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A39291 The Kingdom of God opened and proved to be a kingdom of grace and glory, the one thing necessary for all, and the saints everlasting happiness a discovery of the subjects of it by their qualification and conversation, scriptural evidences for every one to try his eternal state by : with motives and means for getting and keeping a comfortable assurance of this heavenly kingdom / by Tobias Ellys ... Ellis, Tobias. 1678 (1678) Wing E608; ESTC R31413 128,482 198

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his Son made of a Woman made under the Law that we might receive the Adoption of Sons we are all the Childr●n of God by Faith in Christ Jesus Sanctification According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the World that we should be holy and without blame before him in love God hath from the beginning chosen us to Salvation through Sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth Consolation Our Lord Jesus himself and God even our Father which hath loved us hath given us everlasting Consolation through Grace Glorification There is no Condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus them he also Glorifieth they are called by the Gospel to the obtaining of the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ especially at the day of Judgment when he shall come to be Glorified in his Saints to give Glory to them to receive Glory by them when Christ who is our life shall appear then shall we also appear with him in Glory The Glory which God the Father g●ve his Son the Glory which thou g●vest me I have given them Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my Glory which thou hast given me To receive Glory from them passively actively the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ is glorified in us and we in him according to the Grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ The faithful Ministers of Christ and Christ himself saith What is our Hope or Joy or Crown of rejoycing are not even ye in the presence of God ye are our glory and j●y for this Joy that was set before him he endured the Cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the Throne of God where he sees the travel of his Soul and is satisfied The general Assembly and Church of the first-born which are written in He●ven shall Sing this new Song to the honour of the Lord Jesus Christ in Communion with all the holy Angels Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honour and blessing And every Creature which is in Heaven and on the Earth and under the Earth and such as are in the Sea and all that are in them shall say Blessing and honour and glory and power be unto him that sitteth upon the Throne and unto the Lamb for ever and ever Thus out of the Fullness which is in Christ do we all receive and Grace for Grace as Grace without us and upon us so all Grace within us namely saving-wisdom and knowledge all riches of the full assurance of understanding to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God and of the Father and of Christ all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hid in him who is the wisdom in a My●●ery even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the World unto our glory which none of the Princes of this World knew but God hath Revealed him unto us Even the Mystery which hath been hid from Ages and from Generations but now is made manifest to his Saints The Mystery of Godliness which without controversie is great God manifested in the flesh justified in the spirit seen of Angels Preached unto the Gentiles believed on in the World received up into Glory And unto us by his spirit it pleased God saith St. Paul who called me by his Grace to reveal Christ in me No Man knoweth the things of a Man save the spirit of man which is in him Even so the things of God knoweth no man but the spirit of God of him are we in Christ Jesus who of God is made unto us wisdom For this end Christ as our only Mediator hath taken upon himself the Office of a Prophet a Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in times past unto the Fathers by the Prophets hath in these last dayes spoken unto us by his Son who was not only a Prophet but a Preacher of this kingdom of God of whom it was truly said Never Man spake like this Man For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God for God giveth not the spirit by measure unto him the Spirit of the Lord anointed him to Preach the Gospel to the Poor he sent him to heal the broken in heart to Preach deliverance to the Captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised to Preach the acceptable year of the Lord All bare him witness and wondred at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth Out of his mouth cometh knowledge and undestanding It is he that Tea●heth in the w●y of Wisdom and leads in Right Paths that hath comp ssion on the ignor●nt and on them that are out of the way to give the know●edge of Salvation unto them to give light to them th t sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide their feet into the way of Peace and to see that ●here be no wicked way in them and to lead them into the way everlasting which he doth by his Spirit by his Word by his Ministers Whom the Father will send in the name of his Son at his request I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter that he may abide with you for ever even the Spirit of Truth for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you and at Believers request for whatsoever ye shall ask in my Name that will I do saith Christ If any man thirst let him come unto me and drink he that believeth on me out of his belly shall flow Rivers of living Waters this spake he of the Spirit which they that believe on him should receive which is the Holy Ghost which the Father will send in my Name he shall teach you all things that you need not that any man teach you but as the same Anointing teacheth you of all things necessary to be known believed and practised in order to eternal life and therefore where the Spirit of God dwells there he is a Spirit of Wisdom of Counsel of Understanding in the fear of the Lord. Naturally we know nothing of God of Christ the Spirit of our Selves his Word Will Wayes Works as we ought to know the Natural Man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned no not the first Principles of the Oracles of God Having the Understanding darken●d through the ign●rance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart The God of this World having blinded the minds of them that believe not least the Light of the Glorious Gospel of Christ should shine unto them They know not that of themselves they cannot know themselves The first beginning of true
to walk worthy of God who hath called them unto his kingdom and glory which accordingly they are desirous laborious and careful to do being greatly engaged thereunto for this is the promise that he hath promised us even Eternal Life which is our ●ope In hope of Eternal Life which God that cannot lie hath promised and he is faithful that promised and all the children of the Promise judge him faithful who hath promised and therefore they hold themselves obliged to be faithful in all their promises unto God and Man And as God is true their word toward him and each other is not yea and nay but in Christ Jesus yea and the Motive is For all the Promises of God in him are yea and in him Amen unto the glory of God because Gods Promises are yea and Amen ours therefore ought to be so The Character of a Citizen of Zion is one that speaketh the truth in his heart that Sweareth to his own heart and changeth not Let us search our hearts and try our wayes as to our Promises relating to our own selves whether there be truth and faithfulness in them all We are to be Covenant-keepers as well as Covenant-makers whether our Covenant-promise refer to God our selves or others He that is not true to himself can never be faithful to God or Man and is not careful to perform all his promises faithfully to the Lord will certainly prove untrue to himself and others It is a sin of presumption for any to hope that God will fulfil his Promises to him while he m●kes no Conscience of making and keeping Promise with God and Man Gods Mercy is in the way of our Duty Oh let us seriously enquire into our Consciences Converse and Conversations whether we be habitually punctual as to our Promises Are they indeed like unto Gods Yea and Amen then have we good hope through grace that all Gods Promises Temporal Spiritual and Eternal will in Gods good time be made ours wherein are treasured up the unsearchable Riches of Christ This kingdom of God is preserved to them that are kept for it by the Power of God from every evil work and he will preserve them unto his Heavenly kingdom such are they and they only that keep themselves in the love of God looking for the Mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto Eternal Life The Mercy and Grace of God lays hold on them and they by the help thereof lay hold on Eternal Life Do we use all Gods holy Means faithfully to lay hold on Eternal Life when this Life is ended Eternal Life will lay hold on us But the greatest Evidence of our right to glory is Christ dwelling in us Christ in you saith St. Paul the hope of glory Know you not saith the same Apostle how that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be Reprobates or unapproved and our dwelling in him no surer sign of our dwelling with Christ in glory than his dwelling in us and our dwelling in him through grace We know that the Son of God is come and hath given us an understanding that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true even in his Son Jesus Christ But How may we know this Hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in us because he hath given us of his Spirit now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his and if Christ be not ours his Kingdom c●nnot be ours The Spirit of Promise wherewith we are sealed is the earnest of our inheritance the Spirit sealing is the making persons of ungodly godly and setting them apart for God and Glory the earnest is part of the sum to give assurance of the whole How shall we know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God an house not made with hands eternal in the heavens but by the earnest of the Spirit which God hath given to us and which hath wrought us for the self same thing according to his Mercy by the washing of Regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost which he sheds abundantly upon the heirs of glory through Jesus Christ our Saviour there is no entering into Heaven but by Regeneration we must be new Creatures or lost Creatures for ever Only those that are born from above by God are to live above with God Jesus saith Verily verily except a Man be born from above he cannot see the Kingdom of God Verily verily except a Man be born of Water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God And we may be sure that Christ dwells in us and we in him that we have his Spirit in us and are Regenerated If we are in the Faith and are sound and sincere believers and such as love and obey the Lord. Examine your selves whether ye be in the faith prove your selves Know you not your own selves how that Jesus Christ is in you ●n whom in you that are in the Faith th●t Christ m●y dwe●l in your hearts By Faith the Spirit is received by th● hearing of faith the doctrine of F●ith mixed with Faith in them that hear it who are born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of God for of his own will beg●t he us by the word of truth working the truth of ●aith in us and whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God and every one that loveth is born of God that loveth him that begat and loveth him also that is begotten of him and every one that doth righteousness is born of him If we can prove our Regeneration we may certainly infer our Eternal Salvation All the graces of the holy Spirit constitute the Divine Nature which is conveyed by the Holy Ghost in the way of Regeneration or the New-birth now Regeneration or the New-birth is a very great secret and can be known no other way by us but by the several graces of the Spirit and their operations upon the whole Man and influences into the Conversation to discourse at large of every grace And how we may know we have them in truth I leave to a better opportunity at present these three namely Faith Love and New Obedience may suffice to be spoken to for the evidencing of our Regeneration and Salvation as soon as we begin to Believe we begin to Live Faith is the first Life of Grace it knits and unites us to Christ who is our life It is out of his fulness that we receive by Faith and grace for grace It is that grace by which we behold with open face as in a Glass the glory of the Lord and are changed into the same Image from glory unto glory even as by the spirit of the Lord. They that believe on the Name of the Son of God may know that they have Eternal Life because that they believe on the Name of the Son of God Now he that believeth on the Son
