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A59383 Olbia, the new i[s]land lately discovered with its religion and rites of worship, laws, customs, and government, characters and language : with education of their children in their sciences, arts and manufactures with other things remarkable / by a Christian pilgrim, driven by tempest from Civita Vecchia, or some other parts about Rome, through the straits, into the Atlantick Ocean ; the first part, from the original. Sadler, John, 1615-1674. 1660 (1660) Wing S278; ESTC R9276 335,173 410

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more than That I will not be your God or I will not shew you mercy Or Thou shalt Die and thou shalt not Live as it was said to Hezekiah and yet he did not Die but Live Or that to Samuel or Jeremiah Thou shalt not Pray for This man or This people Which yet it may be made them Pray More than they did before and so perhaps was One good means to recover them that else might have been so irrecoverable And so This very saying of Christ if he had so said I will not Pray for the world might have been a great means to save the World and to recover them by convincing them of their forlorn and desperate estate For This may be one great End of the heaviest Threatnings in the Scripture not only to shut men under fear and guilt that so they may be fitter Objects of Pity and Mercy but to Convince them also that they may be in a way for mercy It being the great Art of the Holy Ghost to work along with the Word sutable to the Subject and Object it hath to work upon And in a sharp Threatning it is as Vinegar or burnt Allum or some Corrasive to putrid flesh that must be taken off And How will a poor Soul Tremble under This That Christ who is Love it self should once say I will not Pray for you As every one is ready to apply it to himself while under the Convincing Work of the Spirit which is promised to Convince the world also of sin and Righteousness But he doth not say I Will not Pray for the world but only I Do not Just perhaps as in the Chapter before he said to his own Disciples I do not say I will pray for you for the Father himself loveth you And in That day you shall ask me Nothing And hitherto you have asked Nothing Which are Negatives comparative not absolute And why not This also I do not pray only or mainly and chiefly for the world but for Those thou hast given me out of the world And it may be Christ finds enough upon him as a Man and so only he Prayes to mind his Elect and care for Them Though God and He also as God Loveth the world also and the Peoples in distinction from Israel as Moses expresseth it Yea and He was given also for the world and sent to bear away the sins of the world and not to condemn but save the world and to be a Propitiation for the sins of the world As we read with many such passages in This very Apostle who records This Prayer And if we take the words asstrictly as we may being only in the Present Tence I do not yet Pray for the world We know not how soon he yet might pray for the world also Though he Now did not Seeing in this very Prayer towards the end he prayed for others Many others then he Now Prayed for at the beginning of it And I know not but the VVorld might Then come in also if I should grant it did not Now. Epecially seeing One great End of all he asked for his Disciples also and for all others was that the World may come to know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them as thou hast loved me And in the beginning of this very Prayer Christ sheweth that it is Eternal Life to know God and Him whom God had sent And by this he proved that his Disciples knew the Name of God and kept his Word because they now believed that God sent him and knew surely that he was come out from God And yet in the latter end of this Prayer he beggeth so and so for His and all that should believe that the whol World also might come to know that God had sent him and had loved them as he loved him Which may be added to That we noted in the chap. before VVhen the Comforter shall come to You he shall Convince the VVorld also of sin and of Righteousness And yet as himself and St. Paul also said the World as the World and the Carnal man as Carnal did not receive conceive or understand the Spirit or the things thereof So in a safe sence also we may say Christ did not Then Pray for the World that As the World they might be saved or be Happy while they remained Such But that they might be changed and called out of the World and so Turned from Darkness to Light from the Power of Satan unto God and then might also receive an Inheritance among them that are sanctified through Faith in Christ. Which was the sum of This Prayer it may be and the great Commission given by our Lord himself when he sent Paul to the Gentiles and made him a Minister and Witness or Martyr also to the whole World And He gives us This Sum of the Gospel he was to preach That God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself and Not imputing their sins And the Mystery of Godliness God manifest in the Flesh and believed on by the VVorld And if any take the VVorld here for the Systeme of Elements and not for Men of the World I may say Christ also might mean only the Worldly Systeme which he prayed not for but for all men of the world and in the world But St. Paul in several places saith and that also in the Spirit or person of Christ whom we found before as Ezekiel the strong God and yet the Son of Man to be the great Watcher and Warner for every man and as Ezekiel bid to order a Sacrifice for every one that erreth and is simple he was Warning every man and Teaching every man in all Wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus And he bids us Love All men and prayes they might Love All men even as He loved them Yea and we are bid to Honour All men For Man is the Image and Glory of God And directly against the sence which some suppose in Christs words I pray not for the World but for These St. Paul exhorts first of all That Prayers Intercessions Supplications yea and giving of Thanks also be made for All men Which he saith is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour Who Will directly Will have All men All men to be saved and to come unto the knowledg of the Truth For there is One God and One Mediator between God and Men All Man-kind the Man Christ Jesus who gave himself a Ransom for All for he is the Propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but for the sins of the whole World to be testified or witnessed or manifest in due season or its proper seasons For it is plural in the Original expressing divers several and proper seasons for the manifestation of That Truth to the World Of which we may speak again in Times and Seasons And yet also in a True and safe sence we may say Christ loveth not the World as the World nor
