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A70386 A relation of the beginnings and proceedings of the rebellion in the county of Cavan within the province of Ulster in Ireland, from the 23. of October, 1641. untill the 15. of June, 1642. Whereof hitherto nothing hath been reported. Whereunto is added, the acts, and twenty nine conclusions of that great and generall congregation of archbishops, bishops, and others, all of the Romish clergy in Ireland, met in the city of Kilkenny in that kingdom, on the 10 11 and 13 of May, 1642. Concerning the present state of the warre in Ireland; and for the ordering of matters appertaining to the same, both there, and by negotiation with forraign princes. Written, set forth, and presented to the most honourable the Houses of Parliament, by Henry Iones, D.D. There is also added a letter written from Dublin, August 4. 1642. containing some late and very remarkable passages in Ireland. Jones, Henry, 1605-1682.; Culme, Hugh, 1599 or 1600-1644. aut 1642 (1642) Wing J942B; ESTC R200914 331,124 447

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chains that strictly bind them Such as shall believe in him that shall honour him that shall defend him from his enemies and follow the light that we shall send him shall be happy Say unto the people I am indeed a messenger sent from God to whom appertaineth the kingdome of the Heavens The Turks believe that Mahomet could neither write nor read and of Earth there is but one God alone he giveth life and death as seemeth good to him Believe in God and in his Prophet who can neither read nor write Such as shall believe in God in his Word and follow the Prophet shall not erre they shall follow a very good way There are some of the children of Israel that knew the truth and judge with equity We divided them into twelve Tribes when Moses required drink for his people we inspired him to strike the rock with his rod whence flowed twelve fountains and every one knew the place where he should drink we covered them with the shaddow of clouds we caused Manna and Quailes to descend upon them and commanded them to eat of the good things which we gave them They did not hurt us when they murmured but afflicted themselves This is the holy land It was said to them Dwell in this City and eat therein what shall please you enter at the gate with adoration See Gelaldin and beg pardon of your sinnes I will pardon you and will augment the graces of the righteous nevertheless the wicked that were among them altered the words that were spoken to them and perverted them and we sent upon them our indignation from Heaven because of their impiety Ask of them concerning a village that was upon the shore of the Sea whose inhabitants observed not the Sabbath and fished on the day of rest they saw in that day Serpents appear upon the water and other dayes they saw none Thus are tryed them because of their disobedience A party of them said Fish not O people it is lost labor God shall destroy and chastise them with grievous torments then their Doctors said They shall implore pardon of the Lord perhaps they will fear to offend him another time When they rejected what we taught them we saved such among them as abstain from evil-doing and grievously afflicted the wicked because of their disobedience when they gloried in their sin we said to them Be ye contemned and abhorred as Apes thy Lord shall send to them at the day of Judgement persons to torment them he is exact in punishing the wicked and mercifull to the righteous We sent upon them good and evill to prove them peradventure they will be converted Their posterity left a progeny heirs of their doctrine nevertheless they returned to their sins and say the Lord shall pardon them they beg pardon of him and return daily to their sin See Gelaldin Shall not account be required from them of what is ordained in the Scripture To wit not to speak of God but with truth They have read the Truth but have not comprehended it Paradise is onely for the righteous I will not deprive them of recompense who make their prayers at the time appointed and observe what is contained in the Scriptures Remember thou how we raised a mountain over them to shelter them and how they believed it would fall upon their heads wee said to them Learne with affection what we teach you and remember perhaps you will feare disobedience Thy Lord caused to come out of Adams reins all his posteritie and asked them saying Am not I your Lord they answered yes thou art our Lord we know it well They cannot therefore say at the day of Judgement That they knew not his unitie they shall say for excuse Our fathers adored many gods before us we are their posterity wilt thou destroy us because of their iniquity Thus doe I discover my mysteries to men it may be they will be converted Relate to them the history of him that saw our miracles he was dispoiled of his understanding the Devill followed it and he was in the number of the wretched Had we so pleased we had exalted him through the knowledge of our wonders among the Doctors but he crouched to the ground and followed his owne appetite like to a chafed dog if thou chase him with choller he putteth forth his tongue if thou leave him at rest he will still put forth his tongue like to the Infidels that contemn our instructions if thou recount to them our miracles or do not recount perhaps they will be converted perhaps they will not be converted and shall be like such as have abjured our Commandements and injured their own souls He whom God guideth is well guided and he whom God mis-leadeth is in the number of the miserable We have created Hell to punish Devils and men they have hearts and comprehend no● the truth they have eyes and see it not ears have they and heare it not they are like to beasts and worse then beasts they are altogether ignorant The most beautifull names of the world appertaine to God Beseech him by the beauty of his name and depart from them that depart from the truth through the names that they impose on their Idols they shall be chastised after their demerits Some there be that follow the truth and judge with equity I will by degrees punish them that shall reject our Commandements when they shall think thereon I will defer their punishment some time because my wrath is violent Remember they not that they said Mahomet is possest of the Devill On the contrary he declareth the joyes of Paradise and preacheth the torments of Hell Consider they not the Kingdome of Heaven and of Earth which God hath created of nothing The fear of death shall arrive before they have acknowledged their sins in what will they believe if they have not faith in the Alcoran He whom God shall mis-lead shall find none to guide him he shall leave Infidels confounded in their disobedience They shall enquire of thee concerning the hour and day of Judgement Say unto them No man knoweth it but God but the greatest part of the world believe it not I have not power to do either good or evill of my self if God do not permit it If I knew the future I should provide wealth to preserve me from poverty I am sent only to declare the joyes of Paradise and preach the torments of Hell to them that believe in God he it is that created you of one sole person and created his spouse of his rib to dwell with her When she doubted of being with child she ceased not to travell as she was wont but when her conception rendred her heavy they both besought God their Lord and said Lord give an happy progeny to the end we may be in the number of them that return thee thanks for thy favours When God gave them a son a r●ghteous man they associated him in what
not surprise you they are your declared Enemies when thou shalt be neare them and shalt appoint the true believers to make their prayers keep about thee a partie of them for a guard while the residue make their prayers having finished their Orisons they shall doe as the first take armes and keep a guard during the time their companions shall make their prayers the Infidels desire that you quit your armes to surprize you you shall not doe amisse to quit them if raine trouble you or you be sick but continue alwayes upon your guard God hath prepared for Infidels ignominious torments Having finished your prayers Remember God standing sitting or lying downe and pray when you shall be in a place of safety prayer is commanded the faithfull in a prefixed and appointed time Bee not negligent to pursue the Infidels if you suffer they shall suffer 〈◊〉 you but you hope for that which they must not hope for God knoweth all their actions hee is most prudent 〈◊〉 all his works We have sent to thee the most true Book the end thou mayst iudge the differences that are amo●● the people as thy Lord hath instructed thee Contend 〈◊〉 with Traitors and aske pardon of God he is gracious a●● mercifull Dispute not with those that betray their soul● God loveth not treacherous sinners they conceale the●selves from the world he is with them when they hide their hearts such things as are displeasing to him 〈◊〉 knoweth all their actions O yee you dispute for the in this world who shall dispute for them against God 〈◊〉 the day of Iudgement who shall that day be their pr●tector He that shall implore pardon of God have offended him shall finde him gracious and merciful who doth evill shall find evill God is Omniscient a●● most wise Gelaldin saith a great and little sin He that committeth a venial or a mortal sin a●● would excuse himself committeth evidently a mortall sin Many of them had endeavoured to seduce thee hadst th●● not been directed by the grace and mercy of God B●● they seduce only their own souls and shall do thee 〈◊〉 harme God hath sent to thee the Book that containe● his Commandements he hath taught thee what thou di● not understand and his grace is eminently upon thee there is no good in the multiplicity of their secrets or di●course except in such as command alms honesty a●● peace among the people with desire to please God the● shall recive from his divine Maiesty a great reward 〈◊〉 that shall contradict the Prophet having had knowled●● of the right way and shall follow other paths then that 〈◊〉 the true believers shall relapse into his impiety I wi●● cause him to burn in the fire of hell where is the habitatio● of the wicked God pardoneth not them that say he ha● companions except this he pardons all things as he see● good he that affirmeth that God hath a companio● greatly erreth and is estranged from the truth If they invoke other then God they invoke Idols the devill obstinate and cursed of God when he said to him thou wi●● not give me power over them that worship thee but I will seduce them from the right way I will prolong their wicked life to retard their conversion I will cause them to cut off the * The ancient Arabians cut off the ear of any beast and gave him liberty through their country for expiation of their sins ears of beasts they shall disobey thy commendements and they shall envie thy creatures He that demandeth succours of the devill is in manifest perdition he will promise to men long life and retard their repentance but he promiseth them but a vain glory hell is the dwelling place of such men out of which they shall find no issue Such as shall believe in God and do good works shall dwell eternally in Paradise where flow many rivers God is most true in what he promiseth who is more then God in his words Your lies and the lies of them that know the written Law do him no harm See Gelaldin be that shall do ill shall be punished and shall find no protector he that shall do well See Kitab el tenoir and shall believe in the Law of God shall enter into Paradise and shall have no iniustice done to him what better law is there then to resigne thy self to God and to be an honest man Follow the Law of Abraham God chose Abraham to love him whatsoever is in heaven and in earth belongeth to his divine Maiesty he knoweth all things They will question thee concerning women say to them God teacheth you in that what you were taught in the Scripture touching Orphans and women give to them what is appointed by the Law and desire not to espouse them only to possess their wealth God teacheth you likewise to give to Orphans what appertaineth to them and not to iniure them he will understand your good actions If a woman fear to be illentreated by her husband and that he will divorce her they shall do well mutually to accord for peace is exceeding good If you be too obstinate and cannot agree together if you do good to your wives in divorcing them and feare to wrong them God will take notice of your actions If you believe you cannot keep equality and iustice among your wives although you apply your selves to it Incline not altogether to your own appetites and leave not your wife as a thing left in toleration If you live in a good accord and fear to injure them God will be mercifull to you If they separate themselves conformably to the precepts of the Law God will enrich them with his protection he is bountifull and wise and whatever is in Heaven and Earth obeyeth him We have recommended to you the fear of God as we have heretofore to them that had knowledge of the written Law If you be impious know that whatever is in Heaven and Earth is Gods he hath no need of his creatures must be exalted it sufficeth thee he is thy protector If he will he can cause you to perish and put other creatures in your place for he is Omnipotent He that loveth the good things of the Earth shall find in God all the wealth of this world and of the other he understandeth and seeth all things Oh you that believe be true in your testimonies notwithstanding it be against your selves against your Father and Mother and against your kindred and consider the rich no more then the poore God is the protector of the one and the other follow not your appetites to favour the rich more then the poore pervert not the Truth be not sc●●pulous to testifie what you know God knoweth all your actions Oh ye that believe in God! and his Prophet and the Book that was sent before him know he that blasphemeth against his divine Majestie against his Angels the Scripture the Prophets and life eternall greatly erreth and departeth
