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A19468 Fruitfull lessons, vpon the passion, buriall, resurrection, ascension, and of the sending of the holy Ghost Gathered out of the foure Euangelists: with a plaine exposition of the same. By Miles Couerdall. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. 1593 (1593) STC 5891; ESTC S122132 168,229 312

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to thinke that thou knowest God the highest goodnes of all if thou hadst not him by whom thou art deliuered from sin and eternall plague Whereas GOD the originall of all goodnesse is knowne and our minde through Christ his Sonne assured of his grace namely that hee is fauourable vnto vs and that hee therefore hath seperated vs out of the world to the intent that by his spirit he might make vs like vnto his sonne righteous and blessed there doth there spring in our hartes a comfortable trust vnto God a loue such ioy as nothing in this world may be compared vnto There also doth arise in vs a diligence to keepe his commandements godly and innocently to liue Thus commeth our health originally out of the grace mercie of our heauenly Father who afore the worlde was created did chuse vs in Christ Iesu his Sonne vnto eternall life and in the booke of life wrote vp our names After the same did the Father graunt vnto vs the Sonne gaue him power ouer all men Nowe that wee are giuen vnto Christ hee openeth vnto vs the name of his Father through the outward worde and through his spirite in the heart When wee beleeue in him which to do cōmeth also of him then increaseth the knowledge of God in vs. Out of that knowledge groweth an assured confidence in God the highest good Of this assured trust commeth loue towards him And when God graunteth vs all this he saueth vs and giueth vs eternall life This is an high worthines and honour of Christ in that the father giueth him all things into his hand that he may giue euerlasting life vnto faithful beleeuers No man can haue life but throgh Christ Who so beleeueth not in Christ remaineth in death and the wrath of God-abideth vppon him But then giueth hee vs eternall life when we receiue his worde and knowe that he came out from God and that the father sent him the Sauiour of the world And when wee thus are become faithfull beleeuers then keepe we his commaundementes for faith studieth and is diligent to please God This honour and dignitie of Christ his power and kingdome are first opened vnto the world after his death and crosse in the resurrection and ascension Of the which honour and glorie wee also in due time shall after our measure bee partakers if we suffer with him For the high Priest who hath prayed for vs is heard of the Father and glorified with eternall honor and glorie Wherefore we may not doubt in the remnant that he praieth for still on our behalfe hee shal be and is for his worthines sake heard and hath his request Of this wee will consider more I Pray for them and pray not for the worlde but for them whome thou hast giuen me for they are thine and al mine are thine and thine are mine I am glorified in them And nowe am I no more in the world but they are in the world and I come to the holy father keep them in thy name whome thou hast giuen me that they may be one as we are When I was with thē in the world I kept them in thy name Those that thou gauest mee haue I kept and none of them is lost but the lost childe that the Scripture might be fulfilled Now come I to thee and these wordes speake I in the world that they might haue my ioy full in them I haue giuen them thy word and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world euen as I am not of the worlde I desire not that thou shouldest take them out of the world but that thou keepe them from euill They are not of the world as I am not of the world Sanctifie them with thy truth thy saying is truth As thou sentest mee into the world so haue I sent them into the worlde and for their sakes I sanctifie my selfe that they also might be sanctified through the truth I pray not for them alone but for those also which shall beleeue on mee through their preaching that they all may bee one as thou Father art in me and I in thee and that they may bee also one in vs that the worlde may beleeue that thou hast sent me And the glorie that thou gauest mee haue I giuen them that they may be one as we are one I in them thou in me that they may bee made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loued them as thou hast loued me Doctrine and fruite THIS praier of our high Priest and mediatour Christ Iesus is feruent earnest full of the fire of godly loue ful of great secrets and spirituall instructions Herein may we learne to know what hie honor dignitie and power Christ by his obedience and patience hath obtained with his father wherein consisteth our peace ioy welfare What care and loue Christ beareth towardes those that are his and how he committeth them vnto his father First hee praieth for his Disciples whome hee did choose to publish his truth afterward praieth he for all such as should come to the faith by their preaching vntil the worldes end And for asmuch as the Disciples had a great waightie matter in hand full of danger and aduersitie for they must needs procure to themselues great hatred of the world hee first praieth for them that the Father will strengthen comfort and preserue them thorow his power defend them from all euill In this are we taught diligently chiefly and specially to pray for those vnto whome is committed the preaching of the Gospell for a chargeable and great worke carry they vppon their shoulders by meanes whereof among all others they haue speciall neede of the grace helpe assistance of God But our prayer ought we to frame as Christ hath framed his First we must in our praier to God make speciall mention of his owne grace and mercie whereby hee chusing them to such an office hath giuen them vnto Christ his sonne Forasmuch then as they are the Ministers of him and of his Sonne and seeing the Sonne is so deare worthie beloued vnto the Father our prayer must bee that hee for his Sonnes sake will defende and preserue them as in him and by him they are worthie Secondly considering that for his sake and his word which they declare they are persecuted of the worlde it is requisite that God preserue them in his owne worke For great need haue they of his fatherly protection while they yet liue in the weake feeble flesh and are mortall men Thirdly their office serueth to many mens health and welfare their office is necessary and profitable to the whole world which walketh in blindnesse and darknes for they are the light of the world that thorough doctrine and liuing must shine to manie mens life which without the assistance and helpe of God cannot come passe Thus ought wee to praye for
and heartely desired to eat this Passah with you afore I suffer For I say vnto you that now from hence forth I will not eat of it till it bee fulfilled in the kingdome of God Now as they did eat Iesus tooke the bread gaue thankes and brake it gaue it to his Disciples and said Take eat this is my bodie which shalbe betraied and deliuered for you doe this in remembraunce of mee Likewise also when they had eaten hee tooke the cuppe rendered thankes and gaue vnto them saying Take and diuide among you and drinke ye all thereof This is my bloud of the new Testament which is shed for you and for many to the forgiuenesse of sinnes I say vnto you that from henceforth I shall not drinke of the fruite of the vine vntill the day that I shall drinke it new with you in the kingdome of my Father And they all dranke therof Now followeth the doctrine and meditation HEre should we children of beleefe diligently ponder and consider what Christ hath done for our sakes namely that hee when hee had fulfilled his ministration committed to him of the father and nowe would offer vp himselfe vpon the crosse for the sinnes of the world and with his owne death deliuer mankind frō the captiuity of Satan and from eternall death declared how he loued his owne vntill the end and with what desire he longed to eate the Easter lambe with his disciples before hee suffered Giuing them thereby to vnderstand that he was the true pascal lambe which being slaine for vs shuld take awaie the sinnes of the world that the figures of the olde Testament might bee reduced into the truth That like as the Iews to whom with a prescribed ordinaunce it was commaunded yeerely to eate the Easter lambe did the same for a memoriall of their deliuerance out of Aegypt So we beleeuers also might in the new Testament haue a remembrance and exercise of the gracious redemption whereas we by his death are deliuered from the power of darknes of the deuil of sinne brought to eternall life And to the intent now that the remembrance of such excellent benefits grace and merites of the passion of Christ might euer be fresh and new with his disciples and all beleeuers our Lorde Iesus Christ when he now would go vnto death and paie the ransome for the sinnes of all the world he then did eate the Easter lambe with his Disciples to finish the shadowe of the olde Testament and that he might bee remembred thereby he instituted the bread wine for a sacrament and memoriall of his ho●ie body and bloud Seeing then that wee are cleansed deliuered and redeemed with so deare worthie a treasure namely with the pretious bloud of Iesus Christ the vndefiled lambe wee ought neuer to forget such an high benefite but at all times with thankfulnes to remember that Christ our Paschall lambe was slayne and offered vp for vs vpon the crosse that we from hence forth should walke in purenesse singlenes and innocencie of life and that when wee in the Supper by true faith do eate his bodie and drinke his bloud we might through him be so strengthened and fedde to eternall life as to abide and liue in him for euer For he is the bread of life that came downe from heauen to nourish and strengthen our weake and hungrie soules yea to make vs dead to liue againe But then eate we his flesh and then drinke we his bloud when wee through true beleefe do ponder consider what hee hath doone and suffered for our sakes then are we partakers of his supper feast whē we for his sake do liue as he did for his Fathers sake He gaue himselfe whole vnto vs so ought we to giue our selues whole vnto him and to our neighbour To him through beleefe to our neighbour through charitable loue Through faith we abide in him by working loue hee abideth in vs. The more wee loue the more enioy we of this meate the more wee beleeue the more we loue In this shall all men knowe that we are his Disciples if we loue one another God is loue and hee that abideth in loue abideth in God God in him What greater loue can there be than to giue his owne life for vs The death of Christ ought neuer to come out of our heartes that wee may doe and suffer all thinges for his sake that dyed for vs. The second part WHen supper was ended after that the deuil had put in the heart of Iudas Iscarioth Simons son to betray him Iesus knowing that the father had giuen all things into his hands that he was come frō God went to God he rose from Supper and laid aside his vpper garments took a towel girt himselfe After that poured he water into a Bason and began to wash his Disciples feet and to wipe them with the towell wherewith he was girt Then came hee to Simon Peter and Peter said vnto him Lord dost thou wash my feet Iesus answered and said vnto him what I doe thou knowest not now but thou shalt know heereafter Peter said vnto him thou shalt neuer wash my feet Iesus answered him If I wash thee not thou hast no part with me Simon Peter said vnto him Lord not my feet onely but also my hands and my head Iesus said vnto him Hee that is washed needeth not saue to wash his feete but is cleane euery whit and ye are cleane but not all for hee knew who should betray him therefore said he ye are not al clean So after he had washed their feete and receiued his clothes and was set downe he said vnto them againe w●t you what I haue done to you Ye call me maister and Lord and ye say well for so I am If I then your Lord and maister haue washed your feet ye also ought to wash one anothers feet for I haue giuen you an ensample that yee should doe as I haue done to you Verely verely I say vnto you The seruaunt is not greater than his maister neyther the messenger greater than he that sent him If yee vnderstand these thinges happie are ye if ye do them Doctrine and fruite HEere ought we diligently to consider the vnspeakeable and feruent loue of our Lord Iesus Christ who vntill the ende leaueth nothing vndone that may serue for our welfare Likewise also should we ponder and regard the meeke lowlines of him in that hee the king of heauen doth humble himselfe euen to wash his Disciples feete which thing is accounted base and vile amongst men yea euen vnto the man that betraied him is not he ashamed neyther refuseth to shew such lowlines and worke of loue By this we learne to declare all workes of charitable loue vnto our neighbor and not to bee ashamed how high soeuer we be meekly to do our neighbor seruice though he be poore base and small in
the world through me publish ye vnto all men though yee must loose your life therefore IF the world hate you yee know that it hated mee before it hated you If yee were of the worlde the world would loue his owne Howbeit because yee are not of the worlde but I haue chosen you out of the world therefore the world hateth you Remember the word that I said vnto you the seruaunt is not greater than the Lord. If they haue persecuted mee so will they persecute you If they haue kept my sayings they will also keepe yours But all these things will they do vnto you for my names sake because they knowe not him that sent mee If I had not come and spoken vnto them they should not haue had sinne but now haue they nothing to cloake their sinne withall Hee that hateth mee hateth my Father also If I had not doone workes amongst them which none other man did they had not had sinne but nowe haue they seene and haue hated both mee and also my Father euen that the saying might bee fulfilled which is written in theyr owne lawe They haue hated mee without anie cause Doctrine and fruite LIke as Christ in the aforesaid words hath giuen vnto his Disciples and to vs that beleeue in him an excellent consolation in his loue which is infinite great towardes vs so dooth he now comfort vs against such trouble and aduersitie to come as outwardly happeneth vnto vs and against the hate and persecution wherewith the children of the world recompence vs for our loue and well dooing Loue ought wee to haue towards all men such godly loue shall moue vs earnestly to further Gods glorie to bring all men to the knowledge and loue of God and to withdraw them from fleshly lustes and worldly vices When wee now of a godly zeale beginne thus to rebuke vice and to reprehend the carnall lustes of the children of the world then they that are drowned in the shamefull vices of the world and the flesh may not suffer it but hate trouble and vexe vs molest persecute vs and put vs vnto death contemning and despising the worde which wee offer them from GOD whereby they might bee saued and going about by all meanes to roote it out But all this ought not to driue vs backe or discourage vs For in this world must we seeke no high honour nor praise but willingly humble and submit our selues vnder the rebuke and crosse with Christ our head Christ also exhorteth vs to folow his footsteppes and to doe after his example and not to forsake the truth and loue of our neighbour for theyr hatred but constantly to proceed and do our best to guid all men vnto God And if for such our vnfaithfulnes and loue there happen reproach and trouble to vs we ought to reioice that God dooth vs so great honour as to graunt vs to suffer somewhat for his name sake If we liued as do the children of the world wee should not bee hated of them and happily wee needed to feare but little daunger But Christ hath taken vs from the world and chosen and called vs to good works and to innocencie of life Nothing hath he omitted that might serue to our welfare faithfully therefore ought we to follow his vocation not do as the vnthankfull Iewes that despise his doctrine and workes He talketh yet daily with vs prouoketh and calleth vs therefore ought we to cease from sin and not to fashion our selues after the world For if we would liue to please the world to serue it and to hunt after the fauour and praise of it wee should not be faithfull Ministers of Iesus Christ We ought not to look for worldly honor but to haue respect to the eternall glorie which wee shall haue with Christ our head yea so farre as we suffer rebuke and dishonour with him When he liued in this time and practised the truth against the Pharisies hee was reuiled put to shame and death The same happeneth also vnto vs for we are not aboue the Lorde An euill token were it if the world loued vs. Paciently therefore and with ioy ought we to beare such rebuke and shame as happeneth vnto vs for his name sake by those that hate the truth For our honor and reward is great in heauen but after our trouble shall the same be first opened as it happened also vnto Christ our head first after the crosse BVt when the comforter is come whom I will send vnto you from the father euen the spirit of truth which proceedeth of the father he shall testifie of me And yee are witnesses also because ye haue beene with me from the beginning These things haue I saide vnto you that ye should not be offended They shall thrust you out of their synagogues excommunicate you yea the time shall come that whosoeuer killeth you will thinke that he doth seruice vnto God And such thinges shall they doo vnto you because they knowe not the father neither me But these things haue I told you that when the houre is come yee may remember that I tolde you These thinges said I not vnto you at the beginning because I was with you But now I go my way to him that sent me none of you asketh mee Whither goest thou But because I haue said such things vnto you your harts are full of sorrow But I tell you the truth It is expedient for you that I goe awaie For if I go not away that comforter will not come vnto you But if I depart I will send him vnto you Doctrine and fruite FOr as much as it is our bounden duetie to beare witnesse vnto Christ with our mouth and life yet our weake flesh feareth the hatred and resistance of the worlde Christ therefore promiseth vs heere that hee will sende vs strength from heauen namely the holy Ghost first in our harts to bear witnesse vnto Christ and then to open our mouthes that we may testifie the Lord Christ and his trueth manfully and without feare Certaine it is that all they which will liue here godly in Christ Iesu must suffer persecution But seeing that to suffer such aduersitie our flesh is farre too slow colde and feeble God giueth vs the spirit of his son to mooue strengthen and preserue vs in all goodnes This spirit poureth out loue into our hartes expelleth all feare and terror as we see in Peter on Whitsonday maketh vs to ouercome all aduersitie We are braunches in Christ the true vine albeit as yet verie weake and tender soone blowne awaie with the winde or smitten downe other waies but for as much as out of Christ wee receiue yet the sap and vertue of spirite and life wee are in life preserued that wee wither not away Of this now must we bee mindfull in all aduersitie so that without ceasing we pray vnto GOD for his holie spirite who is our instructer comforter and
