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A19076 Tvvoo bookes of Saint Ambrose Bysshoppe of Mylleyne, entytuled: Of the vocation and callying of all nations. Newly translated out of Latin into Englyshe, for the edifiying and comfort of the single mynded and godly vnlearned in Christes Church, against the late sprong secte of the Pelagians ... By Henry Becher minister in the Church of God ...; De vocatione ominum gentium. English. Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan, d. 397.; Prosper, of Aquitaine, Saint, ca. 390-ca. 463.; Leo I, Pope, d. 461.; Becher, Henry, fl. 1561. 1561 (1561) STC 549; ESTC S100123 79,647 298

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sayde vnto them because that vnto you it is geuen to knowe the misteries of the kyngedome of heauen but to thē it is not geuen Iohn the Euangelist doth also shewe that no man hath any goodnesse except he receiue it from aboue saying A man can receiue nothing except it be geuen hym from heauen The veritie hym selfe also teacheth in the same Gospel that no mā commeth to the sonne vnlesse he be drawen of the father For god maketh him that shal come both to vnderstande and to be obedient No man saith he cā come to me excepte the father which sent me do drawe hym and I wyll reyse hym vp in the laste daye For it is wrytten in the Prophetes And they shalbe all apt to be taught of GOD. Euery one that hath heard and learned of the father commeth vnto me And afterwarde For this cause sayde I vnto you that no manne can come vnto me excepte it be geuen hym of my father The aucthoritie of the holye Scriptures doth confirme that to go forwarde and to continue vnto the ende in faith and good workes commeth of the gyfte and helpe of GOD. For the Apostle Paule wrytynge to the Philippians saith I surely beleue this that he y t hath begon a good worke in you wyll also accomplysshe and perfourme the same in you euen vnto the daye of Ihesus Christe A certayne man wyllyng to conuerte the vertue of this texte to his owne wronge vnderstandyng woulde haue it to be vnderstande as yf it hadde ben sayde whiche hath begon of you that both the beginning and ending of the worke should be referred vnto man and not vnto God which wylled both to begin and to ende But the most excellent preacher of grace hath confuted this most madde pryde in the same Epistle saying Feare not ye your aduersaries for any thyng for that same that is to them the cause of dampnation is to you the cause of saluacion and that of God For vnto you it is geuen for Christes sake that ye should not only beleue in him but also that ye should suffer for him And agayne worke out your saluacion with feare and tremblyng saith he For it is God that worketh in you the wyll the perfourmaūce and that of his good wyll Also in the first Epistle to the Thessalonians he teacheth that the begynnyng the goyng forwarde and the finishyng of vertues do come of God saying God hym selfe our father our Lorde Iesus directe our iourney towardes you and the Lorde multiplie you and make your loue aboūdant one towardes another towardes all men lyke as we do abounde in loue towardes you to confirme your heartes without faulte in holynesse of lyfe before God our father at the cōming of our Lorde Iesus Christe with all his Saintes Also wrytyng to the Corinthians and cōmending the fruitefull perseueraūce of all vertues to be the gyft of God he saith I thanke my God alwaye for you for the grace of God that is geuen you in Iesus Chryst for ye are made ryche in all thynges in hym in all doctrine and wisdome lyke as the testimonie of Iesus Christe is confirmed in you so that ye are not behynde in any gifte waytynge for the appeeryng of our Lorde Iesus Christe the which shall also strengthen you vnto the ende without faulte vnto the daye of the comming of our Lorde Iesus Chryste Also vnto the Romaines he speaketh of the loue of Christ whereby he maketh them whō he loueth inseperable that is to say he maketh them to perseuer and continue vnto the ende For what other thynge is it to perseuer then not to be ouercome with temptacion Who saith he shall seperate vs from the loue of Chryste shall tribulation or persecution or anguysshe or hunger or nakednesse or peryll or swearde As it is wrytten For thy sake we are kylled all the day longe and are counted as shepe appointed to be slaine But in all these thynges we ouercome and haue the victorye through hym that hath loued vs. Also to the Corinthians speakynge of the victorye that Christ worketh he saith