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A50608 The Memory of that servant of God, John Story, revived shewing what manner of man he was from his youth to his grave, by the testimonies of several friends, to whom he was well known, and by whom, for his work sake in the truth, he was greatly beloved : to which is adjoyned something written by him, &c., in his latter years, wherein his judgment is shewn concerning some particular things, and his great desires for love, unity, concord, and peace in the church of Christ. Wilkinson, John, d. ca. 1683. Brief relation concerning the life and death of John Story. 1688 (1688) Wing M1702; ESTC R19789 42,298 47

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God than to endeavour to please Corrupt and Changeable Men whose Breath is in their Nostrils and who must go from hence and be no more seen The Testimony of J. J. John Fry Thomas Crabb Sen. John Sealy William Colman John Rogers Benjamin Laurence IF the holy Antients in the Days of old did mourn and Iament at the Death of their natural Friends and Relations or because of the want of them whose Company Counsel and good Advice Labour and Fellowship they had formerly enjoyed unto their Edification and Benefit why should it be thought any way unbeseeming Christianity or the People of God now to mourn and take up a great and solemn Lamentation for the Loss or taking away of Dear John Story who was very serviceable and his Company pleasant and his Advice very good unto us Did not Abraham mourn for Sarah his Wife and Joseph and his Brethren for Jacob their Father And it is Recorded in the Scriptures 1 Sam. 25. 1. That Samuel Dyed and all the Israelites were gathered together and Lamented for him And hath it not run like a natural Stream through all Ages for People that have true natural Affections to Lament the Loss of their Friends and more especially for worthy men of their time who had been very helpfull and serviceable unto them Therefore why may not the Friends of John Story Lament for him Seeing there are many yet living who do indeed know that he was a good Instrument in the Lords hand for their Good demonstrating the Way of Life unto them and others can testifie that he was very helpfull unto them in his Ministry and by his good Advice and Counsel towards the confirming them in the Truth in which they had believed And if any should enquire of us Why we do Lament for him who was so much vilified and in his latter Days so much disesteemed by some who formerly were then accounted his Friends and perhaps would then have said if they had been askt that he was also an Instrument of Good unto them in the Lords Hand Answer We do not thus Lament for him because we are sensible of any Evil he hath done unto any of those who have of late so much disesteemed vilisied and rejected him and his Testimony neither because we are sensible of any Sin or Trespass that he hath now of late or indeed ever in his Life that we know of more than what hath commonly or in general happened unto all men forasmuch as all have sinned and fall'n short of the Glory of God committed against God his Truth or People whereby the Lord should be displeased and take him away in his Wrath and Displeasure nay we do indeed believe having good ground for what we say that he was a Man greatly beloved of God who endued him with a large Portion of Divine and Heavenly Wisdom beyond many of his Fellow Servants and do not in the least doubt of his everlasting Well-being but do indeed believe that his Immortal Soul is entred into that Kingdom of Peace and Glory which shall never end because we are inwardly perswaded that he walked in his Day and Time in that Strait and Narrow Way which leadeth thereunto and that he did honestly Serve the Most High God with an upright Heart according to that degree of Grace and Divine Understanding that was given unto him to profit withal So that we do not Lament for him as a People without hope or doubting of his Rest and endless Peace and Joy in Gods Kingdom But the cause of this our Lamentation is because that by his removal or being taken away from amongst Men we are thereby deprived of the Enjoyment of his good Company who hath been unto some of us both like a Loving Father or an Elder Brother in Christ and as a Wise Counselour unto others And we can truly say That his Conversation amongst us was such as did well become a Minister of the Gospel both in Doctrine and in Practice for his Doctrine was Sound and his Conversation Honest Oh! how wise and prudent was his Behaviour and Carriage amongst his Friends and others where he came How Grave and Solid would he be in all weighty Matters or Discourse and yet at some other times modestly pleasant among his Friends and how Devout and Zealous in his Supplications unto the Most High and in his Declaration amongst Gods People So that we have Cause to Lament for him as for the Loss of an able Preacher of Gods Truth and although we might grant that some others might be more Eloquent and taking with the Affectionate Part in some Weak Hearers by their Declaration yet we know of none more sound in