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A47326 Convivium cœleste a plain and familiar discourse concerning the Lords Supper, shewing at once the nature of that sacrament : as also the right way of preparing our selves for the receiving of it : in which are also considered those exceptions which men usually bring to excuse their not partaking of it. Kidder, Richard, 1633-1703. 1684 (1684) Wing K401; ESTC R218778 114,952 274

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profess that Jesus is risen from the dead and that he is the Christ without any molestation And therefore this profession is no argument now that we have a saving Faith But were it now with us as it was with the first Christians it would be indeed an argument of our sincerity If it would cost us our lives or estates to confess the Faith of Christ then we might hope well of our selves if we retained our confidence unto the end This would argue us to be the faithful and genuine followers of our Lord. It is an easie thing to profess the Faith when we lose nothing by this profession But we cannot be his Disciples till we do prefer him before our Houses and Lands and our Life it self This was that which the first Martyrs or Witnesses of the Resurrection did They durst own Jesus to be the Christ though they paid their blood and sacrificed their lives for him No terrors or torments could make them deny the Lord that bought them The Faith of the Gospel was dearer to them than all the best things of this present life They that did this were indeed born of God And their patient sufferings for Christ were an evident argument of the sincerity of their Faith Secondly it is very certain and this follows from what was said before that the confessing of Christ the saying that he is the Lord the believing that Jesus is the Christ and confessing that he is come in the flesh do imply a life agreeable to such a profession 1 John 5 4 5. If the belief of these things have an influence upon our lives if it regulate and form them to a due and proportionable obedience then indeed we are born of God and shall be saved If we believe that Christ is risen and do which such a belief should teach us to do also rise with him to newness of life If we believe Jesus to be the Christ and accordingly submit to him in all his offices if we call him Lord and then do whatsoever he commands then indeed we are Gods Children and shall be saved It is very evident that no less than this can be meant by those expressions which are before named we cannot imagine that it is enough to call him Lord though we obey him not To believe that he rose from the dead when we lie in the grave of our sin and filthiness Certainly these expressions import the belief and profession of these truths and a life answerable to such a belief Were it not so it would be a most easie thing to be a Christian and our Faith were very reconcileable with our evil lives And therefore I add 4. A true and saving Faith is productive of a good life We must not only believe that what God hath revealed is true but we must consent to it and yield our selves obedient The Gospel may be looked upon either as an History of things that were done and said or as a tendry and offer of mercy upon terms and conditions which are therein specified and propounded And accordingly he that believes to Salvation does not only assent to what is therein revealed and made known but also consent to embrace the mercy that is there offered upon those terms upon which it is propounded For a man may believe what is revealed to be true and to have come from God and yet refuse to give up himself to the obedience of those precepts and rules which are there injoyned him in order to his eternal Salvation The holy Scriptures require of us such a belief as is accompanied with obedience And when it commands us the belief of the Gospel it requires that we should shew by our actions that we do believe it That is that we should so behave our selves as we do in other things which we do believe and how we do in other things it is easie to observe If men do upon rational grounds believe that they may attain their ends be it riches or honour c. by using such or such a method and course they do diligently set themselves to work that they may accomplish their designs Nay a very small assurance will set men to work in these cases The Merchant out of the uncertain hope of wealth will venture himself and what he hath upon a rough and a doubtful Sea The Ambitious man of Wars for the hope of a victory and a triumph will adventure his life upon the chance of battel The Husbandman that believes he shall fill his Barns and Coffers by his labour and pains will rise up early and sit up late and eat the bread of carefulness He will spare nor cost nor pains he will not be dismayed with the burden of the Summers heat nor the keenness of the Winters cold he will do and he will suffer no pains or care are thought too much that he may obtain his end Men do this when they have no assurance of success and when the thing which they aim at is not worth their while Yet these pains they take because they beleive their success is possible and that their labour may not be lost If men did believe the Gospel at this rate what would they not do that they might lay hold of eternal life Here 's a sure word of promise and here 's a great promise too here 's all the encouragement that can be imagined here 's eternal life before us that unspeakable gift and the greatest assurance of it upon the terms offered God himself who cannot lie or repent hath promised if we did believe