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A58143 Light sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart This is to go abroad among all people who are honest-hearted, especially amongst the inhabitants in Fourns Fells, in Lancashire, and among all who have known me after the flesh, that all honest people may see what I was in profession, and also what I now am by the grace of God. From him which hath come through great tribulations, who hath even left all for Christ, and hath not whereon to lay his head, but is forsaken of father and of mother, and of kinred also, even for the testimony of Jesus, and for the Word of God, whom the world calls, Thomas Rawlinson. Rawlinson, Thomas. 1657 (1657) Wing R369; ESTC R220567 29,951 42

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bears witness against them that they are of their Father the Devil whose Works they do yet with their mouth and with their lips and tongue will profess that they love God who have the high swelling Words of hypocrisie so have a zeal without knowledge holding a profession of God in hypocrisie until the day of sudden destruction from God fall upon them for their Wickedness to sweep them all into the pit of blackness for ever who are Workers of iniquity both Priests and people All-along while I followed the Priests there was something in me of God I see though I knew it not which did witness against all unrighteousness did reprove me if I did but swear or tell a lye which did not speak peace to me in those things but I was judged by that of God in me when I did any unrighteous thing so stood condemned in my self when I had but an evil thought of doing Wrong which was sufficient to have preserved me from all evil if I had but been obedient but being ignorant of it what it was gave no heed unto it but went on in a Way that is not good so did not believe in the light though I had the light neither was obedient to the light though the light did convince me So I had no peace from God though in the World I had peace and with the VVorld was at peace yet in Christ I had no peace while I was of the VVorld for that of God in me cryed against me Desolation VVo and Misery for God seeth not as man neither canst thou hide thy self in secret and he not see thee So I came to see that notwithstanding all the shew in the flesh I had profest of knowing the Lord I was but a hypocrite when I came in deed and in truth to search try my ways honestly and to prove my self in truth and in plainness then I did see that I was out of the VVay of truth knew not the truth though I had the Words of truth in my mouth so was ignorant of God so the peace which I had did then flye away it was as it were but for a moment the Worlds peace which the greedy Priests speak unto the people that stop into their mouths they cry peace peace when there is no peace from God where the Lord hath not spoken peace so would heal the hurt of the daughter of my people saith the Lord sleightly who daub with untempered morter for from the Prophet even unto the Priest every one dealeth falsly and deceitfully and all are given to covetousness both Priests and people So whilest I followed the Priests I see that I was but a fair sayer made clean the outside of the Cup and the Platter and appeared righteous outwardly unto man as Neighbors and Friends ye know who knew me after the flesh That I was as touching the righteousness of the Law blameless and had a zeal for God though not according to knowledge by fair Words professing the Substance but had not the Evidence the Seal of the Spirit of God to my Spirit so being ignorant of Gods righteousness as I said before which is by the Faith of the Son of God knowing this That without righteousness no man can enter into the Kingdom of God so I went about to establish my own righteousness looking for a righteousness without me that I might appear righteous unto man being ignorant of the righteousness of faith which saith on this wise as it is written Say not in thy heart Who shall ascend into Heaven That is to bring Christ down from above or who shall descend into the deepe That is to bring Christ again from the dead But what saith it The Word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart that thou mayest do it that is the Word of Faith which we preach said the Apostle who was a Minister of God But unto this Word I was not obedient while I followed the Priests neither knew I it though it was near for none of the Priests from the least even unto the chiefest did ever direct my mind unto the Word of Faith which is nigh in the mouth and in the heart to take heed unto as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise in my heart So they are the false Prophets and Deceivers who is come in sheeps clothing making merchandise of souls for dishonest gain And these are they vvhich Christ said should come in the last dayes vvhich John saw was come in his dayes vvhich all the World vvondered after and that all the World is gone after them so they run yet never was sent of God to turn people from darkness to the light vvho divine for money and speak a Divination of their ovvn brain and not from the mouth of the Lord. So I sought to find the living among the dead vvhile I sought unto the Priests so followed a people which cannot profit and wandered from