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A53715 Of the mortification of sin in believers: the 1. Necessity, 2. Nature, and 3. Means of it. With a resolution of sundry cases of conscience thereunto belonging. By John Owen, D.D. a servant of Jesus Christ in the work of the Gospel. Owen, John, 1616-1683. 1668 (1668) Wing O787; ESTC R214591 86,730 191

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15.9 or as Peter speaks we purifie our Souls in obeying the Truth through the Spirit 1 Pet. 1.22 And without it it will not be done What hath been spoken I suppose is sufficient to make good my first general Rule Be sure to get an Interest in Christ if you intend to mortifie any sin without it it will never be done Ob. You will say What then would you have unregenerate men that are convinced of the Evil of sin do Shall they cease striving against sin live dissolutely give their Lusts their swinge and be as bad as the worst of men This were a way to set the whole world into Confusion to bring all things into darkness to set open the flood-gates of lust and lay the Reins upon the Necks of men to rush into all sin with delight and greediness like the horse into the battle Ans. 1. God forbid It is to be looked on as a great issue of the Wisdom Goodness and Love of God that by manifold wayes and means he is pleased to restrain the Sons of men from running forth into that compass of excess and riot which the depravedness of their Nature would carry them out unto with violence By what way soever this is done it is an issue of the care kindness and Goodness of God without which the whole Earth would be an Hell of Sin and Confusion 2. There is a peculiar convincing Power in the Word which God is often-times pleased to put forth to the wounding amazing and in some sort humbling of Sinners though they are never converted And the Word is to be preached though it hath this End yet not with this End Let then the Word be preached and the sins of men rebuked Lust will be restrained and some Oppositions will be made against Sin though that be not the Effect aymed at 3. Though this be the work of the Word and Spirit and it be good in it self yet it is not profitable nor available as to the main End in them in whom it is wrought they are still in the gall of Bitterness and under the power of darkness 4. Let men know it is their Duty but in its proper place I take not men from Mortification but put them upon Conversion He that shall call a man from mending a Hole in the Wall of his House to quench a Fire that is consuming the whole Building is not his Enemy Poor Soul it is not thy Sore-finger but thy Hectick-Feaver that thou art to apply thy self to the Consideration of Thou settest thy self against a particular Sin and doest not consider that thou art nothing but Sin Let me adde this to them who are Preachers of the Word or intend through the good hand of God that Employment It is their Duty to plead with men about their Sins to lay load on particular sins but alwayes remember that it be done with that which is the proper End of Law and Gospel That is that they make use of the Sin they speak against to the discovery of the State and Condition wherein the Sinner is Otherwise happily they may work men to Formality and Hypocrisie but little of the true End of Preaching the Gospel will be brought about It will not avail to beat a man off from his Drunkenness into a sober Formality A skilfull Master of the Assemblies layes his Axe at the Root drives still at the heart To inveigh against particular sins of ignorant unregenerate persons such as the Land is full of is a good Work But yet though it may be done with great efficacy vigour and success if this be all the effect of it that they are set upon the most sedulous Endeavours of mortifying their sins preached down all that is done is but like the beating of an Enemy in an open field and driving him into an impregnable Castle not to be prevailed against Get you at any time a sinner at the advantage on the account of any one sin whatever have you any thing to tak● hold of him by bring it to his State and Condition drive it up to the head and there deal with him to break men off from particular sins and not to break their Hearts is to deprive our selves of Advantages of dealing with them And herein is the Roman Mortification grievously peccant they drive all sorts of persons to it without the least Consideration whether they have a principle for it or no. Yea they are so far from calling on men to believe that they may be able to mortifie their Lusts that they call men to Mortification instead of Believing The truth is they neither know what it is to believe nor what Mortification it self intends Faith with them is but a general assent to the Doctrine taught in their Church And Mortification the betaking of a man by a Vow to some certain Course of Life wherein he d●●yes himself something of the use of the things of this World not without a considerable Compensation Such men know neither the Scriptures nor the Power of God Their boasting of their Mortification is but their Glorying in their shame Some Casuists among our selves who over-looking the Necessity of Regeneration do avowedly give this for a Direction to all sorts of persons that complain of any Sin or Lust that they should vow against it at least for a season a Moneth or so seem to have a scantling of Light in the Mystery of the Gospel much like that of Nicodemus when he came first to Christ. They bid men vow to abstain from their sin for a season This commonly makes their lust more impetuous Perhaps with great perplexity they keep their word Perhaps not which increases their Guilt and Torment Is their sin at all mortified hereby Do they find a conquest over it Is their Condition changed though they attain a Relinquishment of it Are they not still in the Gall of bitterness Is not this to put men to make Brick if not without straw which is worse without strength What Promise hath any unregenerate man to countenance him in this work What assistance for the performance of it Can sin be killed without an interest in the Death of Christ or Mortified without the Spirit If such Directions should prevail to change mens Lives as seldom they doe yet they never reach to the change of their hearts or Conditions They may make men self-justitiaries or Hypocrites not Christians It grieves me oft-times to see poor Souls that have a Zeal for God and a desire of eternal Welfare kept by such Directors and Directions under an hard burdensome outside Worship and Service of God with many specious Endeavours for Mortification in an utter Ignorance of the Righteousness of Christ and unacquaintedness with his Spirit all their dayes Persons and things of this kind I know too many If ever God shine into their hearts to give them the knowledge of his Glory in the face of his Son Jesus Christ they will see the folly of their present way CHAP.
