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A28152 A word of reproof and advice to my late fellow-souldiers and officers of the English, Irish, and Scotish army with some inrhoad made upon the hireling and his mass-house, university, orders, degrees, vestments, poperies, heathenism, &c. : with a short catalogue of some of the fighting priests and ... have given them a blow in one of their eyes (pickt out of the whores head) which they call a fountain of religion but is a sink of iniquity ... / by E.B. Billing, Edward, 1623-1686. 1659 (1659) Wing B2903; ESTC R23695 86,580 98

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and forsaketh his sins coming to see the exc●eding sinfulness of ●●n and confesseth and forsaketh with repentance never to be repented of That is it which is ever in Christ and shall find mercy and as many as are led by the Spirit of God are now and ever the sons of God Such are new Creatures and onely they So he who is proud heady high minded covetous envious voluptious seditious a r●●ler brawler striker lyar persecutor c. is not in but out of Christ Jesus is no new creature is not led by the Spirit of God For that which is in of Christ Jesus is equal doth not hurt the creature the handy work of God the Creator but strikes at the power which captivates the creature and turns men from darkness to light and from the power of Sathan to the Power of God and that weapon which convinceth and coverts men and women in any measure to God-ward is not carnal but Spiritual but the outward sword in its place I own which only is to be laid upon the evil-doer let it be exactly done but to touch no man for his Conscience or principle in Religion provided it be not bloody so let the bloody hearted Priest look into himself who murthers men for his belly How much better is that then the Romish Jesuit who kills a Protestant for a Heritck and I am sure those who do so are not in Christ Jesus nor new creatures nor in the Spiri● but of the flesh of old Cain and in the condemnation For the Son came not to destroy but to save mens lives And he and his Ministers struck at at this day do strike at the power only which captivates the creature to wit the spiritual wickedness which lodgeth within Which the carnal weapon cannot reach and they struck onely at the Herisie and the errour and that which lead into the errour and Heresie and not at the creature neither strove they with flesh and blood nor for earthly benefit Nay they were full of patience gentleness long-suffering forbearing forgiving all and suffered all things Yea themselves to be defrauded and laboured with their own hands and were burthensom to no man But there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus note that are in him and who are in him Those that walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit for those who walk after the flesh cannot please God and to be but so so much as carnally minded is death and the death is not in the Life which Life is the Light of men But some there were who did taste of the power of an endless life yet fell away and some there were who were grafted into the Vine and yet became degenerate plants and the the righteous man may forsake his righteousness for some were washed others cleansed or emptied and yet returned like the sow to the mire and the dog to the vomit so that it is plain that a man may fall away as Lucifer did and to the same place for although they once knew God and have tasted indeed of the power of God the endless Life yet if they turn that grace of God into wantonness oppression pride and excess live above the witness of God which is a forgetting of God they shall with the wicked at last be turned into Hell Then it will not be a saying Once in Christ and ever in Christ but dying in pride oppression persecution and covetousness which is the root of all evil I say to such Once in Hell and ever i● Hell Therefore on this side time and the grave whilst ye have time prize it for the time present is all that is yours and the dayes past ye cannot recal and who knows what one day may bring to pass Wherefore in the fear of the Lord lay aside your empty drowzy and onely professing his Name and being in him whose Life ye are out of And turn into him the Light the Life who doth enlighten every man that comeeth into the World and that Life and no other is the Light of men him it is by whom the World was made before it was made which is which was and is to come and is already come who is the Word of God the Original and first born of every creature the Everlasting Gospel which hath been preached to every creature who shews reproves checks in secret for all your evil deeds done openly and secretly and is as secret as your most beloved secrets Oh! wait upon him and believe in him for he that knows obeys and abides in the Life is a cohire and hath Life and shall live for ever but if ye know him and obey him not he is your condemnation wherefore let him that knows the Lord fear him stand in awe and sin not And that is once in Christ and ever in Christ. So blessed is that servant whom his Lord when he cometh shall find doing his Will he shall make him Ruler over all his goods but if that evil servant shall say in his heart My Lord deferreth his coming and in the mean space be a companion with drunkards the Lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him and in an hour that he is not aware of and shall cut him asunder and appoint him his portion with hypocrites where there is weeping wailing and knashing of teeth Therefore watch continually and pray without ceasing for you know not what hour the Lord cometh and he that is not upon his guard will be taken and made a perpetual prisoner But