Mountain to Hill to find the living even from one sort of Priests and people unto another that had the greatest shew of godliness one sort said Lo here is Christ and another sort of professors said Lo here and glad would I with all my heart to have found him among them that I might come to find a rest for my weary soul but Christ I found not among any of them though I did find that some sort of professors could talk much more of Christ with their lips then others could do and had his Name in their mouth oftener then others having many good Words vvhereby they do beguile souls even with the enticing Words of mens Wisdom pretending much towards Christ but are as vain and wanton as they vvho have not so great a shew in Words towards Christ and though in Words they profess that they know him yet in Works they do deny him so are the greatest Deceivers of all vvho have the greatest shew of godliness when their Works are as bad and their lives too as them who have no shew of godlinesse at all for Christ said Ye shall know them by their fruits so vvhen I came to prove them and to try them by their fruits I did find them to be as bad as others vvho have not so great a shew of righteousness so it is not every one that saith Lord Lord nor proud boasters in another mans line of things made ready to their hand vvho steal their Words from their Neighbor that shall enter into life but he that doth the Will of God for they make themselves manifest that they are without God and without Christ as by their Fruits I knew them then to be deceitful Workers though vvith fair speeches and good Words they deceive the simple and so blinds the minds of them that believe not in the light And though I did like the chief Priests and the chief Professors Words then vvell so far as they was according to
even so hath it pleased the Lord to reveal his Son in me blessing and glorious praises to the Lord God everlasting and to the Lamb whose right it is now I plainly see that in vain is the help of man their counsels is nought but deceit and hypocrisie and shall be confounded their Wisdom is foolishness with God who will destroy the Wisdom of the Wise So I do deny all the teachings of the Priests any longer for it is only the Lord that teaches me to profit for through his Word of Truth which I have hid in my heart am I become wiser then all my Teachers the Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want who is now appearing and risen in this the day of his glorious power to teach his people himself of his Ways by his Eternal Infallible Spirit of Light Life and Power which shines into their hearts and gives them the Knowledge of God in the Face of Jesus Christ who enlightneth every man that cometh into the World that all men believing in the light may come to know both the Father and the Sonne whom to know is life eternal all coming to the light this is he that reveals the Father So Friends the light is your Way if ye love it I am the way saith Christ the Light who lightneth every man No man comes to the Father but by me no man knows the Father but the Son and he to whom the Son reveals him But Friends wil a profession of Words a talk of knowing the Father and the Son and a boasting of Free-Grace in words be sufficient to any of you who are turned from the light within into darkness to follow the Priests and blind guides which cannot profit you so ye are not taught by Grace who heap up Teachers unto your selves having itching ears ye have turned your ears from the light from the truth so ye are turned from the Grace of God which brings salvation and hath appeared unto all men and what is the Free-Grace of God unto any of you who turn the Free-Grace of God into wantonness who are not taught by it to forsake your sins and to deny all ungodliness and Worldly lusts and to live a godly and a gracious life so are not come into obedience to God but are stiff-necked and rebellious and are alive unto sin and all ungodliness and Worldly lusts so ye are free from Grace And so what such a vain foolish rotten stinking profession is this of yours people who cryes Free-Grace Free-Grace nothing but by Free-Grace are we saved O blush for shame and be ye all horribly afraid for your impudency and lying against God as to say ye are saved by Grace when as ye are yet in your sins and will not receive the Gift of Gods Free-Grace which hath been so largely and so freely tendered unto every one of you from the God of all Grace and hath even appeared in you all and to you all and yet ye have refused to incline your ear and hear For this is the Grace of God and the great love of God towards you all That he hath given you a light which light in you all tells you that ye should not lye nor swear nor be covetous nor be drunk nor that ye should not envy nor hate nor dissemble but lets you see that you should love the Lord God with all your heart and your Neighbor as your selves so see if ye be come to this These things ye know and happy are ye if ye do them otherwise ye are not saved by grace but doth come short of the grace of God to be taught of God if ye be overtaken with lying or swearing or with covetousness or drunkenness with envying or hatred or dissembling and the like which are the Fruits of the flesh So ye do despite to the Spirit of grace whatsoever your profession in Words