the end too late acknowledg their errors CHAP. XLIIII The Chapter of Smoke cnotaining fifty nine Verses written at Mecca IN the name of God gracious and mercifull God is prudent and wise I swear by the book that distinguish the good from evil that we sent it the night of blessing to teach the people the torments of hel this book explaineth our commandments al that we heretofore comanded the Prophets this is a speciall grace of thy Lord he heareth knoweth all things he is Lord of Heaven and Earth a●● of all that is between them beleive in his omnipotency There is no God but he he giveth life and death to whom he listeth he is your Lord the Lord of your fathers and predecessors the wicked deride this discourse but the day of judgment attends them that day the heaven shal resemble smoak that shall cover the world that day shall the people say behold here grievous torments Lord deliver us from this misery we will believe in thy Law Their conversion shall be in vain because when the Prophet preched to them they scorned his words and said that he was a foolish teacher and when they were comforted on earth they returned to their impiety Remember thou the day when they were vanquished and taken by force and that we were revenged on their impiety We heretofore tryed the people of Pharoah my beloved Prophet preached to them my Commandments and said Come follow me oh ye servants of God! I am a faithful Messenger of his divine Maj. resist not his Law I wil teach you his Comandments he shal defend me from your malice he shal preserve me from being stoned but if ye will not believe me depart far from me He prayed to his Lord when he knew that that people were unbelieving impious God said unto him goe by night out of the City with my servants if the men of Pharoah pursue thee enter into the sea through a path large and spacious thine enemyes that shall follow thee shal be drownd How many gardens fountains places of pleasure wherin they took delight did they forsake They fel into the power of another with al their treasures and none lamented them either in Heaven or earth they expected not that punishment We delivered the Children of Israel from Pharoahs tyranny he was powerfull and a great sinner We elected them through our certain knowledg among all the world and tryed them through our Miracles and Commandments The wicked say we shall dye and not rise again If the Resurrection be true cause our fathers to revive to evidence the ●ruth of thy words Are they more powerful then their predecessors whom we destroyed because of their impiety We have not created in vain the Heaven and the Earth and whatsoever is between them we created them for certain signes of our Vnity the greatest part of the world understand it not the day of Iudgment is th● time appointed for their punishment that day none shall be able to save his neighbour or parent or freind nor shall any be saved but those to whom God shall give his mercy he is omnipotent and mercifull The fruit of the Tree of Hel called Zacon shall serve for food to the wicked it shal boil in their bellyes like pitch or water They shall cry take the wicked drag them into the fire of Hell pour upon their heads all manner of torments It shall bee said unto them tast the pains of Hell ye believed your selves to be the Omnipotent precious on Earth behold the punishment of which ye doubted The righteous shall be in delicious places in Gardens adorned with Fountains they shall be clothed with purple they s●all behold each other face to face we wil assemble them with women pure clean who shall have most beautifull eyes that shall have fruits savory and delicious of all seasons they shal never dye and shall be delivered from the torments of Hell through the special grace of thy Lord behold supreme felicity Certainly we have sent the Alcoran in thy tongue peradventure the Arabians will learn it they covet thy ruine but persevere thou and expect the time of the punishment of their crimes CHAP. XLV The Chapter of Genuflexion or Knee-bowing containing fifty nine Verses written at Mecca IN the name of God gracious and merciful God is most prudent and wise This Book is sent by the Omnipotent and wise The Heavens and the Earth are most certain signes of his Vnity to such as believe in his Law your Creation and the Creation of all Creatures are marks of his greatnesse to them that have his fear before their Eyes the difference of the night and the day the rain that he sendeth from Heaven to cause fruits to spring out of the Earth and to revive it after its death and the diversity of wind● are signes of his Omnipotency to them that have knowledg to comprehend it I relate to thee the wonders of God with truth in what will Infidels believe if they believe not in the word of his divine Majesty Misery is upon them that hear the Commandments of God and become proud as if they had not heard them Preach unto such men that they shall suffer ●he rigors of infinite pains They deride the Faith when they are spoken to Certainly they be punished in the fire of Hell their riches shall not be able to save them neither the Idols which they adore they shall be eternally damned This Book guideth men into the way of salvation they that shall not believe in the Law of God shall feel the effects of his fury He created the Seas that bear the Ships for the advantage of your commerce peradventure ye will acknowledg this grace He hath created for you all that is in Heaven and on Earth it is a sign of his goodness to such as consider it Speak unto them that believe in the Law of Salvation that they pardon those that have not the fear of God before their Eyes God shall chastise them after their demirits Whosoever shall do good shall finde good and ye shall be assembled before his divine Majesty to be judged Certaiuly we instructed the children Israel in the Scripture and our Commandments we taught them knowledg and gave them the grace of Prophesie we enriched them with all sorts of riches preferred them to al the world We taught them our Law none disputed against our Commandmenes but such as had knowledg that through the envy thar arose among them but thy Lord shall judg their differences at the day of Iudgment We have sent thee our Law observe it and follow not the appetites of the ignorant they shall not be able to deliver thee from eternall pains The Infidels obey each other and the true-belivers obey God This book is the light of the world it guideth into the way of Salvation and the mercy of God them that believe in his divine Majesty Do the wicked imagine they shall
we have lost we must beg his grace thus God chastiseth on earth whom he pleaseth but the torments of the other world are much more grievous They that have his fear before their eyes shall dwell in gardens full of delights Shall I intreat the good like the wicked How can ye judge it have ye a book wherein you reade what pleaseth you have we promised to you any content at the day of Judgement Shall you have that day what ye have promised to your selves Ask of them who will be surety for their belief will their Idols and companions be their surety Let them cause them to come if they be true Be thou mindfull of the day when sins shall be detected and the wicked shall be commanded to worship God but they shall not be able to behold him their eyes shall be troubled with fear and their sight covered with shame They are enjoyned in the world to worship his divine Majesty but they refuse to perform it I will punish them by little and little when they shall least think of it I will defer the punishment of their crimes because my wrath is strong Dost thou demand of men any recompence for thy preaching are they charged with any expence Have they in their power the book wherein is the future to write therein what they affirm Attend the Judgement of thy Lord and be not like him that was swallowed of the Whale He invoked his Lord in his affliction if his Lord had not sent him his grace he should never have come upon earth when he repented of his sin his Lord pardoned and placed him in the number of the righteous The unbelievers labour to shake thee through their looks and that through envie they affirm that thou art possessed of the Devill when they hear thee read the Alcoran It was not sent but to instruct the world CHAP. LXIX The Chapter of Verification containing fifty two Verses written at Mecca Ekteri intituleth this the Chapter of Judgement because that day all shall be verified IN the name of God gracious and merciful Verification approacheth Verification approacheth God hath not told thee in what time shall be the day of Verification Temod and Aad would not believe in him that preached to them the day of affliction and sorrow but Temod was destroyed by an extraordinary noise and Aad by an impetuous winde that God sent against them seven nights and eight dayes together they were overthrown str●tched out like palms faln upon the earth did any one among them save himself Pharoah and his predecessors with the Inhabitants of the Cities that were overthrown because of their sins disobeyed the Prophets and Apostles of God and were rudely chastised We preserved you in Noahs Ark when the waters swelled to serve for example of our omnipotency to them that saw it and to such as shall hear it mentioned Be thou mindfull of the day when the Angell shall sound the Trumpet when the earth shall lift it selfe up and the mountains tremble then what must come to passe shall come to passe heaven with weakness shall open and the Angel that shall bear the throne of God shall be upon the border of the heaven Then shall eight Angels present the books wherein shall be written the sinnes of men and nothing shall be concealed Such as shall take in the right hand the book of the accompt of their actions shall say wee finde what we believed to be true we know with certain knowledge the comming of this day and the felicity of life is in Paradise It shall be said to them eat and drink of the good things of Paradise at your pleasure They that shall take the book of accompt of their actions in their left hand shall say would to God that this book had been lost I know not what is this accompt would to God that I had been eternally buried in the earth the riches authority and treasures of the world are to me unprofitable It shall be said to the devils take them binde them and throw them headlong into hell put chains seventy cubits long upon their arms and cast them into fire they would not believe in the Unity of God the Omnipotent they have eaten the bread of the poor they are this day without protection and want bread and shall find nothing but the pains of hell prepared for the wicked I swear although ye see and although ye do