OF THE MORTIFICATION of SIN in BELIEVERS The 1. NECESSITY 2. NATURE and 3. MEANS of it With a Resolution of sundry CASES of CONSCIENCE thereunto belonging BY JOHN OWEN D. D. a Servant of JESUS CHRIST in the Work of the Gospel The Third Edition LONDON Printed for Nathanael Ponder at the Peacock in the Poultrey near Cornhill and in Chancery-lane near Fleet-street 1668. Christian Reader I shall in a few words acquaint thee with the Reasons that obtained my consent to the publishing of the ensuing Discourse The consideration of the present State and Condition of the Generality of Professors the visible Evidences of the Frame of their Hearts and Spirits manifesting a great Disability of dealing with the Temptations wherewith from the Peace they have in the World and the Divisions that they have among themselves they are encompassed holds the chief place amongst them This I am assured is of so great importance that if hereby I only occasion others to press more effectually on the Consciences of men the work of considering their Wayes and to give more clear Direction for the compassing of the End proposed I shall well esteem of my Lot in this undertaking This was seconded by an Observation of some mens dangerous Mistakes who of late dayes have taken upon them to give Directions for the Mortification of Sin who being unacquainted with the Mystery of the Gospel and the Efficacy of the Death of Christ have anew imposed the Yoke of a self-wrought-out Mortification on the Necks of their Disciples which neither they nor their Forefathers were ever able to bear A Mortification they cry up and press suitable to that of the Gospel neither in respect of Nature Subject Causes Means nor Effects which constantly produces the deplorable Issues of Superstition self-righteousness and Anxiety of Conscience in them who take up the burthen which is so bound for them What is here proposed in weakness I humbly hope will answer the Spirit and Letter of the Gospel with the Experiences of them who know what it is to walk with God according to the Tenour of the Covenant of Grace So that if not this yet certainly something of this kind is very necessary at this season for the pro●●●●on and furtherance of this work 〈…〉 Mortification in the Hearts of Believers and their Direction in Paths safe and wherein they may find Rest to their Souls Something I have to adde as to what in particular relates unto my self Having preached on this subject unto some comfortable success through the Grace of him that administred seed to the Sower I was pressed by sundry persons in whose hearts are the Wayes of God thus to publish what I had delivered with such Additions and Alterations as I should judge necessary Vnder the inducement of their Desires I called to remembrance the Debt wherein I have now for some Years stood engaged unto sundry N●ble and worthy Christian Friends as to a Treatise of Communion with God some while since promised to them and thereon apprehended that if I could not hereby compound for the greater Debt yet I might possibly tender them this Discourse of Variance with themselves as Interest for their forbearance of that of Peace and Communion with God Besides I considered that I had been providentially engaged in the publick Debate of sundry Controversies in Religion which might seem to claim something in another kind of more General Vse as a Fruit of Choice not Necessity On these and the like accounts is this short Discourse brought forth to publick view and now presented unto thee I hope I may own in sincerity that my hearts desire unto God and the chief Design of my Life in the station wherein the good Providence of God hath placed me are that Mortification and universal Holiness may be promoted in my own and in the Hearts and Wayes of others to the Glory of God that so the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ may be adorned in all things for the compassing of which End if this little Discourse of the publishing whereof this is the summe of the account I shall give may in any thing be usefull to the least of the Saints it will be looked on as a Return of the weak Prayers wherewith it is attended by its unworthy Author J. OWEN CHAP. I. The Foundation of the whole ensuing Discourse laid in Rom. 8.13 The words of the Apostle opened The certain connexion between true Mortification and Salvation Mortification the work of Believers The Spirit the principal efficient Cause of it What meant by the Body in the words of the Apostle What by the Deeds of the Body Life in what sence promised to this Duty THat what I have of Direction to contribute to the carrying on of the work of Mortification in Believers may receive order and perspicuity I shall lay the foundation of it in those words of the Apostle Rom. 8.13 If ye by the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the flesh ye shall live and reduce the whole to an Improvement of the great Evangelical Truth and Mystery contained in them The Apostle having made a Recapitulation