Doctrine nor more Innocent and Blameless in their Conversations than J. S. and his Faithful Companion J. W. And if any should Object against what is said of J. S. his Zeal because he did not of late Years Travel so much or keep so many Meetings as some others may to that we say That we do believe that there were but very few who were truly sensible of his great Weakness and Indisposition of Body that he was afflicted withal for many years insomuch that when he did Declare something largely in a Meeting he was most times very sick at night or sometimes very ill two or three Days after but considering his weakness of Body it is admirable unto us how he hath been carryed forth in his Service in Meetings time after time beyond the Expectation of many 2dly We may Lament for him as for the loss of one who had a great gift both to discern and Detect Eronious Doctrines and practices and in defending the Doctrines of Truth that he or his fellow Ministers held forth if at any time the Priests or Professors did oppose the same Oh! how did the Ancient Friends praise him in that respect and account him as one of the worthys of Gods Israel he was a good Pattern and Example in Life and conversation amongst men for how blamless and innocent was it in great Wisdom and prudence amongst the families where he came giving good advice and counsel at seasonable opportunities to Parents and Children and Servants for he had a good understanding in the things of God and well experienced in the way of Life and knew how to speak a word in season unto the weak or such as through an inward exercise were through the enimies Tempatations and Affaults ready to faint in their minds and turn out of the way we do believe he had great skill to inform such that were ready to dispair and that he was endued with an excellent gift of Wisdom and had of the deep things of God and Mistries of Life opened unto him so that although his Doctrine was generally sound and weighty plain and easie to be understood by mean capacities yet some of us do believe that he was more sound and knowing inwardly in the things of God then some by his outward Declaration might esteem
hide his Glory and keep hid the Things of his Kingdom But depending upon God fits People and prepares for his Service and gives the true Knowledge of what he requires to Practice His Saying hath been That even to him in that Estate was the Son of God Revealed the Great and Wonderful Power of the Almighty the Everlasting Day of Life the Highest Power the Commander and Giver of his Word he that appeared in the Clouds of Heaven opening glorious Things hath Revealed himself in Power and great Glory Though he was a Man in his Life that would not willingly miss the greatest Attainments in Truth yet he was not ashamed of being silent when in the Presence of an Assembly for the Day was wherein he saw the King the Lord of Hosts whose Majesty made him astonished at whose Presence and Sight he was struck silent for the space of a whole Year because he then saw that the Openings of God was Preached by him judging his inward Estate and Knowledge far short of the wonderful Knowledge and excellent Glory when he appeared in Fulness and so he waited in silence many a Meeting and thought himself unfit to Preach his Excellency and Greatness suffering Famine and sitting under the Sword which the Word by which all Things were made is compared unto in a sense of the true Cross and right Humility that goes before true Honour waiting for the Movings of the Almighty and his Spirit to demonstrate the Way of Life and said He was not Condemned of God in falling short of answering the Knowledge given unto him but far short in declaring the greatness of his Power and Fullness It is not you that speak using the words of Christ but the Spirit of my Father that speaketh in you This was the manner of his Life till God gave him the Word and called him forth for he said If I had sate in Silence all my Life I durst not go before God spake by his Spirit in me And truly Gods Power and Presence was with him and his Word and Motion plentifully given unto him and Wisdom from above to divide the Word aright and God made his way to prosper that the People prepared of God with his invisible Spirit answered the Word as Face answereth Face in a Glass and many that had mist their way to God by seeking him without he turned to the Light and Appearance of Christ within and he was confirmed in the Word through the Power and Effect thereof and Sealed to God in his Service who gave him great Ability to fulfil his Ministry He had but a very weak Body and travelled on foot North and South in this Nation about the space of three years I being his Companion do well know it and great Colds after much heat in Meetings empaired his Health besides his Concern with many Opposers in the breaking forth of Truth causing many long and tedious Disputes in which his Moderation in Gods Wisdom greatly appeared labouring in Truth to convince the Gainsayers he had great Skill and Ability given of God Viz. in Disputes that his Bow still abode in Strength and the Contenders for their Imaginations