled and dryeth awaye wyth the heate of persecution Wherefore the preachers muste teache men diligently that when they heare that we whiche beleue in Christe haue euerlastynge life that we be borne agayne thorowe fayth that the chyldren of God be instified and saued thorowe fayth they muste vnderstande and considre that these thinges be spoken of true and lyuely fayeth whiche steareth vp in them that beleue a sure truste of Goddes beniuolence and of adoption vnto euerlastyng life And hereby breadeth in them and enflameth an earnest and feruent loue of God and worketh also a perpetuall and effectuous studie of all holines and sincere seruiceable loue towardes our neighbours Finally bryngeth to passe that they that beleue giue them selues altogyther to the fulfilling of the lawe ¶ Of the crosse and aflictions VVHē this faith is sincerely taught and learned and preuaileth in the lyfe of the sayntes it can not be God so orderinge and finishinge the renuinge of his but the crosse and aflictih● wyl folow sincere doctrine and a godlie life For God willing thorow his secrete purpose to trie the faith of his and to dryue them to call for his healpe permitteth Satan to exercise them with sundrie tētations whiche is an enemie of pure doctrine and christian Wherfore while this is permitted vnto him he resisteth and wrastleth against good doctrine and godlie life with all the crafte and might that he can and moueth against the same what so euer he hath in his power And he hath the whole world in his power Wherefore Christe calleth him the prince of the worlde Iohn xij If he be then the prince of the worlde what other thynge shall we loke for then that he wil be against vs with al the worlde and wil fight against pure doctrine and pure life Of doctrine Christes worde testifieth Iohn xv If they haue harde me they will heare you also If they haue persecuted me they wil persecute you also etc. And that they wyll persecute a godly life S. Paul teacheth ij Tim. iij. As manie as wyll lyue godlie in Christe shall suffre persecution It is then ryghte necessarie that the ministers of the worde teache comforte and strengthen the people wyth all faythfulnes and diligence to beare the crosse to learne to ouercome aduersities wyth patience For we maye heare euerie where the vngodlie and blasphemous wordes of men that be in aflictions For whē they are warned to arme theyr mynde with patience bycause that aflictiōs are sent of God agaynst that they crie streyght waye that they are not sent of God but of Satan and if thou wylte saye styll that God chastiseth them whom he loueth they saye they wishe that he woulde not loue them so muche When anie incommoditie or aduersitie chaunceth to them vnloked for the cause whereof they can not attayne wyth theyr folishe reason forthwyth they ascribe it to arte magike Whiche errour and superstition is chiefely in vplandishe men and other rude felowes Thorowe whiche errour it cometh to passe that when they fall into anie calamitie they runne streyght waies to wisardes and witches they aske counsell of them and beleue their lyes and for the moste parte burthen them wyth iniuste suspicions and falsely sclaunder them that be innocent Further also they embrace their enchauntmētes and magike remedies vsing the ayde of deuyls which is an horrible defectiō from the true God and a deniyng of him whiche surely be great and heynous synnes for reuengeaunce wherof the wrath of God and manifest punishmentes are wonte to come vpon the vnfaythfull as the Apostle witnesseth Therfore that we maye resist so great wickednes and abhomination and that men maye be broughte to haue true patience in the crosse the preachers muste teache some what after thys sorte of the crosse First though the deuyll wyth his garde burne wyth an incredible hatred agaynste the godlie and desireth excedingly to hurte them by all meanes and in what thynge so euer he can in bodie soule goodes fame as Petre testifieth sayinge the deuill walketh about etc. Neuertheles this is certaine that he can not once moue an heare of our heade excepte God suffre hym so to do as Christe sayth Math. x. Are not two sparowes solde for a farthynge and one of them falleth not vpō the earth wythout your father And the verie heares of your heade are al numbred The storie of Iob witnesseth the same whō Satan coulde not hurte but by the permission of God neither in goodes nor bodie For we are enuironned wyth manie thousandes of Angels which haue charge of vs as the prophete Eliseus sayeth to his ladde iiij of kynges vi When the kynge of Siria commaunded the prophete to be taken Dauid in the Psalm xxxiij wytnesseth that the same is gyuen not onely to Eliseus but also to all the godlie sayinge They that feare the Lorde he compasseth them aboute as it were with pauilions and the watching Angell keepeth them safe But where tentes be pitched there the holiest muste needes be present So Christe hym selfe sayeth also of the yonge children Their angels se alwaies the face of my father whiche is in heauen We maye dayly se and feele thys defence garde and custodie of the Angels if we wilturne oure myndes to the workes of God and considre them wyth the eyes of fayth For how many new enginnes deuiseth Satan daily What mischiues inuēteth he thorowe wicked men wherewyth he yet profiteth nothyng so that we must needes graūt that God disapoynteth those deuises of Satan and not anie wisedome of man Wherfore men muste be taughte diligently that what so euer good or euyll chaunce to them synne onely excepted they beleue it chaunceth to them from God and his prouidence though it be done by the ministerie of Satan and of the vngodly Secondly forasmuche as it is well knowen that aduersitie cometh not by chaunce but by the permission and determined purpose of God we oughte not to doubte but that it chaunceth to vs for good and that suche thynges be as signes of Goddes beniuolence and not of his wrath as the Epistle to the Hebrues teacheth xij My sonne neglecte not the correction of God nor faint thou
them lieth they shall studie to maynteyne common peace and honest maner of lyuyng But besyde the forsayed seditious opinions some haue brought forth yet more abominable of whiche company they were that inuaded the Citie Monster whiche taughte that the officers dissentyng frō them oughte to be abrogate and they dyd sette vp a newe tirannie vndre the name of the kingdome of Christe Whiche thynge perteyneth not only to the ouerthrowynge and reprouynge of the ordinaunce of God as euerie cōmon power is but it is a sinne agaynst the cōmaundement cōcerning the magnifiyng of Gods name vndre a false pretence of Gods name to oppresse the cōmon officers and to turne the Gospell into an outwarde politike gouernaunce And to make this leude doctrine more pleasaunt they fayned the holy goste to be the authour of theyr furour falsly imaginyng visions and prophetes whiche they brought forth most vnshamefastly agaynst the word of God wryttē which they taugh● to be playnely despised All whiche thynges be the actes of extreme vngodlines and barbarousnes whiche God is wont to punishe with notable and horrible exemples euen in thys lyfe as appeared in the verie same men of Monster whom we named before For the thynges that chaunced amonge them were surely horrible and to be cōpared with the moste notable thynges that euer happened in the worlde The preachers shall exhorte men diligently to considre religiously these so sore rigorous and terrible exemples and iudgementes of God whiche being