furnished with watching and praier may stedfastly stand and with a constant mind despise all bodily prouocations shewing patience in aduersitie not fearing the slaunders and despitefull swordes of the people neyther desiring the prayse and honour of this worlde that in the onely eternal wealth wee may sette all our trust and neuer to goe backe from the crosse for wealth nor woe but that vnder the same banner through true patience meeknesse and obedience wee may finish our life with a blessed ende Amen In the offendor that receiued of Christ the promis of grace there is set before vs a comfortable example of the mercie and loue of God for hee that afore had beene a murtherer and now was become a penitent and repentaunt person assoone as he acknowledged the trespasse and was vnfainedly sorrie for his offences committed confessing Christ the fountaine of life there was promised vnto him forgiuenesse of his sinnes and entrance into ioy Wherby wee see that no true penitent commeth too late and that no conuersion is vnfruitfull if it bee doone vnfainedly from out of the heart Here should we learne to goe into our selues to acknowledge and confesse our sinnes to complaine vnto GOD with lamentation and to desire grace at his hande affirming also that wee are well worthie of all rebuke and shame all punishment payne and aduersitie Neuerthelesse in the consideration of Gods eternal mercie wee ought not to despayre but to turne vs vnto the Bishop and chiefe shepheard of our soules and to saye Lorde remember vs in thy kingdome where thou sittest at the right hande of GOD thy Father so shall wee vndoubtedly heare this chearefull voice To day shalt thou bee with mee in paradise This word of consolation this gratious promise shall strengthen comfort our troubled hart in the carefull terrible houre so that we shal be able quietly to die forasmuch as Iesus so friendly speaketh to vs and receiueth vs so graciously Great and vnsearchable is the mercie of God that pardoneth so great a sinner and offendour and doth not cast him off neither will hee reiect our feruent praier which we in true confidence make vnto him Hee desireth not the death of a sinner but willeth that hee conuert and liue So loued hee the worlde that hee gaue his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth on him should not perish but haue euerlasting life neither came hee to call the righteous but sinners O Iesu bee mindfull of thy promisse thinke vpon vs thy seruantes and when wee shall depart hence speake vnto our soule these louing wordes To day shalt thou bee with mee in ioy O Lord Iesu Christ remember vs thy seruauntes that trust in thee when our tongue cannot speake when the sight of our eies fayleth and when our eares are stopped Suffer not the olde Serpent and wicked enemie the Deuill to finde anie thing in vs though hee subtilly tempt vs and craftily lay wayte for vs. In thee shall we ouercome him for in thee is our strength thou takest al our sinnes vppon thy selfe so that hee shall finde nothing in vs but must departe from vs with shame Lette them bee turned backe and soone confounded but lette our soule alway reioyce in thee and bee ioyfull of thy saluation which thou through thy death hast purchased for vs. IT was neare hande about the sixt houre And beside the crosse of Iesus stoode Marie his mother and his mothers sister Marie the wife of Cleophas and Marie Magdalene Now when Iesus sawe his mother and the disciple standing whom he loued he said vnto his mother Woman behold thy sonne Afterward said hee to the disciple Behold thy mother And from that houre foorth the disciple tooke her for his owne Doctrine and fruite IN the passion of Christ as is mentioned afore it ought to be considered that he was most extremely reuyled and suffered most great paine for our sakes This now appertaineth to the increasing of his paine that hee seeth his mother in all aduersitie who might not helpe him neyther hee her Nowe doth the sworde that Simeon spake of pierce thorow her heart But Iesus seeing her in sorrowe and heauinesse declareth his carefull loue vppon the honour and worthinesse of his dearely beloued mother and giueth her a tutour such an one as will looke vnto her On both the parties maye wee perceyue great loue which wee ought to learne of the Lord and to exercise towardes those that bee committed vnto vs. Neither is it written of the Euangelist for naught that shee stoode for thereby we see that though Marie was in verie greate heauinesse and sorrowe yet behaueth shee not he●selfe vnseemelie nor vndiscreetly as carnall men doe in aduersitie manie times Shee standeth demurely and soberly beeing fortified through the strength of the spirite that stayeth her Whereby wee may learne when our deare friendes die not to bee sorie for them beyond measure and discretion But chiefly we learne when aduersitie commeth one to haue respect to another to care for our owne faithfully to cōmit them vnto others that one may brotherly and truly looke to another but specially we ought to be carefull for those which are deare vnto God FRom the sixt houre there was darkenesse vppon all the earth till about the ninth houre and the Sunne was darkened About the ninth houre Iesus cryed with a lowd voyce Ely Ely lama sabacthani that is My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee Some standing there when they heard it said He calleth to Helias Immediately one of them ranne and tooke a spunge and filled it with vineger and put it vppon a reede and gaue him to drinke Other said lette vs see whether Helias will come and deliuer him Doctrine and fruite IN all aduersitie and despight is all bodily and temporall comfort withdrawne from Christ that euen when hee without all consolation dooth suffer most greuous extremitie wee might perceiue his loue The Lord of all creatures that lacketh nothing commeth into so great affliction and necessitie for our sake that hee complaineth himselfe to bee forsaken of him who worketh all things in him This is the voyce of the passible mortall flesh which for vs poore sinners crieth vpon the crosse His patience is our comfort his complaint is our helpe his sicknesse is our health his paine is our satisfaction The Phisitian came from heauen that hee thorow great compassion might giue ouer him selfe into exceeding many torments and rebukes Therfore with the sick he is sicke with those that suffer hee suffereth with the sorrowfull he is sorie with them that suffer violence hee complaineth for his feeble and weake members he praieth And the voyce of the flesh and of naturall sence is neither rebellious nor desperate The fleshe feeleth great paine vndeserued the innocent holy body suffereth sore punishment the Godhead neuerthelesse vseth the highest silence And as for the diuine presence the sensible paine is not minished by it But a merueilous steadfastnes
said hee bowed his head and gaue vp the ghost Doctrine and fruit THE life of all liuing dieth after the fleshe thorow the painefull torment of death doth Iesus depart But by his death hee openeth vnto vs the way of life and taketh from vs euarlasting death This is a precious dear and victorious death which hath slaine our death and conquered vs life againe Let this death euermore continue in our hearts and let our death bee considered in the consideration of his death This shall bring vs comfortable trust and hope when our death striueth in vs so that we shall neither be afraid nor despaire if wee steadfastly beleeue that Christ died for vs and that hee through his death hath opened vnto vs euerlasting life Let vs with deuout heartes consider the death of him that hath redeemed vs and restored vs againe The gracious innocent Lorde Iesus dieth miserable and naked so poore so destitute as no man els And yet vnto God is none so deare although of men hee he most vilely intreated This is euen the reward of the worlde to despise the children of God and to recompence euil for good If the like happen vnto vs we must not thinke it straunge for the seruant is not aboue the Lord. The Lorde hangeth on the crosse hard pearced not onely with nailes but also with ardent loue towards vs sore beaten and hurt in euerie place without succour without helpe without comfort euen as a dead man who is forgotten and out of minde Ponder well O thou good seruant of Christ who and how great hee is that crying with a loud voyce giueth vp the ghost Verilie euen the sonne of GOD as Centurio likewise dooth testifie O deare brethren let vs consider how great our sinnes are for the which the innocent sonne of God dieth Iustly ought all the world to be dead vnto vs in Christ and wee vnto the world And what is our life but a blessed death Hee that learneth not to die in his life is afraide when the houre of death commeth Euery day goe wee one daies iourney vnto death therefore ought wee so to watch so to speake and so to worke as if we would die euen now out of hand Before death wee must learne to die least hee sodainlie take holde vppon vs and make vs afraide Death vnto those that faithfully beleeue is through the death of Christ become the gate to life for their comfort and strong hope is in the woordes of Iesus when he saith he that beleeueth on me though hee were dead yet shall hee liue Item who so heareth my word and beleeueth on him that sent me hath euerlasting life In this promise ought we to liue and die casting away all impediments and such thinges as hinder vs from his loue beeing with heart and minde seperated from the world and vndefiled from the filthines thereof Out of the passion of Christ we must picke out vnto our selues comfortable helpe and medicine so that obediently in al patience we offer vp our selues vnto our heauenly father committing our soules into his handes In life and in death let the death of Christ be our comfort and let vs set it against al fearfull temptations and between the wrath of God and our sinnes O Lord Iesu Christ who in the feeble nature of man hast suffred death for vs vnworthie sinners graunt vs grace feruently in our hearts to beare the pain and loue of thy most bitter death and through the subduing and ouer-comming of al vice and wickednesse to vse and exercise our selues daily in following thy footsteppes and dying with thee And when the end of our life draweth nie that wee then may depart in thy mercie and grace and receiue the ioy of paradise Assist thou vs when we die and defend vs from the olde enemie whom thou through thy death hast ouer-come O Father wee commit our spirite into thy hand thou hast redeemed vs O God of truth Let these be our last wordes when we depart hence Amen AND behold the vaile of the temple rent into two peeces from aboue till beneath and there was an earthquake the stones claue asunder the graues opened they that had slept rose vp and went out of the graues and came after his resurrection into the holie Cittie and appeared vnto manie The captaine and they that were with him which kept Iesus when they saw the earthquake and that he gaue vp the ghost with such a crie and other thinges that there happened they were afraid verie sore and saide Verely this was Gods Sonne Centurio likewise praised God said Verely this was a righteous man And all the people that were there and saw it smote vppon their brestes and returned Doctrine and fruite THe Iewes alway required tokens of Christ and of such there hapned manie nowe in the death of the Lord for the very earth quaketh at their wickednes and blaspheming of God the hard stony rockes with their cracking and cleauing asunder expresse a lamentation on their makers behalfe the vaile in the temple renteth for a declaration that the olde couered thinges in the olde Testament are laid away and the hidde significations of Christ expressed and opened for he is the holy true oblation that taketh away the sinnes of the world he is the vndefiled lambe of God hee is the true high Priest that entreth within the vaile into the sanctuary for the way of holy thinges is opened through his bloud hee is the high Priest that once entred in and with one onely sacrifice doth perfectly cleanse and sanctifie The graues opened for an euidence of his resurrection Centurio knowledgeth that which the harde harted Iewes would not confesse O good faithfull beleeuers let vs not bee harder than the stones let our hearts rent asunder in repentance and sorrow for our sinnes that we may enioye the fruite of the Lords death ANd a farre of stood all his acquaintance among whom were many women that came vp from Galilee followed him and ministred vnto him among whome was Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Iames the lesse and Ioses the mother of Zebedes children with manie other that were come to Hierusalem The Iewes then because it was the Sabaoth euen that the bodies shoulde not remaine on the crosse vppon the Sabaoth day for that was the great Saboth day besought Pilate that their legges might be broken and that they might be taken downe Then came the souldiors and brake the legges of the first and of the other which was crucified with him But when they came to Iesus and saw that he was dead alreadie they brake not his legges but one of the souldiours with a speare thrust him into the side and forthwith came there out bloud and water And he that saw it bare record and his record is true And he knoweth that hee saith true that yee also might beleeue These thinges were done that the Scripture might b●e fulfilled Yee shall not breake
these things and so to enter into his glorie And hee began at Moses and all the Prophets and interpreted vnto them in all Scriptures which were written of him And they drewe nigh to the towne that they went vnto and he made as though he would haue gone further And they constrained him saying Abide with vs for it draweth toward night and the day is far passed and he went in to tarrie with them And it came to passe as he sate at meate with them he tooke bread and blessed it and brake and gaue to them and their eyes were opened and they knew him and he vanished out of their sight And they said betweene themselues did not our heartes burne within vs while he talked with vs by the way and opened to vs the scriptures And they rose vp the same houre and returned againe to Hierusalem and found the eleuen gathered together and them that were with them saying The Lorde is risen indeed and hath appeared vnto Simon And they told what things were done in the way and how they knewe him in breaking of bread Doctrine and fruite CHRIST sayth Iohn 5. Search the Scriptures 〈◊〉 they testifie of mee Also If yee beleeued Moses ye should beleeue me for he hath written of me Christ therefore willing to strengthen the weake and to teach the vnlearned expoundeth vnto them the Scriptures beginning at Moses and so thorough out all the Prophets For whatsoeuer is written in the Scripture concerning the mercie goodnes and wisedome of God the washing awaie of sinne and satisfieng for the same it belongeth properly to Christ For so worthily and euidently haue they described the passion glory of Christ that one would thinke them not to write of a matter which were to come but done alreadie as it is plaine in the Psalmes and Prophets Psa 22. Esa 53. 1. Pet. 1. c. Thus out of the Scripture we learne partlie the testimonies of the passion and resurrection of Christ partly by what waie Christ came to so high honour and glorie of his father that wee first beleeuing that Chri●t dyed for our sinnes and rose againe for our righteousnesse might by his resurrection be sure of a good conscience and consolation of the lyfe to come Secondly that wee in patience and obedience might learne to be obedient to our heauenly father to take vp our crosse and to follow our Lord IESVS Christ if wee will haue ioy with him wee must also suffer and trauaile with him Our head goeth to eternall ioy through aduersitie and trouble and will we enter into it through the pleasure of the worlde and lust of the flesh It passeth the boundes of all ●nitie and comlynesse and honestie for 〈…〉 to bee sluggish and slouthfull when the 〈◊〉 ●keth vppon him such trauell and paine 〈…〉 narrowe gate that wee must enter in at for thorough many tribulations vexations and miseryes must wee come into the euerlasting kingdome of heauen and all they that will liue godly in Christ Iesu must suffer persecution in this world He that will possesse an inheritance must beare and suffer all the charges belonging to the same The eternall inheritance is appointed vs of our heauenly father thorough Christ but with this addition that we receiue the possession of it in such sort as the son hath done namely with and through the crosse and trouble Blessed are they whome God the father maketh partakers of the passion of his onely begotten sonne for who so is a companion with him in suffering shall haue his eternal fellowship in heauen and inioy with him euerlasting blisse and rest Hee that vnderstandeth not this is a foole and slowe of heart to beleeue the Scriptures let that man beseech God to open the Scripture vnto him and to make him vnderstand it Where that commeth to passe ignoraunce vanisheth awaie and the heart is feruent and receiueth vnderstanding for the Lorde is the right and perfect schoole-master that toucheth the hart and pearceth it through with the arrowes of his words and ardent loue In breaking of the bread they knowe the Lorde 〈…〉 life time when he nowe woulde goe 〈…〉 and death tooke bread rendered 〈…〉 it and gaue it them admonishing 〈…〉 ●bit as they dyd the same they shoulde 〈…〉 remembrance of him Whereby they now ●hin●●ng on the same wordes and beeing admonished of the act remember that it is hee Thus the breaking of the bread before our eyes in the supper is an admonishing token that Christs body was broken and dyed for vs on the crosse and the drinke an admonishing token that his bloud was shedde for the washing awaie of our sinnes And so when wee breake the bread and drinke the drinke wee ought thereby to knowe the Lorde thanking him for his death which is our life being mindfull of him and following his great loue wherein hee dyed for our sinnes AS they thus spake it was verie late the same daie which was the first daie in the weeke and where the disciples assembled together the doores were shut for feare of the Iewes Iesus came while they sate at the table and stoode in the middest among them and sayde vnto them Peace bee with you But the disciples were afraid thinking that they had seene a spirite Then sayde Iesus vnto them Why are yee troubled And why doo thoughts arise in your head And hee sayde yet agayne vnto them Peace bee with you And with that shewed he them his hands feet and side and said Behold my hands and feete that it is euen I my selfe handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me haue The 〈…〉 when they had seene the Lord. And 〈…〉 ●●leeued not for ioy and wondered he sayd 〈…〉 ye anie thing to eate So they offered him a 〈…〉 fish and an honie combe The same hee took● 〈…〉 before them casting in their teeth their vnbeleefe 〈◊〉 ●nes of heart because they beleeued not them which 〈…〉 that he was risen againe from the dead Doctrine and fruite IN that the Euangelists describe the true resurrection of Christ they declare withal vnto whom such a high mystery was opened and shewed For when we heare how the disciples were minded and behaued themselues we learne therby what becommeth vs that we also may beleeue that Christ is truly risen againe yea not only to acknowledge the same with the mouth but also to proue and feele it in the tast of the spirite So haue wee heard afore what the desire ardent loue which God stirred vp in Mary Magdalene dyd bring to passe and what good came of the feruentnesse and diligence of Peter This we see now here for God hath a plesure to stir vp our desire when hee will open himselfe vnto vs. And therefore all the same daie from morning early vntill nyght were the disciples still more and more endued with new ioy that the desire to see Christ might be kindled more and more in them And as they were assembled