and against the Truth fell before him he was so strengthened with the Arm of the Almighty God of Jacob who honoured his Truth with him in the Sight of many Assemblies the Contenders often confessing to his Moderation and Meekness notwithstanding if he got hold of Deceit and false Affirmations from wilful Opposers he held such very hard to the Point not letting them go to another thing unless they confest their Errour but any Objection or Doubt through Ignorance was meekly in Truth resolved and he had no delight to dispute with Opposers or high Contenders unless they themselves were the Cause neither to spread in Writing or Print any Disputes though often desired And at that time many longed to hear the Word of God and cryed Come and have a Meeting with us and sometimes went to help but even as Paul to Macedonia by Vision and Revelation to Preach the Gospel to them and visiting over and over them to whom God sent him to Preach the Gospel He was faithful in Doing or in Suffering as required of the Almighty witness his Sufferings in Salisbury Goal under Sentence of Premunire almost a whole year but delivered at the Kings Coronation for before Prescriptions Outward Orders and Forms among some Friends were so Imposed and carried a stress of Religion John Story was not judged a Flyer in Persecution but esteemed honourable among the Brethren and it is plain that because he could not receive some Prescriptions of Men's with all its Formalities therefore was he Proceeded against by some as one of a wrong Spirit and out of the Vnity though he opposed not others therein if they were so perswaded of God but they would not be satisfied with that but opposed him in Publick Meetings as one that hated to be Reformed Alas Alas his Religion was not formed with Orders and Precepts of Men he could not so far dishonour his God nor judge any Friends so weak in Understanding to make a Breach of Unity with them under pretence of Motion Government and Dignity John said He was often ashamed of such a Degeneration and said if it did continue the evil Effects would scarcely cease He rendred not evil for evil by opposing his Opposers in Meetings for Publick Worship but exhorted to Righteousness and Peace and if that could not be born it be speaketh saith he a Famine of the Word Oh he was sound in Judgment and not afraid that his Doctrine should come to publick view his Candle was lighted not to put under a Bushel let them that have opposed him and endeavoured to darken the light and shining thereof through him look to it Repent and turn to God before it be too late least God suffers the same measure to be meted again for his Ways are Equal and Just and Righteous altogether and as he endeavoured his Doctrine should be tryed commending it to every mans Conscience in the Sight of God so also his proceeding and good Works saying How should Men glorifie our Heavenly Father if our Proceedings and good Works be hid from them and if People wait not in the Spirit but oppose it with Forms of Mans making such cannot relish the Word of Life nor suffer Truth 's Testimony in Quiet but causeth jangling with Forms in the break of the Day against Truth and see not the Glory that excelleth nor the Testimonies that exalts the Light which God commanded to shine forth in the Face of Jesus whom the Righteous loveth and is their Life in which my dear Companion J. S. had great Delight He was a loving and plain Man and greatly abhorred Feignedness warning People that they should not worship the Works of their own hands nor feign Humility and cautioned to beware of a Spirit of Pride and seeking Honour and Greatness which he saw in his day was too much
sought after When he heard such Doctrine Viz. Have an Eye to the Brethren it seemed strange and new not like Truth as the proceedings about Outward Orders did remembring the Doctrine before was Look unto the Lord and eye him and The Wisemans Eye is in his Head Spiritually meaning in Christ However what was meant by having an Eye to the Brethren they best know who have used it but John Story in his Life had a great Dislike of it doubting to what it would grow he profest not much discerning in making an outward shew with his Eyes but he had a pure discerning with the Light of the Spirit in the Elect Estate in Christ Satan transformed into an Angel of Light nor his Ministers appearing as the Ministers of Righteousness could not deceive him nor feigned Flattery nor Sheeps Cloathing hide the Ravening Wolf from his Sight nor make him conclude with Threatnings that false Accusations and unrighteous Judgment was of the Lamb's Nature truly the worth of such a Minister of Truth cannot be equalled with outward Treasure and such sent of God is a Blessing to a Kingdom or a Nation but being rejected and opposed will surely bring a Curse but no Disturbers could move him but in all his Sufferings God endued him with Patience though many times in great weakness of Body and often in appearance nigh unto Death But the Prophecy of the badness of his Life in 1676 is now proved as false as Solomon Eccles Prophecy is of the Time of his Death for some years after