of his Doctrine of Justification by Faith and the blessed Estate and Condition of them who are made by Grace partakers thereof vers 1 2 3. of this Chapter proceeds to improve it to the Holiness and Consolation of Believers Among his Arguments and Motives unto Holiness the Verse mentioned containeth one from the contrary Events and Effects of Holiness and Sin If ye live after the flesh ye shall dye What it is to live after the flesh and what it is to dye that being not my present aym and business I shall no otherwise explain than as they will fall in with the sence of the latter words of the verse as before proposed In the words peculiarly designed for the Foundation of the ensuing Discourse there is 1. A Duty prescribed Mortifie the deeds of the body 2. The Persons are denoted to whom it is prescribed Ye if Ye Mortifie 3. There is in them a Promise annexed to that Duty Ye shall Live 4. The Cause or Means of the Performance of this Duty the Spirit If ye through the Spirit 5. The Conditionality of the whole Proposition wherein Duty Means and Promise are contained If ye c. The first thing occurring in the words as they lye in the entire Proposition is the conditional Note 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but if Conditionals in such Propositions may denote two things 1. The uncertainty of the Event or thing promised in respect of them to whom the duty is prescribed And this takes place where the condition is absolutely necessary unto the Issue and depends not its self on any determinate Cause known to him to whom 't is prescribed So we say If we live we will do such a thing This cannot be the Intendment of the conditional Expression in this place Of the Persons to whom these words are spoken it is said vers 1. of
the same Chapter there is no condemnation to them 2. The Certainty of the coherence and Connexion that is between the things spoken of As we say to a sick man If you will take such a potion or use such a remedy you will be well The thing we solely intend to express is the certainty of the Connexion that is between the potion or remedy and health And this is the use of it here The certain Connexion that is between the mortifying of the deeds of the Body and living is intimated in this conditional particle Now the connexion and coherence of things being manifold as of Cause and Effect of Way and Means and the End this between Mortification and Life is not of Cause and Effect properly and strictly for Eternal Life is the gift of God through Jesus Christ Rom. 6.23 But of Means and End God hath appointed this Means for the attaining that End which he hath freely promised Means though necessary have a fair subordination to an End of free Promise A Gift and a procuring Cause in him to whom it is given are inconsistent The intendment then of this Proposition as conditional is That there is a certain infallible connexion and coherence between true Mortification and Eternal Life if you use this Means you shall obtain that End If you do mortifie you shall live And herein lyes the main motive unto and Enforcement of the Duty prescribed 2. The next thing we meet withall in the words is the persons to whom this Duty is prescribed and that is expressed in the word Ye in the Original included in the Verb 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 if ye mortifie that is ye Believers ye to whom there is no Condemnation vers 1. ye that are not in the Flesh but in the Spirit vers 5. who are quickened by the Spirit of Christ vers 10.11 to you is this Duty prescribed The pressing of this Duty immediately on any other is a notable Fruit of that Superstition and self-Righteousness that the world is full of the great work and design of devout men ignorant of the Gospel Rom. 10.3 4. Joh. 15.5 Now this description of the Persons in conjunction with the prescription of the duty is the main Foundation of the ensuing Discourse as it lyes in this Thesis or Proposition The choisest Believers who are assuredly freed from the condemning power of sin ought yet to make it their business all their dayes to mortifie the indwelling power of sin 3. The principal efficient Cause of the performance of this Duty is the Spirit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 if by the Spirit The Spirit here is the Spirit mentioned vers 11. the Spirit of Christ the Spirit of God that dwells in us vers 9. that quickens us vers 11. the Holy Ghost vers 14. the Spirit of Adoption vers 15. the Spirit that maketh Intercession for us vers 26. All other wayes of Mortification are vain all helps leave us helpless it must be done by the Spirit Men as the Apostle intimates Rom. 9.30 31 32. may attempt this work on other Principles by Means and Advantages administred on other accounts as they always have done and do but saith he this is the work of the Spirit by him alone is it to be wrought and by no other power is it to be brought about Mortification from a self-strength carried on by way●s of self-inven●●on unto the