this as much as we do other things which we have not such reason to believe we should not be idle and lazy but we should give all diligence we should always abound in the work of the Lord knowing that our labour would not be in vain in the Lord. Certainly thus it would be with us if our Faith were as it should be if it were genuine and of the right stamp But if we sit still and be unconcerned in the great affair of our Souls if we be lazy and without devotion we may indeed boast of a Faith but it is a dead Faith and we may please our selves with a good opinion of our estate but sure it is we are not risen with Christ but we are dead in our trespasses and sins Then we do indeed savingly believe the Gospel when this belief of it begets in us a good life Unless it have this effect upon us we are infidels and unbelievers For we cannot think our selves better then the Heathens for our Faith if our works be not better than theirs If we know these things and do not do them we are worse than they who know them not He believes as he should do that lives as he does believe The Gospel tells us that without holiness no man shall see God Heb. 12.14 Who can imagine that the man believes this who does confidently expect to go to Heaven and yet takes no care to p●●ge and
cleanse his heart He that believes it as he ought endeavours to be holy as God is holy Again the Gospel tells us that we must not swear at all Matth. 5.34 Nay more than that that we shall give an account at the day of judgement for every idle word we speak Matth. 12.36 Now certain it is that there are many who swear in their ordinary conversation and others also who forswear themselves and whose mouths are full of cursing and bitterness And who can think that such men as these are do believe the Gospel as they should do He believes aright who does practise those precepts which he professes the belief of He that does not that is an unbeliever He may profess that he knows God but in works he denies him Tit. 1.16 and they that do so the Apostle reckons among the unbelieving ver 15. Our Saviour tells us that he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life i. e. he that obeyeth the Son 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for he presently adds he that believeth not the Son or he that obeyeth not the Son as those words may well be rendred shall not see life Joh. 3.36 And when the Apostle tells us that God sware to some that they should not enter into his rest he adds that it was to them who believed not so we render the words but they might be rendred to them who obeyed not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And then he presently infers we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief Heb. 3.18 19. To believe on the name of Christ is to receive him Joh. 1.12 But if we receive him as we should we must receive him and acknowledge him in all his Offices as our Prophet Priest and King That is we must believe the truth of his Doctrine as he is our great Prophet and that Teacher who came from God and then we must obey his Precepts as he is our Lord and our King as well as expect pardon from him as he is our Priest and our Atonement We must receive him as he is offered to us in the Gospel and not only confidently expect our pardon from him but we must receive him as God hath sent him and God hath sent him to bless you in turning away every one of you from his iniquities Act. 3.26 Now that it is such a Faith in Christ as I have been speaking of which the Scriptures require of us in order to our eternal Salvation will appear 1. If we consider the great end of the manifestation of Jesus Christ or the great purpose for which he was sent into the World Now we must not think that Christ came into the world and did and suffered those great things which we read of him only to procure our pardon and indemnity we must not think that the only end of all this was that we might be delivered from the evil effects and bad consequents of our sins he would be certainly a welcome Saviour to the worst of mankind upon this score For provided we may enjoy our sins we are content that he should suffer for them We are very willing that he should bear the blame provided we may but have the liberty to commit the fault Though we love our sins well yet are we not fond of the sorrows which they bring with them We are willing enough that Christ should pay our scores and well pleased to live in our sins and take it kindly that Christ would die for them But certain it is that Christ appeared and suffered for us too that he might deliver us from the power and dominion as well as from the guilt of our sins He did not die for sin that we might live in it He never came to discharge us from our duty we think unworthily of our Saviour and of our Religion if we think thus He came to plant the divine life in our hearts to make us better and more like unto God Let the holy Scriptures speak in this matter His name is called Jesus because he should save his people from their sins Matth. 