The stynge of death is sinne The strength of sinne is the lawe but thanked be GOD whiche hath geuen vs the victorye thorowe Iesus Christe our Lorde Also to the Thessalonians of the perseueraunce or continuaunce which God geueth he saith And the GOD of peace sanctifie you through out that your whole sprite soule and body maye be kepte fautlesse vnto the comming of our Lorde Iesus Christ Faithfull is he that hath called you which also wil do it Also vnto the same Thessalonians that all our goodnesse eyther in workyng or in speaking and also the continuaunce in the same are the giftes of God he sheweth vs on this wyse saying Our Lorde Iesus Christe hym selfe and God our father whiche hath loued vs and geuen vs euerlastynge consolatiō and good hope thorowe grace comfort your heartes and stablyshe you in al doctrine and good doing Furthermore my brethren pray for vs that the word of god may haue free passage and be glorified as it is with you that we maye be delyuered from vnreasonable and euyll men For all men haue not faith but the Lorde is faithfull which shall stablish you and kepe you from euyll Let vs also heare the Apostle Peter frō whence he teacheth the vertue of perseueraunce to come The GOD of all grace saith he whiche hath called vs vnto his eternall glorye by Christe Iesus shall his owne selfe after ye haue suffred a litle affliction make you perfect cōfirme strength stablysh you to whom be power and dominion for euermore Iohn the Apostle also telleth on this wyse that the victorie of the Sainctes is the worke of God which dwelleth in the Saints Ye are of God lyttle babes and ye haue ouercome the worlde for he that is in you is greater then he that is in the worlde Also the same saith All that is borne of God ouercommeth the worlde and this is the victorie that ouercommeth the worlde euen our fayth It is declared also in the Gospell of Luke that it is Goddes gyfte that menne perseuer in fayth And Iesus sayde vnto Peter Simon Simon behold Sathan hath desyred to syfte you lyke meale but I haue prayed for thee Peter that thy faith should not fayle And after thou art conuerted strength thy brethren And pray that ye fall not into temptacion We reade also in the Gospell of Iohn that the veritie speaketh these woordes of the sheepe of Christ which no man can take out of his hand But ye beleue not because ye are not of my shepe My shepe heare my voyce and I know them and they folow me and I geue vnto them eternall lyfe they shall neuer peryshe neyther shall any man plucke them out of my hande Also in the same Gospell are these thynges sayde by the mouth of the
thys Citie agaynste thy holye childe Iesus to do whatsoeuer thy hand and counsell haue determined to be done Therefore to the settynge forth of Goddes grace which was disposed and bent of gods eternal vnchaūgeable counsell vnto the saluation of al nations the former tymes were not eschewed as not able to apprehende them But these tymes were elected the whiche haue brought forth such a people whose fearce and cruel wickednesse should go forwarde in doynge those thinges that the hande of God and hys counsell haue determyned to be done not of the desyre to profyte any mā but to thintent to deale cruelli that the grace and power of God myght be y e more wonderfull whiche of so harde hartes so darke mindes and so enuious stomackes hath made a people to himselfe both faithfull obedient and holy whiche came not to the knowledge of the wisdome of god by the wisdome of this worlde but by the gift of hym of whom thapostle S. Iohn witnesseth saying We knowe that the sonne of God is come hath geuen vs a minde to knowe the true GOD and might be in his true sonne Vnto the whiche testimonie the Apostle Paule agreeth sayinge We thanke GOD which hath made vs worthye to bee partakers of the inheritaunce of the Sainctes in lyght which hath delyuered vs from synne and from the power of darknes and hath trāslated vs into the kingdome of his derely beloued son And agayne he sayeth For we were somtime sayth he folishe vnfaithfull wandering astray seruing diuers desyres lustes liuinge in malice and enuy hatinge one another But when the benignitie and gentlenesse of oure Sauiour appeared not of the workes of ryghteousnes whiche we wrought but according to his merci hath he saued vs through the lauer of regene ration of the holy ghost which he hath poured foorth on vs aboundauntlye through Iesus Chryste our Sauiour that we beynge iustified by hys grace might be heyres of euerlastyng lyfe through hope Coulde it be