bodie of Christ which was hanged vpon the crosse for our sinnes was of the Father raysed againe vnto life For if wee beleeue in our heart and confesse with our mouth that God hath raysed him vp from the dead we shal be saued Yea beleeue we must that Christ according to his wordes afore hath through his godly power erected vp againe from death the temple of his bodie Therefore thorow the doubting of Thomas wee learne the mysterie of the resurrection of our own bodies For Christ hath sufficiently proued and Thomas hath confessed that the bodie of Christ which was hanged vpon the crosse is verely risen againe from death Wherin our faith is confirmed to beleeue that our bodies also shall truely and liuely rise againe to eternall life When Thomas is with the other disciples Christ sheweth himselfe vnto him For they that in the vnitie of faith and of vndiuided loue doe not associate and accompanie themselues with other faithfull beleeuers in the Church shall not be partakers of heauenly ioyes Truth it is that to beleeue with the hart iustifieth but the confession that is made with the mouth belongeth vnto health serueth vnto loue and vnitie of the Church and congregation of God without the which there can bee no hope of health He that saith he beleeueth and doth not ioyne himselfe vnto other Christians his faith is vaine and of none effect And therefore did Christ for his church institute the sacraments that is to say exterior signes of his grace that his people might be associate together in the vnitie of faith The Church of God is it that preserueth vs poore ones as did the Arke of Noe afore time in the floud and bringeth vs thorough this raging sea vnto the hauen of eternall saluation Not that the grace and health is therefore to bee ascribed to the elements and outwarde thinges but that it may appeare how effectuous fayth is and what it woorketh through charitable loue in the Church Christ maketh mention of the wordes which Thomas had spoken afore to the Disciples in his absence Namely Except I see in his handes the print c. Therefore sayth Christ Thomas bring thy finger hither and see c. Whereby it is euidently prooued that Christ is God and euen so doth Thomas vnderstand and confesse The woundes are shewed of Christ specially to this intent that his passion might be printed and sealed in mens mindes For a verie deepe and high mysterie is it that Christes side is opened out of the which floweth bloud and water whereby the spirituall and faithfull beleeuing mindes may well perceiue Christes good louing will towardes mankind Now when we looke vpon his handes touching his side inwardly with our desire of inward fayth and considering why and with what loue Christ suffered for vs it shall be no hard thing vnto vs to beleeue his resurrection If Christ were deade but euen as an other pure man or Prophet we could haue no hope of the resurrection Who so beleeueth it commeth soone to this knowledge that immortall life is giuen vnto vs. Now where there is hope of an immortall life there is the Lorde serued with great diligence For if God hath not spared his sonne but giuen him for vs all what good thing then may wee not looke for at his hand If wee bee onely true beleeuers with Thomas then shall God faithfully performe that hee hath promised vs. Christ desireth no more of vs weake feeble ones than that we be not faithlesse but stedfast beleeuers Thomas is immediately obedient vnto the voice of Christ and becommeth foorth with a newe man The Pharisies could by no doctrine by no myracles bee brought to giue credence vnto Christ and to beleeue in him although they sawe Lazarus raysed againe from death malice and hatred did so hinder them But Thomas acknowledgeth him freely to be his Lord and God He seeth and handleth man he confesseth God whom he saw not Hee acknowledged that he whom he saw was his God Lord. Through the same faith was his vnbeleefe and sinne forgiuen him O mercifull God graunt vs loue that we seek not our owne commoditie nor honour but the profit of our neighbours and thy glorie in all thinges Expell out of vs all disdaine greedines vngentlenes headines and flattering of our selues Preserue vs from discord diuision binde vs together in vniforme loue that wee may bee one bodie and of one minde Stablish also our faith that our minds may alwayes bee comforted in the resurrection of thy sonne and immortall life purchased by him Amen ANd many other signes trulie did Iesus in the presence of his Disciples which are not written in this booke These are written that ye might beleeue that Iesus is Christ the sonne of God that ye so beleeuing might haue life through his name Doctrine and fruite LIke as Christ while hee yet liued did miracles before his death to declare his godly power euen so after his rising again from death he worketh manie tokens in the presence of his Disciples to proue his resurrection in the flesh Some of the same are described of the Euangelists not of anie curiositie or for vaine glorie but to confirme our sayth therewith To write all Iohn thought it not needful for who could haue written all Or who could haue fastened and borne them all in minde Who so will not beleeue these few that are written shall neuer beleeue a greater multitude A faithfull beleeuer is well satisfied with these For these that be written of him are therefore written that wee should beleeue that Iesus is Christ the Sonne of GOD and that we through his fayth might haue eternall life Seeing then that all thinges which are written doo extende and serue to this ende that wee might beleeue in him and bee saued by him what lacke wee then Or what can we desire more So that hereby we learne with great diligence to reade to consider and to applie into our owne lyfe whatsoeuer the Euangelistes haue written of Christ as they haue written nothing but that which is altogether excellent deare holie and godlie and such thinges as doe liuely describe sette foorth and print Christ vnto vs that our fayth hope loue patience meeknesse and all good thinges might growe with blessed fruite that wee in our life might become thankfull for such an excellent grace and in no wise to contemne or despise it A scornefull thing is it and the euidence of a greate vnbeleefe whereas some thinke by these wordes to prooue that for as much as all thinges are not written in the booke it is lawfull for certayne men to adde the rest and to deuise and ordayne what they will For in these thinges that are written doth Iohn comprehend the whole sum of fayth which consisteth in this that Iesus is the son of the liuing God who for our saluation came downe from heauen died rose againe purchased for vs eternal life Iesus the son of
reputation yea albeit hee hath already hurt and betrayed vs. We ought to learne with Christ our head to doe good not onely to our brethren and friends but also to our aduersaries enemies euill willers and such as loue vs not euen vnto them should wee shewe friendship seruing them being gentle milde and louing vnto them We must pray vnto the Lorde that he wil graunt vs grace to fulfill and do that we heare and read of him Furthermore considering that we daily perceiue in our selues spottes and blemishes of sinne so that our feet that is to say our affections desires while wee walke in the myerie waie are still continually defiled and stayned we ought therefore incessantly to watch and to call vnto God that he with the water of his grace will vouchsafe to make cleane our feete and wash away the mire of earthie and carnall spottes that wee in the purenesse of faith may abide in Christ our head and he in vs. Of the Sermon that Christ made vnto his Disciples after the Supper THen saide Iesus vnto his Disciples This night shall you all bee offended because of me For it is written I shall smite the shepheard and the sheepe of the flock shal be scattered But when I am risen againe I will go before you into Galilee Peter answered and said vnto him And though they all bee offended because of thee yet will not I be so Then said Iesus to him Verely I say vnto thee that this night before the cocke crowe twise thou shalt denie me three times Vpon this spake Peter further Though I should die with thee yet will I not denie thee and so said all the Disciples likewise But Iesus said I speake not of you all I know whom I haue chosen He that eateth bread with me shall lift vp his heele against me This I tell you afore hand ere it come to passe that when it is done ye may beleeue that I am he Verely verelie I say vnto you he that receiueth him whom I send receiueth me who so receiueth me receiueth him that sent me When Iesus had spoken this he was troubled in spirit protested and saide Verely verely I say vnto you one of you shall betray me yea euen he that eateth with me The Disciples looked one vppon another and doubting of whome hee spake they were very sorie and dismaied and began to say one after another Lord is it I Then said Iesus One of the twelue euen he that dippeth his hand with me in the platter he shall betray mee The sonne of man goeth as it is written of him but woe vnto him by whom the sonne of man is betraied Better it were for him that he neuer had been borne Then said Iudas that betraied him Lord is it I Then spake Iesus Thou hast said One whom Iesus loued among the Disciples lay vpon Iesus lappe To him beckened Peter and said Who is he that he speaketh of Now when he leaned on Iesus brest he sayde vnto him Lord who is it Iesus aunswered He it is vnto whom I shall reach the soppe And when hee had dipped in the bread he gaue it vnto Iudas Simon Iscarioth and after the soppe entred the deuill into him And Iesus said vnto him That thou doest doo it quickly None of those that sate at the table perceiued why he spake this Some thought seeing Iudas had the purse that Iesus had commaunded him to buy some thing necessarie at the feast or to giue some thing vnto the poore Now when hee had taken it hee went out immediately and it was night Now when hee was gone foorth Iesus saide Now is the sonne of man glorified and God is glorified in him If God be glorified by him then shall God glorifie him in himselfe and shall straight way glorifie him Little children I am yet a small time with you Ye shall seeke me and as I said vnto the Iewes whither I go ye cannot come And now I say vnto you A new commaundement I giue you to loue one another as I haue loued you that yee euen so loue one another Herein shall all men know and perceiue that yee are my Disciples if ye haue loue among your selues Then saide Simon Peter Lord whither goest thou Iesus aunswered him and said Whither I go thou canst not followe mee now but thou shalt followe me hereafter Then said Peter vnto him Why may not I now follow thee I will ieopard my life for thee Iesus aunswered Wilt thou ieopard thy life for mee Verelie verelie I say vnto thee Afore the cock crow thou shalt deny mee thrise Doctrine and fruite GOod vertuous children should harken most diligently vnto the wordes of their father and fasten them in their hartes but specially those wordes which hee speaketh and committeth vnto them now when hee mindeth by death to departe from them and to take his leaue of them For the same wordes beeing the last pierce verie deepe into the heart and are neuer forgotten Seeing then that we are Gods children and Christ heere nameth vs so to be with his Disciples wee ought verie diligently to ponder and consider all his words and doctrine but specially such as hee vttered vnto them when hee now would goe to his passion For there shal we find an ardent earnest and feruent doctrine full of most excellent godlie and inestimable loue proponed and thrust into their heartes with wordes sweeter than honie In this Oration bringeth hee foorth specially that same which most of all concerneth his Disciples First the eternal wisedome declareth that hee is ignorant of nothing that vnto him there is nothing hid Hee knoweth what shall happen vnto them through weakenesse of the flesh and feare of men albeit our feeblenes and imbecillitie doth alwaies breake foorth presume and brag more than wee euer are able to performe as wee haue example in Peter Such headie rashnesse the Lorde rebuketh admonishing vs of our owne weakenesse and fall Moreouer wee ought to consider in Christ our head and fore-runner how earnestly and louingly he mentioneth and warneth the traytour setting his great offence before his eyes and alwaies touching him to remoue him from his wicked purpose Yet maketh hee mention of him and of the vice in such sort that hee neuer desireth his hurt but onely his conuersion and amendment His desire is that hee were reformed not that hee should be bewrayed or that any harme should happen vnto him by him or others Such lenitie and gentlenes ought wee also to shewe and declare vnto our enemies and those that hurt vs if it only concerne vs we should not be desirous of vengeaunce And though wee all ought sore to mourne in the Church that is to saye in the Christian congregation if there be transgressors and naughty people applying our diligence the best we can that such bee not therein yet whereas their vices be secret and as yet not opened we ought in loue and patience to beare and
elect that beleeue in me and follow mee vnder the crosse I will not deceiue you I will shew you no vnfaithfull touch I will not disappoint you into no fools paradise nor false hope wil I bring you If the mansions were not prepared for you in my Fathers house I would tell it you but doubt ye not in my promise fall ye not off from faith hope stay your beleefe and affiance stedfastly vppon mee hope vndoubtedly for the dwellings to come which are ordained and prepared of my Father for you Heere is nothing but miserie and trouble here is no abiding no dwelling but a pilgrimage Heere ye are among straungers but in my Fathers house are many dwellinges not onely for mee but also for you And forasmuch as now through my death I will furnish and perfectly open and make an entraunce into the same dwellings which were prepared for you of my Father afore the creation of the world bee not you therefore dismayed by reason of my death My death shall bee your life and saluation Through my death go I before you make you a way vnto heauen Looke what the Father of his gratious goodnes hath ordained for you from euerlasting that will not hee giue you but through mee Therefore must I die and with my death open you the entrance vnto life And albeit that through my death and ascension I shall corporally depart from you yet will I not faile you neither forsake you Like as by my death I open vnto you the entrance into the heauenly mansions so will I send you my holie spirite who shall furnish you and make you meete for such dwellings That I go from you it is doone for your wealth therefore be not sorie that I open the dwellings vnto you I wil come to you againe and receiue you to my selfe that ye may alwaies be with me in my Fathers kingdome For he that serueth me shall also bee eternally with mee in my Fathers house thither will I bring you through my power and grace feare yee not beleeue in me Thus ye know whither I go namely vnto the Father to worke your welfare yee knowe also through what way yee must followe mee euen through faith and aduersitie Abide yee stedfast in faith and put your trust in me so will I be your faithfull mediatour and atturney in the presence of God my Father And if we would say as Thomas did that we know not the way the Lord Iesus instructeth vs further saith that he is the way the truth and the life This ought we poore sinners well to fasten in our hartes that Christ is the onely way which bringeth vs vnto God and that no man may come vnto the father but by him We should not therefore erect or choose vnto our selues anie other waie Onely by Christ must we come vnto God this hath hee spoken that is the truth it selfe cannot lie In the way is he our guide and by it he leadeth vs vnto himselfe and so by himselfe vnto God Thorough this waie we come to life and though we must die in aduersitie for his sake yet in him we finde eternall life for hee is the life and resurrection Who so beleeueth on him cannot die but commeth out of death into life and though hee die yet shall he liue in him euerlastingly Furthermore we must take sure hold vpon Christs promise which in life and death shal strengthen and comfort vs in that he promiseth vs he will giue vs all that we desire in his name Wherefore in all our necessitie and trouble we ought to haue recourse onely vnto him or vnto God his father in his name And then doe we praie in his name when wee desire that which may serue to the honour of his father that the father may be honored through the sonne and in the sonne when we desire such wholesome good things as the spirit of Christ moueth vs vnto All this doth stirre vp in vs patience peace ioy in the holy Ghost beleefe in Christ who is our God h●ad whom by his doctrine and wonderful miracles we haue learned to be verie good in deede The holy Scripture also both of the old and new Testament doth sufficiently declare the same as Esa Iere 23.33 Mich. 5. Zach. 13. Mala. 3. What doth hee els in his whole Gospell but euidently and strongly proue that Iesus is verie God as in the Chapters yea in all Christ calleth himselfe the sonne of God teacheth euery where that we ought to beleue on him now if he were not verie true God then had hee deceiued vs then had he taught vs wrong then were he himselfe a false teacher for wee must beleeue in none saue onely in God If Christ nowe were not God how should wee beleeue in him If he were a false teacher then woulde not the father haue commanded vs to heare him then had not he spoken frō heauen these wordes This is my dearely beloued sonne heare him then had not hee also confirmed his cause with miracles raised him vp from death taken him vp into heauen and set him on his right hand For he hateth all lyers and hath no pleasure in the wicked Iohan. 