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A63079 A testimony for God's everlasting truth as it hath been learned of and in Jesus testifying against such as through unbelief have departed from, or been disobedient to the spirit that conuinces the world of sin : among whom R.C. hath appeared with his many things, to oppose and withstand the one thing, the spirit of life, that sets free from sin and death, which is the truth which the people call Quakers have and do testifie to and of / R.T. R. T. (Rebecca Travers), 1609-1688. 1669 (1669) Wing T2062; ESTC R31972 39,797 48

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be known of God be manifest in man is it not in the conscience and is not that Light that manifests and doth not Christ say he is the Light and doth any bring to the Father but Christ and is any appointed to be hearkened unto for Life and Salvation but Christ and thou confessest in the Apostles words that what is to be known of God is manifest in man and can any reveal the Father but the Son which thou sayest thou wouldst not have any drawn forth from hearkning to that which manifests which is that and that only that the worshipers of the true God testifie of and to and if this thou wouldst not have any drawn forth from what meanest thy invented story of a created Habitation within and the Light of a human Soul so thou must confess thou hast been setting up other lords to attend to then the Lords Christ or else with us in the Truth that Christ only gives the knowledg of God in man but thy windings to and fro manifests what root bares thee so I not meaning to say any thing farther to thy twelf page who ends it with few of thy own words or thy Teacher Beamon I shall go on to thy 13th page where thou sayest that the promise is to the inward man of the heart being quickned by the holy Ghost to this I answer God is not divided whereever the Spirit is Christ is and of him have and do the Witnesses of the Light testifie the same yesterday to day and forever the gift of the Father that was never known nor learned but in the measure of his own Spirit as any may read when Christ was visible amongst them at Jerusalem and discoursed with the woman of Samaria he did not call her so much to the beholding of his visible Appearance or Person as to know the gift of God whereby she could only have the knowledg who he was and though he was present he doth not say believe in this Person at any time but believe in the Light that you may be Children of the Light and when he came that thou readest of that said Good master what shall I do that I may inherit eternal Life he doth not say come handle and feel this Person but saith he why callest thou me good there is none good but God for Christ knew then and now none could sell all for him but who in Spirit learned him to be God blessed forever and therefore he knew his going from them was expedient that the promise of the Father's Spirit of Life might be more fully poured out upon them in which he promised to be with them to the end of the world and all that have Faith in the Gift of God which is Eternal Life free unto every creature are witnesses thereof and the Resurrection of this Light and Truth hath and doth torment the whole World of Idolaters that have or are hunting in the many ways from the one thing needful the Kingdom Power and Spirit in them yea in the Heathen at which the professing Idolaters rage though the Scriptures in which they trust testifie of it that the very Crucifiers of Jesus had the Kingdom in them and so from they 12fth page to thy 15th I have little to meddle with of thy stolen words of an in-eye and internal root and of the stirring of the center which all that have read Jacob Beamon's mysterious mist of imaginations knows where thou hadst them though thou wouldst make people believe they were thy own and so namest not thy A●thours as honest Writers use to do but letting all that pass and thy so often repeating as formerly the Light of Conscience is not the Christ I answer I never knew any but thee say it was so it seems thou hast been a confuting thy self hoping thereby to confound others but the Light only shews that in us is not of us but to the blind all is alike else surely thou wouldst not after all thy Arguments and framed Reasons to draw the mind from the Light within to eye the Person without to confound and destroy thy own Doctrine by saying my intent in this writing is not to draw the mind forth from waiting within it self for the manifestation of God in it self for that which is to be known of God is to be revealed in man what will the Scriptures think'st thou by thy winding adding and diminishing serve thee to prove or disprove as thou wouldst have it sure all that have an eye see thee that hast deny'd the Light within to be either God Christ or his Principle and yet would have them wait within for it what then wouldst thou have them wait on thou talkest indeed of a Sword that God had set in the human Soul to keep the way of the Tree of Life then Robert is the Tree of Life where the human Soul is and yet neither Christ nor his Principle and in the sixth page thou sayest there is a Light in man that is the Habitation of God and in thy fourteenth page that God hath chosen the heart of man for his Habitable Place so it seems the Light thou speakest of and mans heart in thy sence are one and wouldst thou have man wait within his own heart from whence proceeds all manner of evil for thou concludest it is mans duty to wait in his heart for the promise of the Father and yet neither Christ nor