to the contrary be who are found here But unto us who have believed in the light the grace of God which hath appeared unto all men teaches us to deny all ungodliness and Worldly lusts and to live soberly righteously and godly in this present World And so by grace are we saved not of our selves it is the gift of God for by grace we stand and by grace we have obtained salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ And this in my measure I witness But Friends Will ye sin because grace hath abounded and hath appeared in you all Consider Is that the measure of the gift of the grace of God which teaches ye to sin against God and to be proud and covetous to lye and to swear to envy and to hate and to be drunk and to sight to be light vain and wanton to lust murder and to destroy and to live in all the customs and fashions of the Heathen God forbid Nay but that Spirit which brings forth these things is the Spirit of Devils and not from the Spirit of grace So you who are not subject to the Spirit of grace but brings forth the like Fruits as abovesaid are not come to grace so cannot grow in grace from grace to grace who are not taught by grace to deny all unrighteousness whatsoever So what have ye to do as to take my Words in your mouths saith the Lord who talk and make a profession of free grace What have ye to do to take my Name in your mouths for the Way of grace and truth ye have despised yea verily ye have done despite to the Spirit of grace and hath cast my Law behind your backs saith the Lord. Truly Friends I cannot sow pillows under your arm-holes or under your elbows as your greedy hireling-Priests do who cry peace peace but I shall deal plainly with you whether you will hear or forbear For this is the free grace of God and the love by grace that God hath given us of his Son Hath sent his own Son a light into the World that all men through him might believe and know the truth who enlightneth every man that cometh into the World And he that is not faithful and obedient to the pure light in his conscience which comes from the Son of God and lets him see his evil deeds and that he should not sin at all he hears not God so whosoever sins against the light wrongs his own soul To the light in all your consciences people of all professions I speak And Friends and Neighbors While I was one with you in profession with a profession of God and of Christ in my mouth without the life and possession ye loved me and did speak well of me I being then one with you in the World for the World loves its own and many of you rejoiced to see me and Friends What am I now become your Enemy because God hath put it into my heart to choose the better part who hath had mercy on me and hath chosen me out of the World to be a Vessel unto honour who hath redeemed me
Hell and the Grave and through Faith have overcome the World so hath right to eat of the Tree of Life glorious praises to God for ever whose Works now praises him And though I am become a stranger unto my Fathers House and to my Kinred also and hath not whereon to lay my head yet God hath prepared an House for me and hath brought me into his House of Love even into everlasting Dwellings a spiritual house to worship him in hath he even prepared eternally in the Heavens which remaineth for ever and he will never shut me out of his House but he hath given me within his House and within his Walls a place and a Name better then of Sons and of Daughters an everlasting Habitation and a Name that shall not be cut off praises endless praises to God in the Highest This hath the Lord done for his Names sake and how can I forbear to tell of what God hath done for my soul If I should not confess his wondrous Works before men to tell of his wonderful Works it had bin better for me never to have bin born Who hath even filled me with the Riches of his glory in Christ Jesus who hath taken me out of the Olive-Tree which is wild by nature and now hath he grafted me contrary to nature into a good Olive-Tree so in my measure I am come to know him that was from the beginning yea I am in him that is true who is the true God and eternal life being planted into Christ that I may bring forth Fruit unto God who in times past was an alien and a stranger to the Life of God but am now through the grace of God no more a stranger but a Fellow-Citizen with the Saints and of the Houshold of God being built upon the Foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Christ himself being the chief Corner-stone in whom all the Building fitly framed together growth unto an holy Temple in the Lord. Therefore all Friends and Neighbors having tasted that the Lord is gracious and full of compassion towards them that trust in him I cannot but even in bowels of compassion beseech you even to return unto the Lord with your whole heart that ye may love him with all your heart ye who hunger after righteousness ye who would eat of the bread of life come in to the light even ye who are ready to die pine away w th hunger for want of bread turn in hither for in my Fathers house is even Bread enough for all that is hungry indeed that ye may freely eat of live for ever if it were not so I would not invite you but seeing and feeling that it is even so I cannot but beseech you So every one that is a-thirst come and take of the Fountain of