8. Afore Abraham was I am Christ sayth that the father hath giuen him all power in heauen and earth Matth. 28. Which sentence alone were sufficient and strong inough to proue that Christ is God for God giueth his glorie and honor to none other Esa 42. he sayth also that what the father hath it is his Ioh. 17. And Iohn 20. sayth Thomas vnto Christ My Lord and my God by him were all things created Iohn 1. Col. 1. Then must he needs be God for no creature is the maker or creatour of all things Paule sayth He is the wisedome of God 1. Corinth 1. The wisedome of GOD is eternall Prouerbes 8. Eccle. 24. Romanes 1.9 In the Epistle to the Hebrues what doth Paule else euen from the beginning vntill hee come farre within it but bring in testimonies that Christ is verie God Iohn saith Euerie spirite which confesseth that Iesus came in the flesh is of God Out of the which it followeth that as concerning his diuine nature hee was from euerlasting afore he came in the flesh Item Paule to the Hebrews saith God tooke vpon him the seede of Abraham then must hee needes be eternall God before the humanitie was As also Iohn saith The word was God and the word became man Item No man hath seen God at any time The sonne of God which is in the Fathers bosome hee hath opened it vnto vs. Iohn 3. Saith Christ No man ascendeth into heauen saue hee that came downe from heauen Now canst thou not say that hee came downe as touching his humane nature for that tooke hee first vpon him in the Virgin Mary Luke 1. Then must it needes bee true that he came downe concerning his Godhead as he oft saith I came
the ministers of the word to desire that God throgh his holy name power will defend strength comfort and preserue them in all aduersitie but principally that hee will giue them grace to bee one coupled together in the band of peace loue and vniformitie that they may be of one spirite and of one mind that in one spirite they may further and plant the honour of God that like as Christ neither spake nor did anie thing but that which was acceptable and wel pleasing vnto the father they also in their sayinges and dooinges may haue respect vnto Gods glorie and that they being rooted and fortified in loue bee not vanquished nor ouercome of the pleasures or threateninges of this world Secondly that in all their labour and trauaile in al aduersitie and persecutions hee will put into theyr hartes his owne comfort and spirituall ioy For the worlde hath manifolde mirthes pastimes and pleasures much bragging and wilfulnesse vseth it in the riches and fleshly voluptuousnes thereof But the true Ministers of Christ seeing hee hath seuered them from the worlde must and ought to refraine and absent themselues from all worldly ioy and voluptuousnes yea it is they that ought to diswade the worlde from such wantonnesse and vanitie by meanes of whose faithfull admonition there falleth much hatred and trouble vpon them Neither were it to the furtheraunce of Gods honour and our commoditie to haue them vtterlye taken away out of this worlde Therefore dooth Christ desire and so must wee with him that from euill namely from the Deuill the Prince of this worlde who stirreth the world against them they may of the father in the world be defended and kept Thirdly that he will sanctifie and cleanse them afore other men that they may be holy and pure vessels in the house and temple that is in the Church of God for they are means instruments by whō God ministereth his grace and truth vnto men therfore is it also conuenient that they be pure and holy This commeth throgh the truth that God putteth in their mouth and heart by the holy Ghost which inwardly purifieth them But then are they holy when they teach truth and liue godly Into the worlde hath Christ sent thē as the father sent him into the world The father sent Christ into the world that he should destroy the kingdome of the deuill and of the world that he should declare vnto the world the grace and mercie of God towardes mankinde that he shoulde bring men from sinne and from false idolatrish faith to the true liuing God and to a vertuous conuersation that he with the light of truth should shine vpon those which sate in darknes that he should bring the knowledge of God into the world exhort men to the amendement of life Euen this hath Christ giuen in commission to his Apostles and to all ministers of the worde to doo This is their office this is their ministration vnto this haue they greate neede of the grace power and assistance of God therefore ought we most earnestly to praie for them for if they fail or fal it hurteth the whole Church yea out of the same there groweth slaunder vnto the name of God in the sight of the vnbeleeuers and an occasion of falling to such as are weake of faith Therefore Christ also offered himselfe to the father for them and sanctified them that they might bee pure and holy not in outward apparance but from the heart and in the truth that through their vniformity loue through the word of truth which they preach through the holynes of their doctrine and liuing all men and the whole world might know and vnderstand that God hath sent them yea that God sent his son Christ into the world vnto whome they with mouth and life beare record and who also euery where shineth out of them with wordes and deeds Not onely for them hath Christ praied but also for vs as many as hearken and beleeue the worde of truth preached by them Wherein first wee may perceiue and see the loue faithfulnes and great care of Christ for vs how earnestly the trustie shepheard of our soules committeth his poore sheepe into his fathers protection how faithfully our mediatour and aduocate praieth for vs whereby also he setteth forth a doctrine vnto vs how and what we shal pray of the heauenly father First that he will make vs one by his holy spirite in the truth in the vnitie of faith and in loue vnseparable that we all may be of one mind one body and one spirit in Christ Iesu our head and to keepe the vnitie of the spirit in the bond of peace that we all being illuminated by his spirit may in word and deed yea in our whole life seeke and further the glorie of our heauenly father that we all may bee one among our selues with God whereby all the worlde may spie see and perceiue that we are Gods children and Christs disciples Secondly that of his fatherly goodnes he will defend saue preserue vs his own poore sheep which be in the midst among wolues manifold dangers And seeing we being yet in the world do not liue after the world that it will please him to keepe vs from the euill namely frō the prince of of this world that thogh the same our enemie doth tempt plague vs he neuer yet haue power to preuaile against vs. Thirdly that inasmuch as we being in sin conceiued and borne haue hetherto liued in sinne seeing that albeit we are cleansed alreadie by his word and faith yet the vncleannes of the flesh and of the world doth daily defile vs it wil please him throgh his truth to purge and sanctifie our bodies our soules and our whole life that wee may become an holy temple of his grace pure cleane holy vessels consecrated sanctified to Gods own vse He hath once purified hallowed vs through the bloud of his son and vnto the father hath Christ sanctified and offered vp himselfe an holy acceptable sacrifice for our sins but the deuill the world and our flesh is euer busie to lead vs away againe from God from true holines Therefore must wee daily pray vnto him that through his holy spirit through his holy truth he wil continually purge clense sanctifie vs that we be not dissēbling hypocrites but godly and vnfained euen from our harts that we be not stained in the filthines of this world but to refraine from all vncleannes thorogh the assistāce of his grace that we may also offer vp our bodies an holy acceptable sacrifice to ●od the Lord as he offered vp himselfe vppon the crosse for our sakes FAther I will that they which thou hast giuen me be with me where I am that they may see my glory which thou hast giuen me for thou louedst me before the making of the world O righteous father
God who giueth strength and power vnto those that are his Item it serueth to our commoditie and profite in that we see a good godly man fall and sinne and afterward rise vp againe and amend least we should saie Alas I am lost I haue done this and I haue done that but forasmuch as wee see that Peter by repentance weeping and conuerting agayne doeth obtaine grace it is meete and conuenient that wee acknowledge our offences vnto GOD desire grace weepe and complayne of our sinnes before GOD. For both are heere set before vs the fall and the repentaunce and this ensample is good and profitable to those that are in the right waie of godlynesse and also vnto sinners The godly iust and righteous learne by this to bee circumspect and not to presume Sinners by occasion of this doo learne immediatly to rise vp againe from theyr fall and not in anie wise to despayre Yea our owne fall learne we to knowe by Peters fal but alasse our fall is much more grieuous greater than Peters Peter sinned through weaknesse many a time doe wee sinne wilfully and aduisedly hee once we daily he was constrained thorow feare we many a time thorowe light occasions fall from the way of truth and righteousnes hee riseth vp againe forth-with we seldome and slowlie he wept bitterly we scarce doe confesse and knowledge the sinne Yea bitterlie wept he which thing al the electought to doe if they haue sinned There should nothing greeue vs more than to haue sinned against GOD than to haue displeased God This doe not wilfull sinners which passe little or nothing vpon sinne and when they come into the deepenes thereof care not for it neither confesse nor acknowledge their sinne vntill afterwarde with dispaire as it is to see in Iudas But Peter bewailing the greeuous fall and wickednesse of his deniall without further falling away into horrible desperation is preserued thorow the goodnes of God in the confidence of gods oft prooued and accustomed mercie is hee lift vp vnto blessed repentance and so healed Christs looke the true Phisitian is vnto him as much as a worde or speech Wherein wee may learne to knowe the vnspeakeable loue of GOD who euen in the middest of sinne forgetteth not his own forsaketh them not but graciously looketh vppon them with the eyes of his mercie admonisheth them speaketh vnto them through the outward and inward worde with the which gratious countenance he diswadeth them frō sinne and calleth them againe to himselfe prouoking them to sorrowe and mourning lamentation weeping Hee spreadeth out his armes and lappe of his mercie and graciously taketh vs vp againe receiueth vs with the lost sonne Therfore let vs knowledge repent and bitterly bewaile our sinnes let vs wash them away with teares and endeuor our selues with great diligence that negligently we fall not into them againe let vs runne to the bottomlesse well of the mercie of God and pray O merciful God giue vs the wel of blessed teares that from the bottome of our harts we may with Peter bewa●le our sinnes O with how great and greeuous sinnes are we laden and entangled O suffer vs not to lie vnder the heauie burden lette vs not sinke downe in heauines and desperation Set thou vs vp againe and conuert vs throughly send grace of thy holie repentaunce into our heart wash away all our sinnes and negligence graunt vs the light of newe graces and giftes let not the soules perish for whom thou diddest submit thy selfe into so many paines rebukes and at the last diddest suffer the terrible bitter death of the crosse Amen THE high Priest asked Iesus of his Disciples and of his doctrine Iesus answered him I haue openly spoken vnto the world I haue alwaies taught in the Synagogue and in the temple there as all the Iewes resort together in corners haue I taught nothing Why askest thou me Aske them that heard me what I said vnto them Behold they can tell what I said When he had thus spoken one of the ministers that stood by smote Iesus vpon his cheek said Answerest thou the high Priest so Then Iesus answered him said If I haue spoken euil then bear record of the euil but if I haue well spoken why smitest thou me Doctrine and fruite HEere in the high Priest wee see an example of those malicious persons that take in hand to ouerthrow and condemne the truth afore they heare it Great is the arrogancie of man who dare presume to make him selfe a Iudge of Gods trueth whereas of more right the truth and woorde of God should iudge our words and workes The vnderstanding of man of the flesh perceiueth not the thing that concerneth God and therefore hee refuseth it and iudgeth it vnright and so giueth sentence afore he know what the matter is This the more pitie do al they that seeke their own profit and estimation and not the honour of God Nowe in such a false and temerarious sentence gaue him buffets vpon the chocke and 〈…〉 and then asked him Area● who hath smitten thee And the seruants stroke him vpon the face and did him 〈◊〉 ●ther villany Doctrine and fruit O How vniust people come togither against the fountaine of righteousnes What false witnesse and sentence goeth against the tru●th And yet all their shifting is that their malice and hatred may haue an appearance of iustice They preuent him with false witnes they presse him with perlous and subtill questions and go about to vndermine and supplant the eternall wisedome The enemies are accusers witnesses and Iudges And whereas they reuile and blaspheme Gods sonne to the vttermost they will be seene to be the men that are sorie and displeased when God is dishonoured But as much as they seeke in the innocent lambe yet finde they nothing no not so much as any suspicion of euill so pure and sincere is all his life so true and constant are his words This example ought all faithfull beleeuers to set before their eies learning thereby so to direct their life that the enemies not onely find no vice in them but also no suspicion of euill that vnto the euill speaker there be giuen no occasion nor cause to slander and that the name of Christ thorow them be not blasphemed But whereas the honour of God so requireth wee must openly speake and confesse the truth before the vngodly although they bee angry and offended according as in this place we hear of Christ who telleth them of his glorious comming in Maiestie and power although they take it for a blasphemie Heere ought wee also diligently and deuoutlie to consider what Christ suffereth for vs what ignominie and reproch hee taketh vpon himselfe for our sakes how vilelie he is reputed and how shamefullie in his bodie and in all the parts thereof he is beaten And yet in all this how blessedly hee behaueth and sheweth him selfe to the intent that it should not greeue vs for