it may be alledged and to me it hath been by the highest professor that I yet ever met with either preacher or hea●er hath affirmed it come as his doctrine and belief that the be●t of men Saints do will sin and have their failings whilest they are in the body the best of men that ever were had their failings to their dying day to which I p●ssitively answer that which is in the least faileable cannot be sanctified for that which sanctifieth is infallible and it is impossible that sin and fallibility can be joyned to or with him who is infallible and hath not union with any manner of sin though but a sinful thought for all manner of sin is evil and cometh of evil and is of the evil one who is as faileable as the faileable accursed doctrine of imperfection and it as him for he is in it and it in him and he is the onely Minister and Father of it but every gift of God is perfect So that imperfection is the Devils gift but every good and perfect gift cometh from and is of God Mark but imperfections sin and failings and all that fails whatsoever though but an evil thought commeth from and is of the imperfect and faileable Divel who abode not in the infallibility Wherefore he fails to be s●ved but is a Divel although he believe and they are but poor or rather
beginning before the Scriptures began and Heaven and Earth may passe away with which the Scriptures must passe but the Word lives and abides for ever the Letter killeth but the Word gives Life and is quick and powerful and sharper then any two edged-sword and divides assunder betwixt the joynts and marrow and he that hath the word hath life and Simon Magus could not buy the Word for money but ● man may buy learn and have the Scriptures and be a Judas and quote them as the Devil did to Christ and yet be a devil and the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us and His Name is the word of God and his vesture is dipped in blood and the Word is the Light the Hope the Way the Gospel the Door the Vine the Shepherd the fairest of Millions the Original the Kin● and Kingdom the way to the Kingdom and this Way this Word this Door this Hope this King and Kingdom this Christ this Original is above a● and all in all and in ye all except ye be reprobates for the Kingdom of Heaven is within ye and that which may be known of God is manifest in ye and these manifestations within doth the Scr●ptures of truth truly declare o● the same is the Original and not the Lat. Gr. and Heb. neither is it so much as a help to know the true and Living God for a man may have the tongues of men and Angels and yet be without God in the World and P●●ate may understand the Latin Greek and Hebrew full well and set it over the Originals head and go to hell with his understanding and those that have the tongues may be mad and at this day do wrest the Scriptures to their own destructions for want of learning as Peter said they did of old calling the book-learnt men an unlearned generation and himself had no letters and it is like Christ spake to none of the meanest letter-men when he said they had at no time seen the shape of God nor heard his voice and I am su●●●● was because they were not good Schollars n●r willing to learn for I am the Lords witness that he is found of all that truly learn to seek him and learnt of all those that fear him for his very secrets are with them that fear him and to know and believe in him and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent is absolute life eternal and he that believes not is condemned already and to day if ye will hear his voice harden not your hearts for it is the same voice within that calls to ye for equity and truth in your inner parts as did to them of old it is not another then what the Scriptures truly declareth of and let him that preaches or brings a Gospel contrary to that which they delare of be an athema maranatha so it is not sufficient to have the Latin Greek and Hebrew and be accounted Orthodox and an able Diviner when the womb is barren and the eye not kept in the head and that which brought the wo-to-man or the wo-man prevail which is not permitted to speak in the Church but is to be silent and ask the husband at home whether they be married or unmarried according to the flesh and happy and onely happy are they who are espoused to the Lamb and can witnesse the eternal mariage the unseparable tye which neither heights nor breadths nor depths nor lengths nor tribulation persecution principalities or powers whatsoever can separate And he that hath the word of God abiding in him which was in the beginning before the Scriptures Prophets holy men and Apostles were by whom the World was made before it was made He deserneth all things judgeth all things Mark all things Orthodox and non Orthodox Pilate and his Original and himself is judged of no man And the grace of God which brings salvation hath appeared to all men and that is the true light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the World And this is the condemnation that light is come into the World and men love darkness rather then light because their deeds are evil for every one that doth evil hateth the light neither cometh to the light least his deeds should be reproved but he that doth truth cometh to the light that his deeds might be manifest that they are wrought in God John 3. And this is my testimony for the Original the Lord Jesus and is according to the word that Original which was in the beginning before the Scriptures began to and against all Babilonians from whence came and is derived all confusion and diversity of tongues but in the beginning it was not so for God was the Word and the Word is God E. B. THE END A VVORD To those who are called Dukes