my Name even to the Ten Tribes of Israel and I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my Name even for my Name which now he fights against And when Ananias came he laid his hands upon him saying Brother Saul the Lord even Jesus who appeared to thee in the way hath sent me that thou mayest receive thy sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost Adding also as Saint Paul observeth to the chief Captain and people of Ierusalem The God of our fathers hath chosen thee that thou shouldest know his Will and see that just One and hear the voice of his mouth for thou shalt be his witnesse unto all men And now why tarriest thou Arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins for even those that were baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire like the Apostles at Pentecost yet were to be baptized with water also as we see in the History of Cornelius calling on the Name of the Lord. And that it was the Lord Jesus on whose Name he bad Paul pray and that he prayed to him is very plain by that which Paul himself addeth to those words Arise and call upon the Name of the Lord And while I prayed in the Temple I fell in a Trance and saw him saying to me Hast and get thee out of Ierusalem for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me And I said Lord they know that I imprisoned and beat in every Synagogue those that believed on thee And when the blood of thy Martyr Stephen was shed I also was standing by and consenting to his death and kept the raiment of them that slew him And he said unto me Depart for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles As before Unto my people Israel Which may be one among other divers other Reasons why I may think the Ten Tribes scattered among them were then also called Gentiles yea and that they might be even some of those Gentiles while they were to be called Loammi and Loruhama though afterwards the very same people were to be called Ammi and the people of God as an Emblem also that the world should come to be the Lords Ammi and Ruhama from Loammi Loruhama Israel being but the first fruits of the world as we may clear anon And there are many things which makes me a little suspect that some Gentile Nations as they seem may be some of the Ten Tribes or at least the posterity of Abraham by Keturah or by Ishmael if not by Isaak also through Esau especially the old Saxons and those Northern people whose very Lawes Customs and Language savour so much of the Hebrew in very many things and words besides their common use of A and The for Articles with very many Monosillables and words written with ch gh gn cn or kn th dh wh wr. fr. And many others plainly Hebrew sounds In another place also Paul giving an account of this matter to Agrippa the King saith I verily thought I ought to do many things contrary to the Name of Jesus of Nazareth which I did also having received authority from the chief Priests and I punished them in every Synagogue and compelled them to blaspheme styling himself also a Blasphemer And being exceeding mad against them c. But being strucken down and hearing a voice speaking I said Who are thou Lord And he said I am Jesus whom thou persecutest But arise and stand upon thy feet for I have appeared to thee for this purpose to make thee a Minister and a Martyr both of these things which thou hast seen and those in which I wil appear unto thee Delivering thee from the people of the Jews and from the Gentiles unto whom now I send thee To open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God that they may receive forgivenesse of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith which is in me Which I cite so largely because I take it for the best compendium of the Gospel and a true Ministers Commission that I remember And that phrase of Faith in me not only on me but in me seemeth not by chance but so considerable that Saint Paul often useth it in divers places especially to the Galatians where he calleth it Faith of Christ or Christs faith as if he would say He lived and was saved by faith indeed but that which was in Christ rather then in himself or Christs faith rather then His as if Christ by believing for he was justified by faith also in a true sense did not only carry out himself but all his Members also from the Grave and Death and Hell to life and glory And to summe up all I have or should deliver of Pauls observing prayers unto Jesus Christ 't is said in the Ninth of the Acts That when he Preached Christ in the Synagogues that he is the Son of God all that heard him were amazed and said Is not this he that destroyed them which called on this Name and came hither that he might bring them bound to the chief Priests So that it is clear it was in Pauls account the great Badge of a Christian and the distinguishing Character of Christian profession And it is worth observing How he useth that Name and what a stresse he put upon it all along his life and writings Having obtained help of God saith he I continue witnessing to small and great saying no other things then what Moses and the Prophets said that Christ should suffer and should be the first the very first that should rise from the Dead though others might be raised before him and should shew light unto the People and to the Gentiles Which also he cites to the Jews in that most remarkable Sermon at Anioch Acts the Thirteenth of the sure mercies or holy things of David promised to every one that thirsteth and cometh to the waters and many other particulars concluding with their turning to the Gentiles as the Lord commanded saying I have set thee to be a Light to the Gentiles and for salvation to the utmost ends of the earth And the Psalm addeth To them also that are afar off in the seas and America in the Hebrew may signifie a People afar off though I believe that Phrase in the Psalms may mean some farther or mere lost or miserable then the poor Americans So old Simeon said Christ was to be a Light to lighten the Gentiles first to lighten the Gentiles and then to be the glory also to Israel his people Israel Whence People often opposed to the Gentiles And another Simeon at the great Council Acts 15. saith God put no difference between them and us purifying their hearts by faith But we believe saith he that through the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved even as they Here Paul learned or might learn his Character or proper mark he giveth them of his genuine Epistles The Grace of our Lord
fulness of Christ. And concludes that Epistle Peace be to the Brethren and Love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ Grace be with All them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity Amen So to the Philippians every where Especially in that famous place of Bowing in the Name of Jesus paralel to that of the Psalm Early will I seek thee and ever will I bless thee and lift up my hands as here bow the knee in thy Name when I pray I will pray in thy Name and confesse to the glory of God which Christ challengeth to himself in the Prophet Isaiah and at conclusion The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all Amen And in the Epistle to the Colossions For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell and having made Peace by the blood of his cross by him to reconcile All things unto Himself by Him whether they be things in Earth or things in Heaven Which to the Ephesians is according to the good pleasure of his will which he had purposed in himself that in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather All into One in Christ All things in Heaven or Earth even in him And to the Thessalonians Now God Himself and our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ direct our way to you and the Lord make you to increase and abound in Love to One another and to all men even as we to you that he may establish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God And again That the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you and ye in Him according to the Grace of our God and the Lord Iesus Christ. And again Now our Lord Iesus Christ himself and God even our Father which hath loved us for the Father is Love and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace comfort your hearts and stablish you in every good word and work And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and patience of Christ. Now we command you brethren in the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ that you withdraw from every brother walking disorderly yet count him not an enemy but admonish him as a brother Now the God of Peace himself give you Peace alwayes by all means The Lord be with you All. The salutation of Paul with mine own hand which is the token in every Epistle so I write The Grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you all Amen And it may also be observed that what we read be with you might be read is with you and so it is not onely a prayer but a promise and assurance that the grace of Christ is with All calling on Christ and so believing on him for how can they call on him on whom they believe not And Timothy This is a faithful saying and worthy of All Acce●ation as much or more then all the Mazoreth or Kab● that Christ Jesus came