End of a self-Righteousness is the Soul and substance of all ●alse Religion in the world And this is a second Principle of my ensuing Discourse 4. The Duty it self mortifie the deeds of the Body is nextly to be remarked Three things are here to be enquired into 1. What is meant by the Body 2. What by the deeds of the Body 3. What by Mortifying of them 1. The Body in the close of the verse is the same with the Flesh in the beginning If ye live after the flesh ye shall dye but if ye Mortifie the deeds of the body that is of the flesh It is that which the Apostle hath all along discoursed of under the name of the flesh which is evident from the prosecution of the Antithesis between the spirit and the flesh before and after The Body then here is taken for that Corruption and Pravity of our Natures whereof the Body in a great part is the Seat and Instrument The very Members of the Body being made servants unto Unrighteousness thereby Rom. 6.19 It is Indwelling Sin the corrupted Flesh or Lust that is intended Many Reasons might be given of this metonymical expression that I shall not now insist on The body here is the same with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Old man and the body of Sin Rom. 6.6 or it may synechdochically express the whole person considered as corrupted and the seat of Lusts and distempered Affections 2. The deeds of the Body the word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which indeed denoteth the outward actions chiefly The works of the Flesh as they are called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gal. 5.19 which are there said to be manifest and are enumerated Now though the outward deeds are here onely expressed yet the inward and next Causes are chiefly intended the Axe is to be laid to the root of the tree The Deeds of the Flesh are to be mortified in their Causes from whence they spring the Apostle calls them Deeds as that which every Lust tends unto Though it do but conceive and prove abortive it ayms to bring forth a perfect Sin Having both in the seventh and the beginning of this Chapter treated of Indwelling Lust and Sin as the Fountain and Principle of all sinfull Actions he here mentions its Destruction under the name of the Effects which it doth produce 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 are as much as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 8.6 the wisdom of the Flesh by a metonymie of the same nature with the former or as the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the passions and lusts of the flesh Gal. 5.24 whence the deeds and fruits of it do arise and in this sence is the Body used vers 10. The body is dead because of sin 3. To Mortifie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 if ye put to death a Metaphorical Expression taken from the putting of any living thing to death To kill a Man or any other living thing is to take away the principle of all his strength vigour and power so that he cannot act or exert or put forth any proper Actings of his own so it is in this Case Indwelling Sin is compared to a Person a living Person called the old man with his faculties and properties his wisdom craft subtilty strength this sayes the Apostle must be killed put to death Mortified that is have its power life vigour and strength to produce its Effects taken away by the Spirit It is indeed meritoriously and by way of Example utterly mortified and slain by the Cross of
Christ and the Old man is thence said to be crucified with Christ Rom. 6.6 and our selves to be dead with him vers 8. and really initiàlly in Regeneration Rom. 6.3 4 5. when a Principle contrary to it and destructive of it Gal. 5.17 is planted in our hearts but the whole work is by degrees to be carr●●d on towards Perfection all our dayes Of this more in the Process of our Discourse The Intendment of the Apostle in this prescription of the D●ty mentioned is that The Mortification of Indwelling Sin remaining in our mortal bodies that it may not have Life and Power to bring forth the Works or Deeds of the flesh is the constant Duty of Believers 5. The promise unto this duty is Life ye shall live The Life promised is opposed to the Death threatned in the clause foregoing If ye live after the fl●sh ye shall die which the same Apostle elsewhere expresseth ye shall of the flesh reap corruption Gal. 6.8 or destruction from God Now perhaps the word may not only intend eternal Life but also the spiritual Life in Christ which here we have not as to the Essence and being of it which is already enjoyed by Believers but as to the joy comfort and vigour of it As the Apostle sayes in another case Now I live if ye stand fast 1 Thess. 