dust and ashes It is a bemoaning of our selves that we have been unaccustomed to the yoke of obedience both active and p●ssive a following hard after an Incensed God by our Transgressions with strong cries sighs groans a smiting upon the thigh being ashamed yea even confounded that we have sinned an accepting of the punishment of our Iniquities and weeping between the Porch and the Altar an attentive and intentive hearkning to the Call of God O Israel return unto the Lord thy God for thou hast faln by thine iniquity with an eccho Turn thou us unto thee O Lord and we shall be turned for thou art the Lord our God spare thy people take away our Iniquity receive us graciously so will we render the Calves of our lips This is after a godly manner to sorrow unto Repentance for godly sorrow worketh Repentance to ●alvation not to be repented of This sorrowing after a godly sort worketh Carefulness in us yea clearing of our selves indignation fear vehement desire zeal revenge in all things to approve our selves to be clear in the matter of sin that we sin no more lest a worse thing come unto us The times of former Ignora●ce God wi●ked at but now Commandeth all Men every where to repent The Kingdom of Grace is at hand repent to get into it repent to keep in it repent to get out of it into a Kingdom of Glory repent or perish repent and be saved repent and believe the Gospel for the Kingdom of God is at hand He that believeth shall be saved he that believeth not shall be damned There is no entering into or abiding in this Kingdom of God but by a Living Faith in God and in his Son Jesus Christ Ye believe in God believe also in me As Christ is the Author of our ●alvation so he is also the Author and Finisher of our Faith No entring into the Kingdom of glory without it for we are kept by the power of God through Faith unto Salvation As many as are ordained to eternal life are ordained to believe God hath from the beginning chosen us to Salvation through belief of the truth that so Christ might dwell in our hearts by Faith which is the Bond of our Union with him Christ Prayes for them which shall believe on him that all may be one in us by vertue of this Union through Faith are we born from above Whosoever Believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God as many as received him even to them that believe on his name were born not of Blood nor of the will of the Flesh nor of the Will of Man but of God We are Justified and Reconciled to God by Faith being Justified by Faith we have Peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ and trusting or believing in Christ we are made accepted in the Beloved in whom we have Redemption through Faith in his Blood the Forgiveness of Sins Adoption into the number and priviledge of God's children As many as received him to them gave he power right or priviledge to become the Sons of God even to them that believe on his Name We are also sanctified by Faith that is in Christ God now puts no difference between Jew and Gentile purifying their hearts by Faith God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Now this saving Grace of Faith is the Almighty Work of the Spirit of God whereby with the heart we believe all that God hath spoken because he hath spoken it It is a believing this faithful saying and accounting of it worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the World to save sinners It is a believing the record that God gave of his Son and this is the record That God hath given to us Eternal Life and this life is in his Son This is he that came by Water and Blood even Jesus Christ not by Water only but Water and Blood and the rather are we to believe for there are three that bear Record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one And there are three that bear witness in Earth the Spirit and the Water and the Blood and these three agree in one if we receive the witness of Men the witness of God is greater for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son He that believeth not God hath made him a Liar because he believeth not the Record that God gave of his Son I say it is a believing that all things are or must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and in the Prophets and in the Psalms and in the Gospel concerning Christ and his Kingdom not because of Mens saying or Testimony only but purely upon the bare Word of God and his Son and his Spirit for in the mouth of these three Witnesses every Word of God in the Holy Scriptures is establisht It is a confessing with the mouth the Lord Jesus and believing with the heart that God hath raised him from the Dead It is an humble and thankful hearty receiving or accepting of Christ for Lord and Saviour and trusting in his Allsufficiency as our one and only Mediatour through the vertue value and power of his Prophetical Sacerdotal and Regal Offices to bring us through all hazards and difficulties in a way of Grace to Glory in season and safely He that thus believeth and continueth to live by Faith hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto life This Faith by the Holy Ghost which is given to believers worketh Love and worketh by Love The Love of God is shed abroad in the hearts of true Believers by the Holy Spirit by knowing and believing the Love that God hath to us we come to love God Who can know and believe heartily that God is Love and not love him God is Love in this was manifested the Love of God towards us because that God sent his only begotten Son into the World that we might live through him Herein is Love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the Propitiation for our Sins we love him because he first thus loved us All God's graces together constitute this Kingdom of grace but Love is the life and soul of it even Gods love to us and our love to him and our love to each other he that dwelleth in Love dwelleth in God and God in him There is a threefold love between God and the godly a love of Union a love of Communion and Complacency and a love of Benevolence or Communication 1. Like as was between David and Jonathan the Soul of Jonathan was knit with the Soul of David Jonathan loved him as his own Soul Jonathan delighted much in David then Jonathan and David made a Covenant because he loved him as his own Soul and Jonathan stript
of God hath the witness in himself the witness of God for this is the witness of God that he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting Life and he that believeth not the Son shall not see Life but the wrath of God abideth on him because he believeth not the Record that God gave of his Son and this is the Record That God hath given to us Eternal Life and this Life is in his Son and he that hath believeth or receiveth Christ hath life and he that hath not the Son hath not life so that our Eternal Life depends upon our faith or faithfulness in believing that is in the truth of our assent to the truth of the whole Word of God only upon the authority of Gods speaking it especially in believing or assenting to this faithful saying which is worthy of all acceptation That Christ Jesus came into the World to save sinners and consenting unfeignedly to have him for our Lord and Saviour trusting only upon the Merit of his death upon the Cross his Resurrection and Intercession for our acceptance with God our Justification an Glorification committing our selves and all our concernments wholly to his guidance and government cal ing all our care and burdens upon him as iudging him to be able and faithful to carry us through all the duties dangers and difficulties of this life unto life eternal all which is the nature and work of Faith which whosoever hath and liveth by it shall never perish but have everlasting life This is the ●aith that worketh love and worketh by love even to believe the love that God hath to us who is love God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son In this was manifested the love of God towards us because that God sent his only begotten Son into the World that we might live through him herein is love This love breeds love Beloved if God so loved us we ought also to love one another much more ought we to love God and indeed if we do soundly believe this love of God towards us which passeth knowledge we shall answer this love with love again In loving God above all even with all the heart with all the Soul and with all the strength and with all the mind for he that loveth Father or Mother more than God is not worthy of him and he that loveth Son or Daughter more than God is not worthy of him and then love we him indeed when we love whom he loves and what he loves and hate what he hates Now God the Father loveth his only begotten Son the Lord Jesus Christ and he that loveth him loveth God and is loved of him And Oh What infinite reason have we to love both God and Christ when they have so loved us God the Father in sending his Son into the World to bless us and Christ in coming into it that he might give himself for us to redeem us from all iniquity and purifie us unto himself a peculiar People ze●l●us of good works Therefore if any Man love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be Anathema Maranatha As God loves his only Son by Eternal generation so he loveth his Adopted Sons by Spiritual Regeneration and they again love him I love them saith God that love me herein is love not that we loved God but that he loved us we love him because he first loved us his love is the ground and cause of our love to him and to one another Beloved let us love one another for love is of God and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God he that loveth not knoweth not God for God is love In this was manifested the love of God towards us because that God sent his only begotten Son into the World Herein is love beloved if God so loved us we ought to love one another with a love of Union Complacency and Benevolence being of one Mind Will Way about one Work God-glorifying Delighting in each others Persons Communion and Communication Like David the Saints were all his delight as we have opportunity doing good to all but especially to the Houshold of Faith for to do good and Communicate is a Sacrifice God is well pleased with but whoso hath this Worlds good and seeth his Brother hath need and shutteth up his bowels of Compassion from him How dwelleth the love of God in him the love of God dwelleth not in him at all nor doth he dwell in God for he that dwelleth in God dwelleth in love and he that dwelleth not in God shall never dwell with him But he who loves God and Christ truly loves all Saints as God loves them with a special love and as God loves all Saints so he loves them alwayes even to the end so do all true lovers of God and his Saints as they love them all so they love them alwayes even to the end If we thus love the Brethren we may know that we are passed from death unto life Our love must extend to enemies even the worst of our enemies though we cannot love them with a love of Union and Complacency we must love them with a love of Benevolence because it is a Gospel-Command and therefore a Gospel-Duty to love our enemies and do good to them that hate us If we only love them that love us What do we more than others but if we love them that hate us we do more than others then are we the children of our Heavenly Father and are merciful as he is merciful and perfect as he is perfect And if we love not our enemies we are enemies to our enemies Gods enemies and our own To love heartily a professed practical enemy is a greater duty and difficulty than most professors are aware of How far are they from loving their enemies that do not love their brethren and without loving of their brethren and our enemies also and doing good to them that hate us there is no going to Heaven as we must love whom God loves so what God loves his Word Works Wayes Righteousness his Ordinances and Sanctuary c. God loves the Gates of Sion O how I love thy Law and I have loved the habitation of thy House and the place where thine honor dwelleth saith every one that is godly As we must love what God loves so must we hate what God hates and as God hates now God hates sin with a perfect hatred so must every one that loves the Lord hate sin and wickedness with a perfect hatred Ye that love the Lord hate evil because he hates it we cannot but sin while sin dwelleth in us but when it is acted it must be hated and is hated by every one that is godly What I hate that do I saith St. Paul We must ab●tain from all appearance of evil hating even the garment spotted with the flesh if we will approve our selves to be the faithful and fervent lovers of the Lord let us seriously try the truth