not see the Alcoran it is the word of the Prophet the Apostle of God it is not the word of a Poet but few persons will believe it It is not the word of one that is wicked but few men remember it it is sent from God Lord of the Universe The Infidels say oh Prophet if thou speak we will not hear thee thy speech shall not enter into our hearts Say unto them there is none among you able to deliver you from the punishment of your crimes the Alcoran instructeth in the way of salvation them that believe in his divine Majesty I know that there are lyars among you whom God shall put into the number of Infidels the Alcoran is truth it self Praised be the name of God Omnipotent and Majestique CHAP. LXX The Chapter of the Ascent containing forty four Verses written at Mecca IN the name of God gracious and merciful Some persons have demanded when shal the day of Judgement be and in what time the wicked shall be chastised none but God is able to deliver men from the torments of hell he is Lord of the way that ascendeth to heaven the Angels and Spirits shall ascend towards him at the day of Judgement that day shall seem to the wicked to endure fifty thousand years expect with patience the wicked imagine they are far from that day but thou shalt see it speedily that day shall the heaven resemble dissolved mettall the mountains shall be like to carded wooll which bendeth downwards none shall ask his neighbour who he is and they shall look one upon another the unbelievers shall desire to redeem themselves from these pains through the loss of their children their wives their brethren their companions their neighbours and the loss of all that is on earth The flame of fire shall rise upon them and shall burn the skin of their head they shall call upon those that are behinde them that have like themselves abandoned the Law of God and the covetous that shall have heaped up treasures Man was created timerous he is afraid when evill befalleth him and is arrogant when good hapneth to him except the believers who are stable in their faith that persevere in their prayers that give alms to the poor that beg and those that are bashfull that believe in the day of Judgement feare the punishment of God and know none other women but their own and their slaves they shall be exempt from affliction at the day of Judgement those that shall act the contrary shall be in the number of the unjust They
THE ALCORAN OF MAHOMET Translated out of Arabique into French BY THE Sieur Du Ryer Lord of Malezair and Resident for the King of France at ALEXANDRIA And newly Englished for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities LONDON Printed Anno Dom. 1649. THE TRANSLATOR TO THE CHRISTIAN READER THere being so many Sects and Heresies banded together against the Truth finding that of Mahomet wanting to the Muster I thought good to bring it to their Colours that so viewing thine enemies in their full body thou mayst the better prepare to encounter and I hope overcome them It may hapily startle thee to find him so to speak English as if he had made some Conquest on the Nation but thou wilt soon reject that feare if thou consider that this his Alcoran the Ground-work of the Turkish Religion hath been already translated into almost all Languages in Christendome at least the most generall as the Latin Italian French c. yet never gained any Proselyte where the Sword its most forcible and strongest argument hath not prevailed And indeed the greatest Doctors of their Religion have never alledged any thing for the truth thereof but the successe of their wars and greatnesse of their Empire then which nothing is more fallacious for that which both in former and these latter Ages hath been common to the bad with the good cannot be a certain evidence of the justice of a Cause or the truth of Religion Thou shalt find it of so rude and incongruous ● composure so fa●ced with contradictions obscene speeches and ridiculous fables that some modest and more rationall Mahometans have thus excused it that their Prophet wrote an hundred and twenty thousand sayings whereof three thousand only are good the residue as the impossibility of the Moons falling into his sleeve the Conversion and Salvation of the Devils and the like are false and ridiculous Yet is the whole esteemed so sacred that upon the Cover thereof is inscribed Let none touch it but he who is clean Nor are the vulgar permitted to read it but live and die in an implicite faith of what their Priests deliver which indeed as faith the learned Grotius is a manifest argument of its iniquity Grotius de ver Re● Christ. For that merchandise may justly be suspected which will not be sold unlesse unseen and though all men are not alike perspicacious in the knowledge and discer●nig of things some by arrogancy and vain co●ceit of themselves others by affection Some by custome being drawn into error yet should we belive that the way to eternall life cannot not be understood by them who without any respect of profit or preferment seek it submitting themselves withall they have to God imploring his assistance we should sin against his infinite goodnesse Therefore Christian Reader though some conscious of their own instability in Religion and of theirs too like Turks in this whose prosperity and opinions they follow were unwilling this should see the Presse yet am I confident if thou hast been so true a votary to orthodox Religion as to keep thy self untainted of their follies this shall not hurt thee And as for those of that Batch having once abandoned the Sun of the Gospel I believe they will wander as far into utter darkenesse by following strange lights as by this Ignis Fatuus of the Alcoran Such as it is I present ●o thee having taken the pains only to translate it ●ut of French not doubting though it hath been a ●oyson that hath infected a very great but most unsound part of the universe it may prove an Antidote to confirme in thee the health of Christianity THE FRENCH EPISTLE TO THE READER THe Book is a long conference of God the Angels and Mahomet which that false Prophet very grosly invented sometimes he introduceth God who speaketh to him and teacheth him his Law then an Angell anon the Prophets and frequently maketh God to speak in the plurall in a stile that is not ordinary He declaimeth against such as worship Idols particularly against the Inhabitants of the City of Mecca and against the * The Coreis were a powerfull family in Arabia in Mahomets time Coreis who were enemies to his designe He intituled this book the Alcoran as one would say the Collection o● Precepts He likewise termed it El Forcan that is that distinguisheth good from evill He divided i● into many Chapters to which he gave what inscription he thought good he most commonly intituleth them with words that are in their first line without regard to the matter they treat of an● speaketh little of their Inscription He divided in to many signs or Verses that contain his ordinances and fables without observation either of th● consequence or connexion of the discourse whic● is the cause that thou shalt find in this Book a multitude of incongruous pieces and divers repetitions of the same things It hath been expounded by many Mahometan Doctors their exposition being as ridiculous as the Text They affirme the originall of the Alcoran to be written upon a Table kept in Heaven that the Angel Gabriel brought this Copy to Mahomet who could neither write nor read and stile him Prophet or Apostle in honor Thou shalt find at beginning of some Chapters letters of the Arabique Alphabet which some men will not expound They feare to utter things that may displease their false Prophet Most of their Doctors affirm those Letters to be the first letters of the Names of God Thou shalt find the exposition in this version Thou wilt wonder that such absurdities have infected the best part of the world and wilt a vouch that the knowledge of what is contained in this Book will render that Law contemptible A Summary of the Religion of the TURKS THe Turks believe one sole God in one sole Person Creator of heaven and earth the rewarder of the good and punisher of the wicked who hath created Paradise for the recompense of the righteous and Hell for the last punishment of crimes They believe that Mahomet was a very great Prophet whom God sent into the world to teach men the way of salvation and call themselves Musulma●s that is to say recommended to God or saved They believe the Decalogue of Moses and are obliged to observe it they celebrate Friday as the Christians Sunday that day they assemble in Temples at noon to pray They are obliged to pray five times a day viz. in the morning at noon at the evening when the Sun setteth and an hour within night They fast the month or moon which they call Ramazan during this month they neither drink nor eat all the day untill the Sun be set but in the night drink and eat according to their appetites flesh and fish except the flesh of swine and wine that is at all times forbidden them after this fast they have the feast of great Bairan as the Christians Easter after Lent They are great founders of
belyed on● part and slew another The unbeleevers said our heart i● hardned It is God that hath cursed them by reason o● their impiety and few of them will beleeve the Commandements of his divine Majesty When God hath sent them any Book confirming the Scriptures which they before approved viz. the Old Testament and the Gospell they demanded succours when they meet with the wicked and being succoured they either understood it not or would not receive it The curse of God is upon Infidels especially upon them that have sold their souls and through envie disobeyed his Commandements He bestoweth his grace on whom he pleaseth they are returned in the displeasure of his Divine Majesty who hath prepared for them grievous torments because of the enormity of their crimes When it was said to them Believe in the Commandements of God See Kitab el tenoir they said Doe we not believe in what hath beene commanded us Neverthelesse they have no faith in the truth which God hath sent confirming the Prophecies and the precepts that they before approved Say unto them had you heretofore slain the Prophets if you had believed in his Law Moses certainly had caused you to see Miracles but ye adored the Calf after his departure wherfore you were greatly too blame We received your promise to observe the Commandements of the Law and raised a * The Turks believe that God raised a Mountain over the Israelites to overshadow them Mountain over you Understand with affection what we teach you and hearken what is commanded you they answered we have heard and disobeyed and inclined their heart to the adoration of the Calf because of their impietie Say to them doth your faith command you to doe it if you believe in God and life eternal T●●nk upon death if you be righteous They regard not their past errors but God knoweth the unjust Thou shalt find them with diligence and desire to live a long time The wicked hope to live a thousand years but they shal be exempt from the punishment to live long God beholdeth all their actions Say to them who is an enemy to Gabr●●● He by the permission of God hath inspired into * Maho met thee the Alcoran that confirmeth the ancient Scriptures and guideth the good in the way of their Salvation and declareth to them the joyes of Paradise He that is an enemy to God the Angels his Prophet to Gabriel and Michael shal be rigorously chastised God is an enemy to Infidels We have sent thee precepts cleare and intelligible none will abjure them but the wicked Some of them have acted against their own promises the greatest part is incredulous many of them that have knowledge in the written law have forsaken it even when God sent them any Prophet to confirm the Scriptures that they had before received and approved They cast the book of God behind their backs as if they knew it not and adhered to what the Devils taught in the raign of Solomon yet Solomon sinned not but the Devils only that instructed the people in Magick and what was taught by the two Angels Arot and Marot Magicians Arot and Marot in Babylon Before they taught the people they said We are not sedition ne●ther be you impious The people learnd of them what concerneth the separation of the man the woman what breedeth hatred betwixt them They did not harm to any by their Magick but through the permission of go● the people learned of them what might