his Principle there as thou saist and so if thou know'st another thing to he waited on or to open the heart then Christ thou shouldst have declared it for the internal Root what is it or that which can bring into the heavenly Canaan if not Christ then thou hast another root to be brought to or wait on then the Christ of God or to lead then he it is an Idol So thou that hast been so long crying against them that preach up the Light within the way to God cryes up an internal root an in-man of the heart and what not so thou mayst keep from the one thing needful in the many things Oh how vain is man in his imaginations and that continually witness this precedent relation of R. C. that would set up any thing of his own or others inventions to draw from the one safe sure and unalterable Way of Life and which all that are come to and have life in cannot but testifie that it is almighty and in the strength thereof as we receive must testifie against all and every one that would deceive or draw aside by subtil divising and craftiness of men to blind the eye of the mind presents that there is other wayes and means to be looked to and to be waited on then the only begotten of God which alone hath been testified of and witnessed to by us that have learned of the Light and therin received the earnest and assurance of a Kingdom that cannot be shaken the sure rock against which Hells strength shall never prevail And so knowing
A TESTIMONY for God's Everlasting Truth As it hath been learned of and in JESUS Testifying against such as through unbelief have departed from or been disobedient to the Spirit that convinces the World of Sin Among whom R. C. hath appeared with his many things to oppose and withstand the one thing the Spirit of Life that sets free from Sin and Death which is the Truth which the People called Quakers have and do testifie to and of R. T. They went out from us but they were not of us for if they had been of us they would no doubt have continued with us but they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not of us 1 Joh. 2. 19. But ye have an Vnction from the holy One and ye know all things V. 20. This then is the message which we have heard of him and declare unto you that God is Light and in him is no Darkness at all 1 Joh. 1. 5. Beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common Salvation it was needfull for me to write unto you and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the Saints Jude ver 3. Printed in the Year 1669. THese following Lines are to such as have or may meet with R. C's Writing Entituled God's Truth attested according to Scripture and I reading it over and finding it not only contrary to Scripture but in darkness opposing and contradicting the Light and Spirit that gave forth the Scriptures exalted and exalting his own image over and against the express Image of the Everlasting God I could not but in answer thereto give unto you what I have received of the Fountain of Life which all that make opposition against the Light and Spirit which is Everlasting are out from and know neither the Soul that God takes pleasure ●s nor the Salvation thereof but remains in darkness and under the power of Death not knowing the Gift of God which is Eternal Life but to so many as believe in him the Light of the World he giveth power to be the Sons of God Heirs with him yea Co-heirs of the Inheritance of Light and Glory So to all mankind I and all that partake of the common salvation that hath appeared unto all for deliverance from death and Deaths power again to recover into the good state that was before transgression entred or the Night of Apostacy over spread the Earth for Light was in the beginning and indeed the beginning of all and shall abide when all imaginations shall cease and by Faith therein have obtained Life have good will unto every one travelling therein to bring others thereto and to preserve out of the many snares which the evil One hath and doth lay to deceive but the increase of Light and the dominion thereof must never have end and the enlargment and growth hereof hath and doth inrage the whole World that love Darkness better then Light so they have bent their Bowes and prepared their Arrows and their tongues are become as a two-edged Sword to wound the Innocent for the poyson of Asps is under that which speaks dispitefully against the Spirit of Grace for no other have the Children of Light testified of or believed in but the Spirit of Jesus which they that do and have erred from are devising against and so cry up the greatness of their own Diana to turn aside or draw out of the way of peace but he has will rebuke them yea in his hot displeasure who either rage or imagine vain things against his Christ which he will exalt above all the Mountains and such is my love and the love of all that in the love of the Father live that we desire none might perish but have Life Everlasting which the Father giveth freely unto all without respect of persons that in his Light believe and walk to receive Salvation thereby and so this is testified of and spoke to in all that all that come to the Faith of it may with us witness it saves from sin and his Name was and is called Jesus but all out of the Faith discern it not how should they being carnally minded though it somtimes prick them they kick against it and to pervert from it lay stumblings in the way and bring forth their carnal imagination of God and Christ and of his Person and Flesh which was never learned but in that they resist for darkness cannot comprehend Light but in the Light is