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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B04766 The true principles of the Christian education of children briefly and plainly declared and recommended to parents and all others concerned in the institution of youth. Very profitable for all sorts of persons, as containing the great and fundamental truths and duties of the Christian religion. / Translated from the second edition of the original French. Poiret, Pierre, 1646-1719. 1695 (1695) Wing P2743A; ESTC R181913 49,118 130

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man turning all his desires and his will towards his GOD GOD should fill his mind with his Divine knowledge and his Soul with His Joy and with His Felicitie and Eternal Glory but man having turned away his desire and his will from GOD and so having rendred his mind ignorant and his Soul unhappy and miserable for Eternitie GOD did assume our humane nature and live and die amongst us not only to merit for us the pardon of our wickedness and the Divine Grace but also to demonstrate unto us by his Doctrine and by the examples of his Life of his Death and of his Resurrection how we ought to renounce our evil desires to forsake and make to cease and die our own will and to resume new and Divine desires a will Holy and living unto GOD the which the Holy Spirit imparts unto the soul together with an illuminated Vnderstanding and a Divine Peace and Joy whereby we are reunited with all that which is Holy as well on Earth as in Heaven enjoying in this Holy Society and Communion the Spiritual Grace and benefites of JESUS CHRIST here in time to the end that after the death of the body and then after its Resurrection we may live together Eternalie and Gloriously with GOD. § 46. 2. A second thing which we ought to oblige them particularly to remember 46. 2. Another thing they must be made seriously to observe is the conversation of Jesus Christ in our humanitie as designed for our imitation is how JESUS CHRIST in His Birth in His Actions in His Life and His Death hath managed and conducted the faculties of his Soul and particularly his desires and his Will as well in turning them from evil from the natural inclinations of our mortal humanitie from the esteem of himself from the search of pleasures of the commodities and good things of this World by self denyal by disgrace by lowness by povertie by sufferings and an unrepining acquiescence in all as in turning and yeelding unto GOD these same Desires and will of his not desiring any thing but GOD doing nothing but his Divine will in every thing and adhering alwayes to him by praises and continual Prayer by which his Vnderstanding obtained all the Divine Lights which he demanded of his Father in whose good pleasure he also placed all his Joy 47. They must be taught that the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost mentioned in the Belief are but one GOD and that this Glorious mystry is incomprehensible § 47. We may in the third place on the subject of the Holy Trinity tell them in a few words that the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost whereof mention is made in the Belief and in the Scripture are not but One only and the same GOD as in us to give some resemblance of this great Mystrie the desire the understanding and the Joy or pleasure of the Soul are but one only Soul and not three That the difference that is among them doth not hinder the Unity of the Divine Nature which is the same and one in all but that this difference is such in GOD that no reason nor humane light neither can nor ought to endeavour to comprehend it That we must believe it with reverence on the Testimony of the word of GOD without knowing it otherwayes waiting untill it please GOD to make us see something of it that will be more clear whether in this life or the other and in the mean time contenting our selves to represent unto us according to our weak capacity GOD the Father as the Author of all good things the Father and Just Judge of our Souls GOD the Son as the Redeemer of the World and the inlightener of our Souls that are ignorant and fallen into darkness and the Holy Spirit as GOD the Sanctifier of hearts and filling with the love of GOD the Souls which had been corrupted by self-love and by sin Or yet moreover GOD the Father as good and the principle of goodness who hath Created all things by the communication of his goodness GOD the Son as Just and the principle of Justice who was incarnat to render us Just who were made unjust by sin GOD the Holy Ghost as the principle of Truth who opens and who illuminates the mind that it may comprehend the truth of Spiritual and Divine things 48. What it is to know the Holy Trinity in a Divine saving maneer § 48. In fine they ought to be made remember on this occasion that the true knowledge of Divine things depends on the living operations of the Holy Spirit in the inward man as hath been already asserted and consequently that the knowledge of the Holy Trinity to the end that it may be Divine and saving must be produced by him in us after the same manner And such it shall certainly be if this knowledge issues in a living representation of the most Holy Trinitie after the image of which we were likewise Created as also if the same knowledge terminates and results in the love and imitation of GOD so vigorously recommended by St. Paul Be ye followers of GOD as being his dear Children and walk in love even as CHRIST hath loved us Eph. 5.1 2. For every one that loveth saith St. John is born of GOD and knoweth GOD But he that loveth not knoweth not GOD nor consequently the Holy Trinity for GOD is love 1 Joh 4.7 8. So that whosoever saith that he knoweth JESVS CHRIST and keepeth not his Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him saith the same Apostle Chap 2. V. 4. So then an infallible mark that we truely know the Holy Trinity and that we confess savingly the Father the Creator the good and the powerful is when we love him with fear obedience and respect when we confidently resign our selves to his Power and divine providence and when we represent and follow his Goodness towards all and in every thing We know and confess savingly the Son the Redeemer and the Just one when we live as being delivered by him from this present evil world Gal 1.4 And when we give up our selves to the practice of Righteousness 1 Joh 2.29 And we know and confess savingly the Holy Spirit the Sanctifier and the Spirit of Truth when we give up our selves to Holiness without which none shall see nor consequently ever know livingly the LORD Heb. 12.14 And when we follow the truth in Love Eph. 4.15 Such a knowledge of the Holy Trinity as this is is not an ideal operation of our Humane Reason but a true and real production of the Holy Spirit since the fruits of the Spirit saith St. Paul are goodness Righteousness and Truth Eph. 5.9 But when we reject either all these things or even some of them we do then in effect deny GOD and his Divine Trinity which we do not confess but with the mouth only or by some vain and dead acts of barren reason so as the