cōsidered they wyll more vehemently abhorre both from Anabaptistes and all other heretikes and they shall learne to iudge and determine more certainly of hearing the word of God which God hym selfe hath so boūtuousnes set before vs in the holy scriptures and so merueilously preserueth vnto thys daye And they shal begynne to order theyr lyfe accordyng to the prescription of Gods worde wyth all feare and godly carefulnes they shall also haunt ecclesiastical assembles studiously and they shall caste awaye the loue of them selues and the despisynge of the congregation and the holie ministerie and shall not inuade other mennes offices Surely our aduersarie the deuyl ceaseth not nor slu●breth but watcheth and seeketh to pull men from God wyth infinite craftes gyles deceits and sclaūders Wherefore the preachers shal exhort the people wyth great diligence to the feare of the Lorde and they shall be reteyned in sinceritie of fayth and communion of the congregation and ledde in the waye of the Lorde wyth continuall prayers holesome doctrine and diligent exhortation An other kynde of vngodlie doctrine wherewyth the Anabaptistes fight agaynst the congregation of Christe is concernyng spirituall matters For fyrste they denie original synne and they wyl not acknowledge howe greate filthines howe greate impietie and euer pestilent corruption was broughte vpon vs all thorowe the fall of Adam Further bicause they admitte not original sinne they also refuse the baptiisme of chyldren and in asmuche as in them lyeth they drawe awaye the moste parte of men from God and eternall saluation Thyrdly they boste them selues to be ryghtuous and to please God not purely and absolutely for Christes sake but for theyr owne mortification of them selues for theyr owne good workes and persecution if they suffre any Wherfore thei deuise many workes to them selues for which they haue not the commaundement of God and boste them selues wyth arrogant hypocrisie they refuse the dignitie of ciuile matters and thei thynke that that imagined crosse is a greate passion asmuche as they maye they quenche the doctrine of fayth teachyng men to trust in their owne workes Fourthly they despise the outwarde ministerie and doctrine of the churche they denie that God worketh by them They teach that we must loke for priuate illuminations and vilions Wherefore they auoyed the cōmon sermons of the churche and holie assembles of the people of Christe they withdrawe frō the sacramentes whiche they wil to be nothyng els than outward sygnes of oure professiō and felowship as the badges of capitaines be in warre thei deni that they be workes and ceremonies instituted of god for this purpose that in them we shulde acknowledge embrace and receyue thorough fayth the mercie of God the merite and cōmuniō of Christ and that God worketh by these signes and exhibiteth vnto vs the gytes in dede whiche he offereth wyth these signes And though all the Anabaptistes do not holde all these vngodlie opinions yet there be verie fewe that haue not the moste parte of these And there be some whiche followe and teache thynges yet more abmominable then these Agaynst these common errours of Anabaptistes the preachers must teach the people at certayne tymes and declare the verie same places of the scripture for which chiefly the Anabaptistes make all thys busines Wherin they shall not onely do the congregations good in thys poynte that they shall be ware leste the leauen of the Anabaptistes spreade anie farther and corrupte more but they shal also brynge to passe that the faythful of Christe shall be more plentuously and certaynely enstructed and cōfirmed of al the doctrine of Christe and chiefely of the controuersies whiche these heretikes moue that is to saye of ciuile officers of the dignitie of the politike thinges of othes of cōmon iudgemētes of punishmētes of the proprietie of goodes of lawful bargaines And it shal be verie profitable oftē to repete these thynges in teachynge that the myndes of Christes faithful may be armed against the doinges of the Anabaptistes They shal labour diligently to declare out of the scriptures and propre testimonies of the holy goste that this whole maner of ciuile lyfe fellowship● and gouernaunce was taught and ordeined vndoubtedly of God hym selfe that they be the verie workes and benifittes of God whiche he wyll adurne wyth his benifittes as Paule testifieth Ro. xiij And all the prophetes and Apostles preache wyth Moyses that it is the commaundement of God that we shoulde obey the officers lawefully ordeyned that the subiectes be not rebellious to the officers nor go aboute to plucke them frō theyr place And thys place of S. Paule concernyng officers muste be truely proprely and diligently declared by reason of the busie spirites whiche thynke that the kyngdome of Christe is not wel exalted excepte all earthlie powers be abolished and that they vse not the libertie whiche he gaue excepte they caste of all yokes of mannes bondage But the Gospell teacheth and offereth a spirituall kyngdome that is to say that Christ sitteth on the ryght hande of his father and prayeth for vs and gyueth forgyuenes of synnes and the holy goste vnto the church that is to saye to thē that beleue in hym and call vpon hym The Gospell not onely wythdraweth nothynge from the ciuile lyfe fellowshippe or gouernaunce nor troubleth nothynge in the same but also it encourageth instructeth rightly to maynteyne thys lyfe felowship and gouernaunce of ciuile matters For it bryngeth to passe that all they whiche beleue the Gospel submitte them selues to all
exercised wyth aduersitie and sundrie miseries we must remēbre that we are baptised and that in baptisme al our sinnes euils be ouercomed and deade and that they be dayly wasted and obolished more and more thorowe the crosse and sūdry afflictions which God sendeth vnto vs and that the newe man is continually renued and repared thorow the vertue of the resurrection of Christe Therfore of ryght we oughte to thanke God for his so vnspeakeable mercie and we muste also praye therwyth that he wyll vouchsafe euer to further and at the last to finishe his worke whiche he hath begonne in vs and in all them whom he hath called to baptisme The preachers shal vse such exhortatiōs lōger or shorter accordyng to the tyme out of the forsaid places of the scripture and other lyke and then they shall adde the interrogations folowyng ¶ Interrogatiōs or demaūdes which shall be propouned to the godfathers and to the parentes of infantes Do ye beleue that those thynges be true whiche I shewed you out of the worde of God concernyng the corruption of nature thorowe originall synnne and concernynge regeneration in Christ our Lorde and euerlastyng communion wyth God whiche is exhibited thorowe holie baptisme ¶ Answere ¶ We beleue Do you require then wyth al your hertes and wyth true fayth that thys your infant whom ye haue brought and offered to Christe be deliuered from thys corruption of nature thorowe the merite and vertue of Christe in baptisme and be reconciled to God and borne againe into a new and perpetuall lyfe ¶ Answer ¶ We require it Do ye then renounce in your name and in the name of the chylde the deuyll and all his workes ¶ Answere ¶ We renounce And the worlde also and all his concupiscence ¶ Answere ¶ We renounce Do ye beleue in God the father almightie maker of heauen and earth ¶ Answere We beleue And do ye beleue that God wyll be a father to you and to thys Infante when it is baptised and that he wyll keepe you frō all euyll