more fully more euidentlye or more truely declared what merites Christ founde in men and what maners he subdued vnto himselfe what heartes he conuerted vnto him when he came not to heale those that were hole but the sicke and to call not the iuste but the sinners to repentaunce For the people of the gentiles which sat in darknes sawe great lyght and vnto them that sat in the region and shadow of death light is begon to shyne The heathen raged the people of the Iewes were angry kinges waxed fearce the high powers countersayde al the supersticions and errours of the whole world impugned But of the veri resisters of y e ragers of them that persecuted Chryst augmented hys people through enprisonmentes punishments and death the faith of the Sainctes was strengthned the trueth got the victory and the come of the Lordes fielde did aboundantly encrease all the worlde ouer for there was suche constancye of fayth geuen from aboue suche confidence of hope and such strength of pacience that the same fyre of loue whiche the holy ghoste hadde kyndled in the heartes of faythfull men coulde not bee quenched of the oppressours by anye maner of meanes when euen they whiche were tormented were the more feruenter thei which persecuted them did mani times fele as great heate as those did whom thei persecuted Wherwith thapostle s Paul beynge inflamed sayde boldely and feruently Seyng therfore that we are iustified by fayth we are at a peace with GOD through our lord Iesus Christ by whom we haue free accesse or comminge through faith vnto thys grace wherin we stand and reioyce in hope of the glory of the sonnes of God Not only that but we reioyce in tribulation knowinge that tribulation worketh pacience and pacience woorketh proofe or experience proofe woorketh hope hope is not ashamed neyther departeth emptie For the loue of God is shed abroade in oure heartes through the holy ghost which is geuen vs. And againe he sayth Who shall seperate vs from the loue of Christ shal tribulation or anguyshe eyther persecution or hunger or nakednes or perill or sworde As it is wrytten Beholde we are kylled continuallye that is to wete we are counted as sheepe apoynted to the slaughter But yet in al these thinges we haue the victorye through hym that loued vs. For I am sure that neyther death nor lyfe neither Aungel nor principate nor power neither present thynges nor thynges to come neyther heyght nor loweth nor anye other creature shalbe able to seperate vs from the loue of god whiche is in Christe Iesus our Lorde This loue being spread abrode by the holy ghost hath brought to passe that the worlde of the faythfull shoulde ouercome the world of the wicked This loue hath confunded the crueltie of Nero the fury of Domicianus and of many Rulers after them by the glorious ende of innumerable martyrs Chryst geuyng vnto them y t folowe hym thorow the persecution of Kinges the crownes of euerlasting reward ¶ The .vi. Chapiter THerefore there is no cause to doubt but that Iesus Chryste oure Lorde dyed for wicked men and sinners whose number are found in the boke And died not Christ for all men then yes no doubt for all men dyed Chryste For afore the reconciliation and attonement that was made by Chryst there was not one man that was not eyther a sinner or elles vngodlye as the Apostle sayeth For yf when as yet we were weake accordynge to the time Chryst dyed for vs whiche were vngodly for scarce wyll a man dye for a ryghteous man yet peraduenture for a good mā durst a man dye But God setteth forth his loue towards vs seeynge that when we were yet sinners Christ died for vs much more now seing we are reconciled shal we be safe through hys life And y e same Apostle in the seconde to the Corin. saith For the loue of god compelleth vs to thinke thus yf one bee dead for al that thē al are dead he died for al y t they which liue should not henceforth lyue vnto them selues but to him that dyed for them and arose agayne But lette vs heare what he pronounceth of hym selfe saying This is a true saying and of al mē worthy to be receiued that Ihesus Christe came into this world to saue sinners of whom I am the chiefe but therefore dyd I obteyne mercye that Iesus Christ shoulde first shew on me all long pacience vnto the example of them which should beleue in hym vnto eternall life Therefore whether they were circumcised or vncircumcised they were concluded all vnder sinne and one guylte or trespasse hath tyed or bound al men and ther was none whether theyr guylte were more or lesse whiche without the redemption of Christ could be saued whiche redemption came freely into all the worlde appeered to all men indifferently Forasmuche as on the fiftieth daye from that Easter wherein the true lambe offred hym selfe a
