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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A36657 Oedipus a tragedy, as it is acted at His Royal Highness, the Duke's Theatre / the authors, Mr. Dryden and Mr. Lee. Dryden, John, 1631-1700.; Sophocles. Oedipus Rex.; Lee, Nathaniel, 1653?-1692. 1679 (1679) Wing D2322; ESTC R22022 48,606 90

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And roar'd and with a thousand Antick mouths Gabbled revenge Revenge was all the cry Pyr. This cannot fail I see you on the Throne And Oedipus cast out Cre. Then strait came on Alcander with a wild and bellowing Croud Whom he had wrought I whisper'd him to join And head the Forces while the heat was in 'em So to the Palace I return'd to meet The King and greet him with another story But see he Enters Enter Oedipus Jocasta attended Oed. Said you that Phorbas is return'd and yet Intreats he may return without being ask'd Of ought concerning what we have discover'd Joc. He started when I told him your intent Replying what he knew of that affair VVould give no satisfaction to the King Then falling on his knees begg'd as for life To be dismiss'd from Court He trembled too As if Convulsive death had seiz'd upon him And stammer'd in his abrupt Pray'r so wildly That had he been the murderer of Lajus Guilt and destraction could not have shook him more Oed. By your description sure as plagues and death Lay waste our Thebes some deed that shuns the light Begot those fears If thou respect'st my peace Secure him dear Jocasta for my Genius Shrinks at his name Joc. Rather let him go So my poor boding heart would have it be VVithout a reason Oed. Hark the Thebans come Therefore retire and once more if thou lov'st me Let Phorbas be retain'd Joc. You shall while I Have life be still obey'd In vain you sooth me with your soft indearments And set the fairest Countenance to view Your gloomy eyes my Lord betray a deadness And inward languishing that Oracle Eats like a subtil Worm it 's venom'd way Preys on your heart and rots the noble Core How-e're the beauteous out-side shews so lovely Oed. O thou wilt kill me with thy Love's excess All all is well retire the Thebans come Ex. Jocasta Ghost Oedipus Oed. Ha! again that scream of woe Thrice have I heard thrice since the morning dawn'd It hollow'd loud as if my Guardian Spirit Call'd from some vaulted Mansion Oedipus Or is it but the work of melancholly When the Sun sets shadows that shew'd at Noon But small appear most long and terrible So when we think Fate hovers o're our heads Our apprehensions shoot beyond all bounds Owls Ravens Crickets seem the watch of death Nature's worst Vermine scare her God-like Sons Ecchoes the very leavings of a Voice Grow babling Ghosts and call us to our Graves Each Mole-hill thought swells to a huge Olympus While we fantastick dreamers heave and puff And sweat with an Immagination's weight As if like Atlas with these mortal Shoulders We could sustain the burden of the World Creon comes forward Cre. O Sacred Sir my Royal Lord Oed. What now Thou seem'st affrighted at some dreadful action Thy breath comes short thy darted eyes are fixt On me for aid as if thou wert pursu'd I sent thee to the Thebans speak thy wonder Fear not this Palace is a Sanctuary The King himself 's thy Guard Cre. For me alas My life 's not worth a thought when weigh'd with yours But fly my Lord fly as your life is sacred Your Fate is precious to your faithful Creon Who therefore on his knees thus prostrate begs You would remove from Thebes that Vows your ruine When I but offer'd at your innocence They gather'd Stones and menac'd me with Death And drove me through the Streets with imprecations Against your sacred Person and those Traytors Which justify'd your Guilt which curs'd Tiresias Told as from Heav'n was cause of their destruction Oed. Rise worthy Creon haste and take our Guard Rank 'em in equal part upon the Square Then open every Gate of this our Palace And let the Torrent in Hark it comes I hear 'em roar begon and break down all The dams that would oppose their furious passage Shout Ex. Creon with Guards Enter Adrastus his Sword drawn Adr. Your City Is all in Arms all bent to your destruction I heard but now where I was close confin'd A Thundring shout which made my Jaylors vanish Cry Fire the Palace where 's the cruel King Yet by th' Infernal Gods those awful Pow'rs That have accus'd you which these ears