that God gave him Strength and carryed him hundreds of Miles in his Service afterwards he was very weak at which time a Friend a Doctor George Walker came to visit him and I heard him say He was near gone to all outward Appearance unless God had some further Work for him to do And indeed the Almighty into whose Hand he was committed raised him up again and carryed him South and West Strengthening and Comforting the Brethren till his Testimony was finished in those Parts whose loss is great and Cause of sorrowing that they shall see his Face no more for the Lord brought him to Westmoreland his Native Country where he was received with great Gladness for the Lords Power and Presence was with him to the great Refreshment of the truly Righteous and on a First-day at a Meeting in Kendal cleared his Conscience in Testimony to the Antient Truth in which his Doctrine was wonderful weighty and his Experience very great He was but young as to number of years between fourty and fifty but he fulfilled a great time if Wisdom be Gray-hair and undefiled Life old Age he was weak of Body about two weeks not able to go abroad but little complained of Sickness the gentle Dealings of the Lord was wonderful to him and brought many to remember his meek Behaviour and Neighbours said he lived well and was like to dye well he was like an innocent Lamb opened not his mouth to complain the merciful Dealings of God unto him at all times filled him with a great sense of Joy and true content having assurance to rest with him the Fountain of Life and Fulness which through but a measure of his Spirit such Heavenly Joy and true Content cometh And he seeing his Testimony and Time on Earth was finished his great Love he signified to all Friends in Truth while he had Strength to speak desiring God to preserve them in it to the End and lay silent a pritty while moving his hands as I took it while with him in a sense of Rest and Heavenly Praise after that I had not been two hours from him which was on urgent occasion till word came to me he was Departed So much concerning his Innocent Life and part of Trouble he met with for his Testimony to Truth his Meekness and Content and Assurance of Eternal Felicity as duely observed about the manner of his Departure by John Wilkingson POSTSCRIPT I Have this farther to add that John Story is gone to his Rest whose Testimony when God Revealed his Son in him was given in Gods power and would have sitten in Silence without he Revealed the Word of Life and to all unprejudiced hearers that thirsted after Righteousness and that Knowledg and Power that leadeth to Happiness his Doctrine dropt as the Rain that Refresheth the tender Grass to all thristy and longing souls to their great refreshment and consolation and my Counsel to all opposers of the Ministers of Truth is that they cease for time to come and Repent and let no more slanderers have place to beget prejudice in you but let the Truth you profess be your defence against it And with your own measures savour for your selves least you be led in a false belief by men that love and lust to rule under pretence of Gods motion and unbrotherly proceedings under pretence of Church Power be slow in speaking without certain knowledge especially evil of anytill your own experence with Truth prove it to you through your exact tryal least you be lead by Men into a false Faith to speak evil of true Believers and condemn them to be of a wrong spirit whom God Justifieth and if this counsel had been followed and was the Doctrine of Truth in the begining to your own to your own the difference among Friends had been kept in a narrow compass and but a few concerned that caused difference and the things but Temporal which Spiritual Weapons would soon have conquered and overcome and Truth Peace and stablity would have abounded then high places with spiritual wickedness had not been assumed but when temporal things hath Religion placed in them which only springs form the Fountain of Life this dishonours God who is the Author of all true Religion And makes it a shelter for the greatest Hypocrites and even a Cage for all unclean Birds to Chatter against the Righteous that receive the Word of Truth and both live and practice as their Measures of God Requireth and agreeable to the Scriptures of holy Men who are gon to their Rest where neither false Witness nor unrighteous Judgment can take away their Inheritance I. W. Something taken out of a Letter from George Dodgson to a friend bearing date the twenty seventh of the ninth Month 1681. concerning the departure of John Story THat which I have to communicate to thee and Friends and which is to the Sadening and Sorrow of many hearts is the departure of our Dear Brother I. S. who in much peace and quiet departed this Life the last third day having no sense of Paine upon him to the apprehension of Friends but even as though he had Slumbered very Quietly breathed his last He had been out of health about fourteen dayes before but not very likely for Death till about four dayes before he dyed when the Distemper and Weakness seized more fully upon him He was Intrerred very honourably a great many People being there present both of Friends and of