practice of the Parents that so by means of their Holy examples and diligent instructions and by the Blessing of GOD upon their Pious Endeavours these great Truths may be savingly imparted to and inculcated on their Children The Pious Author having been importuned by a Great and Worthy Friend of his to give directions how to mannage aright the Education of Children though for some time he declined to comply to this request Yet in end he was prevailed with to impart his Thoughts but still without any design of making them publick till at last it was concluded that it would greatly serve the interests of all Conscientious Instructers of Youth to have such an excellent Help put in their hands The Author addressed these Directions to his Friend in the Form and confined himself to the Bounds of a Letter whereby he was obliged not to draw out his Thoughts to any great length and so gives but the Elements or first principles of a Christian Education However the principles which he hath laid down as they are True and Genuine so they are Fertile and Comprehensive and capable to suggest to all attentive and penetrating Minds whatever is necessary to be known on this head But since few will be at the pains to make such Improvements of them and because some do stand in need of more dilated and ample Accounts Therefore the Reader may e're long by the Divine Blessing and Assistance expect a full and Copious System of Directions on the Subject of a Christian Education Which however are but Deductions from and Enlargements on the Principles here laid down In this larger Account the faults and miscarriages committed in the Education of Youth are declared particular Directions are given how to mannage this great Concern in all the instances of it to the best Advantage Powerful Motives are adduced to perswade Parents and all others concerned in the Religious Education of Youth to put what is recommended to them on this head in practice And in fine a great many excellent necessary and yet little observed Truths are through the whole insisted on Mean while Christian Reader Converse with these Principles read and digest them They deserve some of thy most recollected Thoughts and thou shalt never I hope have cause to repent of imploying a few of thy moments in turning over the following pages and that thy Reading may profit and edifie thee I shall begg pardon before I close to entreat a few things of thee One is That thou Read with closs Attention and not content thy self with a superficial glance Next that thou do not reject what thou dost not at first understand but vouchsafe it a review And in fine and especially that thy Perusal be attended with a serious Disposition for otherwise all will be to little purpose nay I must plainly tell thee that if thou art not resolved to deny thy self to take up the Cross and follow Christ some things here will choak thee For corrupt Nature will fly in the Face of what grates hard upon it and pinches it And the old Man cannot endure to be roughly treated But on the other hand if thou designes to be a votary of the Spirit Cross of the Holy Jesus if thou art one that worships God in Spirit and places Religion not in outward Formes and Circumstances but in Righteousness Peace and Purity in Life and Power Then what is here offered to thee will prove savory and relishing and the more the Truths here presented to thee will choak and contradict thy corrupt self Still the more agreeable they will be And thou wilt find such solid pleasure and Tranquillity in the practice of them thy self that thou will be prompted to propagate and recommend them to all others on whom thou canst hope to have any influence And O may the Good GOD turn the Hearts of the Fathers unto the Children and the Hearts of the Children to their Fathers and the Disobedient to the Wisdom of the Just * Mal 4.6 Luke 1.17 And Second with his effectual Blessing and Grace whatever is sincerly designed to serve the Interest of Souls AMEN THE Authors Advertisement TO THE READER FAthers and Mothers and all you to whom the Education of Children is intrusted if you understood well the Importance of that Charge you would easily discern that all your other Affairs your Imployments your Businesses your Concerns your Goods and your Care to get them and to keep them are but nothings or but meer triffles in comparison of it The least of these Souls whereof you are oblidged to take care is of such a Value that the Son of GOD hath esteemed it more than his own Life Your work is to educate them for Heaven or for hell and accordingly if you educate them well you shall together with them as a Recompence of your Labours enjoy a happy Eternity or endless miseries if you neglect them even though otherwise you may have lived unblameably as to your own Persons without mentioning any thing of the curses of this Life which fall on such as do not fairly acquite themselves of this duty The holy Scripture lets us see that the high Priest Eli though otherwayes a Good Man yet not having effectually enough resisted and curbed the wicked inclinations of his Sons was punished for it with Death both he and his Children the whole people routed the Ark taken and all his priestly Family exterminated It is to be feared that the Callamities which overwhelm Christendome owe their Original also to this For Men do not take care to educate their Children by any other principle but that by which they have begotten them I mean by the impulse of a purely carnal Concupiscence whereas they ought to be acted in the whole from a Principle of Divine Love which prompts and influences us to desire that there may be yet other Creatures with us which might joyn and unite with us in Eternally Loving and Honouring the Majesty of GOD. But alace this is it of which Men take but very little thought and there are but few who seriously design to form Creatures who professing and living agreeably unto the great Name of Christian in this World should be worthy of GOD and his Eternity here after Since the following Letter Aims only at this design it was believed that to render it publick would be a beneficial Performance and greatly tend to the Advantage of whosoever will incline to make the designed Use and Improvement of it whether with respect to Children or also with respect to themselves how aged soever they may be Because in effect the Truths that are contained in it are of so comprehensive and extended an Use that at the bottom they do no less agree to the adult and aged for all their Life throughout than to Children for their first years And since according to the Words of JESUS CHRIST We must become little Children in order to inherit the Kingdom of GOD Since the Perfection which the