hurt and not to be profitable to them they instructed in Magick them that sold their part in Paradise at the losse 〈◊〉 their souls although they knew their error that they ha● before beleeved in God and feared his divine Majesty Repentance inspired by God is exceeding profitable they understood to know it O you that feare God say not honour us say regard us and hearken to what is commanded you To Infidels are prepared dolorous torments the Jews and Christians desired not that God should sen● you good but God very liberall gratifieth with his mercy whom he pleaseth he will not alter his Commandements neither forget them he will moreover teach other● more profitable or of the like nature know you not tha● God is omnipotent understand you not that to God appertains the Kingdom of heaven and of earth who excep● God will be your protector Will you question your Prophet as Moses was heretofore questioned He that shal● change faith into impiety The Jews and Christians who have the written Law shall forsake the good way Many that have knowledge in the Scripture endeavoured t● mislead you through impiety and envy notwithstanding they are not ignorant of the Truth forgive them and beware of them untill God hath otherwise disposed he i● Omnipotent See Gelaldin Make your prayers at the time appointed and pay your Tithes you shal find before God the good that you do for your souls he beholdeth all your actions They have said that none but the Jews and Christians shall enter into Paradise it is their fals invention say unto them if you be good men bring your Reasons on the contrary he that resigneth himself to God and is a just man shall be recompensed by his divine Majesty there needeth not be any fear for him he shal not be tormented in the fire of hel The Jews say the Christians are void of reason and the Christians affirm the Jews to be without reason neverthelesse they study the Scripture so speak the ignorant God will determine their difference at the day of the Resurrection Who is more unjust then he that hindred that God be remembred in Temples and that studieth nought but their destruction such men cannot enter therein but with fear and terrour they shall have on earth shame upon the ●orehead and in the other world shall suffer exceeding ●reat torments The East and West are Gods whither so●ver men turn themselves the face of God doth there meet ●●em his Divinity extendeth through the whole earth They said beleeve you that God hath a Son Praised be God on the contrary whatever is either in earth or hea●en appertaineth to his Divine Majesty and all things o●ey him he hath created heaven and earth and when he ●illeth any thing he saith Be thou and it is The unbe●eevers sa●d if God speak not to us or if thou performest ●o miracls we wil not beleeve thee their predecessors have ●aid as much and their words have been like unto their ●earts we have caused miracles to appear to the righteous ●nd have sent thee to preach and instruct the people in●uire not why those that shal descend into hell wil not be●ieve thee the Jews and Christians will not be satisfied of ●hee until thou follow their opinion say unto them there is ●o better guide in the world then God take heed lest thou ●ollow their appetites after that thou hast comprehended ●he knowledge which we inspired into thee
that God know●th not them that fought gallantly He knoweth them that were patient in adversity and persevered in obedien● his Commandements You expected death before yo● it At the battell of Beder you saw it with your eyes and were victorious ●●●tainly Mahomet is the Prophet and Apostle of God were many Prophets before him when they died on slain you returned upon your steps to impiety The● return upon their steps do no harm to God he w● ward onely such as acknowledge his favors and me● not die without his permission and that in a time p● bed and predestinate I will give the good things 〈◊〉 world to whom it pleaseth me and will abundantly ●●pence them that praise me How many Prophets an● with them that were not dejected through their a●ons that befell them in fighting for the Law of 〈◊〉 They were not weakned neither humbled to the I● God affecteth them that are patient in their adver● and such as persevere in his Law They said in thei●●ctions Lord pardon our sins confirm our steps an●●●●tect us against the Infidels God giveth them the 〈◊〉 of the Earth and the Treasures of Heaven he 〈◊〉 them that do good O ye that believe in God if y●●bey the wicked they will cause you to return upon steps you shall return to the number of the da● truly God is your Lord he is the best protector I w● fear into the hearts of Infidels because they have w● reason adored many Gods and the fire of Hell sh● their habitation God hath made the truth of his ●●ses to appear to you when by his permission you fle● Infidels untill you were weary of fighting ne● lesse you contradicted what the Prophet ordained disobeyed him after he had caused you to see who desired with affection There be among you that 〈◊〉 the goods of this world and others that love the 〈◊〉 things of heaven God hath withdrawn you from t●●●fidels to trie you he hath pardoned your sins he is ●●tifull to them that observe his Commandements 〈◊〉 you retreated from the Combat and yeilded witho●● son the Prophet recalled you and gave you to kno● errour with a thousand paines afflict not your 〈◊〉 with the losse of the spoyle that escaped you at the day of ●ictory neither with the mischief that befeil you when ●ou were vanquished God knoweth all your actions Af●er your labour he sent you great repose part of you slept 〈◊〉 all safety and the residue suffered themselves to be ●rried away at their pleasures they had thoughts of God ●●ntrary to the truth Think on the ignorant that say ●ave we seen any of the succour that God hath promi●●d Say to them all things proceed from God They ●●nceale in their souls what they publish not and say had ●e been free of our own wills we had not been slain say 〈◊〉 them although you had stayed in your houses and in our beds death would have taken away them that were ●rived at the houre of their destinie God approveth ●hat is in your hearts and knoweth what you have in our soules Certainly the Devill seduced them that fled ●hen the two Armies were in battell and that because of ●me sinne they had committed neverthelesse God par●oned them he is gracious and mercifull to his people Oh ●ee that believe be not like the Infidels that said spea●ing of their breathren that were slain in the Armie ●hat had they continued in their houses they had not ●●ed God putteth this sorrow in their heart because of ●heir impietie he giveth life and death and beholdeth all ●our actions if you be slain for his Law or die in his fa●our it shall be more advantagious to you then all the ●●easures of the world and if you die or be slain fight●●g for the Faith you shall appeare before his divine Ma●estie to be rewarded Through the grace of God thou ●ast rendred them docile although thou bee severe 〈◊〉 them they will not depart from thee pardon them ●ray for them Take their advise in occasions offered See Gelaldin ●nd being resolved to do any thing trust thou in God ●e loveth them that trust in him he protecteth you none ●hall obtain victory over you if he abandon you who ●hall protect you All the faithfull ought to resign them●elves to the will of his divine Mejestie It is not lawfull ●or the Prophet to deceive he that shall be a decei●er shall appeare at the day of Iudgement with his deceipt to be judged then shall men be payed with 〈◊〉 they have gained no injustice shall be done to them 〈◊〉 shall have loved God and Hell shall be the Habitation them that through deceit shal return in the displeasur● his divine Majestie They shall not be all equally ent●ted God shall appoint them their ranke and place he holdeth all their actions he assuredly rewarded the 〈◊〉 believers when he sent them a Prophet of their own ●●tion to preach to them his Commandements and inst● them in the Alcoran they before his comming were 〈◊〉 manifest errour When any mischief befell you it 〈◊〉 befell the Infidels you have demanded When doth 〈◊〉 mischief come it proceedeth from your selves certa● God is Omnipotent What befell you when the 〈◊〉 Camps encountred hapned through the permission God to distinguish the true believers that dispense th● goods with affection for the glory of his divine Majest● from them that abandoned the fight when it was said them Come fight for the Faith and answered had 〈◊〉 thought of fighting we had not followed you then we they neerer to impietie then to the Faith nevertheles● they had not all of them that in their heart that was 〈◊〉 their mouth God knoweth what they keep secret Th● be of them that said to their brethren Stay and go 〈◊〉 to the Combat your Companions had not been slain hi● they obeyed us say to them Deliver your selves fro● death if you can avoid it continuing in your houses Believe not that those that were slain for the Faith are dea● on the contrary they are alive with God they rejoy● for that such as ●an to hinder them to fight did not mee● them fear not for them they shall rejoyce eternally 〈◊〉 the favour of God he w●ll abundantly reward them tha● fight for his Law Those that obeyed God and the Prophet after being overcome that did good works and feared his divine Majestie shall receive great rewards When it was told them the people have conspired against you take heed to your selves this discourse increased the● faith and they said it sufficeth that God is our protector they were filled with the grace of God no more evill befell them and they observed the Commandements of his ●ivine Majestie He is gracious to them that obey him The Devill will cause in you a fear of the Infidels fear ●hem not but if you be good men fear me Afflict not ●our selves to see the wicked run to impietie they hurt not God he will not give them
blasphemeth against God and his Commandements Certainly the wicked shall be miserable I will assemble all of them and say where are the gods which you did associate with God They shall have none other excuse but to say by God Lord we were of the number of Idolaters Consider how they will lie and disavow their blasphemies some there be among them that hearken to thee we have hardened their hearts they will not learne the Alcoran because their ears are stopped When they shall heare related all the miracles of the world and shall see them with their eyes they will not believe untill they have disputed against thee The wicked say the Alcoran is but a lie and Fable of Antiquity they forbid the people to believe it and contemne it certainly they destroy their souls and know it not thou shalt see when they shall be detained in the fire of hell they will say would to God I might return into the world I would obey the Commandements of his divine Majesty be in the number of true believers They knew the truth but conceal'd it should they return into the world they would return to their impiety they are liars They affirm there is none other life then that of the world neither any resurrection when they shall be before God they shal acknowledge their errors he shall cause them to feele the chastisements due to their blasphemies Such as believe not in the resurrection are wretched men they shall be afflicted for their sins at the houre when ever death shall surprize them they shall bear on their back the burthen of their crimes and avouch the life of this world to be but deceit and vanity and the life of the other to be full of felicity for the righteous O Mahomet neverthelesse the wicked are not converted I know thou wilt be incensed against such as shall say they desire to obey thee and shall renounce thy Doctrine they that contemne the Commandements of God are impious they have belied the Prophets thy Predecessors the Prophets endured their lies and were patient untill we destroyed them God declineth not what he hath promised Thou knowest what the Prophets foretold if men abandon thee canst thou covet to continue on earth to instruct them and to be in heaven at the same time to cause prodogies appear testimonies of thy mission Had it so pleased God See Gelaldin he had brought them all into the right way nor had they been in the number of the ignorant Certainly he heareth the prayers of the righteous that hearken to his word he will g●ve resurrection to the dead and assemble them to receive recompence according to their merits They have