Life and Salvation and this they have and do bear testimony of who have learned the Truth as it is in Christ Jesus and for the Truth sake which must prevail over all the Opposers thereof and for your Souls sake this is written that no simple ones may be turned out of the way nor stumble or fall but come to believe in the Light and the redemption thereof they will come to be partakers of and there is no other that can work the work of God to free from evil and error but the Christ of God the express Image of the Father only learned in the Spirit and Light that cometh or proceeds from the Father Son and the obedient and faithful thereto have been and are led out of the World where Sin and Error are to the victory ●ver it and such will not believe only from what we declare of it though it be true but finding this heavenly Treasure in themselves and the freedom thereby attained shall confess this is the Son of God that maketh free indeed and I know they who are not captivated under the power of Sin and Darkness nor lovers of themselves more then of God will feel that in the Love of the Father to the Souls of all this is written R. T. A TESTIMONY for God's Everlasting TRUTH c. THe Light which I with many thousands have believed in and found saves from sin and none in the Faith of God are at a question what it is but know it is of the Father bringing to the Life Christ Jesus whose first appearance was and ever is to condemn sin in the flesh and being believed in quickneth in Spirit by which only the Son of God was is revealed and all that have gone another way to know the Father or the Son but in the Spirit of Jesus are vain Image-makers Robbers and Theeves leaving the Door to clime another way So none cometh unto me but whom the Father draws and by the Spirit only is the drawing saith Christ which is Life and Salvation witnessed by all that have Faith therein and this is that which according to his faithfulness that hath promised is and must be exalted over all that in darkness have and do invent against the Light amongst which R. C. will be found a worker to whom I have this to say that if they were and are accursed that come not forth to help the Lord against the mighty What shall become of thee and
And to this I answer none that discerns it can or doth deny it and their eyes are open to see thy confusion that wouldst prove that the Light in Conscience is not Christ by bringing this proof that he ascended that he might fill all things O gross darkness Doth he fill all things yet not the Conscience or hast thou so long strove against the Light in Conscience that thou accountest Conscience nothing for if any thing then thou provest he is in it for he fills all things and doth he fill with darkness or with Light for thy following words in the latter end of thy 11th page are a false Accusation in saying We make that Body that did the Fathers Will by whom we are saved to be extinguished and as to any Substance vanished away as smoke To this I answer I never knew any that had faith in the Light against which thou hast been devising deny Christ's Body but all such know it is a glorious Body and so there needs not much be said to a Lye but the Truth will come over it for no Lye is of the Truth and though thou boasts of a better Foundation then those thou accusest yet all in the Light know the Devil is the Foundation and Author of every lye but who are in the Light and build upon the Light are come to him that is the true Foundation of Generations too and of which Prophets and Apostles bare testimony and is now testified that God was Light and in him was no darkness at all so Life and Truth is over Darkness and falshood this is our Foundation that have not cryed up any Light but Christ that Corner-Stone that grinds to powder all that it falls upon and in page 11. thou goest on to speak of Christ's Church we having said it was his body as though thou wouldst contradict that Truth as well as others sayst it is but his members for whom he layed down his Life but this heady notion being altogether sayest thou condemned by Scripture I cease putting pen to paper in this matter what thou meanest by the heady notion I well know not that except thy own Accusation that thou speakest before but if thou didst apply it to thy precedent words in saying the Saints were but Members in contradiction to those that in truth say his Church is his Body for thou art the first that wouldst make difference between the Members and the Body of Christ that I have heard of b●t some as blind as thy self have gone about to make him two bodies but Members without a Body as thou mak'st with a but I never heard of before but his fulness that filleth all in all is known to them and them only that discern his Body spiritual indeed and seen only with the spiritual eye which being blinded in thy self thou wouldst darken in others And so thou goest on repeating some Scriptures and then calling after thy wonted manner to see that thou canst not show and then again thou beginst and sayest thou givest us to know that the Bedy of our Lord was humane and when thou hast gone on as well as thou canst to prove the first Adam and Christ one then thou goest to make a difference for this man of whom we speak is not the made Image of God as was Adam sayest thou but the express Image of the Fathers Person so having spoken of things thou understands not thou brings a Scripture that thou imaginest would prove it by which thou provest thy own ignorance both of the day and the Scripture that thou art my beloved Son this day have I begotten thee