Marquesses Earles Viscounts Lords Barons Bannerets Baronets Knights of all sorts Esquires Gentlemen and to the women who are called these mens Ladies upon which rabble of appellations depends and hangs most of the bad people of this Nation And who is the deboicher and vitiator of women-kind I leave it to that of God in the Conscience of these who are called Lords and Ladies Gentlemen and Gentlewomen to judge AH Poor men and women repent repent repent for the Lords righteous Judgement is nigh even at the door to be poured forth against many of you who even hate to be reformed but like evil men and deceivers wax worse and worse being as it were rivetted to all manner of sin grown old in iniquity And although you are called Lords Ladies Gentlemen and Women yet for the most part ye are ungentle untame without the yoke your tongues at liberty to blaspheme the Name of the dreadful pure and living God and Ishmael-like scoff and speak evil of dignities and things ye know not cursers swearers fighters and killers one of another fierce despisers of them that are good many of you are and yet calls yourselves Gentlemen c. When as patience and long suffering is the thing ye truly know not and soberness with many of ye makes no long tarrying and with your lusts ye are led captive at the Devils will and amongst many yea very many of ye oppression is your constant in-mate envy cruelty lust exaltation and pride the very beloved of your bosoms and in your own particulars ye hurt the innocent ye grieve that which would be righteous ye slay and make merry over the witness swallowing down the cups of pleasure and iniquity as the Ox drinketh water ye oppress the seed ye put the Lord of Life to open shame ye crucifie him afresh and that continually In spiritual ●●●ne and Egypt all the day long ye are content to dwell and in the night season lye down in your beastialities and in the morning ye rise up early to drink wine take pleasure and commit sin with greediness boiling in your own lusts overwhelmed in gluttony wholly swallowed up in all manner of worldly delight being dead
the earth and your being at much ease in the flesh having more then heart can wish many of ye not having the least sympathy with Jacobs troubles being as ye think safely wrapt up in fig-leaves having on a phylactary of the best make yet the dreadful God of hosts will fall in among ye at unawares on every hand if ye speedily repent not and lay to heart the sufferings of the innocent and forthwith relieve the oppressed your latter end will be worse then your beginning where is that spirit of tendernesse that was once among ye that dearly loved mercy and justice have ye turned the love of God backwards Oh! ye have given him just cause utterly to forsake ye have ye sold your selves to do wickedly and instead of growing from strength to strength and from grace to grace ye have turned the grace of God into wantonnesse and oppression swearing and for swearing vowing and not performing all which the Lord our God hates and let not the most lofty Ceader of ye all be deceived the Lords arm is not shortned and asuredly he will visit for these things What hath victories treasures and spoyls so puffed ye up that ye quite forget your selves your poor brethren and because ye have overcome the oppressors do ye therefore oppresse but the same Lord lives as ever and that 's our assurance that he will make all his enemies his foot-stool appease that in your selves which would be angry and honestly consider if ye do not uphold the enemies of God and Gods people at this day yea I know there was a spirit amongst ye once that would have grieved in your very hearts and have thought it your very shame that the people of God should have lain rotting in Goals even to death for not swearing or putting off a hat and for not putting into the hirelings mouth which ye all may and I do believe for the most part do know that he is even your own implacable enemy do not all go along with them like fools to the stocks till a dart strikes sheer through your livers I say there was a time when the hireling and his Jewish and Popish trumpery was all sentenced and the brand of the conquerer and other Tyranies vowed to be taken off but ye are for-sworn and the Lord will not hold them guiltlesse that have so often called God to witnesse and not performed as some of ye have done although you may say in your hearts he defers his coming because judgement is not speedily executed therefore the wicked are set in their heart to do evil and my friends I am sure the blood of the innocent shall never cease to cry till such time that the seed of God be delivered and fully discharged from their deadly prisons and nasty holes where many of the most pretious Saints of the Lord are thronged where some already have sealed their Testimony with their blood and several others are languishing even at the brink of death and all this and much more is suffered to gratifie the hireling that irreclameable relique of popery May not all that are wise in heart plainly see that the Priests of this Land war with flesh and blood and for principalities and powers and their weapons are indeed carnal and not spiritual who no longer then their mouths are cramed and filled they prepare war and murders men for their bellies and have had the blood of several already Oh cruel gluttony and most accursed appetite that nothing can stanch or satisfie but blood Oh let them have blood to drink and let the whores cup be filled brim full with the indignation and dregs of the wrath of the Almighty God If we were the wolves as the hirelings sayes we are and they the sheep or Lambs I am sure all people will confesse with me that it is not the nature of