said we believe not in the Prophet if he shew not to us some miracle from his Lord say unto them God hath shewed you many miracles but most of you doe not understand them the beasts that walk upon the Earth and the birds that flie in the Aire are in the number of h●s cre●tures We have not omitted to write any thing that is writt●n ●n the Book kept in heaven all men shall one day appear before God such as shall not have believed in his Law shall be deaf and dumb and inhabit darkenesse God misleadeth whom it pleaseth him and guideth in the right way whom he seeth good Say unto them have you ●●lt the punishment of God Have you had knowledge of the day of Judgement Will you invoke any but God if you be good men If you implore him he will deliver you f●om the evils that you feare and if it please him you shall abandon the Idols which with unbelievers you adore We sent our Prophets to them that were before you when they contemned them we sent afflictions to procure their conversion which had not been done without the miseries that we brought upon them Nevertheles their heart is hardned the devill caused them to find disobedience more advantagious and they forgot what was taught them When we opened the gate of happinesse they exceedingly rejoyced and were ingratefull but when they thought least of it they were chastised became desperate and were extirpated for the great glory of God Lord of the Univers say unto them if God rendred you deaf blind and ignorant what other god then God shall restore your sight hearing O Mahomet and knowledge Consider how I manifest my Unity neverthelesse they will not believe it say unto them have you had a sense of the scourge of God secretly and publikely Hath God condemned any but the wicked He sent not the Prophets and Apostles but to proclaime the felicity of Paradise and preach the torments of Hell He that shall believe and doe good works shall be exempt from feare at the day of Judgement and unbelievers shall be punished because of their disobedience Say unto them I told you not that I had in my power all the treasures of God neither that I had knowledge of the future and past nor doe afirme that I am an Angell I only act what hath been inspired into me is the blind like to him that seeth clearly Consider what I say I preach not the day of Judgement but to such as apprehend it they shall find none other then God to protect them The poore peradventure they will feare his divine Majesty Molest not them that pray unto God evening and morning and that desire to see his face thou shalt not be accomptable for their actions See Gelaldin neither shall they give accompt of what thou dost if thou disturbest them thou shalt be in the number of the unjust We have proved men by one another they have said among them with derision behold those among us to whom God hath given his graces doth God not know them that acknowledge his benefits Salute with affection true believers when they come to visite thee God loveth civility clemency and humanity and will pardon him among you that shall offend him through ignorance that shall repent of his error and doe good works he is benigne and mercifull Thus doe I recount the graces of God and discover the way of sinners Say unto them I am forbidden to worship what you adore lest I should goe astray from the right way I have received from God a light which yee have contemned God is Judge of all things judgeth with truth and is most just in his Judgements I cannot forthwith give you a sight of the torments of hell neither of the chastisement of God which you with so much instance require this dependeth on his divine Majesty had I this power our difference would be soon at a period God knoweth the unjust in his power are the keys of the future none knoweth but he he knoweth whatsoever is in the earth and the sea the number of the leaves that fall from the trees and of the atomes that are in the darknesse of the earth There is nothing dry or greene in the earth that is not written
he had given them and all of them exalted the glory of his divine Majesty above the Idols of the Infidels that adored things which could create nothing that are things created and can do neither good nor harme If you call Idolaters to th● right way they will not follow you if ye invoke Idols misery shall be upon you will you be mute to professe the unity of God will you worship the Creatures instead of the Creators Go adore your Idols and may they heare your prayers if you believe them to be Gods Have they feet to walk hands to touch eys to see and eares to heare Say unto them if ye invoke your Idols and conspire against me you shall find none to protect you God is my protector he hath caused the Alcoran to descend from Heaven he is the defendor of the righteous what ye adore can neither benefit nor hurt you If thou invokest Idols they shall not heare thee they shall look upon thee and shall not see thee do what is lawfull to be done command things honest and depart from the ignorant if the Devill would seduce thee trust in God he heareth and knoweth all things such as fear him remember his mercies and chastisements when they are tempted of the Devil Although Infidels know the Truth the Devill ceaseth not to continue them in their sin they alwayes follow their impiety If thou goest to them to instruct them they say thou singest an old song say unto them I doe what my Lord inspired into me what I teach you is the light of faith the right way and the grace of God for them that believe in his divine Majesty for such as heare the Alcoran and study it perhaps God will give you his mercy Remember thou ●od in thy soul worship in publique and private pray unto him evening and morning and be not in the number of the ignorant The Angels that are near to thy Lord neglect not to worship him they prayse and adore him with humility CHAP. VIII The Chapter of the spoile containing seventy and five verses written at Medina Mahomets men differed concerning division of the spoyle which they took at the battell of Beder Mahomet divided it among them IN the name of God gracious and mercifull They will demand of thee to whom appertaineth the spoyle Say unto them the spoyle appertaineth to God and his Prophet Feare God live with mutuall amity and obey his divine Majesty and his Prophet if you believe in his Law Such as feare when they heare mention of God who augment their faith when they have heard relation of his miracles who trust in him who persevere in their prayers and dispend in pious works some part of their wealth believe in the unity of his divine Majesty they have the degree of their habitation in Paradise shall receive from their Lord pardon of their sinnes and exceeding great treasure When thy Lord caused thee to goe out of thine house to goe against the Infidels a party of the true believers had a great aversion to fighting See Gelaldin they disputed with thee the necessity of Combats having seen and known that their enemies led them to a certain death Call to mind that God promised you that a party of the Army of the Enemies should obey you Desire you other thing then the glory and honour of victory God confirmeth the Truth by his words and destroyeth the wicked he ratifieth the Truth and destroyeth falshood although it be contrary to the will of the impious Remember that your Lord heard you when you of him implored succors and that he assisted you with a thousand of his Angels sent from Heaven God sent you this aide only to let you know his grace and to confirme your hearts victory proceedeth from God he is omnipotent and most prudent Remember that God covered you with a secure sleep and caused water to descend from Heaven to wash purifie and deliver you from the malice of the Devill Plant in your heart generosity and patience and goe on with assurance God hath said to his Angels I will be with you confirme the steps of the True-believers I will cast feare into the heart of the wicked strike them on the head smite them on the fingers and feet because they have contradicted my will and that of the Prophet God severely chastiseth such as disobey his Commandements and oppose the will of his Prophet the unbelievers have heretofore tasted of his punishments in this world and shall in the end feele the paines of the fire of Hell Oh yee who believe in God! turne not the back to the wicked as vanquished when they approach to fight you he that shall turne the back shall returne in the wrath of God and be throwne headlong into the fire of Hell You slew not the Infidels at the fight of Beder God himselfe slew them See Gelaldin * Ob Mahomet Thou didst not cast stones against them God did cast them to advantage the True-believers he understandeth whatsoever they say and knoweth all their actions certainly he will augment the affliction of the wicked When ye required victory it was given you if you relinquish your impiety you shall doe well if you retutne to fight against the Prophet know that he will protect him against you your men of War shall advantage you in nothing notwithstanding they be numerous for that God is with the True-believers O ye that believe obey God his Prophet depart not from him since ye have heard the Commandements of his divine Majesty be not as those that say We have heard and were deaf and dumb The ignominy and misery that God layeth ●n beasts is to be deaf and dumb and to want the use of reason Had God seen any good inclination in the Infidels he had not left them in their de●f●nesse but although they had heard clearly they should have alwayes departed from his Law and have been obstinate O ye that believe in God! obey God and the Prophet demand life eternall in your prayers and know that God will separate the Gall fr●m the Liver he will separate the Infidell from the True-believer and you all shall appeare before him to be ●●compensed and chastised ●or your works feare the punishment that shall be inflicted especially on the seditious and ingratefull God is ●evere in his chastisements Remember that in the territory of Mecca ye were but ●n handfull of weak men and with feare of being taken and destroyed by the unbelievers God saved protected and enriched you with all manner of good things peradventure ye will give him thanks Oh ye that believe betray not God no● the Prophet neither such as confide in you and have entrusted their wealth in your hands otherwise your riches and children shall torment you in the other world There is with God great reward for the righteous O ye that believe if ye feare God he shall remove your enemies farre from you and
works the life of the world is like to the rain which we cause to descend from Heaven it causeth with mixture all sorts of herbage to spring forth for the nourishment of men and beasts When the Earth is adorned with flowers and enriched with its fruits the Inhabitants oftentimes believe they have the power to cause their production then send we our chastisements day and night upon the Earth and render it as mown and as if the day before it had brought no fruit Thus do I discover mysteries to such as have knowledge to comprehend them They beg their salvation of God he saveth and putteth in the way of salvation whom it pleaseth him He shall not cover the visage of them that have done good works they shall appear without shame and dwell in Paradise where they shall remain eternally and such as shall have done evill shall be punished after their demerits they shall be covered with shame and none shall be able to protect them they shall be as if a great part of the obscurity of the night had covered their countenance they shall be condemned to the fire of hell where they shall dwell eternally Think on the day wherein we will assemble all the world and will say to the Infidels hell shall be your habitation where be the Idols you adored we have separated you from each other Their Idols shall say to them you have not worshipped us God is witness was there any thing between us and you that rendred us ignorant of your adorations That day shall every one see what he hath done and know that God is Truth it self their Idols shall be separated farre from them and they shall understand their blasphemies Say unto them who enricheth you with the wealth of heaven and earth Who causeth life to come out of death and death out of life Who disposeth all things in the world They shall answer it is God Say unto them why have you not therefore his fear before your eyes God is indeed your Lord what is