into the World to save sinners of whom I am chief Now unto the King Immortal Eternal Invisible the onely wise God which Jude also calleth Our Saviour speaking in the language of this very Text be honour and glory for ever and ever Amen Which he subjoyns on this Great Cause I obtained Mercy that in me first Iesus Christ might shew forth all long-suffering for a patern to them even to all them that should hereafter believe on him to Eternal life So that Christ did not mainly mind Paul in shewing him that patience and kindnesse but did it to Him that he might be a patern unto others even unto all others that should ever after believe even to all Eternity And to the same Timothy he writeth Flee also fleshly lusts but follow Righteousness Faith Charity Peace with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart And concludes the Lord Iesus Christ be with thy spirit Grace be with you Amen The great businesse of St. Peters Epistle is to presse forward in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and so he concludes Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ to him be glory both now and for ever Amen Which also runs very much through the whole Epistle The Revelation of Jesus Christ wch God gave to him to shew to his servants is ful of prayers praises blessings of and from and to the same Jesus Who so plainly calling himself the first and the last which is and was and is to come the great Iehovah Lord God Almighty leads us plainly to the paralel places in the Prophet Isaiah where he saith the same of himself adding also that there is no other God or indeed no other True Being besides himself Representing himself in several species or Idea's For Plato was not the first that taught there was but One which yet was All. And yet again in the same chapter of that Prophet he saith Lo here I am and His spirit hath sent me even the Lord God and His Spirit though I am God and there is none besides me or none else but I and in me and One with me as the Root and every Branch is One with the Vine And in the same Prophet It is this One True God the First and the last and so All True Being which yet is sent by God and anointed by his Spirit and so the Messias or-Jesus Christ which plainly sweareth by Himself and therefore hath no greater that every knee shall bow or pray to Him and every tongue shall confess to Him which the Apostle citeth in that noted place of praying in the Name of Jesus and confessing to the glory of God even the Father also And may we add or may we not add what Christ of himself said If God be glorified in Him or in Them will not God also glorifie Him or Them with Himself Yea he will shortly do it nay he hath already done it before any other can glorifie Him for who can give him first or lend to him that it may be paid again To this also we might refer those passages of holding fast his Name and not denying his Name and confessing his Name as he will also confesse their names before his Father and the holy Angels both in the Gospels and Revelation and the call and Counsel of Christ as also the Fathers Drawing being that we come to Christ and learn of Him and buy of Him and open to Him that is still knocking to come in till his locks be wet with dew and his spirit be not onely abused but dispised and blasphemed argue much our speaking praying to him as well as hearing him who indeed is the end of the Fathers Teachings and Drawings so that he that hath heard and learned of the Father cometh wil come to Jesus Christ and converseth with him as a man with his friend whom he most loveth and honoureth also And the Angels of Heaven for they are all bid to worship him as we
Neighbor and it took in a Samaritan with one of Jerusalem though at more defiance and distance of heart and affection than of Place or Nation For this also see the 2. of the Hebrews and the 10. last verses And we may see what a stress God himself put and would have Us put upon This that Christ is our Brother by That Great Promise in Moses cited so often in the new Testament I will raise them up a Prophet from among their Brethren like unto Thee which words are also expressly repeated several times in the Acts. A Prophet of your Brethren like unto me Which is also the more considerable because in the very next Chapter before This Promise of Raising up a Brother Prophet It is also strictly commanded that when at any time they desired a King they might not choose a Stranger which was not a Brother but from among thy Brethren shalt thou set a King over thee Which is also several times pressed and repeated with an especial Emphasis on that of a Brother and from among your Brethren So that I may now tell Christ that I neither do nor may receive him either as a Priest or Prophet or King but as he is and so must be My Brother Else he is not That Prophet which the Lord promised to raise nor may I choose or set him King over me except he will own himself to be my Brother and so carry himself towards me and must not exalt himself above his Brethren Which was read it seems at the Coronation of their Kings and the Jews tell us of such piercing looks at the Reading of This before Agrippa was admitted or Crowned for their King that Himself also could not hold from Tears because he was not their Brother Born but only made And when their King was chosen and set over them He is bounded and limitted in that Law and the great Reason is added that his Heart be not lifted up above His Brethren One of the great things required of the King set over them was This That when he sate on the Throne of his Kingdom he should write him a Copy of the Law out of that which was before the Priests and he must read therein all the daies of his life that he may learn to fear the Lord his God to keep all the words of this Law and these statutes to do them as we read expressly in the 17. of Deuteronomy The Phrase of Writing when he sate on the Throne of his Kingdom hath made me remember that when the Revelation hath with very great solemnity brought Christ or the Lamb to the Throne of his Glorious Kingdom He that sate upon the Throne said Behold I make All things even All things New Write saith He to St. John For these words are true and faithful And is it not a most sweet Promise seeing All in Christ Jesus must be New Creatures that Himself promiseth to make All New Yea and that also sitting on his Throne and bidding it be written with a Behold also before it as a faithful and True saying of Him also who before his death promised that being lifted up he would draw all men to him And being lifted up and set on his Throne instead of Writing the Law in Tables of stone or other materials he promiseth in the Prophets to Write it in our Hearts and by that also to make us New and to give us a New Heart and Mind and Spirit yea His Spirit in us and by This to make us New Another great matter to be pressed also upon Christ our King sitting on the Throne of his Kingdom out of that very Law of Moses is this That he must so Write the Law for himself that he must study it and Keep it also all his life Even the very same Law he gives and governs by he himself must Write it and study it and Keep it To us all his daies Which St. Paul also hath taught us saying That he was not only made of a woman as we observed before but also Made Under the Law and that he was made Like us in All things but sin and therefore in Obedience also Nay as if it would be vain to promise the Law written in our hearts before it was written in his own he professeth in the fortieth Psalm that it was written of him that he should do the Will of God even the whole Will of God yea it was written in his heart also so that he came to do it and delighted in it even with his whole heart As we also find the Law written over a second time by God himself in the new Tables also that Moses as the forerunner of Christ had prepared after he had broken the First Tables made and written by God as an Emblem of our Hearts written and broken also yea and renewed too by the Law new written in them and put in the Ark a Type of the