believe for these following Reasons First Because he was alwayes owned and esteemed as a servant of Christ and a true Minister of the Gospel by such as did profess the Truth as far as ever we did understand until such time as he did object against or dislike with the setting up of such outward Orders and Ceremonies as aforesaid 2dly Because that since that time he did mislike such things as aforesaid we have found that there hath been endeavours by some to undervalue him and his Testimony and occasions sought against him to render him as unworthy and contemplible as possible they could 3ly Because some of us concerned in the following Testimonies have often asked of those who have been Opposers at least Dislikers of him what they had against him of evil either in his Life Conversation or Doctrine to lay to his charge and it hath been said unto such that if they could make any thing of evil appear in him either in Life Conversation or Doctrine that then we would disown him But instead of proving any thing of evil against him it hath been oftentimes answered after this manner That as to his Life and Conversation it was honest or they had nothing against him for that and as to his Doctrine it was good Words but that they did not come from a Right Spirit Or to that effect And therefore since his Opposers did not prove any thing of this nature against him while he was Living we shall think our selves or any others not much obliged to believe any thing of evil Report that others may say of or concerning him now he is Removed from amongst Men and if any shall endeavour to defame him in his Christian Reputation now he is gone doubtless it will rather seem to us or any sober and moderate People to savour of a Spirit of Malice and Prejudice than of the Spirit of Christianity or common Civility but if any of his Opposers should think that out of fear we do as it were bespeak their Silence we do say to such let them do as they please for we fear them not We further say we have observed That not one Man we know of who hath a Publick Testimony and doth not Conform unto Orders and Ceremonies as aforesaid that is now owned or accounted of as formerly by those who have appeared against him or are Hot and Zealous for the Orders c. And although such Nonconformists are as blameless in their Lives and Conversations and as Sound in their Doctrine and Testimonies as formerly yet we find that they are either publickly Disowned or else privately Calumniated and Disliked withal And on the other hand we have likewise observed That if others who are Conformable and Preach up the Orders c. are guilty of such things as in Truth cannot be justifiable yet such Persons are either Owned or at leastwise not publickly reproved that we know of And therefore we do say unto such as do thus turn Justice and true Judgment backwards and endeavour to smother over the Errours either in Doctrine or Life and Conversation of the Guilty and to Condemn the Innocent because of their Nonconformity beware least you provoke the Lord to Wrath and he doth break forth amongst you in his sore Displeasure And if any Friendly Reader should suppose that the Publication of this Preface and following Testimonies may give occasion for a further Contention because some things therein may seem to reflect somewhat hard in General on such as were Opposers or Dislikers of him and so for that reason the Reader who loves to be quiet and desires that all Contentions amongst Friends were at an end doth dislike the Publication hereof To which it may be answered That after the Decease of J. S. it rested on the Spirits of several Friends in several Places and Countries where he had Ministred and been Serviceable to write something concerning him and what Service he had done for the Lord amongst them in his Day and Time and among the rest it came upon some of us in Wiltshire to publish a Testimony after this manner by way of Lamentation for the Loss of so able a Preacher of Gods Truth as he was in his Day and Time and also to give some account of what he was amongst us and what he did stand for and against that so those who had heard of him and not known him by face might be truly informed of his Doctrine Life and Conversation among us who were well acquainted with him for many years and so have had the more Experience thereof But forasmuch as several Friends who were Conscientiously concerned to Write did live some of them far distant one from the other it hath been the more trouble to collect their several Testimonies and so that hath caused some obstruction in the Publication hereof for some were written long since and still did rest on the Spirits of many to Write which at first was not expected by us and now at length is made Publick not to Reflect on others for what is past if possibly it could be avoided but to clear our Consciences in the Sight of God and for the true Information of the Upright in Heart who do love the Truth more than a bare Notion of it and cannot at all times either Saile with the Wind nor Swim with the