1.21 It is ridiculous to say that by sins is meant no more than the punishment of them Nor can we think that Christ came into the world for no other end He would then have taken away the effect and left the cause remaining This would be to remove the less evil and to let the greater continue as if a Physician should only project how to remove or abate the symptom and take no care to suppress the disease and remove the morbifick matter which is the cause of it Certainly we think meanly of our Saviours design if we think this was all his business in the World He came to save us from our sins and they are a greater evil sure than the effects of them This is a nobler conquest than to deliver us from death And this sure was the great purpose of our blessed Saviour When God promised the Messias no less blessing was contained in that promise than this that we might serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our Life Luk. 1.74 75. The Apostle certainly understood the great end for which Christ appeared He tells us that for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the Devil 1 Joh. 3.8 And that this was one great end why our Lord laid down his life no man can deny that gives any credit to the Holy Scriptures There we are told that he gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purifie unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works Tit. 2.14 Again it is said that he gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil World Gal. 1.4 And that he dyed for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which dyed for them and rose again 2 Cor. 5.15 He dyed for his Church indeed but then he gave himself for it that he might sanctifie and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word that he might present it to himself a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be Holy and without blemish Eph. 5.25 26 27. The same Apostle tells his Colossians that Christ hath reconciled them in the body of his flesh through death to present them holy and unblamable and unreprovable in his sight Col. 1.21 22. Besides what hath been said we are from the death of Christ exhorted to an Holy Life 1 Pet. 4.1 2. Rom. 6.3 4. 1 Cor. 5.7 8. Which certainly we could not so effectually have been had our Saviour only dyed for our Indemnity and to procure our pardon But since he dyed for sin that we might not live in it well may we from his death be exhorted to an Holy Life and Conversation Which if we do not lead we do then frustrate and make void the
Souls then we must not only find out our sin but we must put it away also and before we presume to eat of this Bread and drink of this Cup we must find in our Souls such a repentance as is never to be repented of CHAP. VII BUT as we must come to this Sacrament with a sincere and hearty Repentance for our past sins so we must also come with full purposes and resolutions of Amendment of Life for the time to come Now because our Resolution like our Repentance is many times weak and insignificant it will therefore well become us to examine these purposes and resolutions of newness of life which we so frequently pretend when we make our approaches to this holy Table For it is very evident that there are very many men that give good words and make fair promises of Amendment of Life upon the bed of sickness or at the approach of this Sacrament who yet are so far from making their words good that they do sometimes run into a greater excess of folly and wickedness than they were guilty of before We shall therefore do well to try our purposes and resolutions and narrowly to examine them whether they be such as are like to hold or not and to that purpose we may consider the following Severals 1. We have little reason to give credit to rash and sudden purposes of Amendment of Life The sinner does now and then resolve vehemently against his sin but it is when he hath newly surfeited upon his folly and defiled himself with his sin then indeed he is sick of it for a while and resolves to lay it aside Or perhaps some great and amazing affliction falls upon him and this brings his sin to remembrance and he suddenly resolves he will put away his sin and lead a new life but when this tempest of sorrow is over and his appetite returns anew upon him he does easily embrace his folly again and is as much the child of Satan as he was before Such a man is troubled at the mischief which his folly hath betray'd him to and is sick of his sin for a while because he hath tasted of the bitterness which did attend it But when he hath forgotten the trouble and the pain his sin hath put him to then he returns to it again There are those in the world that do frequently resolve against their sins and yet do as constantly commit those very sins which they so passionately resolve against and that because it was not their sins which gave them so much trouble but the evil effects and consequents which did follow upon them For when their sin courts them and smiles upon them when it follows them officiously and pleads for a reconcilement they readily yield themselves up to their slavery again 2. We have little reason to trust to that resolution which we have formerly found so very ineffectual If we find that we have often resolved as much as now we do against our sins and yet that for all that when the solemnity hath been over we have forfeited our good promises we have very little reason to trust our selves That man who hath been often a partaker of this Sacrament and hath as often made his resolves to become better and as often broken them hath no reason to believe himself nor to communicate again till he find a change in himself For it is to be suspected that such a man's resolutions of Amendment are but formal and of course and that he is only over-awed with the greatness of the approaching Solemnity and not truly out of love with his sins which he pretends at this time a defiance to The best evidence of the sincerity of our Resolutions is this that we do as we have resolved Unless we do this there can be nothing more insignificant than our Resolutions are And sure it is in every thing else we judge thus Not he that