thorowe his almightie power wysedome and mercie and heape benifittes vpon you and that therefore you oughte to feare hym and loue hym aboue al thynges ¶ Answere We beleue Do ye beleue in our Lorde Iesus Christe his onely sonne which to redeme vs became mā suffered died was raysed frō death ascended into heauē and sitteth on the ryght hāde of the father frō thēce gouerneth his churche thorowe his almightie power and shal come in th ende of the worlde appeare to al mē a iudge of the dead and the quicke ¶ Answere We beleue Do ye confesse out of this fayth that our Lorde Iesus Christe is also your Sauiour and Sauiour of thys chylde whiche by his death hathe purged your synnes also and hath recōciled you to God and instified you thorowe his resurrection and wyl at length fully finishe vp the Image and lyfe of God in you beinge cleansed from all synne ❧ Answere We confesse Do ye beleue also in the holie goste the holie and vniuersall churche the communion of saintes the remission of synnes the resurrection of the fleshe and lyfe euerlasting ▪ ❧ Answere We beleue Out of thys confession do you beleue that the holie goste wyl be your teacher and comforter and the teacher and comforter of thys chylde and that you be the true membres of the bodie of Chris●e oure Lorde and of his churche and that thys childe by baptisme shall be a membre of Christe and his churche wherein he shall haue remission of sinnes a sure hope of resurrection and life euerlastynge ❧ Answere We beleue Wyll ye then take the infante from baptisme and compte hym for a verie sonne of God a brother and membre of Christe and as soone as he cometh to the vse of reason if peraduenture he shall leese his parentes or if they shall be negligente in thys behalfe wyll ye take the charge of him that he may learne the ten commaundementes the articles of oure fayth the Lordes prayer the sacramentes both at home and in the congregation that from his chyldehode he maye beginne to vnderstande the misterie of baptisme and the benefittes of Christe gyuen to hym therin and afterwarde when he is wel instructed in the religion of Christe that he confesse his fayth in the congregation wyth his owne mouth and thorow the participation of Christe that he gyue hym selfe to obedience towardes God and the congregation ¶ Answere We wyll ❧ Here the past oure shall exhorte agayne the parentes and the multitude standyng by Remēbre then beloued that ye must with all faythfulnes and diligence perfourme the thynge that ye haue promised here in the sight of god Christ our sauiour which is amonge vs and before his holie cōgregation And all you parentes godfathers and other that stāde by acknowledge this childe after that he hath receyued baptisme as the sonne of God and membre of Iesus Christ to whom the Angelles be presente as ministers and serue hym neither doubte ye but that what so euer good or euyll ye do to thys seelie Infant you do the same to God and to Christe the Lorde Lette it not be anie payne to you then that euery one of you accordynge to his state kynred and vncation procure thys chylde to be godlie and religiously broughte vp and instructed that at length he maye keepe all those thinges that Christe oure Sauiour commaunded to vs. It perteyneth then vnto you whiche are giuen of God to thys chylde to be parentes kynsfolke or godfathers to procure as sone as he is growen vp to brynge hym to scholes to the cōgregatiō that he may be instructed moore fully in the misteries of Christe and in other thynges that he may perceyue the grace and exceadyng benifittes of God gyuen in baptisme that he gyue accompt of his fayth before the cōgregation that he renounce in dede the diuyl the worlde wyth al concupiscences that he wholie gyue hym selfe to Christe our Lorde and to his cōgregation to be obedient in all poyntes accordyng to his gospel and so cōtinue in Christ our Lorde vnto th ende and euer go forward in newnes of lyfe as a lyuely membre of Christe and that beinge a fruiteful braunch in thys vinyarde he brynge forth the plentifull fruite of all good workes to the prayse of God and edification of the churche ❧ Here foloweth the Exorcisme or adiuration HEre the past oure shall cōmaunde the chylde to be brought nere him and shal demaūd his name which knowen he shal say I cōmaunde all euyll spirites in the name of oure Lorde Iesu Christ to departe frō thys infant and to do hym no hurt anie maner of wayes ❧ After thys makyng the figure of the crosse wyth his thombe vpon his foreheade and vpon his brest let hym saye Take the figure of the holie crosse in thy foreheade that thou neuer be ashamed of God and Christ thy sauiour or of his Gospell take it also on
a Christian Answere To be borne agayn in Christ and to haue remission of sinnes and partipation of euerlastinge lyfe through him Demaunde Wher by trusteste thou that these thynges be geuen the Answere Bicause I am Baptised in the name of the father the sonne and the holie gost Demaunde What beleuest thou of God the father the sonne and the holie gooste Answere The same that the articles of oure crede do comprehende Demā Rehearse them Answer I do beleue in God the father almightie etc. ¶ Let the chylde in this place recite al the articles of the crede playnely and distinctlie Demaun What vnderstādest thou whā thou sayest I beleue in God the father in the sonne and in the holie goste Answere That they be three personnes of one substance and power and yet but one God Demaun Why sayest thou God almighti● maker of heauen and earth Answere Bycause I beleue that god as he made al othe● thynges so he made me of nothynge by hi● onely sonne oure Lorde Iesus Christe and preserueth and gouerneth thorowe the same Iesus Christe alone and is present in euerie place and worketh all good thynges in all men thorowe his onely euer wyse purpose and ryghtuous wyl Demaund How doest thou vnderstand the second article of Christ our Lorde Answere I knowledge thereby that our nature thorowe the fal of Adam is so corrupted that no angell nor man coulde purge oure synnes and satisfie for them so that it was necessarie that the eternal worde the sonne of God shoulde be made man cōceyued of the holie goste and borne of the substance of the virgin Marie a verie man vndoubtedly but wythout sinne which thorowe his death satisfied for our synnes and thorowe his resurrection and ascention into heauen he sat vs wyth hym selfe in heauenly thynges to whom the father hath gyuen alpower in heauē and in earth that he may gouerne vs and restore in vs his owne Image and at length when he shall come to iudge the quicke and the deade that he may ●ayse vs from the deade and that he maye gyue to vs whiche were perfectly framed againe to his owne Image the enheritaunce of eternall bliffulnes in heauen and deliuer other to be punished in euerlastynge fyre whiche haue obstinately despised him Demaund What is the meanyng of the thirde article Answere Thus that Christe the Lorde hath gyuē the holy goste to vs which thorowe the ministerie of the Gospel gathereth togyther the faythfull into his congregation wherin they must be euer steared vp vnto repentaunce and vnto fayth and to receyue remission of synnes by the worde of God and sacramētes of the communion of Christ and so in leadyng a lyfe holie godly and profitable to theyr neyghbours wyth a good cōscience that they loke for Christ the sauiour which shal take thē vp to him selfe in heauen out of thys worlde and shall also rayse vp agayne theyr bodies in the daye of iudgement vnto an heauenlie life Demaun