sepulchre being at hand they laide Iesus into it and Ioseph weltred a great stone afore the entrance of the sepulchre and went his way Now followeth the doctrine and contemplation IN the former little Booke we haue heard of the passion of Christ Nowe if our great sinne put vs in feare making our conscience vnquiet and presse vs with the terrour of euerlasting death damnation wee ought to remember that the lambe of GOD beeing slayne and hanged vp vppon the Crosse for our sinnes hath himselfe satisfied for them all and washed them cleane awaye This holy sacrifice was offred vnto God the father for our welfare and euen the same it is that hath taken awaie the sinne and wickednes of all the world Whatsoeuer is read and spoken concerning the passion of Iesus Christ it is altogether done for our eternall wealth and comfort Now is it described of the holy Euangelistes with what honour and glorie his holy body was buried and that not of mean persons but of noble and famous iust men Ioseph and Nicodemus who while Christ yet liued fauored him and were secretly his Disciples But nowe after his death they steppe forth somwhat more stoutly and boldly begging of Pilate the body of Iesu to burie it In the which act is declared their worthy and valiant beliefe and loue vnto the Lord Iesu For their bodies their estimation and goods must they needes put in ieopardy and procure vnto themselues the hatred and displeasure of all the world if they honorably burie him who in his life time was taken to be an euill doer a deceiuer a sedicious murtherer and so was condemned vnto death But thus it pleaseth God in weakenes to declare his owne strength and glorie Thus the dead wheat corne bringeth foorth fruit in the death of Christ and thus appeareth the power of his death For though he verily and trulie died as touching the body yet after the spirit and in mighty power he liueth yea hee himselfe is the life of all things This is the power and fruite of his passion when a mightie and strong spirit dooth exercise it selfe in faithfull beleeuing harts They that afore were ashamed to go openly vnto the Lord steppe now foorth manfully all fearefulnes sette apart ieoparding their bodies and goodes For besides that they put themselues in perill of loosing their life and estimation they bestow also great cost in linnen cloth in costly sweet ointment For they bury not Iesus as an euil doer but as an honourable man and friend of God according to their custome Loe what a thing it is to cleaue somewhat vnto Christ how feeblie soeuer it bee doone it bringeth alwaie great fruite in his time No man therefore ought to bee reiected that cleaueth anie thing vnto Christ and earnestly seeketh him Faith is strengthened in affliction and aduersitie the death of Christ giueth power vnto the fearefull In death beginneth his honour and glorie to appeare there are all thinges faire and beautifull Centurio giueth testimonie and maketh an honourable confession and so doo they that were vnder him Necessarie it was we should beleeue and confesse that Iesus verilie died vpon the crosse therefore do the Euangelists describe it so perfectly howe his bodie was taken downe from the Crosse by Ioseph and was laid in the Sepulchre To the intent that wee also might beleeue and confesse that he hath broken the bands of death and is from death mightily risen againe For life might not bee holden captiue in death neither might death with the rules thereof alwaies binde him that of all thinges is the life in whome wee liue mooue and haue our beeing Heere we must learne to know the eternall infallible foresight and prouidence of God who for his annointed appointeth afore hande an honourable Sepulchre and mooueth the heartes of his elect to burie the bodie of Iesu which els vndoubtedly had bene vilely cast out remained still vnburied How be it his buriall and rest must needs bee honourable as the Prophet saith Esa 11. For when hee by death had finished the course of his life and the woorke of his father this rest appertained to his honour and the father heard him as hee praied afore Father make thy sonne honourable or glorifie thy sonne This began in the buriall there was the faire white linnen cloth the new sepulchre the honorable men and excellent dead buriers as witnesses of his death there were the hundred pounds of pretious costly oyntment All these thinges were euidences of a glorious new and immortall life which Christ had in his bodie as the firstling of his deed and as we also shall haue according to our measure The sepulchre is newe partly to preuent all wrong suspition for if anie man had lyen in that sepulchre afore it might easily haue beene suspected or talked that Christ was not risen againe from the dead but some other partlie to declare the newnesse of lyfe in Christ and in those that are his as it is sayde afore By this also wee see into what pouertie Christ submitted himselfe hee that in his life time had neyther house nor place where to lay his heade is nowe couered with straunge cloth and layde in a straunge Sepulchre In the which thing though Christs bodie was alwaie vncorrupt we are taught fruitfullye to consider the corruption of our body We are earth and to the earth must wee yeelde and paie earth againe Ashes wee be and into ashes wee must returne Why bragge wee then Why are we proud and high minded seeing that shortly we shall become foule doong and carrion Why haue wee such desire to the wicked worlde considering it casteth vs out so vilely We should alwaie remember that within a small short time we shall be laid down into a foule pit There is the harborow of all fleshe There lie the rich and poore together in one bedde There is no difference betweene noble and base of bloud There neither goods helpe the rich nor subtile craft the wittie There the tender is worms meat and he that a little while agoe went bragging vp and downe in costly apparell is now an vglie smell to the nose There the hardie Giant is faine to play stoupe gallaunts parte The praise and commendacion of such as are puft vp in foolishe pride departeth as the dust before the wind Thus passeth away all mankind and all flesh falleth to the place whence he came being dissolued by reason of originall sinne Wherfore let vs learne in this time so to liue and so to subdue the flesh through the spirite that when the flesh corrupteth our soule may bee taken into eternall peace and rest For all we that be baptized into Christ Iesus are baptized into his death beeing buried with him rhrough baptisme into death that as Christ was raised vp from the dead through the glory of his father so we likewise might walke in the newnesse of life For if we be grassed in him through the
the thinges that had happened Then gathered they themselues with the Elders and tooke counsaile and gaue large money vnto the soldiers saying Say ye that his Disciples came by night and stole him away while yee slept And if this come to the rulers eares wee will perswade him and saue you harmelesse So they tooke the money and did as they were taught And this saying is noised among the Iewes vnto this day Now as the women were in the way going they saide among themselues Who will roule vs the stone away from the doore of the Sepulchre for it was a verie great one as they looked they sawe that the stone was rolled awaie Then went they into the Sepulchre and found not the bodie of the Lord Iesu but saw a young man sitting at the right side clothed in a long white garment and they were afraid But the Aungell sayde vnto them Feare not I knowe whome yee seeke Ye seeke Iesus of Nazareth that was crucified Hee is not heere he is risen as he saide Beholde the place where they laide him But goe yee and tell his Disciples and Peter that he is risen againe from the dead Behold hee goeth before you into Galilee as he said vnto you Lo I haue tolde you Doctrine and fruit THE resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead is verie diligently and perfectly described of the foure Euangelistes for right profitable and necessarie is it for the strengthening and stablishing of our beleefe in Christ And whereas in the description of this historie they speake not all alike the same happeneth to our wealth through the ordinaunce of the holie Ghost that we should exercise our faith therein and applie our diligence perfectly to learne and comprehend the same Resurrection of Christ For where that is right conceyued and beleeued there is faith perfect The Euangelistes nowe in describing Christes Resurrection doo most of all declare to what high honour Christ came after death and that in one order and degree according as our beleefe and weakenesse increaseth and groweth towards perfection At the first is faith in vs feeble and vnperfect but through the grace of him that hath giuen it it daily groweth Verie hard also is it for our naturall reason to receiue and beleeue the resurrection of the dead therefore doe the Euangelistes right diligently and with manie wordes set forth the same resurrection of Christ that our beleefe therein might be assured and stedfast For whosoeuer truely and constantly beleeueth the resurrection of Iesu Christ is readie prepared to beleeue all that concerneth Christ Neither is there anie thing that maketh a man more ioyfull then when he beleeueth that at the comming of the Lorde he shal rise againe and receiue a glorified bodie after Christ and with Christ What can be tedious to suche a faithfull beleeuing man when hee beholdeth so high a rewarde from God Diligently therefore ought we to heare what the holy Euangelists write of his resurrection and to giue credence to the witnesses that saw it First wee heare agayne the great zeale and the feruent loue and diligence of these deuout women in that they desire to shew honour vnto the Lorde being dead but the Angell a messenger of his resurrection commaundeth them to declare this ioy vnto the Disciples and to get them vnto the Lord nowe being aliue Heauenly is the messenger and proclaimer of the resurrection for it passeth farre all natural reason and all flesh Therefore are the women also afraid of him and at the faire brightnes of his countenance and apparel For our feeble flesh is not able to sustaine the glorious shine of the heauenly light and godly clearenes but is afraid at it and feareth Neuerthelesse God by his Angell doth right soon comfort the womens weakenes taketh from them their feare speaketh louingly vnto them maketh them Apostles that is messengers and proclaimers of the ioifull resurrection So little doth God reiect our weaknes that he maketh euen women to be the declarers of his resurrection for he euer delighteth of the last to make the first Forasmuch then as they were the beginners of death in sinne they are heere first afore the Apostles chosen to bee declarers of that immortall life which euen out of death is come forth vnto vs in Christ As Christ with the earthquake died on the crosse so riseth hee with the earthquake which also was heard in the sending of the holie Ghost This signified that through his death and resurrection and by the power of the holy Ghost when the Apostles declare the same in the world the whole world should be moued and chaunged And though the vngratious falshood of the high Priestes vndertooke with their lies to hide and suppresse the trueth of Christs resurrection yet God did directe it an other waie Loo●●her with they minded to oppresse the truth 〈◊〉 with the same haue they helped to set it forth and thereby was it signified how the Iewish people should bee blinded and refused And forasmuch as they had no loue vnto the trueth but reiected it it it was moche that they should be blinded and darkened in lyes and that there shoulde errour and blindnsse enough fall vpon them The Angel is not ashamed to call Iesus the crucified for the crosse is the token of Christes victorie through the crosse beganne his honour and glorie through the crosse was death ouercome the crosse is the glorious token of all Christians In the crosse is the exaltation of Christ the heade and of all his members Wee ought not therefore to bee ashamed of the crosse of our Lorde which was crucified for therein standeth our health life and resurrection all our reioicing and glorie Commission is giuen that vnto Peter before other disciples they should declare the Lords resurrectiō that from the feare wherin he stood by reason of the denial he might be deliuered and so comforted He sendeth them to Galilee thither wil he go before them that they might bee safe from the feare of the Iewes which at that time raged horribly Grant vs O God an earnest zeale and loue vnto the poore in whom we may highly honor Iesus thy son And wheras we throgh the weaknes of the flesh are inclined to bee faint hearted and not able of our selues to behold the bright shine and clearnes of his glorious Resurrection strengthen and comfort thou vs by thy holie Angell that wee may constantly beleeue the Resurrection of thy sonne whereby 〈◊〉 receiuing an holy hope of the life to come 〈…〉 immortall Resurrection of our bodies may be 〈◊〉 also to comfort and strengthen others that be 〈◊〉 O make thou this hard earth of our fleshe to 〈◊〉 and mooue through the power of thy spirit to holie fruitfull pennaunce amendment and confession of our life Preserue vs that wee neuer resist the truth nor take part with lies Graunt vs loue vnto the truth keepe vs from errour and blindnesse Let our ioye bee in the crosse
of Iesu Christ thy sonne and our life in his resurrection that wee with him in him may truly rise againe hereto a godly righteous and sober life and in the world to come to the blessed life euerlasting Amen AND the women went out quickly and fled from the sepulchre for they trembled and were amazed Neither said they any thing to anie man for they were affraid Mary Magdalen ranne and came to Simon Peter and to the other Disciple who Iesus loued and said vnto them They haue taken the Lord away out of the Sepulchre we wote not where they haue laid him Then went Peter foorth and the other Disciple and came to the Sepulchre They both ranne together and the other Disciple out-ranne Peter and came sooner to the sepulchre And hee stouped downe and saw the linnen cloathes lying yet went he not in Then came Simon Peter following him and went into the Sepulchre and saw the linnen clothes lying and the napkin that was about his head not lying with the linen cloths but 〈◊〉 togeather in a place by it selfe Ther went in 〈…〉 Disciple which came first to the Sepulchre 〈…〉 and beleeued For as yet they knewe not the 〈…〉 hee should rise againe from death And the 〈◊〉 Disciples went away againe vnto their owne home But Marie stood without at the Sepulchre weeping And as shee wept shee bowed herselfe into the Sepulchre and saw two Aungels in white sitting the one at the head the other at the feete where they had laide the bodie of Iesus And they said vnto her Woman why weepest thou She said vnto them For they haue taken away my Lorde and I wote not where they haue laid him When shee had thus said she turned her selfe backe and saw Iesus standing and knew not that it was Iesus Then said Iesus vnto her Woman why weepest thou Whom seekest thou She supposing that he had beene a gardener saide vnto him Sir if thou haue borne him hence tell me where thou hast laid him and I will fetch him Iesus said vnto her Marie She turned her selfe and said vnto him Raboni which is to say Maister Then said Iesus vnto her Touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my Father But go to my brethren and say vnto them I ascend vp vnto my father and your father vnto my God your God Marie Magdalene came tolde the disciples which had been with the Lord now were weeping and mourning that she had seen the Lord and that he had spoken such things vnto her But though they heard that he was aliue that Mary had seen him yet they beleeued not Doctrine and fruite THE Euangelists do most diligently set forth to vs the resurrectiō of Christ as a thing necessary profitable and ioyfull vnto all faithfull beleeuers For in the resurrection we see how Christ 〈◊〉 and what hope we haue in him But this resurrection do the Euangelists teach according as mans 〈◊〉 ●standing may comprehend it For if Christ had sodainly at once opened himselfe to his Disciples so that other exhortations warninges were not gone before then should they haue taken it but for a plain fantasie and vision as they did when the Lorde appeared vnto them vppon the water Therefore the Euangelistes describe the matter verie distinctly and sundrie wayes so that no man can bee able to suspect anie deceyte First how the women and men came to the sepulchre looked and went in and how they viewed euerie thing throughly not once but oft and manie times the clothes wherein the Lorde was wrapped the heade kerchiefe euerie thing folden together in his seuerall place and how they saw and perceyued that the bodie was not there that the Sepulchre was open the stone rolled away and how the Aungels and heauenly spirits testified that hee was risen agayne Yet for all this they are weak and beleeue it not stedfastly but bee as yet in a doubt Thus GOD permitteth them to wauer and to bee feeble of beleefe and doth not throughly perswade them forthwith and that altogether for our sakes Hee might well sodainely haue certified and assured Thomas and them at the first but thus is it better both for them and vs. For the more a sicke man feeleth his owne disease and woundes the more acceptable is the medicine vnto him The weaker that our beleefe is the more cause haue wee to call vpon God for the increase of faith the more weaknesse we find in our selues the farther are we in debt and the more bound to praise God When hee maketh vs strong and seeing it is his onely strength that staieth vs we ought the lesse to reioyce in our owne Christ in his life time had oft tolde them afore of his resurrection but their mind was so dul that they vnderstood it not neither perceiued they that great mysterie The resurrection of the bodies they could not comprehend but alway vnderstood it otherwise There was much written thereof and that with euident woordes in the Scripture as in the sixteenth Psalme and in the figure of Ionas and yet could not they vnderstand it Which thing neuertheles to beleeue Christ had giuen them occasion sundrie wais As in that hee raised vp Lazarus other which were dead and made them aliue againe In all his preaching and doctrine he declared that this was vnto him in no wise vnpossible by reason of the diuine power working in him For all this the disciples are yet so weake that they vnderstand it not all Therfore doth the godly wisedome lead them still by little and little to make them stronger declaring vnto them certaine assured euidences as that the bodie was not in the sepulchre but that the clothes lay there wrapt together for these were vndoubted tokens that he was risen vp againe For if any man had taken him out of the sepulchre as Magdalen thoght he could not haue had so much time and leisure as to loose vp the bands and to vndoo the clothes from the bodie but had taken and carried awaie the clothes and bodie together For the clothes dyd cleaue hard fast to the bodie partly by reason of the 〈◊〉 and partly through the Aloes and Myrrhe than the bodie was dressed withall But for all this they are weake still and in doubt vntill such time as the Lord himselfe doth strengthen them Therefore euen Marie also as feruent as shee is iudgeth not the bodie to be risen againe but to bee stollen and priuily carryed awaie thus God openeth himselfe vnto whom and when hee will for though wee see sometimes many great and wonderfull workes though wee reade and heare much of the Scriptures yet remaineth our hart still ignorant neither doth the doctrine take effect till Christ open it and till he himselfe be schoole-master within Who so would rather haue another and higher sense or exposition than this it may bee vnderstood that Christ appeareth vnto those which mourne and weepe and