THE Kingdom OF GOD Opened and Proved To be a Kingdom of Grace and Glory the one Thing necessary for all and the Saints everlasting Happiness A Discovery of the Subjects of it by their Qualification and Conversation Scriptural Evidences for every one to try his Eternal state by with Motives and Means for getting and keeping a comfortable assurance of this heavenly Kingdom By Tobias Ellys Minister of the Gospel Imprimatur Gulielmus Sill Aug. 11. 1677. Printed by T. N. for H. Mortlock at the Phoenix in St. Pauls Church-yard and at the White Hart in Westminster-Hall 1678. To His Most Excellent and Sacred Majesty Charles II. BY THE Gracious Providence of GOD King of Great Britain France and Ireland Defender of the Faith Grace and Glory Great Sir THE Kingdom of God the Subject of these ensuing Meditations I humbly crave leave to present to Your Majesties Acceptance Perusal and Consideration as containing matter of the greatest weight and worth to Your Self and to Your Three Kingdoms my unfeigned hearty desire confidence and comfort concerning You is that You will pursue to Your utmost Power this great Command Counsel and Proclamation of Your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in seeking first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness And that by Your Example Command Counsel and Proclamation 〈…〉 also endeavor that all under Your Care and Charge may do in like manner it being the great end of our coming into the World living in it and dying out of it next to the Glory of God to enjoy a better namely this Kingdom of God For which end and purpose our Supplications Prayers Intercessions and giving of Thanks are made to Almighty God for You and for all that are in Authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable Life in all godliness and honesty for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour who will have all men to be saved and come unto the knowledge of the Truth which if You and those in eminent place under You may be instrumental of how greatly will it add to Your Crown and Joy For what is Your Hope or Joy or Crown of Glorying and Rejoycing are not even we Your Subjects in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming to be glorified in his Saints and to be admired in all them that believe because that Your Command Counsel Proclamation Example and Charge to every one of us as a Father to his Children to walk worthy of God who hath called us to this Kingdom and Glory was believed obeyed and followed in that day Wherefore also we pray alwayes for You and for all that are in Authority both Ecclesiastical and Civil that God would count and vouchsafe both You and us worthy of this Calling and fulfill all the good pleasure of his Goodness and the work of Faith with power that the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in You and we in Him according to the Grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ in whom I am and ever shall be Your most Humble and Loyal Subject and Servant In all Faithfulness TOBIAS ELLYS Kensinton Nov. 21. 1677. S. Matth. vj. xxxiij But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you SO fearful and fatal was the first sin of our first Parents to themselves and their Posterity who sinned in them that we are all come short thereby of the glory of God and our estate is now both sinful and miserable the knowledge and consideration whereof should incite every one to the most serious and vigorous desires care and endeavors how he may speedily extricate himself out of so deplorable a condition By our wilful sin we are fallen from God grace and glory unto the Creature under sin and Satan's power and being the children of disobedience we are also the children of the devil and the children of wrath But God so loved the world that he gave his onely begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life He hath also raised up his Son Jesus and sent him to bless us in turning away ever one of us from our iniquities by giving himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil world He also himself took flesh and bloud that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil Even Jesus who delivered us from the wrath to come Because he would have all men saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth And therefore in pursuance of his gracious design of saving Mankind he hath here in my Text issued out his Royal Counsel Command and Proclamation But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you In which words there are two general Parts 1 A Precept in these words But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness 2 A Promise in those and all these things shall be added unto you In the Precept consider the word of Opposition But the Act seek the Persons ye the Objects with their emphatic●l Adjuncts and Particles the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness In the Promise we have the Copulative and the matter of the Promise all things the manner of Conveyance with its certainty shall be added the Persons to whom the Promise is made to you For Explication seek i. e. with desire accordin●ly do with your might This word implies necessi●y misery mercy duty dignity diligence delight difficulty possiblity probability care fear fidelity fervency constancy which were easie to demonstrate had I time Ye not onely of little faith ver 30. especially but this great multitude c. and who ever else will c. First above before all other things chiefly early earnesty The Kingdom a word of large extent and signification which here at large I may not open By Kingdom is meant both Grace Rom. 14.17 the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the holy Ghost And glory 1 Thess 2 12. That ye would walk worthy of God who hath called you to his Kingdom and glory Of God as the Author Giver Conserver and Confirmer of it And his Righteousness By Righteousness is meant Christ himself This is his name whereby he shall be called The Lord our Righteousness Righteousness especially for our Justification Of him are ye in Christ Jesus who of God is made unto us Righteousness So he is by virtue of the personal perfect and perpetual holiness of his Nature together with his active and passive Obedience the matter and merit of our Justification through faith reckoned and imputed And Sanctification passive and active Whereby by the Divine power we are made partakers of the Divine Nature and thereby enabled to die unto sin and
therefore your members purifying our hearts by Faith a Faith that worketh by love and worketh love in their souls who obey the truth through the spirit unto unfeigned love not only of Brethren but Enemies so that they can love them with pure hearts fervently That we may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil we wrestle not only against flesh and blood but against Principalities against Powers against the rulers of the darkness of this World against spiritual wickedness in high pl●ces we must take unto our selves the whole armour of God having our loynes girt about with truth and having on the brest-plate of righteousness and our feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace above all taking the shield of Faith wherewith we shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and Hope the Helmet of Salvation the Sword of the Spirit which is the word of God Prayer and Supplication in the Spirit and watching ●hereunto with all perseverance whereby we shall be more than Conquerors through him that loved us nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of Christ not Tribulation though we must through much Tribulations enter into the Kingdom of God or Distress or Persecution or Famine or Nakedness or Peril or Sword neither Death nor Life nor Angels nor Principalities nor Powers ●or things present nor things to come nor heighth nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord So that in this warfare though the way be not Peace yet the end of it is Peace it yieldeth the Peaceable Fruit of Righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby even that Peace which passeth all understanding and Joy which is unspeakable and full of glory The Kingdom of God whether the Kingdom of Satan will or no will be the kingdom of Righteousness of Peace and of Joy in the Holy Ghost to the seekers of it the fighters for it the kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force By Repentance towards God and Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ we enter into the kingdom of God and this Kingdom of God enters into us by Repentance towards God we are delivered from the power of darkness by Faith we are tra●sl●ted into the kingdom of his dear Son Repentance turns Sin Satan and the World out ●f the heart that Faith may let Christ into it the voice of Faith is Lift up your heads O ye gates and be ye lift up ye everlasting doors that the King of Glory may come in Who is this King of Glory Christ who dwelleth in the heart by Faith and where Christ is he hath his kingdom of Grace As many as receive him or that believe on his Name of his fulness receive Grace for Grace Christ and his Grace are inseparable he that hath the Son hath life he that hath not the Son hath not life our life is hid with Christ in God Christ is Gods first and greatest Gift himself tells us he is the Gift of God given to the World of Mankind before the foundation of the World in Gods everlasting Decree and with in and through him hath given all things pertaining to Life and Godliness even from the first Grace of Election to the last Gift of Eternal Life Election According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the World Acceptation of our persons according to the good pleasure of his will he hath made us accepted in the Beloved Creation To us there is but one God the Father of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him Redemption In him we have Redemption through his Blood according to the riches of his Grace A General Redemption we thus judge That if one died for all then were all dead dead in sins and trespasses dead in Law and that he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which died for them by the Grace of God he tasted death for every man Regeneration The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new Creature all things are past away behold all things are become new Justification By the offence of one Judgment came upon all men to Condemnation even so by the Righteousness of one the free Gift came upon all men unto Justification of Life in whom we have the forgiveness of our sins according to the riches of his Grace that they may receive forgiveness of sins by Faith that is in me saith Christ Reconciliation Being Justified by Faith we have Peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ the Peace of Reconciliation God hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself and Christ in his Ministers beseeching us to be reconciled unto God We who sometimes were far off are in Christ Jesus made nigh by his Blood for he is our Peace that he might Reconcile us unto God in one Body by the Cross having sl●in the enmity thereby and made both one having broken down the Middle-Wall of Partition between us abolishing in his fl●sh the enmity even the Law of Commandments contained in Ordinanc●s for to make in himself of twain one New Man so making Peace Having thus made Peace by the Blood of his Cross God by him Reconciles all things unto himself whether they be things in Earth or things in Heaven and we that were sometime alienated and enemies in our minds by wicked works yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death The Favour of God In whom also we have access by Faith into this Grace of Favour wherein we stand an unconceivable unspeakable mercy Jesus was in favour with God to bring us into favour with God whoso findeth Christ findeth Life and shall obtain favour of the Lord. In this Favour is our Life this Loving kindness is better th●n our Life next to the Glory of God I know nothing in comparison or competition to be minded reg●rded sought made sure of and prized but having keeping and increasing in the favour of God It was the happiness of Christ as Man here on Earth to increase in favour with God David entreated this favour with his whole heart I know no chief good besides God and his favour the whole Benefits and Comforts of our Election Creation Redemption Regeneration Justification Reconciliation Adoption Sanctification and Glorification are summed up in Gods Face Countenance and Favour towards us in Christ Adoption The Son of God was made the Son of Man that we who are the Sons of Men might be made the Sons of God by Adoption when the fullness of the time was come God sent forth