there after the Truth but falshood How will you depart from his Law his Word shal be accomplished against Infidels Say unto them Have your Idols the power to cause men to die and to rise again how shall they be able to blaspheme after these reasons Say unto them Are your Idols able to conduct you into the right way God guideth the people into the way of Salvation who ought rather to be followed he that guideth the people into the right way or he that misleadeth them What reason have ye to follow the evill way The greatest part of them follow but their own opinion but their opinion is not conformable to the Truth God knoweth all their actions there is no falshood in the Alcoran it confirmeth the ancient Scriptures and perspicuously explaineth them there is no doubt but it proceedeth from the Lord of the Universe They say Mahomet hath invented this Book say unto them come and bring any thing that resembleth it in Doctrine and Eloquence and call the Idols which ye adore we shall see if you are sincere on the contrary they have blasphemed and have talked of what they understood not when they heard the exposition of the Alcoran Thus did their Predecessours but consider what is the end of the unjust There be among them who will believe in this Book and others that will not believe Thy Lord knoweth them that defile the earth if they slander thee say unto them I will answer with my actions and yee shall answer with yours yee are innocent of what I act and I am innocent of what yee doe There be persons among them that have inclination to heare thee but art thou able to cause the deafe to heare Should they not be deafe they would learn nothing Others there be who look towards thee but art thou able to guide the blind should they see clearly they would not follow the right way God doth no injustice to men they doe injury to themselves through the enormity of their offences I will cause them to rise again at the day of Judgement as if they had remained but one houre of a day in the grave they shall know each other and the w●cked who have not believed in the Resurrection shall be damned I will shew thee many of them whom I will chastise I will cause thee to die before they be chastised and they all shall appear before me to be judged God is witness of their actions he shall punish them according to their demerits every Nation of the world hath had a Prophet sent from God who hath judged with reason and without injustice the differences that were among them touching Religion They have said at what time shall the wrath of God appear Say unto them I of my selfe can neither procure good nor evill if God doth not permit it every one hath his destiny when the time of their destiny arriveth they can neither retard or advance it one hour Have ye considered the punishment which God heretofore sent by day and by night against the wicked When ye felt it ye believed it and fell into it headlong It shall be said to the wicked at the day of Judgement tast eternall torments shall you not be punished according to your demerits They will ask of thee if the pains denounced against the wicked and if the Resurrection be matters of truth Say unto them yes my Lord is most exact in his words and all the treasures of the world shall not be able to redeem one soul. They shal repent of their sins when they shall feel the punishment of their offences but shal be condemned without injustice whatsoever is in heaven and in earth appertaineth to God he is exact in his promise yet the greatest part of the world do not know him He it is who causeth to die and giveth life and shall assemble men at the day of Judgement O people God hath sent you instructions and remedies for your infirmities he hath sent a guide to conduct true-believers into the way of his mercy it shall be to them of more advantage then the treasures that they accumulate Have ye considered the good things which he hath created for you Ye have appointed one part to be eaten and have prohibited to eate of another Hath God permitted you to blaspheme against him The opinion of such as blaspheme against God shall be but misery at the day of Judgement God is full of goodnesse for the people but most of them are ingratefull In whatsoever place thou art whether thou teach what is contained in the Alcoran or whether thou labour I am alwayes present nothing is concealed from thy Lord of whatsoever is in heaven and earth be it great or litle all is written in the intelligible Booke that explaineth all things There needeth no feare for such as recommend themselves to God they shall be exempt from the pains of hell The true-believers who have his feare
or the God of Moses They said the miracles that thou hast seen have they not touched thee He that created us doth things which are not in thy power to performe thy power extendeth only in this world we believe in God our Lord who will pardon our sinnes thou art the cause that hee abhorreth us with our magick hee is more powerfull then thou and eternall Hell is prepared for Infidels they shall finde repose neither in their life nor death and the righteous that shall do good works shall eternally enjoy the pleasures of the gardens of Eden wherein slow many delicious rivers such is the reward of them that are purged from their sins We said unto Moses go out by night with my people and make them a drie path through the Sea fear not that thine enemies may overtake thee neither be afraid of being drowned Paraoh shall follow them with his troops I will overwhelm in the sea and will mislead him with his people he shall not follow the right way O children of Israel we delivered you from your enemies and conducted you towards the mountains of Sinai we caused Manna and Quailes to descend upon you and said eat ye of the good things that we have given you and be not ungratefull otherwise my wrath shall fall upon you he upon whom mine indignation shall fall shall be thrown headlong into the fire of hell I will be mercifull to such as shall convert do good works and follow the right way O Moses who pressed thee to absent thy self from thy people He answered behold he that followeth my steps I am come up to receive thy Commandements We after thy departure estranged thy people from thee and Samery seduced them from the right way he returned upon his steps to his people in great displeasure and said O ye people did not God promise to you all manner of content he protracted the effect of his promises because of your sins will you that his wrath fall upon you wherefore have ye transgressed what ye promised to me They said we have not transgressed our promises of our own accord we took the most weighty ornaments of the people and cast them into the fire Samery himself did cast them in he made the body of a bellowing Calfe and said with his followers behold there your God the God of Moses whom he hath forgotten Saw they not that this Calf spake not to them and that it had not power to do good or evill Aaron had said unto them before the comming of Moses O ye people you have been seduced by this Calfe the mercifull is your God and your Lord follow and obey me They said shall we abide here untill Moses returne Moses at his return said unto Aaron what hindred thee to follow me when thou sawest them to turne aside from the Law of God wherefore hast thou disobeyed me O son of my mother said Aaron drag me not by the beard and haire I feared to displease thee if I forsook the children of Israel and disobey thy Commandements Moses said unto Samery what was thy design he answered I saw what this people seeth not I took an handfull of the earth of the footsteps of the Messenger of God and made the Figure of a Calfe the fairest that I could Moses said unto him goe get thee from among us thou shalt fly the presence of men all the dayes of thy life thou shalt say unto them come not nigh me touch me not the time of thy punishment is appointed thou shalt not escape it behold thy false god behold the Calfe which thou hast adored I will cause it to burne and will cast the ashes thereof into the sea your God is one God and there is none other God but the God that knoweth all things Thus doe I relate to thee things past we have sent thee the Alcoran such as shall abjure it shall beare their burthen at the day of Judgement and be eternally tormented I will one day require an account of their burden and will assemble them with all their subtilities when the Trumpet shall sound they shall demand of each other how long they have continued in the world they shall say that they have remained there but ten dayes and ten nights I know all that they will say the most prudent among them shall say that they have been but one day They shall enquire of thee concerning the Mountains Say unto them God shall teare them up and levell them with the Earth thou shalt see them levelled and beaten downe then shall men without retardment follow him that shall summon them to universall Judgement they shall humble themselves before God thou shalt that day heare low and humble voyces that day shall prayers be ineffectuall except of them that shall be pleasing to God whom he will permit to speak He knoweth whatsoever men doe in this world and what must befall them in the other and they know it not they shall humble themselves and hang down the head before the living and eternall Lord all Infidels shall be damned and the righteous of True-believers that have done good works shall not feare injustice We have sent the Alcoran in the Arabique tongue it teacheth men our Commandements peradventure they will feare impiety it teacheth them what they ought to know Exalt the glory of God King of the world he is truth it selfe presse not thy selfe to read the Alcoran untill thou hast well understood it Say Lord encrease my knowledge We heretofore prohibited Adam to eat of the forbidden fruit he was unmindfull of our Commandement I found in him no perseverance Remember thou that we commanded the Angels to humble themselves before him they humbled themselves except the Devill who refused to doe it Remember that we said Adam the Devill is thine enemy and the enemy of thy wife he will endeavour to make you miserable to cause you both to goe out of Paradise where thou sufferest neither hunger nor thirst nor cold nor heat The Devill tempted them and said oh Adam I will conduct thee to the tree of eternity a treasure that shall never perish they did both eat of the fruit of that tree then knew they their filthinesse and took the leaves of trees to cover their nakednesse Adam disobeyed his Lord and became miserable neverthelesse he heard and pardoned him and shewed him the right way he said discend from Paradise ye enemies of each other I will hereafter send you a guide he that shall follow him shall not erre and shall be blessed He that shall goe astray and will not believe in me shall be miserable in the world and blind at the day of Judgement that day shall he say Lord wherefore hast thou made me blind I had good sight when I was in the world I did this day forget thee as thou didst forget my Commandements thus doe I intreat Infidels The torments of the other world are more grievous then those of the Earth and of longer