which was sayest thou when the holy Ghost overshadowed Mary All that believe in the Light know the day of his begetting Abraham saw it and was glad David saw it and testified of it hundreds of years before the Virgins Conception at Jerusalem So thou that wouldst not have the Son of God begotten till he was conceived of Mary who art not only out of the Faith of Abraham and David but blinder then the Priests of the World for th●y have and do preach for ought I know that he was begot and begetting from all Eternity and that the day of his Resurection was prophesied of by these words This day have I begotten thee so thou hast so much pored on the humane body as thou callest it that thou must bring forth a birth like thy conception in the dark but I think there is but few that will bow to thy image for thou canst not give it a seeming life neither from Scripture nor Reason And thou goest on and sayest He calleth not God Father as we but how wilt thou prove it no more then thy othe● imaginations for Christ saith My Father and your Father without making a difference but thou differs and denies it But thou deniest Christ Prophets and Apostles words if they will not sure thy imaginations and bringest forth thy blasphemous thoughts for the Son sayst thou was from the Substance of the Father which was not the Diety that was begotten so by thy words wouldst thou make it appear that the substance of God is not Diety nor Divine O stop thy mouth thou imaginary man that in confusion and darkness wouldst speak of that which thou art shut out of for the key of David thou hast not and so canst not know the womb that bare him which was pure nor the seed he took upon him nor his begetting for he the Christ was not conceived in sin as thou wert nor as thou imaginest so thou wert better be silent then exercise thy self in things to high for thee for all that strive against the Light must be shut up in darkness as thou art and so goest on in thy twelf page saying God was in Christ reconciling here thou hast brought a Scripture to overthrow all thy former Doctrine for then it is not the humane that reconciles but God and then thou goest on to repeat what Christ saith had I not come into the World you had had no sin but now your sins remain because ye believe not on him whom God hath sent for I come a Light into the World and this his coming thou wouldst have only at that time at Jerusalem as if he had not come before or since I would enquire of thee Was there no sin nor sins till Christ was manifest at Jerusalem for had I not come into the world you had had no sin for the cause of all sin was and is the not coming to him which saves from sin who was and is and is to come and so he that was the Light saith I am come a Light into the World and the condemnation of the World was and is that men love darkness better then Light because they come not to the Light their ●ins remain and who refuses the Light come not to him that they may have life but in darkness and death read and talk of the Scriptures as thou doest that brings
and Truth and by us testified against that have cryed up no light but that which he that was sent of God bears witness to Christ Jesus These following Lines were added since Robert Cobbits Queries came to my hand and it is manifest his own Work therein hath and shall insnare him I Have read or heard of a Tyrannical Persecutor that among other cruelties invented to destroy the Christians and one was to have them rent in pieces with wild Beasts and to make the Beasts more eager of their prey would clothe the men designed for death in Beasts skins that which brought this to my remembrance is the late works of R. C. and one that writes her self E. A. they being in the same design as the Tyrant was to hinder the increase of Truth and to make the obedient thereto odious to all honest hearted people that are afraid of false gods and worships by declaring that the people called Quakers set up a Light to be trusted in and learned of and say it is God and Christ and then make a relation of such a light as they have invented which they call by many names and as far as I understand by several natures as in reading their writings any may see saying that the Light is the spirit of a man and the light of a humane soul and a formed light and the light of nature and the Accuser and the worm that never dies and yet also that is a Habitation or Dwelling for God and those that he hath given to Jesus Christ with many more such expressions of the insufficiency and badness of their imagined light and then again of the excellency of it to and fro for and against babble indeed and all this to make people believe that we call to such a light as they imagine and have set up in their own brains and that we believe not in Christ the true Light which manner of light which they would have people believe we preach up is their own and the burthen thereof which they would lay upon the Lord's people shall turn upon themselves and the snare they laid shall take them and the least of the many thousands of Israel know their light is darkness and thousands with me can witness that have constantly walked for these thirteen years with these people that these Instruments of envy and strife are risen up against and that in all our time we never heard of any such light as they declare of to be trusted in nay I am bold to say many thousands amongst us never heard of a formed light to be a dwelling place for God and those he will give Christ much less have we believed in such a created lye I answer for the Lord and his chosen and in his