sheep and Lambs to devour and kill the wolves but the wolves did of old as these do now kill the sheep and devour the innocent Lambs I have read and doe believe that the good Shepherd laid down his own life for the Sheep but I do not read that he ever took away the life of any So my dear Friends honestly consider who ye are for and who ye uphold for verily if ye lay down your lives and perish for and with their deceipt I am bold in the Lord God to declare it unto you all from the highest to the lowest that they are falling and mine eye sees it and it is impossible for ye to defend or secure them from the just name of Antichrists false prophets deceivers greedy dumb dogs who can never have enough but still seeks for his gain from his quarter mark that he seeks it as the false Prophets did of old for there is few or none that are not forced yea very few that brings his gain to him but himself or some one for him seeks all the quarters of the field till he finds the poor brow-sweating husband-man who eats the bread of carefulnesse all the year long no sooner he finds him or his corn or hay but he presently tels out the tenth sheaf or tenth Cock and so sets his thiefs mark upon it and calls it his own Compare him to the false prophet which is spoken of in Mich. 3. read the whole Chapter and see if there be any more difference then there is betwixt a thief and a ravenous Lawyer or a Judge whose hands and affections may be full of bribery and yet hangs a thief Friends lay aside prejudice and honestly Judge Ye may remember that Moses said a Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up like unto me him shall ye hear in all things mark and truly consider the word all he doth not say him shall ye hear in some things onely but him shall ye hear in all things and it comes to pass that he that will not hear this Prophet shall be cut off Now that Prophet who was the Promise the Vow and Oath of God commands in express words saying Swear not at all though it was said by them of old thou shalt perform thy Oaths to the Lord but I say swear not at all and I am sure he that goes about to inforce any one to swear by any Oath obeys not that Prophet and is to be cut off and that Prophet strictly and positively commands his Ministers saying Be ye not of men called Masters without the breach of which command and title of Master the hireling is not compleat For when a youngling goes first to Oxford to learn the trade of Devination they call him a fresh-man and continues for three years or thereabouts by the name of an undergraduate and then he takes the degree of Batchelour but yet he may not preach except it be by that which they call Ex Gratia and in other four years time he commonly takes the degree of Master and then he hath authority to say what he pleaseth for an hour together and
or Rector when he or they begin dinner and when the Senior Doctor will have him leave off he sayes to the boy Tu autem and the boy must answer Domine miserere nostrum that is Thou Lord have pitty on us This last was practised very lately in the University but whether they are shamed out of it I cannot certainly affirm But at this day in Queens Colledge the Junior Schollers whom they call Tabitors repeat a piece of Aristotles Logick Is this Popery yea or nay and do ye think that there is so much done to the Pope himself and do not these wretches at this day set themselves in Gods room and are worshiped as Gods but indeed they are nought but belly-gods and if these Poperies and whoredoms do not stink and are rotten ripe for destruction let the simple-hearted of the whole Nation judge without book kneeling upon their bare knees to the Fellowes at dinner holding their hands a-cross which signifies in the name of the holy crosse to defend them from all danger Where is the Jesuite and Popery these brawlers talke of is he amongst the Quakers so called or amongst the Colledges and Priests in Oxford In some Colledges after dinner they drink one to another or one table to another bowing and putting off their Hats and doing their honours to each other as they call it and this they call a grace cup or cup of charity and say it was first instituted and is a good custome to maintain charity amongst them This drink is allowed to each meal gratis After Disputations are ended on Ash-wednesday the determining Batchelours make a But the supper of the Lord and the bread which came down from Heaven they know not but except ye eat his flesh and drink his blood ye have no part in him and he that eateth his flesh and drinketh his blood shall hunger no more Feast in every Colledge at night which they call Aristotles supper In some Colledges in Oxford as New-Colledge All-Souls Colledge c. the Schollars and Junior fellows must go bare-headed in the Court or Quadrangle and that if no body be there or in fight and though it rain never so much under pain of not being fellow and yet it may be this fellow will bable to others tell them that the Hat is an indifferent thing and may be put off or kept on and is but a civility but himself is so uncivil that he puts it off to stocks and stones and in obedience to a Popish Law At the place called Christs-Church Colledge the Schollars and Batchelours are not suffered to go out at the great Gate or come in that way in Honour and Reverence to the Dean and Canons Lodgings though their Coaches * and Horses Quaery Whether Coaches were not one of the greatest crimes against the late Prelacy and did not the man called Dean Owen mouth and roar against them and it 2. Quaery Is not the man called Dean Owen far more fantastick and ridiculous in his habit then any of the the old Prelates were provided he have on his ranting Band-strings his velvet