Heart covered by the Mercy Seat representing Christ also covering and comprehending the Law over-shadowed also with the Cherubins of Glory as the Seat and Throne of God dwelling between the Cherubins who stand prying into the Ark or Heart of Man and the Law in it seeing by the Churches the manifold Wisdom of God is made known to the very Angels who thus pry into the mysteries of Christ. This I take to be one of the sweetest things I ever learned or can teach another that the same person who is to Teach and judg and govern me is made under the same Law with me Yea rather more than I or the first Adam was who was Put or Brought under the Law rather then Made under it as Christ Was. So that he can as soon cast out his own Being as he can cast out the Law of God or any one Title of it from his own heart Which hath it All so moulded and rivetted into it self that Heaven and Earth shall pass away much sooner than any one Tittle or Jota of the Law of God pass away or be unperformed by him For he came not to disanul the Law but to perform it in his own person most of All. And while others dispute for whom he did it I ask only Whether we think or doubt he did it not in his own person Which is one of the greatest things I therefore study that by seeing All the Law in its greatest Latitude I may see the Duty of Christ for I may so speak with Reverence and his great Obligation both to God and Man and his Joy and Delight being written in his Heart to do the whole Law of God So God spake to Joshua that great Type of Jesus Thou shalt divide the Land and make them possess it only be strong that thou mayest observe to do All the Law of Moses my Servant that thou mayest be wise or prosper in all thou dost which is Thence in the Psalms and to Solomon divers others and I will never leave thee Which is also applied to us
terrour of the Lord might perswade men yea and save them by fear and with much compassion catch them as brands out of that horrible pit of which we read so much in Job and the Psalmes and our Saviours own words also besides other Scriptures And dyed this Abner Father of light or Fathers light as Naball or a Fool dyeth Was he drunken also as Naball Or did his heart dye in him or becmoe as a stone before he died Will he not improve his death and all his sufferings all he may Is his heart narrow or his eye evill to himself also Doth he envy us shall I say or himself his full recompence of Reward for which he despised the Crosse and endured the shame and pain being promised that he should see the travell of his soul and be satisfied not only contented but fully Satisfied for all the travel of his soul which should have a full recompence yea a Reward also Will he then lose the things that he hath wrought and Suffered also Which hath oft sounded in my eare or heart from his beloved Disciple to the elect Lady which might represent the whole Elect and Church and Spouse of Christ who cryeth to us all in the words of that Disciple Look to your selves and I am taught to say Lord Look thou to it also that we lose not the things we have wrought or born but that we may receive a full a very full Reward also I should tire you much to observe one quarter of that St. Paul speaketh of the Sufferings of Christ and the mighty weight and stresse he layeth on them yea and upon the very little drops of them he felt or bore in his own person which yet he calleth the sufferings of Christ and to fill up the sufferings of Christ. Which in himself also he is bold to say were for the Consolation and Salvation also of others yea of many others as he writeth to the Corinthians and with them also he joyned all that in all places called on Jesus Christ as we noted before And to the Colossions having said of Christ that it pleased the Father that in him all fulness should dwell and having made peace through the blood of his Cross by him to reconcile all things to himself which afterwards in that very Chapter and to the Ephesians also he calleth the Mistery of his will according to his good pleasure which he had purposed in himself to be compared with the 5. to the Romans many other Scriptures He addeth also that this Gospell was preached to every Creature under heaven as our Lords commission was Whereof I Paul am made a Minister who now rejoyce in my sufferings for you and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions or sufferings of Christ in my flesh for his Bodies sake which is the Church And to Timothy he writes For the which cause I also suffer these things Therefore I endure all things for the Elects sake for the Elects sake that they may also obtain the Salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternall glory And to the Philippians In my Bonds you All are partakers of my grace Yea and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your Faith I joy and rejoyce with you all But if Christ neither loved us nor himself or valued his own Glory or his own Sufferings yet his love to his Father or his very duty to him though he did not love him may be found a great foundation of our Faith and Hope in him and in God through him And for this I may not only cite the Scriptures that speak of Gods loving Christ because he loved us and laid down his life for us One of the sweetest and the strangest sayings in the B●ble But also as Paul said A necessity is laid upon me and wo to me if I do not preach the Gospell Even so our Saviour also This Commandement I have received of my Father And had he not received it he neither would nor could have given that Commandement to others which he so often presseth and repeateth as his own his new Commandement to all his Children Friends or servants that they love one another as even as he loved them which was to lay down his life for them and this Commandement he received of his Father and solemny professeth he never said a word but what and how and as the Father spake it to him nor did ever do a work but what he saw the Father do and what he did as if the Father also Suffered in him Nor shall we go far to search for this Commandement of God to him either in that of Ezekiel the son of man the great Watch man and the great Warner at whose hand God would require the soules of all that were under him who are all men yea and at the price and weight of his own blood with which he must therefore prepare a sacrifice for every one that erreth and is simple as we touched before to be compared with the 53 of Esay and divers other Scriptures And the 58 of the same Prophet sheweth how it delighteth the soul of God that Christ should break every yoak and deal his bread to the hungry and bring the poore and them that are cast out or banished into his own House when he doth but see a man naked though he weep not beg not yet to cover him and not to hide himself from his own flesh If then thou draw out thy soul thy very soul to the hungry and satisfie the aff●icted soul the Lord shall guide thee continually c. One of the sweetest promises in all the Bible and yet sweeter if we consider it spoken to Christ before it was to us and then follow the gracious promises upon the keeping of the Sabboth in which also we shall find our Saviour very much concerned But the very ten Commandements and all the Law of God through all the Bible which he took upon him and was made under it was written in his heart and so rivetted in that he can unmake himself again as soon as leave or lose one tittle of that Wise and Just and Holy Law of God which is all yet one Royall Law of Love Did not himself summe it all up into Love Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and soul and mind and might and there is another word of Love yet like to this a strange expression like to this or as good as this or as much required and accepted as this and of as much stresse and strength or force as this which is Thou must love thy Neighbour also as thou lovest thy self Yea and this is not only as the former of loving God but rather before i● in Gods account as we may find in his beloved Disciple and divers others So that God will much sooner dispence with his own love and h●s worship even of the Sabboth day as we find in our Saviours own words