the Water of Life freely whosoever will and buy Wine and Milk without money and without price so spend not your money for that which is not Bread and your labour for that which satisfies not my Father giveth you the true bread and whosoever eats thereof shall live for ever and be satisfied and the Fountain of the Water of Life is set open that whosoever is a-thirst may freely drink and be filled And the Bread of God is he that cometh down from Heaven who lightneth every man that cometh into the World that all men through him might be saved who filleth the hungry with good things but the rich he sends empty away So all Friends believe in the light come unto the light least ye dye in your sins for the Lord hath no pleasure that ye should dye in your sins but rather that ye should turn from your evil Ways and live unto him that so ye might know the Way of life from the VVays of death As ye come to own the light of God in you as ye love it it will teach you the right VVay wherein dwelleth righteousness a wise man vvill first seek the Kingdom of God and the righteousness thereof that he may come to knovv the Lord and find rest and peace in him vvhich the vvorld cannot give So Friends if ye would know those things and come to have rest and peace in Christ Jesus then ye must come to the light wherewith ye are enlightned Therefore all mind the light of God in you which shines into your hearts for the light is your vvay if ye love it so if ye choose to follow the Light Christ this is he that reveals the Father whom no man knovvs but the Son and he to whom the Son reveals him this is he in whom the vveary comes to find rest and peace So as every one comes into the obedience of the light he comes to see the Kingdom of God and hath right to enter into the Kingdom and if yee vvait in the light but a vvhile in patience ye shall see that the Kingdom of God is come nigh Know ye not that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you So all in the light wait for the Kingdom of God to be revealed in you which stands not in vvords but in righteousness and in the truth so if even ye knovv the Kingdom of God ye shall know it within you a holy Kingdom holy and everlasting into which nothing that maketh a lye or is unclean shall enter For blessed and holy are they that are counted vvorthy to enter therein vvhich have not defiled themselves with VVomen Novv therefore Friends as ye desire the salvation of your souls wait in the light even in the holy and just principle of God in that vvhich is holy which convinces of sin and of unrighteousness and lets you see your sins and all that ever ye have done if ye vvill but hear and incline your ear and as ye own the light to be taught of the Lord there shall ye come to know Christ the Saviour of your souls who is come to save his people from their sins and to seek and to save that vvhich is lost So here is the vvay of the Lord in the light even the true and living vvay but if ye draw back after the Priests ye have rejected the Lord to be taught of the Lord so ye cannot escape the damnation of Hell so shall never witness to be taught of the Lord in the measure of light who have done despite to the Spirit of grace so it is like ye shall never know Gods salvation profess what you can in words of knowing him or his salvation For God is light and he is not known but in the light so they that are not in the light who knows not the light are in darkness even until now and so knows not the vvay of the Lord for darkness comprehends him not nor his light and they that be in the darkness knows not whither they go nor at what they stumble because that darkness hath blinded their eyes Therefore all Friends and Neighbors ye that have known me after the flesh I beseech you in Christs
the Scriptures of Truth yet I would not rest satisfied so but proved their Works and laboured to see vvhat lives they lived Whether their Words and their Works agreed in one yea or nay and vvhen I tryed both the chief Priests and the chiefest professors their Lives Works and Conversation I then saw that they are not vvhat they profest themselves to be so could not but for conscience-sake deny them For I saw them to be hypocrites lyars cozeners dissemblers how that a small thing vvould even easily provoke any of them to anger envy vvrath and malice and some to fighting being heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more then lovers of God So I could not but turn from them vvho have a Form of godliness but denies the power thereof as by their Fruits I know them For vvhosoever seeks to be justified by Christ and yet they themselves are found sinners is Christ therefore the Minister of sin God forbid For Christ comes to destroy the Works of the Devil he is manifest to take away sin for in him is no sin he that abibeth in Christ sinneth not So Friends and Neighbors see where ye all are doteing upon a people which cannot profit you at all nor help nor comfort but shall be a shame and a reproach And vvhen I vvas turned to the light of Christ J came to see the Priests deceit who will not that any of you should come to the light lest the people should see their Wickedness and so to turn from them And though both priests and professors have the Name of the Lord in their mouths and seems to take delight in drawing near to him with