Tide but keep in mind that good Advice Viz. To try all things with the Truth and hold fast that which is Good But for a further Answer to the Objection aforesaid We judge it is in vain for any to expect that the most moderate Testimony that can be given on behalf of him should escape without the severe Censures or Calumniations of some of his Opposers because we have often found by Experience that some of his Opposers have at some times been so filled with Prejudice against him that they could hardly with Patience endure to hear him well spoken of and account the Party so speaking in his Commendation to be either a Leavened or Bad Spirit and therefore we cannot in our present apprehension expect but that his Opposers will endeavour to invalidate our Testimony which if they do in publick it may bring a Concern upon some of us to be more particular and plain if occasion be given for it as to naming of some particular Persons than now we are free to do on this Occasion although as we said before for any to think that a Testimony for him can be given and not in some sort to reflect on some of his Opposers Actions or Doctrines it is in vain for any so to suppose But this we may assure the tender Reader that we have been as sparing as with clearness of Conscience we could and if any are offended at us for this plain and honest Testimony for the Truth and concerning our Deceased Friend Let all such know that we do account it more true Wisdom and better for us to endeavour to please the Almighty and unchangeable
Things and lay it to heart for this is not doing as you would have others do unto you and do not think that the Saints Unity stands in those Things but in the Spirit and Truth Therefore Friends I do exhort and admonish you all to repent of the Evil you have done against the abovesaid Servant of the Lord J. S. or against any other of his Faithful Friends and Brethren and beware in time to come and watch in the Light of the Son of God against that Spirit in you that Lusts to Envy or to Hate Oppose or Persecute your Brethren And remember what the Apostle John said He that saith he is in the Light and hateth his Brother is in Darkness and walketh in Darkness and knoweth not whether he goeth because the Darkness hath blinded his Eyes So let this be a Warning unto you all that you may not in time to come stop or hinder any of the the Servants of the Lord in the Work of the Ministry that so you may avoid that Sentence of Go ye Cursed and which will be the Portion of all those that are found smiting their Fellow Servants R. A. Leonard Coal's Testimony DEar John Story whom the Lord made an Instrument in his Hand and fil'd with Heavenly Treasure and gave him his Word to Declare which he often did in the Counsel and Wisdom received of God dispensing it aright to the Capacities and Understandings of the Hearers for the opening thereof and did reach to Gods Witness in many he was well known to me and I had through the Goodness of the Lord opportunity to accompany him of late in some of his Travels in which time and ever since I knew him which was about twenty years he always behav'd himself as a Pattern of Righteousness which answered the Good in all He was always ready to give Advice to the Weak and Instruction to those who were enquiring the Way to Gods Kingdom and through the Operation of Gods Spirit could direct them to distinguish between the Im●ginacions of the Enemies deceitful working and Imaginations of their own Hearts and the true Mo●ions of Gods Spirit which Motion I am fully perswaded he knew right well he much desired and prayed for Quietness and Unity in the One Spirit of God and that all Friends might know it and follow the Leadings and Guidance of it in all things that relate to Gods Worship and Service and that they might not act by Imitation on that account and that People might come to know the way to Gods Kingdom and walk in it he often desired God to forgive those that spoke evil of him and that they might repent of their Slanderous and Lying Reports and False Prophesies of him And now the Lord hath taken him to himself out of the reach of them all he is gone to his Rest where no Sorrow nor Tears are I am fully perswaded And it is my earnest Desire that the Lord would be pleased to raise up more such Instruments for his own Work and Service as it pleaseth him L. C. Benjamin Coal's Testimony SInce I heard of the Decease of dear John Story there hath been a Testimony in my Heart to give forth concerning him whom I dearly loved for the Truths sake in which I have been often Comforted and truly Refreshed through him It is now towards twenty years since I came acquainted with him and our long Imprisonment in the heat of Persecution of Friends in Reading he came several times to Visit us in Prison and many pretious opportunities we had with him in Prison and were thereby wuch comforted and strengthened in our Suffering condition and many Hearts were tendered and sweetly consolated at that time in a real sense of the living presence of the Lord God which was with us and some that came into the Prison were Convinced of the Truth since