sacrifice to GOD when the Apostles and they which were of one mynde with them being full of the holy ghost spake in the tongues of all nacions A greate multitude of men of dyuers Nacions beynge moued with the miracle came together that in thē that were present al the whole world might heare the Gospell of Christe For there came together as it is wrytten the Parthians and Medyans the Elamytes and they that dwell in Mesopotamia men of Iurye of Cappadocia Pontus and Asia Phrigia and Pamphilia of Egipte and the parties of Libia which is about Ciren and straungers of Rome Iewes also and Procelites Creteans and Arabians hearyng the great workes of god to be preached of in their owne tongues Whose testimonie also myght ren foorth both in length breadth vnto those nacions whiche were farther beyonde them To theffect and woorkyng whereof we beleue that the Romaine kyngedome was enlarged through goddes prouidence that the Nacions whiche shoulde be called to the vnitie of the bodye of Chryste myght firste be associated together vnder one vngodly power Howebeit the grace of Chryste hath not bene contented to haue those same limittes that the Romaine kingdome hadde For it hath subdued at this tyme with the scepter of the Crosse of Christe manye nacions of people whom the other ouercame not with feates of armes Who also is made more amplye by the gouernaunce of the Apostolicall priestehood in the tower of Religion then by the seate of power For peraduenture lyke as we knowe certeyne Nacions to be nowe adopted into the felowshyp of the chyldren of GOD whiche thynge they once desired not Euen so now there are certeine Nacions in the vttermost partes of the worlde on whom the grace of our Sauiour hath not yet shone And we doubte not also concernynge them but that in the secrete iudgemente of GOD the tyme of theyr vocation and callynge is appoynted wherein they maye may heare and receiue the Gospell the whiche they haue not yet seene To whom yet that measure of the generall helpe which from aboue is alway geuen to all men is not denyed Though mans nature be woūded with so greuous a wound that voluntary contemplacion and beholding is not able fully to enstructe anye man in the knowledge of God excepte the true lyght do first driue awaye the darkenesse of the harte the which knowledge the iuste and good God of his vnsearcheable iudgement hath not so plenteouslye spread abrode in tymes paste lyke as he hath done in these last dayes Wherof the Apostle Paule wrytynge to the Collossians calleth it the misterye whiche was hydde from worldes and generations but nowe is declared vnto his saintes to whom God would make knowen the richesse of this glorious secrete among the gentyles which is Christ in vs. ¶ The .vii. Chapter WAs this misterie also vnknowen vnto the Prophetes And did not thei by whō the holye ghoste did speake know those thinges wherof they spake I thynke playnely it maye not so be vnderstand but that that mistery was hydde from the Gentyles which the Lord reuealed when he wold and to whom he wold For of the callyng of the Gentyles the whiche were not the people of God and on whom aforetyme he had not mercy it is thus sayde in the Deuteronomie And the Lorde sawe it and he waxed zelous and he was wroth ouer his sonnes doughters and he sayd I wyl tourne away my face from thē and I wyll shewe them what theyr ende shalbe For it is a frowarde generation chyldren in whō there is no fayth They haue angred me with that whiche is no God and prouoked me with theyr vanities And I also wyll prouoke them with those which are no people with a foolyshe nacion wyll I anger them And Dauid foretelleth these thinges that all nacions shall worship God saying All the Nacions whom thou haste made shall come and worshippe before thee oh Lorde and shall glorifie thy name And agayne he saith All the kynges of the earth shall worshippe hym and all nacions shal serue him And agayne In hym shall all the linredes of the earth be blessed and all nacions shall magnifie him Esayas also sheweth the lyke thynges saying And it shall come to passe in the laste dayes that the hyll of the Lord shalbe manifest and the house of God vppon the toppe of the mountaynes and it shalbe exalted aboue al lytle hylles and all nacions shall come vnto it And agayne he sayth And the Lorde of