Gippo with silver or gold Buttons his treble Cuffs his Gloves with gold fringe and imbroidery his Breeches with two or three setts of poynts one above the other insomuch that they make him straddle and throw his legs like a Ranter his great lawn boot-tops I say cloath him with this Harness or with that which some in Oxford calls his thanksgiving sute and set him on a Stage and let his name be obscured let sober men judge whether he be most like a Mountebank a Stage-player or a Priest but to make him more uggly let him bring in his hand his fannatique Pamphlet which he hath lately put forth against the people of God called Quakers in which scornful railing piece he calls them fannatique and being it is in the Roman tongue it may be the Pope hath given him an allowance for it Quaery Whether he did not write his Pamphlet in Latine on purpose to strengthen the Pope and the rest of his fraternity beyond the Seas he being by his name of Dean the onely El●e and Popeling left in this Nation and knowing if any maner of truth take place so as to go thorow with Reformation Deans must down in the particular as well as in the general and although he snort swagger and snuff and would be as big as Cardinal Woolsey his late Predecessor who built the Mass-house of which this man is Dean of I say quaery that in his heart However honest men bring him upon the Stage for his Deanery in the first place and let his fantastique habit serve afterwards for a player if he will not work though at the present he have the Popes allowance and is more then full of scorn and dirision against the innocent but the ha●d of the Lord is against him and the hurter of Israel shall not want his reward Quaery If that Dean Owen and the rest of the fatlings with and about him be not idle droans Why do not he and they go among the Infidels and there preach the Gospel if that which they preach be Gospel I am sure it is not selfish chargeable nor tyed to a place and saith the Apostle so have I strived to preach the Gospel where Christ hath not been named but this man is so far from stirring out of his Popish den that he hath done what in him lyeth to hinder those that freely receive and freely declare the Word of the Lord and the Gospel of Jesus Christ where he is not known or at least forgotten since and in the dark night of Apostacy when Danes and all the Popish Priests who preach for hire were set up Oh! let their names be cast out as evil-doers even so be it Lord God most Holy Just and True pass through it and it is a common high way through it at this day for the Town and this is alwayes put in execution The Doctors besides the distinction of facing of their Gowns with velvet do constantly every first day and more especially when they preach wear many yards of black silk scarcenet about their necks over their Gowns which besides the great breadth of it reaches down to the very ground on both sides And some of them preach with great treble Cuffs French Band-strings of 6 or 7 s. a pair half Shirts ruffled out velvet Gippoes plain or with silver Buttons great sets of poynts round their knees diamond Rings Gloves with rich gold fringe and embroidery Canonical Coats and much more such trumpery which I believe few that lives in Oxford can be ignorant of As also their wife 's gorgious apparel the whole City takes notice of to be very excessive Concerning their Preaching and paying their first fruits c. WHen any Parsonage falls to the gift of the University it is conferred on him who hath or can get most votes amongst the Masters but if the Parsonage be not good there
which was and hath for a long time been slain is made alive and the mighty God of the oppressed is arisen in great strength so as he will slay all that live in pleasure fulness and wantonness and very many shall the slain of the Lord be and those who refuse to hear the Prophet in all things shall be cut off and terrible will our God be to all the workers of iniquity for assuredly the wicked and all those that forget God shall be turned into Hell And I looked and lo a Lamb stood on the Mount Sion and with him ●n hundred forty and four thousand having his Fathers Name written in their fore-heads and they sung as it were a new song before the Throne and before the four beasts and the Elders and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty four thousand Which were Redeemed from the earth These are they which were not defiled with women for they are Virgins These are they which follow the Lamb whethersoever he goeth These were Redeemed from among men being the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb. And in them there was found no guile for they are without fault before the Throne of God And I saw another Angel flie in the midst of Heaven having the Everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the Earth and to every Nation and Kindred and Tongue and people saying with a loud voice Fear God and give Glory to Him for the hour of his Judgment is come worship Him that made Heaven and Earth the Sea and the Fountains of waters And there followed another Angel saying Babylon is fallen is fallen that great City because she made all Nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her Fornication And the third Angel followed them saying with a loud voice If any man worship the Beast and his Image and receive his mark in his fore-head or in his hand The same shall drink the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he sha●l be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoak of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever and they shall have no rest day nor night who worship the Beast and his Image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name