a book worthy of praise all therein is written in good order no person shal handle it that is not clean and purifyed it is sent from God Lord of the Vniverse if ye renounce what is written in this book ye shall be in the number of Infidels and shall know the truth when the soul shall forsake your body I know this better then you but ye do not consider it if ye believe not to rise again cause your soul to return into your body when it shall be upon your lipps when a righteous man dyeth he shall finde rest and all manner of concentment in the delights of Paradise if he be of them that hold the book of the accompt of their work in the right hand and shall be free from eternall pains If he be in the number of Infidels and seduced he shall be precipitated into hell this is is a most certain truth Exalt the name of thy Lord omnipotent CHAP LVII The Chapter of Iron containing twenty nine verses written at Medina IN the name of God gracious and merciful All that is in the Heavens and Earth exalteth the glory of God he is omnipotent and wise the Kingdom of the Heavens and earth is his he giveth life and death to whom he pleaseth he is without beginning without end he knoweth al that mē make manifest whatsoever they keep secret he knoweth all things He it is that created the earth the heavens in 6 days fitteth on his throne he knoweth whatsoever ●reth into the earth and all that cometh out he knoweth ●●atsoever descendeth from heaven and whatsoever ascen●h he is with you in whatsoever place ye are and seeth 〈◊〉 your actions the Kingdom of the heavens and earth ● his and all things obey him He maketh the night to ●ter the day and knoweth what is in the heart of men ●elieve in God and his Prophet expend in pious works ●●me part of the wealth that he hath given you he shal ●ive you more Do good abundantly to them that believe 〈◊〉 his Law wherefore will ye not believe in God and his Apostle who teacheth you the Commandments of your word Ye have promised him to embrace his Law he hath ●nspired his Commandments into his servant to bring ●ou out of darknesse and guide you into light he is graci●us and mercifull Who hindreth you to make any ex●ence for his glory The inheritance of the heavens and earth is his Such as for his service have expended any thing before the taking of Mecca are not equall in merit to them that fought to conquer that City they are far above them that fought not and shall be protected of his divine Majesty he promiseth Paradise to the righteous ●●oweth all your actions Who is he that shall lend to him any alms he shall encrease his substance and give a great reward Be thou mindfull of the day when thou ●halt see those men and women that have obeyed my Commandments with a light that shall goe before them it shall be said to them this day it is declared to you that you ●hall enter into and dwell eternally in Gardens wherein ●●ow many Rivers and where ye shall finde supreme felicity Be thou mindful of the day that the wicked shall say to the True-believers Behold us cast your eye to our side that we may partake a little of your light They shall say unto ●hem return upon your steps to demand light There is a place betwixt them that hath a secret gate full of grace and repose for the righteous and without environed with misery for the wicked they shall call upon the righteous and say were not we of your RELIGION they shall reply yes but ye betrayed your soules through disobedience ye d●ubt●d of the LAW Law of God your blasphemie rendred you insolent 〈◊〉 the hour of your death the Devill made you proud moved you to rise against the Commandments of his div●●● Majesty this day there is neither ransome nor favour f●● you the fire of Hell is the habitation of the wicked O● what an habitation Such as believe in God think it no trouble to humble their hearts at the remembrance of the Alcoran and the truth that it containeth they are not like them that heretofore ha● the knowledg of the written Law they have been a long time without Prophets their hearts are hardned and the greatest part of them have been impious Know that God restoreth life to the Earth after the death thereof we have taught you the misteries of faith peradventure ye will comprehend them God shall multiply the benefits that the righteous shall lend to him and shall return them a great reward Such as believe in God and his Prophet are righteous Martyrs shall be recompensed of God they shall be covered with light and the wicked that disobey his Commandments shall be damned eternally the life of this world is but vanity sport and delusion it is but pride the abundance of wealth and children is like to the rain the wicked wonder at the plants that it produceth in the end they wither become yellow and then are altogether drie The impious shall suffer great torments and the good shall enjoy the mercy of God the life of this world is but matter of pride implore pardon of God Paradise large as heaven and Earth is prepared for them that shall believe in his divine Majesty and his Prophet th●s is an immense grace which he conferreth on whom he pleaseth All the evill that ye suffer on earth in your goods and persons is written in a Book before i● befall you it is an easie thing to God to the end th●t ye affl●ct no● your selves extraordinar●ly in your dis●leasures that ye rejoyce not overmuch in your contentme●ts God loveth not the proud he hath not to do with the covetous who recommend avarice to the peopl who neglect their duty Praise is due to him praise is due to him in all places Certainly we sent our Messengers with our Commandments we sent with them their Scriptures and ●lance that the people might weigh with good weights 〈◊〉 gave iron to men it causeth great evils and great good 〈◊〉 the world God knowath them that fight with zeal for 〈◊〉 Law and his Prophet without seeing him he is strong 〈◊〉 omnipotent We sent Noah and Abraham to instruct 〈◊〉 people we instructed their progeny in the Scripture 〈◊〉 followed the right way and many disobeyed our com●●ndments We sent after them our Prophets and Apostls 〈◊〉 sent Iesus the son of Mary we taught him the G●spel 〈◊〉 put civility clemency and chastity into the hearts of ●●m that followed him we did not command them to ●p virginity they kept it of their own accord because of ●is desire they had to please God they have not obser●ed their Law as they ought many have been disobedient ●we have rewarded those among them that believed O 〈◊〉 that believe in Iesus fear God and believe
Christian vertues and indeed if Christians will but diligently read and observe the Lawes and Histories of the Mahometans they may blush to see how zealous they are in the works of Devotion Piety and Charity how devout cleanly and reverend in their Mosques how obedient to their Priests that even the great T●rk himselfe will attempt nothing without consulting his Mufti how carefull are they to observe their hours of prayers five times a day wherever they are or however imployed how constantly do they observe their ●asts from morning till night a whole moneth together how ●o●●ng and cha●itable the Must●●mans are to each other and how carefull of strangers may be seen by their Hospitalls both for the poor and for travellers if we observe their justice temperance and other morall vertues we may truly blush at our own coldnesse both in devotion and charity at our injustice intemperance and oppression doubtlesse these men will rise up in judgement against us and surely their devotion piety and works of mercy are main causes of the growth of Mahometanisme on the contrary our neglect of Religion and loosenesse of conversation is a main hindrance to the increase of Christianity is it not a shame that they should read over their Alcoran once every moneth and we scarce read over the Bible in all our life that they shall give such reverence to their Alcoran as to honour the very Camell that carried it to Mecca and to lay up for holy reliques the napkins and handkerchiefs that rubbed off the sweat from his skin and we shall prefer lascivious Poems and wanton Ballads to the sacred Word of Almighty God do we not make our selves unworthy of such an inestimable treasure 12. The Turks are our neighbours and their territories border upon the Dominions of Christendome there have been continuall warres and will be still between us it concerneth every Christian who makes conscience of his waies to examine the cause and to look into the grounds of this war whether they be just or not which cannot be known but by reading the Alcoran in which we see the Mahometans to be the enemies of the Crosse of Christ in denying his Death and of his Divinity also Euseb. in vit Const. l. 9. c. 9 Hist. Theod. l. 5. c. 24. S●crat l. c. 7.18 Aug. l. 5. de civi dei c. 13. in that they deny his Godhead we shall find so many passages in it repugnant to and destructive of Christian Religion that Christian Princes are bound to oppose the enemies thereof after the example of those glorious Emeprors Constantine who made war against the Heathen Princes Maxentius Maximinus and Licinius of Theodosius the elder against the Tyrant Eugenius the worshipper of Hercules of Theodosius the younger against the Saracens of Honorius against the Goths all enemies of Christ by whose assistance they got notable victories and glorious triumphs 13. We cannot do better service to our Countrey-men nor offer a greater affront to the Mahometans then to bring out to the open view of all the blind Sampsons of their Alcoran which hath mastered so many Nations that we may laugh at it of which even their own wise men are ashamed and are sorry it should be translated into any other language for they are unwilling that their grand Hypocrite should be unmasked or that the vizard of his pretended holinesse should be taken off whose filthy nakednesse must appear when he is devested they know that words and works of darknesse cannot endure the light Trepidántque immisso lumine manes the infernall Ghosts tremble at any glimpse of light and the wild beasts returne to their dens saith David Psal. 10.4 Vt jugulent homines surgunt de nocte latrones when the morning appeares not daring to seek their prey but in the dark night of ignorance this great thief Mahomet hath destroyed many thousand and under the Lions skin this Asse hath affrighted his beastly minded Saracens therefore let us take away the ring from this Giges by which he hath made himselfe invisible and let us with Hercules pull out this theeving Cacus out of his darke den where he useth to hide and shelter himselfe and expose his deformed carkasse to the publike view that we may wonder at it and in detecting his Errours wee follow the practise of CHIST who discovered to the world the damnable Tenets of the Scribes Pharisees Mat. 13. Hypocrites 14. The Turks are preposterously zealous in praying for the conversion or perversion rather of Christians to their irreligious Religion they pray heartily and every day in their Temples that Christians may imbrace the Alcoran and become their Proselytes in effecting of which they leave no means unassaied by feare and flattery by punishments and rewards Now is it fitting that they in charity and zeale should exceed us wee are bound to pray and endeavour heartily for their conversion from darknesse to light from error to truth but how shall we do this if we know not the dangerous and damnable estate they are in which we cannot know but by reading their Alcoran 15. In reading the Alcoran we shall see what is the force of superstition and with what violence men are carried head-long in the defence and maintenance even of the most absurd and impious opinions what Hecuba is more deformed then the Alcoran yet how do the Turks fight and struggle toil and care hazard life and liberty estates and all for it as if it were the most beautifull Helena in the world these men cannot endure the Image of Christ or of a Saint in their Temples calling this Idolatry and yet they are the greatest Idolaters in the world themselves for never was there such an Idol as the Alcoran no man must touch it till first he be washed and that being done he must not touch it with his naked hands but with a clean linnen cloth the Priest must kisse it and bow to it he must when he reads in it hold it up on high for it is a sin to hold it lower then his girdle Every piece of paper that a Turk findes he must use reverendly because the Alcoran is written in paper the Mule that carries it to Mecca is held in great veneration so that he or she is sanctified all the year after that can but touch him and that handkerchief which wipeth off his sweat is a holy relique thus do they strain at a gnat and swallow a Camell Rev. 20. 16. In reading the Alcoran and Turkish Story we shall see who were Gog and Magog that made warre against the Saints even the Turks an obscure people of Scythia therefore called Gog because they were hid and unknown a long time and the Saracens who were a known people and the open enemies of the Church therefore called Magog these treacherously combined together oppressed first the Persians and afterward the Greek Empire with the famous Churches of Asia Greece and Egypt we shall also find that by