presence that searches every heart that I am perswaded that thousands of these people called Quakers would lay down their lives rather then ever confess or bow to such a Light as R. C's and E. A's whom I am willing to joyn together for they have joyned in one iniquity yet there is not much danger that her work will hurt any as her self being so contradictive in it self and to him that is in the same work with her to call that which R. C. calls The Principle of Christ and Gods Dwelling the Tree of Knowledge and in this confusion calls the Quakers Mystery Babylon and so all may see that give heed to the true Light how these Perverters have gone about to clothe the true Worshippers in their idolatrous and monstrous invented errors that by a Lye they might keep from believing the Truth which all the Worshippers in the Spirit of Jesus are led into and never did the People called Quakers since the day of their first coming forth to this day declare of any other Light then the Spirit of Jesus that Word of God that was with God before the World was made that as a two-edged Sword divides between Soul and Spirit but who of this Word have not learned sets up that spirit that is to be divided from for the Word and for the Light here the Mystery of Iniquity entred and is upheld to this day in a pretence of God Antichrist setting mans spirit above all that is called God as God Christ and his Spirit sets up a likeness or the spirit of man to draw from the one Spirit that can only lead into Truth and the obedient thereunto declare as they have learned that by obedience to the Spirit the Soul comes to be sanctified and separated as saith the Apostle Paul from all that separates from God but the Apostle did not say this of the Spirit of the Humane Soul or the Light of Nature but of the Eternal Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead and hath quickned your mortal bodies and this is the Light and Life that we have declared of the Spirit of Life that sets free from sin and death not divided from but proceeding of Father and Son but of this R. C. and E. A. are not learned as may be seen by their imaginations of the Light and Spirit of Christ which the People of God called Quakers have testified of but were it not for a full assurance I have that she and R. C. whom I am called to plead against are Fighters against God I should never have waded in such durt as they have brought forth but being on my heart as an addition to what I have eight months since writ to R. C's first now to speak a little to his many Queries I writ this as a preface thereto not so much for his sake do I writ though unfeignedly I wish he might find a place of repentance as for others whom he is seeking to betray and as the scope of his first work was to perswade people we preached of a false Light and Christ even such a one as he imagined so in these his Queries he would insinuatingly by asking questions and perverting the words of Truth that have formerly been given forth perswade the people as if we denied Christ Jesus of whom the Scriptures testifie And though I have no life in contention but have and do labour in all things to avoid such questions as gender to strife yet having faln on the vain janglings and unprofitable words that he hath filled his paper with for which he shall surely be called to an account with all other his idle words and though it be not my purpose to be large in the matter though in every Query and all his other words therein he manifests his folly and envy therein with his vain repetitions and unprofitable questions and may all be turned upon his head yet I shall only take a perticular notice of some few of them with some of the Lyes he charges the Lords people with and the wicked and blasphemous imaginations he hath of the Son of God and answer to him as our Saviour did to the subtil Generation that came by questions to insnare him who instead of
‖ Know the Tree by the Fruit they that in measure were redeemed out of it having again imbraced this present World and they are such as deny the Lord that bought them even such as the Apostle Jude speaks of that like the first Angels that kept not their first state and likewise that kept not their Habitations but despises Dominion and speaks evil of Dignities so these speak evil of those things they know not but what they naturally knows as bruit Beasts now is not this R. C. and his Disciples that have risen up against the Dignities that are from above running into the way of Cain and perishing in the gainsaying of Corah has not his envy made it manifest O forget not for as it was spoken it is come to pass the Earth hath swollowed up many of you and none shall escape that divise against the Worship in Truth and Spirit and sets up a formed Light and natural Light to be the dwelling of God and his people that he has given to Jesus Christ So thou art manifested to know nothing but what thou knowest naturally as a bruit Beast and so appointest a natural rest for those that believe thy doctrine and warns thy old Friends not to fall short of it for it seems thou knowest not another then what thou knowest naturally but they who are come to the Law of the Spirit of Grace that sets free from sin and death know there is a Rest prepared for the people of God and an entrance thereinto many have and do witness and are set down in heavenly Places with Christ Jesus and this Rest and Glory was before the World was not a formed but that which Christ testifies of he had with the Father before the World was and this shall abide when all thy imaginations shall cease