and having a righteous Judge who is King of Salem that is King of peace and a wonderful Counsellor both to hear and plead their cause the Spirit the Word of Promise and the Wise Pure and Peaceable to be their Witnesses doubt not but to carry it in Gods good time against Sathan and the World who are Enemies and Adversaries to the Peace and Prosperity of Sion That the fruits of Righteousness may be sown in peace of them that make peace is the end of their desires of peace that being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ all may live to the glory and praise of God for herein is our heavenly Father glorified when we bear much fruit The fruit of holiness to God the fruit of righteousness to Men for the fruit of the Spirit is in all Goodness and Righteousnes and Truth Love Joy Peace Longsuffering Gentleness Faith Faithfulness Meekness Temperance Patience Godliness Brotherly-kindness Charity The best sowing-time for these Seeds of Holiness is in the fair weather of Peace though Persecution through Sanctification of the Spirit may be good to root them and make them grow where they are sown And therefore we should follow after the persons the things the means that make for peace follow peace with all men till we overtake and catch it as hunters without weariness till they have got their game Especially Magistrates and Ministers the great Peace-makers and keepers in Church and State are to follow it amain with and for each other who are Commanders of it and Counsellors to it they who Preach the Gospel of Peace should be for the Peace of the Gospel The best way to gain all to follow after Peace is for the Leaders to begin hold on and hold out Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace and things wherewith one may edifie another and the Lord of Peace himself give us Peace always by all means The way to be perfect to be of good comfort to be of one mind to have and to hold the God of Love and Peace in the midst of us is to live in peace he is not a Son of God nor a true Son of the Universal Church that is not a Son of Peace The Kingdom of God which is a Kingdom of Grace Righteousness and Peace is also a Kingdom of Joy in the Holy Ghost Every Grace hath Joy in it and being well exercised hath Joy accompanying it Joy is the flower of Grace rejoycing with joy unspeakable and full of Glory is the effect of believing in and loving of the Lord Jesus Godly Sorrow worketh Repentance and Repentance Joy they that sow in Tears shall reap in Joy he that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with rejoycing the seeds of Grace with the showers of Grace and the Influences of the Sun of Righteousness bring forth a crop of Joy they who walk in the fear of the Lord will live in the comforts of the Holy Ghost Joy or Rejoycing is a Duty a Grace a Blessing Temporal Spiritual and Eternal Rejoyce in the Lord evermore and again rejoyce rejoyce not that the Spirits are subject to you but rather rejoyce that your Names are written in Heaven they who are Justified by Faith and have peace with God through our Lord Jesus by whom they have access into the Grace wherein they stand rejoyce in hope of the glory of God The Lord is to be served with Joyfulness and with gladness of heart for the abundance of all things The Light of Gods countenance upon the Godly puts gladness in their hearts more than in theirs whose Corn and Wine encreaseth everlasting joy shall be upon the heads and in the hearts of the ransomed of the Lord they shall obtain joy and gladness and sorrow and sighing shall flee away this Joy of the Lord is their strength it is strength to their outward man it is not only strength to but the very strength of the inward man A sound heart is the life of the flesh What is it that makes the heart sound and consequently the body but grace and joy exercised effectually David a man after God's own heart whose heart was sound in Gods statutes How often do we find him rejoycing in God in his Word delighting in the Godly and in their Communion Thou art the God of my strength saith he How O send out thy light and thy truth let them lead me let them bring me unto thy Holy Hill and to thy Tabernacles then will I go unto God my exceeding joy the gladness of my joy The God of his exceeding joy was the God of his strength they cannot want joy that make God their joy the God of hope the God they hope and trust in the God they hope to see face to face will fill them with all joy and peace in believing that they may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost By this spirit in the inner man the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ will grant unto them according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might with all might according to his glorious power unto all patience and long-sufferings with joyfulness that they can do and suffer all things through Christ which strengthens them they know both how to be abased and how to abound every where in all things instructed both to be full and to be hungry both to abound and to suffer need to suffer for the name of Christ for the name and power of Godliness for all that will live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution but they rejoyce in as much as they are made partakers of Christs sufferings that when his glory shall be revealed they may be glad also with exceeding Joy The great fight of Afflictions partly whilst they are made a gazing-stock both by reproaches and afflictions and partly whilst they become Companions of them that were so used and the spoiling of their Goods they take joyfully knowing in themselves that they have in Heaven a better and an induring substance What is Joy but the Exultation Dilatation and Enlargement of a holy heart running the wayes of Gods Commandments with delight power patience and perseverance working therein a fervent willingness to be and readiness to do and suffer any thing whereby God may be glorified a rejoycing in the way of Gods Testimonies as much as in all riches the unsearchable riches of Christ the riches of Grace and the riches of Glory are the matter of this Joy the beholding by faith as in a Glass this glory of God our relation to him and his dear Son and thereby our interest ingrace and right and title to glory are means both to beget encrease and perfect this joy which is the strength of the heart What is the ground of our hope and confidence when our flesh and our heart fails us but God our exceeding Joy who is the strength of our hearts because he
that Majesty of our Lord Jesus Christ and that excellent glory which the Apostles were eye-witnesses of for they beheld his glory the glory as of the onely begotten of the Father full of grace and truth the glory of his people Israel were the Majesty Beauty Comliness and Loveliness of all the reasonable Creatures that ever were is or shall be contracted and comprised in one Man How Lovely would that person be to see to but Christ God-man is altogether lovely How great is his goodness and How great is his beauty who is the beauty of Zion the perfection of beauty No wonder that he is the desire of all Nations and that all true Saints have one thing to desire of the Lord namely To behold the beauty of the Lord and that their Soul desires him in the night and with their spirit within them do seek him early Even new-born Babes sincerely desire the Word Christ and the word of Christ that they may grow thereby having tasted that the Lord is gracious at his gracious Invitation O tast and see that the Lord is good not as still-born dead hypocrites who have onely tasted in a way of profession the good Word of God and the Powers of the World to come and so fall away Crucifying to themselves the Son of God afresh by not Crucifying their Lusts and being Crucified to the World and thereby put him to an open shame but by a lively Faith and Hope they have seen and viewed their Beloved from head to foot and can by experience say My Beloved is white and ruddy the chiefest among Ten thousand his head is as the most fine Gold his Locks are bushy and black as a Raven his eyes are as the eyes of Doves by the Rivers of waters washed with Milk and fitly set his cheeks are as a Bed of Spices as sweet Flowers his lips like Lilies dropping sweet smelling Myrrh his hands are as Gold Rings set with the Beryl his Belly is as bright Ivory overlaid with Saphires his Legs are as pillars of Marble set upon sockets of fine Gold his Countenance is as Lebanon excellent as the Cedars his mouth is most sweet having kissed them with the kisses of his mouth and they at his command kissed him least he should be angry yea he is in the esteem of the poorest New-born Babe altogether lovely The believing Beloved Spouse is also Lovely to Christ Behold thou art fair my Love behold thou art fair thou hast Doves eyes within thy locks and thou art all fair my Love there is no spot in thee thou hast ravished my heart my Sister my Spouse saith Christ thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes with one chain of thy neck If the borrowed created beauty of a true Believer a Spouse yet imperfect be so really ravishing to Christ How ravishing will the beauty of the Creator of such beauty be to the glorified spectators of it in the State of Glory which Christ desires on the behalf of all Believers Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me The beholding of this glory is our glory if Joy unspeakable and full of glory is to be had in a way of believing and loving of an unseen God and Christ and glory Oh what unspeakable unconceivable Joys will the perfect everlasting Vision of these afford to the glorified This is that they are Watching Working and Waiting and Hoping or Looking for that blessed Hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ when he shall come to be glorified in his Saints and to be admired in all them that believe for when Christ who is their Life shall appear then shall they also appear with him in glory Christ and his Church long to see each other not in a Glass darkly looking at one another at the Windows shewing himself through the Lattess but face to face The Spirit and the Bride say come Christ saith surely I come quickly Amen even so come Lord Jesus saith all them that love his appearing This perfect beatifical Vision of God in Heavenly Glory will breed unutterable sweet fruition in the nearest Union Communion and Communication between God and the Godly as there is an Union in grace between Christ and every true Christian by Faith through the spirit which is inseparable So there is an Union in glory or a glorious Union between the glorious Trinity and all the glorified beyond all apprehension and expression now and the glory which thou gavest me I have given them that they may be one even as we are one I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one not one in Essence with God in Christ but one by resemblance or similitude an oneness there will be betwixt God and all the Godly glorified infinitely surpassing all other unions here below The Mystery of Husband and Wife one Flesh of King and Subject one Kingdom Soul and Body one Person Root and Branches one Tree Foundation Corner-stone and Building one House are very great and Mysterious but this of Grace and Glory much greater and far more unconceivable those are as shadows and so pass away this substantial and eternal for Brethren to dwell even together in the unity of the Spirit in the unity of that Faith which worketh by Love in the bond of Peace Behold how good and how pleasant it is beyond all expression apprehension and approbation But for the General Assembly and Church of the First-born which are written in Heaven and the Spirits of Just Men made perfect to dwell even together in unity with Unity in Trinity and Trinity in Unity through all Eternity in that glory which God the Father gave unto Christ and Christ hath given unto them that they may be one even as the Father and his Son Jesus are one I in them saith Christ and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one How good and how pleasant a sight will this be to behold here and onely here will the Natural and Intellectual eye be satisfied with seeing the hearts of all knit together in Love and unto all Riches of the full assurance of Understanding to the acknowledgment of the Mystery of God and of the Father and of Christ and that Mystery of Godliness which without controversie is so great God manifested in the Flesh becoming one with us in Nature that we might become one with him in Grace and Glory for by one Spirit are we all Baptized into one Body for the body is one and hath many Members and all the Members of that one Body being many are one Body so also is Christ for we are Members of his Body of his Flesh and of his Bones as Head and Members make up but one Body so the Son of God who is also the Son of Man and the Sons of God which are as head and members make