one as thou Father art in me and I in Thee that they also may be One in us And for this also I pray and make it my dying request That the World even the whole World may beleeve that thou hast sent me As now my Disciples do and are happy by it For it is Life eternall to know thee the only true God and whom thou hast sent Jesus Christ. Yea I have yet one thing more to desire for the World even for the World also though I did not so pray for them in the beginning of my Prayer And the glory that thou gavest me I have given them that they may be One as we are One and that the World may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them as thou hast loved me And again I have declared thy Name and I will declare it that the Love wherewith thou lovest me may be in them and I in them Plainly intimating that All that come to Know his Name which he will ever declare shall come to Love God being Loved of him with the same love he loved Christ. To whom he gave many great Revelations not for himself as he said when the voyce came from heaven I have glorified my Name and will glorifie it again But that He might shew them to his Children and so great is his goodnesse to his Servants also Thus his Father Abraham was called the Friend of God because he knew his mind to which also Christ alludeth it may be more then once and was made his Privy Councellor For how or why should I hide from Abraham the thing or any thing I do seeing that Abraham shall surely become a Great and mighty Nation All the Nations of the Earth shal be blessed in him For I know him that he will command his Children and his Houshold after him his Houshold after him for he took his Enocks or his Catechised men to pursue the four Kings And they shall keep the Way of the Lord to do Justice and Judgement that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him Which was to be a Blessing to All Nations yea and to All Families and by consequence Housholds of the Earth Which is perfectly fulfilled in Christ that Blessed Seed whose seed also must be as the sand on the Sea shore yea and as the Dust of the Earth for multitude for I saw a multitude which none could number in the Revelation and as the stars also through All the Heavens for Glory And yet these are only the First Born or those that turn others to Righteousnesse Being Kings and Priests to God and his Father But there are others also that shall be as the Firmament though not so bright as the Starrs For so we read in the last of Daniel and of Starrs also there is great difference and severall Magnitudes as St. Paul tells us in the 15. to the Corinthians As his Master also said In my Fathers House are many and it may be very different Mansions Every one also of that Blessed Seed and of the first Born hath the Blessing of Abraham and is a Child of the Promise as Isaac was and is so made Blessing unto All Nations and Families of the Earth and hath the Sure Mercies of David also as we touched before to Him and his Seed after Him Which may be hinted also in the close of the second Commandment For what is there said Of Gods shewing mercy unto thousands is plainly meant of Thousand Generations as appeareth by the opposition of three or four Generations before in the same Commandement And in the 7. of Deutronomy it is so expressed Know therefore that the Lord thy God he is God the faithful God Which keepeth Covenant and Mercy also which is hence remembred by Daniell and Nehemiah wi●h them that love him and keep his Commandments even to a Thousand Generations Which also plainly sheweth that the words of the second Commandement are not to be restrained to those only that actually love God and walk in his Commandements themselves But to their Seed also even to a Thousand Generations And in the name of Goodnesse proclaimed to Moses this of Keeping Mercy for Thousands is written with a very Great and unusuall Letter as to intimate some unexpressible Greatnesse of Goodnesse as the Jews will teach us And those which are not the Seed of Abraham may yet be within the thousand Generations of Noah who was also a Perfect man in his Generations and very dearly beloved and Blessed by God who also blessed his Sonns and made an everlasting Covenant with them And his mercy is to a thousand Generations yea to All Generations as the Psalmes expresse it from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him and their Childrens Children Whereas on the other side when he would expresse his great Jealoufie and visiting the Fathers Iniquity upon their Children it is but for three or four Generations VVhich is so far from such a Threatning as may be taken by some that it is very great Goodnesse That the worst of Gods Visitations here threatned shall be only for three or four Generations was so proclaimed by God when he caused all his Goodnesse to passe before Moses who also repeated this on God as a promise when he interceeded for Israel at their making the Calf which sure he would not have then pressed if he had not taken it for a great peece of Goodnesse as it was the last in that great Proclamation and God useth to reserve his Best for the last And when Moses heard it he made hast to worship as if he had now seen the very worst of God to be Very Good and much better then he knew before Though it was a good Report he had long had of Gods Goodnesse but not half or it may be the thousand part of that which will be known When he shall come to be Admired by All that Beleeve Yea and That also of Not holding guiltless or not Quitting the Guilty speaketh Goodness also and was in his Name of Goodness Proclaimed to Moses and so taken by Him and repeated and pressed on God as an argument for Pardoning and sparing the poore People when the Calf was made And God answered I have Pardoned according to thy Word And truly All the earth shall be filled with the Glory of the Lord or with the Salvation of God as we have found by comparing two Psalms together and the 40 of Esay with the Evangelist c●ing it which is a very Sweet and Gracious Promise By which we may clearly see that the worst of those Expressions did not mean Eternall Punishment but only such a Visitation for some few Generations as might very well stand with Pardoning So that the persons so Visited should not be destroyed for the Lord visits not to destroy but to save but yet Chastened and Corrected in measure and not wholly left unpunished As we find the very same Phrase used by God
It shall be so Amen For the whol Earth also must Rest and keep its Sabboth And not only the Land of Israel which was but as the First Fruits of the Earth and That had such a strict Command of observing Sabbatical Years that they must stay so many yeers in Babylon as the Land should have kept Sabboths by the Law while They were in it As we may find in that remarkable Discourse of God on Mount Sinai in the 25 26. of Leviticus which I have somtimes thought not only the Epitome of the whole Law but the Foundation of the Gospel also to be very often considered Yea and the Wilderness shall be as Lebanon and Carmel Yea Every Tree of the Forest shall clap hands and sing and rejoyce in praising God As we read in many places of the Psalms and Prophets Yea and the Gospel must be preached to every Creature under Heaven and the whole Creation longeth and travelleth for it is now made subject to Bondage but in Hope for it shall be delivered from the Bondage of Corruption into the glorious Liberty of the Sons of God For God is able even of stones to raise up sons to Abraham Whose seed must be as the Dust and more than all the stones of the Earth And we also can dayly Turn Plants and Beasts yea and Pearls and other stones also into our own selves and our spirits so as that they give us also a New spirit and refresh and joy our souls yea and the Heart of God also as Jotham saith in That remarkable Parable of the Trees choosing them a King How much easier is it for an Infinite God to Turn All these into himself and