And I heard the Angel of the waters say Thou art Righteous O Lord which art and wast and shalt be because thou hast Judged thus For they have shed the blood of the Saints and Prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink for they are worthy And I heard another out of the Altar say Even so Lord God Almighty true and Righteous are thy Judgements for they are the spirits of Devils working miracles which go forth unto the Kings of the earth and of the whole World to gather them to the battel of the great day of God Almighty And I saw as it were a Sea of glass mingled with fire and them that had gotten the Victory over the Beast and over his Image and over his mark and over the number of his names stand on the Sea of glass having the harps of God and they sung the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lamb saying Great and marvellous are thy works Lord God Almighty Just and True are thy wayes thou King of Saints Who shall not fear thee O Lord and give glory to thy Name For thou only art Holy for all Nations shall come and worship before thee for thy Judgements are made manifest Even so be it Amen Come Lord Rev. 14. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. Rev. 16. 5 6 7. and 14. Rev 15. 2 3. Given forth in the 4th Month 16●8 By E B. THE END A VVORD To those old Creatures who are old in iniquity and in the fallen state yet deny falling away who say once in Christ and ever in Christ when as it may be they are at the very same time in a very great rage disputing and pleading for sin term-of-Term-of-life I Say to such unprofitable talkers who are willing and by their own consent do contract with Hell and Death who stretch themselves forth in big swelling words and think themselves it may be much better because they are crowded into gathered Churches as they call them and it may be of a truth can say something of an antient and past experience moving or appearance of God to and in them whereupon their big word and wide-mouthed-boast is when the poor Souls or rather proud Pharisees are at the very top of their vaunting to wit once in Christ and ever in Christ such I many times am moved ask Whether they are obeying the Command doing the Work Will of Christ at this time now and ever Mark Once in Christ and ever in Christ and I am sure he that for ever abides in Christ must now and ever do the Will and Commands of Christ and they are not grievous nor unholy neither can that man which is impure imperfect or unholy observe obey or do them in the love and belief of them and He now and ever Redeems and saves his people from their sins note that for he which sinneth is of the ●evil Yea though he be but proud and covetous and as full of persecution as too too many professors are which is of the old creature and such are not new creatures nor in Christ Jesus now and ever neither are they purified as he is pure who is the substance the one onely one thing needful who is the beginning and end of all things himself without beginning or end who is not afar of but nigh at hand and a ready helper unto all them who fear him wh● is the root o● ●esse the Promise come the Truth the Oath and admits not of any swearing whatsoever that 's his Command and it is not grievous for his yoke is easie and his burthen is light in and by whom I see light who sayes Swear not at all And he doth not reap where he hath not first sowen For he doth enlighten every man that cometh into the World Male and Female Bond and Free Scythian and Barbarian and a measure of himself is given to every man continually to profit with all note to every man He was not so selfish as many of ye are who are in this and that and the other form I do not say all who do seclude al● that are not with ye in your set dayes bread wine and Baby Baptism out of the Everlasting Kingdom which was before your fables were But he that is in Christ i● a new creature Mark he is he doth not say he was or he shall be and so warm himself by his own coals by onely saying the Righ●eousness of Chri●t the Righteousness of Christ is sufficient But I say he which confesseth and forsaketh his sins shall find mercy Mark that
no Saints that are not cleansed purged washed and sanctified throughout ye are cleansed ye are washed ye are sanctified throughout and as he is so are we in this present World and he that fails to witness this condition on this side the grave though he may be covinced of the very truth it self he may be called but never chosen Friends it is a high state yea the very highest on this side the grave I do not say its impossible not to faile and alone to live move and do all to and for the praise and glory of God and to live and abide in the infallible and not to fail but as the Lords witnesse I declare it He who lives and dies in his sins imperfections and failings doth fail and falls short of that Kingdom where the imperfect or impure cannot enter for its the pure in heart that sees God but the wicked he beholds a far off and the sinner cannot stand before the righteous God in judgement wherefore as many as be perfectly minded work out your salvation with fear and trembling for the night cometh wherein no man can work And there is another sort of idle people who say Christ hath taken away the guilt of sin but not the presents of sin Oh! seared conscience that hath no guilt for sin I do not say he hath taken the Devil out of Hell or J●das from his own place neither do I say or think the Devil doth at this day cease to seek whom he may devour Nay I know he is the Prince of the power of the air and the Kingdom of darkness is his Sodom is his throne and Egypt and the dwellers there are altogether within his Dominion Mystery-Babylon her Merchants