have heard And these eyes seen I must believe you guiltless For since I knew the Royal Oedipus I have observ'd in all his acts such truth And God-like clearness that to the last gush Of bloud and Spirits I 'll defend his life And here have Sworn to perish by his side Oed. Be witness Gods how near this touches me O what what recompence can glory make Embracing him Adr. Defend your innocence speak like your self And awe the Rebels with your dauntless virtue But hark the Storm comes nearer Oed. Let it come The force of Majesty is never known But in a general wrack Then then is seen The difference 'twixt a Threshold and a Throne Enter Creon Pyracmon Alcander Tiresias Thebans Alc. Where where 's this cruel King Thebans behold There stands your Plague the ruine desolation Of this unhappy speak shall I kill him Or shall he be cast out to Banishment All Theb. To Banishment away with him Oed. Hence you Barbarians to your slavish distance Fix to the Earth your sordid looks for he Who stirs dares more then mad-men Fiends or Furies Who dares to face me by the Gods as well May brave the Majesty of Thundring Jove Did I for this relieve you when besieg'd By this fierce Prince when coop'd within your Walls And to the very brink of Fate reduc'd When lean-jaw'd Famine made more havock of you Than does the Plague But I rejoyce I know you Know the base stuff that temper'd your vile Souls The Gods be prais'd I needed not your Empire Born to a greater nobler of my own Nor shall the Scepter of the Earth now win me To rule such Brutes so barbarous a People Adr. Methinks my Lord I see a sad repentance A general consternation spread among ' em Oed. My Reign is at an end yet e're I finish I 'll do a justice that becomes a Monarch A Monarch who i' th' midst of Swords and Javelins Dares act as on his Throne encompast round VVith Nation 's for his Guard Alcander you Are nobly born therefore shall lose your head Here Haemon take him but for this and this Let Cords dispatch ' em Hence away with ' em Seizes him Tir. O sacred Prince pardon distracted Thebes Pardon her if she acts by Heav'n's award If that th' Infernal Spirits have declar'd The depth of Fate and if our Oracles May speak O do not too severely deal But let thy wretched Thebes at least complain If thou art guilty Heav'n will make it known If innocent then let Tiresias dye Oed. I take thee at thy word Run haste and save Alcander I swear the Prophet or the King shall dye Be witness all you Thebans of my Oath And Phorbus be the Umpire Tir. I submit Trumpets sound Oed. What mean
with the Royal stamp of man And half o're-come with beast stood doubting long Whose right in thee were more And knew not if to burn thee in the flames Were not the holier work Creon Am I to blame if Nature threw my body In so perverse a mould yet when she cast Her envious hand upon my supple joints Unable to resist and rumpled 'em On heaps in their dark lodging to revenge Her bungled work she stampt my mind more fair And as from Chaos huddled and deform'd The God strook fire and lighted up the Lamps That beautify the sky so he inform'd This ill-shap'd body with a daring soul And making less than man he made me more Euryd. No thou art all one errour soul and body The first young tryal of some unskill'd Pow'r Rude in the making Art and Ape of Jove Thy crooked mind within hunch'd out thy back And wander'd in thy limbs to thy own kind Make love if thou canst find it in the world And seek not from our Sex to raise an off spring Which mingled with the rest would tempt the Gods To cut off humane Kind Creon No let 'em leave The Argian Prince for you that Enemy Of Thebes has made you false and break the Vows You made to me Euryd. They were my Mothers Vows Made when I was at Nurse Creon But hear me Maid This blot of Nature this deform'd loath'd Creon Is Master of a Sword to reach the blood Of your young Minion spoil the Gods fine work And stab you in his heart Euryd. This when thou dost Then mayst thou still be curs'd with loving me And as thou art be still unpitied loath'd And let his Ghost No let his Ghost have rest But let the greatest fiercest foulest Fury Let Creon haunt himself Exit Eurydice Creon T is true I am What she has told me an offence to sight My body opens inward to my soul And lets in day to make my Vices seen By all discerning eyes but the blind vulgar I must make haste er'e Oedipus return To snatch the Crown and her for I still love But