Mary is the annointed king and high Priest the sauior of the world promised of God spoken of afore by the Prophets And euen hee it is who being of the heauenly father annointed king euerlasting was to come after Dauid to raigne for euer This king is the redeemer and sauiour of mankind the very true sonne of God If we beleeue in Christ we beleeue in the true God one onely God we honor one onely God we worship Seeing now that we honor worship Christ we worship God for only God is to be worshipped Forasmuch now as we worship the sonne no lesse than the father it is certaine that Christ is of one nature with the father yea this ought we to beleeue that he came downe into this world to die for vs to wash and wipe away our sins to kill sin in our mortal flesh when he maketh vs partakers of his passion mightily worketh in vs by his spirite in mortifieng our carnall desires We must also beleeue that he by his godly power arose againe from death to a new glorious immortall life For if we thought that hee died beleeued not that he were risen againe to life wee should haue no life in him For vs he died for our sakes hee rose againe for our welfare reigneth he for euer A newe godly blessed life worketh hee in vs with his resurrection and after this life haue we in him life euerlasting AFterward did Iesus shew himselfe againe at the sea of Tiberias And on this wise shewed he himselfe There were together Simon Peter and Thomas which is called Did●●us and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee the sons of Zebedee and two other of his disciples Simon Peter saith vnto them I will go a fishing They say vnto him We also will go with thee They went their way and entred into a shippe immediately and that night caught they nothing But when the morning was now come Iesus stoode on the sh●●e but the Disciples knewe not that it was Iesus Iesus saith vnto them Children haue ye any meat They answered him no. And he saith vnto them Cast out the net on the right side of the ship and ye shal find They cast out therfore and anone they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes Then said the Disciple whom Iesus loued to Peter It is the Lord. When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord he girt his coate vnto him for he was naked and sprang into the sea The other Disciples came by shippe for they were not farre from lande but as it were two hundred cubites and they drew the nette with fishes As soone then as they were come to land they sawe hote coales and fish layde thereon and bread Iesus saith vnto them Bring of the fish that yee now haue caught Simon Peter went vp and drew the net to the land full of great fishes an hundred and three and fiftie And for all there were so many yet was not the net broken Iesus saith vnto them Come and dine And none of the disciples durst aske him What art thou For they knew that it was the Lord Iesus then came tooke breade and gaue them and fish likewise This is now the third time that Iesus appeared to his Disciples after that he was risen againe from death Doctrine and fruite WE read in the holy Euangelists that at the first Christ called his disciples namelie Peter and the others from fishing which they also left and came to Christ who told them that he would make them fishers of men Now when hee wil send them out to that office depart from them he appeareth againe vnto them at their fishing And like as he did afore at their vocatiō he doth before them a great miracle in the which hee admonisheth them of their office and chargeth them diligently to care for his sheepe committed vnto them But first he proueth his resurrection to stablish and confirme their weake faith therby commaunding them afterward to bring other folks also thereto This historie in it selfe is euident enough therefore ought wee first to consider it after the letter for the letter also teacheth for it self Christ like as he appeared vnto those that were sorrowful mourned so doth he heere appeare vnto those that labour and trauaile Christ gaue his disciples authoritie out of the Gospell that they preach to take a competent honest liuing as foode and necessaries of the bodie● and yet did not hee restrayne them that they should not or might not labour when occasion serueth Therefore Paule also vsed not that liberty at certaine times but labored with his owne hands and wan his meate So did the Disciples of Christ exercise themselues in their labour For when they were come into Galelee from the feast of Easter which they had kept at Hierusalem afore the holy ghost was giuen them they would not goe idle and thereby become a burthen vnto other men for he that goeth idle lieth vpon other folkes eating that theirs is and ouerchargeth them but vndertake to get their owne lyuing with their handy worke which they had vsed afore Whereby wee must learne to apply our selues vnto labour and not to bee idle for idlenes is the mother of many and great vices Euery man ought to haue an honest traiuaile to bee exercised either with the body or with the minde Who so laboureth not must not eat Man was created to labour as the bird to flie Therfore ought euery father to bring vp his children in honest exercise from their youth vp that the deuill get no place in their hearts which yet commeth to passe if he finde them idle The first commaundement giuen to our forefather Adam after the fall was this In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread Now when we in true faith and confidence vnto God doe take in hand the worke that he hath committed vnto our charge we ought not to doubt God shal prosper it and giue vs his rich and gracious blessing in it as it is written Prouer. 3. In althy waies remember the Lord and hee shall direct and order thy doings Eccles 5.9 Heere is also to bee considered how Christ vttereth his godly power before his disciples in the great miracle that hee did in their sight to confirme our faith in him For out of the appearing of Christ groweth faith Psal 85. And his true resurrection will hee print in them in that he appeareth vnto them eateth with them Heere wee see the ardent desire of Peter which leapeth into the sea as soone as he heareth that it is the Lord he that afore had denied him maketh now speedie hast againe vnto him Though wee of mans feeblenesse and feare doo fall into sinne yet alwaies whē we heare God in his word we ought forth with to turne againe vnto him and so shall hee with the lost sonne graciously receiue and embrace is agayne In that
testifieth of these things wrote these things and we know that his testimony is true There are also many other things that Iesus did which if they should bee waitten euerie one I suppose the world could not contain the bookes that should be written Doctrine and fruite THE former wordes which Christ spake vnto Peter Follow me were spoken vnto him in this meaning that he should followe the foot-steps and passion of Christ namely with worde and deed to goe the waie that Christ had gone But in asmuch as Peter is a figure of the Church Christ spake those wordes not onely vnto him but vnto all faithful beleeuers For the Church of Christ while shee dwelleth heere temporally in many troubles and afflictions she foloweth Christ her spouse and head who also deliuereth her from all aduersitie Shee loueth Christ and in the behalfe of his truth she striueth vntill the death for seeing Christ dyed for all it is meet that they which are his doo follow his foot-steppes To followe Christ is nothing else than stoutly to suffer and ouercome despite and pouertie in this world for his sake And God truly euen in his wrath which wee with our sinnes deserue cannot forget his mercie Ouer and besides the manifolde comfort and helpe which he otherwise declareth vnto vs he hath giuen vs his own sonne to be our mediator by whom if we put our trust in him we should be saued deliuered from eternall death that we liuing from hence forth still in faith hope and charitable loue as pilgrimes in this world and beeing in all troubles aduersities preserued by the corporall and spirituall comfort of God might walke innocently before his sight in him who is become our way vnto God It is no vile thing to suffer to be put to death for Christ and his truths sake yea a man cannot die a more honorable death than when for the truth innocently he suffereth with a good conscience and with an vpright minde No man in deede ought to put himselfe in daunger arrogantly wilfully or for vaine-glorie Wheras Peter asketh a question concerning the disciple whom the Lord loued what he should doo it is a nicenesse and vnprofitable curiositie that serueth nothing to edification and therefore it pleaseth not the Lord. Whatsoeuer edifieth not that ought not we to desire of Christ Let euery man looke to himselfe waiting vpon his owne businesse and office and not to be curious in another mans matter whatsoeuer is not committed vnto his charge and belongeth not vnto him let him not meddle withal Peter loued Christ so did he them also therefore asked he what should become of him and whether he should remayne styll ot die for hee was verie loth and vnwilling to departe from him And so he passed more vpon Iohn than vppon the precept and commission of Iesus Christ Such curious backe looking doth the Lord rebuke Wee many and sundrie times doo regarde and esteeme more the thing that wee loue than that which God commaundeth and biddeth vs. But such loue is verie hurtfull and especially in those that should be soul shepherds Christs wil is that they haue respect to his worke and commandement and with a feruent loue to perfourme the same not medling with other busines not needfull To enquire curiously of other mens matters bringeth not alway profit but much rather vnquietnes Therefore Christ remoouing Peter from such curious questions draweth his mind vnto a better thing namely to follow him As for that which he desireth to know Christ telleth him that it is no point of his charge as if Christ would say what hast thou to doo with other folkes busines Thou hast heard what I haue commanded thee look that thou faithfully do the same What inquirest thou after other mens matters Thus looking diligently and faithfully to our own charge and expelling the affection of the flesh wee should neither desire curiously to aske any thing beyond the will of God neither to looke vpon any other men but vprightly to follow the Lord. Here also we learne that in the commission and final departure of the faithfull there be manifold differēces Some rest in the Lord blessedly without any speciall heauy affliction but some it pleaseth God to bring through sore trauaile and exceeding trouble laying the greater burthen vpon him according as it was tolde Peter afore hand that he should be crucified but not Iohn They now that are admitted to feede Christ his sheepe prepare themselues and bee alwaies readie without any curiosity to follow the will of God Whereas Iohn in the conclusion of his booke refuteth the erroneous opinion of some it is an euidence of his meeknesse and sinceritie It was not so spoken of the Lorde saith hee that the same Disciple should not die whereby Iohn confessed that he himselfe also was mortall His writing wil he haue credited for he hath written nothing saue onely the truth wherof he may well testifie that which he hath seene Yet saith he hath not written all but only that whereby we may obtaine eternall life as wee haue heard sufficiently afore THE eleuen Disciples went away into Galilee into a mountaine whereas Iesus had appointed them And when they saw him they worshipped him but some doubted And Iesus saide These are the wordes which I spake vnto you while I was yet with you that all must needs be fulfilled which were written of me in the lawe of Moses and in the Prophets and in the Psalmes Then opened hee their wittes that they might vnderstand the Scriptures and saide vnto them Thus is it written and thus it behooued Christ to suffer and to rise againe from death the third day and that repentance and remission of sinne should be preached in his name among all nations and must begin at Hierusalem And ye are witnesses of these thinges And behold I will send the promise of my Father vppon you But tarrie ye in the Cittie of Hierusalem till ye be endewed with power from on high Doctrine and fruite THE Lorde minding to make his Disciples assured of his Resurrection instructeth them first well in his passion which hee declareth out of the Scripture and printeth it in their hearts He teacheth them that it was necessarie that Christ should suffer and die yea euen thus to die namely vppon a crosse vpon a tree On the tree was the transgression committed vpon the tree behooued it the restitution to bee made vpon the tree was death fetched vpon the tree was life giuen vpon the tree must satisfaction bee made for the lustes of the flesh which on the tree were first conceiued And would God that we rightly knew the passion and crosse of our Lorde Iesu Christ then shoulde the glorie of the resurrection be well knowne and loued of vs. O Iesu graunt vs grace right to consider what wherefore and with what loue and feruentnes thou hast suffered for vs then shall our heart feele profitably enioy the sweete fruite of thy
they might not think What should we poore simple bodies doe against so many learned wise men Who wil arme vs against those that are so mightie Therfore he breatheth vpon them saith Receyue the holie Ghost whome hee there giueth them and therewith strengtheneth them inwardly but with much more power and might vpon Whitsonday whereupon he commandeth them to wait at Hietusalem where he will send them the promise of the Father cloathing the weake with heauenlie strength as with a garment and arming them as with a shield What good thing then can hee lacke or what euill thing can hurt him which is his messenger that hath all power in heauen and in earth and with whome such a king is euer abiding But when Christ would send out his disciples he saith vnto them As my father hath sent me so send I you Whereunto did the father send his sonne into the world Euen that hee should open the glorie of the father vnto the world that he should declare the will of the heauenly Father that hee shoulde offer health vnto the worlde This to doe Christ also sent foorth his Disciples He sent them not to seeke after vaine-glorie after power and riches after bodilie pleasure and worldly pompe but to do as he himself did Christ sought the lost sheepe brought men vnto the knowledge and loue of the true liuing GOD taught them to lead a vertuous and honest life Hee was a Phisition went to the sicke helped them and healed them he was not come to do his owne will but the will of his Father hee was not come to condemne the world but to saue it In all this ought the ministers of the worde to followe Christ and to do as he did Vnto this new heauenly and godlie life and worke Christ giueth them the holie Ghost For like as hee himselfe was risen into a newe life Euen so through his holie spirite will hee graunt and giue a newe life vnto those that are his Therefore breatheth hee vppon them to declare that it is hee who at the beginning made man and nowe by his death had quickened him and renewed him and that euen he is the fountaine and giuer of the spirite Thus vnto his Disciples he gaue the firstlinges of the promised spirite and with it a taste of more and greater perfection as an earnest pennie All this declareth what belongeth to true Apostles and Ministers of the worde which are sent of Christ for no man sendeth himselfe what their office is and that they which seeke the pleasures of the bodie honor praise and riches are not followers of Christ and successors of the Apostles Wherefore most diligently ought wee to pray vnto GOD that he will giue vs faithfull Ministers of the worde which looking truelie to the worke of Christ maye leade vs vnto God But forasmuch as without the holy Ghost nothing can be fruitfully done we must neuerthelesse praie for his holy spirite who may in vs stirre vp holy thoughts and deuout desires directing and mouing our will and so giuing power and strength to accomplish the works of God and steadfastly therin to continue and that the same holy spirit may illuminate and kindle our minds and prouoke them vnto all good and godly works Considering then that the keies which were promised vnto Peter in him to the whole Church Matthew 16. are heere giuen of Christ wee will also intreate somewhat thereof These keyes are nothing else than the Gospell Christ now deduceth his oration from the common custome of men Like as things corporal are shut and opened with the key so be the consciences of men shut or bound with the Gospell Thus are these the keies which Christ giueth vnto the Apostles vnburdening of consciences and souls And that commeth to passe when the holy Ghost illuminateth the mind that it vnderstandeth the misteries of Christ committeth it selfe therevnto To bee discharged or vnbound is when the minde that hath despaired of health or saluation is lifte vp to an assured and vndoubted hope To binde is to leaue the obstinate vnbeleeuing minde vnto it selfe Iesus therefore sendeth foorth his disciples to publish this health vnto the whole world and to exclude separate no man from this grace But first he giueth them the holy Ghost as Iohn sayth that is he openeth their mindes that they may vnderstand the Scriptures as Luke saith for what is it else to open the vnderstanding but to giue the holy Ghost Meete is it also and conuenient that they which by the Gospell should beare Christ throughout the whole world should receiue the holy ghost For if they should preach Christ it was necessarie they had Christs spirit seeing that Christ they had one manner of thing in hand as Christ was sent of God so were they sent of Christ Without fruit verily should the ministers of the word preach the gospel if they were not endued illuminated and inspired with the holy Ghost Preach saith he the gospel that is the key wherewith the gate of heauen is opened Who so beleeueth the Gospell when hee heareth it preached and vnderstandeth it feeleth comfort in his conscience that he is deliuered from sinne Now doth the Gospell set before vs not onely the grace of God by Christ throgh the which grace our sinnes are forgiuen vs but also it teacheth and requireth a new life Neyther doth anie man begin a new life vnles he first be ashamed of the former old and wicked life Therefore saith Luke that Christ opened the mindes and vnderstanding of the disciples that they might perceiue the Scriptures namely that he might thus and thus suffer and rise again and that in his name that is in his commandement and power conuersion of life and forgiuenesse of sinnes should bee preached and declared among all people Therefore when the poore sinner through the preaching of the holy Ghost heareth his wicked and sinfull life for the holy gospel rebuketh the world of sinne he beginneth to knowe himselfe a sinner and to be displeased repentant and sorrie for his sinnes he considereth also that he is well worthie of eternal punishment and damnation By meanes whereof through the multitude and greatnesse of his sinnes he vtterly dispaireth in his owne power and righteousnesse and eternall saluation But therewithall he heareth also that Christ by reason of his sins came downe from heauen and dyed for him vppon the crosse washed away al his sinnes with his bloud hath reconciled him with God made him Gods child an eternall inheritour of his kingdome And this he stedfastly beleeueth I pray you doth not such a mans heart leape for ioy when hee heareth that thorough Christ he is discharged of all the sinnes that so sore pressed him The keies therefore are the pure word of God which teacheth men to know themselues and to put their trust in God through Christ With that word with those keies do the ministers of the worde open