and thy formed Rest fail thee O how restless then shalt thou be when thy hope shall perish but our hope standing in him that is without beginning of dayes or end of life we shall never be ashamed and all that have this hope purifie themselves as God is pure So to thy imagined Rest thou art left where thy trouble and torment will be increased though thou and those deceived by thee and their own evil hearts have rejoyced in iniquity and if any by disobedience to or unbelieving in the Light have been overtaken with evil or run into the pollutions of this World this you Backsliders have gotten to strengthen you in your envy and back-drawing though your own appearance manifests you are one with them that have forsaken the good Way of God and the precious Truth to return to the vanities and customs of this present World denying his blood that hath calld out of the World and the Judgments of him that judgeth in Righteousness you shall not escape but as one shall you all be judged which have dispised the Spirit of Grace or have turned from it into wantonness so your portion shall be one from first to last that have left the good way of God and profained the Name of that Power and Life in which we that believe have and do know the fulfilling of the promise and are become partakers of the Divine Nature and born again thereof and thereby to inherit Life and immortality and an entrance into the Kingdom which all you are shut out of and have no part in And know to the increase of your torment that have writ against the Light thousands in faithfulness thereto are kept out of the pollutions yea and love of this World and witness redemption out of all that which must come to an end and to us are daily added and shall be added all that shall he saved we have not believed a Lye but the Truth and it is stronger then all and shall wear out your Envy and shall overcome all your invented Images and Mischiefs that you have divised against the Lord and his Anointed for the expectations of the Righteous in all generations is come and who through the regeneration have passed are sat down on Thrones and do and shall judge the Tribes of Israel but our reward you cannot see nor pertake of who have been unfaithful to him that called you and so never came to the Election but have betrayed it as faras it lay in you and have grieved many little ones and better had it been for some of you that you had never been born or that a Milstone had been hung about your necks and you thrown into the bottom of the Sea then a wrought the work of evil against the Lord and his Truth which he will more and more raise up and increase against and over all the strength of Hell and they and they only are thy Friends R. C. that in plainness warns thee of the wrath to come which shall overtake thee and all that harden their hearts and stop their ears against that which somtimes pricks them though they kicks against it and some that are stout-hearted shall confess unto when their Joy and Hope shall come to an end but the Lovers and Obeyers of the true Light have Peace and Joy in that which is endless and everlasting therefore the evil purposes and accusations and threats of those that disobey the Gospel cannot disturb nor make us afraid So we would that all men with us that believe in the Light might come to the knowledg of God and be saved but who hate the Light abide in darkness and brings forth confusion as R. C. hath done and there I leave him only Query of him as followeth I. IF the Light and Witness thou sayest the Quakers declares of the worm that will never dies then where is the Rest thou said'st before that God had made or created for his People in the Light in or of the Conscience answer II. Do'st thou imagine the Worm that never dies and the Rest to be both one answer if thou canst III. And I query since thou hast given so many names to the Light in or of the Conscience for it seems thou knowest not which saying It is the Dwelling of God and sometimes a formed Light and sometimes a Rest for the People of God and sometimes Natures Light and the Spirit of a man and the Worm that shall never dye I query if the spirit of a man and natures light be a Dwelling and Rest for God and his People that he hath given to Christ as thou hast said prove if thou canst by Scripture IV. I query of thee what the Conscience is of whose light in or of thou hast brought forth so many strange Images and though thou hast not brought one Scripture for thy many names of the Light in or of the Conscience what is Conscience declare if thou canst V. I query if thou canst bring any Scripture for proving God's Dwelling and his people in the Light of the humane Soul or that the spirit of man is the Rest or that the Rest and the Worm that never dyes