resolves but he that fights couragiously gets the victory Our resolving does not alone set forward any work 't is the putting our Resolutions into practice which does avail us 3. He that resolves as he ought to do must resolve not only upon the end but also upon the means which lead to it We are forward to resolve for Heaven at large but consider not of the way and means which will bring us thither We are generally willing to be happy but yet we do readily excuse our selves from the difficulties and severities of an holy life He that resolves to be temperate must also resolve to avoid his evil Company that drew him to that excess to pass by the door where he is wont to be drawn in He that resolves to be chast must also resolve to decline the house of a whorish Woman and to set a watch upon himself that he be not ensnared with her enticements He that resolves against his sin must resolve also against every thing which leads him to it and he will shew himself sincere in his Resolutions by his use of such means as would gain his end There is nothing more ridiculous than our Resolution if we resolve upon the end and not upon the means also which lead unto it We think so in other things we do not think we shall ever be rich by a resolving only to be so We must be provident and frugal as well as resolute before we can attain our end 'T is not Resolution makes a man learned unless he add endeavours to his Resolution We may resolve what we will but we shall be never the nearer to our end unless we use the means as well as resolve upon the end We never heard of any man that gained his end by resolving upon it unless he used means for the accomplishing his intention Resolution does us no good when it is alone It sets us forward greatly when we use proper means but unless we do that we are not at all advanced by it 4. He that resolves as he should do places before his eyes the difficulties and inconveniences which he is like to meet with in his way Like a wise builder he does forecast his charge before he begin his work or like a prudent Commander he does well consider his number and strength before he fall upon the army of his adversaries Luk. 14.28 He that resolves to part with his sin must resolve to be for ever deaf to its allurements for the time to come to subdue all his affections to it to bid it an eternal farewell And he may do well to think before-hand what difficulties and labours this will expose him to He will do well to think that he cannot do it unless he be always upon his watch and denying the cravings of the sensual life He must be content to cross his own impetuous desires to displease his companions and familiars to be houted and laughed at as fool and coward He must resolve to persevere in an holy life although he displease his greatest friends although
great end and purpose for which our Lord was sent into the world Now this makes it evident that where there is a saving Faith in Christ it is accompanied with an Holy Life And that we do but pretend to be Believers of the Gospel if we do not obey its Precepts and perform those Conditions which it doth require at our hands For we then do believe the Gospel when we believe all the parts of it Now certain it is that the Gospel does not only bring us the tydings of pardon but it makes known the conditions upon which this Grace and Favour is offered And it will avail us nothing that we accept the pardon if we do refuse the condition upon which it is offered unto us for this is but to believe the Gospel in part and to be but almost Christians The Gospel does not only contain an History of what was said and done and suffered by our Lord but also promises precepts and threats and he does fully believe this Gospel who not only believes the truth of what is there related but obeys its Precepts submits to the condition of its promises and reveres its threats We do easily believe that Christ dyed for our sins but this is but part of what the Gospel tells us We must also believe that therefore we are not to live in them And that he did not only dye to redeem us from wrath but from our vain Conversations also We believe that Christ is our Atonement 'T is well but then we must believe that he is our Law-giver and our Lord and must own him for our King as well as for our Priest And if we believe that he dyed for this end that he might be our propitiation and our ransom we must also believe that to this end Christ both dyed and rose and revived that he might be Lord both of the dead and living Rom. 14.9 And certainly if we think it an act of Faith to acknowledge him for our Priest and consequently to rest upon him for our Salvation we must needs think it an act of Faith to acknowledge him for our King and Lord and consequently to obey his commands And unless we do obey him we do but mock him when we call him Lord Why call ye me Lord Lord and do not the things which 〈◊〉 say Luk. 6.46 If Christ be our Redeemer he is our Lord too and if he came to procure our pardon he also came to amend our hearts and lives for the time to come And methinks the words of St. Peter are very plain and yet very Emphatical also to the purpose in hand He tells the Jews that God had exalted Jesus with his right hand and for what end he had exalted him he adds in the next words to be a Prince and a Saviour for to give Repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins Act. 5.31 So that if we believe him to be our Saviour yet we must believe him to be our Prince and when we hope for forgiveness of sins we must be first endued with repentance in order to it Our Saviour he is but then