with seeing their glorious Redeemer face to face and the faces of the general Assembly of the first-born and the stately Buildings made without hands the place of their everlasting abode with the honors pleasures and riches of its furniture which from the beginning of the World no eye hath seen O God besides thee what is prepared The Tongue Mans glory will be everlastingly employed in warbling forth the glory of God and the glory with God in the highest Praises in Singing the Song of Moses and the Lamb glorious things are spoken of thee and in thee O City of God The glorious Words which will proceed out of the mouth of Christ will be the Wonder and Joy of Angels and Saints It will be the Work and Wages of the Glorified to be speaking to themselves in Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs Singing and making Melody in their hearts unto the Lord. What melody will it be to the Ear to be ever hearing this new Song sung in perfect harmony with Ten thousand times ten thousand and Thousands of thousands saying with a loud voice Thou art worthy who wast sl●in and hast redeemed us to God by thy Blood out of every Kindred and Tongue and People and N●●i●n and hast made us unto our God Kings and Priests worthy is the Lamb that was sl●in to receive Power and Riches and Wisdom and Strength and Honor and Glory and Blessing Blessing and Honor and Power be unto him that sitteth upon the Throne and unto the Lamb for ever and ever But Why do I speak of what is unspeakable and undertake to write of that which is so unconceivable He that was caught up into Paradise which is the third Heaven heard unspeakable words which it is not possible or lawful for a Man to utter and if it were possible for them to be uttered it would be impossible for them to be understood The Ear will have its perfect hearing there Doth not the Ear try words saith Job no need of trying words in Heaven where every one is a perfect Man not offending in a Word It is natural to all to natural Men especially to spend their time in nothing else but either to tell or hear some new thing as natural so spiritual persons have their delectation the one in hearing what Men say the other in hearing what God says I will hear what God the Lord will speak for he will speak peace to his People and to the Saints even that peace which passeth all understanding Faith and all other Graces and Comforts comes by hearing the Word of God Preached and Read the benefit of hearing here in this life under the means of Grace is an unvaluable blessing What glory then will it be to hear of nothing but glory every one there will be very attentive to hear what God the Lord will speak who hath the words of eternal life If all bare Christ witness and wondred at the gracious words which proceed out of his Mouth when on Earth in his estate of humiliation much more will all in Heaven bear witness and admire and adore the glorious words which will proceed out of his mouth in his state of Exaltation his mouth is most sweet his words are altogether lovely here here only will the Ear be satisfied with hearing Let me hear thy voice saith Christ to the Church his Spouse for sweet is thy voice If the sanctified voice of his Church in Prayers and Praises be so sweet to Christ now How sweet will her glorified voice be to him in his glory and How sweet will Christs voice be then and there to his triumphant Church his voice will be sweeter than all theirs In Heaven there only is the hearing ear and the persons and things worthy to be heard What Instruments of Musick there will be and Musicians to time and tune and sound them to delight and ravish the sense of hearing God only knows The voice of Harpers harping with their Harps have there been heard Musick upon Rivers of Water make the sweetest and most solemn sound At Gods right hand there are Rivers of pleasures where there will be such Musick as will ravish the ears and hearts of Angels and Saints for ever What spiritual Meat and Drink there will be in Heaven to delight and please the spiritual taste or palate who can tell Sure I am there will be feeding and feasting in Heaven Our Lord Jesus will be the true Bread as truly in Heaven without Ordinances as on Earth in his Ordinances and so will his precious Blood be drink really and spiritually also but the manner of eating and drinking there is such a Mystery as cannot now be known and may not be spoken to If every Saint can say How sweet are thy words unto my taste yea sweeter than Honey to my mouth If the word of Christ be so sweet to a Christian sanctified How sweet will the word Christ be to such an one when glorified How sweet are the fruits of holiness and righteousness to a true believer who sits under Christ the Tree of Life with great delight How sweet I say is his fruit to his taste in the way of an Ordnance but to him that overcometh Christ will give to eat of the Tree of Life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God which whosoever eats of shall live for ever To taste that the Lord is gracious here is good to taste that the Lord is glorious will be best The glory of the Body is but the Body of Glory for our vile Bodies to be changed that they may be fashioned like unto Christs glorious Body What a high expression of glory is this When Christ was Transfigured in the Mount his face did shine as the Sun and when he revealed himself to St. John the Divine from the excellent Glory his Body was clothed with a Garment down to the foot and his Paps girt about with a Golden Girdle his head and his hairs were white like Wool as white as Snow and his Eyes were as flames of Fire and his Feet like unto fine Brass as if they burned in a Furnace and his voice as the sound of many Waters and his Countenance was as the Sun shineth in his strength so shall the Righteous shine forth as the Sun in the Kingdom of their Father but the glory wherewith the Soul will be filled will be much more glorious by how much the Soul excels the Body The glory of ●he Soul will be the Soul of Glory and the Glory of Christ put upon the Body and Soul the Glory of them both It doth not yet appear what we shall be ●ut when he shall appear we shall ●e like him as in our Bodies so also in our Souls We have for substance the same Souls with Christ ●he same faculties and qualities as understanding will memory conscience and affections with their executive powers which are so precious that one Soul in Christs account and esteem is more worth than one
World What is a Man profited if he shall gain the whole World and lose his own Soul or What shall a Man give in exchange for his Soul It is too good to be exchanged none besides the Creator Redeemer and Sanctifier of Souls knows the worth of them They are invaluable our Souls are like unto Christs in divine glorious qualifications having the perfect Ideas or Image of God imprinted upon them consisting in Knowledge Righteousness and true Holiness Christ as God is the brightness of his Fathers Glory and the express Image of his Person and being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God in his incommunicable excellencies but as Man participates only of the Communicable properties of God in this different from mere Man that being God-man in one Person for ever God giveth not the Spirit the Gifs and Graces thereof by measure unto him but unto others the measure of the stature or Age of the fullness of Christ who is the head of the Body the Church who is the Beginning the First-born from the Dead that in or among all things he might have the preeminence for it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell the fullness of the Godhead bodily to the end we might be compleat in him and of his fulness not only receive Grace for Grace but with open face beholding without a Glass the Glory of the Lord we might be changed into the same Image from Glory to Glory Even as by the Spirit of the Lord now we see through a Glass darkly in Heaven face to face now we know in part there we shall know even as we are known This is Life Eternal to know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent we shall know him perfectly and perpetually perfectly not infinitely his Understanding is infinite his Essence incomprehensible we at our best estate but finite and therefore unable to comprehend so Infinite and Immense a being and whether we shall have the h●ppiness of knowing his Essence or Being not only of seeing him but of seeing into him and knowing what he is as well as tha● he is since it is so great a question with Divines and so much disputed and a greater mystery I shall not dare to pry into it but personally we shall know God Father Son and Holy Ghost we shall know him to be our God Every one in Heaven will be able to say Infallibly My God and my Lord for ever which is infinitely more than to say Heaven Angels and Saints are mine with all their Glory Every glorified Saint shall have the honor pleasure and treasure of having and enjoying one God for his everlasting Portion In the enjoyment of God and Heaven all ho●ors pleasures and riches are only enjoyed What honor God will put upon the glorified Saints in Heaven he only knows but honor them he hath said he will and with Titles so many great significant and noble as will give them the fullest satisfaction How empty unsatisfying and fading are all the Titles of honor which the Great ones of the World glory in in comparison of those wherewith Saints are dignifyed even in this World For the Sons of men to be called the Sons of God is a Title of honor that is to be expressed no other way but with a Behold what m●nner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the Sons of God All the Titles of honor in the World together cannot make a Man so honorable as this one of being Servant to Jesus Christ To be an Emperor of the whole World to be King of all the Kingdoms of the World are Titles incomparably inferior to this Every Title given to Saints in Scripture hath so much honor pleasure and profit in it unto them as can never fully be set forth on this side heaven They are made Kings and Priests unto God their Father they are Prophets they are stiled The Children of God The Resurrection The Kingdom The Marriage Chamber The Beloved of God the dearly Beloved of his Soul and the Brethren of Christ with many more so full of excel●ency as the heart of Man cannot conceive It is made a Character of a Citizen of Zion That he honoureth them that fear the Lord. It will be the duty work and wages of Heaven for Angels and Saints to give the highest honors to each other It will be far from every one there to take away one anothers good Name which is so precious a thing Next to the admiring adoring loving reverencing praising honoring and glorifying the Name of God they will have each others Name in great veneration they will have a Name given them even an everlasting Name better than of Sons and Daughters which cannot be taken away He that hath a Name above every Name that is named not only in this World but also in that which is to come and gives them high and honorable Names will preserve them so through all Eternity If they are notwithstanding blessed when Men shall hate them and separate them from their company and reproach and cast out their Name as evil If they then are to rejoyce and leap for Joy for behold their reward is great in Heaven How happy will they be when they shall never hate or be hated more nor ever be separated from the Company and Communion of so blessed a Society as is in Heaven nor reproach or be reproached nor their Names cast out as evil nor ever be guilty of reflecting the least dishonor upon one another There will be nothing here to obstruct the fullest enjoyment of the fullest delight their delight will be in the Lord and he will be ever giving them the desires of their hearts they shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of his House and he will make them drink of the Rivers of his pleasures For with God is the fountain of Life In his light shall they see light The pleasure of beholding this Light of handling the word of Life and of living in the Love of God will yield everlasting Consolation to the glorified Light and Life and Love are things so glorious that the Essence of God is declared by them God is Light and in him is no darkness at all The Son of God even his Son Jesus Christ is the true God and eternal Life God is Love and he that dwe●leth in Love dwelleth in God and God in him He that Loveth not knoweth not God for God is Love For Saints to be clothed with Light as with a Garment and to live in and with that Light to which the Sun being compared is darkness How pleasant and pleasing will it be both to the bodily and intellectual eye Never will any eye be satisfied with seeing till God who is Light be seen The pure in heart are blessed in seeing God the everlasting loss of the Beatifical Vision and fruition of God will be the Hell of the ungodly