Doest thou then surelie beleue al these thinges Answere I beleue them al and I praye God that he wyl vouchsafe to encrease this fayth in me Demaunde What ought thys fayth to worke in the. Answ That I doubte nothynge but that God and the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe whiche wyth this his sonne sent vs his word and gaue vs all thynges is the only true God that he made all thynges of nothynge that he onely worketh and gyueth all good thynges and that he wyl shewe hym selfe a father vnto me also for the same his sōnes sake our Lorde Iesus Christe that he washed me from synnes wyth holie Baptisme that he gaue me his holie spirite that he incorporated me to his deare sonne so receiued me into his church and adopted me to be his sonne and heyre that also he wyll keepe me in his congregation gyue me in the same repentaunce and remission of synnes and the communion of his sonne that thorowe hym I may euer cal vpō his name with childrens trust and that in the renuing of my self I may profit dayly vnto his Image furthemore I beleue that thorowe his worde and sacramentes he wyll confirme and encrease the same in me so that I maye studie continually to sanctifie his name and to serue his congregation wyth all maner of good workes tyl he take me out of thys worlde vnto heauenlie ioyes and the blessed resurrection Al which thynges I acknowledge that thei be perfourmed vnto me and shal be thorowe the onely free mercie of the heauenlie father and thorowe the inestable merite of his sonne oure Lorde Iesus Christ Demaund God and our heauenlie father encrease and confirme this thy fayth thorowe his sonne oure Lorde Iesus Christe Amen Doest thou thynke then and doest thou acknowledge in thys fayth that thou art verily the sonne of god his hey●e the brother and ioynt heyre of our lorde Iesu Christ and therfore a mēbre of his bodie which the cōgregation is Ans I thinke so acknowledge trustyng in the most certeyne promise of Gods beniuolēce and in the merite of our lorde Iesus Christ Dem. Doeth that please the thē and doest thou allowe it and wilte thou continue in the same that thy godfathers promised and professed in thy name at holy baptisme when in thy steede thei renoūced Satā the world and bound the to Christe and to his congregation that thou shouldest be thorowlie obedient to the Gospel Ans I allowe these thinges and by the healpe of our Lorde Iesus Christ I wyl cōtinue in the same vnto th ende Dem. And doest thou thy selfe renounce Satan and all his workes wyth thy herte and mouth here in the syght of God and before his holie cōgregation Ans I renounce Dema. And the worlde and all his cōcupiscences Ans I renounce Dema. And doest thou wholy giue selfe vnto al obedience of Christ and his cōgregation Ans I wholy giue ouer my selfe thereunto Dema. How wast thou first adopted of God to be his sonne to be receyued into his cōgregation Ans By holie baptisme Dema. What is baptisme The la●●e● of regeneration wherby I am washed from sinnes and grafted in Christe the Lorde and haue put him vpon me Dem. Wilt thou cōtinue in this cōmuniō of Christ vnto th ende Ans I will by the healpe of our Lorde Iesu Christ Dem. What requireth this cōmuniō of Christe Ans That I cōtinue in this doctrine that I haue cōfessed in al the articles of our fayeth and that I beleue that I haue remission of sinnes in Christ the Lord that I am iustified acceptable to God and heyre of euerlastynge lyfe for this deare beloued sōnes sake not thorow myne owne merite of rigtuousnes further that I studie to liue according to al the cōmaūdementes of God And that I may go forwarde in this knowledge of God and obediēce it requireth that I diligently heare the worde of God by the ministers chiefely vpō the sūdaies and holy dayes and if the Elders of
holie scripture the priestes haue nothyng more then the lay men but all thynges are commune to both and one breade of the Lorde and one cuppe is sette before al men togyther and equally Thus the Lorde instituted thus the olde churche obserued alwayes Therefore none other thynge coulde be instituted of mē neither dyd the fathers euer institute anie other thynge But in these later tymes when the gouernours of congregations dyd vtterlie neglecte theyr office thys abuse crepte in secretely that in the holy supper the Lordes breade onely should be distributed whether priestes or laye men dyd communicate But that all the abuses that haue crepte into thys Sacrament maye be vtterly takē away and rooted vp by the true vse of thys Sacrament whiche the Lorde hym selfe cōmaunded the pastours and preachers shall diligently warne and exhort the people that as often as they come togyther to the holie supper of the Lorde with the bretherne they gyue them selues wholy to the Lorde to be his disciples that they thynke that all his wordes be spoken vnto them and that they beleue them certeynely that they feruently desire the communion of the Lorde to be encreased in them and that they receyue the same offered in the Sacramēt wyth a faithfull and thankeful minde briefely that they euer go forwarde in the faith of Christ and in the whole newe lyfe wyth Christ neither stande there as dispisers of so great gyftes whiche in the holie supper be offered to all that are present nor make to them selues an hurtfull spectacle of a blessed teaste Surely he that is not meete to receyue the Sacrament is not meete neither to praye wyth the cōgregation as S. Chrisostome doth rightly gather Thys Sacrament is not only the meate of the stronger but also the medicine of the weake onely lette no man receyue it whiche sticketh in synnes agaynste his conscience For he that cōtinueth in such sinnes wyll not lyue in Christe the Lorde he refuseth his communion in dede and vtterly renounceth Christ and his kyngdome Wherfore he must absteyne frō those Sacramētes in whiche the cōmunion of Christe is exhibited And such sticke also in the condemnation of hell and haue no parte in the kyngdome of Christe Wherfore they can neither be present nor ought to be present at the holie supper nor pray wyth the congregation For no man that determineth to continue in open synnes and in the despite of God can call vpon God his father wyth true fayth and praye for the sanctification of his name the commyng of his kyngdome and obedience of his wyll But they that repent them selues of theyr synnes that desire the grace of God and reteyne the cōmunion and lyfe in Christe our Lorde and wishe the same to be encreased in them neither be commaunded by the congregation to absteyne these men I saye maye muche lyfte vp and conforte them selues wyth fayth and kendle them selues wyth the desire of a newe lyfe thorowe the participation of Sacramentes at euerie supper whereat they be present Therfore they ought not in anie wyse to despice so great bountuousnes of Christ the Lorde beinge freely offered to them but 〈◊〉 ther receyue it wyth mooste feruent 〈◊〉 and great thankefulnes remembryng 〈◊〉 blessed worde of the Lorde alluryng● 〈…〉 to him Come vnto me al ye that 〈…〉 Item take eate thys is my bodie 〈…〉 of thys al thys is my bloude etc. 