he is our Lord first He is the Author of Eternal Salvation but to whom is he so it is to them that obey him Heb. 5.9 He came to save sinners 't is true but he came to save them from their sins They must be divorced from their sins or else may not expect to be saved He was not obedient that we might have leave to rebel he did not suffer for sin that we might live in it without controul He did not do his Fathers will that we might do our own He did not come only to dispossess the Devil out of Temples and Oracles or the bodies of men but to drive him also out of mens hearts and lives He came to set us at liberty from our sins and from the evil effects of them And we may not think we have gained the end of our Saviours being manifested till we are set free from the slavery of our sins And that Faith which lets us spare our sins and suffers us to live in a contradiction to the commands of Christ will never save our Souls 2. This will farther appear to be a great Truth that a true and saving Faith is productive of a good life and that the Gospel does not require a less Faith than this if we do consider the Faith of Abraham who is the Father of the faithful His Faith is much spoken of in the New Testament and seems to be set there as the pattern of our Faith And therefore it will be worth our while to consider what kind of Faith that is which the Holy Scriptures take so great notice of Abraham for Now there are two things very remarkable in this Faith of Abraham 1. That he did believe that God would make good his promise which he had made to him And this he did firmly believe notwithstanding the great unlikelihood of the thing promised had he consulted with flesh and blood He had a great assurance that God would make his word good unto him though it seemed to contradict the ordinary course of nature and the common reasonings of Mankind He knew not how the thing could come to pass but yet he judged him faithful and able to do it who had made the promise to him ' Being not weak in faith he considered not his own body now dead when hs was about an hundred years old neither yet the deadness of Sarahs Womb He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to God and being fully perswaded that what he had promised he was able also to perform Rom. 4.19 20 11. Thus did Abraham against hope believe in hope v. 18. He could have no natural hopes that this promise should be verified but yet he believed it would because God had made the promise upon this it is that he rests and stays himself He does not dispute either Gods Veracity or Power Now then our Faith is like that of Abraham when we do believe what God hath revealed and promised though the thing revealed should in it self seem very mysterious and strange to our reason and the thing promised very unlikely in it self to come to pass We ought to believe that which God sayes for his revealing of it makes it evidently credible though the thing it self be not in it self evidently true We have sufficient reason to believe when yet this reason does not stand upon the evidence of the thing but upon the veracity of him who makes it known to us Then we do believe as Abraham did when we acquiesce in Gods Veracity and Power He that hath a true Faith does believe what God hath revealed and doubts not but God will make his promise good He does intirely trust in God in whom he hath believed And he will neither reject an Article of Faith because his reason cannot comprehend it nor yet will he distrust Gods
few men so stupid but something or other does awaken them to a sense of things and yet these men remain very bad and sensless still We call that man a lunatick or mad-man who yet hath many lucid intervals when he can use his reason And him we judg a Fool or Natural as we call them who is generally so in all his words and actions tho sometimes he may speak good sense and make very smart replies upon us A Fever retains its name though it do sometimes intermit and be not one continual paroxysm There must be a great change in the blood before it be quite removed 'T is so in the case that is before us there must not only be an intermission of our sins and sinful affections but an extinction of them before we can be said to be new Creatures And that we are which we are most generally in the course of our conversations 4. It is therefore adviseable that before we do Communicate we make som experiments upon our selves Let us try how we can resist a temptation and how we can overcome it Let us inure our selves by degrees to overcome our inordinate affections Suppose that we are given to some excess of anger or intemperance or the like Let us try our selves sometime before how we can master our selves And it will not be hard to do it if we do it gradually and alwayes call in to our assistance the Divine aid If we be given to anger and impatience let us try first how we can bear the evils and disappointments of a day which it will be no hard matter to do Then let us take out a greater time and use our selves by degrees to bear the yoke If we find that we get the mastery then may we expect a very great aid by communicating as well as a great encouragement to communicate frequently The Jews we commanded to keep the day of expiation Joina c. 8. Mi●hm 4. cum notis Bartenor then they were to afflict their Souls and thought themselves obliged to fast but yet they tell us that they did not with-hold meat and drink from little Children all at once but they did by degrees wont them to the observation of that solemnity so that the child that was wont to eat at the fourth hour received his meat