our Easter lambe who also was offered vp Vpon the fiftith day when the fruites began now to be ripe readie to be reaped the haruest also being great and the labourers few then sent God his spirit to prepare and furnish the Disciples that they from amongst the heathen might gather fruite togeather vnto 〈…〉 ●ore time when the children 〈…〉 out of Egypt the law was gi● 〈…〉 people vpon the fift day euen 〈…〉 ●nient that vpon the fift day the holie 〈…〉 be giuen to the Disciples which ho● 〈…〉 is both an interpreter and fulfiller of the ●we The place where the holie Ghost was giuen is Sion for there Christ commaunded his Disciples to waite and from that place should the law of GOD according to the saying of the Prophets proceede foorth into the whole world Therefore like as afore time the law was giuen vpon mount Sinay euen so was the spirit giuen vpon mount Sion Vppon Sinai did God at that time with some terrible thinges declare his might and power his plague also and vengeance which should fall vppon those that despised his lawe and therefore was there such fearefulnes through lightnings thunderings and other like terrible thinges Here there is heard a noyse mightie vehement but not horrible feareful in the which winde is signified that the doctrine of the spirit shuld speedily with power breake in through the world and bring fruit and that no man should be so mightie as to hinder the strength therof euen as the wind in his course can by no man be kept backe Whereas fierie tongues do appeare and are seen it signifieth the manifolde speeches and instruction which the spirit giueth to Christs Disciples the zeal also feruentnes that he worketh in their harts making them altogether fire and kindling them in such sort that euen their words are feruent and pierce afterwards into the hearts of others A● 〈…〉 feare and coldnes remoueth he out of the 〈…〉 they are not afraid manfully to steppe foorth 〈…〉 all the people although not long before 〈…〉 not abide but fledde from the Lord. Now they confesse him to bee the Sauiour of all the world whom they before had denyed Whereas the tongues were diuided it signifieth the diuersitie of the giftes of the spirite Christ promised them in Marke 16. that they should speake with other tungs or with a new speech or language which promise is now performed vnto them The tongues of Christian men ought to be garnished with gentlenesse and with the holie Ghost that no foule or wanton talke proceed out of their mouth The tongues that pronounce and confesse Christ the eternall truth his sincere spirit must not lie neither talke anie vnclean hurtfull nor venemous thing for vnto all such is the spirite enemie Therefore are they not fleshly but fierie and spirituall tongues out of the which the fire of the spirite hath consumed all moisture of worldly and carnal wantonnes and God with his owne loue hath kindled them How could the Apostles else haue been instructors of the whole world if the spirite had not taught them the diuersitie of tongues Oh the great wisedome and grace of God who at all times for our wealth hath set forth and offered vnto vs poore men his high spirituall heauenly things vnder corporall and visible tokens For how might we carnall men els vnderstand godly matters if they were not exhibited with visible and bodily thinges 〈…〉 God alwaies this custome that hee 〈…〉 ●nto vs his high gifts vnder those tokens 〈…〉 most knowen of vs and likest vnto those 〈…〉 which hee offereth vs and so with humaine 〈◊〉 hee couereth diuine and godly thinges Not that God is closed or shut in with things of men but that celestiall and heauenly things forsoorth vnto vs by such as bee earthly might be of vs the better vnderstood For els euery man of knowledge wotteth well that the holy Ghost is not a dooue neither a winde a tongue fire nor water For GOD is not a thing corporall neither a thing that can bee felt or comprehended with outward senses Notwithstanding things inuisible are the better knowen and perceiued of vs when they be set forth and represented by visible thinges namely by such as haue some similitude with the inuisible and spiritual things And so farre as naturall things may set foorth heauenlie matters doe perfectly describe before our eies the nature and propertie of them Therefore doth the spirite appeare in the fourme of firie tongues and with a sound that thereby the two principall senses of man might bee mooued namely his hearing and seeing for the sound toucheth the eares and the fire mooueth the sight Like as Christ also in the supper with bread and wine to mooue the outward senses of man thought to represent his body and bloud For by bread is signified vnto vs the true body of Christ which died for vs vppon the crosse and by wine the bloud that was shed for our sinnes which true flesh and bloud they that beleeue doe at the supper eate and drinke through faith By the which foode and sustenance their soules are vpholden to the gratious and eternal life Thus with exterior tokens it pleased the wisedom of God to guide the outward senses of his Disciples into the obedience of faith and vnder the same to signifie and declare the strength operation of the holie Ghost For like as the winde bloweth through the whole earth piercing moouing and altering all priuie and secrete places Euen so the spirit of God goeth through all things searching all secret corners and inward mindes of men Mightily also hee woorketh in mens hearts kindling and chaunging them He is the cleare pure and hote fire that consumeth all filthines of sinne inspiring mens harts and drawing them vpward to God Without this spirit may a man worke no fruitfull thing yea thinke no good thing For man is nothing but flesh neither considereth hee of himselfe ought that is spirituall or godly but onely carnall thinges Forasmuch now as the wisest most gratious God knoweth this so to bee whereas hee hath made man his creature to haue fruition of himselfe he wil not suffer him to corrupt in the flesh but giue him his owne holie spirite God the father through Christ his eternal word did shape man out of the mould of the earth created him after his owne similitude and li●●nes Now is God a spirite therefore the image of God in man must needs be spirituall which image in the inward man is such a thing as partly dooth expresse and declare God that created him But when man being deceiued through the deuil fell into sinne and lost this image then the proportion of Gods pure spirite in whome his image was printed was defaced and the image of God lost his beautie So that the noble man who at the first was of God so faire and goodly fashioned and beautified in the similitude of
thinke well if it were so concluded in the councell of God then are not we guiltie of his death hee aunswereth vnto the same sayth Vnrighteous men broght him therto it is ye your selues that slew him crucified him As if he would say yea euen so behoued it to be that the righteousnes of God for the sinne of mankinde might be satisfied Christ must needs die to recompence and wash away with his bloud the sinne of all the world And yet yee Iewes which haue betrayed Christ and brought him to the crosse are not vniustly accused yee cannot through the fore ordinance of God discharge your selues that ye be without sin seeing ye haue slaine the sauiour of the worlde hee being guiltles By this now we learne that when we do wrong and euill wee may not excuse our selues with the free ordinaunce of God for it is not God but the deuill and our owne wickednes that prouoketh vs to sinne And heere we see that when the grace of GOD through the Gospell is offered vnto the worlde the sinne and vice also wherein the worlde is intangled must be spoken of and touched for no man can bee iustified and come to the helth of his soule through Christ which doth not first know confesse his sin wickednes How can he be made whole that will will not know his owne disease and sicknes Therefore doth Peter sette before their eyes their great sin which they had committed against the innocent sonne of God saying The innocent and righteous whom God had giuen vnto you haue ye slaine and crucified which is a great wickednes sinne Now go to on your behalfe it was euill done and greuously offended but on his behalfe it was so ordayned before Therefore at his death which in the sight of the world was so shamefull and vile yee ought not to bee offended that yee therefore would holde the lesse of him or not receiue and know him for a sauiour For if you looke vpon his former conuersation the same was innocent pure and holie therefore cannot yee doubt but hee was sent of God Besides this ye haue perceyued and seene God to be euerie where in his workes for the tokens and wonders which hee shewed and declared amongst you giue euident knowledge that God was in him wroght in him presently for no man had beene able to doe the tokens that he did vnlesse God had beene with him Which tokens also were spoken of before by the Prophets concerning Christ and by those tokens must ye know and confesse that he is euen the true Messias of whom the Prophets spake Wherefore considering that by his former doctrine godly power ye knowe that hee is the true Messias yee ought not to bee offended that hee as an euill dooer was crucified vpon the crosse for it was the speciall determination of God that Messias should be crucified according to the foresayings of the Prophets Consider yee also that the Prophets likewise spake of his resurrection from death by the which ye may well perceiue that he is the true Messias Thus earnest is Peter beating into them the resurrection from the dead and that out of the Scripture For Christs resurrection from death is a strong argument to proue his godhead as it is taught Rom. 1. Iohn 20. Yea he died saith Peter for our sinnes but nowe he is aliue and risen againe from death death hath no more power ouer him for he liueth for euer and his kingdome is euerlasting Yea vnpossible it was that the sonne of God should corrupt in the earth sepulchre namely he that is the firstling risen from the dead and that from his owne godly power Seeing that these wordes of Peter concerning the resurrection and life of Christ were little credited among the Iewes he alleadgeth the 15. psalm of Dauid who amongst them was in great reputation But now might the Iewes say or thinke Dauid speaketh these words of himselfe and not of Christ that weapon therefore dooth Peter take from them and proueth that the same words may in no wise be referred vnto Dauid but that Dauid as a Prophet hauing knowledge of things to come spake them of Christ in whom they be now fulfilled and thus hee saith YEe men and brethren let me freely speake vnto you of the Patriarch Dauid for he is both dead and buried and his sepulchre remaineth with vs vntill this day Therefore seeing he was a Prophet and knew that God had sworne vnto him with an oath that Christ as concerning the flesh should come of the fruites of his loynes and shoulde sitte on his seate he knowing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ that his soule should not bee left in hell neyther his flesh should see corruption This Iesus hath God raised vp whereof we all are witnesses Doctrine and fruit THe Prophet Dauid speaketh of one whose flesh should not corrupt now could not hee haue spoken this of himselfe for his flesh corrupted in the sepulchre which wee yet haue and his bones lie yet in the sepulchre by the which it may well bee perceiued that Dauid as a Prophet knowing of things to come spake of another which should bee borne out of his owne loynes and seede whom God with a solemne oath had promised to sitte vpon his seate and raigne after him not onely for a season but also that his gouernance kingdome and dominion should be perpetuall and endure for euer And this king is Christ the true Messias who as concerning the flesh was borne of the seede of Dauid and is his sonne If this sonne now of Dauid had after death remained still in death and not risen from death againe how could hee then raigne for euer It is euident therefore that Dauid out of the holy Ghost who had opened this vnto him prophecied it of the resurrection of Christ his sonne the eternall king For though hee as a verie man died indeede vppon the crosse and was then buried yet his soule or life remained not in death neither did his body resolue into corruption as other mens but on the third day he rose again from death to life This must we needs testifie for after his resurrection he appear dost vnto vs. We saw him we heard him we handled him we did eate and drinke with him Heere wee learne that the Saintes in the old Testament vnderstood knew by faith the resurrection and eternal kingdom of Christ seeing they prophecied of it so euidently Here is also proued that Christ died in very deed yet abode not still in death forasmuch as hee ouercame it Also that the power and vertue of his holie passion and death came not onely to the liuing vpon earth but vnto all those that died before him according as Saint Peter in his Epistle and the Article of our beleefe He descended into hel declareth Wherof in the Catechisme vpon the Creed there is made mention sufficient SIthens now that he by the
right hand of God is exalted and hath receiued of the Father the promise of the holie Ghost he hath shed foorth this gift which yee now see and heare For Dauid is not ascended into heauen but he saith The Lorde saide to my Lorde Sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy foot stoole Doctrine and fruite WE beleeue that Iesus Christ our king and Sauiour is not onely risen againe from death to life but also is ascended vp into heauen sitteth at the right hand of God and raigneth for euer For though hee heere a season was despised and refused as the stone of the builders yet hath the strong hand of God exalted him and mightily wrought in him Which thing may well bee perceiued by this as Saint Peter heere valiantly concludeth that hee sendeth downe from on high such an excellent gift of the holy Ghost vpon those that are his This is a sure euidence that he mightily raigneth at the right hand of God and hath all things in his hand seeing he hath power of the spirite of God whom he poureth into the hearts of his and that sometime in visible manner For the glorious triumpher ascending vp to heauen with great victorie did after the custome of great kings and let fall his giftes downe vppon vs and parted them among vs namely the gifts of the holy Ghost whom he as man receiued of the Father but after the godhead he had him alwaie for of the father and of the sonne there is one onely spirite Neither may this bee applied vnto Dauid for though hee as a iust friend of GOD bee saued and come to heauen yet did not hee immediatly after death ascend into heauen with bodie and soule that he might be reported to sit at the right hand of God for his wordes speake of another whome he calleth his Lord namely in the hundreth and ninth Psalme he saith God the Father sayd vnto my Lorde euen the Sonne Sit thou on my right hand So therefore let all the house of Ierusalem know for a suretie that God hath made this Iesus whom ye haue crucified Tord and Messias Doctrine and fruit WIth these wordes doth Peter conclude his Oration exhorting them not to doubt Iesus Christ to be the same annointed sauiour and king who of God the father was first promised then giuen for the deliuerance of the people of the Iewes and of all nations In this conclusion is comprehended the summe of the whole Christian faith namely that wee beleeue that Iesus who was borne of the virgine Marie and crucified of the Iewes is the true Christ that is to saie Messias euen the king that was ordained annointed of God to raigne foreuer ouer all faithful beleeuers Lorde of the whole world and sauiour of all such as put their trust in him This hath God the Father opened and set forth vnto vs by myracles by the resurrection by the ascension by the power of the holy Ghost that wee might beleeue it and not doubt thereof Therefore saith Iohn Who so beleeueth that Iesus is Christ the same is borne of God WHen they heard this they were prickt in their hearts and said vnto Peter and to the other Apostles Ye men and brethren what shall we doe Peter said vnto them Repent of your sinnes and be baptised euerie one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinners and yee shall receiue the gifte of the holy Ghost For the promise was made vnto you to your children and to all that are a farre off euen as many as the Lord our God shall call And with many other words bare he witnesse and exhorted them saying Saue your selues from this vntoward generation Then they that gladly receiued his preaching were baptised And the same daie there were added vnto them about three thousand soules Doctrine and fruite THis is the fruit and end which followeth out of the preaching of the worde of God that they whose heartes God toucheth are so sorrie for theyr sinnes that it euen pearceth them for Gods word is euen a sharpe two edged sword and entreth through to the depth Blessed are all they which so reade and heare the word of God that they begin to be ashamed of their sinnes and wickednesse beeing repentant and sorrie therefore A blessed and wholsome sorrow is that which riseth and groweth out of the truth which is opened vnto the heart by the holy Ghost Which spirite in the heart giueth hope vpon the mercie of God and driueth awaie all despaire Then beginneth a man to aske What shall I doo Then enquireth he after the will of God and such a man that so asketh is easie to be helped soone is he healed that knowing his disease would faine be made whole Vnto such a man doth the faithfull Minister of Christ giue counsell out of the Scripture and sheweth him the fruit of Christ preached and knowen He doth not bid him bestow monie on solemnities and Diriges on Images Monisteries or co●les in●●●ying of pardons He doth not will to runne vnto Rome or to Lawret but requireth of him the best and most profitable thing of all namely amendement conuersion of life Our mindes our workes and maners must be altered if we will please God Who so saith with his heart that he beleeueth in Christ holding Christ for his sauiour and king must forsake his euil waie eschuing euill and doing good Iere. 7.11 Isa 1 Niniue stood still vpright when they tooke vppon them true conuersion and amendement As for Hierusalem though they offered many sacrifices fasted much it helped not because there was no true reformation and forsaking of sinne needs must they be destroied and miserablie perish To botch or patch the matter it will not helpe there is no remedie wee must become godly and vertuous of life it auaileth not to dissemble God looketh into the heart which he will haue pure and vnfained Forasmuch then as we through baptisme in the faith of Christ haue receiued Christ and are marked out for him hauing once forgiuenesse of sinnes through the grace and gift of Christ let vs be of a vertuous lfe walking innocently and in the feare of God Let vs die therefore to the innocencie which is restored vnto vs againe through Christ let vs daily remember to harken follow the admonishment of the spirit which teacheth vs all good things We are they vnto whom God hath promised his grace of the spirite yea and vnto our children also so farre as we abide in his couenants Let vs thankfully receiue such excellent grace deare brethren being ware that we stain not the temple of Iesus Christ and of his holy spirit with filthinesse of the worlde that wee neuer make our selues partakers in the iniquitie of wicked and faithlesse men but to leade here a pure and cleane conuersation with a good conscience before GOD our most louing father and alwaie lift vp our minds vnto