The pain of sense will easilier be born than the pain of loss The Vision of God is the Heaven of the Godly O it is a blessed sight to see God and to be seen of him If a glympse here of his glorious Majesty be so joyous How glorious will a full and fixed sight of him be in Heavenly Glory May I be blind to all the glory in this World so I may live in a believing foresight and lively hope of beholding that inaccessible Light which is too glorious for Angels to behold without covering their faces This Light is Life it self the original of life to all whether of Nature Grace or Glory God in Scripture is said to be the true and Living God in opposition to false and dead Idols Life is his being he is because he Lives and our Life is hid with Christ in God even that of Nature of Grace and of Glory in him we Live and Move and have our Being Life in it self is a happiness O how precious a thing is Life Skin for skin and all that a Man hath will he give for his Life The Life of a Fly hath been thought to be more worth than the World The Life of a Man doubtless is more worth than many Worlds which are without Life but it is the Life of Grace which makes the Life of Man his comfort and the Life of sin to be a Living Death to him But the Life of Glory which is ever to be glorifying and enjoying God is the glory of Life To live with Life it self and for Life it self to live in us How infinitely satisfying will it be to them who are glorified That we shall be ever with this Lord of Life and Glory is the most comfortable word in all the Scriptures If any Man serve me saith Christ where I am there shall also my servant be Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me The presence of Christ makes Heaven It is our Life eternal to live with him who is Life eternal and to live to him for none of us in Heaven liveth to himself we live there wholly unto the Lord. His Glory there is as truly our end as it is here he will give to every one glory enough but he will not give his glory to another None must glorifie hims●lf there God All-sufficient will glorifie every one sufficiently I will glorifie the House of my glory saith the Lord. Not unto us O Lord not unto us but unto thy Name give Glory will be the Heavenly Ditty and Duty Now unto God and our Father be glory for ever Thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and honor and power for thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created The main end of our Election or Predestination Redemption Justification Adoption Regeneration Sanctification Preservation and Glorification is to glorifie God in our Bodies and in our Spirits which are Gods Our vile Bodies are fashioned like unto Christs glorious Body so are our Souls transformed renewed sanctified and cleansed with the washing of Water by the Word that they might be presented to God himself glorious not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that they should be holy and without blame before him in love to the Praise of the glory of his Grace God is Love as well as Life the Life which he lives is a life also of Love What lovely living will it be in Heaven to live with love it self To love and be beloved by God who is Love will be the Saints everlasting happiness God will for ever be in love with all the Glorified Angels and Saints and they again will for ever be in love with him I Love them that Love me saith God not only God Essentially but God Personally is Love The Father is love the Son is love the Holy Ghost is love The knowledge we shall have of the Trinity loving each other with the love of Unity in an infinite manner and measure will very much contribute to our heavenly happiness If the Union Communion and Communication of Love between Husband and Wife be so great a Mystery How much greater a Mystery is that which is between Christ and the Church But O how mysterious a secret are the Transactions of mutu●l love between Trinity in Unity and Unity in Trinity If God so loved the World in this was manifested ●he Love of God because he sent his only begotten Son i●to the World that we might live through him herein is love that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins I say if God so loved the World What manner of Love hath he bestowed upon his only begotten Son The Father loveth the Son and the Son loveth the Father and the Holy Spirit loveth both the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost is loved of the Father and the Son and in their mutual loving and glorifying each other as they were happy infinitely from Everlasting so they would have been to everlasting though all persons and things had never been created Gods essential glory is neither capable of addition or diminution by reason of its infinite perfection God is not the happier for Angels or Men he needs neither their love or service but there is no being happy for any Creature save in the full enjoyment of God and his loving favour through all Eternity his loving kindness is life eternal We love him because he first loved us he loved us from all Eternity So God loved the World and by so doing hath engaged himself to love us to eternity whom he loves he loves to the end That which makes his love altogether lovely is That he set his love upon us because he loved us no Merit or Motive in us why he should love us there were Motives and Merits indeed why he should not love us when by wilful sin we had cast away the Mercies of our Creation he might have cast us off and cast us out to the loathing of our persons In the day we were born and lay polluted in our blood then he looked upon us and behold this time was the time of love he then said unto us when we were in our Blood Live His Love was our Life If God loved us so when we were sinful What manner of Love will he bestow upon us when sinless Our sin Original and Actual incapacitates us to receive the Mercies and enjoy the Love the Lord would willingly vouchsafe us But in Heaven we shall be able and perfectly capable and God infinitely willing to load us with all his Benefits God will never be weary of giving out his Loves nor we unwilling or weary in a Joyful and Thankful receiving of them and returning the same to our best Beloved It will be love of the nearest union the highest and holiest Communion and the freest and fullest
be and to do what God would have us to do upon which our endless state depends and therefore to be really Religious which is a living to God is no indifferent thing because the invisible things of eternity which Religion is concerned ●bout are the greatest realities and of the greatest moment to every Immortal Soul which is capable of being unspeakably happy or miserable in Heaven or Hell through all Eternity God and Christ and Grace and Glory must be had there is no living or dying in Peace without them Behold now is the accepted time to accept them and to be accepted Behold now is the day of Salvation which if it be neglected an eternal night of Damnation followeth There is also an excellency in Religion which appears in being conversant about matters of such transcendent worth and weight as namely the glorifying of God in wayes of Grace and Glory upon this account therefore it is the Righteous is more excellent then his Neighbor Religion is for Godliness which is profitable to all persons and things having promise of the Life that now is and of that which is to come Happy is the Man that in the way of Religion getteth Godliness for the Merchandise of it is better than the Merchandise of Silver and the Gain thereof than fine Gold she is more precious than Rubies and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her Length of dayes is in her Right hand and in her Left hand Riches and Honor her wayes are wayes of pleasantness and all her paths are peace 2. This Doctrine of the Kingdom of Grace and Glory speaks doleful and dreadful Tidings to the wicked and ungodly The unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God No Whoremonger nor Unclean Person nor Covetous Man who is an Idolater hath any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God Let no Man therefore deceive himself with vain words for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the Children of Disobedience the loss of this Kingdom will be more intollerable to the Wicked than the enduring of the eternal torments of Hell because the loss is infinite God is lost and the Eternal weight of Glory is lost The pains of Hell are after a sort finite though infinite in duration and between finite misery and infinite glory there is an infinite inequality 3. If there be a Kingdom of Grace and Glory Are not they then besides themselves that think and say That a holy diligence and strictness in Religion and the Duties thereof in order to its attainment is more ado then needs that practically say It is vain to serve God and What profit is it that we have kept his Ordinance and Behold What a weariness c. When the Son of Man shall come in his Glory and all the holy Angels with him and shall sit upon the Throne of his Glory and shall gather before him all Nations and shall separate them one from another as a Shepherd divideth his Sheep from the ●oats and shall set the Sheep on his Right hand but the Goats in the Left when the King shall say unto them on his Right hand Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the World When he shall say also unto them on his Left hand Depart from me ye Cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the Glory of his Power when he shall come to be glorified in his Saints and to be admired in all them that believe when Christ shall reckon with his Servants about the improvement of their time and talents for we must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his Body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad and shall say Well done thou good and faithful servant thou hast been faithful over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord and when he shall say to him that received one Talent and hid it in the earth Take the Talent from him and cast ye that wicked slothful and unprofitable Servant into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of Teeth then will the holy diligence of the Saints and Servants of the Lord be justified and the minds of them that judged diligent Godliness to be more ado than needed will be otherwise minded and wish too late they had been wise and faithful that by their Lord at his coming they might have been found so doing as those that were faithful unto death and receive the Crown of Life 4. That there is a Kingdom of Grace and Glory speaks the dignity and happiness of the Saints Let their condition in this World as to the things of the World be never so bad be they poor and persecuted having nothing they possess all things things Temporal Spiritual and Eternal are their right all things are yours saith the Apostle Whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the World or Life or Death or things present or things to come all are yours and the reason is because Christ is yours he that hath Christ hath all things He that spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all How shall he not with him also freely give us all things They who have a true interest in God and Christ and Grace and Glory cannot want for real Treasures Honors and Pleasures either in this or the better World 5. That there is a Kingdom of Grace and Glory speaks also the great love of God wherewith he hath loved us and the exceeding riches of his Grace That God of his free Mercy towards us in Christ Jesus should take any of us out of the state of Nature Sin and Misery to reinstate us into his Grace and Favour That from the presence of his Grace he might translate us into the presence and Kingdom of his Glory What manner of love hath God the Father bestowed upon us God so loved the World that he sent his only begotten Son into i● that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting Life this is love passing knowledge 2. The second Use is for trial and examination of our selves as to our right and title to glory The last Article in our Christian belief is the Life everlasting which every one will say he believes That there is a Kingdom of Glory is without controversie The great Question is To whom this Kingdom of Glory belongs I have before proved by Scripture That there is a purposed prepared purchased promised and preserved Kingdom of Glory and that there are certain persons