which he hath often Visited us in our Meetings also I have from time to time been in his company both in Publick and Private and taken many serious Observations of his Deportment which hath been Grave and as a Servant of Christ yea it was such that from the first to to the last time I saw him which was not many Months since I never had acquaintance with any that exceeded him in a good Life and Conversation And the Lord endued him with a Gift beyond many in declaring the Truth and many were Convinced and turned to God by him He had a divine Understanding given him to divide the Word aright he was able and ready to inform Peoples Understandings to give Counsel and good Advice to Sion's Travellors who were at any time in a bewildred condition whereby many were often relieved and comforted that have been in trouble under the temptations of the Enemy of mans Peace He was of a loving kind Temper to all and his Company was very comfortable to me when Trials and Sufferings have attended Friends upon any account for a Testimony to the Truth he hath been an Encourager and Strengthener to many therein and I never knew him to speak slightingly or account it an Indifferent thing to be faithful to God in that respect or in any other good Work and Service wherein we might serve the Lord and one another but frequently exhorted and counselled Friends to be Zealous and Dilligent in wairing upon the Lord to know and answer his Requirings both by Doing Suffering and bearing Testimony for his Name and Truth upon Earth that so they might Honour the Lord and come to rest in Peace for ever And notwithstanding he met with many Exercises and Troubles among men yet the Lord was pleased to give him much Patience and when he hath been grieved and abused by any he manifested much of a Spirit of Forgiveness and Longsuffering towards his Opposers not rendring Even for Evil. I have often heard him speak much in Commendation of many Antient Brethren which are Deceased whom the Lord raised up to Preach and Publish the Everlasting Gospel in the beginning and how pretious and acceptable the Visitation of the Lord was to many that were in Distress and Mourned in solitary Places for want of the Saving Knowledge of God which is Life to the Soul And in a godly Care for the Honour and Propagation of Truth and the good of Soules I know he was often very deeply concerned and bowed in Spirit and was a man of Sorrows often with much fervent Zeal praying for the Prosperity of the Lords Work and that all that which was of a hurtfull nature might be utterly destroyed from among the Lords People and that Love unfeigned with the increase of Righteousness which brings everlasting Peace might abound amongst us For this was his soul often in supplication and Prayers unto the Lord God both in Publick and Private amongst Friends Oh! What shall I say for my heart is filled at this time and often tendred in the remembrance of the Lords Love and those sweet and seasonable Opportunities which
as I have approved my self a Man of Peace so my Desires are that the Peace of God in the Love and Unity of the Truth may abound amongst you And now Friends I shall leave it to the Righteous God to Judge whether what is now proposed be not according to the Spirit of Truth which by its appearance in every Member of the Church of Christ at this day is become the only Lawgiver in every such Member in Matters that relate to the World to come for by it we are instructed in our Heavenly Duties to God Viz. How to Sacrifice to Worship and Serve him acceptably by Obedience to all his Requirings and through the same are the Lords People led into such Methods or Outward Practices wherein they are helpful and Serviceable each to other in their Generation for the Lord alone ought to be ey'd in and beyond Outward Forms though his Presence hath been and still is with his People in those Forms he leads into and so to him let us look who was before all Time and Days of this Fading World and is the Alpha and Omega the Beginner and Finisher of the Work of our Redemption which was and which is and which is to come the Almighty who alone ought to be minded beyond all visible Things and unto him in all our Exercises whether Inward or Outward my Soul desires we may all be kept even in that Spiritual Appearance of our Lord and Saviour which is that acceptable Day which shines in the Inward Man through which God hath made me amongst many other of his Servants partaker of that Heavenly Religion which is unspotted many of you know our Beginning was in his Holy Spirit and Power through which Death is and shall be more fully abolished and Life and Immortality brought to Light in and through which Power alone the Saints have and shall be throughly Sanctified and Perfected for ever and through it are the Heirs of that Eternal Inheritance and Heavenly Kingdom which outlasts all Outward Things and never fadeth away where all the Longings Earnings and Desires of the Righteous shall be fully Answered and Satisfied for evermore with the full Injoyment of that Life and Immortality over which the Second Death hath no Dominion and then may it be