are his own all the children of disobedience to all who live in the mistery of iniquity he is a Law-maker also I say he is a roaring Lion and continually seeketh whom he may devour and the most upright that is or ever was upon the earth he may tempt yea Christ himself as the words of the Divel recorded in Scripture do testifie but it s no sin to be tempted but the sin is to yeeld to and do the will of the temptor and commit the sin but blessed are they who stand in the power and fear of the Lord and endure the temptation Adam was never accursed until he had yeelded taken and eaten so its sin acted and the purpose of your corrupt hearts to sin if not grose yet little sins and at least to have your failings tearm of life and that 's it which hinders the union keeps ye in the unbelief and separates betwixt ye and your maker and the wages of s●n is death and such as ye sow such shall ye reap and if with the hands which are defiled and not in the pure hope which is perfect ye plow and sow corruption What can ye expect to reap or be in the harvest or day of the Lord when he makes up his jewels but tares corruption or reprobate silver and of failings and imperfection ye can reap no other thing for according to your faith so will it be unto ye and failings will fail to be saved or enter into the rest of him that is unfallible and without fail saves all those that come unto him by faith and a good conscience void of offence towards God and man mark a good conscience towards God and void of offence towards man not striking spilling of blood or reaping ca●nals where they have sow● neither spiritual nor carnal And although imperfection is the practice and general preached and received doctrine of the Church of England so called I utterly deny it neither do I trust to be saved as they believe but I believe they will take it ill if I should say they who believe th●y may live and die in some failings should not go to Heaven or if I should say that is the Hypocrites hope and will fail But I do say if they say its the true hope or living faith which is of God in by which the Just lives or if that he which lives and intends to die in some failings sayes the Lord lives with Jeremiah I say he or they swear falsly But if we continue faithful or full of faith in our measures to the end we shall be saved without fail for he that is in us is greater then he that is in the World and he that abides in him is pure without failings and the wicked one cannot touch him though he may attempt it hourly for a stronger then he keeps the house and he cannot enter but by our consents otherwise the whole creation of mankind would be the Divels for he is the enemy of mankind and his nature is to devour but the true light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the World and the ligh● with which every man is enlightened comprehends the darknesse but the Divel and darknesse cannot comprehend the light for he that is in us is far greater then he and is quick and powerful and divides betwixt the pretious thoughts and the vile before they come to actions I say if the watch be kept and the light believed in which is in ye infallibly is the l●fe of men and shewes man all his sins and failings I say it will discern the thoughts and dash the brains of Babylons children against the wall Yea that brain which invents and deviseth evil and break the cockatrice egg before it is an egg and mischief shall not be hatched or prod●cted and the same is the sure word of prophesie which if ye take heed unto ye may infallibly do well though it be as a light shining in a dark place tell the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts for which wait that ye may be delivered from all your sins and failings and become the Sons of God For as much then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh arm your selves likewise with the same mind for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin 1 Pet. 4. 1. Therefore let the time p●st be si ficient for the end of all things is at hand and to be carnally minded is death And if any man have not the spirit of Christ he is none of his and if Christ be in ye the bod●●s dead because of sin By a Friend to perfection and a believer in that unfallible Jesus who saves his p●ople from their sins failings and imperfections but a professed enemy to that Hellish doctrine of imperfection E. B. THE END A VVORD To such Rulers and Magistrates who Whip cause or suffer to be whipped the Saints of the most High for Vagabonds among whom there are no Beggers and sends them to Prison for not Swearing and not taking an Oath to abjure that which themselves may be found in and requires Bonds of the upright in heart for the good behaviour a thing which themselves are not truly in for that is no good
Souldiers came unto Christ and askt him Master what shall we do Be content with your wages and do violence to no man accuse no man falsly But for the whole rabble of Duke Marquesse Lord Knight Gentleman by patents I find no room place or example or allowance for in Scripture but that onely declares of as I do believe one Lord one God over all blessed for ever amen who made all kindreds tongues and Nations of one blood and all these earthly Lords and who exercise unjust dominion are come up since and in the Apostacy for in the beginning it was not so and those who are rede●med from the earth and risen with Christ and onely seeks the things above Fathoms and comprehends all these things and are come to the beginning are in that which was before false Prophets Anti-chri●● Babylon Pope or Whores cup was of which the Kings of the earth have drank and been made drunk in which drunken fi● and when all the Nations reeled under the