at the fifth or sixth according to his strength and thus they did use them for a year or two before they took upon them the observation of this and the other precepts And this course we shall do well to take with our Souls Who may do well by degrees to wont them to obedience and not to venture upon Communicating whereby we are most solemnly obliged to obey all the precepts of Christ before we have had some proof of our obedience 5. It is also very adviseable that at this time we do more particularly design the destroying that lust which does most constantly annoy us and easily beset us We have our peculiar lusts and follies to which we are addicted Some sins there are that are frequent temptations to us and do greatly molest and trouble us It will be wisdom at this time to set our selves mainly against that sin Where we are weakest we shall do well to set the strongest guard and watch Our bodies are not more naturally prone to their peculiar distempers than our Souls are to their particular follies And certainly if we can destroy these fiercer enemies we shall not need fear the other assailants And therefore let us especially set our selves against those lusts that do very often solicite and importune us For as it is great wisdom to consider where we are weak and easily overcome so is it no less wisdom to raise up all our force and strength to defend our selves against those spiritual enemies which do most easily prevail upon us 6. Let us endeavour to put our selves into such a preparation as we would be found in when we are to die For certainly we are not fit to Communicate if we are not fit to dye The same preparation is required for a Communion which is for our death And many devout persons have very wisely at once disposed themselves for the receiving this Sacrament and their dissolution also v. Calvin Epist 99. Now certain it is that though we trifle in our lives yet we become serious when we come to die Then we do recollect our selves and very severely examine our own Consciences Then we pray very earnestly give very earnest attention to Gods word and very seriously heed what we are about And did we as verily believe that we should forthwith resign up our Souls unto God we should be very careful to put them in a readiness for so great a change It will well become us at this time to consider in what condition we would be found when our Lord calls us hence and then to endeavour to our utmost that we may with no less diligence dispose our selves for this service than if we were presently to give up the ghost Thus if we do we shall not trifle in our preparations but shall most carefully examine our hearts and most earnestly call in the Divine aid and assistance CHAP. XI I Proceed now to shew how we are to behave our selves when we do Communicate And of that I shall speak in the following Severals 1. First of all we are to take care that our hearts be lifted up to the Lord as we are exhorted by the man of God Let us not suffer our thoughts to remain upon low and earthly things Forget your worldly concerns and interests Remember what an holy and solemn service you are about Attend now upon this very thing When your worldly and trifling thoughts would thrust in upon you presently repell and beat them back Tell them you are employed about greater matters that they must stand off now while you worship your Lord that your Souls are the houses of prayer and not a den of such thieves Suffer not these busie intruders to have any entrance or countenance from you By no means yield to any of their importunities Your Souls must ascend up to Heaven now and forget all earthly things Your otherwise lawful thoughts you must now account profane They must by no means come near when you are thus employed We must do now as was done at the giving of the Law bounds were set that nothing might approach the Mount under the severest penalty Exod. 19. We must do so now we make this solemn approach unto God we must be greatly careful that no evil or earthly thought draw nigh and if they do we must severely chastise them and beat them back And as then 't was forbidden to suffer either man or beast to touch that Mount so we must here beware not only of our beastly and carnal thoughts but also of all other thoughts though at another time not unbecoming man-kind which would disturb our devotion and draw us aside from the contemplation of what we
every evil way and purifie my self as thou art pure Keep me O Lord for the time to come from every thing that is hurtful to me and displeasing to thee From the excesses both of care and fear from snares and great perplexities from carnal desires and brutish inclinations from covetousness and hatred from envy and pride from vanity and dissimulation murmuring and discontent And make me stedfast in justice and charity in humility and meekness in purity of heart and heavenly mindedness and sincere devotion And to these Holy ends vouch safe me the presence of thy Spirit and power of thy grace and endue me with heavenly Wisdom and all this I beg for the sake and in the Mediation of Jesus Christ Our Father which art c. Ejaculations to be used at the Lords Supper THE Lord hath done great things for me whereof I am glad If thou Lord shouldest mark iniquities O Lord who shall stand But there is forgiveness with thee that thou mayst be feared He that spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things O wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. God commendeth his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us Much more then being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him