his own Image by his Spirit making All things New as they All came out first from him and must All return to him For of him and from him and To him are All things From the Throne of God and his Lamb when His Kingdom comes shall issue out Waters of Life Yea to the Sea also even the Dead Sea and they shall bring Healing with them And where ever the Waters come there shall be Life and Healing For the very Leaves of the Trees on the Banks of those Waters shall serve for Healing os the Nations even of the Gentile Nations And the VVilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them and the Desert shall rejoyce and blossom as the Rose It shall rejoyce abundantly with joy and singing The Glory of Lebanon shall be given to it The Excellency of Carmell and Sharon They shall see the glory of the Lord and the Excellency of our God Yea All the Earth shall Rest and Rejoyce and be full of the Glory of God as Waters fill up the Sea And Then the Lord shall be called the God of All the Earth and the Possessor of Earth as well as Heaven Which was the phrase used by Melchizedeck in blessing Abraham when he had pursued the four Monarchs or four Monarchies to Dan even to Judgment and brought back the Captivity of Sodom also of which we read in several places Although Sodom was so accursed and made a Perpetual Desolation that it is a Type of Hell or of the worst Judgments in all the Bible Yet even Sodom must return again and her Daughters And when our Lord Jesus Exulted in spirit as he saith Abraham did to see his Day he said I bless thee Father Lord of Heaven and Earth even of the Earth also as of Heaven as alluding to that Blessing of Melchizedecks at the return of Sodoms Captivity And the Revelation tells us that when the seventh Angel sounded there was great Voyces or Joy in Heaven saying The Kingdoms of this world are become the Lords and His Christs and he shall reign for ever and ever And the twenty four Elders blessed God that yet at length he had taken to him his great Power and reigned and the Nations were Angry and thy Wrath is come and the time of the Dead that they should be Judged and that thou shouldest Reward Thy Saints c. and shouldest destroy them which destroy the Earth And Then the Temple of God was opened in Heaven c. Where before the twenty four Elders and the four Watchers also had blessed the Lamb that They should come even out of Heaven to Reign upon the Earth even upon the Earth As if the Earth should be the Centre also to All the Glory of God and that it should be more and greater on the Earth than it is in Heaven And yet it may be remembred that from the very first sin of Adam in Paradice the Earth was the Great that I say not the Only Object of the Curse of God The Serpent it self was not Absolutely Cursed but above all Cattel and above every Beast of the field And when the Earth shall be New moulded yet Dust shall be the Serpents meat as we read Esay 65. Adam must labor and sweat the Woman must be in subjection and bring forth in pain but not a word of Cursing them For God had loved them and Blessed them Yea and they shall be Blessed But the Ground is Cursed for Mans sake and in sorrow must he eat thereof All the daies of his life Yea it shall bring forth thorns and thistles and when Nothing else comes after Dews and Rain of Heaven It is nigh unto Cursing as we read in the Epistle to the Hebrews And when the Cursed Earth had also drunk up the blood of Righteous Abel every word of our Savior is Remarkable Then Cain the Murderer as every One is that Hateth his brother was also Cursed from the Earth but not from Heaven that we read and yet a Sacrifice was provided and laid at his door for sin that he may have Dominion over it Though I shall not here dispute the Jews Tradition that Cain also was saved Or that the Earth it self was cursed as a Type of our Heart or somwhat in us more spiritual than our fleshly Heart which is a Metathesis of Earth as in Hebrew of Babel which is Lebab the Heart turned backward And an Heart turned back from God is but Babel Confusion As the Earth which the Lord cursed Bringing forth nothing but Thorns and Thistles yet its Conception is greatly multiplied and its sorrow But I must not here shew How our Body represents the whole World with its three Regions of Heaven above in our Head and the Earth below in our Heart with its Pericardium of Waters compassed with the Lungs as the Air separate by the Firmament of the Midriff from the Heaven above in the Head and the Waters under the Earth in the Bowels which in Heb are expressed by the same word with the Waves of the Sea whose Rowlings and Ebbings and flowings are much akin to the motion and yearnings of our Bowels And in Scripture the off-spring of our Bowels is compared to the Sand of the Sea and the gravel thereof As the Hebrew words for the Thoughts of
That we read in the Revelat. of 12 drawn into 12 or squared And of 12 times 12000 or 144000 like the Clakins which the Jews find in 144 Hours called the First Fruits of the Earth as the Hours of the First Week were the First Fruits of Time or of the World before the Sabbath That also which the Revelation speaks of 666 as the number of the Beast which so many have believed to be an Epocha of some great Change in the World may be compared with the Changes of the Moon and several Months which both Ancient and Modern have observed And 666 Hours bring us to high Noon of the fourth Sabbath or 28 Day Which is the end of one Month and beginning of the Moons Changes and Months from Thence to the 700 Hour in the 30 Day Which I touch the rather because That is the Number of the very Letters in the Hebrew Olam which is both the World and also Ever or Eternity or the Hidden Time of the Worlds Duration or Great Change thereof which it may be still comes out in 666 Years or at most 700. As the Moons Changes are in so many Hours And I know not any Nation or Kingdom of the Earth as another Moon to the Moon that hath not felt great changes in That Revolution And the very Phrase of Olam or Hidden may perhaps lead us to the Moons Hiding in her Change whence she comes Alma which in Heb is a Virgin or an Hidden Beauty As in other Languages Alma Virgo Alma Mater and the like To be compared also with the Wonder in Heaven A Woman in the Sun with the Moon at her Feet Which we touched before Moses maketh 70 Years a Mans Age or His Fulness of Time or Millo And the Hebrew word to fill is 70 or 71. in Numbers And Davids 70. Years was the fourteenth 70. from Abrahams Birth who as the Jews say lived 58 Years with Noah which in Hebrew is 58. which should be considered by Those that make him born 60 Years after Tharahs 70. which yet is not determined by St. Stephen who saith not he went to Canaan the same Year but After his Father died Which yet the Samaritan Pentateuch maketh just 60 Years Sooner than our Hebrew Copies And as 70 Years in Moses reckoning make an Age So the Hebrew words for Age or Ay or Ever and Eternity in their very Numeral Letters are about 70 or some one or other of its powers Ad or Adg the great word they use for Ever or Eternity which preyeth on All and some render it somtime by Prey As in the most famous place Zeph. 3. 