persecution of the beast and false Prophet and the Saints and Martyres blood was swallowed down as other cups of pleasure and the woman was fle● into the Wildernesse and the man-child was caught up to God I say in that black dark night of Apostacy when none was able to make war with the beast when the Kings of the earth fought for the earth was created and by the beasts power at this day is created Lords Knights c. and having lost the Cross of Christ the power of God within a painted cross is borne in your ensign without and that is the sign of your Christianity and so into sects and opinions and the Irreligious have and do kill one another about Religion precedency names titles and the earth and all this is earthly Devilish and sensual THE END Here followeth a relation of some signs examples and judgements for the accursed Generation who desire a sign for many to my face have temptingly said shew us a sign but they are miracles to those that believe and let such reach hither their hands and with me feel and see the wounds that the Lord of life hath received in his members by this unnatural and unparaleld Generation to whom and upon whom these examples are and have been shewen as it is written the wicked shall not live out half their dayes but let the despisers behold and wonder and perish for the work is wrought in their dayes although they cannot believe EXAMPLES ESSEX John Clerk Priest for 20. l. Tythes by him demanded of Robert Nicol of Coln-Engain by warrant from Dio●ysius Wakering and William Harlackenden Justices so called took and drove away from him Cattel worth 50 l. and his greedy mind not therewith satisfied sought after his body to but those his persecutors aforesaid being at London at that time he threatened to go to London to get a Warrant from them to put him in prison but the Lord prevented him for he came home and died in few dayes after SUFFOLK Robert Newton Goaler of Edmund-bury and his wife who had been very cruel to George Fox in the 55 weeks imprisonment he suffered under him by beating him very often and taking from him his bed cloaths and a coat and after his release detained him twenty eight weeks more for as he pretended a years sufficient lodging both the goaler and his wife not long after was cut off by death SUSSEX Priest Cussin● who caused Thomas Leycock to be imprisoned a whole year in Horsham Goal for speaking a few words to the people in love to their souls after he the said priest had done soon after this persecution he was cut off by death John Chatfield Priest of Horsham who caused Thomas Leycock and Bryan Wilkinson to be imprisoned and caused Thomas Patchins Cattel to be drove away soon after fell into a dropsie and remained in a miserable condition half a year and then died Priest Cuffly of Arundel who was a chief instrument in Thomas Leycocks persecution and did strive with the Magistrates of Arundel to have had Joseph Fuse who had faithfully served the Parliament in the wars 11 years sent over Sea as a bond-slave suddenly after this he died The Priest of Green who caused Alice West to be sent to prison for speaking some few words in the Steeple-house suddenly after died Edward Haughton Priest of Nuthurst who was the first in this county that caused friends to be robbed for Tythes was soon after cut off by death Priest Channel called a Doctor one of the chiefest high Priests so counted in this Nation a great opposer of truth was striken with madnesse and is out of his natural senses A Tythe-monger in the Parish of Beding who wickedly and malitiously trod out the corn of Minion Brocket making havock of the same within a week after was cut off by death John Gurden a Justice so called an eminent persecutor of the innocent people of God in this county whose name hath spread to New England among his brethren of the inquisition there hath been smitten by the Lord in a great weaknesse of body and dimnesse of eye-sight and hath appeared as one likely to pine away under the hand of the Lord which is evidently turned against him since he became such a cruel persecutor Roger Gratick a Magistrate and Priest Snelling consenters to much of the persecution of this county both slain with a thunder bolt in one day NORFOLK John Benton being one of Priest Claphams witnesses of Wramplingham whom he procured to swear against Benjamin Lynes in a matter concerning Tythes who was so evidently forsworn and his partner with him that the Justices themselves would not accept of their testimony and soon after which time the said John Benton got into the Steeple-house of Wramplingham and there hanged himself in a Bel-rope Edw. Humt keeper of the prison of Norwich who after Geo-Whit●head was discharged at the Sessions brought his action against him for 4 d. a night and although he had layn on the floor most part of the time yet was by him unjustly detained but the Goaler was soon after cut off by death HARTFORD-SHIRE Geo-Fage an unmerciful Bayliff who for 5 s. Tithe took away goods worth 4 l. from Richard North and entered into his house none being within but two poor children ransacked the poor mans house and took the very covering from off the bed of the children and exposed them to sufferings in the midst of winter for which the Lord God visited him and cut him off suddenly before he had made sale of the goods GLOUCESTER-SHIRE The first three friends that were committed in the County of Gloucester the two Justice of peace which did commit them the one called by the name of Justice Webly the other called by the name of justice Raymond these three friends did all live in or about Thornbury and were called to the Bar that Assi●e next holden for the County of Gloucester one of these Justices which did commit