〈…〉 thys meate and drynke he truly refresheth and receyueth vs vnto euerlastyng lyfe The fathers in the primitiue church which obserued the Apostles tradition estemed so muche these wordes of Christ that they excōmunicated them that were present at the Lordes supper and woulde not be parte takers of the sacramentes wyth the rest For thys cause was that ordeined that we reade distinct ij of the cōstitutions whē the consecration is ended let al cōmunicate they that wil not let them not come into the temple For so the Apostles ordeyned and the holie Romaine churche holdeth Lo this decree speaketh of one consecration and it requireth that al that be present do cōmunicate and that vndre the payne of excōmunication It witnesseth also that the Apostles so constituted whiche had receiued it of the Lorde Item that the Romaine church doth so holde which thinge also al other cōgregations obserued as many as had ●eteined thordinaūce of the lorde of thapostles This is the cause why S. Chrisostome so sore rebuked thē whiche in his cōgregation taried in the temple at the celebration of the Lordes supper yet did not cōmunicate and he saied that they stode at the Lordes supper vnshāfastly and stubburnly and not wythout the dispite of Christ and cōtempt of his so great bountuousnes which he offereth vs in the holie supper For thei that be not the mēbres of Christ neither of true repētaūce and griefe of their synnes seeke renuinge of lyfe in Christe but wil cōtinue in their sinnes willingly or haue offended the cōgregation of Christe with so greuous sinnes that except they first repent and approue them selues wyth a better lyfe thei cā not come to the Lordes borde al these whiles the Lordes moste holy supper is ministred oughte to be awaye and not once to beholde the Sacrament of the Lorde as S. Chrisostome with greate grauitie warneth and that out of the deede and wordes of the Lorde whiche as he hym selfe did so he cōmaunded that this supper shoulde not be celebrated but wyth his disciples wyth suche I saye which haue gyuen them selues to his worde which desire remission of synnes and saluation out of true repētaunce and griefe of synnes which be made part takers of the newe Testamēt and be the sonnes of God Al which thinges as we shewed before are cōprehēded in the very wordes of the Lorde As the pastours then muste deligently teache and dissuade them whiche wyth the rest of the congregation can not communicate bycause they sticke in open synnes that they be not present at the holie supper and testifie vnto them that if they stande at the supper wyth suche a mynde they do spite vnto Christe and that it shall be damnation vnto them So they muste also diligently warne and exhort them which wyth a good conscience may be present at the supper that is to saye whiche truly beleue in Christ the Lorde that they receyue the Sacramentes wyth other membres of Christe But forasmuch as thys institution of the Lorde that all they whiche be present at the same supper of the Lorde should communicate of one breade and cuppe his bodie and bloude is to muche out of vse and couered a greate whyle sithens thorowe commune ignoraunce it shall be needefull to call men backe agayne treateably and gently to the obseruation of thys tradition of the Lorde and they muste beware that the myndes of the simple whiche neuertheles be the true disciples of the Lorde and are entangled in no mischiuous and wycked actes for the whiche they shoulde be restrayned from the Lordes
ought vnterly to humble and caste vs doune before the Lorde and to cutte our hertes wyth suche repentaunce of synnes that we shoulde be pricked forth and enflamed to seeke receyue with sure fayth and greatly desire the grace of God offered to vs in the worde and sacramentes and the restitution and renuinge of our selues thorowe the cōmunion of Christe and holsome participation of his fleshe and bloude Furthermore let vs diligently considre that the eternal worde of God the sonne of God al. mightie to deliuer vs out of thys meserie was made flesh was made our brother that there myght be some holie fleshe and holie bloude that is to saye a verie heauenlie and diuine man by whom the fleshe and bloude of all vs mighte be restored and sanctified whiche thinge is then brought to passe whē we truly eate his flesh and drinke his bloud Iohn vi Here it is meete that we be moued the more to wondre at and to embrace with certeyner fayth and gredier wil in this onely begotten sonne of God our sauiour the exceadynge and vnspeakable loue of God towardes vs whiche gaue his sonne vnto vs that beleuyng in him we should not perishe as we were borne and as we deserued but haue euerlastynge lyfe whiche he deserued and gyueth vnto vs. Thirdly let vs acknowledge and firmely beleue that the Lorde Iesus truely offereth vnto vs this his sanctifiyng fleshe and bloude in his holie supper wyth visible signes of breade and wyne by the ministerie of the congregation and exibiteth the same vnto the remission of synnes to be meate of euerlastyng lyfe to confirme the couenaunt of Gods adoption and of euerlastyng lyfe for so be his wordes Wherefore they cā not deceyue and they shall remayne when heauen and earth passe awaye and they truely exhibite and gyue vnto vs the thinges that they preache so that we applie true fayeth vnto them Take sayeth he eate thys is my bodie that is gyuen for you Item drinke of thys all thys is my bloud of the newe testament whiche is shedde forth for you and for many vnto the remission of synnes we must receyue these wordes wyth true fayth and doubte nothynge but that the Lorde when we celebrate the holie supper after his institution is in the middeste of vs and offereth hym selfe vnto vs by the ministerie of the congregation whiche he instituted for the same purpose and deliuereth his bodie and bloude and all his merites and satisfaction for oure synnes whiche he perfourmed his bodie and his bloude beynge offered on the crosse remission of synnes and the grace of the father and the ryghte of the Testament of the euerlastynge couenaunte of adoption and communion vnto the lyfe of God so that the breade that we breake in the holie supper is truely euen to vs the communion of his bodie and the cuppe at whiche we blesse the communion of his bloude Therefore lette vs euer religiously considre why the Lorde doeth often exhibite vnto vs thys holie and holesome communion of himselfe in the sacrament namely for this purpose that he maye brynge vs daily in to the knowlege of our sinnes and more ernest repentaunce that we maye desire more feruently remission of the same by him and receyue it with perfecter fayth gredier mindes and so be more confirmed and sette for warde in a new lyfe thorough the true communion of him that so we maye daily more and more abide and lyue in hym and he in vs and be more fully his dodie and mēbers and he our heade whiche thinge we professe whan we all receiue the communion of him in his sacrament so beinge parttakers of his bodye and bloude as we in cōmen be parttakes of one brade and cuppe Finally we must praye and labour also to receyue these heauenlye giftes wyth true fayth and greate reuerence and that we celebrate the holesome remēbraūce of the Lord wyth godly ioye and pleasaunt thankfullnes and that we gyue vp our selues and all ours to him and testifie the same with collacions and almes for the vse of the poore lyberally and accordinge to euerie mans power finally that we euer prayse and magnifie Christe in al oure wordes and worckes for these so greate benifites for his incarnacion whereby he was made oure heade and brother for hys most bitter death whereby he satisfied for our sinnes for his resurrection and ascenciō in to heauen heauēly kingdō which he administreth at the ryght hand of the father maketh vs perfect and absolute in his lyfe beinge quickened with his spirite and sette in heauenlye thinges whiche lyfe he hath gyuen in the lyfe of God and it is