their lips yet their hearts are far from him So in vain they Worship God who live not the life of the Son of God but are alive unto sin For all whose VVords and Life and Conversation are not as becomes the Gospel of Christ are Hypocrites and falshearted ones whose VVords and VVorks are not one so are VVorkers of iniquity and doth not the truth both priests and people who live not unto Christ So when J had found out the wickedness of the priests and saw them so filthy J cryed out for sorrow being filled with sorrow and grief that J could not find a righteous man amongst them not one that could direct me into the right VVay nor was able to teach me the Knowledge of God though J ran from priest to priest and did write to several of the chiefest of them concerning my condition and have thought that the priests lips should preserve the peoples Knowledge and that the people should go unto them for Knowledge but miserable comforters are they all none of them could speak a VVord of Comfort to my soul so my weary soul did even mourn and cry out in pain for deliverance from under the power of death and hell and Satan So J found no way of deliverance while J followed the Priests though they cryed peace peace unto me and would perswade me to be in a good condition and the like so would have healed me deceitfully and would have daubed me with untempered morter crying peace peace where the Lord hath not spoken peace so my soul refused to be comforted by them and cryed out None but Christ None but Christ and yet there was none among them that could shew me where he is to be found So being weary in spirit J wandered with a sad heart and wounded spirit from priest to priest seeking rest for my weary soul but found none while J followed after them wo wo wo unto them may all people say that ever such priests was born who have made the hearts of the righteous sad by their lyes and by their lightness who stands up amongst the people pretending to teach them the way how that they may come to the Knowledge of God yet never was sent of God nor none of them unto this day that ever J knew of did ever direct people unto the right way to that of God in them where they might come to the Knowledge of God and so to know him whom to know is life eternal neither do they know it themselves so are not able to teach others nay they are so far from perswading people unto the good way that they stand up to resist it and set themselves against it Jf any who have found the right way and knows the Lord be moved of the Lord in bowels of compassion unto the people to go to the Steeplehouse to set before them the right way where God is to be found a way wherein they have found God the priests they cry to the people Away with them Deceivers Deceivers yet dares not stand to prove before the people who be the deceivers by plain Scripture so they are those which Christ said would neither enter into the Kingdom of God themselves nor will they suffer them that would to enter For that which may be known of God is manifest in them and God hath shewed it to them and blessed are they that are faithful Often-times J even wept bitterly when J considered these things and was even pressed to the ground with sorrow and heaviness when J could not find any satisfaction among no sort of people so fear surprised me pain took hold on me as upon a VVoman in travel trouble without and horror and wrath within for the wrath of God was revealed against me from heaven for disobedience to the pure light within me and J was even afraid of the judgements of God lest the Lord would cut me off and make me an example to all about me in that J continued so long following the priests after that he had shewed me how deceitful they all are and that no people should ever profit by them and that they are altogether useless Vessels in whom the Lord hath no pleasure but his wrath is against them and against all such who follow after them Yet after all this though the Lord had shewed them to me J was somewhat rebellious and did not turn from them immediately after J was convinc't of their wickedness and saw that they was never sent of God and yet would fain have continued following after them though J knew J could not profit by them and notwithstanding all that the Lord had shewed me concerning them because J knew that my Kinred according to the flesh would be sore set against me and rise up against me and that J should suffer much from them so J would faine have followed them to please my parents and so J began to distrust and question what the Lord had shewed me J then being at that time a stranger to the life of God so knew not the Lords voice neither did J understand him oftentimes vvhen he spoke unto me in the spirit being carnal yet the love of the Lord vvas so much tovvards me that he gave me not over to a reprobate mind neither did he deal vvith me according to my stubbornness