7. Where yet it may be also to Eternity Being of the great Judgment as we spake before Maketh 74 in Letters As the Mazorites reckon from Ezra as the Sound may mind us the Helper promised in Daniel as his very Name implies before Nehemiah the Lords Comforter who followed him presently As the Great Comforter the Great Helper Jesus Christ. Ad or Ed is also the word used for Witness or Testimony Testaments and to be compared with the Two Witnesses of which before for the Congregation also or the Church or Elders thereof the Sanhedrin which our Savior also named plain enough but we lose it as many other things by reading it Councel And They were the 70 Elders as they were usually called though they were 72 or 73 or 74. of which ●o oft in Scripture old and new that I speak not of the 70 Palms and 70 Sons of Gideon and of Ahab Or of the 70 Disciples or any other 70. The same word is often added also as the sound may intimate to Olam for a Greater expression of Ever or Eternity which by This also appeareth not to be Absolute For Then it could not be Added to or increased When as Olam it self hath also a Plural and is multiplied by many in the Letter M which is ever 40 and with jod 50 as they used to multiply by 10 and by 50 As we see in divers places But M final as they call it is 600 as we see in the Mazoreth and 600 was so usual to express a Great multitude that with the Romans also it became a Proverb Et Sexcentis aliis c. to be considered with 1666 also Which are all the Numbers which Their Alphabet did make MDCLXVI And as Ad addeth 4 to 70 So Netzach another Hebrew word for Eternity doubleth Ad and makes in Numerals 148 which is Twice 74. And Dor written fully in Heb. maketh 210 which is Thrice 70 the usual word for Age or Generation And especially repeated for Eternity also When yet Both Dors make but 420 Years or 60 of Daniels 70 Weeks or Sabbaths Which is also another great Ever Yea and That multiplied by Ever also For One 7 times 7 or 49 in the Jubilee is very often called Ever and for Ever as we saw before in the Servant for Ever and otherwise How much more when That Ever is also multiplied by 10 and made 490. Which may also be Hinted in the Hebrew 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their proper word for Time and season which is English Yet 470 or 480 or 490 as it may be written And if Time and Times and Half a Time be to be reckoned Thus they may make a Number neer to 1666. But the usual word for Season and for such a solemn Time as Daniel calleth Time and Times is Moad from Ad or next akin to it Adding 46 to 74. which makes Thrice 40 or 120. a Number Famous in the Age of Moses and the old Worlds Season for Repentance And in Daniel himself who 〈◊〉 the chief of three Princes set to rule 120 Rulers who were Thus parted into Thrice 40. Which we found before the great Number for Temptation Punishment and other things that I say nothing of the 40 Weeks of the Child in the Womb or of the Time of Life divers times specified in Scripture To be considered with the Fulness of Time in which our Savior also came by Water as at first Creation when they flowed from the Womb of Eternity and by Blood also for the New Creation as All Children come to Birth in Their Months also And the affinity between our Life and a Beast in Hebrew and in Solomon may bid us think again and count the Number of the Beast also which is Man whose Life is Bruitish or a Beast as the Midwives told the King of Aegypt and that the Heb. Women were as Beasts needing No Midwife Some read it Lively And in general Life is unto Being but as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by which it only differs in the Root And 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is the proper Character of Life as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of Being as we may see in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and divers other Hebrew words Kedem is also used for Eternity Before as the
Such Seasons and Changes VVhile the Earth endures but also that All Dayes of the Earth should be Those Seasons or such Seasons As the words in Hebrew may be read and we find it so by daily Experience that every Day hath its Seasons and its quarters As the year also And the Half Month added to the Three brings us through the second sabbath of Weeks or 14 Weeks As before we found Abrahams Tenents and Others in Sodom freed from the four Monarchs or Monarchies in the 14 year And our Teeth in Each Jaw are 3 times 4 with 2. Watchers But yet more especially These Three Months and an half bring us from the Pentecost and Sack of Ierusalem That Great New Moon or Change beginning the Month following That Feast of Pentecost as we hinted before to the very Time of that Last and Great Feast of Tabernacles At the fifteenth Day of the Seventh Month and so just 3 Months and an half after the month of Pentecost which was followed by such a visible Change of their Moon or Olam when the Romans fired their City and so made That Full Moon And That also much about the middle of September answering so much to their Seventh Month and Feast of Tabernacles At which Time also their Release and Liberty must begin again as Thereabout it Ended And that their Coming in again with the Fulness of the Gentiles also promised to Ephraim as we saw before was to answer that Full Moon of the Full Month that is the Seventh and Great Feast of all the Feast of Tabernacles Or In gathering All the Fruits of the Earth may be cleer not only from the very Reason and Nature of That Feast and Season but also from many places of Scripture which do so compare them together As the 102 Psalm made as a Form of Prayer for Him that is Afflicted with his soul overwhelmed and pouring out his sighing 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 before the Lord Jesus As we find it cited in the first to the Hebrews I am withered as Grass cut down for Hay in Summer but He shall come down upon the mown Grass in Psal. 72. But Thou wilt arise and have mercy on Zion For the Moed is come the Time and the Moed also And Psal. 75. I will judg Equities when I receive or come to the Moed The very same word used here in Daniel and in many Scriptures for that Great solemnity of Tabernacles which of all the Three Moads was the Moad of Moads Or the most solemn and Greatest of All. And then presently the Psalm addeth So or Then the heathen shall also fear thy Name and All Kings of the earth thy Glory as before in the 72 and divers other Psalms When the Lord shall build up Zion he shall appear in his Glory He will regard the prayer of the Destitute or Naked and will not despise it As our Saviours Dying Words on the Crosse Ps. 22. 24. This shall be written for the Generation to come for he looked down from the height of his sanctuary to behold the earth and hear the sighing of the Prisoners and to loose the sons of Death When the Peoples in the Plural are Gathered together as at that Feast of Tabernacles and the Kingdoms also to serve the Lord. That which followeth of shortning his Dayes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may allude to Katsyr Summer and Harvest Or the years End When the Dayes Shorten and their Tradition is that Adam quickly found the Sun declining and the Dayes Shortning Which They should consider that beleeve Him and the World Created at the Vernall Equinox So the 126 Psalm In the Lords Turning the Captivity of Zion we are or were like Dreamers Turn again our Captivity O Lord as the streams in the South we touched it before They that sow in Tears shall reap in Joy He that went Weeping and bearing precious Seed shall come with singing bringing his sheaves Which is plainly of Harvest and the Joy of Harvest which we find also in the Prophet Esay coupled with breaking his yoke and staffe of his shoulder and Rod of his Oppressor As in the day of Midian so famous for the Barley Cake of Gideon as alluding to the First Fruits and the Lamps in Earthen Pitchers of which also Saint Paul to the Corinthians And it ended at Succoth or Tabernacles which were Taught by Gideon Yet Plainer in Hoseah There is an Harvest set for thee O Judah when I bring back the Captivity of my People And again I the Lord thy God from Egypt will yet make thee to dwell in Tabernacles As in the Solemn Feast or Moed of which also before What will you do in the Solemn Day of Moed Or That Solemn Feast which is also the Solemn Day or Solemn Feast in Deut. 16 15. 31. 10. Ps. 81. 3. Lament 2. 