an euerlastinge lyfe for this holesome communion of hys bodie and bloude whereby we are confirmed in this same lyfe of God and are sette forwarde and euer finyshed vp For al which thynges we must chiefely geue thanckes in the cōmunion of this supper And forasmuch as our God is such one as alloweth not wickednes nether canne all thei stande before him which worcke iniquitie it is necessarie that we knowe that those men muste not be admitted to the supper of the Lorde that is to saye to his communion whiche lyue without true faith and loue by whome the glorie of God is manifestly blemisched and hys congregacion is offended I meane all vnbeleuers and manyfest Idolaters whiche calle vppon and worshippe saints departed Angels or other creatures whiche honour paynted or grauen stockes Item all enchaunters and sothsaiers which wil preserue catel and other thinges against perils with their consecrations yea and I meane those to which beleue shuch enchaumentes and the manifest despicers and blasphemers of God the mockers of goddes worde and sacramētes Item al those which at appointed tymes wildely continue in neglectinge sermons and other open exercises of the congregacion which obeye not accordinge to goddes commaundement theyr parentes ordinarye officers and maisters but speake euil of thē and rayle vpon thē do thē spight and resiste them seditiously and stubburnly whiche bringe not vp their children familie shuch as they haue charge of nor enstructe them to godlynes honestie and iustice Furthermore I meane murtherers and all those whych willingely continue in hatred of their bretherne in braulinges and shedinge of their neygboures bloude Item al whoremongers aduo●●erers and Dronkerdes al theues vserers raueners disers vnlaufull gainers exercisers of faulse marchandises al those lykewise which lyue idely without a lawful excuse and burthen other al ilspeakers liers periuers backbyters and whych confesse not the truth and rightuousnes and confirme not the same wyth theyr testimonies where they are bounde to do it by reasone of their vocacion All these felowes as longe as thei liue and continue in such sinnes nether haue a true purpose to amende their liues maye in no wise be admitted to the holye supper of the Lorde seinge that they be restrayned and excluded from thens by God by his owne worde Another exhortacion Forasmuch as deareli beloued in
of Angels and sundry appearynges to his disciples but also by his ascension into heauen and wonderfull sendynge of the holie goste and many other miracles and signes that nothynge more certeyne euer chaunced vndre the sunne Neither did he rise from the dead for his owne cause onely but for asmuch as he abolished our dette and sinne thorowe his death the mercie and bountuousnes of God is so great towardes vs whiche beleue in Christ that he wyll not onely forgyue our synnes for Christes sake but wyll also gyue vs the fruite of his resurrection and in verie death preserue vs vnto euerlastynge lyfe He the●● that trusteth in Christe is plāted into Christ thorow faith so far that he is made a mēbre of hym Your bodies sayeth Paule be the membres of Christe And in an other place God hath putte all thynges vndre his feete and hath made hym an heade aboue al thinges vnto the congregation it selfe whiche is his bodye the fulfyllynge of hym whiche fulfylleth al thynges in all Seing then that Christe the heade of the congregation atteyned to euerlastyng lyfe and glorie thorowe his resurrection from death it is not possible that one of his membres planted in him thorowe fayth shoulde not atteyne to the same For though it be deade buried rottē wasted corrupted yet it muste needes come to passe that it shal be raysed vp againe in due tyme vnto lighte and lyfe and so enioyne eternall blisfulnes with Christe For thys cause christian men departed are not called deade but are sayed to be a sleepe euerye where in the scriptures S. Paule confirmeth this our fayth whē he saith that as Iesus died and rose againe so God shal bringe them agayne with hym whiche are fallen a sleepe thorowe Iesus He sayth thus also Philip. iij. Our cōuersation is in heauen from whence we loke for a sauiour Iesus the Lorde which shal transfigure our base bodie that he may make it like vnto his glorious bodie etc. Whiche thynge that it may be more euident the Apostle teacheth vs not onely that the deliueraunce of the faythful frō death raysyng vp againe vnto euerlastyng reste shal be moste certeine but also he addeth wyth expresse wordes i. Thessa iiij with howe great glorie and maiestie these thynges shal be done For thus he speaketh Thys we say to you in the worde of the Lorde that no man shulde thynke that these be dreames or imaginations of mēnes braynes but that it is the Lordes worde and therefore heauē and earth must needes passe awaye rather then one iote thereof shoulde fayle and thys is that true and euerlastyng and vnchaungeable worde of the Lorde that we whiche shall lyue and remayne vnto the Lordes cōming shal not preuent thē whiche sleepe For the Lorde him selfe shall descende from heauen wyth a shoute and voice of the Archangell and trompe of God that is to saye wyth so great glorie and maiestie as was neuer sene in the earth before and the deade shal fyrste ryse agayne wyth Christe and then we whiche shal be aliue which shal remayne shal be caught vp with them in the cloudes into the ayre to mete the Lorde and so we shal be euer wyth the Lorde Seinge then that thys our brother whō we haue nowe brought to hys graue was baptised in the name of Christe and embraced his gospell and confirmed and declared the same his fayth with communicatinge at the Lordes supper and finally departed in the confession of Christ we haue good hope that God hath forgiuen him hys sinnes for Christ sake hath receyued hym in to the fauour and so ioyned him to the death and resurrection of hys beloued sonne that at the sounde of the trompe of the archaungel in a moment in the twinckling of an eye he shal come out of hys graue to meete Christ and shall obteyne with al the sayntes the inheritaūce of the heauenly kingdome and enioye euerlastinge blisfulnes Wherefore lette vs also giue thankes to oure Lorde God for him and lette vs besech hym ernestly that he wyll brynge vs to the true knowledge of Christ thorough the holi gost whereby we maye ouer come death and be kepte in death it selfe vnto euerlastinge life thorough Christe our Lorde praie ye oure father which art c. ❧ Another buriall sermon Forasmuch as it hath pleased almyghtye God that accordynge to hys mercye he woulde take thys oure brother out of thys worlde vnto hym selfe to whose buriall we are come together of brotherlie loue in the name of Christe it shall not be vnprofitable to set before you the Euangelicall lesson of Lazarus raysed vp by Christe whiche is in Iohn Chap. xi in thys sorte Martha sayed vnto Iesus Lorde if thou haddest bene here my brother had not bene dead etc. In this Gospell Christe promiseth to Martha that hir brother shall ryse againe and streighte waye he called hym agayne to lyfe beinge foure dayes dead Howbeit we must not thinke that Christ wyth thys notable miracle woulde signifie that euery mā after foure dayes shal be raysed vp to this temporall and momētaine life as Lazarꝰ was but with this acte he would cōfirme and establishe the truth of his Gospell whiche he comprehended in thys place with fewe wordes and as it were in a sūme saiyng I am the resurrectiō and lyfe he that beleueth in me though he be deade he shall lyue and