3.8 Now my Life will do me good I shall have joy and co●fort with my life ye shall live lead a good vigorous comfortable spiritual Life whilest you are here and obtain Eternal Life hereafter Supposing what was said before of the connexion between Mortification and Eternal Life as of Me●ns and End I shall adde onely as a second Motive to the Duty prescribed that The vigour and power and comfort of our spiritual Life depends on the Mortification of the deeds of the flesh Chap. II. The principal Assertion concerning the Necessity of Mortification proposed to Confirmation Mortification the Duty of the best ●elievers Col. 3.5 1 Cor. 9.27 Indwelling Sin alwayes abides No Perfection in this Life Phil. 3.12 1 Cor. 13.12 2 Pet. 3.18 Gal. 5.17 c. The Activity of abiding sin in Believers Rom. 7.23 Jam. 4.5 Heb. 12.1 It s Fruitfulness and Tendency Every Lust aims at the height in its kind The Spirit and new Nature given to contend against Indwelling Sin Gal. 5.17 2 Pet. 1.4 5. Rom. 7.23 The fearfull Issue of the Neglect of Mortification Rev. 3.2 Heb. 3.13 The first general Principle of the whole Discourse hence confirmed Want of this Duty lamented HAving laid this Foundation a brief Confirmation of the forementioned principal Deductions will lead me to what I chiefly intend The first is That The choicest believers who are assuredly freed from the condemning power of Sin ought yet to make it their business all their dayes to mortifie the Indwelling power of Sin So the Apostle Col. 3.5 Mortifie therefore your members which are upon the earth Whom speaks he to such as were risen with Christ vers 1. such as were dead with him vers 3. such as whose Life Christ was and who should appear with him in Glory vers 4. Do you mortifie do you make it your daily work be alwayes at it whilest you live cease not a day from this work be killing Sin or it will be killing you your being dead with Christ virtually your being quickened with him will not excuse you from this work And our Saviour tells us how his Father deals with every branch in him that beareth fruit every true and living Branch He purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruit Joh. 15.2 He prunes it and that not for a day or two but whilest it is a branch in this world And the Apostle tells you what was his practice 1 Cor. 9.27 I keep under my body and bring it into subjection I do it saith he daily it is the work of my Life I omit it not this is my Business And if this were the work and business of Paul who was so incomparably exalted in Grace Light Revelations Enjoyments Priviledges Consolations above the ordinary measure of Believers where may we possibly bottom an Exemption from this Work and Duty whilest we are in this world Some brief account of the Reasons hereof may be given 1. Indwelling sin alwayes abides whilest we are in this world therefore it is alwayes to be mortified The vain foolish and ignorant disputes of men about perfect keeping of the Commands of God of perfection in this Life of being wholly and perfect●y dead to sin I meddle not now with It is more than probable that the men of those Abominations never knew what belonged to the keeping of any one of Gods Commands and are so much below perfection of degrees that they never attained to a perfection of parts in Obedience or universal Obedience in sincerity And therefore many in our dayes who have talked of perfection have been wiser and have affirmed it to consi●t in knowing no difference between good and evil Not that they are perfect in the things we call good but that all is alike to them and the height of Wickedness is their Perfection Others who have found out a new way to it by denying original indwelling Sin and a tempering the spirituality of the Law of God unto mens carnal Hearts as they have sufficiently discovered themselves to be ignorant of the Life of Christ and the power of it in Believers so they have invented a new Righteousness that the Gospel knows not of being vainly puffed up by their fleshly minds For us who dare not be wise above what is written nor boast by other mens lives of what God hath not done for us we say that Indwelling Sin lives in us in some measure and degree whilest we are in this world We dare not speak as though we had already attained or were already perfect Phil. 3.12 our inward man is to be renewed day by day whilest here we live 2 Cor. 4.16 and according to the Renovations of the new are the breaches and decayes of the old Whilest we are here we know but in part 1 Cor. 13.12 having a remaining darkness to be gradually removed by our growth in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Pet. 3.18 And the Flesh lusteth against the Spirit so that we cannot do the things that we would Gal. 5.17 and are therefore defective in our Obedience as well as in our Light 1 Joh. 1.8 We have a body of death Rom. 7.24 from whence we are not delivered but by the death of our bodies Phil. 3.21 now it being our Duty to mortifie to be killing of Sin whilest it is in us we must be at work He that is appointed to kill an Enemy if he leave striking before the other ceases living doth but half his work Gal. 6.9 Heb. 12.1 2 Cor. 7.1 2. Sin doth not onely still abide in us but is still acting still labouring to bring forth the deeds of the Flesh When sin lets us alone we