love with malice as an angry Cur Snarles while he feeds so will I seize and stanch The hunger of my love on this proud beauty And leave the scraps for Slaves Enter Tiresias leaning on a staff and led by his Daughter Manto What makes this blind prophetick Foolabroad Wou'd his Appollo had him he 's too holy For Earth and me I 'll shun his walk and seek My popular friends Exit Creon Tiresias A little farther yet a little farther Thou wretched Daughter of a dark old man Conduct my weary steps and thou who seest For me and for thy seif beware thou tread not With impious steps upon dead corps Now stay Methinks I draw more open vital air Where are we Manto Under Covert of a wall The most frequented once and noisy part Of Thebes now midnight silence reigns ev'n here And grass untrodden springs beneath our feet Tir. If there be nigh this place a Sunny banck There let me rest a while a Sunny banck Alas how can it be where no Sun shines But a dim winking Taper in the Skyes That nods and scarce holds up his drowzy head To glimmer through the damps A Noise within follow follow follow A Creon A Creon A Creon Hark! a tumultuous noise and Creon's name Thrice eccho'd Man Fly the tempest drives this way Tir. Whither can Age and blindness take their flight If I could fly what cou'd I suffer worse Secure of greater Ills Noise again Creon Creon Creon Enter Creon Diocles Alcander Pyracmon followed by the Crowd Creon I thank ye Countrymen but must refuse The honours you intend me they 're too great And I am too unworthy think agen And make a better choice 1 Cit. Think twice I ne're thought twice in all my life That 's double work 2 Cit. My first word is always my second and therefore I 'll have No second word and therefore once again I say A Creon All. A Creon A Creon A Creon Creon Yet hear me Fellow Citizens Dioc. Fellow Citizens there was a word of kindness Alc. When did Oedipus salute you by that familiar name 1 Cit. Never never he was too proud Creon Indeed he could not for he was a stranger But under him our Thebes is half destroyed Forbid it Heav'n the residue should perish Under a Theban born 'T is true the Gods might send this plague among you Because a stranger rul'd but what of that Can I redress it now 3 Cit. Yes you or none 'T is Certain that the Gods are angry with us Because he reigns Creon Oedipus may return you may be ruin'd 1 Cit. Nay if that be the matter we are ruin'd already 2 Cit. Half of us that are here present were living men but Yesterday and we that are absent do but drop and drop And no man knows whether he be dead or living And Therefore while we are sound and well let us satisfie our Consciences and make a new King 3 Cit. Ha if we were but worthy to see another Coronation And then if we must dye well go merrily together All. To the question to the question Dioc. Are you content Creon should be your King All. A Creon A Creon A Creon Tir. Hear-me ye Thebans and thou Creon hear me 1 Cit. Who 's that would be heard we 'll hear no man We can scarce hear one another Tir. I charge you by the Gods to hear me 2 Cit. Oh 't is Apollo's Priest we must hear him 't is the old blind Prophet that sees all things 3 Cit. He comes from the Gods too and they are our betters And therefore in good manners we must hear him Speak Prophet 2 Cit. For coming from the Gods that 's no great matter They can all say that but he 's a great Scholar he can make Almanacks and he were put to 't and therefore I say hear him Tir. When angry Heav'n scatters its plagues among you Is it for nought ye Thebans are the Gods Unjust in punishing are there no Crimes Which pull this Vengeance down 1 Cit. Yes yes no doubt there are some Sins stirring That are the cause of all 3 Cit. Yes there are Sins or we should have no Taxes 2 Cit. For my part I can speak it with a safe Conscience I ne're sinn'd in all my life 1 Cit. Nor I. 3 Cit. Nor I. 2 Cit. Then we are all justified the sin lyes not at our doors Tir. All justified alike and yet all guilty Were every mans false dealing brought to light His Envy Malice Lying Perjuries His Weights and Measures th' other mans Extortions With what Face could you tell offended Heav'n You had not sinn'd 2 Cit. Nay if these be sins the case is alter'd for my part I never Thought any thing but Murder had been a sin Tir. And yet as if all these were less than nothing You add Rebellion to 'em impious Thebans Have you not sworn before the Gods to serve And to