For if when we were Enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son Much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his Life At the Receiving of the Bread THou hast said O Blessed Jesus I am the living Bread which came down from heaven If any man eat of this Bread he shall live for ever Be it unto thy Servant according to thy Word in which thou hast caused me to trust Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my Life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever Many O Lord my God are thy wonderful works which thou hast done and thy thoughts which are to us ward They cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee If I would declare and speak of them they are more than can be numbred I am thine O Lord I devote my self to thee O save thy Servant who trusteth in thee I have enclined my heart to perform thy statutes alway even unto the end Depart from me ye evil doers for I will keep the Commandments of my God At the Receiving of the Cup. O Blessed Saviour let thy Blood purge my Conscience from dead works to serve the living God Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive Power and Riches and Wisdom and Strength and Honour and Glory and Blessing who hath loved us and washed us from our sins in his own Blood I will not henceforth live unto my self but unto him who dyed for me and rose again Blessed be the Lord my God who only doeth wondrous things And blessed be his glorious name for ever and let the whole Earth be filled with his Glory Amen and Amen After Receiving BLessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ which according to his abundant Mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead To an inheritance uncorruptible and undefiled and that fadeth not away Bless the Lord O my Soul and forget not all his benefits Perfect that which concerneth me and forsake not the work of thine own hands I intreat thy favour with my whole heart Be merciful unto me according to thy word I have sworn and am stedfastly purposed to keep thy righteous Judgements O hold thou up my goings in thy paths that my footsteps slip not A Prayer after the Receiving the Sacrament BLessed be thy glorious name O Lord for all thy unspeakable mercies to me and to all the World I adore and magnifie thee for thy great goodness in giving thy Son to dye for me and making me partaker of his most pretious Body and Blood O Lord what is man that thou thus regardest him And what am I a vile and wretched sinner that thou shouldst be thus favourable to me Thou hast been pleased to admit me to renew that Covenant with thee which I had broken and to give me assurance of thy readiness to pardon so vile and great a sinner as I have been I have received the pledges of thy love and been admitted to thy holy Table I have there devoted my self again unto thee my Soul and Body all my powers and faculties I have vowed obedience to thee and after the most solemn manner consecrated my self to thy service Thou art a God that knowest the heart and art not to be mocked I tremble when I consider thy infinite power wisdom and holiness Let these thoughts beget in my Soul a great fear of thy Holy name a great care to do thy will Grant I may not for the future turn the grace of thee my God into wantonness and that I may not receive the Grace of God in vain There is nothing hid from thee Thou knowest my weakness and infirmities and the temptations with which I am assaulted and to which I have too often yielded I am surrounded with snares and my spiritual Enemies are powerful and active O Lord help thy Servant and grant that I may both resist and vanquish them by the aid of thy Holy Spirit Keep the possession of my Soul which I have unfeignedly surrendred up unto thee Unite my heart O Lord to fear thy name and grant that I may spend the remainder of my time in obedience to thee and in acts of Charity to my brethren Create a clean heart O Lord and renew a right Spirit within me Forsake me not O Lord if thou leave me I perish Guide me by thy Counsel and at last receive me to thy glory I do greatly desire the Salvation of mankind and humbly commend to thee this Church and Kingdom the Kings Majesty and all our Superiors in Church and State humbly intreating thee to direct and guide them all into those holy wayes that are pleasing to thee and beneficial to those who are under their charge and influence And work in the minds of all Christians an unfeigned Charity a peaceable temper patience and exemplary meekness and all the other fruits of thy Holy Spirit And grant me thy heavenly grace that I may so use things temporal that I may not miss of thy Eternal Bliss for the sake of Jesus Christ my onely Mediator and Advocate Amen A Morning Prayer for a Family O Almighty and Eternal Lord God the great Creator of Heaven and Earth and the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ look down from Heaven with pity and compassion upon thy servants who humbly cast ourselves down before thee in a great sense of thy mercies and our own misery There is an infinite distance between Thy Glorious