thirst nor paine nor anguish for the service of his divine Majesty they have not been trampled under-foot by their enemies they shall irritate the Infidels and shall receive no displeasure on the contrary they shall acquire merit and perform a good work God doth not deprive them of recompence that doe well he shall write down their expence for his service and the number of the Idols that they shall destroy for reward of their good works It is not necessary that all the faithfull goe to the warre it is sufficient that of every lineage and of every Nation there goe a party while the rest shall learn the Lawes and mysteries of faith to instruct their Companions when they shall return from their voyage perhaps they will fear the chastisement of God Oh ye that believe in God fight against them that would cause you to be defiled in impiety be valiant and know that God is with them that have his feare before their eyes When God caused to descend from Heaven any Chapter of the Alcoran some of them said through disdaine that will increase the faith of this people Certainly it augmenteth the faith of True-believers it rejoyceth them and enflameth the wrath of his divine Majesty upon Infidels who persist in their pollutions and dye in their wickednesse They know not that God tryeth the good once or twice a year they will not be converted it is lost time to preach to them When God sent from Heaven any Chapter of the Alcoran they beheld each others and said doth any one see us They returned in their impiety and God turned their heart from the right way for that they would not learn the Truth God hath sent you a Prophet of your own Nation who with passion desireth to deliver you from your obstinacy and is extreamly affected to instruct you in the way of Salvation God is milde and pitifull towards True-believers If they abandon the faith say unto them God is my protector there is but one sole God I recommend my selfe to the will of his divine Majesty he is the Lord of the Majestique Throne CHAP. X. The Chapter of Jonas containing an hundred and nine verses written at Mecca IN the name of God gracious and mercifull I am God the mercifull The precepts contained in this Book proceed from the Omnipotent Doth the people wonder that we have inspired a man to preach to the wicked the torments of Hell and to declare to True-believers that they shall finde true what their Lord to them hath promised The wicked say that it is but sorcery and enchantment Certainly God is your Lord who created Heaven and Earth in six dayes and sitteth on his Throne disposing all things no man intercedeth for his Neighbour without his permission he is your God and your Lord worship him alone will ye not consider it you all shall be one day assembled before him he promised with truth that he will cause men to die and raise them again to recompence such as have believed in his Law and done good works The unbelievers shall drink a boyling drink and shall endure great torments because of their impiety He it is that gave light to the Sun and brightness to the Moon that created the signes to know the number of years the account of moneths and of whatsoever he hath created these things teach with truth the miracles of his divine Majesty to such as have knowledge to understand them the difference of day and of night and what God hath created in Heaven and in Earth are marks of his unity to them that have his fear before their eyes They who believe there is no resurrection such as place their content in the wealth of this world they that trust in their riches and that are ignorant of the commandements of God shal be precipitated into the fire of Hell because of their sins and the True-believers shall be conducted by his divine Majesty into delicious gardens wherin flow many rivers they shall there find whatsoever they shall desire and shal say at the beginning of their prayers praised be God afterwards they shall say Salvation be to God and at the end of their prayers prayse be to God Lord of the Universe Although God doth sometimes suddenly chastise men he alwayes attendeth the time of their Destiny I will leave them that shall not believe in the Resurrection in their errors to their confusion When man is afflicted he invoketh us standing sitting lying and in all postures and when we have delivered him from his affliction he persisteth in his wickedness It seemeth good to the wicked to do in this manner we destroyed their Predecessors when they believed not in the Prophets neither obeyed the precepts that we sent them and have established you on the Earth in their place after them to see your deportments When thou teachest our commandements to them that believe not in the Resurrection they say that the precepts of the Alcoran are altogether contrary to what thou preachest and that thou hast altered them Say unto them I have no will to alter them of my selfe I do but what is inspired into me of God I fear to be punished at the day of Judgement should I disobey his divine Majesty Say unto them Had it pleased God I had neither read nor taught you his Commandements I sojourned a long time with you before I taught you will you not learn them Who is more unjust then hee that blasphemeth God doth not aid the Infidels that worship what can neither benefit nor hurt them and say their Idols shall intercede for them will you instruct God in any thing that he knoweth not of what is in Heaven or in Earth Praised be God he hath no companion Men were all of one Religion before Infidelity took place and if God had not said that he would deferre the punishment of the wicked untill the day of Judgement he had already destroyed them in this world because of their impiety They say We will not believe in the Prophet if God make not some miracles to appear in him Say unto them God knoweth what shall be expect I will expect with you when we gave them to taste of content after their affliction they had subtilty upon our Commandements Say unto them God is more subtile then you his Messengers shall write your subtilties he it is that made men to travell upon the earth and sea It is he that sendeth them a favourable winde to rejoyce them in their ships when tempest surpriseth them they believe that the waves will overwhelm them then they invoke God with desire to embrace his Law and say if God doth deliver us from this danger wee will believe in his Unity and return him thanks for this mercy and being delivered from perill persist in their wickedness O people you draw mischief on your selves you require nothing but the wealth of this world you all shall appear before us to be judged according to your
be intreated like the godly in their life and death and that they shall not be judged God hath created heaven and earth for a mark of his power he shall judg every one according to their works and shall do injustice to none Consider how they worship what cometh into their fancy God hath seduced them from his certain knowledge he hath rendred them deaf hath hardned their heart blinded them who shal guide if God seduce them Do they not consider it They say our resurrection shal be like the life of this world some dy others are born length of years cause us to die they know not what they say and speak but by opinion When they are preached unto they have no other ' discourse to utter but make our fathers to revive if what we say be true Say unto them God causeth you to live dy shal assemble you at the day of Iudgment there is no doubt in this but the greatest part of the people know it not God is the King of the heavens earth of the day of judgment that day shall he assemble the Infidels thou shalt see all Sects and all Religions assembled before him upon their knees every sect shall see their sins written in a particular book shal be al chastised after their demerits It shall be said unto them behold the book that speaketh against you we have exactly written what you have don God shal give his mercy to the righteous that is supream felicity It shal be said to the wicked have not the Commandments of God bin preached to you Ye became proud and were incredilous when it was told you that the promises of God and the day of Judgment were indubitable ye said that i● was but an opinion and that ye believe it not in the end ye shall acknowledge your offence and shall suffer the pain● that ye despised God shall say unto them at the day of Iudgement I have this day forgotten you as ye forgot th● coming of this day the fi●e of hell shall be your habitation none shall deliver you because ye derided my Law and waxed proud with the riches of the earth They shall never get out of this Fire neither be able to repent Praise be to God Lord of the heavens and earth glory is due to him in all places he is omnipotent and wise CHAP. XLVI The Chapter of Hecaf containing thirty five Verses written at Mecca Hecaf is a Valley in the Country of Licmen upon the frontiers of Ar●bi● See Gelaldin and the Book intituled Kitab el Tenoir IN the name of God gracious and merciful God is most prudent and wise This Book was sent by the Omnipotent and wise We created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them for a sign of our Omnipotency and Vnity and appointed to every thing a prefixed and limited time If the Infidels depart from that which hath been preached to them Say unto them have ye considered the Idols that ye adore shew me what they have created on earth are they Gods companions in the creation of the heavens bring me a Book sent from heaven before the Alcoran that containeth like it what remained of the doctrine of our Predecess●rs we shall see if ye be true who is more seduced then he that worshipeth things that can neither hear his prayers nor protect him at the day of judgment That day shall the Infidels be enemies to each other and the Idols shall not acknowledge them that have worshipped them When they heard the Alcoran read they affirmed it to contain the truth and when they were commanded to observe it they said that it is but magick Will they say that thou hast invented it Say unto them if I have invented it ye cannot deliver me from the punishment of God he knoweth all that is in this book it is sufficient that he is witnesse between you and me he is gracious and mercifull Say unto them I am not the first Prophet nor the first Apostle that God hath sent I know not what God shall determine of you and me I do but what he hath inspired into me and am sent to preach the torments of hel have ye considered in what condition ye shall be if the Alcoran be sent from God Ye have renounced it but one of the children of Israel is witnesse that it is sent from God and hath believed in his divine Majesty neverthelesse ye are become proud God guideth not the proud The Infidels say to the believers if the Alcoran were any good thing you should not exceed us in observing it it guideth not into the way of salvation it is but an old Fable The book of Moses that came before it teacheth the right way and the Will of God Say unto them the Alcoran confirmeth the Scriptures sent heretofore to them that precedeed us it is in the Arabique tongue he preacheth the pains of hell to unbelievers and declareth the joyes of Paradise to the righteous Such as shall believe that God is their Lord and shall obey him ought to fear nothing they shall suffer none affliction at the day of Judgment they shall enjoy Pardadise for the reward of their good works We have recommended to man to honor father and mother and to do good to them his mother beareth him with pain she bringeth forth with dolour she giveth him suck and weaneth him at the end of thirty moneths she hath care of him until he be in a condition to govern himself hath attained to age of discretion Then he saith Lord inspire me to be grateful for the grace that thou hast given to my father mother if I do well thou wilt accept it take care of my posterity I trust in thee desire to obey thy Commandments Their prayer shall be heard their sins shall be pardoned they shall enjoy the joyes of Paradise prepared for the righteous He that shall ●peak to his father and mother in civility shall say unto them in derision will ye bring me yet once more into the world after my death wil ye revive me from my grave many are dead heretofore that are not returned he shall be punished of God his father and mother shall require help of his divine Majesty and shall say unto him my son misery is with thee believe in God and in the Resurrection the word o● God is insallible if he reply that it is an old Fable he shall feel the punishment of God the word of his divine Majesty shall be accomplished against him as it hath been accomplished against them that did prece●e him in impiety as well devills as men they shal be damned they shall be in ●undry degrees of payns he shall chastise them after their demerits and no injustice shall be don to them It shall be said to the wicked that would depart out of hel fire ye expelled your felicity when ye lived in the world your punishment was deferred until