truly said of such That they are entred in and do take their Possessions Now into this Life in which the Heavenly Brotherhood and Fellowship of Saints stand the Lord gather you all more and more that whatever hath appeared in any contrary thereto may by his Word of Life be broken down subdued and rise no more that into the Bond of Peace and Union in the Truth ye may be again United and become Co-workers together as Gods Heavenly Family in the Love even in that Love which thinks no Evil for the Desire of my Soul is that ye may be cemented and Established together upon that Everlasting Rock and Foundation which the Gates of Hell and Death can never prevail against I shall now conclude with those wholesome words of the Apostle of our Lord and Saviour Put on therefore as the Elect of God Holy and Beloved Bowels of Mercies Kindness Humbleness of Mind Meekness Long-Suffering Forbearing one another if any Man have a Quarrel against any even as Christ forgave you even so do ye and above all these Things put on Charity which is the Bond of Perfectness and let the Peace of God Rule in your Hearts to the which you are called Col. 3. 12. So in the Desire to the Lord God that these things may truly be weighed and have place with you I rest Your Servant in the Work and Labour of the Gospel John Story POST-SCRIPT LET this Epistle be read in an Assembly to be appointed for both Meetings Viz. that called Quarterly and that called Separate in or near Kendal for my earnest Desire is that it should be so Read because as I said before I have a Concern upon my Spirit thus to write unto you both the things therein Contained I Recommend to Gods Witness in all your Consciences not desiring to Impose on any I knowing this that where it is awakened there will be an Answer to the Spirit of Peace and Truth in which 't was wrote and though some have given forth their false Censures and false Prophesies concerning me and others laid various Temptations before me which I look upon to be the Work of the Common Enemy that so I might have Stumbled and Fallen though those in whom it hath so wrought may not have an Eye open to see it yet my Joy and Rejoycing in the Lord is that they have not yet removed me from the hope of the Gospel Blessed be the Name of God for ever more for to his Praise and Glory and in his Fear which hitherto hath Preserved me I speak it my Cryes the Lord hath heard and he hath given me a certain Knowledge of his Way otherwise I might have been in great Danger to have sunk into the Pit of Confusion and never risen more but his Love is unchangeable his Mercy never fails them that put their Trust in him this by long Experience can I now Speak therefore I exhort and intreat you all to turn your Minds to his Inward Appearance through which his Love which is stronger than Death will be shed abroad in your Hearts and his Power be felt which will remove that which hath been the Cause of your Breach that you may come again to walk together in that Heavenly Charity through which no former Miscarriage will be remembred and so come to Serve him with one Heart in that way of Life which he hath made known unto us in these latter Days and thus you may finish your Course with Joy and leave this World in Peace and Injoyment of Immortality and take your Possessions in that Kingdom in which the Fulness of Joy that ever shall be is Inherited and where through the Earnest and Assurance of the Heavenly Kingdom the last End of the Righteous is Crowned with Honour and in that Day the many Temptations that have and do attend Gods People in this Fading Life shall cease and never be again J. S. Calne the last of the 7th Month 1677. And at present for a Conclusion we Thus End NOw as to all such that have or yet may think to defame us by saying in a proud scoffing manner These are Storians or of Story ' s Spirit we know nothing that he either held or practised on a Religious Account but what was agreeable to the Holy Scriptures and the Testimony of Gods Spirit as received amongst us in the Beginning so he is gone to his Grave no Sect-Master but a Follower of Christ and we never desire to follow him nor any Man but in the Steps and Way of that Stable Truth that shall outlast all New Inventions and Envious Nick-Names And although for a time the multitude of Israel did give their Ear-rings or Jewels of Prey to Giddion to make a Golden Ephod and said he should Rule over them the Evil Snare and Shame it afterwards brought upon them and him might be a Warning to others Giddions Beginning was Glorious and wonderfull but when the Hearts of that People began to turn from the Lord they tempted Giddion they were suffered to be a Snare to one another FINIS ERRATA Page 8. Line last but 2 for of trouble read of the trouble p. 11. l. 22. f. as Friends r. all Friends p. 12. l. 16. f. and as some r. as some l. 39. f. Opposers at r. Opposers of or at p. 13. l. 29. f. amongst you r. against you p. 19. l. 15. f. are we r. we are p. 26. l. 33. f even r. evil p. 28. l. 1. f. Keep 's r. Keyes and the Folio to be made 28. p. 32. l. 3. f. one r. own l. 33. f. now r. nor l. 43. f. thy years r. the year