Majesty and us thy Creatures the work of thy hands Between thy infinite power and our weakness thy Wisdom and our Folly thy Eternal Being and our Mortal Frame But Lord we have set our selves at a greater distance from thee by our sin and wickedness We do humbly acknowledge the corruption of our nature and the many rebellions of our lives We have sinned against Heaven and before thee in thought word and deed We have been prophane Contemners of thy Majesty and of thy Holy Laws We have also sinned against our Brother and our own Souls by omitting what we ought to have done and committing what we ought not We have rebelled against light despised thy Mercies and thy Judgments broken our own vows and promises neglected thy means of grace and opportunities of becoming better Our iniquities are multiplyed and our sins are very great We confess them O Lord with shame and with sorrow with detestation and loathing We are vile in our own eyes as we have rendred our selves vile in thine We pray thee to be merciful unto us in the free pardon of our sins for the sake of thy Dear Son and our alone Saviour Jesus Christ who came not to call the righteous but sinners to Repentance And we pray thee to renew our natures and to write thy Laws upon our hearts Help us to live righteously soberly and Godly in this present World Make us humble and meek patient and contented and work in us all the graces of thy Holy Spirit Preserve in us a sense of our dependance upon thee and of our great Obligations to thee Help us that we may love thee with all our heart and that we may universally obey and cheerfully submit to thy holy will Save and defend us from all sin and danger from malice and ill will from covetousness and sensuality from pride and vanity and from all the deceits of the world the crafts of the Devil and lusts of the Flesh Direct us O Lord in all our difficulties supply our wants support us under our troubles enable us against our temptations prosper our honest endeavours and above all things purifie and cleanse our thoughts Prepare us for death and judgment and let the thoughts thereof awaken us to a great care and study to approve our selves unto thee in well doing Bless thy whole Church these Kingdoms to which we belong And bless with thy choicest Blessings our Sovereign Lord the King Defend him against all his enemies Let his dayes be many and his Reign prosperous Bless him in his Royal Relations in his Counsellors and his Counsels Bless all the Governours and Teachers of thy Church grant them such a measure of thy Grace and Divine Wisdom that they may by their Doctrine and by their examples gain many souls unto thee Help all that are in trouble sorrow need sickness or any other adversity Give them patience under their troubles a sanctified use of them and in thy good time a deliverance from them Be merciful to our Friends and forgive our Enemies and accept or our humble acknowledgment for thy preservations of us this last night and for all thy mercies to us And we pray thee to take us into thy protection this day and to keep us in perfect peace and all we beg for the sake of Jesus Christ who hath taught us to say Our Father c. An Evening Prayer for a Family MOst gratious and merciful Lord God from whom descendeth every good and perfect gift and our most merciful Father in Jesus Christ we offer up to thy Divine Majesty our unfeigned Praise and Thanksgiving for all thy mercies towards us Thou didst make us at first and hast ever since sustained the work of thine own hands Thou hast given us thy Son to dye for us and hast admitted us into thy Church and given us assurance of pardon upon our Repentance and sincere obedience of thy holy precepts Thou art pleased to lengthen out to us the time of Repentance and to move us to it by thy word and by thy Spirit by thy mercies and thy judgments Out of a deep sense of thy mercies and our own unworthiness we appear before thee at this time We are ashamed of our vile ingratitude We have sinned O Lord and done very wickedly Be merciful unto us O Lord and pardon us for Jesus Christ his sake Instruct us O Lord in all the particulars of our duty and give us true wisdom who hast promised to give wisdom and upbraidest not Be with us under every Tryal and temptation and suffer us not to be tempted above what we shall be able Take care we pray thee of our affairs and more and more direct us into thy truth Defend us against all our Enemies but especially against our spiritual ones Suffer us not to be drawn away from thee by the blandishments of the world by carnal desires the cunning of the Devil or the deceitfulness of sin Work in us thy good will and pleasure and discharge our minds of all things that are displeasing to thee of all ill will and discontent wrath and bitterness pride and vain conceits of our selves and render us charitable holy pure in heart patient and Heavenly minded Be with us at the hour of death dispose us for it and deliver us from the slavish fear of it and make us all willing and fit to dye when ever thou shalt call us hence Bless O Lord all the race of Mankind let the world be filled with the knowledge of thee and thy Son Christ as the waters cover the Sea Be gracious to thy whole Church and especially to that part of it planted in these Kingdoms Bless the Kings Majesty and let his Crown flourish upon his Head and let no weapon formed against him prosper Bless all his Relations and teach his Senators wisdom And bless all that are to govern and teach thy Church make them successful in their labours and grant they may consider the account they must one day give Pity the sick and weak the poor and needy the Widowes and Fatherless and all that mourn or are broken in heart Be merciful unto them according to their several necessities Bless our Friends and grant us Grace to forgive our enemies as heartily as we do desire forgiveness of thee our Heavenly Father We pray thee to defend us this night from every thing that is evil and do more for us than we can ask or think for Jesus Christ his sake in whose name and words we continue to Pray Our Father c. FINIS