euery one that lyueth and beleueth in me shall not dye for euer And though the face of death by reason of sinne be very terrible and horrible as one that of hir owne nature draweth wyth hir euerlastyng dānation yet seing that Christe hath abolished sinne and escaped the dominion of death thorowe his resurrection he hath taken also frō death all hir power and strength so that who so beleueth in him and is planted into his body thorowe fayth as a liuely mēbre he shall be preserued in death it selfe and shal be trāslated frō death to lyfe As Paule testifieth Christ is rissen from the deade he was the first fruite of thē that had fallen a sleepe For seing that death came by man the resurrection of the dead cometh also by man For as by Adam all men dye so by Christe al men be quickened etc. Wherfore the death of thē whiche cleane to the body of Christe thorowe fayth ought not to be compted suche as shoulde haue strēgth to destroye and condemne but suche as before God is compted precious and is as it were entronised cōsecrated of Christ to be the dore and entry into euerlasting life Though the bodie then beinge buried in the earth vanishe away and be cōfounded from the eyes of mē yet God which is almightie preserueth the life of it As a grayne of corne cast vpō the earth first dieth and afterward bringeth forth fruite so god hath also ordeined that mānes body being now rotten and consumed shoulde yet be restored agayne vnto lyfe This is a diuinite and an vnchaungeable truth that this selfe same
body shal ryse agayne thorowe the power of God but neuertheles it shall not be subiecte to any incōmoditie or miseries wherwith it is now afflicted yea rather it shal be clarified wyth so great and so excellēt glorie as mānes minde cā atteine with no thought Paule then speaketh after this sorte It is sowen in corruption and riseth againe in incorruptibilitie it is sowen in dishonour and riseth in glorie it is sowen in weakenes and ryseth in power it is sowen a natural bodie and riseth agayne a spiritual body etc. Iohn also writeth thus Now we are the chyldrē of god and it hath not yet appeared what we shall be But we know that when he shal appeare we shal be lyke vnto hym etc. Seing then that so singuler and excellent glorie is layed vp for vs thorow Christ Iesus and nothinge ought to be more certeine vnto vs thē this redemption frō death and resurrectiō vnto eternal saluation not surely for ani of our merites towards god but for Christes sake in whō we beleue Vndoubtedly we oughte to endeuour our selues by all meanes that some fruites of thys glorious resurreccion may appeare in vs thorow the holy goste euen in thys temporall lyfe that is to say that we rise agayne frō sinnes and liue a blameles lyfe that we doubte not and despeyre wyth the vnfaythfull but loke for the cōminge of oure Lorde Iesu Christe wyth a sure truste This our brother also whō we brought forth euen nowe to be buried seinge that beinge baptised he acknowledged and professed the same Iesus Christ to be the true and onely authour of his saluatiō we ought not to doubt but that he is coupled to the death and resurrection of Iesus Christe that now thorowe Christe he hath obteyned remission of his sinnes and hath receiued with Christ and all the sayntes the enheritaunce of euerlastyng lyfe and peace Wherfore let vs all gyue God thākes together and let vs pray hym to mainteyne true and certeyne knowledge of Christe in vs and to make the same effectuous in vs thorowe his resurrection Praye ye and saye the Lordes prayer ❧ An other sermon at a burial of a yonge man or yonge woman Christian loue cōpassion hath brought vs to thys place to the buryall of a yonge man in Goddes name Seinge then that we can do nothynge that maye be either more fruitefull or more comfortable to vs then if we exercise oure selues in Goddes worde and considre the doctrine and actes of oure Lorde Iesu Christe diligently lette vs sette before vs that lesson of the Gospell whiche is wrytten in Luke Chap. vij And it came to passe afterwarde that Iesus went into a Citie called Naim and many of his disciples wente wyth hym and a great multitude And as he approched to the gate of the Citie beholde a corpse was in cariynge forth etc. ❧ If it be a yonge mayden let the Gospel of Mathew be reade Chapiter ix A certeine Prince came to Iesus and worshypped hym sayinge my daughter dyed euen nowe but come and lay thy hande vpō hir and she shall lyue etc. Thys present historie of the Gospell setteth before vs a notable miracle of a maiden raysed vp agayne by Christ Whiche deede we muste not so take as though Christ dyd signifie that all deade men before they be buried muste be called agayne into this life whiche is temporall wretched and subiecte to death but his purpose was to stablishe the truth of his Gospell and by the waye to declare also thys thynge that the fruite of his Gospell and heauenlie ryches perteyneth not only to aged mē but also to yonge personnes And where as we see both olde men and yonge to dye thereof we may gather that the same cometh not to passe at all auentures and by chaunce but by a certeine wōderful wysedome and purpose of God God also wyll sette before our eyes thorowe suche exemples howe vncerteyne the lotte of thys lyfe is and admonishe vs therwyth that we passe not ouer thys lyfe wyth negligence and sluggishnes but seing wythout Christe there is no saluation nor blisfulnes that we prepare our selues to the true knowledge of Christe and to christian obedience Furthermore he woulde declare the greatnes of original synne by the death of thys yonge personne For though after mannes iudgement there be greater hope of saluation in the death of a yonge man in whom so greate outwarde synnes be not founde as in men of more age yet in theyr causes we muste vse Goddes iudgemente and not mannes Neither oughte we in anie wyse to thynke that anie man shall obteyne saluation thorowe his owne innocencie But seinge that death whiche is the rewarde of synne inuadeth both yonge and olde it is a playne testimonie that they be not free frō synne but are comprehended in that general sentence of Paule to the Romaines where he sayeth by one man synne entred into the world and death thorow sinne and so death went ouer all men forasmuche as we haue synned Furthermore the nature of sinne vttereth it selfe euen in chyldrē as they growe in age by sundrie fruites of vices Wherfore God forfende that we should thynke that yonge men obteyne saluation thorowe the merite of their owne innocencie Yea they oughte aswell as olde menne to acknowledge that they receyue theyr whole saluation thorowe the innocencie of Christ Wherfore that yonge men maye be saued they muste needes enioye the innocencie of Christe For as Peter sayeth there is none other name gyuē to men wherein they must be saued but in the name of Iesus Christe Nowe yonge folke are so planted in Christe thorowe Baptisme that they are made his lyuely mēbres by that meanes haue right to all his goodes For Paule sayeth al you that be baptised haue putte on Christe For as before God there is neither bondmā nor free neither male nor female so there is neither chylde nor olde man but all we be one in Christe Iesu Vndoubtedly Christe hath deserued thorowe his death forgyuenes of synne and is rissen agayne from death Wherefore it is a thynge ryghte certeyne that younge folke also beinge Baptised in Christe haue alreadie obteyned remission of synnes and that it is not possible that they shoulde vtterly perishe in death but contrarie wyse they muste needes be raysed vp agayne frō death to life thorowe Christ For so Paule sayth we are buried with him thorowe Baptisme vnto death If we be grafted in hym by the lykenes of his death we shall also be partakers of his resurrection Seinge then thys yonge personne whose corpse we broughte forth euen nowe was baptised in the name of Christ and brought vp in Christian doctrine and moreouer acknowledged Christ to be his only saluation and openly declared this his fayth by communicatynge at the Lordes Supper surely we haue a good hope that this death is not death in deede but rather is a sleepe vnto hym out of whiche sleepe he shall be raysed inconuenient tyme vnto