the place where Christ our Lord and king raignneth at the right hand of God from whence he shall come and take vs vnto himselfe At all times therefore ought we to watch and wait for his comming that we may ioyfully receiue him and bee partakers with him in eternall blisse Heere also we learne how faithfull beleeuers vse themselues in the outward Sacraments They that being moued by the inspiration of the holy Ghost in theyr hearts doo heare the eternall word preached giuing credite vnto it gladly receiuing it these doo not afterward despise the outward Sacraments which GOD hath instituted for the welfare of his Church but vse the same with all obedience good will and reuerence To vse the Sacraments without faith profiteth not but rather hurteth to be loth to vse them declareth a compulsion and vnbeleefe For though the water in baptisme be an outward thing and cannot cleanse the soule from sinne yet the faithfull doo know right well that Christ the eternall wisedome in whom they beleeue did not institute it in vaine and therefore will not they contemne or leaue vnexercised the ordinance of theyr head to whome they as members are incorporated by faith For they knowe that Christ with these outwarde tokens thought to couple and knit together the members of his holy Church in obedience and loue one towards another whereby they knowing one another among themselues might by such exteriour things stirre and prouoke one another to loue and godlynesse They know also that the sacraments are euidences of the promise grace of God which they after a visible and palpable manner do set forth declare and represent vnto vs. These tokens of grace doth no man vse more deuoutly and with more reuerence than he that in himselfe is certified and assured of the gracious fauour of God as we see in Cornelius in Paul and in Queene Candaces chamberlaine What fruite followeth the preaching of the Gospell it is heere euidently seene for in one daie at Peters preaching by the working of the holy Ghost there came three thousand men to the Church of God God suffereth not his word to passe voide and vnfruitfull Verie earnest therefore diligent ought we to be and to spare no trauell cost and labor that the pure and sincere Gospell the word of truth may euerie where be preached by good and faithful men not doubting God wil giue blessed successe thereto that the seed sowen by the minister shall bring forth fruit AND they continued in the Apostles doctrine in the fellowship in the breaking of bread and in praiers Doctrine and fruite TO indure crowneth and rewardeth all workes who so indureth vnto the end shall bee saued without continuance may no good thing bee brought to end and fruit Therefore is it now declared how the word preached in the Church of God bringeth fruit and what the same fruites be wherein faithfull beleeuers do exercise themselues Saint Luke mencioneth foure thinges that proceed out of the faith in Christ for faith is not voide nor idle but worketh without ceasing in them that beleeue Therefore here we finde a patterne myrrour how it ought to goe in the Church of Christ for where these foure things bee there is Christes Church First the Church of Christ which is the felowship of all Saintes and faithfull beleeuers indureth abideth and continueth in the doctrine of the Apostles for euerie thing is preserued with that out of the which it is borne now is the Church of God borne first of the word of truth therfore in the word of truth also must it indure and be kept daily must it be planted nourished and watered with the worde and doctrine the successe the increase doth God giue The doctrine of the Apostles is nothing else but the boly Gospell which the sonne of God committed vnto them which they receued of him which also the Prophets before Christ spake of by the holy Ghost What Gospel was preached by the Apostles it is easie to perceiue by the aforesayd Sermon of Peter and of others in the Acts by the Euangelists and Epistles of the Apostles namely that God so loued the world that he gaue his only begotten Sonne for it that whosoeuer beleeueth on him should not perish but haue eternall life Also he dyed for vs rose agayne from death ascended vp to heauen and sitteth there at the right hand of God being king and high Priest for euer in whose name all knees must bow without whom there is none other name giuen vnto men in whome wee must bee saued than the onely name of Iesus whose bloud washeth awaie our sins and he is the onely perpetuall mediation betweene God and vs. In this doctrine continueth the Church beeing builded vpon the sure rocke Iesus Christ and is not moued or driuen awaie by euerie winde of strange and inconstant doctrine Shee hearkneth not to the voice of anie other but of Iesus her shepheard In the doctrine of the Apostles there is no deceit no guile no poison And in this doctrine is found none of those things which certayne yeres after the Apostles were brought in by Romish Bishops as Masses Diriges Cloisters worshipping of Idols setting vp of Images buying of pardons forbidding of this or that meate First now doth faith in Christ bring forth this fruit in the Church namely in faithfull beleeuers that it draweth them to the doctrine of the truth by the which they became beleeuers and in the same it maketh them to continue that they neyther hearken nor giue credite to anie false errronious doctrine for they do verie assuredly know that such doctrines are not wholesome but venimous and hurtfull But in the Gospell of our sauiour Iesus Christ and in the doctrine of the holie Apostles they are sure to finde the truth which nourisheth and preserueth them vnto eternall lyfe The Church of God abhorreth all vntruth for she knoweth it is of the deuill but of the trueth is she desirous for she knoweth that the same commeth of God and bringeth vnto GOD againe This Euangelicall truth and doctrine of the Apostles in the which the Church of God and all the members of Christ must continue hath beene of long time euen from the beginning comprehended in certayne Articles which wee call the Creede whereof there is sufficient mention made in the Catechisme Among the true children and seruauntes of God also there is no schisme doubt nor diuision concerning the head and chiefe Articles in the which they are well and firmely established fully perswaded and of one minde and consent And whereas there be some men which ouer-reach and goe beyond this marke willing other men and compelling Christians as farre as in them lyeth thereto teaching those to bee heretikes and damned that cleaue to the onely doctrine of the Apostles The same commeth and proceedeth of the presumptuous arrogancie of flesh who esteemeth his owne inuention more than that which God speaketh As when they saie
thou thorough thy Gospell doest send vnto vs for without him is no safegard but eternall death damnation From which keep vs good Lord for thy mercies sake Amen FINIS Iohn 13. Luk. 22. 1. Cor. 5. Esay 53. Iohn 1 Exod. 12. 〈◊〉 67. 1 Pet. 1. 1. Iohn 1. 1. Cor. 11. 1. Cor. 9. 1. Pet 2. Iohn 6. Iohn 15. Iohn 13. 1. Ioh 2.3.4 Iohn 15. Loue. Humblenes The exhortation and warning of Christ The presumption rashnes of Peter The dignitie and worthines of the disciples The foreknowledge of Christ The presumptuousnes of Iudas Treason commeth of the deuill Loue. Aduersitie Patience Meeknes The feare of God Faith Eternall reward Christes death our life The fruite of the death of Christ Christ is the onely way He that loueth worketh Psal 34. Gods commandement All things possible to beleeuers Loue ouercommeth all things Faith Loue keeping of the cōmandements The office of Gods spirite Comfort strength in aduersitie We must all be ●aught of God which is don by the spirite The peace of Christ through the spirit Phil 4. Worldly peace Our nature exalted in Christ Comfort in aduersitie The deuill hath nothing in the faithfull We must suffer that we may bee obedient vnto the father To abide in Christ Eph. 2 Col. 2. What it is to abide in Christ Punishment of vnthankfulnes How the faithfull are cleane 1. Pet. 1. Faith bringeth fruite The good workes are not open What wee ought to p●a●e Entirely doth Christ loue those that are his Iohn 4. Loue is an euidence of faith What foloweth out of the loue of God Tokens of Gods loue to vs. Iohn 1. 1. Cor. 2. Rom. 5. Ephes 1. Rom. 5. We are chosen to bring forth fruit We ought to indure in loue Phil. 2. The commandement of God is loue Iohn 13. 1. Pet. 2. Exhortation to patienes 1. Pet. 3. Iohn 13. Acts. 5. Rom. 12. Math 26. Acts. 1. Rom. ● 2. Tim. 3. Rom. 8. Rom. 5. Acts· 2. Iohn 15. 1. Pet. 4. Math. 10. Luke 9. Iohn ●● Cant. ● 1. Cor. 14. Heb. 5. Psal 120. Iohn 1● 1. Iohn 5. 1. Ioh. 4. Isa 53. Ioh. 8. Vnbeliefe is the originall of all vices Ioh. 14. 1. Cor. 1. Ioh. 3. Col. 1. Psal 84. Ephe. 4. Rom. 12 Ephe. 3. 1. Cor. 13. 1. Cor. 2. 2. Cor. ● Iohn 4 2. Cor. 4 Heb. 1 1. Cor. 13 Iohn 17. How wee should pray The sanctifiyng of Gods name should we chiefly desire What it is to honour the Father Iohn 14. Christ is the way to God The knowledge of God eternall life The order of our health What it is to keepe Gods commandements Iohn 17.9 How the Ministers of the word should be praied for Math 5. Ephe 4. Phil. 2. Col. 2. Iohn 15. 1. Cor. 4. Ezech. 36 Phil 2. Ephe 2. Iohn 13. Math. 10. Psal ●3 1. Cor. ● 2. Cor. 6 Iames· ● Iohn 17 Eph. 2 Math. 5 Col 3. Phil. 1 2. Cor. 3 1. Thes ● 2. Cor. 4 Iohn 3. Heb. 2. Rom. 7. Gal. 5. Esa 53 Iohn 10 Iob. 2 Math. 5 Rom. 12. Esay 53. 1. Thes 5. Ephes 4. 1. Tim. 3. Math. 15. 2. Tim. 2. Iohn 8. Esay 9. 1. Pet. 3. Gal. 5. Math. 11. Zach. 13 Apoc. 2. Psal 83. ● Psal 119. Ephes 5. 3. Pet 1. Heb. 10. Thes 5. Psal 22. Esay 53. 1. Pet 2.3 Math. 24. Phil. 2. ● Tim. 2. Ezech. 18. Iohn 3 Math 9. 1. Thes 4. Psal ●● Esay ● Iohn 17. 2. Tim. 4. Iohn 11 Iohn 3. Heb. 10. Exod. 12. Zach. 11. Ephes ● Iohn 7. Heb. 12. Math. 27. Marke 15. Luk. 23. Iohn 19. Iohn 19. 1. Cor. 1. Iohn 12. Iohn 17. Rom. 6. 1. Cor. 15 Marke 16. Luk. 24. Math. 28. Iohn 20. Math. 28. The crosse is the glorious victorious token of the faithfull Marke 16. Iohn 20. Angus he beleeued that the bodie was taken away Math. 14. Math. 20. Iohn 11. Luke 7. The number of seauen for many Mark 16 2. Cor. 5 God is a spirit with th● spirit will h● be worshipped Col 3. Phil 3. Psal 22. Rom. ●● Iohn 15. Iere. 31. The glory of the faithfull is hid vnder the crosse Rom. 6. 1. Iohn ● Math. 28. Acts 9. Luk. 24. Luke 24. Luk. 10. 2. Tim. 2. Apoc. 2. Acts. 2. Rom. 10. Iohn 2. Rom. 8. Math 10. 1. Cor 9. 2. Thes ● Iob. 5. Luke 15. Acts. 2. Heb. 11. Rom. 4. 1. Cor. 14 Iohn 4. Iohn ● Luk. 7. Iohn 6. Phil. 3. Math. 16. Petrus of the rocke Iohn 10 2. Cor. 5. Rom. 7. Math. 26. 2. Tim. 4. Math. 28. Esay 2. Psal 109. Iohn 5. Math Iohn Marke 28. Marke 16. Luke 19. Psal 2. Psal 109. Iohn 17. Phil. 2. Math. 10. Iohn 17. Iohn 10 Math. 16. Ioel 2. Luke 15. Math. 9. Iohn 6. Iohn 3. Of the keies Luk. 24 The holy Ghost that worketh in the Apostles forgiueth the sinnes Note this conditiō wel Luke 1● Heb. 13. 1. Tim. 5. 2. Cor. 5 Iohn 13. Math 28. Acts. ● Ezod 25. Deut. 16 Math. 9. Iohn 4. 〈◊〉 2. Mich. 4. Note Ephes 4. Col. 4. Of signes Genes 6. Rom. 8. Sap. 1. Iohn 20. Heb. 1. Col. 1. Gal. 4. Iohn 16. Math. 28. Col 3. Ephes 4. Mal. 2. 1. Cor. 8. Acts. 2. 1. Cor. 2. 1. Cor. 1. Math. 11. Math. 11. Luk. 24. Ioel. 2. Ierem 31. Math. 11. 1. Cor. 12. Esay 11. Psal 75. Iohn .11 Esay 40. Ierem. 31. Luk. 24. Esay 13. Ierem. 15. Amos. ● Esay 56.57 Ezech. 5. Psal 88. 2. Reg 7. Psal 109. Psal 11● Eph. 4 Math. 22. Col. 1 Iohn 1. Mark 16. Rom. ● 1. Ioh. 2. 1. Tim. ● Mat. 7 16● Eph. 4.
in loue vniformitie for those two things please God wel Christ commeth and appeareth vnro them He openeth himselfe vnto those that longing after him are coupled in loue and vniformitie being assembled doo hold themselues together for where loue is there is God where discord is and diuision there is the deuill O deare brethren let vs regard charitable loue let vs care for our brethren that the brotherhood be not broken and that loue be not spotted for els farewel saith No man needeth to boast himselfe of faith that hath not charitable loue but stirreth vp and seeketh diuision Moreouer we see here that the disciples of Christ stood in great danger of their bodies and life for when the Iewes had no more power to rage agaynst Christ they raged agaynst his disciples Looke what men are partakers of the crosse and passion of Christ they verily shall vnderstand the high mysterie of his resurrection For vndoubtedly God with his owne consolation shall visite and comfort those that suffer anie danger harme for his names sake Forasmuch then as the good disciples of Christ must still bee in conflict and battel with the Iewes the Lord speaketh vnto them with this comfortable worde Peace bee with you as if he shuld saie be of good cheere your matter shal stand in good case in mee yee shal haue peace be safe quiet how hard so euer it go outwardly Feare not be not afraid howsoeuer the Iews doo rage ye shall doo right well This salutation was common among the Iewes therefore doeth Christ also vse it Such a charge gaue hee lykewise vnto his Disciples when hee sent them to preach that entering into an house they should saie Peace be to this house And though the disciples were somewhat amazed and afraide at the first blush yet was theyr gladnesse great when they were throughly instructed that it was the Lorde Now was fulfilled that which Christ had said and promised vnto them afore Io. 16 Yee shall mourne and the world shall reioyce but I will see you againe Your sorrow shall be turned into gladnesse your heart shall reioyce and your ioye shall no man take from you For the ioye of a faythfull beleeuing heart is constant and endureth If the resurrection of Iesus Christ were truely and rightly beleeued and the same ioye comprehended as it ought to bee all sorrowe must needs vanish all hurt and aduersitie must needes bee little regarded For what can bee grieuous vnto a man when by faith hope hee is assured that hee in a glorified immortall bodie shall arise agayne with Christ his head and haue euerlasting ioy with him And this is the cause that Christ appeareth so ofte vnto his disciples instructing them so much and so perfectly of his resurrection euen to make them steadfast in this faith and to assure them of this ioy Therefore sheweth hee them his bodie and giueth it them to handle The palpable bodie certifieth them that it is a true bodie the immortall bodie sheweth that it is glorified and of highest honor the printes of the woundes declare that it is euen the selfe same bodie that it was afore Hee sheweth them the tokens of victorie as a mighty ouercommer of death and so doth hee the woundes that hee had gotten for them in the battell and likewise the side that was opened declaring his great loue His woundes sheweth he to them to heale the wounds of theyr vnbeleefe As if hee would say looke vppon mee and fight manfullie Without a battaile shall no man bee crowned But vnto him that ouercommeth in the conflict will I graunt to eate of the bread of Heauen and will crowne him for euer Where as hee eateth before them it is done for the probation of the true humaine nature and not for the great necessitie of the bodie To them was it verie needfull not vnto Christ Euen so we knowing howe to further our neighboures faith must and ought manie times to doe somewhat and to leaue somewhat vndone that for our selues wee need not O GOD graunt vs true loue and vniformitie Take from vs all Scisme and diuision gather vs togeather through thy holie spirite remooue all discord and variaunce out of thy holie Churche Giue vs patience in aduersitie sende thy godlie comforte and ioye vnto all such as bee in distresse and trouble for thy names sake Strengthen the weake lift vppe the feeble establish the doubtfull and in the battaile helpe those which bee thine owne that they lie not vnder but that in thee they may ouercome all daunger and harme Amen THomas one of the twelue which was called Didimus was not with them when Iesus came The other disciples therefore sayd vnto him We haue seene the Lord. But he said vnto them Except I see in his handes the print of the nailes and put my finger into the print of the nailes thrust my hand into his side I will not beleeue And after eight daies again his disciples were within and Thomas with them Then came Iesus when the doores were shut and stoode in the midst and saide Peace bee vnto you And after that sayd he to Thomas Bring thy finger hether and see my hands and reach hether thy hand thrust it into my side and be not faithles but beleeuing Thomas answered and said vnto him My Lord and my God Iesus saith vnto him Thomas because thou hast seene mee thou hast beleeued Blessed are they that haue not seene and haue beleeued Doctrine and fruit THat which was spoken afore is heere euident and plaine namely that Christ openeth himselfe vnto those which are desirous of him and long after him associating themselues together one with another in true loue and being partakers of the passion crosse Forasmuch then as Thomas is lesse feruent and therefore absent from the rest hee sawe not Christ with the other disciples but when he obtained a desire to see Christ was assotiate and ioyned to the other he became also partaker of the ioye that they had And here we learne the nature and condition of true beleefe which is an illumination of the grace of God yea a verie godly propertie that he maketh others partakers of his holy and glorious ioyes and that through loue which seeketh not her owne profit neither is disdainefull to the intent that the glorie of God may be preferred among all men Therefore the Disciples of the Lord make Thomas their companion partaker of such gladnesse as they had receiued of Christs Resurrection opened vnto them for hee was verie faithlesse and too stiffe in his owne opinion Which vnbeliefe God suffered to happen vnto him and to continue somewhat the longer that his slacknes and lacke of faith might serue to our commoditie that through his vnbeliefe wee might bee prouoked vnto faith for as much as we heare that he so perfectly proouing seeing and feeling the thing came so to an vndoubted faith that wee also might beleeue that the