overcometh that shall not be hurt of the second Death and he that is faithful unto death who will wear the Crown of Life to him that overcometh God will give to eat of the Tree of Life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God But the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and Murderers and Whore-mongers and Sorcerers and Idolaters and all Liars shall have their part in the Lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second Death If the first Death the Separation only of Body and Soul be the King of Terrors What a King of Terrors and Horrors will the Second Death be which is an Eternal Separation both of the Body and the Soul from the Presence of God and his Glory and the enduring the Wrath of God in Body and Soul in Hell-fire through all Eternity Wherefore let us gird up the Loyns of our Minds and be sober and hope to the end for the Grace and Glory that is brought unto us at the Revelation of Jesus Christ Life and Death Eternal are set before us let us choose Life and cleave to him in our Wills who is our Life Let our Affections be set on things above Let our Conversation be in Heaven that our Commoration and Everlasting abode may be there also This is to seek the Kingdom of God with all our heart and with all our might It must be sought also with understanding the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Grace and of the Kingdom of Glory must be known It is our Heavenly Fathers good pleasure to give a Kingdom unto them and them only unto whom it is given to know the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God but to others in Parables that seeing they might not see and hearing they might not understand The Kingdom of God which is a Kingdom of Grace and Glory is such a Mystery that none can heartily desire and endeavor after it but such as are acquainted with it Oh! were the Eternal worth and weight of Grace and Glory known to us would the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of Glory give unto us the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation for the enlightening the eyes of our understanding that we might know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the Glory of his inheritance in the Saints we could not chuse but be stedfast unmoveable alwayes abounding in the work of the Lord forasmuch as we know that our labor in seeking first the Kingdom of God would not be in vain in the Lord. Verily this Kingdom is not sought as it ought to be because 't is not known as it should be seek therefore to understand it that you may seek it with understanding Consider what I say and the Lord give you understanding in the Mysteries of his Kingdom which must be sought also in a way of believing I Believe in God the Father Son and Holy Ghost and the Life everlasting is the sum of our Christian Creed or Belief which whosoever confesseth with his mouth and believeth in his heart shall be saved for with the heart Man believeth unto Righteousness and with the Mouth Confession is made unto Salvation for the Scripture saith whosoever believeth on the Lord Jesus shall not be ashamed or confounded Now Faith is the substance ground or confidence of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen Through Faith we understand that the Worlds were framed by the Word of God through F●ith we understand or believe an unseen World where such things are prepared for them that love God that a Natural and Carnal eye hath not seen or can see nor ear heard or perceived neither ever entered into the heart of Man but God hath revealed them to and for Believers by his Spirit who look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are Temporal but the things which are not seen are Eternal this is the victory that overcometh the World even our Faith it overcometh the good things of the World and the evil things of the World through Faith the reproach of or for Christ is esteemed greater riches than the Treasures of the World and the Honors thereof by Faith Moses refused to be called the Son of Pharaohs Daughter for it hath respect unto the recompence of the reward by Faith it is that true Christians chose rather to suffer affliction with the People of God then to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season as knowing their light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for them a far more exce●ding and eternal weight of glory Through Faith we res●st our adversary the Devil who as a roaring Lio● walketh about seeking whom he may devour whom resis● stedfast in the Faith and he will flee from you for the Captain of your Salvation the Lord Jesus was made partaker of Flesh and Blood that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the Devil and deliver them who through fear of death were all their life time subject to bondage for this purpose also the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy not only the Devil but the works of the Devil in us purifying our hearts from all sin by Faith Without this Faith it is impossible to please God for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a Rewarder of all them that diligently seek him his Kingdom and his Righteousness take we heed therefore lest there be in any of us an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God to provoke him to swear in his wrath we shall not enter into his rest for To whom swear he that they should not enter into his rest but to them that believed not for they could not enter in because of unbelief This is the Sin that shutteth so many out of Heaven and shutteth up as many into Hell he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the Name of the only begotten Son of God True believers are the only true seekers of the Kingdom of God and will be the only enjoyers of it Oh were our Faith as reall as this Kingdom is substantial What manner of seekers would all of us be It is not heartily believed and therefore not heartily sought after were it sought believingly it would be sought faithfully Faith breeds faithfulness they are neer a kin What is Faithfulness but a fullness of Faith a stirring up the work of Faith with power to receive out of the fullness which is in Christ grace for grace grace to exercise grace so to walk even as he walked in faithfulness both to God and Man especially in transacting and negotiating the great Work of his Mediatory-Office in our Redemption and Reconciliation Jesus Christ the Apostle and High-Priest of our Profession was faithful unto him that appointed him Such are all true Christians or Saints called faithful in
possessing it will more than recompence for all the pains and sufferings the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the Glory that shall be revealed in us and therefore this Kingdom of Grace and Glory is to be sought constantly that is without ceasing day and night or very frequently constantly that is perseveringly for God will render to every Man according to his deeds to them who by patient continuance in well-doing seek for Glory and Honor and Immortality Eternal Life Be thou faithful herein O Christian unto Death and Christ will give unto thee in the Kingdom of God a Crown of Life for only he that shall thus endure seeking unto the end the same shall be saved Even he that doth seek this kingdom of God which is a kingdom of Grace and Glory with his whole heart understandingly believingly faithfully diligently fervently violently valiantly vigilantly early delightfully and constantly which is no more than God requires and the unconceivable excellencies of this kingdom deserves Is not the kingdom of Grace it self nay one Grace of this kingdom more worth than all the Glory of all the kingdoms of this World The very trial of our faith and so of every other Grace is more precious than Gold that perisheth How precious is Faith it self Who that hath the Faith of Gods elect in the least degree in his heart would part with it at any rate nothing in this World better than life skin for skin and all that a Man hath will he give for his life But How many have lost their lives to save their faith that they might believe to the saving of their Souls they have died for the Faith that they might die in Faith And as for Hope which is a patient waiting and looking for that blessed Hope and the Glorious appearing of our Lord Jesus when we shall appear with him in Glory at death but more Gloriously at the day of Judgment when he shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels to be Glorified in his Saints and to be admired in all them that believe who hath this good hope through Grace that would part with it for more than all this World were it Ten thousand times ten thousand better than it is Alass if in this life only we have hope we are of all Men most miser●ble but since we can and do rejoyc● in hope of the G or● of God we are happy enough in our hope which 〈◊〉 laid up for us in Heaven Now abideth Faith Hop● Charity these three but the greatest of these is Charity Faith and Hope we shall leave behind us having no need of them in Heaven When we are at the end of our Faith the Salvation of our Souls there is an end of our Faith but Charity which is the bond of our perfection in Heaven never ceaseth What is our Eternal Life in Heaven but an Eternal Life of Love our dwelling in and with God will be a dwelling in Love and God who is Love dwelling in us There will be fervent Charity indeed between God Angels and Men here because Iniquity doth abound the love of many doth wax cold there will be neither Sin Satan or Sinners to quench the flames of Mutual Love and Charity if Charity have so many Gracious and wonderful effects and fruits here What glorious effects will it produce in Glory Thou hast ravished my heart thou hast ravished my heart s●ith Christ with one of thine eyes with one Chain of thy Neck a Chain of Mercy and Truth Doth Mercy and Truth and other Graces in his Spouse ravish the heart of Christ What ravishing Joy will there be when Mercy and Truth meet together in Heaven and Righteousness and Peace kiss each other when Grace shall be turned into Glory when Charity a Grace a Duty now shall be Charity a Duty also but our Glory and Reward Will not Christ say of his Spouse then How fair and how pleasant art thou O Love for delights If the Created Glory of a Christian be so Glorious in the eyes of Christ How Glorious will the Increated Glory of God in Christ be to the beholders of it to all Eternity Let us therefore stick at no care and pains to make sure of a kingdom which God hath made so sure to us in his Everlasting purpose and preparation and is purchased for us at so dear a rate as the precious Blood of Christ and promised and preserved to us in his Everlasting Covenant Here have we no continuing City let us seek one to come with the heirs of Promise who look for a City which hath foundations whose builder and maker is God It is the City of the living God the Heavenly Jerusalem where God himself an Innumerable company of Angels the General Assembly and Church of the First-born and Jesus the Mediator of the New Testament and God the Holy Ghost the Comforter dwell all together Glorifying one another in an unspeakable manner for ever and Should not the Glory of this Kingdom of Glory and the Heavenly Society therein invite and constrain us all in these Kingdoms to look after such a state and place Is not every one infinitely obliged to seek this Kingdom not only for himself but for the Community if it were possible every moment Is there a Kingdom of Grace which may be had here in this World and a Kingdom of Glory hereafter in another World Is this a faithful saying and Is it not worth every ones acceptation Is not the Grace of God in truth and power the one thing needful here and Is not Glory in the Kingdom of God the one thing needful there Why are we then careful and troubled about many things when one thing is needful Why do we not all as one Man choose that good part which shall not be taken away from us There is nothing else in this World but either it will be taken from us or we from it Should we not labor to know in our selves that we have in Heaven a better and an enduring substance an Inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that fadeth not away reserved in Heaven for us where we should lay up for our selves Treasures Honors and Pleasures that Moth and Rust do not corrupt and where Pride and Covetousness two notorious Theeves do not dare not cannot break through and steal that where our Treasure is there our hearts and hopes may be also But let us lay up for our selves Treasures upon Earth never so safely the Moth and Rust do and will corrupt them and these two Theeves will break through and steal the care of getting and keeping these Earthly Treasures and the fear of losing them put too many besides themselves and their duty in seeking those things which are above The only way is to be careful for nothing but in every thing by Prayer and Supplication with Thanksgiving to make our request known unto God and the Kingdom of God which is not meat and drink but