Sabaoth shall bryng to passe saith he that all Nacions shall dryncke wyne vppon this hyll with gladdenesse reioysing In this hyll shall they be annoynted with oyntment he shall geue al these thinges to the gentyls for this is his deuise vppon all the gentyles And againe he saith And the Lorde shall shewe his holye arme in the syght of al the gentyles and al the Nacions of the earth shall see the saluacion which is of the Lorde And agayne Beholde strangers shal by me come vnto thee and shall flie vnto thee And afterward The nacions whiche haue not knowen thee shall call vpon the and the people which were ignoraunt of thee shall flie vnto thee Oseas also prophecieth the lyke thynges saying And it shal come to passe that in the place wherin it was sayd vnto them Ye are not my people there shal they be called the chil dren of the lyuynge God And the chyldren of Iudah and the chyldren of Israell shall be gathered togéther into one And agayne I wyll haue mercy on her that was not beloued and I wyl say to them that are not my people Thou arte my people and they shall saye Thou art my God And in the Apopostles times when they which were of the circumcision beleued in Christ dyd thinke that they which were Gentyles and were called Preputians or fore skynned coulde not be parttakers of the iustyfyíng of grace The blessed Apostle Peter teacheth howe inseperable bothe those people are with God yf both of thē come together into the vnitie of fayth Assone as I began to speake saith he the holy ghost fel vpon them as he dyd vpon vs in the beginnyng And I remembred the worde of the Lorde howe he sayde Iohn verelye baptized you with water but ye shalbe baptized with the holy ghost Therfore if God haue geuen them lyke grace as he hath done vnto vs whiche haue beleued in the Lorde Iesus Christ who was I that I shoulde haue withstande God When they heard these thinges they helde theyr peace and glorified God saying Then hath God geuen vnto the Gentyles also repentaunce vnto lyfe Iames the Apostle also of this callyng of the Gentyles saith Ye men brethren harken vnto me Simon hath she wed you how God at the begynning did visite the Gentyles receiued of thē a people vnto his name And vnto this agreeth the wordes of the Prophetes as it is wrytten After these thynges wyll I retourne
reserue vnto hym selfe the causes both of theyr pardon also of theyr punishment and that it might be in one to whom all men are bounde both mercifully to remitte and iustelye to requite Seyng then that the iuste and almyghtie prouidence of God doeth without ceassyng iudge and discerne all thynges and that no mā can come into this worlde nor departe out of this worlde but by the same entraunce and departyng which the ruler of thynges accordyng to his moste hyghe knowledge and wysdome doeth appoynte as it is wrytten in the booke of Iob Who knoweth not that the hand of the Lord hath done al these thinges in whose power is the soule of euery lyuyng thyng and the spirite of all the fleshe of man And againe he saith The daies of man are but shorte and the nombre of his monethes are with thee Who dare search out the causes of his woorkes and deuises For it is vnsercheable and wonderful secrete why the state and condicion of man is variated with so great differences Continuall syckenesse greeueth one manne from his chyldehood to his age and yet doeth not the tyme of his appointed age fayle among those continuall sorowes Another man hath great strength when he is olde and a lyuely power quickeneth hym in a valeaunt courage One endeth his dayes in his chyldhod another when he is come to mans state One can not liue past his youth To another it is possible to lyue so long tyll his speache fayle hym lyke a chyld The which bondes and limittes of lyfe beyng sundry wayes vnequall this transitorie mortalitie shoulde fynde the lesse bytter yf it myght suffer but the detriment of this presente worlde onely and yf they whiche departed hence without the lauer of regeneration myght not fall into euerlastyng miseries But forasmuch as the cause of the giftes which grace hath geuen is vnsearcheable aswell as the cause of miserie whiche nature hath deserued all one and the same difficultie and hardnesse of the vnderstandynge thereof sendeth vs backe agayne vnto our authour And when we aske howe he wylleth al mē to be saued whiche geueth not vnto all men the tyme wherein they maye be able to receiue grace apprehended by voluntarye fayth I thynke it not vngodly to be belened nor vnconuenientlye to be vnderstande that