men wyth all theyr hertes for the Lorde Christes sake that they serue al maner of men and do them good in all thynges that perteyne to the neede of the bodie or to ciuile societie Therefore in thys ciuile lyfe societie they exercise theyr fayth and shewe exemples of loue towardes their neighbours wyth whom they lyue in all theyr necessities all maner of wayes What soeuer gētle behauiour there is in the world what so euer perteyneth or healpeth to faythfull and honest ciuilitie and participation of present thynges and to the maynteinyng and adurnyng of the common weale that christē mē only do rightly vnderstand labour to perfourme most prōptly In like maner the pastours must often substantially declare and excusse those doctrines also that perteyne to a spirituall lyfe for whiche the Anabaptistes make muche busines as of originall synne of the baptisme of infātes of the rightuousnes of fayth and these thinges they shall teache out of the holie scriptures as of original synne what an horrible euyll it is bycause mannes reason doeth no● se those thynges to be damned whiche remayne in the nature of man I meane the ignoraunce of God want of the feare of God and distrusting of God Item that God alloweth the baptisme of our infantes receyueth our infantes into his chyldren thorowe baptisme and maketh them heyres of his grace and euerlastyng lyfe That remission of synnes the communion of Christe the felowshoppe of a newe and blessed lyfe is only in the congregation of Christ and not amonge the Iewes or Turbes or other men amonge whom the Gospell is not preached the sacramentes of Christe are not administered but rather the name and doctrine of Christ is blasphemed The matter standing thus and seinge that it is euident that God wyl be the God of our seede also that is to saye a sauiour and authour of a newe and blessed lyfe to vs which thorowe Christ be made the sonnes of Abraham and heyres of the promyse and couenaunte whiche God Gene. xvij Gala iii. made wyth hym the father of all them that beleue the matter beinge thus I saye surely we maye conclude and it is playne that our infantes borne of vs synners and loste through synnes muste be offered to Christ be incorporated to him thorowe baptisme that by hym they maye be washed in the churche from synnes and haue his ryghtuousenes gyuē thē put vpon them For seing that the kingdome of Christ is reueiled amounge vs and the mistery of redemptiō and saluation wrought by Christe is more clearely and abundaūtly exhibited and preached then before for manye Kynges and prophetes desired to heare and see the thinges that we heare and se and it was not giuen to them it muste needes be that they playnlie knowe not the Gospell of Christe and cōmunion of sayntes amonge them selues that were sayntes in dede and acceptable to God or els that they inuade Christe and his churche with a wicked furie whosoeuer they be that wyl not haue our infantes to be purged from synnes wyth the Sacramente of regeneration and to be planted in the churche of God seinge that it behoued infantes of the olde people to be sanctified and planted into the bodie of Christ whiche is the churche wyth that Sacramente that God then gaue them for thys purpose For why shoulde oure infantes perteyne lesse to the kyngdome of God then theirs seinge that thorow Christ we be grafted in the holy roote of that people and made partakers of the blessed fatnes of thys Olyue Ro. x● Furthermore we haue giuē vnto vs a mig●tier spirite Romo viij But we be gotten i● synnes aswel as the Iewes and haue neede to be deliuered from synnes thorowe Christ and to be brought vnto the life of God and that in Christes church For there is not saluation wythout the churche where neither the worde nor Sacrament is Infantes then muste be planted into the church we must gyue them the signe that wytnesseth that the promise perteyneth vnto thē And forasmuche as in this time the Gospel the grace of God and redemption of Christe be more clearely and effectuously exhibited and preached in the churche both wyth wordes and sacramentes then amonge the olde people euerie man surely beinge rightly warned hereof excepte he be a verie vngodlie person shall acknowledge that oure infantes also muste be washed from synnes by baptisme whiche is the Sacrament of regeneration and that they muste be planted into Christe our Lorde and his churche in whiche church Christe worketh thorowe his worde and sacramentes as Ephes● v. Paule sayeth that Christ loued the cōgregation and gaue him selfe for it to sanctifie it and cleanse it wyth the lauer of water etc. He describeth not the congregation wythout signes and without the worde Wherefore he sayeth also in an other place one bodie one spirite one Lorde one fayth one baptisme Whiche thynges surely do testifie that they whiche perteyne to the cōgregation be planted into the same wyth some outwarde signe also If mē shall be warned hereof often and substantially they shal reuerentlie vse holie baptisme they shal come to it and stande by it more religiously and they shal more feruently pray for the grace of God to them selues and to the infātes and wyth purer myndes and greater sanctification of them selues they shal labour to offre to Christe the Lorde both their owne chyldren and also the chyldren of the whole church according to the Lordes wordes suffre the litelones to come vnto me for the kingdome of heauen perteyneth to such Whiche moste sweete sayinge of the Lorde oure sauioure they shall also embrace wyth more certeyne fayth and wyth greater deuotion gyue God thankes for his so greate benifitte Men shall moreouer be moued and enflamed to procure theyr chyldren beinge grafted in Christe to be brought vp to hym and to his churche wyth greater diligence and they shall cause them to be nosseled in the knowledge of him that they may profite the church and whē they be growen vp they shall dedicate them betymes as the membres of Christe vnto his churche being the sonnes and heyres of God and ioynte heyres wyth Christ In lyke maner the rightuousnes of fayth must be declared and sette forth by comparyng of the Anabaptisticall imaginations For that comparison shall brynge greater lyght to thys ministerie I saye when it shal be playnely shewed howe greate difference there is betwene the true ryghtuousnes of Christ and the hypocrisie of these heretikes For that rightuousnes that the Gospel teacheth is to take handfast of Christ the lorde with sure faith so that the mynde trust therin constantly and call vpon God the father thorowe Christe wyth the cōfidence of chyldren and studie to glorifie the same wyth good workes wherewyth our neighbours may be holpen by al possible meanes accordynge to all the power of the holie goste that it hath receyued But the rightuousnes whiche the Anabaptistes teache and wherin they boste themselues is al