in deed and truth not a talkative love but an active vigorous faithful fruitful love is acceptable both to God and man even the love that is kind and thinketh not evil is not easily provoked like unto Christs Love which he shewed evidently in his active and passive obedience doing good to all men not being weary in well-doing especially unto them who are of the houshold of Faith loving all Saints as Saints imitating Christ as in his active so in his passive obedience suffering with them and for them with all long-suffering and patience being their Brethren and Companions in Tribulation and in the Kingdom and Patience of Jesus Christ for the Word of God and for the Testimony of Jesus Christ Hereby perceive we the Love of God because he laid down his Life for us and we ought to lay down our Lives for the Brethren we love not the Brethren if we love our Lives better than them This is Love that we walk after the Commandment of Christ they that walk worthy of God walk in the Wayes of his Commandments with and before the Lord humbly obeying from the heart that form of Doctrine which he delivered them that they may serve him thereby in newness of Spirit and in newness of Life they who would enter into Life must thus keep the Commandments for blessed are they that do his Commandments that they may have right to the Tree of Life and may enter in through the Gates of the City Is there then a Kingdom of Grace and Glory Is it purposed prepared purchased promised and reserved in Heaven for us Have we a real interest in and a true Title to this Kingdom O let the high praises of God then be in our hearts in our lips and in our lives who hath called us unto this Kingdom and Glory Let David's resolution and practice be ours I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live I will sing praises unto my God while I have any Being every day will I bless thee and I will praise thy Name for ever and ever Bless the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me bless his holy Name his Heart and Tongue and Life were fixed and prepared for this blessed Work called therefore the sweet singer of Israel My heart is fixed and prepared O God my heart is fixed I will sing and give praise I will greatly praise the Lord with my mouth he prayes that he may praise O Lord open thou my lips and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise his whole Life and Conversation nothing else but a continual Hymn to God How fearful was he to sin O-let me not wander from thy Commandments refraining his feet from every evil Way that he might keep the Word of God hating every false Way rejoycing in the Way of his Testimonies as much as in all Riches inclining his heart to perform his Statutes alway even unto the end Was it David's Duty Delight and Work to be still praising God and is it not ours Have we not or may we not have as great reason and occasion to bless God as he every one that will may have God and Christ and Grace and Glory to praise and bless God for as his portion and happiness for ever If every one of us with David could say Whom have I in Heaven but thee and there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee He may also say when his flesh and his heart faileth him God is the strength of his heart and his portion for ever which is matter great enough to praise the Name of God for with a Song and magnifie him with Thanksgiving It is the silent Work of all the Works of God to praise him passively and the highest duty of Saints to bless him actively All thy Works shall praise thee O Lord and thy Saints shall bless thee David calls upon the whole Creation to pay this homage of praise to God as their duty and Gods due Praise ye the Lord from the Heavens praise him all Angels all Men Kings of the earth and all People Princes and all Judges of the earth both young Men and Maidens old Men and Children Sun Moon and Stars Earth Sea let them praise the Name of the Lord for his Name alone is excellent his Glory is above the Earth and Heaven his glorious Name is exalted above all blessing and praise O the Treasures of Excellencies that are in God in every one of his unsearchable Names his Word and his wonderful Works his Works of Creation Redemption Providence c. which are external of Election Predestination Justification Adoption Regeneration Sanctification Consolation which are internal and the everlasting Kingdom of Glory matter for eternal praises Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised and his greatness is unsearchable so are all his other Attributes God is especially to be praised in his Sanctuary every one there is to speak the praises of the glorious honour of his Majesty and the glorious Majesty of his Kingdom Glorious things are spoken of God in his Kingdom of Grace and more glorious things here unutterable are spoken in the Kingdom of Glory Behold now is the accepted time to prepare and tune our hearts tongues and lives in the Kingdom of Grace for this Duty and Work of praise in the Kingdom of Glory what is it to glorifie God but to praise him whoso offereth praise and ordereth his Conversation aright glorifieth him It is meerly for want of the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ and him Crucified and our unacquaintedness with the glorious excellencies of this Kingdom of God which is a Kingdom of Grace and Glory and our interest in it that we speak no more of the glory of this Kingdom and glorifie God no more by speaking to our selves in Psalms and Hymns and spiritual Songs making melody in our hearts unto the Lord giving Thanks alwayes for all things unto God and the Father in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ Were all in these Kingdoms Eye-Witnesses of the Majesty of our Lord Jesus Christ and Ear-Witnesses as Peter and others were of his receiving from God the Father honor and glory when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory This is my beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased I say Were these things ever before our eyes and ever sounding in our ears there would certainly be more seeking and praying and praising God for this Kingdom of God which contains all the glory we can possibly want or wish than now there is Have we not a more sure Word of Prophesie whereunto we should all of us do well that we take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day-star arise in our hearts Do we not say that the whole Word of God is true Is there any that professedly deny a future state of glory Why do we not all bless God for it till we bless God in it Let every
peculiar bosome beloved sins search out your own sin keep your self from your iniquity if you would have good success in seeking first the Kingdom of God II. Let us put off and put away far from us these and all other sins in the fear of God or all our seeking the Kingdom of God will be but labour in vain Sinners God calls Heaven and Earth to record against you this day that he sets before you Life and Good Death and Evil Blessing and Cursing and desires you to choose Life even eternal Life O choose not Sin and Death before it Let my counsel be acceptable unto you break off your sins by righteousness and the iniquity of your covetousness by shewing mercy to the Poor lest God be wroth smite you and hide himself from you but rather seek good and not evil that ye may live be not faithless but believe God upon his Word Seek ye me saith God and ye shall live Their heart shall live that seek God his Kingdom and Righteousness in the use of all his holy means which I need but almost to name they are so often insisted upon but too seldom duely practised as namely 1. Hearing the Word preached in season and out of season instantly as Ministers are to preach it with solemn Preparation Intention Retention and a loving Affection in the hearing of it turning every Truth and Duty you hear into practice without delay for not the hearers of the Law but the doers are justified and blessed in their doing 2. Frequent Fasting frequent Praying and Watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all men that they may be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth which is our striving to enter in at the strait Gate Strait is the Gate and narrow is the Way which leadeth unto Life and few there be that find it even of them who seek to enter in and are not able because not willing to be at the pains and patience which is necessary to the finding the narrow Way and walking in it till they be meet and worthy to enter in at the strait Gate there is no pulling down of strong Holds casting down Imaginations or Reasonings and every high thing that exalteth it self against the knowledge of God or bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ and the Laws of his Kingdom but by this good old way of Fasting Praying and watching to purpose every man that striveth for the mastery especially of spiritual enemies is to be temperate in all things some do it to obtain a corruptible Crown we an incorruptible If we would so run as to obtain so fight as to overcome we must keep under our body and bring it into subjection that our Old Man being crucified the body of sin may be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin lest that by any means when we have done all save this which is the main we our selves should be everlasting Cast-awayes better the body of the flesh and the body of sin be destroyed in the severest way of duty than the soul be for ever lost in a way of sin how pleasing soever to the flesh Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee cut them off and cast them from thee it is better for thee to enter into Life halt or maimed rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire by Fasting Praying and watching Heaven suffereth violence and onely the violent take it by force Holy Fasting especially alone and by our selves Prayer without ceasing keeping our Hearts Lips and Lives with all diligence by circumspect watchfulness from sin and all occasion and temptations thereunto are Gods gracious means appointed us for the obtaining of Grace and Glory 3. Reading searching and meditating of the Holy Scriptures day and night that the Word of Christ may dwell richly in us in all Wisdom with fervent and faithful Prayer before and after the duty for the Spirit of Truth to sanctifie us through the Truth duties much neglected both in Families and in our private communion with the Lord and I fear by too many of us slightly indifferently and indiligently done Were the Word of God read searched and meditated daily by us as it ought to be it would make us wiser for our selves in all respects than we are it is able to make even Children that exercise themselves therein wise unto salvation It is very great pity and a very great sin it is that every one that cannot doth not learn to read and every one that can doth not walk in Wisdom redeeming his time to search these Sacred Records day and night in which he thinks he hath eternal life I make no doubt but our most Gracious Sovereign the King and Governors will out of their Christian Wisdom Care Zeal and Charity which in many things they have manifested take order also that all who are capable both young and old in these Kingdoms may be diligently taught to read the Holy Scriptures that they perish not for want of knowledge that so the good Word of God may be daily read publickly in all Faimilies with Prayer and Praise to the Praise and Glory of God the Increase and Advancement of the Kingdom of Christ and their own immortal Honour Which I daily pray may come to pass and am in a longing expectation of as knowing there is Wisdom Wealth and Willingness Power and Prudence every way Ability and Opportunity in you our Governors and Counsellors for the accomplishing and effecting so great and good and necessary and pious a Work besides the many Thousands that wait for your Call Command Counsel Countenance and Encouragement to assist herein which labour of Love to so many perishing Souls will never be forgotten by the Lord and the administration of this Service will not only supply the want of Saints but will be abundant also by many Thanksgivings unto God Now the Lord make all Publick Persons in Church and State Publick spirited herein that the fruit of Righteousness may be sown in Peace by them that make Peace to the Glory of God and the Publick Good Were the Law and Gospel which is not to depart out of our mouth read and meditated therein day and night by us all high and low rich and poor c. that we might observe to do according to all that is written therein this would make our way prosperous then we should do wisely and have good success especially in seeking the Kingdom of Grace and Glory which is our best Wisdom to do every one for himself and each for other till we find it and attain it Whosoever delights in the Law of the Lord and in his Law doth meditate day and night shall be like a Tree planted by the Rivers of Water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doth shall prosper the universal faithful practice of these duties would through the blessing of