stead to be reconciled to God and even now while ye have yet a little time in the body hast to meet the Lord in the manifestation of the Spirit of Light from God For that which may be known of God is manifest in you and God hath even shewed it unto you So here is your vvay to know God and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent if ever ye come to know him vvhom to know is life eternal For there is no other vvay but by that of God in you So if ye will indeed own the right vvay the good vvay vvherein dvvelleth righteousness then come in to the light Christ vvho lightneth every man and even novv while ye have the light believe in the light that ye may be the children of the light and vvalk in the light as he is in the light that the blood of Christ may clense you from all sin and then if ye abide in the light ye shall continue in the Father and in the Son so shall ye have Fellowship vvith the Saints in light vvhom the VVorld knovvs not of vvhom the VVorld is not vvorthy that henceforth ye may no more knovv me after the flesh onely but in the spirit as ye come to be faithful unto the Lord in your measures of the light of Christ where ye may feel me and read me and knovv me vvho am unknovvn unto the VVorld yet vvell knovvn to the children of light vvho in the light of the Lord Jesus Christ doth continue and abides vvith God and vvalks in the light as he is in the light For the children of light hath Fellovvship one vvith another in the light which unites their hearts together in one But vvith the unfruitful VVorks of darkness vve have no Fellovvship and here in the light in the truth though ten thousand times ten thousand yet all one in the light even in Christ Jesus who walks not after the flesh but after the Spirit So Friends by this I shall know that ye love me and that ye love the Truth as many as can receive my Testimony and keeps my Fathers Commandments For the Testimony is not mine but his who hath chosen me to bear vvitness of him unto many but if I bear vvitness of my self my vvitness is not true there is one that beareth witness and I know that the witness that he witnesses is true for I can of my own self do nothing yet through Christ that strengthens me I can do all things For I seek not my own but the things of Jesus Christ that I may do the will of God who hath chosen me out of the VVorld to follow him in the regeneration where the VVorld seeth me not nor knows me not therefore the World hates me and scorns me VVhy because I am not of the VVorld so the VVorld cannot receive my sayings they hear me not because they are not of God for I receive not Testimony from man but these things I speak that ye might believe the truth not by way of boasting to exalt self or to puff up for all boasting is excluded and self-ends condemned with the Light of Truth so a VVitness in my measure I stand eternally against all selfishness for self is of the Devil and all proud boastings which Christ comes to destroy But These things Neighbours and Friends I write unto you that ye may come to know where rest and true peace is and not to exalt self that ye might praise me but these things I declare to the end That ye may all be awakened towards God that ye might be saved and believe what good things God hath in store for them that fear him love● his appearance and believing in the light ye may have life and that every weary soul may be comforted and ●ome to find rest as he comes into the obedience of the light that the righteous God o●er all might have his glory who is the Author and Finisher of every good Work the first and the last God blessed for evermore So all friends in the love of the truth receive this into your hearts with meekness and fear which was given me from the Lord in the spirit to write as a Testimony from the Lord to my Nation Countrey and People for the Seed of Gods sake throughout all the VVorld where this may come was I moved of the Lord God from the love of the Spirit which are the very breathings of my soul for my Nation Countrey and People that they might be saved and hid in the day of the Lords wrath but my desire is That the wicked one in you may be destroyed and what soever worketh unrighteousness and deceit unto which I say Wo that ye may be separated from all unrighteousness therefore keep your selves to that of God in you that the wicked one touch you not and from all idolatry and so will the old man with his deeds come to be put off when the Just comes to liberty when Christ comes to have the preheminence and rules whose right it is So Friends take unto you the whole Armor of God even the Armor of Light as it comes to be put on ye will be able to resist all the fiery darts of the Devil I say As there is a watching and a waiting in the light of Christ Jesus for the teachings of God in the Spirit the lusts of the flesh and fleshly confidences withers and vanishes away and the hidden man of the heart comes to be felt and witnessed as there is an abiding in the Crosse of Christ so ye come to dye unto sinne and to be crucified to the VVorld and to live unto God Therefore all waite that yee may have Bread to feed upon which gives life to the Soule which is nourishment and health to every weary Soul who comes to feed upon the living Immortal Bread which comes downe from GOD out of Heaven shall live for ever And blessed for evermore they are who hunger after this for they shall be satisfied As many as comes to eat of this Bread and receives it into them they shall grow up as Trees of Righteousness the planting of the Lord. So let every one that nameth the Name of CHRIST depart from Iniquity and follow the Light and believe in the Light while ye have the Light that ye may be established in Righteousnesse and Truth Thomas Rawlinson FINIS