7. with divers other places And in Zephany I will gather them that Moan it is Heb The Solemn Moed And at That Time I will get them Fame and Praise in Every Land where they have been shamed and at That Time I will bring and gather you and I will make you a Name and a Praise among all people of the Earth when I turn back your Captivity before your Eyen saith the Lord. And the Last of Zechary telleth us that All nations that fought against Jerusalem shall go up to worship the King the Lord of Hosts and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles And again the punishment of Egypt and All Nations that come not up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles And in that Day On the Bells of the Horses shall be Holinesse to the Lord yea every Pot in Jerusalrm and Jndah shall be Holinesse to the Lord of Hosts and there shall be no more Cananite in the House of the Lord of Hosts The Heb Canange may be Saxon Change Cunning or Koning And in That Day there shall be One Lord and his Name One and the Lord shall be King over all the Earth and in That Day Living Waters shall go out from Ierusalem and Half of them to the Dead Sea or that of Sodom also plain enough in the Text and Ezechiel both the 16. and 47. and in Ioel also Even of that Great Day of Iudgement in the Valley of Iehosaphat which yet was the valley of Blessing or Beraca Crying Put you in the sickle for the Harvest is Ripe Yea and the Vintage also for the Presse is Full. Which we read again in the Revelation where it runs out also by the space of 1600 surlongs which we compared before with Dayes and Years to be added perhaps to the Time of Saint Iohns writing about the 60th year after the Ascention And after All he Seeth the pure River of Life with Trees bearing Fruit every Month whose very leaves were to Heal the Nations And there shall be no more Curse of which before in Iericho And whosocver will let him take the Water of Life Freely Which being compared with our Saviours words in the 7th
the Field as we read in Gen. 3. to be compared with the Revelation in divers places Which yet were not so subject to Adam though he had a Command rather than Power or Knowledge how to use it As to Noah who had All the Beasts delivered over by God into his Hand as Job was into Satans with Permission and Commission and a Promise also that God would keep them under with Fear renewed also in Hos. and other places Onely Spare their Blood that is their Soul as also God said of Job For a Goodman is merciful to the Soul of his very Beast as we read in Wise Solomon who yet saith He and We and All are Beasts So also was God and our Saviour merciful to his poor Beast Nebuchadnezar A great man and yet greater than we may imagine First a Man and So a little God and on Horsback a Cherub Covering Cherub As they Picture George on Horsback over the Dragon of great Worship among the old Saxons or English and He hovered so long till he received also the Dragons Power and seems to Conquer Him But O! by This Power He becomes a Serpent and bites the Horses Heel till his Rider fall Backward also Lebab turned into Babel and bow to the Beast But He that made Leviathan can cause his Sword his Great and sore and strong and long Sword to approach him And shall visit the Crossing Serpent and slay the Dragon in the great Deep And Behemoth also the Great Beast the Feminine Plural Beasts Mother of Beasts and Fornication even Great Babylon Of which in Job the Psalms Prophets and Revelation in divers places And All shall worship the Beast whose Names are not written in the Lambs Book of Life from the Foundation of the World For All Tongues and Nations and Kindreds are under his Power and the Dragons that gave Power to This Beast Are they not the same words that are spoken of Nebuchadnezar in the Prophet Jeremy Chap. 27 But He that leadeth Captive shall be led Captive and He that slayeth with the Sword shall be slain with the Sword Here is the Faith and patience of the Saints And He that will not open his Prison Doors or visit his Captives shall be Bound himself and not visited for a long season And He that maketh Others worship the Beast or Image of the Beast in Dura or any other Province of Babylon shall himself be Turned into a Beast and eat grass with an Ox. He would be a Beast he played and Acted the Beast the Roaring Tearing and Devouring Beast and He that Giveth every thing the desire of his Heart Gave that Beastly Man a Beastly Heart But How Long Holy and True Remember how short my Time is Why hast thou made All men so Vain Seven and but Seven Times 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Then shall pass over Thee As if Here also God would intimate that All Time and Times and all their Ever also Pass and shall Pass quite away As we noted before in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 also or Wrath For so the English sound 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 also by W as in With For 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or many other words As Esay Cryeth Hide thy self a little moment till the Wrath be Passed Or as Jonathan said to David Hide thy self till my Fathers Wrath be over Till the Morning or to morrow 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 much as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 666. For The sun must not go down on Wrath and if Sorrow last All Night Joy shall come with the Morning Sun But what are These 7 Times They are said to be Years But These are Masculine and Feminine Solar and Lunar Yea and as Shanah a Year in the Singular is very near akin to Nahash a Serpent as we noted So is Shanim Years but Nashim Women also by a Metathesis which yet I name not Aversa Venus as some of their Poets may Jeremy tells us that All Nations must serve Babel yea and Tongues also must Babble As at the Tower of Babel for 70 years As they tell us of 70 Nations that rose up at that Babbling And if Then the King of Babylon himself become a Man again and be restored to the lost Image of God from the Image of the Beast Is it not possible that All Tongues and Nations also may be restored with him But in That Gospel which I cited so much already Levit. 26. Our Saviour tells them that If they will not hearken unto Him but despise his Statutos as Nathan chargeth on David himself and their soul abhor his Judgements and quite Break his Covonant or be Uneircumcised He will Then Then What not till Then and All That Will not and Despise and Soul abhoring and All Covenant-breakings He will Then begin to consume their Eyes we touched it before in Sampson and cause sorrow of heart fair warnings and they shall sow their Seed in Vain And I will set my Face my Face but not my Heart against you And They that Hate you shall Reign over you And if you will not yet Hearken unto me I will punish you Seven as we saw before And if yet you will walk Keri c. I will yet Seven more And I will also send the Beast as alluding plainly to that in Gen. 3. Where the Serpent is more subtile 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 used of Adam and Eve in the Verse before Then Any Beast of the Field the very Phrase here used in Leviticus But yet I will yet remember my Covenant as we saw before And there was much need of This Memory in God and His Remembrance of his Holy Covenant at this Time of Babylon And as Hezekiahs Queen was Hephzibah to which Esay 62. 4. may allude So his Mother was My Father Abi of Zechariah the Lords Remembrance slain it seems between the Porch and the Altar Though they Acted this again after our Saviour also in another Zechary of Baruch also as we may learn from Josephus And though Manassehs Name may hint that He forgot his Duty yet the Lord still Remembred his Covenant and his Promise to Remember it And although he had now cause enough given him by Ammon the people also to Despair of their Amendment which may be Hinted in Josiah the Lord Despairing Yet his Mother was Beloved Jedidah as Solomon was Jedidiah and Jedidoth we saw before in the Psalms and the Daughter of the Lords Eternity Adaiah And he gave Josiah 4 Sons First Johanan the Lord Gracious And then Jehojachim the Lord will Raise again And Zedekiah the Lords Justice Shallum Satisfied or Pacified As in another Zechary when the white Horses had gone out after the Black he said My Spirit is Quieted even towards the North or Babylon Haran Hamath and other Places or Persons also at my Left Hand which was Northwards as we saw before And then presently followes Go to them of the Captivity even of Cheled my Age or Cheled and Tobiah