answering gave them a question which they durst not answer neither would he give an answer to them neither should I nor any of the Lord's people that have learned why we came into the World and cannot spend our time here unprofitably but must answer the will of him that sent us that we may render our account with joy ever have put pen to paper to have answered R. C's first or last impertinent or false matters if not called of the Lord for his Truth sake and your sakes that may be hindred or hurt or kept out of the Way of Peace where we have found him whom our souls love and cannot but testifie of his good will unto all that his hands have made and that you may believe the Truth For no other Way Means nor Name did we ever find Salvation by or declare to be believed in for Redemption and everlasting Life then the Son of God and that was and is he of whom the Scriptures declare without any cover or deceit as our enemy intimates that he may deceive but in plainness before the great God that searches every heart and has and will Judge in Righteousness every false Speaker no other Christ have we faith in or testifie of then he that was conceived by the holy Ghost in the Virgins womb and brought forth in the fulness of time as it was prophesied of and was carryed into Egypt to be saved from Herod that pretended to worship but went to murder the Child Jesus This was he that made a good confession before Pilate and was slain by wicked hands but it was impossible that Death should keep him under so he rose and declared unto the woman that was a witness of his Resurrection that he ascended and gave her command to declare to others and so whatever the Scriptures that were given forth by the holy Spirit declare of Christ Jesus his body his Suffering and Rising and his Ascension we believe and he is ascended far above all Heavens that he may fill all things who was and is the everlasting God the mighty Counseller the Prince of Peace yet this I nor any ever knew savingly whatever we have heard or read of it but as it came to be revealed in us by his own Spirit which was the promise of the Father of the Son that were and are one forever and though R. C. blasphemously denies it he pours forth his Spirit on his Sons and on his Daughters and this is the Covenant that they should not depart from him but be taught of him and this was it the Apostles spake of That a measure was given to profit withal and more we know not of God nor Christ then of this we learn and as we receive thereof we give to others and all that believe therein find profiting thereby and are brought into the plain Way and feel their Redemption thereby and Jesus with them that saves from sin and so can no longer worship Idols and so all Image-makers come to be tormented from him that sits at Rome to the least of all the Harlots brood for of her they are and in her sorceries that imagine and sets up any thing to be looked to or trusted in for Life and Salvation but Jesus Christ which is only received and known by his own Spirit And this is the doctrine of the people called Quakers from first to this present day and forever at which all Image-makers rage and are tormented that their Diana's must come down and among which R. C. strugles that his may have a place to be for though he could never stoop to obedience of Truth yet he feels and knows it shakes his images as well as others and fearing the falling thereof makes lyes his refuge but the Truth has and shall come over all and my desire is even to the God of my hope that is Light and in him is no darkness at all that the honest in heart may receive this Testimony and it is true that what ever has been given forth by Prophets Christs mouth or the Apostles or any sent of God concerning or of the Son of God we believe but deny and witness against all the imaginations of the comprehending mind that measures heavenly things in the earthly carnal minde that never could discern the things of God so in this from first to last has the mystery of iniquity wrought and been brought forth talking of the flesh and blood of Jesus yet never come to eat thereof nor to know an effectual cleansing thereby but offering despite unto the Spirit of Grace which brings Salvation and whilst they are talking of the Blood that was shed at Jerusalem they trample the Blood of the new Covenant under foot from the Mother of Harlots to the least of her false begotten Children among which R. C. is to be testified against and the call of the Lord is to come out from all their Sorceries the images and likenesses of heavenly things to the Substance Power and Life that the Lord in this our day has visited us with the day-spring from on high the Hope of the Righteous in all Generations that many are come to partake of and receive Life the Life that shall never have an end this is by the Spirit of Life So blessed be all and every one that hath an ear to hear what the Spirit saith R. C. I Have lookt over thy many Queries and finding them unprofitable not tending to the edification of any but to stir up strise so I said in my heart If thou hadst believed the Scriptures or understood the words of Truth that hath often been sounded in thy ears thou hadst never asked such Questions some of which thou knowst we never denied and hadst thou ever come to the one thing in which there is no Error thou hadst not so run into the many things in which all err and though thy darkness be great as all must be that would have the knowledg of God and heavenly things by any other way then the Spirit of Christ yet I have cause to fear that in the Spirit that lusts to envy thou charges that upon us that thou doest not believe we are guilty of for thou hearing us so many years only to testifie of the one thing the Gift of God and the Spirit of Jesus that faithful and true Witness that was with God in the beginning and never hearing any that bear testimony to or for the Light speak of any other for Salvation but the only begotten of God couldst thou think we meant any other that thou shouldst devise so many errors and false Opinions to place on us and yet not be able to bring any of our words or writings that so many years together thou wert so conversant with to prove that we ever cryed up any such things as thou charges us with what will the end be of wilful sinning didst thou ever hear us set up or call to any witness but the Spirit of Christ and thou