these men of few dayes or shorte tyme do appertayne to that part of grace whiche is alwaye geuen vnto all Nacions The which grace doubtlesse yf theyr parentes had vsed well they also hadde ben holpen by them For the spryngyng vp of all Infantes and all those begynnynges of infancie beynge without reason lieth vnder the arbitrement of anothers wyll neyther cā they by any meanes be holpen but by other menne And so it foloweth that they perteyne to those of whose eyther ryght or wronge affection they are gouerned For lyke as ☞ they beleue of another mans confession and fayth so of another mans infidelitie or dissimulation they beleue not And forasmuch as they neyther had desire of this present lyfe nor yet of the lyfe to come lyke as theyr parentes are the cause that they were firste borne so are they the cause why they are not regenerate borne againe And lyke as touchynge the elders besides the generall grace that knocketh at the consciences of all men more sclenderlye and secretely a speciall grace is set forth with a more excellent worke a more large gyfte and myghtier woorkyng Euen so also the same election is playnly declared concernynge innumerable Infantes The which election doubtelesse fayled not them that were vnregenerate in theyr parentes but was present with them which are regenerate before theyr parentes So that the diligence of strangers hath oftentymes serued many Infantes whom the vngodlynesse of theyr owne parentes haue forsaken and they haue come to regeneration by strangers which was not prouided for them by theyr owne nexte friendes In the whiche worke of grace who except he be to arrogant most foolyshe dare complaine of gods iustice that the lyke prouidence doeth not helpe all Infantes that it doth not eyther by power remoue and put awaye or els by mercy preuent all perylles and ieopardies that myght lette or stoppe the regeneraciō of them which shall dye Whiche thyng doubtlesse shuld so come to passe vpon al if it ought so vtterly to be done But it is not vnknowen howe muche slouchfulnesse should be engendred in the hartes of the faythfull yf in the baptizing of infantes nothing were to be feared touching any mans negligence or nothynge touchyng the mortalitie of the chyldren for it were not possible to chaunce by anye meane that such shuld be without baptisme And in this felicitie of Infantes so vnable to be lost y e opinion of that errour shuld be strongly mainteined which dareth affirme contrary to the catholike faith y t the grace of god is geuen accordyng to the merites of men For it should seme to be due by all equitie to fautlesse innocentie that adoption should ouerpasse none of them whom no gyft dyd constrayne Neyther hadde it ben vngodly spoken of a certeyne man touchyng the baptisme of Infantes that grace hath that it may adoptate but water hath not what to washe of or put awaye But all the disciples of the trueth do knowe this to be detestably spoken And hereby it is manifest that they whiche are saued are saued not by merite but by grace For it is no doubt but that they which dye without baptism are peryshed who doubtlesse except they had ben partakers of most greuous sinne shoulde not peryshe But not it is declared on this wise by the secrete distribution or difference makyng of God yet beyng iuste both what grace can geue and also what sinfull nature can deserue to the ende that neyther pryde shoulde be lyfted vp agaynste the gyfte nor diligence shoulde cease agaynst peryll Therefore whether we consider the last times the first or the middel it is both reasonable and godly to be beleued that God wylleth al men to be saued euermore wolde and this is declared none other wyse then by those benefites that same prouidence of God which he commonly and indifferently geueth vnto all generations For suche maner of gyftes haue ben are so generall that by the testimonies of them men myght be holpen to seeke the true Godde with the whiche giftes protestyng theyr auctoritie throughout al worldes the aboundaunce of a speciall grace was powred foorth Which grace although it be geuen forth now more plentifully then it hath ben aforetime yet hath god reserued the causes of his owne distributions thereof within his owne knowledge hath hydde them within the secrete place of his most myghtie wyll which shoulde not be vnknowen yf they were geuen in one vniforme maner vnto all men And forasmuch as there is no more ambiguitie or doubt of the generall benignitie of God then there is of his special mercy there should be nothing that